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!e !eoretical Separation of Brand Equity and
Brand Value: Managerial Implications for Strategic
Randle D. Raggio
University of Richmond, rra[email protected]
Robert P. Leone
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Raggio, Randle D. and Leone, Robert P., "5e 5eoretical Separation of Brand Equity and Brand Value: Managerial Implications for
Strategic Planning" (2007). Marketing Faculty Publications. 10.
Randle D. Raggio
Assistant Professor of Marketing
E. J. Ourso College of Business
Louisiana State University
3122 C CEBA Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70703
(225) 578-2434
Robert P. Leone
Berry Chair of New Technologies Professor of Marketing
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
560 Fisher Hall
2100 Neil Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 292-1155
November 1, 2006
Revised March 3, 2006
Revised February 14, 2006
Original version: March 15, 2005
Please do not cite without permission of the authors.
Separating Equity and Value
During the past 15 years, brand equity has been a priority topic for both practitioners and
academics. In this article, the authors propose a new framework for conceptualizing brand
equity that distinguishes between brand equity, conceived of as an intrapersonal construct that
moderates the impact of marketing activities, and brand value, which is the sale or replacement
value of a brand. Such a distinction is important because, from a managerial perspective, the
ultimate goal of brand management and brand equity research should be to understand how to
leverage equity to create value.
Separating Equity and Value
Brand Equity versus Brand Value
In this paper we present a new conceptual model that establishes brand equity and brand
value as two distinct constructs. Brand equity moderates the impact of marketing activities on
consumers’ actions, implies a consumer-based focus, and represents one of many factors that
contribute to brand value, which we define as the sale or replacement value of a brand, and
which implies a company-based perspective. We believe that one of the primary reasons no
generally accepted measure of brand equity has surfaced in the past 15 years is that brand equity
and brand value frequently are treated as the same construct (e.g., Keller and Lehmann 2002, p.
1; Krishnan 1996, p. 390; Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon 2004b, p. 118; Simon and Sullivan 1993,
p. 29). We suggest that the first step required to understand “true” brand equity is to develop a
conceptual framework that clearly separates the concepts of brand equity and brand value. In
making this distinction, we argue that most of the outcome measures used in previous brand
equity research have focused more on brand value than on brand equity.
We subsequently provide more precise definitions, but for conceptual purposes at this
point, we suggest that brand equity represents what the brand means to the consumer, whereas
brand value represents what the brand means to a focal company (Srivastava and Shocker 1991).
Therefore, each represents not only a distinct construct but a unique perspective as well.
Separating the two constructs opens a discussion about the ways that brand equity contributes to
brand value (cf. Keller and Lehmann 2002; Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon 2004) and how both can
be increased, which should be the focus of both researchers and practitioners.
Separating Equity and Value
We note that our focus is on customer- or consumer-based brand equity throughout the
paper, but the concepts could easily be extended to consider other constituencies (e.g., suppliers,
partners, distribution, etc.).
In their award-winning paper, Ailawadi, Lehmann and Neslin (2003) basically argue that
brand equity is when more people line up to pay more for a branded versus non- or other-
branded offering. We allow that this is one potential outcome of brand equity, but this outcome
is not necessary to establish brand equity’s existence, since it presupposes and requires
competition, as well as purchase. We suggest that it is possible for a pioneering brand that has
established a new category to build brand equity during the time when competitors do not yet
exist. Consider Apple’s iPod. Introduced in October, 2001, we suggest that its continued
leadership more than five years after introduction is due to the positive equity built during the
time before it faced competition. Likewise, it should also be possible for a brand that has a legal
monopoly and faces no competition, to build brand equity, just as it should be possible for a store
brand or “value” brand to build equity without the manifestation of large sales numbers or price
Consider the Rolex brand. A small sample of Ph.D. students at a large Midwestern U.S.
university all agreed that Rolex has brand equity. But when asked who has or would purchase a
Rolex watch, not one of the students said they own or plan to purchase a Rolex. The fact that a
person decides to not purchase a brand is not proof that brand equity does not exist. In the same
fashion, the fact that a person does purchase a brand – even at a price premium – cannot be
conclusive proof that brand equity does exist. Purchase may indicate only that the brand is just
objectively good (Keller 1993) and that a nonlinear relationship exists between the amount of
“goodness” that the brand possesses (over competitors) and price. Therefore, while large market
Separating Equity and Value
share or price premium may be outcomes of brand equity, these outcomes by themselves, are
neither necessary nor sufficient to establish equity.
As Keller (2003a, p. 597) asserts, “Any potential encounter with a brand—marketing
initiated or not—has the opportunity to change the mental representation of the brand and the
kinds of information that can appear in consumer memory.” Such an encounter may occur when
a consumer views only the name, logo, or packaging of the brand and automatically generates
perceptions about and/or associations with the brand. These perceptions and/or associations
contribute to brand equity. Thus, we suggest it is not possible for a brand to have no brand
equity. In other words, because it is hard to imagine a brand void of any associations, even if
small, some level of brand equity must always exist.
The distinction between equity and value becomes clear if we imagine two firms bidding
to purchase a brand from a third firm. At a particular point in time, assuming an objective
measure of brand equity exists and is used by all three firms, each firm should be looking at the
same “number” for the brand’s equity. However, the different prospective owners might develop
totally different brand valuations on the basis of their existing capabilities and resources, which
would impact their ability to leverage that brand equity to generate value. Likewise, the value of
the brand to a particular bidder may increase (decrease) if the new owner is (not) able to leverage
existing brand equity. Different bid prices do not represent different assessments of brand equity
calculated by the firms but rather different valuations based on their perceived abilities to
leverage existing and build new brand equity. Moreover, if a purchase takes place, the
purchaser’s valuation must have been higher than that of the current owner (Barwise et al. 1990),
again suggesting the idiosyncratic nature of brand value. It should follow that because the
prospective owner determines a valuation for a brand prior to purchase, brand equity does not
immediately increase for consumers when ownership is transferred. Brand equity may increase
Separating Equity and Value
when consumers become aware of the new ownership, but only if consumers hold positive
associations for the new owner and these positive associations contribute to increased equity.
Figure 1 presents a simplified version of the process a firm might follow to value a brand.
Basically, the valuation process is approached from the perspective of the firm and involves
“following the money” as it flows from the marketplace into the firm and then tracking how this
activity impacts shareholder value. . Starting with marketplace activity, individual-level
outcomes (e.g., purchase) are aggregated up to a brand level and these brand-level outcomes
directly impact the value of the brand. Ultimately, the value of the brand impacts shareholder
value. This is a reasonable process for valuation, but in much of the marketing literature, the
first two boxes (individual- and brand-level outcomes) have become accepted as measures of
brand equity. We believe this is inappropriate and may produce an inaccurate measure of true
brand equity. As demonstrated above, brand equity may account for the presence of some of
these outcomes, but focusing on outcomes confounds objective goodness of products with
equity, and does not account for equity that may exist among those who are not prospects for a
Figure 1 here
What Figure 1 lacks is an explanation for where the individual-level outcomes come
from. To understand the source of these outcomes, it is necessary to take the consumer’s
perspective. Figure 2 shows how the environment, with all its information (marketing-related
and not) contributes to brand knowledge, which Keller (1993) links with brand equity.
Consumer-based brand equity then impacts the individual-level outcomes that are observable in
the marketplace. Even if we have multiple observations for a single individual, it is still critical
to control for alternative explanations (e.g., objectively good products) before concluding that
Separating Equity and Value
marketplace actions are caused by brand equity, and we must be careful to not assume that
measures of brand equity based on individual-level outcomes fully capture all of a brand’s brand
Figure 2 here
A specific case that demonstrates the distinction between equity and value is the $1.7
billion purchase of Snapple by Quaker Oats in 1994. Quaker Oats’ distribution strength rested in
supermarkets and drug stores, not the smaller convenience stores and gas stations that constituted
more than half of Snapple’s sales at the time of purchase (Feder 1997). Because Quaker Oats
was unable to increase supermarket and drug store sales enough to compensate for lost
convenience and gas station sales, Quaker was forced to sell Snapple for a mere $300 million
only three years later. In this case, Snapple’s brand value decreased enormously over the three
years that Quaker Oats owned it, but this decrease may have had nothing to do with its brand
equity, which could have stayed the same over this time period or even increased due to its new
exposure in supermarkets and drug stores. In other words, neither a brand’s purchase price nor a
dramatic change in its selling price provide information about the magnitude or movement of a
brand’s equity.
Not only are the constructs of brand value and brand equity different, they are not
necessarily directionally related. Consider the decision by Lee Jeans to increase its distribution
by agreeing to sell its product at Wal-Mart. Ceteris paribus, Lee should have been able to
generate higher revenues due to its huge distribution gains, and consequently, the value of the
Lee brand may have increased. It does not follow, however, that the brand equity for Lee Jeans
would increase. The impact on Lee’s image of selling its jeans at a store like Wal-Mart may
result in decreased brand equity within one or more segments of Lee’s consumers. So though
Separating Equity and Value
Lee’s brand value was increasing because it was sold at Wal-Mart, its brand equity may have
decreased within many consumers. As these cases show, brand equity and brand value are not
different dimensions of the same construct.
From the preceding discussion and as shown in Figures 1 and 2, we believe it should be
clear that brand equity is not the same thing as the outcomes that it influences, and should
certainly not be confused with brand value. Each construct is distinct and suggests a different
perspective (i.e., consumer vs. company). Most critically for practitioners and market research
firms, because brand equity and brand value are two related but separate constructs, it is
impossible to produce a single number that reliably captures simultaneous changes in consumer
perceptions of the brand and the market value of the brand, as they may move in concert, one
may lag the other, or they may even move in opposite directions.
In the sections that follow, we discuss how brand equity contributes to brand value
demonstrate that brand value may be driven by elements beyond brand equity that are not even
directly related to customers or consumers in general.
Brand Equity
Among research in the brand equity area, a single, uniformly accepted theoretical
foundation still has not emerged. Such a theoretical foundation should describe how to develop
brand equity and leverage it to create value by clarifying the distinction between brand equity
and brand value in an appropriate framework.
In the previous section, we suggested that brand value is specific to a particular owner
and implies a unique, company-based perspective. We now propose that brand equity resides
within, and is specific to, each consumer (Keller 1993; Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon 2004a,b).
Because we conceptualize brand value as firm specific, it is not the same as “value in use” or a “value
proposition,” both of which are consumer-based concepts and therefore not consistent with the company perspective
of brand value. The best consumer-based financial brand valuation measure assesses the consumer’s willingness to
pay (e.g., Wertenbroch and Skiera 2002).
Separating Equity and Value
Therefore, a single, individual-level, objective measure of “true” brand equity exists because
brand equity resides within consumers, not within the brand (Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon
Brand Equity Defined
Consistent with Clifton and Simmons (2004) and Ward, Light, and Goldstine (1999) we
suggest that a brand represents a promise of benefits to a customer or consumer (business or
individual). Brand managers may choose to focus brand-building activities (e.g., advertising) on
one or more of the functional, emotional, social, safety, etc., benefits of the brand, but ultimately,
consumers decide not only their perceptions of the degree to which the promise of brand
manager-defined benefits is met, but also whether other benefits are also available from the
brand. For example, Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi was in a music studio when the
singer Neil Young walked in wearing a T-shirt with the Tide laundry detergent’s bull’s-eye logo,
implying (according to Roberts) “coolness,” a benefit not explicitly emphasized by the brand
managers at Procter & Gamble, Tide’s manufacturer (Webber 2000). It is clear that consumers
may derive unintended emotional, safety, prestige, or other benefits from brands, and that these
benefits can be important to consumers.
Whereas it has long been accepted that all goods and services provide benefits (e.g.,
Kotler 1977; Penrose 1958), it should follow that consumer perceptions determine whether a
brand’s promise is salient and whether or not the brand has met its promise. Furthermore, these
perceptions are imperfectly measured simply by observing outcome measures based on purchase
We therefore define brand equity as the perception or desire that a brand will meet a
promise of benefits. We include “desire” as a component of brand equity for the situations
where consumers are pulling for a brand and want it to succeed, as would be the case for
Separating Equity and Value
nostalgia brands, or sports brands (e.g. football teams). Rossiter and Percy (1991, p. 103) state
that “all ads make a ‘promise’ and thereby invoke hope….” We suggest that since it, too,
represents a promise, a brand invokes hope and desire on the part of consumers. The
combination of belief based on evidence and hope are the foundations of brand equity.
Operationally, we conceptualize brand equity as a moderator of the impact of marketing
activities (products, advertising messages, etc.) on consumers’ actions (consideration, purchase,
etc.). As a moderator, it is clear that brand equity contributes to particular outcomes, but cannot
be identical to the outcomes themselves. Brand equity makes marketing activities more or less
effective than they would be if equity did not exist. As Smith and Park (1992) and Srivastava
and Shocker (1991) show, strong brands contribute to reduced marketing costs, supporting the
moderating role we suggest.
Both the salience of the promise and the level of equity affect the degree to which a
consumer’s input outcome link is moderated (Figure 3), and thus, the impact of equity on
observable outcomes. However, a high level of equity for a brand with a salient promise should
influence outcomes in favor of that brand. A large amount of equity will have little impact on a
consumer who believes the strong promise of a brand in a category for which he is not a
prospect. For example, a young person may have developed a large amount of equity for
Pampers even though she is not yet in the market for diapers. This demonstrates yet another
reason why outcome measures do not fully capture brand equity.
Figure 3 here
This definition and operationalization are in line with Farquhar’s (1989) and Punj and
Hillyer’s (2004) suggestions that the brand equity construct is conceptually similar to attitude
strength, and should manifest the intrapersonal advantages of strong brands proposed by Keller
Separating Equity and Value
(2003b). Thus defined, brand equity should result in (1) biased processing of information, (2)
persistent attitudes or beliefs that are (3) resistant to change, and (4) behaviors that are influenced
by those beliefs (Petty and Krosnick 1995).
Since each consumer has his or her own perceptions about the salience of a promise of
benefits and the brand’s performance, brand equity must be an individual-level construct,
implying that neither the brand nor the firm “owns” a brand’s equity (Clifton and Simmons
2004). We suggest that rather than thinking about managing brand equity, brand managers
instead should focus on leveraging the equity that resides with individuals in order to maximize
brand value, which necessitates a change from being inward-focused (company) to outward-
focused (consumers).
Consider a generalized scenario based on Figure 3. The environment, including the
marketplace with its marketing messages, provides information and offers options to individuals
(input). Individuals draw on their experience and associations in memory (which contribute to
consumer-based brand equity) to make a decision and decide upon a course of action. Some
individual-level outcomes such as purchase will be visible in the marketplace and added to the
aggregate view of the market (firm’s perspective; not shown in Figure 3), while others such as
adding a product to a future consideration set (e.g., in a different context) are not picked up in an
aggregate outcome measure. Relying only on visible outcome measures (e.g., purchase) would
not capture the true total amount of brand equity that a consumer holds for a brand. Likewise,
simply aggregating the outcomes across all consumers will not capture the total amount of equity
for the brand in the marketplace.
For example, while shopping for a car, a consumer may strongly consider a “sporty”
brand, but not purchase that brand after concluding that it will not meet the needs of his growing
family. However, as an outcome of that same shopping experience, he may also decide that the
Separating Equity and Value
“sporty” brand would be a great rental for the romantic getaway he is planning. Brand equity for
the “sporty” brand may even go up. But if purchase were required for brand equity to exist, one
would conclude that there was no brand equity for the “sporty” brand, yet it is clear from the way
the brand impacted his thinking that brand equity may indeed exist. Purchase of the “family”
brand would be noticed in the marketplace – even if the purchase were driven purely by
utilitarian considerations rather than the effects of brand equity – yet, the addition of a brand to a
future consideration set would not.
What becomes clear is the fact that equating brand equity with marketplace outcomes
bypasses all of the changes that can occur in consumer attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, etc., yet it
is what happens in the (heart and) mind of the consumer that determines brand equity.
Moreover, even actual purchases do not reveal whether the observed outcome is due to brand
equity (c.f. Fennell and Allenby 2003). The decision to purchase could be based on a careful
consideration, be simply due to inertia or laziness, or even be a mistake. Furthermore,
perceptions can exist at either a detailed attribute or an overall brand level, and brand equity may
be based on perceptions that relate to specific attributes for one consumer or those that relate to
some overall brand impression for another (Dillon et al. 2001; Raggio and Leone 2005). Thus, it
should be clear that while aggregate marketplace measures may capture part of the brand value
for the firm, such measures miss the moderating impact of brands on individuals, which is the
domain of brand equity.
It is important to distinguish between brand equity’s effect and its existence. Brand
equity may exist even in cases where purchase is habitual and based on inertia (or even
addiction). In such cases, at some point in time, and as a result of his or her positive experience
with the brand, brand equity was developed and had an impact on the consumer, making future
purchases habitual. Once a habit is formed, its maintenance may be affected by brand equity
Separating Equity and Value
only to the extent that the equity causes the person to not reevaluate his or her consideration set,
even in the face of new information or choices. For example (consistent with Figure 3), if a loyal
Diet Coke consumer hears that a new beverage is available or that aspartame may be linked to
memory loss (input), brand equity moderates the impact of that new information, and may affect
his or her decision to continue purchasing Diet Coke (outcome). Moreover, in this case, the
consumer may decide to stop drinking Diet Coke for health reasons but retain a high level of
brand equity. Over time, if not reinforced or, contrariwise, reduced by reports that, say, Coca-
Cola suppressed evidence of health risks, this equity may diminish. However, as demonstrated
previously, lack of purchase alone does not prove that brand equity does not exist.
In situations that force consumers to reconstruct their consideration sets and reevaluate
the options available (e.g., Wood and Lynch 2002), brand equity may help consumers
demonstrate trust in a brand’s promise of benefits (see Table 1 for a representative list of
Table 1 here
Although brand equity is not required to maintain consistent choice, consistent
performance by a brand may contribute to its brand equity, which makes it possible for even an
“expert” to hold significant amounts of brand equity for a well-known brand. For example, its
regular users may believe that Diet Coke consistently meets its promise of benefits, and this
awareness lead to increased levels of brand equity for those consumers.
Finally, brand equity for one brand in a category is not mutually exclusive. This
characteristic distinguishes brand equity from brand attachment. As Thomson, MacInnis, and
Park (2005, p. 79) indicate, “a strong emotional attachment is characterized by a perception that
the object is irreplaceable.” Equity for multiple brands in a category exists simultaneously
Separating Equity and Value
within a consumer; thus, choice (purchase) of one brand does not indicate a lack of brand equity
for other brands. This logic is especially true of the relationship between the brand equity of
private labels and national brands. The purchase of a private label does not indicate a lack of
brand equity for a national brand; instead, it simply may suggest that the interaction of marketing
activity and equity for the national brand did not produce a sufficient reason to purchase.
Brand Value
Brand value represents what the brand means to a focal company. Brand value may vary
depending on the owner (or potential owner) of the brand, because different owners may be able
to capture more or less potential value according to their ability to leverage brand equity. More
formally, we define brand value as the sale or replacement value of a brand. Brand value is
impacted by brand equity to the extent that brand equity contributes to more positive financial
outcomes in favor of the brand (i.e., those that are visible in the marketplace such as purchase).
We have demonstrated that brand equity may exist within consumers and produce positive
outcomes such as consideration, or exist within consumers who are not prospects for a particular
brand, but these outcomes would not impact current brand value.
In Figure 4, we introduce two important levels of brand value: current and appropriable.
Both are subjective and depend on the resources and capabilities of a focal firm. For a particular
firm at a particular point in time, all other things being equal, the firm will recognize a brand’s
current value. However, a higher appropriable value (e.g., Mizik and Jacobsen 2003) might be
accessible if the firm were able to perfectly leverage the existing brand equity. Both values
represent the net present value of all future brand profits. Thus, current value is based on
projected profits that will accrue to the current owners with the existing strategy, capabilities,
Separating Equity and Value
and resources, whereas appropriable value is based on the projected profits that would accrue to
a firm that fully leveraged the existing brand equity. In other words, current brand value defines
what is for a particular firm, whereas appropriable value defines what can be, if brand equity is
fully leveraged.
Figure 4 here
Estimates of appropriable value can be based on sources that include the superior
resources or capabilities of competitors, which allow them to leverage more of the brand’s
equity, or the “vision” of an individual or firm. For example, in October 1997, the Cracker Jack
brand was owned by Borden and consumers held a certain amount of equity for the Cracker Jack
brand. Borden sold Cracker Jack to Frito-Lay, which owned a 15,000 truck direct-to-store
delivery system that one industry consultant estimated “would add 10 to 15 market share points
in the category” (Thompson 1997, p. 16). Borden may have recognized that Cracker Jack would
benefit greatly from Frito-Lay’s core strengths—distribution and marketing—and that Frito-Lay
would pay more to purchase the brand than any profits Borden could achieve on its own because
of its more limited resources and capabilities. Frito-Lay was able to double Cracker Jack sales
and post double-digit sales increases in the two years after purchase (Hartnett 2000). Thus, the
decision by Borden executives to sell Cracker Jack made good business sense because they knew
that the Cracker Jack brand would be more valuable within the Frito-Lay system than it could be
in their own system. That is, Frito-Lay knew that it could leverage more of Cracker Jack’s brand
equity than could Borden. And Borden was able to capture more of the brand’s appropriable
value by selling it to Frito-Lay than by owning it and increasing its investment in the brand.
Further distinguishing between brand equity and brand value, we note that brand value is
impacted by managerial decisions related to pricing, brand scope, segmentation, positioning, etc.
Separating Equity and Value
Additionally, brand value accrues to firms from sources not directly related to customers or
consumers in general. Patents, trademarks, channel relationships, superior management, and
creative talent are brand assets that contribute to brand value, but since they are not derived from
consumers, they should not be considered a component of brand equity. These assets allow a
firm to exclude/reduce competition (e.g., patents and trademarks), or create and leverage brand
equity (e.g, management and capabilities), thus are valuable to a firm.
Further, Del Vecchio, Jarvis, and Klink (2003) demonstrate that strong brands enable
companies to hire better people cheaper, which lowers human resource (HR) costs. Because
employees need not be prospective consumers of the company’s products, it follows that any
value added through reduced HR costs (or other overhead items) are not directly affected by
customers or consumers in general, but they do affect the profitability (and thus the value) of the
company’s brands. Their research provides evidence that brands contribute value in ways that are
not measured by contribution-based methods (e.g., CLV), which ignore the positive impacts of
brands on overhead costs, but should be considered in the sale or replacement value of the
brands. Del Vecchio, Jarvis, and Klink (2003) also suggest that brands could contribute value to
their firms through relationships with capital markets (e.g., more attractive credit terms),
governmental or regulatory agencies (e.g., more attractive tax incentives), and the channel (e.g.,
easier access to shelf space) (Del Vecchio, Jarvis, and Klink 2003). Ultimately, the total value
that a brand contributes to the various areas of a firm should have an impact on shareholder
To summarize, we argue that brands generate value for their owners through two general
mechanisms: directly through the sales volume and profitability enabled by firm resources and
capabilities and indirectly by lowering costs in areas such as HR (Del Vecchio, Jarvis, and Klink
Separating Equity and Value
2003). Therefore, customer equity, a CLV-based approach, captures only a part of overall brand
value, since it does not include the overhead cost-reducing benefits of strong brands.
Furthermore, brand value has two features that distinguish it from the CLV-based
customer equity construct. First, brand value considers profit from all sources, whether or not
they are directly related to customers (i.e., licensing, patents, tax incentives, attractive loan rates).
Second, it considers both current and appropriable brand values, which make the brand value
construct more comprehensive and applicable to the firm as a whole.
Having presented our views of brand equity and brand value, we now present a
conceptual model that positions the two constructs within a larger framework. Models describe
the components of brand equity (e.g., Keller 1993; Punj and Hillyer 2004) or the impact of brand
equity (e.g., Keller 2003b), but to date, no model provides a comprehensive view of the
development of brand equity from different sources, the impact that brand equity has on
individuals, and how this individual-level impact appears in marketplace metrics. Our model
demonstrates that traditional measures are at least two stages removed from the consumer, which
may explain the potential disconnect between actual brand equity and outcomes that can be
measured in the marketplace.
Our model is not intended to describe the components or dimensions of brand equity or
how it impacts choice; however, it can be modified to bring in other existing consumer behavior
theory (e.g., central vs. peripheral processing; Petty and Cacioppo 1986) that influences
judgment and decision making.
However, we recognize that because brand managers may be able to control only the direct variable costs of their
brands, the customer equity construct (which considers only contribution) may be more actionable at operational
levels of the organization.
Separating Equity and Value
Figure 5 here
In Figure 5, we present our generalized brand equity/brand value conceptual model,
which integrates existing brand equity components and demonstrates the separation of brand
equity and brand value established earlier. This model is a more complete extension of the
example provided in Figure 3. Recall that we defined brand as a promise of benefits to the
consumer. Differentiation in perceived ability to meet that promise contributes to brand equity.
Brand equity is the perception or desire that a brand will meet a promise of benefits. Brand
equity is an intra-individual construct similar to attitude strength (Farquhar 1989). The literature
on attitude strength (e.g., Petty and Krosnik 1995) suggests that brand equity should result in (1)
biased processing of information, (2) persistent attitudes or beliefs that are (3) resistant to
change, and (4) behaviors that are influenced by those beliefs. Behaviors consistent with high
levels of salient brand equity are more positive responses to product changes
(improvements/mistakes), product harm (Dawar and Pillutla 2000), new competition, brand
extensions (Keller 2003b), and so forth (Table 3), plus consideration, purchase, word of mouth,
commitment, attachment, etc. Aggregation of individual-level behaviors that are visible in the
marketplace lead to the traditionally measured firm-level outcomes (e.g., loyalty, price premium,
market share). Note that CLV, and therefore customer equity, is considered a market-level
outcome. This is consistent with Rust, Zeithaml and Lemon’s (2000) conceptualization of
customer equity, which considers value equity, retention equity, and brand equity as drivers of
customer equity.
The model recognizes that we must distinguish between what happens external to and
within the individual: The environment, including the marketplace and its offerings, messages,
Separating Equity and Value
etc. are “inputs” to the consumer. Intrapersonal constructs operate within an individual and are
not outwardly visible (though they may impact visible behavior). Market-level constructs are
visible and measurable from a firm’s perspective. The model also clearly distinguishes outcomes
(e.g., purchase) from inputs (e.g., advertising) and drivers or moderators of those outcomes (e.g.,
brand equity).
From Figure 5 we see that environmental inputs (e.g., choice situation) reach a person
and are impacted (moderated) by existing consumer-based brand equity. This consumer-based
brand equity has been built by experience, associations, advertising, word of mouth, etc. which
are summarized in the model as brand knowledge. A positive amount of salient brand equity
may produce a more positive response in favor of a target (or incumbent) brand, which would be
considered an individual-level outcome. Individual-level outcomes may or may not be
observable, as demonstrated above. Note that observable individual-level outcomes (behavior)
may even be contrary to the impact of brand equity. For example, when faced with a product
harm crisis (e.g., the Tylenol tampering case), consumers may choose to avoid the brand in
question for a while but give it the opportunity to correct the problem in the future (Dawar and
Pillutla 2000) because of positive equity for the brand. Other consumers, however, may respond
to a crisis by choosing to switch to another brand for the long term.
Individual-level outcomes that involve observable behaviors may be aggregated at the
market level and classified as potential outcomes of brand equity, which then can be considered
the consumer-based component in the calculation of brand value. In turn, the accumulation of
the value of all brands in a firm’s portfolio contributes to shareholder value.
This model is not a choice model but instead is intended to demonstrate the relationship
between brand equity that exists within consumers and observed or unobserved individual- and
market-level outcomes, and then to show how these outcomes impact brand (and ultimately
Separating Equity and Value
shareholder) value. On the basis of our demonstration that purchase is not a reliable measure of
brand equity, we choose not to include it in the model except at the aggregate market level. The
model shows how aggregate market-level outcomes are produced and suggests several places at
which there is not a consistent one-to-one mapping between brand equity and outcomes, i.e.,
where “slippage” may occur between brand equity and outcome measures
An important feature of this model is its distinction between environmental and
intrapersonal components. Keller (1993, 2003a, b) suggests that environmental elements
contribute to eight dimensions of brand knowledge and that brand knowledge leads to brand
equity. We supplement Keller’s (2003a, b) view by addressing what happens as a result of any
changes in brand equity and whether the outcomes are intrapersonal or market-level, observable
or unobservable. Furthermore, we add insight into how equity contributes to value.
The model also is consistent with inertia, as well as with context effects such as blocking
(Van Osselaer and Alba 2000), mere measurement (Dholakia and Morwitz 2002), compromise
(Kahneman and Tversky 1984), attraction (Huber, Payne and Puto 1982), and trivial attributes
(Broniarczyk and Gershoff 2003) that have been proposed as brand equity effects. Such effects
may not change equity levels, but may impact the salience of a brand’s promise and therefore the
impact of equity on the marketing activity consumer behavior path. Also, an accumulation of
experience driven by context effects, peripheral processing, or inertia may inform more thorough
processing in the future, resulting in the development of equity for the brand and, ultimately, a
positive impact on value.
We have presented a new conceptual model that establishes brand equity and brand value
as two related but separate constructs. Brand equity, which implies a consumer-based focus and
Separating Equity and Value
affects consumer decision processes in a manner similar to that of attitude strength, represents
one of many factors that contribute to brand value, which we define as the sale or replacement
value of a brand, and which implies a company-based perspective. Because brand equity and
brand value imply unique perspectives, and because brand value is a broader construct that
subsumes brand equity along with other constructs, the two cannot be “different sides of the
same coin.” We believe that theoretically separating the constructs is a first step toward the
development of better measures of each. Thus, the main contributions of this paper are (1) the
spotlight it focuses on the newly created space between the constructs, and (2) the idea of
leveraging brand equity to create brand value.
From a managerial standpoint, brand managers’ primary task is to maximize and leverage
brand equity to increase brand value. The proposed framework provides these brand managers
with a more comprehensive understanding of the component parts than has been presented in the
literature. The framework also applies the concept of appropriable value to the brand equity
literature, which is consistent with both literature on mergers and acquisitions (e.g., Barney
1986) and current managerial practice (e.g., P&G’s value pricing [Ailawadi, Lehmann and
Neslin 2001]). An interesting question for further research is whether well-known brands have
higher market capitalization than do less well-known brands due to higher estimates of
appropriable value. Our framework suggests that this would be the case when the more well-
known brands enjoy higher brand equity among consumers than do the less well-known brands.
We offer four additional considerations. Future operationalizations of brand equity
1. consider noncustomers and future potential,
2. consider differences across markets or usage occasions,
3. not assume that all firms share the same goals and objectives, and
4. not emphasize short-term effects that may be “vulnerable.”
Separating Equity and Value
From a managerial perspective, the failure to address these issues may result in measures
that do not track consistently with changes in the underlying consumer brand equity.
Future potential in terms of future revenue stream and brand extendibility is influenced
by the perceptions of current customers and noncustomers, but outcome measures may not
account for future profitability or potential (Barwise et al. 1990; Simon and Sullivan 1993). The
framework suggests that any complete measure of brand equity should consider noncustomers,
though noncustomers are valuable only to the extent that they either will become customers in
the future or will positively influence others (e.g., Hogan, Lemon, and Libai 2003). Thus,
appropriate measures should account for heterogeneity in the value that accrues from current
noncustomers. For example, if one of its attributes keeps certain consumers from buying an
offering as it is currently configured, then removing or changing that attribute may increase the
likelihood that those consumers will purchase that (or another) offering in the future. In this
case, brand equity does not have to increase as a result of the product change for the consumer to
start buying the brand; instead, the change simply may have allowed the consumer to act on
preexisting brand equity.
As we stated in the introduction and evidenced by the prominence that brand equity
research has attained within the marketing discipline among both researchers and practitioners,
the great task remaining is the development of accurate and managerially useful measures of
brand equity. Our discussion and framework suggest that in the marketplace, brand equity
impacts consumer information processing, judgment, and choice, but is separate from the
outcomes it may influence. We proposed that brand equity is a moderator of marketing
activity, but this proposition should be supported by empirical evidence.
We have discussed several situations in which brand equity is likely to reveal itself
(Table 3). Therefore, brand equity might be measured by asking consumers specifically about
Separating Equity and Value
how they would react to each of the identified situations as they pertain to a particular brand.
Responses could be compared across brands that compete in the same category to provide
relative measures. It is not clear whether absolute measures of brand equity are useful; therefore,
it may not be appropriate to compare brand equity measures for brands across categories. This
question thus is left to further research.
Moreover, our framework suggests that a minimum threshold level may be required
before brand equity influences consumer behavior. The existence of thresholds has not been
suggested in previous literature. Therefore, empirical research should investigate this issue to
determine the extent to which thresholds exist and how they affect marketplace outcomes.
Combining the concepts of thresholds and current noncustomers, we suggest that the most
important noncustomers are prospects whose brand equity level falls just below their threshold.
Thus, a distributional perspective on brand equity, as opposed to an aggregationist view, should
provide a clearer understanding.
Separating Equity and Value
TABLE 1: Sample Situations in which Brand Equity May Become Activated
1. Changes in the consumer’s personal or usage situation,
2. The introduction of a new brand into a category or assortment,
3. Changes (positive or negative) to an existing product,
4. Brand extensions,
5. Product harm crises,
6. Claims made by a competitor,
7. Word of mouth, and
8. Out-of-stock.
Separating Equity and Value
FIGURE 1: Simplified Brand Valuation Process
Aggregate up to:
Aggregate up to:
Separating Equity and Value
FIGURE 2: Moving Upstream to the Drivers of Individual-Level Outcomes
Leads to:
Brand Equity
Brand Equity
Separating Equity and Value
FIGURE 3: Brand Equity as a Moderator of Marketing Activity
Consumer Action Link
Brand Equity
Brand Equity
Marketing Actions
- Product offering
- Advertising
- Promotion, etc.
Mktplace Info., etc.
Commitment, etc.
Separating Equity and Value
FIGURE 4: Levels of Brand Value
The size of this gap
is determined by a firm’s
ability to leverage
brand equity
brand equity
At a particular point in time, for a particular firm:
Separating Equity and Value
FIGURE 5: Brand Equity/Brand Value Conceptual Framework
Potential Market-
Level outcomes
of Brand Equity:
1. Loyalty
2. Price premium
3. Market share
4. Revenue
5. CLV
6. Etc.
Loyalty (attitudinal)
Positive Response to:
Marketing Activities
Change in personal or
usage context
Product changes
Product harm
New competition
Brand extensions
Etc. (Table 3)
w/ Brand;
Brand Info.
(wom etc.)
Potential Value:
1. Profitability
2. Scope
3. HR advantages
4. Channel
5. Patents /
6. Etc.
Separating Equity and Value
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