Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying online 2
Important dates 2
Applying for a Reception place 3
Primary school starting age 3
Deciding which primary schools to apply for 3
Visiting schools 3
Admissions criteria 3
How the preference system works 6
How to apply 6
Supplementary information forms 7
Last year’s application and appeal rates (community schools) 8
Applying for a Reception place after the closing date – 15 January 2023 10
National offer day – 17 April 2023 10
Appeals 11
Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities 11
Transferring from an infant to junior school in Lewisham 11
Primary schools in Lewisham 12
Useful contacts 19
Applying to start primary school
September 2023
Information about admissions arrangements
This document is designed to help guide parents and
carers who are resident in the Lewisham borough through
the admission process for starting primary school in
September 2023. This information is also available online
If you have any questions about the admissions process
call the Admissions Team on 020 8314 7642.
(Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday
afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Information provided in this document is subject
to change by the Government or the Schools
Adjudicator. Any amendments will be published at
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 2
Who this information is for
The information is intended for residents of the Lewisham
borough only. If your child lives outside the borough, you
are welcome to apply for schools in Lewisham but must
do so through your local council.
Children with an education health care plan
If your child has an education health care plan (EHCP),
you need to follow a different admissions process. For
more information, call the Children with Complex Needs
Team on 020 8314 7642.
Useful websites
All you need to know about applying to start
primary school in the Lewisham borough
Find out about primary schools in the borough and which
are closest to you at
Apply online for primary school places
Apply online
Apply online for admission to primary schools at The benefits of applying
online are:
it only takes a few minutes
you will get an email confirmation saying your
application has been received
the system helps you by checking for errors
there is no risk that your application will get
lost in the post or arrive late
you can change your preferences of school up
until the closing date
your details are held securely
after 5pm on 17 April 2023, you will get an email
saying where your child has been offered a place.
After you submit your application, you will get
a reference number that will be similar to this:
If you do not get a number, your application has not
been submitted.
Important dates
Important dates for the admission process for children starting primary school in Lewisham in September 2023.
Applications open (apply online at Thursday 1 September 2022
Closing date for applications Sunday 15 January 2023 at 23:59
(we recommend you submit your
application by Saturday 1 January 2023)
Closing date for supplementary information forms (if needed) –
to be returned to the school directly
Sunday 15 January 2023
Closing date for ‘late for good reason’ applications and those who
have changed address since 15 January 2023
Wednesday 1 February 2023
Application results
If you applied online, you will get an email after 5pm telling you where
your child has been offered a place.
If you applied by post, or have not been offered a place, we will send
your results by first class post on 17 April 2023. First class post does
not guarantee next-day delivery.
Monday 17 April 2023
Deadline for accepting your offer
If you applied online, you must accept the offer online. If you filled
in a paper application, you should return the acceptance slip to us.
Wednesday 3 May 2023
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 3
Applying for a Reception place
We coordinate applications for Reception class places in
primary schools in the Lewisham borough.
You must apply for a primary school place through your
local council. If you live outside the borough, you must
apply through your local council.
If you are applying under the religious criteria for a place
at a faith school, you must complete a supplementary
information form and return it to the school directly
by Sunday 15 January 2023. You can download a
supplementary information form from the school’s
Primary school starting age
Children who live in the borough permanently and were
born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 are
eligible to start Reception full-time in September 2023.
Deciding which primary schools to apply for
You can apply for up to six mainstream state primary
schools, which can be in or outside the Lewisham
borough. As it is not always possible to offer every child
a place at one of their preferred schools, we suggest you
research a range of schools, including the ones closest to
your home address before you submit your application.
Most schools in the borough will be oversubscribed, so
we recommend you look at your nearest schools (both
faith and non-faith schools). We also advise you to use
all six preferences and not restrict your application. A list
of the primary schools in the borough, including contact
details, age ranges and number of places available starts
at page 12.
To find out more about primary schools in the
borough and see which are nearest to your home,
Visiting schools
Before deciding which schools you want to apply for, you
should visit the school to meet the staff, see the facilities
and opportunities available. We don’t yet know whether
schools will open for visits, but you should contact
schools directly to arrange your visit.
Admissions criteria
When a school is oversubscribed – meaning they get
more applications than there are places available – the
school’s admissions criteria is applied to decide which
children qualify for a place. It is important that you read
the admissions criteria for the schools you want to apply
for, to see if your child is likely to qualify for a place.
Most primary schools in Lewisham and neighbouring
boroughs are expected to receive more applications than
there are places available. Limiting the number of schools
you list on your application can limit the chance of your
child getting an offer from one of your preferred schools.
Do not include fee-paying (independent) schools or
special needs schools on your application as they have
a separate application process.
Children of staff
A small number of primary schools will give priority to
children whose parent is employed at the school. Please
read the school’s definition of ‘children of staff’ to make
sure your child qualifies under this criterion and complete
the relevant information on the online application. This
policy does not apply to community schools in Lewisham.
Crown servants
Families of UK service personnel or Crown Servants
returning from overseas to live in the borough can apply
for a school place while their child does not live in the
borough. When you apply you must also submit an
official letter from the relevant government department
Closing date for lodging an appeal for a community school
Admissions authorities of other schools may set the same
or a later deadline
18 May 2023
Appeal hearings
If you submit an appeal after Friday 5 May 2023, it may not
be heard until the start of the academic year in September 2023.
June/July 2023
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 4
that says the relocation date and/or unit postal address,
quartering area address or family home address. You
should give us your relocation address so we can
allocate places fairly and in accordance with the school’s
admissions criteria.
You must tell us about any changes to your planned
address during the application process. If you can’t provide
confirmation of a relocation address, we will not be able to
process your application. If you do not qualify under this
criterion, do not tick this box on the application form as it
may delay your application being processed.
Applicants from overseas
If you have recently moved to Lewisham from overseas
please see
Admissions criteria for community schools Admissions
criteria are applied when the school receives more
applications than there are places available. Community
schools in the borough use the same admissions criteria
(see below). Voluntary-aided schools, foundation
schools, free schools and academies have their own
criteria for deciding which children to admit. You can
find the full admissions policy, annual intake and other
information about each of the schools in the borough on
the school’s websites. See page 12 for contact details of
primary schools in the borough.
Admissions policy for community schools
For the exact legal wording of the criteria,
read our determined admissions policy at
When a community school in the borough is
oversubscribed for the Reception class in September
2023, we will use the following criteria and offer
places to:
1. Looked after children
We will offer places to looked-after children, or children
who were previously looked after but, immediately after
being looked after, became subject to an adoption order,
child arrangements or a special guardianship order.
A looked-after child is a child who is:
in the care of a local authority, or
being provided with accommodation by a local
Confirmation of a child’s looked-after status must be
supplied by the allocated social worker or foster carer
with the application, along with a copy of the adoption
order, care order or special guardianship order.
This now includes children who have been in state care
outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a
result of being adopted.
2. Medical or social need
In exceptional circumstances, we may admit a child to a
school where they would not normally qualify for a place
on the grounds of their, or their family’s, severe medical
or social need.
When you apply, you must include a letter from a
hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional,
saying why the school is the only one to meet your child’s
needs. You must submit this evidence along with your
application before the closing date.
We will make a decision about admission in consultation
with a panel of teaching and medical professionals. The
medical professional gives advice about applications
made for medical reasons, and teaching professionals
advise on applications made for social or special reasons.
If your child has a severe medical or social need you will
need to complete the application form on the website,
and include a letter as above.
3. Siblings
We will offer places to children whose brother or sister
attends the school on the closing date for applications,
and will still be attending the school at the intended date
of admission (or the junior school in the case of separate
infant and junior schools, this applies to: Stillness Infant
and Junior Schools).
The younger child does not qualify for sibling priority
if their older sibling will have transferred from Year 6
to secondary school by the time the younger child is
Who is a sibling
Siblings must all live at the same address as the child
applying. You may need to provide proof of the sibling
relationship. Siblings include:
all blood and adoptive siblings
foster siblings of looked-after children
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 5
If schools are oversubscribed entirely with siblings,
priority will be given to:
those with exceptional social and medical need, and
to those living nearest the school.
4. Distance to school
We offer places to children who live nearest to the school.
We measure distances from an agreed point in the school
premises, using digital mapping software of the area, to
a point in your permanent home address. If more than
one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, such
as flats, we will give priority to the applicant whose door
number is the lowest (numerically or alphabetically).
Twins, triplets and other multiple births
If twins, triplets or children from other multiple births
qualify for the last school place to be allocated, we will
admit all of the qualifying siblings.
Tie break
On rare occasions where two or more identical applicants
qualify for the last available place, we will draw lots to
decide which child is offered the place.
Waiting lists
Waiting lists for our community schools will include
children who have moved to the borough after the
application closing date and were therefore unable to
apply on time. Waiting lists will be held in criteria order,
and children’s names may go up, as well as down, a list
as new applicants are added.
The admissions process continues until the end of the
summer term 2023. If you apply for reception class after
the end of the summer term 2023, your application will
be considered as an in-year applicant.
Waiting lists will be held for the first term of the
reception year only (until the end of December 2023).
If you wish to remain on the waiting list after this
date, you should email the admissions team on
Deferring a place
If your child is offered a place to start in the Reception
class starting in September 2023, you can defer taking
the place until later in the same school year.
Alternatively, your child can attend school part time until
they reach compulsory school age (the term following
their fifth birthday).
Before you decide if you want to defer your child’s
admission, or request that they attend the Reception
class part time, you should speak to the headteacher
of the school you have been offered and discuss what
support is available to help your child participate fully
in school life. You should arrange deferred admission or
part-time placement with the headteacher of the school
concerned. In these circumstances, we will hold your
child’s school place during the academic year.
Delayed entry to Reception class for
summer-born children
If your child is born in summer (between 1 April and 31
August), you can request that your child is admitted to
the Reception class the following academic year and be
educated ‘out of cohort’. You need to apply for delayed
admission and include information detailing why a
delayed admission is in your child’s best interests. We
will decide whether or not to agree to your request for
delayed admission to community schools in the borough.
For faith schools, free schools, foundation schools
and academies and schools outside the borough, the
decision is taken by the governing body for the school.
Please note that parents will have to self-fund a place at
nursery, once a child is no longer eligible for early year’s
entitlement if they choose to delay school entry and the
child has no EHCP. If you have any queries relating to
self-funding a place at nursery please contact, The Early
Entitlement Team, London Borough of Lewisham, Early
Years Quality and Sufficiency Service, 2nd Floor Laurence
House SE6 4RU. Tel: 020 8314 6756; Email:Free.
You must consider the implications of a delayed
admission. Headteachers of primary (and secondary)
schools are not required to continue to keep your child
out of year group. This means they may later decide to
educate your child in the correct year.
You can find guidance about applying for delayed
admission, and the application form, at
Applying for early admission
In very exceptional circumstances, we will consider
a request for early admission to Reception for children
born after 31 August 2020.
In your application, you can include support from the
headteacher of your child’s nursery or early years setting,
or an educational psychologist providing evidence that
your child is academically outstanding and sufficiently
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 6
physically and emotionally mature to cope with the
demands of primary school.
If we comply with your request to allow your child to
participate in the admissions scheme early, you need to
agree that your child will transfer to primary school with
the earlier cohort, regardless of the outcome of your
application, and you will not qualify to participate in the
admissions scheme the following year.
The implications of applying early or delaying a school place
You must consider the implications of starting Reception
early or late. Headteachers of primary schools are not
required to continue to keep the child out of year group.
This means they may decide to later educate your child in
the correct year.
How the preference system works
When you apply for primary school places, you can put
up to six schools on your application. You need to list the
schools in preference order. Your chance of being offered
a school you have applied for will not increase if you
apply for fewer schools.
It is very important to list the schools in the order you
would prefer your child to go to them. We will use your
preferences to allocate school places.
How preferences work
You are offered one school place on national offer day. If
your child qualifies for a place at more than one school
on your list, we will offer you a place at the school that
comes highest on your list of possible offers.
If we can’t offer you a place at one of the schools you
applied for, we will offer you a place at a school, this will
normally be the closest school to your home address with
a vacancy. This may be a faith or non faith school.
Examples of the preference system
Child A has applied for six schools. The child does not
qualify for a place at the first or second preference
school, but does qualify for a place at their third
preference school. The third preference school is
offered to the child on national offer day. The fourth,
fifth and sixth preference schools are ‘settled’ as
they were ranked lower on the list. The child stays on
the waiting list of their first and second preference
schools and they will get the right of appeal.
Child B has applied for six schools. The schools are
oversubscribed and the child does not qualify for
a place at any of them. We tell the parent of the
outcome and about their right of appeal. We offer
a place at a school in Lewisham where there is a
vacancy as an alternative. The child stays on the
waiting lists for their preferred schools.
Child C has applied for six schools and can be
offered a place at their first preference school
on national offer
day. All of the other schools named on the list are
‘settled’. The child has an older brother at their third
preference school and, after national offer day, the
parent wants the child to go to that school instead.
The parent will need to contact the admissions team
and request that Child C is placed on the waiting list
of the lower preference school.
Child D has applied for six schools, all outside the
borough, but does not qualify for a place at any of
them. We offer the parent a place at a school where
there is a vacancy, and tell them about their right to
appeal. However, the parent wants their child to go
to a school close to their home, which they hadn’t
applied for. The school is oversubscribed and has not
been able to offer all applicants a place. The parent
can contact the admissions team and ask for Child D
to be added to the waiting list.
How to apply
You need to apply online at
You can find a step-by-step guide to applying online at There is also
an eAdmissions tutorial and FAQ, which you can access
before you register onto the online system.
When you start your application, the system will
automatically identify your local council from your
postcode. Once you submit your application, your local
council will get an electronic copy. Make sure your home
address and postcode are correct.
The deadline for applications is 23.59pm on
15 January 2023.
If your address isn’t recognised
If your address is not recognised by the eAdmissions
website, or you live in a new development, call us
on 020 8314 8282 or email primaryschooladmissions@
Parental responsibility
The person completing the application must be the
child’s parent (including adoptive parents) or the person
with legal parental responsibility. We cannot accept
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 7
applications from a grandparent or other family member
unless they have legal parental responsibility.
Proof of parental responsibility
We will ask the parent or carer who makes the application
to provide:
two documents confirming their address
one document confirming their child’s address
one document confirming their child’s date of birth.
If you can’t provide one of these documents, contact us
for advice.
Confirming your address
You must provide one document from Section A and one
document from Section B to confirm your address when
Section A (all documents must be current)
Council Tax statement or letter
Tenancy agreement or solicitors letter
Letter from the National Asylum Support Service
(NASS) or UK Border Authority (UKBA)
Section B (all documents must be current)
TV licence
Utility bill (no more than three months old, mobile
phone bills will not be accepted)
Driving licence
NHS registration card (must show the applicant’s
name and address)
Confirming your child’s address
You must also provide one of the following documents
to confirm the child’s name and address:
Child NHS registration card (must show the child’s
name and address)
Medical letter or prescription (no more than
12 months old)
Immigration documents (must show address)
Letter signed by ‘No recourse to public fund’ team
(must state child and parent’s name and address)
If the child is looked after, or previously looked after, a
letter signed by social services (must state the child and
carer’s name and address)
Confirming your child’s date of birth
Lastly, you must provide one of the following documents
to confirm the child’s date of birth:
EU national identity card
Prescription or medical letter (must have child’s name
and DOB printed on it)
If you are not the child’s parent
If you are applying for a school place but are not the
child’s parent, you need to include a letter explaining
what your relationship is to the child and why you are
applying instead of the parent. You must also provide a
legal document to prove you have parental responsibility.
Children whose parents don’t live together
If parents who are not living together share the care of
their child equally, we usually accept that the child lives
with the parent who has parental responsibility You need
to provide evidence of this as it may affect your child’s
Shared parental responsibility
You can only submit one application for a child. If a child
has parents who share parental responsibility and the
child spends equal time with each of them, the parents
need to decide which of them will make an application
for the child. If both parents submit an application and
can’t agree whose application is valid, we will cancel
the application until we can establish where the child is
formally registered or until a court issues an order.
Stepparents, grandparents or other relatives do not have
automatic right to claim parental responsibility. This
should be acquired through a legal agreement or court
order. For further information, visit
Submitting your application
Once you have completed your application, you need to
submit it. Before you submit your application, make sure
all of the information is correct, including your home
address and contact details. You will also need to:
read the declaration carefully
scan and upload your proof of parental responsibility
and permanent home address.
Do not send original documents to us as we do not
have the resources to return them.
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 8
Supplementary information forms for
primary schools
Some primary schools in the borough need you to
complete their supplementary information form if you are
applying for a ‘faith’ place, as well as naming the school
on your application.
You can get supplementary information forms from the
school directly or from the school’s website. You must
return it to them by 15 January 2023.
Each of these schools require you to complete a
supplementary information form:
All Saint’s CE Primary
Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Trinity CE Primary School
Our Lady and St Philip Neri Catholic Primary School
St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School
St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School
St George’s CE Primary School
St James Hatcham CE Primary School
St John Baptist CE Primary School
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
St Margaret’s Lee CE Primary School
St Marys CE Primary School
St Matthew Academy
St Michaels’ CE Primary School
St Saviour’s Roman Catholic Primary School
St Stephen’s CE Primary School
St William of York Catholic Primary School
St Winifred’s Catholic Primary School
Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham
Last year’s application and appeals rates
This table indicates how places were allocated on 19 April 2022 under each admissions criterion..
These application and appeal numbers are for 2022 and provided as a guide only. Applications for admission in
September 2023 are likely to be different.
For the distance criterion, we measured distances electronically in metres using a straight line from the applicant’s
home to a central point within the school premises.
For precise home-to-school measurements for schools in other councils, contact that council directly. *Schools that
took a bulge class
Number of places offered under each criterion
Continued over
Name of school
Published admissions number
Number of applicants who
named the school as one
of their preference
Children in public care
Children with exceptional
medical or social need
Siblings on roll
Distance of last child
offered for published
admissions number
Distance of last child
offered for bulge class
Children with SEN statement
Number of appeals heard
in the summer of 2022
Successful appeals in the
summer of 2022
60 179 1 0 20 1464.71 0 0 0
60 208 0 0 19 2018.56 0 0 0
60 91 1 0 22 6398.04 0 0 0
30 120 0 0 15 14453.65 0 0 0
Beecroft Garden
60 346 0 0 18 892.42 0 0 0
Brindishe Green
90 354 0 0 35 795.58 0 1 0
Brindishe Lee
30 279 1 0 9 417.73 0 0 0
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 9
Number of places offered under each criterion
Name of school
Published admissions number
Number of applicants who
named the school as one
of their preference
Children in public care
Children with exceptional
medical or social need
Siblings on roll
Distance of last child
offered for published
admissions number
Distance of last child
offered for bulge class
Children with EHCP
Number of appeals heard
in the summer of 2022
Successful appeals in the
summer of 2022
( x ) indicates a bulge class
Brindishe Manor
60 330 1 1 22 464.8 0 1 0
Coopers Lane
90 215 1 1 36 861.12 0 0 0
60 280 1 0 18 949.66 0 0 0
Deptford Park
90 83 1 0 19 8617.58 0 0 0
60 197 1 1 17 908.08 0 1 1
Edmund Waller
60 221 0 0 21 800.46 0 0 0
60 79 1 0 19 4072.45 0 0 0
Eliot Bank
60 228 1 0 24 1069.9 0 0 0
60 192 2 0 18 12942.25 0 0 0
Forster Park
60 142 0 0 18 8611.92 0 0 0
90 307 0 0 32 877.83 0 0 0
Grinling Gibbons
30 104 0 0 10 725.16 0 0 0
60 140 1 0 27 3515.33 0 0 0
60 239 2 0 28 436.66 1 0 0
30 171 1 0 11 512.56 2 0 0
John Ball
90 253 0 0 26 1374.07 0 0 0
John Stainer
60 300 0 0 20 732.98 0 0 0
Kelvin Grove
90 171 1 0 24 5227.93 1 0 0
60 113 1 0 23 9893.97 0 0 0
90 356 1 0 34 682.71 1 0 0
60 87 0 0 18 23830.68 0 0 0
Lucas Vale
30 84 0 0 16 4175.91 0 0 0
Marvels Lane
60 88 0 0 22 6884.79 0 0 0
Myatt Garden
60 184 0 0 22 3763.69 0 0 0
30 146 0 0 10 1621.93 0 0 0
60 86 0 0 22 3323.16 0 0 0
60 357 1 0 41 314.4 1 3 1
Rushey Green
90 217 1 0 24 3674.81 0 0 0
Sandhurst Primary
90 269 0 0 37 848.03 0 1 0
Sir Francis Drake
30 98 0 0 14 604.19 0 0 0
Stillness Infants
90 343 0 0 32 535.93 0 0 0
Torridon Primary
90 278 0 0 29 1127.75 1 0 0
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 10
Applying for a Reception place after the
closing date
Missed the closing date
You should call us if you miss the closing date for applying
(15 January 2023). You can tell us your reasons and we will
discuss how we might be able to help with your application.
If you move into the borough, or miss the closing
date for a good reason
You can make a ‘late for good reason’ application if you
move into the borough after the closing date or if there is
another good reason why you missed the closing date.
The closing date for ‘late for good reason’ applications is
7 February 2023. You must include evidence of why your
application is late, such us evidence of a house move or a
medical reason that stopped you from applying on time
All other applications made after 15 January 2023 will
not be processed until May/June 2023.
Contact us on the details below for more advice.
If you move before 1 February 2023
If you submitted your application on time and you move
home before 7 February 2023, you should contact us. We
will withdraw your original application and you can make
a new application from your new home address. If you
move outside Lewisham, you need to contact your new
local council.
If you move between 7 February and 17 April 2023
If you move home after 7 February 2023, your
application will still be based on your original home
address. We will honour any school place we have offered
you. If you accept the place you need to make sure your
child attends school regularly and on time.
If you move between 17 April 2023 and the start of
term in September 2023
If you move home after you have accepted an offer, we
will honour the place. You must make sure the journey is
reasonable and that your child always arrives at school
and is picked up on time.
If you no longer need a school place in the borough,
you should let us know in writing. You need to explain
why you no longer need the place so we can close the
application and offer the place to another child.
National offer day – 17 April 2023
If you applied on time using the online eAdmissions
website, you will get an email after 5pm on 17 April 2023
telling you where your child has been offered a school
place. We cannot give results over the telephone.
On national offer day, your child will be offered the single
highest place possible on the application. See ‘how the
preference system works’ on page 6.
Because a higher offer has been made, and the offer
made must be a single offer by law, this caused the lower
preferences to became invalid and settled.
Accepting or declining your offer
If you applied online, you must log into your account to
accept or decline the offer, so it is important to keep a
record of your username and password. If we have been
able to offer your child a place at your first preference
school, we will assume that you wish to accept this offer.
Therefore you will not need to log back into your account
to accept the place. The school offered will be notified and
will contact you to provide further information about the
arrangements for the admission of your child to the school.
If you weren’t offered your higher preferences
You will automatically be added to the waiting list for
any schools you named as a higher preference than the
school offered. You can read details of what you can do
if your child was not offered your first preference on the
eAdmissions website.
If you are not offered one of your preferences
If your child has not been offered a place at any of the
schools you applied for, we will offer you a place at the
closest school in the borough to your home address
where there is still has a vacancy. This may be a faith
or non-faith school, or a school outside your family’s
neighbourhood. There is no limit on how far a place can
be offered, however we aim to offer a place within two
miles of the child’s home, or 45 minutes each way travel.
If you have not been offered one of your preference
schools, we will write to you telling you which school
your child has been allocated. You will automatically be
added to the waiting lists for the schools you applied for.
We encourage you to accept the school offered, as we
cannot guarantee that one of your preference schools will
offer you a place later in the process. Accepting the offer
will not affect any waiting list your child’s name is on or
any admissions appeal.
You should contact the school and speak to the
headteacher about the opportunities available to your
child. Headteachers will be delighted to assure you that
your child can excel there.
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 11
Further information
You can get advice and information from the Department
for Education (DfE) about a wide range of school-related
issues, including the School Admissions Code and School
Admissions Appeals Codes at
You have the right to appeal against a decision not to
offer you a place at a school you applied for. If you want
to appeal, you must contact the admission authority for
the school in the days after you receive your offer.
The closing date for lodging an admissions appeal for a
community school is Friday 18 May 2023.
To get advice on the appeals process for community
schools in the borough, call the independent
appeals clerk, on 020 8314 8577 or email
You should contact the school directly if you have been
refused a place by:
an academy
a faith school
a school outside the borough.
Appealing online
You can appeal online at
appealsprimary. You need to log into our website. If you
don’t have an account, you need to register first. The
form takes about 20 minutes to complete, depending on
the nature of your appeal.
Get independent advice
For independent advice, contact ACE Education Advice.
You can call their telephone advice line on
0300 0115 142, Monday–Wednesday, 10am–1pm.
Children and young people with special
educational needs and disabilities
Most children and young people with special educational
needs and disabilities can get the support they need
in mainstream schools. However, some children need
extra support through an education, health and care
plan (EHCP). There is a separate application process for
children with an EHCP.
There are seven mainstream primary schools in the
borough that offer specialist resource provision. Each
resource has its own admissions criteria based on the
primary need. The schools with a specialist resource are:
For more information, visit
senadmissions, contact the Children with Complex
Needs Service on 020 3049 1475 or email sen@lewisham.
Transferring from an infant to junior school
in Lewisham
If you have a child in Year 2 at Stillness Infant School and
you want them to continue into the junior phase, they
will automatically transfer from Year 2 to Year 3.
If you want your child to go to a different school in Year
3, either in or out of the borough, you must apply online
at The closing date for applying
is 15 January 2023.
On the application form you can list a maximum of three
schools including any outside of Lewisham. You should
list the schools in preference order.
For some schools, you may need to complete and
submit a supplementary information form (SIF) as well
as applying online. You can get a SIF from the school
You will get an email telling you the result of your
application after 5pm on 17 April 2023. If you have been
offered a school place, you must accept or decline it by
logging onto your eAdmissions account. Make sure you
keep your login details safe once you have submitted
your application.
If you apply for schools outside the borough, these will
be forwarded to the respective local council and will be
considered in accordance with the relevant admissions
criteria for the school.
Primary School Primary Need
Athelney Primary School Autism
Coopers Lane
Primary School
Hearing Impairment
Kelvin Grove Primary School Autism
Perrymount Primary School Physical
Rushey Green Primary School Hearing Impairment Unit
Tidemill Academy Speech, Language and
Communication Needs
Torridon Primary School Autism
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 12
Adamsrill Primary School N
Heateacher: Dr Increase Eko
Adamsrill Road, Sydenham
SE26 4AQ
020 8699 8548
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2000
All Saints’ CE Primary School
Headteacher: Debbie Tompkins
Blackheath Vale, SE3 0TX
020 8852 6136
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3301
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Ashmead Primary School N
Headteacher: Sean O’Flynn
Ashmead Road, SE8 4DX
020 8692 6081
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2878
Athelney Primary School N
Executive headteacher:
Kathryn Wong
Head of school: Natalie Dummer
Athelney Street, SE6 3LD
020 8697 2945
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
(including admission to the resource
base for children on the autistic
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2023
Baring Primary School N
Headteacher: Caroline Phillips
Linchmere Road, SE12 0NB
020 8857 5637
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2029
Beecroft Garden Primary School N
Headteacher: Graham Voller
Beecroft Road, SE4 2BS
020 8692 2762
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2068
Brindishe Green Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
Rachel Waite
Headteacher: Gerlinde Achenbach
Beacon Road, SE13 6EH
020 8852 7245
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2304
Brindishe Lee Primary School
Executive Headteacher:
Rachel Waite
Headteacher: James Baguley
Wantage Road, SE12 8NA
020 8318 4626
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2887
Brindishe Manor Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
Rachel Waite
Headteacher: Kate Porter
Leahurst Road, SE13 5LS
020 8852 0852
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2381
Primary schools in the borough of Lewisham
Number of places available
The figure for places available in 2023–23 refers to the total number of children that will be admitted
to the Reception class for 2023-24.
N = The school has a nursery
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 13
Childeric Primary School N
(academy converter)
Headteacher: Ann Butcher
Childeric Road, SE14 6DG
020 8692 3453
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2108
Coopers Lane Primary School N
Headteacher: Paul Hooper
Pragnell Road, SE12 0LF
020 8857 7680
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
(including admission to the Centre
for the Deaf)
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2127
Dalmain Primary School N
Headteacher: Erika Eisele
Grove Close, SE23 1AS
020 8699 2675
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2148
Deptford Park Primary School N
Headteacher: Ken Johnson
Evelyn Street, SE8 5RJ
020 8692 4351
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2158
Downderry Primary School N
Headteacher: David Gifford
Downderry Road, BR1 5QL
020 8698 5768
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2163
Edmund Waller Primary School N
Headteacher: Anne Rennie
Waller Road, SE14 5LY
020 7639 0436 office@
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2020-21: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2187
Elfrida Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
Kathryn Wong
Head of School: Elizabeth Newton
Elfrida Crescent SE6 3EN
020 8698 5755 admin@elfrida.
Age range: 2–11
Places available 2020/21: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2197
Eliot Bank Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
Maria Gilmore
Head of School: Katrina Walsh
Thorpewood Avenue, SE26 4BU
020 8699 0586
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2815
Fairlawn Primary School
Executive Headteacher:
Jeanette Brumby
Headteacher: Hania Ryans
Honor Oak Road, SE23 3SB
020 8699 7948
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2811
Forster Park Primary School
Executive Headteacher:
Michelle Fenniche
Headteacher: Andy Bond
Boundfield Road, SE6 1PQ
020 8698 5686
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2225
Good Shepherd Catholic Primary
Headteacher: Lisa De Souza
Moorside Road, BRI 5EP
020 8698 4173
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/241: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3344
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 14
Gordonbrock Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
Maria Gilmore
Head of school: Jane Wright
Amyruth Road, SE4 1HQ
020 8690 0704
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2259
Grinling Gibbons Primary School N
Executive Headteacher: John Calvert
Headteacher: Dean Gordon
Clyde Street, SE8 5LW
020 8692 4907
Age range: 3-11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2267
Hatcham Temple Grove – Hunsdon
Road N
Head of school: Jason Ofori
Hunsdon Road, SE14 5RD
020 7652 9560
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2005
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Knights
Academy – Knights Temple Grove N
Executive Headteacher: David Welsh
Head of School: Joanna Walkden
Ballamore Road, BR1 5LW
020 8461 9249
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2006
Hatcham Temple Grove Free School
– Pepys Road
Headteacher: Amanda Harvey
Pepys Road, SE14 5SF
020 7652 9532
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2001
Haseltine Primary School N
Executive headteacher:
Jeanette Brumby
Headteacher: Sara Anderman
Haseltine Road, SE26 5AD
020 8778 6536
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2289
Holbeach Primary School N
Headteacher: Tom Bullpit
Nelgard Road, SE6 4TP
020 8690 4713 admin@holbeach.
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2307
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Executive Headteacher:
Mary Collins
Culverley Road, SE6 2LD
020 8698 2675
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3661
*You need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Holy Trinity CE Primary
Sarah-Jane Pendleton
Dartmouth Road, SE23 3HZ
020 8699 9023
Age range: 4–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3360
*You need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Horniman Primary School
Headteacher: Julie Loffstadt
Horniman Drive, SE23 3BP
020 8699 3190
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2870
John Ball Primary School N
Acting Headteacher:
Jacqui Noakes
Southvale Road, SE3 0TP
020 8852 1601
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2782
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 15
John Stainer Primary School N
Headteacher: Sue Harte
Mantle Road, SE4 2DY
020 7639 0482
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2342
Kelvin Grove Primary School N
Headteacher: Ian Hyde
Kirkdale, SE26 6BB
020 8699 6300
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
(including admission to the resource
base for children on the autistic
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2347
Kender Primary School N
Headteacher: Keith Barr
Kender Street, SE14 5JA
020 7639 4654
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2349
Kilmorie Primary School N
Headteacher: Kate Glasheen
Kilmorie Road, SE23 2SP
020 8291 1250 info@kilmorie.
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2911
Launcelot Primary School N
Maxine Osbaldeston
Launcelot Road, BR1 5EA
020 8697 2304
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2374
Lucas Vale Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
John Calvert
Headteacher: Ruth Cobblah
Thornville Street, SE8 4QB
020 8692 4660
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2390
Marvels Lane Primary School N
Headteacher: Edward Dove
Riddons Road, SE12 9RA
020 8857 3904
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2403
Myatt Garden Primary School N
Headteacher: Sally Williams
Rokeby Road, SE4 1DF
020 8691 0611
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2869
Our Lady and St Philip Neri
Catholic Primary School N
Headteacher: Matthew Ringham
208 Sydenham Road, Sydenham
SE26 5SE
020 8778 4386
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3588
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Perrymount Primary School N
Headteacher: Christine Keen
Sunderland Road, SE23 2PX
020 8699 4522
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2871
Prendergast Primary School
Executive headteacher:
Paula Ledger
Head of school: Viv Nicholls
Manwood Road, SE4 1SA
020 8613 7490
Age range: 5–16
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 4323
Prendergast Vale College N
Executive Headteacher:
Paula Ledger
Headteacher: Emma Long
Elmira Street, SE13 7BN
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 16
020 8297 3540: admin@prendergast-
Age range: 3–16
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 5201
Rangefield Primary School N
Executive Headteacher:
Michelle Fenniche
Headteacher: Chris Ball
Glenbow Road, BR1 4RP
020 8698 3112
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2491
Rathfern Primary School N
Naheeda Maharasingam
Rathfern Road, SE6 4NL
020 8690 3759
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2493
Rushey Green Primary School N
Headteacher: Lisa Williams
Culverley Road, SE6 2LA
020 8698 5001
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
(including admission to the Centre
for the Deaf)
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2529
St Augustine’s Catholic Primary
School N
Executive Headteacher:
Mary Collins
Head of School: Denise Duffus
Dunfield Road, SE6 3RD
020 8698 6083
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3416
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Bartholomew’s CE Primary
School Headteacher:
Sara Sanbrook-Davies
The Peak, SE26 4LJ
020 8699 8537
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3420
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St George’s CE Primary School N
Headteacher: Karri MacAlpine
Perry Vale, SE23 2NE
020 8699 5127
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3325
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St James Hatcham CE Primary
Headteacher: Sonia McFarlane
St James, SE14 6AD
020 8692 4937
Age range: 4–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3454
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St John Baptist CE Primary School
Headteacher: John Goodey
Beachborough Road, BR1 5RL
020 8698 3059
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3472
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Headteacher: Nicola Doherty
Crossfield Street, SE8 3PH
020 8692 4836 admin@stjps.
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3478
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 17
St Margaret’s Lee CE Primary
School N
Headteacher: Ian Wilson
Lee Church Street, SE13 5SG
020 8852 3151
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3374
*you need a supplementary
information form is required if
applying for a church place
St Mary’s CE Primary School
Headteacher: Christine Graham
329 Lewisham High Street,
SE13 6NX
020 8690 2613
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3518 *you
need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Matthew Academy N
Executive Headteacher: Mr S Cefai
Headteacher: Miranda Baldwin
St Joseph’s Vale, SE3 0XX
020 8853 6250 info@
Age range: 3–16
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 6907
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Michael’s CE Primary School
Headteacher: Riana Gouws
Champion Road, SE26 4HH
020 8778 8407
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3548
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Saviour’s RC Primary School N
Headteacher: Dean Houson
10 Bonfield Road, SE13 6AL
020 8852 4283
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3594
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Stephen’s CE Primary School N
Headteacher: Frances Holland
Albyn Road, SE8 4ED
020 8692 1898
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3597
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St William of York Catholic Primary
School N
Headteacher: Sharon Lynch
Brockley Park, SE23 1PS
020 8690 2842
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 3650
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
St Winifred’s Catholic Primary
School N
Headteacher: Margaret Hanrahan
Newstead Road, SE12 0SJ
020 8857 8792
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2002
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Sandhurst Primary School N
Headteacher: Rebecca Dove
Minard Road, SE6 1NW
020 8698 5810
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2536
Sir Francis Drake
Headteacher: Christine Barnes
Scawen Road, SE8 5AE
020 8692 4321
Age range: 5–11
Places available 2023/24: 30
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2818
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 18
Stillness Infant School N
Headteacher: Annie Grimes
Brockley Rise, SE23 1NH
020 8690 1208
Age range: 3–7
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2571
Stillness Junior School
Headteacher: Mitzi Nichol
Brockley Rise, SE23 1NH
020 8690 1416
Age range: 7–11 automatic transfer
from Stillness Infant School for Year
2 children
Places available 2023/24: 90
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2570
Tidemill Academy N
Headteacher: Lorraine Stewart
Giffin Street, SE8 4RJ
020 8692 3470
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
(including admission to the speech,
language and communication
resource base)
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2599
Torridon Primary School N
Amanda (Manda) George-Argyriou
Hazlebank Road, SE6 1TG
020 8697 2762
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 90
(including admission to autistic unit
resource base)
Admissions criteria: see policy for
community schools on page 4
DfE number: 209 2606 11
Trinity Lewisham CE School
Headteacher: Darren Janes
Pascoe Road, SE13 5HZ
020 8852 3191
Age range: 5–16
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 4636
*you need to submit a supplementary
information form if applying for a
faith place
Turnham Academy
Executive Headteacher:
John Halliwell
Head of School: Davina Belcher
Turnham Road, SE4 2HH
020 7639 0440
Age range: 3–11
Places available 2023/24: 60
Admissions criteria: see school’s
DfE number: 209 2004
Contact: Admissions and Appeals Team, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU. Email: [email protected].uk
Tel: 020 8314 8282 (Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm).
Applying to start primary school in 2023 Information about admissions arrangements 19
Useful contacts
Lewisham School Admissions Team
020 8314 8282
(Monday- Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm
and Monday afternoon 2pm-4pm)
School Benefits Team (free school meals)
020 8314 6221
Attendance and Welfare Service
020 8314 6272
Children with Complex Needs
Kaleidoscope, Rushey Green Catford SE6 4JD
020 8314 7642
Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)
020 8888 3377
Department for Education for advice for parents on matters
relating to schools
0370 000 2288
Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (Church
of England)
020 7234 9200
Education Commission, Catholic Diocese
of Southwark
01689 829331
Independent Schools Council Helpline
020 7766 7070
Local Government Ombudsman
0300 061 0614
Office of the Schools Adjudicator
Mowden Hall, Staindrop Road, Darlington DL3 9BG
01325 735303
Schools in other boroughs
If you live in the borough and want to apply for schools
in other areas you must apply online at www.eadmissions.
org. We will coordinate your application. You can get
information about schools in neighbouring boroughs from
the relevant local council.
Bexley School Admissions
020 8303 7777
Bromley School Admissions
020 8313 4044
Croydon School Admissions
020 8726 6400
Greenwich School Admissions
020 8921 8043
Lambeth School Admissions
020 7926 9503
Southwark School Admissions
020 7525 5337