Future-Tourism in the Eastern Caribbean
Advanced Marketing
E-Guide for MSMEs
This guide will enable you to REFLECT, RESTART
or to REVITALISE your business in relation to
markets, particularly in the digital environment,
and help you to develop a Marketing strategy.
Learning focuses are differentiated between
product and service marketing.
These e-guides have been produced by the
United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean
thanks to the generous contribution from the
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the
technical support of the Frankfurt School of
Finance & Management which collaborated on
the development of the content and design.
Special acknowledgement goes also to the
University of West Indies Open Campus and
all the facilitators, e-tutors and mentors that
made the Business Adaptation Programme
of the UNDP Future Tourism Project possible.
The Project played a pivotal role in supporting
MSMEs in the Eastern Caribbean through
the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic.
UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end
the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working
with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries,
we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people
and planet.
Learn more at undp.org/barbados or follow at @UNDPBarbadosEC.
1. Why does Marketing matter for business?
2. Marketing as a strategic tool
3. What is a Marketing Strategy?
4. Building a Marketing Strategy
5. Understanding a Tourism Marketing Strategy
6. Tourism market trends
7. Digital marketing strategy
8. Digital tools helpful in your marketing activities
9. Tools to support a dynamic marketing campaign
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1. Why does Marketing
matter for business?
Many companies can increase their turnover
using marketing measures. In particular, the
marketing mix with the four P’s (Product, Price,
Place, Promotion)
allows businesses to control the
variables of customer motivation and behaviour.
see Fundamental Marketing e-guide for MSMEs for overview of the Four Ps
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2. Marketing as a strategic tool
Properly targeted, it can
bring new and returning
customers, it widens the
Accelerates other activities
Helps optional utilisation of
Opinions of current
and former customers
can identify areas for
Allows for a more personal
relationship between the
business and the customer
Facilitates awareness of
goods and services
Serves as a basis for further
marketing decisions
Marketing can be expensive
and drain profits, especially
for smaller businesses
The cost of branded items
used for advertising reduces
profit margins
The business may require
additional staff to assist with
The time required to keep
information updated on
websites and social media
may require additional staff
Lack of feedback control of
marketing campaign
Access to customers at an
earlier stage
Access to greater number of
Being flexible and
Regionalising and
globalizing products and
Opportunities for
Being accessible 24 hours
and all year, increases
potential customer
interaction and transactions
at any time and any place
Better communication
Digital marketing can
be an environmentally
friendly alternative to print
marketing campaign
Obligation to always keep
the information up to date
Additional costs in setting
up, maintaining and
updating digital and social
media content
High competition
Security, privacy, and
As easy as it is to get
positive coverage, it’s just as
easy to get tainted by viral
spread or bad news.
The internet and social media channels create
availability and accessibility that changes
options of direct selling. Digital and social media
have changed the way businesses interact and trade.
If you don’t include digital and social media in
your marketing campaign, you are missing out on
a large segment of your audience. However, not
every medium is necessary for every business idea.
In order to withstand
and to compete in such a
disruptive, changing and
growing tourism industry,
you will need to develop
a strategy to gain more
attention and attract more
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A robust marketing strategy
will reach your target audience
– this includes those who have
never heard of your brand all
the way to repeat customers.
3. What is a
Marketing Strategy?
A marketing strategy refers to a companys
overarching plan to reach potential customers
and turn them into customers for its products
or services.
A marketing strategy includes the companys
value proposition, key brand messages, data
on target customer demographics and other
overarching elements.
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4. Building a Marketing
A Marketing Strategy will align you and your
business team to specific goals, tie all your
work and efforts to your business objective and
respond to external environment factors to
minimize the risk associated with these factors.
Using key theories and concepts can further
enhance your understanding of your marketing
strategy. Below we will look at some of the key
theories, concepts and tools that
can help you build a marketing campaign for
your business.
In an ever-changing business environment,
you may need to use different tools to
identify opportunities where you can gain a
competitive advantage.
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When you think about what makes a business
successful, several factors immediately come to
mind. In a clustered way, the environment can
be internal (micro) i.e. inside of your business or
external (macro) i.e. outside of it.
The Macro Environment (also called the External
Environment) is the condition that exists in the
economy as a whole, rather than in a particular
sector or region.
The Micro Environment (also called the Internal
Environment) refers to the immediate context
of an organisation’s operations over which it can
exert some influence, including such elements as
suppliers, customers, competitors and well as its
internal environment. (CIM, 2021)
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SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT
analysis helps you to build on what you and your
business do well, address what your business is
lacking, seize new opportunities, and minimize
risks and reflect the current situation of your
A SWOT analysis for a marketing plan is distinctly
different to a SWOT analysis for a business plan
in that each element you consider must be
considered from the customers point of view.
Applying the SWOT analysis tool will help you to
analyse your business’ current position before
you work on any marketing strategies.
Almost no cost to execute
Allows you to understand
your business better
It can address weaknesses &
deter threats
You may come across
opportunities you can
Capitalise on your strengths
Develop business goals and
strategies to achieve them.
Does not prioritise problems
Does not offer solutions or
alternative choices/options
Can generate too many
ideas but not help you
choose the best one
Can provide a lot of
information, but not all of it
is useful.
For all the benefits
of a SWOT analysis,
be aware of the
disadvantages too.
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PESTEL analysis is a tool used to identify the external
marketing factors (that affect the organisation). The
acronym stands for Political, Economic,
Social, Technological, Environmental
and Legal.
The result of a PESTEL analysis identifies certain
threats and vulnerabilities to which a business
may be unknowingly exposed. The tool scans
external environment changes that affect business
operations. By understanding market conditions,
you can build successful marketing campaigns.
The PESTEL Analysis can often be applied as part
of the Marketing Environmental Analysis.
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The Porters five forces tool is used to assess
the level of competitive intensity within your
business industry. Harvard Business School
Professor Michael Porter developed this model
from the perspective that you can determine
the profitability of an industry by knowing the
degree of competition. It’s one of the most
popular and highly regarded strategy tools.
To use the model, start by looking at
each of the five forces in turn, and
how they apply in your industry.
This tool can be particularly useful when
restarting or revitalising your business or when
starting a new business entering a new industry,
as it highlights how likely you are to succeed.
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When you understand the forces affecting your
industry, you’ll be able to adjust your strategy,
boost your profitability, and stay ahead of the
competition. For example, if you find yourself in
a structurally weak position, the model can help
you to think about what you can do to move
into a stronger one.
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5. Understanding a
Tourism Marketing
Tourism marketing is just another marketing
approach. However, there is one thing
that makes it unique. Instead of focusing on
marketing a room, service, hotel, or restaurant,
tourism and destination marketing
are about promoting specific locations and their
Tourism marketing has become an inseparable
part of the modern marketing mix used by
hotels, restaurants, cities among others.
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6. Tourism market trends
Align your business to new tourism
market trends.
Healthy and organic food & drinks
Community-based Tourism
Personalised service
Safety & Hygiene Tourism
Growth of Contactless Payments
Shift From International to Local travellers
(and both in parallel)
Solo Travel
Eco Travel
Digital nomad lifestyle; Workations
(working on the road while enjoying the
benefits of travel)
Which trend impacts your
Which trend creates new
opportunities for you?
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7. Digital marketing strategy
Adapting your business to the digital age is now a
pre-requisite for any business all over the world,
ranging from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
to Multi-National Corporations.
The aim of digital transformation is to improve
digital maturity across your business, while, at the
same time, integrating ‘always-on’ digital marketing
activities with brand and product marketing within
the business. Digital marketing must support your
marketing and business goals and strategy.
You need to have a clear understanding of your
business, product, and demographics before
choosing a digital marketing strategy that will be
effective for your business needs.
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It can be overwhelming when you are deciding
the right digital marketing strategy.
The most
prosperous digital marketing strategies use a multi-
channel approach.
The most effective strategy to start with is often
social media marketing, followed by content
marketing. Email and video are effective ways to
market almost any product through any sector in
the tourism industry. Use content marketing to
entertain, inspire, educate and convince potential
customers during their customer lifecycle.
The stages of strategic digital marketing planning
include plan, reach, act, convert and engage.
Overall, it is very important that your plan is aligned
with your brand and your message. To find your
successful marketing strategy, you may continually
monitor and adjust. If you are working alone or in
a very small team, it is better to reduce your digital
marketing strategies to a very few so as to not
overburden your team.
What matters is who you target your
marketing at and why!
see Advanced Digital Technology e-guide for MSMEs for SEO
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Regardless of your goals, digital
marketing tools can help you win
over leads, manage customer
relationships, or uncover new
marketing opportunities.
Below is a list that can serve as
a foundation set of tools (also
known as Marketing TechStack) to
prepare, organise or control your
marketing success.
8. Digital tools helpful in
your marketing activities
Augmented Reality
360º Tours
App Development
Digital Cultural Heritage – Culture is one of the
pillars of tourism marketing strategies
Use of QR Codes
Service Design – service design tools such as
shadowing, mapping, interviews, user journals,
or observation techniques
Tourism Behaviour – considers plans and
behaviours for tourist spending, length of stay,
attractions, destinations, accommodation and
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) – a
wireless system comprised of two components:
tags and readers.
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subscription model, Adobe Systems
offers a set of applications and services
that gives access to a collection of
software for graphic design, video
editing, and web development
REMIXLIVE: This new music creation
tool features a professional drum pad,
looper, sequencer & song mode perfect
for both live performance and musical
AUXY: Auxys mission is to put a studio
in everyone’s pocket and push music
forward as an artform.
Here are some additional tools you can
use to make your marketing strategy
and campaign more dynamic!
9. Tools to support a
dynamic marketing
LIGHTROOM: This offers a rich
set of tools for organizing your
photos. Collections, keywords, face
recognition, flags, stars, colour labels,
and a variety of useful search filters
give you multiple ways to keep track of
all the photos on your local drives.
SNAPSEED: Snapseed is a complete
and professional photo editor
developed by Google.
power of beautiful light, natural
elements, and elegant overlays to
create truly cinematic images. Enjoy
a selection of free photo effects from
each category in the app or join LD
Unlimited to unlock all photo effects.
PHOTOLEAP: This a photo editing app
made for aspiring artists who want to
transform their photos into art! Create
iPhone art and spread the word!
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