Voluntary dissolution of not-for-profit
corporations with no assets
Office of the New York State Attorney General
Charities Bureau
28 Liberty Street
New York NY 10005
Voluntary dissolution of not-for-profit corporations with no assets
Office of the New York State Attorney General
Charities Bureau
Guidance Document Issue date: 2018
Revised: February 2024
Table of Contents
Getting started: Checklist for petitions ..................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Who should use this guidance? ............................................................................................................ 3
Summary of procedures for a no-asset dissolution .................................................................................. 4
Step 1: The board of directors adopts a plan of dissolution (a plan) .................................................... 4
Step 2: The members vote on the plan, if they have voting rights ....................................................... 5
Step 3: The corporation obtains required approval from governing entity that created it ................. 5
Step 4: The corporation fills out a certificate of dissolution ................................................................. 6
Step 5: The corporation petitions the Attorney General for approval of the certificate of dissolution
.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Step 6: Request a consent to dissolution of a corporation ................................................................... 8
Step 7: The corporation sends documents and payment to Department of State .............................. 8
Step 8: New York state confirms receipt .............................................................................................. 9
Step 9: The corporation sends the receipt to Attorney General ........................................................ 9
Step 10: The corporation checks for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements ............................. 9
Appendix A: Sample form for a plan of dissolution with no assets ...................................................... 10
Appendix B: Sample verified petition to the Attorney General for approval of certificate of
dissolution with no assets .......................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix C: Sample financial report for dissolving entities not otherwise required to file annual
reports ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Appendix D: Offices of the New York State Attorney General and the counties covered by each ... 17
Appendix E: List of governmental and organizational approvalsc ...................................................... 18
Voluntary dissolution of not-for-profit corporations with no assets
Getting started: Checklist for petitions
The following checklist may help you prepare your documents for submission to the Attorney
General or to the supreme court of the county, on notice to the Attorney General.
Checklist of documents for a no-asset dissolution
The necessary forms and documents are:
Plan of dissolution (as an attachment to the petition)
Certificate of dissolution
Petition to the Attorney General for approval of certificate
of dissolution
Attachments to petition for approval of certificate of dissolution
Copy of the certificate of incorporation, together with all
amendments, and the current bylaws
Other than an approval by the Attorney General, all
required governmental body and officer approvals
Plan of dissolution
Resolutions of the board and if appropriate, the membership
Final financial report (and any other required final reports)
Cover letter that includes contact information, including phone number and
email address, for attorney or other individual submitting the petition
We at the Charities Bureau drafted this document to provide guidance to charitable not-for-
profit corporations that are seeking to dissolve, and the lawyers who represent them. This
document does not contain legal advice. If you do not have legal representation, consult the
lawyer-referral service of the New York State Bar Association at https://nysba.org/new-york-
state-bar-association-lawyer-referral-service/ You may also be able to find an organization
that provides legal services at low or no cost to nonprofit organizations.
To see this guidance and other information for not-for-profit corporations, visit the Attorney
General’s website: https://www.ag.ny.gov/resources.
For corporations located in the following counties, submit petitions via email to
New York
For corporations in other counties, submit your petition directly to the regional offices of the
Attorney General that serves your county. Appendix D and the following webpage lists those
offices, their contact information, and the counties they serve:
If you have questions, email us at [email protected].
Who should use this guidance?
This guidance is for dissolving charitable not-for-profit corporations that have no assets
or liabilities at the time of dissolution. We have prepared it to assist these corporations
fulfill the requirements for dissolution pursuant to Article 10 of the Not-for-Profit
Corporation Law (N-PCL).
If your corporation has assets to distribute or liabilities at the time of dissolution, use
“Voluntary dissolution of not-for-profit corporations with assets,” which is available on the
Attorney General’s website at https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/regulatory-
If your corporation is insolvent, or if its assets are insufficient to pay its debts and liabilities
in full, bring a judicial dissolution proceeding in the supreme court of your corporation’s
county pursuant to N-PCL Article 11. The statute requires notice to creditors and the
Attorney General (see N-PCL §§ 1102(a)(1)(A), 1103(b), and 1104(c)).
This guidance is for nonjudicial dissolution under Article 10 of N-PCL.
Dissolving corporations that are required to be registered with the Charities Bureau must
update their registration and annual filings prior to dissolution.
Corporations that have never been funded and have not conducted any activities are not
required to register.
Non-charitable not-for-profit corporations do not require court or Attorney General approval
unless they hold charitable assets at the time of dissolution (N-PCL § 1002(d)(1)).
Summary of procedures for a no-asset dissolution
Step 1: The board of directors adopts a plan of dissolution (a plan)
See Appendix B for a sample plan.
A quorum must be present and at least a majority of the directors present must vote for
dissolution. As the alternative, if not prohibited by the certificate of incorporation or the bylaws,
the board can adopt the plan by unanimous written consent. If the board has fewer than three
directors, the affirmative vote of all remaining directors is required to adopt the plan. If only one
director remains, identify that person as the "sole remaining director."
The officers and directors of charitable organizations are obligated to administer the organizations’ assets
responsibly, and comply with the duties of care, loyalty, and obedience. If the assets are not being used for
their intended purposes, they must be distributed to another charitable organization with similar purposes (N-
PCL §§ 720(a)(1)(A); 1001(d)(3)).
Quick statutory reference guide
Board of directors’ adoption and authorization of plan
of dissolution
N-PCL §§ 1001(a), 1002(a), & 1002(b)
Quorum and required vote for board approval of plan
Requirement for unanimous vote if there are fewer than
the number of directors required for a quorum
N-PCL § 1002(a)(1)(ii)
Step 2: The members vote on the plan, if they have voting rights
If the corporation has members entitled to vote, after the board of directors has authorized the
plan, the plan is submitted to the membership for approval. Approval constitutes a vote of at
least two-thirds of the members with a quorum present at a meeting. If the corporation’s
documents permit, the plan can be approved without a meeting by unanimous written consent
of all the members entitled to vote.
Note: A corporation has members entitled to vote on the plan if the corporation’s certificate
of incorporation or bylaws include membership rights, such as the right to elect the board of
If the organization has no members, the plan is deemed authorized upon adoption by the
Quick statutory reference guide
Membership rights
Submission of plan to members for approval
Quorum and required vote for membership approval
Authorization requirements if there are no members
Step 3: The corporation obtains required approval from governing entity that created it
If the approval of any governmental body or officer was required for the formation of the
corporation, the corporation must get written approval of the dissolution from the same
governmental entity. To determine whether any approvals are necessary, see N-PCL §§
404(b)-(v) and 1002(c) and the corporation’s certificate of incorporation. Please refer to
Appendix E for list of required government approvals.
Note: Attach a copy of the required approvals to the certificate of dissolution.
Quick statutory reference guide
Government approvals of plan of dissolution
Step 4: The corporation fills out a certificate of dissolution
Prepare a certificate of dissolution. You can download a blank form for the certificate of
dissolution at the Department of State website:
Tips for filling out the certificate of dissolution
Name of corporation
Use exact name, including punctuation
Date of incorporation
Paragraph Eighth
Choose #3 (Plan filed with Attorney General)
Person filing the certificate of dissolution
The certificate of dissolution confirms that, at the time of dissolution, your corporation had
no assets and no liabilities. The certificate of dissolution must be signed by an officer,
director, attorney-in-fact, or other duly authorized person and must identify the name of that
person and the capacity in which the person signs. Attach all required approvals to the
certificate of dissolution (N-PCL §§ 1003(b)(1) and 404(b)-(v)).
Quick statutory reference guide
Preparation of certificate of dissolution
N-PCL §§ 104(d) and 1003(a)
Attachment of approvals to certificate of dissolution
N-PCL §§ 1003(b)(1) and 404(b)-(v)
Step 5: The corporation petitions the Attorney General for approval of the certificate of
Prepare a petition to the Attorney General for approval of the certificate of dissolution (see
Appendix B). File the petition with the appropriate office of the Attorney General (see
Appendix D for Attorney General offices).
Quick statutory reference guide
Preparation of petition for approval of the certificate of
N-PCL § 1003(c)
Checklist of what to submit to the Attorney General
The petition with all required attachments:
a copy of the certificate of incorporation, together with any amendments, and
the current bylaws
the plan of dissolution
copies of any required government approvals (attached to the
certificate of dissolution)
either the unanimous written consent of the board, or
certified copies of resolutions adopted at a meeting and, if
applicable, the same for the corporation’s membership
All required financial reports, including a final report (see Appendix C and
the sample verified petition for a list of final reports)
Registration requirements and final reports
Here are some important considerations.
A not-for-profit corporation seeking to dissolve must be in compliance
with the registration and reporting requirements of section 8-1.4 of the
Estates, Powers and Trusts Law or Article 7-A of the Executive Law.
Read the full text of both statutes as well as a summary of the
registration and reporting requirements on the Attorney General’s
website at: https://ag.ny.gov/resources/organizations/charities-
If the corporation is subject to the registration and reporting
requirements of section 8-1.4 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law
or Article 7-A of the Executive Law, but has failed to comply, it
must register, file annual financial reports (e.g., Attorney General’s
Form CHAR500 with federal form 990) for the last three years. It
must also pay all required filing fees.
If the corporation is subject to the registration and reporting
requirements of section 8-1.4 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law
or Article 7-A of the Executive Law, but has been exempt from
filing annual financial reports, it must submit a summary annual
for the last six years. No filing fees are required to accompany
such reports.
If the corporation is not subject to the registration and reporting
requirements of section 8-1.4 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law or
Article 7-A of the Executive Law, it must submit a summary annual
for the last six years. No filing fees are required to accompany
such reports.
If your petition is acceptable, the Attorney General will provide an endorsement of the
certificate of dissolution and return it to your corporation or its attorney, if submitted by an
attorney, who must then file it with the Department of State.
Quick statutory reference guide
Verified petition to the Attorney General
Step 6: Request a consent to dissolution of a corporation
The organization must request a “consent to dissolution of a corporationfrom the New
York State Department of Taxation and Finance (tax department). The process and the
documentation you will need depend on whether your organization has been granted tax-
exempt status (not all charitable organizations have tax-exempt status in New York).
Instructions and forms for securing the tax department’s consent are at:
https://www.tax.ny.gov/bus/doingbus/vol_dissolution.htm. To avoid processing delays, you
can make this request at the time you submit the petition to the Attorney General.
Note: If your organization has done business in New York City and has incurred tax or other
liabilities under the New York City Administrative Code, it will also need the consent of the
Commissioner of Finance of New York City. Download a “request for consent to
dissolution” form at:
Quick statutory reference guide
Consent of the NYS Department of Taxation
Consent of New York City Commissioner of Finance
For corporations filing outside New York City: Check the requirements of your local
commissioner of finance.
Step 7: The corporation sends documents and payment to Department of State
The corporation (or its attorney) sends copies of the certificate of dissolution, with clearance
from the tax department and the required governmental body or officer consents, along with
a check for the required filing fee
payable to the NYS Department of State to:
NYS Department of State Division of Corporations
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Check N-PCL § 104-A(l) to determine the amount of the required filing fee.
Albany NY 12231
Step 8: New York state confirms receipt
The Department of State sends the filer a receipt indicating that the certificate of dissolution
has been filed.
Step 9: The corporation sends the receipt to Attorney General
Your corporation sends a copy of the Department of State’s receipt to the Attorney General.
Once the corporation files its final annual financial report with the Charities Bureau (as
requested by the petition to the Attorney General), your corporation will no longer be
required to file with the Charities Bureau. Its registration will be closed.
Note: If your corporation’s final filing year ends after the certificate of dissolution is signed,
file your final annual financial report electronically via the Attorney General’s website (see
instructions at https://ag.ny.gov/resources/organizations/charities-nonprofits-
fundraisers/charities-annual-filing-char500). If your organization is not required to register
with the Charities Bureau, send your final report to the assigned Assistant Attorney General.
Step 10: The corporation checks for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements
Determine whether your corporation is required to file certain documents with the IRS. If so,
upon dissolution, submit those documents to the IRS (see “Termination of an exempt
organization” posted by the IRS at https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/termination-of-
Appendix A: Sample form for a plan of dissolution with no assets
Plan of Dissolution of
The Board of Directors of [name of corporation] has considered the advisability of
voluntarily dissolving the corporation and has determined that dissolution is in the best
interest of the corporation.
The Corporation has no assets or liabilities.
The corporation has no assets to distribute, other than a reserve not to
exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of paying ordinary
and necessary expenses of winding up its affairs including attorney and
accountant fees, and liabilities not in excess of ten thousand dollars at
the time of adoption of the plan of dissolution N-PCL 1001(c).
If applicable: Since the date of its incorporation on (date), (name of
corporation) has never been funded and has never had any assets. (NOTE:
This statement applies only to corporations that have never received any
funds or other assets from any source.)
(A.) In addition to Attorney General approval, the following
governmental approvals of the Plan are required, and copies of the
approvals will be attached to the Verified Petition submitted to the
Attorney General.
[list governmental approvals]
(B.) Other than the approval of the Attorney General, no approval of
the dissolution of the corporation by any governmental body or
officer is required.
A Certificate of Dissolution shall be signed by an authorized director or officer and all
required approvals shall be attached thereto.
(Name of Officer and Title)
Appendix B: Sample verified petition to the Attorney General for approval of certificate of
dissolution with no assets
In the Matter of the Application of
(Name of Corporation) : VERIFIED PETITION
For Approval of Certificate of
Dissolution pursuant to :
Section 1002 of the Not-for -
Profit Corporation Law. :
(Street Address)
(City/Town), New York (Zip Code)
Petitioner, (Name of Corporation) by (Name and Title of Signatory) of the
corporation, for its Verified Petition alleges:
(Name of Corporation), whose principal address is located in the county of (Name of
County), was incorporated pursuant to New York’s Not-for-Profit Corporation Law on
(Date of Incorporation). A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation (and all amendments)
and the complete and current By-laws are attached as Exhibit .
The names, addresses and titles of the corporation’s directors and officers are as follows:
Name Title Address
The purposes for which the corporation was organized are set forth in its Certificate of
Incorporation [or relevant amendment] at paragraph thereof and are as
[insert a description of the purposes of the corporation]
The corporation is a charitable corporation.
The corporation plans to dissolve in accordance with the Plan of Dissolution attached
hereto as Exhibit (the “Plan”).
The corporation is dissolving because [add a brief explanation of reasons for
dissolution.] [Please also note here if the corporation is aware of any ongoing or
Please check the Department of State website to confirm that the name of your organization and the stated date of
incorporation is consistent with their records.
completed audit or inquiry by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) in the past three
years or if the corporation paid any excise taxes or disclosed an excess benefit transaction
or diversion of assets on its information returns to the IRS.]
(A.) The Board of Directors met at a duly called meeting on proper notice on [date] at
which a quorum of directors out of total directors, each of whom in was
present in person or electronically in accordance with the requirements of the Not-for-
Profit Corporation Law, and [unanimously approved] [approved by votes
in favor votes against] resolutions adopting the Plan and
authorizing the filing of a Certificate of Dissolution. Such resolution, certified by the
Secretary or other duly authorized officer is attached hereto as Exhibit .
(B.) [The Board of Directors by unanimous written consent] [The sole remaining director
by written consent] dated approved resolutions adopting the Plan and
authorizing the filing of a Certificate of Dissolution. Such written consent is attached
hereto as Exhibit .
(A)(i). [Include one of these paragraphs only if the corporation has members with voting
rights.] After the Board of Directors approved the Plan, the members received and
reviewed the Plan and adopted a resolution approving the Plan at a duly called meeting on
proper notice on [state date] at which a quorum of members was present [by at least a
two-thirds majority consisting of members out of a total of ____votes, in
favor or unanimous vote.] Such resolution, certified by the Secretary or other duly
authorized officer, is attached hereto as Exhibit .
(ii). After the Board of Directors approved the Plan, the members received and reviewed
it and by unanimous written consent voted in favor of adoption of the Plan. Such
unanimous written consent is attached hereto as Exhibit .
(B.) The corporation does not have any members.
The corporation has no assets or liabilities as of the date hereof.
The corporation has no assets to distribute, other than a reserve not to exceed twenty-five
thousand dollars for the purpose of paying ordinary and necessary expenses of winding
up its affairs including attorney and accountant fees, and liabilities not in excess of ten
thousand dollars at the time of adoption of the plan of dissolution, N-PCL 1001(c).
The corporation has filed a final financial report with form CHAR500, with all required
attachments, with the Charities Bureau showing no assets or liabilities and attaching the
appropriate registration fee, if required, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit
The corporation acknowledges its obligation to file electronically a final financial report
with form CHAR500, with all required attachments, with the Charities Bureau showing
no assets or liabilities and is submitting such draft herewith as Exhibit . The
corporation gives its assurance that (i) the final financial report shall be the same in all
material respects to that which is attached hereto and, (ii) if registered with the Charities
Bureau, the corporation shall duly file timely its final CHAR500 report with all required
attachments with the Charities Bureau, pursuant to the Estates, Powers & Trusts Law
and/or Article 7-A of the Executive Law.
Because the organization is exempt from registration with the Charities Bureau, the
corporation is submitting a summary annual report for the last six years in accordance
with Appendix C.
(A.) Other than the approval of the Attorney General, no approval of the dissolution of
the corporation is required by any governmental body or officer.
(B.) Copies of any governmental approvals to the Plan are set forth in the Plan and
attached to the Certificate of Dissolution.
With this Petition, the Certificate of Dissolution is being submitted to the Attorney
General for approval pursuant to Not-for-Profit Corporation Law Section 1003.
WHEREFORE, petitioner requests that the Attorney General approve the Certificate of
Dissolution of (Name of Corporation), a not-for-profit corporation, pursuant to Not-for-Profit
Corporation Law Section 1003.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporation has caused this Petition to be executed
This day of , 20 , by
(Name of Signatory and Title)
Note: The signature must be verified (see next page).
Verification and Certification
COUNTY OF __________)
(Name) , being duly sworn, deposes and says:
I am the (Title) of (Name of Corporation) , the corporation
named in the above Petition, and make this verification and certification at the
direction of its Board of Directors. I have read the foregoing Petition and (i) I
know the contents thereof to be true of my own knowledge, except those matters
that are stated on information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to
be true and (ii) I hereby certify under penalties of perjury that the Plan was duly
authorized and adopted by the Board of Directors [and by the corporation’s
Sworn to before me this
day of , 20 .
Notary Public
Name of Attorney or Other Filer
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Appendix C: Sample financial report for dissolving entities not otherwise required to file
annual reports
Note: This schedule is for informational purposes only and illustrates the type of information
the Office of the Attorney General reviews regarding dissolving entities otherwise exempt
from filing annual financial reports. Such entities may also submit financial reports
maintained in the ordinary course of their operations that contain similar information.
Year ended
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
Statement of revenues and expenses
Beginning cash balance
Contributions received
Investment income (interest, dividends)
Rental income
Gains/(losses) from sale of securities
Net proceeds from sale of assets
Other income (itemize)
Total income (add lines 1-7)
Legal fees
Accounting fees
Other expenses of dissolution
Contributions paid (itemize)
Other expenses: (itemize)
Total expenses (add lines 9-15)
Ending cash balance (Line 1 + Line 8 -
Line 16)
Balance sheets
Cash, savings, investments
Other assets (itemize)
Total assets (Line 18 + Line 19)
Total liabilities (itemize)
Net assets or fund balances (Line 20 -
Appendix D: Offices of the New York State Attorney General and the counties covered by
Charities Bureau
The Capitol
Albany NY 12224-0341
Counties: Albany, Columbia, Fulton, Greene,
Hamilton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga,
Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, and Washington
(Note: Sullivan and Ulster for trusts and estates
matters only)
Binghamton regional office
44 Hawley Street, 17th Floor
Binghamton NY 13901-4433
Counties: Broome, Chemung, Chenango,
Delaware, Otsego, Schuyler, Tioga, and Tompkins
Buffalo regional office
Main Place Tower, Suite 300A
Buffalo NY 14202
Counties: Allegheny, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua,
Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming
Nassau regional office
200 Old Country Road, Suite 240
Mineola NY 11501-4241
Counties: Nassau (Note: Trusts and estates matters
are handled by NYC)
New York City
Charities Bureau Transactions Section
28 Liberty Street
New York NY 10005
Counties: Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and
Richmond (Note: NYC also handles Dutchess,
Nassau, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Suffolk, and
Westchester trusts and estates matters only)
Plattsburgh regional office
43 Durkee Street, Suite 700
Plattsburgh NY 12901-2958
Counties: Clinton, Essex, and Franklin
Poughkeepsie regional office
One Civic Center Plaza, Suite 401
Poughkeepsie NY 12601-3157
Counties: Dutchess, Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster
(Note: Dutchess and Orange County trusts and
estates matters are handled by NYC; Sullivan and
Ulster County trusts and estates matters are handled
by Albany)
Rochester regional office
144 Exchange Boulevard
Rochester NY 14614-2176
Counties: Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca,
Steuben, Wayne, and Yates
Suffolk regional office
300 Motor Parkway
Hauppauge NY 11788-5127
Counties: Suffolk (Note: Trusts and estates matters
are handled by NYC)
Syracuse regional office
615 Erie Blvd. West, Suite 102
Syracuse NY 13204
Counties: Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga,
and Oswego
Utica regional office
207 Genesee Street, Room 508
Utica NY 13501-2812
Counties: Herkimer and Oneida
Watertown regional office
Dulles State Office Building
317 Washington Street
Watertown NY 13601-3744
Counties: Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence
Westchester regional office
44 South Broadway
White Plains NY 10601
Counties: Putnam, Rockland, and Westchester
(Note: Trusts and estates matters are handled by
Appendix E: List of governmental and organizational approvals
N-PCL 404(d) has two parts as noted: actual educational organization such as school, library, museum, or college
that require “pre-filing consent, and all others require post-filing consent. All post-filing consent is done within 30
Section of N-PCL
Organizational purpose
When is consent
Which state agency is involved?
Destitute children, adult care
facility, residential program for
youth, unmarried mothers
Before filing
NYS Department of Health (DOH)
Child day care center
After filing
Office of Children and Family Services
Hospital Service, health service of
medical or dental expense indemnity
Before filing
Operation of a school, college or
university, museum, or library
Before filing
NYS Education Department
Any other corporation whose
purposes might be chartered by the
After filing
NYS Education Department
Cemetery Corporation
Before filing
NYS Cemetery Board
Fire Corporations
Before filing
Village, Town or City Board
Prevention of cruelty to animals
Before filing unless
dispensed with
American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
Before filing
National YMCA
Support of armed forces in
US or foreign country
Before filing
Adjutant General and the Department of
State Post lists of
approved organizations
Labor Unions
Before filing
Industrial Board of Appeals
Savings bank or life insurance
Before filing
NYS Department of Financial Services
(DFS), superintendent of banks
Licensed insurance agents
or brokers or underwriters
Before filing
NYS DFS, superintendent of
Financial services
Political parties
Before filing
County committee of appropriate party
American Legions
Before filing
American Legion Department of NY
Hospital corporations
Before filing
Public Health and Health
Planning Council
Medical corporation
Before filing
NYS DOH and Public Health and
Health Planning Council
Mental health facility
Before filing
Commissioner of Mental Health
Health maintenance
Before filing
Facility providing health-related
Before filing
Public Health and Health
Planning Council
Substance-abuse programs
Before filing
U.S. Office of Alcoholism and
Substance Abuse Services
Property or casualty insurance
Before filing
DFS, superintendent of