Your Tech
2 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 32 Your Tech Pack
Welcome to your Barclays Tech Pack
Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that with Tech Pack, the devices that
are most important to you, including your mobile phones, are covered,
all for £14.50 a month. You can nd information regarding the type, value
and number of devices that can be covered in the policy document.
Mobile Phone and Gadget Insurance – What we Cover Summary Table
Claims in any
Loss or Theft Total Claims
Up to 4 Up to 2 Up to 4 claims
in total, of
which 2 can
be for loss
and theft*
A Device which is designed to make
and receive calls with a screen
size of 7 inches or less (measured
diagonally). You can register up to 4
Mobile Phones, each purchased from
a Reputable Retailer for a maximum
non-discounted price of £1,500
(including VAT), which You can
evidence with a receipt.
Claims in any
Theft (Loss is
not covered)
Total Claims
Up to 4 Up to 2 Up to 4 claims
in total, of
which 2 can
be for theft*
A portable connected smart Device
that contains its own power source
(for example battery or solar power)
that You take with You while on
the go. Please note that laptops,
including MacBooks, are not covered.
Please refer to the “Denitions” and
“What is Not Covered” sections of
this document for what is, and isn’t
*How does this work?
Example for Mobile Phones: if Your rst approved claim for Loss or Theft is on 1st January and Your
second approved claim for Loss or Theft is on 1st July, You will not be able to make any further Loss or
Theft claims under this Policy until 1st January the following year. You would still be able to make 2 claims
for Accidental Damage and Breakdown.
Example for Gadgets: if Your rst approved claim for Theft is on 1st January and Your second approved
claim for Theft is on 1st July, You will not be able to make any further Theft claims under this Policy until 1st
January the following year. You would still be able to make 2 claims for Accidental Damage and Breakdown.
2 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 3 Your Tech Pack 3
It is important to remember that Your claim limits for Mobile Phones and Gadgets are independent of each
other. If You have reached the annual claim limit for Mobile Phones, You can still make claims for Gadgets
and vice versa.
If You reach Your claims limits for Mobile Phones and Gadgets within the 12-month period, this Policy will
be automatically cancelled. You’ll need to apply for a new Pack if You want cover for Your Devices. If You
apply for a new Pack, the year one Excesses will apply.
The Excesses that will apply in relation to each type of claim under the Policy will be higher during the
rst year that you hold the Policy. The Excess that applies will be the Excess in place on the date the
incident occurred, not the date on which You make Your claim.
Excesses that apply until you have held this pack for one year
Mobile phones All repairs If it can’t be repaired** Loss or theft**
£79 £149 £179
Gadgets All repairs If it can’t be repaired** Theft**
£79 £149 £179
**This Excess will apply where Your Device is replaced or where You receive a Cash Settlement.
Excesses that apply after you have held this pack for one year
Mobile phones Screen repair Other repairs If it can’t be
Loss or theft**
£29 £49 £99 £149
Gadgets Screen repair Other repairs If it can’t be
£29 £49 £99 £149
**This Excess will apply where Your Device is replaced or where You receive a Cash Settlement.
There are a few limitations on the coverage provided under the policy, which are explained in this policy
document, so please read this carefully.
Register your devices
We recommend registering your devices 48 hours after you’ve purchased your Tech Pack after which you
can register at any time. This will make any future claim easier for you.
Register your four mobile phones and unlimited gadgets using any of the following options:
Online at, where you can manage all your registered devices and upload any
supporting documents such as receipts or other proof of ownership;
• Via the Tech Pack Insurance mobile app which is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play; or
• Call the customer helpline on 0345 528 0182.
To register your devices, you will need the following information:
For Mobile Phones: make, model, IMEI number, purchase date, purchase price and the telephone number
associated with the mobile phone.
For Gadgets: make, model and serial number. You may also need the purchase date and purchase price
of your gadget.
4 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 5
Tech Pack Mobile App and Premium Technical Support
The Tech Pack Insurance app gives you access to fantastic benets to help you stay connected and get the
most from your device:
You get access to a Premium Technical Support to help you gure out why your device isn’t working
Real-time information to keep your devices performing as they should, including 24 hours a day 7 days a
week access to device diagnostics, device troubleshooting, tips, how-to guides, and much more.
• Our team is on hand to support you with any device queries every step of the way.
Want live call support? You can call the Likewize technical support team on 0345 528 0182 who will be able
to assist You with Device issues Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.
The App is available to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play – search for “Tech Pack
4 Your Tech Pack
4 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 5 Your Tech Pack 5
You’ll nd terms, conditions and exclusions for the features included in
your Tech Pack on the following pages (please read them carefully so
you’ll know what’s covered – and what’s not).
6 Barclays Pack terms and conditions
10 Tech Pack Insurance
26 About our insurance services
6 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 7
Barclays Pack terms
and conditions
In these terms and conditions:
we’, ‘ us’ and ‘our’ refers to Barclays Bank UK
PLC and Barclays Insurance Services Company
Limited, unless stated.
Pack holder’ is the person who made the
application to purchase the Pack.
Partner’ is the person nominated by the Pack
holder, who lives at the same address.
UK resident’ means a person who spends at
least 183 days a year within England, Wales,
Scotland or Northern Ireland.
If you have a Barclays current
You can apply for a Pack through Online
Banking, the Barclays app or visiting a branch.
These terms cover your Pack. If there’s
inconsistency between these and the Retail
Customer Agreement, these terms take
priority in relation to the Packs.
A Pack is a set of services (such as insurance)
available to any eligible person aged 18+ for a
monthly fee. You can only purchase a Pack and
claim the benets included in it if you are a UK
Each of the benets and services in the Packs is
provided to you under a separate agreement with
the provider of the relevant benets or services
and the provider is responsible for providing the
relevant benets and services to you. The provider
may be a company within the Barclays group of
companies or by a company outside that group.
Eligibility for Pack benets
Before choosing a Pack, you should check that you
are eligible for the benets under each policy or
feature. We will provide information and ask you
questions to help you do this.
What you pay
You pay a monthly fee in advance for each Pack
purchased, as set out in the ‘Statement of Price’
within the About Our Insurance Services section.
The Pack fee includes Insurance Premium Tax at
the current rate. The monthly fee is the cost of
the Pack as a whole. No part of any Pack fee is
attributable to any particular benet or service
in your Pack. You will not be entitled to a refund
6 Your Tech Pack
or reduction in the Pack fee if you choose not to
use a benet or service, you’re not eligible for a
benet or service, or it’s not otherwise available to
you. You must have a Pack for a minimum term of
six months from the date you purchase the Pack
(unless we say otherwise in these terms) after
which you can close the Pack at any time.
You may be able to add additional features to the
services included in a Pack and we’ll tell you what
these cost before you choose to add them.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions you
provide Barclays authority to:
(i) debit a part payment of the monthly Pack fee
to cover the period from the date on which you
purchase the Pack, up to the last day of that
month; and thereafter
(ii) debit the monthly Pack fee
(iii) apply a change in the monthly Pack fee subject
to the appropriate notice period.
All payments will be taken in advance from your
Barclays current account on the rst working
day of the month on an ongoing basis until your
Pack is cancelled. You must ensure you have
sucient credit funds in your Barclays current
account to cover the monthly Pack fee, otherwise
you may incur borrowing charges in line with any
arrangement you have with us.
Keeping each other informed
We need you to tell us about changes to your
situation or personal details, and we’ll keep you
informed about certain things that aect you.
Information will only be sent to you, the Pack
How we contact you
We’ll contact you, the Pack holder, using the details
you have given to us. This may include using your
landline phone, mobile, email or home address.
If you have a Barclays current account, we may
also contact you through Online Banking or the
Barclays app if you use these.
You can tell us how you want us to contact you,
for example by post or your available digital
channel. Where we can, we’ll contact you using
your preferred method. We may not always be able
to do this – for example, sometimes the law may
require us to send you something by post. If we
send information to you at the most recent postal
address you have given us and it’s returned to us
as undelivered, we’ll stop using that address unless
we are required by law or regulation to send you
6 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 7 Your Tech Pack 7
If you have not told us how you’d prefer us to
communicate, then we’ll normally contact you by
email. If we send you information through Barclays
Online Banking, we’ll text you or send you an email
or other electronic message reminding you to view
any new message we’ve posted. Where we do this,
we won’t normally send documents to your home
address as well (unless we have to or you have
asked us to).
Once we’ve sent a message to you, we’ll assume
you have received it. So it’s important to look out
for notications like emails or texts from us.
We are always working to make our services more
convenient and exible so we may introduce new
ways of communicating with you in the future.
Help us to keep your information
It’s your responsibility to control who reads your
information. When you choose how you would like
us to contact you, you should choose a method
that will be most secure for you. If you use a
method that other people can access or read
(such as a shared email address or shared mobile
number), please be aware that these people will
also be able to access the information we send
Keeping your details up to date
When we send information to you, we’ll send it to
the most recent contact details we have for you. If
these details change and you don’t tell us straight
away, you may not receive information that could
be important – or it could fall into the wrong hands.
If you have given us contact details (even if you
think we don’t use some of them, such as your
mobile phone number), you must let us know if
they change. This will include your:
home address
email address
landline phone number
mobile phone number.
It’s very important that you also keep us informed
if there are any changes to your situation, personal
details or any other important changes that are
relevant to us – for example, if you:
change your name
move to another country and are no longer
a UK resident.
If you don’t keep all your details up to date, this
might aect your eligibility for a Pack(s), or how
they work. This is also so we can continue to
manage your Pack(s), and communicate with
you including notifying you of changes. We also
respect your privacy and we don’t want to send
you unwanted information.
If you wish to remove or change the Partner named
on the Pack(s), we’ll close your Pack(s) to do this
before opening a new Pack(s). The minimum term
will re-start upon the purchase of a new Pack(s).
Contacting us
You can always contact us through your available
digital channel, or other electronic methods we tell
you about. You can also contact us by telephone
using the details we give you, by visiting a branch
or by post. We’ll let you know if our details change.
You can contact us by any of the following
Log in to the Barclays app and select the ‘call
us’ feature
By telephone on 0800 158 3199
Visit your local branch
In writing to Barclays, Leicester LE87 2BB.
Closing your Pack or leaving Barclays
Whilst wed be very sorry to lose you, you can close
your Pack within the 14-day cooling-o period,
which starts the day your Pack is purchased or you
receive your Welcome Pack, whichever is later. If
you close your Pack within this period and have
paid your rst monthly Pack fee, it will be refunded.
You can also close your Pack at any time after the
minimum term explained below has ended. If we
need to close your Pack, we’ll follow the process
set out below.
Minimum term
You must have a Pack for a minimum term of six
months from the date you open the Pack, after
which you can close the Pack at any time.
There are some exceptions to this minimum term
requirement. You may close your Pack:
within the 14-day cooling-o period as set
out above
if you experience nancial hardship
due to a signicant change in personal
circumstances, for example, you’re declared
if you’re no longer resident in the UK
after we have notied you of an
unfavourable change to the terms of the
Pack you hold, such as an increase in price
or a change in what the Pack provides
(provided that you do so before the change
takes eect).
8 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 9
If you tell us you want to close your Pack, closure
will take eect on the day that we receive notice
from you (so the insurance and your right to
receive any of the other services within the Pack
will end on the date we receive your notice). You
will receive a part refund for the remaining number
of days in that month, including the day we receive
your notice. You won’t be able to use any benets
or services linked to it any more although you
can still make a claim for an event which occurred
whilst you were insured.
We will not let you re-select the same Pack for
12 months if you cancel it within the minimum
term, or your Barclays current account is closed
by Barclays Financial Assistance or if you do not
comply with these terms and conditions.
You are unable to cancel individual insurance Pack
products, only the whole Pack.
You can cancel your Pack within the Barclays app,
Online Banking, by calling us, visiting a branch or
writing to Barclays, Leicester LE87 2BB.
When we can close a Pack
We can close a Pack by giving you at least 30
calendar days’ notice. This also applies during the
minimum term. However, we may close your Pack
immediately or on less notice if we reasonably
believe you have seriously or persistently broken
any terms of the agreement or we reasonably
believe any of the following applies:
you put us in a position where we might
break a law, regulation, code or other duty
that applies to us if we maintain your Pack
you give us any false or inaccurate
information at any time
you commit (or attempt) fraud against us or
someone else
you behave in a threatening or abusive
manner to our sta
you become bankrupt
your Barclays current account is closed by
Barclays Financial Assistance.
The insurer may also cancel the insurance policies
within Tech Pack as set out in the terms and
conditions of the policy document.
Using the Current Account Switch
If you decide to switch your current account from
us by using the Current Account Switch Service,
your Pack will be closed on the same day that your
Current Account is closed.
Changes we can make to this
Sometimes we’ll want or need to change things,
such as charges or terms of our agreement. For
most changes, we’ll tell you in advance, but we
don’t always need to do this.
We review the Packs from time to time and may
make changes to them, including the benets
and services included in a Pack or the providers
of these or the monthly Pack fee. We may also
make changes to the terms on which each benet
is provided (such as changes to the terms of an
individual policy). We’ll give you 30 calendar days’
notice before any changes apply.
If we make changes to a Pack, we will provide
information about you to any new provider to
make sure there is no interruption in the benet or
service you receive. The new provider will use your
information to provide you with the benets and
Changes we need to tell you about in
We may make changes to your agreement with us
we’re changing a service we already oer,
or introducing a new service that needs
a change to the terms of this agreement,
such as introducing a new charge
we’re changing the agreement to be in
line with the banking industry and our
we’re withdrawing a service or type of Pack
we’re moving you from one type of Pack to
another for a good reason – examples of
this include where we’re withdrawing a Pack
we need to make changes to take account
of developments (or changes we reasonably
expect to help) in technology (including the
systems we use to run our business), or in
the banking system generally
our agreement or the Pack is aected by a
change in the law or regulation (including
industry codes we follow) or decisions of the
Financial Ombudsman, a regulator or court
changes in our costs (including changes
we reasonably expect to happen) mean we
need to change or introduce charges.
Because you may have your Pack with us for
many years, we need the exibility to manage our
business long term, including providing a sucient
nancial return for us to operate our business in a
8 Your Tech Pack
8 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 9 Your Tech Pack 9
prudent and sustainable manner. We can’t predict
everything that may aect our business, so there
may be other reasons we have not set out above
when we need to make a change. But please be
assured we’ll only make changes we think are fair
and will give you 30 calendar days’ notice of the
change unless we are prevented from doing so by
law or regulation, or the change is in your favour.
If we give you notice as set out above and you
don’t tell us you want to close your Pack, then we’ll
treat you as having accepted the change. If you
don’t want to accept the change and want to end
this agreement and close the Pack, you must tell
us before the proposed change applies.
Changes we don’t need to tell you
about in advance
We don’t have to tell you about changes to these
terms and conditions (or changes in the insurer
terms and conditions) in advance when any of the
following happen:
if the change is in your favour
we make a change because a change in
law or regulation says that we have to by a
particular date, and there isn’t time to give
you notice.
Instructions for your Pack(s)
We will only accept instructions from the Pack
holder about the Pack (including to change your
contact preferences and to apply for new Packs,
products and services).
Your partner will be able to register a product, if
required, or make a claim for the Pack benets
or services. They cannot provide any other
instructions in relation to the Pack.
If you think your security has been
If you think someone (except someone you have
asked to provide Pack information) has used or
is able to use any of the means of access to your
Pack, you must tell us as soon as you can by using
the contact details shown in the ‘Unauthorised
access to your Pack’ section.
If you have a Barclays current account, we can
arrange to temporarily suspend access to a service
(such as Telephone Banking) to prevent anyone
misusing your Pack(s).
You must give us any information we ask for about
what has happened. We’ll pass this to the police if
we have to, or if we think that will be useful.
Unauthorised access to your Pack
If you think someone could have got unauthorised
access to your Pack, call us right away:
0800 400 100* –24 hours
+44 2476 842 099* – if calling from outside
the UK
Complaints and the protection you
If you have a complaint
We want to hear if you feel unhappy with the
level of service you have received from us. If this
relates to your claim, we recommend you contact
the insurer to avoid any delay. Details of how
to contact the insurer are set out in your policy
Your feedback gives us the opportunity to put
matters right and improve our service to all our
customers. A leaet detailing how we deal with
complaints is available on request in our branches,
from the Barclays Information Line on 0800 400
100* or at
You can contact us to complain by any of the
following methods:
log in with your Online Banking details and
select ‘contact us’ from the top menu
log into the Barclays app and select the ‘call
us’ feature
by telephone on 0800 282 390
in writing to Freepost, Barclays Customer
If we do not resolve your complaint internally to
your satisfaction, you may be able to refer it to the
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS):
in writing to Exchange Tower,
London E14 9SR
online at 
by email tonancial-
by telephone on 0800 023 4567.
The FOS is an organisation set up by law to give
consumers a free and independent service for
resolving disputes with nancial rms. You can get
details of those who are eligible complainants from
the FOS.
Nothing in these terms, including referral to
the Financial Ombudsman Service, aects your
statutory rights.
10 Your Tech Pack
Policy Document
This is Your Tech Pack Insurance Policy (the “Policy”). Please carefully read this document to familiarise
yourself with its terms, and to make sure this Policy is right for You. It tells You what is covered, what is not
covered, what to do if You want to make a claim and who to call if you need help. You should also review
Your cover periodically to ensure it continues to meet Your needs. This Policy meets the needs of and is
designed for You and Your Family Members who want to protect a Mobile Phone and/or Gadget that are
otherwise not covered by another insurance policy, which may include cover for Loss, Theft, Damage, and
Breakdown (including faults) and the costs associated with repairing or replacing the covered Device.
If You have any questions after Your review of the Policy, please visit
This Policy is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited (“Aviva”). Aviva is authorised by the Prudential
Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority (FRN
202153). This can be checked by visiting the Financial Services Register
Aviva is incorporated in Scotland with registered number SC002116 and registered oce at Pitheavlis,
Perth PH2 0NH. We have appointed Likewize Device Protection UK Limited (“Likewize”) to act on Our
behalf as Our agent to help Us administer Your Policy and claims. Likewize is incorporated in England
with company number 14134370, and registered address at Unit 2, Crewe Logistics Park, Jack Mills Way,
Shavington, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 5XF. Likewize is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority (FRN: 984178). This can be checked by visiting the Financial Services Register
If you have any queries about Your Policy
Please call the Likewize customer helpline on 0345 528 0182 Monday to Friday between the hours
of 8am and 8pm, Saturdays between the hours of 9am and 6pm, or Sundays between the hours of
10am and 5 pm when lines are open. You may also write to Gawsworth House, Crewe Business Park,
Crewe CW1 6XB.
This Policy document forms the contract between You, Likewize and Us. We and Likewize agree to provide the
insurance cover described in this Policy provided the premium is paid when due in accordance with the Policy.
Please read this Policy document carefully to ensure that You are fully aware of what it covers.
Denitions. We use certain words and expressions in this Policy which have a specic meaning, and
sometimes the meaning is unique to this Policy. These words and their meaning in this Policy are shown
below and each time one of them is used in the Policy the word or expression is shown with the rst letter
Capitalised. Plural forms of the words dened have the same meaning as the singular form.
After the expiration of the OEM warranty, the failure of the Device to operate
due to a faulty part of workmanship when the Device is operated according to
the OEM’s instructions. For the avoidance of doubt, during the OEM warranty
period You are still covered under this Policy for Loss, Theft and Damage
(Mobile Phones) and Theft and Damage (Gadgets).
Cash Settlement
A Cash Settlement will be made payable if we cannot repair or replace Your
Device and will be transferred to the bank account from which You paid Your
Excess. We reserve the right to fulll this payment with an e-voucher.
Counterfeit Devices
Are replicas of OEM original Devices and have not been manufactured by the OEM.
An accidental, unforeseen, and/or unintended event that (i) interferes with Your
Device’s ability to operate, and/or (ii) would lead to injury or further Damage.
A Mobile Phone or Gadget; and Devices means any one or more Mobile Phones
and/or Gadgets.
An excess is the non-refundable amount payable by You for each successful
claim. This applies to repairs, replacement devices or another alternative
fullment method such as Cash Settlement.
Your Tech Pack 11
Family Members
You, Your partner, and Your and/or Your partner’s dependent children aged under 23
(including stepchildren and foster children) living at home outside of term time.
A portable connected smart Device that contains its own power source
(for example battery or solar power) that You take with You while on the go,
purchased from a Reputable Retailer for a maximum non-discounted price
of £1,500 (including VAT), which You can evidence with a receipt. We don't
cover Devices purchased from online marketplaces such as Ebay, Facebook
Marketplace etc. This includes, but is not limited to, tablets, eReaders, wireless
headphones/ear buds, and portable gaming systems.
Gadgets do not include laptops, MacBooks, drones, digital cameras, SatNavs,
stationary gaming systems, televisions, audio visual equipment, and smart
appliances or any other item that is required to be plugged into the mains
electricity supply or other item continuously in order to operate.
IMEI Number
The 15-digit unique serial number for Your Mobile Phone. This can be found on
the side of your box or by pressing *#06# on your Mobile Phone.
Aviva Insurance Limited (“Aviva”)
Likewize Device Protection UK Limited who has been appointed by Us to act on
Our behalf to help administer Your policy and handle Your claim(s).
The unintentional misplacement of Your Device that results in the Device being
unrecoverable by You.
Mobile Phone
A Device which is designed to make and receive calls with a screen size of 7
inches or less (measured diagonally), purchased from a Reputable Retailer
for a maximum non-discounted price of £1,500 (including VAT), which You
can evidence with a receipt. We don't cover Devices purchased from online
marketplaces such as Ebay, Facebook Marketplace etc.
Anything that changes the way Your Device looks or operates from the original
design specications. This includes things like software changes, adding gems,
precious metals, or other types of cosmetic embellishments.
Network Enabled
Your Device can connect to a cellular network or Wi-Fi, and if applicable, make
and receive calls, send text messages, and/or data.
The original equipment manufacturer of Your Mobile Phone or Gadget.
Reputable Retailer
Purchased from a manufacturer, network provider, or retailer (online or high
The unlawful taking of Your Device.
United Kingdom/UK
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Channel Islands and Isle of Man
are excluded from this denition.
Where Likewize replaces Your Device, that replacement will have a 24-month
Where Likewize or one of its partners repairs Your Device, these parts and
repairs will have a 24-month warranty.
Where Your Device is covered by the OEM warranty we will not be able to accept
any claim for breakdown.
If Likewize or one of its partners has repaired Your Device, the non-repaired
parts will still be covered under Your OEM warranty (if the OEM warranty is still
The Pack holder.
12 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 13
What’s Covered by the Policy:
IMPORTANT: To receive the full protection of this Policy, You must comply with the conditions outlined
in “How to File a Claim” of this Policy. Failure to comply with these conditions may determine whether
Likewize denies any claim made under this Policy or the amount paid to You in the event of a claim.
Coverage for Devices. This Policy provides worldwide coverage against Damage, Loss, Theft and
Breakdown for up to 4 Mobile Phones and against Damage, Theft and Breakdown for an unlimited number
of Gadgets that are owned by You or Your Family Members.
Claim Limit*: In any 12-month period You can make up to:
4 approved claims for Mobile Phones, of which 2 can be for Loss or Theft; and
4 approved claims for Gadgets, of which 2 can be for Theft.
It is important to remember that Your claim limits for Mobile Phones and Gadgets are independent of
each other. If You have reached the annual claim limit for Mobile Phones, You can still make claims for
Gadgets and vice versa.
Your Device is insured for the value that You purchased Your Device, subject to a maximum non-
discounted price of £1,500 (including VAT), which You can evidence with a receipt.
Gadgets must be less than 5 years old from the date of purchase up to the date a claim is made.
There is no age limitation on Mobile Phones.
For Your Device to be eligible for coverage under this Policy, Your Device must be in full working
order, with any SIM enabled Devices Network Enabled and be the device You, or Your Family
Member, use on a regular basis.
If You are unsure if Your Device is eligible for coverage under this Policy, please call Likewize on
0345 528 0182.
For Mobile Phones, if You le an approved claim:
Loss and Theft claims. If Your Mobile Phone is Lost or Stolen, Likewize will replace it with a Mobile
Phone of the same make and model of the claimed Mobile Phone wherever possible. If the same
make and model of Your claimed Mobile Phone is not available, we will contact you to discuss
alternative options, which may include a replacement Device with equivalent specications.
Accidental Damage and Breakdown claims. If Your Mobile Phone is Damaged or experiences
Breakdown, Likewize will repair the Mobile Phone wherever possible or replace the Mobile Phone.
If the same make and model of Your claimed Mobile Phone is not available, we will contact you to
discuss alternative options, which may include a replacement Device with equivalent specications.
For Gadgets, if You le an approved claim:
Theft claims. If Your Gadget is Stolen, Likewize will replace it with a Gadget of the same make
and model of the claimed Gadget wherever possible. If the same make and model of Your claimed
Gadget is not available, we will contact you to discuss alternative options, which may include a
replacement Device with equivalent specications.
Accidental Damage and Breakdown claims. If Your Gadget is Damaged or experiences Breakdown,
Likewize will repair the Gadget wherever possible or replace the Gadget. If the same make and
model of Your claimed Gadget is not available, we will contact you to discuss alternative options,
which may include a replacement Device with equivalent specications.
Repair of Your Device:
Likewize will always oer You the option to have Your Device repaired instead of replaced wherever
Likewize may present You with several repair options, subject to parts availability, including mailing
Your Device to us for repair, bringing Your Device to a specic location for repair, or having a repair
technician come to Your location to repair the Device.
Repairs will be made in accordance with the following: (i) using readily available parts, (ii) with
refurbished products which may contain parts which are of similar or equivalent specication, and
which may include non-original, third party, or unbranded parts, and/or (iii) may be performed by
non-authorised OEM repair providers. Likewize will provide a twenty-four (24) month warranty on
the completed repair performed on the Device.
Likewize will only send a repaired Device to a UK address.
12 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 13
Replacement Devices:
This is not a new for old policy.
Where Likewize replaces the Device, the replacement will be a remanufactured Device – not brand
new. Remanufactured Devices may contain non-original, third party, or unbranded parts.
If Likewize replaces the Device, Likewize will replace it with a Device of the same make and model
wherever possible. If the same make and model of Your Device is not available We will contact You to
discuss alternative options, which may include a replacement Device with equivalent specications.
Likewize will do its best to replace Your Device with the same colour as Your claimed Device,
however, this will be subject to availability.
Likewize will provide a twenty-four (24) month warranty on the replacement Device provided to You.
Likewize will only send a replacement Device to a UK address.
Where Likewize provides You with a Device of equivalent specications, it will also provide You with a
charger and/or charging cable if Your existing charger and/or charging cable is not compatible with the
replacement Device.
What is NOT Covered:
IMPORTANT: You cannot make a claim on a Device which was Lost, Stolen, Damaged or experienced
Breakdown prior to purchasing a Tech Pack.
1. The Excess. You will need to pay an Excess for each approved claim, including where a Cash
Settlement is oered, and the Excess must be paid to Likewize before Your claim will be settled. To
understand which Excess amounts apply and when, please refer to the “How to File a Claim” section of
this document.
2. Gadgets over 5 Years Old. If Your Gadget is more than ve years old, as determined by the date You
purchased Your Gadget, at the time You submit Your claim, it will not be covered. If You are unable to
provide Likewize with Your Gadget’s proof of age, Your claim will be denied.
3. Loss of Gadgets. You will not be covered for loss for any gadget.
4. Gadget Types. You will not be covered for laptops, MacBooks, drones, digital cameras, SatNavs,
stationary gaming systems, televisions, audio visual equipment, and smart appliances or any other
item that is required to be plugged into the mains electricity supply or other item continuously in order
to operate.
5. Failure to Take Reasonable Care of Your Device. If You don’t take care of Your Device and thereby
knowingly put the Device at risk, Your claim may be denied.
For example, if You intentionally do any of the below and Your Device is subsequently Lost, Stolen,
or Damaged, Your claim may be denied for failing to take reasonable care of the Device:
leaving Your Device somewhere others can easily see and access it without securing the Device
(if available), such as on a bench in a gym’s changing rooms instead of locking it in a locker or
leaving it on a café table and leaving to pick up Your order;
leaving Your Device in Your car where it is clearly visible to others, such as uncovered on the front
leaving Your Device in the care of someone You don’t know well.
All the examples illustrated above increase the risk that Your Device may be Lost, Stolen or Damaged and
may result in a denial of Your claim. These are only examples and are not the only reasons a claim could
be denied. The circumstances of Your claim – where You were and what You were doing – will always be
considered when Likewize assesses whether You took appropriate care of Your Device.
6. Cosmetic Damage. This Policy does not cover Damage that does not interfere with the normal
functioning or operation of Your Device, and/or would not lead to injury or further Damage to You or
the Device. If it is just a scratch or dent and Your Device still works as expected, Likewize will not repair
or replace it. For example, while a scratched screen on a Mobile Phone that does not interfere with
the normal operation of the Mobile Phone would not be covered, a cracked screen that could lead to
further Damage of the Mobile Phone would be.
14 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 15
7. Contents or Data of Your Device. Only the Device is covered, not the contents or data. This means
that any pictures, software, downloads, apps, music or any other content is not covered by this Policy,
so please make sure to back up Your content and data regularly.
8. Claims Limit. You will not receive cover for:
more than 4 approved claims for Mobile Phones (of which 2 can be for Loss or Theft); and
more than 4 approved claims for Gadgets (of which 2 can be for Theft),
in any one rolling 12-month period. The 12-month period will start from the date of the rst approved
claim. If You reach Your claims limits for Mobile Phones and Gadgets within the 12-month period, this
Policy will be automatically cancelled with immediate eect. You will need to apply for a new Pack if You
want cover for Your Devices. If You apply for a new Pack, the year one Excesses will apply.
9. Devices purchased for more than £1,500.00. If You purchased Your Device for more than the
maximum non-discounted price of £1,500 (including VAT), it is not covered by this Policy.
10. Devices purchased from online marketplaces. This Policy does not cover any Devices purchased
from online marketplaces such as Ebay, Facebook Marketplace etc.
11. Unauthorised Call or Use and Other Losses. This Policy does not cover any cost or loss that can’t
be resolved by the repair or replacement of Your Device. Any loss of prot, opportunity, goodwill or
similar losses, or losses that may arise from unauthorised use of Your Device, including unauthorised
calls or mobile applications on Your Device - such as mobile payment applications - are not covered.
This Policy will not provide any coverage for unauthorised calls or use if Your Device is Lost or Stolen.
12. Third Party Liabilities. This Policy does not provide coverage for any personal injury or property
damage caused by the Device or usage of the Device, regardless of whether any negligence was found
to be a contributory factor in the resulting loss or damage, provided that nothing in this Policy in any
way limits or excludes Likewize or Our liability for personal injury or death resulting from Likewize or
Our negligence.
13. Any device that is not a Mobile Phone or Gadget. Please carefully review the denitions, which also
give a non-exhaustive list of examples of what is, and is not, covered. If You are not sure if Your item
is eligible for coverage as a Mobile Phone or Gadget, please contact the Likewize customer helpline on
0345 528 0182 or visit for more information.
14. Modications. Any modications that have been made to Your Device are not covered. Likewize will
only arrange for Your Device to be repaired or replaced as it was originally designed.
15. Counterfeit Devices. This Policy only covers original OEM Devices and replacements that Likewize
provides to You and does not cover Counterfeit Devices. Where Likewize receives a claim for any non-
OEM original Device, Likewize will return the Device to You unrepaired and the claim will be declined.
If Likewize discovers the Device to be a Counterfeit Device after it has supplied a replacement as
settlement for a successful claim, it will take steps to disable and recover the Device and return the
Counterfeit Device to You.
16. Devices passed into the care of a business or individual for the purpose of receiving a service from
that business or individual. If anything happens to Your Device while in the care or custody of that
business or individual, that incident will not be covered by this Policy. For example:
Delivery service other than a postal or courier service designated by Likewize or Us.
Device repair service (other than the repair provider designated by Likewize).
Device customisation service.
17. Sanctions. We shall not be deemed to provide cover and We shall not be liable to pay any claim or
provide benet hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or
provision of such benet would expose Us, Our parent company or Our ultimate controlling entity to
any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic
sanctions, laws or regulations of the United Kingdom, European Union or the United States of
14 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 15
18. Any loss incurred as a result of the sale or attempted sale of Your Device. This Policy does not cover
any loss related to the sale or trade of or attempted sale or trade of Your Device. When You attempt to
sell or trade Your Device, You have intentionally passed Your Device to an individual or business and,
therefore, no Loss or Theft has occurred.
19. Device Accessories. Any Loss, Theft, Damage, or Breakdown of any Device accessories will not be
covered. This Policy only covers the cost of repair or replacement of the Device itself. Please note that
watch straps are considered to be an accessory and should be removed and not returned to Likewize.
20. Gifts. If You gift a Device to a person who is not a Family Member and does not live with You, this Policy
does not provide coverage for the gifted Device.
Policy Conditions - What You Need to Do:
1. Register Your Device. If You have not already done so, You must register Your Device at the time You
make a claim. Please see the “Register Your Devices” section above for information on how to register
Your Devices.
2. Take reasonable care of Your Device
Don’t intentionally leave Your Device where it is likely to be Lost, Stolen or Damaged. If You wouldn’t
leave Your wallet or other valuables there, You shouldn’t leave Your Device there.
If You leave Your Device somewhere, lock it away out of sight if possible. If the Device can’t be
secured, leave it with someone You trust or concealed out of sight.
If You think You’ve Lost Your Device, try to nd it. Look for Your Device to make sure You haven’t
simply misplaced it, call the places where the Device may have been Lost, and if safe, revisit the
places You may have Lost it.
The circumstances of Your claim – where You were and what You were doing – will always be
considered when Likewize assesses whether You took reasonable care of Your Device.
3. If Your claim is for a Lost or Stolen Network-Enabled Device, report the Loss or Theft to Your
network provider as soon as You can as You will be responsible for any further network charges.
Please make sure You ask Your network provider to block the SIM card and the Device in order to
prevent both from being used by anyone across all UK networks. If Your Device has an IMEI Number,
Likewize will blacklist it to prevent it from being used.
4. If Your device is Lost or Stolen, report it to the police as soon as You can. Likewize will ask You to
provide the police reference number before they will approve any claim for Loss or Theft. If You have
any diculty reporting Your incident to the police, please contact the Likewize customer helpline on
0345 528 0182 for assistance.
5. Report Your claim to Likewize as soon as You can as it makes it easier for Likewize to investigate
Your claim. It also makes it easier to recover Your Device. You can easily and conveniently le Your
claim in the Tech Pack Insurance app or by calling the Likewize customer helpline on 0345 528 0182.
6. Report any Loss or Theft to the place or location You believe it was Lost or Stolen. As part of taking
care of Your Device, We and Likewize expect You to make attempts to report Your Device as Lost or
Stolen to the place or location You believe it was last seen. Likewize may ask You to provide the details
of where Your Device was Lost or Stolen from and the actions You have taken to try to recover it. For
example, if You think You have left Your Device on a train, contact the train line operator to see if the
Device was handed in.
7. If Your Device has the functionality, activate any location nder app or software to help You in
retrieving it. If Your Device is Lost or Stolen, and the functionality is available, You must enable any
locking or location-nding feature on Your Device. This may also enable You to lock and wipe the data
stored on Your Device.
Do not attempt to retrieve Your Device if You believe it has been Stolen or if You are unfamiliar with the
location. If You suspect Your Device has been Stolen, report the Theft to the police.
16 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 17
8. Proof of Ownership. The Device You are claiming for under this Policy must be Yours or Your Family
Members’. Therefore, You will need to provide some form of proof of ownership, such as a Device
purchase receipt, or statement from Your network service provider to Likewize. If You received Your
Device as a gift, be sure to ask for the proof of purchase. If You don’t have any proof of ownership Your
claim may be denied.
For Mobile Phones, the proof of ownership must conrm: make, model, memory size, colour and IMEI
Number of Your Mobile Phone.
And for Gadgets, the proof of ownership must conrm: make, model, serial number and date You
purchased Your Gadget.
For Devices which make and receive calls, Your network provider may also be able to provide it to You.
9. Other Documentation. Likewize may ask for additional information and documentation in order to
assess Your claim. This could include documentation to show when the Device was last used, when
any Loss or Theft was reported to Your network provider, or to verify Your identity. Likewize will
conrm what information, if anything, is required during the claims process.
If You have any problems in getting any supporting documentation Likewize requires, please contact
them so they can guide You on how to obtain these. It is important that You provide Likewize with the
relevant information they have requested as soon as possible. Failure on Your part to provide Likewize
with the requested documentation may result in a denial of Your claim.
How to File a Claim:
Step 1: Please make sure You have read the “Policy Conditions - What You Need to Do” section as this tells
You what Likewize may need from You in order to approve Your claim.
Step 2: Tell Likewize about Your claim as soon as You can after discovering the incident.
You can do this by:
• visiting;
going via the Tech Pack Insurance app which is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play;
calling the Likewize customer helpline on 0345 528 0182.
The Likewize customer helpline is available Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 6pm and Sunday
10am – 5pm. Bank holidays are open during the hours 10am – 5pm excluding Christmas Day and New
Year’s Day.
Failure to notify Likewize may result in denial of Your claim if it is made so long after the incident that We
and Likewize are unable to fully investigate it, or may result in You not receiving the full amount claimed if
the amount claimed is increased as a result of the delay.
Step 3: For Damage or Breakdown claims, if Your Device has any software-locking mechanism (e.g. Find
My iPhone/iPad or similar feature), You must disable or remove the software and conrm that You have
done so to Likewize before Likewize can proceed with Your claim.
Step 4: Pay the Excess.
You must pay the applicable Excess to Likewize for every approved claim, which includes repair, a
replacement or a Cash Settlement or an e-voucher.
Your Excess can be paid by Visa, MasterCard and debit cards. Likewize does not accept American
Express or Diners Club cards. Likewize will inform You of other payment options that may be
available during Your claims process.
If there are multiple registered Devices involved in the same incident, each registered Device will be
treated as a separate claim and an Excess will be payable for each Device.
16 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 17
The Excesses that will apply in relation to each type of claim under the Policy will be higher during the
rst year that you hold the Policy.
Excesses that apply until You have held this Tech Pack for one year are as follows:
For Mobile Phones:
If Your Mobile Phone is Damaged and You choose to repair Your Device (if the repair option is
oered to You), Your non-refundable Excess is £79.
If Your Mobile Phone can’t be repaired and Likewize replaces Your Mobile Phone or if You receive a
Cash Settlement, the non-refundable Excess is £149.
If your Mobile Phone is Lost or Stolen, the non-refundable Excess is £179.
For Gadgets:
If Your Gadget has been Damaged and You choose to repair the Gadget (if the repair option is
oered to You), the non-refundable Excess is £79.
If Your Gadget can’t be repaired and Likewize replaces Your Gadget or if You receive a Cash
Settlement, the non-refundable Excess is £149.
If Your Gadget is Stolen, the non-refundable Excess is £179.
Excesses that apply after You have held this Tech Pack for one year are as follows:
For Mobile Phones:
If the screen of Your Mobile Phone has been Damaged and there is no other Damage to Your Device,
and You choose to repair the screen (if the repair option is oered to You), Your non-refundable
Excess for an approved claim is £29.
If Your Mobile Phone is Damaged (other than Damage to the screen) and You choose to repair Your
Device (if the repair option is oered to You), Your non-refundable Excess is £49.
If Your Mobile Phone can’t be repaired and Likewize replaces Your Mobile Phone or if You receive a
Cash Settlement, the non-refundable Excess is £99.
If Your Mobile Phone is Lost or Stolen, the non-refundable Excess is £149.
For Gadgets:
If the screen of Your Gadget has been Damaged and there is no other Damage to Your Device, and
You choose to repair the screen (if the repair option is oered to You), Your non-refundable Excess
for an approved claim is £29.
If Your Gadget has been Damaged (other than Damage to the screen) and You choose to repair the
Gadget (if the repair option is oered to You), the non-refundable Excess is £49.
If Likewize replaces Your Gadget, the non-refundable Excess is £99.
If your Gadget is Stolen, the non-refundable Excess is £149.
IMPORTANT: For all claims, if You select the repair option and Likewize is unable to repair Your Device,
they will contact You to discuss alternative options. If Likewize contacts You to provide a replacement
Device, You will be required to pay the dierence between the repair Excess and the replacement Excess.
Step 5: Likewize, or its authorised repair provider, will either repair Your Device or send You a replacement
wherever possible. If the make and model of Your claimed Device is not available, we will contact you to
discuss the alternative options.
Repair. If Likewize, or its authorised repair provider, attempts to repair Your Device and the locking
mechanism is enabled, it will delay Your claim and they may return Your Device to You unrepaired for You to
remove any locking mechanism.
18 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 19
Replacement. For Damage and Breakdown claims, if Likewize discovers that, after providing You with a
replacement Device, the software-locking mechanism, such as Find My iPhone or equivalent feature, has
been enabled on Your Device, Likewize may charge You an amount up to the current new recommended
retail price of the replacement Device provided to You.
For Loss or Theft claims ONLY:
If Your Device has the functionality, activate any location nder app or software that may help You locate
and retrieve the Device. If You think Your Device was Stolen, or are unfamiliar with the location of the
Device, do not attempt to retrieve Your Device. If You think Your Device has been Stolen, report this to the
police as described in the “Policy Conditions – What You Need To Do” section.
For Damage and Breakdown Claims:
When sending in Your Device, DO NOT send in Your SIM or memory card, any other accessories or any
other items that do not relate to the claim such as the manual or box as these will be destroyed. These
items will not be returned to You. When Your Device is received, all remaining data and content will be
erased as part of the claims process. Please ensure You take the necessary steps to back up Your data
prior to sending Your Device to Likewize as they are not responsible for any data or content on Your Device
that may be lost during the claims process.
Damaged or broken-down Devices and parts and materials replaced by Likewize shall become Our
property. If Likewize has provided You with a replacement Device as part of the claims process and You do
not return the exact Device that You led a claim for, Likewize will take steps to recover the replacement
Device provided to You, or it will collect an equivalent cash value up to the manufacturer’s current new
recommended retail price. Likewize will also take action to bar the replacement Device provided to You in
order to prevent it from being used.
Please note that once a device has been returned to Likewize, they will be unable to return this to You.
Device Warranty
This Policy is provided in addition to any applicable OEM warranty that applies to Your Device. Nothing in
this Policy is intended to aect Your rights under the warranty or Your statutory rights.
If any repairs authorised by Likewize under this Policy invalidate this warranty, Likewize will repair or
replace Your Device, as necessary, in accordance with the terms of the warranty for the unexpired period.
All repairs and/or replacements provided by Likewize, or its authorised repair providers, come with a
twenty-four (24) month warranty provided by Likewize.
In the unlikely event that the replacement phone You receive has damage when you receive it, You must
notify Likewize within 72 hours of accepting the delivery. If You notify Likewize later than this, they may
deem the damage to have occurred after the phone was received by You. Cosmetic damage to the
replacement phone Likewize have provided You with is not covered under the warranty.
Complaints Procedure
We believe You deserve a courteous, fair and prompt service. If there is any occasion when Likewize or Our
service did not meet Your expectations, please contact Likewize using the appropriate contact details
below, providing Your name and Your mobile phone number to help Us deal with Your comments quickly.
Write to: Tech Pack Customer Relations Team
Likewize Customer Relations Department
Gawsworth House, Crewe Business Park
Crewe, CW1 6XB
Call: 0345 528 0182
Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am – 5.30pm, closed at the weekends and bank holidays.
Calls may be recorded for quality, training and monitoring purposes.
18 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 19
Likewize operate a comprehensive complaints process and will both do Our best to resolve any issue You
may have as quickly as possible. Most of Our customers’ concerns can be resolved quickly but occasionally
more detailed enquiries are needed. If this is likely, We will contact You with an update within
5 working days of receipt.
If Likewize are unable to resolve Your concerns within 8 weeks, You may be entitled to refer the complaint
to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Likewize will provide full details of how to do this when Your nal
response letter addressing the issues raised is provided.
Please note: The Financial Ombudsman Service will not consider a complaint if You have not provided Us
with the opportunity to resolve it previously.
The Financial Ombudsman Service can be contacted at:
Write to: The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
Call: 0800 023 4567 or +44 (0)300 123 9123
Online: 
Following this complaint procedure does not aect Your right to take legal action.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
We and Likewize are covered by the FSCS. If We or Likewize are unable to meet Our nancial obligations,
You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme, depending on the type of insurance and the
circumstances of the claim. Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available
at or call (free phone) on 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100.
Update Your Device Information
Make sure to let Likewize know if You change Your Device by visiting or use the
Tech Pack Insurance App to update Your details.
Keep Your personal details up to date
If any of Your personal details change (such as a change in Your address, Your name or Your contact
information), please contact Barclays as soon as possible. Failure to update Your personal details may
delay Your claim.
The Information You Provide to Us
You must take reasonable care to make sure that all facts and information that You provide Us with when
You take out, renew, or request changes to the cover provided by the Policy are accurate and complete. If
You fail to exercise reasonable care in providing facts and information to Us We will treat the Policy as if it
had not existed from the eective date, renewal date or date when any changes were made to the Policy
(as the case may be) if You: (i) deliberately or recklessly gave Us inaccurate or incomplete information; or
(ii) did not take reasonable care to give Us accurate and complete information in circumstances where
We would not have covered You at all had We known about such information. We will return the premium
provided You did not deliberately or recklessly provide Us with inaccurate or incomplete information.
In all other cases, We may refuse to approve Your claims, depending on what We would have done if You
had provided Us with accurate and complete information.
If this Policy covers any of Your Family Members and that Family Member fails to comply with this Policy
condition, We may rely on Our rights under this condition and enforce them against that particular Family
Member, as if a separate policy had been issued to them, leaving the remainder of the Policy and the rights
of You and other Family Members who did not violate this condition unaected.
20 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 21
We and Likewize do not tolerate any type of fraudulent activity, and work closely and share data and
information with other insurers, law enforcement agencies, fraud prevention agencies, public bodies and
network providers to identify fraud and, where appropriate, support prosecution. We and Likewize may
also access and use the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies. Such agencies may be located
in the UK and other countries. Please contact Likewize on 0345 528 0182 for details of the relevant fraud
prevention agencies. It is important that when applying for insurance or submitting a claim You or anyone
acting on Your behalf must take reasonable care to answer all questions honestly and to the best of Your
knowledge. Failure to do so may negatively impact the validity of Your policy or the fullment of Your claim.
If You provide Us or Likewize with any fraudulent, exaggerated, false or inaccurate information as part of
Your claim, We and Likewize may take any of the following actions:
Deny Your claim and You will have to reimburse any benets You may have already received as part
of the claim, and Likewize may cancel Your policy from the date of the fraud or exaggeration. If an
Excess has been paid this will be returned, but no premium will be refunded.
Report You to relevant authorities and take legal action, if necessary, to recover any money, the
value of any replacement Device, or value of repairs already provided to You under this Policy.
Provide the details of the fraudulent activity to Barclays, industry-wide fraud prevention databases
and fraud prevention agencies. A list of participants and the name and address of the operators and
agencies are available from Likewize upon request.
Provide the information or give access to the information to law enforcement agencies.
We, Likewize and other organisations that We work with to prevent fraud and money laundering
may access this information to prevent fraudulent activity and money laundering, including but not
limited to the following:
Conrming details on applications for credit and credit-related accounts or facilities.
Managing credit and credit-related accounts or facilities.
Checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance.
Checking details of job applicants and employees.
Other Important Information:
1. Duration of Your Policy. Once You purchase Tech Pack, Your Policy will automatically renew on
a monthly basis after the 6-month minimum term period and will remain in place until any of the
following occur:
It is cancelled by You or Us;
You reach Your claims limits within any one rolling 12-month period;
Your Tech Pack is closed;
You fail to pay the monthly Tech Pack fee; or
Your permanent residential address is no longer in the UK.
2. Cancelling Your insurance within 14 days. If You decide this Policy no longer suits Your needs, You
have 14 days in which to cancel. This period begins on the date the Tech Pack is purchased or the date
You receive Your Policy document, whichever is the later. If You cancel within this period and have
already paid Your rst monthly Tech Pack fee, it will be refunded provided You have not received an
approved or fullled claim, nor has there been incident likely to give rise to a claim. If You are provided
with a refund, You will not be able to subsequently le a claim for an incident that occurred during this
You can cancel Your Tech Pack in Your Barclays app, Barclays online banking or You can call Barclays on
0345 734 5345, visit Your nearest Barclays branch or write to Barclays, Leicester, LE87 2BB.
3. Cancelling Your insurance outside 14 days. For Your cancellation rights outside the 14-day period,
please refer to ‘Closing your Pack or leaving Barclays’ in the ‘Barclays Pack terms and conditions’
within this Welcome Pack.
20 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 21
4. Claims Limit cancellation. If You reach Your claims limits for Mobile Phones and Gadgets within any
12-month rolling period, this Policy will be automatically cancelled with immediate eect by registered
letter to You at Your last known address, or via the electronic mail address You have provided to Us.
You will need to apply for a new Pack if You want cover for Your Devices. If You apply for a new Pack,
the year one Excesses will apply. If You have already paid Your monthly Tech Pack fee for the month in
which Your Pack is cancelled, You will receive a pro-rated refund. Cancellation under this section will
not invalidate Your Warranty,
5. Our right to cancel Your insurance. We may terminate Your Policy by giving You 30 days’ advance
notice in writing. Your Policy may be cancelled with immediate eect by registered letter to You at
Your last known address, or via the electronic mail address You have provided to Us, if You submit any
fraudulent or inaccurate information regarding a claim or Your eligibility for this Policy.
6. Law and Jurisdiction. This Policy will be governed by English law and You and We agree to submit to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales to determine any dispute arising under or
in connection with it unless You reside in Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man, in which case
the law applicable to that jurisdiction will apply and its courts will have exclusive jurisdiction, unless
agreed to the contrary by You and Us before the policy eective date.
7. Language and Communications. The terms and conditions of this Policy will only be available in
English and communication relating to this Policy will be in English. We will communicate with You on
paper by post unless You have given Us Your specic consent to communication by electronic mail, or
via SMS using the mobile telephone number You have provided Us.
8. Changes to the Terms of this Policy. If We need to change the terms of this Policy, Likewize - on
Our behalf – will give You 30 days’ notice in writing to Your last known address. This will only be for
valid reasons such as to respond proportionately to changes in the law or decisions of the Financial
Ombudsman Service, to meet regulatory requirements, industry guidance or codes of practice, or to
proportionately reect other legitimate cost increases or reductions associated with providing the
9. Rights of Third Parties. Only You or another Family Member (or their executor or legal representative
in the event of death of a Family Member) and We or Our agents may enforce the terms of this policy.
The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 do not apply.
10. Assignment. This Policy may not be assigned or transferred unless agreed by Us or Likewize in writing.
Data Protection – How Aviva, Likewize and Barclays handle Your Personal
“Personal Information” is information that identies and relates to You or other individuals (e.g. Your
Family Members). Personal Information may include, but is not limited to: contact information, device
information, nancial information and account details, credit reference and scoring information, as well as
other Personal Information provided by You or that is obtained in connection with the Policy.
Barclays, Aviva and Likewize are committed to protecting Your Personal Information and each have
responsibility for the information they collect and use about You in this process. The wording below
explains what information each organisation collects and uses about individuals and sets out how You can
nd out more about those uses and exercise Your data protection rights.
Barclays shares information with Aviva and Likewize so that they can set up and manage the Policy for You.
This includes:
Name, date of birth and contact details
Agreement ID number
Account details (if You are paying for this product through Your Barclays account)
Details of the cover You have purchased
Nominated person name and date of birth if provided
22 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 23
For more detailed information on how and why Barclays uses Your information more generally, including
Your rights in relation to Your Personal Information, and Barclays’ legal grounds for using it, please go to or You can request a copy from Barclays.
The Policy is sold and distributed by Barclays Bank UK PLC. Barclays will act as a data controller when
processing Personal Information for these purposes.
Aviva and Likewize
Aviva is the Insurer of the Policy and, to the extent Aviva receives and handles Personal Information, Aviva
will act as a data controller for that information.
Likewize is responsible for the administration of the Policy and the handling of claims under the Policy.
Likewize will also act as a data controller when processing Personal Information for these purposes.
Further information is set out below on how Aviva and Likewize each use Personal Information. This
includes information on Your rights with respect to Your Personal Information. If You wish to exercise
Your rights against Aviva, please contact Aviva using the details below. If You wish to exercise Your rights
against Likewize, please contact Likewize using the details for Likewize below.
If You provide Personal Information about another individual, You must inform the individual about the
content of this section and obtain their authorisation to share their Personal Information.
How Aviva use Personal Information:
The types of Personal Information Aviva may collect and why – as Likewize is responsible for the day-
to-day administration of this Policy and the handling of claims under this Policy, most Personal Information
processing under this Policy is undertaken by Likewize (see below for more information on how Likewize
uses Personal Information). However, there may be circumstances where Aviva receives Personal
Information, for example, if a complaint is escalated to Aviva or Aviva takes over the administration of the
Policy or handling of claims from Likewize. In these cases, Personal Information may be used by Aviva for
the following purposes (and as further set out in this section):
Insurance administration, e.g. communications, claims processing and payment;
Making assessments and decisions about the provision and terms of insurance and settlement of claims;
Managing and auditing Avivas business operations;
Preventing, detecting and investigating crime, e.g. fraud and money laundering;
Establishing and defending legal rights;
Complying with legal and regulatory requirements, including compliance with laws outside of Your
country of residence; and
Monitoring and recording telephone calls for quality, training and security purposes.
Sharing of Personal Information – for the above purposes, Personal Information may be shared with
Avivas group companies and third parties (such as brokers and other insurance distribution parties,
insurers and reinsurers, credit reference agencies and other service providers). Personal Information will
be shared with other third parties (including government authorities) if required by laws or regulations.
Personal Information may be shared with purchasers and prospective purchasers and transferred upon a
sale of Avivas company or transfer of business assets.
International transfer – due to the global nature of Avivas business, Personal Information may be
transferred to parties located outside the UK. When making these transfers, Aviva will take steps to ensure
that Personal Information is adequately protected and transferred in accordance with the requirements
of data protection law. Further information about international transfers is set out in Aviva’s Privacy Policy
(see below).
Security and retention of Personal Information – appropriate technical and physical security measures
are used to keep Your Personal Information safe and secure. When Aviva provides Personal Information to a
third party (including its service providers) or engages a third party to collect Personal Information on Aviva’s
behalf, the third party will be selected carefully and required to use appropriate security measures.
22 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 23
Your rights – You have a number of rights under data protection law in connection with Aviva’s use of
Personal Information. These rights may only apply in certain circumstances and are subject to certain
exemptions. These rights may include a right to access Personal Information, a right to correct inaccurate
Personal Information and a right to erase Personal Information or suspend Aviva’s use of Personal
Information. These rights may also include a right to transfer Your data to another organisation, a right
to object to Avivas use of Your Personal Information, a right to request that certain automated decisions
Aviva makes have human involvement, a right to withdraw consent and a right to complain to the data
protection regulator. Further information about Your rights and how You may exercise them is set out in
full in Avivas Privacy Policy (see below).
Privacy Policy – more details about Your rights and how Aviva collects, uses and discloses Your Personal
Information can be found in Avivas full Privacy Policy at: or You may
request a copy by writing to: Data Protection Team, Aviva, PO Box 7684, Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 1JR or
by email at:
How Likewize uses Personal Information:
Likewize may collect the following Personal Information: contact information including name, mailing
address, email address, Device information, any information required to adjudicate or fulll Your claim,
credit card information, other payment information, and account details, credit reference and scoring
information, as well as other Personal Information provided by You or that Likewize obtains in connection
with the administration of this policy by Likewize. Personal Information may be used for the following
Insurance and Policy administration, such as communications, claims processing and claim
fullment activities;
Making assessments and decisions about the provision and terms of insurance and settlement of
Management and audit of business operations provided by Likewize;
Fraud and crime prevention, detection and investigation;
Analysing, establishing, and defending legal rights and defences;
Legal and regulatory compliance, including compliance with laws outside of the Insured Persons
country of residence; and
Monitoring and recording of telephone calls for quality, training and security purposes.
You can choose whether You provide the Personal Information Likewize requests from You, but if You elect
not to provide the requested information, Likewize will not be able to administer the Policy and provide the
services under this Policy to You.
Likewize may share Your Personal Information for the purposes identied above with Likewize group
companies and third parties (such as Aviva, Barclays, brokers and other insurance distribution parties,
insurers and reinsurers, credit reference agencies, and other service providers such as payment
processors, communications providers, data centres, Device repair providers, and those other service
providers who operate in the supply chain of Likewize). Likewize may also share Your Personal Information
with other third parties (including government authorities) if required by law or regulation. Personal
Information may also be shared with purchasers and prospective purchasers of Likewize and transferred
upon a sale of Likewize or transfer of the business assets of Likewize.
Likewize will only keep Your Personal Information for as long as required and permitted by law, insofar as
Your Personal Information is needed for these purposes. Please note that if You contact Likewize, Likewize
may keep a record of such communications and the details of any correspondence or conversation, and
telephone calls may be recorded.
Likewize operates a global business, and as such Your Personal Information may be transferred to parties
located in other countries (including the United States, the Netherlands, Costa Rica, India, Ireland,
Bermuda, Mexico and other countries which may have a data protection regime which is dierent to
that of Your country of residence). To the extent Likewize makes a transfer of Your Personal Information,
Likewize will take steps to ensure that Your Personal Information is adequately protected and transferred
in accordance with applicable data protection law. Further information about international transfers is set
out in the Privacy Policy of Likewize (see link below).
24 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 25
Likewize takes appropriate technical and physical security measures to keep Your Personal Information
safe and secure. Likewize also makes sure that when Your Personal Information is provided to third parties,
including authorised repair partners and service providers of Likewize, such third parties are required to
also use appropriate security measures.
You have a number of rights under data protection law in connection with the use of Personal Information
by Likewize. These rights may only apply in certain circumstances and are subject to certain exemptions,
but include: (1) the right to request access to Your Personal Information, which allows You to receive a
copy of Your Personal Information held by Likewize; (2) the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete
Personal Information; (3) a right to erasure of Your Personal Information held by Likewize if Likewize no
longer has a need to continue to process it or You have exercised Your right to object to the processing
of that information by Likewize; and/or (4) object to Likewize processing Your Personal Information or
request the suspension of the use of Your Personal Information by Likewize while You exercise a right
under the data protection law. Your rights may also include a right to transfer Your data to another
organisation, a right to object to the use of Your Personal Information by Likewize, a right to withdraw
consent to the processing of Your Personal Information and a right to complain to the data protection
regulator. Further information about Your rights and how You may exercise them is set out in full in the
Privacy Policy of Likewize (see below).
More details about Your rights and how Likewize collects, uses, processes, and discloses Your Personal
Information is available at You can also contact Likewize
for more information by emailing or by writing to Likewize Data Protection Lead,
Unit 2, Crewe Logistics Park, Jack Mills Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 5XF.
24 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 25
About our insurance
In the following section ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refers
to Barclays Bank UK PLC and Barclays Insurance
Services Company Limited.
Barclays Bank UK PLC arranges insurance through
Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited,
which is a wholly owned subsidiary company
of Barclays Bank UK PLC. Both companies are
insurance intermediaries.
Name and address of the insurance
The registered address of Barclays Bank UK PLC
and Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited
is 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP.
Financial Services Register
Barclays Bank UK PLC is authorised by the
Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register
No. 759676).
Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited is
authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority (Financial Services Register No. 312078).
You can check details of our Regulators and
Registration by visiting the ‘Financial Services
Register’ at You can also
contact the FCA Consumer Helpline on
0800 111 6768*.
Advice or information
We can only oer Mobile Phone Insurance and
Gadget Cover from Aviva Insurance Limited (the
Insurer), and we act on behalf of the insurer.
The features and terms and conditions of the
benets within the Tech Pack may not be the
same as those for similar products available with
The Tech Pack is provided on a non-advised
basis. As such, we will only provide information
on the Tech Pack and we will not make a personal
recommendation about the suitability of this
Tech Pack.
Compensation Scheme
We are covered by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be
entitled to compensation from the FSCS if
we cannot meet our obligations in relation
to arranging the insurance cover in the Pack,
depending on the type of business and the
circumstances of the claim.
Insurance arranging is covered for 90% of
the compensation claim, without any upper
limit. You can obtain more information about
the compensation scheme arrangements by
contacting the FSCS on 0207 741 1400 or 0800
678 1100* or by visiting their website at
Change of insurer
From time to time for commercial reasons we may
decide to change the chosen insurance provider(s)
that provide the insurance policy included in your
Pack. If we do, we will write to you at least 30 days
before we make any change, giving you details
of the new insurance provider(s) (including the
insurer of the policy) and any variations to the
terms and conditions of cover. Your existing policy
underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited and
administered by Likewize Device Protection UK
Limited will end once your policy with the new
insurer comes into eect.
Your cancellation rights are not aected.
Statement of price
The monthly cost of your Tech Pack is £14.50 per
month, payable in advance on the rst working day
of each month. This means that the fee payable for
the minimum term of Tech Pack is £87.00. This fee
will include Insurance Premium Tax at the current
rate, and there are no further taxes or costs unless
otherwise stated.
The rst monthly Tech Pack fee is part payment
for the rest of the month in which the Tech Pack is
We hold the insurance premium you pay to us, and
any premium refunds payable to you, in respect
of the insurance products included in the Tech Pack
as agent of Aviva Insurance Limited, which means
your insurance product is treated as being paid for
when the Tech Pack fee is collected by us.
26 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 27
General Information
Governing Law
This Pack is governed by English Law. Unless otherwise agreed the contractual terms of this policy, all
prior information and all communications will be in English.
Disclosure (in relation to insurance cover provided as part of the Barclays
Pack(s) range)
You are responsible for providing complete and accurate information to insurers when you take out your
insurance policy, and throughout the life of your policy. It is important that you ensure that all statements
you make when you purchase this Pack, on claim forms and other documents, are full and accurate. If you
provide false or inaccurate information, or fail to disclose any information, to us or your insurers, this could
invalidate your insurance cover and could mean that part or all of the claim may not be paid.
Registered Oce Details of the Insurer
Mobile Phone Insurance and Gadget Cover
Cover is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited and administered by Likewize Device Protection
UK Limited.
Aviva Insurance Limited
Registered Oce: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH incorporated in Scotland with registered number SC002116.
Aviva Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. (FRN 202153).
Likewize Device Protection UK Limited. Registered Oce: Unit 2, Crewe Logistics Park, Jack Mills Way,
Shavington, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 5XF, incorporated in England with company number 14134370.
Likewize is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN984178).
26 Your Tech Pack Your Tech Pack 27
Find out more
By phone
0800 158 3199
You can request this in Braille, large print or audio. For information
about all of our accessibility services or ways to contact us,
Call monitoring and charges information
*Calls to 0800 numbers are free from UK landlines and personal mobiles, otherwise call charges may apply.
Please check with your service provider.
Calls may be monitored or recorded for quality and training purposes. Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the
same rate as calls to 01 and 02 landlines, and will count towards any inclusive minutes you have covering calls
to landline numbers. Charges may apply when calling from abroad.
Barclays Bank UK PLC. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 759676). Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited is authorised and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register No. 312078).
The registered address of both Barclays Bank UK PLC and Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited is 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.
Item ref: 9917781. Created: 02/24