Department of Local Services, Permitting Division Page 1 of 6
December 2023
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Pet Businesses
This information sheet offers FAQs about pet businesses in unincorporated King County,
providing guidance on establishing, modifying, or expanding a pet business and necessary
permits. This information sheet is not an exhaustive list of all standards and regulations that
may be required.
1. Why do pet related businesses require permitting?
Pet and animals related businesses are commercial in nature. Many buildings that house
animals must meet building standards the same as other commercial businesses. This
ensures that they are safe and sound. Some building considerations include fire, electrical,
and plumbing code compliance, handicap accessibility, and standards for labor and
industry. There are also water and waste-water considerations.
2. What pet businesses require King County Public Health Department permits?
The following businesses require approval from King County Public Health Department and
must comply with all applicable development regulations from King County Permitting
Pet Daycare
Pet Boarding (commercial kennel and catteries, kennel-free dog boarding)
Pet Shops (that sell animals or fish)
Poultry Retailers (sales of chicks, chickens, ducks, etc.)
Pet Groomers (includes U-Wash, self-wash stations, nail trims)
Mobile Groomers
Animal Shelters (includes pet adoption centers and animal rescue that adopts pets)
Cat Cafes
Pet Food Retailers (pet food requiring temperature control or bulk animal parts)
Dog and Cat Breeders
Visit Public Health Seattle & King County’s Pet Business Regulations and Permits webpage
for details.
3. What permits or approvals do I need for my Pet Business?
To operate a pet business in unincorporated King County, you need to obtain:
A. Land use and/or building permits from King County Permitting Division.
B. Pet Business Permit from the Seattle-King County Public Health Department. To
learn more about how to obtain a Pet Business Permit, please refer to the Pet
Business Regulations and Permits webpage.
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C. If your property has an on-site septic system, you'll need to obtain septic system
review and approval from Public Health - Seattle & King County’s On-site Septic
System Program.
Please refer to the Flow Chart: Applicable Pet Business Permits on page 6 for additional
*Additional permits may be required depending on the project design and type of pet
business you plan to operate.
4. How do I obtain a Pet Business Permit from Seattle-King County Public Health?
Visit Public Health - Seattle & King County’s Pet Business Regulations and Permits
webpage for details about how to apply and obtain a pet business permit from the King
County Zoonotic Disease Program.
5. How do I know if my property is zoned to have a pet business?
King County Code (KCC) Title 21A, Zoning lists all permitted uses for each zone. To
determinate whether your proposed pet business is allowed in your zone, please (a)
identify the zoning designation of your property and (b) refer to the land use classification
tables in KCC 21A.08. King County online interactive mapping system (iMaps) can be used
to locate your property and identify the zoning designation. You can refer to the Zoning
Code: Permitted Use Tables, Bulletin 18A for instructions on how to interpret the KCC
21A.08 land use tables.
Seattle-King County Public Health Department will always need zoning and land use
approval for your pet business. Obtain a zoning certification letter from King County
Permitting Division by submitting a Zoning Certification Request.
6. What are the different types of Pet Business Land Use Classifications per King
County Zoning Code, Title 21A?
Hobby Kennels (KCC 21A.06.660A)
Hobby Cattery (KCC 21A.06.177)
Commercial Dog Kennels (KCC 21A.06.660)
Kennel-Free Dog Boarding and Daycare Facilities (KCC 21A.06.661)
Dog Training Facilities (KCC 21A.06.328)
Animal Specialties (SIC Manual, Industry # 0752), includes pet grooming services,
animal shelters, pet daycare, kennel-free boarding and daycare, and other animal
specialty services.
Stable (KCC 21A.06.1220)
Pets Shops (KCC 21A.06.885)
Livestock Sales (KCC 21A.06.710)
Wildlife Shelter (KCC 21A.06.1425)
Veterinary Clinic (SIC Manual, Industry # 074)
Public Agency Animal Control Facility (KCC 21A.06.920)
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Zoo/Wildlife Exhibit (SIC Manual, Industry # 8433)
7. What is the process for obtaining permits from King County Permitting Division?
The following steps and procedures identify the process for ensuring the facility is
compliant and has obtained all applicable permits with King County Permitting Division.
1. Identify if your property is allowed to have the proposed pet business. Refer to
question number 5 for details about zoning allowances.
2. If the proposed facility requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), you will need to
apply for a mandatory Pre-Application Meeting and CUP with King County Permitting
Division. Refer to question 14 for more details about the CUP process.
3. If all King County Zoning Code standards are met and a CUP is not required, the
applicant should obtain a building permit with King County Permitting Division. Refer
to questions 12 and 13 for additional details about the building permit process.
4. If the applicant is not aware which or what permits are required for the proposed pet
business, then they should apply for a voluntary Pre-Application Meeting with King
County Permitting Division. This will determine what permits are necessary and any
required code standards and site improvements that will need to be addressed
during the permit. Please refer to the Pre-Application Meeting Information sheet for
more information about how to apply.
5. If the applicant has opened a pet business permit without going through land use
and zoning, they will need to apply for an Already Built Construction (ABC) Pre-
Application Meeting.
*Please refer to the Flow Chart: Applicable Pet Business Permits on page 6 for additional
8. Can my pet business qualify as a home occupation?
Most pet businesses cannot operate as a home occupation per King County zoning code.
To operate from a residential structure, the pet business must operate entirely indoors, may
not exceed 20% of the home, must limit the number of vehicles/customer visits, and should
not show exterior evidence of a home occupation. Residential structures using an on-site
septic system for pet business wastewater is not appropriate and requires further review by
King County Public Health On-Site Septic System Program for any associated
improvements prior to using it for such purposes. For more details about home occupations
standards, you can refer to KCC 21A.30.080 and KCC 21A.30.085.
Dog care through third party websites may be allowed if it is limited to 3 dogs or less on-site
at any time (see question 9 below).
9. Am I allowed to offer dog care services through websites that connect pet sitters
with clients such as Rover or Wag?
This may be allowed if the total number dogs is 3 or less at any time for dog boarding or
daycare service. If the host has their own dogs in addition to dogs they care for through
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these services, then they are limited to a total of 5 dogs on the property. Rental properties,
apartments, and homeowners’ associations may have more strict rules, but this is not
regulated by King County.
10. How many animals am I allowed to have as part of my pet business?
Permitted pet businesses are required to keep animals in adequate kennels/enclosures or
containment areas that meet space, building material, and humane animal care
requirements. The number of animals allowed on your property depends on several factors:
Property size
Number, type, and location of enclosures
Types of animals
For more information about animal density requirements, refer to Small Animals &
Livestock (Bulletin 41A).
11. Are there any restrictions or dimensional standards for pet business facilities such
as setback and lot size?
King County Title 21A-Zoning does contain specific requirements related to setbacks and
lot size. Please refer to the following zoning code sections for more details about these
General property setback requirements can be found in KCC 21A.12.030 and 040
Density & Dimensions table. All nonresidential uses (including pet businesses) in a
Rural Area (RA), Residential (R), and Urban Reserve Zone (UR) require a minimum
of 30-foot setback from all property lines (KCC 21A.12.220).
Additional specific setback, lot size, and animal density requirements can be found
in KCC 21A.30.020. For more information, you can also refer to the Small Animals &
Livestock (Bulletin 41A).
12. Is a Building Permit Required?
A building permit is required for: construction, alteration, movement, enlargement,
replacement, repair, equipment, change of use and occupancy, location, maintenance,
removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or
attached to such buildings or structures.
It is important to clarify that a building permit is required in the following circumstances:
Even if a building is not altered or modified, a change to the use and/or occupancy
still requires a building permit. This includes anytime a residential building is being
changed to a pet business use.
Structures being used for a pet business use are not exempt from a building permit if
they are under 200 square feet. This exemption only applies to residential tool and
storage sheds, playhouses, tree supported structures used for play, and similar uses
per KCC 16.02.240.
Some examples of common situations where a building permit would be required:
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Converting a garage to animal housing
Placement of a shipping container to become animal housing
Adding rooms to an outbuilding on a property
Adding sheds or structures that will be used to house cats or dogs
Converting a barn to a pet daycare or boarding facility
Remodeling a home to become a commercial boarding or breeding facility
13. How do I obtain a building permit related to my pet business facility?
You can find information about how to apply for building permit for a pet business facility
through the Permitting Division’s Information Sheet & Forms webpage. You can refer
directly to the “Commercial Construction” section for new construction and theCommercial
- Tenant Improvement” section for existing structures that are being converted to a pet or
animal business.
14. What is a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)? How do I know if it is required?
A CUP is a land use permit granted by the King County Permitting Division to locate a
specific use on a particular property. This may be required based on the zoning of the
property. A CUP application will function to review the proposed use, determine whether is
allowed, and apply any applicable conditions during the review process to ensure
compliance with King County zoning standards and compatibility with nearby land uses. It
is important to note that a CUP is required prior to and in addition to a building permit. To
find out more information about the CUP application process, please refer to the
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Instructions & Information. It important to note that a
mandatory Pre-Application Meeting is required prior to applying for any CUP application.
To determine if a CUP is required on your property, see the land use classification tables in
KCC 21A.08. You can refer to the Zoning Code: Permitted Use Tables, Bulletin 18A for
instructions on how to interpret the KCC 21A.08 land use tables.
15. Am I able to use my existing on-site septic system for the pet business?
Wastewater from your pet business is different waste than residential waste, due to dog
feces, urine, cleaners, and disinfectants. This waste may not be appropriate for a
residential on-site septic system. Wastewater from a pet related business typically cannot
discharge to septic, and generally requires a holding tank. Please contact the On-site
Sewage System (OSS) Program with the Seattle-King County Public Health Department.
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Flow Chart: Applicable Pet Business Permits
Proposed Pet Business:
Identify Type of Businesses
Conditional Use Permit required:
(King County Permitting Division)
1) Apply for Pre-Application Meeting
2) Apply for Conditional Use Permit.
*Anticipated Timeline: 8-12 months
Apply for Building Permit:
(King County Permitting Division)
*Anticipated Timeline: 3-8 months
Pet Business is
not allowed on
Further Review Required
Pet Business is
not allowed on
Apply for Pet Business Permit
(Zoonotic Disease Program, Seattle-King County Public Health)
Zoning Overview: Allowed Land Uses
(King County Permitting Division)
1) Identify Type of Land Use
2) Identify Property Zoning
3) Determine if Pet Business use is allowed on property per:
a) The land use tables in King County Code (KCC) 21A.08, and
whether a Conditional Use Permit is required.
b) The small animal regulations in KCC 21A.30.020.
*If you are unable to determine if the use is allowed, you can apply for a Zoning
Certification Request with King County Permitting Division
(Anticipated Timeline for Zoning Certification Review is 2-4 weeks).