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All BBA students must complete at least 6 business electives to include at least 1 area depth. Each area depth requires a
minimum of 4 courses, although students are encouraged to consider completing more than the minimum number of
classes for a depth.
Area depths: Accounting, Analytical Consulting, Business & Society, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Information Systems
& Operations Management, International Business, Marketing, Organization & Management, Real Estate
Students may opt to complete more than one area depth.
The structure of area depths differs from depth to depth most, but not all, require a specific flex core in addition to
area electives and some depths dictate that at least one course must be taken from a subset of the area’s electives. It is
therefore important to carefully read the information attached to each depth to gain an understanding of the depth’s
requirements and restrictions.
In all cases, a student may count only 1 course from the “related courses” column towards a given depth.
The BBA Program additionally offers collaborative concentrations
in partnership with specific departments in Emory
College. Participation is available by application. They are distinct from the area depths and do not appear in further
detail on this document. Concentrations: Arts Management, Business Across Disciplinary Boundaries, Environmental
Management, Film & Media Management, Health Innovation
Some courses are listed in more than one depth. Students wishing to pursue two area depths may use 1 and only 1 listed
elective to fulfill the requirements in two depths. This course serves as a bridge between the two areas.
One area depth = 4 electives (note: all BBAs must take at least 6 business electives, the remaining 2 may be in any area)
Two area depths = 8 electives total, or 7 unique electives if one is a bridge elective
Three area depths = 12 electives total, or 10 unique electives if two different bridge electives are used (note: only one
related elective may be counted towards a given depth)
Once you add an area depth in OPUS, you will be able to track your progress towards it along with your other business
requirements and your GERs in the degree tracker. You can add, drop, or modify area depths as desired. In Summer
2023, Goizueta is being onboarded into the OPUS online undergraduate major/minor declaration, which will also permit
selection and modification of area depths. We anticipate this process will launch for BBAs in the Fall.
All BBA students must take at least 4 business electives physically at GBS.
If a student takes 2 electives abroad toward the same depth, the second class may only count as a related/bridge
Students may only take one related (bridge) elective abroad.
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Recommended Flex Core Course (Not Required)
300 - Business Analysis and Valuation
Elective Courses
Choose ANY FOUR of the following courses across the three subdomains
Consulting & Performance Analysis
Financial Reporting & Taxation
Investment Banking & Security Analysis
399R - Strategic Cost Management
312A - Financial Reporting of Operations
399R - Firm Fundamentals & Mispricing (FA)
399R - Sustainability Measurement & Reporting
312B - Financial Reporting of Debt and Equity
399R - LedgerTech: Blockchain & Crypto (SP)
420 - Accounting Analytics: Insights for Action
330 - Personal Financial Planning
399R - Machine Learning for Fund. Analysis (SP)
499R - Corporate Political Strategy (FA)
516 - Government & Nonprofit Organizations
650 (formerly 612) - Bus. Comb. & Multi. Ops
499R - Performance Management for Strategy
615 - Federal Income Taxation
616 - Corp. & Partnership Taxation
618 - Auditing
Related Courses
May substitute one for an Elective Course
FIN 420 - Advanced Corporate Finance (SP)
ISOM 475 - Data Visualization (FA)
OAM 430 - Competitive Advantage (FA)
FIN 422 - Advanced Financial Markets (SP)
MKT 342 - Data Driven Market Intelligence (SP)
OAM 433 - Leading and Managing Change (FA)
FIN 483 - Applied Investment Management (SP)
MKT 347 - Product & Brand Management (FA)
OAM 438 - Management Consulting (SP)
ISOM 455 Superforecasting Tools (SP)
MKT 443 - Monetization & Pricing Strategy (SP)
OAM 499R - People Analytics (SP)
ISOM 456 - Intro to Business Data Analytics (FA)
MKT 462 - Customer Lifetime Valuation (FA)
Students wishing to pursue the Certified Management Accounting (CMA) certification should take all courses designated ‘M’. The CMA is an
international certification.
Students wishing to pursue the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification should take all courses designated ‘P’ and either the exam SECTION 1
courses (designated ‘P1’) or the exam SECTION 2 courses (designated ‘P2’). Students should also take the Business Ethics course. Students who intend
to sit for the CPA exam in Georgia (and most other states) must earn 150 credit hours, including 30 hours of accounting courses beyond ACT 200 and
ACT 300.
Students planning to pursue the full slate of courses recommended for CPA certification are encouraged to consider the integrated Master of
Professional Accounting (MPA) joint degree program in conjunction with their BBA. Students considering the MPA Program should take their
accounting elective coursework at the graduate level (this will be 500 or 600) so that those courses will count towards the degree. These courses are
the same as the 300 or 400 level version with an extra deliverable. Please contact Prof. Jeff Byrne (jeffrey.adam.byrne@emory.edu) for advice on the
Master of Professional Accounting program.
322 - IMPACT360: Strategic Valuation (SP)
424 - Derivatives (FA)
430 - Foundations of FinTech (SP)
389 - Mergers and Acquisitions (FA)
427 - International Finance (FA/SP)
483 - Applied Investment Management (SP)
400 - Finance elective abroad
428 - Investment Banking (SP)
484 - Advanced Derivative Assets (SP)
401 - Finance elective abroad-global
428B - Venture Capital & Private Equity (SP)
485 - Entrepreneurial Private Equity (FA)
403 - Global Macroeconomic Perspectives (SP)
429 - Fixed Income (FA)
495 - Distressed Investing (SP)
420 - Advanced Corporate Finance (SP)
ACT 300 - Bus. Analy. & Val. (FA/SP)
(if not taken as flex core)
FIN 422 - Advanced Financial Markets (SP)
FIN 489 - Advanced Real Estate Finance (SP)
ACT 420 - Accounting Analyt.: Insights for Action (FA)
FIN 425 - Real Estate Finance (FA/SP)
MKT 462 - Customer Lifetime Valuation (FA)
ACT 616 - Corporate & Partnership Taxation (SP)
FIN 481 - Frontiers and Illiquid Assets (FA)
OAM 385 - Entrepreneurial Practicum (FA)
FIN 321 - Economics and Finance of Film (SP)
FIN 482 - Real Estate Market Analysis (FA)
OAM 499R - Venture Cap. & Minority Entr. (SP)
FIN 324 - Sports Finance (FA)
FIN 486 - Real Estate Equity Investment (SP)
FIN 409 - Finance elective abroad-related
FIN 488 - Real Estate Development & Invest. (FA)
FIN 330 - “Financial Investment will count as a general business elective, but won’t count toward the Finance area depth
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Choose one from Required Courses
Choose two from the combined set of Required and Elective Courses
Required Courses
Elective Courses
342 - Data Driven Market Intelligence (SP)
339 - Content Marketing (FA)
441- Ideation (FA)
343 - Digital & Social Media Strategy (SP)
341 - Seminar on Global Marketing (FA)
442 - Marketing Consultancy Practicum (SP)
347 - Product & Brand Management (FA)
346 - Consumer Behavior (SP)
443 – Monetization & Pricing Strategy (SP)
462 - Customer Lifetime Valuation (FA)
348 - Sales and Business Development (FA)
446 - Advertising & Marketing Communications (FA)
400 - Marketing elective abroad
447 - Sports Marketing (SP)
401 - Marketing elective abroad-global
499R - AI in Marketing (FA)
ACT 300 - Bus. Analy. & Val. (FA/SP)
(if not taken as flex core)
ISOM 455 – Superforecast Tools for Bldg Pred Sys (SP)
OAM 432 - Negotiations (FA/SP)
FIN 324 - Sports Finance (FA)
ISOM 475 - Data Visualization (FA)
OAM 433 - Leading & Managing Change (FA)
FIN 420 - Advanced Corporate Finance (SP)
MKT 409 - Marketing elective abroad-related
ISOM 453 - Operations Strategy (FA)
OAM 430 - Competitive Advantage (FA)
332 - Business & Society (FA)
432 - Negotiations (FA/SP)
464 - Future of Specialty Coffee (FA/SP)
335 - Strategies for Entertainment & Media (SP)
433 - Leading & Managing Change (FA)
471 - Applied Entrepreneurship (FA/SP)
385 - Entrepreneurial Practicum (FA)
434 - Psychology of Leadership (SP)
497 - Strategy & Org. in Healthcare Sector (FA)
400 - O&M elective abroad
436 - Entrepreneurship (FA)
499R - Bias in the Workplace (SP)
401 - O&M elective abroad-global
438 - Management Consulting (SP)
499R - Building a Satisfying Life & Career (SP)
421 - Philanthropy Lab (SP)
439 - Business Ethics (FA)
499R - People Analytics (SP)
430 - Competitive Advantage (FA)
440 - Leading with Evidence (FA)
499R - Venture Cap. & Minority Entr. (SP)
431 - Social Enterprise and Impact Investing (SP)
ACT 300 - Bus. Analy. & Val. (FA/SP)
(if not taken as flex core)
FIN 428B - Venture Capital & Private Equity (SP)
ISOM 499R - Coding for Bus Insight (FA)
ACT 399R - Strategic Cost Management (FA/SP)
ISOM 352 - Applied Data Analytics w/ Coding (FA/SP)
MKT 347 - Product and Brand Mgmt. (FA)
ACT 399R - Performance Mgmt for Strategy (SP)
ISOM 358 - Advanced Decision Analytics (SP)
MKT 442 - Marketing Consultancy Practicum (SP)
FILM 403 - The Biz (FA)
(only students in Film & Media Conc.)
ISOM 453 - Operations Strategy (FA)
OAM 409 - O&M elective abroad-related
FIN 420 - Advanced Corporate Finance (SP)
Required Flex Core Course
352 - Applied Data Analytics with Coding (FA/SP)
Choose ANY four of the following Elective Courses across the Technology, Analytics, and Operations subdomains
354 - Strategic Modeling and Social Dynamics (FA)
358 - Advanced Decision Analytics (SP)
353 - Supply Chain Management (SP)
355 - Appcology: New Commerce Infrastruct. (FA)
400 - ISOM elective abroad
400 - ISOM elective abroad
356 - Think Code Make (SP)
401 - ISOM elective abroad-global
401 - ISOM elective abroad-global
359 - Privacy in a Digital Age (SP)
454 - Advanced Data Science (SP)
451 - Making Effective Decisions (SP)
400 - ISOM elective abroad
455 - Superforecasting Tools for Bldg Pred Sys. (SP)
453 - Operations Strategy (FA)
401 - ISOM elective abroad-global
456 - Introduction to Business Data Analytics (FA)
459 - Process Analysis and Six Sigma (FA)
450 - Found. of Digital Enterprises and Markets (SP)
475 - Data Visualization (FA)
461 - Strategic Decision Analysis (FA)
458 - User Experience Design (UXD) (SP)
Related Courses
May substitute one for an Elective Course
ACT 420 - Accounting Analyt.: Insights for Action (FA)
MKT 342 - Data Driven Market Intelligence (SP)
OAM 430 - Competitive Advantage (FA)
FIN 430 - Foundations of FinTech (SP)
MKT 343 - Digital & Social Media Strategy (SP)
OAM 433 - Leading & Managing Change (FA)
ISOM 409 - ISOM elective abroad-related
MKT 447 - Sports Marketing (SP)
OAM 440 - Leading with Evidence (FA)
Approved computer science class (please note that this course will not count towards the required minimum of 6 business electives)
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ACT 300 - Business Analysis & Valuation (FA/SP)
ISOM 454 - Advanced Data Science (SP)
FIN 322 - IMPACT360: Strategic Valuation (SP)
ISOM 455 - Superforecasting Tools for Building Predictive Systems (SP)
FIN 420 - Advanced Corporate Finance (SP)
ISOM 456 - Introduction to Business Data Analytics (FA)
FIN 422 - Advanced Financial Markets (SP)
ISOM 499R - Coding for Business Insight (FA)
ISOM 352 - Applied Data Analytics with Coding (FA/SP)
ISOM 459 - Process Analysis and Six Sigma (FA)
ISOM 354 - Strategic Modeling & Social Dynamics (FA)
ISOM 475 - Data Visualization (FA)
ISOM 356 - Think Code Make (SP)
MKT 342 - Data Driven Market Intelligence (SP)
ISOM 358 - Advanced Decision Analytics (SP)
MKT 462 - Customer Lifetime Valuation (FA)
ISOM 450 - Found. of Digital Enterprises and Markets (FA)
OAM 430 - Competitive Advantage (FA)
ISOM 352 - Applied Data Analytics with Coding (FA/SP)
OAM 438 - Management Consulting (SP)
ISOM 453 - Operations Strategy (FA)
OAM 499R - People Analytics (SP)
ACT 399R - Sustainability Measurement & Reporting
OAM 431 - Social Enterprise & Impact Investing (SP)
ACT 499R - Corporate Political Strategy (FA)
OAM 433 - Leading & Managing Change (FA)
ISOM 451 - Making Effective Decisions (SP)
OAM 439 - Business Ethics (FA)
ISOM 458 - User Experience Design (UXD) (SP)
OAM 499R - Bias in the Workplace (SP)
MKT 441 - Ideation (FA)
OAM 499R - Venture Cap. & Minority Entr. (SP)
OAM 332 - Business & Society (FA)
OAM 464 - Future of Specialty Coffee (FA/SP)
OAM 421 - Philanthropy Lab (SP)
Choose one from Required Courses
Choose three from the combined set of Required and Elective Courses,
with at least two from areas outside of OAM
Required Courses
Elective Courses
OAM 385 - Entrepreneurial Practicum (FA)
ACT 300 - Business Analysis & Valuation (FA/SP)
MKT 342 - Data Driven Market Intel. (SP)
OAM 436 - Entrepreneurship (FA)
ACT 499R - Corporate Political Strategy (FA)
MKT 348 - Sales & Business Development (FA)
OAM 471 - Applied Entrepreneurship (FA/SP)
FIN 322 - IMPACT360: Strategic Valuation (SP)
MKT 443 - Monetization & Pricing Strategy (SP)
FIN 428B - Venture Capital & Private Equity (SP)
OAM 430 - Competitive Advantage (FA)
FIN 485 - Entrepreneurial Private Equity (FA)
OAM 431 - Social Enterprise & Impact Invest. (SP)
ISOM 355 - Appcology (FA)
OAM 499R - Venture Cap. & Minority Entr. (SP)
ISOM 356 - Think, Code Make (SP)
Or additional course from column one
ACT 401 - Accounting elective abroad-global
FIN 427 - International Finance (FA/SP)
MKT 341 - Seminar on Global Marketing (FA)
ACT 650
(formerly 612)
- Bus. Comb. & Multi. Ops (FA)
FIN 487 - Global Derivatives Markets (FA)
MKT 401 - Marketing elective abroad-global
BUS 401 - Global business course abroad
ISOM 353 - Supply Chain Management (SP)
OAM 332 - Business & Society (FA)
FIN 401 - Finance elective abroad-global
ISOM 401 - ISOM elective abroad-global
OAM 401 - OAM elective abroad-global
FIN 403 - Global Macroeconomic Perspectives (SP)
ISOM 450 - Found. of Digital Ent. and Markets (FA)
OAM 464 - Future of Specialty Coffee (FA/SP)
Required Course
Elective Courses
Related Courses
FIN 425 - Real Estate Finance (FA/SP)
Three of the following
May substitute one for an elective course
FIN 482 - Real Estate Market Analysis (FA)
FIN 495 - Distressed Investing (SP)
FIN 486 - Real Estate Equity Investment (SP)
ISOM 451 - Making Effective Decisions (SP)
FIN 488 - Real Estate Development & Investment (FA)
MKT 348 - Sales & Business Development (FA)
FIN 489 - Advanced Real Estate Finance (SP)
OAM 432 - Negotiations (FA/SP)