This week I’m hoping to get a taste of what it might be like to work at a place to work like Accenture
and hopefully get exposed to some of the problems that you would face working here on a day to
day basisNed Loperagan, Bootcamp Attendee.
What I’m hoping to soft of get out of the week is really just to learn some cool new stuff. Maybe have
a few fun experiences and meet some cool new people as well. And just have a little bit of fun with it
and see what can we find out. Aaron Clements, Bootcamp Attendee
’m hoping that they get a taste of what the industry is like. They also can get an understanding of
what knowledge they may need to acquire before they enter the industry. So that they can hit the
ground running when they’re going for the new jobs or that when they start out at the new jobs they
feel like they know what they’re doing and they’ve had the chance to be aware of new tech.
Luke Higgins , AAAM managing Director.
This bootcamp really gives me the opportunity to explore things outside my typical uni units and
learn things that are interesting, new and up and coming Filip Drazovic
I’m looking forward to learning a lot about new programs and how to apply it in everyday situations
or even just learning a new skill. I’m really looking forward to meeting a lot of like-minded people
here. And also just having a good time.
The bootcamp is an opportunity for us to give back to the community. We get to see the great new
potential and on top of that we get to give our experience and expertise back. .Luke Higgins
, AAAM managing Director.
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