U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415
USA Hire User Guide
OFFICIAL USE NOTICE: This material is intended exclusively for use by USA Staffing Customers and is not to be distributed
without approval from the USA Staffing Program Office. This communication may contain information that is proprietary,
privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you have received this document in error, please
notify the USA Staffing Program Office immediately and delete all copies of the presentation.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Maintaining Assessment Security ....................................................................................................................................... 3
USA Hire Announcement Template .................................................................................................................................... 4
Application Confirmation Messages ................................................................................................................................... 4
Reasonable Accommodation for USA Hire Assessments .................................................................................................... 4
Vacancy Review Process ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
USA Hire Maintenance Window ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Non-GS Pay Scale and Pay Banding Announcements ......................................................................................................... 5
Multiple Specialty or Interdisciplinary Announcements ..................................................................................................... 5
Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Ensure USA Hire is Right for the Recruitment .................................................................................................................... 5
Weighting Worksheet ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 1: Prepare the Vacancy .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Supporting Documents ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Application Confirmation Messages ................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 2: Build the Assessment Package .................................................................................................................................. 7
Build the Assessment Questionnaire .................................................................................................................................. 7
Add the External USA Hire Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 8
Step 3: Create the Announcement ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Time Frame to Complete USA Hire Assessments ............................................................................................................... 9
Step 4: Await Applications ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Processing Late Filers ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Step 5: Review Applicants .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Extending Applicant USA Hire Assessment Window ........................................................................................................ 11
Scoring and Rating ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Step 6: Create and Issue Applicant Lists .............................................................................................................................. 12
USA Hire Reports: ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
For Additional Information and Questions: ........................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix A: Standard USA Hire Assessment Process ......................................................................................................... 15
Appendix B: Sample USA Hire Announcement Template ................................................................................................... 16
Application Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Appendix C: Application Received Notification Template ................................................................................................... 19
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Appendix D: System Generated Messages to Applicants .................................................................................................... 20
Appendix E: Checklist Is USA Hire Right for Your Recruitment? ....................................................................................... 23
Appendix F: Advanced USA Hire Functionality .................................................................................................................... 24
1. Dynamic Assessment Testing Windows ........................................................................................................................ 24
2. Early Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) Closure ................................................................................................... 25
3. Re-Ordering or Extending USA Hire Assessments ......................................................................................................... 26
4. Locking Assessment Responses Following Application Submission (Vacancy-Application Processing) ....................... 27
5. Holding USA Hire Applicants ......................................................................................................................................... 28
6. Using “Set Applicant Count” functionality with USA Hire ............................................................................................. 29
7. Using Cut Off Dates with USA Hire ................................................................................................................................ 29
8. Changing Screen-Out Criteria After Announcements Have Been Released and Applicants Have Applied .................. 29
9. Cancelling a USA Hire Vacancy ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix G: Checklist Standard USA Hire Assessment Vacancy Review ......................................................................... 31
A Standard USA Hire Assessment is an un-proctored, off-the-shelf battery of assessments (i.e., a combination of separate
assessments) that is designed for use with specific occupational series and grade combinations to measure general
competencies (e.g., decision making, interpersonal skills, reading comprehension, etc.). Standard assessments are to be
used for non-supervisory positions only. A USA Hire Assessment can be included in the USA Staffing assessment plan for
a vacancy with no additional analysis, development, validation, or customization required.
USA Hire Assessments may be used for case exams with a single series, up to three grades, and for Job Opportunity
Announcements (JOAs) that are open up to 30-calendar days. For announcements that are open continuous, a standing
register, or open over 30 calendar days, contact your agency USA Hire POC to create a custom business process and
discuss a custom reasonable accommodation (RA) process. In addition, a USA Hire Assessment can be combined with a
rating assessment questionnaire (AQ) delivered in USA Staffing, allowing Agencies to assess the whole-person (i.e.,
general and technical competencies) during the assessment process.
This guide has been developed to: 1) help you determine if USA Hire is appropriate for your recruitment and 2) provide
instructions on preparing to use and adding a USA Hire Assessment to your vacancy in USA Staffing. An overview of the
process when a Standard USA Hire Assessment is used is located in Appendix A
. For additional information or to
schedule a consultation on how your Agency can gain access to Standard USA Hire Assessments, please contact your
USA Staffing Account Manager. Additional resources and information are also located on the
USA Hire Resource Center.
Maintaining Assessment Security
When a USA Hire Assessment is utilized, HR Users are responsible for safeguarding the Assessment by ensuring only
applicants who respond to the Assessment have access to view and complete the Assessment items. You can view
sample assessment items, including a preview of the format and type of assessments as well as the look and feel of the
online interface, here: https://usahire.opm.gov/assess/default/sample/Sample.action
. To ensure consistent
understanding of these rules and responsibilities, every HR User must agree to the USA Staffing Rules of Behavior before
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 4
accessing the system for the first time and once annually following the initial access date. The Rules of Behavior are
located here: https://help.usastaffing.gov/USAS/index.php?title=USA_Staffing_Rules_of_Behavior
USA Hire Announcement Template
OPM recommends agencies create and use a JOA template for all recruitments that include a USA Hire Assessment.
Appendix B
offers a sample template, which includes suggested language specific to processes when USA Hire is utilized.
Application Confirmation Messages
For USA Hire vacancies, we recommend building an Application Received notification template using the language in
Appendix C. Refer to Appendix D
for the system generated messages to applicants.
Reasonable Accommodation for USA Hire Assessments
When applying for a vacancy, applicants are given the opportunity to request a reasonable accommodation (RA) related
to the USA Hire Assessments they will be required to complete. All RA requests must be received prior to starting the
USA Hire Assessment. An Eligibility item to request a RA for USA Hire Assessments is automatically added to the
Eligibilities section of the announcement questionnaire when an external assessment is added to the assessment
package. Do not add additional questions regarding RA.
Applicants who respond "Yes" to the RA eligibility, and who self-assert minimum qualifications in their application, will
not receive an invitation to complete the USA Hire assessments immediately after their initial application is submitted.
Instead, if they have not previously completed USA Hire assessments or are not eligible for score re-use, they will be
notified that their Accommodation request is being reviewed and will be provided instructions on how to validate their
accommodation request.
OPM adjudicates RA requests. Applicants can request RA up to 48 hours after the close of the JOA. If the applicant does
not provide sufficient documentation, OPM sends an email to the applicant requesting required supporting
documentation. OPM will document the status of RA claims in the Notes and History section of the applicant record.
Until the RA request is adjudicated, the applicant will remain in a PA record status.
If the RA request is adjudicated positively, the applicant will receive a link to complete the accommodated
version of the USA Hire assessment battery.
If the request is adjudicated negatively or the applicant indicates he or she does not need an accommodation, the
applicant will have the opportunity to complete the standard version of the assessment without accommodation.
The standard processing timeframes are outlined below:
Requesting RA more than 48 hours before the close of the JOA
o If an applicant requests RA more than 48 hours before the close of the JOA and an adjudication can
immediately be made, the applicant has until 48 hours after the close of the JOA to complete the
o If an applicant requests RA more than 48 hours before the close of the JOA and additional documentation is
needed, they have until the close of the JOA to respond to OPM’s email. If the applicant responds within the
stated deadline in OPM’s email, and the JOA is open when their request is adjudicated, they will have until
48 hours after the close of the JOA to complete the assessment.
Requesting RA when the JOA has closed or within 48 hours of the close
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 5
o If an applicant requests RA after the JOA has closed or within 48 hours of the close of the JOA and an
adjudication can immediately be made, the applicant will have 48 hours from OPM sending the USA Hire
assessment battery link to complete the assessment.
o If an applicant requests RA after the JOA as closed or within 48 hours of the close of the JOA and additional
documentation is needed, they will be given 48 hours to respond to OPM’s email. If the applicant responds
within the stated deadline in OPM’s email, and the JOA is closed or will close within 48 hours after their
request is adjudicated, they will have 48 hours from OPM sending the USA Hire assessment battery link, to
complete the assessments.
If an applicant needs additional time to collect documentation and they respond within the stated deadline in OPM’s
email, OPM will extend their deadline as necessary. These extensions can delay final RA adjudication.
If an applicant fails to submit documentation or to respond to OPM within the stated deadline, they will receive the
NOR code IORA (You were not considered for this position because you failed to respond to the request for
documentation needed to adjudicate your request for Reasonable Accommodation for the online assessments and
did not otherwise complete the online assessment without an accommodation).
Vacancy Review Process
Agencies should develop an internal Vacancy review process to ensure all vacancies are set up appropriately prior to
releasing the JOA to USAJOBS. For the first five (5) vacancies your agency announces, work with your agency USA Hire
POC who will coordinate the review to be conducted by OPM. Your agency USA Hire POC must complete and submit the
Vacancy Review Request Form found on the USA Hire Resource Center
when requesting a review by OPM. For all
vacancies beyond the first five, follow your agency’s internal review process before releasing the vacancy’s JOA to
USA Hire Maintenance Window
The USA Hire program has reserved Sunday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST for regularly scheduled system maintenance;
during this time the USA Hire system may be offline. During maintenance windows, the USA Hire system will display a
message notifying applicants that the system is offline and will be online again shortly.
Non-GS Pay Scale and Pay Banding Announcements
For Non-GS Pay Scale or Pay Banding JOAs, the GS equivalent must be used in the JOA. Please contact your USA Staffing
Account Manager for further details.
Multiple Specialty or Interdisciplinary Announcements
At this time, USA Hire assessments cannot be used in conjunction with interdisciplinary positions. Please create separate
announcements for each series. USA Hire can also not be used in combination with multiple specialties. Therefore,
please either remove the excess specialties from the Vacancy > Position Details tab so that there is only one specialty, or
create separate announcements for each specialty.
Getting Started
Ensure USA Hire is Right for the Recruitment
The checklist in Appendix E is designed to assist you in determining if USA Hire is appropriate for use with a specific
recruitment action. This includes verifying that the competencies measured by the USA Hire assessment are appropriate
for the recruitment action.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 6
Weighting Worksheet
If a USA Hire Assessment is used in conjunction with a rating AQ, a weighting protocol must be determined to properly
combine the two assessment rating results. Once the applicant completes the USA Hire Assessments, USA Staffing will
calculate the applicant’s final combined rating based on the weights set in the Assessment Package.
The default configuration weights the USA Hire results and rating AQ results at 50% each. For lower graded positions, it
may be appropriate to weight the technical competencies (i.e., those measured in the rating AQ) less than the general
competencies (i.e., those measured through the USA Hire Assessment). For example, the weighting protocol may be
adjusted to weight the USA Hire results at 75% and the rating AQ results at 25%. For higher graded positions, it may be
more appropriate to weight the technical competencies more than the general competencies. In this scenario, one
potential solution would be to adjust the weight of the USA Hire results at 40% and the rating AQ results at 60%.
Agencies may use the fillable Weighting Worksheet found on the USA Hire Resource Center
at their discretion. This
worksheet is solely provided as an example for Agencies seeking to verify and document the weighting protocol. All
weighting documentation and justification must be retained as part of the case file. This applies to both the acceptance
of the default weighting and use of alternative weighting protocol.
Step 1: Prepare the Vacancy
Once you have been granted access to the USA Hire Assessments, you may begin using them for any and all appropriate
recruitments. The following are recommendations on how you might choose to configure your vacancy when utilizing a
USA Hire Assessment. HR Users are free to modify these recommendations to meet specific Agency needs.
Supporting Documents
Ensure the Supporting Documents page allows applicants to submit reasonable accommodation documents by selecting
the “Reasonable Accommodation Documentation” document type. This document type should only be marked only as
“Accept.” Note: If this document type doesn’t appear as an option, then your USA Staffing Office Administrator must
first go into Admin > Vacancy Default Settings and select it as an available document type.
Application Confirmation Messages
When using USA Hire:
Select the USA Hire Acknowledgement template to automatically send upon application
Do not select or enter text in the “Display online application confirmation message” field on the Vacancy > Settings
page. Any information entered into this field will not display to the applicant. When candidates submit their
application, the USA Hire system deploys the appropriate confirmation message based on the required next steps of
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the applicant. The USA Hire system will also email applicants with the same or similar message shown on the
confirmation screen.
Do not check the “Send Custom USA Hire Notification” box as it is reserved for select use cases.
Step 2: Build the Assessment Package
When utilizing a USA Hire Assessment, a combination of two assessment types will be used to evaluate applicants:
1. A USA Staffing AQ that screens applicants for minimum qualifications only, or screens for minimum
qualifications and includes assessment questions on technical competencies used for rating.
2. A USA Hire Assessment for that series and grade combination.
Complete the following steps to ensure the assessment package is created appropriately.
Build the Assessment Questionnaire
Create a new AQ or select an AQ template from your Assessment Library.
1. This assessment can screen-out applicants who fail to meet minimum qualifications only or also include
competencies used to assess applicantstechnical skills.
2. Test the assessment to ensure it has been set up properly. Note: You must conduct all tests prior to adding the
USA Hire Assessment as the addition of the USA Hire functionality disables the test capability within USA Staffing.
3. If the AQ includes minimum qualification (i.e., screen-out) questions only, you must uncheck the “Rating” box
next to this assessment when on the Assessment Plan page.
4. The USA Staffing Assessment/Assessment Package Template (APT) should be tested, but should NOT be placed
into a complete status until after the USA Hire APT(s) are pulled into the Assessment Package. After all of the
assessments have been added to the Assessment Package, you will then check the Assessment Package
Complete box on the Overview tab.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 8
Add the External USA Hire Assessment
To add a USA Hire Assessment to the assessment package, do the following:
1. Click the gear icon on the Assessment Package page to select an assessment template.
2. The system will automatically apply filters for the series and grade(s) included in the Vacancy. Select Add new
search field.
In the Field drop-down, select Is External.
In the Operator drop-down, select Is.
In the Value drop-down, select Yes.
Click Search.
Select the appropriate USA Hire Assessment template which will use the following naming convention:
Standard USA Hire Series-Grade. If you have questions on which template to select, contact your
Agency USA Hire POC.
A window will appear asking for confirmation before proceeding. Confirm that you would like to Add
USA Hire Assessment.
After confirming that you wish to copy the template, the external USA Hire Assessment will populate. Click Save. Note:
If you are announcing a position with multiple grades, you will need to repeat the steps above for each individual grade.
Remember, Standard USA Hire Assessments may comprise a battery of assessments, each listed on the Assessment
Package Overview page, as shown below. These assessments cannot be viewed or edited.
3. If the AQ is only screening for minimum qualifications or is a rating AQ, and you are not modifying the default
weighting configurations, continue with the next step. If the AQ is a rating AQ and you are modifying the default
weights, navigate to the Assessment Plan page of the Assessment Package tab to make these adjustments.
Here you will adjust the Proportional Weight for the USA Staffing AQ based on the determinations made
and identified on the Weighting Worksheet for the recruitment. Note: Only the weights of the rating
AQ can be modified. Once a change is made to this assessment, the weights assigned to the battery of
USA Hire assessments will automatically adjust. Click Save to ensure your changes are saved.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 9
4. USA Hire Assessments have been tested and approved internally by the OPM USA Hire Program Office,
therefore no further testing of these assessments is required.
5. If you anticipate changing the close date of the announcement after it has already opened, please refer to
Appendix F
for additional steps.
6. The Assessment Package may now be marked as Complete.
Step 3: Create the Announcement
When using USA Hire, HR users may need to update the announcement text for standard announcements. We
recommend creating and using a USA Hire JOA template with the modified language for consistency and accuracy. A
sample JOA template can be found in Appendix B
. Please note that the following competencies may not auto-populate
in the competencies data insert for standard assessments and should be manually added to your list of competencies as
applicable for your announcement based on the corresponding competency verification form: Decision Making;
Arithmetic; Mathematical Reasoning; Reading, and/or Reasoning.
Prior to releasing the JOA to USAJOBS, follow the Vacancy Review process as required by your Agency. The first five (5)
vacancy announcements released by your Agency will be reviewed by OPM; all others will follow your Agency’s internal
review process.
Time Frame to Complete USA Hire Assessments
A vacancy using USA Hire assessments will generate an external assessment testing window. This window is the period
of time applicants will be able to access and complete their USA Hire assessment. By default, this window will start on
the announcement open date and end 48 hours after the announcement close date. If this default window is acceptable,
then no further action is needed by the user. If the default window is not desired, this time period can be extended by
going to the Assessment Package Tab and then the Assessment Plan Sub-Tab. On this page, after a USA Hire battery has
been added to the assessment plan, there will be a “Set USA Hire Assessment Window” button which allows users to
specify a custom assessment window period. It is important to remember when extending an announcement close date
after a position has already been released to USAJOBS, or when re-announcing a vacancy that you must go to the “Set
USA Hire Assessment Window” and establish your new assessment window before re-releasing the position to USAJOBS.
Otherwise, no applicant will be able to complete their USA Hire assessment and they will all be ineligible upon
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 10
Step 4: Await Applications
After the announcement is released to USAJOBS, applicants may begin applying to the vacancy and complete the USA
Hire Assessments, as appropriate. HR Users should note the following about the applicant process:
1. Applicants deemed eligible for the position following the submission of their online application will:
View a message on the online application confirmation screen directing them via URL to the USA Hire
Receive an automatic notification via email with the same information displayed on the confirmation
screen. (Applicants may always return to the Application Status page, accessible through USAJOBS, to
find the same message.)
Access USA Hire using their USAJOBS login credentials, complete the assessments, and return to their
USAJOBS Application Status page following the completion of the assessments.
2. Applicants who are eligible for the position and have requested RA for the USA Hire assessments in their online
application will:
View a message on the online application confirmation screen informing them that they have requested
RA and steps and documents needed to validate their request.
Receive an automatic notification via email with the same information displayed on the confirmation
screen. (Applicants may always return to the Application Status page, accessible through USAJOBS, to
find the same message.)
Receive a notification via email following the adjudication of the RA request. This notification will
inform the applicant of the adjudication result and provide them with a URL for the appropriate USA
Hire Assessment to which they have been granted access.
3. Applicants who are deemed ineligible for the position following the submission of their online application will
view a message on the online application confirmation screen informing them they have finished all necessary
steps and completed the application process. (Applicants may always return to the Application Status page,
accessible through USAJOBS, to find the same message.)
Processing Late Filers
On the Applicant Overview Tab, click the Invite Late Filer button. When an applicant is invited as a late filer (Delayed,
Regular, or Reopen) after the announcement has closed, USA Staffing will automatically submit an assessment order for
the applicant upon completion of their application. The applicant will have 2 days to complete the assessments, if the
applicant has not previously tested and scores are being reused.
Refer to Appendix D
for system generated messages provided to applicants after their application is submitted. If
applicants contact you with questions about taking the USA Hire Assessment, you may reference the Applicant Specific
Questions portion of the USA Hire Frequently Asked Questions document located in the
USA Hire Resource Center.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 11
Step 5: Review Applicants
For all Standard USA Hire Assessments, applicants who self-assert minimum qualifications for the position are notified
that they may complete the USA Hire assessment anytime from the point their USA Hire invitation URL is sent until 48
hours after the closing date of the JOA. The assessment window for each applicant is dependent on when the applicant
applies. For example, if a JOA is open for five (5) days and an applicant applies on day one, the applicant will have seven
(7) days to complete the USA Hire assessment. If an applicant applies at 11:59 pm on day five, the applicant will have 48
hours to complete the USA Hire assessment. For valid late filers or applicants requesting RA, if the announcement has
already closed, they will have 48 hours from the time their USA Hire invitation URL is sent to complete the USA Hire
assessment. If the announcement is still open, RA applicants may complete the USA Hire assessment anytime from the
point their USA Hire invitation URL is sent until 48 hours after the closing date of the JOA.
Extending Applicant USA Hire Assessment Window
If you would like to re-order assessments to extend or resubmit the applicant’s ability to complete USA Hire
, complete the following steps found in Appendix F.
Scoring and Rating
Applicants will remain in a PA status until assessments are completed and received by USA Staffing. Scores are received
as soon as an applicant completes the full battery of USA Hire Assessments. USA Hire score results are reused for one
year in subsequent applications for vacancies using the same USA Hire Assessments. Applicants seeking technical USA
Hire assistance that needs to be escalated may contact helpdesk@usahire.opm.gov
The final applicant score may not be immediately calculated and appear in the USA Staffing application. When only USA
Hire is the only assessment used for rating in Assessment Package > Assessment Plan, then the applicant’s final rating is
immediately calculated and displayed after scores are received by USA Staffing. When USA Hire is combined with one or
more assessments used for rating in Assessment Package > Assessment Plan, then the scores must be standardized
before they can be combined into a single final rating. The final applicant score is calculated only once the job
announcement close date and the USA Hire assessment window (traditionally 48 hours after announcement close date)
have passed. Applicants will remain in a “PA" record status until this occurs.
Applicants who do not complete the required assessments within the applicable assessment close window (i.e., 48 hours
after the JOA close date or 48 hours after they receive the USA Hire invitation URL) are automatically rated ineligible and
assigned the NOR message code IOIM (You were not considered because you failed to complete one or more
assessments required for this position).
Applicant statuses may fall into a number of categories. The primary Record Status Code (RSC) associated with USA Hire
statuses include:
1. PA (Pending Assessment): indicates an applicant has been granted access to the USA Hire Assessment and
needs to complete it to be considered for the position. An applicant:
Should have received a URL via email to access the USA Hire Assessment.
The assessment window is typically not extended. In some cases, for example a natural disaster, extending the assessment window
may be necessary.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 12
Can log into their USAJOBS account, locate the application for the applicable vacancy, and click on the
Additional Application Information button to find the assessment notification email which contains the
URL for the USA Hire Assessment.
Applicants awaiting RA adjudication will be in PA status even though they have yet to receive a URL to
complete the USA Hire Assessment.
HR Users can find the scores and statuses for individual assessments already in progress by clicking on
the Rating Details page in the applicant record.
All PA applicants will be automatically converted to either eligible (AA) or ineligible (IN) after the USA
Hire Assessment close date.
2. AA (Active and Available): indicates an applicant is considered tentatively qualified for the position. This could
be the case for one of two reasons. They have:
Completed all of the required assessments.
Completed the USA Staffing AQ and have previously taken the same USA Hire Assessment within the last
year, and those scores are being reused for their current application.
3. IN (Inactive and Ineligible): indicates an applicant failed to qualify for the position as they have self-asserted
they do not possess the minimum qualifications of the position, did not possess the minimum proficiency level
for the position, or they failed to complete their assessments within the timeframe provided.
Step 6: Create and Issue Applicant Lists
When creating your Applicant List(s), filter and review the applicants as you normally would. Keep in mind the following:
USA Staffing will apply veterans’ preference rules as normal.
You cannot change the applicant's USA Hire Assessment scores.
You may override the “Minimum Qualifications” rating if an applicant does not meet the minimum requirements
of the position, using an appropriate ineligible code such as IQID.
Please do not use Rank By - Raw Score when creating an applicant list. USA Hire is designed to only be used
with Final Rating.
Before issuing certificates, be sure to confirm the following:
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 13
The announcement has closed.
The 48 hour USA Hire Assessment close date window has ended.
All RA requests have been adjudicated. This may be determined by the disappearance of the warning banner at
the top of the Applicant Overview Area or by running the Claimed Reasonable Accommodation Report.
All applicants have a RSC of either IN or AA.
To ensure you follow all required steps, refer to Appendix G
for a checklist to use with the next vacancy you create
utilizing USA Hire.
USA Hire Reports
There are two USA Hire reports available through Cognos reports in USA Staffing:
USA Hire Vacancy LogProvides a list of vacancies that included a USA Hire assessment.
1. Click Reports on the Dashboard.
2. Click Team Content.
3. Click USA Staffing Packages and Folders.
4. Click Staffing Reports.
5. Click Staffing.
6. Click USA Hire.
7. Click USA Hire Vacancy Log.
8. Follow the prompts to set the parameters of the report.
Claimed Reasonable Accommodation Report Provides a list of applicants who have claimed a reasonable
accommodation eligibility so that HR users can track the adjudication process.
1. Click Reports on the Dashboard.
2. Click Team Content.
3. Click USA Staffing Packages and Folders.
4. Click Staffing Reports.
5. Click Staffing.
6. Click Vacancy.
7. Click Claimed Reasonable Accommodation Report.
8. Follow the prompts to set the parameters of the report.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 14
For Additional Information and Questions
USA Staffing Helpdesk: To request assistance with any steps in the USA Hire process (e.g. setting up the announcement,
applicant notifications, score calculation, HR user experience questions), please submit a Help Desk ticket within the USA
Staffing environment. Agencies may also contact their Agency USA Hire Point of Contact or OPM USA Staffing Account
Manager with any questions related to USA Hire and its functionality in the USA Staffing system.
Reasonable Accommodation Helpdesk: To request assistance or status updates regarding a Reasonable
Accommodation applicant, please submit a Help Desk ticket within the USA Staffing environment or email
USA Hire Helpdesk: Applicants seeking technical USA Hire assistance (e.g. inability to access the USA Hire assessment
link, technical difficulty completing USA Hire assessment after accessing the link or applicant user experience questions)
should contact [email protected]pm.gov
. Technical assistance is available Monday through Friday 7 AM to 8 PM EST.
The Helpdesk is closed on weekends, Federal Holidays, and including the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. You
may also visit the
USA Hire Resource Center for additional information and answers to frequently asked questions.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 15
Appendix A: Standard USA Hire Assessment Process
The following is an overview of the process when utilizing a Standard USA Hire Assessment:
USA Staffing customer purchases USA Hire Standard Assessment
access by working with USA Staffing Account Manager (AM).
OPM grants access to Standard USA Hire Assessments in the USA Staffing Production environment.
Agency HR Specialist (HRS) receives request from Hiring Manager (HM) to recruit and determines USA Hire
Assessments should be used.
For the first 5 USA Hire vacancies per Agency, the Agency HRS prepares the vacancy and drafts job
announcement, then completes the USA Hire Review Request Form.
For the first 5 USA Hire vacancies, the Agency USA Hire POC emails the USA Hire Review Request Form to SA-
to request a review. Include the USA Staffing AM on the email. Note: For all vacancies
beyond the first 5, follow your Agency’s internal review process before releasing the JOA to USAJOBS.
OPM reviews the first 5 USA Hire vacancies and provides feedback directly to Agency HRS within 48 hours.
Once the review feedback is received, the Agency HRS may open the Job Announcement.
Applicants apply to the announcement, and if appropriate, request RA for the USA Hire Assessments.
Once the JOA has closed, Agency HRS confirms (1) the USA Hire Assessment close date window has ended, (2) all
Reasonable Accommodation requests have been adjudicated and, (3) all applicants have a RSC of either IN or AA.
Agency HRS reviews applicants and issues certificates to the HM for selection.
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Appendix B: Sample USA Hire Announcement Template
When creating a template for use in USA Hire JOAs, consider the following:
Applications for announcements using USA Hire cannot be submitted manually. Remove any references to the
submission of Alternate Applications from the announcement.
Applicants for USA Hire assessed positions will have the opportunity to request a reasonable accommodation in
cases where a mental or physical disability interferes with an applicant’s ability to complete the USA Hire
Depending on your Agency’s business process, applicants may not be able to update assessment responses after
submitting an application. If applicable, you may need to change any references related to updating the
assessment responses within the initially submitted application.
The table below includes recommended USA Hire verbiage to add to or in some cases completely replace (i.e., the How
to Apply section) the language found in a standard JOA template while keeping the above in mind.
Application Requirements
Additional Information
Reasonable Accommodation Requests: If you believe you have a disability (i.e., physical or mental),
covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended and Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 as
amended, that would interfere with completing the USA Hire Competency Based Assessments, you will
be granted the opportunity to request a reasonable accommodation in your online application. Requests
for Reasonable Accommodations for the USA Hire Competency Based Assessments and appropriate
supporting documentation for Reasonable Accommodation must be received prior to starting the USA
Hire Competency Based Assessments. Decisions on requests for Reasonable Accommodations are
made on a case-by-case basis. If you meet the minimum qualifications of the position, after notification of
the adjudication of your request, you will receive an email invitation to complete the USA Hire
Competency Based Assessments. You must complete all assessments within 48 hours of receiving the
URL to access the USA Hire Competency Based Assessments, if you received the link after the close of
the announcement. To determine if you need a Reasonable Accommodation, please review the
Procedures for Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation for Online Assessments here:
How You Will Be Evaluated
You will be evaluated based on how well you meet the qualifications listed in this vacancy
announcement. Your qualifications will be evaluated based on your application materials (e.g., resume,
supporting documents), the responses you provide on the application questionnaire, and the result of the
online assessments required for this position. You will be assessed on the following competencies
(knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics):
Please note that the following competencies may not auto-
populate in the competencies data insert and should be manually added to your list of competencies as
applicable based on the corresponding competency verification form: Decision Making; Arithmetic;
Mathematical Reasoning; Reading, and/or Reasoning.
In order to be considered for this position, you must complete all required steps in the process. In addition
to the application and application questionnaire, this position requires an online assessment. The online
assessment measures critical general competencies required to perform the job. {{CUT SCORE VERBIAGE
Include this verbiage if announcing one of the following job series: 0080, 0201, 0203, 0303, 0318, 0343, 0501,
0510, 0560, 0962, 1102, 2210}} The assessment includes a cut score based on the minimum level of
required proficiency in these critical general competencies. You must meet or exceed the cut score to be
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 17
considered. You will not be considered for the position if you score below the cut score or fail to complete
the assessment.
Overstating your qualifications and/or experience in your application materials or application questionnaire
may result in your removal from consideration. Cheating on the online assessment may also result in your
removal from consideration.
Required Documents
To apply for this position, you must submit a complete Application Package which includes:
1. Your resume showing work schedule, hours worked per week, dates of employment and duties
2. Other supporting documents:
{{Insert other supporting documents accepted/required by the announcement}}
If you are requesting a reasonable accommodation to the USA Hire Competency Based Assessments,
submit documentation to support your request, including the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form
found here
How To Apply
Please read the entire announcement and all the instructions before you begin an application. To apply
for this position, you must complete the initial online application, to include the initial online assessment
and submission of the required documentation specified in the Required Documents section below. The
complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (ET) on the closing date of the
announcement to receive consideration. The application process is as follows:
1. To begin the application process, click the Apply Online button.
2. Answer the questions presented in the application and attach all necessary supporting
3. Click the Submit Application button prior to 11:59PM (ET) on the announcement closing date.
4. After submitting an online application, you will be notified whether or not you are required to take
additional online assessments through the USA Hire Competency Based Assessment system.
This message will be delivered to you via email notification. The email may be routed to your
“Spam” or “Junk” folder.
5. If you are asked to take the USA Hire Competency Based Assessments, you will be presented
with a unique URL to access the USA Hire system. Access to USA Hire is granted through your
USAJOBS login credentials. Be sure to review all instructions prior to beginning your USA Hire
Assessments. Click here for Computer System Requirements
6. Note, set aside at least 3 hours to take these assessments; however, most applicants complete
the assessments in less time. If you need to stop the assessments and continue at a later time,
you can re-use the URL sent to you via email and also found on the Additional Application
Information page that can be located in the application record in your USAJOBS account.
To update your application, including supporting documentation, at any time during the announcement
open period, return to your USAJOBS account (https://my.usajobs.gov/Account/Login
). There you will find
a record of your application, the application status, and an option to Update Application. This option will
no longer be available once the announcement has closed. {{If utilizing the “Locking Assessment
Responses” functionality, substitute this paragraph with the recommended text found in
Appendix F.}}
To verify the status of your application both during and after the announcement open period, log into
your USAJOBS account: https://my.usajobs.gov/Account/Login
. All of your applications will appear on
the Welcome page. The application record in your USAJOBS account provides an Additional
Application Information page that provides information regarding the documentation you submitted and
any correspondence we have sent related to this application, including the invitation to take the USA Hire
assessment. The Application Status will appear along with the date your application was last updated.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 18
For information on what each Application Status means, visit: https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/how-
Note: If using Dynamic Assessment Testing Windows, please refer to Appendix F for instructions on how to
populate the How to Apply section.
Next Steps
Based on your application and your responses to the application questionnaire, you may be presented
with instructions on how to access the USA Hire system to complete the online assessments. The online
assessments must be completed within 48 hours following the close of this announcement. You will have
the opportunity to request a testing accommodation for the assessment should you have a disability
covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Your assessment results will be kept on record for one year and used toward future positions for which
you might apply that require the same assessments.
To be considered for the position, you must meet all qualifications, including meeting or exceeding the cut
score on the required assessments. {{Remove this last phrase if the assessment does not include a cut
score. The job series with cut scores are
0080, 0201, 0203, 0303, 0318, 0343, 0501, 0510, 0560, 0962,
1102, 2210}}
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 19
Appendix C: Application Received Notification Template
Agencies should create the following “Application Received” Notification Template within Admin > Manage Notification
Templates. NOTE: Customers using custom USA Hire assessments should not utilize this notification template.
Application Confirmation Message Template
Template Name
USA Hire Acknowledgement Template
Template Description
Automated application receipt notification when using USA Hire assessments.
Notification Purpose Notification Type Owning Office
Staffing Application Received (Select as appropriate)
Subject Line
Application for [USAJOBS Job Title], [Announcement Number] was Received
Body Text
Dear [First Name] [Last Name],
You have successfully submitted your initial application for [USAJOBS Job Title] with [Customer Name] and your
USAJOBS application status now reflects Received.
As the job announcement stated, one or more additional online assessments may be required in order to complete
your application. We are in the process of determining if you will need to take the online assessment(s). If we
determine additional online assessments are required to complete your application, you will receive an email
notification with further instructions. If you do not receive an email, you may not be required to complete any further
online assessments. However, please check your “Spam” or “Junk” folder, or log into your USAJOBS account and click
the “Additional Application Information” button to check for copies of any email communications which may have
been blocked or identified as spam by your email services provider.
Thank you for your interest in Federal Employment with [Organization Name].
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 20
Appendix D: System Generated Messages to Applicants
The system will automatically provide and send the messages below based on an applicants status after they submit
their online application.
Initial Application (NOTIFICATION SCREEN)
You have successfully submitted your initial application for this position. As the job announcement stated, one or
more additional online assessments may be required in order to complete your application. We are in the process
of determining whether or not you will need to take the online assessment(s). Please await an email notification
with your updated status or log into your USAJOBS account and click on Application Status to check for an updated
application status. If you do not receive an email notification within 24 hours of your application please contact the
agency contact listed on the job announcement in USAJOBS.
All applicants not claiming RA will receive one of the following messages and emails based on the outcome of their
1. Assessments are Complete Notification
You have successfully submitted a complete application for this position, including any required online assessments.
SUBJECT: Online Assessments for Announcement [[JOA Number]] are Complete
Dear [[Applicant First Name]] [[Applicant Last Name]],
The job description for Announcement [[JOA Number]], [[USAJOBS Job Title]], informed you that you may be required to
take one or more online assessments in order to complete your application for this position. It has been determined that
you have completed all required online assessments and your application is complete. No further action is required.
If you have any questions, please contact [[External Contact Name]] at [[External Contact Phone Number]] or [[External
Contact Email]].
2. Assessments are Required Notification
You have successfully submitted your initial application for this position. As the job announcement stated, one or
more additional online assessments may be required in order to complete your application. We have determined
that you have not yet taken the required online assessment(s). To take the assessment(s) now, click the following
link: [[URL to access the USA Hire Assessments]].
You have until 11:59 pm on [[Assessment Close Date]] to complete the required assessment(s). If you have any
questions about the assessments, please contact helpdesk@usahire.opm.gov. To determine if you require
Reasonable Accommodation review the information here:
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 21
SUBJECT: Online Assessments Required for Announcement [[JOA Number]]
Dear [[Applicant First Name]] [[Applicant Last Name]],
The job description for Announcement [[JOA Number]], [[USAJOBS Job Title]], informed you that you may be required
to take one or more online assessments in order to complete your application for this position. We have determined
that you have not yet taken the required online assessment(s). To take the assessment(s) now, click the following
link: [[Will be a URL to access the USA Hire Assessments]].
You have until 11:59 pm on [[Assessment Close Date]] to complete the required assessment(s). If you have any
questions about the assessments, please contact helpdesk@usahire.opm.gov. To determine if you require
Reasonable Accommodation review the information here:
Applicants who have requested reasonable accommodation for the USA Hire assessments in their online application
will receive the following communications:
3. Reasonable Accommodation Under Review
** Read This Communication in its Entirety**
Dear [[First Name]] [[Last Name]],
As stated in the vacancy announcement for Announcement # [[Announcement Number]], [[Position Title]], applicants are
required to take one or more online assessments in order to complete an application for this position. In your initial
application, you requested an accommodation for completing these online assessments based on a claimed qualifying
disability as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended.
Due to your request for an assessment accommodation, your application is now ON HOLD. In order to remove your
application from being on hold, you must FULLY COMPLETE one of the below two courses of action. Once you have fully
completed one of the following courses of action, you will be allowed to take the required online assessment(s) needed to
submit a complete application. Failure to fully complete either of the courses of action before 11:59PM EST on [[Assessment
Close Date]] will cause your application to remain incomplete for this announcement. This will remove you from
consideration for this position.
COURSE OF ACTION #1: Validate My Accommodation Request
To validate your accommodation request and potentially receive an accommodated version of our online assessments,
complete all the below steps no later than by 11:59PM EST on [[Assessment Close Date]]. It is your responsibility to plan
accordingly to complete these steps by the stated deadline, or contact USAHire_Accommodations@opm.gov as soon as
possible before this deadline to express any concerns in completing all of the below steps by this time.
Step 1. Complete the USA Hire Reasonable Accommodation Request Form. The form can be found here:
Step 2. Obtain medical documentation from a qualified professional that includes the following information:
(1) What is the disability to include how it affects your ability to complete the assessments
(2) What accommodation is requested to assist with the assessments
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 22
(3) How will the accommodation help you take the assessments
NOTE: Be advised that Schedule A letters are not sufficient to determine Reasonable Accommodation eligibility for
online assessments. Requests for Schedule A hiring or reasonable accommodations for work on the job should be
directed to the agency contact listed in the job announcement.
Step 3. Submit the USA Hire Reasonable Accommodation Request Form and Medical Documentation from Steps 1 and 2
to the USA Hire Reasonable Accommodation Team. If the announcement is still open, upload these supporting
documents to your USAJOBS application profile (preferred), or FAX the documents to 888-765-5552. If the
announcement is closed, FAX the documents to 888-765-5552. Because we cannot guarantee the security of
information transmitted through email messages, DO NOT use email to send any documents or medical information.
You must either UPLOAD or FAX documents to the USA Hire Reasonable Accommodation Team.
Step 4. Once you have completed Steps 1-3 above, forward this email to USAHire[email protected] and
inform us that you have provided the necessary documents either via upload or via fax.
Next Steps: Once we receive your email, your request form and supporting documentation will be reviewed. If any
additional information is needed before we can make this determination, you will be contacted by email. Once
sufficient information is provided to allow us to make a determination, you will be notified by email of that
accommodation decision. This email notification will let you know your next steps for completing your online
assessment and completing your application for this position.
If you encounter any issues or have any extenuating circumstances preventing you from validating your reasonable
accommodation request by the deadline, contact USAHire_Accommodations@opm.gov immediately, but no later than
11:59PM EST on [[Assessment Close Date]] to request an extension. Ensure your request identifies the specific step(s)
you believe you will be unable to complete and why. If you are requesting an extension to the deadline, indicate what
date by which you expect to complete all steps. You may be required to provide proof of the basis for which you’re
requesting an extension.
If you have any questions throughout this process, contact USAHire_Acc[email protected]
COURSE OF ACTION #2: Remove my Accommodation Request
If after reading this email you determined you did not intend to request accommodation in completing the online
assessment process, then complete the following step by 11:59PM EST on [[Announcement Close Date ]], the closing
date of the announcement for which you claimed accommodation.
Step 1. Log into your USAJOBS application profile, and update your application to the Reasonable Accommodation
Question from “Yes” to “No” or respond to this email by notifying us at USA[email protected]v to let us
know you do not need to request a Reasonable Accommodation.
Next Steps: Once you complete this step, you should receive an email with a link to the unaccommodated version of the
online assessment. You will need to complete this assessment by the date and time denoted in that email to submit a
complete application and be considered for this position.
If you have any questions throughout this process, contact USAHire_Acco[email protected]
USA Hire Program Office
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 23
Appendix E: Checklist Is USA Hire Right for Your Recruitment?
This checklist is designed to assist in determining if USA Hire is a good fit for your recruitment.
Confirm the vacancy series and grade combination is covered. USA Hire Standard Assessments are currently
available for non-supervisory positions in 118 Government-wide occupations. Available series and grade
combinations for Standard USA Hire Assessments can be found in the
Competency Verification and Task
Identification (CVTI) Lookup Tool on the USA Hire Resource Center (an OMB MAX account is required to download
the tool). This reference tool may be used to identify the competencies measures for a specific job series and grade.
If the position uses a pay scale that is not equivalent to the GS pay scale, please contact your Agency USA Hire Point
of Contact before continuing.
Obtain approval to use USA Hire. Ask your Agency USA Hire Point of Contact (POC) to approve the use of a
Standard USA Hire Assessment for your recruitment or follow your agency’s standard operating procedures.
Your Agency USA Hire POC is responsible for working closely with the OPM USA Staffing Program Office, managing
customer agency resources, and providing quality assurance including ensuring USA Hire JOAs follow the guidelines
outlined in the USA Hire User Guide as well as any Agency-specific guidelines. In addition, the Agency USA Hire POC
will ensure your Agency’s internal review process is followed prior to posting USA Hire JOAs to USAJOBs and serve as
the main POC for Agency HR Users and Hiring Managers when utilizing USA Hire in recruitments.
Review your hiring timeline. Your hiring timeline must allow for a thorough OPM review process of the first five (5)
vacancies (i.e., announcements) your Agency posts using USA Hire. Confirm you can comply with waiting 48 hours
after requesting a review of your vacancy before posting your JOA to allow OPM to conduct a review. Your Agency
is responsible for establishing an internal review process and timeline for vacancies (i.e., announcements) beyond
the first five before they are released to USAJOBS. Second, you must allow for 48 hours after the JOA closes or 48
hours after the last RA applicant’s request has been adjudicated, whichever is later, before you issue certificates for
all JOAs using USA Hire.
Collaborate with the Hiring Manager. HR users have access to several resources on the USA Hire Resource Center
to assist in discussing USA Hire with Hiring Managers. These include informational flyers and instructional videos for
Hiring Managers and HR users.
o Assessment Strategy. Utilize the USA Hire Strategy Chart found on the USA Hire Resource Center to
determine an effective assessment strategy with the Hiring Manager. This will likely include a decision
whether or not to also use an assessment questionnaire to measure technical competencies in combination
with the USA Hire assessment.
o Job Analysis Review and Assessed Competency Confirmation. Review the recruitment’s job analysis and
ensure all competencies measured by the USA Hire assessment are both important for the position and
needed upon entry. The USA Hire CVTI Lookup Tool
may be used as a reference to identify the
competencies measured. If this cannot be verified for this particular recruitment, then a Standard USA Hire
Assessment cannot be used, since all competencies will be measured as part of the assessment battery.
o Review Expected Timeframe. If USA Hire will be used, ensure the Hiring Manager is aware of the expected
timeframe (e.g., assessment window closes 48 hours after the close of the announcement; RA applicants
may have scores flow into USA Staffing up to five business days after the announcement closes; HR may
need less time to review applicants depending on the volume of applicants in the best qualified group).
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 24
Appendix F: Advanced USA Hire Functionality
Advanced functionality is available for users with unique situations as identified below.
1. Dynamic Assessment Testing Windows
Dynamic Assessment Testing Windows is an option designed to meet the needs of specific custom assessment
processes. This functionality should not be used with the USA Hire Standard Assessments. If an assessment warrants
deviation from the standard defined testing window, this option allows assessment testing windows to be calculated
dynamically based on the application date. Dynamic assessment window functionality changes how the default defined
window functionality performs. Aside from this specific section, the USA Hire User Guide only discusses functionality
regarding Defined Assessment Windows. If your agency has a USA Hire custom assessment process which would benefit
from a dynamic assessment window, contact your USA Staffing Account Manager. For those agencies which are using
this functionality, follow these steps to set up your vacancy:
A. Assessment Testing Window Set-up
1. Navigate to the Assessment Package Assessment Plan.
2. Select the button titled Set USA Hire Assessment Window
3. Select Dynamic Windows (Set Days) from the options of Assessment Window Type
4. Indicate the amount of days applicants should receive upon application to complete USA Hire assessments.
B. Announcement Template Set-up
Dynamic assessment windows limit the timeline in which applicants must complete assessments while a position is still
open and soliciting applications. When this testing window option is used, applicants will still be able to update their
claimed eligibilities, other application questions, or the supporting documentation submitted with the initial application
through a secondary application. However, a reapplication will not result in an automatic extension of the applicant’s
testing window unless it changes their qualifications for the position, or lowest acceptable grade which result in
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 25
additional assessments needing to be completed. If the dynamic assessment window is utilized, HR Users should review
and modify announcement text for information pertaining to any updates. Below is recommended text to include in the
announcement template, if utilizing this feature:
How To Apply
You may update your application documents and some questions related to your personal information at
any time during the announcement open period. Upon application you may be provided a testing window
to complete additional assessments. This testing window may stipulate a completion deadline before the
announcement closes. It is your responsibility to complete the additional online assessments within the
timeline provided to remain in consideration for this vacancy announcement. Failure to complete the
online assessments within the testing window for this announcement will not preclude you from being
considered for and completing the online assessments during a testing window on a future
2. Early Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) Closure
If a JOA close date is revised to close earlier than originally advertised (ex: JOA closure is driven by receiving a maximum
number of applicants, which was reached before the original close date), the assessment open and close dates must
remain the same as originally advertised, since applicants who have already applied have received notice they have until
a specific date to complete the USA Hire assessment. To utilize this functionality, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Assessment Package Assessment Plan.
2. Select the button titled Set USA Hire Assessment Window
3. Edit the Start and End Dates to match the original assessment testing period (i.e., Open on the first day of the
announcement open date. Close two days after the original announcement close date).
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 26
3. Re-Ordering or Extending USA Hire Assessments
Pre-requisite: In order to successfully re-order external assessments using the steps, applicants must be either in a PA or
IOIM NOR status. If the applicant(s) you are seeking to re-order are not in one of these NOR codes, they must first be
overridden to PA for all eligible rating combinations. If applicants are being overridden to complete the below re-order
steps, the overrides must be removed once these steps are complete.
A. Re-Order of an External Assessment
If the vacancy is still open, the assessment window has not passed, and an individual applicant did not receive an
invitation URL or score, this functionality may be used to send out the invitation to take the USA Hire assessment to that
specific applicant. This functionality should be used rarely and would typically be the result of an error in the original
transmission of the invitation email. To use this functionality, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the applicant’s record.
2. Select Re-Order the External Assessment from the Gear Icon. This will automatically generate a new email with
the URL for the USA Hire assessment and send it to that particular applicant.
1. About 10-15 minutes after the above steps to re-order assessments are completed, applicants will receive
updated notifications regarding their USA Hire assessment status and deadlines.
B. Edit External Assessment Dates
If you need to modify an individual applicant’s assessment window, or a vacancy announcement has closed and you
need to give an applicant another opportunity to complete USA Hire assessments, you may use this functionality to edit
the applicant’s assessment window beginning and end dates. While the occasion to use this should be rare, the HR user
can extend an applicant’s testing period when it is allowed and approved. To utilize this functionality to extend or re-
order assessments for an individual applicant, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the applicant’s record.
2. Select Edit External Assessment Dates from the Gear Icon.
3. The user may then edit the external assessment dates as needed. Please note that assessment periods may be
lengthened, but should not be shortened, since applicants have already received communication concerning the
time period available to take the assessment.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 27
C. Re-Order External Assessments on Applicant Lists
If you need to modify several applicants’ assessment window, or a vacancy announcement has closed and you need to
give several applicants’ another opportunity to complete USA Hire assessments, you may use this functionality to edit
assessment windows in mass. While the occasion to use this should be rare, the HR user can extend an applicant’s
testing period when it is allowed and approved. To utilize this functionality to extend or re-order assessments for
several applicants at once, follow these steps:
1. On the application overview tab, click the Create List button.
2. Using the checkboxes, select the applicants to mass reorder. Only 25 applicants can be selected per page;
applicants cannot be selected across pages.
3. Select Apply Action > Re-Order External Assessments. In the pop-up, enter a Start and End date to reflect the
additional time you want to provide the applicants to complete the assessment.
4. About 10-15 minutes after the above steps to re-order assessments are completed, applicants will receive
updated notifications regarding their USA Hire assessment status and deadlines.
4. Locking Assessment Responses Following Application Submission (Vacancy-Application
USA Staffing provides flexibility for agencies to choose whether or not to allow applicants to revise their USA Staffing
assessment responses after submitting an application. If this option is activated, applicants will not be able to change
any of their responses to the USA Staffing assessment questionnaire (e.g., questions pertaining to meeting minimum
qualifications, additional screen-outs, etc.). Applicants will still be able to update their claimed eligibilities, other
application questions, or the supporting documentation submitted with the initial application. If the locking assessment
responses feature is utilized, HR Users should review and modify announcement text for information pertaining to
application updates. Below is recommended text to include in the announcement template, if utilizing this feature:
How To Apply
You may update your application documents and some questions related to your personal information at
any time during the announcement open period. However, you will not be able to make changes to
questions related to assessing the minimum qualifications and competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities
and other characteristics) mentioned in the “How You Will Be Evaluated” section above. To make an
allowed update to your application, return to your USAJOBS account
). There you will find a record of your application, the application
status, and an option to Update Application. This option will no longer be available once the
announcement has closed.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 28
USA Staffing also provides the flexibility to prohibit applicants from updating any part of their application after initial
application. If this functionality is utilized, please modify the announcement text as appropriate.
5. Holding USA Hire Applicants
This feature prevents any applicants from receiving invitations to complete USA Hire notifications after applying for a
vacancy. This allows HR users to review minimum qualifications within USA Staffing so that only qualified applicants are
sent to the USA Hire platform.
A. Setting the USA Hire Hold:
1. Click the Assessment Package tab.
2. On the Assessment Plan sub-tab, click Hold USA Hire Applicants.
B. Removing the USA Hire Hold
When you are ready to remove the hold, the HR user must select first provide applicants an assessment window and
then remove the hold to send those applicants to USA Hire. To remove a hold on USA Hire applicants:
1. Click the Assessment Package tab.
2. On the Assessment Plan sub-tab, click Set USA Hire Assessment Window
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 29
3. Within the pop-up window, set the time period applicants’ will be given to complete USA Hire assessments once
the hold is removed. The Start Date must be the date the hold will be released or earlier. The End Date must be
a minimum of 2 days from the date the hold will be released, or later.
4. Once the assessment window has been set the Assessment Plan sub-tab, click Remove USA Hire Hold.
6. Using “Set Applicant Count” functionality with USA Hire
When using USA Hire assessments with a vacancy that utilizes an applicant cap, implement the following steps when the
applicant cap is reached and the announcement closes earlier than planned:
1. Select Assessment Package.
2. Select Assessment Plan page.
3. Select Recalculate StDev and Mean from the Gear Icon. This will trigger the final rating calculations.
7. Using Cut Off Dates with USA Hire
It is possible to use cut off dates in order to pull lists and evaluate applicants while the JOA is still open. However, this is
only possible when the USA Hire assessment alone is used for rating. If an assessment questionnaire in USA Staffing is
combined with the USA Hire for a final rating, applicant scores will not populate until after the close date of the
8. Changing Screen-Out Criteria After Announcements Have Been Released and Applicants Have
If an agency overrides an applicant’s rating to eligible or makes changes to a screen-out question scoring after an
applicant has submitted an initial application resulting in that applicant now being eligible, applicants will automatically
re-rate to PA, but re-rated applicants will not automatically be sent to USA Hire. All applicants who were previously
ineligible and were re-rated to eligible after the change to the announcement or assessment screen-out will need to be
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 30
manually reordered. This can be accomplished in mass using the Re-Order External Assessments on Applicant Lists
instructions found above in this appendix. Re-Ordering these assessments will trigger the RA and non-RA USA Hire
notifications to be sent to the applicants. If such a change is made, and help is needed, please submit a help desk ticket
through USA Staffing and a member of the technical team will assist you with the process.
9. Cancelling a USA Hire Vacancy
If a USA Hire vacancy needs to be cancelled, before cancelling the vacancy follow the below steps.
* If as of the date of the vacancy cancellation the USA Hire Assessment window is still active and applicants who
previously applied are still completing assessments, then:
1. Navigate to the Assessment Package Assessment Plan.
2. Select the button titled Set USA Hire Assessment Window
3. Edit the End Date to the cancellation date plus 2 days (minimum amount of time which needs to be provided).
This will update all eligible applicant’s assessment windows to be the new shortened amount.
4. Send a custom notification notifying applicants that the vacancy has been cancelled and that they are no longer
required to complete online assessments.
NOTE: This step to shorten the assessment period cannot occur if the vacancy has already been cancelled. If the
vacancy has already been cancelled, then applicants will have been given their testing window and applicant will be
able to complete assessments until this window passes. However, we recommend sending applicants a custom
notification that the vacancy has been cancelled and that they are no longer required to complete online
If as of the date of the cancellation, the USA Hire assessment window has already passed, then the vacancy can
be cancelled without taking any further action regarding USA Hire.
Updated September 2020 Version 19 l 31
Appendix G: Checklist – Standard USA Hire Assessment Vacancy Review
Proceed with the following steps before you post a USA Hire JOA to USAJOBS.
Section of
Confirm USA Hire is appropriate for use with the recruitment
Review the competencies to be assessed with the Hiring Manager
If combining the USA Hire Assessment with a rating AQ, complete a Weighting
Getting Started
“Reasonable Accommodation Documentation” accepted as supporting document
Utilize the USA Hire Acknowledgement Template under Application Confirmation
Step 1
USA Staffing Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) added and tested, if applicable
Appropriate External Assessment(s) added
Assessment Plan tab modified as needed to address screen-out vs Rating AQ and
weighting protocol
Step 2
USA Hire JOA template used
Review the Vacancy and JOA Prior to Release to USAJOBS
1. For the first five (5) vacancies/JOAs, work with your Agency USA Hire POC to
ensure you follow the appropriate review process prior to releasing to
Step 3
The 48 hour USA Hire Assessment close date window has ended
All Reasonable Accommodation requests have been adjudicated
All applicants have a RSC of either IN or AA
Step 5 and