2023-2024 A.A.S. Nursing Program Readmission or Transfer Policy
The deadline to submit requests for re-entry or OCNE partner transfer for academic year 2023-
Fall, 2023, readmission or OCNE partner transfer: August 1, 2023
Winter or spring, 2024, re-entry: August 1, 2023
If a student leaves the Blue Mountain Community College nursing program before successful completion,
readmission to the program is not guaranteed. The opportunity to request readmission to this program is
only valid within one year from the point at which the student exited the program and is subject to
revocation by the nursing faculty depending on the circumstances of attrition; decisions made by
the faculty are final. If a student is dismissed from the program because of serious breaches of patient
safety or professionalism, the student will not have the option of re-entry to the program.
BMCC students seeking readmission that failed or withdrew from the program during the prior academic
year may be considered with all other applicants for readmission. No preference is given to these
applicants. Students that failed or withdrew the first term of the program must complete the admission
process. Students must be in good academic and financial standing with BMCC at the time of
application. Consideration for readmission will be based on criteria outlined in the Criteria for Prioritization
of Requests for Readmission or Transfer.
Readmission status is defined as former BMCC nursing program students who have been granted re-
entry into the BMCC nursing program. Students have only ONE opportunity for readmission into the
nursing program. The Oregon State Board of Nursing requires classroom (theory) and clinical content to
be concurrent, and any student returning to the program at any point must repeat all nursing courses
within the term of re-entry. Faculty may require the student to repeat courses in the term prior to the term
the student exited.
These applicants, if accepted, will have appropriate placement in the nursing program as determined by
the nursing faculty. Standardized placement tests, challenge exams, a clinical skills competency review or
other assignments may be required to determine readmission status and/or appropriate placement in the
nursing program as determined by nursing faculty.
In addition to meeting BMCC’s 2023-2024 program admission application requirements, applicants must
include and attach the following with their application:
Letter requesting readmission that specifically outlines the reason(s) for withdrawal or course
failure. Applicant must address each reason and include a detailed plan for successful
completion of the nursing program.
All requests must be completed by the deadline dates listed above.
Prior to readmission, the applicant must meet the required standards per the Administrative
Requirements for Health Profession Student Clinical Training, OAR 409-030-0100 to 409-030-0250. Prior
to readmission, students must undergo and pass another criminal background check and drug screen.
Students requesting readmission to the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education (OCNE) program
should understand that although co-admitted to the Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU)
School of Nursing, those who choose to transition from the Blue Mountain Community College Nursing
Program to OHSU will have to undergo a Criminal Background Check for OHSU at the time of transition
and ability to enroll in OHSU courses may be negatively impacted by any criminal history in their
If the student is readmitted into the nursing program, the nursing program director will provide the student
with a Readmission Agreement Letter. The Readmission Agreement Letter may include academic and/or
clinical practice requirements, request for medical releases for safe practice, or other requirements
specific to the involved student. This could mean that the student would need to take or retake classes,
sections of classes, labs, sections of labs, clinical, or sections of clinical as specified for readmission and
success in the nursing program.
Transfer applicants are defined as those in good academic standing applying for admission into BMCC’s
nursing program from another OCNE institution. Transfers between OCNE partner programs are
considered only between the first and second years of the program. Communication between partner
schools will include director-to-director discussion of the transfer circumstances. Students with more than
one attempt in any OCNE school’s nursing program will not be eligible for transfer to BMCC’s nursing
program. BMCC does not accept coursework from institutions that are not regionally accredited. All
transfer applicants must meet all other admission requirements of the BMCC nursing program to include
all prerequisite course requirements.
In addition to meeting BMCC’s program admission application requirements for all entering students,
applicants must include and attach the following items with their application:
1. An official transcript evaluation completed by BMCC’s Records Office.
2. A recent (within 1 year) letter of good academic standing from the OCNE partner school’s
Nursing Program Director.
3. A written letter requesting transfer placement to the BMCC nursing program. All requests must
be completed and received by the fall entry deadline date listed above.
Prior to transfer, the applicant must meet the required standards per the Administrative Requirements for
Health Profession Student Clinical Training, OAR 409-030-0100 to 409-030-0250. Prior to admission,
students must undergo and pass another criminal background check and drug screen.
Students should understand that although co-admitted to the OHSU School of Nursing, those who choose
to transition from the Blue Mountain Community College Nursing Program to OHSU will have to undergo
a Criminal Background Check for OHSU at the time of transition and their ability to enroll in OHSU
courses may be negatively impacted by any criminal history in their background.
Should classroom and clinical resources become available, and upon faculty approval, BMCC’s
Admissions office will use the criteria outlined in the criteria for prioritization to process the requests for
transfer or readmission to the BMCC Nursing Program.
Criteria for Prioritization of Requests for Readmission or Transfer
When considering any request/application for readmission or transfer into the BMCC Nursing Program,
BMCC’s Admissions Office will prioritize the request for entry into the available spaces based on the
following criteria. Nursing faculty will assess readmission or transfer on a case-by-case basis and
readmission or transfer is not guaranteed.
Applicants for readmission or transfer into the BMCC Nursing Program will be prioritized (in descending
order) in the following three categories for available positions.
1. Top priority will be given to those students who withdrew from the BMCC Nursing Program within the
2022-2023 academic year in good academic standing. Good academic standing is defined as (1)
transcript evidence showing a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0; (2) cumulative credit completion rate of at
least 67% (completed BMCC credits divided by attempted BMCC credits); and (3) ability to complete the
declared degree within 150% of program’s length (federal and state aid recipients). See BMCC’s
Academic Progress Policy, https://www.bluecc.edu/enrollment-services/financial-aid/satisfactory-
academic-progress. If a student is dismissed from the program because of serious breaches of patient
safety or professionalism, the student will not have the option of re-entry to BMCC’s Nursing Program.
Students must be in good financial standing with BMCC at the time of application.
Priority within this category will be based on grade point average in the completed nursing classes
through the terms prior to the term the student(s) exited the nursing program. If needed, a tiebreaker
would be the cumulative GPA for all nursing program prerequisite and nursing courses combined.
2. Second priority will be given to students who failed a BMCC nursing course within the 2022-2023
academic year and in good academic standing. Good academic standing is defined as (1) transcript
evidence showing a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0; (2) cumulative credit completion rate of at least 67%
(completed BMCC credits, divided by attempted BMCC credits); and (3) ability to complete the declared
degree within 150% of program’s length (federal and state aid recipients). See BMCC’s Academic
Progress Policy, https://www.bluecc.edu/enrollment-services/financial-aid/satisfactory-academic-progress.
A student who failed any nursing course more than once will not be considered for readmission to the
program. If a student is dismissed from the program because of serious breaches of patient safety or
professionalism, the student will not have the option of re-entry to BMCC’s Nursing Program. Students
must be in good financial standing with BMCC at the time of application.
Priority within this category will be based on grade point average in the completed nursing classes
through the terms prior to the term the student(s) exited the nursing program. If needed, a tiebreaker
would be the cumulative GPA for all nursing program prerequisite and nursing courses combined.
Applicants, if accepted, will have to meet any criteria set forth in a letter of dismissal/Individual
Improvement Plan and/or Readmission Agreement Letter.
3. Third priority will be given to transfer students who left an OCNE nursing program in good academic
standing at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. Good academic standing will be based on the
transfer college’s academic progression policy. If a student was dismissed from the program because of
serious breaches of patient safety or professionalism, the student will not have the option of entry to the
program. Students with more than one attempt in any OCNE school’s nursing program will not be eligible
for transfer to BMCC’s nursing program.
Priority within this category will be based on grade point average in the nursing classes, pre-nursing
classes, and on the number of nursing courses completed and accepted towards BMCC’s program
requirements. If needed, a tiebreaker would be the cumulative GPA for all nursing program prerequisite
and nursing courses combined.
Adoption: 8/11
Modification: 11/12; 8/13; 10/13; 4/14; 2/15; 1/16; 10/16; 2/17; 1/18; 5/19; 5/20; 3/22; 3/23
Review: 11/12; 8/13; 10/13; 4/14; 2/15; 1/16; 10/16; 2/17; 11/17; 1/18; 5/19; 5/20; 3/22; 3/23