August 2013
ADDRESS: Division of Finance and Economics
Columbia Business School, Columbia University
3022 Broadway, 601 Uris Hall
New York, NY 10027
(212) 854-8748
BIRTHDATE: November 8, 1957
EDUCATION: Ph.D., Economics, Stanford University, June 1985.
Dissertation: Historical Perspectives on the Tax-Based Theory of Money
B.A., Economics, Yale University, Magna Cum Laude, May 1979.
Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions (March 2003-present; Paul M.
Montrone Professor, 1996-2003), Division of Finance and Economics, Columbia
Business School, and Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia School of
International and Public Affairs, 1996-present.
Visiting Research Fellow, Research Department, International Monetary Fund, May
2013-May 2014.
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, October 1996-present.
(Faculty Research Fellow, October 1991-October 1996)
Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, Dec 1997-Dec 2004, Dec 2005-Dec 2012.
Financial Economists Roundtable, November 2007-present. Member, 2010 FER Drafting
Committee, “How to Manage and Help to Avoid Systemic Liquidity Risk.”
Shadow Open Market Committee, April 2009-present.
Advisory Scientific Committee, European Systemic Risk Board, European System of
Financial Supervision, September 2011-present.
Peer Reviewer, Economic and Social Research Council, UK, 2010-present.
Houblon-Norman Senior Fellow, Bank of England, January-April 2011.
Podlich Dintinguised Fellow & Visiting Professor, Claremont-McKenna College, Fall 2010.
Academic Director, Jerome Chazen Institute of International Business, Columbia
Business School, October 2004-July 2007, and Director, Center for International
Business and Education Research, Columbia University, October 2004-July 2007.
Arthur Burns Fellow in International Economics, American Enterprise Institute,
December 2001-2006, and Co-Director, AEI Project on Financial Deregulation, January
1997-2007 (Adjunct Scholar, AEI, January 1995-December 2001).
Associate Professor, Department of Finance, and Co-Director, Office for Banking
Research, University of Illinois, August 1992-June 1996.
Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, May 2000-December 2000
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Finance, The Wharton School, August
1991-July 1992.
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Northwestern University, September
1984-July 1991.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University,
January 1989-June 1989.
The Bretton Woods Committee, April 2012-present.
Federal Reserve Centennial Advisory Council, October 2011-present.
National Public Radio Planet Money Academic Advisory Board, June 2012-present.
World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Fiscal Crises, 2010-2012.
Hoover Institution Property Rights Task Force, March 2008-2012.
Research Fellow, Centre for Finance and Credit Markets, University of Nottingham,
October 2008-present.
Senior Research Fellow, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis, University of Bologna,
May 2008-present.
Member, Economic Club of New York, January 2013-present.
Member, Financial Reform Project, Pew Charitable Trusts, May-December, 2009.
Program Chair, Banking and the Economy, FDIC Center for Financial Research, May-
December 2008.
Center for Global Development Task Force on Access to Financial Services, 2008-2010.
Consultant, Banco Central do Brasil, January 2009.
Consultant, Comision Bancaria y de Valores, Mexico, May 1999-2000.
Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, July 1996-1999. Visiting
Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, June 1995.
Consultant, Banco Central de la Republica Argentina, September 1996-1998.
Consultant, Banco Central de la Reserva, El Salvador, October 1996-1998.
Consultant, World Bank mission on Argentine financial sector, February 1998.
Consultant, Comparative Study of Term Finance, World Bank, 1995-May 1996.
Federation of American Scientists Committee on Systemic Risk, 1995-1996.
Consultant, World Bank mission on Mexican banking reform, November 1995.
Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, May 1993-June 1995.
Consultant, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve, Research and Statistics, Nov 1993.
Consultant, Project to Evaluate Japan's Industrial Credit Programs, The World Bank,
November 1991-February 1995.
Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, July 1989-July 1991;Visiting Economist,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, June 1988-December 1988.
Economist, International Monetary Fund, Summer 1981.
International Advisory Board, Kyiv School of Economics, May 2011-October 2012.
Advisory Board, ACE Group, Inc., October 2012-present.
Investment Committee, Economic History Association, 2008-present.
Chair, Budget Committee, Economic History Association, 2011-present.
Advisory Board, Hillman Capital Management, 2001-present.
Board of Directors, Mercia Corporation, September 2004-present.
Vice President and Board Member, Axion Estin Foundation, Inc., 2005-2010.
Chairman of the Board, Greater Atlantic Financial Corp., January 2001-2009.
Academic Advisory Panel, Conference Board/Group of 30: “Do Exchange Rates Matter?
Global Survey of CEOs/ CFOs, 2000-2004.
American Economic Association, Cliometric Society, Economic History Association,
American Finance Association, National Association of Scholars
Congressional Appointee to the International Financial Institution Advisory
Commission (Meltzer Commission), September 1999-March 2000.
Member, Ad Hoc Task Force on International Finance to Advise Senators
Lieberman and Roth and Congressmen Dreir and Matsui, 1999.
Adviser to Senator John McCain’s Presidential Campaign, 1999-2000.
Program Committee, Track Chair, Banking, Central Banking and Regulation, European
Finance Association Annual Meetings, 2013
Program Committee, World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, 2013
Program Committee, American Economic Association Annual Meetings, 2010.
Program Committee, World Bank, Risk Analysis and Management, 2008.
Program Committee, American Finance Association Annual Meetings, 2000.
Program Committee, Economic History Association Meetings, September 1996
Program Committee, Financial Management Association Meetings, October 1995.
Program Committee, Econometric Society Meetings, ASSA, January 1992.
Program Committee, Economic History Association Meetings, September 1991.
Honorary Doctorate voted by the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of
Basel, for outstanding achievements in the fields of banking history, banking regulation,
and financial fragility, November 30, 2012.
Named by Poets and Quants one of the top-10 business school professors in the world,
2012, and one of the top-50 thought leaders among business school faculty, 2011.
Named by The Economist as one of economics’ most influential people, Feb 1, 2011.
Columbia’s CIBER Grant for “Agency, Coalitions and Bargaining Outcomes: Evidence
from Chinese Capital Markets” (with Ray Fisman and Yongxiang Wang), 2008
1997-1998 Chazen International Innovation Prize for the development of the course,
“Emerging Financial Markets” (developed with David Beim).
National Science Foundation for "Assistance to Banks during the Great Depression," July
1994-December 1996.
University Scholar, University of Illinois, 1995.
University of Illinois Research Board Grant for "Sources and Effects of High Costs of
External Finance," 1994-1995.
Office for Research Grants, College of Commerce, UIUC 1993, 1995.
World Bank Project to Evaluate Industrial Credit Programs in Japan (with Charles M.
Kahn, Charles Himmelberg, and World Bank staff), 1992.
Stanford Center for Economic Policy Research for "Excess Returns and Dividend Yields
over the Firm 'Life Cycle': A Panel Study" (with Orazio Attanasio), 1990.
Garn Institute of Finance for "The Efficiency of Cooperative Interbank Relations: The
Suffolk System" (with Charles M. Kahn), 1990.
Prochnow Foundation grant to study interbank self-regulation historically, and its
implications for regulatory reform (with Charles M. Kahn), 1988.
Garn Institute of Finance for "The Role of Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal
Banking Arrangements" (with Charles M. Kahn), 1988.
Northwestern University Research Grants, 1985, 1987.
Editorial Boards
Co-Managing Editor, Journal of Financial Intermediation, April 2013-present
Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 2008-present.
Annals of Finance, 2004-2009
International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2011-present.
Journal of Economics and Business, September 1998-present.
Journal of Financial Intermediation, December 1997-2001.
Journal of Economic History, 9/97-2001.
Journal of Financial Services Research, 1995-present.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 1994-2004.
Economic Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1994-2000.
Explorations in Economic History, 1993-2003.
National Science Foundation, American Economic Review, Bulletin of Economic Research,
Business History Review, Economic Inquiry, The Economic Journal, Economic History Review,
Explorations in Economic History, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of
Applied Econometrics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance,
Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economic History, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal
of Economics and Business, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal
of Financial Intermediation, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of
Macroeconomics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking,
Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Small Business Finance,
Oxford Economic Papers, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review
of Economics and Statistics, Review of Financial Studies, Real Estate Economics
Bank of America, Citigroup, Fleet-BankBoston, Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bros., Lloyds,
AIG, UBS, Credit Suisse, Verizon, The Limited, Xilinx, Tech Central, Astoria Savings Bank,
AmBase, Wachtel Lipton, Milbank Tweed, Cleary Gottlieb, Kirkland Ellis, O’Melveny Myers,
Mayer Brown, LeBoeuf Lamb, Latham Watkins, Fenwick & West, Winston & Strawn, Attorneys
General of Massachusetts and Connecticut, and M&A Advisor. Duties have included expert
testimony in U.S. Tax Court and Federal Claims Court.
Articles in Refereed Journals
“Does Macro-Prudential Regulation Leak? Evidence from a U.K. Policy Experiment”
(with Shekhar Aiyar and Tomasz Wieladek), NBER Working Paper No. 17822, February
2012, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
, forthcoming.
“Identifying Channels of Credit Substitution When Bank Capital Requirements Are
” (with S. Aiyar, T. Wieladek), Economic Policy, forthcoming.
“The Effects of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Assistance on Michigan Banks’
Survival in the 1930s” (with J. Mason, M. Weidenmier, and K. Bobroff), NBER Working
Paper No. 18427, Sep 2012, Explorations in Economic History
, forthcoming.
“The Housing Wealth Effect: The Crucial Roles of Demographics, Wealth Distribution
and Wealth Shares” (with Stanley Longhofer and William Miles), NBER Working Paper
No. 17740, January 2012, Critical Finance Review
, 2, 2013, 49-99.
“The Foreclosure-House Price Nexus: A Panel VAR Model for U.S. States, 1981-2009,”
2010 (with Stanley Longhofer and William Miles) Former title: “The Foreclosure-House
Price Nexus: Lessons from the 2007-2008 Housing Turmoil,” NBER Working Paper No.
14294, Sep 2008. Real Estate Economics
, forthcoming.
“Global Returns' Sensitivities to Crisis Shocks” (with Inessa Love and Maria Soledad
Martinez Peria), NBER Working Paper 16559, November 2010 (Under different title),
Journal of International Money and Finance
, 30, 2012, 1-23.
“An Incentive-Robust Programme for Financial Reform,” The Manchester School
Supplement, 2011, 39-72. Republished in Spanish as “Un programa para la reforma
financiera de incentives consistentes,” Papeles de Economia Espanola
, 130, Funcas,
Madrid, 2011, 21-41.
“The Political Lessons of Depression-Era Banking Reform,” Oxford Review of
Economic Policy, 26, 2010, 540-560.
“Profiting from Government Stakes in a Command Economy: Evidence from
Chinese Asset Sales” (with Raymond Fisman and Yongxiang Wang), NBER Working
Paper No. 13774, February 2008, Journal of Financial Economics
, 2010, 96, 399-412.
“Banking Crises Yesterday and Today,” Pew Trusts Financial Reform Project, Briefing
Paper #8, September 29, 2009, Financial History Review 17, 2010, 1-12.
“Preserving Slave Families for Profit: Traders Incentives and Pricing in the New Orleans
Slave Market” (with Jonathan Pritchett), NBER Working Paper No. 14281, August 2008,
Journal of Economic History
, 69, December 2009, 986-1011.
“Relationship Banking and the Pricing of Financial Services” (with Thanavut
Pornrojnangkool), NBER Working Paper No. 12622, October 2006, Journal of Financial
Services Research, 35, 2009, 189-224.
“Resolving the Puzzle of the Underissue of National Bank Notes” (with Joseph
R. Mason), NBER Working Paper No. 10951, December 2004, Explorations in
Economic History, 45, September 2008, 327-355.
“Venture Capital as Human Resource Management” (with Antonio Gledson de Carvalho
and Joao Amaro de Matos), NBER Working Paper No. 11350, May 2005, Journal of
Economics and Business 60, May-June 2008, 223-55.
“Banker Fees and Acquisition Premia for Targets in Cash Tender Offers: Challenges to
the Popular Wisdom on Banker Conflicts” (with D. Hitscherich) NBER Working Paper
No. 11333, May 2005, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
4, December 2007, 909-38.
“Devaluation with Contract Redenomination in Argentina,” NBER Working Paper No.
12644, October 2006, Annals of Finance
3, January 2007, 155-192.
“Bank Capital and Portfolio Management: The 1930s ‘Capital Crunch’ and Scramble to
Shed Risk” (with Berry Wilson), NBER Working Paper No. 6649, July 1998, Journal of
Business, July 2004, 421-56.
“Credit Card Securitization and Regulatory Arbitrage” (with Joseph Mason),
Journal of Financial Services Research
, August 2004, 5-27.
“Consequences of U.S. Bank Distress During the Depression,” (with Joseph Mason),
American Economic Review
93, June 2003, 937-947.
“Fundamentals, Panics and Bank Distress During the Depression” (with Joseph Mason),
NBER Working Paper No. 7919, September 2000, American Economic Review
, 93,
December 2003, 1615-47. Republished in Financial Crises
, edited by Franklin Allen and
Douglas Gale, Edward Elgar Publishing 2007.
"Contagion and Bank Failures During the Great Depression: The June 1932 Chicago
Banking Panic" (with Joseph Mason), , American Economic Review
87, December
1997, 863-883. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 4934, November
1994. Republished in The Regulation and Supervision of Banks,
edited by Maximilian J.
B. Hall, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2001.
“The Role of ROSCAs: Lumpy Durables or Event Insurance?” (with Indira Rajaraman),
Journal of Development Economics
56 (1998), 207-216.
"The Efficiency of Self-Regulated Payments Systems: Learning from the Suffolk
System" (with Charles M. Kahn). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
, 28, November
1996, 766-797.
"Internal Finance and Investment: Evidence from the Undistributed Profits Tax of 1936-
1937" (with R. Glenn Hubbard), NBER Working Paper No. 4288 (March 1993), Journal
of Business, October 1995, 443-482.
"Financial Fragility: Issues and Policy Implications," in Coping with Financial Fragility:
A Global Perspective, Harald Benink and George Kaufman, eds., Journal of Financial
Services Research, 9, 1995, 241-257.
"Consistent Measures of Output for the Antebellum and Postbellum Periods: Issues and
Preliminary Results" (with Christopher Hanes), Journal of Economic History
, June 1994,
409-422. Republished as “Consistent Output Series for the Antebellum and Postbellum
Periods: Issues and Preliminary Results,” in Business Cycles since 1820
, edited by
Trevor J.O. Dick, Edward Elgar, 1998, 15-27.
"Housing-Finance Interventions and Private Incentives: Helping Minorities and the
Poor" (with Charles M. Kahn and Stanley D. Longhofer), Journal of Money, Credit and
Banking, August 1994, 634-674.
"The Panic of 1857: Origins, Transmission, and Containment" (with Larry Schweikart),
Journal of Economic History
, December 1991, 807-34.
"The Role of Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements"
(with Charles M. Kahn), American Economic Review
, June 1991, 497-513. Republished
in The Regulation and Supervision of Banks,
edited by Maximilian J. B. Hall, Edward
Elgar Publishing, 2001, and republished in Financial Crises
, edited by Franklin Allen and
Douglas Gale, Edward Elgar Publishing 2007, and republished in Banking
, edited by
John O.S. Wilson, Routledge, forthcoming.
"The Motives of US Debt-Management Policy, 1790-1880: Efficient Discrimination and
Time Consistency," Research in Economic History
, 13, 1991, 67-105.
"Is Deposit Insurance Necessary? A Historical Perspective," Journal of Economic
History, June 1990, 283-95.
"Firm Heterogeneity, Internal Finance, and Credit Rationing" (with R. Glenn Hubbard),
Economic Journal
, March 1990, 90-104.
"Price Flexibility, Credit Availability and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from the
U.S., 1894-1909" (with R. Glenn Hubbard), Quarterly Journal of Economics
, August
1989, 429-52.
"The Motivations for Loan Commitments Backing Commercial Paper," Journal of
Banking and Finance, May 1989, 271-77.
"The Effects of Asset Substitutes on Money Demand and the Inflation Process in Brazil"
(with Ian Domowitz), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
, February 1989, 78-89.
"Price and Exchange Rate Determination During the Greenback Suspension," Oxford
Economic Papers, December 1988, 719-50.
"Institutional Failure, Monetary Scarcity, and the Depreciation of the Continental,"
Journal of Economic History
, March 1988, 47-68.
"The Depreciation of the Continental: A Reply," Journal of Economic History
September 1988, 693-98.
Articles in Other Journals
“How to Design a Contingent Convertible Debt Requirement That Helps Solve Our Too-
Big-to-Fail Problem” (with Richard Herring), Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
, 25,
Spring 2013, 66-89.
“Seven Ways to Deal with a Financial Crisis: Cross-Country Experience and Policy
Implications (with Luc Laeven and Daniela Klingebiel), Journal of Applied Corporate
Finance, 24, Fall 2012, 8-22.
“A Fed Scorecard for the Past Decade, and Its Implications for the Future”
, April 20, 2012
“How to Regulate Bank Capital,” National Affairs
, Winter 2012, 41-57, republished in A
Time for Governing, ed. By Y. Levin and M. Clyne, Encounter Books, 2012, pp. 194-
210, and in condensed form as Harvard College Economics Review
, Vol. 6, Spring 2012.
“Getting the Right Mix of Capital and Cash Requirements in Prudential Bank
Regulation,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
, 24, Winter 2012, 33-41.
“CARE/CEASA Roundtable on Liquidity and Capital Management,” Journal of Applied
Corporate Finance, 24, Winter 2012, 42-59.
“A Look Back at Merton Miller’s ‘Financial Markets and Economic Growth’,”
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
, 24, Winter 2012, 14-16.
“Incentive-Robust Financial Reform,” Cato Journal
, 31 (Fall) 2011, 561-90.
“The Whys and Hows of CoCo Issuance” (with R. Herring), Central Banking,
May 2011,
42-50. Republished as “How to Use Contingent Capital Buffers,” The Future of Central
Banking, R. Pringle and C. Jones, eds., Central Banking Publications, 2011, pp. 91-102.
“Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee Panel Session: 2010 FMA Annual Meeting”
(with G. Kaufman), Journal of Applied Finance
21 (1), 2011, 150-51.
“The Economics of the Proposed Mortgage Servicer Settlement” (with Eric Higgins and
Joseph R. Mason),
, May 2011, republished in abridged form in
Defining Ideas
, Hoover Institution.
“A Contingent Capital Requirement for Banks” (with Richard Herring),
, April 21, 2011.
“Monetary Policy and the Behavior of Banks: Lessons from the 1930s for the 2010s,
, March 28, 2011.
“Are Delays in the Foreclosure Process Really a Good Thing?” (with Eric Higgins),
, February 11, 2011.
“The Euro Is Dead,” Foreign Policy
, January 6, 2011.
“How Spain Can Avoid the Irish Error” (with Desmond Lachman,
, December 20, 2010.
“Real Prudential Regulatory Reform vs. Dodd-Frank,” Defining Ideas
, Hoover
Institution, December 13, 2010.
“In Monetary Targeting, Two Tails Are Better Than One” (with Ellis Tallman,
Bloomberg Businessweek
, November 18, 2010.
“Beyond Basel and the Dodd-Frank Bill,”
, October 12, 2010.
“A 3-Part Program for Housing Finance Reform,”
,Oct 12, 2010.
“Conflicts of Interest, Low-Quality Ratings, and Meaningful Reform of Credit and
Corporate Governance Ratings”(with J.Mason),
, April 19, 2010.
“The Painful Arithmetic of Greek Debt Default,”
, Mar.18,2010.
“Reassessing the Fed’s Regulatory Role,” Cato Journal
, 30 (March) 2010.
“God’s Household Economics,” Orthodoxy Today
, January 15, 2010, complete version
available at
“A Spiritual Response To the Financial Crisis?” Faith & Economics
58, Fall 2011,
“The Debasement of Ratings: What's Wrong and How We Can Fix It,”
October 26, 2009.
“A Recipe for Ratings Reform,” The Economists Voice
, Volume 6, issue 11,
2009, republished in The Economists Voice 20: The Financial Crisis…, edited by A.S.
Edlin, J.E. Stiglitz, B. DeLong, W. Gale, and J. Zwiebel, forthcoming.
“Reassessing the Regulatory Role of the Fed: Grappling with the Dual Mandate and
More?” Pew Trusts Financial Reform Project, Briefing #10
, October 6, 2009.
“The Last Trillion-Dollar Commitment: The Destruction of Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac,” Financial Services Outlook
, AEI, September 30, 2008, republished in Journal of
Structured Finance, 15, Spring 2009, 71-80.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” Cato Journal
, 29 (January),
2009, 65-91, republished in Globalization and Growth: Implications for a Post-Crisis
World, edited by Michael Spence and Danny Leipziger, Commission on Growth and
Development, 2010, 47-68.
“Banking Crises,” NBER Reporter
, December 2008.
“Alan Greenspan’s Legacy: An Early Look: The Regulatory Record of the Greenspan
Fed,” American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings
, Vol. 96, No. 2, May
2006, 170-73.
“China’s Missed Opportunity,” The Financial Regulator
, Vol. 11, No. 3, December 2006,
“Banking Approaches the Modern Era,” Regulation
, 25
Anniversary Special Report,
Summer 2002, 14-21.
“Marginal Tax Rate Cuts and the Public Tax Debate” (with Kevin Hassett), National Tax
Journal, March 2002, 119-32. Condensed as “Searching for Sense in the Tax Cut Debate”
in On the Issues
, American Enterprise Institute, Dec. 2001.
“The Regulation of Operational Risk in Investment Management Cos. (with
Richard Herring), Perspective
, Investment Co. Institute, September 2002, Vol. 8.
“Lessons from Argentina and Brazil” Cato Journal
, 23 (Spring/Summer) 2003, 33-46.
Translated into Spanish as “Lecciones de la Argentina y Brasil,” in Crisis Financieras
Internacionales: Que Rol le Corresponde al Gobierno?, edited by Daniel Artana and
James A. Dorn, Cato Institute, 2003, 33-46.
“Emerging Market Banks: The Achilles Heel of Liberalization,” Economic
, Vol 12, No. 2, 2002.
“Safety Nets, Bailouts, and Market Discipline: An Interview,” The Financial
, Vol. 7, No. 1, June 2002.
“Financial Regulation in a Global Marketplace” (with Robert E. Litan), Brookings-
Wharton Papers on Financial Services 2000.
“When Will Economics Guide IMF and World Bank Reforms?” The Cato Journal
(Spring/Summer) 2000, 85-103.
“Fixing the IMF” (with Allan Meltzer), The National Interest,
Sum. 1999, 88-96.
“The Impending Collapse of the European Monetary Union,” The Cato Journal
(Winter) 1999, 445-452.
“Runs on Banks and Lessons of the Great Depression,”Regulation
22(1)1999, 4-7.
“How To Invent a New IMF,” The International Economy,
Jan/February 1998, 32-35, 67.
Reprinted in On the Issues
, American Enterprise Institute, May 1999.
“Market-Based Banking Supervision,” The Financial Regulator
4, 1999, 33-36.
“The IMF’s Imprudent Role As Lender of Last Resort,” The Cato Journal
17 (Winter)
1998, 275-294, Republished in Forrest H. Capie and Geoffrey E. Wood, eds., The Lender
of Last Resort, Routledge, 2007, 445-62.
“Universal Banking ‘American-Style’,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical
Economics 154, March 1998, 43-60.
“High Loan-To-Value Mortgages: Problem or Cure,” The Journal of Lending and Credit
Risk Management, September 1998, 39-43.
“Reducing Moral Hazard: Introducing Market Signals into Banking Supervision,”
Economic Perspectives
, U.S. Information Agency, August 1998.
“Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Banking Instability, Deposit
Insurance, and Prudential Regulation and Supervision,” Review of Monetary and
Financial Studies
16 (January) 2000, 8-16 (Japan).
“The Role of Financial Relationships in the History of American Corporate Finance”(w/
C. Ramirez),Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
, Sum1996, 52-73.
"Commercial Paper, Corporate Finance, and the Business Cycle: A Microeconomic
Approach" (with Charles Himmelberg and Paul Wachtel), Carnegie-Rochester Series on
Public Policy, 42, 1995, 203-250.
“Pricing Margins: Competition Is the Driver,” Journal of Retail Banking Services
Autumn 1995, 59-62.
“Valuing a Cash Flow Mortgage,” Illinois Real Estate Letter
, Wint/Spr 1995, 5-6.
"Is the Discount Window Necessary? A Penn-Central Perspective," NBER Working
Paper No. 4573 (December 1993), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review
, May-June
1994, 31-55.
"Financial Factors and the Great Depression," Journal of Economic Perspectives
, Spring
1993, 61-85. Republished in The Economics of Deflation
, edited by Pierre L. Siklos,
International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Series Editor, M. Blaug, 2005.
"Cooperative Arrangements for the Regulation of Banking by Banks" (with Charles M.
Kahn), Illinois Business Review
, Summer 1990, 8-13.
"Deposit Insurance: Lessons from the Record," Economic Perspectives
, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, May/June 1989, 10-30.
"The Farm Debt Crisis and Public Policy" (with R. Glenn Hubbard and James Stock),
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
2 (1986), 441-85.
Comment on “Macroeconomic Effects of FOMC Forward Guidance,” by
Jeffrey Campbell, Charles Evans, Jonas Fisher, and Alejandro Justiniano,” Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity, forthcoming.
Comment on “The French Gold Sink and the Great Deflation of 1929-32,” by Douglas
Irwin, Cato Papers on Public Policy
, forthcoming.
“Comment on ‘Implementing a Macroprudential Framework: Blending Boldness
and Realism,” Capitalism and Society
6, August 2011.
“Comment on ‘Disclosure, Volatility, and Transparency…’,” Economic Policy Review,
Beyond Pillar 3 in International Banking Regulation: Disclosure and Market Discipline
of Financial Firms, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, September 2004, 47-48.
“Comment on ‘Devaluation Risk and the Business Cycle Implications of Exchange Rate
Management’” (by Enrique G. Mendoza and Martin Uribe), Carnegie-Rochester Series
on Public Policy, 2000.
“Comment on ‘Sound Money’ by Michael Bordo and ‘Lessons from Financial Crises’ by
Randall Kroszner,” in Anna J. Schwartz: The Policy Influence
, special issue of the
Journal of Financial Services Research
18 (December) 2000, 173-177.
"Comment on 'An Historical Perspective on the Federal Reserve’s Monetary
Aggregates: Definition, Construction, and Targeting’” (by Richard Anderson and
Kenneth Kavajecz), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review
, March/April
1994, 67-71.
"Comment on 'The Decline of Private Deposit Insurance in the U.S.'" (by William
English), Carnegie-Rochester Series on Public Policy
, 38, June 1993, 129-142.
Parts of Books (Chapters)
“Why and How to Design a Contingent Convertible Debt Requirement” (with Richard
Herring), in Y. Fuchita, R. Herring, and R. Litan, eds., Rocky Times: New Perspectives
on Financial Stability, Brookings 2012, pp. 117-62.
“Identifying the Right Mix of Capital and Cash Requirements in Prudential Regulation,”
in Strengthening the Liquidity of the Financial System
, edited by Richard Herring,
Wharton Financial Institutions Center, forthcoming.
“Financial Crisis in the US and Beyond” (with R. Eisenbeis and R. Litan), in The World
in Crisis: Insights from Six Shadow Financial Regulatory Committees, edited by R.
Litan, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, pp. 1-60, 2012.
“Overview of the History of Financial Globalization” (with Larry Neal), in Globalization
of Finance: An Historical View, Volume I of Handbook of Key Global Financial
Markets, Institutions, and Infrastructure, edited by Gerard Caprio, Charles W. Calomiris,
and Larry Neal. London: Elsevier Press, 2013.
“The Peculiar Banking Fragility of the United States,” in Globalization of Finance: An
Historical View, Volume I of Handbook of Key Global Financial Markets, Institutions,
and Infrastructure, edited by Gerard Caprio, Charles W. Calomiris, and Larry Neal.
London: Elsevier Press, 2013.
“Volatile Times and Persistent Conceptual Errors: US Monetary Policy, 1914-1951,” in
The Origins, History and Future of the Federal Reserve
, edited by Michael Bordo and
William Roberds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 166-218, 2013.
“Exiting the Euro Crisis,” in Life in the Eurozone, with and without Sovereign Default
Franklin Allen et al., eds., Wharton Financial Institutions Center, pp. 115-24, republished
by Defining Ideas
, Hoover Institution, May 2011.
“Banking Crises and the Rules of the Game” (NBER Working Paper 15403, October
2009), in Monetary and Banking History: Essays in Honour of Forrest Capie
, edited by
Geoffrey Wood, Terence Mills, and Nicholas Crafts, Routledge, 2011, 88-132.
“Origins of the Subprime Crisis,” in The International Financial Crisis: Have the Rules of
Finance Changed,” edited by Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Douglas Evanoff, and George
Kaufman, World Scientific, 2011, 73-92. Republished in From the International Crisis to
the Greek and Euro Area Crisis: What Lies Ahead? (Apo Ti Dithii Krisi stin Krisi tis
Evpozonis ke tis Elladas: Ti mas Epifilassi to Mellon?), edited by Nikolaos Karamouzis
and Gikas Hardouvelis (in Greek), Evkotikos Organismos Livani, 2011, 131-156.
“Prudential Bank Regulation: What's Broke and How To Fix It,” in Reacting to the
Spending Spree: Policy Changes We Can Afford, Hoover Institution, 2009, 17-34.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Maintaining
Stability in a Changing Financial System, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s
Jackson Hole Symposium, August 21-22, 2008, 19-110, reprinted in revised form in the
Journal of Structured Finance
, 15, Spring 2009, 6-52.
“Banking Crises,” New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2
Edition, edited by
Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume, 2009.
“Credit Rationing” (with Stanley Longhofer), New Palgrave Dictionary of
Economics, 2
Edition, edited by Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume, 2009.
“Bank Failures: The Great Depression and Other ‘Contagious’ Events,” Oxford
Handbook of Banking, eds., A. Berger, P. Molyneux, J. Wilson, 2009, 693-710.
“Charles Calomiris” (Interview), in The Economics of the Great Depression: A Twenty-
First Century Look Back at the Economics of the Interwar Era, edited by Randall E.
Parker, 2007, Edward Elgar, 210-23.
“Jonathan R. T. Hughes” (Interview), in Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution
edited by John S. Lyons, Louis P. Cain, and Samuel H. Williamson, Routledge, 2008,
“Capital Flows, Financial Crises, and Public Policy,” in Globalization: What’s
New?, edited by Michael Weinstein, Columbia University Press, 2005, 36-76.
“Financial Crisis Policies and Resolution Mechanisms: A Taxonomy from Cross-Country
Experience” (with Daniela Klingebiel and Luc Laeven), World Bank Policy Research
Paper WPS3379, August 2004 in Systemic Financial Crises: Containment and
Resolution, ed. by P. Honohan and L.Laeven, Cambridge University Press, 2005, 25-75.
“Reestablishing Market Discipline as Part of Bank Regulation,” in C. Borio, W.C.
Hunter, G. Kaufman, and C. Tsatsaronis, eds., Market Discipline: The Evidence across
Countries and Industries, MIT Press, 2004, 407-16.
“Financial History and the Long Reach of the Second Thirty Years War,” in History
Matters: Economic Growth, Technology, and Population, T. Guinnane, W. Sundstrom,
and W. Whatley, eds., Stanford University Press, 2004, 115-41.
“Banking and Financial Intermediation,” in Technological Innovation and Economic
Performance, Benn Steil, David Victor, and Richard Nelson, eds., Princeton University
Press, 2002, 285-313.
“Banking: Modern Period,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
, Joel Mokyr,
ed., Volume 1, Oxford University Press, 2003, 226-35.
“Jonathan Hughes,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History,
Joel Mokyr, ed.,
Volume 2, Oxford University Press, 2003, 549-50.
“How to Restructure Failed Banking Systems: Lessons from the US in the 1930s and
Japan in the 1990s” (with J. Mason), in Governance, Regulation, and Privatization in the
Asia-Pacific Region, T. Ito and A. Krueger, eds., NBER, U of Chicago, 2004, 375-420.
“An Economist’s Case for GSE Reform,” in Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of
Peter J. Wallison, ed., AEI Press, 2001, 85-106. Originally published as “Are Fannie and
Freddie Optimal Mechanisms? An Economist’s Case for GSE Reform,” in Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac: Mixing Private Interest and Public Purpose, Peter J. Wallison, ed.,
American Enterprise Institiute, 2000.
“Can Emerging Market Bank Regulators Establish Credible Discipline?”, in
Prudential Supervision: What Works and What
Doesn’t, F. Mishkin, ed., NBER, Univ. of
Chicago Press, 2001, 147-196. Also appeared as NBER Working Paper, June 2000.
“Blueprints for a New Global Financial Architecture,” in International Financial Markets:
The Challenge of Globalization, Leonardo Auernheimer, ed., University of Chicago
Press, 2003, 259-90. Earlier version appeared in Joint Economic Committee of the U.S.
Congress, Compendium of Studies on International Economic Issues
, 105
Second Session, October 1998.
“Is the Bank Merger Wave of the 90s Efficient?” (with Jason Karceski), in Mergers and
Productivity, S. Kaplan, ed., National Bureau of Economic Research, U of Chicago Press,
2000, 93-161. Also published in AEI Studies on Financial Market Deregulation as Is the
Bank Merger Wave of the 90s Efficient, AEI, 1998.
“Building an Incentive-Compatible Safety Net,” in Lessons from the Tequila Crisis for
Successful Financial Liberalization, edited by Charles W. Calomiris, special issue of the
Journal of Banking and Finance
, October 1999.
“Was the Great Depression a Watershed in American Monetary Policy?” (with
David Wheelock), in The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and the
American Economy in the Twentieth Century
, M. Bordo, C. Goldin, and E.White,
eds., National Bureau of Economic Research, U of Chicago Press, 1998, 23-66.
“Universal Banking and the Financing of Industrial Development,” in Reforming
Financial Systems: Historical Implications for Policy, Gerard Carpio, Jr., and
Dimitri Vittas, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1997, 113-127.
"The Financing of the American Corporation, 1800-1990" (with Carlos Ramirez), in The
American Corporation Today, Carl Kaysen, ed., Oxford University Press, 1996, 128-186.
Winner, 1996 American Publishers’Award, Best Book in Business and Management.
“Designing the Post-Modern Safety Net: Lessons from Developed and Developing
Economies,” in Money, Prices, and the Real Economy
, ed. by G. Wood, Edward Elgar,
1998 and 2007, 94-120. Also published in AEI Studies on Financial Market Deregulation
as The Postmodern Bank Safety Net
, American Enterprise Institute, 1997.
"Leverage as a State Variable for Employment, Inventory Accumulation, and Fixed
Investment" (with Athanasios Orphanides and Steven Sharpe), NBER Working Paper
No. 4800 (July 1994), in Asset Prices and the Real Economy
, Forrest Capie and Geoffrey
Wood, eds., Macmillan, 1997, 169-193.
"Historical Macroeconomics and American Macroeconomic History" (with Christopher
Hanes), NBER Working Paper No. 4935 (November 1994), in Macroeconometrics:
Developments, Tensions, and Prospects, Kevin D. Hoover, ed., Kluwer Academic Press,
1995, 351-416.
"The Evolution of Market Structure, Information, and Spreads in American Investment
Banking" (with Daniel M.G. Raff), in Anglo-American Finance: Financial Markets and
Institutions in 20th-Century North America and the U.K., Richard Sylla and Michael
Bordo, eds., New York University Solomon Center, Business One Irwin, 1995, 103-160.
"International Adjustment Under the Classical Gold Standard: Evidence for the U.S. and
Britain, 1879-1914" (with R. Glenn Hubbard), NBER Working Paper No. 2206 (April
1987), in Modern Perspectives on the Gold Standard
, Tamim Bayoumi, Barry
Eichengreen, and Mark Taylor, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1996, 189-217.
"The Costs of Rejecting Universal Banking: American Finance in the German Mirror,
1870-1914," in The Coordination of Economic Activity Within and Between Firms
, N.
Lamoreaux and D. Raff, eds., NBER, University of Chicago Press, 1995, 257-321.
"The Origins of Federal Deposit Insurance" (with E. N. White), in The Regulated
Economy: A Historical Approach to Political Economy, C. Goldin and G. Libecap, eds.,
National Bureau of Economic Research, University of Chicago Press, 1994, 145-188.
"Greenback Resumption and Silver Risk: The Economics and Politics of Monetary
Regime Change in the United States, 1862-1900," NBER Working Paper No. 4166, in
Monetary Regime Transformations
, Michael D. Bordo and Forrest Capie, eds.,
Cambridge University Press, 1993, 86-132.
"Regulation, Industrial Structure, and Instability in U.S. Banking: An Historical
Perspective," Structural Change in Banking
, Michael Klausner and Lawrence J. White,
eds., New York University Solomon Center, Business One Irwin, 1993, 19-115.
"Greenbacks," New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance
, Peter Newman, Murray
Wilgate, and John Eatwell, eds., Macmillan, 1992, Volume 2: 281-284.
"Do 'Vulnerable' Economies Need Deposit Insurance?: Lessons from the U.S.
Agricultural Boom and Bust of the 1920s," in If Texas Were Chile: A Primer on Banking
Reform, Philip Brock, ed., ICS Press, 1992, 237-314, 319-28, 450-58.
"Getting the Incentives Right in the Current Deposit Insurance System: Successes from
the Pre-FDIC Era," in The Reform of Federal Deposit Insurance: Disciplining the
Government and Protecting Taxpayers, James R. Barth and R. Dan Brumbaugh, Jr., eds.,
Harper Business, 1992, 13-35.
"Agricultural Capital Markets," in The Agricultural Transition in East/Central Europe
and the USSR, Avishay Braverman, Karen Brooks, and Csaba Csaki, eds., The World
Bank, 1992, 161-86.
"The Origins of Banking Panics: Models, Facts, and Bank Regulation" (with Gary
Gorton), in Financial Markets and Financial Crises
, R. Glenn Hubbard, ed., NBER,
University of Chicago Press, 1991, 109-73.
"Alexander Hamilton," in Encyclopedia of American Business History and
, Larry Schweikart, ed., Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1990, 239-248.
“Comment” on ‘International Standards for Strengthening Financial Systems,’ by
Liliana Rojas-Suarez, New Proposals and Recent Challenges on Financing for
, Institute for International Economics, 2002, 165-69.
“Comment” on ‘Governing the Corporation: Transcending Compliance in the Age of
Scandal’ (by Justin O’Brien), in The Structure of Financial Regulation
, by David Mayes
and Geoffrey Wood, eds., Routledge, 2007, 116-22.
“Comment” on ‘The Microeconomic Evidence on Capital Controls: No Free Lunch,’ (by
Kristin Forbes) in Capital Controls and Capital Flows in Emerging Economies
, by
Sebastian Edwards, ed., NBER, University of Chicago Press, 2007, 199-202.
“Comment” on ‘Systemic Risk and Regulation,’ (by Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale) in
The Risks of Financial Institutions
, edited by Mark Carey and Rene Stulz, NBER,
University of Chicago Press, 2007, 368-74.
“Comment on ‘Financial and Monetary Policies in an Economy with Balance Sheet
Effects’ (by Aaron Tornell),” in Preventing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets
, S.
Edwards and J. A. Frankel, eds., NBER, University of Chicago Press, 2002, 732-38.
“Comment” on Antitrust Merger Policy: Lessons from the Australian Experience
(by Philip Williams and Graeme Woodbridge), in Governance, Regulation, and
Privatization in the Asia-Pacific Region
, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne
Krueger, NBER, University of Chicago Press, 2004, 67-70.
“Comment on ‘Financial Systems, Economic Growth, and Globalization’ (by Peter L.
Rousseau and Richard Sylla),” in Globalization in Historical Perspective
, M.D. Bordo,
A.M. Taylor, and J.G. Williamson, eds., National Bureau of Economic Research,
University of Chicago Press, 2003, 413-15.
"Comment on 'The Performance of the Federal Reserve in Pursuing International
Monetary Objectives'" (by Anna J. Schwartz), in George Edward Durell Foundation,
Money and Banking: The American Experience
, George Mason University Press, 1995,
"The History of Ownership and Control in New England Banking: Comment on
Lamoreaux," in Getting Inside the Business Enterprise: The Use and Transformation of
Information, Peter Temin, ed., National Bureau of Economic Research, University of
Chicago Press, 1991, 195-203.
Published Proceedings
“What Is Meaningful Banking Reform, Why Is It So Necessary…and So Unlikely,” The
Social Value of the Financial Sector: Too Big to Fail or Just Too Big, V. Acharya, T.
Beck, D. Evanoff, G. Kaufman and R. Portes, editors, World Scientific Publishing Co.
Pte. Ltd, New Jersey, forthcoming. 23-32.
“Bank Regulatory Reform in the Wake of the Financial Crisis,” International Conference
on the Global Financial Crisis, Banco Central de la Republica, Bogota, Colombia, May
28, 2009.
“The Political Economy of Competition Policy and Bank Regulation,” Conference on
Bank Regulation and Corporate Finance, International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, October 26, 2006.
“Reforming the IMF: Governance and the Executive Board,” IMF Economic Forum,
November 4, 2005,
“Credit Card Securitization, Recourse, and Regulatory Arbitrage” (with E.J. Higgins and
J.R. Mason) Proceedings of the 37
Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, May
2003, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 2004, 471-92.
“Harnessing Market Discipline in Bank Regulation,” The Financial Crisis and Beyond
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, 2002.
“Comments on ‘Refocusing the Role of the International Monetary Fund’ by David
Lipton,” in Reforming the International Monetary and Financial System
, Peter B. Kenen
and Alexander Swoboda, eds., International Monetary Fund, 2000.
“Moral Hazard is Avoidable,” The Asian Financial Crisis: Origins, Implications, and
Solutions, William C. Hunter, George G. Kaufman, and Thomas H. Krueger, eds.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 379-384.
“The Causes of U.S. Bank Distress During the Depression,” Proceedings of the 37
Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, May 2001, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, 2002.
“Gauging the Efficiency of Bank Consolidation during a Merger Wave,” Journal of
Banking and Finance 23, February 1999, 615-622.
“Reforming the Global Financial System,” in Global Financial Crises: Implications for
Banking and Regulation, Proceedings of the 35
Annual Conference on Bank Structure
and Competition, May 1999, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 553-560.
“Comments on Steinherr, Kroszner, and Benston,” in Universal Banking
, Anthony
Saunders and Ingo Walter, eds., Business One-Irwin, 1996, 109-117.
"Bank Failures, Panics, and Public Policy During the Great Depression" (with Joseph
Mason), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition,
May 1995, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1996, 110-122.
"Directed Credit Programs for Agriculture and Industry: Arguments from Theory and
Fact" (with Charles P. Himmelberg), Proceedings: Annual World Bank Conference on
Development Economics 1993, 1994, 113-137.
"Loan Market Competition Between Foreign and Domestic Banks: Some Facts About
Loans and Borrowers" (with Mark Carey), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference
on Bank Structure and Competition, May 1994, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1995,
"Corporate-Finance Benefits from Universal Banking: Germany and the United States,
1870-1914," NBER Working Paper No. 4408 (September 1993), in Proceedings of the
29th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, May 1993, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, 1994, 450-464.
"Comment: Three Papers on Inside Information in Banking," Proceedings of the 28th
Annual Conference of Bank Structure and Competition, May 1992, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, 1993.
"Comment on 'International Bank Capital Standards'" (by George Benston), in Emerging
Challenges for the International Financial Services Industry, James Barth, ed., Research
in International Business and Finance, 9, 1992, 75-81.
"Demandable Debt as the Optimal Banking Contract" (with Charles M. Kahn),
Proceedings: Symposium on Deposit Insurance
, The Garn Institute of Finance, University
of Utah, 1989, 35-44.
Books, Monographs, Reports and Pamphlets
Globalization of Finance: An Historical View, Volume I of Handbook of Key Global
Financial Markets, Institutions, and Infrastructure, edited by Gerard Caprio, Charles W.
Calomiris, and Larry Neal. London: Elsevier Press.
Sustaining India’s Growth Miracle
(Editor, with Jagdish Bhagwati), Columbia University
Press, 2008.
China’s Financial Transition at a Crossroads
, (Ed.), Columbia Univ. Press, 2007.
U.S. Bank Deregulation in Historical Perspective
(in Chinese), China Financial
Publishing House, 2005.
What’s Wrong with Expensing Employee Stock Options?
, American Enterprise Institute,
AEI Studies on Financial Market Deregulation, August 2005.
A Globalist Manifesto for Public Policy.
Institute for Economic Affairs, London, 2002.
Emerging Financial Markets
(with David O. Beim), McGraw Hill, 2001.
U.S. Bank Deregulation in Historical Perspective
, Cambridge University Press,
2000, 2006.
Reforming Bank Capital Regulation: A Proposal by the U.S. Shadow Financial
Regulatory Committee (with other members of the Committee), American Enterprise
Institute, AEI Studies on Financial Market Deregulation, 2000.
Lessons from the Tequila Crisis for Successful Financial Liberalization,
ed. by Charles
W. Calomiris, Special Issue of the Journal of Banking and Finance
, October 1999.
High Loan-To-Value Mortgage Lending: Problem or Cure?
(with Joseph R. Mason),
American Enterprise Institute Press, AEI Studies on Financial Market Deregulation
series, 1999.
“The IMF and International Policy,” Statement before the Joint Economic Committee of
Congress, February 24, 1998, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Argentina: Financial Sector Review
, The World Bank, September 1998 (with G. Caprio,
R. Cull, J. Gutierrez, P. Levy, M. Miller, D. Vittas, and S. Schmukler).
“Promoting Financial Development in El Salvador,” Commissioned by the Government
of El Salvador, December 1997.
Readings in Money, Financial Institutions, and Markets, Addison-Wesley, 1994. (A
customized, annotated reader, containing 18 chapters, intended for use in undergraduate
and MBA courses on money and banking, financial markets, commercial bank
management, and international finance.)
The Bank Merger Wave of the 90s
(Co-Edited with Jason Karceski). Office
for Banking Research, University of Illinois, 1996.
Competing Bank Strategies in Chicago: An Illinois MBA Project Report
(Co-Edited with
Jason Karceski). Office for Banking Research, Univ. of Illinois, 1995.
Book Reviews
Review of Admati and Hellwig’s The Bankers’ New Clothes
, Barrons, forthcoming.
“Unraveling the Mortgage Mess” (Review All the Devils Are Here)
, Barrons,Jan 3,2011.
Review of Lamoreaux and Sokoloff’s Financing Innovation in the United States
, July 18, 2009.
Review of Overcoming Barriers to Entrepreneurship in the United States
, edited
by Diana Furchtgott-Roth, New York Post
, May 11, 2008.
“A Raw Deal” (Review of The Forgotten Man
, by Amity Shlaes), Foreign
, September/October 2007, 141-6.
Review of Intervention to Save Hong Kong
, by Charles Goodhart and Lu Dai,
Central Banking
, XIV (4), May 2004, 96-100.
Review of Stock Market Crashes and Speculative Manias
, edited by Eugene N.
White, Journal of Economic History
, September 1998, 614-617.
Review of Universal Banking in the United States: What Could We Gain? What Could
We Lose? by Anthony Saunders and Ingo Walter, Journal of Economic Literature,
September 1995, 1357-1359.
Review of The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of
Reason by Larry Neal, Journal of Economic Literature, Dec1993, 2008-10.
Review of Financial Failure and Confederate Defeat
by Douglas B. Ball, Journal of
American History, 1992.
Review of Lessons from the Great Depression
by Peter Temin, Journal of Economic
Literature, December 1991, 1779-82.
Review of Premodern Financial Systems
by Raymond Goldsmith, Journal of Economic
Literature, March 1989, 88-89.
Review article on A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931
, M. D.
Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz, eds, Journal of Economic History
, December 1985, 965-68.
“Cash, Capital, and Financial Institution Risk-Taking: Back to the Future,” Keynote
Address, Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, June 4, 2013.
“Cash, Capital, and Financial Institution Risk-Taking: Back to the Future,” Invited
Presentation, Academic Advisory Council Meeting on Banking and Finance, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 10, 2013.
“The Political Foundations of Scarce and Unstable Credit” (with Stephen Haber), Atlanta
Fed 2013 Financial Markets Conference, “Maintaining Financial Stability: Holding a
Tiger By the Tail,” April 9, 2013.
“Why Meaningful Bank Reform Is So Unlikely,” CEPR Lunchtime Finance Forum,
London, January 17, 2013.
“Restructuring Prudential Regulation in Light of the Global Financial Crisis,” University
of Basel, Public Lecture upon receiving an Honorary PhD, November 29, 2012.
“Restructuring Prudential Regulation in Light of the Global Financial Crisis,” Warren
Hogan Memorial Lecture, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, Oct 17, 2012.
“Rethinking the Structure of Prudential Bank Regulation,” Rimini Centre for Economic
Analysis Conference: Cities, Open Economies and Public Policy, Toronto, Aug 17, 2012.
“The Future of Financial Regulation,” Keynote Lecture, 29th GdRE Annual International
Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, Universite de Nantes, June 29, 2012.
“Rethinking the Structure of Prudential Bank Regulation,” Rimini Lecture in Economics
and Finance, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis, Rimini, Italy, April 28, 2012.
"Restructuring Prudential Bank Regulation to Make It Work," National Economists Club,
Washington D.C., April 26, 2012.
“Incentive-Robust Regulatory Reform,” Presentation to the Executive Directors of the
World Bank, March 23, 2012.
“Incentive-Based Prudential Regulation,” Keynote Speech, Funcas Workshop on “The
Future of the Financial Industry,” Madrid, Spain, January 31, 2012.
“U.S. Prudential Banking Regulation: Theory, Evidence and History,” Regulation of
Financial Institutions, Columbia Law School, November 14, 16, 2011.
“From Comparative Advantage to Comparative Development,” SIPA Conceptual
Foundations Course, October 17, 2011.
“An Incentive-Robust Program for Financial Reform,” Keynote Address, 3
Stability Conference, Tilburg University, June 27, 2011.
“Bridging Literatures: A Suicide Mission?” Transatlantic Doctoral Conference, London
Business School, Keynote Address, May 14, 2011.
“International Financial Issues in Emerging Markets,” PEPM/SIPA Conference, April 29,
2010, and May 2, 2011.
“An Incentive-Robust Program for Financial Reform,” Bank of England Session on
Financial Regulation, Royal Economic Society Meetings, April 20, 2011.
“An Incentive-Robust Program for Financial Reform: Emerging Market Thought
Leadership,” Emerging Markets Group Annual Conference, Cass Business School,
Keynote Address, May 7, 2011.
“Monetary Policy and the Behavior of Banks: Lessons from the 1930s for the 2010s,”
Henry Thornton Lecture, Cass School of Business, February 23, 2011.
“Regulatory Reform: One Year Later,” Financial Services Forum, New York State
Bankers Association, November 10, 2010.
“An Incentive-Robust Program for Financial Reform,” Keynote Address, Money, Macro
and Finance Research Group, 42nd Conference, Cyprus, Sep. 3, 2010.
“Banking Crisis Development and Resolution,” Picker Center for Executive Education,
SIPA, Columbia University, April 29, 2010.
“The Economics of Financial Crises,” Economics Education and Research Consortium,
Kyiv School of Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 11-14, 2011.
“An Incentive-Robust Program for Financial Reform,” Annual Podlich Lecture,
Claremont-McKenna College, November 1, 2010
“Prudential Regulatory Reform?” Chief Economist Talk, Financial and Private Sector
Development, World Bank, May 25, 2010.
“Regulatory Reform,” Financial Services Forum, New York State Bankers
Association, November 13, 2009.
“Reframing the Economic and Financial Landscape,” IESE Business School Global
Alumni Reunion, New York, October 10, 2009
“Financial Crises: Lessons from the Past for the Present,” Plenary Session, Economic
History Association Meetings, September 12, 2009.
“Bank Regulatory Reform in the Wake of the Financial Crisis,” Intern. Conf. on Global
Financial Crisis, Banco Central de la Republica, Bogota, Colombia, May 28, 2009.
“What’s Wrong with the Policy Response to the Financial Crisis?” Joint World Bank-
IMF Conference on the Financial Crisis, May 26, 2009.
“Lessons from the Recent Financial Crisis,” Overview Course on Financial Sector Issues,
The World Bank, May 20, 2009.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Keizai Koho
Center, Tokyo, Japan, May 15, 2009.
“Bank Regulatory Reform in the Wake of the Financial Crisis,” Conference on the
Financial and Economic Futures of Japan and the United States,” Columbia Business
School Center on the Japanese Economy, Tokyo, Japan, May 14, 2009.
“What’s Wrong with the Policy Response to the Financial Crisis?” Conference on the
Global Financial Turmoil and the Evolving Financial Interdependence in Asia, Hong
Kong Institute for Monetary Research, Hong Kong, May 12, 2009.
“End the Panic, Keep the Banks,” Shadow Open Market Committee Conference, The
Cato Institute, April 24, 2009.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Keynote Lecture,
Conferencia Principal al Foro: La Inversion: Solucion a Desafios Macroeconomicos,
Asociacion de Fiduciarias, Bogota, Colombia, April 21, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” Commission on Growth and
Development Workshop, Financial Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries'
Growth Strategies, Kennedy School, Harvard University, April 20, 2009.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Benjamin A.
Rogge Memorial Lecture, Wabash College, March 31, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” Sloan Foundation Corporate
Governance Research Conference, Harvard Kennedy School, March 27, 2009.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Columbia
Business School EMBA Program, March 20, 2009.
“The Global Financial Crisis: Prospects and Policy Responses,” Title VI Congressional
Foreign Policy Symposium, Center for International Initiatives, American Council on
Education, March 18, 2009.
“A Spiritual Response To the Financial Crisis? Making Good Decisions for the Really
Long Run,” Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, Harvard Club, Mar 10, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” The Financial Crisis: The Government’s
Response and Next Steps, Columbia University APEC Study Center, March 4, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” Panel:“Restoring Financial and
Economic Stability,” National Assoc. for Business Economics, March 3, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” G20 Roundtable, Canada Dept. of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Toronto, February 20, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” Columbia University PEPM Panel on
Financial Regulation and Monetary Policy, February 18, 2009.
“The Subprime Turmoil,” Future of Financial Regulation, Weil, Gottshal & Manges
Roundtable, Yale Law School, February 13, 2009.
“The Government and Housing Finance,” Summit Meeting on Financial Regulatory
Reform, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, January 29, 2009.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Keynote Address,
Cayman Business Outlook Annual Conference, Cayman Islands,
January 22, 2009.
“Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Kenya,” Kenya School of Monetary Studies
and US International University, Nairobi, Kenya, January 16, 2009.
“Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis,” Conference on Preventing the
Next Financial Crisis, Columbia Business School, December 11, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Keynote Lecture,
Conference on Global Financial Linkages, Transmission of Shocks and Asset Prices,
European Central Bank, December 2, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Keynote Speech,
Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Bankers Association (Febraban), Sao Paolo, Brazil,
November 24, 2008.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation, and Reform,” Cato Institute Annual Monetary
Conference, November 19, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Ninth Annual
Research Conference, International Monetary Fund, November 14, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Banco Central de
la Republica, Bogota, Colombia, November 10, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” 12th Annual
Conference of the Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, November 7, 2008.
“Recovering from the Crisis of 2008,” HABA Economic Forum, Hellenic American
Bankers Association, New York, November 3, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Fieldpoint Private
Bank and Trust, Clients Breakfast, Greenwich, CT, October 29, 2009.
“Credit Crisis Update and Future Prospects,” Board of Overseers, Columbia Business
School, Pan Asian Reunion, Hong Kong, October 24, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” CGS Director’s
Roundtable, Council on Foreign Relations, October 2, 2008.
“The Credit Crunch and Economic Outlook,” Economists’ Panel, American Enterprise
Institute, October 2, 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New, and What’s Next,” Jackson Hole
Symposium, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, August 21-23, 2008.
“Regulation of Risk Management and Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions,”
Corporate Governance Standards and Financial Stability, Transatlantic Corporate
Governance Dialogue, The European Commission, Sepember 9, 2008.
“Not (Yet) a Minsky Moment,” Seventh Conference on Research on Economic
Theory and Econometrics,” Naxos, Greece, July 11-14, 2008.
“Panel on the Causes and Policy Responses of the Subprime Turmoil,” Role of Money
Markets Conference, Cosponsored by Columbia Business School and the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, May 29-30, 2008.
“Will the Current Financial Turmoil Lead to Recession?” Annual Fain Lecture, Brown
University Department of Economics, April 24, 2008.
“Managing the Bust of Credit Cycles: Invited Panel Session,” IMF Conference on
Financial Cycles, Liquidity, and Securitization, April 18, 2008.
“China’s Equity Markets: Overvalued or Catching Up?” Equity and Debt Markets Panel,
First Annual China Business Conference, Columbia Business School, April 4, 2008
“Problems with Credit Guarantees,” World Bank Conference on Partial Credit
Guarantees: Experiences and Lessons, March 14, 2008.
“China’s Financial Transition at a Crossroads,” Capital Markets Credit Analysts Society
(CMCAS) Special Event, January 29, 2008
“Subprime Mortgage Litigation,” Cornerstone Research Conference, January 23, 2008.
“Not (Yet) a Minsky Moment,” Claremont McKenna College New York Alumni
Meeeting, January 14, 2008.
“Comments at the Centennial of the Panic of 1907,” Museum of American Finance,
October 26, 2007.
“Not (Yet) a Minsky Moment,” Presentation to American Bankers’ Association
Economic Advisory Committee, October 9, 2007.
“Not (Yet) a Minsky Moment,” Invited Panel on Subprime Turmoil, Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation – Journal of Financial Services Research Annual Bank Research
Conference, September 20, 2007.
“Sustaining India’s Growth,” India Business Roundtable, Economist Intelligence Unit,
October 17, 2007.
“Banking Fragility,” 7
Encontro Brasileiro de Financas, Sao Paolo, July 26, 2007.
“The Resolution of Financial Distress.” 11
International Conference of Macroeconomic
Analysis and International Finance, University of Crete, May 25, 2007.
“Mixing Banking and Commerce: How Would It Matter?,” Keynote Panel Discussion,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Conference on Bank Structure, May 17, 2007.
“Issues in Emerging Market Credit Risk: China and Other Markets,” Professional Risk
Managers’ International Association (PRMIA), Frontiers of Credit Forum, Feb 16, 2007.
“Finance, Globalization, and China in the Years to Come.” Keynote Address to the
Annual Meetings of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Athens,
December 16, 2005.
“Institutional Failures in Developing Countries: What Can We Do About Them?”
First Annual Friedrich Hayek Lecture, CUNY, April 7, 2005.
“Emerging Market Banks: The Achilles Heel of Liberalization,” The McKenna Lecture,
St. Vincent College, October 24, 2001. Published under the same title by St. Vincent
College, 2002.
“A Globalist Manifesto for Public Policy,” The Friedrich A. Hayek Memorial Lecture,
Institute of Economic Affairs, London England, July 5, 2001. Published under the same
title by IEA, 2002.
“Dividing Responsibility between Monolines and Originators for the Subprime Crisis,”
State Assembly of New York, Committee on Insurance, February 16, 2011.
“Principles That Should Have Guided TARP,” Congressional Oversight Panel,
November 19, 2009.
“The Role for Bankruptcy and Antitrust Law in Financial Regulation Reform,”
Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy, House Committee on the Judiciary,
November 17, 2009.
“Statement Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House of
Representatives,” December 9, 2008. (Hearing on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).
“Regulatory Policy, Predatory Lending, and Subprime Lending,” U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on Banking and Financial Services, March 31, 2004.
“The Policy Response to the September 11 Attack,” U.S. House Ways and Means
Committee, September 20, 2001, Closed door session.
“What to Do, and What not to Do, About Predatory Lending,” Statement Before the
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, July 26, 2001.
“How New Is the New IMF?” Statement Before the Joint Economic Committee of the
U.S. Congress, March 8, 2001.
“When Will Economics Guide IMF and World Bank Reforms,” Statement Before the
U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, May 23, 2000.
“Statement Before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress,” April 12, 2000.
“Statement Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Banking and
Financial Services,” March 23, 2000.
“Statement Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs,”
March 9, 2000.
“Blueprints for a New Global Financial Architecture,” Statement Before the Joint
Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, February 24, 1998.
“Firewalls and Universal Banks,” Statement Before the Senate Subcommittee on
Financial Institutions and Regulatory Relief, March 20, 1997.
“The International Transmission of Bank Capital Requirements: Evidence from the UK”
(with S. Aiyar, J. Hooley, Y. Korniyenko, and T. Wieladek), under revision, Journal of
Financial Economics.
“Crisis-Related Shifts in the Market Valuation of Banking Activities” (with D. Nissim),
NBER WP No. 17868, Feb 2012, under revision, Journal of Financial Intermediation
“No Free Shop: Why Target Companies in MBOs and Private Equity Transactions
Sometimes Choose Not to Buy ‘Go Shop’ Options” (with D. Hitscherich and A.
Antoniades), under revision, Journal of Law and Economics
“The Political Foundations of Scarce and Unstable Credit” (with S. Haber), April 2013.
“How To Promote Fed Independence: Perspectives from Political Economy and US
History,” March 2013.
“Betting on Secession: Quantifying Political Events Surrounding Slavery and the Civil
War” (with Jonathan Pritchett), March 2013.
“A Theory of Bank Liquidity Requirements”(with F. Heider, M. Hoerova), June 2012.
“How Does Credit Supply Respond to Monetary Policy and Bank Minimum Capital
Requirements?” (with Shekhar Aiyar and Tomasz Wieladek), June 2012.
“Why Is it So Hard to Create Stable and Efficient Banking Systems? A Theory of
Durable Financial Coalitions” (with Stephen Haber), April 2012.
“Did Doubling Reserve Requirements Cause the Recession of 1937-1938? A Micro-
economic Approach” (with J. Mason and D. Wheelock), NBER WP No.16688, Jan 2011.
“The (Mythical?) Housing Wealth Effect” (with Stanley Longhofer and William Miles),
NBER Working Paper No. 15705, June 2009.
“Underwriting Costs of Seasoned Equity Offerings: Cross-Sectional Determinants and
Technological Change, 1980-2008” (with Margarita Tsoutsoura), Dec 2010.
“Luke’s Oikonomia: The Anthropology of Salvation,” June 2010.
“Activity-Based Valuation of Bank Holding Companies” (with Doron Nissim), NBER
Working Paper No. 12918, February 2007.
“The Case for Eliminating the National Deposit Market Share Ceiling,” Dec 2006.
“Monopoly-Creating Bank Consolidation? The Merger of Fleet and BankBoston”
(with Thanavut Pornrojnangkool), NBER Working Paper No. 11351, May 2005.
“The Technical Challenge to Accurately Valuing Employee Stock Options” (with Kevin
Hassett, Randall Kroszner, and Lawrence Lindsey), February 2005.
“The Political Economy of Bank Entry Restrictions: Theory and Evidence from the U.S.
in the 1920s” (with Carlos Ramirez), Columbia Business School, December 2004.
“Options Pricing and Accounting Practice” (with R. Glenn Hubbard), Jan. 2004.
“Do Budget Deficit Announcements Move Interest Rates?” (with Eric Engen, Kevin A.
Hassett, and R. Glenn Hubbard), December 2003.
“Regulatory Policy, Predatory Lending, and Subprime Lending,” Presented to the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Financial Services, March 2004.
“How Often Do “Conflicts of Interests” in the Investment Banking Industry Arise
During Hostile Takeovers?” (with Hal J. Singer), February 2004.
“Rational Divestiture in Real Options-Based Liquidation Cycles: Evidence from
Failed Bank Assets in the Great Depression” (with Joseph Mason), October 2004.
“Investment Banking Costs as a Measure of the Cost of External Finance” (with Charles
Himmelberg), Columbia Business School, Revised May 2001.
“Evaluation of Citigroup’s Financial Sector Vulnerability Model,” January 2005.
"Government Credit Policy and Industrial Performance: Japanese Machine Tool
Producers, 1963-1991" (with Charles P. Himmelberg), Policy Research WP 1434,
Financial Sector Development Department, World Bank, March 1995.
"Optimal Contingent Bank Liquidation Under Moral Hazard" (with Charles M. Kahn and
Stefan Krasa), Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Working Paper WP-1991/13.
“Debt Maturity, Financial Asset Accumulation, and the Cost of External
Finance: Evidence from the U.S. and Colombia (with T. Halouva and S. Ospina).
"Evaluating Industrial Credit Programs in Japan" (with C. Himmelberg and C. Kahn).
"Was the South Backward?: North-South Differences in Antebellum Banking" (with
Larry Schweikart), Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Working Paper, August 1988.
Fragile By Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit
Stephen H. Haber), Princeton University Press, forthcoming.
“Corporate Governance, Rent Seeking, Failure Risk, and Portfolio Choice in
Unprotected Banks” (with Mark Carlson)
“Gauging the Effectiveness of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation During
the Depression” (with Joseph Mason and Marc Weidenmier).
Monetary Shocks, Banking Crises, and Policy Reactions in The Great Depression.
“What Caused the Spread in Public Stockownership in the 1920s?”
“The Diverging Risk Management Practices of UBS and Credit Suisse, 1999-2008” (with
Michel Habib).
“Voluntary Buybacks by Commercial Paper Issuers”
“Do the Poor Subsidize the Rich? The Cross-Section of Mortgage Prepayment
Risk” (with Joseph Mason)
Victorian Perspectives on the Banking Collapses of the 1980s and 1990s.
“The Uncertain Dangers of the Volcker Rule,” The American
, July 22, 2013.
“ Debate: Should Big Banks Be Broken Up?”Against the Motion,
Postings May 14, 17, and 22,
“Regulatory Uncertainty Hurts Bank Stocks, Stifles Economy” (with Doron Nissim),
American Banker
, April 23, 2013.
“Meaningful Banking Reform and Why It Is So Unlikely,”
, January 8, 2013.
“Does Macro-Pru Leak? Evidence from a UK Policy Experiment” (with S. Aiyar and T.
, May 3, 2012.
“The Big Flaws in Dodd-Frank: Interview with Gene Epstein,” Barron’s
, April 14, 2012.
“An Insurance Policy Against Inflation,” Wall Street Journal
, March 12, 2012.
“The Mortgage Crisis—Some Inside Views,” Wall Street Journal
, Oct 27, 2011.
“Bank Capital Requirement Reform: Long-Term Size and Structure, the Transition, and
, October 21, 2011.
“Write Downs, Bank Bailouts, and Austerity Are Not Enough,”
November 2, 2011.
“Interview by Joseph Haubrich with Charles Calomiris,” Forefront
, Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Winter 2011.
Interview on Greek Diaspora, Kathimerini
, Oct 2, 2011, “Stratis Calomiris,”
“Greece Should Leave the Euro,”Interview, Eleftherotypia
(Greek), Aug 21, 2011.
“Mortgage Morass,” Hoover Institution Defining Ideas
, August 4, 2011.
“Exiting the Euro Crisis,” Hoover Institution Defining Ideas
, May 26, 2011.
“Charles Calomiris on State-Owned Banks,”
, February 2
and 10, 2011.
“Calling Your Opposition Liars Does not Change the Facts about Fannie and Freddie”
(with Peter Wallison) The American
, January 5, 2011.
“Bulletproof Your Portfolio Against Another Global Meltdown,” Chazen Insights,
Columbia Business School, December 15, 2010.
“Real Prudential Regulatory Reform vs. Dodd-Frank,” Hoover Institution Defining Ideas
December 13, 2010.
“Time to Introduce Minimum Downpayments for Mortgages,” Economists
Forum, August 24, 2010.
“Dueling Conflicts: Does Empowering Shareholders Always Increase Value? A Skeptical
, April 19, 2010.
“Economist Sketches the Way Out of Greece’s Debt Crisis,” Invited article, The
Herald, pp. 1, 8, March 20, 2010.
“The Volcker Rule: Unworkable and Unwise,”
, Mar 25, 2010.
“Obama’s Executive Pay Move Is Bad Policy,” Financial Times
, Oct 27, 2009.
“In the World of Banks, Bigger Can Be Better,” Wall Street Journal
,Oct 18, 2009.
“Prudential Bank Regulation: What’s Broke and How to Fix It,” Hoover Institution
Defining Ideas, August 1, 2009.
“Financial Reforms We Can All Agree On,” Wall Street Journal
, April 23, 2009.
“The US Government Must Take Risks,” Economists Forum, February 19, 2009.
“Financial Innovation, Regulation and Reform” (condensed)
, Feb 12, 2009.
“Helping Wall Street—And Main Street,”
, January 21, 2009.
“La Independencia de la Fed Se Va a Evaporar Cuando Haya que Contraer,” Finanzas &
Mercado, La Cronista
, Buenos Aires, December 28, 2008.
“Regulators Need to Reclaim Authority,” The International Economy
, Fall 2008, p. 15.
“Greenspan Roundtable: Regulatory Changes Needed,”
, Dec 18, 2008.
“Most Pundits Are Wrong About the Bubble: The Repeal of Glass-Steagall Helped Us
Weather the Storm,” Wall Street Journal
, October 18, 2008.
“How To Prevent Foreclosures,”
, October 14, 2008.
“Governments Should Buy Straight Preferred Stock in Their Banks,”
October 9, 2008.
“Blame Fannie Mae and Congress for the Credit Mess” (with Peter J. Wallison), Wall
Street Journal, September 23, 2008.
“Resistance Is Futile,”
, September 22, 2008.
“A Matched Preferred Stock Plan for Government Assistance,” Economists
Forum, Sept 18, 2008, reprinted in, September 22, 2008.
“The Link Between Foreclosures and House Prices” (with Stanley Longhofer and
William Miles), NBER Digest
, September 2008.
“The Subprime Turmoil: What’s Old, What’s New and What’s Next” (condensed
, August 22, 2008.
“Housing Collapse Ahead? Not According to the Data” (with Stanley Longhofer and
William Miles), Washington Post
, August 4, 2008.
“Subprime Crisis or Turmoil? Not (Yet) a Minsky Moment,”
, Nov 23, 2007.
“Northern Rock: Lessons for the U.S.?” Wall Street Journal Online
, October 4, 2007.
“We Need a Better Way to Judge Risk” (with J. Mason), Financial Times
, Aug 24, 2007.
“Themelio tis anaptixis to hrimatopistotiko sistima” (Finance and Growth), MBA Anihto
(Open MBA), Ta Nea
, Athens, Greece, July 23, 2007.
“Have Financial Developments Made the International Monetary Fund Obsolete?” The
International Economy, May 2007.
“The Unfinished Business of Financial Reform,” in Japan Economic Currents 55, Keizai
Koho Center, July 2005, 5-7.
“If the New World Bank President Calls…” The International Economy
, Spr 2005, p. 18.
“Global Capital Flows: A Historical Perspective,” News at Columbia Business School
September 21, 2005,
“What Does It Mean To Have a Global Vision?” Chazen Institute of International
Business, October 2004 (
“Is There a Need To Change the Structure of the IMF and World Bank,” Emerging
Markets, IMF/World Bank 60
Anniversary Special, October 2004, 19.
“The Board Game,” Financial Times
, December 6, 2002.
“There Are No Good Arguments Against Tax Cuts,” Wall Street Journal
, Aug 28, 2002.
“Europe and Globalization – A Historic Tour,” The Globalist
December 12, 2002.
“How to Break the Impasse in Development Aid,”
, March 21, 2002.
“Lessons from Argentina and Brazil,” published in, November 11,
2002,, November 4, 2002, and Urgente Semanal
, February 28, 2002.
“Tendencias,” (Interview in Spanish) Urgente Semanal,
January 16-23, 2002.
“Why Cavallo Failed and Why He Must Go” (Spanish), Urgente 24
, Dec 2001, 31-35.
“The Fastest, Fairest Way Out of the Argentine Debt Crisis,” Wall Street Journal
November 9, 2001.
“Homeownership That’s Too Important to Risk” (with R. Litan), New York Times
August 20, 2001.
“Subordinated Debt Issuance By Fannie, Freddie, Falls Short” (with Peter Wallison),”
The American Banker
, May 11, 2001.
“Argentina Can’t Pay What It Owes,” Wall Street Journal
, April 13, 2001.
“The IMF Needs More than a New Boss,” Wall Street Journal
, March 2, 2000.
“First Step to a Flat Tax” (with Kevin Hassett), Wall Street Journal
, Feb.10, 2000.
“Changing Constraints Ensure Economic Recovery,” The Nikkei Weekly
, June
14, 1999, republished in The Nikkei Daily
(in Japanese), September 22, 1999.
“Welcome to Foreign Banks Could Energize Mexico,” Wall Street Journal
, Jul 16, 1999.
“Buffing Up the Body Politic,” Hermes
(Fall 1999), 24-27.
“Pushing for a Sub Debt Requirement”(with H. Benink), The Banker
(9/99), 7-18.
“How to Structure the Japanese Bank Bailout,” Nikkei
(Japanese), Feb 12, 1998, and
titled “Revitalizing Ailing Japanese Banks,” Nikko Capital Trends
(English), May 1998.
“The IMF’s Moral Hazard,” The Washington Times
, August 5, 1998.
“Wanted: Market Discipline in Deposit Insurance,”American Banker
, Sep 1,1998.
“Sound Money for the Future,” The Economic Times
, New Delhi, Dec 15, 1998.
“A Market Approach to Securities Regulation,” American Enterprise Institute,
Conference Summary
, October 1998.
“High Loan-To-Value Consumer Lending: Problem or Cure?” New York Mortgage
Press, Washington M. P., and Michigan M. P., Aug 1998 (reprinted from Journal of
Lending and Credit Risk Management, Sep 1998). Earlier appeared as “High Loan-To-
Value Mortgage Lending: Problem or Cure,” AEI, Conference Summary
, Nov 1998.
“Do We Need an Umbrella Financial Regulator?” AEI, Conference Summary
, Jan 1998.
“How to Structure the Japanese Bank Bailout,” Nikkei
(Japanese), Feb 12, 1998.
“The Bailout that Kills,” Asian Wall Street Journal,
November 21-22, 1997, reprinted as
“Harmful Bailouts,” AEI, On the Issues
, January 1998.
“Mortgage Reform: Good Intentions Gone Awry,” Investor’s Business Daily
, April 18,
1997 (with Stanley Longhofer).
“Shifting Debt Can Help Lower Deficit,” St. Louis Post Dispatch
, July 27, 1993.
"The Farm Debt Crisis and Public Policy"
The Brookings Panel
NBER Summer Institute
NBER Conference on Government Expenditures
"Financial Markets and the U.S. Economy in the Nineteenth Century"
Stanford-U.C. Berkeley Economic History Colloquium
"Institutional Failure, Monetary Scarcity, and the Depreciation of the Continental"
Social Science History Association
Indiana University
"Is Monetarism Dead?"
National Economists' Club
"What's Good about 'Bad' Banking?"
Chicago Fed Midwest Workshop on Financial Markets and Intermediation
"Firm Heterogeneity, Internal Finance, and Credit Rationing"
NBER Summer Institute
Econometric Society Meetings
"The Motives of U.S. Debt-Management Policy, 1790-1880"
Economic History Association Meetings
NBER Summer Institute on War Finance
"Government Policy to Improve Agricultural Capital Markets"
World Bank Conference on Agricultural Reform in East Europe (Budapest)
"International Adjustment Under the Classical Gold Standard"
Harvard University
Cliometric Society Meetings
Econometric Society Meetings
Stanford University
"Policy Implications of Imperfect Capital Markets"
American Economic Association Meetings
"Regulations and Markets as Determinants of the Vulnerability of Antebellum Banks"
American Economic Association Meetings
University of Montreal
Stanford University
University of California – Berkeley
"The Origins of Banking Panics: Models, Facts, and Bank Regulation"
NBER Conference on Financial Markets and Financial Crises
Stanford University
Fall Academic Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
"The Panic of 1857: Origins, Transmission, and Containment"
Stanford University
University of California -- Berkeley
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
University of British Columbia
NBER Summer Institute
"The Role of Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements"
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Purdue University
SUNY -- Stony Brook
NBER Conference on Financial Markets
Federal Reserve System Meeting on Financial Markets
Garn Institute of Finance Annual Meetings
Econometric Society Meetings
"Is Universal Banking Right for the United States"
American Enterprise Institute
New York University Conference on Universal Banking
"Getting the Incentives Right in Deposit Insurance: Lessons from Pre-FDIC Successes"
Stanford CEPR Conference on Deposit Insurance Reform
"Directed Credit Programs for Agriculture and Industry"
World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics
"What Do We Really Know About Antebellum Business Cycles?"
Economic History Association meetings
"Housing-Finance Interventions and Private Incentives: Helping Minorities and the Poor"
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
"Is the Discount Window Necessary? A Penn-Central Perspective"
Columbia University
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
"Financial Fragility: Issues and Policy Implications"
Conference on Coping with Financial Fragility: A Global Perspective (Maastricht)
“Evaluating Industrial Credit Programs in Japan"
The World Bank
Columbia University
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Vanderbilt University
Seminar on Policy-Based Lending (Ministry of Finance, Beijing, China)
Japan Development Bank (Tokyo, Japan)
"Price Flexibility, Credit Availability, and Economic Fluctuations: The U.S., 1894-1909"
All-University of California Annual Economic History Meetings
University of Chicago
"Was the South Backward? North-South Differences in Antebellum Banking"
Stanford University
University of California -- Berkeley
Yale University
Washington University in St. Louis
Indiana University
University of North Carolina -- Greensboro
Miami University of Ohio
University of Texas -- Austin
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
“Historical Perspectives on Deposit Insurance and Deposit Insurance Reform”
Senate Banking Committee
The Jerome Levy Institute "Deposit Insurance: Lessons from the Record"
Economic History Association Meetings
Western Economic Association Meetings
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Bank Structure
American Economic Association Meetings
Stanford University
University of California – Berkeley
"The Efficiency of Cooperative Interbank Relations: The Suffolk System"
Cliometric Society Meetings
Federal Reserve Board of Governors Conference on the Payments System
"Greenback Resumption and Silver Risk: The Economics and Politics of Monetary Regime
Change in the United States, 1862-1900"
International Economic History Meetings (Leuven)
University of California -- Berkeley
The Wharton School of Finance
NBER Summer Institute
University of Chicago
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
“Was the Great Depression a Watershed for American Monetary Policy?”
NBER Conference on the Great Depression
"Costs of Rejecting Universal Banking: American Finance in the German Mirror, 1870-1914"
NBER Conference on the Coordination of Economic Activity
NBER Conference on Financial Institutions and Macroeconomic Stability
Brandeis University
Harvard University
American Finance Association Meetings
Vanderbilt University
Indiana University
Chicago Fed Conference on Bank Structure and Competition
Yale University
The World Bank
“Derivatives, Capital, and Bank Risk Management”
Chicago Board of Trade
"Regulation, Industrial Structure, and Instability in U.S. Banking"
New York University Conference on Structural Change in Banking
Columbia/New York University Economic History Colloquium
The Wharton School of Finance
"Optimal Contingent Bank Liquidation Under Moral Hazard"
Econometric Society Congress (Barcelona)
Econometric Society Meetings
Hilliard-Lyons Symposium, Indiana University
"Commercial Paper and Corporate Finance: A Microeconomic Approach"
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy
NBER Summer Institute on Corporate Finance
Dartmouth College (Amos Tuck School)
“Credit Risk Pricing of Bank Loans”
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
"Leverage as a State Variable in the Investment Equation"
City University of London Conference on Debt Deflation
NBER Conference on Corporate Finance
“Building an Incentive-Compatible Safety Net: Problems for Developing Countries”
Dallas Fed-Univ. Torcuato di Tella Conference on “Tequila Effect,” Buenos Aires
“The Evolution of Market Structure, Information, and Spreads in American Investment Banking”
New York University (Stern School)
Harvard University
"The Origins of Federal Deposit Insurance"
NBER Conference on the Political Economy of Regulation
University of California, Los Angeles
“Debt Maturity, Financial Asset Accumulation, and the Cost of External Finance: Evidence from
the U.S. and Colombia”
World Bank Conference on Term Finance
"Loan Market Competition Between Foreign and Domestic Banks"
1994 Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Chicago Fed
Conference on Foreign Banks in U.S.,Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
“Designing an Effective Deposit Insurance System in Mexico”
Bank of Mexico (Mexico City)
Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires)
“Firewalls for Universal Banks”
American Enterprise Institute
"Do Vulnerable Economies Need Deposit Insurance? The 1920s Agricultural Boom and Bust”
Sequoia Institute Conference on Financial Risk and Regulation
Federal Reserve Board of Governors Conference on Deposit Insurance
University of Michigan
The Wharton School of Finance
Ohio State University
Queens University
University of Western Ontario
Rutgers University
“Banking Collapses: An International Disease?”
National Economists Club Educational Foundation
“Banking System Fragility and the Safety Net”
The World Bank
Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires)
International Monetary Fund
“Designing the Post-Modern Safety Net”
Inter-American Development Bank
Swiss National Bank (Zurich)
“The Bankers’ Roundtable’s Plan for Deposit Insurance Reform”
American Enterprise Institute
“U.S. Retail Banking”
Caisse des Depots Seminar on Savings Banks
“Does the IMF Produce Moral Hazard?”
Joint IMF-Chicago Fed Conference: “Asia: An Analysis of Financial Crisis”
“Keeping the Big Bang from Becoming the Big Bust”
Japan Society/CBS Conference, “Pressing Issues in U.S.-Japan Financial Markets”
"Internal Finance and Investment: Evidence from the Undistributed Profits Tax 1936-37"
NBER Summer Institute
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
NBER Conference on Macroeconomic History
Bank of Norway 175th Anniversary Conference (Oslo)
The Wharton School of Finance
Princeton University
University of Virginia
University of Illinois -- Urbana-Champaign
Indiana University
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Loyola University of Chicago
“What Drives Credit Card Bank Securitizations and Loan Sales?”
American Enterprise Institute
Columbia University
Financial Management Association Meetings
“Universal Banking American Style”
University of Konstanz (Germany)
JITE Conference on Institutional Economics (Germany)
“Bank Fragility and IMF Policy”
International Monetary Fund
“Do We Need an Umbrella Financial Regulator?”
American Enterprise Institute
“Gauging the Benefits of Consolidation During a Merger Wave”
New York Fed Conference on Bank Consolidation
“Two Tales of Tequila: Hangover and Sunrise”
American Enterprise Institute
“High Loan-To-Value Lending: Problem or Cure?”
American Enterprise Institute
“Victorian Perspectives on the Banking Crises of the 1980s and 1990s”
Bank of England
The World Bank
“The Global Economic and Financial Outlook”
American Enterprise Institute
“The Global Economic and Financial Situation: Time for a New Cure?”
Federal Reserve Board Academic Consultants’ Meeting
"Investment Banking Costs as a Measure of the Cost of External Finance"
University of Florida, Gainesville
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Columbia University
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Econometric Society Meetings
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
American Finance Association Meetings
University of Mannheim, Germany
University of Michigan School of Business
University of Maryland School of Business
“Banking Instability and Regulatory Reform”
International Monetary Fund
"Contagion and Bank Failures During the Depression: The June 1932 Chicago Banking Panic"
Georgetown University
American Economic Association Meetings/Cliometric Society Meetings
NBER Program Meeting on the Development of the American Economy
1995 Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Chicago Fed
Western Economic Association Meetings
Financial Management Association Meetings
Columbia University
Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires)
University of Florida, Gainesville
“Restructuring the IMF”
The Bretton Woods Committee, September 23, 1998.
“Should We Expand the Role of the Federal Home Loan Banks?”
National Association of Home Builders Annual Meeting
“Are Fannie and Freddie Optimal Mechanisms?”
American Enterprise Institute
“Would Reforming the IMF Stabilize Global Finance?”
International Monetary Fund Conference on Key Issues in Reform
“Reforming the Global Financial Architecture”
Institute of International Banking Annual Conference
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Bank Structure
Council on Foreign Relations
Claremont-McKenna College
Columbia School of Journalism
“Global Markets in Turmoil”
Financial Women’s Association of NY, Moody’s Investors Service, April 8, 1999
“The Impending Collapse of the Euro”
European Society Panel Roundtable, Columbia Business School, April 15, 1999
“What Role for the IMF?”
Columbia International Fellows Weekend, SIPA, April 30, 1999
“Prospects for Japan’s Economic Recovery”
Nikkei Annual Luncheon, June 1, 1999
“Reforming the IMF”
Presentation to the Group of Thirty, September 30, 1999
“The Clinton Administration’s International Financial Policy”
Princeton University CEPR Symposium on Clintonomics, November 13, 1999
“Blueprints for a New Global Financial Architecture”
American Enterprise Institute
Bank of England/London School of Economics Conference, July 13, 1999
Texas A&M Conference on International Financial Markets
“Banking Distress During the Great Depression”
Yale Law Forum
“Reforming the IMF”
The Cato Institute 17
Annual Monetary Conference
Peter Kenen Graduate Student Seminar, Princeton University
“Future Bank Deregulation in Historical Perspective”
American Enterprise Institute Conference: Is Bank Regulation Necessary?
“Financial Regulation in a Global Marketplace”
Brookings-Wharton Conference on Financial Services
“Can Emerging Market Regulators Establish Credible Discipline? The Case of Argentina”
NBER Conference on Prudential Supervision
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics
“Measuring Technological Progress in Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation”
Council on Foreign Relations Conference on Technological Innovation
“Reforming Bank Capital Standards”
Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, American Enterprise Institute
Joint Shadow Committee Conference on Reforming Bank Capital Standards
“Financial History and the Long Reach of the Second Thirty Years War”
Paul David Festschrift Conference: History Matters, Stanford University
“The Regulatory Use of Ratings”
New York University Stern School Conference on Ratings Industry
“Foreign Exchange Rate Determination: A Primer”
Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter (twice)
“The Role of Subordinated Debt in Bank Capital”
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
The European Central Bank
Harvard Law School
“The Political Economy of Bank Entry Restrictions: Theory & Evidence from the 1920s”
ASSA Meetings
Rutgers University
NBER Summer Institute
“Harnessing Market Discipline in Bank Regulation”
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation Conference
“Bank Capital and Portfolio Management: The 1930s Scramble to Shed Risk”
1996 Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Chicago Fed
Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires)
Brown University
Yale University
Columbia University
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
NYU-Columbia Finance Colloquium
New York/ Columbia Economic History Colloquium
Ohio State University
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Northwestern University
City University of New York
University of Utah
University of Mannheim (Germany)
University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
National Bureau of Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
“Emerging Markets and the Argentine Crisis”
Salomon Smith Barney (twice)
Central Intelligence Agency Roundtable
Barclay’s Capital
American Enterprise Institute
Bear Stearns-EMCA Sovereign Creditor Rights Conference
“The Causes of U.S. Bank Distress During the Great Depression”
National Bureau of Economic Research DAE Conference
Indiana University
American Finance Association Meetings
University of Wyoming
Wharton School of Finance
Northwestern University Kellogg School
Yale University Banking Conference
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Bank Structure Conference
University of Virginia
Tulane University
“The Consequences of U.S. Bank Distress During the Great Depression”
Wharton School of Finance
Northwestern University Kellogg School
Economic History Association Meetings
University of Virginia
Tulane University
“Does the Market Help or Hurt Emerging Economies?”
Columbia SIPA, Gitelson Symposium, January 26, 2001.
“Fiscal Discipline and Emerging Markets”
Gitelson Symposium, Columbia SIPA, January 26, 2001.
“Global Economic Outlook”
Columbia Business School Real Estate Forum, May 17, 2001
American Enterprise Institute, December 13, 2001
Embassy of France, December 18, 2001
“IMF and World Bank Reform”
Columbia Journalism School International Journalists Seminar, March 20, 2001.
“How to Resolve the Argentine Sovereign Debt Crisis,” April 6, 2001,
American Enterprise Institute.
“Resolving Bank Distress in Japan in the 1990s and in the U.S. in the 1930s”
NBER Conference, Hong Kong, June 2001.
“IMF Reform Design”
National Association of Business Economists, September 11, 2001.
“The Roles and Responsibilities of the Official and Private Sectors in Crisis Resolution”
Meeting of G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies, Toronto, October 2001
“What’s Wrong with Gramm-Leach-Bliley”
AEI Conference: Retrospective on Gramm-Leach-Bliley, November 13, 2001
“Building an Incentive-Compatible Safety Net,”
Korean Deposit Insurance Conference, December 11, 2001.
“A Retrospective on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act”
American Enterprise Institute, November 13, 2001
“The Future of the Financial Services Industry”
Financial Services Roundtable Panel on Financial Services,
National Press Club, February 21, 2002
“IMF Reform and Sovereign Debt Restructuring”
Salomon Smith Barney Conference, Washington DC, September 2002.
Emerging Market Creditors Association Conference, October 2001.
Meeting of the Deputy Finance Ministers of Group of 20, Toronto, Nov. 2001.
“International Financial Standards”
Conference on New Proposals for Financing Development,
Institute for International Economics, February 19, 2002.
“The Mexican Financial Crisis”
Conference on Further Liberalization of Global Financial Services Markets,
Institute for International Economics, June 5, 2002.
“Does a Stimulus Package Have Unintended Consequences?” April 4, 2002
American Enterprise Institute
“Lessons from Argentina and Brazil”
CATO Institute Annual Monetary Conference, October 17, 2002.
“Regulation of Subprime Lending and Public Policy”
FCC, Economic Perspectives Home Mortgage Market, October 16, 2002.
“Bank Risk, Safety Nets, and Prudential Standards”
International Monetary Fund Institute (three times)
NBER Conference, Beijing
Hong Kong Forum Breakfast
“Emerging Market Prospects”
Salomon Smith Barney Investors Meeting, June 18, 2002.
“International Finance and Financial Stability”
Stanford conference on international finance honoring Ronald McKinnon, 2002.
“Resolving the Puzzle of the Underissuance of National Bank Notes”
ASSA Meetings (Cliometric Society)
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, November 17, 2006
“Employee Stock Options and Corporate Earnings”
American Enterprise Institute, November 20, 2002.
“What Is Meltzerism? Allan Meltzer and International Reform”
American Enterprise Institute Tribute to Allan Meltzer, February 26, 2003
“Enhancing Market Discipline Over Banks”
IMF Economics Training High-Level Seminar, May 19-21, 2003
“Economic Outlook”
Columbia Business School Real Estate Roundtable, May 28, 2003
“Argentine Economic Outlook”
Citigroup Global Markets Group
“Credit Card Securitization, Recourse, and Regulatory Arbitrage”
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Bank Structure, 2003
“A Taxonomy of Financial Crisis Restructuring Mechanisms”
World Bank Conference on Systemic Financial Distress, October 8-9, 2003
Bank of Italy, October 13, 2004
International Monetary Fund, April 21, 2005
“Reestablishing Market Discipline as Part of Bank Regulation”
Chicago Fed/BIS Conference on Market Discipline, November 1, 2003
“Credit Card Securitization and Regulatory Arbitrage”
FDIC/JFSR Conference Conference: Finance and Banking, December 5-6, 2003
“Roundtable on Venezuela”
Central Intelligence Agency Workshop, December 3, 2003
“Do Budget Deficit Announcements Move Interest Rates?”
American Economic Association Meetings, January 2004
“Tying, Relationship Banking, and the Repeal of Glass-Steagall”
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. June 30, 2003
Federal Reserve Board, August 5, 2003
American Enterprise Institute, September 24, 2003
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, March 18, 2004
“Options Pricing and Accounting Practice”
American Enterprise Institute Conference on Expensing Options, January 2004
“What’s Missing in the Basel Committee’s Regulatory Framework for Banks?”
World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2004
“Do the SEC’s Shareholder Voting Rules Serve Any Useful Purpose?”
American Enterprise Institute, January 26, 2004
“Lessons from the Argentine Crisis”
Columbia Business School LABA Annual Conference, February 13, 2004
“Deficits and the U.S. Economy”
American Enterprise Institute Tax Policy Retreat, February 26-27, 2004.
“How to Promote Involvement of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance”
American Enterprise Institute, March 8, 2004
“Restructuring Argentina’s External Debt”
American Enterprise Institute, March 31, 2004
“How to Restructure Failed Banking Systems: Lessons from the 1930s U.S. and 1990s Japan”
NBER Conference, Hong Kong
Bank of Italy, October 14, 2004
International Monetary Fund, April 21, 2005
“A New Monopoly-Creating Phase of Bank Consolidation? The Effect of the Merger of Fleet
and BankBoston on Middle Market Borrowers in New England”
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, March 1, 2004
City University of New York, April 1, 2005
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, November 27, 2007
“Is the American Model Right for the World?”
Columbia Business School Class Reunion, April 17, 2004
“The Future of the IMF”
International Monetary Fund Workshop, April 28, 2004
“Argentina’s Reintegration into International Capital Markets”
Argentina Forum, Council of the Americas, May 5, 2004
“What Does It Mean to Have a Global Vision of Business?”
Speech to Incoming Columbia Business School MBAs, September 2004
“Risk, Regulation, and Finance in a Sarbanes-Oxley World”
American Enterprise Institute New York Forum, September 23, 2004
“Roundtable on Argentina”
Central Intelligence Agency, November 18, 2004
“The Chazen Institute’s Agenda”
Presentation to the Columbia Business School Board of Overseers, May 2, 2005
“Capital Flows, Financial Crises, and Public Policy”
Panel discussion of Globalization: What’s New
, Chazen Institute, April 18, 2005
“Private Equity and Emerging Markets: Research Topics”
Entrepreneurship and Private Equity in Emerging Markets Dinner Series,
Columbia Business School, November 9, 2004
“Takeovers and Corporate Governance”
Joint AEI-Japan Ministry of Economics, Trade, and Industry Meeting, 5/4/05
“Argentina’s Redenomination Policy”
Bank of Italy, October 14, 2004
International Monetary Fund, April 21, 2005
London School of Economics, Conference on Financial Stability, May 18, 2006
“Banker Fees and Acquisition Premia for Targets in Cash Tender Offers: Challenges to the
Popular Wisdom on Banker Conflicts”
Columbia Business School Finance Free Lunch, March 10, 2005
“The Global Economy and Business Career Prospects”
Twelfth Annual Chazen/CIBER International MBA Career Services Conference
March 17, 2005
“Multilateral Institutions and the Evolving Global Economy”
AEI Japan Forum, May 3, 2005
“The IMF in a Changing World”
Joint IMF-Bundesbank Symposium, Frankfurt, June 21, 2005
“Restructuring Failed Banking Systems”
Keizai Koho Center, Tokyo, May 28-June 3, 2005
“Financial Intermediation, Innovation, and Global Stability”
Reuters Panel, November 2, 2005
“The Need for Banking Reform in China”
Joint AEI-CCPS Conference on China, May 9, 2005
Columbia Chinese Students Association, February 22, 2006
PRMIA Conference on Risk Management, February 16, 2007
“Reforming the IMF: Governance and the Executive Board”
IMF Economic Forum, November 4, 2005
“The Regulatory Record of the Greenspan Fed”
American Economic Association Meetings, January 7, 2006
“What Will Greenspan’s Departure Mean?”
American Enterprise Institute, January 24, 2006
“Global Imbalances: Assessing Trends”
Central Intelligence Agency Conference, New York City, March 8, 2006
“The Changing Landscape for Jobs”
Columbia Business School Annual Career Services Conference, March 23, 2006
“Finance and Development in Emerging Markets”
Center for Brazilian Studies, Columbia University, Executive Education for
Visiting Brazilian Executives, November 16, 2005, October 9, 2006
“Argentina and the IMF: Lessons Learned: Discussant for Presentation by Hector Torres”
Columbia University SIPA, March 31, 2006
“The Pitfalls of Implementing Basel II”, Panel on the Political Economy of Competition Policy
and Bank Regulation,”
Conference on Bank Regulation and Corporate Finance, International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, October 26, 2006.
“The Cross-Section of Mortgage Prepayment Risk”
Federal Reserve Board, April 18, 2006
“Relationship Banking and the Pricing of Financial Services”
George Mason University, November 11, 2005
University of Western Ontario, December 2, 2005
Yale Law School, February 23, 2006
Columbia University Seminar on Contracting, April 3, 2006
Federal Reserve Board, April 19, 2006
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., September 27, 2006
Claremont McKenna College, January 26, 2007
Bank for International Settlements, May 30, 2007
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, November 27, 2007
Tulane University, December 6, 2007.
“Challenges for Valuation and Risk Assessment of Banks”
NBER Conference on Risk Management, May 15, 2007
“Ratings Agencies’ Contribution to the Subprime Turmoil”
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Conference, October 18, 2007
“Lessons from the Crash”
Council on Foreign Relations Study Group, May 13, 2008.
“Preserving Slave Families for Profit: Traders Incentives and Pricing in the New Orleans Slave
Market” (with Jonathan Pritchett)
NBER Development of the American Economy Program Meeting, March 2, 2008.
“Financial Institutions, Property Rights, and Growth”
Hoover Institution Property Rights Task Force Meeting, June 2, 2008
“Beyond November: Economics and the New President”
American Enterprise Institute, October 28, 2008
“Profiting from Government Stakes in a Command Economy (with R. Fisman and Y. Wang)
Claremont McKenna College, February 1, 2008
European Central Bank, Frankfurt, May 7, 2008
“The Foreclosure Crisis: How Far Will House Prices Fall?” (with S. Longhofer and W. Miles)
Midyear Meetings, American Real Estate and Urban Econ. Association, May 28, 2008
American Enterprise Institute, June 17, 2008
Federal Reserve Board of Governors, September 24, 2008
“The Subprime Turmoil”
American Enterprise Institute, December 17, 2007
Columbia University, February 28, 2008
American Enterprise Institute, April 28, 2008
Conference: "Money, Financial Markets and the Economy," Ryerson U., May 2, 2008
Center for Financial Studies, University of Frankfurt, May 8, 2008
Bank of Canada, May 20, 2008
Eurobank Research Seminar, June 6, 2008
Hellenic Bankers Association, Athens, Greece, July 15, 2008
Central Bank of Cyprus, July 18, 2008
Economic Roundtable, US Treasury Department, August 6, 2008
American Enterprise Institute, October 2, 2008
Williams College, October 30, 2008
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, November 5, 2008
Closing Panel, LACEA-LAMES Meetings, Rio de Janeiro, November 23, 2008
World Bank Research Seminar, February 5, 2009
University of Kansas, April 2, 2009
IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain, December 1, 2009
“Wither the Financial Landscape and Regulatory Architecture?”
World Bank Sponsored Panel, Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association
Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, November 21, 2008
“The Financial Crisis and the Transmission Mechanisms to Latin America”
IDB Sponsored Session, Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association
Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, November 21, 2008
“Financial Transition in China”
Wabash College, April 1, 2009
“End the Panic, Keep the Banks”
Yale Law School Program for Continuing Legal Education, New York, June 3, 2009.
“The (Mythical?) Housing Wealth Effect?”
Columbia Business School-Lingnan Univ. Conference, Hong Kong, May 11, 2009
“Government as Investor”
Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue, Securities and Exchange Commission,
Washington D.C., September 17, 2009
“Origins of the Crisis and Regulatory Reform”
The Buttonwood Gathering, The Economist, New York, October 22, 2009
“Activity-Based Valuation of Bank Holding Companies”
University of Kansas Southwind Finance Conference, April 3, 2009
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, April 15, 2009
ASSA/BEFA Annual Meetings, Denver, January 3, 2010
“Optimal Shirking in Rating Agencies: Rating Quality, Investor Harm, and Economic Crises”
World Growth Panel, Washington D.C., October 28, 2009
“God’s Household Economics”
Annual Conference, Hellenic American Women’s Council, November 7, 2009
“Origins of the Subprime Crisis”
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago/World Bank Conference, The International
Financial Crisis, Chicago, September 24, 2009
Blouin Foundation Creative Leadership Summit, New York, September 23, 2010
“Financial Reform and Too-Big-To-Fail”
UK Parliament’s Treasury Committee Meeting, New York, February 2, 2010
“The Euro Crisis”
GE Capital, Connecticut, June 3, 2010
“The Role of Liquidity Requirements in Banking Regulation”
Financial Economists Roundtable, July 18, 2010
“Banking Crises and the Rules of the Game”
Czech National Bank, December 2, 2009
Washington Area Economic History Seminar, April 2, 2010
Bank of England, London, UK, April 16, 2010
Presidential Session, Western Economic Association International Meetings,
Portland, Oregon, June 30, 2010.
UZH/ETH Series in Law & Finance, Zurich, Switzerland, September 28, 2010
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, October 4, 2010
ASSA/AEA Annual Meetings, January 8, 2011
“Governance in Banks and Bank Holding Companies”
Conference on Governance, Executive Compensation and Excessive Risk in the
Financial Services Industry, Columbia Business School, May 28, 2010
“Tradeoffs between Capital and Liquidity Requirements: Theory, History and Empirical Evidence”
Conference on Countercyclical Capital Regulation, Cleveland Fed, October 14, 2010
“The Foreclosure-House Price Nexus”
Riksbank, Stockhholm, Sweden, May 17, 2010
ETH, Zurich, September 27, 2010
UCLA Conference on Financial Crises and Real Estate Bubbles, October 1, 2010
“Financial Crises and Restructuring”
B.I. International/Columbia SIPA Lecture, Sao Paolo, Brazil, June 7, 2010
B.I. International/Columbia SIPA Lecture, Sao Paolo, Brazil, June 6, 2011
“Roundtable on the Macroeconomic Impact of Stengthened Capital and Liquidity Requirements”
Macroeconomic Assessment Group, BIS Conference, New York, June 16, 2010
“Dodd-Frank’s Financial Reforms: Sins of Omission and Commission”
Property Rights Task Force Dinner, Hoover Institution, Stanford, October 8, 2010
“Volatile Times and Persistent Conceptual Errors: US Monetary Policy, 1914-1951,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Conference, “A Return to Jekyll Island: The
Origins History and Future of the Federal Reserve,” November 5, 2010
“Economic Outlook”
Encima Global, New York, September 7, 2010
Economic Forecasters Club, New York, December 8, 2010
“How To Make a Revolution: The Bank of England’s Financial Reforms, 1858-1866”
London Business School, March 9, 2011
“Did Doubling Reserve Requirements Cause the Recession of 1937-1938? A Microeconomic
Harvard University, Department of Economics, November 19, 2010
Columbia University Economic History Seminar, November 3, 2011
George Mason University, Department of Economics, December 7, 2011.
“Exiting the Euro Crisis”
Pi Capital Breakfast, London, UK,, March 29, 2011
European University Institute Conference on Life in the Eurozone, with or without
Sovereign Default, April 14, 2011
Global Returns' Sensitivities to Crisis Shocks”
Nova Business School, Lisbon, Portugal, February 18, 2011.
University of Leicester, UK, March 18, 2011.
“The Political Economy of Banking Crises and Reform”
European Univ Institute Conference on Law and Banking/Finance, Fiesole, Apr 15, 2011
“Bank Capital Requirement Reform: Long-Term Size and Structure, the Transition, and Cycles,”
Shadow Open Market Committee Meeting, New York City, October 15, 2011.
“The Escalating European Debt Problem: Is There a Way Out?"
Program for Economic Research, Columbia University Economics Dept., Sep 21, 2011
“Dred Scott, Slave Prices and Southern Secession”
Columbia New York City Business History Forum, Butler Library, May 9, 2011.
London School of Economics, Economic History Seminar, October 13, 2011
Northwestern University Economic History Seminar, November 17, 2011
“The Regulatory Response to the Subprime Crisis”
IMF Training Seminar, October 30, 2009
IMF Training Seminar, April 26, 2011
“Why and How to Structure a Contingent Convertible Debt Requirement”
Columbia Business School Board of Overseers Meeting, May 2, 2011
University of Leicester, England, June 17, 2011
Brookings-Nomura-Wharton Conference, October 14, 2011
CBS-CLS Richman Center Conf. on Financial Risk and Regulation, March 27, 2012.
“The Housing Wealth Effect: The Crucial Roles of Demographics, Wealth Distribution, and
Wealth Shares”
Columbia Macro Lunch Group, September 27, 2011
“Capital Requirements, Banks, and the Economy”
No Free Lunch Seminar, Program in Financial Studies, November 15, 2011
New York City Clearing House Association Board Meeting, March 1, 2012
“Does Macro-Prudential Regulation Leak? Evidence from a U.K. Policy Experiment”
London School of Economics, June 13, 2011
Columbia Business School, September 8, 2011
Cornell University Johnson School, September 9, 2011
Clemson University, September 16, 2011
Plenary Session, Bocconi University CAREFIN Conference, October 10, 2011
IMF Annual Research Conference, November 10, 2011
Bank of Spain, January 30, 2012
Yale SOM, May 4, 2012
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Bank Structure, May 10, 2012
Wharton School of Finance, September 6, 2012
Louisiana State University, September 12, 2012
Tulane University, September 14, 2012
Dartmouth College, September 28, 2012
Reserve Bank of Australia, October 16, 2012
University of Iowa, April 24, 2013
“Identifying the Right Mix of Capital and Cash Requirements in Prudential Bank Regulation”
Conference on Strengthening the Liquidity of the Financial System,
Wharton Financial Institutions Center, June 28, 2011
Liquidity Regulation Workshop, Federal Reserve Board, November 4, 2011
NYU Law School Conference on Banking and Finance, April 21, 2012
“Financial Crisis in the US and Beyond”
Summit Meeting of Six Shadow Financial Regulatory Committees, Oct. 24, 2011
“Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Road Ahead"
SIPA, Launch of World Bank Flagship Report for Latin America, Nov 29, 2011
“Global Economic Outlook”
Keynote Panel, 2011 M&A Advisor Summit, December 13, 2011.
“Fragile Banks, Durable Bargains”
All-Chicago Friends of Economic History Dinner, November 17, 2011
“Bank Prudential Capital Regulation and the Supply of Credit”
PEPM Lunch, December 1, 2011, November 9, 2012
“The Greek Crisis: Is There a Way Out?”
Hoover Institution Property Rights Task Force Meeting, April 2, 2012.
“A Fed Scorecard for the Past Decade, and Its Implications for the Future”
Shadow Open Market Committee Meeting, April 20, 2012
“Covering the Financial Crisis”
Citi Journalistic Excellence Seminar, Columbia School of Journalism, June 5, 2012
“The Greek and European Crises and their Impact on World Markets”
Faith Endowment Symposium, New York, June 5, 2012
“A Theory of Bank Liquidity Requirements”
Annual Conference, Center for Excellence in Accounting, Columbia Business
School/Center for Accounting Research and Education, University of
Notre Dame, April 9, 2011
Bank of England, June 10, 2011
Liquidity Regulation Workshop, Federal Reserve Board, November 4, 2011
IMF Annual Research Conference, November 11, 2011.
“An Incentive-Robust Program for Financial Reform”
Conference on the Financial Crisis: Can We Prevent a Recurrence?,
Columbia Law School, March 6, 2010
NMS Institutional CIO Roundtable, Washington D.C., June 9, 2010
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Policy Forum, October 13, 2010
Financial Management Association Annual Meetings, New York, October 22, 2010.
Cato Institute Annual Monetary Conference, November 18, 2010
LBS Conference on Regulating Financial Intermediaries, January 21, 2011
Oxford University, March 11, 2011
Bank of England, CCBS Training Sessions, February 25 and March 23, 2011
Columbia Business School Alumni Association, Athens, Greece, March 16, 2011
Kyiv School of Economics, Open Academic Lecture, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 12, 2011
Columbia Business School Alumni Association, Sao Paolo, Brazil, June 7, 2011
De Nederlandsche Bank, June 24, 2011
Economics21 Working Group on Financial Regulation, November 28, 2011
International Monetary Fund, December 6, 2011
American Enterprise Institute, December 8, 2011
Bank of Canada Economic Conference, October 3, 2012
Banque de France, November 27, 2012
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 10, 2013
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, May 22, 2013
Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, Seattle, June 30, 2013
NBER Summer Institute, Risks of Financial Institutions Workshop, July 10, 2013
“Fragile By Design: Banking Crises, Scarce Credit and Political Bargains”
Hoover Institution Seminar on Economic Policy, June 12, 2012
“Getting the Right Mix of Capital and Cash Requirements in Prudential Regulation”
Columbia-Clearing House Conference on Interbank Payment Networks, June 15, 2012
“The Effects of RFC Assistance on Michigan Banks’ Survival in the 1930s”
NBER Conference on the Microeconomics of New Deal Policy, July 26, 2012.
“The World in Crisis: Insights from Six Shadow Financial Regulatory Committees,”
AEI Book Event at the U.S. Capitol, November 19, 2012.
“The Unlikely Return to ‘Normalcy’ in U.S. Monetary Policy,”
Shadow Open Market Committee Meeting, November 20, 2012.
“Betting on Secession” (with Jonathan Pritchett)
ASSA Meetings, San Diego, January 5, 2013
NBER DAE Annual Meeting, March 2, 2013
“Corporate Governance, Rent Seeking, Failure Risk, and Portfolio Choice in Unprotected Banks”
(with Mark Carlson)
Columbia Business School Finance Free Lunch, February 21, 2013
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Research Seminar, May 10, 2013
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, May 22, 2013
“The International Transmission of Bank Capital Requirements: Evidence from the UK” (with S.
Aiyar, J. Hooley, Y. Korniyenko, and T. Wieladek)
NBER Conference: “Understanding the Capital Structures of Non-Financial and
Financial Corporations,” April 6, 2013.
“Three Papers on Capital Requirements, Bank Lending, and Macroprudential Regulation”
Office of Financial Research, August 26, 2013
International Monetary Fund, September 4, 2013
Participant, Sloan-Brookings Meeting of Regulatory Experts, August 20, 2013.
Discussant, “Do Depositors Monitor Banks?” by R. Iyer, M. Puri, and N. Ryan, NBER
Summer Institute Risk of Financial Institutions Workshop, July 10, 2013.
Panelist, “How Would Deconstruction of SIFIs Change Market Efficiencies…,” 2013
Millstein Center Governance Forum, Columbia Law School, June 25, 2013.
Session Chair, “Shocks, Lending Behavior, and Financial Fragility,” Western Finance
Association Meetings, June 19, 2013.
Panelist, “Why Not Destroy U.S. Global Universal Banks, and What To Do Instead?”,
Panel on the Volcker Rule, Conference on Dodd-Frank and the Future of Finance, Center
for the Study of Financial Regulation, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre
Dame, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2013.
Panelist, Session on the Regulation and Supervision of Systematically Important Banks,
Thirteenth Annual Joint IMF/Federal Reserve Board/World Bank International Seminar
on Policy Challenges, Federal Reserve Board, June 5, 2013.
Panelist, “The European Crisis: Will Europe Derail the Global Economy?” Columbia
School of International and Public Affairs, Alumni Day, April 27, 2013.
Session Chair, “Global Business Trends,” Columbia Business School Reunion,
April 20, 2013.
Discussant and Roundtable Panelist, First Annual IMF Financial Stability & Systemic
Risk Forum: Borders of Macroprudential Policy, March 8, 2013
Panelist, AEI Conference on “Is Dodd-Frank a Ghost? Why Contagion, Not
Interconnectedness is the Issue,” February 8, 2013
Discussant, "How Do Regulators Influence Mortgage Risk: Evidence from an Emerging
Market," by John Campbell et al., ASSA Meetings, January 5, 2013.
Panelist, Brookings Institution Conference on the Structure of the Financial Industry,
December 4, 2012.
Panelist, Chicago Fed Bank International Banking Conference, Nov 15, 2012
Panelist, “Corporate Finance,” Program for Financial Studies Conference, Nov 2, 2012
Participant, Stress Test Workshop, U.S. Department of Treasury, August 2, 2012.
GAO Roundtable on the Benefits and Costs of the Dodd-Frank Act, Washington D.C.,
July 17, 2012.
Keynote Panelist, Roundtable, MMF Research Group session, "Sovereign Debt Crises
and the Future of the Euro Area," 29th GdRE Annual International Symposium on
Money, Banking and Finance, Universite de Nantes, June 29, 2012.
Co-Organizer (with David Weiman), Columbia-New York Clearing House Conference
on Interbank Payment Networks, June 15, 2012
Discussant, “The French Gold Sink and the Great Deflation of 1929-1932,” by Douglas
Irwin, Cato Institute Annual Conference on Public Policy, June 7, 2012.
Keynote Panelist, “The Global Financial System,” Tensions in the Global Financial
Regulatory Environment, Columbia Center on Japanese Economy and Business
Conference, Tokyo, May 21, 2012.
Keynote Panelist, “The Global Perspective,” PRMIA Global Risk Conference,
New York, May 15, 2012.
Panelist, “Understanding Fiscal Responsibility,” Teachers College, May 2, 2012.
Co-Organizer (with Ira Millstein), Columbia University’s Richman Center for Business,
Law, and Public Policy Inaugural Conference, “Financial Risk and Regulation:
Unfinished Business,” March 27, 2012.
Discussant, “Macroeconomic Effects of FOMC Forward Guidance,” by
Jeffrey Campbell, Charles Evans, Jonas Fisher, and Alejandro Justiniano,” Brookings
Panel on Economic Activity, March 22, 2012.
Panelist, “Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Road
Ahead,” World Bank and Columbia SIPA, November 29, 2011.
Session Chair and Organizer, “A New Economic Model for Sustainable Growth in
Europe,” Columbia Business School Pan-European Reunion, October 14, 2011.
Discussant, “Goldsmith Banks and England’s Financial Revolution after 1800: Finance
and Slow Growth in the Industrial Revolution,” by Peter Temin and Hans-Joachim Voth,
Yale School of Management, October 1, 2011.
Discussant, “The Current Financial Crisis in Historical Perspective – A View from the
Core,” by Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh, CEPR-Norges Bank Conference: Past,
Present, and Policy, Geneva, February 3, 2011.
Discussant, “The Failure of Models that Predict Failure,” by Rajan, Seru, and Vig,
LBS Conference on Regulating Financial Intermediaries, January 22, 2011.
Member, Organizing Committee, Norges Bank Financial Stability Conference,
September 2-3, 2010.
Chair and Organizer, Presidential Session, Banking and Financial System Risks and
Reforms, Western Economic Assoc. Meetings, Portland, OR, June 30, 2010.
Discussant, “Stronger Risk Controls, Lower Risk: Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding
Companies,” by Andrew Ellul and Vijay Yerramilli, NBER Conference on Market
Institutions and Financial Market Risk, New York, June 17, 2010.
Chair and Discussant, Presentation by Former Secretary John Snow, Montrone Seminar
Series, Columbia Business School, March 17, 2010.
Discussant, “Microfinance in Colonial India,” by Susan Wolcott, Economic
History Conference, University of California, Davis, March 13, 2009.
Discussant, Three Papers Presented at the RCC Forum on Financial Stability
and Monetary Policy, European Central Bank, December 3, 2008.
Chair, “Asian Conglomerates in the World Economy,” Columbia Business School
Pan-Asian Reunion, October 24, 2008.
Discussant, Three Papers on Finance and Development, Historical Approaches to
Economics, A Conference in Honor of Gavin Wright, Stanford U., September 26, 2008.
Invited Participant, Inaugural Conference on International and Global Challenges,
Rhodes Center for International Economics, Brown University, Apr 25-26, 2008.
Discussant, “The Contribution of Banking to the Long-Term Stagnation of Japan,” by
Joe Peek, Conference on Japan’s Bubble, Deflation, and Long-term Stagnation,
Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office of Japan, and Center on
Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School, March 22, 2008.
“Finance and Entrepreneurship,” Comments at a special meeting of the Hellenic
Business Network, Columbia Business School, February 7, 2008.
Co-Organizer and Session Chair, “Geofinance: What Needs To Be Where?”
Joint Columbia Business School-Wharton School Conference, January 18, 2008.
Chair, Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on “Money, Markets and
Sovereignty,” January 2007-April 2, 2008,
Presenter, NBER Risk Managers Meeting, New York, May 15, 2007.
Discussant, “Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Risk-Taking, by Kenneth Lehn,
AEI Conference: Is Sarbanes-Oxley Impairing Corporate Risk-Taking?, June 18, 2007
Discussant, Corporate Law Session I, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies,
Papers by Cremers, Nair and Peyer; Guo, Kruse and Nohel; and Giroud and
Mueller, November 10, 2007.
Chair, Panel on Global Entrepreneurship, Pan-European Reunion 2006, Columbia
Business School, Rome, October 21, 2006.
Chair and Discussant, “The White Man’s Burden,” by William Easterly,
Columbia Business School, April 11, 2006.
Chair, “Expanding Public Awareness of the WTO,” The WTO at 10: Governance,
Dispute Settlement and Developing Countries, Columbia University, April7,2006.
Organizer, “China’s Financial Transition at a Crossroads,” Conference, Tsinghua
Univ., Beijing, Aug. 23, 2005, Conference at Columbia Univ., Feb. 13, 2006.
Chair, Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on Currency Stability,
December 13, 2005, June 28, 2006.
Chair and Discussant, Joint Conference on Finance and Law in China, White &
Case and Columbia Business School, January 23, 2006.
Organizer and Chair, “Global Financial Centers: Opportunities and Challenges,”
Dinkins Forum, Columbia SIPA, October 10, 2005.
Organizer and Chair, “Japan’s Proposed Takeover Rules,” June 13, 2005.
Co-Organizer and Chair, “China’s Capital Markets: The Achilles Heel of Its
Liberalization,” Chazen Institute and Columbia University Symposium on China’s
Economic Emergence, April 8, 2005.
Participant, Economic Roundtable, Columbia Business School, Feb. 10, 2005.
Discussant, “The Microeconomic Evidence on Capital Controls” (by Kristin Forbes),
NBER Conference on International Capital, Santa Barbara, Dec 18, 2004.
Panel Chair, “China: Is the Economic Boom Sustainable?” 12
Annual Net
Impact Conference, Columbia Business School, November 13, 2004.
Panel Chair, “Creating Markets in Emerging Markets,” Annual Investment
Banking Conference, Columbia Business School, October 29, 2004.
Discussant, “Systemic Risk and Regulation,” (by F. Allen and D. Gale), NBER
Conference on Risks of Financial Institutions, Woodstock, VT, October 22, 2004.
Discussant, “Governing the Corporation: Transcending Compliance in the Age of
Scandal” (by Justin O’Brien), Bank of Finland Conference, The Structure of Financial
Regulation, September 3, 2004.
Discussant, “Bank Regulation and Supervision: What Works Best?” Columbia Law
School Workshop on Law, Finance, and Political Economy, April 24, 2004.
Discussant, “Privatizing the Housing GSEs: Comments on Ely and Stanton
Papers.” AEI Conference on the Privatization of the Housing GSEs, Jan 12, 2004.
Session Chair, “Why All Financial Regulation Is Now Global,” World Economic
Forum, Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2004.
Moderator, “Regulatory Trends in Financial Services,” World Economic Forum,
Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2004.
Session Chair, “Governors Breakfast with Financial Regulators,” World
Economic Form, Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2004.
Discussant, “Disclosure in Banking: What Matters Most” (by Baumann and Nier),
New York Fed Conference on Market Discipline, October 2003.
Conference Organizer and Discussant, “Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists”
(by Rajan and Zingales), May 21, 2003.
Conference Chair, “Risk Management Workshop for Regulators: Assessing,
Managing, and Supervising Financial Risk,” World Bank, April 28, 2003.
Discussant, “Why Did Finance Capitalism and the Second Industrial Revolution Arise in
the 1890s?” SSRC Program on Innovations, UCLA, March 21-22, 2003.
Conference Organizer and Presenter, “IMF Proposal for Sovereign Debt
Restructuring,” American Enterprise Institute, October 7, 2002.
Conference Organizer, “Who Lost Argentina?” AEI, February 5, 2002.
Discussant for “Moses Abramovitz and Open Economy Macro” by Peter Temin,
ASSA Meetings, January 2002.
Discussant for “Prudential Supervision” by J. Barth, G. Caprio, and R. Levine,
NBER Conference on Risk Management, November 30, 2001.
Discussant for “Antitrust Merger Policy” by P. Williams and G. Woodbridge,
NBER Conference, Hong Kong, June 2001.
Discussant for “Financial Systems, Economic Growth, and Globalization” by P.
Rousseau and R. Sylla, NBER Conference on Globalization in History, May 2001.
Conference Organizer and Chair, “Sovereign Debt Reductions: Private and Public
Burden-Sharing and the Role of the IMF, AEI, February 21, 2001.
Session Chair, Columbia Business School, Latin American Business Association,
Panel on Venture Capital, February 9, 2001.
Conference Organizer and Chair, “Dollarization and Debt Markets,” American
Enterprise Institute, February 7, 2001.
Discussant, “Financial and Monetary Policies…with Balance Sheet Effects” by A.
Tornell, NBER Conference on Preventing Currency Crises, January 2001.
Moderator, Conference on Subprime Lending, AEI, October 30, 2002.
Discussant for three papers on banking, Conference on Bank Structure and Competition,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May 2002.
Discussant, Bank Lending Behavior over the Business Cycle (by Allen Berger and
Gregory Udell), Bank for International Settlements Conference on Changes in Risk
Through Time: Measurement and Policy Options, March 6, 2002.
Discussant, American Finance Assoc. Panel on Banking, ASSA, Jan. 2002.
Discussant, “Antitrust Merger Policy” by P. Williams and G. Woodbridge, NBER
Conference, Hong Kong, June 2001.
Discussant, “Financial Systems, Growth, and Globalization” by P. Rousseau and
R. Sylla,NBER Conference on Globalization in Historical Perspective, May 2001.
Session Chair, Columbia Business School, Latin American Business Association,
Panel on Venture Capital, February 9, 2001.
Discussant, “Financial and Monetary Policies in an Economy with Balance Sheet
Effects” by A. Tornell, NBER Conf., Preventing Currency Crises, January 2001.
Discussant for “Inside the Crisis: An Empirical Analysis of Banking Systems in
Distress” by A. Demirguc-Kunt and E. Detragiache, University of Maryland,
Fourth Maryland Finance Symposium, November 18, 2000.
Discussant for Andrew Crockett presentation on bank regulation, Bundesbank-
BIS Conference, Frankfurt, September 28-29, 2000.
Discussant for paper on history of U.S. industrial organization, by N. Lamoreaux,
D. Raff, and P. Temin, September 2000.
Discussant, “Sound Money” by M. Bordo and “Role of Clearinghouses” by R.
Kroszner, JFSR Conference on Anna Schwartz’s Policy Influence, May 2000.
Session Chair and Organizer, American Finance Assoc. / ASSA Meetings, 2000.
Conference Organizer and Discussant, “Saving the Euro,” American Enterprise Institute,
November 22, 1999.
Discussant for “Devaluation Risk and the Business Cycle Implications of Exchange Rate
Management” by E. Mendoza and M. Uribe, Carnegie-Rochester Conference on Public
Policy, November 19, 1999.
Discussant, World Bank Mini-Conference on Banking Regulation, March 1999.
Discussant for “Refocusing the IMF” by David Lipton, September 1999.
Conference Organizer, “Bank Capital Regulation,” Sponsored by the Shadow Financial
Regulatory Committees of the United States, Europe, and Japan, and by Ernst & Young,
June 14, 1999.
Conference Organizer, “Victorian Perspectives on Capital Mobility and Financial
Fragility in the 1990s,” AEI, January 15, 1999.
Conference Organizer, “The Japanese Financial System: Reconstructing for the Future,”
Columbia Business School, October 1-2, 1998
Conference Organizer, “High LTV Mortgage Lending,” AEI, July 8, 1998.
Conference Organizer, “A Market Approach to Securities Regulation,” AEI, June 12,
Conference Organizer, “Why It Pays to File for Bankruptcy,” AEI, June 19, 1998.
Conference Organizer, “Bringing Markets into Bank Regulation,” AEI, Sep 11, 1998.
Conference Organizer, “Future of Federal Home Loan Banks,” AEI, Dec 2, 1998.
Conference Organizer, “Are SEC Disclosure Rules Necessary? Evidence from Private &
Public Bond Placements,” AEI, Dec 17, 1998.
Conference Organizer, “Credit Card Banking: Challenges and Opportunities,”
AEI, Dec 5, 1997.
Conference Organizer, “Do We Need an Umbrella Financial Regulator?”
AEI, October 9, 1997.
Conference Organizer, “The Deregulation of Derivatives: Legal Certainty
for Private Contracts,” AEI, July 22, 1997.
Conference Organizer, “The Bankers’ Roundtable Program for Reforming
Federal Deposit Insurance,” AEI, May 23, 1997.
Conference Organizer, “Firewalls for Diversified Banks,” AEI, March 26, 1997.
Conference Organizer, “Managing Bank Risk and Capital,” Program on Financial
Institutions, Columbia Business School, May 16, 1997.
Program Co-Organizer, Summer Institute on the Development of the American
Economy, July 1994.
Conference Co-Organizer, "Banking Under the CRA," 1993.
Program Co-Organizer, Summer Institute on the Development of the American
Economy, July 1993.
Program Co-Organizer, Midwest Workshop on Financial Markets and Intermediation,
October 1992.
Program Organizer, Financial History Session, NBER Workshop on the Development of
the American Economy, July 1992.
Program Organizer, Colloquium on Introducing Historical Perspectives into Teaching
and Research at the Wharton School, April 1992.
Comment on “A Contracting Theory of the Origins of Federal Deposit Insurance”
(by Edward Kane and Berry Wilson), Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Conference on
Comparative Banking Systems, November 7, 1997.
Comment on Three Papers on Contingent Liability Rules in Banking, Conference on
Bank Structure and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May 1997.
Comment on "The Performance of the Federal Reserve System in Pursuing International
Monetary Objectives" (by Anna J. Schwartz), Durrell Foundation Conference on Money
and Banking: The American Experience.
Comment on "Money and Prices in Colonial America" (by Bennett McCallum),
American Economic Association Meetings.
Comment on Three Papers on the Great Depression, Economic History Association
Meetings (Montreal).
Comment on "The Profitability of Note Issue During the Free Banking Era" (by Haupert
and Bodenhorn), Cliometric Society Meetings.
Comment on "An Historical Perspective on the Federal Reserve's Monetary Aggregates:
Definition, Construction, and Targeting" (by Richard Anderson and Kenneth Kavajecz),
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Comment on "Outside Activity in Japanese Companies: Determinants and Managerial
Implications" (by S. Kaplan and B. Minton), 4th Annual Conference on Financial
Economics and Accounting, Washington University of St. Louis.
Comment on "Identifying Credit Crunches" (by Owens and Schreft), Econometric
Society Meetings.
Comment on Three Papers on Financial Contracting, Southern Finance Meetings.
Comment on Three Papers on Inside Information in Banking, Conference on Bank
Structure and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Comment on "The Decline of Private Deposit Insurance in the U.S." (by William
English), Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy.
Comment on "The History of Ownership and Control in New England Banking" (by
Lamoreaux), NBER Conference on Microeconomic History.
Comment on Three Papers on the Early Organization of Stock Markets, Social Science
History Association Meetings.
Comments on Papers by Steinherr, Kroszner, and Benston, NYU Stern School
Conference on Universal Banking.
Executive Education
Overview of Financial Reform Agenda, World Bank Course on Financial Sector Issues,
May 14, 2012, May 20, 2013.
Inter-American Development Bank Program on Emerging Market Finance, March 28,
2013, April 5, 2012, April 2010, April 2011.
Dutch Central Bank/Duisenberg School of Finance Workshop on Monetary Policy and
Financial Regulation for Supervisors and Regulators,Amsterdam, Jan 9, 2012.
Economics and the Human Good (with S. Haber), Tikvah Foundation, Aug. 2011.
International Finance – Economic Growth and Development, Banco Central do Brasil,
Brasilia, June 21-25, 2010.
Corporate Finance, Deutsche Bank Associates Program, July 26-30, 2010.
Corporate Finance, Deutsche Bank Associates Program, July 27-29, 2009.
Managing the Growing Company: Managing Finances, Joint US International
University-Columbia Business School Three-Day Management Workshop,
Nairobi, Kenya, January 14-16, 2009.
“The Implications of Basel II for Developing Countries: Why the Basel Standards
Don’t Work and What Works Better,” World Bank Overview of Financial Sector
Issues and Analysis Workshop, April 29, 2008.
Emerging Financial Markets Mini-Course for World Economic Forum Fellows,
Geneva, Switzerland, November 5-6, 2007.
Columbia University and Fundacao Instituto de Administracao (University of Sao Paolo)
Joint Program, Columbia University, October 11, 2007.
Professional Risk Managers (PRMIA) Course: Risk Management, May 2, 9, 2007.
Joint Columbia Business School-Fudan University Executive Education
Course, August 27-30, 2005 in Shanghai, June 12, 2006 in New York.
Columbia Business School CSEP, Finance and Development, Sep 7, 2005.
Emerging Financial Markets, IMF Institute, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
Commercial Bank Management
Senior Managers of Bank of Communications,China, 1994
Senior Managers of Bank of China, 1995
Financial Institutions and Public Policy
Staff training, The World Bank, 1995
Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires) 1996
Bank Regulation and Exchange Rate Policies in Developing Economies
Ph.D. Economists Course, The World Bank, 1997, 1998
Ph. D. Economists Course, IMF Institute, 1999-present
Determinants of Exchange Rates, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter training, 2000, 2001
The History and Theory of Banking, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1997
Graduate Courses
M&A Masters Class (Columbia, MBA)
Corporate Governance (Columbia, MBA)
Business Values and Ethics (Columbia, MBA)
Conceptual Foundations (Columbia, MIA, MPA)
Corporate Finance and Contracting (Columbia, Ph.D.)
Advanced Corporate Finance (Columbia, MBA, EMBA)
Emerging Financial Markets (Columbia, MBA, EMBA, MPA)
Emerging Financial Markets and the Case of China (EMBA)
International Banking (Columbia, MBA, MPA)
American Economic History (Northwestern, Ph.D.)
Monetary Theory (Northwestern, Ph.D.)
Financial Markets and Economic Development (Stanford, Ph.D.)
Banking (Wharton, MBA; University of Illinois, MBA., MIF, Fundacao G.V.)
Financial Intermediation Theory (University of Illinois, Ph.D.)
Theory of Financial Decision Making (University of Illinois, Ph.D.)
American Financial History (Wharton, MBA)
History of Financial Crises (Columbia, MBA, EMBA)
Entrepreneurial Finance (Certificate Program, University of Dar Es Salaam)
Undergraduate Courses
American Economic History (Northwestern and Stanford)
Money and Banking (Northwestern)
Macroeconomics (Northwestern)
Bank Management (Wharton, University of Illionis)
Freshman Seminar on Bank Regulation (Northwestern)
American Financial History (Wharton and Northwestern)
Financial Markets and Intermediaries (University of Illinois)
Financial Intermediaries (University of Illinois)
History of Financial Crises (Claremont-McKenna College)
Ph.D. Student Advisees
Richard Szostak (Economics, Northwestern)
Akira Motomura (Economics, Northwestern)
Charles Himmelberg (Economics, Northwestern)
John Keating (Economics, Northwestern)
John Veitch (Economics, Northwestern)
Dorothy Petersen (Economics, Northwestern)
Scott Erwin (Economics, Northwestern)
Joseph Mason (Economics, UIUC)
Stanley Longhofer (Economics, UIUC)
Benito Sopranzetti (Finance, UIUC)
Gregory Chaudoin (Finance, UIUC)
Taek Seon Roh (Economics, UIUC)
Sandra Ospina (Economics, UIUC)
Steve Quinn (Economics, UIUC)
Thekla Halouva (Finance, UIUC)
Jason Karceski (Finance, UIUC)
Gledson Carvallo (Economics, UIUC)
Murillo Campello (Finance, UIUC)
Gail Buyske (Economics, Columbia)
Hani Shammah (Economics, Columbia)
Daniel Schiffman (Economics, Columbia)
Elizabeth Gordon (Accounting, Columbia)
Inessa Chevchinskaia Love (Finance, Columbia)
Mark Weidenmeier (Economics, UIUC)
Jimmy K. Liew (Finance, Columbia)
Woodrow Johnson (Finance, Columbia)
Hua Fan (Finance, Columbia)
Robert Papp (History, Columbia)
Eric Hilt (Economics, Columbia)
Wook Sohn (Economics, Columbia)
Ruth Ben-Artzi (Political Science, Columbia)
Sanket Mohaptra (Economics, Columbia)
Bobby Pornrojnangkool (Finance, Columbia)
Goetz von Peter (Economics, Columbia)
Sandya Persad (Economics, Columbia)
Sujatta Visaria (Economics, Columbia)
Ricardo Correa (Economics, Columbia)
Hayong Yun (Finance, Columbia)
Vikrant Vig (Finance, Columbia)
Pepita Miquel-Florensa (Economics, Columbia)
Heechul Min (Economics, Columbia)
Stanley Peterburgsky (Finance, Columbia)
Christian Rosenberger (Economics, University of Trier)
Yongxiang Wang (Finance, Columbia)
Margarita Tsoutsoura (Finance, Columbia)
Hagit Levy (Accounting, Columbia)
Krista Schwarz (Finance, Columbia)
Soo Jin Lee (Economics, Columbia)
Adonis Antoniades (Economics, Columbia)
Tobias Swai, (Finance, University of Dar Es Salaam)
Ivan Savic (Political Science, Columbia)
Miguel Morin (Economics, Columbia)
Guojun Chen (Finance, Columbia)
To University
Member, Columbia University Financial Conflict of Interest Committee, 2010.
Member, Committee for the Columbia University Institute at Reid Hall, 2009.
Chair, Ad Hoc Committee for Tenure Review, 2008.
Co-Organizer of Joint SIPA-CBS Course on Latin American Business and
Economy, 2007-2008
Chair, Search Committee, NT Wang Professor, 2006-2007.
CIBER Initiative for Assisting the Model UN in Development of Course Material
on International Economics Policy Issues, 2007
Member, Board of Advisors, Interdisciplinary Center for Contract and Economic
Organization, Columbia University, September 2006-present.
Co-Organizer, Columbia-CFR Geoeconomics Project, 2001-2002
Davis Fellowship Fund Advisory Committee, 2000-present
Senator, Columbia University, 1997-1998, 1998-1999
Chair, Housing Committee, University Senate, 1998-1999
Executive Committee, Columbia University Public Policy
Consortium, 1997-1998. 1998-1999
Lecturer, “Lifelong Learners Series,” Columbia University, 1998
Columbia University Ad hoc Committee for Tenure Review, 1996
Chancellor’s Search Committee for V.P. for Finance, 1995, University of Illinois.
Senate Committee on Student Discipline: Subcommittee on Undergraduate
Student Conduct, 1995, University of Illinois.
To Schools
Director of Curriculum Development, Program for Financial Studies, 2011-2.
Member, Working Group on Foundations of Global Growth, Richman Center for
Business, Law and Public Policy, 2011-2012.
Member, Teaching & Curriculum Committee, Columbia Business School, 2011-2
Co-Organizer, Columbia Business School Africa Initiative, 2006-2009.
Member, Advisory Board, Columbia Business School Executive Education, 2007- 09
Member, Committee on Conflicts of Interest Policy, Columbia Business School, 2009
Chair, Committee to review a prospective appointment to SIPA, 2008 Member,
Review Committee for a prospective appointment to SIPA, 2008
Member, Committee to Develop Corporate Governance Material for the MBA
Core, Columbia Business School, 2007-2008
Speaker, “A Day in the Life of an Investment Banker,” September 17, 2007
Special Class on Corporate Ethics for Entering MBA Students, August 23, 2007
Host, Visit of Association of African Business Schools Deans to Columbia
Business School, February 21, 2007
Member, Search Committee, PEPM Director (SIPA), 2006
International Economics Search Committee, School for International
and Public Affairs, 2004-2005.
Task Force for reviewing and reforming the IFB Concentration, SIPA, 2004-2005
Member, Career Services Committee, Columbia Business School, 1998-2000
School for International and Public Affairs Executive Committee, 1996-present
International Economics Search Committee, SIPA, 1998-1999
College Executive Committee, 1994, College of Commerce, University of Illinois
Search Committee for Director of Career Development and Placement for the
MBA Program, College of Commerce, University of Illinois
Office for Banking Research Co-Director (UIUC), 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
Business Advisory Council (UIUC), 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
Executive Education Committee (UIUC), 1993, 1994, 1995
College of Arts and Sciences Admission Committee (NU), 1986-87, 1987-88.
To Departments
Recruiting Committee, Department of Finance, Columbia GSB, 2012-2013.
Member, Reading Committee for Tenured Appt., Finance and Economics, 2012
Chair, Reading Committee for Tenured Appt., Finance and Economics, 2008
Chair, Ph.D. Committee, Division of Finance and Economics, 1998-2000
Ph.D Admissions, Department of Finance, Columbia GSB, 1997-2000
Recruiting Committee, Department of Finance, Columbia GSB, 1996-2001
Department of Finance Ad
Hoc Committee to Advise the Illinois Attorney
General on Hotel Settlement Proposals (UIUC), 1995.
Department of Finance Executive Committee (UIUC), 1993, 1994.
Department of Finance Seminar Co-Organizer (UIUC), 1993, 1994.
Department of Finance Recruiting Committee (UIUC), 1992, 1993, 1994.
Undergraduate Departmental Adviser (NU), 1986-87, 1987-88, 1990-91.
Freshman Adviser (NU), 1985-86, 1986-87, 1987-88, 1989-90.
Macroeconomics Seminar Organizer (NU), 1986-87, 1989-90.
Economic History Seminar Organizer (NU), 1985-1988.
Economics Department Undergraduate Studies Committee (NU), 1985-86.