Journal International of Lingua and Technology
Journal International of Lingua and Technology, 1(3) April 2023 60-70
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
Angga Frananda
, Tehn Werry
, Anne Wais
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah Imam Asy Syafii, Indonesia
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
University of Saint Francis Xavier, Bolivia
Corresponding Author: Angga Frananda, E-mail;
Article Information:
Received April 10, 2023
Revised April 15, 2023
Accepted April 20, 2023
The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the Canva application
as an effort to increase students' interest in learning Arabic. This research
uses a library research method. The sources of this literature are journals
and books similar to this research. One of the learning developments can
be in the form of e-modules. And this can be done using the Canva app.
The Canva application is one of the online applications that can be free
or paid. This application can also be used to design learning media with
several interesting templates, the presentation of shapes, images, colors,
and letters also has many variations. How to use this application is to
create a Canva account, design, choose a background, edit the
background, add text, and lastly, download or share text. By using this
Canva application, students can create more interesting Arabic teaching
materials. Therefore, through e-modules, Arabic subjects are interesting
so that they can strengthen students' learning interest in distance learning
and also not boring
Keywords: Arabic Education, Arabic Learning, Application Canva
Journal Homepage
This is an open access article under the CC BY SA license
How to cite: Frananda, A., Werry, T., & Wais, A. (2023). The Utilization of the Design Application
for Arabic Learning. Journal International of Lingua and Technology, 2(1), 60-70.
Published by: Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar
In this life, it is not free from the problems of life as in Indonesia, the aspects that
are always discussed are the economic, social, political aspects. We always see hot
discussions related to these three aspects, both from print media and television media
(Radianti, 2020). In the path of education, teachers must guide students to be able to limit
the rapid development of science and technology and develop students' abilities, students'
attitudes to be able to handle new situations (Hernández-Lara, 2018). The concern of
students towards problems and factors that must be developed in students (Kuo, 2019).
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
Globalization continues to bring changes in all aspects of life that require humans
to be able to follow its path (Ritonga, 2021). As we know in the fields of education,
economics, social, politics, law, science and technology and others. The influence of
globalization that brings positive changes in a science and technology is an increase in
the progress of science and technology (Rose, 2018). Advances in science and technology
are now having an influence in the field of education, one of which is in the field of using
different tools and learning facilities in an educational institution that is used by educators
in their learning. The rapidly developing science and technology is also increasingly
demanding educational institutions to follow changes such as using and utilizing learning
media (Mila et al., 2021).
The media is the most important component in the teaching and learning process
which is regulated as possible and in accordance with the demands of the curriculum, the
characteristics of the facilities for the teaching and learning process (Schneider, 2018b).
And the media is also an important component in supporting the success of learning
(Kruikemeier, 2018). The importance of learning media is also clearly stated in the
regulation of the minister of education and culture of the republic of Indonesia No. 22 of
2016, concerning the education process which states that, learning media is in the form
of learning process aids to deliver learning materials (Pereira, 2019). Effective and
enjoyable learning is collaborative and learner-centered. For this reason, the media used
is in accordance with the learning objectives and makes students comfortable and easy to
understand the content of the material. Learning media need to pay attention to the effect
of illustrations that can also be used to match messages from educators to students (Sony
Junaedi, 2021).
Regarding the definition of media. The word media comes from the Latin medium
which means intermediary or introduction. Raharjo said, the media is a means of
channeling messages or learning information to be conveyed by the message source to
the target recipient of the message (Mila et al., 2021). Meanwhile, Oemar Malik defines
media as a technique used in order to make communication between teachers and students
more effective in the education and teaching process in schools. Robert Hanick et al, cited
by Benni Agus Pribadi, define media as something that carries information between the
source (source) and the recipient (receiver) of information (Kazanidis, 2018).
Meanwhile, talking about the definition of learning media citing the term from
Schramm, Akhmad Sudrajat in his educational paper suggests that the definition of
learning media is message-carrying technology that can be used for learning purposes.
Meanwhile, Briggs argues that learning media is a physical means to convey learning
content/materials such as: books, films, videos and so on (Kamrava, 2020).
Meanwhile, the National Education Association revealed that the media is a means
of communication in the form of print and view-heard, including hardware technology.
Thus it can be understood that learning media are tools, methods and techniques used as
communication intermediaries between a teacher and students in order to make
communication and interaction between educators and students more effective in the
teaching and learning process in schools (Rohaeti, 2019).
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
The most important criterion in the selection of media is that the media must be
adapted to the learning objectives or competencies to be achieved (Kanan, 2019).
Example: if the goal or competence of students is to pronounce words, of course the audio
media is the right one to use. If the goal or competency achieved is reading
comprehension, then print media is more appropriate to use. If the learning objectives are
motor (movement and activity), the media that can be used are films and videos. In
addition, there are other criteria that are complementary, such as: cost, effectiveness,
condition of students, availability, and technical quality (Smaldino et al., 2020). There
are also those who reveal that the purpose of learning media in the teaching and learning
process is to increase the concentration of learning by stimulating the visuality of
students. In the teaching and learning process, the media is a very important part in
creating student activity. And the existence of the learning media itself makes it easier for
teachers to transfer their knowledge to students easily and practically so that the learning
process can be well received.
Rudi Bretz in bukhari clarifies the media on its main characteristics, namely sound,
visual form (images, lines, and symbols) and motion. In addition, he also distinguishes
between transmission media and recording media. On this basis, Bertz classifies the
media into 8 classes: motion audio-visual media, silent audio-visual media, semi-motion
audio media, motion-visual media, silent visual media, semi-motional media, semi-silent
media, audio media, and print media (Moseley, 2020).
In addition, in addition to the media mentioned above, in educational institutions
the presence of computer equipment is something that must be conditioned and socialized
to answer challenges and advances in science and technology. On the other hand, there
are many service users in the computer field who expect to be able to help them both as
tutors, tutors and tools that have not been able to be fulfilled by professional personnel in
their fields produced through existing educational institutions (Moseley, 2020). Teachers
also complain about their ability to understand, implement, and apply teaching that is in
line with the demands of the curriculum because of the limited information and trainers
they get.
From the effort to clarify learning media with one another, it will appear that each
of them will have advantages and disadvantages or limitations. However, whatever the
form and purpose of the clarification, it can clarify the uses and characteristics of the
media itself so that it can make it easier for us to choose it (Neuman, 2019).
The process of learning language, especially Arabic, which is needed by educators
in transferring their knowledge at this time, is something that can stimulate the visuality
of their students (Schneider, 2018a). Apart from that, teaching media is a container and
channel for messages from message sources, in a broader scope, Miarso gives batad,
teaching media as anything that can stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, and wills so as
to encourage the teaching and learning process to occur in students (Munzil, 2020). Apart
from that, today's learning must also be in line with technological developments.
Therefore, in a process of learning activities to teach in the classroom, the need for
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
educators to facilitate the learning process with alternatives in accordance with the needs
of students in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching (Rizal, 2020).
The role of the media is very important and needed, in general the distribution of
learning media can be in the form of pictorial photos, models or other tool (Scolari, 2018).
It aims to provide motivation to learn, as well as strengthen the absorption of cognitivism
in students. Learning media in general can be interpreted as a tool in the teaching and
learning process because the development of media and the teaching and learning process
cannot be separated from the world of education (Oeldorf-Hirsch, 2018). Apart from that,
with the role of learning media there will be direct interaction between students and their
environment, the media can also instill concrete and realistic basic concepts. This is one
way to improve the learning process in the classroom so that it is not monotonous and
Audio visuals enrich the learning environment, nurture exploration, and discovery,
and encourage students to develop speech and express thoughts(Nicolaou, 2019). Audio-
visual still and audio-visual motion are two types of audio-visual media. The advantages
of this audio visual are that oral and written messages can be presented clearly, can
overcome the limitations of space, time and senses, which can be used for tutorial learning
media (Ampa, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic is an epidemic that is felt by the entire community. All
community activities are disrupted, without exception education. Many countries have
decided to close schools, colleges and universities, one of them is Indonesia (Ratu et al.,
2020). The Indonesian government should close schools to reduce contact with people
massively. By closing schools, as a result, schools have to carry out online learning (Nur
Khairiyah Mar’aha, Ani Rusilowatia, 2020).
Information technology has a major influence on change in every field. One of them
is a change in the field of education. With online learning, teachers and students are
required to master advanced technology, information and communication. In addition,
parents must supervise their children in participating in online learning (Zhang, 2020).
Because, technology, information and communication is very broad (Wahid et al., 2021).
Regarding technology, it can be used as a teaching and learning process, which can be
said to be a change from conventional to modern methods.
One of the technology-based learning media that can be used is the Canva
application. The Canva application is an application that can support the visual learning
process and train students' visual literacy skills (Fahminnansih et al., 2021). Canva is an
online design program that provides various editing tools to create various graphic
designs, such as posters, flyers, infographics, banners, invitation cards, presentations,
Facebook covers, and more. Including being a photo editing tool because there is a photo
editor, photo filters, photo frames, stickers, icons, and design grids, easy to understand
even for beginners. Not only that, Canva can also be accessed via desktop and mobile
devices. Thus, users can be creative anytime and anywhere (Yuli Purwati, 2019). Canva
is an online design program that also provides various tools such as presentations,
resumes, posters, flyers, brochures, graphics, infographics, banners, flyers, certificates,
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
diplomas, invitation cards, business cards, thank you cards, cards post, logo, label,
bookmark, newsletter, cd cover, book cover, desktop wallpaper, template, photo editing,
youtube thumbnail, instagram story, twitter post and facebook cover (Andi Ichsan
Mahardika, Nuruddin Wiranda, 2021).
Canva is an online design program that also provides various tools such as
presentations, resumes, posters, flyers, brochures, graphics, infographics, banners, flyers,
certificates, diplomas, invitation cards, business cards, thank you cards, cards post, logo,
label, bookmark, newsletter, cd cover, book cover, desktop wallpaper, template, photo
editing, youtube thumbnail, instagram story, twitter post and facebook cover canva
1. Has a variety of attractive graphic designs, animations, templates, and page
2. Can increase the creativity of teachers in designing learning because of the many
features provided, and includes drag and drop features.
3. Can save time in designing practical learning media.
4. Learners can re-learn the material through the Canva Yabf learning media that has
been given by the teacher.
5. Have a good image resolution and canva media slides can be printed with
automatic print size measurement.
6. Able to collaborate with other teachers in designing media and create a Canva
design team to share learning media with each other.
7. Can design learning media at any time, not only using a laptop but also being able
to use a cellphone (Astuti, 2021).
According to Pelangi, the shortcomings of Canva are:
1. The Canva application relies on a sufficient and stable internet network, if there
is no internet or quota on the device or laptop that will reach the Canva
application, Canva cannot be used or supported in the design process.
2. In the Canva application there are templates, stickers, illustrations, fonts, and so
on for a fee. So, some are paid and some are not. But this is not a problem because
there are many other free and attractive templates. Just how users can design
something attractively and rely on their own creativity.
3. Sometimes the chosen design has a similar design with others, whether it's from
the same template, picture, color and so on. But this is also not a problem, back to
the user in choosing the design so that there is no similarity.
Research related to learning media through the Canva application conducted by
Rahmatullah 2020 shows that it is easier for students to master employment materials
using Canva application-based audio-visual learning media with very good criteria. And
there are also other studies related to the use of Canva-based applications written by
Siahaan, et al, 2020, showing the results of their research show that teachers or educators
after attending training on Canva-based learning media have additional insights about
Canva and Canva can also be used to make products. for learning media using the Canva
application. With this Canva application, teachers are able to apply the use of Canva as a
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
learning medium for students. In designing this Canva application, the teacher only needs
to enter the text to be created or typed, then select an image, and then choose the type of
graphic design, template and page number that has been provided as desired. In addition
to making it easier for teachers in learning media, Canva can help students become more
focused in paying attention to learning with a more attractive appearance (Astuti, 2021).
With a description of the background, the purpose of this study is to describe the
use of the Canva application as an effort to strengthen students' interest in learning Arabic
at Baiturrahman Islamic Boarding School. that is considered fun after the implementation
of the Canva application.
Utilization research methods were chosen to develop learning media that already
exist in Islamic boarding schools, especially in Arabic subjects. This research method is
supported by several literatures that are in accordance with this research (Ullah, 2018).
Learning media is developed by utilizing today's advanced technological developments
(Schneider, 2018a). Thus, this development or utilization method was chosen with a
descriptive approach based on the existing literature. According to Sugiyono, research
and development methods are methods used to produce certain products, by testing their
effectiveness. It is the same with Sugiyono's opinion that research, development or
utilization can produce a new product or can also maximize an old product. Likewise,
research and development aims to find, develop, and validate products. These products
can be in the form of things that support the achievement of educational goals, such as
learning media and so on.
This study seeks to identify and describe the use of the Canva application as a
medium for learning Arabic. The method used in this research is library research, library
research is an activity related to the method of collecting library data, reading and
recording and processing research materials. Literature study includes library research as
the first step to prepare a research framework in order to obtain more than that, in the
study of literature, it is also necessary to use library sources to obtain research data
(Masyhur, S.T. Dwiyana Pinatasari, S.Sos. Eko Setiawan & Narasumber:, 2018). Sources
of research data can be obtained from printed materials or graphic works in the form of
books, journals, magazines, newspapers, various types of reports and documentation,
both unpublished or already published. The source of the literature study in this study was
taken from articles sourced from journals with keywords in the form of Canva
applications, e-modules, and student learning interests during the pandemic. In addition,
the book used is a book entitled 'library research methods' and 'learning media plays a
very important role in achieving learning objectives.” (Azzahra & Ramadhani, 2020).
Learning Arabic is a basic lesson in Islamic boarding schools, especially at the
Baiturrahman Islamic Boarding School which is located in Banuhampu District, Agam
Regency. However, Arabic learning that took place during the pandemic experienced a
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
very significant decline in interest in learning for students or students. Facing this, it takes
a very interesting learning media and utilizes technology to overcome obstacles to the use
of student learning resources which also gives students the opportunity to learn it without
depending on the teacher's explanation alone (ENREKANG, 2021). The learning media
can be realized in the form of modules that are teaching materials with a systematic
arrangement and the use of language that is easy to understand so that learners can learn
independently despite the minimal education from educators or teachers. In addition, the
modules used in learning have a main purpose so that readers can absorb the material or
teaching materials independently (Azzahra & Ramadhani, 2020). Learning Arabic in
online classes often experiences saturation for students, so to overcome this, a
combination of modules with electronic media is needed or often referred to as e-modules
which in this study are called the Canva application.
The learning media used need to pay attention to the effect of illustrations in order
to convey messages to students properly (Barr, 2019). Deep learning Deep learning will
be realized if it is integrated with e-modules and will produce a better graduate product.
Therefore, learning media is needed that is in accordance with learning objectives and
makes students comfortable and easy to understand the material (Azzahra & Ramadhani,
2020). Using the Canva application, you can create online application media that are free
and paid online, which can be used to design learning media with several available
templates. How to use this application includes: creating a Canva account, creating a
design, choosing a background, adding text, downloading or sharing a design. Here are
some views on how to use Canva in making e-modules (Pratama, 2021).
1. The first step in accessing the Canva application is visiting the website via the web, then educators can log in to their account first so
they can use Canva to process it. In the log in feature, educators are required to
2. fill in their e-mail address and password or can log in using a facebook or google
account as shown.
3. After successfully logging in, the initial view of Canva will appear. In this view
there are several templates that will be designed..
4. In the template view, students can look for template features that will be used to
design learning media
5. E-modules as learning Arabic require some text to complement and increase the
appeal of learners in reading it. In this case, text can be added through a text
feature that presents some interesting text designs. Educators can add text as
desired and edit it into an interesting text design.
6. At the final design stage, educators can press the download button located at the
top of the canvas
One of the ways to determine the quality of learning is by attracting designs that are
arranged systematically as the most important part of the learning process (Li, 2020).
According to aji 2020, there are three functions that are integrated in a learning media,
namely stimulation that fosters interest in the lesson, mediation that connects teachers
with students, and mediation that conveys a teacher's explanation. In this regard, there is
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
a need for a teacher's role in providing learning media that is tailored to the needs of
students to support the learning process (NUR, 2021). Especially in learning at
Baiturrahman Islamic Boarding School which is located in Agam Regency. Students need
interesting media considering the stigma of learning Arabic which is difficult and can also
be boring for some students. This is in accordance with the opinion of Sutarno and
Mukhidin (2013) that students can understand the material well if the learning media used
is interesting, providing presentations of shapes, images, colors and letters to make it look
more varied will affect the learning interest of students. Thus, the use of the Canva
application in making e-modules can produce interesting Arabic learning media so that it
strengthens students' interest in learning.
Based on the results of the research and discussion described above, it can be
concluded that the Canva application is one application that can support the visual
learning process and train visual literacy skills for students. Canva is an online design
program that provides various editing tools to create various graphic designs, such as
posters. , flyers, infographics, banners, invitation cards, presentations, facebook covers,
and more. Including being a photo editing tool because there is a photo editor, photo
filters, photo frames, stickers, icons, and design grids, easy to understand even for
beginners. Not only that, Canva can also be accessed via desktop and mobile devices.
Thus, users can be creative anytime and anywhere. Canva is an online design program
that also provides various tools such as presentations, resumes, posters, flyers, brochures,
graphics, infographics, banners, flyers, certificates, diplomas, invitation cards, business
cards, thank you cards, cards posts, logos, labels, bookmarks, newsletters, cd covers, book
covers, desktop wallpapers, templates, photo editing, youtube thumbnails, instagram
stories, twitter posts and facebook covers. as a medium for learning Arabic in the form of
e-modules can increase and strengthen students' interest in learning. This is because the
Canva application is equipped with attractive templates, shapes, images, designs, colors
and letters that are more varied so that they can support Arabic learning media in the form
of attractive e-modules, it will strengthen students' interest in learning, especially in
subjects. Arabic especially in Baiturrahman Islamic Boarding School. As for how to use
Canva Design, it's very easy with many varied design options. One of the learning media
that will be used in this research is learning media using Canva Design. As a technology-
based application, Canva provides a learning space for every teacher to carry out learning
by relying on learning media, one of which is the Canva application.
As for how to use the Canva application, namely:
1. The initial step in accessing the Canva application is to visit the website via the web, then educators can log in to their account first so
they can use Canva to process it. In the log in feature, educators are required to
fill in their e-mail address and password or can log in using a facebook or google
account as shown.
The Utilization of the Design Application for Arabic Learning
2. After successfully logging in, the initial view of Canva will appear. In this view
there are several templates that will be designed.
3. In the template view, students can look for template features that will be used to
design learning media.
4. E-modules as learning Arabic require some texts to complement and increase the
attractiveness of students in reading them. In this case, text can be added via the
text feature which presents some interesting text designs. Educators can add text
as they wish and edit it into an attractive text design.
5. At the final design stage, educators can press the download button located at the
top of the canvas
Thus, the use of the Canva application in making e-modules can produce interesting
Arabic learning media so that it strengthens students' interest in learning.
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