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1. THE PARTIES. This Parking Space Lease Agreement (“Agreement”) made on
_________________, 20____, is by and between:
Landlord: _________________ with a mailing address of
______________________________________________ (“Landlord”), and
Tenant: _________________ with a mailing address of
______________________________________________ (“Tenant”).
Landlord and Tenant are each referred to herein as a “Party” and, collectively, as the
"Parties.” Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and
agreements contained herein, the Tenant agrees to rent the Parking Space from the
Landlord under the following terms and conditions:
2. TERM. The lease provided under this Agreement shall be for: (check one)
- Fixed Term. The rental period starts on _________________, 20____, and
end on _________________, 20____.
- Month-to-Month. The rental period starts on _________________, 20____,
and ends upon either Party giving a written termination notice of ____ days. The
notice period for termination shall start when the written notice is delivered to the
other Party.
Hereinafter known as the “Term.”
3. PARKING SPACE. The Landlord hereby agrees to lease the following Parking
Space to the Tenant in exchange for payment:
Property Address: ______________________________________________.
Number of Spaces: ____
Parking Covered? Yes No Parking Assigned? Yes No
Addt’l. Description: ______________________________________________.
Hereinafter known as the “Parking Space.”
4. RENT. For renting the Parking Space, the Tenant shall pay:
Rent: $________ / month week
Due on: _________________.
Payment Instructions: ______________________________________________.
Hereinafter known as the “Rent.”
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5. SECURITY DEPOSIT. To ensure the fulfillment of all obligations under this
Agreement, the Tenant is: (check one)
- Not Required to Pay a Security Deposit.
- Security Deposit is Required.
Amount: $________.
Returning to Tenant: ____ days after lease termination.
Hereinafter known as the “Security Deposit.”
6. INITIAL FEES. As part of this Agreement, the Landlord charges: (check one)
- No Initial Fees.
- Initial Fee(s): The Landlord charges the following:
- _________________ - $________
- _________________ - $________
- _________________ - $________
7. LATE FEE. If Rent is paid late by the Tenant, there shall be: (check one)
- No Late Fee.
- Late Fee: (check one)
- Fixed Amount. $________ for each occurrence day rent is late.
- Interest. ____% per annum.
8. PERMITTED VEHICLES. The Landlord allows the Tenant to park: (check one)
- Any Vehicle. The Landlord allows for any vehicle the Tenant desires to
occupy the Parking Space.
- Specific Vehicle(s). The Landlord requires that the vehicle(s) allowed to
occupy the Parking Space are described as the following:
9. SNOW REMOVAL. The removal of snow from the Parking Space shall be the
responsibility of the: (check one)
- Tenant
- Landlord
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10. MAINTENANCE. The Parking Space shall be maintained by the: (check one)
- Tenant
- Landlord
Maintenance shall be defined as ensuring access to the Parking Space is properly
maintained and cleared, and that access is provided to the Tenant’s vehicle during
the Term.
11. SECURITY. The Parking Space, and the surrounding area, are: (check one)
- Not Secured. There is no security provided by the Landlord. The Tenant is
required to park a vehicle in the Parking Space at their own discretion.
- Secured. There is security provided by the Landlord. Such security shall be
in the form of monitoring the Parking Space for theft and damage prevention. The
Landlord offers no guarantees, warranties, or promises on the level of security
that is provided outside of industry standards.
12. USE OF PARKING SPACE. The Parking Space shall be used for parking purposes
only. Parking vehicles deemed hazardous due to leaking fluids or otherwise in poor
condition is strictly prohibited. No storage of goods, materials, or other items shall be
permitted in the Parking Space without prior written consent from the Landlord.
13. INSURANCE. Any vehicle using the Parking Space by the Tenant shall be required
to have it insured at all times and provide such documentation for insurance upon
request by the Landlord. Insurance must meet the minimum requirements as
required under Governing Law.
14. INDEMNIFICATION. The Tenant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Landlord
harmless from any claims arising from the Tenant’s use of the Parking Space, except
for those caused by the Landlord’s negligence.
15. DEFAULT. If the Tenant fails to perform or fulfill any obligation under this Agreement,
the Tenant shall be in default. Subject to any statute, ordinance, or law to the
contrary, the Tenant shall have 5 business days from the date of notice of default by
the Landlord to cure the default. In the event the Tenant does not cure the default,
the Landlord has the right to hire a tow company and remove the Tenant’s vehicle
from the Parking Space. Any fees related to the removal of the vehicle from the
Parking Space shall be the responsibility of the Tenant.
16. TERMINATION. Upon the termination of this Agreement, the Tenant shall vacate the
Parking Space and return it in the same condition as when the Term began,
reasonable wear and tear excepted. If the Tenant’s vehicle is not removed from the
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Parking Space upon termination, the Landlord has the right to remove the Tenant’s
vehicle from the Parking Space and charge the Tenant for such fees for removal.
17. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the jurisdiction where the Parking Space is located (“Governing
Law”). The Parties hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and
venue of the federal and state courts located in the Governing Law for any disputes
arising from or related to this Agreement.
18. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue and remain in effect. Any
invalid provision will be replaced with a valid one that most closely matches the
intent of the original provision.
20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior
agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written,
of the Parties. No modification of or amendment to this Agreement, nor any waiver of
any rights under this Agreement, will be effective unless in writing signed by the
Parties hereto. This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in
writing signed by both Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
date first above written.
Landlord’s Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________
Print Name: _________________________
Tenant’s Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________
Print Name: _________________________