March 21, 2018
The Bossier Parish Police Jury met in regular and legal session on the 21
day of March, 2018, at 2:00 p.m., in
the Police Jury Meeting Room, Bossier Parish Courthouse, Benton, Louisiana. The President, Mr. Glenn Benton, called
the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Mr. Jerome Darby, and the pledge of allegiance was led by Mr. Jimmy
Cochran. The Parish Secretary, Ms. Rachel Hauser, called the roll, with all members present, as follows:
Mr. Rick Avery, Absent Mr. Jerome Darby
Ms. Wanda Bennett Mr. Mac Plummer
Mr. Glenn Benton Mr. Doug Rimmer
Mr. Bob Brotherton Mr. Tom Salzer
Mr. Jimmy Cochran Mr. Fred Shewmake
Mr. Jack Skaggs
Others present were Mr. William R. Altimus, Parish Administrator; Mr. Patrick Jackson, Parish Attorney; Mr.
Joe E. “Butch” Ford, Jr., Parish Engineer; Ms. Rachel Hauser, Parish Secretary.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Plummer, to adopt the minutes of the February 7,
2018, and February 21, 2018, regular meetings, and the February 21, 2018, Finance Committee meeting, as
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Mr. Bernard Driggers, 350 Angie Circle, Benton, LA, requested to address the police jury. Motion was made
by Mr. Salzer, seconded by Mr. Brotherton, to amend the agenda to add Mr. Bernard Driggers as a visitor.
The President called for public comment. There being none, motion carried, with the following vote
AYES: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Rimmer,
Mr. Salzer, Mr. Shewmake, Mr. Skaggs
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Mr. Avery
Mr. Driggers stated that there are drainage issues in North Cypress Acres Subdivision due to the new
development of Woodhaven Subdivision. He stated that stipulations were made at the time the police jury approved
Woodhaven Subdivision, but the developer has failed to comply with the stipulations.
Mr. Driggers stated that since development of Woodhaven Subdivision has begun, drainage from the subdivision
that was to be diverted to a culvert on Highway 162 and into Cypress Lake is overflowing the berm. He stated that the
berm is not being maintained and was not properly constructed. Mr. Driggers stated that properties on Angie Circle are
flooding due to these drainage issues, and requested that drainage be addressed as soon as possible.
Mr. Driggers stated that it was stipulated by the police jury and Benton-Parish Metropolitan Planning
Commission that a privacy fence would be required for development of Woodhaven Subdivision, but no privacy fence
has been installed to date.
Ms. Bennett stated that these issues have been presented to the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee and
discussed earlier today. She stated that this matter will be further reviewed and an update will be provided to Mr.
Driggers at a later date.
Mr. Driggers requested that a timeline be set for the developer to comply with all stipulations made by the police
jury and Benton-Parish MPC. He stated that previously, it was discussed that a hold would be placed on building permits
for Woodhaven Subdivision until the developer met all stipulations.
Mr. Jackson stated that during the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee meeting held today, it was the
consensus of the committee that building permits would be held on any further development in Woodhaven Subdivision
due to the developer’s failure to meet the required stipulations.
Mr. Driggers stated that development of Woodhaven Subdivision has been in progress for approximately two
years and is concerned that the developer will not comply.
Ms. Bennett expressed appreciation to Mr. Driggers for the information provided today with the ongoing issues
at Woodhaven Subdivision. She stated that these issues will be further reviewed.
Mr. Benton stated that five candidates have submitted their resumes for consideration for the interim
appointment to Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4, to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Sonny Cook. He
stated that each applicant will be allowed a five-minute presentation to provide the jurors with personal information and
why they believe they would be beneficial as a public servant to the citizens of Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4. He
further stated that the candidates will be called in alphabetical order.
Ms. Hauser stated that the first candidate is Mr. Norman D. Craig. Mr. Craig stated that he resides at 2205
Bellevue Road, Haughton, LA, and has been a resident of Bossier Parish for more than 40 years. He stated that he and
his wife have raised three children in Bossier Parish who have attended college and returned to Bossier Parish to establish
their homes and careers.
Mr. Craig stated that his grandchildren received their education in Bossier Parish schools, and are looking
forward to returning to Bossier Parish after college to establish their homes and careers here as well.
Mr. Craig stated that he has been a part of the business community, school community and law enforcement
community in Bossier Parish. He stated that he is honored to be a resident of Bossier Parish. He further stated that
Bossier Parish continues to grow, and he would be honored to be a part of that growth.
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Ms. Hauser stated that the second candidate is Mr. John Thomas “Tommy” Green. Mr. Green stated that he
lives in the Shiloh Community in Bossier Parish which is in the northeastern portion of District 4. He stated that he has
been Chairman of the Bossier Parish Northeast Fire District No. 5 Board since 2013.
Mr. Green stated that he began as a junior firefighter at Bossier Parish Northeast Fire District No. 5
approximately 20 years ago, and has worked his way up through the years to Chairman of the fire district board. He
stated that he is active in his church and community, and has provided assistance to the community during the flood
events and tornadic weather events. Mr. Green stated that a police juror serves in his community and he believes that his
lifelong service to his community shows that he meets the criteria of a police juror.
Mr. Green stated that he is raising his two children in Bossier Parish and they are receiving their education in
Bossier Parish schools. He stated that he feels he would be a great asset to the police jury, and there are many things he
would like to see accomplished in the northern part of District 4.
Mr. Green stated that a letter of recommendation was submitted with his resume from Mr. Bill Lott, Bossier
Parish School Board, recommending him for appointment to the police jury for District 4.
Ms. Hauser stated that the third candidate is Mr. Johnnie Edward Jorden, Sr. Mr. Jorden stated that he has
sought election as Bossier Parish Police Juror, District 4, in two previous elections. He stated that he is a lifelong resident
of Ivan, and his family has been residents of Ivan since the 1800’s.
Mr. Jorden stated that Bossier Parish is thriving, and he is proud to be a resident of Bossier Parish. He stated
that it would be an honor to serve the citizens of Bossier Parish as the police juror for District 4.
Ms. Hauser stated that the fourth candidate is Ms. Eddie Mae Bradford Scott. Ms. Scott stated that she is the
only woman seeking appointment as police juror for District 4. She stated that she has previously sought election as
Bossier Parish Police Juror, District 4, in two previous elections.
Ms. Scott stated that she has taught in the Bossier Parish School system for 35 years and retired in 2002. She
stated that after a few years of retirement, she began teaching in Caddo Parish, but returned to the Bossier Parish school
system as a substitute teacher.
Ms. Scott stated that after a few years of substitute teaching, she began teaching at the Bossier Parish prison and
taught at the prison for approximately 10 years.
Ms. Scott stated that she has been active in her community and is currently serving as a board member for
Bossier Parish Fire District No. 7. She stated that during her tenure as a board member of Fire District No. 7, three fire
stations have been established and equipped in Fire District No. 7, and the board is continuing to work to improve Fire
District No. 7.
Ms. Scott stated that she is an adamant citizen of northern Bossier Parish. She stated that District 4 is the largest
district in the parish, and it is her desire that the population in District 4 grows to exceed the population in Bossier Parish
Police Jury District 1. She further stated that she is well equipped to work hard.
Ms. Scott stated that the Plain Dealing area, Highway 162 area and Bellevue area can be developed to increase
the population in District 4. She stated that Bossier Parish is the fastest growing parish in the State of Louisiana. Ms.
Scott stated that with an increase in development of the northern portion of District 4 and increase in population, the tax
base would increase substantially and Bossier Parish would have a better representation in Baton Rouge.
Ms. Scott stated that she would be honored to represent her district as police juror for District 4.
Ms. Hauser stated that the fifth candidate is Mr. Kenneth Ward, Jr. Mr. Ward stated that he is a lifelong resident
of Bossier Parish and received his education in Bossier Parish. He stated that he works for Southwestern Electric Power
Company, and he services the area daily in District 4. He further stated that he has a good working relationship with the
Bossier Parish Highway Department, and is the responder when the highway department calls regarding downed trees on
power lines.
Mr. Ward stated that he would be honored to serve Bossier Parish as Police Juror District 4.
Mr. Benton stated that a vote will be cast for each candidate individually, but if a majority vote (six votes) is
received for a candidate, that candidate will be appointed as interim appointee for Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4.
He stated that in the event that no candidate receives a majority vote, the two candidates with the lowest number of total
votes will be removed from consideration. He stated that the remaining three candidates will be assigned a color (red,
green or yellow) and the jurors will be asked to cast their votes based on the color assigned to each candidate, and
whichever candidate receives the most votes will be appointed as interim appointee for Bossier Parish Police Jury District
Jurors were asked to cast their vote in favor of Mr. Norman D. Craig.
Ayes: Mr. Benton, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Rimmer, Mr. Shewmake, Mr.
Mr. Benton stated that Mr. Craig has received a majority vote of eight, and is hereby appointed as interim
appointee to the Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4.
Ms. Hauser stated that the interim appointee will serve until a special election can be held on November 6, 2018,
with qualifying being July 18, 19, and 20, 2018.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Plummer, to adopt a proclamation appointing Mr.
Norman D. Craig as interim appointee to the Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4, and to schedule a special
election to fill said vacancy. Qualifying for interested candidates is July 18, 19, and 20, 2018.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
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WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of the Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4, created by the
resignation of Sonny Cook effective March 8, 2018.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Bossier Parish Police Jury, in regular session on this 21
day of March, 2018, does
hereby appoint Mr. Norman D. Craig, to serve as interim appointee to the office of Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4,
until such time as an election to fill this vacancy can be duly held.
FURTHER, the Bossier Parish Police Jury does hereby issue notice, call and proclamation for a special primary
election and special general election to be held in Bossier Parish Police Jury, District 4, to fill said vacancy.
The Bossier Parish Police Jury does fix the date of the primary election for November 6, 2018, and the date of
the general election for December 8, 2018, at the times, places and manner prescribed by law.
Any qualified person desiring to become a candidate for said office shall file the necessary papers required by
law, with the appropriate entity in the manner and form and under the procedures and conditions required by law, during
the period commencing on July 18, 2018, and ending on July 20, 2018.
The Bossier Parish Police Jury does hereby request the Secretary of State, the Commissioner of Elections, the
Board of Supervisors of Elections, the Clerk of Court, the Registrar of Voters and all other persons charged with any
power, function, right, duty or responsibility in conducting elections in the Parish of Bossier to exercise every lawful
function and do every act necessary to conduct said elections, cause the returns thereof to be made, and in general to
perform all related and incidental functions necessary to canvass and promulgate the results thereof.
The above proclamation was presented by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Plummer. Upon vote, the proclamation
was duly adopted by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular session on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Ms. Jill Sessions, Bossier Parish Clerk of Court, administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Norman D. Craig for his
interim appointment as Bossier Parish Police Juror, District 4, to serve until such time as an election to fill this vacancy
can be duly held.
The President called for a recess of the meeting of the Bossier Parish Police Jury.
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the application of Bruce Logan, East Highland
Mobile Home Park No. 1, Inc., to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning
classification of a certain tract of land being 5.99 acres located in Section 16, Township 18 North, Range 12 West,
Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to R-MHP, Residential Manufactured Housing Park, for
the expansion of the existing mobile home park. The application received a favorable recommendation from the Bossier
City-Parish MPC.
Mr. Bruce Logan, developer, and Mr. Jason Westerman, Coyle Engineering Co., Inc., were present. Mr.
Westerman stated that Mr. Logan is requesting a zoning amendment on property located adjacent to the East Highland
Mobile Home Park on Highway 80. He stated that in 2008 flood maps were revised and the regulatory floodway was
relocated on a portion of Mr. Logan’s property causing him to lose approximately 22 lots. He further stated that once the
mobile homes have been moved from those 22 lots, nothing can be relocated in the floodway.
Mr. Westerman stated that a 33-lot development on the 5.99-acre tract of land is planned. He provided
information on the entry location for the proposed development. He stated that no setback violations are anticipated with
the proposed development.
Mr. Westerman provided information pertaining to drainage for the proposed development. He stated that
currently all drainage south of the natural drainage ridge drains south through Espanita Forest Subdivision which includes
a 4.8-acre tract of land. Mr. Westerman proposed that dirt be moved so that drainage from an approximate 0.8-acre tract
of land will be the only drainage draining south through Espanita Forest Subdivision.
Mr. Westerman provided a plat for the proposed development.
Mr. Ford stated that he has reviewed the proposed drainage plan and all drainage from Mr. Logan’s property
will drain through the existing East Highland Mobile Home Park. He presented a request for a waiver for detention
ponds for the proposed development.
Mr. Ford stated that a formal drainage plan has not been received, but upon review of the plans submitted, he
recommended approval since the majority of the drainage will flow through Mr. Logan’s property to Red Chute Bayou.
He also recommended approval of the request for a waiver for detention ponds for the proposed expansion of the mobile
home park. He requested that the final drainage plan be submitted with the final plat for approval.
Mr. Rimmer stated that approval by the Bossier City-Parish MPC was subject to a six-foot privacy fence, as well
as a buffer with 10-foot cedar trees. Mr. Rimmer asked if a minimum spacing between the cedar trees was discussed. Mr.
Logan stated that the spacing between the trees has not discussed. Mr. Ford stated that spacing of cedar tree buffers on
Arthur Ray Teague is 20-feet. Mr. Sam Marsiglia, Bossier City-Parish MPC, stated that they will be working with Mr.
Logan to establish the needed spacing of the cedar trees.
Mr. Rimmer stated that drainage in this area is an issue and needs to be carefully considered. He requested that
if approved, the stipulations made by the Bossier City-Parish MPC be made a part of the approval for the zoning
amendment by the police jury.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Shewmake, to approve the application of Bruce
Logan, East Highland Mobile Home Park No. 1, Inc., to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to
change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 5.99 acres located in Section 16, Township 18
North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to R-MHP, Residential
Manufactured Housing Park, for the expansion of the existing mobile home park, and to approve the request for a
waiver for a detention pond, subject to the following required stipulations: a 10-foot cedar tree buffer, a six-foot
privacy fence, and a dedicated sewer main for the property owned by Ms. Brenda Clary.
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The President called for public comment. Ms. Lucille Cash, 116 Bodcau Station Road, Haughton, LA, stated
that her property is located next to the proposed mobile home park expansion. She stated that she is not opposing the
mobile home park, but asked if the six-foot privacy fence will be installed prior to any construction of the expansion. Ms.
Cash stated that her property currently floods from the existing mobile home park.
Mr. Logan stated that the six-foot privacy fence will be installed once the dirt work is complete for the mobile
home park expansion. She asked if all drainage work will be complete prior to new mobile homes being placed on the
lots. Mr. Logan stated that all drainage issues will be addressed prior to the placement of any new mobile homes. Mr.
Rimmer stated that Mr. Ford will make sure that all issues are resolved prior to any mobile homes being allowed in the
new expansion.
Mr. Marsiglia stated that submission of a plat for approval is not required for this expansion. He stated that
plans will be submitted to Mr. Ford and the Bossier City-Parish MPC for final review and approval.
Mr. Landon Bussiere was present representing Ms. Brenda Clary, adjacent property owner on the east side of the
proposed mobile home expansion. He stated that there are concerns regarding the proposed expansion and the previous
issues Mr. Logan has had with this development. Mr. Bussiere stated that there are existing drainage issues, and the
existing detention pond was built for the existing mobile homes and may not be sufficient to hold an additional 33 mobile
Mr. Bussiere stated that the six-foot privacy fence is needed due to removal of several trees along Ms. Clary’s
property line for the proposed new expansion of the mobile home park. He requested that the trees being used as a buffer
be located outside of the privacy fence to assist with better maintenance and overall health of the trees.
Mr. Bussiere stated that they would like to see additional information as to how the proposed expansion and the
property being presented today for a zoning amendment from R-A to B-3 will be tied together, as well as how drainage
between the two properties will be handled.
Mr. Bussiere stated that the Bossier City-Parish MPC also stipulated that as part of the approval for Mr. Logan’s
zoning amendment, a dedicated sewer main would be required for Ms. Clary’s property at no cost to Ms. Clary.
Mr. Bussiere requested that a timeline be established for Mr. Logan to meet all stipulations for the proposed
mobile home park expansion and a completion date be provided for the expansion. He also requested that a date be
provided when a dedicated sewer force main will be available to Ms. Clary.
Mr. Benton stated that Mr. Logan has worked with all parties involved in order to meet their requests. Mr.
Bussiere recommended that the trees for the buffer be placed 10-feet apart and in two rows to provide a better buffer.
Mr. Benton stated that the additional concerns will be considered when a plat is submitted for review and approval.
Votes were cast and the motion carried unanimously.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session convened on this 21
day of
March, 2018, that Ordinance No. 3908 of 2003 (Unified Development Code) of the Police Jury of Bossier Parish, is
hereby amended to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 5.99 acres located in Section 16,
Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to R-MHP,
Residential Manufactured Housing Park, for the expansion of the existing mobile home park, being more particularly
described as follows:
A tract of land located in Section 16, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, being
more fully described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Correction Map of Espanita Forest Subdivision, as
recorded in Conveyance Book 339, Pages 576 through 577 of the Records of Bossier Parish,
Louisiana, run thence North 89°10’39” West a distance of 330.41 feet; run thence North 00°32’05”
East a distance of 790.52 feet; run thence South 827’55” East a distance of 164.40 feet; run thence
South 89°42’16” East a distance of 165.00 feet; run thence South 00°27’45” West a distance of 792.87
feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, tract containing 5.99 acres, more or less.
Applicant: Bruce Logan, East Highland Mobile Home Park No. 1, Inc.
Purpose: Expansion of the existing mobile home park
The ordinance was offered by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Shewmake. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly
adopted on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the application of Bruce Logan, Logan
Commercial Development, to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification
of a certain tract of land being 1.5 acres located in Section 16, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA,
from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District, for a commercial development. The
application received a favorable recommendation from the Bossier City-Parish MPC.
Mr. Westerman stated that the 1.5-acre tract of land is the remaining property owned by Mr. Logan along
Highway 80 to be developed. He stated that all property surrounding the tract of land is currently zoned B-3. He further
stated that there is no designated use for the tract of land at this time.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Salzer, to approve the application of Bruce Logan,
Logan Commercial Development, to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning
classification of a certain tract of land being 1.5 acres located in Section 16, Township 18 North, Range 12 West,
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Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District, for a
commercial development.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
BE IT ORDAINED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session convened on this 21
day of
March, 2018, that Ordinance No. 3908 of 2003 (Unified Development Code) of the Police Jury of Bossier Parish, is
hereby amended to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being 1.5 acres located in Section 16,
Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General
Business District, for a commercial development, being more particularly described as follows:
A tract of land located in Section 16, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, Louisiana,
being more fully described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Correction Map of Espanita Forest Subdivision, as
recorded in Conveyance Book 339, Pages 576 through 577 of the Records of Bossier Parish,
Louisiana, run thence North 00°27’45” East a distance of 792.87 feet; run thence North 89°42’16”
West a distance of 165.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract herein described; run
thence North 89°27’55West a distance of 164.40 feet; run thence North 00°32’05” East a distance of
152.83 feet; run thence North 01°12’56” East a distance of 245.79 feet to a point on the southerly
right-of-way of U.S. Highway 80; run thence along the said southerly right-of-way South 88°16’27”
East a distance of 163.11 feet; thence leaving said southerly right-of-way run South 00°45’59West a
distance of 395.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.50 acres, more or less.
Applicant: Bruce Logan, Logan Commercial Development
Purpose: Commercial Development
The ordinance was offered by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Salzer. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly adopted
on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the application of SmallCo Properties, LLC, to
the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land
located in Section 21, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural
District, to B-3, General Business District, for a 24 hour fitness center. The application received a favorable
recommendation from the Bossier City-Parish MPC.
Mr. Justin Small, SmallCo Properties, LLC, requested a zoning amendment for a 1.58-acre tract of land located
off Airline Drive just north of Willow Lake Subdivision from R-A to B-3 for a 24-hour fitness center.
Mr. Skaggs stated that a meeting was previously held with Mr. Marsiglia, Bossier City-Parish MPC, to discuss
several issues, including a traffic and drainage study, and ingress and egress. He asked if those issues have been
addressed by Mr. Small. Mr. Small stated that there has been discussion of bringing the drainage forward to the ditch on
Airline Drive. He requested that zoning be approved prior to expending funds for traffic and drainage studies. He further
stated that once zoning is approved, discussions will begin regarding the ingress and egress with Mr. Ford and the future
Bella Vista Subdivision.
Mr. Skaggs stated that it was his understanding that Mr. Small would contact the property owner, Mr. Thomas
Sanders, to create a masterplan. Mr. Small stated that the current owner of the property has no intention of assisting with
a masterplan because he is not developing the property, but is only interested in selling the property.
Mr. Small stated that development of Bella Vista Subdivision by Mr. Warren Moore has several issues that need
to be addressed prior to the development beginning.
Mr. Skaggs asked for an update on the traffic study and ingress and egress for the proposed fitness center. Mr.
Ford stated that originally Mr. Moore was going to purchase the entire tract of land, and if the two tracts of land between
Airline Drive and the future Bella Vista Subdivision were sold for commercial use, ingress and egress to the two tracts of
land would be from the access drive for the future Bella Vista Subdivision. He stated that it is his understanding now that
Mr. Moore plans on purchasing the large tract behind the two tracts of land to develop Bella Vista Subdivision, and the
current property owner plans to sell the front two tracts for commercial use.
Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Small’s proposed plans for the 24-hour fitness center shows ingress and egress from
Airline Drive, and it is not feasible for ingress and egress to be from Airline Drive due to the short distance between
subdivisions. Mr. Skaggs asked if a new traffic study has been submitted for review. Mr. Ford advised that no new
traffic study has been submitted for this development. He stated that the boulevard into the future Bella Vista
Subdivision would be approved as long as any commercial development on the two front tracts of land would be accessed
from the boulevard and not Airline Drive.
Mr. Skaggs asked if a drainage study has been submitted for review. Mr. Ford stated that no drainage study has
been submitted, but Mr. Small has submitted a drainage plan for the proposed 24-hour fitness center. He stated that
approximately half of the commercial lots drain through the future Bella Vista Subdivision. Mr. Ford stated that a
complete drainage study for the future Bella Vista Subdivision and the two tracts of land to be used for commercial use
needs to be submitted for review.
Mr. Ford stated that he previously recommended that Mr. Small and Mr. Moore submit a drainage study for the
lots being used for commercial development and the future Bella Vista Subdivision to determine if the detention ponds
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for the residential subdivision has the capacity to hold drainage from the commercial lots. He stated that drainage from
the future Bella Vista Subdivision and the commercial lots will flow through Willow Lake Subdivision, and a drainage
study will be required in order to determine if this drainage will adversely affect residents in Willow Lake Subdivision.
Mr. Ford stated that the commercial site will need to be built up approximately two to three feet. Mr. Michael
Kelsch, Raley and Associates, Inc., stated that he is working with Mr. Small on the proposed 24-hour fitness center. He
stated that it is planned that the site for the 24-hour fitness center will be built up in order to divert the drainage to the
front of the lot and discharge it into the roadside ditch on Airline Drive.
Mr. Kelsch stated that the issues pertaining to traffic and sewer will be addressed prior to Mr. Small moving
forward with the site plan and plat for the 24-hour fitness center. He stated that the public hearing today is for a zoning
amendment and 24-hour access for the fitness center.
Mr. Skaggs stated that he is apprehensive to approve this zoning amendment with several issues not being
resolved. He recommended that Mr. Small remove the item from the agenda, and once all issues have been resolved,
request a public hearing at that time. He stated that if the police jury denies Mr. Small’s request for a zoning amendment
today, he will be unable to bring this matter back before the police jury for six months.
Mr. Small stated that he does not wish to remove the item from the agenda for consideration due to current lease
agreements. He stated that he does not feel that it is appropriate for the police jury to deny a request for a zoning
amendment and access to property he is purchasing based on what the current landowner may or may not do. Mr. Small
stated that Mr. Moore, developer of Bella Vista Subdivision, is purchasing the larger tract of land for a subdivision, and
to his knowledge, Mr. Moore has not submitted a drainage or traffic study for his proposed development.
Mr. Skaggs stated that during a meeting held with Mr. Small, Mr. Ford and Mr. Marsiglia, it was determined at
that time that Mr. Small would need to obtain his own traffic study for review. He stated that the traffic study has not
been done. Mr. Small stated that the traffic study was for access off Airline Drive. Mr. Skaggs stated that a traffic study
will determine where the access point would need to be located for the 24-hour fitness center.
Mr. Skaggs stated that an individual drainage study will also need to be submitted for the proposed 24-hour
fitness center. Mr. Ford stated that there are several issues that need to be addressed prior to the police jury’s vote for a
zoning amendment.
Mr. Ford stated that water service is located on the opposite side of Airline Drive, and he recommends that one
water line be installed across Airline Drive for the future Bella Vista Subdivision and any commercial development on
the two front tracts of land. He stated that it is his understanding that sewer service is to be provided by the City of
Bossier City.
Mr. Ford stated that it is also his understanding that the future Bella Vista Subdivision will not begin
development for approximately two years. He stated that a sewer lift station will be needed, as well as a sewer force main
along Airline Drive, for these developments, and it has not yet been determined who will be responsible for installation of
the water line and sewer line.
Mr. Skaggs stated that the current property owner, Mr. Sanders, wants to subdivide the property so that he can
sell the front two tracts for commercial use, but is not willing to participate in ensuring that there is proper access.
Mr. Small stated that a six-inch sewer force main stops at the corner of the tract of land he is purchasing. He
stated that he and his brother-in-law are purchasing the three-acre tract of land and splitting the tract. Mr. Small stated
that there is approximately 364 feet of road frontage on Airline Drive. He stated that it could be up to two years before
development begins on Bella Vista Subdivision, and therefore, the access boulevard would not be constructed until that
Mr. Small stated that Mr. Moore’s issues with development of Bella Vista Subdivision are hindering him from
beginning development of the 24-hour fitness center. He stated that his lease expires in September of 2018, and would
like to have the building built by September of 2018.
Mr. Benton recommended that Mr. Small agree to remove this item from the agenda at this time. Mr. Skaggs
recommended that Mr. Small’s engineers and Mr. Moore’s engineers schedule a time to visit regarding these issues.
After further discussion, motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to table the public
hearing to consider approval of the application of SmallCo Properties, LLC, to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for
a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land located in Section 21, Township
19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General
Business District, for a 24 hour fitness center, to be considered at the April 4, 2018, regular meeting.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the application of Norman Craig, to the
Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being Lots
4, 5A, 5B and 6, W. J. Sanford Subdivision, located in Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish,
LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District, for commercial use. The application
received a favorable recommendation from the Bossier City-Parish MPC.
Mr. Marsiglia stated that this property has been used for a B-3 use for many years, and the zoning amendment
will bring the property into compliance. He stated that properties surrounding this tract of land are zoned B-3.
Motion was made by Mr. Brotherton, seconded by Mr. Shewmake, to approve the application of Norman
Craig, to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a zoning amendment to change the zoning classification of a certain
tract of land being Lots 4, 5A, 5B and 6, W. J. Sanford Subdivision, located in Section 9, Township 18 North,
Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District,
for commercial use.
The President called for public comment. Mr. Preston Woods, 204 Rear Mid-South Loop, Haughton, LA,
requested clarifications as to what changes will be required due to a zoning amendment on Mr. Craig’s property. After
further discussion, it was determined that Mr. Craig’s property is not located near Mr. Woodsproperty and no properties
will be affected by the requested zoning amendment.
Votes were cast and the motion carried with the following vote recorded:
March 21, 2018
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AYES: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Rimmer,
Mr. Salzer, Mr. Shewmake, Mr. Skaggs
NAYS: None
ABSTAIN: Mr. Craig
ABSENT: Mr. Avery
BE IT ORDAINED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session convened on this 21
day of
March, 2018, that Ordinance No. 3908 of 2003 (Unified Development Code) of the Police Jury of Bossier Parish, is
hereby amended to change the zoning classification of a certain tract of land being Lots 4, 5A, 5B and 6, W. J. Sanford
Subdivision, located in Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-
Agricultural District, to B-3, General Business District, for commercial use, being more particularly described as follows:
Lots 4, 5A, 5B and Lot 6 of W.J. Sandford Subdivision, all located in Section 9, Township 18 North,
Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA.
Applicant: Norman Craig
Purpose: Commercial use
The ordinance was offered by Mr. Brotherton, seconded by Mr. Shewmake. It was duly adopted on this 21
of March, 2018, with the following vote recorded:
AYES: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr.
Rimmer, Mr. Salzer, Mr. Shewmake, Mr. Skaggs
NAYS: None
ABSTAIN: Mr. Craig
ABSENT: Mr. Avery
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval the plat of the proposed development of Willow
Brook Subdivision, Unit No. 4, a Planned Unit Development, located in Section 28, Township 19 North, Range 13 West,
Bossier Parish, LA.
Mr. Ryan Estess, Raley & Associates, Inc., was present.
Motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve the plat of the proposed
development of Willow Brook Subdivision, Unit No. 4, a Planned Unit Development, located in Section 28,
Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the site plan for Dollar General located on Lot
4, Country Forest Subdivision, located in Section 33, Township 17 North, Range 11 West, Bossier Parish, LA.
Mr. Michael Kelsch, Raley and Associates, Inc., was present.
Mr. John R. Foster, 4447 Highway 157, Elm Grove, LA, stated that he opposes construction of a Dollar General
next to his property, and that there are many citizens in this area who oppose the Dollar General. Mr. Foster stated that
he lives in the country and does not want a retail business located next to his property.
Mr. Foster stated that he understands that there are no zoning restrictions in this area, but requested that the
police jury not allow the Dollar General at this location. He stated that his brother has additional property that he could
sell for the Dollar General to be located that would better serve the citizens in this area.
Mr. Brotherton stated that today’s public hearing is to consider a site plan for Dollar General. He stated that a
convenient store already exists across the street from Mr. Foster. He further stated that the proposed Dollar General
would be located south of Mr. Foster’s property, and feels that this business would not adversely affect Mr. Foster. Mr.
Brotherton stated that he has received a few calls in opposition, but the majority of the citizens in that area have
expressed their approval of the Dollar General.
Mr. Foster stated that the citizens that are promoting the Dollar General most likely do not live near the store.
He stated that 18-wheeler trucks will become a nuisance, and due to the number of oil and gas trucks that travel on the
road in this area, additional traffic will cause safety concerns.
Mr. Foster stated that a red light is needed at the intersection of Highway 157 and Highway 527. Mr. Brotherton
stated that those are state highways, and any complaints or suggestions should be referred to the state for consideration.
Mr. Foster asked who he would need to contact to discuss this matter in further detail. Mr. Brotherton recommended that
Mr. Foster contact his district representative or senator to discuss the issues of red lights.
Mr. Benton stated that several years ago the police jury attempted to pass zoning regulations for properties
located outside of the Metropolitan Planning Commission. He stated that the highest number of citizens opposed to
parishwide zoning lived in District 1.
Mr. Dwayne Horton, 4389 Highway 157, Elm Grove, LA, stated that he lives just to the south of the proposed
Dollar General, and opposes the Dollar General at this location. He further stated that a Dollar General already exists
approximately six miles away, and there are several stores in Haughton, LA. Mr. Horton stated that the traffic will
increase substantially with the Dollar General at this location.
Mr. Ford stated that the Dollar General would be located on Lot 4, Country Forest Subdivision, and that the
applicant owns the approximate 1.52-acre tract of land where the proposed Dollar General would be located. He stated
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that there are no zoning regulations on this 1.52 acre tract of land. He further stated that originally he was contacted
approximately two years ago regarding the placement of a Dollar General on Lot 4, Country Forest Subdivision.
Mr. Ford stated that the applicant contacted the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for
approval to place a driveway off Highway 157, and the request was approved. He stated that no access will be allowed
from Country Forest Lane if approved. He further stated that a detention pond is planned, as well as a self-treating sewer
plant which has already been approved by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. Mr. Ford stated that
water will be provided by South Bossier Water. A representative from Dollar General stated that privacy fences are
required when a store abuts residential property.
Mr. Ford stated that as it pertains to the site plan submitted, all parish regulations have been met. He stated that
he provided the applicant with a copy of the subdivision covenants two years ago for review. He further stated that the
police jury does not enforce subdivision covenants, but the covenants do provide that no lot in Country Forest
Subdivision shall be used for anything other than residential purposes, and that no commercial enterprises of any nature
shall be allowed.
Mr. Ford stated that he also advised the applicant two years ago that in order to amend the subdivision covenants
90 percent of the residents of the subdivision would have to approve any amendments. He stated that those requirements
have now expired, and only a majority vote of the residents in the subdivision is required to amend the subdivision
covenants. Mr. Ford stated that he advised the applicant that if the subdivision covenants were not amended allowing
commercial use on a subdivision lot, a citizen of that subdivision could file a lawsuit against him if he constructs a Dollar
General on Lot 4.
A representative from Dollar General advised that they have obtained the required majority signatures from the
residents in Country Forest Subdivision which amends the subdivision covenants, and those documents will be filed at
closing on the property.
Mr. Ford stated that based on the site plan submitted today for approval, the site plan meets all parish
Mr. Benton asked if subdivision covenants expire. Mr. Jackson advised that the parish does not enforce
subdivision covenants, but he has reviewed the subdivision covenants for Country Forest Subdivision. He stated that if
Mr. Foster lives inside Country Forest Subdivision, and amendments to the covenants have not been approved by the
majority of the residents in the subdivision, he has the right to file a lawsuit against the applicant.
The representative from Dollar General advised that all documents have been approved and once a closing has
been scheduled for the purchase of the property, the amended covenants will be filed.
Mr. Benton expressed concern with approving a commercial use on a lot inside a subdivision if the amended
covenants have not been filed removing the stipulation that prohibits the use of a subdivision lot for commercial
purposes. Mr. Jackson stated that the police jury does not enforce subdivision covenants. Mr. Benton stated that he feels
that the police jury should not knowingly approve a site plan that does not meet the current regulations in the subdivision
covenants. Mr. Jackson stated that to his knowledge, the covenants have been amended, but they have not been recorded.
He recommended that the site plan be approved subject to his review of the amended covenants.
Ms. Sheila Rushing, 4416, Highway 157, Elm Grove, LA, stated that she lives across the road from Mr. Foster.
She stated that she has lived there for approximately 20 years and everything she owns is invested in her property. She
further stated that the intersection of Highway 157 and Highway 527 is very dangerous as 18-wheeler trucks travel at high
rates of speed at that intersection. Ms. Rushing stated that if a Dollar General is allowed near this intersection, there will
be an increase in traffic accidents. She stated that she is opposed to the Dollar General being located on Lot 4.
Mr. Benton asked Ms. Rushing if she lives in the subdivision. She stated that she lives across the road from the
Mr. Foster stated that Ms. Rushing has been his neighbor for approximately 25 years and is concerned that all
the additional traffic lights and sounds will affect Ms. Rushing. He stated that traffic lights will shine into her home all
hours of the night if Dollar General is allowed to build on Lot 4.
Motion was made by Mr. Brotherton, seconded by Mr. Plummer, to approve the site plan for Dollar
General located on Lot 4, Country Forest Subdivision, located in Section 33, Township 17 North, Range 11 West,
Bossier Parish, LA, subject to the Parish Attorney’s review of amended covenants for Country Forest
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried with the
following vote:
AYES: Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Craig, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Rimmer, Mr. Salzer, Mr. Shewmake,
Mr. Skaggs
NAYS: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Cochran
ABSENT: Mr. Avery
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of
Dogwood South Subdivision, Unit No. 19, located in Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA.
Mr. Jason Westerman, Coyle Engineering Co., Inc., stated that the proposed development is a continuation of
the existing Dogwood South Subdivision.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Brotherton, to approve the plat of the proposed
development of Dogwood South Subdivision, Unit No. 19, located in Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 12
West, Bossier Parish, LA.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Ms. Hauser announced the public hearing to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of St.
Charles Court Village Subdivision, Unit No. 8A, a Planned Unit Development, being a replat of Lots 334 and 335, St.
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Charles Court Village Subdivision, Unit No. 8, located in Section 20, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier
Parish, LA.
Mr. Ryan Estess, Raley & Associates, Inc., was present. Mr. Skaggs stated that after review, there is a possible
cemetery in this area, and the proposed plat removes that area from the subdivision.
Motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Shewmake, to approve the plat of the proposed
development of St. Charles Court Village Subdivision, Unit No. 8A, a Planned Unit Development, being a replat of
Lots 334 and 335, St. Charles Court Village Subdivision, Unit No. 8, located in Section 20, Township 19 North,
Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Mr. David Ghormley, Property Standards Officer, reported on a meeting of the Property Standards Board of
Review, advising that it is recommended that a condemnation hearing be scheduled on April 4, 2018, to consider
condemnation of property located at 210 Longhorn Drive, Bossier City, LA, Tax Assessment No. 111585.
Motion was made by Ms. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Salzer, to schedule a condemnation hearing on April
4, 2018, to consider the condemnation of property located at 210 Longhorn Drive, Bossier City, LA, Tax
Assessment No. 111585.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Mr. Ghormley stated that the Board of Review recommended that a condemnation hearing be scheduled on
April 4, 2018, to consider condemnation of property located at 308 Pease Road, Haughton, LA, Tax Assessment No.
Motion was made by Ms. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to schedule a condemnation hearing on
April 4, 2018, to consider condemnation of property located at 308 Pease Road, Haughton, LA, Tax Assessment
No. 149484.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Mr. Ghormley stated that the Board of Review recommended that a condemnation hearing be scheduled on
April 4, 2018, to consider condemnation of property located at 595 Parish Camp Road, Elm Grove, LA, Tax Assessment
No. 121585.
Motion was made by Mr. Brotherton, seconded by Mr. Darby, to schedule a condemnation hearing on
April 4, 2018, to consider condemnation of property located at 595 Parish Camp Road, Elm Grove, LA, Tax
Assessment No. 121585.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Mr. Ghormley presented current photographs of condemned property located at 624 Red Chute Lane, Bossier
City, LA, Tax Assessment No. 113042, advising that parish crews have begun cleanup of the property. He stated that a
lien on the property will be filed with the 26
Judicial District Clerk of Court’s Office once the cleanup is complete.
Mr. Bob Brotherton, Chairman of the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee, reported on a meeting of that
committee. Committee members attending the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee meeting were Mr. Brotherton,
Mr. Benton, Mr. Plummer, Ms. Bennett, and Mr. Shewmake. Mr. Jackson, Mr. Ford, Mr. Jordan Pearson, and Mr. Bob
Basinger were also present. Other jurors present were Mr. Darby and Mr. Skaggs.
Mr. Brotherton stated that the committee discussed the development of language with the Metropolitan Planning
Commission for proposed changes in the Bossier City-Parish MPC Unified Development Code. He stated that
subdivision regulations were discussed pertaining to the need to have pre-meetings for site plans and zoning changes.
Mr. Brotherton stated that amendments to the caretaker ordinance were also discussed. He stated that there may
be additional requirements that must be met in order to qualify to place a second home on a lot for caretaker purposes.
Mr. Brotherton stated that the committee discussed possible amendments to address establishments selling liquor
within 300 feet of subdivisions on a non-arterial roadway.
Mr. Brotherton stated that the committee discussed the size of an accessory dwelling for larger lots.
Mr. Marsiglia stated that the committee also discussed additional language to the Unified Development Code
stating that the Parish of Bossier does not enforce subdivision covenants and deed restrictions.
Mr. Marsiglia stated that the committee also discussed additional language to address the subdividing of lots
smaller than the average sized lots in subdivisions.
Mr. Brotherton stated that the committee discussed the Linton Road Bridge and options available for bridge
Mr. Brotherton stated that the committee discussed parish roads and the possibility of increasing the thickness of
the asphalt when overlaying a parish road.
Mr. Brotherton stated that the committee also discussed a request from Evangeline Oaks Water System for the
parish to take over their water system in the Lake Bistineau area. He stated that after further review, it was determined
that it would not be feasible for the parish to purchase this water system.
Mr. Jack Skaggs, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported on a meeting of that committee. Committee
members attending the Finance Committee meeting were Mr. Skaggs, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Brotherton, Mr.
Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Rimmer, Mr. Salzer, and Mr. Shewmake. Ms. Sonja Bailes, Mr. Sam Marsiglia and Ms.
Carlotta Askew-Brown were also present.
Mr. Skaggs stated that the finance committee met today at 1:15 p.m. to discuss a request from the Bossier Parish
School Board for the police jury’s participation by co-sponsoring with the Cyber Innovation Center for costs associated
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with reserving the Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center for the inaugural i3 Art Expo for Bossier Parish students
at a cost of $4,000.00 each for the police jury and Cyber Innovation Center, for a total cost of $8,000.00.
Mr. Skaggs stated that the Finance Committee approved the request from the Bossier Parish School Board to
allocate $4,000.00 for the police jury’s participation by co-sponsoring with the Cyber Innovation Center for costs
associated with reserving the Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center for the inaugural i3 Art Expo for Bossier
Parish students.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Brotherton, to adopt a resolution of appreciation to
Mr. John Dancy, CSRA’s Chief Information Officer.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
WHEREAS, Mr. John Dancy is Chief Information Officer at CSRA; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Dancy provides technology vision and leadership in the development and implementation of
CSRA's information technology program; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Dancy previously served as director of Strategic Initiatives in CSC's North American Public
Sector (NPS) Infrastructure Services Group; and
WHEREAS, CSRA is providing the Nation with critical support functions related to National Security; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Dancy was the key operator and decision maker for the creation of the CSRA Integrated
Technology Center (ITC); and
WHEREAS, Mr. Dancy advocated for the Information Technology Center to be located in Bossier City/ Bossier
Parish; and
WHEREAS, the decision for CSRA’s Information Technology Center to be located in Bossier Parish was
successfully confected and 800 Information Technology Jobs and an associated $45 million payroll was ultimately
achieved; and
WHEREAS, the Parish of Bossier is sincerely grateful for Mr. Dancy's dedication and work in the Parish of
Bossier through his work at CSRA; and
WHEREAS, the city, parish and region will forever be changed for the better as a result.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury, on this 21st day of March, 2018,
that it does hereby express appreciation to Mr. John Dancy for his work and dedication to Bossier Parish at CSRA.
The resolution was offered by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Brotherton. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly
adopted on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Mr. Robert Mills, Vice President at Calumet Lubricants Co., requested the police jury’s support and allow them
to receive the local benefits of the Louisiana Industrial Tax Exemption Program based on their original application prior
to Executive Order JBE 16-26, dated June 24, 2016, being signed by Governor John Bel Edwards, which requires
approval from local governing authorities.
Mr. Mills stated that this work was located at the Princeton Refinery in 2015 and completed in 2016. He stated
that Calumet is requesting a tax exemption of $1.1 million under the rules that were existing at the time of their original
Mr. Skaggs stated that based on discussions during the finance committee meeting on March 7, 2018, to discuss
this matter, the decision by the police jury would be based on the algorithm by the North Louisiana Economic Partnership
that determines the value of each job created by a company. He stated that the request by Calumet only provides for one
job being created.
Mr. Skaggs stated that Calumet is requesting that the application for a tax exemption be considered under the
regulations that were in place prior to Governor Edward’s Executive Order changing regulations for Industrial Tax
Exemptions. He stated that if approved, the police jury would be setting a precedence by approving an Industrial Tax
Exemption when it does not meet job creation regulations.
Mr. Jackson stated that additional information has been received from the Bossier Parish Assessor’s Office
pertaining to the existing tax exempt property at Calumet, and this program was created to spur jobs.
Mr. Joe Buffington, Parish Treasurer, stated that the Industrial Tax Exemption would be for a five year period,
with the option for renewal with an 80 percent tax exemption and the police jury would determine the length of the
Mr. Jackson stated that at this time there is no system in place that monitors the amount of jobs a company is
creating when an application is filed for an Industrial Tax Exemption. He stated that police jury approval is required in
order for Calumet to receive the Industrial Tax Exemption. He further stated that the Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Department
and Bossier Parish School Board have not submitted their approval or denial on this request.
Mr. Darby stated that he understands that Calumet has made an investment in Bossier Parish, but the incentive
for this tax exemption is to create jobs and only one job was created from this application.
Mr. Scott Martinez, President of the North Louisiana Economic Partnership, stated that the Executive Order
issued by Governor Edwards approximately two years ago gave local governments who are impacted by revenues that are
exempt under the Industrial Tax Exemption Program a voice in that process. He stated that new rules require that the
local taxing bodies would need to adopt a resolution supporting the project, and the contractual obligation would be with
the company and the Louisiana Economic Development. Mr. Martinez stated that the local taxing bodies include the
police jury, sheriff’s department, school board and municipality in which the company is located.
Mr. Martinez stated that once the local taxing bodies adopt a resolution of support, the application would then
go before the Board of Commerce and Industry for final approval. He stated that the maximum time an Industrial Tax
Exemption can be issued is eight years, with the first exemption being for five years at a maximum exemption of 100
percent, and after five years, an extension of three years can be granted with a maximum exemption of 80 percent.
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Mr. Martinez stated that between the time the Executive Order was issued and rules were established, there was
an 18-month time lapse where there were no formal rules that applied to any applications received during that 18-month
time period.
Mr. Martinez stated that in this situation, the company filed an Advance Notification with the state showing that
they are going to invest the capital and hire one employee, which time stamps it. He stated that the company makes the
investment and hires personnel, but with this case, the capital was invested, personnel hired, and the company is now
required to receive approval from the local taxing bodies after the fact.
Mr. Martinez stated that NLEP has an economic impact model which will be used for future applications to
determine the benefits as far as tax revenue and public costs will be evaluated for local taxing bodies providing services
for new employees that may move into the parish and additional students in the school system. He stated that the formula
can be adjusted based on the parish were the project is located, and the multipliers are based on the type of industry. Mr.
Martinez stated that NLEP will look at an employment and an earnings multiplier to quantify that overall economic
impact of the project.
Mr. Darby asked if the police jury denies this request, can the state still approve it. Mr. Martinez stated that it is
an aggregated system. He stated that if four taxing bodies are considering a request from a company, and one decides not
to participate, an aggregated percentage would be considered.
Mr. Martinez stated that applications by Calumet were submitted prior to the Governor’s Executive Order.
Mr. Jackson stated that according to documents received from the Bossier Parish Assessor’s Office, the
Shreveport plant is valued at approximately $700 million, and $600 million is tax exempt under the old rules. He stated
that to his knowledge, LED administers these programs and have yet to reject any of the applications for the Industrial
Tax Exempt Program. Mr. Jackson stated that it is his understanding that once the application has been approved by
LED, the honor system is used for the applicants to submit their annual certifications, and there is no additional
inspection by the state.
Mr. Martinez stated that the rules and regulations of the Board of Commerce and Industry Committee have
Mr. Mills stated that Calumet has $600 million in exempted property because they have paid $600 million for
that property and time is running out on those exemptions. He stated that documents are required to be submitted with
the application and the invoices submitted total $1.1 million. He further stated that they are required to document every
dollar spent.
Mr. Mills stated that the old rules did not require any jobs to be created in order to receive the Industrial Tax
Exemption, but the new rules require job creation. He stated that their original filings were when the creation of jobs was
not a requirement in order to qualify for the Industrial Tax Exemption Program. He requested that the police jury
approve their application and allow the Board of Commerce and Industry to make a ruling on their applications.
Mr. Mills stated that the document presented to the police jury today by Mr. Jackson was not produced by
Calumet. Mr. Jackson stated that the documents were provided to him by the Bossier Parish Assessor’s office. Mr. Mills
stated that the document was presented by a Louisiana group protesting not only Calumet, but other issues.
Mr. Mills presented the following statement from Calumet’s taxing attorneys - “The materials prepared are
completely inaccurate and incorrect. Calumet paid $5.78 million in property taxes for the 2016 tax year. This is in
addition to the state and local parishes sales taxes, payroll taxes, motor fuel taxes, and other taxes. Additionally, the
Montana and San Antonio property tax information is incorrect. We obtained approximately $90 million in Montana
pollution control property and we successfully appealed the property taxes assessment to $312.5 million from the original
$538 million assessment. Finally, comparing facilities across state lines and jurisdictions distorts the taxing burden and
misrepresents the taxes paid. For example, Montana does not levy property taxes on inventory and does not have a state
sales tax.”
Mr. Jackson stated that his position is that this program was designed to encourage substantial new investment
and creation of a substantial number of jobs in our community, not operations, repair and maintenance. He stated that
whether the information received from the Bossier Parish Assessor’s Office is inaccurate or not, a good majority of
Calumet’s property is tax exempt. He stated that large trucks traveling parish roads going to the plant are destroying
parish roads and these taxes are used to repair parish roads.
Motion was made by Mr. Cochran, seconded by Mr. Darby, to deny a request for support by Calumet
Lubricants Co., LP (Calumet Princeton Refining, LLC), 10234 Highway 157, Princeton, LA, Project Numbers:
20161631, 20161940, 20161941, and 20170189, to allow them to receive the local benefits of the Louisiana
Industrial Tax Exemption Program.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried with Mr.
Skaggs opposing.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Plummer, to adopt a resolution authorizing the
Parish Administrator to execute any and all documents in connection with the purchase of Oak Hill Mobile Home
Park’s Sewer System.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
BE IT RESOLVED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session on this 21
day of March,
2018, that William R. Altimus, Parish Administrator, be and is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Bossier
Parish Police Jury any and all documents in connection with the purchase of Oak Hill Mobile Home Park’s Sewer
The resolution was offered by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Plummer. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly
adopted on this 21
day of March, 2018.
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Mr. Ford presented Change Order No. 4 for the Road and Drainage Improvement South Segment Project No.
2017-488, advising that the change order results in a decrease in the amount of $26,914.26. Motion was made by Ms.
Bennett, seconded by Mr. Shewmake, to approve Change Order No. 4 for the Road and Drainage Improvement
South Segment Project No. 2017-488, and to authorize the President to execute documents.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
BE IT RESOLVED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session on this 21
day of March,
2018, that it does hereby approve Change Order No. 4 for the Road and Drainage Improvement South Segment Project
No. 2017-488.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Glenn Benton, President, is hereby authorized to execute said Change
Order No. 4.
The resolution was offered by Ms. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Shewmake. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly
adopted on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Mr. Ford presented Change Order No. 2 for the Road and Drainage Improvement North Segment Project No.
2017-487, advising that the change order results in an increase in the amount of $13,427.23. Motion was made by Ms.
Bennett, seconded by Mr. Brotherton, to approve Change Order No. 2 for the Road and Drainage Improvement
North Segment Project No. 2017-487, and to authorize the President to execute documents.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
BE IT RESOLVED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session on this 21
day of March,
2018, that it does hereby approve Change Order No. 2 for the Road and Drainage Improvement North Segment Project
No. 2017-487.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Glenn Benton, President, is hereby authorized to execute said Change
Order No. 2.
The resolution was offered by Ms. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Brotherton. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly
adopted on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Rimmer, to accept streets and drainage in Willow
Heights Subdivision, Phase 1, into the parish road system for permanent maintenance.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
WHEREAS, the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session convened on the 21
day of March,
2018, has received a request from Specialty Trackhoe and Dozer Service, that the parish accept into its system for
permanent maintenance, the streets and drainage in Willow Heights Subdivision, Phase 1; and
WHEREAS, the said streets and drainage have been completed in accordance with the specifications of the
Bossier Parish Police Jury; and
WHEREAS, a two-year maintenance bond has been executed in favor of the Bossier Parish Police Jury to
guarantee against failure of said streets and drainage as to material and workmanship as required by Chapter 110, Section
110-201 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinance.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bossier Parish Police Jury that it does accept the two-year
maintenance bond of Specialty Trackhoe and Dozer Service, including labor and materials, for the above captioned
streets and drainage.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bossier Parish Police Jury does hereby accept into the parish
maintenance system for continuous maintenance, streets and drainage located in Willow Heights Subdivision, Phase 1,
Bossier Parish, Louisiana:
Acacia Drive 0.157 mile
Coppice Place 0.465 mile
Hackberry Drive 0.243 mile
Hyperion Street 0.026 mile
Mahogany Lane 0.024 mile
Mangrove Lane 0.026 mile
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this ordinance be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of
Court, Bossier Parish, Louisiana, together with the maintenance bond.
The Ordinance was offered by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Rimmer. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly
adopted on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Salzer, to accept the sewer main extension and
improvements in Willow Heights Subdivision, Unit No. 1, into the Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District
No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier sewer system for permanent maintenance.
March 21, 2018
Page 13
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
WHEREAS, the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session convened on the 21st day of March,
2018, has received a request from Pully Construction, Inc., that the parish accept into the Consolidated
Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier sewer system for permanent maintenance, the sewer main
extension and improvements in Willow Heights Subdivision, Unit No. 1; and
WHEREAS, the said sewer system has been completed in accordance with the specifications of the Bossier
Parish Police Jury; and
WHEREAS, a two-year maintenance bond has been executed in favor of the Bossier Parish Police Jury to
guarantee against failure of said sewer system as to material and workmanship as required by Chapter 122, Section 122-
65 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinance.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bossier Parish Police Jury that it does accept the two-year
maintenance bond of Pully Construction, Inc., including labor and materials, for the above captioned sewer system.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bossier Parish Police Jury does hereby accept into the parish sewer
system for continuous maintenance, the sewer system located in Willow Heights Subdivision, Unit No. 1, Bossier Parish,
Louisiana; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this ordinance be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of
Court, Bossier Parish, Louisiana, together with the maintenance bond.
The Ordinance was offered by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Salzer. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly adopted
on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Mr. Altimus reported that an announcement was made Monday that Shreveport-Bossier will host the 2018 Miss
Teen USA and Miss USA pageants. He stated that an item will be placed on the April 4, 2018, agenda to allocate funds
for these events.
Mr. Altimus stated that a retirement party is scheduled for Ms. Freddie Cherry on March 22, 2018, between the
hours of 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Bossier Parish Library Administration Office located at 4915 Shed Road. He
stated that Ms. Cherry was an active board member for the Bossier Parish Library Board of Control for many years, and
encouraged the police jurors to attend.
Mr. Altimus recommended authorization for Mr. Jackson to work with the Bossier Parish School Board to
prepare a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for the school board to swap school board property for potential parks for
the parish in exchange for the parish providing asphalt overlay services on school board properties.
After further discussion, motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Darby, to amend the agenda to
authorize the Parish Administrator and the Parish Attorney to proceed with preparation of a Cooperative
Endeavor Agreement with the Bossier Parish School Board to exchange Bossier Parish School Board property for
asphalt overlay services by the police jury on school board properties, and authorize the execution of documents.
There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried with the following vote:
AYES: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Craig, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr.
Rimmer, Mr. Salzer, Mr. Shewmake, Mr. Skaggs
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Mr. Avery
Motion was made by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Darby, to authorize the Parish Administrator and the
Parish Attorney to proceed with preparation of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Bossier Parish
School Board to exchange Bossier Parish School Board property for asphalt overlay services by the police jury on
school board properties, and to authorize the execution of documents.
The President called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
BE IT RESOLVED by the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session on this 21
day of March,
2018, that William R. Altimus, Parish Administrator, or Glenn Benton, President, be and is hereby authorized to execute
on behalf of the Bossier Parish Police Jury, a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Bossier Parish School Board to
exchange Bossier Parish School Board property for asphalt overlay services by the police jury on school board
The resolution was offered by Mr. Skaggs, seconded by Mr. Darby. Upon unanimous vote, it was duly adopted
on this 21
day of March, 2018.
Mr. Ford reported on a meeting held Monday with Kansas City Southern Railroad on the Acceleration Lane on
US 71, Planning and Construction (Bossier), FP&C Project No. 50-J08-14-02. He stated that installation of the
guardrails and dirt work should begin soon.
Mr. Ford provided an update on utility relocation for State Project No. H.003854/H.011726, F.A.P. No.
H.003854/H.011726, Bossier North/South Corridor, I-220/Swan Lake Road Interchange to Crouch Road, Bossier Parish,
March 21, 2018
Page 14
Mr. Ford reported that a meeting is scheduled for Monday with Mr. Ryan Estess, Raley & Associates, Inc., and
Mr. Jim Hollier, Department of Transportation and Development, to discuss the traffic study on Highway 3 for the new
Kingston High School.
Mr. Ford stated that a training session is scheduled next week with the Division of Administration to discuss
Community Development Block Grant funds to assist the parish with recuperating the 25 percent of funds spent by the
police jury to Federal Emergency Management Agency for the damage from the recent flood event. He stated that other
parishes will also be attending the training session.
Mr. Ford stated that he will be attending a meeting in Baton Rouge tomorrow with Senator Ryan Gatti, the
Corps of Engineers, and other representatives to discuss the issue of the Red River encroaching Highway 537 in north
Bossier Parish. He stated that the river is approximately 150 feet from Highway 537.
Mr. Rimmer asked if DOTD has committed to participating in the cost to improve the Linton Road Bridge. Mr.
Ford stated that he will be speaking with DOTD tomorrow regarding this matter.
Mr. Mark Coutee, Public Works Director, presented an update on activities of the highway department and on
several road projects in the parish.
Mr. Warren Saucier, Parks and Recreation Director, presented an update on activities at parks throughout
Bossier Parish.
Mr. Harold Hollenshead, a property owner of property off Highway 537, requested the police jury’s assistance
with the Red River encroaching on Highway 537. He stated that Millers Bluff Road has been closed by the police jury,
which connects two major state highways. He further stated that the residents in that area are suffering due to the Red
River encroaching the main highway.
Mr. Hollenshead stated that if something is not done soon, the river is going to wash out Highway 537. He
stated that if the parish continues to close roads that serve as an artery for major highways and does not do what is
necessary to prevent the washout of Highway 537, the citizens in this area will suffer greatly.
Mr. Hollenshead stated that many residents used Millers Bluff Road frequently, but now they are unable to use
the roadway since the police jury closed the road.
Mr. Salzer asked why the police jury closed Millers Bluff Road. Mr. Ford stated that the landowners that
dedicated Millers Bluff Road to the police jury requested that the parish close the road so that they could install gates to
keep people from dumping on the road and on their property. He stated that the parish closed Millers Bluff Road, but did
not abandon the road.
Mr. Ford stated that if a citizen needs use of the road, they are supposed to be allowed to have access by
contacting the property owners to open the gate.
Mr. Hollenshead stated that the citizens are not being allowed use of Millers Bluff Road by the property owners.
He stated that citizens in that area were not notified prior to the police jury closing Millers Bluff Road, and requested
that the road be reopened.
Mr. Rimmer stated that there is an issue with citizens not being allowed to use Millers Bluff Road, and asked
that this matter be further reviewed.
Finance Committee Meeting March 21, 2018, 1:30 p.m.
The Finance Committee of the Bossier Parish Police Jury met on this 21
day of March, 2018, at 1:30 p.m., in
the Police Jury Meeting Room, Bossier Parish Courthouse, Benton, Louisiana, with Mr. Avery being absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Plummer, seconded by Ms. Bennett, to approve payment of accounts payable
invoices for the month of February, 2018.
The Chairman called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
Mr. Altimus requested that the agenda be amended to consider a request from the Bossier Parish School Board
for the police jury’s participation in co-sponsoring with the Cyber Innovation Center for costs associated with reserving
the Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center for the inaugural i3 Art Expo for Bossier Parish students.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Plummer, to amend the agenda to consider a request
from the Bossier Parish School Board for the police jury’s participation in co-sponsoring with the Cyber
Innovation Center for costs associated with reserving the Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center for the
inaugural i3 Art Expo for Bossier Parish students.
The President called for public comment. There being none, motion carried, with the following vote
AYES: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Benton, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Darby, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Rimmer,
Mr. Salzer, Mr. Shewmake, Mr. Skaggs
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Mr. Avery
Mr. Altimus reported that the Finance Committee met at 1:15 p.m. today to discuss a request from the Bossier
Parish School Board for the police jury’s participation in co-sponsoring with the Cyber Innovation Center for costs
associated with reserving the Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center for the inaugural i3 Art Expo for Bossier
March 21, 2018
Page 15
Parish students. He stated that the cost to participate and co-sponsor is $4,000.00 each for the police jury and Cyber
Innovation Center, for a total cost of $8,000.00.
Ms. Sonja Bailes, Bossier Parish School Board, stated that the inaugural i3 Art Expo is scheduled for May 3-5,
2018. She stated that with the continued growth of Bossier Parish schools, Superintendent Scott Smith saw the need for
Bossier Parish to host an art expo for Bossier Parish’s students to showcase.
Ms. Bailes stated that the art expo is a three-day event at the Bossier Civic Center. She stated that all second
graders attending Bossier Parish schools will be bussed to the Civic Center on May 3
and 4
in order for them to
experience the i3 Art Expo. She stated that the event is partnering with Bossier Parish libraries to include a literature
initiative during the event to assist the second graders with obtaining library cards, encourage participation in the summer
reading program, and foster reading skills.
Ms. Bailes stated that the students will also be able to view all Bossier Parish students’ art work from their
school’s display. She stated that talented arts and music students will also be participating in the art expo. Ms. Bailes
stated that hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEM) activities will be held in the
Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center.
Ms. Bailes stated that on May 5
, the public will be invited to view the art and visit the Imagination Room for
the hands-on activities. She stated that the event will be free to the public. Ms. Bailes stated that the students will also be
showcasing their talent on stage for the public during this event. She stated that an awards ceremony is planned at 4:00
p.m. on May 5
Ms. Bailes encouraged the public’s support of this event.
Motion was made by Mr. Rimmer, seconded by Mr. Salzer, to approve the request from the Bossier
Parish School Board for the police jury’s participation by co-sponsoring with the Cyber Innovation Center for
costs associated with reserving the Imagination Room at the Bossier Civic Center for the inaugural i3 Art Expo
for Bossier Parish students at a cost of $4,000.00 each for the police jury and Cyber Innovation Center, for a total
cost of $8,000.00.
The Chairman called for public comment. There being none, votes were cast and the motion carried
The Finance Committee meeting was adjourned by the Chairman.
There being no further business to come before the Bossier Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session on
this 21
day of March, 2018, the meeting was adjourned by the President at 4:10 p.m.