14 Matrix expressions
14.1 Overview
14.1.1 Definition of a matrix
14.2 Row and column names
14.2.1 The purpose of row and column names
14.2.2 Two-part names
14.2.3 Setting row and column names
14.2.4 Obtaining row and column names
14.3 Vectors and scalars
14.4 Inputting matrices by hand
14.5 Accessing matrices created by Stata commands
14.6 Creating matrices by accumulating data
14.7 Matrix operators
14.8 Matrix functions
14.9 Subscripting
14.10 Using matrices in scalar expressions
14.11 Reference
14.1 Overview
Stata has two matrix programming languages, one that might be called Stata’s older matrix language
and another that is called Mata. Stata’s Mata is the new one, and there is an uneasy relationship
between the two.
Below we discuss Stata’s older language and leave the newer one to another manualthe [M]
Mata Reference Manualor you can learn about the newer one by typing help mata.
We admit that the newer language is better in almost every way than the older language, but the
older one still has a use because it is the one that Stata truly and deeply understands. Even when
Mata wants to talk to Stata, matrixwise, it is the older language that Mata must use, so you must
learn to use the older language as well as the new.
This is not nearly as difficult, or messy, as you might imagine because Stata’s older language is
remarkably easy to use, and really, there is not much to learn. Just remember that for heavy-duty
programming, it will be worth your time to learn Mata, too.
14.1.1 Definition of a matrix
Stata’s definition of a matrix includes a few details that go beyond the mathematics. To Stata, a
matrix is a named entity containing an r × c rectangular array of double-precision numbers (including
missing values) that is bordered by a row and a column of names. For the dimensions of a matrix,
see [R] Limits.
2 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
. matrix list A
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 3 4
r3 5 6
Here we have a 3 × 2 matrix named A containing elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Row 1, column 2
(written A
in math and A[1,2] in Stata) contains 2. The columns are named c1 and c2 and the
rows, r1, r2, and r3. These are the default names Stata comes up with when it cannot do better. The
names do not play a role in the mathematics, but they are of great help when it comes to labeling
the output.
The names are operated on just as the numbers are. For instance,
. matrix B=A’*A
. matrix list B
symmetric B[2,2]
c1 c2
c1 35
c2 44 56
We defined B = A
A. The row and column names of B are the same. Multiplication is defined for
any a × b and b × c matrices, the result being a × c. Thus the row and column names of the result
are the row names of the first matrix and the column names of the second matrix. We formed A
using the transpose of A for the first matrixwhich also interchanged the names and so obtained
the names shown.
14.2 Row and column names
Matrix rows and columns always have names. Stata is smart about setting these names when
the matrix is created, and the matrix commands and operators manipulate these names throughout
calculations, so the names typically are set correctly at the conclusion of matrix calculations.
For instance, consider the matrix calculation b = (X
y performed on real data:
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/auto
(1978 automobile data)
. matrix accum XprimeX = weight foreign
. matrix vecaccum yprimeX = mpg weight foreign
. matrix b = invsym(XprimeX)*yprimeX’
. matrix list b
weight -.00658789
foreign -1.6500291
_cons 41.679702
These names were produced without our ever having given a special command to place the names
on the result. When we formed matrix XprimeX, Stata produced the result
. matrix list XprimeX
symmetric XprimeX[3,3]
weight foreign _cons
weight 7.188e+08
foreign 50950 22
_cons 223440 22 74
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 3
matrix accum forms X
X matrices from data and sets the row and column names to the variable
names used. The names are correct in the sense that, for instance, the (1,1) element is the sum across
the observations of squares of weight and the (2,1) element is the sum of the product of weight
and foreign.
Similarly, matrix vecaccum forms y
X matrices, and it sets the row and column names to the
variable names used, so matrix vecaccum yprimeX = mpg weight foreign resulted in
. matrix list yprimeX
weight foreign _cons
mpg 4493720 545 1576
The final step, matrix b = invsym(XprimeX)*yprimeX’, manipulated the names, and, if you think
carefully, you can derive the rules for yourself. invsym() (inversion) is much like transposition, so
row and column names must be swapped. Here, however, the matrix was symmetric, so that amounted
to leaving the names as they were. Multiplication amounts to taking the column names of the first
matrix and the row names of the second. The final result is
. matrix list b
weight -.00658789
foreign -1.6500291
_cons 41.679702
and the interpretation is mpg = 0.00659 weight 1.65 foreign + 41.68 + e.
Researchers realized long ago that using matrix notation simplifies the description of complex
calculations. What they may not have realized is that, corresponding to each mathematical definition
of a matrix operator, there is a definition of the operator’s effect on the names that can be used to
carry the names forward through long and complex matrix calculations.
14.2.1 The purpose of row and column names
Mostly, matrices in Stata are used in programming estimators, and Stata uses row and column
names to produce pretty output. Say that we wrote codeinteractively or in a programthat produced
the following coefficient vector b and covariance matrix V:
. matrix list b
weight displacement _cons
y1 -.00656711 .00528078 40.084522
. matrix list V
symmetric V[3,3]
weight displacement _cons
weight 1.360e-06
displacement -.0000103 .00009741
_cons -.00207455 .01188356 4.0808455
4 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
We could now produce standard estimation output by coding two more lines:
. ereturn post b V
. ereturn display
Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
weight -.0065671 .0011662 -5.63 0.000 -.0088529 -.0042813
displacement .0052808 .0098696 0.54 0.593 -.0140632 .0246248
_cons 40.08452 2.02011 19.84 0.000 36.12518 44.04387
Stata’s ereturn command knew to produce this output because of the row and column names on
the coefficient vector and variance matrix. Moreover, we usually do nothing special in our code that
produces b and V to set the row and column names because, given how matrix names work, they
work themselves out.
Also, sometimes row and column names help us detect programming errors. Assume that we wrote
code to produce matrices b and V but made a mistake. Sometimes our mistake will result in the wrong
row and column names. Rather than the b vector we previously showed you, we might produce
. matrix list b
weight c2 _cons
y1 -.00656711 42.23 40.084522
If we posted our estimation results now, Stata would refuse because it can tell by the names that
there is a problem:
. ereturn post b V
name conflict
Understand, however, that Stata follows the standard rules of matrix algebra; the names are just along
for the ride. Matrices are summed by position, meaning that a directive to form C = A + B results
in C
= A
+ B
, regardless of the names, and it is not an error to sum matrices with different
. matrix list a
symmetric a[3,3]
c1 c2 c3
mpg 14419
weight 1221120 1.219e+08
_cons 545 50950 22
. matrix list b
symmetric b[3,3]
c1 c2 c3
displacement 3211055
mpg 227102 22249
_cons 12153 1041 52
. matrix c = a + b
. matrix list c
symmetric c[3,3]
c1 c2 c3
displacement 3225474
mpg 1448222 1.219e+08
_cons 12698 51991 74
Matrix row and column names are used to label output; they do not affect how matrix algebra is
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 5
14.2.2 Two-part names
Row and column names have two parts separated by a colon: equation name:opvarname.
In the examples shown so far, the equation name has been blank and the opvarnames have been
simple variable names without factor-variable or time-series operators. A blank equation name is
typical. Run any single-equation model (such as regress, probit, or logistic), and if you fetch
the resulting matrices, you will find that they have row and column names that use only opvarnames.
Those who work with time-series data will find matrices with row and column names of the
form opvarname. For time-series variables, opvarname is the variable name prefixed by a time-series
operator such as L., D., or L2D.; see [U] 11.4.4 Time-series varlists. For example,
. matrix list example1
symmetric example1[3,3]
rate rate _cons
rate 3.0952534
L.rate .0096504 .00007742
_cons -2.8413483 -.01821928 4.8578916
We obtained this matrix by running a linear regression on rate and L.rate and then fetching the
covariance matrix. Think of the row and column name L.rate no differently from how you think of
rate or, in the previous examples, r1, r2, c1, c2, weight, and foreign.
Those who work with factor variables will also find row and column names of the opvarname
form. For factor variables, opvarname is any factor-variable construct that references a single virtual
indicator variable. For example, 3.group refers to the virtual variable that is 1 when group = 3 and
is 0 otherwise, 1.sex#3.group refers to the virtual variable that is 1 when sex = 1 and group = 3
and is 0 otherwise, and 1.sex#c.age refers to the virtual variable that takes on the values of age
when sex = 1 and is 0 otherwise. For example,
. matrix list example2
symmetric example2[5,5]
0b. 1. 0b.sex# 1.sex#
sex sex c.age c.age _cons
0b.sex 0
1.sex 0 7.7785864
0b.sex#c.age 0 .08350827 .00231307
1.sex#c.age 0 -.09705697 5.606e-17 .00223195
_cons 0 -3.2868185 -.08350827 -2.131e-15 3.2868185
1.sex#c.age is a row name and column name just like rate or L.rate in the prior example.
For details on factor variables and valid factor-variable constructs see [U] 11.4.3 Factor variables,
[U] 26 Working with categorical data and factor variables, [U] 13.9 Indicator values for levels of
factor variables, and [U] 20.12 Accessing estimated coefficients.
Factor-variable operators may be combined with the time-series operators L. and F., leading to
opvarnames such as 1L.sex (the first lag of the level 1 indicator of sex) and 3L2.group (the second
lag of the level 3 indicator of group).
6 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
Equation names are used to label partitioned matrices and, in estimation, occur in the context of
multiple equations. Here is a matrix with equation names and simple (unoperated) opvarnames.
. matrix list example3
symmetric example2[5,5]
mpg: mpg: mpg: mpg: mpg:
foreign displ _cons foreign _cons
mpg:foreign 1.6483972
mpg:displ .004747 .00003876
mpg:_cons -1.4266352 -.00905773 2.4341021
weight:foreign -51.208454 -4.665e-19 15.224135 24997.727
weight:_cons 15.224135 2.077e-17 -15.224135 -7431.7565 7431.7565
Here is an example with equation names and operated variable names:
. matrix list example4
symmetric example3[5,5]
val: val: val: weight: weight:
rate rate _cons foreign _cons
val:rate 2.2947268
val:L.rate .00385216 .0000309
val:_cons -1.4533912 -.0072726 2.2583357
weight:foreign -163.86684 7.796e-17 49.384526 25351.696
weight:_cons 49.384526 -1.566e-16 -49.384526 -7640.237 7640.237
val:L.rate is a column name, just as, in the previous section, c2 and foreign were column names.
Say that this last matrix is the variance matrix produced by a program we wrote and that our
program also produced a coefficient vector, b:
. matrix list b
val: val: val: weight: weight:
rate rate _cons foreign _cons
y1 4.5366753 -.00316923 20.68421 -1008.7968 3324.7059
Here is the result of posting and displaying the results:
. ereturn post b example4
. ereturn display
Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
4.536675 1.514836 2.995 0.003 1.567652 7.505698
L1 -.0031692 .0055591 -0.570 0.569 -.0140648 .0077264
_cons 20.68421 1.502776 13.764 0.000 17.73882 23.6296
foreign -1008.797 159.2222 -6.336 0.000 -1320.866 -696.7271
_cons 3324.706 87.40845 38.036 0.000 3153.388 3496.023
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 7
We have been using matrix list to see the row and column names on our matrices because
matrix list works on all matrices. There is a better way to see the names when we are working
with estimation results because estimation results have the same names on the rows and columns
of the variance matrix, and those same names are also the column names for the coefficient vector.
That better way is the coeflegend display option available on almost every estimation command.
For example,
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/fvex
(Artificial factor variables’ data)
. generate t = _n
. tsset t
(output omitted )
. sureg (y = sex##group) (distance = d.age il2.sex)
(output omitted )
. sureg, coeflegend
Seemingly unrelated regression
Equation Obs Params RMSE "R-squared" chi2 P>chi2
y 2,998 5 20.03657 0.1343 464.08 0.0000
distance 2,998 2 181.3797 0.0005 0.92 0.6314
Coefficient Legend
female 21.59726 _b[y:1.sex]
2 11.42832 _b[y:2.group]
3 21.6461 _b[y:3.group]
female#2 -4.892653 _b[y:1.sex#2.group]
female#3 -6.220653 _b[y:1.sex#3.group]
_cons 50.5957 _b[y:_cons]
D1. .2230927 _b[distance:D.age]
female 1.300898 _b[distance:1L2.sex]
_cons 57.96172 _b[distance:_cons]
We could have used matrix list e(V) or matrix list e(b) to see the names, but the
limited space available to matrix list to write the names would have made the names more
difficult to read. With coeflegend, the names are neatly arrayed in their own Legend column. One
difference between matrix list and the coeflegend option is that coeflegend brackets the names
with b[]. That is because coeflegends primary use is to show us how to type coefficients in
expressions and postestimation commands; see [U] 13.5 Accessing coefficients and standard errors
and [U] 20.12 Accessing estimated coefficients. There the b[] is required.
8 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
14.2.3 Setting row and column names
You reset row and column names by using the matrix rownames and matrix colnames commands.
Before resetting the names, use matrix list to verify that the names are not set correctly; often,
they already are. When you enter a matrix by hand, however, the row names are unimaginatively set
to r1, r2, . . . , and the column names to c1, c2, . . . .
. matrix a = (1,2,3\4,5,6)
. matrix list a
c1 c2 c3
r1 1 2 3
r2 4 5 6
Regardless of the current row and column names, matrix rownames and matrix colnames reset
. matrix colnames a = foreign alpha _cons
. matrix rownames a = one two
. matrix list a
foreign alpha _cons
one 1 2 3
two 4 5 6
You may set the operator as part of the opvarname,
. matrix colnames a = foreign l.rate _cons
. matrix list a
foreign rate _cons
one 1 2 3
two 4 5 6
The names you specify may be any virtual factor-variable indicators, and those names may include
the base (b.) and omitted (o.) operators,
. matrix colnames b = 0b.sex 2o.arm 1.sex#c.age 1.sex#3.group#2.arm
. matrix list b
0b. 2o. 1.sex# 3.group#
sex arm c.age 2.arm
one 1 2 3 3
two 5 6 7 8
See [U] 11.4.3 Factor variables for more about factor-variable operators.
You may set equation names:
. matrix colnames a = this:foreign this:l.rate that:_cons
. matrix list a
this: this: that:
foreign rate _cons
one 1 2 3
two 4 5 6
See [P] matrix rownames for more information.
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 9
14.2.4 Obtaining row and column names
matrix list displays the matrix with its row and column names. In a programming context, you
can fetch the row and column names into a macro using
local . . . : rowfullnames matname
local . . . : colfullnames matname
local . . . : rownames matname
local . . . : colnames matname
local . . . : roweq matname
local . . . : coleq matname
rowfullnames and colfullnames return the full names (equation name:opvarnames) listed one
after the other.
rownames and colnames omit the equations and return opvarnames, listed one after the other.
roweq and coleq return the equation names, listed one after the other.
See [P] macro and [P] matrix define for more information.
14.3 Vectors and scalars
Stata does not have vectors as suchthey are considered special cases of matrices and are handled
by the matrix command.
Stata does have scalars, although they are not strictly necessary because they, too, could be handled
as special cases. See [P] scalar for a description of scalars.
14.4 Inputting matrices by hand
You input matrices using
matrix input matname = (. . .)
matrix matname = (. . .)
In either case, you enter the matrices by row. You separate one element from the next by using
commas (,) and one row from the next by using backslashes (\). If you omit the word input, you
are using the expression parser to input the matrix:
. matrix a = (1,2\3,4)
. matrix list a
c1 c2
r1 1 2
r2 3 4
This has the advantage that you can use expressions for any of the elements:
. matrix b = (1, 2+3/2 \ cos(_pi), _pi)
. matrix list b
c1 c2
r1 1 3.5
r2 -1 3.1415927
The disadvantage is that the matrix must be small, say, no more than 50 elements.
10 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
matrix input has no such restriction, but you may not use subexpressions for the elements:
. matrix input c = (1,2\3,4)
. matrix input d = (1, 2+3/2 \ cos(_pi), _pi)
invalid syntax
Either way, after inputting the matrix, you will probably want to set the row and column names; see
[U] 14.2.3 Setting row and column names above.
For small matrices, you may prefer entering them in a dialog box. Launch the dialog box from the
menu Data > Matrices, ado language > Input matrix by hand, or by typing db matrix input.
The dialog box is particularly convenient for small symmetric matrices.
14.5 Accessing matrices created by Stata commands
Some Stata commandsincluding all estimation commandsleave behind matrices that you can
subsequently use. After executing an estimation command, type ereturn list to see what is available:
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/auto
(1978 automobile data)
. probit foreign mpg weight
(output omitted )
. ereturn list
e(rank) = 3
e(N) = 74
e(ic) = 5
e(k) = 3
e(k_eq) = 1
e(k_dv) = 1
e(converged) = 1
e(rc) = 0
e(ll) = -26.84418900579869
e(k_eq_model) = 1
e(ll_0) = -45.03320955699139
e(df_m) = 2
e(chi2) = 36.3780411023854
e(p) = 1.26069126402e-08
e(N_cdf) = 0
e(N_cds) = 0
e(r2_p) = .4039023807124771
e(cmdline) : "probit foreign mpg weight"
e(cmd) : "probit"
e(estat_cmd) : "probit_estat"
e(predict) : "probit_p"
e(marginsok) : "default Pr"
e(marginsnotok) : "stdp DEviance SCore"
e(title) : "Probit regression"
e(chi2type) : "LR"
e(opt) : "moptimize"
e(vce) : "oim"
e(user) : "mopt__probit_d2()"
e(ml_method) : "d2"
e(technique) : "nr"
e(which) : "max"
e(depvar) : "foreign"
e(properties) : "b V"
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 11
e(b) : 1 x 3
e(V) : 3 x 3
e(mns) : 1 x 3
e(rules) : 1 x 4
e(ilog) : 1 x 20
e(gradient) : 1 x 3
Most estimation commands leave behind e(b) (the coefficient vector) and e(V) (the variance
covariance matrix of the estimator):
. matrix list e(b)
foreign: foreign: foreign:
mpg weight _cons
y1 -.10395033 -.00233554 8.275464
You can refer to e(b) and e(V) in any matrix expression:
. matrix myb = e(b)
. matrix list myb
foreign: foreign: foreign:
mpg weight _cons
y1 -.10395033 -.00233554 8.275464
. matrix c = e(b)*invsym(e(V))*e(b)’
. matrix list c
symmetric c[1,1]
y1 22.440542
14.6 Creating matrices by accumulating data
In programming estimators, matrices of the form X
X, X
Z, X
WX, and X
WZ often occur,
where X and Z are data matrices. matrix accum, matrix glsaccum, matrix vecaccum, and
matrix opaccum produce such matrices; see [P] matrix accum.
We recommend that you not load the data into a matrix and use the expression parser directly to
form such matrices, although see [P] matrix mkmat if that is your interest. If that is your interest,
be sure to read the technical note at the end of [P] matrix mkmat. There is much to recommend
learning how to use the matrix accum commands.
14.7 Matrix operators
You can create new matrices or replace existing matrices by typing
matrix matname = matrix expression
For instance,
. matrix A = invsym(R*V*R’)
. matrix IAR = I(rowsof(A)) - A*R
. matrix beta = b*IAR’ + r*A’
. matrix C = -C’
. matrix D = (A, B \ B’, A)
. matrix E = (A+B)*C’
. matrix S = (S+S’)/2
12 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
The following operators are provided:
Operator Symbol
Unary operators
negation -
Binary operators
(lowest precedence)
row join \
column join ,
addition +
subtraction -
multiplication *
division by scalar /
Kronecker product #
(highest precedence)
Parentheses may be used to change the order of evaluation.
Note in particular that , and \ are operators; (1,2) creates a 1 × 2 matrix (vector), and (A,B)
creates a rowsof(A) × colsof(A)+colsof(B) matrix, where rowsof(A) = rowsof(B). (1\2)
creates a 2 × 1 matrix (vector), and (A\B) creates a rowsof(A)+rowsof(B) × colsof(A) matrix,
where colsof(A) = colsof(B). Thus expressions of the form
matrix R = (A,B)*Vinv*(A,B)’
are allowed.
14.8 Matrix functions
In addition to the functions listed below, see [P] matrix svd for singular value decomposition,
[P] matrix symeigen for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices, and see [P] matrix
eigenvalues for eigenvalues of nonsymmetric matrices. For a full description of the matrix functions,
see [FN] Matrix functions.
Matrix functions returning matrices:
cholesky(M) I(n) nullmat(matname)
corr(M) inv(M) sweep(M,i)
diag(v) invsym(M) vec(M)
get(systemname) J(r,c,z) vecdiag(M)
hadamard(M,N ) matuniform(r,c)
Matrix functions returning scalars:
coleqnumb(M,s) diag0cnt(M) roweqnumb(M,s)
colnfreeparms(M) el(M,i,j) rownfreeparms(M)
colnumb(M,s) issymmetric(M) rownumb(M,s)
colsof(M) matmissing(M) rowsof(M)
det(M) mreldif(X,Y ) trace(M)
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 13
14.9 Subscripting
1. In matrix and scalar expressions, you may refer to matname[r,c], where r and c are scalar
expressions, to obtain one element of matname as a scalar.
matrix A = A / A[1,1]
generate newvar = oldvar / A[2,2]
2. In matrix expressions, you may refer to matname[s
], where s
and s
are string expressions,
to obtain a submatrix with one element. The element returned is based on searching the row and
column names.
matrix B = V["price","price"]
generate sdif = dif / sqrt(V["price","price"])
3. In matrix expressions, you may mix these two syntaxes and refer to matname[r,s
] or to
matrix b = b * R[1,"price"]
4. In matrix expressions, you may use matname[r
] to refer to submatrices; r
, r
, c
and c
may be scalar expressions. If r
evaluates to missing, it is taken as referring to the last
row of matname; if c
evaluates to missing, it is taken as referring to the last column of matname.
Thus matname[r
...] is allowed.
matrix S = Z[1..4, 1..4]
matrix R = Z[5..., 5...]
5. In matrix expressions, you may refer to matname[s
] to refer to submatrices
where s
, s
, s
, and s
, are string expressions. The matrix returned is based on looking up
the row and column names.
If the string evaluates to an equation name only, all the rows or columns for the equation are
matrix S = Z["price".."weight", "price".."weight"]
matrix L = D["mpg:price".."mpg:weight", "mpg:price".."mpg:weight"]
matrix T1 = C["mpg:", "mpg:"]
matrix T2 = C["mpg:", "price:"]
6. In matrix expressions, any of the above syntaxes may be combined.
matrix T1 = C["mpg:", "price:weight".."price:displ"]
matrix T2 = C["mpg:", "price:weight"...]
matrix T3 = C["mpg:price", 2..5]
matrix T4 = C["mpg:price", 2]
14 [ U ] 14 Matrix expressions
7. When defining an element of a matrix, use
matrix matname[i,j] = expression
where i and j are scalar expressions. The matrix matname must already exist.
matrix A = J(2,2,0)
matrix A[1,2] = sqrt(2)
8. To replace a submatrix within a matrix, use the same syntax. If the expression on the right evaluates
to a scalar or 1 × 1 matrix, the element is replaced. If it evaluates to a matrix, the submatrix with
top-left element at (i, j) is replaced. The matrix matname must already exist.
matrix A = J(4,4,0)
matrix A[2,2] = C’*C
14.10 Using matrices in scalar expressions
Scalar expressions are documented as exp in the Stata manuals:
generate newvar = exp if exp . . .
replace newvar = exp if exp . . .
regress . . . if exp . . .
if exp {. . . }
while exp {. . . }
Most importantly, scalar expressions occur in generate and replace, in the if exp qualifier allowed
on the end of many commands, and in the if and while commands for program control.
You will rarely need to refer to a matrix in any of these situations except when using the if
qualifier and the while command.
In any case, you may refer to matrices in any of these situations, but the expression cannot require
evaluation of matrix expressions returning matrices. Thus you could refer to trace(A) but not to
It can be difficult to predict when an evaluation of an expression requires evaluating a matrix;
even experienced users can be surprised. If you get the error message “matrix operators that return
matrices not allowed in this context”, r(509), you have encountered such a situation.
The solution is to split the line in two. For instance, you would change
if trace(A+B)==0 {
. . .
matrix AplusB = A+B
if trace(AplusB)==0 {
. . .
or even to
matrix Trace = trace(A+B)
if Trace[1,1]==0 {
. . .
[ U ] 14 Matrix expressions 15
14.11 Reference
Miura, H. 2012. Stata graph library for network analysis. Stata Journal 12: 94–129.
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