Tip: Use the top three inches of your rack card
wisely. The top of the card is what will grab
the end users attention as they approach
the rack!
Front Cover = 4"Back Cover = 4"page 5 = 3.9375"
Shows the trim at 8" x 9"
(job will be cut at this size)
1/8" Bleed
(background color, photos, or
anything that touches the edge of the
page to extend 1/8
past trim)
1/8" Safe area
(any type or color/photos that don’t
bleed must be 1/8
within trim)
Fold line
Three panel tri-folds have a
at size of 11.9375" x 9"; when
folded the panels create
a nished size of 4" x 9". Panels
4 & 5 should be 1/16" shorter.
2 3
3.9375" 4"
Three panel Z-folds have a
at size of 12"x 9"; when
folded the panels create
a nished size of 4"x 9".
2 3
4" 4"
4" x 9" Three Panel Tri-Fold Guide
4" x 9" Three Panel Z-Fold
or Accordion Fold Guide
80# Gloss Text
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page 4 = 3.9375"page 3 = 4"page 2 = 4"
What is dpi?
Dpi stands for dots per inch. The number of dots
in a printed inch. The more dots, the higher
the quality of the print (more sharpness and detail).
Let’s Talk Images
Tip: When setting up images for print, 300 dpi
is standard. Sometimes 225 is acceptable
but never lower; you may go higher
for some situations.
What is resolution?
Resolution is the measure of pixels in the
display, usually expressed in measurements
of width x height.
For example, a monitor that is 1920 x 1080 is
1920 pixels across and 1080 pixels down.
Higher resolution means more detail.
Higher dpi means higher resolution.
Resolution is not size, but its often confused
with it because higher resolution images
are often bigger, but that doesnt necessarily
have to be the case.
Tip: Check that images and type are
properly set to overprint or knockout
of the background.
All images are required to be converted
to CMYK with a minimim of 225 dpi.
What is a knockout?
A knockout means that the object’s colors
will mask out those of the background.
What is an overprint?
Overprinting means that the objects colors
will mix with those of the background
(as they would when “printing over them).
Most objects should not be overprinted
except to satisfy certain technical printing
requirements, with the exception of black
text and small black objects.
300 DPI
75 DPI
150 DPI
What is ppi?
Ppi stands for pixels per inch.
Most commonly used to describe the pixel
density of a screen (computer monitor,
smart phone, etc…) but can also refer to
the pixel density of a digital image.
150 DPI
225 DPI
Text and Images - Should They
Overprint or Knockout?
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