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PC/STR/Corr.Lst.106A (revised 03/20/24) Page 1 of 4
(Ordinance No. 184,802 Effective 3/17/17)
Plan Review Date: ____________________________________
Plan Check #: Permit Application Number:
Job Address:
Plan Check Engineer: __________________________________ Phone: _________________ Email: ______________________
This is a supplemental correction sheet. Please see the attached master correction sheet.
This correction sheet only applies to plan checks submitted on or after March 17, 2017.
These corrections apply to new construction, additions, and major remodels to any Building or Structure on a lot in the R1,
R1V, R1F, R1R, RS, RE, or RA zones when not within a designated Hillside Area (Zoning). References to “R1” zones
apply to the R1, R1V, R1F, and R1R zones.
Review the following checked information bulletins and forms. Revise plans to show compliance.
(Copies can be obtained at
P/ZC 2002-002 Heights of Fences in Residential Zones
P/ZC 2002-004 Allowable Projection for Decks and Built-
Up Platforms in Required Yards
P/ZC 2020-006 Allowable Projections and
Improvements in Required Yards
P/ZC 2002-008 Determination of the Zoning Height of a
Building or Structure
P/ZC 2020-015 Determining Front Yards, When Subject
to the Prevailing Setback Regulation
1. Provide and dimension the required Front Yard
setback. (12.08C.1, 12.07.1C.1,
12.07.01C.1 & 12.07C.1)
a. The Front Yard setback shall not be less than
the prevailing setback. See Information Bulletin
P/ZC 2020-015 for additional information.
b. Where a prevailing Front Yard setback cannot
be established, provide ( ) ft. as required in
the ( ) zone.
2. Not more than 50 percent of a required front yard shall
be designed, improved or used for access driveways.
All portions of required front yard not used for
necessary driveways and walkways, including
decorative walkways shall be used for planting and
shall not be paved. (12.21C1(g))
1. Provide and dimension on plan a ( ) ft. Side Yard
setback and a ( ) ft. Rear Yard setback as
required in the ( ) zone. (12.08C, 12.07.1C,
12.07.01C & 12.07C).
a. In the calculation of side yard setbacks, any
basement containing habitable rooms shall be
considered a story. (12.21.1A.8)
2. In all the R1 zones, any occupied rooftop deck shall be
set back at least 3 ft. from the minimum required Side
Yard setback. This does not apply to any rooftop deck
located on the street side of a corner lot. (12.08C.2(d))
3. In all the R1 zones, where the Building or Structure
has a side wall that exceeds a height of 14 ft. and has
a length of 45 ft. or more, provide an offset/plane
break that has a minimum depth of 5 ft., beyond the
required Side Yard setback, for a minimum length of
10 ft. See below for plane break diagram
Figure 12.08 C.2.(a): Plane break diagram
PC/STR/Corr.Lst.106A (revised 03/20/24) Page 2 of 4
PART II: Residential Floor Area (RFA) and Lot Coverage
1. Provide a summary of the total site RFA. Clearly
indicate the RFA per structure on site and any
exemptions used. (See RFA definition in LAMC 12.03)
a. Provide key plans of all buildings, clearly
identifying all areas considered when calculating
the existing and proposed RFA.
b. Provide complete cross sections specifying the
attic ceiling heights. Portions of attics with a
ceiling height of more than 7 ft. shall be included
in RFA calculations. Where the attic height
exceeds 7 ft., provide floor key plans of the attic
and clearly identify these areas with dimensions.
c. Provide complete cross sections specifying the
ceiling heights. Where the ceiling height
exceeds 14 ft., provide floor key plans of the
attic and clearly identify these areas with
dimensions. The subject areas shall be counted
twice in the RFA calculations. The area of
stairways and elevator shafts shall only be
counted once regardless of ceiling height.
d. Any covered parking/driveway areas shall be
included in the RFA calculations. Except that:
i. A total of 200 sq. ft. per required covered
parking space, up to a maximum of 400
sq. ft. may be exempt, if all of said parking
is in the rear half of the lot or 55 ft. from a
Front Lot Line.
ii. Only 200 sq. ft. shall be exempted if said
parking is not located as required above.
e. All accessory buildings shall be included in RFA
calculations. Detached accessory buildings not
exceeding 200 sq. ft. may be exempted in the
RFA calculations. However, the total combined
area of exempted accessory buildings shall not
exceed 400 sq. ft
f. Porches, patios, and breezeways with a solid
roof shall be included in the Residential Floor
Area calculations. Porches, patios, and
breezeways with a lattice roof shall not be
included in the RFA calculations
g. The basement area shall be included in the
Residential Floor Area calculations when the
floor or roof above exceeds 2 ft. in height above
the finished or natural grade whichever is lower.
2. Since the lot is Zoned ( ) and the lot area is
( ) sq. ft., the Residential Floor Area Ratio
(RFAR) is ( ) and the Residential Floor Area
(RFA) is limited to ( ) sq. ft., unless an
allowable bonus increase is applicable. See Table A
for a summary of the RFAR values.
3. Clearly identify which RFA bonus was used. Note that
the RFA bonus is only applicable in the RA, RE and
RS zones only and only one bonus increase is allowed
per property. Clearly demonstrate on plans
compliance with the option used:
(12.07C.5, 12.07.01C.5, & 12.07.1C.5)
a. Proportional Stories Option all other stories
are no more than 75% of the "Base Floor" as
defined in Section 12.03.
b. Front Façade Step Back Option At least 25%
of the building frontage facing the front property
line is stepped back at least 20% of the total
building depth, rounded to the nearest foot.
4. The total proposed RFA of ( ) sq. ft. exceeds
the maximum allowed.
(12.07C.5, 12.07.01C.5 & 12.07.1C.5)
Max. Allowable RFA per Table A = ( ) sq. ft.
Total RFA with Bonus =
RFA per Table A + 20% bonus = ( ) sq. ft.
1. Provide the following on plans:
(12.07C.6, 12.07.01C.6, 12.07.1C.6 & 12.08C.6)
a. Total existing RFA
b. Additional RFA
c. Total allowable RFA with bonus
d. Total proposed RFA with itemized exemptions
2. For additions with cumulative RFA of less than 1,000
sq. ft. constructed after January 1, 2008, or remodels
of Buildings built before January 1, 2008, the existing
RFA shall be determined based on the following:
a. Building records.
b. The building square footage shown on the most
recent Los Angeles County Tax Assessor’s
Records. Note that areas of accessory
buildings, covered porches/patios, and covered
parking spaces are to be included separately.
c. Calculations of RFA when a complete set of fully
dimensioned plans by a licensed architect or
engineer is submitted.
3. For additions of 1,000 sq. ft. or larger and alterations
where more than 50% of contiguous exterior walls or
roof are not retained, provide a complete set of fully
dimensioned plans with area calculations of all the
structures on the lot prepared by a licensed architect
or engineer to determine the existing/proposed RFA.
1. In the R1V( ) R1F( )
R1R( ) zone, where the lot area is
( ) sq. ft., the maximum allowed lot coverage
is ( )%. (Tables 12.08 C.5(b),(c)&(d))
PC/STR/Corr.Lst.106A (revised 03/20/24) Page 3 of 4
PART III: Height and Encroachment Plane
1. The height of a building is defined as the distance
above grade (see below) to the highest elevation of
the building/structure, including parapets.
a. Grade is defined as the lowest point of elevation
(located within the property) of the finished
surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk within
5 feet around the perimeter of the building.
Clearly identify this point on the plot plan as the
“Datum Point.”
b. On all sections and elevations, clearly identify
the Datum Point and provide references to
building height based on the Datum Point.
c. Retaining walls shall not be used to raise the
effective elevation of the finished grade for
purposes of measuring the height of a building
or structure.
2. The height of the building in the R1, RS, or RE9 zone
is limited to 28 ft. when the roof slope at any portion of
the roof is less than 25%, and 33 ft. when the slope is
equal to or greater than 25%. (12.21.1)
3. The height of the building in the RA, RE11, RE15,
RE20 or RE40 zones is limited to 30 ft. when the roof
slope at any portion of the roof is less than 25%, and
36 ft. when the slope is equal to or greater than 25%.
4. In the R1V( ) zone, show that all Buildings
and Structures do not exceed the maximum allowed
height of ( ) ft. (Table 12.08C.5(b))
5. Show that all Buildings and Structures in the
R1F( ) R1R( ) zone do not
exceed the maximum allowed front mass height of
( ) ft. for a front envelope depth, measured from
the front yard setback, of ( ) ft.
(Table 12.08 C.5(c)&(d))
6. Show that all Buildings and Structures in the
R1F( ) R1R( ) zone do not
exceed the maximum allowed rear mass height of
( ) ft. for a rear envelope depth, measured from
the rear yard setback, of ( ) ft.
(Table 12.08 C.5(c)&(d))
7. Projecting roof structure ( ) exceeds
the projection height of ( ) ft. and setback
( ) ft. as allowed per 12.21.1.B.
1. The encroachment plane (see diagram to the right) is
defined as an invisible inclined plane sloping inward at
a forty-five degree angle from the vertical extension of
the required front and side yard setbacks that
originates at a specified height.
a. A building may not intersect the encroachment
b. The encroachment plane restriction does not
apply to roof structures and equipment as
allowed by Section 12.21.1 B.3.
c. For the purpose of encroachment plane, height
shall be measured from the existing or finished
grade, whichever is lower, along the required
front and side yard setbacks.
d. Clearly identify the encroachment plane on all
elevations and sections.
2. In the R1 zone, show that all Buildings and Structures
do not project beyond the Encroachment Plane Height
with an Encroachment Plane Origin Height of 20 ft.
3. In the R1V( ) R1F( )
R1R( ) zone, show that all Buildings and
Structures do not project beyond the Encroachment
Plane with an Origin Height of ( ) ft.
(Table 12.08 C.5(b),(c)&(d))
4. The projection of (eave) (parapet)
( ) is not an allowable projection
beyond the Encroachment Plane. See Section
12.21.1 B.3 for allowable projections.
Figure 12.03-1: Encroachment Plane diagram
PC/STR/Corr.Lst.106A (revised 03/20/24) Page 4 of 4
1. In the R1 zone, the driveway width at the front property
line shall not exceed the greatest of the following:
a. 25% of the lot width
b. width of any currently existing driveway
c. 9 ft
B. “RG” Rear Detached Garage Supplemental Use
1. In the RG Supplemental use District, the required
covered parking shall comply with all of the following:
a. be detached from the main building,
b. be located within the rear half of the lot or at
least 55 ft. from a Front Lot Line, and
c. shall comply with Section 12.21 C.5 (location of
accessory building).
2. On through lots with a depth of 100 ft. or greater, the
garage shall be set back from both Front Lot Lines a
distance of at least 40 ft. (13.19C)
Table A: Single-Family Zone Areas Residential Floor Area Ratios (RFAR)
Lot Size
Any size
See Table 12.08C.5 (b) in LAMC
See Table 12.08C.5 (c) in LAMC
See Table 12.08C.5 (d) in LAMC
Lots < 9,000 sq-ft.
Lots ≥ 9,000 sq-ft
40% or 4,050 sq-ft, whichever is greater
RE9 & RE11
Lots < 15,000 sq-ft
Lots 15,000 sq-ft
35% or 6,000 sq-ft, whichever is greater
RE15, RE20, & RE40
Lots < 20,000 sq-ft
Lots 20,000 sq-ft
20% or 5,000 sq-ft, whichever is greater