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Information Classification: General
Taylor & Francis Standard Reference Style | CSE
CSE (Council of Science Editors) citations are widely used for scientific journals and are based on
international principles adopted by the National Library of Medicine. This guide is based on examples
given in Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 8th edition,
NB: examples in the CSE Manual mostly follow the citation-name system, so need to be converted
for this name-year system.
If you are using this reference style the EndNote output style can be found at
Version 2.2
Date of issue: 31 March 2014
Date of version: 30 May 2023
Update in this version: Journal models updated with DOIs
In the text .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Tables and figures ............................................................................................................................ 4
Reference list .................................................................................................................................... 4
Journal .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Book .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Conference .................................................................................................................................. 11
Dissertation/Thesis ...................................................................................................................... 11
Unpublished work ........................................................................................................................ 12
Online sources ............................................................................................................................ 13
Newspaper/Magazine .................................................................................................................. 14
Report ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Personal communication ............................................................................................................. 15
Other reference types .................................................................................................................. 14
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Information Classification: General
In-text references generally consist of the surname of the author(s) and the
year of publication of the document. Enclose the name(s) and year in
parentheses. No punctuation appears between name and year.
An in-text reference should immediately follow the word, title or phrase to which
it is directly relevant, rather than appearing at the end of long clauses or
sentences. Separate in-text references from adjacent text by single spaces
before and after them, except when they are followed by a punctuation mark.
For example:
The most recent report (Slack 2002) on the use of
If works by the same author or author group are cited close to a mention of the
author’s name in the text and there is no uncertainty as to author identification,
the in-text reference may be limited to the publication year. For example:
Chen’s studies (1990, 1992, 1994) were examined closely
Multiple references
When several in-text references occur at the same point, give them in
chronological order from earliest to latest, separated by semicolons. Sequence
by month those published in the same year or, if this information is not
available, alphabetically by author names.
(Dawson and Briggs 1974; Dawson and Jones 1974; Smith AL 1978; Smith GT
1978; Smith et al. 1978; Tyndall et al. 1978; Zymgomoski 1978; Brown 1980)
Page number
(Smith 2016, p. 6)
Page number ranges are also preceded by “p.” and a space, and linked with an
en dash, e.g. “p. 56–63”. Page number ranges are not elided.
With a quotation
This is the text, and Smith (2016) says "quoted text" (p. 1), which supports my
This is the text, and this is supported by "quoted text" (Smith 2016, p. 1).
This is a displayed quotation. (Smith 2016, p. 1)
One author
Smith (2016) or (Smith 2016). Distinguish multiple works by the same author
published in different years by placing the years after the author name in
chronological sequence, separated by a comma and a space (Smith 1970,
1975). If the authors of two works published in the same year have the same
surname, include their initials in the in-text reference and separate the two in-
text references by a semicolon and a space (Dawson J 1986; Dawson M
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Information Classification: General
Two authors
Smith and Jones (2016) or (Smith and Jones 2016). If both authors have the
same surname, include their initials in the in-text reference (Smith TL and
Smith UV 1990).
Three or more
Give only the first author’s name followed by et al. (not in italics) and the year
of publication, e.g. Smith et al. (2016) or (Smith et al. 2016).
Multiple works by
the same author (or
group of authors) in
the same year
Put a, b, c, etc. after the year. The sequence is preferably determined by the
sequence of publication, but if this cannot be determined, order alphabetically
by article title (Chen 2011a, 2011b; Chen et al. 2016a, 2016b).
groups of authors
with the same first
If the first author’s names and the years of publication are identical for several
references, cite the surname of the first author and as many co-authors as
necessary to distinguish the references, followed by et al. Include just enough
names to eliminate ambiguity. For example:
(Martinez, Fuentes, et al. 1990) or (Martinez, Fuentes, Ortiz, et al. 1990),
depending on what other Martinez et al. 1990 references are cited.
Organization as
If the organization’s name occurs several times in the document, a shortened
form may be created for the in-text reference by using an abbreviation. For
clarity, the abbreviation appears as the initial element in the end reference,
within square brackets.
In the text: (IOM 1975)
In the reference list: [IOM] Institute of Medicine (US). 1975.
Organizations’ full names are acceptable in in-text references if they occur only
infrequently (Institute of Medicine 1975).
No identifiable
If the authorship cannot be determined, do not use “anonymous”. Instead,
begin the in-text reference with the first word or first few words of the title (just
enough to distinguish it from any other titles being used as references),
followed by an ellipsis. For example: (Handbook… 2000).
Secondary source
When it is not possible to see an original document, cite the source of your
information on it; do not cite the original assuming that the secondary source is
References to personal communications are cited only in the text.
and most of these proved to be fatal (2003 letter from RS Grant to me;
unreferenced, see “Notes”) …
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Information Classification: General
Multiple dates
For in-text references to publications with a range of dates, give the first and
last years of publication linked with an en dash: (Author 19591963)
Unknown date
For in-text references to publications with no date, place the words “date
unknown” within square brackets (Author [date unknown]).
In-text references in a table are usually most appropriately put in footnotes to the
table. If in-text references must appear within the field of a table, use a separate
column or row for them and supply an appropriate heading to identify them.
Do not use in-text references within figures, charts, graphs or illustrations. If such
references are needed to support the data or methods, put them in the caption.
At the end of a document, list the references to sources that have been cited
within the text, including those found in tables and figures, under the heading
Place references in alphabetical order by author. Alphabetical sequence is
determined by the first author’s surname (family name) and then, if necessary, by
letter-by-letter alphabetical sequencing determined by the initials of the first author
and the beginning letters of any subsequent authors’ surnames.
Order references by the same author(s) by year in ascending order.
If there are several items with the same first author, alone and/or with co-authors,
present items by a single author before items with co-authors, regardless of title. In
such a grouping, give the multi-author publications in alphabetical order by the
second author’s surname, regardless of the number of authors.
When organizations serve as authors, drop ‘The’ in an organizational name for the
purposes of alphabetizing (unless ‘The’ is part of the official name of the
organization), e.g. ‘American Chemical Society’, not ‘The American Chemical
Society’. When initials have been used for an organization as the in-text reference,
order the reference by the full name, not the initials so that in the list, [ACS]
American Chemical Society precedes [ABU] Australian Biochemical Union.
If no authors are present, order items by title, following these principles: ignore ‘a’,
‘an’ and ‘the’ at the beginning of a title when alphabetizing. Order initials and
acronyms in document titles as if they were words, not by the full name for which
they stand. Order a title beginning with a number as if it were written out in words.
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Information Classification: General
Form of author
Begin with the surname (family name), followed by the initials without punctuation
and without spaces, hyphens or full points between them, e.g. Author AA.
Separate successive author names from each other by a comma and a space,
e.g. Author AA, Author BB.
Capitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as they appear in the
document being cited, e.g. Van Der Horn or van der Horn; De Wolf or de Wolf or
Place family designations of rank after the initials, without punctuation, e.g. Author
See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7282/ for further guidance.
Date of
The year of publication is required for all references. The month and day of the
month (or the season) must be included only when citing a journal that has no
volume or issue number, when citing a newspaper or a patent, and for dates of
update/revision and citation of electronic publications.
Months are abbreviated using the first three letters and placed after the year, e.g.
2016 Feb. A range of months is linked with an en dash, e.g. AugOct.
If no date of publication can be found, but can be reasonably inferred from within
the publication, enclose it in square brackets, e.g. [2016]:
If no date of publication can be found or inferred, use [date unknown].
Article titles
Capitalize only the first word of the title, proper nouns, proper adjectives,
acronyms and initialisms. End the title with a full point unless another closing
punctuation mark is already present.
Journal titles
Journal titles are capitalized and abbreviated according to ISO 4. See
Journal subtitles are not considered as part of the title, so are not included in the
abbreviation. Journal title abbreviations do not include full points, except at the
end of the title. Do not abbreviate journal titles consisting of a single word.
Volume and issue
The issue number can be omitted if the journal is paginated consecutively through
the volume, but it is not incorrect to include it. Enclose issue information in
parentheses. Link multiple volume or issue numbers with an en dash.
Page numbers
List the first and last pages of the article, linked with an en dash. Page number
ranges are not elided.
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Information Classification: General
Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are commonly featured in reference entries for
journal articles, as well as in entries for other types of electronic resources.
Authors do not need to include DOIs for published journal articles when
preparing manuscripts. If they are retrievable from registries, the DOIs for
published journal articles will be added to entries as links during the production
Basic format
(with one author)
Author AA. Year. Title of article. Abbreviated Journal Title. Volume(issue):pages.
Fauci AS. 2002. Smallpox vaccination policy the need for dialogue. N Engl J
Med. 346(17):13191320. doi: 10.1056/nejm200204253461711.
Two authors
Mazan MR, Hoffman AM. 2001. Effects of aerosolized albuterol on physiologic
responses to exercise in standardbreds. Am J Vet Res. 62(11):18121817.
doi: 10.2460/ajvr.2001.62.1812.
Three to ten
List all authors’ names.
Smart N, Fang ZY, Marwick TH. 2003. A practical guide to exercise training for
heart failure patients. J Card Fail. 9(1):4958. doi: 10.1054/jcaf.2003.2.
Meneton P, Jeunemaitre X, de Wardener HE, MacGregor GA. 2005. Links
between dietary salt intake, renal salt handling, blood pressure, and
cardiovascular diseases. Physiol Rev. 85:679715. doi:
More than ten
List the first ten, followed by a comma and et al.
Neuberger M, Frey L, Nitschke K, Wessels F, Westhoff N, Waldbillig F, Nientiedt
M, Hartung F, Von Hardenberg J, Michel MS, et al. 2023. Integrin expression in
localized prostate cancer: a TCGA and MSKCC cohort-based exploratory in silico
analysis. Anticancer Res. 43(1): 417428. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.16177.
Organization as
[ACS] American College of Surgeons, Committee on Trauma, Ad Hoc
Subcommittee on Outcomes, Working Group. 2001. Practice management
guidelines for emergency department thoracotomy. J Am Coll Surg. 193(3):303
309. doi: 10.1016/s1072-7515(01)00999-1.
No author
Physician oversight of specialized emergency medical services. 2019. Prehosp
Emerg Care 23(4):590591. doi: 10.1080/10903127.2018.1551452.
Multiple dates of
Shibbal CS, Lipinska SD. 19851986. Alzheimer’s educational/support group:
considerations for success. J Gerontol Soc Work. 9(2):4148. doi:
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Information Classification: General
No volume or
issue number
Sampat P. 2000 JanFeb. Groundwater shock: the polluting of the world’s major
freshwater stores. World Watch. 1022.
Danoek K. 1982. Skiing in and through the history of medicine. Nord Medicinhist
Arsb. 86100.
Article in a
Ochi K, Sugiura N, Komatsuzaki Y, Nishino H, Ohashi T. 2003. Patency of inferior
meatal antrostomy. Auris Nasus Larynx. 30 Suppl:S57S60. doi: 10.1016/s0385-
Kaufert JM, O’Neil JD, Koolage WW. 1991. The cultural and political context of
informed consent for Native Canadians. Arctic Med Res. Suppl:181184.
Not in English
Translate non-English titles into English; place the translation in square brackets.
When possible, place the original language title or romanized title before the
translation. Capitalize non-English titles according to the conventions of the
particular language. Indicate the language after the pagination:
Berrino F, Gatta G, Crosignani P. 2004. [Case-control evaluation of screening
efficacy]. Epidemiol Prev. 28:354359. Italian.
Wilkniss SM, Hunter RH, Silverstein SM. 2004. Traitement multimodal de
l’agressivi et de la violence chez des personnes souffrant de psychose
[Multimodal treatment of aggression and violence in individuals with psychosis].
Santé Ment Que. 29:143174. French. doi: 10.7202/010835ar.
Article published
online ahead of
placement in an
Include any date of update/revision and a date of citation in square brackets
following the date of publication. Use the dates for the individual journal article
being cited. Provide the length in pages ([# p.]) in lieu of a page range.
Author B. Year. Title of article. Abbreviated Journal Title. [accessed Date]:[page
extent]. DOI or URL. Notes.
Savage E, Ramsay M, White J, Beard S, Lawson H, Hunjan R, Brown D. 2005.
Mumps outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004: Observational study.
BMJ. [accessed 2005 May 31]:[2 p.].
Schmidt-Lebuhn AN, Egli D, Grealy A, Nicholls JA, Zwick A, Dymock JJ, Gooden
B. 2022. Genetic data confirm the presence of Senecio madagascariensis in
New Zealand. N Z J Bot. [accessed 2023 March 2]:[13 p.]. doi:
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Information Classification: General
Not the Version
of Record
(including Author
Online, Advanced
Author Version,
Author AA. Forthcoming. Article title. Abbreviated Journal Title. [accessed
Date]:[pages]. DOI or URL. Format. Notes.
Zheng H, Ng F, Liu Y, et al. Forthcoming. Spatial and circadian regulation of
cry in Drosophila. J Biol Rhythms. [accessed 2008 Aug 11]:[18 p.].
18663236. Author’s manuscript. PubMed Central; PMCID: PMC2504742.
McDonnall MC, Steverson A, Sessler Trinkowsky R, Sergi K. Forthcoming.
Assistive technology use in the workplace by people with blindness and low
vision: perceived skill level, satisfaction, and challenges. Assist Technol.
[accessed 2023 May 24]:[25 p.]. doi: 10.1080/10400435.2023.2213762.
Accepted author version.
Other article
An article type (content designator) alerts the user that the reference is to
something other than a full article. Place, e.g., [abstract], [book review], [editorial]
or [letter to the editor] after the article title:
Camară G. 2022. Healthy urban environments: more-than-human theories,
by C Maller [book review]. Cities Health 6(6):1043. doi:
Smith KL. 1991. New dangers in our field [editorial]. Am J Nucl Eng.
If a journal article has supplemental material accompanying it in the form of a CD-
ROM, DVD, or other medium, begin by citing the article. Add the phrase
"Accompanied by:" followed by a description of the medium.
Author AH. 1999. Article title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Volume(issue):pages.
DOI. Accompanied by: Medium.
Place of
Always list the city, and for the sake of consistency always include the two-letter
state or province abbreviation for US and Canadian cities (enclosed in
parentheses). Include the country name for other countries only where this is
necessary to avoid ambiguity:
Cambridge (MA):
Cambridge (UK):
If more than one place of publication is found, use the first one listed (or the one
set in the most prominent font).
If no place of publication can be found but can be reasonably inferred, enclose it
in square brackets, e.g. [Chicago (IL)]:
If no place of publication can be found or inferred, use [place unknown]:
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Information Classification: General
Abbreviate well-known publisher names, e.g. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.’ may
become simply Wiley’. If more than one publisher is found, use the first one listed
(or the one set in the most prominent font). If no publisher can be determined, use
[publisher unknown].
Page numbers
List the first and last pages of a chapter or part being cited, linked with an en dash
and preceded by “p.” and a space, e.g. “p. 5663”. Page number ranges are not
It is not necessary to list the extent (total pagination) of books, conference
proceedings and other monographs.
Basic format
(with one author)
Author AA. 2016. This is a book title: and subtitle. Place: Publisher.
Jenkins PF. 2005. Making sense of the chest x-ray: a hands-on guide. New York
(NY): Oxford University Press.
Two authors
Van de Velde R, Degoulet P. 2003. Clinical information systems: a component-
based approach. New York (NY): Springer.
Three to ten
List all authors’ names.
Ferrozzi F, Garlaschi G, Bova D. 2000. CT of metastases. New York (NY):
More than ten
List the first ten, followed by a comma and et al.
Wenger NK, Sivarajan Froelicher E, Smith LK, Ades PA, Berra K, Blumenthal JA,
Certo CME, Dattilo AM, Davis D, DeBusk RF, et al. 1995. Cardiac rehabilitation.
Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US).
Organization as
Advanced Life Support Group. 2001. Acute medical emergencies: the practical
approach. London: BMJ Books.
[IOM] Institute of Medicine (US). 1975. Legalized abortion and the public health:
report of a study by a committee of the Institute of Medicine. Washington (DC):
National Academy of Sciences.
No author
Handbook of geriatric drug therapy. 2000. Springhouse (PA): Springhouse.
Multiple dates of
Chang TMS. 19971998. Blood substitutes: principles, methods, products, and
clinical trials. New York (NY): Karger Landes Systems.
Unknown date of
Lederer J. [date unknown]. Alimentation et cancer [Diet and cancer]. Brussels:
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Information Classification: General
Unknown place
of publication
Mueller FO, Schindler RD. 1986. Annual survey of football injury research 1931
1985. [place unknown]: American Football Coaches Association.
Schott J, Priest J. 2002. Leading antenatal classes: a practical guide. 2nd ed.
Boston (MA): Books for Midwives.
Chapter in
authored book
Author AA. Year. Book title: and subtitle. Place: Publisher. Chapter number,
Chapter title; p. pages.
Shakelford RT. 1978. Surgery of the alimentary tract. Philadelphia (PA): W.B.
Saunders. Chapter 2, Esophagoscopy; p. 2940.
Chapter in edited
Author AA. Year. Chapter title. In: Editor EE, editor(s). Book title. Place: Publisher;
p. pages.
Goldhagan JL. 2000. Child health in the developing world. In: Behrman RE,
Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, editors. Nelson textbook of pediatrics. 16th ed.
Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Saunders Company; p. 1114.
Kruger L, editor. 1996. Pain and touch. San Diego (CA): Academic Press.
Leeper FJ, Vederas JC, editors. 2000. Biosynthesis: polyketides and vitamins. New
York (NY): Springer.
A single volume
from a multi-
volume work
Editor AA, Editor BB, editors. 2016. Book title. Vol. 1, Volume title. Place:
Author JH, Author MJ, Author DJ. 2016. Book title. 2nd ed. Vol. 1, Volume title.
Place: Publisher.
Bradley WG, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, et al., editors. 2004. Neurology in clinical
practice. 4th ed. Vol. 1, Principles of diagnosis and management. Philadelphia:
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Information Classification: General
Author SH, Author MW. 2016. Book title. Place: Publisher. (Series editor(s)
optional. Series title; vol. volume or number).
Editor SH, Editor MW, editors. 2016. Book title. Place: Publisher. (Series editor(s)
optional. Series title; vol. volume or number).
Indryan A, Sarmukaddam SB. 2001. Medical biostatistics. New York (NY): Marcel
Dekker. (Biostatistics; 7).
Ambudkar SV, Gottesman MM, editors. 1998. ABC transporters: biochemical,
cellular, and molecular aspects. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. (Methods in
enzymology; vol. 292).
Wassarman PM, Keller GM, editors. 2003. Differentiation of embryonic stem cells.
Boston (MA): Academic Press. (Abelson JN, Simon MI, editors. Methods in
enzymology; vol. 365).
Flaws B, translator. 2004. The classic of difficulties: a translation of the Nan Jing.
3rd ed. Boulder (CO): Blue Poppy Press.
Luzikov VN. 1985. Mitochondrial biogenesis and breakdown. Galkin AV,
translator; Roodyn DB, editor. New York (NY): Consultants Bureau.
Not in English
Translate non-English titles into English where possible; place the translation in
square brackets. Place the original language title or romanized title before the
translation. Capitalize non-English titles according to the conventions of the
particular language.
Ochoa S. 2000. Base molecular de la expresion del mensaje genetico [Molecular
basis of gene expression]. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cientificas. Spanish.
Online (e-book)
Griffiths AJF, Miller JH, Suzuki DT, Lewontin RC, Gelbart WM. 2000. Introduction
to genetic analysis. 7th ed. New York (NY): W. H. Freeman & Co.; [accessed
2005 May 31].
Antonioli GE, editor. 1997. Pacemaker leads 1997. Proceedings of the 3rd
International Symposium on Pacemaker Leads; Sep 1113; Ferrara, Italy.
Bologna: Monducci Editore.
Callaos N, Margenstern M, Zhang J, Castillo O, Doberkat EE, editors. 2003. SCI
2003. Proceedings of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics; Jul 2730; Orlando, FL. Orlando (FL): International Institute of
Informatics and Systematics.
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Information Classification: General
Paper in
Lee DJ, Bates D, Dromey C, Xu X, Antani S. 2003. An imaging system correlating
lip shapes with tongue contact patterns for speech pathology research. In: Krol M,
Mitra S, Lee DJ, editors. CMBS 2003. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium
on Computer-Based Medical Systems; Jun 2627; New York. Los Alamitos (CA):
IEEE Computer Society. p. 307313.
Antani S, Long LR, Thoma GR, Lee DJ. 2003. Anatomical shape representation in
spine x-ray images. Paper presented at: VIIP 2003. Proceedings of the 3rd
IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image
Processing; Sep 810; Benalmadena, Spain.
Charles L, Gordner R. 2005. Analysis of MedlinePlus en Español customer
service requests. Poster session presented at: Futuro magnifico! Celebrating our
diversity. MLA ’05: Medical Library Association Annual Meeting; May 1419; San
Antonio, TX.
Ritzmann RE. 1974. The snapping mechanism of Alpheid shrimp [dissertation].
Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia.
Oviedo S. 1995. Adolescent pregnancy: voices heard in the everyday lives of
pregnant teenagers [master’s thesis]. Denton (TX): University of North Texas.
Farley T, Galves A, Dickinson LM, Perez MJ. Forthcoming 2005 Jul. Stress,
coping, and health: a comparison of Mexican immigrants, Mexican-Americans,
and non-Hispanic whites. J Immigr Health.
Do not include as forthcoming any articles that have been submitted for
publication but have not yet been accepted for publication.
Goldstein DS. Forthcoming 2006. Adrenaline and the inner world: an introduction
to scientific integrative medicine. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press.
Do not include as forthcoming any books that have been submitted for publication
but have not yet been accepted for publication.
Axelrod J. 19151998. The Julius Axelrod papers. 22 boxes. Located at: Modern
Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine,
Bethesda, MD; MS C 494.
Stearns AA. 1864. Armory Square Hospital nursing diary. 70 leaves. Located at:
History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS
B 372.
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Information Classification: General
Website name. Year. Place: Publisher; [accessed Date]. URL. Notes.
AMA: helping doctors help patients. 19952007. Chicago (IL): American Medical
Association; [accessed 2007 Feb 22]. http://www.ama-assn.org/.
The place of publication and the publisher can be included if known; this is a
requirement of the CSE Manual, although for Taylor & Francis it is not incorrect to
omit them, for example:
AMA: helping doctors help patients. 19952007. [accessed 2007 Feb 22].
Web page
Hollenberg NK. 2005. Hypertension: mechanisms and therapy. [London (UK)]:
Current Medicine Group Ltd; [accessed 2005 May 31]. http://www.norvasc-
braunwald.com/01/0100vpre.asp. Registration required.
Lawrence RA. 1997. A review of the medical benefits and contraindications to
breastfeeding in the United States. Arlington (VA): National Center for Education
in Maternal and Child Health (US); [accessed 2005 Jun 28].
The place of publication and the publisher can be included if known; this is a
requirement of the CSE Manual, although for Taylor & Francis it is not incorrect to
omit them.
mailing list
Like email, messages posted to discussion lists are a form of personal
communication and are not included in a reference list. Place within the running
text only. The nature and source of the cited information should be identified by an
appropriate statement. Place the source information in parentheses, using a term
or terms to indicate that the citation is not represented in the reference list. For
…and many nurses involved with such cases (Mar 22, 2007 posting by RS Grant
to the ANPACC Listserv; unreferenced, see “Notes”) report…
Messages posted to discussion lists like a blog are considered a form of
personal communication and should not be included in a reference list. Place
references to such communications within the running text only. The nature and
source of the cited information should be identified by an appropriate
statement. Place the source information in parentheses, using a term or terms
to indicate that the citation is not represented in the reference list. For example:
…and many nurses involved with such cases (Mar 22, 2007 posting by RS Grant
to Nurse Studio Blog; unreferenced, see “Notes”) report…
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Information Classification: General
magazine titles
Titles of newspapers and magazines are not abbreviated (except that a leading
“Themay be omitted). If the title does not indicate the place of publication, the
location may be added within or after the title as appropriate. Edition designators
are also treated as part of the title.
Full dates of publication are required, including the month and day of the month.
Print edition
Author A. Year Month Day. Article title. Publication Title (Edition if available/
Location). Sect. [section]:start page (col. [column]).
Weiss R. 2003 Apr 11. Study shows problems in cloning people: researchers find
replicating primates will be harder than other mammals. Washington Post (Home
Ed.). Sect. A:12 (col. 1).
Author A. Year Month Day. Article title. Publication Title. [accessed Year Month
Day];Sect. [section]:[page or screen extent]. URL.
Grady D. 2008 Apr 18. Jump in doctor visits and deaths in flu season. New York
Times. [accessed 2008 Dec 19];Research:[about 4 screens].
No author named
Woman in L.A. tests positive for plague. 2006 Apr 20. Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Sect. A:7 (col. 6).
Format as for a book reference with the institution or organization in place of the
publisher. Include the report series and number if available.
Author A, Author B. Year. Report title. Place: Institution. Report number. Notes.
Feller BA. 1981. Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitation,
United States, 1979. Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Statistics (US).
Report No.: VHS-SER-10/137. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB88-
Moray NP, Huey BM. 1988. Human factors research and nuclear safety.
Washington (DC): National Academy Press. Contract No.: NRC-04-86-301.
Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB89-175517. Sponsored by the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Working paper
Format as for a book reference with the institution or organization in place of the
publisher. Include the report series and number if available.
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Information Classification: General
Letter, email or
Place references to personal communications such as letters and conversations
within the running text, not as formal end references. Include the nature and
source of the cited information, using terms to indicate that no corresponding
citation is in the reference list. Place the source information in parentheses. For
and most of these proved to be fatal (2003 letter from RS Grant to me;
unreferenced, see “Notes”)
Inventor AA, inventor; Patent holder, assignee. Year Month Day. Title of patent.
Country issuing the patent Patent number. Notes.
Blanco EE, Meade JC, Richards WD, inventors; Ophthalmic Ventures, assignee.
1990 Nov 13. Surgical stapling system. United States patent US 4,969,591.
Map (published
as independent
Cartographer AA, cartographer. Date. Title of map [map type]. Place of
publication: Publisher. Physical description. Notes.
Doyon R, Donovan T, cartographers. 1992. AIDS in Massachusetts, 19851991
[demographic map]. Amherst (MA): University of Massachusetts, Department of
Geology & Geography.
Baxley N, Dunaway C. 1982. Cognition, creativity, and behavior: the Columban
simulations [motion picture]. Baxley N, editor and producer. Champaign (IL):
Research Press Company. 1 reel: 30 min., sound, color, 16 mm.
Day J. 1988. Dying before their time: early death & AIDS [poster]. Farmington
(CT): University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Section of Medical Arts &
Letters. 1 poster: color, 14 x 21 in.
Johnson D, editor. 2002. Surgical techniques in orthopaedics: anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction [Blu-ray]. Rosemont (IL): American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1 Blu-ray.
Collaborative research with communities: value added & challenges faced
[videocassette]. 2006. Washington (DC): Public Health Foundation. 1
videocassette: 103 min., sound, color, 1/2 in.
If a database is open (continues to be updated), give the start date followed by an
en dash and a space; if it is closed (is no longer updated), give the start and finish
dates linked by an en dash.
IMGT/HLA Sequence Database. 2003 . Release 2.9.0. Cambridge (UK):
European Bioinformatics Institute. [updated 2005 Jun 1; accessed 2005 Jun 22].
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Pribor H, Meader CR. 2002. DiagnosisPro: the ultimate differential diagnosis
assistant [CD-ROM]. Version 6.0. Los Angeles (CA): MedTech USA. 1 CD-ROM:
color, 4 3/4 in.
Sport care [CD-ROM]. 2001. Release 1.0. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics. 1
CD-ROM: sound, color, 4 3/4 in. Accompanied by: 1 user manual.
software (with
Hecht K, McKinnon R, Podkowiak T, Roman M, Schmidt J, Vivier S, Werst E,
Wyman J. 2021. Spectrum [software]. Ver. 6.06. Glastonbury (CT): Avenir Health.
[accessed 2021 Feb 26].
software (without
Short WM. 2021. MultiWordNet [software]. Ver. 0.1.3. Python Package Index.
[accessed 2021 Feb 26]. https://pypi.org/project/multiwordnet/0.1.3/#files.
Wang G-Y, Zhu Z-M, Cui S, Wang J-H. 2017 Aug 11. Data from: glucocorticoid
induces incoordination between glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the
amygdala [dataset]. Dryad Digital Repository. [accessed 2017 Dec 22].