20 March 2024
BLUF: The guidance below outlines procedures for submitting passenger transportation requests to NAVPTO for Service Members
attached to commands serviced by Transaction Service Centers (TSC).
METHODS FOR CASE SUBMISSION: Primary means of case submission is via enterprise Customer Relationship Management
(eCRM/Salesforce) using the information below:
Case Drop-
Effective Date
Date of requested flight
Last Name, First Name, PRR, DD MMM
YYYY (date of requested flight)
Please be thorough to explain nature of request.
Proper and thorough case description can help
prevent unnecessary delays in case processing.
Request Type
Problem Code
Passenger Reservation Request (PRR)
Use to request official transportation
Self-Procured Travel Cost Comparison Request
Use to obtain official government travel rate
cost comparison for travel, in instances where
Service Member is authorized and intends to
procure or has already procured their own
travel (flights or rental vehicle).
Routed To
Contact Name
This is the Sailor’s information, NOT the
Alternate submission procedures. Commands (serviced by TSCs) unable to submit cases via Salesforce due to operational reasons
(i.e., low bandwidth or connectivity issues) may submit cases, on a temporary emergency basis via email to Submit PRRs, key supporting documents, and justification for temporary non-eCRM/Salesforce use.
Orders and all modifications
NPPSC 4650/1 Passenger Reservation Request
DD 884 Application for Transportation for Dependents (as applicable)
Dependent Entry Approval (as applicable)
Passenger Routing Instruction message (as applicable for deployed units)
Copies of passports and visas (as applicable)
NATO orders (as applicable)
AMC Pet Risk Acknowledgment letter (as applicable)
TIMELINES: Submit requests as early as possible following orders release but no later than 2 weeks prior to desired travel. If Air
Mobility Command (AMC) covers the required transportation route, flights cannot be scheduled until AMC flight schedule is
available to NAVPTO. AMC schedules are usually available 90 days in advance.
NOTE 1: Per Defense Travel Regulations, Part I, Chapter 103, when an AMC flight is available, NAVPTO will execute a
Travel Performance Period (TPP) to ensure maximum use of AMC availabilities. That means NAVPTO may book PCS
travel up to 10 days after the requested flight date (up to 20 days if pet reservations are required) – this booking/port call
officially modifies member’s orders. If the booked reservation does not support mission requirements, (e.g. mandatory report
dates/mission critical evolutions), submit supporting mission impact statement from gaining command indicating the need for
alternate transportation arrangements (template attached).
TRAINING: Regional Support Centers (RSC) conduct weekly training, to include transportation case submission procedures. Please
reach out to your local RSC for regional training schedules. Additionally, training slides are available on the MyNavy HR CPPA
Resources page navigate on the left menu to “RSC Contacts.”
20 March 2024
Alternate Routing/Leave in Conjunction with Official Travel (LICWO). Blocks 33-34 of the NPPSC 4650/1 PRR provide the
member an opportunity to request alternate routing or LICWO, Block 33 explains the provisions of alternate routing, but does not
guarantee flights based on the alternate routing requested. The PCS orders direct the official entitlement for travel. LICWO is at the
member’s expense.
NOTE 2: Please note that if a Sailor changes their ticket through the LICWO process (or changes ticket by calling airline
directly), the Sailor is taking full ownership of tickets. NAVPTO/SATO cannot make changes to that ticket unless a full
refund is issued by the carrier.
Ticketing. Tickets are booked immediately upon receipt of a complete transportation packet; however, e-tickets are not normally
issued until 3-5 days before travel commences, per DTA-9 Navy Travel Service Contract. If travel must be ticketed earlier, ensure
EARLY TICKETING IS REQUESTED in case description and PROVIDE A REASON (ex. member desires alternate
routing/LICWO, pets traveling with member or family, etc.) in eCRM request and NPPSC 4650/1 (Block 34).
NOTE 3: Not all travelers should request early ticketing. If Sailors wish to re-route tickets, they must follow the steps
below under “Changing Flights.” Failing to follow the steps below may incur additional out of pocket, non-reimbursable
costs to the Sailor.
Changing Flights. Please see below procedures for common flight changes.
Change due to ORDMOD. Submit new eCRM case with KSDs, or update current case, if still open.
Change due to personal preference of Sailor. See LICWO guidance above. Additionally:
o If e-Ticket has not been issued, update eCRM case or submit new case as applicable requesting LICWO.
o If e-Ticket has already been issued, Sailor must contact Transportation Management Company (CWT-SATO) to
request changes contact number is available in itinerary.
Emergency Travel Issues. If a Sailor encounters an emergency travel issue (i.e., Sailor at airport, e-Tickets not issued, flight
cancellation and airline will not honor an exchange, or name does not match travel credentials [ID, passport, etc.]), the Sailor must call
the emergency number listed in the itinerary. If SATO cannot make necessary arrangements, SATO will contact NAVPTO duty
personnel for guidance/resolution.
POV Pickup/Delivery to/from Storage Facility. Entitlement to Government funded travel to/from an official Vehicle Processing
Center or an authorized commercial vehicle storage facility to drop-off/pick-up POV. Member must provide documentation for proof
of government storage or confirmation from facility for drop-off/pick-up of vehicle. There is no entitlement for travel to an unofficial
storage location (ex. parent’s home, friend’s home, etc.).
Pet Transportation. Refer to Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) par. 050107 for reimbursable pet expenses. When pet shipment is
desired, request must be made with PRR (NPPSC 4650/1). Complete all required information for pet on PRR and also provide age of
pet. Cost of pets is based on commercial airline and/or AMC requirements. Member bears all expenses not reimbursable under JTR
par. 050107. Commercial Airlines may refuse pet shipment at any time without notice. Ensure the member confirms with the
airline before departing for the airport.
Family Transportation. PRR (NPPSC 4650/1) and DD 884 are required. Passport and VISA information for family members is
required on the PRR. CPPA has the authority to request copies of passports for verification purposes.
Homeport Shifts. If a ship/command is executing a homeport shift, command homeport shift coordinator must contact NAVPTO as
early as possible (but no later than 90 days prior to effective date of homeport shift), via Include
HOMEPORT SHIFT in subject line. NAVPTO HQ will provide specific guidance related to the homeport shift to the command’s
coordinator/personnel office.
OCONUS Travel. JTR par. 020206 and the Fly America Act requires that U.S. flag carriers be used for all commercial transportation
when the Government funds the travel. There is no transportation reimbursement for any leg of a trip when an unauthorized or
unapproved non-U.S. flag air carrier service or foreign flag ship is used. Orders to members serving OCONUS direct the use of
government-procured air travel. Members booking their own travel OCONUS do so at their own risk in violation of orders.