This paper presents preliminary findings and is being distributed to economists
and other interested readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
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Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Staff Reports
How Do Mortgage Refinances Affect
Debt, Default, and Spending?
Evidence from HARP
Joshua Abel
Andreas Fuster
Staff Report No. 841
February 2018
How Do Mortgage Refinances Affect Debt, Default, and Spending? Evidence from HARP
Joshua Abel and Andreas Fuster
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 841
February 2018
JEL classification: D14, E21, G21
We use quasi-random access to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) to identify the
causal effect of refinancing a mortgage on borrower balance sheet outcomes. We find that on
average, refinancing into a lower-rate mortgage reduced borrowers' default rates on mortgages
and nonmortgage debts by about 40 percent and 25 percent, respectively. Refinancing also caused
borrowers to expand their use of debt instruments, such as auto loans, home equity lines of credit
(HELOCs), and other consumer debts that are proxies for spending. All told, refinancing led to a
net increase in debt equal to about 20 percent of the savings on mortgage payments. This number
combines increases (new debts) of about 60 percent of the mortgage savings and decreases
(paydowns) of about 40 percent of those savings. Borrowers with low FICO scores or low levels
of unused revolving credit grow their auto and HELOC debt more strongly after a refinance but
also reduce their bank card balances by more. Finally, we show that take-up of the refinancing
opportunity was strongest among borrowers that were in a relatively better financial position to
begin with.
Key words: mortgages, refinancing, monetary policy transmission, heterogeneity, HARP
Fuster: Federal Reserve Bank of New York (email: [email protected]). Abel: Harvard
University (email: [email protected]). The authors are grateful to Joseph Tracy and Paul
Willen for discussions that were very helpful in the development of this study. They also thank
Michael Fratantoni, John Mondragon, and seminar audiences at Harvard and the ASSA
meetings in Philadelphia for helpful comments. The views expressed in this paper are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
or the Federal Reserve System.
To view the authors’ disclosure statements, visit
1 Introduction
This paper seeks to refine our understanding of how refinancing a mortgage affects household
outcomes. This issue has attracted particular attention in recent years, as US monetary policy in
the wake of the Great Recession worked to an important extent through large-scale purchases of
mortgage-backed securities, with the goal of lowering mortgage rates. This in turn was supposed to
stimulate the housing market and enable households to refinance into a lower-rate mortgage. The
resulting reduction in debt service costs should both reduce default risk and increase consumers’
ability to spend.
Reflecting this policy importance, there has also been a recent surge in academic
interest in the “refinancing channel” of monetary policy. However, there is still not much clean
evidence on the causal effects of refinancing on borrower outcomes, nor on the heterogeneity of
these effects across different borrower types.
We use quasi-random access to a refinancing opportunity during the recovery from the Great
Recession to study how refinancing a mortgage affects households’ financial decisions and outcomes.
Specifically, we exploit the fact that the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), which was
introduced in early 2009 to enable borrowers to refinance even if they had little equity in their
home, was only available to borrowers whose loans had been securitized before a certain cutoff
date. We focus on borrowers who originated loans in a six-month window near that cutoff date
and show that those that are eligible are subsequently much more likely to refinance over the
period from 2010 to 2015. Based on this source of variation, we first confirm some findings in the
previous literature: refinancing (which lowers the monthly payment by about $175, or 11%, on
average) substantially reduces mortgage default and spurs borrowers to take on auto debt, a proxy
for buying a car. We then show that the effects—increasing balances and decreasing defaults—
extend to other debt instruments, such as HELOCs and retail consumer debt. These effects tend
to be strongest among borrowers who are in a weaker financial position. And while we find that
on average, refinancing causes households to take on new debts, we also show that for some groups
and some debt categories, the improved cash flow is instead used to pay down debts.
So far, much of the existing evidence on the effects of changes in required debt payments
comes from “resets” of adjustable-rate mortgages (or ARMs). In this market segment, one can
compare borrowers who originated their loans at the same time, but with different initial fixed-rate
periods, so that the payment resets occur at different times. Based on such a design, Fuster and
Willen (2017) and Tracy and Wright (2016) find that payment reductions lead to relatively large
reductions in default probabilities. Di Maggio et al. (2017) extend the studied outcomes beyond
mortgage default and show that ARM payment reductions also increase new auto debt originations
and were furthermore used by some borrowers to accelerate the amortization of their mortgages.
Refinances of fixed-rate mortgages (or FRMs) often result in similar payment reductions as
the ARM resets studied in these papers, and it is therefore plausible that they would have similar
See e.g. Hubbard and Mayer (2009), Dudley (2012), or Stiglitz and Zandi (2012). Policymakers, of course,
considered refinancing an important driver of consumer spending long before that (e.g. Greenspan, 2004).
effects. However, there are potential reasons why effects might differ. First, ARM borrowers,
which only constitute a relatively small part of the US mortgage market, could be different from
FRM borrowers along observable or unobservable dimensions. Second, ARM downward resets are
(potentially) temporary, while FRM refinances result in permanent payment reductions, which
could lead their effects to be larger. Third, and more subtly, the selection of borrowers who benefit
from the payment reduction is different: among ARM borrowers with the same loan characteristics,
all will benefit without requiring an active decision (after loan origination). In contrast, for FRMs,
refinancing is an active choice, and those borrowers that refinance may react differently to the
resulting payment reduction than the average borrower would.
Establishing the causal effect of a refinancing on borrower outcomes is complicated precisely
because of the selection element due to the active decision. For example, a more financially so-
phisticated household may be more likely to refinance after a drop in mortgage rates and also
better at budgeting, making a default less likely. Another element of selection comes from the fact
that a refinancing requires that the borrower fulfills underwriting criteria such as sufficiently high
income—a borrower who just lost their job may be unable to refinance but likely to default on their
loan. As a consequence, to cleanly establish the causal effect of refinancing, one needs exogenous
variation in the probability that two otherwise similar households will refinance.
Design details of HARP provide such variation. The program, which was only accessible to
borrowers with mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (the government-sponsored
enterprises, or GSEs), was further restricted to borrowers whose mortgage the GSE had purchased
before June 1, 2009. We will argue that this quasi-randomly caused a group of borrowers to be
eligible and another to be ineligible. Since the program was announced in March 2009, a couple
of months before the cutoff date, a potential worry is that borrowers or servicers acted to affect
the probability of later eligibility. We examine this possibility in a variety of ways, but find little
evidence that suggests that this threatens the validity of our empirical strategy. In particular, our
outcomes of interest only start differing once HARP refinance activity surges later in the sample
period, suggesting that the two groups would not otherwise have evolved differentially.
Our dataset, which combines mortgage servicing records (from McDash) with consumer credit
records (from Equifax), allows us to track the monthly evolution of balances and delinquencies
across various debt categories. Focusing first on average effects across borrowers, we find that a
refinance is followed by roughly a 40% reduction in the likelihood of mortgage default. Related to
the discussion above, this effect is quite a bit larger than what existing ARM studies have found
for comparable payment reductions, and suggests that relying on results from ARM studies may
lead one to underestimate the default-reducing effects of FRM refinances.
In addition to reducing mortgage defaults, refinancing increases the monthly accumulation of
non-mortgage debt by about 20% of the savings resulting from the decreased mortgage payments.
This net effect combines larger increases (new debts) corresponding to about 60% of mortgage
payment savings and decreases (pay-downs of existing debt) of about 40% of payment savings.
Debt increases are most pronounced for auto debt and HELOCs; pay-downs are concentrated in
credit cards. Refinancing furthermore reduces the likelihood of becoming seriously delinquent on
non-mortgage debts by around 25%.
Our data also provides us with useful summary indicators of an individual’s financial health
and liquidity, such as their updated credit score (FICO) and their utilization rate of revolving
credit. We use these indicators, along with our estimate of a borrower’s combined loan-to-value
ratio (CLTV), to study how the effects of a refinancing differ across different types of borrowers.
We find that borrowers that appear less constrained prior to the refinance increase their auto debt
by less, suggesting a smaller response in durable consumption for those borrowers. However, they
modestly increase their credit card balances, in stark contrast to more constrained borrowers who
tend to pay those down with the newly available cash flow.
We supplement our causal analysis by looking at what observable characteristics predict take-up
of a refinancing opportunity, as even among our HARP-eligible group, half the sample does not
take advantage of the historically low interest rates that prevailed during the sample period. We
find that individual indicators of good financial health—high credit score, high levels of un-tapped
credit, low CLTV—predict a higher likelihood of take-up. Furthermore, take-up is highest in areas
with higher incomes, while there is no strong relationship with either local education levels or
mortgage market concentration.
Most closely related to our work are papers by Karamon et al. (2016) and Ehrlich and Perry
(2015). Karamon et al. (2016) exploit the same HARP cutoff as we do, using Freddie Mac internal
data, to study the effect of a HARP refinance on mortgage default.
Ehrlich and Perry (2015)
similarly rely on a date-based eligibility cutoff embedded in a streamlined refinance program of the
Federal Housing Administration. Both papers find effects on mortgage defaults that are similarly
large as ours, but do not study other outcomes.
Agarwal et al. (2017a) also study HARP, comparing GSE-securitized (and therefore HARP-
eligible) loans to privately-securitized/non-agency (ineligible) loans. They show that (over 2009 to
2013) eligible borrowers had a substantially higher refinancing probability. They then also study
the effects of refinances on individuals’ auto debt accumulation (though not on the other debt
outcomes we look at) and find positive effects.
We instead focus on eligibility variation within
GSE-securitized mortgages only, which should maximize comparability of the eligible and ineligible
groups. Given the different identification strategies we view our papers as complementary, and it is
In contrast to Karamon et al. (2016), we retain non-HARP-eligible borrowers who refinanced outside the program
in our sample. Since we use market-wide data, we also allow for “cross-GSE” refinances (e.g. from Freddie Mac to
Fannie Mae), or cases where the new loan remains in the lender’s portfolio.
Another related study is by Zhu et al. (2015), who use Freddie Mac mortgages like Karamon et al. (2016) but
focus primarily on the “intensive margin,” comparing HARP refinances with payment reductions of different size.
They find that larger payment reductions result in lower default probabilities.
Agarwal et al. (2017a) furthermore show that ZIP codes with more eligible borrowers see higher car sales, credit
card spending, and house price growth, and lower foreclosures; this is consistent with HARP refinances having local
aggregate effects. In addition, they show that lenders were able to exploit their market power when originating HARP
loans; see also Fuster et al. (2013) and Amromin and Kearns (2014).
reassuring that different sources of variation lead to similar conclusions. Furthermore, we advance
the literature by exploring a richer set of outcomes as well as additional dimensions of heterogeneity.
Aside from these papers, our work contributes to a rapidly growing literature studying the
refinancing channel (or more broadly, the redistribution channel) of monetary policy, such as Auclert
(2017), Beraja et al. (2015), Di Maggio et al. (2016), Greenwald (2017), or Wong (2016).
results on heterogeneous effects on different types of borrowers relate to the broader literature
that emphasizes the importance of such heterogeneity for monetary and fiscal policy, including for
instance Agarwal et al. (2017b), Jappelli and Pistaferri (2014), or Kaplan et al. (2017).
Our take-up analysis ties us to the household finance literature that has sought to understand
why many households fail to refinance despite what appear to be clear benefits from doing so (e.g.
Agarwal et al. 2015, Andersen et al. 2017, Bond et al. 2017, Campbell 2006, Johnson et al. 2015, or
Keys et al. 2016). Finally, our results should also inform the recent literature on mortgage design.
Campbell (2013), Eberly and Krishnamurthy (2014), and Guren et al. (2017) all make the point
that mortgages that automatically lower payments in downturns (such as ARMs, assuming nominal
interest rates fall) could offer large benefits by freeing up cash flow for constrained households and
therefore spurring consumer spending in periods of inadequate demand.
Our results directly speak
to these arguments, as we show that the households whose spending appears most responsive to
a payment reduction are also least likely to pursue one. This negative relationship between the
propensity to refinance and the responsiveness to doing so strengthens the case for policies that
make payment reductions easier to achieve in downturns.
2 The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP)
In the years following the peak of the US housing boom in 2006, home prices and interest
rates fell dramatically. The result was millions of homeowners with a strong financial incentive to
refinance their fixed-rate mortgages in order to take advantage of the low interest rates but whose
ability to do so was impaired, as the fall in home prices had erased much or all of their home
equity—the collateral for a new loan. In response, HARP was announced by the Department of
the Treasury on March 4, 2009, as part of its “Making Home Affordable” (MHA) initiative.
purpose of HARP was to allow “homeowners who have a solid payment history on an existing
mortgage owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac [...] to refinance their loan to take advantage
A number of papers study the effects of equity withdrawal or “cash-out” refinancing, including Hurst and Stafford
(2004), Chen et al. (2013), and Bhutta and Keys (2016). The HARP refinances we study involve at most very limited
Remy et al. (2011) point out that, of course, this is not free—it is a transfer from mortgage investors to these
households. However, since a non-trivial share of investors are outside of the US economy or may otherwise not fully
adjust their spending, this still provides aggregate stimulus, although the total magnitude is challenging to assess.
The reduction in defaults due to payment reductions likely also has substantial positive aggregate effects, in part
because negative externalities from foreclosures (e.g. Campbell et al., 2011) are avoided.
The second main component of MHA was the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), which was
targeted primarily at borrowers already in delinquency or at immediate risk of becoming delinquent. See Ganong
and Noel (2017), Agarwal et al. (2016) and Scharlemann and Shore (2016) for studies of the effects of this program.
of today’s lower mortgage rates or to refinance an adjustable-rate mortgage into a more stable
mortgage, such as a 30-year fixed rate loan” even if “these borrowers would [normally] be unable
to refinance because their homes have lost value, pushing their current loan-to-value ratios above
The additional stated goals of the program were to reduce the government’s exposure to
mortgage credit risk and to stabilize housing markets.
While HARP allowed borrowers with LTVs above 80% to refinance, the program was restricted
to mortgages that had been guaranteed either by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (the “government-
sponsored enterprises,” or GSEs), which by this time were under the conservatorship of the Federal
Housing Finance Administration (FHFA). Prior to HARP, the GSEs did not purchase mortgages
with low borrower equity—in particular, loans with LTVs greater than 80%—unless the borrower
had purchased private mortgage insurance (PMI) to limit the GSEs’ credit loss in case of a borrower
HARP imposed a handful of additional eligibility criteria. Since the program was targeted at
“responsible homeowners,” borrowers had to be current on their payments, with no late payments
in the prior six months and no more than one in the previous year. There was also initially an
LTV cap. For the first few months of HARP’s existence, it was restricted to borrowers with LTVs
below 105%. In September of 2009, this was raised to 125%, and in June of 2012, the cap was lifted
entirely. An additional restriction was that a borrower was only able to use the program once.
We give special attention to one final eligibility criterion: only loans guaranteed by a GSE
before June 1, 2009, could be refinanced through HARP.
No official justification was given for
this date—or the existence of a cutoff at all—though an unofficial (rumored) rationale seems to
be that households entering the housing market after that time should be well aware of the risks
associated with the market and presumably are therefore less worthy of government assistance.
Whatever the reason, the practical consequence of the requirement was to limit the program’s pool
of eligible borrowers substantially. This requirement is of particular importance in this paper, as
we will argue in Section 4 that it can be used as an instrument for refinancing, as it somewhat
arbitrarily allowed some homeowners to refinance while restricting other similar homeowners from
doing so.
HARP takeup was very low in the early years of the program and so it was significantly reformed
See the program announcement at center/press-releases/
Pages/200934145912322.aspx. More information about HARP is available at
Of course a borrower with sufficient liquidity could always pay down the loan balance to reduce it to an 80%
LTV at the time of the refinance. Refinancing with an LTV above 80% at the additional cost of obtaining PMI had
historically been possible, but over this period, PMI supply was severely restricted due to insurers’ financial distress
(e.g. Beraja et al. (2015) show that during 2009,
prior to HARP, locations where borrowers had higher LTVs saw substantially less refinancing.
In late 2013, this rule was changed so that the June 1, 2009, cutoff date applied to the date of origination rather
than the date of guarantee. However, this was after the large bulk of HARP activity had already occurred, so we will
treat the cutoff as applying to the date of guarantee throughout the paper.
in 2012—the so-called “HARP 2.0.” In addition to eliminating the LTV cap, HARP 2.0 expanded
the pool of eligible borrowers by facilitating the use of HARP for borrowers with existing PMI.
There were also substantial reductions in “loan-level pricing adjustments,” fees charged by the
GSEs when acquiring the mortgage. Additionally, the need for a manual appraisal was largely
eliminated, and required documentation for things like borrower income was also relaxed. As a
result, HARP borrowers had access to a streamlined refinancing opportunity after 2012 that was
easier and, in many cases, had fewer upfront costs than the standard process for borrowers with
higher equity.
Finally, in January 2013, FHFA relaxed the representations and warranties (“reps
and warrants”) rules that lenders commit to when selling loans to the GSEs.
This likely increased
lender HARP participation and enhanced competition (Agarwal et al., 2017a).
Around 3.5 million mortgages have been refinanced through HARP since early 2009, with most
of the refinances occurring in 2012 and 2013, owing to a combination of HARP 2.0’s more relaxed
rules and the concurrent plunge in interest rates.
3 Data
Our analysis relies on “Credit Risk Insights Servicing McDash” (CRISM), a dataset that merges
Equifax’s credit bureau data on consumer debt liabilities with mortgage servicing data from McDash
(owned and licensed by Black Knight). This section proceeds in four steps: first, we describe
CRISM’s features and why it is well-suited to our study; second, we discuss how HARP’s eligibility
criteria guide our sample selection; third, we provide summary statistics for our sample and compare
it to the mortgage population at large; and finally, we describe refinancing activity in our sample
and look at suggestive evidence of the effect of a refinance by performing an event study.
CRISM covers about 60% of the US mortgage market during our sample period, providing Mc-
Dash’s mortgage data merged with Equifax’s credit bureau data at a monthly frequency. CRISM is
well-suited to studying refinances—and HARP in particular. Mortgage servicer data alone typically
does not include unique borrower identifiers, making it impossible to track borrowers through a
refinance, as one loan terminates and a new one originates. The credit bureau data, however, does
include an identifier, allowing us to link loans through a refinance. But credit bureau data alone
would not suffice for this study either, as it does not report whether and when a loan has been
guaranteed by a GSE. This information is essential for our identification strategy, and is contained
in the McDash data. The complementary attributes of the two datasets make CRISM uniquely
suited for this study.
Both parts of CRISM are useful for tracking outcomes of interest, as well. For mortgage default,
A caveat, studied in depth by Bond et al. (2017), is that in many cases, HARP borrowers with junior liens had to
obtain a resubordination agreement from the lender of the junior lien. This could be hard if the lenders were difficult
to contact or used their ability to hold up the process in an attempt to extract surplus.
For further details, see Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector General (2013).
we will use McDash’s reporting of delinquency status.
Equifax allows us to track balances on a
wide range of other debt instruments. Specifically, we look at auto loans,
bank cards, student
loans, HELOCs, and finally a set of smaller categories that we will refer to as “retail consumer
Equifax, in addition to reporting overall balances for each category of debt, reports the
amount of debt in each category on which borrowers are current on their payments. We use this
to back out a measure of delinquency on non-first-mortgage debts. The Equifax data also contains
a borrower’s updated FICO credit score in each month.
To measure borrowers’ updated LTVs, we use their remaining principal balance in the numera-
tor, while for the denominator (home value) we follow standard practice and assume that the value
of the property (whose appraisal we observe at the time of loan origination) evolves according to a
local home price index (HPI) from CoreLogic. For 83% of borrowers we have ZIP-level HPIs, while
for the rest we use either county-, MSA-, or state-level HPIs. Our sample selection will be based
on first-lien LTVs only, since HARP eligibility is based on those, but in other parts of the analysis
we will use combined LTV (CLTV) ratios, where junior liens are added to the numerator.
3.2 Sample Selection Criteria
HARP’s design—along with our empirical strategy–dictates three main sample selection crite-
We will select borrowers who: a) have a mortgage guaranteed by a GSE (Fannie Mae or
Freddie Mac); b) originated that mortgage between January and June of 2009; c) were current on
payments and had an LTV of at least 80% on that mortgage in March of 2010. We explain these
criteria in turn.
First, we only study borrowers who have mortgages guaranteed by a GSE because only these
were eligible for HARP. This ensured that the federal government, which had taken the GSEs into
conservatorship, was not being exposed to additional credit risk by HARP. As non-GSE mortgages
were categorically ineligible, we exclude them.
Second, our sample only includes borrowers who originated a mortgage between January and
June of 2009. Recall that our key instrument (discussed in much greater detail in Section 4) is
We follow much of the literature (e.g. Tracy and Wright, 2016) in using 90+ days delinquency according to the
Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) measure as our flag for mortgage default.
Equifax actually has separate categories for auto loans from banks and auto loans from auto finance companies,
but we simply add them together for the entirety of the analysis.
This combines three separate Equifax categories: retail debt, consumer finance debt, and “other” debt.
In addition to the three main criteria discussed here, we drop borrowers whose credit files indicate that they
have multiple first mortgages for more than 6 months or who have multiple active McDash first mortgages in a single
month. We do this in order to be confident that the second mortgage balances are collateralized by the property we
observe and not a second home. We also drop loans if we cannot determine whether they were guaranteed before the
HARP eligibility cutoff. This occurs if a loan is listed as having originated before June of 2009 but does not appear
in CRISM until after and is listed as being guaranteed by a GSE in its initial observation. In that case, we cannot
know whether the guarantee occurred before or after June 1, 2009.
As of end-2008, about 43% of outstanding mortgages were guaranteed by the GSEs; among mortgages originated
in 2009, the share securitized through the GSEs was higher, at 63%, since the private securitization market had
disappeared (source: Frame et al., 2015).
based on the eligibility criterion that the mortgage must have been guaranteed before June 1,
2009. Since, as we show later, GSEs typically guarantee mortgages within a few months of their
being originated, this window gives us a sample that is fairly balanced on eligibility. In addition,
the window is wide enough to generate a large sample while being narrow enough to be fairly
homogeneous, as we will argue in Section 4.
Third, we only include borrowers who are current on their payments and whose estimated
updated LTV was above 80% in March 2010. As discussed in the previous section, HARP was
specifically designed for borrowers with LTVs above 80%. For our purposes, there is some ambiguity
about exactly how to impose that requirement, because LTV is a dynamic variable. As a result, a
mortgage with a high LTV in one month could have a much lower LTV months later, depending
on how home prices evolve. For simplicity, we choose a point in time—March of 2010—to measure
LTV and decide whether to include the borrower in the sample. Note that March of 2010 is not a
relevant date for the program; it is a date that we as researchers are using to create our sample. We
choose this date because it allows the mortgages to age about a year on average (as they originated
between January and June of 2009), while at the same time being before the drop in long-term rates
that accelerated in the summer of 2010 driven by the European sovereign debt crisis and financial
markets’ anticipation of the Federal Reserve’s QE2 action. For robustness, we have re-run the
analysis choosing a different point in time, March 2011, and while this does change the composition
of borrowers in the sample, the results are extremely similar to what we report below using the
March 2010 LTV. Finally, we drop borrowers who are not current as of March 2010 because HARP
was restricted to borrowers with no missed payments in the previous 6 months and no more than
1 missed payment over the past 12 months. While a borrower who was delinquent in March 2010
could cure and go on to use HARP later, we exclude them in order to focus on the group most
likely to be able to use the program.
3.3 Summary Statistics
Table 1 provides summary statistics of our sample and compares it to the population of all
borrowers in CRISM that were guaranteed by a GSE and had an LTV above 80%, as well as to all
GSE borrowers in CRISM. The summary stats are for March of 2010, the observation month when
inclusion in our sample is determined.
Relative to the full high-LTV population (panel B), our sample (panel A) has a handful of
differences, most of which can be traced back almost mechanically to the different origination
windows (early 2009 versus all). As our sample originated in early 2009 and had therefore aged for
only about one year, loan balances tend to be larger. Similarly, because they all originated after
the first steep decline in mortgage rates in late 2008, they have lower interest rates as well. And
while our sample has high LTVs by construction, they are not nearly as bad at that point as the
broader high-LTV population, as they did not experience the (large) portion of the price decline
As before, we restrict ourselves to borrowers who are current on their payments.
that occurred before 2009. Credit utilization, defined as the sum of HELOC and bank card balances
divided by the sum of HELOC and bank card limits, is also lower in the sample, perhaps because
these borrowers, if they did acquire HELOCs, had simply not had as much time to utilize them.
The sample also has higher FICO scores, which is less mechanical and likely due to the tightening
in credit standards following the onset of the financial crisis. The comparison with panel C, which
shows all GSE borrowers regardless of LTV, is similar, though this group has LTVs that are a bit
better (lower) than in our sample, and the FICO scores are closer.
Based on Table 1, it is plausible that results from our sample understate the impact of a typical
HARP refinancing. Because borrowers in our sample already have low contract interest rates, the
payment relief they receive from refinancing is relatively small. Furthermore, we will show later that
the effects of refinancing tend to be larger for borrowers with low credit scores and high utilization
rates of their revolving credit lines.
As discussed above, our sample tends to have high FICO
scores and low credit utilization rates compared to the population. Succinctly, it is likely that
our population received a relatively small treatment from refinancing and was also somewhat less
sensitive to doing so than the population.
3.4 Refinancing Activity
We now describe refinancing in our sample over the observation period, which runs from 2009
through February 2016. Following the procedure of Beraja et al. (2015), we consider a refinance to
have occurred if a McDash mortgage terminates in a “voluntary payoff” and a new loan appears
for the same borrower within 4 months, so long as either (i) the listed “purpose” of the new loan
is a refinance, or (ii) the purpose of the new loan is not known (which is the case for about 25% of
originations in McDash) but the mortgage is in the same ZIP code as the terminated loan.
In the early years of the program (i.e. through the middle of 2011), refinancing activity in our
sample was relatively weak, as Figure 1 shows. This is unsurprising, since interest rates had not
yet fallen much since 2009, meaning most borrowers in our sample had no incentive to refinance.
There was a brief spike in 2010 when interest rates temporarily fell by about 50 basis points (bp),
but participation did not pick up in earnest until at least a year later, when interest rates fell in a
more sustained manner, due to macroeconomic developments and monetary policy interventions.
Refinancing activity declined sharply in the middle of 2013 when interest rates rose rapidly following
the so-called “taper tantrum.”
This is generally the case, though as we will show, it depends on the outcome of interest.
For about 25% of refinances identified, the new loan does not appear in McDash—it only appears in the Equifax
data. We do count these as refinances so long as the ZIP code does not change, but we are limited in our ability
to track borrower outcomes following the refinance. In particular, we are unable to track whether they are making
their mortgage payments, since the McDash data is missing, and we are only able to track their balances on other
debts (auto loans, etc) for 6 months, as CRISM tracks borrowers for 6 months after they exit the McDash sample.
Our analysis is conducted at the borrower-month level, so we simply treat these refinancers who exit the sample as
censored. However, we are able to compare the debt balances of these censored refinancers to those of the uncensored
refinancers (whose new loans do appear in McDash) for the 6 months following the refinance, and their behavior is
extremely similar, allaying concerns that the uncensored refinancers that we track are not representative.
Of the 220,160 borrowers in our sample, 97,928 ( 44%) completed a refinance. The first panel
of Figure 2 shows that by refinancing, these borrowers were able to cut their mortgage payments by
$173, or about 11%, on average. The remaining panel of the figure show an event study of changes
in debt balances around the time of a non-cashout refinance.
This provides initial evidence that
borrowers’ respond to the the positive cash flow shock associated with the refinance. Both auto
and HELOC debt show large increases in the months following the refinance. The initial response
appears somewhat larger for auto debt, while the effect is more sustained for HELOCs. The event
study also suggests that borrowers initally pay down some of their bank card debt, while there is
no response on average for student debt or retail consumer debt.
While the event study is suggestive of borrowers responding to the refinances, it is difficult to
interpret causally. As the timing of both the refinance and, say, an auto purchase are flexible,
the relationship in the event study could be driven by borrowers timing their refinance to slightly
precede their planned purchase of car. This is just one possibility that would generate the pattern
in Figure 2 without there being a true effect of the refinance. The remainder of this paper works
to identify more credibly causal estimates.
4 Empirical Strategy
Mortgages guaranteed by a GSE before June 2009 were eligible to be refinanced through HARP,
while those guaranteed afterward were not. We now argue that eligibility based on this criterion is
a valid instrument for assessing the impact of refinancing.
It is important to have an instrument to answer this question because refinancing is endogenous,
as it is an active choice being made by a household. Consider the case of mortgage default. If a
household is underwater on its mortgage and assigns a high likelihood to moving soon (perhaps
due to labor market outcomes or a change in family structure), it is unlikely to refinance—since
the benefits of doing so will be short-lived—and likely to default. This will generate a negative
correlation between refinancing and mortgage default that is not causal: those who refinance were
less likely to default, regardless of any treatment effect of lower mortgage payments. By restricting
ourselves to only the variation in refinancing activity that is predicted by the cutoff date, we are able
to identify the causal impact of a refinance, so long as we are confident that borrowers guaranteed
before the cutoff date are not systematically different than those guaranteed after (conditional on
observables), other than their eligibility to use HARP.
We will now show evidence in favor of this identifying assumption. This proceeds in three
Specifically, we focus on borrowers whose first mortgage balances do not change by more than $5,000 from month
-1 to month 1. By dropping apparent cash-out and “cash-in” refinances, this allows us to focus on the group most
likely to be using HARP. In the IV regressions in subsequent sections, we do not drop any refinances (as we do here)
because our instrument, HARP eligibility, drives variation only in HARP refinances. Notably, HARP eligibility is
highly predictive of refinances whose balances do not change by more than $5,000 but is not predictive of refinances
with larger balance shifts.
Furthermore, an event study is not capable of identifying an effect on mortgage default, an important outcome,
since a borrower cannot have previously defaulted on a mortgage she is refinancing.
steps. First, we argue that there is no strategic sorting of GSE guarantees around the cutoff date.
Second, we show that, at the beginning of the sample period, the ineligible and eligible groups are
balanced on key observables.Third, we show that the two groups display little difference in key
balance sheet outcomes before late 2011, when refinancing activity surges, suggesting the groups
would have continued on parallel trends in the absence of the eligibility requirement. We conclude
Section 4 by discussing different specifications and how they affect the strength of the identifying
4.1 Was There Non-Random Sorting Around the Cutoff Date?
HARP was unveiled in March of 2009, a few months before the eligibility cutoff date. This
admits the possibility that strategic behavior, either by borrowers, lenders, or the servicers of
the loans, could cause the eligible and ineligible groups to differ in ways that may be difficult
to observe. For instance, if some servicers wanted to ensure that their loans were eligible to be
refinanced and these same servicers have, say, unobservably higher-quality borrowers, then the
eligibility instrument will not be valid, as the eligible group will be of higher unobserved quality.
Any difference in outcomes between the two groups could then be attributed to that difference,
rather than HARP eligibility.
One consequence of this kind of behavior could be a spike in GSE guarantees just before the
cutoff date, as the strategic actors hurry their loans through the process. Figure 3 shows that this
did not occur. There is a large increase in GSE acquisitions in the six months or so before the cutoff
date, but this is almost certainly a result of the large increase in refinancing activity caused by the
decline in interest rates toward the end of 2008. There are two months with particularly large spikes
in guarantee activity, but these are March and June of 2009—the former being far in advance of
the cutoff date (and essentially concurrent with the announcement of the program) and the latter
being too late to maintain eligibility.
Furthermore, while our data does not contain information
on the specific day that a loan was guaranteed, Karamon et al. (2016)’s Freddie Mac data does,
and they show that guarantee volume is smooth through the cutoff date, as are the observables
of the borrowers. Finally, in Appendix A.1 we further test whether securitization speeds for loans
in our sample vary by LTV (since HARP eligibility was differentially valuable for different LTV
ranges) but find no systematic evidence for this.
4.2 Balance on Observable Characteristics
The previous subsection argued that the eligible and ineligible groups do not differ due to
strategic sorting, but of course it is possible that they differ for other reasons. However, our
window of 6 months of originations comprise a fairly homogeneous group of borrowers, meaning that
Appendix Table A-1 supplements this with the CRISM micro-data, where we show the breakdown of guarantee
month for each origination cohort. This confirms that it typically takes about 1 month for a loan to be guaranteed
and that guarantee volume is essentially driven by the previous month’s origination volume, with no evidence that
loans were rushed to the GSEs before the cutoff date.
eligibility for HARP is plausibly the only systematic difference between the eligible and ineligible
groups. Table 2 shows that the two groups are very similar on key observable characteristics: CLTV,
FICO, interest rate, credit utilization, and debt balances. While the groups can be distinguished
in a statistical sense for most of the variables, the economic magnitudes of all the differences are
The similarity of the two groups on observable characteristics is reassuring that they are
similar on unobservable characteristics as well, lending validity to the eligibility instrument.
4.3 Pre-trends
The top panel of Figure 4 shows how cumulative refinancing propensities evolve for the two
groups over our sample period; the gap between the two groups starts widening in late 2011. We
now show that the timing of the emergence of differences in important outcomes between the two
groups follows a similar pattern. Specifically, we find little difference between the eligible and
ineligible groups when we examine how balance sheet variables of interest evolved prior to late
2011—a period of time we can think of as pre-treatment.
These parallel trends prior to the wave
of refinancing lend credibility to the assumption that, in the absence of this refinancing option, they
would have continued along similar paths, allowing us to attribute the differences in the post-2011
period to a causal effect of refinancing. This gives us further confidence that, in addition to being
similar along observable dimensions as shown in the previous subsection, the groups are similar
along unobservable dimensions as well.
To evaluate pre-trends, we must first establish when the “pre-period” is. This setting differs
from the textbook example of program evaluation because participants are not treated at a fixed
point in time—rather, each eligible individual could choose to refinance at any time. We let the
data tell us when the “treatment period” begins. Specifically, we look to see when the eligibility
instrument starts to become predictive of refinancing. Then, we can check pre-trends by looking
at other outcomes prior to that time.
To this end, we consider a “dynamic first stage” regression. We estimate the following equation:
|t, Eligible
, X
] =
× I
) + X
θ, (1)
where Refied
indicates that borrower i refinanced in some month τ t and X
has the observables
discussed in the following subsection, including quarter-by-ZIP fixed effects (FEs). The bottom
We control for all of these observable characteristics in the analysis below, but as this analysis suggests, these
controls are not very important, since the two groups are so similar. The one exception is that controlling for the
interest rate does substantially strengthen the results for mortgage default.
Table 2 also shows that while attrition from the sample is heavy, it is balanced across the two groups. Our
analysis will be done at the monthly level, so we will simply censor borrowers as they leave the sample.
A related concern is that there was differential attrition for the two groups between the time of origination and
March 2010. Figure A-2 shows that this is not an issue, as only about 1% of borrowers left the sample within 14 months
of originating their mortgage (we choose 14 because that is the number of months between the first originations—
January 2009—and the March 2010 sample selection date). Furthermore, this attrition was quite balanced across the
eligible and ineligible groups.
panel of Figure 4 plots {γ
, the dynamic first stage effect of eligibility on the likelihood
of having refinanced. As discussed earlier, there was a small flurry of refinancing activity in late
2010, and this is reflected in a small first stage effect early in the sample period. However, it is
not until the more sustained drop in interest rates beginning in late 2011 that refinancing picked
up substantially, and this is exactly when the HARP eligibility instrument begins to predict strong
differences between the two groups. By the time interest rates rise again in mid-2013 and refinancing
dries up, the eligible group remaining in the sample is about 30 percentage points (pp) more likely
to have refinanced, a difference that persists nearly undiminished through the rest of the sample
We now show that eligibility was not predictive of different balance sheet outcomes prior to
this surge in HARP activity. We first estimate a dynamic reduced form regression, similar to the
dynamic first stage:
|t, Eligible
, X
] =
× I
) + X
λ, (2)
where Y
is the outcome of interest—either a default indicator or a first difference of debt.
that the sample begins in October of 2009 rather than April of 2010. For the first stage, there is
mechanically no effect prior to March of 2010 because inclusion in the sample required the original
loan to be active as of that date, so it cannot have been refinanced. However, for these other
outcomes (with the lone exception of mortgage default), we are able to look back further to assess
the pre-trends. Also note that, because the outcomes are noisier than the first stage, we will report
the cumulative effect,
, as this smooths out some of the noise.
Figure 5 shows the results for default on the first mortgage (top panel) and serious delinquency
on other debts (bottom panel). The first thing to notice is that HARP-eligible borrowers default less
on both types of debt. In subsequent sections, we will formalize that observation into a quantitative
treatment effect of refinancing. For this section, the key observation is that, while somewhat noisy,
the effects occur in the later part of the sample, after there has been refinancing activity in the
sample (the dynamic first stage is plotted, too, for reference): before 2011, the two groups appear
identical, and then as more and more of the eligible refinances, a gap emerges. Figure 6 shows
the same analysis for debt balances, where we look at auto debt, bank card debt, student debt,
HELOC debt, and retail consumer debt. Of the five categories, only auto and HELOC debt show
strong differences between the eligible and ineligible groups, and both of those emerge sharply late
in the sample. All of this reassures us that the eligible and ineligible groups are similar except for
their ability to refinance their mortgage, so our HARP eligibility instrument allows us to identify
a truly causal effect of refinancing.
We trim observations from a regression if the balance in that debt category is greater than the 99
percentile of
non-zero balances in the sample. We have also winsorized based on this criteria, and we have trimmed and winsorized
extreme changes as well, with all methods of dealing with outliers delivering very similar results.
4.4 Identification Assumptions and Regression Specifications
The previous subsections have argued that HARP-eligible borrowers are comparable to those
that are ineligible, but of course in a regression framework, they must be comparable only condi-
tional on the other covariates included. Here we outline a baseline set of covariates as well as a
richer set, and we discuss the differences in the identifying variation they generate.
Our baseline specification will control for the following observable characteristics, in addition
to a full set of indicators for ZIP code and time (quarter): CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO (lagged
3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), remaining principal balance on the first mortgage,
initial interest rate on the mortgage, and initial balances of the other debt categories. This means
the identifying assumption for these regressions, which will be denoted by a (1) in most of the
tables in the results section, is:
Identifying Assumption 1 Conditional on ZIP code, quarter, and observable covariates, the only
systematic difference between borrowers guaranteed before and after June 1, 2009, is eligibility for
We have provided evidence in support of that assumption throughout Section 4; in fact, the evidence
in Table 2 suggests that identification may be achieved even without conditioning on observables.
However, an even more restrictive source of variation can be exploited. Because the cutoff
date is based on the month of guarantee and not month of origination, we can include controls for
origination cohort and still have variation in eligibility. That specification allows for the eligible
and ineligible groups to systematically differ, just not within cohorts. In fact, we can do even better
by also including a full set of indicators for guarantee lag.
In this specification, which will be
denoted by a (4) in most of the tables in the results section, the identifying assumption is even
Identifying Assumption 2 Conditional on observables, all differences between eligible and in-
eligible borrowers within the cohort—other than access to HARP—are driven by time-invariant
differences between borrowers with different guarantee lags.
To get an intuitive sense of how this has relaxed our assumption, consider an example. Suppose
that borrowers whose guarantee lag is greater than, say, 2 months have unobservable qualities that
make them more likely to default, and this is true for all cohorts. Then the ineligible group will be
unobservably more likely to default, even within a cohort. However, we are still able to identify our
causal effect because those within-cohort differences are driven by effects associated with different
guarantee lags, which we remove with the guarantee lag indicators because they are consistent
across cohorts.
Our results are robust to this weaker assumption. In our discussion, we will put less emphasis
Note that the cohort indicators and guarantee lag indicators are separate. We cannot use cohort-by-guarantee
lag controls, since within those bins, there is no variation in eligibility.
on the results corresponding to this assumption because those specifications tend to have large
standard errors, since there is less variation to be exploited.
5 Effects of Refinancing on Mortgage Default
This section studies the impact of refinancing on mortgage default. In line with other studies
that have used a similar approach, we find a strong reduction in the mortgage default hazard, in
excess of the implied sensitivity of default to payment size found in most previous studies of ARMs.
5.1 Econometric Model
To assess the relationship between refinancing and mortgage default, we estimate a linear proba-
bility model. Following the literature, we define default to be the event of going 90+ days delinquent
on the mortgage, and we censor borrowers once they default for the first time or leave the dataset
via a non-refinance prepayment or servicing transfer. We then estimate
, X
] = β
+ X
κ, (3)
where Default
indicates whether borrower i defaulted in period t, X
includes fixed effects for
quarter and ZIP code, flexible controls for the observables described above, and other covariates
that depend on the specification (see below). In this section we compare OLS estimates to those
from 2SLS (IV). In the OLS specifications,
indicates whether borrower i has refinanced
in or before period t. For the IV specifications, we run a first-stage regression that captures the
differential refinancing activity between the eligible and ineligible groups and how that evolved over
time, as we saw earlier in Figure 4. This is the same regression as Equation (1), which we reproduce
here for the reader’s convenience:
|t, Eligible
, X
] =
× I
) + X
θ. (4)
In the 2SLS results,
is the fitted value from regression (4). Intuitively, we will find
an IV effect if the eligible and ineligible groups behave differently in the same months when the
(cumulative) refinance shares differ the most. As we saw in Figure 4, this basically means we are
identified off of post-2011 differences between the groups.
We will run four specifications with an expanding set of controls in X
1. quarter fixed effects (FEs), ZIP FEs, observables;
2. + ZIP × quarter FEs;
3. + guarantee lag FEs;
In our sample, only approximately 25% of the variation in eligibility is within-cohort, so the standard errors for
regressions corresponding to Identifying Assumption 2 are substantially larger than for the other specifications, as
seen below.
4. + cohort FEs.
Specifications 1 and 4 correspond to Identifying Assumptions 1 and 2, respectively. We show
specifications 2 and 3 to give more of a sense of the sensitivity of the results to the conditioning
variables. Note that standard errors are clustered at the county level throughout.
5.2 Results
The effects on mortgage default are very large. Panel A of Table 3 shows the results for the
different Xs across OLS and IV. The IV results are quite stable across specifications, though—as
will be a theme throughout the results—inclusion of cohort effects increases the standard errors
substantially and, in this case, leads to a point estimate appreciably larger.
The estimated
reduction of the monthly default probability ranges from 2.1bp to 3.2bp, or roughly 40% of the
sample average.
The OLS results are substantially larger: the reductions range from 4.6-4.8bp, or
about 80%. This suggests that borrowers who refinance are unobservably less likely to default, even
in the absence of refinancing, highlighting the need for an instrument in studying this question.
As mentioned above, these results—as well as those to follow—are robust to using March 2011
as the sample selection date, as opposed to March 2010. Furthermore, while our sample includes
both ARMs and FRMs and loans of different maturities, the results are essentially unchanged if we
restrict to 30-year FRMs.
These findings are in line with recent studies that show large effects of refinancing FRMs on
mortgage default. Karamon et al. (2016) use a regression discontinuity approach to study Freddie
Mac loans guaranteed around the cutoff date and estimate that a HARP refinance reduces the
default likelihood by about 50%; Ehrlich and Perry (2015) use a similar approach to study FHA
loans going through a streamlined refinance program and find a reduction in the default probability
of 40%. Our approach yields very similar results. Interestingly, these effects are larger than what
one would predict based on results from papers studying ARMs. Fuster and Willen (2017) use
ARM borrowers who mostly receive large payment reductions while Tracy and Wright (2016) use
a set of ARMs with smaller resets. Using the estimates of either study, the implied reduction in
default rates caused by a 11% payment reduction (the average in our sample) is about 15%, much
smaller than the 40% we find.
Given the strong evidence of a first-stage effect of HARP eligibility on refinancing shown in Figure 4, it is not
surprising that first-stage F-statistics (not reported) are well above any level that would lead one to worry about a
weak instruments problem.
The simple default rate in our sample is 6.6bp. However, we prefer a weighted average of monthly default rates,
where the weight of month τ is equal to the number of borrowers with Ref ied
= 1. This weighted measure is more
reflective of the true default hazard that borrowers faced in the “treatment period,” which as discussed above is not
a binary partition of time but a more gradual transition. We refer to this as the “takeup-weighted monthly default
rate,” which is 5.9bp.
Di Maggio et al. (2017) also briefly study the effects of ARM resets on defaults in their sample, though since
this is not the main focus of their paper, they do not provide much detail for their analysis of that outcome. The
effect size they report would correspond to a 11% payment reduction decreasing default rates by about 25%. This is
larger than the effects found by Tracy and Wright (2016) and Fuster and Willen (2017) but still substantially smaller
than the effect we find.
This speaks to the potential pitfalls of applying results from studies of ARMs, a relatively small
segment of the US mortgage market, to the dominant FRM segment. One explanation for the
discrepancy is simply that ARM borrowers differ from FRM borrowers, and so their sensitivities to
payment reductions may differ as well. A second possibility is that a payment reduction achieved by
refinancing is permanent, whereas a reset on an ARM could be reversed if interest rates rise in the
future, dampening the effect. Yet another potential explanation is that, on average, FRM and ARM
borrowers are similar but that the causal effects identified in these studies are for different subsets
of these groups. Specifically, as ARM borrowers receive their payment changes passively—when
interest rates fall, the reduction goes to all ARM borrowers—these studies identify the population’s
average treatment effect (ATE). In contrast, the FRM studies (this one included) identify a local
average treatment effect (LATE) that is specific to people who are “compliers” in the sense defined
by Angrist et al. (1996)—borrowers who would refinance if eligible for HARP and not otherwise.
As such, this average is taken not over the whole population but this more select group that is
willing to actively pursue a refinance. It makes sense that this group would be more responsive, as
they are evidently quite engaged with the details of their mortgages. This is also the group whose
behavior is most relevant for understanding the refinancing channel.
Panel A of Table 4 shows that the strength of the estimated effect varies substantially depending
on a handful of salient borrower characteristics. We create an indicator for an observation being
above or below the median, say, FICO score and then estimate coefficients on Refied
and Refied
. We instrument for these two variables with Eligible
, Eligible
× HighFICO
, and the
joint interaction of these variables with a full set of quarter dummies. Note that the average payment
reduction was essentially uniform across the groups, in the 10-12% range, so any heterogeneity
comes from differential responses rather than different treatments. The results show that high-
FICO borrowers and low-credit utilization borrowers had no discernible response to their refinance
in terms of default behavior, in part because they default at very low rates anyway. Low-FICO
borrowers, on the other hand, saw a reduction in their monthly default hazard of 4.8bp (their
average default rate is 10.5bp), and high-credit utilization borrowers reduced their default rates
by 4.5bp (compared to an average of 8.3bp). These groups, then, experienced a reduction in their
default hazard of around 50%. Borrowers with high CLTVs also experienced a larger effect than
those with lower values, though the difference is less stark than with the other two variables, perhaps
because the sample is, by construction, made up of borrowers with high LTVs, so the differences
are more muted. All told then, we find evidence not only of a strong treatment effect but one
that is considerably stronger for borrowers with characteristics that indicate financial distress and
higher risk of default.
These results suggest that liquidity constraints are a key driver of mortgage default, in line with
existing evidence (e.g. Elul et al., 2010) and as featured in state-of-the-art models (e.g. Campbell
and Cocco, 2015). In contrast, frictionless models of mortgage default (e.g. Kau et al., 1992)
Fuster and Willen (2017) similarly find larger proportional effects of ARM rate reductions for lower FICO or
higher CLTV borrowers, though differences are generally not statistically significant.
would not predict heterogeneity in default elasticity to payment reductions, since all that matters
to borrowers in such models is the present cost of the mortgage discounted at the risk-free rate.
However, in our data essentially only ex-ante more constrained borrowers default, and only those
borrowers’ default propensity is reduced by the refinance into a lower-rate mortgage.
6 Effects of Refinancing on Non-Mortgage Debt
In this section, we look at the consequences of refinancing a first mortgage for other items on
households’ balance sheets. The main focus is the change in debt balances, though we also study
effects on delinquencies. The econometric methods employed here parallel those used to study
mortgage default in Section 5 quite closely. One key difference is that, as opposed to the mortgage
default regressions, where we censored following the borrower’s first instance of mortgage default,
in this section we do not censor at all when looking at debt balances, and we censor after the first
instance of serious delinquency on non-mortgage debt when studying that outcome. Also note that,
when looking at the first difference of debt balances, our focus is on the net change in balances,
but we will decompose the effect into positive and negative changes. We do this by re-running
the regressions with negative (positive) values censored to 0 to evaluate the impact on positive
(negative) changes. This is important because increased cash flow could cause borrowers to take
on more debt, as their ability to service that debt has increased, but it could also be used to pay
down outstanding debts.
Table 5 shows summary statistics for debt levels and accumulation by debt category. About
half of the observations have positive auto debt, which is typically being amortized, though in
about 3% of months, borrowers take out large auto loans, so that on net the average borrower adds
$17 of auto debt per month. HELOCs, student loans and retail consumer debt follow the same
basic pattern—relatively rare and large positive accumulation followed by a longer, slower process
of pay-downs—though they are less prevalent and smaller than auto loans. Bank cards, which
are held by 85% of the sample, show a somewhat different pattern, as increases and decreases are
essentially equally likely, with the increases being somewhat larger, leading to an average increase
of $23/month.
Average Effects. The top row of Table 6 contains our main results on auto debt accumulation.
This is a useful place to begin because other studies (e.g. Agarwal et al., 2017a; Beraja et al., 2015;
Di Maggio et al., 2016, 2017) have looked at this outcome and argued that reducing mortgage
payments leads to increased auto debt, as households take out auto loans to buy new cars. We,
too, find evidence of a significant causal effect of a mortgage refinance on a consumer’s auto debt.
Refinancing leads to a net increase in auto debt accumulation of around $25/month. This estimate is
stable across specifications. As the final two columns show, this net change combines two competing
effects: increases to debt as households finance car purchases ($43), and decreases as they pay down
their debt (-$19). The former, which proxies for auto spending, can be compared to other studies.
Agarwal et al. (2017a) do event studies of HARP refinances and find that the increase in auto debt
is 20-22% of the magnitude of the payment reduction, very much in line with the 43/173 = 24%
increase that we find. Di Maggio et al. (2017) look at ARMs and find the increase in auto debt is
closer to 10% of the payment reduction. This suggests that, as with mortgage default, the elasticity
of the response may be larger for FRMs than ARMs, although the studies are difficult to directly
compare, since the ARM resets in the Di Maggio et al. (2017) sample resulted in much larger
payment reductions (of about $940/month, or 50%).
Looking beyond auto debt, Table 6 shows that HELOC debt is the one other instrument that
shows a net effect on balances. The magnitude of the effect is similar to that of auto debt—$20-
24/month—and similarly stable. Splitting this net effect into positive and negative components, it
appears that HELOC draws (the positive change) is a bit less responsive than auto debt, and less
is done to pay the debt down as well. These results suggest that the spending response induced
by refinancing is larger and more broad-based than previously shown, as we are the first to look at
debt balances beyond auto debt.
Bank card debt and retail consumer debt show little evidence of a net effect, but this is the
result of combining increases in the balance with decreases. Specifically, when looking only at
positive changes, refinancing caused borrowers to accumulate an additional $26 of bank card debt
and $13 of retail consumer debt per month, while focusing on negative changes show these balances
being paid off by $31 and $11 per month. Student debt shows no meaningful response, either in a
statistical sense or in terms of magnitude.
Looking across all these debt categories, we see that while auto debt, the focus of related
previous literature, is an important component of households’ responses to refinancing, it is only
one of the active margins. In particular, the positive accumulation of debt is about 60% of the
monthly savings on mortgage payments ($106/$173), more than twice the response one would see
by looking at just autos. The reductions in debt were equal to about 40% of the mortgage payment
savings ($64/$173), leading to a net increase in debt accumulation of about 20% of the savings
caused by refinancing, on average.
These strong results stand in interesting contrast to the effects from reducing principal balances
for highly-leveraged borrowers, studied in Ganong and Noel (2017). Using quasi-experimental
variation generated by HAMP, they show that writing down the debt of underwater borrowers to
a lower—but still underwater—level has no effect on consumer spending, because this intervention
does not provide borrowers with collateral that can be borrowed against. In contrast, we find
that lowering mortgage payments, which increases cash on hand, can be quite effective in spurring
consumer spending. These results support the argument of Eberly and Krishnamurthy (2014) that
payment relief is likely a more efficient intervention for policymakers in a downturn than principal
As opposed to delinquency outcomes, where it is intuitive that the OLS magnitude should be biased upwards
relative to the true causal effect, for these debt accumulation outcomes it is not obvious which way the bias would
go. Table A-3 shows the OLS results. The IV effects are stronger for the auto and HELOC measures, smaller for
bank card debt, and very comparable for the student and retail consumer debt categories.
Heterogeneity. The previous discussion emphasized that, in some of the debt categories, re-
financing caused sizable increases of debt balances for some borrowers but decreases for others.
We now look at whether certain attributes predict whether a borrower will react strongly, ei-
ther in the positive or negative direction. We use the same specification as described toward
the end of Section 5 to simultaneously instrument for Refied
and Refied
× HighFICO
× HighCreditUtilization
, or Refied
× HighCLTV
Table 7 shows the results for heterogeneity along these dimensions. Consistent with Di Maggio
et al. (2017) and Agarwal et al. (2017a), we find that a low FICO score is predictive of strong
positive debt growth. The large average net effects on auto and HELOC debt appear to be driven
by low-FICO borrowers and hardly at all by those with high FICO scores. In addition, the positive
accumulation of retail consumer debt discussed above seems to be driven by low-FICO households,
whereas the de-accumulation of that debt in the last column of Table 6 is driven by high-FICO
The split by credit utilization is a bit less dramatic, as both high- and low-utilization borrowers
respond along the auto and HELOC margins. Interestingly, there is a big split along this dimension
when looking at bank card debt. Those with low credit utilization respond to their refinance
by accumulating more debt on their bank card, while those with high credit utilization use the
increased cash flow to pay down their bank card debt. This is sensible given that bank card debt
is not collateralized and comes with high interest rates.
Of the three characteristics, CLTV does the least to predict responsiveness to refinances across
the debt categories. The difference between high- and low-CLTV borrowers is not statistically
significant for any category, and it appears that both groups acted broadly like the average refinancer
whose results are shown in Table 6. This could be because our identifying variation is all coming
from borrowers with high CLTVs (as these effects are attributable to HARP eligibility). As a result,
even if there are important differences between how truly low- and high-CLTV borrowers respond
to a refinance, we may be unable to detect thes differences because there is little CLTV variation
in our sample.
These heterogeneity results are consistent with standard models of consumption in the presence
of liquidity constraints (e.g. Zeldes, 1989; Deaton, 1991). If a borrower would like to consume some
of her future income in the present but lacks the access to credit required to facilitate this, she
will be inclined to immediately spend a large portion of any windfall, as present marginal utility is
quite high. Our results show that, indeed, borrowers with low credit scores and high utilization of
their current lines of credit—people who likely face relatively tight liquidity constraints—respond
most strongly to the positive cash flow shock generated by refinancing their mortgage.
In sum, we have shown that the effect of a refinance on consumer debt balances is more nuanced
than previously demonstrated. As in previous studies, we find a strong increase in auto debt. We
have shown that, in addition, increased HELOC debt is an important margin. Both of these effects
are especially evident for borrowers with low FICO scores, and this group also draws on retail
consumer debt after refinancing. Borrowers with sufficient unused credit on their bank cards use
them to take on debt, as well, while those closer to their limits use the increased cash flow to pay
down these balances.
Delinquency. Finally, we look at effects on the likelihood of serious delinquency on a debt other
than the first mortgage. We define a serious delinquency to have occurred if a borrower has had
3 consecutive months with positive delinquent non-mortgage balances. We censor borrowers after
their first serious delinquency or when they exit McDash due to a non-refinance prepayment or
servicing transfer. The takeup-weighted monthly hazard rate in the sample is 11.7bp for this
outcome, twice that of mortgage default.
Panel B of Table 3 shows the treatment effect on serious delinquency on non-mortgage debt.
Though this is one outcome that is quite sensitive to the inclusion of cohort effects, the weight of
the evidence suggests that refinancing reduced this hazard by about 3bp, or 25%. As with mortgage
default, we find that the OLS estimate is larger, further evidence that borrowers who refinance are
be unobservably less likely to default.
Panel B of Table 4 again looks for heterogeneity along a handful of observable dimensions. As
with most of the other outcomes, we find that borrowers with low FICO scores and borrowers
with high credit utilization are responsible for most of the overall treatment effect. Those with
low FICO scores reduced their non-mortgage delinquency rate by 6.1bp (compared to a base of
24.4bp), while those with high credit utilization lowered their default rate by 5.5bp (compared
to an average default rate of 20.6bp). Again, we find some evidence that high-CLTV borrowers
were more responsive than their low-CLTV counterparts as well, but the difference is less clear.
While the absolute effect is stronger for the low-FICO and high-credit utilization borrowers, as
with mortgage default, for this outcome the proportional effect does not seem much different for
these borrowers than for the overall sample—a reduction of about 25%.
This provides evidence that refinancing not only helps households and the owners of their
mortgage credit risk, but also their other creditors, particularly for those at the greatest risk of
serious delinquency. This positive externality further illustrates the importance of looking at the
entirety of households’ balance sheets when assessing the effects of mortgage refinancing.
7 Take-up
The preceding analysis finds that refinances had beneficial effects on borrower finances, reducing
the probability of default on mortgages and other debt, and allowing for additional spending.
Nevertheless, half of HARP-eligible borrowers in the sample did not refinance. This is in line with
other studies finding that many borrowers fail to refinance when it appears to be in their financial
interest to do so (e.g., Campbell, 2006; Keys et al., 2016; Andersen et al., 2017; Agarwal et al.,
2015; Johnson et al., 2015). In this section, we ask which borrower characteristics predict take-up.
In addition to the financial variables available in the CRISM microdata (CLTV, FICO, etc.), we
will include some local (ZIP- and county-level) characteristics as well. These were irrelevant for the
previous analysis because we always included ZIP-code FEs to get the cleanest possible variation.
However, in this section, we are less interested in producing convincing causal identification and
more interested in simply describing who refinances. These additional variables come from a few
sources. We use Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data to measure local mortgage market
concentration, following Scharfstein and Sunderam (2016). Specifically, we look at what share of
mortgages in 2010 are made by the county’s four largest lenders. We also merge in ZIP code-level
Census data on income and education. One final addition to the set of variables is borrower age.
This is available in CRISM, and we use it to see if we find life-cycle variation in the use of the
refinancing opportunity, in the spirit of Agarwal et al. (2009).
We run a linear probability model to correlate refinancing activity with the micro variables in
CRISM and the local aggregate variables from the Census and HMDA. For this section only, we do
not use the panel feature of CRISM—instead, each borrower is a single observation. The outcome
variable is an indicator for whether the borrower refinances at any point in the sample, and any
time-varying covariates are measured in March of 2010. Because HARP eligibility is such a strong
predictor of refinancing behavior in our sample, we keep only HARP-eligible borrowers, reducing
our sample size from 220 thousand to 106 thousand. About 53% of this sample refinanced.
Results are shown in Table 8. Column (1) includes ZIP-code FEs while column (2) does not;
comparing the two demonstrates that the estimated effects of individual characteristics are barely
altered. Subsequent columns include various local characteristics, discussed below.
Looking at individual-level financial variables first, we see that refinancing was more likely
among borrowers with high credit scores, low utilization of revolving credit, and low CLTVs, all
indicators of financial health. The effect of credit utilization is intuitive, since highly liquidity-
constrained borrowers should have high effective discount rates and so be less inclined to undertake
a refinance, which has up-front costs and delayed benefits. Having said that, the effect is not very
strong—the difference in the refinancing probabilities for very high and very low values of credit
utilization is only a couple of percentage points. The FICO and CLTV results are quite a bit
stronger, the former showing a +15pp effect of being in the top of the FICO distribution, while
there is a -9pp effect from having a very high CLTV. The FICO result may be picking up a lack
of financial sophistication or a wariness by lenders of working with bad credit risks (either because
they feared future liability due to reps and warrants, or high servicing costs). The same reason
could explain the CLTV result. Alternatively, deeply underwater borrowers may have believed they
were ineligible for a refinance, despite HARP. This is all the more plausible given that when HARP
was first rolled out, borrowers with very high LTVs were not eligible (see Section 2). Broadly
speaking, these results suggest that the borrowers who we found earlier to respond most strongly
to a refinance across a broad set of measures were the least likely to actually undertake one.
We also find a hump-shaped pattern in age, broadly consistent with Agarwal et al. (2009)’s
findings across household financial behaviors. Specifically, the middle tercile in our data includes
ages 37-48, and we find that borrowers in this age range are significantly more likely than older or
younger borrowers to refinance, though the effect size is modest. Having a junior lien associated
with the first mortgage seems to have no effect on the likelihood of refinancing (controlling for
CLTV and other characteristics); we do however find that ARM borrowers were much less likely to
use HARP.
Looking at local mortgage market concentration, we find only weak evidence consistent with
Scharfstein and Sunderam (2016) that concentrated markets are associated with less refinancing
activity—being in the top concentration tercile appears to be correlated with a smaller likelihood
of a refinance, but the effect is not statistically significant. Turning finally to the variables from
the Census, we find a monotonic, positive, and significant relationship between ZIP code median
income and the likelihood of refinancing. This result could reflect the direct effect of having more
resources (similar to the credit utilization result above), or could be driven by easier access to
finance for borrowers in higher-income areas. Surprisingly, we find that borrowers in ZIP codes
with highly-educated populations are less likely to refinance, although differences are small and not
very significant.
Even without a causal interpretation, this analysis gives a better sense of who refinances their
mortgages when eligible for a program that makes refinancing easily accessible. In particular,
the evidence suggests that consumers in stronger financial positions are quite a bit more likely to
refinance, and these are exactly the ones whom we find the weakest responses for in the causal
8 Conclusion
Using a cutoff date in the eligibility criteria for HARP, we find that lowering monthly mortgage
payments by refinancing decreases the likelihood of default—on mortgages as well as other debts—
substantially, particularly for borrowers with low credit scores and high credit utilization rates. We
also find strong effects on the accumulation of other debts, with some borrowers using the payment
relief to take on new debts and others paying down their existing debts. In particular, borrowers
with low credit scores add to their auto, HELOC, and retail consumer debts substantially, while
borrowers with high credit scores react less strongly. Borrowers with high credit utilization rates
originate auto debt more than do their low utilization counterparts, but they are quite a bit less
aggressive in their use of HELOCs and bank cards.
The unconditional relationship (unreported) goes in the expected direction. Keys et al. (2016) study local
covariates of the share of borrowers who fail to refinance despite it being in their interest to do so (not restricting to
HARP-eligible borrowers). Similar to us, they find little association with mortgage market concentration or education
levels; unlike us, they also do not find much of a relation with incomes.
These results broaden our understanding of how cash flow shocks affect borrower behavior. As
discussed, the related literature on mortgage payment changes has primarily focused on auto debt
accumulation (e.g. Di Maggio et al., 2017; Agarwal et al., 2017a) and finds that borrowers with low
credit scores, a proxy for financial constraints, are more responsive. While we find this also, we
show that the pattern is different for different debt instruments and different proxies for distress.
The leading example is bank card debt, which borrowers with high credit utilization actually pay
down using their improved cash flow. The cash flow, then, does not merely boost spending but is
also used to repair borrowers’ balance sheets in sensible ways.
We further provide evidence that those tags for strong responses to a refinance—low FICO, high
credit utilization—also predict a relatively low probability of refinancing. One potential explanation
for this is that these households are not prepared to pay the immediate costs of the refinancing
process due to their current distress, while another is that these borrowers are simply less financially
sophisticated, which is the underlying cause of both the financial distress and the lower likelihood
of refinancing. Either way, from the perspective of a policymaker, this relationship attenuates the
effects of the refinancing channel, as lower mortgage rates are less likely to translate into payment
reductions for exactly the borrowers who are most responsive to them. This strengthens the point
made by the mortgage design literature (e.g. Eberly and Krishnamurthy, 2014; Guren et al., 2017)
that mortgages that have payment reductions triggered automatically in downturns (such as ARMs)
can be a useful stabilizing tool for the macroeconomy.
Finally, from the point of view of evaluating HARP, our evidence implies that the program had
large beneficial effects on the households that were able to benefit from it. At the same time, as
we discussed, the initial use of the program prior to HARP 2.0 was rather limited, due to various
frictions. Had the program reached more borrowers in 2009-2010, after the initial drop in mortgage
rates due in part to the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases, this could have supported the housing
market and aggregate demand during the worst phase of the recession. Thus, it appears important
to learn from this experience and ensure that refinancing frictions are minimized especially in times
when the effects we document are most valuable.
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A. Sample (N=220k) B. High-LTV, GSE (N=6.5 mill) C. GSE (N=21.3 mill)
(As of March 2010) Mean Median 10
Pctl 90
Pctl Mean Median 10
Pctl 90
Pctl Mean Median 10
Pctl 90
CLTV 87.9% 85.3% 80.8% 96.3% 111.1% 98.5% 82.7% 140.8% 74.5% 72.3% 29.9% 113.4%
Interest Rate 4.95% 4.88% 4.50% 5.38% 5.97% 6.00% 4.88% 6.88% 5.73% 5.75% 4.75% 6.75%
Mortgage Principal $226k $212k $114k $360k $189k $171k $83k $326k $155k $131k $47k $298k
FICO 762 775 698 809 717 741 595 802 736 766 632 809
Credit Utilization 24.7% 12.8% 0.1% 71.7% 54.9% 33.1% 0.7% 94.0% 67.7% 20.4% 0.4% 88.6%
ARM? (share) 0.4% 10.4% 6.5%
30-year? (share) 93.1% 94.0% 72.7%
Junior lien? (share) 10.4% 28.1% 30.6%
Table 1: Moments of the distributions of key observables in the CRISM dataset for borrowers with mortgages whose payments
were current as of March of 2010. Panel A looks at our sample: borrowers with GSE-guaranteed mortgages with LTVs above
80%, originated in the first half of 2009. Panel B drops the origination cohort filter, leaving all high-LTV GSE borrowers. Panel
C drops the LTV requirement, so all GSE borrowers are included. Credit utilization is measured as the sum of HELOC and
bank card balances divided by the sum of HELOC and bank card limits.
Mean: Eligible Mean: Ineligible Diff
CLTV 87.3% 88.5% 1.2%
FICO 763.6 759.6 4.0
Interest rate 4.98% 4.92% 0.05%
Credit Utilization 24.6% 24.7% 0.1%
First Mortgage Balance $225.3k $225.9k $0.6k
All Other Debt Balances $24.3k $25.1k $0.8k
Refinanced 53.16% 34.93% 18.23%
Defaulted 3.53% 3.65% 0.12%
Servicing transferred from McDash 6.20% 8.23% 2.04%
Refinanced out of McDash 11.36% 11.80% 0.44%
Non-refi prepay 21.09% 19.33% 1.75%
Active 57.82% 56.98% 0.84%
Table 2: Top half of the table checks for balance in our sample between borrowers with mortgages purchased by a GSE before
the cutoff date (eligible) and mortgages purchased after (ineligible). Variables in the top half are measured in March of 2010.
Bottom half of the table shows the fraction that ever refinanced in the sample, and the termination status of the mortgages as
of February 2016. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗: significant at 5% level; : significant at 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
A. Mortgage Default B. Non-Mtg Serious Delinquency
Basis Points -2.41 -2.21 -2.09 -3.21 -2.81 -2.74 -3.03 -1.17
Std. Err. (0.74)
Basis Points -4.78 -4.58 -4.59 -4.77 -3.42 -3.33 -3.35 -3.30
Std. Err.
Quarter FEs X X X X X X X X
ZIP-code FEs X X X X X X X X
Observables X X X X X X X X
Q-by-ZIP FEs X X X X X X
Guar. Lag FEs X X X X
Cohort FEs X X
N (mill.) 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8
Table 3: Regression estimates of the treatment effect of refinancing on monthly probabilities of mortgage default and non-
mortgage serious delinquency. For borrower i in month t, the refinancing indicator is turned on if she has completed a refinance
in some month τ t. The mortgage default indicator is turned on if she is at least 90 days delinquent on her mortgage in month
t, and the non-mortgage serious delinquency indicator is turned on if she has had 3 consecutive months with delinquent balances
on non-first-mortgage debt. Borrowers are censored after their first month in default/serious delinquency. The takeup-weighted
monthly mortgage default rate is 5.9bp, while it is 11.7bp for non-mortgage serious delinquency. IV estimates result from
instrumenting for the refinance indicator with HARP eligibility, interacted with a full set of quarter indicators. “Observables”
include CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO (lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), initial mortgage rate, initial
debt balances, and remaining principal balance. Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant
at 10% level; ∗∗: significant at 5% level; : significant at 1% level.
Borrower Characteristic: FICO Credit Utilization CLTV
Low High Diff Low High Diff Low High Diff
A. Mortgage Default
Basis Points -4.68 0.02 -4.71 -0.06 -4.50 4.34 -1.49 -4.05 2.57
(Std. Err.) (1.07)
(0.64) (0.86)
(0.73) (1.00)
Average Default Rate (bp) 10.5 1.8 3.6 8.3 4.1 9.1
B. Non-Mortgage Serious Delinquency
Basis Points -6.39 -0.97 -5.42 -0.76 -5.83 5.07 -2.57 -4.28 1.71
(Std. Err.) (1.80)
(0.99) (1.33)
(1.08) (1.63)
Average Default Rate (bp) 24.4 1.7 4.1 20.6 10.1 15.1
Table 4: Regression estimates of heterogeneous LATEs of refinancing on mortgage default and non-mortgage serious delin-
quency. For borrower i in month t, the refinancing indicator is turned on if she has completed a refinance in some month
τ t. The mortgage default indicator is turned on if she is at least 90 days delinquent on her mortgage in month t, and the
non-mortgage serious delinquency indicator is turned on if she has had 3 consecutive months with delinquent balances on non-
first-mortgage debt. Borrowers are censored after their first month in default/serious delinquency. The borrower is considered
to have a “high” FICO (or CLTV or credit utilization) if her score in month t is larger than the median value in the entire
sample. IV estimates result from instrumenting for the refinance indicator and its interaction with the borrower characteristic
of interest (e.g. High FICO) with HARP eligibility, interacted with the variable of interest, further interacted with a full set of
quarter indicators. The set of controls corresponds to column (3) in the previous table: Quarter FEs, ZIP-code FEs, observables,
and guarantee lag FEs. “Observables” include CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO (lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3
months), initial mortgage rate, remaining principal balance, and initial debt balances. Default rates (bottom row) are monthly
and weighted by take-up. Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗:
significant at 5% level; : significant at 1% level.
Balance Bal|Bal > 0 Balance Bal|Bal > 0 Bal|Bal < 0
Mean SD % Pos Mean SD Mean SD % Pos % Neg Mean SD Mean SD
Auto 8,832 12,304 51 17,426 12,205 17 3,142 3 51 11,990 12,054 -693 1,861
HELOC 2,276 12,016 7 32,588 32,855 9 2,327 1 4 4,624 13,322 -1,287 7,521
Bank Card 6,077 8,592 85 7,112 8,890 23 2,246 43 42 1,189 1,915 -1,165 2,333
Student 4,836 15,307 17 26,408 28,796 -5 1,899 2 12 3,271 9,202 -550 3,818
Retail Cons. Dt. 2,088 6,205 43 4,895 8,746 2 1,405 15 30 808 2,905 -384 1,416
Table 5: Summary statistics of debt balances in CRISM sample. We trim observations from a calculation if their balance in
that debt category is greater than the 99
percentile of non-zero balances in the sample.
Net Change Positive Negative
Auto 27 24 24 21 43 -19
(Std. Err.) (8)
HELOC 23 24 23 20 33 -10
Bank Card -3 -4 -5 -18 26 -31
(5) (5) (5) (7)
Student 1 -1 -2 8 -9 7
(5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (5)
Retail Consumer Debt 1 1 2 4 13 -11
(3) (3) (3) (5) (4)
Initial Bal. X X X X X X
Quarter FEs X X X X X X
ZIP-code FEs X X X X X X
Observables X X X X X X
Q-by-ZIP FEs X X X X X
Guar. Lag FEs X X X X
Cohort FEs X
N (mill.) 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6
Table 6: Regression estimates of the LATE of refinancing on monthly debt accumulation. For borrower i in month t, the
refinancing indicator is turned on if she has completed a refinance in some month τ t. Outcomes are the first difference in
debt balances. “Net Change” is the simple difference, while the column labeled “Positive” censors negative changes to 0, and
the column labeled “Negative” censors positive changes to 0. IV estimates result from instrumenting for the refinance indicator
with HARP eligibility, interacted with a full set of quarter indicators. “Observables” include CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO
(lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), initial mortgage rate, remaining principal balance, and initial debt
balances. Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗: significant at 5%
level; : significant at 1% level.
Characteristic: FICO Cred. Util. CLTV
Low High Diff Low High Diff Low High Diff
Auto 35 14 21 17 29 -13 30 17 12
(Std. Err.) (10)
(9) (10)
HELOC 42 7 35 32 18 13 32 21 12
(6) (8)
Bank Card -15 4 -18 14 -26 40 -3 -2 -2
(5) (7)
(6) (6) (7)
Student -4 0 -5 -5 0 -5 -3 -2 0
(6) (5) (5) (5) (6) (5) (6) (5) (6)
Retail Consumer Debt 16 -12 28 -1 3 -4 -2 6 -7
(4) (5) (4) (5) (4) (5)
Table 7: Regression estimates of heterogeneous LATEs of refinancing on monthly debt accumulation. For borrower i in month
t, the refinancing indicator is turned on if she has completed a refinance in some month τ t. The outcome variable is the
first difference in the debt balance. The borrower is considered to have a “high” FICO (or CLTV or credit utilization) if her
score in month t is larger than the median value in the entire sample. IV estimates result from instrumenting for the refinance
indicator and its interaction with the variable of interest (e.g. High FICO) with HARP eligibility, interacted with the variable
of interest, further interacted with a full set of quarter indicators. The set of controls corresponds to column (3) in the previous
tables: Quarter FEs, ZIP-code FEs, observables, and guarantee lag FEs. “Observables” include CLTV (lagged 3 months),
FICO (lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), initial mortgage rate, remaining principal balance, and initial
debt balances. Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗: significant at
5% level; : significant at 1% level.
Dependent variable: Refinance at some point over March 2010 - February 2016 (0/100)
FICO ( 675 omitted)
676-725 8.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8
726-775 12.0 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
776-800 14.1 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.9 15.0
> 800 13.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8
Credit Utilization (1
quartile omitted)
quartile 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8
quartile 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4
(0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5)
quartile -1.7 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9
Cred. Lim. = 0 -2.2 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.6 -2.6
CLTV ( 85% omitted)
85%-90% -2.6 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.7 -2.7
90%-95% -4.8 -4.5 -4.6 -4.5 -4.4 -4.5
> 95% -8.6 -9.2 -9.2 -9.2 -9.1 -9.1
Borrower age (middle tercile omitted)
Bottom tercile -1.2 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3
Top tercile -1.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.4 -2.3 -2.3
Junior Lien -1.4 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.1 -0.1
(0.7) (0.7) (0.7) (0.7) (0.7)
ARM -5.2 -6.7 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.9
(4.6) (4.0)
% Mkt Shr of Top 4 Banks (middle tercile omitted)
Bottom tercile -0.5 -0.6
(0.9) (0.8)
Top tercile -0.8 -1.2
(0.8) (0.8)
% Bachelor’s Deg. in ZIP (middle tercile omitted)
Bottom tercile -0.8 0.1
(0.5) (0.5)
Top tercile -0.3 -1.0
(0.4) (0.6)
% Median Income in ZIP (middle tercile omitted)
Bottom tercile -1.6 -2.0
Top tercile 0.9 1.5
(0.6) (0.6)
N (thousands) 106 106 106 106 106 106
ZIP fixed effects Y N N N N N
Table 8: Borrower-level, linear probability model regressions of refinancing. The outcome variable is an indicator for whether the borrower
ever refinanced. Effects are expressed in percentage points. All time-varying covariates are measured in March 2010. For context, 53.4% of
the sample refinanced. Flexible controls for contract rate and mortgage balance are included in the regression but excluded from the table
for space concerns. As expected, they show that borrowers with higher interest rates and mortgage balances are more likely to refinance.
Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗: significant at 5% level; : significant
at 1% level.
Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Jan 2016
Number of Refinances
# of Refis (left axis)
Mortgage Rate (right axis)
Figure 1: Refinancing activity by month in CRISM sample. We plot this series against the average interest rate on a new
30-year fixed-rate mortgage, as reported in the Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey.
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Since Refinance
First Mortgage Payment
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Since Refinance
Monthly Change in Auto Debt Balances
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Since Refinance
Monthly Change in HELOC Balances
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Since Refinance
Monthly Change in Bank Card Balances
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Since Refinance
Monthly Change in Student Balances
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months Since Refinance
Monthly Change in Retail Consumer Debt Balances
Figure 2: Event study of balance sheet around the time of a refinance, which we define as month 0. We regress the first
difference of each debt balance (except in the first panel, which looks at the level of the first mortgage payment) on a full set
of indicators for event time (omitting month 0) and plot the coefficients associated with those months. The regressions shown
include no controls, though they are hardly changed by adding in borrower FEs, or ZIP-by-month FEs. This is a balanced
panel of borrowers who are observed 6 months prior to and 12 months after the refinance. We further restrict to borrowers
whose first mortgage balances did not change by more than $5,000 from month -1 to month 1. Dashed lines represent the 95%
confidence intervals of the estimates, based on standard errors that are clustered at the borrower level.
June 2008 Dec 2008 June 2009 Dec 2009 June 2010 Dec 2010
$ (billions)
Acquisitions (left axis)
Mortgage Rate (right axis)
Figure 3: GSE acquisitions by month around the eligibility cutoff date, plotted against the interest rate on new conforming
30-year fixed-rate mortgages. The acquisitions data can be found at
monthly-volume-summaries.html and
Mortgage rate is from Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Cumulative Refi Percentage
Ineligible for HARP
Eligible for HARP
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Percentage Points
Figure 4: Effect of HARP eligibility (based on cutoff date) on refinancing. The top panel shows the raw cumulative share
refinanced, split by HARP eligibility. For the bottom panel, we estimate E[Ref ied
, X
] =
{τ =t}
) + X
β, where Ref ied
is an indicator for whether borrower i refinanced at some τ t. We report {γ
}. X
quarter-by-ZIP FEs, guarantee lag FEs, and flexible controls for CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO (lagged 3 months), credit
utilization (lagged 3 months), initial mortgage interest rate, remaining principal balance, and initial debt balances. Dashed
lines represent the 95% confidence intervals of the estimates, based on standard errors that are clustered at the county level.
Note that the bottom panel not only conditions on a set of X variables but also conditions on not having exited the sample
before month t (approximately 40% of the sample exits before February 2016, as shown in Table 2).
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Mortgage Default
Basis Points
Refi (left axis) Mort. Def. (left axis)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
-Mtg. Delinq.
Basis Points
Refi (left axis) NFM Delin. (right axis)
Figure 5: Dynamic reduced form effect of HARP eligibility (based on cutoff date) on mortgage default (top panel)
and non-first-mortgage serious delinquency (bottom panel). The cumulative effect is shown. In particular, we estimate
E[Def ault
, X
] =
{τ =t}
) + X
λ, and we report
τ =t
. X
contains quarter-by-ZIP
FEs, and flexible controls for CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO (lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), and
initial debt balances. The top panel also controls for mortgage interest rate and mortgage loan balance. t
= 201004 for
mortgage default (top panel) and t
= 200910 for non-first-mortgage delinquency (bottom panel). Because inclusion in the
sample requires the mortgage to be current on payments as of March 2010, we do not include prior months in the top panel.
The cumulative effect on refinancing (dynamic first stage) is shown in the background for comparison. Dashed lines represent
the 95% confidence intervals of the estimates, based on standard errors that are clustered at the county level.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Auto Debt
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Bank Card Debt
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Student Debt
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Retail Consumer Debt
Figure 6: Dynamic reduced form effect of HARP eligibility (based on cutoff date) on accumulation of different types of debts.
The cumulative effect is shown. In particular, we estimate E[Y
, X
] =
{τ =t}
) + X
β, and we
τ =200910
. X
contains quarter-by-ZIP FEs, and flexible controls for CLTV (lagged 3 months), FICO
(lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), initial mortgage interest rate, remaining principal balance, and initial
debt balances. Dashed lines represent the 95% confidence intervals of the estimates, based on standard errors that are clustered
at the county level. The cumulative effect on refinancing is shown in the background for comparison.
Appendix for Online Publication
A.1 Additional Test for Strategic Behavior by Lenders/Servicers
In Section 4.1 of the main text, we argued that there was little evidence for lenders or servicers
trying to alter securitization speeds in response to the HARP announcement in March 2009. In
this section, we present an additional test, based on the idea that the strategic incentives to alter
securitization speeds varied depending on LTV: the HARP option is relatively more valuable when
a borrower has a high LTV as opposed to a low one, as HARP is superfluous to low-LTV borrowers.
This implies that even if there is no evidence of an overall shift of guarantees from after the cutoff
date to before, strategic behavior may be masked if, say, servicers ensure that their high-LTV
borrowers are guaranteed on time and delay the process for low-LTV borrowers. As a result, we
would see borrowers in this window being guaranteed relatively quickly if their origination LTV is
To investigate this, we look at all originations in the January-June 2009 window that are
eventually guaranteed by a GSE. Table A-2 shows that there is essentially no difference in the
guarantee lag (months between origination and GSE guarantee) depending on LTV bins. While
some bins have statistically significant effects, there is no discernible pattern and the magnitudes
are minuscule. Additionally, the low values for R
tell us that LTV (as well as the other variables)
has essentially no role in determining guarantee lag. Similarly, if we look at the binary eligibility
indicator itself as the outcome rather than the guarantee lag, there is no evidence of strategic
manipulation. Column (4) shows significant results (with high-LTV loans being less likely to be
eligible), but this is driven purely by the fact that high-LTV loans tended to be originated a bit
later and so were less likely to be eligible. Columns (5) and (6) show that when origination cohort
is controlled for, there is no meaningful difference in eligibility across the LTV distribution. The
row suggests that only the origination cohort is important for determining eligibility, not LTV.
Figure A-1 provides further evidence that there was no manipulation by showing that not only
do the different LTV bins have the same guarantee lag on average (as shown in Table A-2), but in
fact the entire distribution is essentially identical across the different bins.
One could also imagine the incentive going in the other direction, if servicers want to minimize the likelihood
that their borrowers refinance (since that may lead to a loss of servicing fees). In this case as well, however, we would
expect guarantee speeds to vary systematically with LTV.
GSE Purchase Month
Origination Mo. Jan 09 Feb 09 Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 +
Jan 09 867 16,135 15,193 531 176 86 30 1,391 34,409
(3%) (47%) (44%) (2%) (1%) (0%) (0%) (4%)
Feb 09 0 1,053 27,693 3,383 678 245 52 1,774 34,878
(0%) (3%) (79%) (10%) (2%) (1%) (0%) (5%)
Mar 09 0 0 6,159 15,439 7,912 1,733 138 1,244 32,625
(0%) (0%) (19%) (47%) (24%) (5%) (0%) (4%)
Apr 09 0 0 0 1,401 17,616 11,612 729 1,389 32,747
(0%) (0%) (0%) (4%) (54%) (35%) (2%) (4%)
May 09 0 0 0 0 1,055 23,439 2,090 1,059 27,643
(0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (4%) (85%) (8%) (4%)
Jun 09 0 0 0 0 0 7,542 30,720 19,577 57,839
(0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (13%) (53%) (34%)
Table A-1: Month of GSE purchase, by cohort, in CRISM sample. Parentheses show percentage of origination cohort c
purchased in month t. The vertical line between May and June indicates the eligibility cutoff.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Dep. Var.: Guarantee Lag (months) Eligible for HARP (p.p.)
Init. LTV (< 60% omitted)
60-65% -0.014 -0.021 -0.022 1.708 0.334 0.163
65-70% -0.006 -0.014 -0.022 1.344 0.105 -0.011
(0.008) (0.008)
(0.100) (0.110)
70-75% 0.033 0.021 0.011 1.589 -0.152 -0.259
(0.008) (0.203)
(0.096) (0.107)
75-80% 0.046 0.036 0.022 -0.128 -0.659 -0.761
(0.214) (0.093)
80-85% -0.005 -0.019 -0.037 1.575 0.977 0.937
(0.013) (0.013) (0.012)
85-90% 0.029 0.020 -0.015 -4.666 -0.875 -0.832
(0.012) (0.434)
90% -0.006 -0.014 -0.038 -6.137 0.465 0.351
(0.020) (0.020) (0.017)
N (mill.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
0.000 0.008 0.046 0.001 0.678 0.679
Cohort FEs X X X X
Other controls X X
Table A-2: Regressions to test whether HARP’s eligibility requirement induced servicers to guarantee high-LTV mortgages
more quickly. Columns (1)-(3) use guarantee lag in months as the left-hand side variable (its sample average is 1.65 months).
Columns (4)-(6) use HARP eligibility—an indicator for whether the guarantee occurred before June 2009—as the left-hand side
variable (which equals 1 for 56.24% of the sample). The sample includes all GSE loans that were originated between January
and June 2009. “Other controls” include flexible controls for FICO, credit utilization, interest rate and mortgage balance,
as well as ZIP-code FEs. Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗:
significant at 5% level; : significant at 1% level.
Net Change Positive Negative
Auto 10 11 11 11 33 -21
(Std. Err.) (2)
HELOC 8 6 6 5 18 -12
Bank Card -17 -16 -16 -17 37 -53
Student -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 1
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Retail Consumer Debt 2 3 3 3 14 -12
Initial Bal. X X X X X X
Quarter FEs X X X X X X
ZIP-code FEs X X X X X X
Observables X X X X X X
Q-by-ZIP FEs X X X X X
Guar. Lag FEs X X X X
Cohort FEs X
N (mill.) 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6
Table A-3: Regression estimates of the relationship between refinancing and monthly debt accumulation by OLS. For borrower
i in month t, the refinancing indicator is turned on if she has completed a refinance in some month τ t. Outcomes are the
first difference in debt balances. “Net Change” is the simple difference, while the column labeled “Positive” censors negative
changes to 0, and the column labeled “Negative” censors positive changes to 0. “Observables” include CLTV (lagged 3 months),
FICO (lagged 3 months), credit utilization (lagged 3 months), initial mortgage rate, remaining principal balance, and initial
debt balances. Standard errors (in parentheses) are clustered at the county level. : significant at 10% level; ∗∗: significant at
5% level; : significant at 1% level.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6+
Guarantee Lag (Months)
LTV < 60
LTV >= 90
Figure A-1: Histogram of guarantee lag in CRISM. Guarantee lag is defined as the number of months between the mortgage
being originated and being purchased by a GSE. We take the set of loans originated between January and June of 2009 and
split them between the bins shown.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Loan Age (Months)
Percent Remaining
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Loan Age (Months)
Cumulative Default Rate (%)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Loan Age (Months)
Cumulative Refi Rate (%)
Figure A-2: Cumulative refinance and default rates for GSE loans originated between January and June 2009 with initial
LTVs above 70%. This is to check whether attrition from the data prior to sample selection (which occurs in March 2010)
could affect the results. Less than 1% of the loans exited from the sample in intervening months, so any induced selection is
likely to be minimal. Furthermore, HARP eligibility was not very predictive of this form of attrition—default rates across the
eligible and ineligible groups were nearly identical, and while the eligible group was more likely to refinance in this period (and
thus drop from the sample), this is entirely due to time effects (a regression that controls for month effects finds no significant
predictive value of HARP eligibility on the probability of refinancing in this period). Thus, our decision to wait 1 year before
selecting our sample seems unlikely to have caused any meaningful selection problems due to attrition.