Rural proofing
– a foresight framework for
resilient rural communities
Commission for
Natural Resources
Commission for
Territorial Cohesion Policy
and EU Budget
© European Union, 2022
Partial reproduction is permitted, provided that the source is explicitly mentioned.
More information on the European Union and the Committee of the Regions is available online at and respectively.
QG-05-22-139-EN-N; ISBN: 978-92-895-1233-6; doi:10.2863/542366
This report was written by
Roland Gaugitsch, Isabella Messinger, Wolfgang Neugebauer,
Bernd Schuh (ÖIR); Maria Toptsidou, Kai Böhme (Spatial Foresight).
Language review by Arndt Münch (ÖIR).
It does not represent the official views of the European Committee of the
Table of contents
Executive Summary 1
Introduction 3
1. State of play of Rural proofing 7
1.1 Rural proofing in the Better Regulation Agenda 7
1.2 Rural proofing methodologies 8
1.2.1 Rural proofing (Finland) 8
1.2.2 Regional Impact Assessment Statement (Australia) 10
1.2.3 Rural Lens (Canada) 11
1.2.4 Rural proofing (New Zealand) 12
1.2.5 Rural proofing (England) 13
2. Existing TIA tools 15
2.1 TIA Quick Check 16
2.2 RHOMOLO 17
2.3 LUISA 18
2.4 EATIA 19
2.6 Territorial Foresight 22
3. The specificities of rural areas 25
3.1 Trends and challenges in rural areas 25
3.2 Impacts on policy planning and assessment tools 31
3.3 Types of rural areas 33
4. Application and improvement of existing methodologies 37
4.1 Rural proofing through Territorial Impact Assessment TIA Quick
Check 37
4.1.1 Defining the frame of the assessment 38
4.1.2 Systemic picture of effects 40
4.1.3 Assessment of potential impacts 42
4.1.4 Suitability and improvements 43
4.2 Rural proofing with a territorial foresight touch the hypothetical
case of the REPowerEU plan 45
4.2.1 Defining the foresight question 45
4.2.2 Collecting relevant trends, wild cards & challenges 46
4.2.3 Identifying possible future pathways in a participatory
process 47
4.2.4 Analysis and post-processing of possible pathways 49
4.3 Rural proofing through Territorial Impact Assessment ESPON
4.3.1 Screening 50
4.3.2 Scoping 51
4.3.3 Assessment and evaluation 53
4.3.4 Suitability and improvements 54
5. Guidance for better rural proofing 55
5.1 Factors for implementing rural proofing 56
5.1.1 Success factors 56
5.1.2 Main challenges 58
5.2 Selecting methodologies 59
5.3 Recommendations 61
5.3.1 Methodological developments 61
5.3.2 Policy developments 63
5.3.3 Supporting measures 64
6. Conclusion 67
6.1 Recommendations for the EU policymaking process 69
6.2 Recommendations for local, regional and national authorities 70
List of interviews 73
Bibliography 75
Table 1: Additional indicators added to the TIA Quick Check 39
Table 2: Selection of relevant trends, wild cards and challenges
(hypothetical examples) 46
Table 3: Possible relevant future pathways and their implications on
rural areas (hypothetical examples) 48
Table 4: Future-wise rural proofing Summary table 49
Figure 1: Population by type of demographic change by urban-rural
typology, 2010-2040 26
Figure 2: Shrinking and growing regions in the European Union 27
Figure 3: Percentage of households with access to Internet >30Mbit/s
in 2019 or latest available year, at the rural and national
levels 30
Figure 4: Typology of “complex shrinking” in rural and intermediate
regions 35
Figure 5: Urban-Rural-Typology of Statistic Austria including
Tourism 36
Figure 6: Systemic picture TIA Quick Check 41
Figure 7: Impact on all regions (left) vs. rural regions (right) 42
Figure 8: Impact classes for all regions (top) vs. rural regions
(bottom) 43
Figure 9: EATIA logic chains 51
Figure 10: Regionalised impacts 52
Figure 11: Impact assessment matrix 53
Executive Summary
The study Rural proofing a foresight framework for resilient rural communities
is focussing on a term that has become in recent years a prominent concept within
rural development. Rural areas are considered as particularly at-risk regarding
disparities and unbalanced impacts of policies on EU level and other levels of
governance, therefore the idea of “rural proofing”, namely ensuring that “thinking
rural” becomes part of the policy design at all governance levels, potential
negative impacts are addressed and positive aspects of a policy are fostered. Rural
proofing is called for by the Cork Declaration 2.0, by the EU long-term-vision on
rural areas and is a declared approach of the 2022 Work Programme of the
European Commission.
Rural proofing is furthermore included in the Better Regulation Agenda at
multiple points. From a methodological point of view it is close to Territorial
Impact Assessment (TIA) as recognised by the Better Regulation Toolbox, tool
#34 in its approach of focussing on assessing impacts based on specific regional
traits and characteristics. Rural proofing however is not only an impact
assessment process, but rather part of the overall policy design. “Thinking rural”
needs to be relevant at all stages, from drafting the initial policy strategy all the
way to impact assessment after implementation.
Based on expert interviews and literature review, an assessment of existing rural
proofing approaches in (mainly) national circumstances was conducted in the
study, identifying main challenges and main success factors for implementing
rural proofing. Building on this knowledge, a grid assessment of existing TIA
approaches was conducted in order to identify potentials and shortcomings of
those methodologies for rural proofing. While some methodologies are not well
suited due to their methodological approach or geographic focus, three particular
methodologies were identified that can potentially contribute to rural proofing
exercises. The TIA Quick Check, territorial foresight as well as EATIA carry such
a potential, all of which apply different approaches regarding territorial
demarcation, use of quantitative data and expert involvement.
As none of those methodologies has yet been applied for rural proofing, three
cases demonstrating the practical application in hypothetical examples were
developed. The test runs do not only serve as practical examples, but also
contributed to identifying shortcomings in practical application. Based on those
test-runs a number of recommendations for further development of those tools
could be made. Inter alia, improvements are advised to specific tools, increasing
their geographical resolution and database flexibility as well as visualisations.
Furthermore particular guidance for application in rural proofing as well as
adapting templates provided to the specific application are recommended.
Apart from specific of methodologies, the wider implementation of rural proofing
in policymaking, including supporting measures has been assessed. The study has
shown, that rural proofing where it has been applied rarely succeeded if it
consisted only of a checklist approach or an individual methodology. Key factor
for successful implementation was the establishment of a responsible ministerial
department or other governmental body for rural proofing. Those bodies should
provide expert input to other departments on thematic and methodological issues,
act as a networking and exchange platform, and in general be involved in policy
drafting processes from early stages onward. A solid basis for rural proofing
within the legislative framework is also considered as a key success factor.
Therefore, a better link between the EU legislative process as laid down in the
Better Regulation Guidelines, the existing emphasis on Territorial Impact
Assessment and Rural Proofing will be necessary. For example, at EU level, tool
#34 should be expanded in order to address, how TIA can serve rural proofing
exercises, and how the methods currently included can be used in practice.
Another entry point for such an integration may be the preliminary impact
assessment stage, where the use of a territorial lens (including the rural one) may
serve as horizontal first assessment step to identify potential impacts of the
sectoral dimensions (economic, social, environmental etc.) in different types of
The study provides detailed recommendations on the above topics, aiming to
contribute to the development and mainstreaming of rural proofing and TIA at all
governance levels. Not only the EU level, but also national and regional levels are
addressed and specific guidance for them is provided. Ultimately, the study should
contribute to the debate on rural proofing raising awareness about the issue, but
also provides concrete recommendations for the successful implementation.
This study is focussing on a term that has become in recent years a prominent
concept within rural development. Rural proofing has become a part of actions to
strengthening territorial impact assessments and is a declared approach of the
2022 Work Programme of the European Commission. Rural areas are considered
as particularly at-risk regarding disparities and unbalanced impacts of policies on
EU level and other levels of governance.
In 2016 the Cork Declaration first coined the term “rural proofing” in the context
of the CAP: “The rural potential to deliver innovative, inclusive and sustainable
solutions for current and future societal challenges such as economic prosperity,
food security, climate change, resource management, social inclusion, and
integration of migrants should be better recognised. A rural proofing mechanism
should ensure this is reflected in Union policies and strategies. Rural and
agricultural policies should build on the identity and dynamism of rural areas
through the implementation of integrated strategies and multi-sectorial
It has become obvious that since the CAP reform 1999 with the
introduction of Rural Development in the realm of Agricultural Policy that rural
areas are seen as specifically to be addressed regions in Europe. The assumption
was (and still is) that rural areas are differently affected by policies (as compared
to urban regions) due to the specific traits such as, for example, low population
density and net-population loss, lower income and economic potential, relatively
high dependence on single sectors (agriculture and related sectors) and low
connectivity and infrastructure endowments.
Rural proofing shall in this sense support to revitalise rural areas and close the
rural-urban gap by ensuring all relevant policies are aligned with rural needs and
realities. It is one of the transversal elements outlined in the Long-term Vision for
Rural Areas
. As the long-term vision, the rural proofing tool to be developed shall
contribute to implementing Art. 174 and 349 TFEU. As a part of the Better
Regulation Agenda, it should serve to assess the anticipated impact of major EU
legislative initiatives on rural areas. The vision also calls for Member States to
consider implementing the rural proofing principle at the national, regional and
local level.
Throughout the years there have been various definitions used and, in many cases,
there has been a mix of defining the term with policy changes to be captured by
the mechanism. In a most recent publication for the European Network for Rural
Development (ENRD) the following definition has been used: “rural proofing is
a systematic process to review the likely impacts of policies, programmes and
initiatives on rural areas because of their particular circumstances or needs (e.g.
dispersed populations and poorer infrastructure networks). In short, it requires
policy-makers to ‘think rural’ when designing policy interventions in order to
prevent negative outcomes for rural areas and communities.”
This definition implies that rural proofing is to be regarded as a tool to assess
territorial impacts caused by any policy/intervention specifically filtering between
these effects in rural vs. any other areas. In other words, this definition leads the
way to the following components of the term:
Territorial impacts: to be understood as a consequence of an external trigger
(exposure to a policy, shock, intervention) for a specific type of territory (rural
area to be specifically defined and demarcated from any other area e.g.,
urban). This definition follows a set of certain territorial characteristics, which
determine the reaction of the territory on the external trigger.
Overall effect/impact: to be identified in contrast to any other territories. This
means that without comparison this contrast or difference of effect may not be
Territorial unit: following suit the issue of demarcation of rural areas is then
the granulation on which the impact has to be captured. This implies that any
territory too large in size may not be suited to effectively show the different
effects of the policies. The phenomena of levelling out effects in too large an
area may occur.
This brings rural proofing very close to the methodological approaches used for
Territorial Impact Assessment. The Better Regulation Guidelines Toolbox
#34) uses the two concepts synonymously: “Impact assessments and evaluations
should systematically consider territorial impacts when they are relevant and
there are indications that they will be significant for different territories of the
EU. Thanks to territorial impact assessments (TIA) and rural proofing
, the needs
and specificities of different EU territories can be better taken into account (for
Atterton J. (2022): Analytical overview of rural proofing approaches and lessons learned; ENRD Thematic
Group Rural proofing Draft background document; Rural Policy Centre, SRUC (Scotland’s Rural
Commission Communication, The Future of Food and Farming, COM(2017) 713 and Commission
Communication: A Long Term Vision for Rural Areas, COM(2021) 345
instance of urban
/rural areas, cross-border areas
and the EU outermost
) to facilitate cohesion across the Union.” It furthermore defines TIA in
the following way: “Territorial impact assessments are looking into all thematic
aspects of impact assessments (economic, social, and environmental) by
translating them into the territorial setting (regions)”. This strong conceptual link
between TIA and rural proofing is explored in the study. TIA methodologies
provide an important input for the methodological development of rural proofing.
For many years rural proofing has been rather applied on the Member State level
with more or less success and stringency (see examples from the ENRD Working
Group on Rural proofing
). The Cork Declaration and the following policy
discussion the Directorate for Agriculture (DG AGRI) has lifted the mechanism
up to the EU level. Quite logically as the regional/local focus is clearly
embedded the Committee of the Regions (CoR) has also been following the
debate with interest. The study “Rural proofing a foresight framework for
resilient rural communities” for which the present document is written aims at
identifying the mainstreaming potentials of existing rural proofing methodologies
and territorial impact assessment methodologies in the EU policy process. It
should contribute to a better understanding of rural proofing, its links with TIA,
its potentials and its limitations.
The study is based on desk research, expert interviews and case studies of rural
proofing applications. It is split in 5 parts:
State of play of rural proofing in which past and recent developments in
the EU policy process related to rural proofing are outlined. Existing
methodologies from inside and outside of the EU are assessed regarding
their methodological approach and its advantages and disadvantages.
Experience in implementation (if available) is also presented.
Existing TIA tools which assess methods for territorial impact assessment
currently applied. Their suitability for rural proofing is assessed and, if
applicable, which modifications to the methodology would have to be
The specificities of rural areas where the crucial challenges for rural areas
which are oftentimes considered the reason for a need for rural proofing are
Pact of Amsterdam: Urban Agenda for the EU (2016) and Council Conclusions on an Urban Agenda for the
EU (24.6.2016)
Commission Communication: Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions, COM(2017) 534
defined in Article 349 TFEU, which provides for the adoption of specific legislative measures for the EU
nine outermost regions across EU policies, taking into account their permanent constraints.
outlined. The implications for policy planning and in particular rural
proofing tools are addressed as well.
Application and improvement of existing methodologies in which
(virtual) case studies of applications of rural proofing are conducted. For
example, policies, three different methodologies are showcased and
potential outputs are presented.
Guidance for better rural proofing finally synthesizes the results of parts
1 to 4 and provides recommendations for rural proofing at EU, national,
regional and local level as well as general recommendations for enhancing
the EU legislative process to include rural proofing.
1. State of play of Rural proofing
Rural proofing has been implemented in various forms in a number of countries,
with implementations ranging from voluntary application to mandatory part of the
policymaking process and from development of specific methodologies to
inclusion in broader impact assessments for policies. The term “Rural proofing”
and methodologies explicitly connected with it is particularly known in some
(former) commonwealth countries as well as in Scandinavia.
In the European Union, no such methodology has been adopted as standard,
though the European Commission underlines the need for it in several documents.
Notably the Cork 2.0 Declaration calls for an implementation of a rural proofing
mechanism in EU policymaking. Furthermore, the EC in the Staff Working
Document “A long-term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas Towards stronger,
connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040” states that a rural
proofing mechanism will be put in place for the EU policymaking process as part
of the Better Regulation Agenda (Atterton 2022; Bryce 2022; Expert interviews
2022; European Commission 2016; European Commission 2021).
1.1 Rural proofing in the Better Regulation Agenda
Following the call of the Cork Declaration and the long-term vision for rural areas,
the European Commission included particular considerations for rural areas into
the Better Regulation Agenda. While urban-rural disparities, challenges for rural
regions etc. have been mentioned in the Better Regulation Guidelines and
Toolbox before as well, the discussions seem to have influenced the recent
revision of the Toolbox in 2021. Notably, explicit reference to rural areas is
currently made in 11 individual tools:
#18 Identification of Impacts
#24 Competition
#28 Digital-ready policymaking
#30 Employment, working conditions, income distribution, social
protection and inclusion
#31 Education and training, culture and youth
#34 Territorial impacts
#35 Developing countries
#36 Environmental impacts
#49 Format of the evaluation report
#55 Horizontal matters
#59 Cost estimates and the “one in, one out” approach
Furthermore, the term “rural proofing” is explicitly included in Tool #34
Territorial impacts, and assessment of effects concerning particularly rural
regions is stressed multiple times in this tool. While the Commission recommends
several particular methodologies for Territorial Impact Assessments (which can
partly include assessments of impacts on rural regions), no such recommendation
is made for rural proofing. The European Commission has announced in the past
however that the development of a tool for assessing impacts on rural areas is
currently ongoing (European Commission 2021, ENRD 2017)
1.2 Rural proofing methodologies
A number of approaches for rural proofing have already been applied, with
different methodologies and approaches, on different geographical levels and
against different policy backgrounds. Based on academic literature and in
particular based on inputs gathered from the recent ENRD meeting of the
Thematic Group on rural proofing, some of the most relevant methodologies have
been selected and are described below. For each method, a brief outline of the
approach, a grid-assessment based on the paper of characteristics of rural proofing
methods (Atterton 2022) as well as an overview of advantages and disadvantages
is provided.
1.2.1 Rural proofing (Finland)
Development and implementation of rural proofing in Finland started in the mid-
2000s based on international examples. While the importance of such assessments
was recognised by policymakers, it still was seen as an additional burden to the
law-making process and thus introduced only as voluntary action (Nordberg 2020,
4; Atterton 2022, 3). The core of the method is formed by a checklist produced by
the rural policy council located in the ministry of agriculture, however
implementation rests with the authority concerned with a specific policy.
Depending on the policy and implementation level, the checklist is completed
either by individual public officials, or in cooperative workshops engaging NGOs
or even the wider public. The process is supported by geospatial data analysis and
a questionnaire in some cases (Husberg 2022; Atterton 2022, 3).
Rural proofing
Suggested application
Application is suggested/encouraged. The Rural Policy Council acts within their networks
and actively pushes/supports the relevant policymakers where necessary or requested.
Method for assessing the impacts
Stakeholder consultation/single person
assessment/checklist/data-based assessment
Depending on the implementation level, different methods are usually used. The core is
formed by a checklist, however methods for completion of the checklist differ. On national
level, mainly one or a few civil servants assess the potential effects based on their knowledge
and experience. On regional and local level, the process is usually more participatory bringing
in stakeholder workshops, questionnaires etc.
Involved institutions
Agricultural or rural ministry or authority/Non-
Agricultural or rural ministry or authority
The responsibility for implementing the procedure for a specific policy rests with the
authority in charge of that policy. The overall responsibility for rural proofing methodologies,
guidance and support lies with the Agricultural Ministry.
Level of application
National/regional/local level
The method has mainly been applied at regional and local level, and occasionally at national
When in the policy process is it applied?
Early policy design phase/late policy design phase
The method is used ex-ante. It is advised to be used in the early policy design phase, however
as it is a voluntary procedure, in practice the responsible authorities can decide when/where
to use it.
Thematic focus
Rural areas (general)
A broad range of thematic fields are addressed in the checklist and assessment. Those fields
are supposed to cover all relevant topics for rural areas, no specific thematic focus can be
Source: Atterton (2022, 3), Husberg (2022), Nordberg (2020, 4f)
Main advantages of the method are its broad thematic orientation and adaptability
to regional and local circumstances. It can be tailored for different circumstances
and as such be applied to all kinds of legislation. It raises awareness of rural issues
in policymaking, and if applied in a participatory manner, it can act as an
“incubator” for regional and local actions by bringing different stakeholders
together (Husberg 2022; Nordberg 2020, .4f)
The main disadvantages are the slow uptake due to its voluntary nature and the
large amount of time and resources needed for a participatory process. As rural
proofing is one out of multiple available impact assessments, this reduces the
likeliness of it being applied even more (Husberg 2022; Nordberg 2020, .4f).
Overall, the method is strongly tied to other “checklist” approaches that have been
developed by different countries, and picks up multiple elements from them. It is
by design “open” to various assessment methodologies, and best used in a
participatory manner at lower geographic levels. This allows finetuning the
assessment to a wide variety of circumstances and topics, which is particularly
important for rural areas.
1.2.2 Regional Impact Assessment Statement (Australia)
The Regional Impact Assessment Statement (RIAS) was implemented in July
2003 by the State Government of South Australia and comprises an extensive
analysis of regional impact. It is required any time a significant decision may
impact services in regions. As the RIAS policy was introduced as a new approach,
agencies got assistance in deciding how best to implement it in their particular
circumstances. After a feedback process in different training and information
sessions, the guideline has been revised and re-published (DTED 2005, 2).
Title of the method
Regional Impact Assessment Statement (RIAS)
Legislation backed mandatory
The RIAS process must be applied to any major government decision that will affect regional
services. This includes new policies, legislation or funding proposals, new or amended
regulatory provision, new or altered service delivery models, and program design and
Method for assessing the impacts
A RIAS shall follow the template available on the website of the Department of Primary
Industries and Regions of the Government of South Australia (PIRSA). The template can be
understood more as a general guidance than a checklist, indicating the required text parts
and matters to be covered in the document.
Involved institutions
Rural ministry or authority
The Government of South Australia, Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA)
is committed to ensuring effective consultation and communication with regional South
Australian communities prior to the implementation of decisions with a significant impact on
regional communities. The RIAS Policy is part of that commitment. Regional South Australian
communities can download the RIAS template from the PIRSA homepage.
Level of application
The RIAS applies to all South Australian Government departments, agencies and statutory
When in the policy process is it applied?
Early policy design phase/late policy design phase
A RIAS must be prepared prior to implementation of any decision that result in a significant
impact to one or more regional communities. This includes changes to existing or introducing
new services or initiatives.
Thematic focus
Specific topics
During the preparation of a RIAS economic factors, social and community factors,
environmental factors as well as equity factors shall be considered.
Source: PIRSA (2018; 2019a; 2019b; s.a.)
The main advantages of the Regional Impact Assessment Statements are the legal
framework, the precise definition of when a RIAS is to be carried out, and the
standardised guideline in the form of a template.
The main disadvantage of this method is the purely descriptive approach, which
does not allow for the same degree of objectivity as could be achieved, for
example, through quantitative evaluations. Furthermore, the guidance is rather
broad and leads to significant variation in implementation.
To conclude, the Regional Impact Assessment Statements are a good tool to get a
first overview whether a major government decision might affect regional
services, but cannot supplement a more detailed analysis. Since RIAS is a purely
descriptive method and no precise statistical analysis is required, the individual
assessments vary significantly in terms of depth and content. As a result,
individual RIAS are not comparable with each other especially if they were
written by different persons or agencies.
1.2.3 Rural Lens (Canada)
In 1996, the “Rural Secretariat” was founded within the Department of
Agriculture and Agri-Food to bring together governments departments
concerning rural issues and priorities and to promote dialogue between rural
Canadians and the federal government. The Rural Lens in this context was
developed as a policy tool to review federal policies and programs through the
eyes of people living in distant and rural areas. The “Rural Secretariat” however
was discontinued in 2013 (Atterton 2019, 34ff). Nowadays, a new approach to
highlighting rural issues in the policymaking process has been implemented in the
context of Gender-based-analysis plus.
Title of the method
Rural Lens
Legislation backed suggested
Despite its mandate, the Rural Lens had no authority to enforce horizontal coordination. After the
completion of the draft review, the Rural Lens Unit submitted a report back to the respective
government department. Considering the implementation of the comments, sponsoring
departments had no responsibility to report back to the Rural Lens Unit or the Rural Secretariat.
There was no legislation that required government departments to apply the Rural Lens and no
sanctions if it was not applied.
Method for assessing the impacts
The Rural Lens tool was divided in 10 stages which were: Concept; Environmental Scan and
Impact Assessment; People and Organisations Involved; Development and Design;
Communications; Validation and Consultations; Refine Initiative and Identify Resources;
Approval; Deliver Program; Monitor and Evaluate Program. The guide described the stages on
the left side and included a template to fill in, questions to answer or examples to follow on the
right side.
Involved institutions
Agricultural or rural authority
The Rural Secretary prepared a guide for using the Rural Lens, which was published by
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Level of application
The Rural Lens was designed to review federal programmes and policies from the perspectives of
remote and rural regions.
When in the policy process is it applied?
Early policy design phase/late policy design phase
Although, the Rural Lens was created as a policy tool to review federal programmes and policies
in the early development stages, it tended to be applied in the later policy development stages.
Thematic focus
Rural areas (general)/specific topic
In stage 2, environmental and general impacts on rural, remote and urban areas were
scanned and assessed. Further sub-columns for specific groups could be added.
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2001), Atterton (2019, 34ff).
Advantages: An early impact assessment could have helped to identify positive
and negative effects on rural areas. The guidance provided is rather
comprehensive gives a good overview on important questions to be considered.
Disadvantages: Since the Rural Lens tended to be applied in the later policy
development stages, it was often too late for the adaptation of the policy or
programme. The role and importance of the Rural Secretariat was somewhat
hidden and the success of the Rural Secretariat and the Rural Lens was mostly
“behind the scenes”. Furthermore, the Rural Secretariat had limited financial
resources and a small number of employees, which complicated long-time
planning. (Atterton 2019, 34ff)
Following the Rural Lens model, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador
developed a Rural Lens tool and has published a guide for public bodies with the
aim of assessing regional policy implications. The Rural Lens was created to help
Cabinet decision-makers evaluate both positive and negative direct/intended,
indirect/unintended, and disproportionate or divergent implications of proposed
Cabinet decisions on rural individuals, stakeholders, and communities (PEP
2019, 3). In the past years, considerable additional efforts were made to integrate
rural considerations in the policymaking process, including mandating the
considerations through gender-based analysis plus in some topics and creating
a centre of expertise for rural proofing. The assessments place an emphasis on
rural economic development, however include broader rural issues as well. This
approach is considered successful in encouraging the communities to contribute
to rural development and supporting development from the inside.
1.2.4 Rural proofing (New Zealand)
In 2018, New Zealand made a formal commitment to rural proofing,
acknowledging the importance of rural communities to the country, as well as the
different structures, challenges, and drivers that exist in these communities,
implying that the impact and outcomes of new policies and programs may differ
from those in urban areas. Linked to this process, the New Zealand government
presented policymakers with recommendations for rural proofing. Along with the
recommendations, policymakers are provided a checklist, a paper detailing typical
concerns to examine, and a case study example (Atterton 2022, 4).
Title of the method
Rural proofing
Suggested application
Rural proofing is a guidance tool for agencies rather than a mandatory assessment process.
Method for assessing the impacts
The Ministry for Primary Industries published a rural proofing Guide for policy development
and service delivery planning with 7 points that should to be considered early and throughout
policy development and implementation to make rural proofing effective. Furthermore, the
rural proofing Impact Assessment Checklist is designed to help to consider potential impacts
on rural communities while developing a policy.
Involved institutions
The Ministry for Primary Industries published the rural proofing Guide and the rural
proofing Impact Assessment Checklist. The implementation lies with the authorities
responsible for a specific policy.
Level of application
National/regional/local level
Since the rural proofing Guide and the rural proofing Impact Assessment Checklist are not
mandatory yet, the level of application is not specified.
When in the policy process is it applied?
Early policy design phase/late policy design phase
It is recommended to consider rural proofing early and throughout policy development and
implementation to be most effective.
Thematic focus
Specific topic
The rural proofing Guide focusses on infrastructure, health, education and other services,
ease of doing business/cost of compliance and communication.
The rural proofing Impact Assessment Checklist foresees to identify benefits and implications
for rural communities in the following areas: infrastructure, social, business, equity, and
Source: MPI (2018a; 2018b), SWC (2018, 2)
The rural proofing Guide and the rural proofing Impact Assessment Checklist
have the advantage of providing an easy way to identify benefits and implications
for the rural communities. The guidance for its application is rather
comprehensive. The rural proofing Guide also indicates relevant rural contacts
and organisations to seek advice from.
The main disadvantages of this methods are its non-mandatory nature, the purely
descriptive approach to an impact assessment, as well as the explicit distinction
between “urban” and “rural” areas and comparing these regions with each other.
Overall, the method offers a first introduction to rural proofing. Despite the purely
descriptive approach, the comprehensive guidance ensures some consistency in
application. The government has established a core group on rural proofing as a
supporting measure, which monitors specific policy areas. Where relevant and
needed they take part in consultations, provide advice on rural issues and also
provide methodological support. Furthermore, they are available to authorities for
ad-hoc consultation on specific questions, ensuring a quick and unbureaucratic
process. This has been identified as one of the main success factors for rural
proofing in New Zealands policymaking.
1.2.5 Rural proofing (England)
Rural proofing in general has a long tradition in England being introduced in the
year 2000, with a formal requirement to publish annual reports on the matter.
Implementation however was lacking commitment from the responsible
authorities, and if conducted was done at a late stage without the possibility to
influence the policy process. The government department for rural affairs
provides guidance on assessing impacts on rural regions in the form of a checklist,
decision trees and examples for possible assessments (DEFRA 2017; DEFRA
2021; Atterton 2022)
Rural proofing (England)
Mandatory application
While in principle rural proofing for policies is mandatory and dedicated personnel is defined
at each department, practical implementation seems to be lacking
Method for assessing the impacts
Based on guidance provided by the department of rural affairs, a department responsible for
a specific policy has to assess the potential impacts, their strength and required policy actions
to address them. The method involves guiding questions and decision trees, with a descriptive
assessment of impacts.
Involved institutions
The department responsible for a policy conducts the assessment.
Level of application
National/regional/local level
The level of application in principle is open, however guidance tends to be oriented towards
the national level. Further guidance on applying the method on the local level is provided by
other institutions and considered informal.
When in the policy process is it applied?
Early policy design phase/late policy design phase
As per the guidance the rural proofing exercise should be conducted in the early policy
design phase. Practical implementation shows however it is usually done at a later stage with
little potential influence.
Thematic focus
Rural areas (general)/specific topic (e.g.
environment, farming … )/Sub-element of TIA
The thematic focus is broad, explicitly addressing infrastructure and services, working and
living conditions, environment and equality
Source: DEFRA 2017; DEFRA 2021; Atterton 2022
The main advantage of the method is the formal commitment by the government
and the annual monitoring reports for implementation. Furthermore,
comprehensive guidance on the government level is published and regularly
updated to account for changing circumstances.
Main disadvantage is not linked to the method itself but to the practical
application. As responsible personnel was defined, the resources were available,
however, it seems the willingness to take up the issue in the policy design phase
was not high. There were no consequences if the assessment was not carried out
in an adequate manner, and furthermore confusion about responsibilities
contributed to the lacking quality (DEFRA 2017; DEFRA 2021; Atterton 2022).
2. Existing TIA tools
Territorially differentiated impacts of policies have been a topic in academic
research as well as in policymaking for a long time. Territorial Impact Assessment
(TIA) as a way of analysing such territorially differentiated impacts in a structured
manner as well as formulate suggestions for adapting policies based on the
outcomes of such analyses. By design, such TIA methodologies should be neutral,
i.e. not judging on the success of a policy but simply answering the question
“which regions or types of regions are impacted in which way by the policy”. In
some cases, such an imbalance in impacts can be undesirable and requires action
by policymakers to reduce them, while in other cases it might be acceptable or
even a desired effect (Fischer et. al. 2014, ESPON 2018).
The European Commission in the Better Regulation Toolbox, Tool #34
“Territorial Impacts” included a reference to rural proofing, however does not
consider it a TIA in itself. Nevertheless, a number of existing TIA methodologies
are in principle suitable for assessing impacts on rural areas, either by themselves
or in comparison with other regions. No TIA method developed so far can be used
as-is for rural proofing (in the sense as elaborated above i.e. with its strong
normative character of policy shaping instead of policy assessing) without
additional considerations, however several methodologies can be easily adapted
or integrated into a rural proofing exercise (EC 2021, 297-303).
The Better Regulation Toolbox explicitly references three TIA methodologies
(TIA Quick Check, RHOMOLO and LUISA), all of which are assessed on their
suitability for rural proofing below. Furthermore, additional methodologies which
are the most commonly referenced ones in academic literature and at the same
time potentially suitable for rural proofing were included in the assessment,
namely EATIA, TARGET TIA and Territorial Foresight methodologies. There
are numerous other methodologies available, however many of them are either
outdated or not promising for rural proofing. The CoR has conducted research on
this topic already and provided a comprehensive overview of available
methodologies (CoR 2019) for further reference.
For the selected methodologies, a grid assessment outlining the general approach
and characteristics has been conducted below. The limited space available
naturally only allows for a quick overview, however weblinks are included for
further in-depth information for each method.
2.1 TIA Quick Check
The ESPON TIA Quick Check is an ex-ante territorial impact assessment method
with a hybrid approach based on the vulnerability concept. The combination of
territorial sensitivity (in the form of quantitative data) and exposure (expert
assessments in a workshop setting) leads to maps of potential territorial impacts
(impact patterns) for each region. It allows for a comparison of regional impacts
in the fields of economy, environment, society and governance, however
indicators used are broad and can be tailored to different effects (OIR, AIDICO
2013; OIR 2021). Furthermore, the assessment can be focused on different types
of regions, i.e., allows to address rural regions in particular (OIR 2021).
ESPON TIA Quick Check
General method
The method applies a combination of quantitative data (“sensitivity”) from statistical sources
and qualitative data in the form of expert judgement on the strength of effects (“exposure”)
collected in a workshop setting.
Processes/methods used
Territorial data analysis, Workshops, reporting
The core of the method is formed by an expert workshop, during which effects are identified
and maps on potential territorial impacts are generated with the webtool. The interpretation
of the maps takes place in the same workshop setting.
Territorial level
While the method in principle is capable to work on any territorial level, as long as
granulated statistical data is available, the Webtool available at the moment works on NUTS3
level. On this level, the balance between data availability on the European level and a
granulation fine enough to capture a regions characteristics is hit. The method is however
transferrable, e.g., to the national context, where different statistical data might be available.
Timing in the policy process
The method is designed for an ex-ante assessment and should ideally be placed in the
inception impact assessment phase for EU policies.
Suitability for rural proofing
Could be used without modifications
While assessment of impacts on rural regions has been part of some TIA exercises, it has not
yet been used in a dedicated rural proofing setting. Comparative assessments are possible
without modification to the webtool at the moment. Some modifications could however
increase the suitability for rural proofing, e.g., improving the visibility of specific types of
regions on produced maps.
Source: OIR, AIDICO 2013; OIR 2021
The method allows for focusing the assessment on rural regions, thus in principle
is capable of contributing to rural proofing exercises. Within past assessments,
rural regions have been addressed in several instances, however, it has not yet
been used for a specific rule proofing application (CoR 2022). Based on the
underlying methodology, all assessments are comparative, i.e. either comparing
impacts on rural regions with urban regions, or comparing impacts on rural
regions amongst each other.
Main advantage is that the methodology is already recognised by the better
regulation toolbox as one of the territorial impact assessment methodologies for
the EU policy process. This ensures that knowledge about the method is already
available and would allow for easy adoption in rural proofing applications.
The method and tool are developed in projects commissioned by ESPON EGTC,
which provide trainings, webinars and application support
is a “Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model” originally
developed by the JRC and DG REGIO for the assessment of cohesion policy on
regional level. It can be used for broader policy assessments in several fields, with
multiple modules expanding its capabilities beyond the assessment of purely
economic impacts. It is a well-tested and established methodology and recognised
by the Regulatory Scrutiny Board, making it well suited for impact assessments
of EU policies in the ordinary legislative procedure (COR 2019, 5f; Mercenier et.
al. 2016).
General method
The method relies on a tailored computable general equilibrium model for calculating regional
impacts on NUTS 2 level.
Processes/methods used
Quantitative assessment
The core of the method is built by the CGE which models interlinkages between regional
economies. A baseline scenario is produced, to which a policy is introduced as a “shock”
allowing for calculating impacts to regional economies. The method is highly specialised and
requires expert inputs.
Territorial level
The model includes all EU NUTS2 regions and one region which represents the rest of the world.
Timing in the policy process
Ex-ante and ex-post
The method allows for both ex-ante as well as ex-post assessments.
Suitability for rural proofing
Could be used with modifications
Main issue related to rural proofing is the territorial level, i.e. NUTS2 level. This does not allow
for sufficient distinction between rural and other regions. The method thus in principle is
transferrable and can be used, however relies on the collection and calculation of background
data on lower regional level.
Source: CoR 2019, 5f; Mercenier et. al. 2016
Since the results of RHOMOLO are calculated of NUTS2 level, the direct
application to rural proofing is limited. NUTS 2 does not allow for clear
distinction between rural- and other areas, as almost all NUTS 2 regions contain
a multitude of different types of sub-regions, including both densely populated
urban areas as well as rural areas. The methodological approach would be
transferrable to lower geographical levels, however would require considerable
effort to calculate and construct the underlying matrices. Another approach
proposed by the developers is the combination of RHOMOLO and LUISA model
assessments as outlined below (Lavalle et. al. s.a.).
The model has been applied with success on higher geographical levels. Access
to the Rhomolo Webtool is possible for interested persons with registration.
However, application to concrete policies requires expert knowledge. The JRC
runs a dedicated webpage for the model
refers actually not to one single model, but is considered a “Territorial
Modelling Platform”. At its core, it is a cross-sectoral model for projecting “land
functions” in a grid-based approach modelling the change in land function for
each grid cell over time based on inputs form several external models/sources.
Based on those land function projections, a number of different modules can
provide results for a range of aspects (e.g. accessibility, employment…). LUISA
can also be applied in combination with RHOMOLO with outputs from one model
feeding into the other one (Lavalle s.a. 3ff; CoR 2019, 6f).
General method
Core element is a grid-based land-function projection model. Results are obtained by
comparison of a calculated baseline scenario with calculated “policy scenarios”
Processes/methods used
Quantitative assessment
The assessment of the primary land-function projection calculates projections types of land
use in a 100x100m grid. Further modules are linked to those primary results, allowing to
calculate e.g. impacts on accessibility or employment
Territorial level
Free or flexible
The primary model is grid-based producing results on a 100x100m grid. Outputs regarding
further results can vary in territorial level, partially linked to the level of input data.
Timing in the policy process
The model is primarily used on ex-ante assessments. It has been applied at several stages and
is not linked to a specific phase of the policy process.
Suitability for rural proofing
Could be used with modifications
The grid-based results allow for a clear differentiation and calculation of results for rural
areas. The modelling platform is in principle open and allows to tailor functionalities for
rural proofing, e.g. allowing to single out rural regions in the assessment, or aggregating
results for rural regions only.
Source: Lavalle s.a. 3ff; CoR 2019
The modelling platform is flexible and allows for the integration of modules,
tailoring to specific rural proofing application. The grid-based nature of land-use
projections is well suited for singling out impacts on rural regions in a policy
assessment. In particular in combination with RHOMOLO outputs (i.e. based on
the proposed RHOMOLO-LUISA linkage by the JRC) a sophisticated projection
of potential impacts on rural regions can be produced on a sufficiently detailed
regional level. Application to concrete policies requires expert knowledge, i.e. not
easy to integrate in a simple inception impact assessment or similar procedures
(Lavalle s.a., 5f).
LUISA has been applied with success and is one of the methodologies recognised
by the Better Regulation Toolbox. Access to the modelling platform is possible
for interested persons. The JRC runs a dedicated webpage for the platform
EATIA (ESPON and Territorial Impact Assessment) is a methodology developed
in the framework of the ESPON programme. It is set up in a participatory manner,
aiming to involve relevant stakeholders and decision makers alongside of experts
in the assessment. At its core it consists of an “impact assessment matrix” which
is filled step-by-step by the assessors streamlining the expert knowledge gathered
through workshops and other consultation formats. The regions and types of
regions for which the assessment is made are defined in the process and are in
principle not bound to any administrative or statistical regions. The matrix finally
provides impact scores and directions of impacts for visualisation in maps and
other graphics (ESPON 2012).
General method
The method is mainly based on expert consultation in different formats. Qualitative
assessments are made building on a structured process guided by an assessment grid. Results
are visualised and verbalised.
Processes/methods used
Stakeholder involvement/workshops
The methodology is highly participatory and involves stakeholders and external experts
through direct consultation as well as through structured workshops.
Territorial level
Free or flexible
The regions or types of regions which are affected in a specific manner as well as their
distinction is defined in the process. Due to the qualitative nature of the methodology it is not
limited to administrative boundaries or statistical regions.
Timing in the policy process
The method can be used for both ex-ante as well as ex-post assessments. The broader and
flexible nature of the qualitative assessments is suited particularly well for ex-ante
assessments where little data is available.
Suitability for rural proofing
Could be used without modifications
Defining the assessed types of regions and distinguishing effects on different types of regions
form each other is at the core of the methodology. While principally it should be left open to
the involved experts to define the types of regions in one of the preparatory steps, it would be
possible to predefine “rural regions” for the assessment.
Source: ESPON 2012
Rural proofing methodologies in the UK were among the several methodologies
inspiring the EATIA method. In the cases where EATIA was trialled so far,
impacts on rural regions were assessed as one of different typologies, but were
not at the centre of assessments (ESPON 2012). As the method includes as one of
the first steps to define the types of regions for which the assessment is made, it
is however suited for rural proofing without further modifications.
The flexible nature of EATIA allows to tailor it to many different circumstances,
i.e. it can be used from the European level down to on sub-national level.
Furthermore, the assessment can address a broad range of topics or it can be
focused on a few topics of particular interest. Due to the qualitative nature, it is
particularly suited for thematic areas where other methodologies are limited due
to the lack of quantitative data available.
The original methodology however is somewhat limited in capturing smaller
differentiations as it only defines 2 positive and 2 negative impact classes.
Furthermore, if a broad range of topics are to be addressed, numerous
consultations are necessary in order to avoid basing assessments only on single-
The methodology is thus particularly valuable for broader assessments and for
cases were little or no quantitative data is available.
The method itself has not been applied outside of the ESPON project it was
developed for and trialled in. ESPON runs a website section for the project
TARGET TIA is not recognised by the Better Regulation Guidelines (BRG) as
one of the standard TIA methodologies, however it has been applied both as test-
run in an academic setting as well as in practice assessing impacts on cross-border
programmes. The method allows to assess the impacts along predefined
dimensions (socioeconomic, environmental, sustainability,
governance/cooperation and polycentricity) and is based on the vulnerability
concept (for hybrid assessments) or purely on qualitative expert judgement (for
ex-ante assessments). Essentially, the method consists in the calculation of an
impact matrix (on a -4 to +4 scale) consisting of arithmetic average of impacts for
indicators under each dimension and finally calculating of an overall impact
(Medeiros 2014).
General method
Depending on the timing of the assessment, a purely qualitative approach (ex-ante) or a
combined qualitative and quantitative approach (ex-post) is used. In a multi-vector approach,
numerical impact values are calculated for four predefined territorial cohesion dimensions
Processes/methods used
Interviews/quantitative assessment
Depending on the timing and thus approach, either solely qualitative assessments based on
methodological knowledge and expert interviews are conducted, or a combined quantitative-
qualitative approach combining statistical data with expert interviews is followed.
Territorial level
Free or flexible
In principle the territorial level is free as for qualitative assessments the territorial units can
be defined in the process. However, when using quantitative data, the availability of data
determines the possible territorial level for the assessments.
Timing in the policy process
Both ex-ante as well as ex-post assessments are possible
Suitability for rural proofing
Could be used with modifications
For assessing impacts on individual regions as compared to others, the tool is suited well.
For larger-scale comparisons, the effort necessary for an assessment is considerably larger
than for other methodologies.
Source: Medeiros 2014
The TARGET TIA methodology can be used for assessing impacts on specific
regions, thus it can be used for rural regions in comparison with other regions.
However, assessments on a broader scale, i.e., multiple regions, can require a lot
of resources and might not be feasible. Furthermore, the fixed dimensions of the
original methodology are geared towards cohesion policy and might be too strict
and not the most relevant ones for a specific rural proofing exercise.
The flexibility of the method regarding data availability and territorial level is
valuable when targeting certain thematic fields which are not well-backed with
data. Furthermore, the broader scale of impacts as compared to other
methodologies is useful for distinguishing in more detailed ways between regions
and effect strength.
2.6 Territorial Foresight
The method of territorial foresight brings together qualitative and quantitative
analysis, combining foresight with elements of territorial impact assessment. The
method builds largely along participatory and co-creative approaches, in
combination with thorough desk research and mapping, for locating the territorial
implications. There are four key steps that guide territorial foresight (Böhme,
Lüer, & Holstein, 2020).
Step 1: Defining the research “what if” question. At this stage is where the
link to the policy and the territory is made. The question should include the
future element, the territory in focus, the policy to be assessed for rural
proofing and the time horizon. In the case of rural proofing, the following
question could serve as example “What future outlooks would rural regions
have if policy A, is put into place by 2030?” Therefore, in the case of rural
proofing, the territory will be the rural areas, while the question will ask
how the respective policy to be assessed will impact rural areas in future.
Step 2: Going through a thorough desk study and background research by
reviewing existing literature, material and resources to identify relevant
trends, factors, wild cards, challenges and their impacts, time span and
possible impacts on the territories, e.g., following the STEEP approach
(Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political).
Step 3: Running the participatory process, i.e., involving engaged experts
and stakeholders in a well-structured participatory processes, to spark
lateral, out-of-the-box thinking. Different approaches can be used, ranging
from workshops and focus groups, to surveys and interviews. The
participatory approach is also used for identifying and sketching
preliminary scenarios and territorial implications e.g., for rural areas in the
case of rural proofing. A key step in this process is to make a first
stakeholder mapping.
Step 4: Post-processing of the material, i.e., developing a combined picture
of Steps 1-3 and bringing them together into a coherent story. At this stage,
the mapping of the identified territorial implications can be finalised.
Territorial foresight
General method
The method combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, drawing from literature, as
well as available data through desk research.
Processes/methods used
Desk research and participatory processes
The key starting point of the method is a thorough desk research of different sources, to run a
first trend collection, i.e., a collection of drivers, trends, challenges, wild cards that may
influence different territories to a different extend. The next core element of the process is the
participatory process, which benefits from the lateral thinking and expert knowledge of
different stakeholders. At this stage the impacts of the policy at hand on rural areas will be
Territorial level
The method for identifying and locating the territorial implications can work at different
levels. Depending on the availability of data, insofar that qualitative material can be used for
the development of maps. In the case of absence of quantitative material, the experts’
knowledge and qualitative sources are used instead. In the case of rural proofing, the rural
areas are in focus. The future impacts that a respective policy may have on rural areas will be
shown in the maps and scenario story.
Timing in the policy process
The territorial foresight method is not used to predict the future. Instead it offers a flexible
tool for developing different possible futures and can be used for assessing what impacts a
policy may be used on different territories. Therefore it is designed for ex-ante practice.
Suitability for rural proofing
Could be used without modifications
The territorial foresight method has not been used so far for rural proofing. However, it could
potentially be a good method for exploring the impacts different policies may have in the
future, on rural areas. A focus on rural areas may be reflected in the mapping process of the
Source: Böhme, Lüer, & Holstein, 2020
The territorial foresight method can be a possible method for rural proofing
exercises, although it has not been that specifically used before. An advantage of
the method is that in can deal with the high complexity and uncertainty of the
future and future trends by using lateral thinking and co-creation approaches.
Territorial foresight is a credible method for exploring futures and dealing with
this uncertainty for such a normative concept as the “future”. For rural proofing,
it can be used to check what impacts a policy may have on rural areas in future.
Furthermore, the territorial implications further add an interesting element of
“how” the different futures look like “where”.
The added value of foresight can be summarised to better anticipation, i.e. to
prepare better and sooner, better policy innovation, i.e. bringing new thinking in
policy making and running a future-proofing, i.e. a stress test of existing or prosed
strategies against different futures (OECD, 2019). To ensure a trustworthy
analysis, specific elements need to be considered during the process, such as
covering a variety of topics (e.g. by following the STEEP, Social, Technological,
Economic, Environmental and Political approach and specific topics within),
analysing possible cross-policy impacts and exploring possible biases, e.g. by
asking specific questions or exploring the matters from different angles (European
Parliament. EPRS. Panel for the Future of Science and Technology, 2021). This
helps in designing better and more sound policies for all types of territories.
The method has so far been used in a number of projects from ESPON for the
development of territorial scenarios, such as the ESPON Territorial Futures
(ESPON, 2018), the ESPON Territorial Scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region
(ESPON, 2019) and the ESPON Territorial Scenarios for the Danube and the
Adriatic Ionian macro-regions (ESPON EGTC, 2020).
Other methods may include a stronger focus on qualitative approaches, such as
modelling or trend extrapolation, horizon scanning methods, Delphi methods,
impact analyses and others. A more detailed description of these methods can be
found in the following indicative and non-exhaustive list of sources:
European Commission. (2021). 2021 Strategic Foresight Report. The EU’s
capacity and freedom to act. Brussels: Secretariat General, European
European Parliament. EPRS. Panel for the Future of Science and
Technology. (2021). Guidelines for foresight-based policy analysis.
European Commission. (2020). Communication from the Commission to
the European Parliament and the Council 2020 Strategic Foresight
Report. Charting the course towards a more resilient Europe. https://eur-
OECD. (2019). Strategic Foresight for Better Policies. Building Effective
Governance in the Face of Uncertain Futures.
Rosling, H., Rosling, O. & Rönnlund, A. R. (2018). Factfulness: ten reasons
we’re wrong about the world and why things are better than you think.
First edition. New York: Flatiron Books.
European Commission DG Environment. (2017). Methodological
Framework for the systemic identification of emerging issues for the
UNDP. (2014). Foresight: the Manual.
Randers, J. (2012). 2052: a global forecast for the next forty years. White
River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub.
Loveridge, D. (2009). Foresight: The Art and Science of Anticipating the
Future. New York and London: Routledge.
UNIDO. (2005). Technology Foresight Manual (Vol. 2).
3. The specificities of rural areas
The EU’s rural areas are home to 137 million people representing almost 30% of
its population and over 80% of its territory, considering all communes and
municipalities of Europe with low population size or density. While they have
always faced particular challenges, social and economic changes of the last
decades, including globalisation and urbanisation, are changing the role and
nature of rural areas (European Commission, 2021a). While potentially giving the
impression of a “gloomy future” for rural areas, the following section will focus
mainly on the challenges and topics relevant for such areas. These must not be
understood though as a purely negative outlook, as oftentimes challenges are also
linked to opportunities. E.g. remote regions might suffer from low accessibility or
broadband infrastructure, however at the same time the remoteness secures natural
capital which could not be maintained in other places. Rural proofing should not
only try to address the negative aspects (i.e. also contribute to fostering
development potentials and advantages of regions), nevertheless oftentimes the
challenges as compared to other regions are oftentimes the crucial aspect in policy
design (Shortall, Sherry 2019; ENRD 2017).
3.1 Trends and challenges in rural areas
Challenging trends in rural areas can be identified in numerous thematic fields.
Some of the main issues are population decline and ageing, erosion of rural
infrastructure and service provision, including access to healthcare, social
services and education as well as to postal and banking services. Rural areas are
also affected by shrinking employment opportunities, reduction in income or
limited transport services and lower digital connectivity (European Commission,
Rural shrinkage and demographic change
The demographic change in rural areas is characterised by two trends: the overall
loss of population (“shrinking”) and the increase of the share of older people and
the decrease of younger people (“aging”).
In 2020, already 34% of the EU population lived in a shrinking region. Rapid
reductions in population are more likely to occur in rural regions than in urban
ones (11% as against 1%). Projections show that in the future, more regions will
be shrinking. In 2040, already 51% of the EU population will live in shrinking
regions. (European Commission, 2022)
Figure 1: Population by type of demographic change by urban-rural typology, 2010-
Source: European Commission (2022)
Across Europe almost 60% of Predominantly Rural or Intermediate NUTS 3
regions meet criteria of sustained (past or projected future) demographic decline.
These regions cover almost 40% of the area of the EU and contain almost one
third of its population. These regions are mostly in the East and South of Europe,
with scattered regions in the North and West, in particular in Germany and
Sweden (ESPON ESCAPE, 2020).
The EU’s population in general is ageing, however the population in rural areas
is already older, on average, than the population in towns and suburbs and cities.
Rural regions have, on average, seen a reduction in population in recent years
mainly due to negative natural population change, not compensated by sufficient
positive net migration. Certain eastern and southern Member States are even
confronted with both challenges, as natural population change and net movement
in their rural regions have been negative. Moreover, young women are more likely
to leave rural regions than young men. These demographic trends, when coupled
with a lack of connectivity, infrastructure and productivity challenges and low
access to public services including education and care, can contribute to the lower
attractiveness of rural areas as places to live and work in particular for younger
people (European Commission, 2021a).
Figure 2: Shrinking and growing regions in the European Union
Especially rural regions will have to adjust to a growing population aged 65 and
over, and a shrinking working age and younger population with severe
consequences (European Commission, 2022):
The shrinking of the working-age population (aged 20-64) weakens growth
potential and skills development, while favouring the concentration of
economic activities in fewer locations. This could lead to labour market
The increase in the population aged 65 and over is likely to lead to an
increase in the demand for healthcare, which will have to adapt their
infrastructure and services to make them more accessible to people with
limited mobility, and increase the capacity of healthcare services.
Large reductions in the number of young people are likely to lead to a
reduction in the number of schools, which may lead to longer distances to
the closest school.
As a result of demographic change, there will be more older patients suffering
from chronic diseases. Almost half of persons 65 years or older are perceived as
having a disability or long-standing activity limitation. In addition, the effects of
climate change, natural disasters and environmental degradation and pollution
tend to disproportionately increase pressure on older people’s health. This will
increase the need for healthcare and other care or support services.
Economic parameters
While higher growth has enabled the gap to narrow since 2000, gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita in rural regions was still considerably lower (at 75%)
than the EU average in 2018. The economic catching-up did furthermore not reach
remote rural regions (which remain at around 70% of EU GDP per capita).
The average employment rate in the EU’s rural areas increased between 2012 and
2020 (from 67.5% to 73.1%, i.e. higher than in cities), while the average
unemployment rate dropped (from 10.4% to 5.9%, i.e. lower than in cities).
Young people have a higher unemployment rate compared to the general working
age population, also in rural areas.
In terms of share of population that is at risk of poverty or social exclusion, the
figures in 2019 are higher in rural areas (22.4%), compared to cities (21.3%) and
towns and suburbs (19.2%), and in ten Member States the percentage of the
population at-risk-of-poverty in rural areas has increased since 2012 (European
Commission, 2021a).
There is a gap between male and female employment in rural areas of 13
percentage points (versus 10 percentage points in cities), rising to over 20 in
certain Member States. This gap has remained fairly stable at EU level since 2012.
In over half of the Member States, this gender employment gap is wider in rural
areas than cities. Many women have precarious contracts (e.g. seasonal workers)
or play an “invisible role” in rural societies (e.g. assisting spouses), which may
leave them exposed to vulnerable situations (such as no access to social protection
or maternity benefits) (European Commission, 2021a).
Education opportunities
The share of population with higher education in rural areas remains low despite
an increase from 18% in 2012 to 22% in 2019. The difference between rural areas
and cities also increased from 17 percentage points in 2012 to 19 in 2019. As
regards basic skills (reading, mathematics and science), the performance gap
between urban and rural areas is also wide in many countries, as indicated by the
results of PISA 2018. In terms of at least basic digital skills the gap amounted to
Green paper on ageing (COM(2021) 50 final)
14 percentage points (48% for rural areas vs 62% for cities) in 2019 and is stable
since 2015. At EU level the rate of early leavers from education and training is
higher in rural areas and towns than in cities (European Commission, 2021a).
Access to high-quality education and training cannot be taken for granted,
especially in thinly populated regions, where people may have to travel long
distances to the relevant facilities. The combination of low birth rates and out-
migration of young people can reduce the demand for schooling in rural and
remote regions. This can lead to a vicious circle: the number of children can fall
to such a low level that it is difficult to justify maintaining a school. This in turn
makes it less attractive for families with children to move to or remain in such a
region (European Commission, 2021b).
Schools in some rural areas often struggle to provide quality education due to their
geographical isolation and small size. They are faced with insufficient
infrastructure and educational support services, a limited educational offer and a
lack of experienced teachers. This can limit the uptake of e-services and the
potential to study and work remotely, which influences the availability of quality
jobs in rural areas (European Commission, 2021a).
Access to public services and infrastructure
A core need of modern life is access to quality public services and
infrastructure. In particular, essential services and related infrastructure such
as water, sanitation, energy, transport, financial services and digital
communications are key to guaranteeing social and economic inclusion. They
complement and facilitate access to other services that fulfil an enabling function,
such as childcare, education, long-term care, housing, labour market and social
services and they can also be an important source of job creation.
Longer distances, lower population density and larger catchment areas make both
delivery and access to services in rural areas more difficult and oftentimes
economically challenging for providers. Delivering services of general interest
in rural areas with comparable quality to those in urban areas is key to maintaining
equitable living standards for all citizens and across all territories, including in the
most remote rural areas and in the outermost regions (European Commission,
Green paper on ageing (COM(2021) 50 final)
Availability of digital infrastructure
The digital transition is moving forward at different speeds across Europe. Basic
broadband access is almost universal in the EU, but very-high-speed connections
are only available to 2 out of 3 city residents and 1 out of 6 rural residents. A
digital coverage gap exists between metropolitan areas and peripheral regions
(European Commission, 2022).
Many peripheral regions are currently disadvantaged in their competitiveness due
to a lack of or insufficiently powerful internet connection. This results in a lack
of an important prerequisite for exploiting development potential and for securing
or creating new jobs and thus reducing migration. In particular during the COVID-
19 pandemic and the widespread remote-work coming with it this factor has
become even more important (ÖROK 2021).
A closer look at the access to high-speed broadband reveals a clear urban-rural
Figure 3: Percentage of households with access to Internet >30Mbit/s in 2019 or latest
available year, at the rural and national levels
Source: OECD, 2020
Business models and approaches such as e-services, mobile service solutions,
private-public partnerships, social enterprises, cultural and creative industries as
well as cooperatives are generally a key factor for rural socio-economic
development. They crucially depend on the level of digital skills and the
availability and affordability of adequate digital infrastructure, and the
capacities to effectively deploy digital technologies, such as digital service
platforms. The key prerequisite for the digital transformation is internet
connectivity. Despite recent improvements in high-speed broadband connectivity,
only 59% of households in rural regions have access to next generation access
(NGA) broadband (>30Mbps), compared to 87% of the households in the EU.
(European Commission, 2021a)
The EU Rural Action Plan articulated flagship initiatives and projects. European
funding from the EAFRD, the ERDF, the ESF + and the Connecting Europe
Facility (CEF), the RRF as well as national and private funding, should work
together to invest in infrastructure, technology and people. These investments will
contribute to reaching the goal of 100% fast broadband coverage in rural areas by
2025. A minimum of 20% from the Recovery and Resilience Facility should
support the digital transition. The goal for 2030 set out by the European
Commission is that all European households should be covered by a Gigabit
network and all populated areas covered by 5G by 2030 (European Commission,
Challenges related to climate change
Rural areas face specific challenges related to climate change and environmental
degradation. Farming and forestry are more vulnerable than urban economic
activities to more frequent adverse climate events such as storms, floods and
droughts. These sectors are among the first to feel the consequences when
biodiversity is lost posing a threat for the long-term economic perspectives of the
rural communities that depend on them. Furthermore, tourism related to natural
capital is an important income factor in many rural regions, thus threatened by
such developments as well (European Commission, 2021a)
3.2 Impacts on policy planning and assessment tools
The above trends and challenges are not universal to all rural regions across
Europe, but can be considered somewhat common for many of them. Ultimately
those topics are more likely to be of importance or more likely to pose a challenge
for a rural area than they are for an urban area. They are thus of particular
relevance when designing policies for rural areas, and subsequently of particular
relevance when assessing potential impacts of a policy in a rural proofing
exercise. As the broadness of approaches outlined in sections 1 and 2 (different
methodological approach, different territorial level, range of topics that can be
covered) and the broadness of topics addressed in section 3 suggests that no “one
size fits all approach” is feasible here, the implications for policy planning and
assessment need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Rural regions, while facing many challenges that other regions are not facing,
should also not be looked upon as disadvantaged from the outset. Firstly, what is
a challenge from one perspective can be an advantage from a different
perspective, e.g. a peripheral location which hampers accessibility, but supports
the conservation of natural or cultural heritage. Fostering the potentials while
overcoming or reducing the challenges in this case is a delicate balancing act.
Furthermore, some challenges are inherent to a region due to e.g. geographical
characteristics, or its location and not a result of policy choices and design.
Finally, the notion of rural regions being inherently disadvantaged and in need for
support by non-rural regions in policy design, economic support etc. can steer the
public perception in that direction and accelerate existing negative trends (e.g.
out-migration) (Shortall, Sherry 2019; ENRD 2017).
Academic research against this background argues, that rural proofing is thus not
simply the assessment of impacts on predefined rural areas, but is an assessment
of policy impacts against rural needs. These needs cannot be defined on a general
level, but will depend on the legislative, geographical and socio-economic
background of regions affected by a specific policy. Ideally, this means an
inclusive process with stakeholder participation, the scope of which naturally is
dependent on the geographical level as well as the policy concerned. This will
safeguard, that the particular issues of the affected regions are adequately taken
into account, and a targeted assessment can be conducted. Involving responsible
stakeholders from both the “rural sphere” as well as the “policy sphere” will
contribute to a joint idea and a sense of “ownership”. Ultimately such a notion
will contribute to the uptake of rural proofing results into policy design. In the
long run it might even contribute to broader knowledge about rural issues in
general, improving future policies from the outset (Expert interviews 2022;
Shortall, Sherry 2019; ENRD 2017)
Success factors related to the characteristics of rural areas for any tool or
methodology used for rural proofing in a specific case thus are:
Appropriate choice of classification (if any) for rural areas depending on
geographical level, policy assessed, thematic areas covered, data needs etc.
Comprehensive needs assessment of the rural areas affected by the policy
Consideration of general trends in similar regions as examples, but not
generalising trends across all rural regions.
“Positive approach” towards rural areas, aiming at fostering their potentials
(incl. their potential contribution to a policy's success) and improving
positive impacts without a notion of “looking down” on them
Inclusion of stakeholders from the “policy sphere” as well as the “rural
sphere” in the assessment process
3.3 Types of rural areas
Europe’s rural areas are very diverse. Variations in natural and climatic
conditions, geographic features, historic and cultural developments, demographic
and social changes, national and regional specificities and economic prosperity
mean that no two rural areas are alike (European Commission, 2021a).
Nevertheless, there are approaches to classifying rural areas, either to distinguish
them from urban and peri-urban areas or to distinguish among the different types
of rural areas. A lot of indicators can be considered in such a classification:
population density, presence of infrastructural facilities, commuter traffic,
proximity and accessibility of urban areas, or the importance of sectors such as
the agricultural sector or the tourism sector. Below three examples of such
classifications are shown one general approach used by the European
Commission for all regions, one specified approach developed in an ESPON
project for rural regions only, and one national approach covering all regions of a
country with a finer differentiation and numerous classes.
The Urban-rural typology (European Commission) covers all regions of the
EU on a NUTS 3 level and is defined based on a three-step approach. The first
step is to identify populations in rural areas: “rural areas” are all areas outside
urban clusters. “Urban clusters” are clusters of contiguous grid cells of 1 km² with
a density of at least 300 inhabitants per km² and a minimum population of 5,000.
In the second step, NUTS 3 regions are classified on the basis of the share of their
population in rural areas:
“Predominantly rural regions” if the share of the population living in rural
areas is higher than 50%
“Intermediate regions” if the share of the population living in rural areas is
between 20% and 50%
“Predominantly urban regions” if the share of the population living in rural
areas is below 20%
In a third step, the size of the urban centres in the region is considered: A
predominantly rural region which contains an urban centre of more than 200,000
inhabitants making up at least 25% of the regional population becomes
intermediate. An intermediate region which contains an urban centre of more than
500,000 inhabitants making up at least 25% of the regional population becomes
predominantly urban (European Commission 2020).
ESPON ESCAPE is an example of a typology differentiating only within rural
regions. It distinguishes between rural populations which are currently being
depleted by out-migration (active shrinking) and those which contract (often
despite in-migration) due to their age structure and “natural decrease” (legacy
shrinking). It also distinguishes between active shrinking driven by regional or
national rural-urban processes, and those implicated in European-wide, or
intercontinental (globalised) flows.
The typology of “complex shrinking” defined in the project consists of the five
1. Agricultural, very low-income regions with severe legacy and active
shrinking: These regions are declining due to their disadvantage relative to
national centres, which fuels outmigration, and they generally do not have a
strong sector to rely on to reverse this trend.
2. Industrial, mid-low-income regions with severe legacy and active
shrinking: This cluster is catching up through economic restructuring, which
is reducing low-productivity jobs, but also damaging an already weak
population structure. Thus, these regions are ranked worse than other, diverging
but demographically healthier, ones.
3. Agro-industrial, low-income regions with moderate, mostly legacy
shrinking: Being comparatively weak at national level, these regions are losing
population through some outmigration besides natural decrease; however, they
are more central, and with a relatively stronger economy than the first cluster.
4. Servitised, mid-low-income regions with moderate legacy shrinking: These
regions have grown in the past despite a “difficult” territory and a weak
secondary sector; although their economy is healthy enough to prevent massive
outmigration, its state has been worsening, and the “distorted” population
structures have resulted in “legacy shrinking”.
5. Servitised, mid-income regions with moderate, mostly legacy shrinking:
These are regions with weaker-than-national-average, but still robust
economies, which are shrinking due to distorted population structures and low
fertility rates.
Figure 4: Typology of “complex shrinking” in rural and intermediate regions
The map above shows their geographical distribution.
As a national example, a more differentiated approach from Statistics Austria’s
urban-rural typology is presented here as well. It is based on the classification
of the European Commission: highly densified areas are delineated based on
500m grid cells and urban and regional centres are defined on municipality level.
For the definition of regional centres, the existence of infrastructure facilities is
taken into consideration. In a next step, municipalities outside of centres are
classified according to commuter interrelations and accessibility of centres. The
results are 4 major classes: urban centres (urban regions), regional centres, rural
area surrounding centres (urban regions outer zone), rural area. These classes are
subdivided into a total number of 11 classes according to the accessibility of urban
and regional centres (central, intermediate, peripheral). Additionally, the
importance of tourism is evaluated for each municipality (additional layer of
information). (Statistics Austria, 2022)
Figure 5: Urban-Rural-Typology of Statistic Austria including Tourism
Source: Statistics Austria
As is evident, there is no “ultimate classification” for rural areas which is
generally applicable across Member States and for all levels. While approaches
on a supranational level usually have to operate on a more generalised level and
a “rural region” defined on NUTS3 level still can include considerable urbanised
or at least densely populated sub-regions, approaches on national or sub-national
level can naturally differentiate on a higher spatial resolution. Furthermore,
specific typologies can be needed for specific circumstances e.g. for assessing
impacts of some policies classifying based on population density can be the right
approach, while for others further specific characteristics of a region (e.g. tourism
sector predominance) have to be taken into account for adequate assessments.
4. Application and improvement of
existing methodologies
A number of more or less sophisticated approaches and tools suitable for rural
proofing (with little modifications) have been developed. The reviewed
methodologies and practical application cases illustrated that, in practice, rural
proofing exercises are oftentimes relatively simplistic. The analysis of rural
specificities and corresponding implications for assessment instruments,
however, revealed that the nature of rural needs is complex. Simple checklists and
descriptive assessments conducted by small numbers of actors who not
necessarily have the desired expertise to fully take stock of this complexity, will
not suffice. Consequently, rural proofing exercises can be often perceived as “tick
box” exercises by policymakers.
The analysis, however, also discovered a number of success factors for rural
proofing based on stakeholder experience. Building on these success factors, the
following cases shows how existing methodologies can be slightly modified and
applied in a rural proofing exercise, taking into account the experience gathered
from literature and expert interviews. The three cases are:
ESPON TIA Quick Check;
Territorial Foresight; and
4.1 Rural proofing through Territorial Impact Assessment
TIA Quick Check
As outlined in section 2, TIA methodologies are, by nature, well-suited to capture
potential impacts on specific types of regions. In many cases, this allows for
addressing rural regions in particular and identifying specific effects compared to
effects on other regions. Those differences in potential impacts can be used for
assessing if a policy creates unbalanced or unwanted effects in rural areas, what
the nature of this effects is, and if the policy has to be adapted to address them.
The following case illustrates how the TIA Quick Check in its current form can
contribute to rural proofing a specific policy. This is done by building on an
application case of an actual territorial impact assessment on the topic of the EU
climate targets for 2030 and the various policies contributing to achieving these
4.1.1 Defining the frame of the assessment
First step in the assessment is to define the frame and scope.
Which policies are actually taken into account?
Which geographical level is the assessment taking place on?
What is the knowledge need of the responsible institution?
In which form will the exercise be conducted?
The policies taken into account should be linked to concrete actions. A broad
high-level strategy without concrete measures linked to it will be more difficult
to assess. In the example case, the assessment addressed the EU 2030 climate
targets and the corresponding actions in EU policies.
The geographical level of the assessment depends on several factors. The extent
of the assessment usually includes the area the policy is taking concrete actions
in. In some cases, this scope is extended to the adjacent areas where territorial
spill-over effects are expected. The resolution of the assessment depends on the
level on which actions can be defined, on the data availability, on the need to
single out specific types of regions etc. In the example case, the extent of the
assessment is set at the EU-27, as the policies are put in place for the whole of the
EU. The geographical depth is set at NUTS 3 level, because the tool available for
the quick-check by design allows for this level. It offers a balance between data
availability (higher resolution usually means less comprehensive and comparable
indicators) and concreteness of assessments. Furthermore, it crucially allows to
differentiate between rural regions and other regions based on the urban/rural
typology provided by DG REGIO.
The knowledge need defines how the assessment is approached, e.g.,
which types of experts are invited to the expert workshop,
which/if a thematic focus is put on the assessment,
if several or only one scenario has to be addressed etc.
In the example case, the knowledge need is the potential effects of the EU 2030
climate targets on rural areas. The geographical focus put on those areas thus
requires a targeted selection of experts. No thematic focus is set, therefore no
restrictions or implications on expert selection are made in that regard. The policy
in question includes only one scenario with specific targets set out, thus a single
expert workshop addressing this one scenario is sufficient for the assessment.
The form in which the exercise will be conducted defines the implementation
modalities, i.e. if it is done in an on-site workshop, in hybrid or online format.
Different tools are required for preparing an online workshop than an on-site
workshop. In the example case, the workshop is done online via
videoconference, making use of digital tools only.
Based on those initial definitions, the facilitators of the assessment can start with
technical and content preparation. This involves screening of the policy in
question on potential effects based on expert experience, and, subsequently,
screening sources for statistical indicators capable of capturing those effects.
While EU-wide sources such as Eurostat or ESPON Database are already included
for the most part in the TIA Quick Check tool, a particular policy or assessment
will usually require specific datasets, e.g., from scientific studies.
For the example case, several additional indicators were researched and developed
linked to the topic of climate targets. Those are prepared for upload into the tool,
and prepared for the expert workshop making available the definition and further
Table 1: Additional indicators added to the TIA Quick Check
Land use and
Share of artificial areas (e.g.
urban fabrics, industrial and
commercial units) on total
regional area
Corine Land
Cover, OIR
by air and
This composite indicator consists
of summing the normalised
indicators accessibility by air
(weighted with the factor 2/3) and
accessibility by road (weighted
with the factor 1/3).
S&W Spieker-
mann & Wege-
ner, Urban and
Research, OIR
in energy
Share of employment in energy
intensive sectors (e.g.
manufacture of coke and refined
petroleum products, chemicals
and chemical products, basic
Eurostat, OIR
Source: ÖIR 2021
The need for comprehensive statistical data can be challenging when researching
such indicators. In some cases, proxy indicators or application of gap mitigation
techniques are required to produce a complete dataset at NUTS 3 level.
Potential effects and respective indicators are identified for the fields of
“Economy”, “Society”, “Environment” and “Governance”.
In parallel with the technical and conceptual preparation, the experts of the
participatory workshop can be selected and invited. Selection of the participants
should be guided by the initial frame definitions. In general, a balanced group
representing various perspectives, from diverse backgrounds regarding gender,
geographical backgrounds, or thematic expertise are preferred. In some cases, it
can be necessary to tilt the selection a particular way, e.g., in case impacts to be
assessed concern mainly rural regions in the context of a rural proofing exercise.
Generally, participants should fall into at least four different groups:
Participants with in-depth knowledge of the policy assessed, e.g., someone
involved in drafting of the policy who can provide relevant input during the
Stakeholders whose interests will be affected by the policy, e.g.
representatives of EU level institutions, Member States, regions, cities,
specific types of regions (islands, rural regions ….).
Experts representing fields relevant to the topic of the policy proposal to be
In case of a dedicated rural proofing exercise: Experts on rural issues and
challenges which do not necessarily fall into one of the groups above.
4.1.2 Systemic picture of effects
The systemic picture is the core element of the impact assessment, translating the
content of the policy into cause-effect relations. It is drawn up in a workshop in a
moderated discussion setting. Participants are asked to outline potential effects of
the policy on the fields of economy, environment, society, and governance. All
effects are discussed in the group and can be amended by the experts if necessary.
An example of such a systemic picture can be seen below. In an online workshop,
it is drawn up making use of an online whiteboard software, in an in-person
workshop it can be drawn on a flipchart or regular whiteboard.
Figure 6: Systemic picture TIA Quick Check
Source: Consortium based on CoR workshop on climate targets
Marked in red are aspects which are identified to be particularly relevant for rural
areas. In the example case these refer to:
Pull-factors of cities increasing out-migration for rural areas
Mobility and energy costs
Financing and support for energy efficiency in buildings and decentralised
renewable energy production
Governance burden implementing climate actions put on local
administration potentially lacking expertise
Land use changes
Agricultural issues linked to biomass production and other renewable
It needs to be determined, if the effects are following a similar trajectory in rural
regions, or if the impact direction is different. For example, while mobility costs
due to rising energy prices might be more important for rural areas, they will in
general follow an upward trend for all regions. On the other hand, looking at
migration effects, the different relevance of mobility costs per type of region can
create a negative trend in some regions (commonly rural areas), while creating a
positive trend in other regions (commonly urban areas).
For each effect, where this is possible, an indicator from the TIA Tool is selected
by the participants which is deemed suitable to depict the respective effect.
Participants vote on the expected direction and strength of effects due to the policy
implemented (if necessary, differentiating between types of regions). The
indicators are used to create maps of potential impacts which steer the subsequent
policy discussion.
4.1.3 Assessment of potential impacts
The impact maps created in their current form allow for an assessment of all
regions in parallel, or selecting a specific typology (e.g., rural regions) and
visualising impacts only on them.
Figure 7: Impact on all regions (left) vs. rural regions (right)
Source: Consortium 2022
Based on the patterns emerging from the maps, participants are encouraged to
discuss the policy implications. Regions which are particularly affected along
their type of territory, their geographic location or their Member State are
identified. Furthermore, for the defined typologies (e.g. urban-rural typology), a
comparison of overall impacts can be visualised (i.e., how many regions would
see a strong positive impacts for a given indicator, how many regions would see
only minor positive impacts, etc.). Based on these patterns and visualisations,
participating experts can determine if particular effects are problematic for rural
areas and potentially detrimental to their development. Particular focus is put on
those effects which were already identified as having particular relevance for rural
areas in the systemic picture exercise.
Figure 8: Impact classes for all regions (top) vs. rural regions (bottom)
Source: Consortium 2022
The example above indicates that rural regions experience in general more minor
impacts than other types of regions. However, they are not experiencing
detrimental effects or lagging considerably behind their counterparts. This
information likely will lead to the assessment that no particular actions are
required for policy design.
Depending on the effects identified, the experts can draft suggestions to adapt the
policy, e.g., including additional provisions, shifting the focus of proposed
measures etc. The results of such a workshop can be taken up in the policy design.
It is important to stress however, that such an assessment consists of external
expert input it is not to be considered a political exercise. As any other impact
assessment, it should only lay down the potential impacts and related evidence
alongside of recommendations on how to take those impacts into account.
4.1.4 Suitability and improvements
The particular advantage of this approach is its combination of qualitative and
quantitative aspects. The assessments are not solely based on expert judgement,
but embedded in a methodology including impact calculations leading to concrete
maps. Due to the participatory element of the expert workshop and the systemic
picture exercise framing the quantitative calculations, it is, however, flexible
enough to accommodate all types of policies and policy topics. Furthermore, the
methodological approach can be transferred to lower geographical levels, as long
as quantitative data on regional level is available and a sufficient number of
regions are included in the assessment.
While the tool is developed for TIA, it can be easily used to contribute to rural
proofing exercises. The nature of the process, in particular quick assessments and
quick feedback to the policy drafting, allows it to be used early in policy
development. It is suited to work with multiple scenarios, which is another
characteristic of early policy stages. Finally, it already incorporates the possibility
to use typologies of various nature, including the option to define typologies
individually. Against the background of ongoing discussions on how to demarcate
rural areas, this allows for flexibility in the assessment.
Potential improvements to the methodology and tool to make it more versatile for
rural proofing could be easily implemented. The suggestions based on the above
assessments are:
Include a functionality to highlight rural regions (or any type of regions) in
the produced maps. This would allow an assessment for all regions in
parallel, focusing on the rural regions but not limiting the assessment to
rural regions only.
Include a functionality to visualise impacts side-by-side in the tool.
Specifically the following would simplify the visualisation of impacts on
rural areas: allowing side-by-side visualisation of the maps, allowing for
the visualisation of two scenarios at the same time, and including an option
to put graphs on impact values side-by-side. This would be particularly
relevant where different impact directions are identified on a particular
Amend the guidance on the TIA tool in order to outline the steps necessary
for rural proofing exercises
In particular for assessments on a lower geographical level, improving the
flexibility of databases and shapefiles in the tool to handle data from
different nomenclatures. An example is LAU
regions with the
functionality to group regions into one overarching entity would allow for
maximum flexibility and application of the tool on national and regional
level without constraints.
local administrative units (LAUs) are used to divide up the territory of the EU for the purpose of providing
statistics at a local level. (EUROSTAT 2018)
4.2 Rural proofing with a territorial foresight touch the
hypothetical case of the REPowerEU plan
Policy making is about shaping the future rural proofing is about ensuring the
future of rural areas. The future, however, is not in the numbers and data available.
A territorial foresight approach helps to incorporate the uncertainty and various
future perspectives and arrive at more future-wise rural proofing. This will help
to make sound policies for desirable futures for all places and people, incl. rural
areas. Looking at a hypothetical territorial foresight based rural proofing of the
REPowerEU plan illustrates how important future thinking is.
REPowerEU is a Joint European Action for more affordable, secure and
sustainable energy and less dependence on foreign gas and fossil fuels, earlier
than 2030. The main objective lies in two key elements:
Diversifying gas supplies, via higher LNG imports and pipeline imports
from non-Russian suppliers, and higher levels of biomethane and hydrogen.
Reducing faster our dependence on fossil fuels at the level of homes,
buildings and the industry, and at the level of the power system by boosting
energy efficiency gains, increasing the share of renewable and addressing
infrastructure bottlenecks.
4.2.1 Defining the foresight question
The clear definition of the foresight question is the key starting point of the
territorial foresight method. The foresight question, or “What if” question needs
to be comprised of a number of elements so that is future oriented and specific
enough. To start with, the question should entail the future or forward-looking
element, e.g., in the sense of future outlook or future pathways. That should be
followed by the territorial element, i.e., which territory is concerned. In the case
of rural proofing, the relevant territories are the rural regions. The next element in
the question is the policy that needs to be examined. For the purpose of this case
study, the policy in focus is the REPowerEU policy. Last but not least, it is
important to add a time element, indicating the time horizon of the future outlook
of the rural regions with the implementation of that policy.
The text box below gives an example of such a foresight question for rural
Foresight question
What future outlooks would rural regions have, if that REPowerEU is put into place, by 2030?
4.2.2 Collecting relevant trends, wild cards & challenges
Based on desktop research relevant development trends, wild cards and challenges
will be identified to understand the evolution of the future context in which
REPowerEU will be implemented. This means, the desk research at this stage
does not concern the expected impacts of the policy, but developments that are
contextual to the policy. A particular focus in the example case is put on rural
This needs to concern all five STEEP categories, i.e., Societal, Technological,
Economic, Ecological and Political. The table below presents a possible example
of how such an assessment could look like.
Table 2: Selection of relevant trends, wild cards and challenges (hypothetical
Wild cards
Ageing population
Population shrinkage
in rural areas
Changes in energy
Collapse of
digitalisation and
Water scarcity in
Wave of climate
Provision of services
of general interest in
rural and sparsely
populated areas
Funding of pension
and healthcare systems
Increased e-mobility
Higher energy self-
sufficiency of
Increased renewable
Increased nuclear
Cold fusion
Free energy access
Storage of renewable
network infrastructure
Global fragmentation
of the Worldwide Web
Circular economy
Energy price
Breakdown of global
value chains
Shortage of raw-
materials for
constructing new energy
networks and
Rural regions lagging
Climate change
effects and more
natural disasters
Urban farming
Solar storm disrupting
energy networks
Public objection to
new wind farms
Increasing energy
independency of EU
member states
Russia joining the EU
The end of OPEC
Lack of political
commitment to change
4.2.3 Identifying possible future pathways in a participatory
The next important step is to run the participatory approach. The participatory
approach starts with a first stakeholder mapping, i.e., with identifying relevant
players to take part. Examples of possible players, who are relevant in the case of
REPowerEU assessed at European or transnational level, are provided in the
following indicative list:
Local authorities’ representatives from rural areas;
Local authorities’ representatives from neighbouring urban areas;
Representatives from the LEADER programme;
European Commission relevant DG officials;
Representatives from the Rural Development programmes;
Representatives from the National Rural Networks;
Representatives of Local Action Groups;
Energy producer companies;
Ministry of Energy representatives;
Energy associations;
Non-governmental organisations;
Energy transmission and distribution companies.
Examples of possible players, who are relevant in the case of REPowerEU
assessed at local or regional level, are provided in the following indicative list:
Local authorities’ representatives from rural areas;
Local authorities’ representatives from neighbouring urban and rural areas;
Representatives of Local Action Groups;
Civil society organisations;
Local energy providers/initiatives;
Relevant national representatives;
Local/regional academia;
LEADER beneficiaries;
Local/regional business associations.
Based in the desktop analysis the participatory process will develop a series of
possible development pathways. For each of these possible implications of the
REPowerEU proposal on rural areas will be discussed with the stakeholders.
Discussion formats depend on the number and types of participants and can be
e.g., a workshop setting with a full group moderated discussion, thematic working
groups etc. The pathways will be developed by selecting relevant trends and
drivers and connecting them into different systemic pictures showing how they
affect each other. Once this is done implications for different types of rural areas
will be discussed, e.g., for rural areas with high potential to produce renewable
energy, rural areas with high energy dependency for their local economies,
peripheral rural areas with high need of long-distance transport, shrinking rural
areas with difficulties to invest in transition processes etc.
Table 3: Possible relevant future pathways and their implications on rural areas
(hypothetical examples)
Rural areas with
high potential to
produce renewable
Rural areas with
high energy
dependency for their
local economies
Peripheral rural
areas with high need
of long-distance
transition to a
Fast increase of
renewable energy
production in rural
Risk of competition
of land for food and
energy production
Start of green
transition process of
rural enterprises
Increasing energy
costs especially in
the transition period
competitiveness of
rural business
Increasing transport
costs especially in
the transition period
infrastructure and
use of sustainable
transport means
energy shortage
and energy
Increase in
renewable energy
production and
distribution in and
from rural areas
Risk of competition
of land for food and
energy production
Risk of bankruptcies
of energy intensive
business in rural
Increasing energy
poverty especially in
less well-off rural
Isolation of rural
areas due to reduced
Speeding up digital
transition to bridge
the physical
connectivity gap.
Return of the
nuclear age
Loss of economic
potential of rural
areas as renewable
energy exporters
Small scale
renewable energies
production in rural
areas, making them
more energy
No major disruption
for energy intensive
rural industries
Industrial decline &
aging in rural areas
no push for
Nuclear energy does
not fully solve the
issue of long-
distance transport
Speeding up digital
transition to bridge
the physical
connectivity gap.
The above pathways can be use as first steppingstones towards possible future
scenarios and policy impact discussions.
4.2.4 Analysis and post-processing of possible pathways
In the analysis phase, the trend analysis and the inputs coming from the
participatory approach are put together and cross-checked with the key objectives
of the policy in focus. This post-processing results in possible final future
The synthesis of the future-wise rural proofing could be presented in a form of a
table (see below). For each priority area of a policy possible negative and positive
implications for different types of rural areas and different possible future
developments could be summarised.
Table 4: Future-wise rural proofing Summary table
Diversifying gas supplies,
via higher LNG imports
and pipeline imports from
non-Russian suppliers, and
higher levels of biomethane
and hydrogen.
Depending on the future
development scenario
this object might play
out differently for
different types rural
Rural areas
type xyz
Positive impacts
Negative impacts
Rural areas
type xyz
Positive impacts
Negative impacts
Rural areas
type xyz
Positive impacts
Negative impacts
The method of territorial foresight helps to see the wider picture of different
possible future pathways and their implications for the policy discussed (e.g.
REPowerEU in this case).
An advantage of the method is that it can deal with high complexity and
uncertainty, by exploring different possibilities. This helps in avoiding big
surprises in the future and rather think and consider them from the very beginning
to be not only rural, but also future proof. The territorial foresight approach to
rural proofing can help to overcome the bias of the present (right now/right here).
By considering different possible future developments it helps to see how a policy
may affect rural areas in different possible futures. Sticking to the example of
REPowerEU, a discussion based on a non-foresight oriented rural proofing would
have looked differently in January 2022 than it does today.
On the other hand, the approach is a time-consuming approach, requiring efforts
and resources to collect trends and inputs, run the participatory approaches and
then thoroughly post-processing all material. It also requires participants to think
out of the box. Future thinking is particularly relevant and necessary for sound
policies. Policy makers often need to take decisions with mid- to long-term
implications, without having sufficient evidence. Territorial foresight is a method
that engages policy makers in a more focused thinking about the future and an
improved understanding about the present, by providing different possible
pathways for the future to avoid future dystopias. This way, policy makers have
the tools to develop future-oriented and relevant policies, asking what-ifs rather
than later confronting ‘what now-s’, to build better for the next generations to
4.3 Rural proofing through Territorial Impact Assessment
The following case illustrates how the ESPON EATIA methodology can
contribute to rural proofing a specific policy. It builds on an exercise done in the
context of the original ESPON EATIA project
, however it should be noted that
the original exercise was not conducted as dedicated “rural proofing” and any
matrices or visualisations are only used for illustrative purposes. The
methodological approach has also been modified to account for the different
requirements of a local/regional case as compared to the original national
approach of the EATIA project. The case itself as presented here is hypothetical
and developed by the project team. The EATIA methodology is very flexible
regarding territorial levels to be applied as well as for the determination and
visualisation of impacts. The case presents a hypothetical exercise on the Habitats
Directive (92/43/EEC) conducted with regional authorities in Portugal and
applying purely qualitative approaches
4.3.1 Screening
In the screening stage it is usually determined whether a TIA/rural proofing
exercise is necessary. The methodology offers a structured approach to determine
if and where (in which fields) impacts are likely based on a logic chain linked to
the policy actions. Thus, even if it is decided that a rural proofing exercise should
be done in any case, the screening stage allows to get a first overview of the
potential impacts. It is usually done at the authority level and does not involve
local or regional experts in order not to overburden them. An example of such a
logic chain is presented below:
Figure 9: EATIA logic chains
Source: ESPON 2012
The identified logic chain in relevant impact fields should be further refined in the
later stages. The impact fields are grouped along the known assessment categories
environment and territory, economy, society and territorial governance. For each
of those categories it is assessed, if impacts based on the impact fields are likely
to materialise, if they are negative or positive and if they are direct or indirect.
Based on this assessment, the relevant authority determines the necessity of a rural
proofing exercise (i.e., if multiple direct effects are likely, conducting a full
assessment is advised). In the example case it was determined, that impacts were
indeed likely, with the most affected category being environment and territory. It
is thus decided to proceed with the assessment.
4.3.2 Scoping
In the scoping phase the potential impacts are further detailed and, crucially, are
linked with types of territories where they are likely to materialise. This step can
be conducted either by the respective authority in charge or can be conducted with
stakeholder participation. In case of a regional exercise, it is suggested to tap onto
the regional knowledge regarding sensitivity of regions and locations of potential
impacts. This can entail inviting regional experts in a workshop setting. Based on
a moderated group discussion, the scoping matrix can be filled and a map of
potential impact locations can be drawn together with the participants. In a
qualitative assessment process, a map localising relevant regional traits (e.g.,
extent of protective areas, type of land use etc.) can be used as a basis for
participants to regionalise their assessments. An example is presented below
visualising areas of particular concern (i.e., high negative impacts) and areas of
moderate or low concern (i.e., reduced impact). Such a map is prepared with the
respective regional traits visualised from the outset, and participants asked to
mark locations/areas and strength of impacts in the workshop setting.
Figure 10: Regionalised impacts
Source: ESPON 2012
As can be seen in the example, this approach treats the concept of “rural areas
very flexibly. It does not depend on administrative boundaries and defined “rural
areas”, but it visualises specific traits, e.g., population density on a grid basis,
predominance of agricultural areas etc., against which the assessments can be
made. This is particularly relevant in case of low geographic levels of assessment
where no administrative typologies are defined.
Such impact visualisations are drawn up for all effects where this is possible,
accompanied by a scoping matrix detailing and describing those effects and
rationale behind judgements on impacted locations.
4.3.3 Assessment and evaluation
Based on the results of the scoping workshop, the scoping matrix, and the
developed maps, the next step consists in the detailed description and grading of
potential impacts per assessment criterion and policy element. This step is ideally
undertaken in a moderated expert workshop setting, bringing together an
interdisciplinary group. For each assessment criterion identified, the “Impact
Assessment Matrix” is filled per policy element. The policy elements can be
flexibly defined in the process, allowing for an easier assessment in case of larger
policies with multiple impact mechanisms. The impact assessment matrix
contains information about the orientation and magnitude of impacts (on a 2 to
+ 2 scale), temporal relevance (short/medium/long term) and a justification of
impacts. For a rural proofing exercise, the focus should be put in particular on
rural areas, either by committing the full assessment to rural impacts, or by adding
a field outlining rural impacts. The example below shows an impact matrix by
assessment criterion and policy element as an overview.
Figure 11: Impact assessment matrix
Source: ESPON 2012
Based on this matrix, the judgements and justifications, it can be determined if
rural areas in general are particularly affected. Furthermore, the visualisation
maps from the scoping exercise allow to identify those rural areas, where impacts
are particularly likely to materialise. All material developed is then used to draft
recommendations from the expert group. In the example case, regional authorities
are conducting an assessment of a policy outside of their direct sphere of
influence. As such the result of an assessment can be twofold:
A report outlining to the relevant bodies the observations and
recommendations, e.g., modifications to the policy, specific provisions to
be included etc. Through institutions on the EU level or the national level,
those recommendations can be communicated to the responsible bodies for
implementation. Furthermore, they can be used in the public consultation
phase of the policy design for issuing statements on behalf of a region.
Recommendations for local and regional authorities to act within the given
frame of the policy to mitigate negative effects or foster positive effects.
4.3.4 Suitability and improvements
The EATIA method is very flexible to adapt to a number of circumstances, thus
does not require formal modifications (e.g., as for the TIA Quick Check webtool).
The approach described in this case study is already modified for a purely regional
assessment and includes a particular focus on rural regions.
The materials developed in the context of the EATIA project can be readily used
and modified for use in a rural proofing exercise, as it is the focus of the outcome
and final reports rather than the assessment steps and materials that define such
an exercise.
Main advantages for applying EATIA are the flexibility regarding geographical
levels and non-dependence on administrative regions. Based on expert knowledge
and regional data (e.g., grid data on land use and population density), in principle
any geographic level can be the extent of the assessment. Furthermore, the method
is not dependent on significant volumes of regional data, therefore, can overcome
respective gaps.
On the other hand, the process relies significant expert involvement and several
regional workshops, thus, can be quite resource intensive. This can be challenging
for assessments at an early policy stage, where quick inputs on potential impacts
are needed in order to shape the policy.
5. Guidance for better rural proofing
Rural proofing can take many different forms as has been shown in the study.
There are numerous approaches implemented by the national level which are
specifically labelled “rural proofing”. However, there are also a lot of activities
ongoing which are contributing to better policies for rural regions which are not
explicitly put into this category. Several explicit methodologies have been
developed, which take the form of toolboxes, checklists or more sophisticated
assessment tools. While checklists in general seem to be the most frequent
approach to rural proofing methodologies, they are sometimes dismissed as
“checkbox exercises” reducing an important aspect of policymaking to a merely
administrative task.
The range of interviews conducted revealed that, while the question of
methodology used is important, rural proofing in general is much more than
application of a pre-specified methodology. Rural proofing has to be embedded
in the policy process and it has to be recognised as an important task by
policymakers and not as a burdensome exercise. It requires both awareness and
knowledge about rural issues, and it requires active engagement by bodies
developing a certain policy. At the same time, it requires scrutiny and verification
of its application, as cases have revealed that otherwise there is the risk of it
“getting lost” over time.
The following sections address the main success factors and challenges for
implementing rural proofing in policy development, provide guidance on
selecting methodologies for rural proofing exercises and finally give
recommendations for the different governance levels on how to implement rural
proofing. All assessments and recommendations were synthesised by the project
team from desk research, the developed cases and particularly from the
interviews. The interviewed experts represented various governmental bodies
with experience in implementing rural proofing approaches in their respective
countries. They highlighted good experiences and challenges alike, and provided
important input to the report. As almost all of the interviewees asked not to be
cited in the report, and some, due to government policies, asked also not to be
named, no direct references to the interviews are made. A list of interviewees who
were at liberty to be named is included in the annex.
5.1 Factors for implementing rural proofing
5.1.1 Success factors
Several factors were identified which were contributing to success of rural
proofing approaches in multiple countries covered by the study. They can be split
in two categories, one related to the methodology itself, and one related to the
wider implementation in policy development. Crucially, many interviewees stated
that the concrete methodology for assessing impacts is not the most important
aspect when developing policies for rural areas it is the fact that rural areas are
considered at all in the development. At the same time criticism about “checkbox
exercises” is frequent, thus the methodology applied seems not to be trivial after
A range of factors have to be taken into account by the authority responsible for
implementing a rural proofing exercise to select an appropriate methodology
for rural proofing a specific policy. These include inter alia:
geographical level,
policy stage,
policy content, and
data availability.
Concrete guidance on which methodology is suited for specific circumstances is
provided in the following section. Apart from the scientific soundness of
assessments, a methodology also profits from being easy to understand and
producing policy relevant outcomes. In case of non-mandatory rural proofing,
policymakers are more likely to conduct such an exercise if they understand the
approach and the value of outcomes right from the outset. This is particularly
relevant for local and regional exercises with stakeholder participation.
For each methodology and setting, there needs to be an appropriate
classification of rural areas. There are numerous approaches for defining rural
areas, taking into account e.g., population density, remoteness, population
distribution, sectoral split etc. None of those approaches represents a universally
agreed definition, as depending on the geographical level, the methodological
approach, and partly even the policy in question, such a definition varies. It is,
however, important to define for the purpose of each rural proofing exercise, what
is to be understood as a rural area in that specific frame.
Finally, a “positive approach” towards rural areas is considered one of the key
success factors. Such areas are not to be seen as inherently disadvantaged in all
circumstances, but are areas with specific and individual challenges, however,
also with potentials others do not possess. Any rural proofing approach must
therefore not only look at mitigating the disadvantages, but also consider the
advantages and ultimately the potentials to contribute to a given policies goals.
Wider implementation
Rural proofing can be a voluntary or mandatory element of policy development.
In case of it being voluntary, it is necessary to convince policymakers of the
positive aspects while also making sure it is not seen as “overburdening” the
process. In case of mandatory rural proofing, experience has shown it is still
important to make policymakers see the advantages and create the capacity to
conduct effective assessments, to avoid the exercise becoming merely an
administrative task. Targeted application is therefore considered an important
factor, e.g., by including a screening process for rural issues in early policy
development. In case such a screening identifies relevant issues, a more in-depth
approach is warranted. Otherwise, it can consist of a reduced approach.
While targeted approaches which are seen as valuable exercise by policymakers
are a factor, at the same time sufficient resources have to be reserved for the
implementation. Both personnel to conduct and facilitate the exercise as well as
budget for potential actions (e.g., resources for regional events, participants fees,
external methodological experts, moderation etc.) are important. Ensuring the
availability of time and budget will usually be the responsibility of the authority
or body implementing the exercise.
Experience has shown that rural proofing is not an external process (e.g., an
external impact assessment), but has to be embedded in policy design. It is
therefore crucial that a body responsible for development of a particular policy is
also the one responsible for rural proofing their policy. Nevertheless, targeted
support for these bodies is very important, as it reduces barriers and encourages
conducting such exercises. Several countries consider the establishment of a “core
group”, “centre of expertise” or similar entities with methodological knowledge,
acting as a coordinator in the process as a key success factor.
Finally, as with all similar exercises timing is important for achieving results.
While at an early stage of policy development there might be a lot of uncertainties,
it is also the stage where the most influence can be exerted. The inclusion of rural
considerations when shaping the general direction of a policy is crucial, as in most
cases later considerations are only able to influence smaller details. The respective
assessments, therefore, should be able to cover the main impacts and subsequent
recommendations in a quick manner, allowing for early input to the policy
5.1.2 Main challenges
In implementing the various rural proofing approaches, interviewees stated a
number of challenges. Some were linked to the specific circumstances of the
country, e.g., specific properties of the policymaking process. Others can be
considered more general and could also apply in other countries or at the EU level.
The main challenge identified lies in the voluntary nature of most approaches.
In most cases, rural proofing was implemented as an optional part of
policymaking, oftentimes leading to it being disregarded by authorities
responsible for implementing policies. Furthermore, even in cases where rural
proofing was implemented as a mandatory part of policymaking, however not
enforced by the scrutinizing authorities, the overall exercise was disregarded in
many cases. This challenge was even greater where a lack of funding for non-
mandatory assessments and actions in the policy drafting process could be
identified. While it was comparably easy for authorities to justify expenses for
mandatory procedures, it could be a challenge to set aside resources for a
voluntary process.
Lack of understanding of the need also led do slow uptake of rural proofing,
with authorities either being convinced that there were no relevant impacts on
rural areas created by their policy, or certain that already enough was being done.
Combined with a non-mandatory approach and a lack of funding, the incentive
for authorities to conduct rural proofing activities was low. In some cases, this
was also linked to a lack of methodological knowledge, with authorities stating
that they would be in favour of taking up rural proofing but simply lacking the
methodological knowledge as well as lacking the capacity for acquiring it.
Finally, especially in countries where rural proofing was implemented as
mandatory part of policymaking, challenges were linked to the scrutiny of the
activities. The already mentioned “check-box exercise” meant that as long as any
form of rural proofing was conducted, the scrutinizing authorities were satisfied
without verifying the quality of the process. Authorities in charge of the policy on
the other hand oftentimes tried not to “gold plate” and did not overfulfil the
5.2 Selecting methodologies
As outlined above, rural proofing does not consist of simply applying a
methodology assessing impacts, but is a philosophy of policy drafting and
requires a holistic approach implemented throughout policy design. Nevertheless,
assessment methodologies can shed a light on how particular aspects of a given
policy influence rural areas, improve the understanding and thus enable
policymakers to address challenges in a more targeted manner. The following
section provides an overview of important factors when selecting a suitable
methodology and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of individual
methodologies for each one.
Geographical level
The geographical level determines if a specific tool can be used or not. An
assessment covering the local level only will rarely support a data-driven
assessment thus has to lean on qualitative methods. On the other hand, a rural
proofing exercise conducted for an EU-wide policy could be difficult to apply
when a large number of stakeholders for regional input have to be involved.
TIA Quick Check
The webtool available is particularly suited for assessments covering
larger individual countries, multiple smaller countries, or the EU level.
The methodology is transferable to the regional level, however, the
webtool has to be adapted.
Foresight methods
The methodologies are in principle independent of the geographical
level. The approach involving broader trends is better suited for larger
geographical areas, however the methodologies are transferable to lower
levels as well.
EATIA is flexible regarding the geographical level and can cover
everything from the EU level down to the local level. Assessments at a
higher geographical level require more efforts in terms of regional
consultations. Thus, the method is particularly suited for national and
sub-national approaches.
Data availability
An important role in all evidence-based assessments is data. Depending on the
methodological approach, however, the completeness, resolution, administrative
boundaries etc., play a different role. Regardless of the approach qualitative or
quantitative all assessments can profit from better data quality.
TIA Quick Check
The webtool requires NUTS3 level data to work, thus is highly
dependent on datasets being available in this resolution. In case such
datasets can be provided or created, the methodology is well suited. In
case of assessments on lower geographic levels, the methodology is still
well suited. However, the tool neds to be adapted to accommodate for the
different nomenclatures. In cases where assessments cannot be made
based on predefined regions or where no data is available, the
methodology is not advised.
Foresight methods
The methodologies are independent from detailed datasets on the
regional level, however, require some information on general trends and
directions in order to conduct a proper assessment.
EATIA is independent from detailed data. Expert judgements can be
made even in the complete absence of regional data. Still, all assessments
benefit from more detailed data being available as evidence base.
Timing in the policy process
While rural proofing in general should always start as early as possible in policy
development, assessment methodologies lend themselves to different points in
time. Main determining factor is both what needs to be available as basis for the
assessments and what is the desired output.
TIA Quick Check
The TIA Quick Check requires a certain amount of clarity on how a
policy is going to be implemented in order to draw up proper logic
chains. The webtool is well equipped to deal with different scenarios, i.e.,
it can be applied early in policy development.
Foresight methods
Foresight methods are well equipped to deal with vagueness and
fuzziness”, thus are particularly suited for application in early policy
development stages in order to shape the general approach and strategy.
The application of EATIA in the way it was done for the purpose of this
study requires more detailed information of the policies, as e.g., detailed
geographical assessments of impacts require fundamental knowledge of
the impact mechanisms.
Those considerations can give some orientation when selecting a methodology for
assessing rural impacts in the context of rural proofing. However, all methods
require considerable expertise in their implementation, which is an important
factor for their success. A method for which expertise is available can outdo a
method for which no expertise in implementation can be accessed, regardless of
other factors.
5.3 Recommendations
The recommendations developed based on the study results can be grouped into
those for methodological developments, those for policy development, and
further, those for supporting measures. Considerable input was gathered from the
expert interviews which provided insights into their own national or cross-cutting
perspectives. While the individual national backgrounds can be different, the
recommendations also do not address solely the EU level, but rather aim at
improving rural proofing on all governance levels. The recommendations are
drafted in a general manner, thus making them suitable for the broad range of
legislative systems and different distribution of competences across the EU.
Nevertheless, some of the recommendations will address different levels in
different countries, as e.g., federal states or autonomous regions might have the
power to re-shape policy processes in some countries, while in other countries
only the national level can implement some of the measures.
5.3.1 Methodological developments
Some recommendations for methodological improvements are based on the
project teams knowledge and experience in applying assessment methodologies,
others are based on the expert interviews. The aim of the following section is not
to provide one universal methodology, nor is it to develop completely new
methodologies for rural proofing. It is rather aiming at improving existing
approaches and including some adaptions and tweaks to make them more suitable
for rural proofing. Improvements to the ESPON TIA Quick Check
The ESPON TIA Quick Check is already mentioned in the better regulation
toolbox tool #34 where TIA and rural proofing are covered. It provides a solid
basis for assessing impacts on rural areas. However, some improvements could
be made to allow for better visualisation and results regarding rural proofing:
Include a functionality to highlight rural regions in the maps produced.
This would enable assessments for all regions in parallel, focusing on the
rural regions but not limiting the assessment to rural regions only.
Include a functionality to visualise impacts (maps/graphs) side-by-side
for different types of regions in the tool. This would simplify the
visualisation of impacts on rural areas.
Amend the guidance on the TIA tool in order to outline the steps necessary
for rural proofing exercises.
Improve the flexibility of databases and shapefiles in the tool to handle
data from different nomenclatures, such as LAU
regions, with the
functionality to group regions into one entity. This would allow for
maximum flexibility and application of the tool on national and regional
level without constraints. Improvements to qualitative methodologies
Qualitative methodologies profit from their generally higher flexibility regarding
data availability, scenarios where impacted regions do not necessarily correspond
to administrative regions etc. Nevertheless, there is a need for better guidance and
modification of approaches to improve rural proofing exercises.
Improve the targeted guidance for use in rural proofing scenarios, in
particular for the different governance levels. While methodologies
oftentimes are transferrable to different geographical levels, they are
showcased only on particular levels. Furthermore, the higher flexibility can
lead to stakeholders being overwhelmed or not sure, if such an approach is
suitable for their circumstances.
Add approaches for specific typologies and comparisons to qualitative
methodologies, i.e., outlining steps necessary to include comparative
elements between rural- and other areas.
Adapting templates to explicitly address rural areas and comparison
elements. In many cases, templates provided for qualitative methodologies
are more flexible and open. Thus, it can be unclear to people looking to
apply a certain methodology on how to do this. Templates guiding the
process are common and can be adapted to improve guidance in those cases. Improvements to checklist approaches
“Checklist” approaches are the most common among the countries already
applying rural proofing. They include varying degrees of details, and usually
consist of a brief questionnaire on potential impacts of the policy on rural areas.
The general issues with checklist approaches have been addressed already,
however, when applying them some recommendations can still be made:
It is important to be bold when including checklists in policymaking
processes. Several approaches have failed to achieve the intended results,
local administrative units (LAUs) are used to divide up the territory of the EU for the purpose of providing
statistics at a local level (EUROSTAT 2018)
as they were implemented without ensuring proper scrutiny, or by reducing
the effort necessary when assessing impacts to a minimum.
Provide clear guidance to all questions, in order to enable the people
conducting the assessment to properly do so. In particular, specifying
exactly what is expected under a specific question, providing example
answers or specify categories of answers.
Provide examples of how this has been conducted, e.g., a complete
assessment process (fictional or real) including comments and
Provide targeted training to public servants expected to conduct such
assessments with the use of a checklist.
5.3.2 Policy developments
Rural proofing is not simply a “method” to be applied, but a way of designing
policies. Assessing impacts of a given legislation or policy on rural regions is an
important part of it, end methodological guidance on how to do this has been
provided by the study. Nonetheless rural proofing requires actions at different
stages of policy development, and does not consist of a single feedback loop.
Without addressing a specific governance level, the following recommendations
can be made for including rural proofing in policy development in general:
Rural proofing has to be required in the policy process in a formal or
explicit manner. Formal requirements not only create awareness, but
oftentimes the availability of funding of an exercise is linked to its
requirement. Voluntary exercises can be a first step, however are likely to
be overlooked, left out in order to reduce the administrative burden, or even
impossible to implement due to a lack of resources available.
Selecting the right timing is crucial, as steering policies towards better
impacts on rural areas is possible mainly early in the process. Respective
assessments of potential impacts should be done at such an early stage, that
the policy is already outlined regarding general direction and activities,
however not yet inflexible towards changes.
Involvement of persons feeling responsible for rural proofing in policy
development is crucial. Linked to recommendations about the
establishment of a responsible body in the following section, which could
provide the staff and resources for this.
Rural issues are not the only issues requiring attention in policymaking. In
order not to overburden the policy process and, thus, reduce the time and
resources available for specific issues, rural proofing should be
conducted in a targeted manner. This can be done, e.g., by including a
necessity check similar to the one already applied for TIA at the EU level
for each initiative, or by a responsible governmental by following policy
developments and identifying initiatives which would require a more in-
depth involvement, and others where no or only little activities and scrutiny
is needed.
In a multi-level governance structure, framework policies are oftentimes
developed on higher levels, while impacts materialise on low geographic
levels. Governing bodies on lower levels should therefore have the
possibility to monitor” developments on higher levels, and feedback
information on potential impacts from their point of view early on. A
mechanism that ensures such feedback loops before the formal public
consultation on policies would be beneficial to establish.
5.3.3 Supporting measures
Supporting measures are not policy or methodological measures per se, however,
can be important for the successful inclusion of rural proofing in policymaking.
A group/department/agency (depending on the respective
governmental organisation) with the methodological and thematic
knowledge necessary for including a rural perspective in policy
processes should be established. Their staff should be able to follow
policy developments from other departments, agencies, ministries etc., and
should be able to request inclusion into working groups responsible for a
specific policy. They are able to provide targeted support, raise awareness
of the issues, however, their inputs should not be considered as external but
rather part of the overall policy drafting process. Countries which
established such groups reported it to be one of the key success factors.
Raising awareness and creating a feeling of responsibility within policy
drafting bodies is crucial. Rural proofing cannot be seen as an external
process or assessment, but rather part of policy development. To that end,
capacity building for people involved in policy development is important.
Even though bodies responsible drafting a specific policy should be
responsible to ensure the consideration of rural issues, they should be
supported in doing so. A core group with the thematic and methodological
knowledge about rural proofing policies can also provide targeted support
to individual bodies responsible for a policy. “Quick and easy access” to
such resources has been reported as another crucial success factor.
For actual application of specific methodologies, clear methodological
guidance should be made available. For example, at EU level, tool #34
should be expanded in order to address, how TIA can serve rural proofing
exercises, and how the methods currently included can be used in practice.
6. Conclusion
Over the course of the research conducted it has become clear that not one
universal methodology is likely to fit the requirements of rural proofing. Rather,
similar to TIA there are different approaches suited best for different application
cases. It is evident that methodologies suitable for rural proofing at local and
regional level differ from rural proofing at EU level. However, even on the same
territorial level there are differences in methodological requirements.
Furthermore, it has become clear that rural proofing is not simply an assessment
and the application of a methodology providing concrete results, but it is a process
for better policymaking. Rural thinking in policymaking cannot be done
only at the impact assessment stage, but has to become part of the policy
spirit, being relevant from early strategy design over detailed provisions to impact
measurement and assessment.
Part 1 of the study, state of play of rural proofing has shown, that while
rural proofing as an idea is already included in a number of toolboxes at EU
level, the actual inclusion in policymaking has yet to picked up.
Furthermore, it became evident in the review of existing approaches, that
in most countries where rural proofing was seen as the application of an
assessment only, the overall goals could not be reached. Particular success
could be identified in those countries, where rural proofing included
assessment aspects and guidance on them was included as a wider strategy
and approach in policy design. Considerable importance was identified in
“rural proofing agencies” being able to support with methodological
questions as well as acting as an exchange platform, for awareness raising
and for providing training to public officials.
Part 2 of the study, existing TIA tools concluded, that TIA methods are in
most cases well suited to support with rural proofing exercises. Both
qualitative and quantitative tools which were able to work on NUTS3 level
and below are able to produce meaningful assessments. Some
methodologies, due to their geographical scope, cannot be used for rural
proofing, and due to their method are also unlikely to be transferred to lower
levels. In most cases modifications either to existing tools, templates or at
least methodological guidance has to be updated in order to support rural
Part 3 of the study, the specificities of rural areas present the crucial
challenges for rural areas which are oftentimes considered the reason for a
need for rural proofing. The implications for policy planning and in
particular rural proofing tools are addressed as well. While some general
trends relevant for many rural regions could be identified, specificities and
challenges are not universal and differ between different types of regions.
Part 4 of the study, application and improvement of existing
methodologies implemented three rural proofing exercises in the form of
case studies to showcase how those methodologies can be used. The rural
proofing application of ESPON TIA Quick Check, Foresight methods as
well as EATIA were presented based on three example policies. The cases
may provide examples for stakeholders looking to implement rural proofing
approaches. They also helped in identifying some shortcomings and
potential methodological improvements in those methodologies in order to
support better rural proofing.
Part 5 of the study, guidance for better rural proofing synthesized the
preceding parts and provides recommendations for various aspects:
o Success factors and challenges for implementing rural proofing
o Selecting proper methodologies for rural proofing exercises
o Methodological recommendations for further developing existing
o Recommendations for broader integration of rural proofing in the
overall policy cycle
The study concludes that there is no need for a completely new rural proofing
tool, but rather identified a number of key improvements to existing
methodologies. Furthermore, it is to be stressed that those methodologies only
form a part of the overall rural proofing process. The following recommendations
were developed:
Existing tools provide great value for rural proofing and territorial
impacts in general. They are able to accommodate a wide range of
circumstances, deal with issues in data availability, work on all geographic
levels and can cover all types of policies. The focus should be laid on
further refining such tools instead of developing new ones from scratch.
Territorial Impact Assessment in general provides a good basis for
rural proofing, addressing inter alia rural regions. TIA, however follows a
slightly different approach than what is needed for rural proofing, lacking
the explicit focus on rural areas but rather trying to address all regions
similarly. Improvements regarding the overall visibility of rural regions and
respective impacts when applying TIA methodologies can be made and are
outlined in detail in the study.
There are a number of tools and templates which are used in the application
of those existing methods. As is, they are developed with TIA in a broader
sense in mind, however they need upgrading to cater to rural proofing
Rural proofing is part of the policy design, not a "checkbox" after
everything is already finalised. It is a philosophy of how to draft policies
and how to take into consideration issues of specific regions at all stages
and on all levels of policy drafting. Implementing it is not simply applying
a methodology for external verification, but has to be mainstreamed into
policy drafting processes.
6.1 Recommendations for the EU policymaking process
To conclude this study the following overall recommendations for the EU level
policymaking process may be stated:
It has to be acknowledged that the legislative process of EU legal procedures is
already scrutinising quite a lot of effects of legislative proposals
(environmental, economic, social, SME etc.). Still, what seems to be lacking
at the very beginning of any legislative process is the territorial angle of
the proposals. This should however not be misunderstood as yet another
layer of checks, but as horizontal pre-check embracing all sectoral effects at the
same time and “translating them into EU territories" (preferably regions). Such
a horizontal “necessity check” may then also include the differentiation of
potential effects on different territorial typologies (including explicitly rural
In this respect the status of rural proofing has to better clarified i.e. the
“necessity check” (as foreseen in the legislative process in the preliminary
impact assessment) will have to include rural proofing elements.
Like this a screening for territorial and rural impacts will become a mandatory
element of the policymaking processes.
Within the European Commission, territorial impact assessment and rural
proofing should be established within every interservice consultation of new
proposals. DG Regio and DG Agri with their respective expertise on TIA and
rural proofing/rural issues can act as “custodians” of potential methodological
applications (e.g., suggestions for specific methods to be applied). By such an
approach the overburdening of the process with yet another “expert-body”
acting as methodological pool may be avoided. The prerequisite will be
however that the Commission's personnel will have enough overview on
existing methods.
By such an integration of territorial impact assessment and rural proofing the
scrutiny for both elements in the decision-making process including the two co-
legislators shall be ensured.
6.2 Recommendations for local, regional and national
Local, regional and national authorities are working in heterogenous legislative
systems and policymaking traditions. Against their respective backgrounds, local
regional or national authorities looking to implement rural proofing for a specific
policy or on a general level will have to consider their legislative powers, their
position in drafting the policy and their potential influence and possibilities. The
following general recommendations can be given to them:
Rural issues should be considered early in policy drafting and already in
first policy design. Methodologies to assess potential impacts at an early
policy stage are described in the report and allow to shape measures to take
into account rural needs.
In order to be effective and efficient in implementing rural proofing
exercises, it is helpful to decide where rural proofing is necessary and
relevant as early as possible. This will allow to concentrate the efforts on
those policies where impacts on rural communities are relevant and should
be addressed.
As rural proofing should be a recurring element of policy design, it is
important to develop capacities and methodological knowledge for
respective exercises and application of methodologies within authorities.
While external support, e.g., from specialised departments or from external
experts is oftentimes necessary, internal knowledge and capacities are
highly valuable for good results.
On a national or regional level, a centre of expertise with the purpose of
supporting authorities in implementing rural proofing in their policy
drafting should be established and funded. Monitoring upcoming
legislation and actively encouraging rural considerations, as well as
providing a contact point for questions and ad-hoc support for authorities
has been reported as key success factor for rural proofing.
The availability of sufficient resources should be ensured both in terms
of personnel and time as well as funding for specific actions (e.g., external
support, conducting events etc.).
When deciding on the approach and methodology for rural proofing for a
specific policy, an authority should check which support mechanisms
from national level or other authorities within the government are
available. Guidance, past experiences or ideally direct support by
experienced departments and colleagues will positively contribute to the
results. Permanent links for exchange and cooperation between the levels
of government can support the early detection of rural impacts of national
or regional legislation.
For application of specific methodologies of assessments, oftentimes
external support is valuable or needed. The report indicates for the
assessed methodologies references and contact points which can contribute
to the successful implementation with their knowledge.
In case an interactive approach including stakeholder participation is
selected, it is important to make sure sufficient time for stakeholder
consultation is reserved. Such processes, especially in cases where
stakeholders are not familiar with a particular methodology take time, and
involved persons should be granted enough time for preparation and
Apart from activities directly related to specific policies, authorities,
regions, local governments etc. should also strive to engage in networking
efforts related to policy design for rural areas. The study has discovered
several similarities and complementary approaches to overcoming joint
challenges, which can be a starting point for engaging in exchange
activities. This can further rural proofing methodologies and approaches,
but can also contribute to specific policy assessments and policy design
List of interviews
The following interviewees agreed to be mentioned in the study:
Alexia Rouby (DG AGRI)
Evelina Selander (Swedish agency for Economic and Regional growth)
Betty-Ann Bryce (OECD)
Olivia Silverwood (Ministry for primary industries New Zealand)
Three further interviewees asked to remain unnamed due to their government
policies on comments that could potentially be traced back to their respective
country, government or agency and thus are not mentioned in the study.
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of 329 regional and local representatives such as regional presidents or city-mayors
from all 27 Member States, representing over 446 million Europeans.
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ISBN 978-92-895-1233-6