Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 1
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing
I told about something I like or
dislike with pictures and some
I told, drew, and wrote my
opinion (or likes and dislikes)
about a topic or book.
I wrote my opinion or my
likes and dislikes and said
I wrote my opinion or my
likes/dislikes and gave
reasons for my opinion.
I started by drawing or saying
In the beginning, I wrote my
In the beginning, I got my
reader’s attention. I told the
topic (or text) I am writing
about and gave my opinion.
In the beginning, I not only
gave my opinion, I also set
readers up to expect that my
writing will try to convince
them of it.
I kept on working.
I wrote my idea and then said
more. I used words like
I said more about my
opinion and used words
like and and because.
I connected parts of my
piece using words like also,
another, and because.
When I said, drew, and wrote all
I could about my opinion, I
I have a last part or page.
I wrote an ending for my
The ending I wrote reminds
readers of my opinion.
On my paper, there is a place for
the drawing and a place where I
tried to write words.
In one place, I tell my opinion
and in another place I say why.
I have a part where I get
my reader’s attention and a
part where I say more.
My piece has different parts
and I wrote lots of lines for
each part.
I put more and then more on the
I put everything I think about
the topic (or book) on the page.
I wrote at least one reason
for my opinion.
I wrote at least two reasons
and wrote at least a few
sentences about each one.
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 2
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
I said, drew, and “wrote” some
things about what I like and don’t
I have details in pictures and
I used labels and words to
give details.
I chose words that would
make readers agree with my
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
I can read my pictures and some
of my words.
I tried to make words.
I can read my writing.
I wrote a letter for the sounds I
I used the Word Wall to help
me spell.
I used all I know about
words and chunks of words
(“at,” “op,” “it”…) to help
me spell.
I spelled all the Word Wall
Words right and used the
Word Wall to help me spell
other words.
To spell a word, I used what
I know about spelling
patterns (“tion,” “er,” “ly”,
I spelled all of the Word
Wall words correctly and
used the Word Wall to help
me figure out how to spell
other words.
I may label pictures.
I can write my name.
I put spaces between words.
I used lower case letters unless
capitals were needed.
I wrote capital letters to start
every sentence.
I ended sentences with
I used a capital letter for
I used commas in dates and
I used quotation marks to
show what people said.
When I used words like
can’t and don’t, I put in the
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 3
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
I told readers my opinion and ideas
on a text or a topic and helped them
understand my reasons.
I made a claim/thesis on a topic or text,
supported it with reasons, and provided a
variety of evidence for each reason.
In the beginning, I not only set
readers up to expect that this will be
a piece of opinion writing, I also
tried to hook them into caring about
my opinion.
My text has an introduction that leads to
a claim/thesis and gets my reader to care
about my opinion. I work to get my
reader to care not just by including a cool
fact or jazzy question but by figuring out
what is significant in or around the topic
and giving the reader that information
about what is significant about the topic.
I worked to find the used precise right
words to state my claim, and I let the
reader know the reasons I develop later.
I connected my ideas/reasons with
my examples using words like for
example and because. I connected
one reasons (or examples) using
words like also and another.
I used transition words and phrases to
connect evidence back to my reasons
using phrases like this shows that...
I helped readers follow my thinking with
phrases such as another reason, the most
important reason. To show what
happened I used phrases like
consequently, because of.
To be more precise, I used words such as
Specifically, in particular.
I worked on an ending. It might be a
thought or comment related to my
I worked on a conclusion. It connects
back to and highlights what the text is
mainly about and not just the preceding
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 4
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
I wrote several reasons or examples
why people should agree with my
opinion, and wrote at least several
sentences about each reason.
I organized my information so that
each part of my writing is mostly
about one thing.
I grouped information and related ideas
into paragraphs. I put the parts of my
writing in the order that most suits my
purpose and helps me prove my reasons
and claim.
I didn’t just name my reasons to
support my opinion, I wrote more
about each one.
I gave reasons to support my opinion.
These reasons are parallel and they don’t
overlap. I put these in an order that I
thought would be most convincing.
I included evidence (facts, examples,
quotations, micro-stories, information) to
support my claim.
I discussed/unpacked the way that the
evidence goes with the claim.
I didn’t just tell readers to believe
me, I wrote in ways that got them
thinking or feeling in certain ways.
I made deliberate word choices to have
an effect on my reader.
I reached for the precisely right phrase,
metaphor or image that would convey my
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 5
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
I made choices about how to angle my
evidence to support my points.
When it seemed right to do so, I tried to
use a scholarly voice and I varied my
sentences to create the pace and tone of
the different sections of my piece.
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
I used what I know about spelling
patterns to help me spell and edit
before I wrote my final draft.
I got help from others to check my
spelling and punctuation before I
wrote my final draft.
I used what I know about word patterns
to spell correctly, and I used references to
help me spell words when needed. I
made sure to correctly spell words that
are important to my topic.
I punctuated dialogue correctly, with
commas and quotation marks.
While writing, I put punctuation at
the end of every sentence.
I wrote in ways that helped readers
read with expression, reading some
parts quickly, some slowly, some
parts in one sort of voice and others
in another.
I used commas to set off introductory
parts of sentences (At this time in history,
it was common to...)
I used a variety of punctuation to fix any
run-on sentences.
I used punctuation to cite my sources.
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 6
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Not only did I stake a
position that can be
supported by a variety of
trustworthy sources, each
part of my text builds my
argument and leads to a
I not only staked a position
that can be well-supported by
a variety of evidence, I also
considered positions on the
topic or text that might
disagree with my own
position. I built to a conclusion
which still let readers know
that my own position is valid
and makes sense.
I not only presented an argument
and laid out different aspects of
the argument, I also stayed fair
to those who might disagree with
me by helping readers
understand evidence against my
position. I still held to my
position and built to a conclusion
which reinforces why my
particular position is valid and
I not only presented different
aspects of an argument, I also
was fair to all positions,
showing gaps or limitations of
each, including my own. I
made it clear how my position
was unique, and I built to a
conclusion that shows my
position as perhaps not perfect
but significant and valid.
I wrote an introduction that
helps the reader to
understand and care about
the topic or text. I thought
backwards between the
piece and the introduction to
make made sure that the
introduction fits with the
Not only did I clearly state
my claim, I named the
reasons that I’ll be
developing later. I also told
my reader how my text will
Not only did I make sure that
my introduction fits with the
whole of my piece, I also
considered how best to angle
the information I give about
the topic or text in order to get
the reader ready to see my
I made it clear to readers what
my piece will argue.
In my introduction I am strategic
and fair. I helped the reader get a
sense of the importance of this
argument as well as some of the
debates taking place around it.
Yet, I am strategic about how I
provided this context and
decided carefully about what to
include and how to present the
My introduction clearly lays out
my line of argument, making it
clear that my position is different
from others.
Not only did I make deliberate
decisions about how to provide
information in my introduction
that orients the reader and gets
the reader ready to follow my
line of thinking, I also refer to
the introduction later in order
to heighten the effect of the
argument as a whole.
My introduction clearly lays
out my line of argument,
making it clear that my
position is different from
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 7
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
I used transitional phrases to
help my readers understand
how the different parts of
my piece fit together to
support my argument.
I used transitions to make it
clear when I am staying with
one line of thinking and when
I am following or refuting
another. Transitions such as
for instance, in addition, also,
and therefore help my reader
stay with one line of thinking.
Transitions such as
nevertheless, on the other
hand, let my reader know
when I am moving to a
different line of thinking.
Not only do I use transitions to
make clear how evidence is
linked to lines of thinking, I used
transitions to create connections
and to separate lines of thinking
or propose alternate evidence.
My transitions connected
examples to reasons and
evidence, and help the reader
follow my lines of thinking. I
also used transitions which
make clear the relationship of
these sources to each other and
to my own claim. I used
phrases such as in accordance
with, in conjunction with,
similar to, by contrast.
I wrote a conclusion that
restates the main points of
the essay and may offer a
lingering thought or new
insight for readers to
consider. The ending adds to
and strengthens the overall
In the conclusion, I returned to
the sides of the argument and
reiterated how the support for
my claim outweighed the
In the conclusion, I returned to
the context and significance of
the argument and reiterated the
significance of my claim,
showing why it is valid.
In the conclusion I
acknowledged the complexity
of the argument and argue for
the significance, impact, or
potential of my claim.
I arranged paragraphs,
reasons and evidence
purposefully, leading readers
from one claim or reason to
another. I wrote more than
one paragraph to develop a
claim or reason.
I grouped my reasons and
related evidence into
paragraphs. The parts of my
piece are arranged
purposefully to best suit my
purpose. I may have used
compare/contrast, order of
importance or sequence as
organizing structures in my
I grouped my reasons and related
evidence into paragraphs that are
organized in a logical,
compelling order. I have been
purposeful not just in how I
organized the evidence to
support my claim but also in
how I organized the parts of my
piece that discuss alternate or
opposing claims.
I have a purpose for how I
chose to organize each part of
my piece, what I chose to
include/exclude, (including
citations and
acknowledgement of other
views), and where I chose to
include each detail in my
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 8
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
Structure (cont’d)
I distinguished between parts
of the text that support the
claim and parts that
acknowledge and/or refute a
I included and arranged a
variety of evidence to
support my reasons.
I used trusted sources and
information from authorities
on the topic.
I developed a variety of
reasons, supported by
evidence, to argue my claim.
These reasons and evidence
are supported by detailed,
precise examples.
I included trustworthy and
significant sources and
analyzed the relevance of these
My reasons are clearly stated
and fully developed, with
convincing, cited evidence and
analysis. I link text evidence
back to my reasons and claim.
I included valid, significant, and
diverse sources and analyzed the
relevance and validity of these
sources, including how they
persuade their audience. I
explain when a source seems
problematic, such as when it
exaggerates or introduces red
herrings, misleading information
or statistics.
I supported each of my claims,
stating the reasons clearly and
supporting these reasons with
cited evidence and convincing
I evaluated my sources’
reasoning, authenticity and
rhetoric. I explained when a
source seemed problematic,
such as when examples
suggested as generalizable are
actually specific.
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 9
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
I explained how my
evidence strengthens my
argument. I explain exactly
which evidence supports
which point.
I acknowledged different
sides to this argument.
I related textual evidence back
to my argument and make it
clear how it strengthens my
Not only did I acknowledge
counterclaims while being
careful to separate them from
my claim, I can also say which
facts and details make the
claim strongest.
I related evidence back to the
context and significance of the
argument and my claim. The
content is appropriate to my
Not only did I acknowledge
sides and counter-claims, I also
develop how they are related to
and/or different from my claim.
I related evidence back to my
claim, situated it contextually,
and explained its relevance
and significance. The content
is persuasive for my audience.
I acknowledged complexity,
describing various sides,
stances, and perspectives and
elaborating on the strengths,
assumptions, and limitations in
all positions, including my
own. I contextualized my
claim within these various
I chose words deliberately to
be clear and to have an
effect on my reader.
I do not just rely on buzz
words to evoke emotion from
the reader (e.g. it is dangerous,
critical, horrible), I chose
precise words and used some
analogies or comparisons to
explain what I mean and to
achieve an intended effect. I
cut any words that do not help
me get my meaning across
Rather than only appealing to
emotions, I showed readers that
my evidence is sufficient and
makes sense. I do have intended
effects on the reader in mind,
and these are accomplished
through the way I presented and
analyzed the evidence.
Not only did I use analogies,
comparisons, symbolism and
allusions to make my points
and consider how word choice
and the content of my piece
will have an effect on my
reader, I also considered how
the way my piece reads will
affect the reader. I used words
and syntax to make my work
more powerful.
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 10
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
I chose words deliberately
to be clear and to have an
effect on my reader.
I reached for precise
phrases, metaphors,
analogies or images that
would help to convey my
ideas and strengthen my
I chose how to present
evidence and explained why
and how the evidence
supports my claim.
I do not just rely on buzz
words to evoke emotion from
the reader (e.g. it is dangerous,
critical, horrible), I chose
precise words and used some
analogies or comparisons to
explain what I mean and to
achieve an intended effect. I
cut any words that do not help
me get my meaning across
I considered different
meanings of words, including
technical and figurative and
thought about the impact of
specific words on the mood
and tone of my piece.
Not only did I make choices
about how to give my
evidence, I also made choices
about the way I analyze the
evidence to get readers to
follow my line of thinking.
Rather than only appealing to
emotions, I showed readers that
my evidence is sufficient and
makes sense. I do have intended
effects on the reader in mind,
and these are accomplished
through the way I presented and
analyzed the evidence.
I considered multiple meanings
and nuances of words in order to
include words and phrases,
including comparisons, allusions
and analogies, to effect the mood
and tone of the piece.
I angled my evidence and my
analysis of evidence and sources
to support my claim.
Not only did I use analogies,
comparisons, symbolism and
allusions to make my points
and consider how word choice
and the content of my piece
will have an effect on my
reader, I also considered how
the way my piece reads will
affect the reader. I used words
and syntax to make my work
more powerful.
I used words precisely, and/or
figuratively, and/or
symbolically, to strengthen a
particular tone or meaning.
I angled evidence and
represented various
perspectives to support and
situate my claim
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing 11
(updated 11/7/12)
©Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
Development (cont’d)
I used shifts in my tone to
help readers follow my
argument, and I made my
piece sound serious.
Not only have I matched the
tone of parts of my argument
to the meaning and purpose of
that part, changing my tone
deliberately to match my
content, I have also used a
consistently formal tone.
My tone is consistently formal. I
matched the tone of my
argument to the content, part by
part, adopting a reasoning, or
challenging, or sympathetic tone.
My tone is appropriate for the
purposes of each part of my
piece and in keeping with the
discipline within which I am
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
Language Conventions
I used resources to be sure
the words in my writing are
spelled correctly, including
returning to sources to check
I matched the spelling of
technical vocabulary to that
found in resources and text
evidence. I spelled material in
citations correctly.
I spelled technical vocabulary
and literary vocabulary
accurately. I spelled material in
citations according to sources,
and spelled citations accurately.
My spelling was accurate
throughout, including cited
text and citations.
I used punctuation such as
dashes, colons, parentheses,
and semicolons to help me
include or connect extra
information in some of my
I used accurate citation. I used
punctuation to clarify
quotations and to emphasize
I used full and accurate citation.
I used punctuation to clarify and
emphasize quotations and to
enhance meaning.
I used punctuation to
emphasize connections,
strengthen tone, clarify
relationships and meaning.