Operang Agreement 2024-25 academic year | Page 1
Registered Student Organizaon
Operang Agreement
If your organizaon has an exisng copy of your constuon you can copy and paste responses to the quesons below. If you do
not have a copy, follow the prompts for each eld. If your organizaon needs to make a change, you can do so at any me.
About the organizaon
Organizaon name:
List the goal and purposes of the organizaon:
Statement of how the group intends to carry out these goals and purposes at Wayne State University:
Is your organizaon an aliate with any naonal, regional or local organizaon?
Please note: At such me as the purpose or regulaons of any naonal regional or local groups conict with the policies of Wayne State
University, the later will control.
Requirements for membership:
Please note: All full members MUST be REGISTERED STUDENTS of Wayne State University. (20% can be non-registered aliates who have
no vong rights, but can parcipate in group acvies). Membership must be open to all currently registered WSU students (see
Non-Discriminaon Policy.).
Operang Agreement 2024-25 academic year | Page 2
List the organizaon’s plans for recruitment and retenon of members:
Membership dues (if applicable):
Ocers and their dues (do not list individual’s names):
Please note: Only CURRENTLY enrolled Wayne State University students are eligible to be ocers.
Eligibility requirements or qualicaons necessary to run for oce:
Method of nominang and elecng new ocers (list the process):
Method of replacing ocers:
Please address how to replace ocers who leave or step down and how to impeach current ocers who aren’t fullling their dues. Or copy
the following: “In order for an ocer to be impeached, a 2/3 vote of eligible members is required.
Time of year for elecng new ocers:
Operang Agreement 2024-25 academic year | Page 3
Percentage of members and ocers necessary to constute a quorum:
Quorum is the minimum number of members and ocers to conduct ocial business. Type your own response or copy the following text:
“50% members and 25% ocers.
Method of conducng meengs (Robert’s Rules of Order or other established methods):
Method for members (not ocers) to call emergency meengs or special events:
Ocer responsible for informing membership of emergency or special meengs:
Changes to the Operang Agreement
List the process for amending this operang agreement and percentage of votes necessary for passage:
Please list the process, or copy the following text: “Amendments require a approval by vote of majority (Count >50%) of eligible members
aending a meeng with quorum.
Operang Agreement 2024-25 academic year | Page 4
University policies
Non-discriminaon statement
Wayne State University is commied to a policy of non-
discriminaon and equal opportunity in all of its operaons,
employment opportunies, educaonal programs and related
This policy embraces all persons regardless of race, color, sex
(including gender identy), naonal origin, religion, age, sexual
orientaon, familial status, marital status, height, weight,
disability, or veteran status and expressly forbids sexual
harassment and discriminaon in hiring, terms of employment,
tenure, promoon, placement and discharge of employees,
admission, training and treatment of students, extracurricular
acvies, the use of University services, facilies, and the
awarding of contracts. This policy also forbids retaliaon and/or
any form of harassment against an individual as a result of ling
a complaint of discriminaon or harassment, or parcipang in
an invesgaon of a complaint of discriminaon or harassment.
It shall not preclude the University from implemenng those
armave acon measures which are designed to achieve full
equity for minories and women.
Title IX - sexual discriminaon, harassment and violence
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discriminaon on the basis
of sex in any phase of a university’s educaonal or employment
programs. Title IX applies to WSU as a public instuon that
receives Federal funds. Academic and employment decisions
based upon sex and sex-based misconduct are forms of illegal
discriminaon prohibited under Title IX, as well as other state
and federal laws. While this law is oen thought of as a law that
applies only to athlecs programs, Title IX is much broader than
athlecs and applies to ALL areas of the University.
Wayne State University (WSU) does not discriminate on the
basis of sex in any phase of its educaonal or employment
programs, and does not tolerate sex-based discriminaon or
misconduct. WSU’s non-discriminaon policy applies to all
conduct in any academic, educaonal, extra-curricular, athlec,
or other University program and acvity regardless of whether
those program and acvies occur in WSU facilies, on or o
If the University knows or reasonably should know of
possible sex-based discriminaon or sex-based misconduct,
a thorough, imparal and condenal invesgaon will
promptly be conducted to determine if there has been a
violaon of University policy. If it is determined that sex-
based discriminaon or misconduct has occurred, appropriate
discipline will be imposed and the University will take steps to
address and stop the misconduct, as well as remedy its eects.
An-hazing statement
Hazing is strictly prohibited.
No student organizaon or individual student shall conduct
nor condone hazing acvies. Any individual responsible for
hazing may be subject to university disciplinary acon, criminal
prosecuon, and civil prosecuon.
Hazing dened
Hazing includes, but is not limited to, an intenonal, knowing,
or reckless act by a person acng alone or acng with others
that is directed against an individual and that the person knew
or should have known endangers the physical health or safety
of the individual, and that is done for the purpose of pledging,
being iniated into, aliang with, parcipang in, holding
oce in, or maintaining membership in any organizaon (e.g.
fraternity, sorority, club, service group, social group, athlec
Hazing includes any of the following that is done for such a
Physical brutality, such as whipping, beang, striking, branding,
electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body,
or similar acvity.
Physical acvity, such as sleep deprivaon, exposure to the
elements, connement in a small space, or calisthenics that
subjects the other person to an unreasonable risk of harm
or that adversely aects the physical health or safety of the
Acvity involving consumpon of a food, liquid, alcoholic
beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance that subjects the
individual to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely
aects the physical health or safety of the individual.
Acvity that induces, causes, or requires an individual to
perform a duty or task that involves the commission of a crime
or an act of hazing.
A claim that the individual against whom the hazing was
directed consented to or acquiesced in the hazing shall not be
viewed as a migang factor or juscaon for hazing of any
Campus community members are expected to promptly report
any pracce or acon believed to be hazing to the WSU Police
Department at 313-577-2222 or to the Dean of Students Oce
at 313-577-1010.
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Drug and alcohol abuse on campus statute
Wayne State University is commied to providing a drug-free
environment for its faculty, sta, and students. The unlawful
possession, use, distribuon, dispensaon, sale or manufacture
of drugs or alcohol is prohibited on University premises, at
University acvies and at University worksites.
Any student or employee who is convicted of a criminal drug
oense occurring at the workplace or is convicted of the
unlawful possession, use, distribuon, dispensaon, sale or
manufacture of drugs or alcohol on University premises or at any
University acvity, shall be subject to discipline consistent with
applicable University policies and contracts and may be required
to parcipate in an appropriate drug or alcohol treatment
program as a condion of further employment or enrollment.
The University encourages employees and students who may
have problems with the use of illicit drugs, or with the abuse of
alcohol, to seek professional advice and treatment. The Board of
Governors encourages the administraon to explore addional
ways to ensure that members of the University community are
aware of the dangers inherent in the abuse of drugs and alcohol,
and to assist those who suer from alcohol or drug abuse in
obtaining access to necessary rehabilitaon and treatment.
All faculty, sta, and students must abide by the terms of
this policy as a condion of employment or enrollment at
the University. Any faculty or sta who is directly engaged
in the performance of a federal grant or contract, and who is
convicted of a criminal drug-related oense that occurred at the
workplace, must nofy his or her supervisor within ve days of
the convicon.
This policy is adopted in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools
and Communies Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free
Workplace Act of 1988, and incorporates and supersedes the
policy adopted by the Board of Governors in June, 1989, in
accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.