Published ahead of print 1
Journal of Singing, published ahead of print
Copyright © 2021
National Association of Teachers of Singing
Robert T. Sataloff, Associate Editor
David Meyer
Lynn Helding
Tom Carroll
Christine Petersen
John Nix
Allen Henderson
Jeremy Faust
Reentry Following COVID-19:
Concerns for Singers
David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
       in its subtitle: “Concerns
for Singers.” While the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked devas-
tation upon disparate types of people around the world, singers,
and those who teach and collaborate with them, are a vulnerable
cohort within this larger global health crisis. This vulnerability is due to a
number of facts about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, beginning with its three main
routes of transmission as outlined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC): (1) inhalation of very ne respiratory droplets and
aerosol particles; (2) the deposition of virus-containing droplets and particles
on exposed mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, or eye by direct splashes
and sprays; and (3) touching mucous membranes with hands that have been
soiled either directly by virus-containing respiratory uids or indirectly by
touching surfaces with virus on them.
The CDC has further explained that “the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection
varies according to the amount of virus to which a person is exposed” and
notes that the two main variables concerning this amount are distance and
Regarding the former, how far away an individual is from the respira-
tory droplets of an infected person, combined with the observation that the
concentration of the virus is diluted by both gravity (heavier drops fall) and
mixture with air, illustrates why the CDC states that “the available evidence
continues to demonstrate that existing recommendations to prevent SARS-
CoV-2 transmission remain eective. These include physical distancing.”
The parameter of time exerts a similar dilution of viral viability and potency.
Yet using those same parameters of distance and time, the CDC also notes
that “transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from inhalation of virus in the air farther
than six feet from an infectious source can occur [emphasis added] under
certain preventable circumstances,” one of which is “Prolonged exposure to
these conditions, typically more than 15 minutes.”
The CDC report goes
on to note two other factors that increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation or air handling within which
the concentration of exhaled respiratory uids, especially very ne droplets
and aerosol particles, can build-up in the air space.
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David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
Increased exhalation of respiratory fluids if the
in fec tious person is engaged in physical exertion or
increases the intensity of their voice (e.g., exercising,
shouting, singing).
It has been shown that there are signicantly higher
emission rates for singing compared to mouth breathing
and speaking.
This nding plus the CDC report indicates
that the typical voice teacher who instructs singers on a
back to back hourly schedule in a one on one setting, oen
in a small room with poor ventilation, may be especially
vulnerable to COVID infection, particularly from unvac-
cinated students and collaborators (e.g., pianists). Indeed,
voice teachers in these situations could be considered
“sitting ducks” for multiple respiratory illnesses, from the
common cold to inuenza, but the virulence of the SARS-
CoV-2 virus and the mortality rate of COVID-19 illness
are without modern precedent: in the United States, a
country with 331,449,281 persons
, 33,558,862 cases of
COVID-19 and 602,275 fatalities
have been reported as
of June 22, 2021. These gures indicate that one in ten
persons contracted the virus in the US, and of those who
contracted COVID-19, one in 56 died from the illness.
This ongoing global health crisis has added a height-
ened level of urgency to a list of concerns for singers. As
noted by this team of authors in a previous article with the
same subtitle, that list of concerns includes the COVID-19
sequelae most likely to disrupt or permanently damage
those functions that are necessary for singing.
The degree to which voice teachers can protect
themselves from communicable diseases like COVID-
19 begins with the amount of personal agency they
wield. Self-employed singing teachers possess a large
degree of autonomy regarding their work environment,
including the degree and length of time to which they
may be exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus; so do sing-
ers who volunteer for a community or church choir.
Notwithstanding the emotionally difficult choices
involved with avoidance or complete cessation of sing-
ing activities, the fact remains that such people do have
choices. Yet teaching faculty at music conservatories
or teachers in commercial music companies may have
few, if any, choices about their teaching environments.
In anticipation of a return to in-person teaching and
learning, a growing number of colleges and universities
are requiring vaccination against COVID-19 for faculty,
sta, and students who intend to pursue in-person stud-
ies on campus this fall.
Yet reentry to live interaction
for institutionally based teachers and singers is less clear
cut than this requirement might suggest, rst by allowing
vaccine hesitant students to decline the vaccine, osten-
sibly for health or religious reasons. A number of other
factors complicate reentry, including vaccine hesitancy
among nonstudent sta and faculty colleagues, changing
CDC guidelines and recommendations, foreign students
who have had vaccines not authorized by the FDA, and
university administrations and commercial studios so
anxious to return to in-person teaching and learning to
recoup the economic losses of the past year that they
have issued directives to employees forbidding them
from inquiring about vaccination status among their
students and collaborators.
This article aims to provide resources to help sing-
ers safely and ethically navigate a return to in-person
instruction by considering the following:
(1) Vaccination and Voice Teachers
Monitoring Local Levels of SARS-CoV2 Incidence
Safety of Vaccination
Vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 Variants
(2) Mask Use Recommendations
(3) Aerosol Risk Update
(4) Environmental Risk Factors and Mitigation
Risk Factors in Studio Voice Instruction
Environmental Risk Mitigation
Increasing Air Changes Per Hour
Air Changes Between Lessons/Rehearsals and
Lesson Duration
(5) FERPA, HIPAA, and Vaccine Hesitancy
(6) Psychological Risks Associated with the Pandemic
and Reentry
The General Psychological Impact of the COVID-
19 Pandemic
The Physiological Impact of Stress, Anxiety, and
Trauma on Voice
Resources and Advice in Support of Mental Health
(7) Risk Assessment
[Disclaimer: the following vaccination information and
risk estimates are for Pzer-BioNTech and Moderna
Published ahead of print 3
Care of the Professional Voice
complete (2 shot) vaccinations. Johnson and Johnson
Janssen, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, and Sinovac vaccines
will have diering levels of ecacy against emerging
variants. For more information, consult your healthcare
A high rate of vaccination is the only path toward
the safest possible “new normal” within 2021. We can
never achieve zero risk for a viral infection that is likely
to remain in low levels of circulation for the foreseeable
future. However, vaccination can and does render SARS-
CoV-2 comparable to many other respiratory infections
that we routinely encounter in its likelihood to cause
illness or death. Without vaccination, SARS-CoV-2 is
without a doubt a far deadlier and more dangerous
virus than those other pathogens, such as inuenza or
respiratory syncytial virus.
Safe in-person teaching and
learning is best facilitated by high rates of SARS-CoV-2
vaccination in any given community, as this decreases
viral spread and the potential creation of variant viruses
and lowers the frequency of severe disease.
Voice teachers are at higher risk forallviruses that
spread through droplets or are in the air because of small
studio size and the resultant concentration of exposure
to droplets or virus aerosols in that studio.
because most teach one person at a time, the mathemati-
cal odds of exposure for solo voice teachers in any given
day, week, or month will remain low (as compared to
other higher-population density locations such as public
transit or large packed lecture halls). While a small num-
ber of vaccinated people can become infected from solo
voice lesson settings, an even smaller number is likely to
go on to experience substantial disease.
Monitoring Local Levels of SARS-CoV-2 Incidence
There are multiple user friendly resources to monitor the
local SARS-CoV-2 incidence (number of infections over
a given period of time) and get a sense of one’s personal
risk of exposure, usually per 100,000 people. A popular
source has been the COVID-19 Dashboard provided
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering
(CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (available at The New York
Times has provided similar maps and data about both
case incidence and vaccination rates, using the Johns
Hopkins data as well as locally sourced data (available
covid-cases.html). In addition, many states and coun-
ties within the United States have data dashboards, but
these are beginning to be removed in some locations;
users are advised to check whether the information has
been recently updated.
Safety of Vaccination
The technology used in all of the currently approved
vaccines in the United States is based on decades of
peer reviewed, validated science, including use of
mRNA vaccines.
The evidence provided from these
studies in animals, clinical trials in people for previ-
ous vaccines, and the data from hundreds of millions
of people now vaccinated is that the risk of an adverse
event, or a “severe vaccine reaction” like anaphylaxis or
death is less than 0.002%.
The annual risk of death in
an automobile crash or from a rearm related incident
far exceeds this value.
All of the published data to date
indicate that COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the
United States are safe and eective during pregnancy.
The impact of a COVID-19 infection on a pregnant
woman, on the other hand, is notable. COVID-19 has
been associated with a 25 to 30-fold increase in maternal
Vaccination safely prevents infection and
disease in pregnant women. In addition, some antibod-
ies generated by vaccination are found in breast milk,
which likely provides some degree of passive, short term
protection to breastfed infants.
Vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 Variants
Some SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern may reduce the
success rate of vaccinations; this reduction in success
has not been confirmed for the Pfizer and Moderna
However, if overall hospitalization rates
remain low in a community, the composite risk among
vaccinated persons is manifestly not different than
historical risks we accept from other endemic respira-
tory viruses, most of which typically cause mild or even
moderate self-limited disease in most targets, but which
in some instances can cause serious disease (i.e., in those
with other health risks). Given that, the opportunity for
arts organizations to “return to normal” and “stay open”
should not hinge on the presence of a small number of
breakthrough cases, even serious ones, but rather on
hospitalization patterns. If rates of hospitalization are
at historically normal levels and vaccination rates are
4 J  S
David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
high, live performing arts should remain safe. However,
if variants emerge that evade the protection provided
by vaccines such that there are once again spikes in
hospitalization (in any age group), a return to stricter
mitigation measures may become necessary.
Persons who meet all the following criteria do not need
to routinely wear masks in indoor group settings: those
who are fully vaccinated, who do not have special risks
(such as a profound immunocompromised state seen in
those who are bone marrow transplant or solid organ
transplant recipients who take antirejection medica-
and who are living in areas with low COVID-19
incidence, and when the overall majority of the group
is greater than 70% vaccinated.
While it is possible
for vaccinated people to become infected, the likeli-
hood of spreadfromsuch persons is low,
especially in
asymptomatic infections (unlike unvaccinated asymp-
tomatic infection, in which spread has been frequently
Even though vaccinated individuals with
breakthrough infections could theoretically spread the
virus to a small number of people, vaccination of any
potential contact provides a great deal of protection.
People who are vaccinated, but who have prolonged
and frequent exposure to unvaccinated persons, may
reasonably choose to wear a mask to prevent break-
through infection to others. Mask wearing in this setting
would be less necessary if unvaccinated persons are
required to be routinely tested, with mandatory isola-
tion or quarantine of any people testing positive as well
as their contacts and/or in areas of very low incidence
of COVID-19.
Rapid antigen tests are highly eective
in detecting the presence of contagious virus in a test
sample and provide information that is available in time
to be safely relied upon for decision-making and removal
of potentially infectious persons from the group.
CDC and WHO recommend that unvaccinated people
continue to wear masks and physically distance them-
selves when inside with others. Most recently, the WHO
has recommended the continuation of mask-wearing by
all individuals.
As the global public health body, this
advice is grounded in the need to prevent spread of new
viral “mutants” or variants of concern that can arise in
locations with very low vaccination rates globally that
may be able to avoid or “escape” the protection provided
by immune responses produced by vaccination.
This masking requirement, while most appropriate
globally, should be considered necessary indoors in areas
of the United States with local/county level COVID-19
vaccination rates of less than 70% of all adults, but is also
strongly recommended in crowded locations elsewhere
inside and out. It is best practice to have an informal
conversation with students and colleagues about vacci-
nation to establish what precautions should be taken to
protect all parties. In addition, based on the remarkable
downward trends of inuenza globally as well as within
the United States in the last year due to mask wearing
and social distancing,
healthcare professionals and
public ocials are indicating that to prevent having the
u or other serious viral infections (like RSV in small
children), they are seriously considering regular mask
use starting in the late fall and continuing through the
high transmission period of February.
Those who sing
or are around people singing regularly might also take
this into consideration as a wise precaution.
As opposed to direct transmission through a handshake
or other direct person to person contact, indirect trans-
mission, and specically airborne transmission, is now
accepted as the dominant form of SARS-CoV-2 trans-
The airborne route occurs during phonation,
coughing, sneezing, and certain medical procedures,
among other activities. There are three size ranges of
particles that contribute to infection transmission: drop-
lets, the largest particles, and by denition greater than
5 microns (); medium sized particles of 1 to 5 ; and
small particles of 1  or smaller.
Airborne transmission
can occur by any of these three particle sizes, however
the medium sized particles pose the greatest risk, despite
the recommended six feet of physical distancing being
Room size, the number of infected people in
a space, the activity being performed in the room, and
room ventilation all play a role in risk of transmission
and will be discussed elsewhere in this article.
Large droplets tend to dominate in a cough, as opposed
to typical speech. Small particles, less than one , carry
little virus but can oat around for hours. Thus, medium
particles contribute to the majority of disease transmis-
Published ahead of print 5
Care of the Professional Voice
Less than ve microns in size, the medium particles
then dry and shrink in the air, concentrating their viral
load as so-called “droplet nuclei” and oat for hours in
a space, thus creating the need for proper mitigation by
those considering using that space.
Breathing, speaking, and singing lead to aerosoliza-
tion of typically small particles that originate in the
bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs. A uid lm burst
occurs as we exhale, leading to these small particles being
released from the lungs.
There is also some evidence
that the larynx, the vocal folds, and possibly the oral
cavity produce a majority of medium-sized particles
through a similar method of uid lm burst, which is
why speaking and singing contribute to the viral load
in a closed space.
When speech or singing is louder,
more aerosolization occurs.
Lung volume seems to
directly correlate with expelled viral load: adolescents
and adults have been shown to produce more aerosols
than children.
Face masks have been integral in mitigating the
spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to some extent; how-
ever, there is no conrmatory conclusion of this due to
conicting data on the eciency of wearing face masks
to prevent the spread.
We do know that strict social
distancing and wearing masks reduces transmission and
thus mitigates risk. Short range airborne transmission,
meaning transmission through the air from one person
to another, of droplets less than 100  likely is more com-
mon than typical droplet transmission when distances
are 0.2 m or less during normal talking or 0.5 m or less
during coughing.
Droplets will fall to the oor short
of these distances if they are 100  or larger, whereas
droplets and particles smaller than this size will move
through the air to potentially infect another person in
Thus, six feet of distance may not be enough
in certain situations.
It has been demonstrated that unmasked transmis-
sion can occur farther than six feet apart, up to 10
meters when the infected person is unmasked.
previously discussed, there is some conicting data on
mask use, as it is also demonstrated that two meters of
distancing is probably safe if both parties are masked.
Small and medium particles can move up to ve meters,
obviously longer than two meters or six feet of distance.
As a caveat to this, Issakov et al. demonstrated that
there is a decrease in concentration of particles in the
direction of airow.
Risk Factors in Studio Voice Instruction
Studio voice instruction consists of one to one sessions
between a singing teacher and a student, with the pos-
sible addition of a collaborative pianist in the teaching
space. While this intimate setting allows artists to explore
their potential without public scrutiny, this same inti-
macy can leave teachers, students, and other collabora-
tors vulnerable to respiratory infections.
Singing, and
in particular more robust types of singing that feature
high sound pressure levels, has been shown to be a high
aerosol generating activity.
Instruction occurs in vari-
ous sized venues and ventilation conditions; teachers
outside of academia may work in shared studios or in
places of residence, while those in academic settings may
teach in practice rooms (graduate assistants, adjunct
faculty) or faculty oces. In the U.S., no standards exist
regarding academic instruction room size; the major
accreditation handbook only states “Space allotted to any
music unit function must be adequate for the eective
conduct of that function,” and “All instructional facili-
ties shall be accessible, safe, and secure, and shall meet
the standards of local re and health codes.”
As such,
teachers, students, and pianists may interact in rooms
too small for physical distancing measures and with
variable or unknown ventilation. Both shared rooms and
individual oces have a number of frequently touched
surfaces, such as doors, piano keys, music stands, etc.,
which may serve as fomites. Teachers and pianists usu-
ally interact with multiple students per day, oen in close
succession, with each student having a unique health
history and hygiene habits that are oen not disclosed
to the teacher or pianist.
Environmental Risk Mitigation
Given the previously mentioned conditions, teachers of
singing, voice students, and pianists could be considered
at greater risk for transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus
and other upper respiratory contagious illnesses than
the general population. However, several relatively low
cost changes to the teaching and rehearsing environment
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David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
may reduce much of this increased risk. The changes
include increasing the number of air changes per hour
(ACH) in the teaching or rehearsal space; increasing
the amount of outside fresh air brought directly into the
room; using HEPA ltration units; using CO
meters to
track room ventilation in real time; allowing air change
time between lessons and rehearsals, and modifying les-
son durations according to the vaccination status of the
individuals involved and the community infection level.
Each of these changes/interventions is detailed below.
Increasing Air Changes Per Hour. Air changes per
hour (ACH) is dened as the volume of air added to or
removed from a space in one hour divided by the vol-
ume of the space.
Higher ACH values provide better
dilution or removal of potential infectious aerosolized
particles, reducing exposure time and therefore lowering
Means for increasing air changes include natural
ventilation with outside air, recirculated air that is l-
tered, and the use of portable high eciency particle air
(HEPA) lters.
Of these, admitting outside air through
the opening of windows or outdoor air dampers is the
most desirable,
although building design, external tem-
peratures, and local air quality levels may preclude this.
Modern buildings typically feature heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that introduce
fresh air and exhaust a percentage of the recirculated
air continuously. In the United States, recirculated air is
ltered for particulate removal with no less than a MERV
8 lter.
Thus, the stated ACH in public buildings is a
mix of fresh air changes and ltered air, with the ltered
air considered as equivalent air changes based on the
eciency of the building’s ltration.
Portable HEPA
ltration units also are a viable, cost eective ($100–250
as of July 1, 2021) and exible means for increasing the
total ACH. Filters meeting the HEPA standard must
remove at least 99.97% of particles from the air that
passes through with a diameter = 0.3microns, with
filtration efficiency increasing for particle diameters
smaller and larger than 0.3microns.
HEPA lters thus
are theoretically capable of capturing small SARS-CoV-2
viral particles (0.1 microns) as well as medium sized
particles and droplet nuclei (<5 microns).
A key means
to quickly determine the suitability of a HEPA unit for a
teaching space is the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR).
By comparing the HEPA lter’s CADR in cubic feet per
minute with the room’s volume, an equivalent ACH
value for the lter can be determined; this can be added
to the fresh and recirculated ACH values to determine
the total ACH for the space.
Meters. Carbon dioxide (CO
) meters can be used
to measure carbon dioxide levels in parts per million in
a teaching space. While CO
meters are not regarded
as providing accurate information about the viral load
in a room, they can provide cost eective ($100–165 as
of July 1, 2021) real-time information on the fresh air
ventilation in a room, which can be an analog of the
ACH rate and by extension the ability to dilute or remove
potentially infectious aerosolized particles.
rise with poor fresh air ventilation, an increased number
of persons in a room, and increased physical activity level
of persons in the room.
Based on available evidence,
the authors recommend a CO
level of 800 ppm be used
as a threshold level of good air quality. When levels
exceed 800 ppm, more fresh air should be admitted.
Air Changes Between Lessons/Rehearsals and Lesson
Duration. A nal means to make inexpensive environ-
mental changes to reduce infection risk is allowing air
changes between lessons/rehearsals
and reducing
lesson/rehearsal durations.
The former provides time
for the room ventilation to dilute or remove potential
infectious particles, and the latter reduces the total
number of particles emitted in a lesson. Teachers and
pianists are advised to know the ACH of their teaching/
rehearsal spaces. At 6 ACH, one air change occurs every
10 minutes. The authors recommend at least one air
change (fresh air or ltered equivalent) aer each lesson
and advise limiting lesson lengths to 30 minutes if the
singer is unvaccinated.
There are two United States federal laws currently in the
forefront of considerations among educators, admin-
istrators, studio owners, and others as they prepare
for the liing of COVID-19 restrictions and in-person
collaboration. The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was created to
protect sensitive patient health information from being
disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.
The US Department of Health and Human Services
Published ahead of print 7
Care of the Professional Voice
issued the companion HIPAA Privacy Rule to actually
implement the requirements of HIPAA, which addresses
several issues, including the use and disclosure of indi-
viduals’ protected health information by entities subject
to the Privacy Rule.
A major goal of the Privacy Rule is to ensure that
individuals’ health information is properly protected
while allowing the ow of health information needed
to provide and promote high quality health care and to
protect the public’s health and well-being. The Privacy
Rule strikes a balance that permits important uses of
information while protecting the privacy of people who
seek care and healing.
The second federal law, the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student
education records and applies to all schools that receive
funds from the US Department of Education.
intersection of these two federal privacy laws is causing
confusion for teachers and administrators in the era of
COVID-19. It is rather simple to clarify the rst of these
(HIPAA) for voice teachers. Because HIPAA only applies
to specic health care entities such as insurance provid-
ers, health care clearinghouses, health care providers
and their business associates, voice teachers who do not
work in a clinical environment on a medical team should
not be concerned with violating HIPAA. If employers,
supervisors, or even clients themselves attempt to use
HIPAA as a justication to prevent a voice teacher from
discussing vaccine hesitancy with voice students, they
are in error. The only exception to this is voice teachers
who work in a clinical environment.
FERPA is another misunderstood statute in the
COVID-19 era. In March 2020, the US Department
of Education issued a “Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs)” document to clarify issues about FERPA and
First, FERPA only applies to educational
records maintained by an institution. Learning about
a student’s vaccination status through a social media
post or casual conversation is not a violation of FERPA.
Further, because the US Department of Health and
Human Services declared COVID-19 a Public Health
Emergency in January 2020, there are emergency pro-
visions under the FERPA “health or safety emergency
exception” that allow an educational agency to make
determinations on a case by case basis inclusive of the
totality of circumstances. Teaching in one on one set-
tings in studios is such a unique setting that a case could
be made to share information.
Under the FERPA health or safety emergency exception,
an educational agency or institution is responsible for
making a determination, on a case-by-case basis, whether
to disclose PII [personally identifiable information]
from education records, and it may take into account
the totality of the circumstances pertaining to the threat.
... If the educational agency or institution determines
that there is an articulable and signicant threat to the
health or safety of the student or another individual and
that certain parties need the PII from education records,
to protect the health or safety of the student or another
individual, it may disclose that information to such par-
ties without consent.
Some entities and institutions are issuing policies
and guidelines claiming that asking persons (including
students) about their vaccination status is a violation
of one or both of these US privacy laws; some are even
doing this without explicitly using HIPAA or FERPA as
justications, but vaguely referring to potential viola-
tions of privacy via “coercive or pressuring behavior.”
At best, such policies may be in error, and at worst,
are justifications used to wield control over impor-
tant information and those who have access to it.
Communications like these when sent to employees
seem to indicate that there are no exceptions, while
the reality is that there may be a number of allowable
exceptions to privacy laws like FERPA. Indeed, the
FERPA “health and safety emergency” exception is the
mechanism within which justiable exceptions are made.
Nevertheless, faculty should exercise sensitivity and
diplomacy when inquiring about vaccine status among
students, especially in institutional settings. Primarily
these are concerns centered on religious and disability
discrimination rather than protected health information.
Therefore, it is important that singing teachers in each
of the following settings fully understand the excep-
tions provided for under the FERPA “health or safety
emergency exception.”
Independent studio teachers are not subject to either
HIPAA or FERPA, but should establish studio policies
based on their setting and personal risk prole. They
should know the current age limits for vaccination eli-
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David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
gibility and adjust their studio policies accordingly via
eective communication with clients, and/or underage
students and their parents or guardians, and monitor
and enforce their policies when necessary.
Voice teachers and collaborative pianists at institu-
tions without a vaccination requirement should con-
tinue promoting vaccination using advocacy messaging
provided by their institution or professional associations.
The joint statement issued by the NATS Voice Science
Advisory Committee, the American Choral Directors
Association, Chorus America, the Barbershop Harmony
Society, the Performing Arts Medicine Association, the
Pan American Vocology Association, Opera America,
and the National Collegiate Choral Organization is
one example.
Almost all institutions have developed
elaborate vaccine advocacy campaigns vetted by their
legal oces and distributed using print and social media.
Therefore, a faculty member may be viewed as an excel-
lent team player by using these resources to advocate that
everyone, including their private students, be vaccinated.
Faculty should further note that there are multiple ways
to discover the status of students while steering clear of
privacy concerns; for example, faculty may negotiate
vaccine status through an intermediary party, such as
their campus student or employee health service who
can provide an “all clear” rather than divulge individual’s
health information.
Finally, it is likely that many teachers already know the
status of most of their students either through students
volunteering that information in conversation or on
social media channels.
Unvaccinated or immunocompromised teachers and
collaborative pianists at institutions should contact
their Human Resources or appropriate oce on cam-
pus to negotiate accommodation. It could be possible
for such teachers to use the FERPA health or safety
emergency exception to justify certain parameters of
requested accommodations, such as: knowing the vac-
cination status of all students they are expected to teach;
receiving the institution’s assurance of the safest possible
work environment in terms of room size, ventilation,
masking, lesson length, and/or CO2 monitoring or other
factors impacting the safety of the teacher; and establish-
ing protocols for each category of student (vaccinated,
unvaccinated, and/or immunocompromised).
Voice teachers and pianists at institutions with a vac-
cination requirement may view FERPA with minimal
concern because the institution is requiring all to be
vaccinated. Many of these institutions are allowing
exemptions for unvaccinated individuals based on health
concerns or religious convictions. In such cases, teach-
ers should work cooperatively to establish protocols for
safe teaching in these unique settings as listed below for
“Vaccinated teachers at institutions.”
Vaccinated teachers and pianists at institutions should
realize they are signicantly protected by being vac-
cinated. Nevertheless, due to their unique one on one
teaching setting, oen in small spaces, teachers in this
setting are strongly encouraged to:
follow the recommendations for “Voice teachers and
collaborative pianists at institutions without a vaccina-
tion requirement” (above);
request informed discussions with appropriate
authorities on campus;
prepare for such discussions by studying the FERPA
“health or safety emergency exception” (previously
referenced in this section);
start the discussion with the claim that in order to
provide a safe environment in these unique spaces, it
is vitally important to know the vaccination status of
each student they are expected to teach;
provide a customized solution for each category of
student (vaccinated, unvaccinated, and/or im muno -
mention the FERPA “health or safety emergency excep-
tion” as justication for your request of the release of
PII (personally identiable information).
These steps should open the door to discussion
to protect the health and safety of all who enter the
voice studio.
COVID-19 has posed serious direct threats to physical
health and general wellbeing, and also has triggered
psychological problems for many, including anxiety,
depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. While
voice teachers are not (typically) licensed mental health-
care providers, we must consider the psychological scars
Published ahead of print 9
Care of the Professional Voice
of the COVID-19 epidemic as we return to in-person
instruction. This section will examine the following:
the general psychological impact of the COVID-19
pandemic, the physiological impact of stress, anxiety,
and trauma, and resources and advice to support sing-
ers’ mental health.
The General Psychological Impact
of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Studies examining the psychological impact of the
COVID-19 are emerging. Qiu et al. developed the
COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI) and
used it with a sample of over 53,000 persons in China.
They examined the frequency of anxiety, depression,
specic phobias, loss of social functioning, and other
psychological factors related to the pandemic. Nearly a
third of the study’s respondents reported symptoms of
peritraumatic distress during the pandemic lockdown
in China. Similar levels of distress were reported in
and Filipino studies,
studies reported moderate to severe distress
in over 60% of their participants. While CPDI levels in
many of these studies declined when lockdown periods
were lied, meta-analyses of trauma literature have pre-
dictively linked severe levels of peritraumatic distress to
subsequent psychopathology.
COVID-19 peritraumatic distress was more severe in
certain populations. Studies found that persons 10–30
years of age experienced very high levels of distress,
possibly due to their increased consumption of social
and news related to the outbreak.
Gender also
appears to have been a factor, with female identifying
respondents showing signicantly higher CPDI scores
than male identifying counterparts.
Previous studies
also suggest that female identifying persons may be more
likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder and may
be more generally vulnerable to the eects of stress.
Highly educated persons tended to have more severe
COVID-19 peritraumatic distress.
American uni-
versity students experienced high levels of depression
(43.3%), high anxiety scores (45.4%), and high levels of
PTSD symptoms (31.8%) in a study by Liu et al.
reported that increased levels of loneliness, COVID-19-
specic worry, and low distress tolerance were associated
with clinical levels of depression, anxiety, and PTSD
In a study of university students in China,
Tang et al. found that extreme pandemic fear was a sig-
nicant risk factor for peritraumatic distress, followed
by short sleep durations.
Alqudah et al. found that
university students in Jordan experienced severe anxiety
(40.6%) and mild to moderate anxiety (23.5%) due to
the shi to distance learning, quarantine isolation, and
increased student workload.
In short, the COVID-19 pandemic’s psychological
impact is unprecedented in the modern era; it is global
in scope, has received extraordinary documentation due
to smartphones and social media, and has created high
levels ofanticipatory anxiety due to the expected course
and spread of the virus.
Horesh and Brown suggest
it should therefore be treated as a new type of mass
trauma, and hypothesize that it has exacerbated exist-
ing mental health disorders and created a new wave of
stress-related disorders.
Persons who are particularly
vulnerable include those who are young, identifying as
female, university students, and those who frequently
consume social media/news concerning COVID-19.
This describes the majority of our collegiate singers.
The Physiological Impact of Stress,
Anxiety, and Trauma on Voice
The vocal instrument is biological and physiological,
and singers’ voices are sensitive to the eects of stress.
Psychologically, the voice is central to many singers’
sense of self,
and many nd it dicult to decouple
“who I am” from “what I do.” This point was clearly
described by Stohrer.
Singers are both the instrument and the player. Unable
to put the instrument back in its case and leave it in the
corner, a singer must carry it around, exposing it to ...
all the current viruses.
When identity and singing are inseparably linked, the
loss of performance opportunities can cause consider-
able distress.
Stress has physical consequences. Prior to the pan-
demic it was estimated that 50% to 70% of all visits to
a physician’s oce were due to stress related illness.
Stress can alter oral and vocal fold secretions, heart rate,
and gastric acid production,and is associated with head
and neck tension, decreased ability to concentrate, and
chronic fatigue.
Vocal fold pathologies (e.g., reflux
laryngitis and arytenoid irritation) can have etiologies
10 J  S
David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
linked to increased gastric acid secretions caused by
and high levels of anxiety may increase the risk
of benign voice disorders.
Chronic stress has been
linked to more dangerous problems such as asthma,
depression of the immune system, and myocardial
Making matters worse, the risk of ath-
erosclerotic cardiovascular disease is exacerbated by
quarantine conditions due to physical inactivity.
the stressful conditions singers have experienced during
the COVID-19 pandemic may have serious long lasting
physical aereects.
Stress and anxiety can negatively affect control of
voice and respiration.
Muscular spasms in the larynx
have been observed due to the laryngeal nerve’s sensi-
tivity to emotional distress.
Traumatic experiences
(e.g., a global pandemic, the death of a family member,
a health/nancial crisis) can lead to voice symptoms
without underlying physical pathology.
Such symp-
toms were observed in a study of 313 Israeli collegiate
professors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors
found that psychological stress during the transition to
online teaching was associated with elevated levels of
voice problems. This was especially the case for those
who reported high levels of psychological stress.
et al. noted that emotional and psychological elements
can have a profound eect on a singer’s voice, and they
encourage singing teachers to be mindful that tech-
nical difficulties may have deeply rooted emotional
Trauma can also have a profound neurophysiologi-
cal eect on singers. When the brain perceives a threat
to survival (e.g., COVID-19 peritraumatic distress), a
“fight/flight/freeze” response may engage that shuts
down Broca’s area in the le frontal lobe of the cortex.
This profoundly inhibits one’s ability to put thoughts
and feelings into words, and can even mimic the eects
of a stroke or other physical lesion.
According to
polyvagal theory, perceived threats to survival may also
produce “a neural dissolution from systems of positive
social behavior and social communication,”
it dicult to feel connected to and safe around others.
Cues of safety and social engagement may ameliorate
these neurophysiological symptoms of trauma.
Singers around the world have experienced trauma
and loss related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This
trauma may be manifested in social phobias, music
performance anxiety, depression, and grief. The authors
of this paper hypothesize that epidemic levels of general-
ized anxiety, music performance anxiety, and depression
may be seen in singers during the forthcoming re-entry
phase of the pandemic.
Resources and Advice in Support
of Mental Health
There are numerous resources now available to support
the mental health of singers and teachers of singing.
Music performance anxiety (MPA) has been studied
extensively in the literature.
In The Musician’s Mind:
Teaching, Learning, and Performance in the Age of Brain
Science, Lynn Helding presents a useful review of the
MPA literature and discusses standard psychotherapies,
alternative therapies, and experimental therapies to
ameliorate its symptoms.
Depression is a common medical condition to con-
sider when working with singers. Nearly one in five
people will suer from major depression at some point
in their lives,
and this prevalence may increase follow-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. Common speaking voice
symptoms of depression include a at aect, slowed
rate of speech, decreased length of utterance, lengthy
pauses, decreased pitch variability, mono-loudness, and
frequent use of vocal fry.
Discussing depression and
other mental health issues can be awkward,
but sing-
ers and teachers of singing are best served when these
discussions are normalized. Pedagogues are encouraged
to cultivate professional relationships with mental health
care providers. As always, “when in doubt, refer out.”
Integrating an awareness of and sensitivity to trauma
in pedagogic practice may benet singers as they return
to in-person instruction. While trauma awareness initia-
tives are becoming more common in schools,
initiatives are generally lacking in higher education.
Literature on the therapeutic eects of singing, particu-
larly with survivors of abuse and trauma, is an excellent
starting place.
Jess Baldwin’s “Incorporating Basic
Trauma Awareness into the Voice Lesson” also oers
readers useful advice.
She recommends teachers pri-
oritize self-regulation (see also Van Eekelen et al.),
develop a plan and communicate it, establish connection
rituals, choose connection over productivity, validate
students’ feelings, break tasks into smaller segments,
show appreciation for eort, focus on positive resources,
Published ahead of print 11
Care of the Professional Voice
and be aware of the student’s self-regulation (see also
“student self-ecacy” in Crocco and Meyer)
encouraging calm, fun, and connection in the lesson.
Additional information on goal setting, journaling, and
the use of psychology to build connection in the voice
studio may be found in Meyer and Helding’s “Voice
Pedagogy: Practical Science in the Studio: ‘No-Tech’
We all likely have experienced pandemic-induced loss.
Many continue to suer the lingering eects of trauma,
anxiety, depression, and grief. Singing instructors must
consider the psychological scars of the COVID-19 epi-
demic as we return to in-person instruction, because
we do not teach voice, we teach people. When in doubt,
refer students and colleagues to mental and medical
healthcare providers, and consider building trauma
awareness into standard pedagogic practice.
In a 2020 publication written by many of the present
several risk assessment tools and a deci-
sion assistance tool were provided. Here we provide
an updated risk/decision guidance chart (see Table1
below), which lists a number of moderately priced
environmental and behavioral interventions available
to the singing instruction community. Two levels of risk
are shown, and references are provided for each inter-
vention option. Other resources associated with a June
23, 2021 National Association of Teachers of Singing
webinar led by the authors, “Reentry aer COVID—
Concerns for singers,” can be found at https://www.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has forced the singing voice
community to undergo rapid and substantial change.
Responses to the potentially life threatening situation
have included several key elements not discussed in this
article, chief among them being an explosion of remote
learning technologies, a reassessment of instructional
delivery methods (including synchronous in person and
online teaching as well as asynchronous work), and new
or expanded platforms for sharing live performances,
all of which were undertaken to reduce the risks associ-
ated with close personal contact. As the U.S. and other
Western countries continue to expand vaccination and
slowly emerge from COVID-19 restrictions, we have
reason for cautious optimism.
However, as they pre-
pare to return to in-person instruction and performing,
teachers, singers, and their collaborators should reex-
amine the unique risks that they collectively face at this
point in the pandemic.
We close with a plea for full vaccination and continued
patience (and, as warranted by local conditions, vigi-
lance) by the singing voice community. For those teach-
ers anxious about a return to in-person instruction, we
urge actively controlling what can be controlled: rst and
foremost, one’s own vaccination status; next, ensure that
the risk level within the teaching environment or rehearsal
studio is as low as possible; additionally, take proactive
behavioral steps such as those widely in use prior to the
availability of the vaccines, such as masking and distanc-
ing; nally, open a healthy and productive dialogue with
students and colleagues about vaccination and other
COVID-19 health issues, including mental/emotional
ones. For those teachers who are eager for “business as
usual,” we suggest that a prudent approach is still war-
ranted. The SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to mutate, and
infections remain prevalent among the unvaccinated.
There will likely be periods of greater and lesser public
health restrictions in the months and years ahead in
response to local conditions. We suggest maintaining the
many hygiene habits acquired during the last 18 months,
especially among the unvaccinated, not only for COVID-
19 mitigation, but also for other upper respiratory illnesses
that frequently aect the singing voice community. Simple
behaviors can make a marked dierence in reducing risks
to teachers, singers, and collaborative pianists: vaccinate,
ventilate, mitigate, and communicate.
The authors wish to thank the following professionals for
their expert feedback during the creation of this article:
Rebecca Gayle Morrison, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Sarah Van Orman MD, Associate Vice Provost for
Student Health and Chief Health Ocer, University
of Southern California Student Health, and Clinical
Professor of Family Medicine, Keck School of Medi-
cine, USC
12 J  S
David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
TABLE 1. Environmental and Behavioral Risk Assessment.
ENVIRONMENT At Risk Safer Notes References
Air changes
per hour
<3 6 or more More air changes per hour
removes aerosols from the
teaching/rehearsal space,
reducing exposure time not
only to potential COVID
infections, but also cold and
flu viruses.
Ability to
open win-
dows in
None Yes The ability to bring outside
air directly into the teach-
ing space is a key means
to reduce the number of
possibly infectious aerosol
particles in the room.
HEPA filtra-
None Yes (with a
unit— sufficient
CADR for
volume of the
HEPA filtration can be
a cost effective means to
increase the number of
equivalent air changes per
hour in a teaching space
that does not have windows.
JAMA and CDC references above;
see also
Room size 100 square
feet or less
(10’ × 10’)
200 square feet
or more (14’ ×
The ability to distance one-
self from another person
who is singing depends
upon room size. Distancing
can reduce exposure risks
from directly expelled
particles (larger droplets)
containing COVID, cold,
and flu viruses.
See a calculator tool at: https://indoor-covid-;
additional calculator available at https://www.;–
(table continues)
Maura Copeland,Associate Vice President of Legal
Aairs, Georgia Southern University
Lesley Persily, LPC (retired)
Ronald C. Scherer, Ph.D., Distinguished Research
Professor, Department of Communication Sciences
and Disorders, Bowling Green State University
Dr. Robert Sataloff, Professor and Chairman,
Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck
Surgery, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Academic
Specialties, Drexel University College of Medicine
Published ahead of print 13
Care of the Professional Voice
TABLE 1. Environmental and Behavioral Risk Assessment (continued).
ENVIRONMENT At Risk Safer Notes References
for real-time
None CO
in singing/
rehearsal stu-
meters provide a use-
ful real-time analog to the
number of local ACH. They
do not provide any infor-
mation about viral load, but
they are a useful measure
of the ventilation system’s
removal of expired air.;
(table continues)
At Risk Safer Notes References
Vaccination Teacher,
student, and
are not vac-
and students
are all fully vac-
All three FDA-authorized
vaccines are readily avail-
able in the US. Vaccination
is safe, effective, and free.
Annual flu and pneumonia
vaccines are also recom-
No symptom
check for all
in the teach-
and students
all self-screen
for COVID-
19 symptoms
before gather-
Screening apps include:
Mask usage None Yes for all
CDC recommendations
include masking for all
unvaccinated persons
when gathering indoors.
Vaccinated persons with
reduced immune func-
tion may be encouraged to
continue masking by their
physicians. Masks can also
reduce the risk of cold and
flu virus transmission.
14 J  S
David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
TABLE 1. Environmental and Behavioral Risk Assessment (continued).
At Risk Safer Notes References
Distancing Guidelines
not being fol-
6 or more feet
for unvacci-
nated persons
CDC distancing recom-
mendations for vaccinated
persons have been removed
as of May 16, 2021; for
unvaccinated persons, 6
feet or more is still recom-
mended. Distancing can
also help reduce the risk of
cold and flu transmission.
greater than
30 minutes
30 minutes
maximum with
Recommendation based on
research at the University
of Colorado and the
University of Maryland.
Air change
time between
None At least one air
Increase if an unvaccinated
person sings unmasked or
if infection rates in commu-
nity are rising.
activities (lip
trills, rasp-
berries, straw
in water,
vigorous fric-
atives, etc)
Yes, especially
if unmasked
or unvacci-
Not used in
lessons, but
can be encour-
aged for solo
practice in
Some SOVTs produce large
amounts of droplets; masks
may prevent the spread of
droplets but not finer aero-
sols. Some ‘singer friendly
masks’ may permit SOVT
use in highly ventilated areas
with vaccinated singers only.
Vaccination reduces the
chance of the singer shedding
viral particles. Cold and flu
viruses may also be spread
through lip trill and rasp-
berry use in group settings.
pending report from Colorado State
University Bioaerosol Emission study –
between les-
None Yes, using alco-
hol or other
anti-viral and
Reduces the risk of expo-
sure through fomites on
Teacher and
hands before
None Yes, using hot
soapy water or
Reduces the risk of expo-
sure through touching
common surfaces and then
touching the nose, eyes, and
Age of stu-
dents taught
adults and
ineligible for
and adults
Adults produce more aero-
sols, but are more likely to
be vaccinated; adolescents
and children (especially
under age 12) are less likely
to be vaccinated.
Published ahead of print 15
Care of the Professional Voice
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University, 2018), 39–40.
117. Grace Weber Johnson, “The Private Studio-Singing and
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Conversation with Voice Teach-
ers,Journal of Singing 65, no. 4 (March/April 2009): 471–
480; Lauren McQuistin, “The Eects of Childhood Sexual
Abuse on Singers.Journal of Singing 76, no. 4 (March/
April 2020): 423–428; Jacqueline Robarts, “Music therapy
with sexually abused children, Clinical Child Psychology
and Psychiatry 11, no. 2 (April 1, 2006): 249–269; https:// (accessed July 10,
2021); Catherine Y. Wan, Theodor Rüüber, Anja Hohmann,
and Gottfried Schlaug, “The therapeutic eects of singing in
neurological disorders, Music Perception 27, no. 4 (April 1,
2010): 287–295;
(accessed July 10, 2021).
118. Jess Baldwin, “Incorporating Basic Trauma Awareness
into the Voice Studio; https://singinginpopularmusics.
into-the-voice-lesson/ (accessed July 1, 2021).
119. I. M. Van Eekelen, H. P. A. Boshuizen, and Jan D. Ver-
munt, “Self-regulation in higher education teacher learn-
ing,”Higher Education50, no. 3 (October 2005): 447–471;–004–6362–0 (accessed July
10, 2021).
120. Laura Crocco and David Meyer, “Motor Learning and
Teaching Singing: An Overview, Journal of Singing 77, no.
5 (May/June 2021): 693–702.
121. David Meyer and Lynn Helding, “Practical Science in the
Studio: ‘No-Tech’ Strategies, Journal of Singing 77, no. 3
(January/February 2021): 359–367.
122. Lynn Helding, Thomas L. Carroll, John Nix, Michael M.
Johns, Wendy D. LeBorgne, and David Meyer, “COVID-
19 after effects: concerns for singers, Journal of Voice
(in-press, August 6, 2020);
jvoice.2020.07.032 (accessed July 10, 2021).
123. Roberto Burioni and Eric J. Topol, “Has SARS-CoV-2
reached peak tness? Nature Medicine (June 21, 2021): 1;–021–01421–7 (accessed
July 10, 2021).
A leading scholar and researcher of the singing voice, Dr. David Meyer
is an active performer, teacher, clinician, and voice scientist. He serves
as associate professor of voice and voice pedagogy at Shenandoah
Conservatory, and is Director of the Janette Ogg Voice Research Center.
He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Voice
Foundation and is Co-chairman of the Voice Science Advisory Committee
of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. In 2010 he received the
Van L. Lawrence Fellowship, a prestigious national award in recognition
of his contributions to the eld of teaching singing and the use of voice
science. Dr. Meyer’s students have won numerous awards and have sung
in major venues worldwide. Please seefor
more information.
John Nix is Professor of Voice and Voice Pedagogy and chair of the voice
area at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His mentors include Barbara
Doscher (singing, pedagogy) and Ingo Titze (voice science). Current and
former students have sung with the Santa Fe, Arizona, Chautauqua, St.
Louis, Nevada, Omaha, and San Antonio opera companies, and two have
served as NATS Intern Program Master Teachers. In addition to his active
voice teaching studio, he performs research in voice pedagogy, literature,
and acoustics, having produced 46 published articles and 8 book chap-
ters; he also co-chairs the NATS Voice Science Advisory Committee, and
22 J  S
David Meyer, John Nix, Lynn Helding, Allen Henderson, Tom Carroll, Jeremy Faust, Christine Petersen
serves on t he Journal of Singing’s editorial board. Mr. Nix is editor and
annotator of From Studio to Stage: Repertoire for the Voice (Scarecrow,
2002), vocal music editor for the Oxford Handbook of Music Education
(Oxford University Press, 2012), and one of three general editors for the
Oxford Handbook of Singing (Oxford University Press, 2019).
Lynn Helding is Coordinator of Vocology and Voice Pedagogy and a
studio voice teacher at the USC Thornton School of Music.She is the
author ofThe Musician’s Mind: Teaching, Learning & Performance in
the Age of Brain Science,the chapter “Brain” inYour Voice: An Inside
View3rded. by Scott McCoy, and has served as an associate editor of
theJournal of Singing,where she created the “Mindful Voice” column
in theJournal of Singing, authoring it from its debut in October 2009
to the nal installment in October 2017. Helding’s voice science honors
include the 2005Van L. Lawrence Fellowship,and election to chair the
founding of the rst non-prot vocology associationPAVA, incorporated
in 2014 as a 501(c)(6) non-prot association. Helding’s stage credits
include leading roles with Harrisburg Opera, Nashville Opera, and Ohio
Light Opera. She has commissioned new works and refashioned tradi-
tional recitals into theatrical performance pieces presented throughout
the United States, Australia, England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and
Iceland. Helding studied voice at the University of Montana with Esther
England, in Vienna with Otto Edelmann, and at Indiana University with
Dale Moore, where she was the rst singer to pursue the Artist Diploma.
She earned her master’s degree in voice pedagogy from Westminster
Choir College of Rider University and completed theSummer Vocology
Instituteat theNational Center for Voice and Speech. Please seewww.for more information.
Allen Henderson holds degrees from Carson Newman College (BM),
The University of Tennessee (MM), and the College-Conservatory of
Music at the University of Cincinnati (DMA), where his minor was in Arts
Administration and he was winner of the prestigious Corbett-Treigle Opera
Competition. Prior to his appointment as executive director of NATS in
2008, he served as district and regional governor and was elected national
secretary/treasurer from 2006–2008. He also served as interim executive
director from 2007–2008. Henderson was a participant in the 1993 NATS
Intern Program and later hosted the program in 1998. He was chair of
the coordinating committee for the 2008 NATS 50th National Conference
in Nashville, Tenn. Henderson has held teaching positions at Oklahoma
Baptist University, Austin Peay State University, and Georgia Southern
University. In these positions he has taught voice, foreign language
diction, opera, choral techniques, choral literature, song literature, and
directed choirs. He also served as music department chair at Austin Peay
and Georgia Southern. As baritone soloist, Henderson has appeared in
concert, opera, and oratorio across the country. A district winner and
regional nalist in the Metropolitan Opera auditions, Henderson was
winner of the 1995 National Federation of Music Clubs Artist Awards. He
also was a regional nalist in the NATSAA competition.
Dr. Thomas L. Carroll is a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s
Hospital (BWH) specializing in laryngology and Assistant Professor of
Otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School. Since 2014 he has served
as the director of the BWH Voice Program, which provides diagnoses
and innovative therapies for patients with voice, swallowing, and airway
disorders. Dr. Carroll’s interest in voice began as a boy chorister at St.
Thomas Choir School in New York and continued through a music degree
at Oberlin College. He received his MD from Wright State University
School of Medicine and completed his residency in otolaryngology at the
University of Colorado-Denver and Health Sciences Center. Dr. Carroll
completed a fellowship in laryngology and care of the professional voice at
the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Voice Center. Clinical interests
include care of the professional voice, early glottic cancer with an empha-
sis on voice preservation, laryngopharyngeal reux, and related disorders
such as chronic cough, vocal cord paralysis/paresis, and ofce-based
laryngeal surgery, including vocal fold augmentation for both diagnostic
and therapeutic purposes and photoangiolytic (KTP) laser therapy.
Jeremy Samuel Faust, MD, MS, MA (@jeremyfaust) is an attending
physician in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Emergency
Medicine in the Health Policy Division and is an Instructor at Harvard
Medical School. He is medical editor-in-chief of ACEP Now and an associ-
ate editor of News & Perspectives for The Annals of Emergency Medicine.
His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Slate, The New York
Daily News, Mother Jones, Undark, and peer reviewed journals includ-
ing JAMA, Lancet Oncology, The Annals of Emergency Medicine, and
others. He has spoken internationally at the Royal College of Emergency
Medicine, Social Media and Critical Care (Australia, Germany, Ireland),
and domestically at the Counsel of Residency Directors of Emergency
Medicine (CORD); Harvard Medical School’s Writing, Publishing, and
Social Media for Healthcare Professionals; Resuscitation; and elsewhere.
He and Lauren Westafer, DO, MPH, are the cohosts of the award winning
FOAMcast, a popular emergency medicine podcast and inaugural recipient
of EMRA’s FOAMer of the Year award.
Dr. Christine Petersen’s scholarly work has focused on the recognition
and prevention of zoonotic diseases, primarily the epidemiology and
immunobiology of vector-borne and parasitic diseases, and now, SARS-
CoV-2. Dr. Petersen is the scientic program chair for the American
Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Her collaborative group works
in Brazil, India and Ethiopia via NIH/Fogarty International Center and NIAID-
funded studies focused on understanding tranmission and host immune
susceptibility for zoonoses. Dr. Petersen’s published and patented work
demonstrates the ability to target reservoir species for immunologic and
parasitologic control of infections to promote disease elimination. As
director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Dr. Petersen
coordinates One Health activities focused on understanding, detecting
and preventing emerging zoonotic disease gloablly. Dr. Petersen is a
Professor at University of Iowa, College of Public Health, Department
of Epidemiology.