Customer Services Section
Customer Service Vertical
Operations Wing
Head Office, Bengaluru
Policy No. : POLICY/6/2024
Date : 27/03/2024
Index : Others
Sub Index : Others
Internal Grievance Redressal Machinery to handle customer complaints/ grievances.
Resolution of grievances at Branches/ ROs/ COs and at HO level.
Formation of Branch Level Customer Service Committees.
Online Grievances Redressal System Canara Public Grievance Redressal System
Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021.
Standing Committee on Customer Service.
Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle grievances.
Mandatory display requirements.
Time schedule for redressal of grievances.
Dispute Redressal Mechanism – Technological Products.
Harmonization of TAT and customer compensation for failed transactions.
Grievance Redressal on complaints against outsourced agencies/ employees.
The revised Grievance Redressal Policy of the Bank for the financial year 2024-25 is
Annexed to this circular. The same can also be accessed by the following path:
CANNET >> Policies >> Other Policies >> Grievance Redressal Policy for the year 2024-
All the Branches/Offices are strictly advised to comply with the instructions and
guidelines contained in the Policy.
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112, J C ROAD
BENGALURU - 560002
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Sl No.
Page no
A. Objectives
The customer complaint arises due to
B. Organisational Setup and Roles & Responsibilities
Internal Machinery to handle customer complaints / grievances
Internal Ombudsman
Complaint Redressal Mechanism
Complaint Redressal Mechanism at Branch
Complaint Redressal Mechanism at Regional Office
Complaint Redressal Mechanism at Circle Office
Complaint Redressal mechanism at Head Office
C. Reporting structure/ requirements
Grievance Escalation System
Online grievance Redressal System (CPGRS)
CPGRS (Canara Public Grievance Redressal System)
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) System for Digital Payments
Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021
D. Strategies for meeting objectives
Standing Committee Meeting on Customer Service
Customer Service Committee of the Board
Nodal Officials to handle the complaints & grievances
Mandatory display requirements
Resolution of Grievances
Time Frame
E. Limit Structure/ Trigger Mechanism
Dispute Redressal Mechanism (Technology Products)
Failed Transactions
Exception Handling
Charge Backs
Credit/ Debit Adjustments
Net Banking
Mobile Banking
Interaction with Customers
Sensitizing the staff on handling complaints
Home Loans Levy of fore closure charges/ Pre Payment Penalty
Uniformity on Intersol Charges
Charges for sending SMS alerts
Grievance Redressal on complaints against outsourced agencies/
Recovery Agents (Monitored by RL&FP Wing)
Call Center Service (Monitored by Marketing & Public Relations Wing)
Business Correspondents (Monitored by Financial Inclusion Wing)
Operators at Aadhar Seva Kendras (Monitored by Financial Inclusion Wing)
Formation of Women SHG & Facilitation in crediting of SHG/JLG
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Direct Selling Agents (DSA - Monitored by Retail Assets Wing)
Strengthening of Grievance Redress Mechanism in Banks
Handling of Complaints related to vigilance, bribery & corruption:
Complaints related to Credit Information Companies (CIC): (Monitored by
Recovery, Legal and Fraud Prevention Wing)
F. Compliance / Monitoring of Implementation of the Policies By all
branches/ Circle Office/ Head Office
Annexure I Enclosure to 11.1.iv Uniform Template
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In the present scenario of competitive banking, excellence in customer service is the
most important tool for sustained business growth. Since inception of our Bank high
priority has been attached to customer satisfaction. Over the years, steps have been
taken to come out with a number of initiative aimed at achieving high standards of
customer satisfaction and complaint free branch network. Customer complaint is part
of the business life of any corporate entity. As a service organization, customer
service and customer satisfaction is the prime concern of the Bank. We believe that
providing prompt and efficient service is essential not only to attract new customers,
but also to retain existing ones. This policy document aims at minimizing instances of
customer complaints and grievances through proper service delivery and review
mechanism and to ensure prompt redressal of customer complaints and grievances.
The review mechanism will help in identifying shortcomings in product features and
service delivery.
The Bank's policy on Grievance Redressal follows the under noted principles:
a) Our customers will be treated fairly at all times.
b) Complaints raised by our customers will be dealt with courtesy and in time.
c) Our customers will be fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/
grievances within the organization and their rights to alternative remedy, if
they are not fully satisfied with the response of the bank to their complaints.
d) Our Bank will treat all complaints efficiently and fairly as they can damage the
Bank's reputation and business if handled otherwise.
e) Our employees will work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests
of the customer.
f) Complaints emanating from rural areas and those relating to financial
assistance to priority sector and Government Poverty alleviation programme
also form part of the above process.
In order to make Bank's redressal mechanism more meaningful and effective, a
structured system will function at Branches/ Regional Offices/ Circle Offices/Head
Office, which will ensure that redressal sought is just and fair and is within the given
framework of rules and regulation.
This policy document will be made available at all branches. All the employees will
be made aware about the complaint handling process to ensure better customer
service and general awareness in the Bank.
1. The customer complaint arises due to:
a) The attitudinal aspects in dealing with customers.
b) Inadequacy of the functions/ arrangements made available to the customers or
gaps in standards of services expected and actual services rendered.
c) Malfunctioning of Technology products.
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(Monitored by Customer Service Section, Customer Service vertical, Operations
Wing, HO)
2. Internal Machinery to handle customer complaints/ grievances
a) If the customer wants to make a complaint, we will inform:
i. Where to make complaint
ii. How a complaint should be made
iii. When to expect a reply
iv. Whom to approach for redressal
v. What to do if customers are not happy about the outcome
b) The Bank will inform customers where to find details of procedures for
handling complaints fairly and quickly.
c) If the customer complaint is received in writing, we will endeavour to send
an acknowledgement/ a response within a week. If customer complaint is
relayed over phone at our designated telephone helpdesk or customer
service number, we shall provide a complaint reference number and keep
customers informed of the progress within a reasonable period of time.
d) If the complaint is through any other mode like Call Centre, letter, email,
tele phone etc. the same should be recorded/ registered in respective
grievance Redressal portal/package like CPGRS/CCR/CTS etc., immediately
after receipt of customer complaint.
e) After examining the matter, we will send our final response or explain why
we need more time to respond and shall endeavour to do so within 21 days
of receipt of complaint and will tell customers to take their complaint
further if they are still not satisfied.
f) Internal Ombudsman
In order to strengthen the customer confidence in fair and just redressal of
complaints, the Bank has appointed the Internal Ombudsman, a retired
senior officer in the rank of General Manager from another Bank, at the
apex level for Grievance Redressal of the Bank. The Bank is required to
internally escalate all cases to the Internal Ombudsman for final decision
where either the complaint is rejected or only partial relief is provided to
the complainant. The decision of Internal Ombudsman shall be binding on
the Bank, except in cases where the Bank has obtained approval for
disagreeing with such decision from the Executive Director In-charge of
customer service for bank. This helps the customer to get the grievances
redressed faster in a fair manner without escalating to any other external
authorities like the Banking Ombudsman, RBI, Consumer Courts,
Government Portal etc., This mechanism is adopted by the Bank in tune
with the RBI guidelines latest being, RBI/CEPD/2023-24/108 CEPD.PRD.No.S1228/
13.01.019/ 2023-24 DT 09.12.2023
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All partially or wholly rejected complaints by the Bank are to be auto
escalated to the Internal Ombudsman within a time period of 20 days, for a
final decision.
2.1 Complaint Redressal Mechanism in our Bank:
Bank is having a nodal department/ official for customer service in HO and in each
controlling office (Circle Office & Regional Office), with whom customers with
grievances can approach in the first instance and with whom the Banking Ombudsman
and RBI can liaise.
The General Manager, Priority Credit Wing shall act as the Nodal Officer for monitoring
of Credit Related grievances forwarded by the Ministry for taking appropriate action
on merits.
Any complaint received through legal channel/advocates office will be replied by the
recipient branch/RO/CO/HO after obtaining vetting from Legal Section of RO/CO or
Legal Section, RL& FP Wing at Head office.
2.1.1 At Branch:
Resolution of Grievances
Branch Manager will be responsible for the resolution of the complaints/ grievances
in respect of customer service by the Branch. He/ she would be responsible for
ensuring closure of all complaints received at Branches. It is his/ her foremost duty
to see that the complaint should be resolved completely to the customer's satisfaction
and if the customer is not satisfied, then he shall be provided with alternate avenues
to escalate the issue if the same is not resolved within the stipulated period.
If the Branch Manager feels that it is not possible at his/ her level to solve the
problem, he/ she may refer the case to Regional Office/ Circle Office or Head Office
for guidance. Similarly, if Regional Office/ Circle Office find that they are not able to
solve the problem; such cases may be referred to the Principal Nodal Officer of the
All complaints received by the Bank Branches outside to online grievance portals are
to be entered in designated grievance Redressal packages i.e. CCR/CTS/CPGRS etc.,
on the same day of receipt of the complaint and due process to be followed further.
1. Suggestion Box and complaint Book are provided in all the branches. Any written
complaint is instantly and promptly acknowledged.
2. The Complaint Registers are to be kept at prominent place which would make it
possible for the customers to enter their grievances. The register shall be in
perforated copies in each set so that the acknowledgement to the customers would
be provided instantly and an intimation to the controlling office.
3. At every office of the Bank a notice requesting the customer “To meet the Branch
Manager” shall be displayed with regard to Grievances, if it remains un-redressed.
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4. A copy of the complaint is required to be forwarded to the concerned controlling
office of the bank along with the remark of the branch manager within a time frame
(Within a maximum of 7 days depending upon the nature of Grievances).
5. All branches should maintain a separate complaint register for entering all the
complaints/ grievances received by them directly or through RO/ CO/ HO and other
sources. These registers should be maintained irrespective of the fact whether a
complaint is received or not in the past. Branch to maintain a separate file for
customer complaints received through letters and related communications and
grievance portal/package generated complaint number / reference to be inscribed on
all such complaints which are received outside to grievance portal/ package and
entered in the package .
6. The complaint registers maintained by branches shall be scrutinized by the
concerned Circle Nodal Executive during his periodical visit to the branches and his
observations/ comments recorded in the relative visit reports.
7. Bank having computerized operation may adopt the aforesaid format and generate
copies electronically. Canara Bank has developed an in-house portal namely Canara
Public Grievance Redressal System (CPGRS) in which all the complaints are registered
and redressed. The data is maintained in the package electronically.
8. Grievances/ complaints relating to congestion in banking premises should be
examined by the bank’s internal inspectors/ auditors on a continuing basis and action
taken for augmentation of space, where ever necessary, keeping in view the
availability of larger accommodation in the same locality at a reasonable rent and
other commercial considerations.
9. Counter staff are provided with training and additional inputs.
10. If counter staff/ supervisor is unable to resolve a grievance, the Branch-in-charge
shall intervene and try to resolve the issue.
11. Customers’ Day is observed on 15
of every month. On this day, branch in-charge
will make himself/ herself available at the branch between 3 P.M. and 5 P.M. to meet
customers without any prior appointment.
12. Branch Level Customer Service Committees
Banks were advised to establish Customer Service Committees at branch level. In
order to encourage a formal channel of communication between the customers and
the bank at the branch level, banks should take necessary steps for strengthening the
branch level committees with greater involvement of customers. It is desirable that
branch level committees include their customers too. Further, as senior citizens
usually form an important constituent in banks, a senior citizen may preferably be
included therein. The Branch Level Customer Service Committee may meet at least
once a month to study complaints/ suggestions, cases of delay, difficulties faced/
reported by customers/ members of the Committee and evolve ways and means of
improving customer service.
The branch level committees may also submit quarterly reports giving inputs/
suggestions to the Standing Committee on Customer Service thus enabling the
Standing Committee to examine them and provide relevant feedback to the Customer
Service Committee of the Board for necessary policy/ procedural action.
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13. Customer Service Committee meeting is held every month at all Branches/
Regional Offices/ and Circle Offices. The sole task of the Committee is to find out
ways and means to render service to the satisfaction of the Customers. For this
purpose, Committee will meet regularly at stipulated intervals to discuss in detail the
strengths and deficiencies of the services presently rendered and take steps to
improve it.
14. Special Customers’ Meet is conducted on special occasions.
15. Every year, during November Customer Fortnight is observed to create awareness
among Public as well as staff for achieving the objective of Complaint free branch
network, and to also highlight our products and services.
16. Both the Drop box facility and the facility for acknowledgement of the cheques at
regular collection counters shall be available to the customers and no branch shall
refuse to give an acknowledgement if the customer tenders the cheque at the
17. Bank shall ensure that customers are not compelled to drop the cheques in drop
18. Bank shall invariably display on the cheque drop box itself that ‘Customers can
also tender the cheques at the counters and obtain acknowledgement on the pay-in-
slips.’ This message is displayed in English, Hindi and the concerned regional language
of the state.
19. On 15
of every month, Customers’ Day is observed between 3 P.M. and 5 P.M.
during which Branch manager should be available for meeting the public/ Customers
without prior appointment.
2.1.2 At Regional Office:
a. Divisional Manager/ Assistant General Manager holding charge of
Operations Section/Customer Service Section at Regional office.
b. By and large, complaints are redressed within shortest possible time.
c. Whenever it is not possible and more cross checking is required, steps are
taken to settle the matter within a reasonable time.
d. The Executives of Regional Office visit branches periodically and submit a
report on Customer Service, as per the detailed checklist.
e. Divisional Manager/ Assistant General Manager in-charge of Operations
Section/Customer Service Section, Regional Office contact the aggrieved
customers as and when necessary, meet him personally with the Branch
Manager, for ensuring timely redressal of the complaint.
f. Wherever deficiencies are noticed, accountability is fixed and erring
employees punished.
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2.1.3 At Circle Office:
g. Divisional Manager/ Assistant General Manager holding charge of
Operations Section /Customer Service Section at Circle office.
h. By and large, complaints are redressed within shortest possible time.
i. Whenever it is not possible and more cross checking is required, steps are
taken to settle the matter within a reasonable time.
j. The Executives of Circle Office visit branches periodically and submit a
report on Customer Service, as per the detailed checklist.
k. Divisional Manager/ Assistant General Manager in-charge of Operations/
Customer Service Section, Circle Office contact the aggrieved customers as
and when necessary, meet him personally with the Branch Manager, for
ensuring timely redressal of the complaint.
l. Wherever deficiencies are noticed, accountability is fixed and erring
employees punished.
2.1.4 At Head Office:
i. A full-fledged Customer Service Section is functioning at Customer Service
Vertical, Operations Wing, Head Office, overseen by Chief General
ii. An acknowledgement is sent to the customer immediately on receipt of the
iii. Thorough analysis of the complaint is done and necessary instructions are
given to COs/ROs/Branches for speedy redressal and followed up till final
reply is sent to the complainant duly explaining the decision taken on the
iv. On 15
of every month, Customers’ Day is observed between 3 p.m. and 5
p.m. during which overseeing Executives are available for meeting the
public/ Customers without prior appointment.
v. Special Customers’ Meets are organized for different segments of the
market, viz., Exporters, MSME, NRI, Agriculturists, etc, by respective wings.
vi. Customer Satisfaction Surveys through In-house as well as by External
agencies are conducted to assess the level of customer satisfaction.
vii. Bank shall place a statement of complaints before the Customer Service
Committee of the Board along with an analysis of the complaints received.
The complaints shall be analyzed to identify customer service areas in
which the complaints are frequently received, to identify frequent sources
of complaints, to identify systemic deficiencies and for initiating
appropriate action to make the grievance redressal mechanism more
viii. Root Cause Analysis of the complaints will be conducted by the owner /
user Wings in co-ordination with Customer Service Vertical.
ix. The Bank shall disclose following details along with financial results:
A. Summary information on complaints received by the bank from customers and
from the Office of Banking Ombudsman.
Complaints received by the bank from its customers
Number of complaints pending at beginning of
the year
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Number of complaints received during the year
Number of complaints disposed during the year
Of which, number of complaints rejected by the
Number of complaints pending at the end of the
Maintainable complaints received by the bank from
Office of Banking Ombudsman.
Number of maintainable complaints received by
the bank from OBOs
Of 5, number of complaints resolved in favour
of the bank by Bos
Of 5, number of complaints resolved through
conciliation/mediation/advisories issued by Bos
Of 5, number of complaints resolved after
passing of Awards by BOs against the bank
Number of Awards unimplemented within the
stipulated time (other than those appealed)
B. Top five grounds of complaints received by the bank from customers
Grounds of
relating to)
Number of
pending at
of the year
Number of
during the
% increase/
decrease in
the number
of complaints
received over
the previous
Number of
pending at
the end of
the year
Of 5,
number of
beyond 30
Current Year
Ground 1
Ground 2
Ground 3
Ground 4
Ground 5
Previous Year
Ground 1
Ground 2
Ground 3
Ground 4
Ground 5
Master list of grounds of complaints to be used for disclosure on the top five ground-
wise receipt of complaints by banks.
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1. ATM/Debit Cards
2. Credit Cards
3. Internet/Mobile/Electronic Banking
4. Account opening/difficulty in operation of accounts
5. Mis-selling/Para-banking
6. Recovery Agents/Direct Sales Agents
7. Pension and facilities for senior citizens/differently abled
8. Loans and advances
9. Levy of charges without prior notice/excessive charges/foreclosure charges
11.Non-observance of Fair Practices Code
12. Exchange of coins, issuance/acceptance of small denomination notes and coins
13.Bank Guarantees/Letter of Credit and documentary credits
14.Staff behaviour
15.Facilities for customers visiting the branch/adherence to prescribed working hours
by the branch, etc.
Further bank shall place a detailed statement of complaints in the web-site for
information of the general public at the end of each financial year.
Internal Ombudsman:
In order to ensure the speedy redressal of complaints, the Bank has appointed the
Internal Ombudsman, a retired senior officer not below the rank of General Manager,
from other Bank, at the highest rank of the General Manger in our Bank. The rejected
and partially resolved complaints from any level i.e. Branch/ Regional Office/ Circle
Office/ Head Office are placed before the Internal Ombudsman of the Bank. Such
rejected and partially resolved complaints are auto escalated to Internal Ombudsman
within 20 days from receipt of complaint.
This helps the customer to get the grievances redressed faster without escalating to
any other external authorities like The Banking Ombudsman, RBI, Consumer Courts,
Government portal etc. This mechanism adopted by the Bank is working efficiently.
Board of Directors
Shall drive the effective management of Grievance Redressal Policy.
Provide senior management with clear guidance and direction.
Review the Grievance Redressal Policy annually and if necessary, revise
them in tune with extant regulatory guidelines.
Matters relating to customer service should be deliberated by the Board
to ensure that the instructions are implemented meaningfully.
Commitment to hassle-free service to the customer at large and the Common Person
in particular under the oversight of the Board should be the major responsibility of
the Board.
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Role of the Customer Service Committee
Customer Service Committee of the Board, illustratively, could address the following:
Formulation of a Comprehensive Deposit Policy
Issues such as the treatment of death of a depositor for operations of his
Product approval process with a view to suitability and appropriateness
Annual survey of depositor satisfaction
Tri-enniel audit of such services.
Monitoring the implementation of awards under the Banking Ombudsman
The Committee should also play a more pro-active role with regard to
complaints/ grievances resolved by Banking Ombudsmen of the various States.
The Committee could also examine any other issues having a bearing on the
quality of customer service rendered.
Further, with a view to enhance the effectiveness of the Customer Service
Committee, banks should also:
Place all the awards given by the Banking Ombudsman before the Customer Service
Committee to enable them to address issues of systemic deficiencies existing in
banks, if any, brought out by the awards; and
Place all the awards remaining unimplemented for more than three months with
the reasons therefore before the Customer Service Committee of the Board to enable
the Customer Service Committee to report to the Board such delays in
implementation without valid reasons and for initiating necessary remedial action.
Standing Committee on Customer Service
The Committee on Procedures and Performance Audit of Public Services (CPPAPS)
constituted by RBI examined the issues relating to the continuance or otherwise of
the Ad hoc Committees and observed that there should be a dedicated focal point
for customer service in banks, which should have sufficient powers to evaluate the
functioning in various departments. The CPPAPS therefore recommended that the
Ad hoc Committees should be converted into Standing Committees on Customer
The constitution and functions of the Standing Committee may be on the lines
indicated below:
The Standing Committee may be chaired by the MD & CEO or the ED and include
non- officials as its members to enable an independent feedback on the quality of
customer service rendered by the bank.
The Standing Committee may be entrusted not only with the task of ensuring
timely and effective compliance of the RBI instructions on customer service, but also
that of receiving the necessary feedback to determine that the action taken by
various departments of the bank is in tune with the spirit and intent of such
The Standing Committee may review the practice and procedures prevalent in the
bank and take necessary corrective action, on an ongoing basis as the intent is
translated into action only through procedures and practices.
A brief report on the performance of the Standing Committee during its tenure
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indicating, inter alia, the areas reviewed, procedures/ practices identified and
simplified/ introduced may be submitted periodically to the Customer Service
Committee of the Board.
2.1.5 Grievance Escalation System:
a. Customers can lodge their complaints directly to Branch-in-charge and it
will be the responsibility of the Branch-in-charge to resolve the complaint
within 7 days from the date of receipt.
b. All complaints received by the Bank through other mode/ channels outside
to online grievance portals/packages are to be entered in designated
grievance Redressal package like CCR/ CTS/ CPGRS etc., on the same day
of receipt of the complaint and complaint id/ reference to be
communicated to the complainant for online tracking of status.
c. The Branch-in-charge will analyze the complaint and if needed he/ she will
contact the complainant personally and resolve the complaint.
d. A complaint redressal communication will be sent to complainant.
e. If the Branch-in-charge is not able to resolve the complaint within 7 days,
the complaint will get auto escalated to the concerned Regional Office.
f. The complaints referred to Regional Office will be analyzed by Customer
Service Section/Operations Section and based on the explanation received
from the Branch, RO will send a suitable reply to complainant.
g. If Regional Office cannot resolve the complaint within 5 days from the date
of auto-escalation of complaints or upto 12
day from the date of receipt
of complaint, the same will be auto escalated to Customer Service
Section/Operations Section of Circle Office.
h. The complaints referred to Circle Office will be analyzed by Customer
Service Section/Operations Section and based on the explanation received
from the Branch/RO, Circle Office will send a suitable reply to complainant.
i. If Circle Office cannot resolve the issue within 5 days, the same will be auto
escalated to Customer Service Vertical, Operations Wing, Head Office on
day from the date of receipt of complaint.
j. Customer Service Section, Head Office will analyze the complaint and the
replies received from Branch/ Regional Office and Circle Office. On placing
the matter before appropriate authorities a decision is taken on the
k. A complaint redressal communication will be sent to the complainant from
Head Office and suitable instructions are passed on to Branch/ Regional
Office and Circle Office for taking action in the deficient areas. Whenever
the decision is taken to reject the claim or partial relief is proposed, it shall
be escalated to Internal Ombudsman.
l. Compliant redressal/ closure intimation with complaint status & tracking
link will be communicated to the complainant through
SMS/email/letter/any other mode of communication approved by the Bank.
m. Bank shall critically examine on an on-going basis as to how grievances
redressal machinery is working and whether the same has been found to be
effective in achieving improvement in customer service in different areas.
n. Bank shall constitute special squads conduct Root Cause Analysis for those
areas in which the number of complaints is repetitive in nature or on the
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increase. Bank shall arrange to include one or two sessions on customer
service, public relations etc., in training programmes conducted.
Based on the Recommendations of the Damodaran Committee, IBA and also as per
the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, the bank has developed an in-house
package for the online grievance redressal system namely CPGRS (Canara Public
Grievance Redressal System). The same is made available in the Banks Website. This
package enables the customers to register their complaints online through our
corporate website. This package records a complaint and provides the customer the
complaint status tracking and receiving response from the bank.
The information about the CPGRS has been circulated vide our Circular 122/2012 dt.
20/04/2012, 68/2017 dt. 06/02/2017, 95/2018 dt.19/02/2018, 596/2019 dated
27/11/2019 and 737/2021 dated 15.11.2021. Through the website of the bank
customers can register the complaints. A unique reference number is generated by
the system for the reference to the customer.
Customers can track their complaint, check the resolution provided and if any
customer feels dissatisfied with the resolution provided by the bank, customer can
reopen the complaint.
Customer can also register their complaints through Call Centre, Mobile Banking and
Internet Banking which will be auto recorded in CPGRS package and customer will
be provided with Complaint tracking Reference number which will be attended by
the Bank as per the procedure below.
a) Branches to follow up CPGRS complaint under SAS package on day-to-day
basis for close monitoring of redressal of grievances.
b) Branches have to invariably enter redressal within the prescribed time norms
(i.e. within the 7th day of lodging of the complaint).
c) After entering the redressal by the branch, the complaint would
automatically flow to the respective Regional Office for review of redressal
entered by the branch and closure of the same at their end.
d) Wherever branches do not attend the complaints within the prescribed time
lines, the complaint itself would flow to the next higher authority (i.e. - RO)
for the redressal and closure. Branches would be having only view rights of
auto-escalated complaints.
a) Regional Offices are requested to monitor the grievance redressal of
complaints at their branches within the prescribed time norms (i.e. within
the 7th day of lodging of the complaint).
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b) After the branch enters the redressal of complaint, it automatically flows to
the respective Regional Office for review of redressal entered by the branch
and closure of the same.
c) If the complaint remains unattended at branch level, on 7th day of lodging of
the complaint, the complaint itself flows to RO for necessary redressal and
closure. Branches would be having only view rights of such complaints. RO
has to close such complaint.
d) If the complaint still remains unattended on the 5th day of the complaint
landing at RO, it would flow to the next higher authority (i.e. - CO) for
necessary redressal and closure. ROs will be having only view rights of such
e) Before rejecting or providing partial relief to any of the customers’
complaints, they need to be escalated to the Internal Ombudsman (IO) of the
Bank. It is required to select the option “Partially closed/ rejected
complaintsrefer to Internal Ombudsman” at the time of Closure of such
a) Circle Offices are requested to monitor the grievance redressal of complaints
at their branches/ offices within the prescribed time norms.
b) If the complaint remains unattended at RO level, on 12
day of lodging of the
complaint, the complaint itself would flow to CO for necessary redressal and
closure. ROs would be having only view rights of such complaints. CO has to
close such complaint.
c) If the complaint still remains unattended on the 17
day of lodging of the
complaint, it would flow to the next higher authority (i.e. Customer Service
Section, HO) for necessary redressal and closure. COs will be having only view
rights of such complaints.
d) Before rejecting or providing partial relief to any of the customers’
complaints, they need to be escalated to the Internal Ombudsman (IO) of the
Bank. It is required to select the option “Partially closed/ rejected
complaintsrefer to Internal Ombudsman” at the time of Closure of such
HO follows up on each case and redresses the issue to the satisfaction of the
b. ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ODR) System for Digital Payments: (Owned by
DBS Vertical)
In the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated August 6, 2020,
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had announced introduction of Online Dispute Resolution
(ODR) system for resolving customer disputes and grievances pertaining to failed
transactions on digital payments.
The ODR system should be a transparent, rule-based, system-driven, user-friendly and
unbiased mechanism for resolving customer disputes and grievances, with zero or
minimal manual intervention.
Customers shall be provided with one or more channels web-based or paper-based
complaint form, IVR, mobile application, call centre, SMS, through branches or
offices, etc. for lodging disputes and grievances.
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At present 10 channels viz Debit Card, Credit Card, Prepaid Card, UPI, IMPS, AEPS,
NACH, APBS, RTGS & NEFT are available in ODR portal. Customer can access the ODR
portal from Canara Bank corporate website (URL:
ODR is an interface to the customer for raising disputes/ Grievances related to digital
payments online. No branch can access this package on behalf of customers.
Disputes raised in the ODR portal will be sent to respective reconciliation mechanism
of the Bank for further process. Reconciliation process of the disputes raised will be
handled by respective sections under Reconciliation Vertical as per TAT and status
will be updated to ODR portal automatically.
For general complaints submitted to Bank and if customer does not get a satisfactory
response from us and if customer wishes to pursue other avenues for redressal of
grievances, customer may approach Banking Ombudsman appointed by Reserve Bank
of India under Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021.
We have displayed in our website and in all our Branches a notice explaining that we
are covered by the new Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 of Reserve Bank of India
along with the scheme guidelines. The copy of the scheme is made available at all the
branches. Salient features of the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 are displayed
in the branch premises/ notice boards and our corporate website If customers face any difficulty, our Staff will explain the
procedure in this regard.
As per the new scheme, reply will be issued to customers within 15 days of lodging a
complaint with Bank. If Bank, needs more time to resolve the complaint, a written
request may be given to the Ombudsman for further extension of initial period of 15
1. Where the complaints are not redressed within 15 days, the concerned Nodal
Executive of the Circle shall take up with the respective Ombudsaman’s office
for further extension of time within the initial time of 15 days. Branch/
Controlling Office shall forward a copy of the same to the Principal Nodal
Officer at Head Office and keep him updated regarding the status of the
complaint. This would enable the Principal Nodal Officer to deal effectively
with the Banking Ombudsman. Further, it is also necessary that the customer
is made aware of his rights to approach the Ombudsman in case he is not
satisfied with the Bank’s response on a complaint raised by him.
2. Bank shall appoint Principal Nodal Officer of sufficiently senior level, not below
the rank of a General Manager. Chief General Manager of Customer Service
Vertical, Operations Wing is appointed as Principal Nodal Officer of the Bank.
3. It is necessary that the customer is made aware of his rights to approach the
concerned Banking Ombudsman in case he is not satisfied with Bank’s response.
As such, in the final intimation sent on Redressal of any complaint, bank
indicates that complainant can also approach the Banking Ombudsman. The
details of complaint lodging portal of the Ombudsman (
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5. Standing Committee Meeting on Customer Service
In order to benchmark the current level of service, review the progress periodically,
enhance the timeliness and quality, rationalize the processes taking into account
technological developments and suggest appropriate incentives to facilitate change
on an ongoing basis the Standing Committee on Customer Service is functioning.
The Standing Committee on Customer Service will be chaired by the Managing Director
and CEO or Executive Director of the Bank. Besides two to three Senior Executives of
the Bank, the Committee would also have two to three eminent non- executives drawn
from the public as members including an expert in handling customer grievances.
The Committee is having the following functions:
1. To convene meeting every quarter.
2. The committee would submit report on the deliberations of the meeting to the
customer service committee of the board at quarterly intervals.
3. Evaluate feedback on quality of customer service received from various
quarters. The committee would also review comments/ feedback on customer
service, implementation of commitments in the Code of Bank's Commitments
to customers received from BCSBI.
4. The committee would be responsible to ensure that all regulatory instructions
regarding customer service are followed by the Bank. Towards this, the
committee would obtain necessary feedback from Regional Managers/
Functional heads.
5. The committee would consider unresolved complaints/ grievances referred to
it by functional heads responsible for redressal and offer its advice.
6. Customer Service Committee of the Board
This sub-committee of the Board would be responsible for formulation of a
Comprehensive Deposit Policy incorporating the issues such as the treatment of death
of a depositor for operations of his account, the product approval process and annual
survey of depositor satisfaction. The committee would also examine any other issues
having a bearing on the quality of customer service rendered. This committee would
also review the functioning of the Standing Committee on Customer Service.
7. Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle complaints and
7.1 At Head Office:
Principal Nodal Officer:
The Bank has nominated Chief General Manager, Customer Service Vertical,
Operations Wing, Head Office, Bangalore as PRINCIPAL NODAL OFFICER, who is
monitoring the implementation of Customer Service and complaint handling process
for the entire Bank.
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7.2 At Circle Office:
Overseeing/Nodal Executive of Operations / Customer Service Section at Circle
Offices is handling the complaints received directly from customers of that region.
Customer Service Committees are in place in all the Circle Offices to look into
implementation of customer service.
7.3 At Regional Office:
Overseeing/Nodal Executive of Operations/Customer Service Section at Regional
Offices is handling the complaints received directly from customers of that region.
Customer Service Committees are in place in all the Regional Offices to look into
implementation of customer service.
8. Mandatory display requirements
The Bank has made it mandatory to display the following at Branches and at our
corporate website for the benefit of our customers:
1. Details on appropriate arrangements made for receiving complaints and
2. The name, address and contact number, email address etc, of Nodal Officer(s)
who can redress the complaints.
3. Website details of Ombudsman ( where customer can
file complaint online.
4. Details of Code of Bank's commitments to customers/ Fair practice code.
5. Prominently display at the branches, the names of the Officials who can be
contacted for redressal of complaints, together with their direct Telephone
No., complete address (not Post Box No.) and e-mail address, etc., for proper
and timely contact by the customers and for enhancing effectiveness of the
redressal machinery.
6. The names of the Officials displayed at the branches who can be contacted
for redressal of complaints shall also include the name and other details of
concerned Nodal Officer appointed under the new Integrated Ombudsman
Scheme, 2021, in the Circle.
7. Bank shall display on its website, the names and other details of Officials at
their Head Office/ Circle Offices who can be contacted for redressal of
complaints including the names of the Nodal Officers/ Principal Nodal Officer.
8. Banks shall give wide publicity to the grievance redressal machinery through
advertisements and also by placing them on its website.
9. The details including name, complete address, telephone number, e-mail
address, etc., of the Principal Nodal Officer shall be displayed in the portal
of the bank preferably on the website so that the aggrieved customer can
approach the Bank with a sense of satisfaction that he/ she has been attended
at a senior level.
9. Resolution of Grievances
Branch Manager is responsible for the resolution of complaints/ grievances in respect
of customer service at the branch. He would be responsible for ensuring closure of all
complaints received at the branches. It is his foremost duty to see that the complaint
should be resolved completely to the customer’s satisfaction and if the customer is
not satisfied, then he should be provided with alternate avenues to escalate the issue.
If the branch manager feels that it is not possible at his level to solve the problem,
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he can refer the case to Regional Office/ Circle Office for guidance. Similarly, if
Regional Office/ Circle Office finds that they are not able to solve the problem such
cases may be referred to the Principal Nodal Officer, Customer Service Vertical,
Operations Wing Head Office of the Bank.
10. Time Frame
Complaints received will be seen in right perspective and will be analyzed from all
possible angles. Specific time schedule is set up for handling complaints and disposing
them at all levels including Branches/ Regional Offices/ Circle Offices and Head
Office. The Branch Manager will try to resolve the complaint within specified time
frames decided by the Bank.
Time Schedule for Redressal of Complaints:
Stipulated by
Ministry of
Adopted by
General Complaints
30 days
21 days
Complaints forwarded by MOF MPs/VVIPs
21 days
15 days
Complaints forwarded by RBI
15 Days
15 days
Complaints from PMs office
15 days
7 days
All the complaints received will be acknowledged immediately. In cases where
complaints received would require some time for examination, the same will be
informed to customer through an interim reply.
(Monitored by Reconciliation Vertical, Operations Wing & DBS Vertical, Information
Technology Wing, HO)
Lodging of ATM related Complaints
The following information should be displayed prominently at the ATM locations: -
i. ATM ID may be displayed clearly in the premises to make use of it while making a
complaint/ suggestion.
ii. Information that complaints should be lodged at the branches where customers
maintain accounts to which ATM card is linked.
iii. Telephone numbers of help desk/ contact persons of the ATM owning bank to lodge
complaint/ seek assistance.
iv. Such complaints can be lodged directly by customer in ODR portal from Canara
Bank corporate website (URL: or through CPGRS web
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iv. Uniform Template for lodging of complaints relating to ATM transactions given in
Annexure I.
To improve the customer service through enhancement of efficiency in ATM
operations, banks are advised to initiate following action:
(i) Message regarding non-availability of cash in ATMs should be displayed before the
transaction is initiated by customer
(ii) Make available forms for lodging the complaints with name and phone number of
the officials with whom they have to be lodged
(iii) Toll-free numbers for lodging complaints / reporting and blocking lost cards etc.,
to be displayed and attend the requests on priority
(iv) Mobile numbers/ e-mail IDs of the customers may be registered to send alerts
In case of complaints pertaining to failed ATM transaction at other bank ATMs, the
customer should lodge a complaint with the card issuing bank even if the transaction
was carried out at another bank’s ATM.
Transactions at ATM-Procedural Amendment - Pin Validation for Every Successive
The process flow followed for ATM transactions varies from bank to bank. The type of
card readers installed by each ATM vendor also contributes to the variation in the
process flow. Security concerns arise in the case of certain type of card readers which
facilitate multiple transactions without the need for pin validation for every
successive transaction. The possibility of frauds/ misuse of cards are very high in a
scenario where the card is inserted in such reader slots, the card holder fails to collect
the card after the transaction is completed and the card is misused. This risk can be
eliminated to a great extent if, for every transaction, the process flow demands pin
validation. Hence each bank may ensure that the process flow is modified to provide
the pin validation for every transaction, including balance enquiry facilitated through
ATM. Further, as an additional safety measure, banks are advised that the time-out
of sessions should be enabled for all screens/ stages of ATM transaction keeping in
view the time required for such functions in normal course.
Non-adherence to the above provisions shall attract penalty as prescribed under the
Payment and Settlement Systems Act 2007 (Act 51 of 2007).
Security Issues and Risk mitigation measures - Online alerts to the cardholder for
usage of credit/ debit cards.
Banks were mandated to send online alerts to the cardholders for all Card Not Present
(CNP) transactions for the value of 5000/- and above. In view of the incidents of
unauthorized / fraudulent withdrawals at ATMs that came to the notice of RBI, Banks
were advised to put in place, a system of online alerts for all types of transactions
irrespective of the amount, involving usage of cards at various channels and hence
the same was implemented by the Bank. This measure encourages further usage of
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cards at various delivery channels. Banks provides easier methods (like SMS) for the
customer to block his card and get a confirmation to that effect after blocking the
Security Issues and Risk mitigation measures related to Card Not Present (CNP)
Banks have been mandated to necessarily put in place additional factor of
authentication/ validation based on information not visible on the cards for all on-
line Card not Present (CNP) transactions in a phased manner, starting with online
transactions followed by Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Mail Order Telephone
Order (MOTO) and Standing Instructions (SI). In the case of MOTO and SI transactions,
it has been stated that in case of customer complaint regarding issues, if any, arising
out of transactions effected without the additional factor of authentication after the
stipulated date, the issuer bank has to reimburse the loss to the customer further
without demur.
Harmonization of Turn Around Time (TAT) and customer compensation for failed
transactions using authorized Payment Systems
Description of the
Framework for auto-reversal and
Timeline for auto-
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) including Micro-ATMs
Customer’s account
debited but cash not
Pro-active reversal (R) of
failed transaction within
a maximum of T + 5 days.
100/- per day of
delay beyond T + 5
days, to the credit
of the account
Card Transaction
Card to card transfer
Card account debited
but the beneficiary card
account not credited.
Transaction to be
reversed (R) latest within
T + 1 day, if credit is not
effected to the
beneficiary account.
100/- per day of
delay beyond T +
1 day.
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Point of Sale (PoS) (Card
Present) including Cash at
Account debited but
confirmation not received
at merchant location i.e.,
charge-slip not generated.
Auto-reversal within
T + 5 days.
100/- per day
of delay beyond
T + 5 days.
Card Not Present
(CNP) (e- commerce)
Account debited but
confirmation not received at
merchant’s system.
Immediate Payment System (IMPS)
Account debited but the
beneficiary account is not
If unable to credit to
beneficiary account,
auto reversal (R) by the
Beneficiary bank latest
on T + 1 day.
100/- per day if
delay is beyond T +
1 day.
Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
Account debited but the
beneficiary account is not
credited (transfer of funds).
If unable to credit the
beneficiary account,
auto reversal (R) by the
Beneficiary bank latest
on T + 1 day.
100/- per day if
delay is beyond T +
1 day.
Account debited but
transaction confirmation
not received at merchant
location (payment to
Auto-reversal within
T + 5 days.
100/- per day if
delay is beyond T +
5 days.
Aadhar Enabled Payment System
Account debited but
transaction confirmation not
received at merchant
Acquirer to initiate
“Credit Adjustment”
within T + 5 days.
100/- per day if
delay is beyond T + 5
days(where “T” is
the date of
Account debited but
beneficiary account not
All disputes regarding ATM failed transactions to be settled within 120 days from the
date of transaction shall be settled by the issuing bank and the acquiring bank through
National Payment Corporation of India only. No bilateral settlement arrangement
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outside the dispute resolution mechanism available with the system provider is
However, ATM failed transactions beyond 120 days from the date of transaction be
settled by issuing bank and acquiring bank through bilateral arrangement on good
faith claim basis.
The number of free transactions permitted per month at other bank ATMs to Saving
Bank account holders shall be inclusive of all types of transactions, financial or non-
All disputes regarding ATM failed transactions shall be settled by the issuing bank and
the acquiring bank through the ATM System Provider only. No bilateral settlement
arrangement outside the dispute resolution mechanism available with the system
provider is permissible. This measure is intended to bring down the instances of
disputes in payment of compensation between the issuing and acquiring banks.
11.3 Exception Handling:
Exception transactions are those that cannot be reconciled or reported as erroneous
by a card holder. Members should collaboratively endeavour to settle discrepancies
in settlement, if raised by other member banks, and all such discrepancies should be
resolved amicably as per settlement procedure document, by Reconciliation Vertical,
Operations Wing, HO.
11.4 Charge Backs:
Chargeback can be raised within 60 days from the next day of the transaction. Charge
back should be accepted or represented by acquirer bank within 5 days of raising the
chargeback. Good faith chargeback can be raised within 61 to 120 days from the date
of transaction. Good faith charge back should be accepted or represented by acquirer
Bank within 15 days of raising the good faith chargeback.
11.5 Credit/ Debit Adjustments:
All credit adjustments are to be raised within T+5 days. All Debit adjustments are to
be raised within T+10 days.
12. Net Banking:
(Monitored by DBS Vertical, Information Technology Wing, HO)
Grievances related to the following shall be redressed by the concerned branch:
1. For availing Net Banking facility (User creation)
2. Reset of Login password (In case the customer is not able to reset the login
password online using the option available in Net Banking home page) - Now
customers can unlock login password.
3. Unlock (In case the customer is not able to reset the login password online
using the option available in Net Banking home page)
4. Reset of Login (other than online) and Transaction password
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5. Modification of details like address, Mobile number and e-mail Id
6. Activation of Net Banking facility
Now, the Bank has enabled user creation, creation of login password, Transaction
Password, Unlock/ resetting of password and regenerate OTP by the customers
themselves by using internet facility.
Other grievances such as non-receipt of password PIN mailer and any Net Banking
issues which could not be resolved at the Branch level shall be handled by Internet
and Mobile Banking Section of Digital Banking Service Vertical, HO.
If grievances are technology related, Internet and Mobile Banking Section has to take
up the matter with the concerned group of Technology Operations Vertical,
Information Technology Wing, HO for resolving the issues and communicating the
same to the customer.
Grievances related to Can digital software solution extended to Net Banking facility
and non-receipt/ delayed receipt of OTP shall be handled by Payment Systems and
Alternate Delivery Channels Group of TO Wing, HO. (Monitored by TO Vertical,
Information Technology Wing, HO).
13. Mobile Banking:
(Monitored by DBS Vertical, Information Technology Wing, HO)
Grievances related to the following shall be redressed by the concerned branch:
A. Registration for Mobile Banking facility
B. Activation of Mobile Banking facility after MPIN change by the customer
Grievances which could not be resolved at the Branch level shall be handled by
Internet and Mobile Banking Section of Digital Banking Service Vertical, Information
Technology Wing, HO.
If grievances are technology related, Internet and Mobile Banking Section has to take
up the matter with the Mobile Banking group of TO Vertical for resolving the issues
and communicating the same to the customer.
14. Interaction with Customers
(Monitored by Customer Service Vertical, Operations Wing, HO)
Customer's expectation/ requirement/ grievances can be better understood through
personal interaction with customers by Bank's staff. Structured customer meets will
give a message to the customers that the bank cares for them and values their
feedback/ suggestions for improvement in customer service. Many of the complaints
arise on account of lack of awareness among customers about bank services and such
interactions will help the customers to appreciate the banking services better. The
feedback from customers would be a valuable input for revising our product and
services to meet customer requirements.
15. Sensitizing the operating staff on handling complaints
Our staff will be properly trained for handling complaints. During all the Training
Sessions at our Apex Centre of Excellence Manipal, Centre of Excellence - Gurugram
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and at all Learning & Development Centres, the importance of handling complaints is
explained to all the participants and they are trained to deal with customer
complaints. Nodal Officer of the Bank will ensure that internal machinery for handling
complaints/ grievances operates smoothly and efficiently at all levels and he will be
giving feedback on training needs of staff at various levels to the Human Resources
Redressal of complaints emanating from rural areas and those relating to financial
assistance to Priority Sector and Governments Poverty Alleviation Programme also
form part of the above process.
The existing grievance policy adopted, approved by the Board and published in our
website is applicable to the complaints emanating from rural areas also.
Toll Free Number (Call Canara) 1800 1030 has been introduced as a part of One bank,
One number concept. This satisfies the requirements of Rural Customers also. Rural
Customers can register their grievances by using this Toll Free number in seventeen
languages namely Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi,
Gujarati, Assamese, Bengali, Kashi, Kashmiri, Konkani, Tulu, Urdu, Hindi and English.
(Backup toll free number: 1800 425 0018).
NRI helpline numbers (Non Toll Free Numbers if calling from outside India) +91-80-
22064232 / 91 80-68212121
Dedicated landline number to report any credit card mis-selling complaints : 080-
16. Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/ pre-payment penalty: (Monitered
by Retail Asset Wing)
1. The removal of fore closure charges/ prepayment penalty on home loans will lead
to reduction in the discrimination between existing and new borrowers and
competition among banks will result in finer pricing of the floating rate home
loans. Though many banks have in the recent past voluntarily abolished pre-
payment penalties on floating rate home loans, there is a need to ensure
uniformity across the banking system. It has, therefore, been decided that bank
shall not charge foreclosure charges/ pre-payment penalties on home loans on
floating rate basis.
2. As per extant guidelines a fixed rate loan is one where the rate is fixed for a
certain period with reset clause option. Hence, Dual rate/Special rate home loans
sanctioned by the bank cannot be treated as fixed rate loans. In case of Dual
rate/Special rate home loans, the provisions of lower interest rate will be
applicable from the date the rate of interest on the loan becomes floating.
3. Bank shall not charge foreclosure charges/pre-payment penalties on all floating
term loans sanctioned to individual borrowers.
17. Uniformity in Intersol Charges:
With the introduction of Core Banking Solution (CBS), it is expected that customers of
the bank would be treated uniformly at any sales or service delivery point. It is,
therefore, bank is not discriminating against the customers on the basis of one branch
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being designated as ‘home’ or ‘base’ branch where charges are not levied for
products/ services and other branches of the same bank being referred to as ‘non-
home’ branch. As such, if a particular service is provided free at ‘home’ branch, the
same shall be available free at ‘non home’ branches also. There shall not be any
discrimination as regards intersol charges between similar transactions done by
customers at ‘home branch’ and ‘non home’ branches. (Page 33-point no. 6.6 of RBI
Master Circular on Customer Service 2015 dated 01.07.2015.)
18. Charges for sending SMS alerts:
With a view to ensuring reasonableness and equity in the charges levied by the bank
for sending SMS alerts to customers, bank is leveraging the technology available and
the telecom service providers to ensure that such charges can be levied on all
customers on actual usage basis.
These charges shall not be applicable to Jan Dhan accounts, Canara Basic Saving Bank
deposit accounts and other financial inclusion SB accounts and any other category
exempted by the bank.
19. Grievance Redressal on complaints against outsourced agencies/employees:
Bank outsources few activities which are customer facing like Recovery Agent,
Business Correspondent, Call Centre employees, Operators at Aadhar Seva Kendra,
Direct Selling Agents etc., who are monitored by respective wings. The Bank shall
take adequate steps for redressal of grievances against its outsourced Vendor/
Employees within TAT and keep the Authority informed about the number, nature
and other particulars of the complaints received.
If the complaint is received through any other mode other than CPGRS or any other
online complaint portal like Call Centre, letter, email, tele phone etc., the same
should be recorded/ registered in respective grievance Redressal portal/package like
CPGRS/CCR/CTS etc., immediately after receipt of customer complaint and complaint
id/ reference to be provided to the complainant for further tracking the status online.
19.1 Recovery Agents (Monitored by RL&FP Wing)
a) The Borrower having any grievance/complaint against any Recovery Agent / Agency
may bring the same to the notice of the in-charge of the Branch at the first instance.
If the grievance/ complaint is not redressed to the satisfaction of the Borrower, he
can file a written complaint to the Grievance Redressal Cells at Circle Office within
whose jurisdiction the Branch or the Office of the Bank is located not later than 21
days from the date of cause of action.
b) On receipt of the written complaint, the in-charge of the Grievance Redressal Cell
at Circle Office shall as expeditiously as possible, and in any case not later than 21
days from the date of receipt of the complaint, initiate appropriate steps for redressal
of the complaint unless the nature of complaint is such that it requires verification of
voluminous facts and figures. If complaint is not resolved within the TAT, interim
reply shall be given to the customer.
c) The head of the Grievance Redressal Cells of the Bank for Recovery Agents are:
Grievances Received at
In-charge/Head of the
To be handled by
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Circle Office
DGM/GM of the Circle
R & L Section
d) The decision taken by the in-charge of the Grievance Redressal Cell/s shall be final
and shall be informed to the complainant in writing.
19.2 Call Center Service (Monitored by Customer Service Vertical, Operations
Concerned Branch/Section/official from Bank has to ensure that any complaint
pertaining to call centre vendor/outsourced agency, received directly from customer
through any mode, is to be sent to Customer Service Vertical, Operations Wing, Head
Office for follow up and redressal.
The complaints pertaining to Call Centre will be analyzed and resolved by Marketing
Operations Section by carrying out the Root Cause Analysis and obtaining
observations/inputs from the concerned Stakeholders.
A suitable reply regarding resolution/action taken will be sent by Customer Service
Vertical, Operations Wing, HO to the complainant directly or through proper channel
within 21 working days of receipt of complaint.
19.3 Business Correspondents (Monitored by Financial Inclusion Wing)
Whenever complaints are received on conduct/activities of Business Correspondents,
the Terminal ID will be blocked immediately and Business Correspondent Section,
Financial Inclusion Wing, HO will advise Regional Office to investigate and submit the
report along with recommendation. Based on the facts and recommendation received
from Regional Office, BC Section will instruct Corporate BC to replace the BC Agent
or release the blocked Terminal IDs as the case may be.
The complaint has to be looked into from fraudulent angle also by Regional Office. It
has to arrive at a logical conclusion on whether to lodge a complaint against Business
Correspondent Agent with police authority or otherwise based on the nature of the
complaint. Before lodging such police complaint, Regional Office shall take up the
matter with Circle Office Legal Section for proper guidance.
While submitting Investigation Report along with RO Recommendation, Regional
Office shall confirm that complaint has been analyzed from under fraudulent angle
19.4 Operators at Aadhar Seva Kendras (Monitored by Financial Inclusion Wing)
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is already having their own grievance
redressal mechanism. For complaints related to New Aadhaar Enrollment and
biometrics update, Customer can raise their complaints directly to UIDAI by visiting
UIDAI portal @ or by calling on toll free
no. 1947. Accordingly, Regional Office of UIDAI are taking care of the complaint of
their jurisdiction. If required, UIDAI takes help of registrar/Enrolment Agency in
certain cases.
For complaints related to Overcharging or any other complaints by operator at
Aadhaar Seva Kendras, Branch Manager is the first point of contact. At present, for
any customer complaint on overcharging, complaint is forwarded to Aadhaar Seva
Kendra Section at Financial Inclusion Wing. Head Office takes inputs from Circle
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Offices, Regional Offices, Vendors and Branch. After getting inputs, in genuine cases
Head Office instructions the Vendor / operators to refund the charges collected.
19.5 Formation of Women SHG & Facilitation in crediting of SHG/JLG.
(Monitored by Priority Credit Wing)
Borrower having any grievance/complaint against any Agency under Tie Up
arrangement for formation of Women SHG & facilitation in credit to SHGs under Core
1. May bring the same to the notice of the in-charge of the Branch at the first
2. If the grievance/ complaint are not redressed to the satisfaction of the
Borrower, he can file a written complaint to the Grievance Redressal Cells at
Circle Office within whose jurisdiction the Branch or the Office of the Bank is
located not later than 21 days from the date of cause of action.
3. On receipt of the written complaint, the in-charge of the Grievance Redressal
Cell/s shall, as expeditiously as possible, and in any case not later than 21 days
from the date of receipt of the complaint, initiate appropriate steps for
redressal of the complaint unless the nature of complaint is such that it
requires verification of voluminous facts and figures.
4. The head of the Grievance Redressal Cells of the Bank at the Circle for is as
Grievances Received at
In-charge/Head of the Cell
To be handled by
Circle Office
Overseeing Executive
AF & PS Section
5. Grievance Redressal Cell at Circle should verify the compliance as per HO Cir
IC/9/2023 dated 05/01/2023 and may ask the Regional Office concerned to
investigate the matter and submit the report, if required.
6. The decision taken by the in-charge of the Grievance Redressal Cell/s shall be
final and shall be informed to the customer in writing.
19.6 Direct Selling Agents (DSA - Monitored by Retail Assets Wing)
a) DSAs shall have effective policy on complaint redressal procedure/mechanism for
dealing with the complaints received either by the bank and forwarded to the DSAs
or directly by the DSAs, in relation to the services provided by the vendor as per the
agreement or otherwise. The policy on complaint redressal procedure/ mechanism
policy shall provide among other procedures; acknowledgement of each complaints,
compensation payable for various acts and omissions, procedure for escalation in
complaints, maintenance of register of complaints, their status and manner in which
complaints are resolved.
b) The DSAs shall ensure that complaints are redressed within 4 days from the receipt
of complaint received either from the bank and forwarded to the vendor or directly
by the customer.
c) In case if such policy on complaints redressal mechanism/procedure is not
formed/established by the vendor or complaints are not redressed, it is that banks
compensation policy as amended from time to time shall mutatis mutandis be
applicable to vendor also and DSAs shall keep indemnify/compensate any amount paid
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to customer as per the compensation policy of the bank as amended from time to
time without limitation.
Branch Head/Retail Assets Hub Head to ensure that complaints are redressed within
7 days and shall be the final authority for resolution of any disputes/clarifications
regarding payments of fees, terms of empanelment and the decision taken by them
shall be final and binding on the DSAs.
In case of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct of DSAs, the Bank shall, within
its rights to terminate the agreement shall do so with immediate effect without any
recourse in/to the Bank.
20. Strengthening of Grievance Redress Mechanism in Banks:
In the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated January 27, 2021
Reserve bank of India (RBI) putting in place a comprehensive framework comprising
of enhanced disclosures by banks on customer complaints, recovery of cost of redress
from banks for the maintainable complaints received against them in OBOs (Office of
the banking Ombudsman) in excess of the peer group average, and undertaking
intensive review of the grievance redress mechanism and supervisory action against
banks that fail to improve their redress mechanism in a time bound manner.
21. Handling of Complaints related to vigilance, bribery & corruption: (Vigilance
All Complaints which involve vigilance angle to be referred to Vigilance Wing like
bribery, corruption, fraud by employee etc., and received through any mode like
CPGRS /email/letter (hard copy) will be handled by Vigilance Wing. Such Complaints
received in CPGRS package will flow automatically to Vigilance Wing. As per CVC
guidelines, anonymous complaints will be lodged with no action.
If complainant basis details and contact number is available, the Wing will analyse
and refer the case to Circle Vigilance Officer for preliminary investigation. Upon
receipt of the same, Chief Vigilance Officer can decide on further detailed
investigation or to advise Circle for placing it to SASC (Staff Accountability Screening
Committee) for analysis and provide a feasible reply to the complainant and initiate
any corrective Action. An interim reply will be sent to customer in case of delay in
concluding the complaint.
In case of further detailed investigation is ordered by CVO, a detailed investigation will
be conducted through HO inspection Wing and the above referred procedure will follow.
If lapses are crystalized against the staff, IAC will be placed before CVO for
determination of Vigilance Angle. If there is no staff lapse identified, the matter will
be closed with the approval of CVO.
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22. Complaints related to Credit Information Companies (CIC): (Monitored by
Recovery, Legal and Fraud Prevention Wing)
The Reserve Bank of India directs Credit Information Companies and Credit institutions
to implement the compensation framework for delayed updation/ rectification of
credit information by Cis (Credit Institutions) and CICs as detailed below
Complainants shall be entitled for a compensation of ₹100 per calendar day in case
their complaint is not resolved within a period of thirty (30) calendar days from the
date of the initial filing of the complaint by the complainant with a CI/ CIC.
CI would get twenty-one (21) days and CICs would effectively get the remainder of
nine (9) days for complete resolution of the complaint.
Penalty needs to be paid by the Bank/CIC in case there is a delay.
A CI shall pay compensation to the complainant if the CI has failed to send updated
credit information to the CICs by making an appropriate correction or addition or
otherwise within twenty-one (21) calendar days of being informed by the complainant
or a CIC.
Publicity of the Policies
Wide publicity is given to the above policies formulated by Bank by placing them
prominently on the Web-site and copy of policy is available with Branches.
Implementation of policy at Branches will be checked by Inspection Wing during RBIA
& Concurrent inspection and deviations will be reported to Circles/ Customer Service
Vertical, Operations Wing, HO & to Audit committee of the Board.
Overseeing Executive of Operations/ Customer Service Section in Circle to ensure that
all Regional offices are adhering to the Policy guidelines.
Overseeing Executive of Operations/ Customer Service Section in Regional Office to
ensure that all Branches are adhering to the policy guidelines.
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ENCLOSURE TO 11.1.iv Uniform Template
To: The Branch Manager
_______________________________________________ (Name of the Bank)
_______________________________________________ (Name of the Branch) *
_______________________________________________ (Name of the City)
Customer Information:
Name of the Customer :
Account No. :
Debit Card/ ATM Card No :
ATM Information:
ATM ID/ Location, if ID is not available:
Name of the ATM Bank
Nature of the Complaints
a) Complaint relating to Cash Withdrawal:
Amount requested for withdrawal : (Rs. )
Amount actually disbursed at ATM : (Rs. )
Amount to the account debited : (Rs. )
Date of transaction : (Rs. )
Time of transaction : (Rs. )
c) Other complaint :
Date: Signature of the Card
Contact Tel/ Mobile No.
*(Name of the Bank Branch where cardholder account is maintained which is linked
to ATM card)
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