Refugee & Immigration Services
80 Sherman Street
Portland, ME 04101
T. (207) 523-1160
F. (207) 871-7465
An Adavit of Relationship (AOR)
is a form used for reunication of
refugees and asylees with close
relatives living outside of the U.S.
In documenting family relationships,
the AOR gives eligible applicants
access to the US Refugee Program.
When the AOR is led and processed,
the refugee overseas may be
scheduled for an interview to
determine if they are eligible for
Adavit of
Reuniting families across
the globe
To schedule an appointment to le the
AOR, please call 207-523-1160.
If you need an interpreter, please let
us know when you schedule your
appointment, and one will be provided
for you at no cost.
Who Can File?
Any individual 18 years or older who arrived to the U.S.
as a refugee or was granted asylum within at least 5 years
from the countries below:
Central African Republic
Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea
Democratic Republic of Congo
El Salvador
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Frequently Asked Questions
For whom can I le?
Eligible individuals can apply for spouses if the marriage
occurred before arrival in the U.S., for unmarried
children under 21 years old, and for parents and their
dependent(s), unmarried children under 21 years old.
The family members must be outside of their country
of origin and must provide proof of refugee registration
documents from the host country. Note: Syria, Turkey,
Iran and Canada are not currently processing AORs.
How can I le?
An AOR must be led through a resettlement agency.
There is no cost to le.
What information will I need?
Information may include:
c Accurate and complete names of relatives
c Family Relationships
c Dates of birth and marriage
c Correct overseas address with postal zone
c Proof of your immigration status
c Birth and marriage certicates; other ocial documents
c Passport-style photograph for each family member
Will I be reimbursed for transportation to the lab?
No, transportation costs will not be reimbursed. Your
resettlement agency can help you locate the closest lab to
your location.
How long are DNA results valid?
What if my test is negative?
You should consult your resettlement agency
Where will my family go to get tested?
The RSC overseas will inform you of the date and location
of the DNA testing.
What if I cant aord DNA kits for my entire family?
Can I send the kits separately?
Once you receive a letter that lists the family members
that must be tested, all DNA kits must be purchased at the
same time and each applicant must be ready to test at the
same time. Please speak to your resettlement agency with
any concerns.
Where will my results be sent? And who will see them?
Results will be sent directly to you and to the Refugee
Processing Center (RPC). Representatives from USCIS, the
State Department (PRM) and the RSC will be able to see
your results.
DNA Test
If you are ling for someone who is biologically related to
you, you may be required to take a DNA test. You will have
to pay for this test kit and for the shipping of the test kit
overseas. The test can be performed at any AABB lab. Ask
you resettlement agency for a list of labs or for assistance.
Policy for Reimbursement
All of your relationships must be positive in order for
you to be reimbursed. The International Organization of
Migration will reimburse you once it has conrmed that all
tests are positive. You will be reimbursed regardless
of your cases outcome. Positive results do not guarantee