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Message from the Chair
Dr. Thikriat Al-Jewair
Happy New Year! As we commemorate the
significant 101
anniversary of ADEA, our
council has remained steadfast in advocating
for your interests in matters pertinent to
advanced dental education.
One noteworthy topic has been the timing of
the Integrated National Board Dental
Examination (INBDE) administration by dental
students and its implications for residency
program applications. We deeply appreciate
the valuable input and feedback you provided
through the survey sent last spring, sharing
your programs' experiences. The results of this
survey were thoroughly discussed during the
2023 ADEA Fall business meeting in Pittsburgh,
and we eagerly anticipate sharing them with all
council members in an upcoming report.
Our council is driving yet another compelling
initiative—the Advanced Dental Education
Summit. This event serves as a platform for our
members to exchange best practices and
ideas, as we navigate the ever-evolving
landscape of the dental profession. The most
recent summit centered on resident selection,
assessment, and management. A pivotal topic
explored during the summit, which remains an
ongoing point of discussion, revolves around
the selection of residents. Specifically, it delved
into methods for assessing non-academic
characteristics, notably emotional intelligence,
which encompasses self and social awareness,
maturity, compassion, and more, in addition to
academic criteria. The assessment of emotional
intelligence holds significant importance in
advanced dental education for several
compelling reasons. Beyond mere clinical
proficiency, residents must adeptly navigate
intricate patient interactions, necessitating
empathy, strong communication skills, and
emotional resilience.
Through the evaluation of emotional
intelligence during the candidate selection
process, we can pinpoint candidates who
possess the interpersonal competencies
necessary for fostering patient trust, effectively
managing conflicts, and delivering
compassionate care. We rely on your expertise
to share insights and best practices for
evaluating non-academic traits in our
applicants and equipping current residents with
essential skills to thrive not only in clinical
practice but also in the complex domain of
human interaction.
As we begin preparations for the October 2025
Advanced Dental Education Summit, we value
your input on topics and issues pertinent to
your programs, both current and anticipated.
Please contact us directly or by completing our
survey to ensure your voice is heard. We also
encourage you to participate in our business
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meeting at the 2024 ADEA Annual Session in
New Orleans, where we will engage in a
meaningful dialogue on critical matters in
advanced dental education. Ultimately, united,
we have the power to conquer great
In closing, I would like to express my gratitude
to the administrative board members of the
council: Drs. Susan Paurazas, Robert Nadeau,
and Shreekrishna Akilesh, as well as board
director Dr. Russ Bergman, and our dedicated
staff liaison, Yolanda Jones for their exemplary
leadership and unwavering dedication.
101 Years of ADEA!
The upcoming 2024 ADEA Annual Session &
Exhibition, being held in New Orleans LA, will
have some fantastic programming again. I urge
you to read our newsletter and use our guide
for sessions our Council has identified as
germane to advanced dental education. Please
connect with colleagues and be engaged at
our meetings.
The 2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition
celebrating 101 years will be held in New
Orleans LA on March 9-12, 2024, at the New
Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
Dr. Paurazas has compiled a list of suggested
programs to attend while in New Orleans.
Mark your calendars for the COAEP business
meeting on Saturday, March 11 and the caucus
meeting on Tuesday, March 14 at the Annual
Session for more details.
Additionally, we are delighted to announce an
inaugural event at the 2024 ADEA Annual
Session, Road to Residency, scheduled for
March 10th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at the 2024
ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in New
Orleans, LA. Designed with the curious student
in mind, the event aims to provide insight into
dental specialties and inspire opportunities to
explore higher education pathways. This event
seeks to equip students with a nuanced
understanding of the requirements to consider
as they approach residency. Distinguished
program directors and seasoned experts from
various dental specialties will be present.
Attendees will be provided with the invaluable
opportunity to interact directly and gain helpful
information about what to consider in an
advanced dental education program and the
possibilities of an academic career in oral
health education. We cordially invite all dental
enthusiasts to partake in this enriching
experience, where knowledge meets
opportunity, on the Road to Residency.
Thank you again for your membership and
participation in COAEP. With your continued
support and input we will engage in topics and
find solutions that help us as leaders in
Advanced Dental Education. We look forward
to seeing you in New Orleans in March!
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Calling for Nominations:
Members can self-nominate or nominate a
fellow council member for the Member at
Large (MAL) and Chair-elect positions.
Candidates are expected to attend all council
meetings at the 2024 ADEA Annual Session &
Exhibition, where they will be asked to present
their Interest and qualifications.
Open nominations will close Feb. 23.
To be eligible to serve as member of
the COAEP Administrative Board, a
person must:
o Be an individual member of ADEA,
o Be a member of ADEA COAEP,
o Be Chief of a Hospital Dental Service
or Program Director of a CODA-
accredited advanced dental
education program located in an
ADEA-member institution at the
time of the election.
Nominations should be sent to Susan Paurazas
D.D.S., M.S., M.H.S.A ADEA COAEP Chair-
elect, [email protected]and Yolanda
Jones, ADEA Staff Liaison at
by Feb. 23. Please Include the nominee's
contact Information, current position, and a
short statement of Interest.
For more information about ADEA
Governance, please visit our website.
Left to right: Shreekrishna Akilesh, Thikriat Al-Jewair,
Yolanda Jones, Susan Paurazas, Russ Bergman, Robert
Chair: Thikriat Al-Jewair, D.D.S., M.Sc., M.S.,
Associate Professor, Chair and Program
Director, Advanced Education Program in
University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
Chair-elect: Susan Paurazas, D.D.S., M.S.,
Professor, Program Director Advanced
Education in Endodontics, University of Detroit
Mercy School of Dentistry
Secretary: Robert A. Nadeau D.D.S., M.D.,
Clinical Associate Professor, Interim Division
Director and Director of Advanced Training in
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. University of
Minnesota School of Dentistry
Member-at-Large: Shreekrishna Akilesh D.M.D.,
Senior Associate Director, Advanced Education
in Pediatric Dentistry
NYU Langone Dental Medicine
Board Director: Russ Bergman D.M.D
Vice Chair and GPR Program Director,
Department of Dentistry
The Chivian Dental Center | Newark Beth Israel
Medical Center
Staff Liaison : Yolanda Jones
Director of Advanced Dental Education
Application Service
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Review of 2023 Fall Meeting
The 2023 Fall ADEA Meeting on Advanced
Dental Education was held on October 26 -27,
2003, in Pittsburgh, PA. The Fall meeting
focused on several topics that ranged from a
Joint Plenary session moderate by ADEA
president Karen West about thinking outside
the box in dental education, updates on the
INDBE exam and AI in dental education. The
lectures and speakers are summarized below.
Joint Plenary Session: Discussion on
disrupting oral health education for
future-ready graduates.
INBDE Update: Review of
implementation and comparison with
Joint Plenary Session: Exploring change
management in the context of evolving
oral health technology.
Revolutionizing Dental Education with
AI: Exploration of AI's potential in dental
Update on the INDBE
A recent survey related to the INDBE was
completed by the ADEA Council on Advanced
Education Programs. This survey and the
results were spearheaded by Dr. Al-Jewair and
after review and presentation to the ADEA
Council of Deans the following statement has
been issued.
“The Council of Deans emphasizes that the
Integrated National Board Dental Examination
(INBDE) should only be used for its intended
purpose and not as a scoring metric for
candidate selection.
As a summary, after seeking input from our
members, ADEA COAEP asked program
directors of CODA accredited programs to
participate in a survey regarding the utility and
timing of the INBDE, licensure requirements,
and applicant selection criteria. We appreciate
all those who completed the survey. The key
findings from the survey include:
Over 70% of advanced education (AE)
programs require the INBDE, while 36%
mandate licensure for enrollment.
The typical submission deadlines for the
INBDE and proof of licensure occur either
at the time of program matriculation or the
application deadline.
Advance education programs that
necessitate licensure perceive the timing of
the INBDE as a barrier.
Holistic applicant selection processes are
prevalent in advanced education programs,
with the INBDE serving as just one aspect.
The high INBDE pass-rate from accredited
programs results in a minimal relative
Advanced education programs may
supplement their assessment with the
ADAT exam to gauge achievement.
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You’re Invited!
Join ADEA COAEP in New Orleans. All faculty
in advanced education programs are invited to
the council meetings to conduct council
business and plan future educational meetings.
Not sure which sessions to attend?
COAEP has curated a list for advanced dental
education faculty. See the end of the
newsletter for the complete list.
2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition
Suggested Programming by Day
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM CST
ADEA Section on Advanced and Graduate
Education Members' Forum
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM CST
ADEA Council of Advanced Education
Programs Business Meeting
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CST
House of Delegates: Opening Session
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM CST
Welcome Reception
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM CST
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM CST
SYMPOSIUM: Empowering the Leaders of
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST
ADEA Micro-credentialing Program
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM CST
Road to Residency National Event See above
for details.
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM CST
2024 ADEA Compendium EPA Focus Group
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CST
Personal Statement: New Opportunities in
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM CST
Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA)
Question and Answer Session
8:30 AM – 9:45 AM CST
Tapestry Table Plenary
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST
Update on Graduate Medical Education
Payments and Reimbursements
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM CST
SYMPOSIUM: Crafting Pathways to Promote
Access to Oral Health: Education, Research
and Health Care
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM CST
SYMPOSIUM: Global Collaborations to
Change: The Paradigm of Oral Health
Education and Care
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CST
WebAdMIT Working Session
Business Meeting – Saturday 1:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Caucus – Tuesday 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
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8:30 AM – 9:30 AM CST
CODA Accreditation for Advanced and
Graduate Education
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM CST
Closing Plenary
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CST
ADEA Council of Advanced Education
Programs Caucus
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM CST
House of Delegates - Closing Session