International Journal of Research & Review ( 48
Vol.6; Issue: 3; March 2019
International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237
Review Article
Exploring Research Methodology: Review Article
Mimansha Patel
, Nitin Patel
Executive QA, Department of Quality Assurance, Mylan Laboratories Ltd. Sarigam,
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Government Engineering College Valsad, India
Corresponding Author: Mimansha Patel
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as
a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are
generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.
It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research methods/techniques but also the
methodology. Researchers not only need to know how to develop certain indices or tests, how to
calculate the mean, the mode, the median or the standard deviation or chi-square, how to apply
particular research techniques, but they also need to know which of these methods or techniques, are
relevant and which are not, and what would they mean and indicate and why. Researchers also need to
understand the assumptions underlying various techniques and they need to know the criteria by
which they can decide that certain techniques and procedures will be applicable to certain problems
and others will not. All this means that it is necessary for the researcher to design his methodology for
his problem as the same may differ from problem to problem.
Keywords: Research, Methodology, Research Methodology, Research Techniques, Qualitative
research, Quantitative Research
Research in common parlance refers
to a search for knowledge. Once can also
define research as a scientific and
systematic search for pertinent information
on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art
of scientific investigation. The Advanced
Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English
lays down the meaning of research as “a
careful investigation or inquiry specially
through search for new facts in any branch
of knowledge.”
Redman and Mory define
research as a systematized effort to gain
new knowledge.”
Methodology is the systematic,
theoretical analysis of the methods applied
to a field of study. It comprises the
theoretical analysis of the body of methods
and principles associated with a branch of
knowledge. Typically, it encompasses
concepts such as paradigm, theoretical
model, phases and quantitative or qualitative
Research Methodology is science of
studying how research is done scientifically.
A way to systematically solve the research
problem by logically adopting various steps.
Methodology helps to understand not only
the products of scientific inquiry but the
process itself. Research Methodology aims
to describe and analyze methods, throw
light on their limitations and resources,
clarify their limitations and resources,
clarify their presuppositions and
consequences, relating their potentialities to
the twilight zone at the „frontiers of
Objectives of Research
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Vol.6; Issue: 3; March 2019
The purpose of research is to discover
answers to questions through the application
of scientific procedures. The main aim of
research is to find out the truth which is
hidden and which has not been discovered
as yet. Though each research study has its
own specific purpose, we may think of
research objectives as falling into a number
of following broad groupings:
1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or
to achieve new insights into it (studies with
this object in view are termed as exploratory
or formulative research studies);
2. To portray accurately the characteristics
of a particular individual, situation or a
group (studies with this object in view are
known as descriptive research studies);
3. To determine the frequency with which
something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else (studies with
this object in view are known as diagnostic
research studies);
4. To test a hypothesis of a causal
relationship between variables (such studies
are known as hypothesis-testing research
Types of Research
Research can be classified on the
basis of time, purpose, settings, place and
technique. Some researches have
similarities and some have little variations.
But all the types of research have its own
Basic Research: It is also called as pure
research. Research for the sake of
enhancement of knowledge is termed as
Basic Research. It is done with the intention
of overpowering of the unknown facts. It is
concerned with the generalizations and also
with the formulation of new theory. Basic
research may not produce solutions or
results to the present problem but it
contributes something to the scientific
knowledge. Though its work may have zero
importance, but it may become useful in the
Applied Research: It is also called as
practical research or „need based‟ research.
The main intention is to find solutions to the
current problems being faced by an
institution, society, business or in
government offices. Research to identify
social, political and economic changes,
which has adverse effects in different
sectors are some of the examples of applied
research. This type of research is mainly
carried on with the secondary data.
Empirical Research: It is often referred to
as experimental research. In this primary
data is collected, analyzed, interpretation is
done and subjected to hypothesis testing.
Researcher should develop his experimental
designs and should provide working
hypothesis before the commencement of his
research for good output.
Qualitative Research: As the name itself
suggests, this research is concerned with the
qualitative process. It generally works with
the study of human behavior. By this
research one can find the body language,
attitude, opinions, feelings etc. from the
opposite person through observation. It is
mainly helpful for Psychiatrists and
interviewers. Many techniques are being
used like word association test, sentence
completion, drawing pictures, Thematic
Apperception Test. It is needed in times
where quantitative research does not work.
Hence, it is also called as „Motivation
Quantitative Research: This research is
mainly concerned with the measurement of
phenomenon in terms of quantity. Many a
times a debate is conducted between
qualitative and quantitative terms. An
example for the quantitative research is
carrying out senses for collecting
population, social, economic statistics of a
particular area. They are subjected to
statistical analysis. It relays mainly on
primary data like survey method and
questionnaire method. However, one can
observe the inter-dependence between one
Descriptive Research: As the name itself
indicates, this research directly deals with
description. It includes different data
collection like survey method and fact-
finding techniques. The main character of
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this research is that, the researcher does not
have control over the variables. He should
describe what has happened and what is
happening. Most Ex post facto projects use
descriptive research.
Some other types of research: Apart from
the above types of research, there are many
other classifications like
Longitudinal Research which is spread
over for a long period of time. In this
change takes place gradually.
Historical Research which is concerned
with the collecting of auto biographies,
letters, documents, enquiries for knowing
the past.
Simulation Research deals with the
creation of an artificial environment which
is quite similar to real environment.
Depending upon the need of the situation
we can create and adjust to it.
Significance of Research
It helps in framing of policies: Research
helps in the framing of various
government policies. Nearly all the
government policies and budgets are
planned and executed through research
with the help of researcher. Annual
budget, monthly budget, monetary and
economic policies are all framed by the
government. The government is assisted
by various organizations for framing the
policies through research.
Basic aim is to gain knowledge: It leads
to many ideas and changes old facts.
It is used in business organization: Many
business companies hire researcher to
work on various things. It is used in
studying the changes taking place in the
market. It helps in capital budgeting, tax
management and cost saving policies.
It leads to discovery and innovation of
unknown facts and unexplored theories.
It leads to the growth of the society and
its citizens. It gives chance to the
researcher to go deep into the subject
and to innovate it.
It avoids superstitious beliefs, myths and
prejudices: Many people are still not
aware of the research activities and its
importance. Many ancient beliefs and
myths have been proven wrong with the
help of research.
It leads to development of social welfare
and society.
It is useful for PhD students to write
their thesis.
Thus, Research is a fountain of knowledge,
which helps in solving all government
policies, business problems, avoids
superstitious beliefs and helps in the
development and maturity of society and its
Research Process:
1. Formulating the research problem:
There are two types of research
problems, viz., those which relate to
states of nature and those which relate to
relationships between variables. At the
very outset the researcher must single
out the problem he wants to study, i.e.,
he must decide the general area of
interest or aspect of a subject-matter that
he would like to inquire into. Initially
the problem may be stated in a broad
general way and then the ambiguities, if
any, relating to the problem be resolved.
Then, the feasibility of a particular
solution has to be considered before a
working formulation of the problem can
be set up. The formulation of a general
topic into a specific research problem,
thus, constitutes the first step in a
scientific enquiry. Essentially two steps
are involved in formulating the research
problem, viz., understanding the
problem thoroughly, and rephrasing the
same into meaningful terms from an
analytical point of view.
2. Extensive literature survey: Once the
problem is formulated, a brief summary
of it should be written down. It is
compulsory for a research worker
writing a thesis for a Ph.D. degree to
write a synopsis of the topic and submit
it to the necessary Committee or the
Research Board for approval. At this
juncture the researcher should undertake
extensive literature survey connected
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with the problem. For this purpose, the
abstracting and indexing journals and
published or unpublished bibliographies
are the first place to go to. Academic
journals, conference proceedings,
government reports, books etc., must be
tapped depending on the nature of the
problem. In this process, it should be
remembered that one source will lead to
another. The earlier studies, if any,
which are similar to the study in hand
should be carefully studied. A good
library will be a great help to the
researcher at this stage.
3. Developing a working hypothesis: A
research in any field of study do not give
proper results unless and until we
develop a working hypothesis. It is a
tentative statement or assumption
regarding the solution to the problem of
study. It is an assumption which is used
to draw the logical consequences. It is
the key point of study and hence it
should be limited and should contain
much knowledge. It is helpful for
researcher for predictions and also
maintains complete focus on the study.
It should be precise and clearly defined.
It gives an idea of the type of data to be
used and type of method or techniques
for the study. In some research activities
like exploratory or formulative,
hypothesis is not used for testing.
4. Preparing the research design: The
research problem having been
formulated in clear cut terms, the
researcher will be required to prepare a
research design, i.e., he will have to
state the conceptual structure within
which research would be conducted. The
preparation of such a design facilitates
research to be as efficient as possible
yielding maximal information. In other
words, the function of research design is
to provide for the collection of relevant
evidence with minimal expenditure of
effort, time and money. But how all
these can be achieved depends mainly
on the research purpose. Research
purposes may be grouped into four
categories, viz., (i) Exploration, (ii)
Description, (iii) Diagnosis, and (iv)
Experimentation. A flexible research
design which provides opportunity for
considering many different aspects of a
problem is considered appropriate if the
purpose of the research study is that of
exploration. But when the purpose
happens to be an accurate description of
a situation or of an association between
variables, the suitable design will be one
that minimises bias and maximises the
reliability of the data collected and
analysed. There are several research
designs, such as, experimental and non-
experimental hypothesis testing.
Experimental designs can be either
informal designs (such as before-and-
after without control, after-only with
control, before-and-after with control) or
formal designs (such as completely
randomized design, randomized block
design, Latin square design, simple and
complex factorial designs), out of which
the researcher must select one for his
own project. The preparation of the
research design, appropriate for a
particular research problem, involves
usually the consideration of the
following: (i) the means of obtaining the
information; (ii) the availability and
skills of the researcher and his staff (if
any); (iii) explanation of the way in
which selected means of obtaining
information will be organised and the
reasoning leading to the selection; (iv)
the time available for research; and (v)
the cost factor relating to research, i.e.,
the finance available for the purpose.
5. Determining sample design: The
researcher must decide the way of
selecting a sample or what is popularly
known as the sample design. In other
words, a sample design is a definite plan
determined before any data are actually
collected for obtaining a sample from a
given population. A brief mention of the
important sample designs is as follows:
Deliberate sampling
Simple random sampling
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Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling
Quota sampling
Cluster sampling and area sampling
Multi-stage sampling
Sequential sampling
6. Collecting the data: The method of
gathering or collecting the data is
planned in data collection design. There
are many types for collecting the data.
The two types of collecting data are
Primary data and Secondary data.
Some of the important methods for
collecting the Primary data are as follows:
Questionnaire: The method of collecting
data in vast geographical areas is done
through Questionnaire method. Hence
questionnaires are mailed to the research
areas and they are distributed among the
respondents. It is a time saving and
economical method but the main drawback
is that the answers given by the respondents
are not accurate.
Interview: The investigators prepare a set of
questions and ask them in a serial vise to the
respondents. There are different types of
interview like personal, group, mock and
telephone interview. It is fast procedure. We
can get extra information which is related to
the topic. But it is costly. Some respondents
may try to hide some answers. It saves
much time of the investigator.
Observation: This is also one type of
collecting data primarily. In this researcher
observes the day to day process of the
society or a single person. Sometimes
researcher has to involve in the process. It
discovers the human behavior of the
respondent. No doubt this method is cost
effective but the data collected is also
limited. It can‟t predict the happenings of
the future.
Secondary data can be collected through
books, published articles, internet and
syndicate services. Syndicate services are
companies which collect and sell data to
various people who are in need. It is suitable
for researcher who wants to survey on large
population. The disadvantage of this method
is that the researcher will not enjoy extra
information and it is very costly.
7. Though the data can be collected in a
short span of time but the accuracy
cannot be stated.
Execution of the project: After preparing a
good design for the process of research, the
researcher should move on to the next step
of execution. From this stage the researcher
starts executing the research design.
Training should be given to the surveyors
and a working manual should be given to
them. The collection of data should be
carefully handled.
8. Analysis of data: Soon after the
collection of data, the researcher turns to
the process of analyzing the collected
data. The raw data will be tuned. There
are many things used for analysis like
coding, tabulation, editing and statistical
analysis. Data will be collected in the
form of questionnaires or schedules.
Hence the data collected in short forms
will be elaborated through coding.
Editing can be done at the time of
collecting or collecting the data.
Through editing the researcher removes
all the mistakes in the project. It will be
polished. Through tabulation the
researchers do the work of preparing the
9. Hypothesis-testing: After analysing the
data as stated above, the researcher is in
a position to test the hypotheses, if any,
he had formulated earlier. Do the facts
support the hypotheses or they happen to
be contrary? This is the usual question
which should be answered while testing
hypotheses. Various tests, such as Chi
square test, t-test, F-test, have been
developed by statisticians for the
purpose. The hypotheses may be tested
through the use of one or more of such
tests, depending upon the nature and
object of research inquiry. Hypothesis-
testing will result in either accepting the
hypothesis or in rejecting it. If the
researcher had no hypotheses to start
with, generalisations established on the
basis of data may be stated as
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hypotheses to be tested by subsequent
researches in times to come.
10. Generalisations and interpretation: If
a hypothesis is tested and upheld several
times, it may be possible for the
researcher to arrive at generalisation,
i.e., to build a theory. As a matter of
fact, the real value of research lies in its
ability to arrive at certain
generalisations. If the researcher had no
hypothesis to start with, he might seek to
explain his findings on the basis of some
theory. It is known as interpretation. The
process of interpretation may quite often
trigger off new questions which in turn
may lead to further researches.
11. Preparation of the report or the
thesis: Finally, the researcher has to
prepare the report of what has been done
by him. Writing of report must be done
with great care keeping in view the
following: 1. The layout of the report
should be as follows: (i) the preliminary
pages; (ii) the main text, and (iii) the end
matter. In its preliminary pages the
report should carry title and date
followed by acknowledgements and
foreword. Then there should be a table
of contents followed by a list of tables
and list of graphs and charts, if any,
given in the report. The main text of the
report should have the following parts:
(a) Introduction: It should contain a
clear statement of the objective of the
research and an explanation of the
methodology adopted in accomplishing
the research. The scope of the study
along with various limitations should as
well be stated in this part. (b) Summary
of findings: After introduction there
would appear a statement of findings
and recommendations in non-technical
language. If the findings are extensive,
they should be summarised. (c) Main
report: The main body of the report
should be presented in logical sequence
and broken-down into readily
identifiable sections. (d) Conclusion:
Towards the end of the main text,
researcher should again put down the
results of his research clearly and
precisely. In fact, it is the final summing
Research Approach
Research approach can be divided into three
1. Deductive Research approach
2. Inductive Research approach
3. Abductive Research approach
The relevance of hypotheses to the
study is the main distinctive point between
deductive and inductive approaches.
Deductive approach tests the validity of
assumptions (or theories/hypotheses) in
hand, whereas inductive approach
contributes to the emergence of new
theories and generalizations. Abductive
research, on the other hand, starts with
„surprising facts‟ or puzzles‟ and the
research process is devoted their
In Deductive Research Approach if
you have formulated a set of hypotheses for
your dissertation that need to be confirmed
or rejected during the research process you
would be following a deductive approach.
Alternatively, inductive approach does not
involve formulation of hypotheses. It starts
with research questions and aims and
objectives that need to be achieved during
the research process. In abductive approach,
the research process is devoted to
explanation of „incomplete observations‟,
„surprising facts‟ or „puzzles‟ specified.
Major Changes in Research Environment
Information Technologies in
Research: The continued exponential
rise in the power of information and
computing technologies has had a
dramatic impact on research across
many disciplines. These technologies
have not only increased the speed and
scope of research but have made it
possible to conduct investigations that
were not possible before. Information
technology advances have enabled new
forms of inquiry such as those based on
numerical simulation of physical and
biological systems and the analysis of
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massive datasets to detect and assess the
nature of relationships that otherwise
would go unseen.
The Globalization of Research:
Because knowledge passes freely across
national borders, scientific research has
always been an international endeavor.
But this internationalization has
intensified over the past two decades.
Nations have realized that they cannot
expect to benefit from the global
research enterprise without national
research systems that can absorb and
build on that knowledge. As a result,
they have incorporated science and
technology into national plans and have
established goals for increased R&D
Relevance of Research Results to
Policy and Political Debates: Research
also comes into play in debates and
decisions over numerous contentious
policy issues. Science is not the only
factor in these discussions. Many
considerations outside of science
influence policy choices, such as
personal and political beliefs, lessons
from experience, trial-and-error
learning, and reasoning by analogy. To
contribute to public policy decisions,
researchers must be able to separate
their expertise as scientists from their
views as advocates for particular public
policy positions.
Criteria of Good Research
Whatever may be the types of research
works and studies, one thing that is
important is that they all meet on the
common ground of scientific method
employed by them. One expects scientific
research to satisfy the following criteria:
1. The purpose of the research should be
clearly defined and common concepts be
2. The research procedure used should be
described in sufficient detail to permit
another researcher to repeat the research for
further advancement, keeping the continuity
of what has already been attained.
3. The procedural design of the research
should be carefully planned to yield results
that are as objective as possible.
4. The researcher should report with
complete frankness, flaws in procedural
design and estimate their effects upon the
5. The analysis of data should be
sufficiently adequate to reveal its
significance and the methods of analysis
used should be appropriate. The validity and
reliability of the data should be checked
6. Conclusions should be confined to those
justified by the data of the research and
limited to those for which the data provide
an adequate basis.
7. Greater confidence in research is
warranted if the researcher is experienced,
has a good reputation in research and is a
person of integrity.
Research is a voyage of discovery; a
journey; an attitude; an experience; a
method of critical thinking; an activity
caused by instinct of inquisitiveness to gain
fresh insight/find answers to
question/acquire knowledge.
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2. L.V. Redman and A.V.H. Mory, The
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5. C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology
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6. Pavan G. K. and Dr. Nagarekha
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7. Bryman A. & Bell, E. “Business
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8. The National Academies of Sciences
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How to cite this article: Patel
M, Patel N. Exploring research methodology: review article.
International Journal of Research and Review. 2019; 6(3):48-55.