The Horned Lark
June 2012
Vol. 39, No. 2
From the
President’s message
Kansas Ornithological Society
Do you remember what it was
like, as a youngster, as Christmas
approached? Your level of
excitement grew almost
exponentially as each day passed.
As you got a couple of days out,
you just about couldn’t stand it
anymore. You knew that there
would be big gatherings of people
you hadn’t seen for awhile and you
knew you were going to get
something good, you just didn’t
know what.
The past few years, as the
KOS spring meeting has
approached, I’ve felt the same
way. I couldn’t wait for Friday to
arrive so we could pack up and go.
I got to see a lot of folks I hadn’t
seen for a while. We got some
good birds and had some fun times
birding, and then it was over all
too fast! A big thank you to Mark
Land for organizing this spring
meeting and to Matt Gearheart,
Nic Allen, Carolyn Schwab, Mark
Corder and everyone else who
helped out. We had a good turnout,
good birding and great times with
friends and fellow birders.
With that still fresh in our
minds, let’s all mark the fall
meeting on our calendars,
September 28–30 in Winfield.
That’s a week earlier than our
normal meeting time. This is
necessary to fit around college
sports schedules. I know Max
Thompson will have a fine
meeting lined up for us. He always
does every time we visit
Southwestern College. The details
for the Spring 2013 meeting aren’t
decided yet, so if you have an idea,
let me know!
By now, spring migration has
become a memory and many of us
are working on Breeding Bird
Surveys and other summer
activities. It was a strange spring
that to me, at least, seemed all out
of sequence. Across much of
Kansas, spring seemed to arrive
early with plants looking like June
1 when it was only early May,
which then made the spring
(continued on page 2)
A Ruddy Turnstone forages on a
mud flat at the Big Salt Marsh,
Quivira National Wildlife Refuge,
May 19, 2012. © Patty Marlett.
KOS Board of
Chuck Otte, 613 Tamerisk, Junction
City, KS 66441; [email protected]
Henry Armknecht,
Corresponding Secretary Gregg
Friesen, 515 E. 4th, Newton, KS
Membership Development
Patty Marlett,
Terry Mannell, 218 Northridge
Drive, Hays, KS 67601;
Business Manager
Lisa Weeks, 208 Arizona Street,
Lawrence KS 66049;
Editor, KOS Bulletin
Gene Young, Northern Oklahoma
College, 1220 E. Grand Ave.,
Tonkawa, OK 74653-0310;
Editor, The Horned Lark
Cheryl K. Miller,
Nancy Leo,
Board Members:
John Bollin, [email protected]
Greg Farley,
Don Kazmeier, [email protected]
Rick Tucker, [email protected]
migrants seem late, although many
of them weren’t late at all.
Ultimately, the "ahead of normal"
foliage made birding a real
Some very generous KOS
members donated funds to allow
students to join essentially for free.
I want to thank those anonymous,
forward-thinking individuals.
While giving a program in
Hutchinson in April, I had a
chance to meet some of these
young birders. It’s so thrilling to
see these youth with so much
enthusiasm about birds and
birding. In fact, at this fall’s KOS
meeting we will have some folks
who will work on a special
program for these young birders. If
you know young students who are
interested in birds, there are still
some funds left to give them a
KOS membership. Just contact me
for details on how to make this
It looks like it’s about time for
me to head out the door and do
some birding. Have a great
summer. I hope to see many of you
in Winfield at the end of
September, if not before while out
and about birding!
Good birding,
Chuck Otte
President’s message, cont.
Avian Conservationist
of the Year
Nominations for the Kansas
Ornithological Society's Avian
Conservationist of the Year Award
should be made for outstanding work
in bird conservation through the
management or preservation of
habitats, education or research. The
accomplishment should reflect a long
-time commitment to bird
conservation and/or education within
the state of Kansas. Nominations will
be accepted until July 1.
To make a nomination, send a
typed description of no more than
two pages, giving a detailed account
of specific work the nominee has
accomplished. Send the nominations
to Robert L. Penner, 593 NE 130
Avenue, Ellinwood, KS 67526, or to
Dr. Ivan L. Boyd
Recognition Award
The Kansas Ornithological
Society recognizes one of its
members with this award for
outstanding contributions and service
to the society. Nominations for the
award should be submitted to the
KOS president and include a list of
the nominee’s contributions to KOS.
The nomination deadline is
August 1. Provide a typed description
of no more than two pages and give
specific examples of contributions to
KOS the nominee has made. Include
your name, address, phone number
and e-mail address. Send
nominations to Chuck Otte, 613
Tamerisk, Junction City, KS 66441
or e-mail to [email protected].
Award nominations sought
KOS spring meeting
participants recorded the
following 154 species in
Allen, Anderson, Coffey,
Franklin, Linn and Osage
counties during the spring
meeting, May 4–7, 2012.
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Hooded Merganser
Northern Bobwhite
Greater Prairie-Chicken
Wild Turkey
Common Loon
Pied-billed Grebe
Neotropic Cormorant
American White Pelican
American Bittern
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Cattle Egret
Green Heron
White-faced Ibis
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Cooper's Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Common Gallinule
American Coot
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Upland Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Long-billed Dowitcher
Wilson's Phalarope
Ring-billed Gull
Forster's Tern
Rock Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove
White-winged Dove
Mourning Dove
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Barred Owl
Common Nighthawk
Eastern Whip-poor-will
Chimney Swift
Belted Kingfisher
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Acadian Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Western Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Loggerhead Shrike
White-eyed Vireo
Bell's Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow
Horned Lark
Purple Martin
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged
Cliff Swallow
Barn Swallow
Carolina Chickadee
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Sedge Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Eastern Bluebird
Swainson's Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Louisiana Waterthrush
Black-and-white Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart
Northern Parula
Blackburnian Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Palm Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Black-throated Green
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow-breasted Chat
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Summer Tanager
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Painted Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark
Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
House Finch
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Spring KOS species compilation list
Kansas fall season roundup
August 1 – November 30, 2011
Mark Corder, compiler
A well-documented (photographed) Crested
Caracara, a probable first state record, gets top
billing for the fall 2011 roundup reporting period.
Relatively dry conditions in the southern Plains
states probably contributed to this bird’s excursion
well north of its normal range. Unfortunately, too
few birders were able to observe the much-
anticipated appearance of this falcon because it
could not be relocated after the initial sighting.
Notably, another report, albeit second-hand, of the
same species was made approximately two months
later in southcentral Kansas.
A somewhat, but not too distant second-place
species, Long-billed Murrelet, was reported in late
November from Trego County. Long-billed
Murrelet is currently on the Kansas list as
“hypothetical” because of the lack of physical
evidence. There has been only one previous record
in the state from Russell County 14 years ago. The
Trego sighting this year was by a single observer.
Cheney Reservoir had a spectacular mid-
November hosting a Pomarine Jaeger, Surf and
Black scoters, Red-throated and Pacific loons,
impressive numbers of Red-breasted Mergansers,
Clark’s and Western grebes and a Prairie Falcon.
Surf Scoters also popped up at Shawnee Mission
Park and Augusta City Lake. Another Black Scoter
put in an appearance at Wilson Lake. Pacific Loons
were found at the LaFarge sandpits and at Wilson
Lake. Showing up in ten counties during the period,
Western Grebes appear to be increasing their
presence in the state. Suffice it to say that
November was a terrific month for unusual water
Good raptors reported during the period
included Northern Goshawk in Wichita, possible
Harris’s Hawk in Topeka, Broad-tailed Hawks in
seven counties, and Merlins in eleven. Seven rare-
to-unusual gulls graced Kansas lakes and reservoirs
and five uncommon species of hummingbirds filled
up at Kansas residents’ feeders. Shorebirds and
waders that lingered longer and later included 12
Black-bellied Plovers at Cheyenne Bottoms on
November 14, a lone American Golden-Plover at
Cheney Reservoir on November 25, 43 Least
Sandpipers in Kingman County on November 25,
and Dunlin as late as November 20 at Clinton Lake.
A Varied Thrush was a first record in Edwards
County. Scott Seltman reported a second county
record of Snow Bunting in Rush County.
Connecticut and Townsend’s warblers were
discovered in Riley and Morton counties,
respectively. Morton County also attracted Western
Tanagers and a Black-headed Grosbeak. And, six
Snowy Owls seen the last 15 days of November
were the first wave of a huge influx that
materialized in successive months. There’ll be
more to come on that in the 2011–2012 winter
In sum, it was an incredible fall with loads of
species, individual numbers and rarities evidencing
the continued dedication of resident and visiting
birders to Kansas. Keep up the good work!
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Snow Goose 1, Horsethief Reservoir Hodgeman 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Wood Duck Ads. with imms., Russell Springs Logan 8/1 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Mottled Duck 4, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 8/1 JW
1, Winfield Gun Club Sumner 8/5 GY,MT
1, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 8/15 GY,MT
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/5 MG,NA,WCT,CF
Cinnamon Teal 1, eclipse plumage, on stock pond Logan 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Redhead 2 (pair?), Wilson sewage ponds Ellsworth 8/2 MR
186, Wilson sewage ponds Ellsworth 10/28 MR
3000+, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/30 MR,ER
Surf Scoter 1 imm., Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 10/19 ML
1, Augusta City Lake Butler 10/29 KG
1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/20 PJ
Black Scoter 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/20 PJ
1, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20 MR
Long-tailed Duck 1 f., LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 11/22 PJ
Barrow's Goldeneye 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/20 PJ
1, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20 MR
1, Sedgwick County Park Sedgwick 11/23 KG (rep.)
1, ad. m., Winfield City Lake Cowley 11/29 MT
Hooded Merganser 365, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 11/8 PJ
Common Merganser 1, Antelope Lake Graham* 11/27 HA
Red-breasted Merganser 1, Fort's Cedar View Grant* 10/31 SG,KH
impressive numbers, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/20 PJ
168, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/25 JK,CF,MG
Ruddy Duck 1, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 8/15 GY,MT
Scaled Quail Reliably present, Finn ranch house Morton 8/7 TC
Covey, rural area Stanton 9/4 PJ,KG
Red-throated Loon 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/13 SS (rep.), PJ
Pacific Loon 1 possible, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 11/8 PJ
1, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/11 MR,DKl
1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/13,20 PJ
1-2, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20,23 MR
Common Loon 2, southeast area of Tuttle Creek Pottawatomie 8/12 DB
1, East end Tuttle Creek dam Pottawatomie 9/10 JR,m:obs
1, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 9/30 JK,MA,CW
2, near Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 10/16 BM
1, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 10/30 PJ
2, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 11/3 JB
2, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 11/3 TE
5, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 11/8 PJ
23, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 11/8 JB
21, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/11 MR,DKl
1, West Rolling Hills Public Use Area Geary 11/19 JR,m:obs
7, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20 MR
3, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/20 JK
5, Kanopolis State Park Ellsworth 11/22 MR
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Common Loon 6, Wilson Lake Russell 11/23 MR
4, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 11/23 KG,m:obs
1, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 11/26 TE
Horned Grebe 1, Sabetha Lake Nemaha* 10/13 RR
50+/-, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 11/3 CH
Red-necked Grebe 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/14 MH
1, probable, Wilson Lake Russell 11/23 MR
Western Grebe 6, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 9/30 JK,MA,CW
6, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/10 MR
1, Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 10/28 CMo,BM
2, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/30 MR,ER
1, seen from Broken Bridge Reno 10/30 PJ
2, perhaps 3, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/7 JK
9, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/11 MR,DKl
9, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/13 SS (rep.), PJ
2, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/13 JK,ER
4, Perry Lake Osage 11/13 JK,ER
3, West Rolling Hills Public Use Area Geary 11/19 JR,m:obs
2, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20 MR
2, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/20 JK
2, Winfield City Lake Cowley 11/22 MT
5, Wilson Lake Russell 11/23 MR
1, on pond, northwest of St. Francis Cheyenne 11/24 HA
7, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/25 PJ
Clark's Grebe 1, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/11 MR,DKl
1, Elkhart sewage ponds Morton 11/11 GC
1, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20,23 MR
1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/25 PJ
Neotropic Cormorant <D> 1, appropriate habitat Rooks 9/3 JVK
1, Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 10/28 CMo,BM
Egret (multiple sp.) 5,000 estimated at I-235 rookery Sedgwick 8/25 PJ
American Bittern 1, Wetlands Education Center Barton 11/3 JRa
Little Blue Heron 18, Baker Wetlands Douglas 8/2 DL,RB
1 ad. with 4 imm., flooded area Leavenworth 8/9 JB
1 imm. with 1 ad., Oak Park Sedgwick 8/10 PG
Cattle Egret 300+, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 8/2 MR
200+, in pasture near Milford Lake Clay 9/3 CO
Black-crowned Night-Heron Ad. and imm.,Tribune lagoons Greeley* 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/10 MR
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 1 imm., Milford Lake Geary* 8/27 CO
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Crested Caracara <D> 1, rural area Washington 8/2 WB,DT
(Probable 1st state record)
1 possible, rural area Sedgwick/Reno? 9/27? MT (rep.)
Black Vulture 1, near Derby, Arkansas River Sedgwick 8/30 JC
Mississippi Kite 2, nesting, suburban Shawnee Johnson 8/8 NC
15, soaring + more in trees Grant 8/9 KH (rep)
7, residential area, Lawrence Douglas 8/14 DC
3, Fredonia Wilson 8/25 DMi
Ferruginous Hawk 2, first of season, southwest of Ulysses Grant 10/21 SG
Bald Eagle 1 ad. with 1 imm., east of Howard Elk 8/2 GW
1 imm., Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 8/5 GY,MT
1 ad., Calhoun backyard Sedgwick 8/5 JC
1 ad., west of Udall Cowley 8/7 LHi
1 ad., flooded areas Leavenworth 8/9 JB
1 ad., 1 imm., Milford Lake Clay 9/2 CO
1, migrating near Ft. Scott Lake Bourbon 9/7 DKe
Northern Harrier 1, rural area Logan 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
1, rural area Wallace 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, near Russell Springs Logan 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
1, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/10 MR
Cooper's Hawk 2 imm., Calhoun backyard Sedgwick 8/5 JC
Family group, Elkhart Morton 8/6 TC
Scolding ads., Russell Springs Logan 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Scolding ads., Sharon Springs Wallace 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
1, with Common Nighthawk as prey Ellis 9/6 TM
Northern Goshawk 1, Broadway and 37th Street North Sedgwick 11/28 JN
Harris's Hawk 1, possible, Kansas History Museum Shawnee 11/20 JK (rep.)
Red-shouldered Hawk 1 imm., Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 8/5 GY,MT
1imm., Calhoun backyard Sedgwick 8/5 JC
1, DeWeese Park, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/6 KG,CM
1, Beech Lake environs Sedgwick 8/30 GS
1, possible nest, Larson residence Shawnee 9/15 DL
1 possible, Wilson County Lake Wilson 10/8 DM
Broad-winged Hawk 1, Pratt fish hatchery environs Pratt 9/15 MR (rep.)
1, Ernie Miller Nature Park Johnson 9/16 JW,IW
1 imm., city park Johnson 9/17 JW
1, Baker Wetlands Douglas 9/18 DL,RB
1, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 9/19 ML,JO
2, over River Pond area Riley 9/25 DR
1, Elkhart shelter belt Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
1, north rural area of the county Sumner 10/2 LHi
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Broad-winged Hawk 1, Pratt fish hatchery environs Pratt 10/6 MR (rep.)
Swainson's Hawk 75+, southwest area of county Saline 10/2 KF
98 combined, in two flocks Cowley 10/2 GY
50+/-, south of Great Bend Barton 10/2 KM
70+/-, east of Great Bend Barton 10/2 JR
Rough-legged Hawk 1, first of season, rural area Norton 10/22 HA
Golden Eagle 1, ranch land, west part of county Gove 11/4 MP (rep.)
1 ad., 1 imm., Haverfield Ranch Logan 11/5 PJ,ER
1, rural area Scot 11/11 GC
Peregrine Falcon 2, appropriate habitat, Elkhart Morton 8/6 TC
2, migrating over Derby Sedgwick 9/4 JC,CM,TE
1 ad., 1 imm., Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/11 PJ
2, rural area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
1, near St. Mark's Reno 10/1 PJ
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,02 KOS
1, Armknecht residence Osborne* 10/4 HA
1, Sandcreek Station Golf Course Harvey 10/9 GF
1 juv., Spearville sewage ponds Ford* 10/10 SS
1, Lake Olathe Johnson 10/20 RR,RWR
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/24 MR
1, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 11/17 MT,GY
Merlin 1, near Metcalf South Mall Johnson 8/6 ML,EL
1, Stockdale Cove Riley 9/24 DR
1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/25 CM,KG
1, rural area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
1, rural area Labette 10/15 RT
1, near Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 10/17 BM
1, Stockdale area, Tuttle Creek Riley 10/22 ER
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/4 MR
1, around Iuka Pratt 11/17 MR
1, West Rolling Hills Public Use Area Geary 11/19 JR,m:obs
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 11/23 JW
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 11/25 PJ
1, west of Latimer, Haden farm Morris 11/27 GH
Prairie Falcon 1, appropriate habitat, Elkhart Morton 8/6 TC
1, Leoti Wichita 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
1, Liberal Steward 9/4 KH, SG
1, northwest part of the county Pawnee 9/21 SS
2, rural area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
1, I-35 near Wellington exit Sumner 10/16 PJ
1, Stockdale area, Tuttle Creek Riley 10/22 ER
1, John Redmond Reservoir Coffey 11/13 MG,m:obs
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 11/17 BJ
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/17 MR
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Prairie Falcon 1, county line road Reno/Rice 11/25 PJ
Yellow Rail 1, below Clinton Lake Dam Douglas 10/9 MA,WCT,MO
Virginia Rail 4-6 in marsh, rural area Wallace 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
5, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/10 MR
Sora 1, Elkhart Cemetery Morton 9/5 PJ,KG
Sandhill Crane 1, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/15 JK,m:obs
Whooping Crane 1, first arrival, Quivira NWR Stafford 10/19 BJ
2, Waconda Lake, Boller Point Mitchell 11/8 HA (rep.)
6, causeway, south of Cawker City Mitchell 11/10 HA
19, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/11 CWo
1, last of season, Quivira NWR Stafford 11/26 BJ
Black-bellied Plover 2, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 8/5 GY,MT
1, Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 8/12 BM
60+, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/2 MR
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/10 MR
12, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/14 MR
American Golden-Plover 200, estimated, Milford Lake Geary 9/25 DW,EW
839, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/30 MT,GY
5, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/1 MR
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/10 MR
1, Cheney Reservoir Kingman 11/25 PJ
Snowy Plover 10, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 8/1 JW
15, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 8/1 JW
11, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/2 MR
1, Goose Refuge, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/18 PJ
Semipalmated Plover 6, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/6 KG,CM
5, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/28 JK,WCT
7, Goose Refuge Reno 9/18 PJ
10, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/13 SS
Piping Plover 2, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 8/1 JW
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 8/1 JW
1, Goose Refuge, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/18 PJ
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/13 SS
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/15 MR
American Avocet 300, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/5 MG,NA,WCT
500+, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/15 MR
450+, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/1, 5 MR,PJ,ER
Solitary Sandpiper Unreported number, rural area Logan* 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Willet Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Upland Sandpiper 1, rural area northeast of Udall Cowley 9/23 MT
Long-billed Curlew 1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/5 MG,NA,WCT,CF
1, fish hatchery ponds Pratt* 9/6 MR (rep.)
Marbled Godwit 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/18 KG
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/13 SS
Ruddy Turnstone 2, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/28 WCT, MG, NA
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/2 MR
Red Knot 1, Bloomington area, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/28 JK,WCT
1 imm., small lake west of Burrton Reno 8/28,29 PJ
Sanderling 3, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/6 KG,CM
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 8/26 GP
2, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/28 WCT,MG,NA,JK
` 1, Preisser Road, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/28 KG
6, Baker Wetlands Douglas 9/1 RB,DL
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/2 MR
1 imm., west side of Clinton Lake Douglas 9/10 JK
6, Clinton Lake Douglas 9/10 JW,IW
4, DeWeese area, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/11,18 PJ,KG
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/16 MR
9, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/18 PJ
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/23 BJ
1 juv., Bloomington Beach, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/2 JW
14, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 10/15 MR
Western Sandpiper 30+, at Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/2 MR
1, west side of Clinton Lake Douglas 9/10 JK
Least Sandpiper Several, appropriate environs Logan* 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
6, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/20 JK
2, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/25 JK,CF,MG
43, Cheney Reservoir Kingman 11/25 PJ
White-rumped Sandpiper <D> 1, appropriate habitat Reno 10/21 SF
Pectoral Sandpiper 1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/17 MR
Dunlin Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/1 MR
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barto 11/4,14 MR
1, appropriate habitat Kingman 11/16 MR
6, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/17 MR
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/20 JK
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 13, wet field Sedgwick 8/6 KG,CM
6, sod farm, north of Belle Plaine Sumner 8/7 LHi
10+, Pine Family sod farm Douglas 8/7 GP
1, sod farm east of St. Marys Pottawatomie 8/12 BM
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 2, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/28 JK,WCT
2, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/28 PJ,KG
3, small lake west of Burrton Reno 8/28 PJ
2, Preisser Road, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/28 KG
8, sod farm west of Rossville Shawnee 8/30 BM
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/2 MR
Unreported numbers, near Anthony Harper 9/3 TE
Unreported numbers, north of Harper Harper 9/3 TE
3, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/5 MG,NA,WCT
1 imm., west side of Clinton Lake Douglas 9/10 JK
2, Clinton Lake Douglas 9/10 JW,IW
2, Goose Refuge area Reno 9/11 PJ
1, DeWeese area Reno 9/18 KG
Short-billed Dowitcher Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,02 KOS
Long-billed Dowitcher 62, flooded areas, east of Wathena Doniphan 10/15 DC,BG
Wilson's Snipe 2, Tribune Greeley* 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
American Woodcock 1, near Cullison Pratt 11/14 SSO (rep.)
Wilson's Phalarope 1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/1 MR
2, Cattle Empire feedlot pond Haskell 11/6 PJ,ER
Red-necked Phalarope 2, Bloomington, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/30 BM,CMo
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/5 MG,NA,WCT
2, near dairy farm Riley 9/17 DR,DR
11, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/18 KG
Black-legged Kittiwake 1, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/5 JK
Sabine's Gull 1, Tuttle Creek dam area Riley 9/15 ER
2, near dairy farm Riley 9/17 DR
2 imm., Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/17 TC (rep.)
1, Tuttle Creek dam area Riley 9/25 DR
1, Wilson Lake Russell 9/30 JK,MA,CW
1 imm., Pratt County Lake Pratt 10/11 MR
1, Marion Reservoir Marion 10/22 KG,m:obs
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/5 JK
Laughing Gull 1, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/15 JK, m:obs
1, first cycle, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/21 JK,WCT
Mew Gull 1 ad., Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/20 PJ
California Gull 1 ad., Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/5 PJ,ER
Thayer's Gull 1, first cycle, I-35, Holiday Drive Johnson 11/27 MG
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 possible, Webster Reservoir Rooks 10/8 JVK
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Least Tern 2, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 8/1 JW
2, Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 8/12 DM
Common Tern 2, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 9/30 JK,MA,CW
1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 10/9 PJ
2, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/13 JK,MA,MO
Pomarine Jaeger 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/13 PJ
Long-tailed Jaeger <D> 1, dead, on dike, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 9/30 ML (rep.)
Long-billed Murrelet <D> 1, possible, Cedar Bluff Trego 11/25 LA
White-winged Dove 1, Row residence, Manhattan Riley 8/4 JR,DR
1, Janzen residence, Wichita Sedgwick 9/15 PJ
Inca Dove 1, Hugoton Stevens 9/3 PJ,m:obs
1, Miller residence Barton* 10/28 JM,RG
Barn Owl Adults with young, Wilson Ellsworth 8/2 MR
1, near Lehigh Marion 9/23 TW, m:obs
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
Eastern Screech-Owl 1, rural area Wichita* 10/29 HA
Snowy Owl 1, north of Abilene Dickinson 11/15 KR (rep.)
1, west part of county Dickinson 11/22 MBR
1, 3/4 mile east of Tuttle Creek Bridge Pottawatomie 11/27 RLH
1, Jeffrey Energy Center environs Pottawatomie 11/28,30 BM
1, TNC land, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 11/28 CWO (rep.)
1, Marion Reservoir Marion 11/30 PJ (rep.)
Burrowing Owl 1, along highway, north of St. John Stafford 11/1 MR
Long-eared Owl 1, hooting, northwest of Manhattan Riley 9/10 JR
1, near Griffin residence, Wichita Sedgwick 9/29 PG
1, rural area Lyon 11/13 MG,m:obs
Short-eared Owl 1, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/13 JK,MA,MO
1, northwest part of county Saline 11/6 KF
1, west of Derby Sedgwick 11/13 JC
Common Nighthawk 100, estimated, parking lot Sedgwick 9/11 CM
100, estimated, 19
and Tyler Road Sedgwick 9/19 GS
200, estimated, Derby Sedgwick 9/20 JC,KK
Common Poorwill 1 possible, Oak Park, Wichita Sedgwick 10/13 PG
Chimney Swift 770, estimated, roost in Galena Cherokee 9/11 LH
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1, McHenry residence, Wichita Sedgwick 11/22 PG (rep.)
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Black-chinned Hummingbird 2, Elkhart shelterbelt Morton 8/6 TC
1, unreported residence location Barton 8/29 RP
1 f., Larned residence Pawnee 8/29 DK
1, Giddens feeder, Elkhart Morton 9/3 PJ, m:obs
1 f., feeding juv. in Elkhart Morton 9/5 PJ,KG
1 possible f., Wedel residence Harvey* 9/15 RW
Anna's Hummingbird 1 possible, Row residence Riley 8/20 JR
Calliope Hummingbird 1 imm. m., Seltman residence Pawnee 8/3-07 SS, DS
1, Kazmaier residence Pawnee 8/4 DK
1, imm. m., convent gardens Barton* 8/13 JM,KE
1, imm. m., Oak Park, Wichita Sedgwick 8/20 PG
1 imm./f., at Seltman residence Pawnee 8/27 SS, DS
1, residence in Hays Ellis 8/29 TM
1, Giddens feeder, Elkhart Morton 9/3 PJ, m:obs
1 f.,feeder in Wilson Ellis 9/4 MR
1 f.,at feeder in Satana Haskell 9/17 MR (rep.)
1 imm., Armknecht residence Osborne 9/20 HA
Broad-tailed Hummingbird 1 ad. f., Larned residence Pawnee 8/30 DK
1 f., Pratt Education Center Pratt 9/6 MR
1 possible f., Armknecht residence Osborne 9/6 HA
1 ad. m. Pratt fish hatchery Pratt 9/15 MR,AA
2,feeder in Satana Haskell 9/17 MR (rep.)
Rufous Hummingbird 1 imm. m., Seltman residence Pawnee 8/4-7 SS, DS
1 imm. m., Larned residence Pawnee 8/20 DK
1 ad. m., McDavitt residence Sedgwick 8/25 BM,TM
1 imm. m., Minneola farm Clark* 8/24-26 GP
1 imm. m., Thompson residence Cowley 8/27 MT
1 imm., Rader residence Ellis 8/27 MR
1 imm., Armknecht residence Osborne 8/28 HA
1 m., unreported residence location Geary 8/29 CO (rep.)
1, unreported residence location Sedgwick 8/29 PG (rep.)
1, unreported residence location Barton 8/29 RP
1, Pratt fish hatchery Pratt 8/30 MR
1 imm. m., Larned residence Pawnee 8/29 DK
1, Giddens feeder, Elkhart Morton 9/3 PJ.m:obs
1 f., Seltman residence Pawnee 9/7 SS
Hairy Woodpecker 1, rural area, Rocky Mountain race Morton 8/6 TC
Pileated Woodpecker 2, DeWeese area, Cheney Reservoir Reno 8/6 JC
2, Ashland Bottoms Riley 9/12,23 JR
1, near Panek residence Kingman 9/10 MR (rep.)
Hammond's Flycatcher 1 probable, Tribune Greeley 8/12 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Cordilleran Flycatcher 1, Hugoton Stevens 9/3 PJ, m:obs
Eastern Phoebe 1, northeast of Ulysses Grant 10/31 SG,KH
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Say's Phoebe 1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 8/2 MR
3, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/23 BJ
1, Schwab residence Harvey 9/23 CS
Cassin's Kingbird 1, near recreation area Morton 9/5 PJ,K
Loggerhead Shrike Unusually high numbers Morton 9/5 PJ,KG
Northern Shrike 1, first of season, south part of county Graham 10/27 SS
1, rural area Wichita* 10/29 HA
1, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/30 MR,ER
1, rural area Graham 11/6 SS
1, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20 MR
1, Eisenhower Park area Osage 11/20 ML,EL
1, along Peace Road Reno 11/25 PJ
Cassin's Vireo 1, Elkhart shelter belt Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Philadelphia Vireo 1, Pratt fish hatchery offices Pratt 9/15 MR,AA
1, rural area Leavenworth 9/20 JB
Western Scrub-Jay 5, work station area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
1, Fort's Cedar View Grant 11/4 SG,KH
2-3, Fort's Cedar View Grant 11/6,29 PJ,ER,SG,KH
American Crow 100,000+, estimated, Wichita roost Sedgwick 11/30 PJ
Fish Crow Unreported numbers, south of Piqua Woodson 8/1 MM
Common Raven 2, Manter Stanton 9/4 PJ,KG
2, work station area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Purple Martin 2, rural area Greeley* 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Mountain Chickadee 1, Fort's Cedar View Grant 10/31 SG,KH
3, perhaps more, Fort's Cedar View Grant 11/6 PJ,ER
20, Fort's Cedar View Grant 11/11 SG,KH
Red-breasted Nuthatch 6, Elkhart Cemetery Morton 9/4 PJ, m:obs
Rock Wren 1, appropriate environs Wallace 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
1, appropriate environs Greeley 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
2, Schwab residence, Newton Harvey 10/16 CS
1, Inspiration Point, Camp Horizon Cowley 10/31 JC
Bewick's Wren 1, Nolan residence Butler 11/30 AN
Winter Wren 1, first of season, Cheney Reservoir Reno 10/30 PJ
Sedge Wren 1, rural area Jackson 8/21 CO
22, model airplane area, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/25 JK
1, Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge Phillips 9/11 GC,JM
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Sedge Wren Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
22+/-, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 10/3 ML
2, Baker Wetlands Douglas 10/6 DL,RB
Unreported number, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/8 JW,MA
3, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 10/11 ML
6+, model plane area, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/14 WCT
1, southeast of Wilson Ellsworth* 11/6 MR,JeR
1, dam area, Wilson Lake Russell 11/13 MR
Marsh Wren 1, Black Hoof Park, Lenexa Johnson 9/17 JW
3, Baker Wetlands Douglas 9/18 DL,RB
1, St. Marys area Pottawatomie 10/1 BM
2, Peace Road marsh Reno 10/1 PJ
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
Unreported number, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/8 JW,MA
4, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 10/11 ML
3, model plane area, Clinton Douglas 10/14 WCT
10+, sewage lagoon, Ulysses Grant 11/6 PJ,ER
4+, Frazier Park Grant 11/11 SG,KH
1, Wilson Lake dam area Russell 11/13 MR
6+, North of Arlington Reno 11/25 PJ
20, wetlands near Ulysses Grant 11/29 SG,KH
Mountain Bluebird 5, rural areas Harvey 10/23 RW
25, extreme east part of county Ford 10/25 SS
20+, south of Dorrance Russell 10/26 BB
18, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 10/30 MR,ER
2 small flocks, rural area(s) Graham* 11/6 SS
60, Minooka Park, Wilson Lake Russell 11/20 MR
Townsend's Solitaire 1, rural area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
1, Hart residence, Ulysses Grant 9/26 KH
1, drinking from stock tank Rush 10/5 SS
1, Hart residence, Ulysses Grant 10/8 KH
1, south of Kinsley Edwards* 10/30 HA
1, rural area Logan 11/5 PJ,ER
3, Fort's Cedar View Grant 11/6,29 PJ,ER,SG,KH
Hermit Thrush 1, Pratt fish hatchery offices Pratt 9/15 MR,AA
1, Hart residence, Ulysses Grant 9/21 KH
3, near Bollin residence Leavenworth 10/22 JB
A few, Oak Park Sedgwick 10/25,26 PG
Varied Thrush <D> 1, south of Kinsley Edwards* 10/30 HA
Sage Thrasher 1, south of Jaqua Cheyenne* 10/22 HA
Brown Thrasher 1, Wetlands Education Center Barton 11/3 JRa
Curve-billed Thrasher 1, along state line road Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Still present, Hugoton Cemetery Stevens 9/25 TC
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Cedar Waxwing 4, southeast corner Milford Lake Geary 8/26 CO
“Flocks,” Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 9/10 CH
American Pipit 1, Elkhart sewage ponds Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Sprague's Pipit 1, Indianola Road, rural area Butler 9/29 PJ
1, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 9/30 JK,MA,CW
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
1, rural area Rush 10/13 SS
Smith's Longspur 1, Wilson Lake Ellsworth 9/30 JK,MA,CW
5-6, rural area Allen* 10/18 MR
1, Kansas Land Trust property Geary 10/21 SR
Several in rural areas Elk/Chautauqua 10/31 JC
Unreported number, Clinton Lake Douglas 11/7 JK
200+, grassy areas Lyon 11/13 MG, m:obs
Unreported number, Cheney Reservoir Reno 11/13 PJ
4, flyover, Perry Lake Osage 11/13 JK,ER
McCown's Longspur 4, playa Sherman* 10/23 HA
1, perhaps more, Goodman Lake Ness 11/5 PJ,ER
20+, county line road near Ryus Haskell/Grant 11/6 PJ,ER
Snow Bunting 1, southeast part of county Rush 11/26 SS (rep.)
Ovenbird 1, Overland Park Arboretum Johnson 9/17 RR
Northern Waterthrush 1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 10/31 MHe,KHa
Blue-winged Warbler 1, Seltman residence Pawnee* 8/29 SS
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1, Yoder Point entrance road Reno 9/18 PJ
Connecticut Warbler 1, possible, Outlet Park Riley 8/14 JR
Mourning Warbler 1, Wichita residence Sedgwick 9/6 LM
Hooded Warbler 1, Elkhart shelterbelt Morton 9/5 PJ,KG
1, Sycamore Park McPherson 9/8 TW
Magnolia Warbler 1, banded in Hays Ellis 9/14 TM (rep.)
Blackburnian Warbler 1, east Clinton Lake area Douglas 8/25 JK
1, appropriate habitat Leavenworth 8/26 JB
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/30 DL
Blackpoll Warbler <D> 1, east Clinton Lake area Douglas 8/25 JK
Palm Warbler 1, Baker Wetlands Douglas 10/9 NL,HH
Pine Warbler 1, Seltman residence Pawnee* 9/13 SS
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Yellow-throated Warbler 1, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 8/21 CH,RJ
3, rural area Leavenworth 8/23 JB
1, rural area Leavenworth 9/10 JB
Townsend's Warbler 1, North Fork area Morton 9/3 PJ, m:obs
1, work station area Morton 9/3 PJ, m:obs
Black-throated Green Warbler 1, Oak Park, Wichita Sedgwick 8/10 PG
1, rural area Leavenworth 8/30 JB
1, Seltman residence Pawnee 9/9,21 SS
1, rural area Leavenworth 9/10 JB
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/12 BJ
1, Ernie Miller Nature Park Johnson 9/16 JW,IW
1, near Klema residence Russell 9/17 DKl
1, rural area Leavenworth 9/20 JB
1, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/25 CM,KG
1, north rural area in the county Sumner 10/2 LHi
1, northeast part of county Leavenworth 10/8 JB
Canada Warbler 1, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 9/3 CH
1, Missouri River bottoms Atchison* 9/7 JB
Eastern Towhee 1, singing, Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 8/16 BM
Cassin's Sparrow Singing/displaying males Wallace 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
Singing/displaying males Greeley 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
1, singing, rural area Marion 9/10 TW
Chipping Sparrow 1, feeding cowbird at nest, Newton Harvey 8/15 CS (rep.)
Lark Bunting 1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/5 MG,NA,WCT,CF
2, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 9/23 BJ
Baird's Sparrow 1, Smith Center sewage ponds Smith 9/24 MR
1, Nature Conservancy land Barton 10/2 MG,NA,JG
1, Crider Road, north of Highway 18 Geary 10/2 MA,CW,JK
Henslow's Sparrow 9, model airplane area, Clinton Douglas 8/25 JK
Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,2 KOS
1, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 10/3 ML
2, model plane area, Clinton Douglas 10/14 WCT
1, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 10/16 PJ
Le Conte's Sparrow 9, Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 10/3 ML
25+, model plane area, Clinton Douglas 10/14 WCT
12+, Shawnee County State Lake Shawnee 10/15 DM, m:obs
20, along Crider Road Geary 10/15 JR, m:obs
8, Baker Wetlands Douglas 10/30 RB,DL
1, southeast of Wilson Ellsworth* 11/6 MR,JeR,DKl
Nelson's Sparrow 1, below dam, Clinton Lake Douglas 10/8 JW,MA
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Nelson's Sparrow 1, model plane area, Clinton Douglas 10/14 WCT
1, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 10/16 PJ
Lincoln's Sparrow 20+, along Peace Road Reno 10/1 PJ
20 +/-, north rural areas in the county Sumner 10/2 LHi
Swamp Sparrow 2, sewage lagoon, Ulysses Grant 11/6 PJ,ER
25+, north of Arlington Reno 11/25 PJ
Scarlet Tanager 1 f., River Pond State Park Pottawatomie 9/10 JR, m:obs
1 possible f., Oak Park Sedgwick 9/10 PG
1, northeast part of county Leavenworth 10/8 JB
Western Tanager 1, Middle Spring, CNG Morton 9/4 PJ,m:obs
1, rural area Morton 9/25 TC,MHu
Black-headed Grosbeak 1, work station, CNG Morton 9/3 PJ & Others
Lazuli Bunting 1 f./imm., DeWeese, Cheney Reservoir Reno 9/11 PJ
1 imm., Larned residence Pawnee 9/16 DK(rep.)
1 along Peace Road, Arlington Reno 10/9 PJ
Bobolink 1, flyover, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/25 JK
Yellow-headed Blackbird 2, Tribune lagoons Greeley 8/13 PJ,MG,WCT,TE
2, flyover, Clinton Lake Douglas 8/25 JK
Brewer's Blackbird Unreported number, rural area(s) Barton/Stafford 10/1,02 KOS fm
Baltimore Oriole 1, Roy residence, Minneapolis Ottawa 11/27 DRo,KR
Pine Siskin 1, southeast corner, Milford Lake Geary 8/26 CO
1, Basehor Leavenworth 10/17 CH
Underlined dates, locations or comments indicates unusual, late or early sightings.
Underlined species indicates unusual species.
Underlined species in bold indicates species with no records or fewer that 10 records for Kansas.
•<D> indicates documentation was submitted to Kansas Bird Records Committee.
Abbreviations: adult (ad.),
Cimarron National Grassland
(CNG), female (f.), asterisk, first
county record (*), immature
(imm.), juvenile (juv.), Kansas
Ornithological Society fall
meeting (KOS), male (m.),
multiple observers (m:obs),
reporting (rep.), residence (res.),
species (sp.). The Nature
Conservancy (TNC).
Observers: Nic Allen,
Mike Andersen, Leif Anderson,
Henry Armknecht, Aaron
Austin, John Bollin, Roger
Boyd, Doris Burnett, Bill Busby,
Warren Buss, Ted Cable, Jeff
Calhoun, Glenn Caspers, Donna
Chance, Nancy Clark, Will
Chatfield-Taylor, Karole
Erikson, Tom Ewert, Chris
Fagyal, Kat Farres, Sean
Fitzpatrick, Gregg Friesen, Brent
Galliart, Jenny Gearheart, Matt
Gearheart, Paul Griffin, Kevin
Groeneweg, Sam Guy, Gary
Haden, Kellye Hart, Mike
Heaney, Craig Hensley,
Lawrence Herbert, Karl Herold
(KHe), Mary Herold (MHe),
Helen Hewins, Leon Hicks,
Ruth Lynn Hooper, Mike
Hudson (MHu), Pete Janzen,
Barry Jones, Rick Jordahl,
Donnie Kazmaier, Jon King,
Karen Klein, Dave Klema
(DKl), Jonathon Vande Kopple,
Dan Larson, Eileen Land, Mark
Land, Nancy Leo, Brandon
Magette, Jim Malcolm, Linda
Mallonee, Terry Mannell, Billie
McDavitt, Tom McDavitt,
Kathy McDowell, Debra
McKee, Mary McNett, Cheryl
Miller, Jay Miller, David Mills,
Carol Morgan (CMo), Atcha
Nolan, John Northrup, John
O'Neill, Marco Ortiz, Chuck
Otte, Michael Pearce, Robert
Penner, Galen Pittman, Jean
Rader (JeR), Jennifer Rader
(JRa), Mike Rader, Ed Raynor,
Robert Reed, Dave Rintoul,
Mark Blair Robbins, Steve
Roels, John Row, Dave Roy
(DRo), Kathie Roy, Rosella
Royer (RRo), Carolyn Schwab,
Diane Seltman, Scott Seltman,
Steve Sorensen, Greg Stuhlsatz,
Dan Thalman, Max Thompson,
Richard Tucker, Rod Wedel,
Tristan Weinbrenner, David
Williams, Evelyn Williams,
Isaac Witters, Jeff Witters,
Chris Wood, Curtis Wolf
(CWo), Gloria Wolf, Rodney
Wright, Gene Young.
KOS welcomes birders of
all ages, and now something
special will be offered for youth
at the fall KOS meeting in
Winfield, September 28-30.
Birders ages 6-17 may
participate in a program
designed for their interests
while adults attend the Saturday
paper session. Activities will be
age appropriate. The parent of a
young birder will pay a $5
registration fee, which includes
the Friday reception and Sunday
field trips. Meals are not
included. Parents aren't required
to attend the youth program, but
may join others for the adult
Young birders are also
welcome to join KOS. Generous
donors have contributed some
money for youth memberships.
Contact Chuck Otte
([email protected]) for more
Calling all young birders,
ages 6-17!
It’s been a fun eight years,
but Cheryl Miller is ready to let
someone else edit the Horned
Lark. Her last issue will be
December 2012. Contact Cheryl
Chuck Otte ([email protected]) for
more information.
Horned Lark
editor needed
Statement of non-profit
status and copyright: The
Kansas Ornithological Society is a
501(c) 3 organization created for the
study, conservation and enjoyment
of wild birds. The Horned Lark is the
membership newsletter of the society
and all material contained herein is
Observers, cont.
Kansas winter season roundup
December 1, 2011 – February 29, 2012
Mark Corder, compiler
It was the winter of the Snowy Owl. Kansas,
like many northern U.S. states, enjoyed an invasion
of these impressive, ghost-like owls. At the time of
this writing, the Kansas Snowy Owl invasion map
on the Kansas Ornithological Society's website had
131 records. Allowing for some duplications, this
total far surpasses the 81 sightings made during the
last invasion winter of 1974–1975. Also
widespread, these owls appeared in more than one-
half of the 105 counties in the state.
Tundra and Trumpeter Swans showed in good
numbers during the period. A flock of up to 41
Trumpeters was present in rural Shawnee County
for more than a month. As many as 10 Tundras
were seen together in Geary County on January 26
and three were seen much farther west in Rush
County on January 13. All three North American
scoters were recorded during the period. An even
greater rarity—a Yellow-billed Loon found in late
January at Tuttle Creek Reservoir—stayed around
long enough to be seen by many observers. And,
probably a result of the incredibly mild weather,
American White Pelicans were seen in every month
with a flock of 217 found in Cherokee County on a
single day in February.
Merlins and Prairie Falcons were in the state in
impressive numbers. However, the best find in the
falcon group was a Gyrfalcon in late December in
Russell County. Single bird reports of Golden
Eagle came from seven counties with one bird
wandering as far east as Douglas County. Ninety-
two Bald Eagles were reported during the Great
Backyard Bird Count weekend in mid-February. A
total of 117 Ferruginous Hawks was compiled on
the combined Christmas Bird Counts, as were 112
Rough-legged Hawks during the same period.
Three Whooping Cranes lingered at Cheyenne
Bottoms into mid-January. Seven species of
shorebirds made the data list including two Greater
Yellowlegs in the Derby area in mid-February—
further attestation of the effect of the extremely
mild weather conditions. Six unusual gull species
wandered into the state including one each of Black
-legged Kittiwake and Great Black-backed Gull.
Good numbers of Glaucous and Thayer's Gulls
were reported from multiple locales.
Other notables include an over-wintering
Rufous Hummingbird in Johnson County, a Say's
Phoebe in Ellsworth County, more than 1,000
American Robins on the Webster Reservoir
Christmas count, a Sage Thrasher in Elkhart, a
Green-tailed Towhee in Wyandotte County, a
documented Rufous-crowned Sparrow in Russell
County and nine Common Redpolls from six
Finally, the observer list this past winter
exceeded 110 dedicated Kansas birders. Many
thanks to all and keep on birding.
Mark Corder may be reached at
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Greater White-fronted Goose 218, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
5,150, Derby/Belle Plaine CBC Sedgwick 1/8 JC (rep.)
Cackling Goose 577, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/1 MT,GY
1,050, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/6 MT
5,768, Derby/Belle Plaine CBC Sedgwick 1/8 JC (rep.)
Trumpeter Swan 5 ads., Shawnee Mission Park Johnson 12/8 ML
1, extreme south part of county Sedgwick 12/11 TH
6, east of Rossville Shawnee 12/11 MG,NA
4, in field south of Perry Lake Jefferson 12/11 MG,NA
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Trumpeter Swan 2, near Lecompton exit, I-70 Douglas 12/13 RJ
3, Perry CBC Jefferson 12/18 MC,EC
31-41, east of Rossville Shawnee 12/21,1/28 CMo
2, Red Hills CBC Barber 12/29 PJ (rep.)
4, north of Strong City Chase* 1/4 BSa,AE
1, Derby/Belle Plaine CBC Sumner 1/8 JC (rep.)
5, Kill Creek Park Johnson 1/27 MG
3, west of Clay Center Clay 2/9 CWo
4, rural area, north of St. Marys Pottawatomie 2/10 BM
8, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 2/11 HA
3, Lassiter Marsh Jefferson 2/17 BM
Tundra Swan 3, Baker Wetlands Douglas 12/13 RB
2, Udall/Winfield CBC Cowley 12/18 MT (rep.)
3, Perry CBC Jefferson 12/18 MC,EC
3, rural area Rush 1/13 SS
2, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 1/25 BJ
10, Grandview Plaza sewage ponds Geary 1/26 CO
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/29,2/14 SS,DB
1, rural area, north of St. Marys Pottawatomie 2/10 BM
6, 3 miles south of Quivira NWR Stafford 2/19 KG,PJ
Wood Duck 2, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
3, southwest of Hays Ellis 1/1 TM
Gadwall 71, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
American Wigeon 79, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
American Black Duck 1, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 12/12 JB
1, Baldwin CBC Douglas 12/18 m:obs
1 probable, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 12/27 PJ
1, Perry Lake Jefferson 1/1 ML,MG,NA,CF
1, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 1/4 JB
1, Shawnee Lake Shawnee 1/22 CMo
2, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 1/23 MG
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 2/5 JK
Blue-winged Teal 2, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
Northern Pintail 92, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
2, southwest of Hays Ellis 1/1 TM
5,955, on GBBC multiple 2/17-20 m:obs
10,000 +/-, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 2/29 RP
Green-winged Teal 53, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
Canvasback 7, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
17, State Park Cove, Wilson Lake Russell 1/1 MR
14, near Benton Butler 1/5 AN
180, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 1/14 PJ
8, south of Cawker City Mitchell 1/19 MR
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Canvasback 3, rural area Ellis 1/21 TM,SM
6, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 1/22 GS
300, Milford Lake Geary 2/16 CWo
Redhead 34, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
54, Holton CBC Jackson 1/3 DL (rep.)
1, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
22, Lenexa Lake Johnson 1/23 MG
15, Patterson Marsh Harvey 2/8 PJ
350+,Wilson Lake area Russell 2/18 MR,ER,JR
Ring-necked Duck 45, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
1, southwest of Hays Ellis 1/1 TM
2, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
180+, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 1/14 PJ
75, south of Cawker City Mitchell 1/19 MR
Greater Scaup 10, LaFarge sandpits, Wichita Sedgwick 12/4 JK,MA
3, Council Grove CBC Morris 1/8 GC (rep.)
Surf Scoter 1 f., Cheney Reservoir Reno 12/4 PJ
White-winged Scoter 1 juv., Cheney Reservoir Reno 12/4 PJ
1, Wilson State Lake Russell 12/24 MR
Black Scoter 2, Wilson State Lake Russell 12/24 MR
Long-tailed Duck 1, LaFarge sandpits, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
2, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Kanopolis Lake marina Ellsworth 1/14 TM
<D> 1, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 2/1 JB
Barrow’s Goldeneye 1, northwest Wichita Sedgwick 12/14 TE,CS
1, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
Hooded Merganser 175, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/6 MT
73, Arkansas City CBC Cowley 12/24 GY (rep.)
185, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 12/27 PJ
328, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
Red-breasted Merganser 18, Melvern Reservoir Osage 12/23 MG
3, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
1, lakes at Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 2/27 BM
Ruddy Duck 5, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Slate Creek Wetlands CBC Sumner 12/21 MT (rep.)
15, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 12/27 PJ
2, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
1, Wyandotte County Lake Wyandotte 1/4 JB
27, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 1/4 PJ
Wild Turkey 518, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Pacific Loon 1, LaFarge sandpits, Wichita Sedgwick 12/4 JK,MA
1, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
Common Loon 1, LaFarge sandpits, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
2, Perry CBC Jefferson 12/18 DL
12, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
4, Council Grove CBC Morris 1/8 GC (rep.)
2, near Cable residence Riley/Pottawatomie 1/30 TC
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 2/12 JK
Yellow-billed Loon <D> 1, near Cable residence Riley*/Pottawatomie 1/30-31 TC, m:obs
Pied-billed Grebe 1, LaFarge sandpits Sedgwick 1/4 PJ
Horned Grebe 2, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/1 MT,GY
6, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
2, Perry Lake Jefferson 1/5 GP
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 2/25 MG,JK
Eared Grebe 1, Emporia CBC Lyon 12/18 m:obs
Western Grebe 2, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/1,06 MT
6, Minooka Park Russell 12/4 MR,DKl
Clark’s Grebe 2, Minooka Park Russell 12/4 MR,DKl
American White Pelican 1, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
1, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
15, John Redmond Reservoir Coffey 12/23 MG
2, Junction City CBC Geary 12/26 CO (rep.)
2, River Pond area, Tuttle Creek Pottawatomie 1/1 JR
1, Perry Lake Jefferson 1/5 GP
2, Stone sandpit Barton 1/8 RG
14, Clinton Lake Douglas 1/12 MA,JK
1, Cheney Wildlife Area Reno 1/29 PJ
8, Milford Lake Geary 2/2 CWo
125+, Missouri River bottoms Atchison 2/12 JB
2, near Lyndon Osage 2/13 BBu
270, Riverton area Cherokee 2/17 LH
American Bittern 1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/17 RG
Great Blue Heron 30, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/2 MR
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 imm., Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/2 MR
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/9 RG
Turkey Vulture 1, north Lawrence Douglas 2/12 MRo
Osprey 1, Lyon County State Lake Lyon 12/3 PJ
Bald Eagle 92, GBBC multiple sites 2/17-20 m:obs
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Northern Harrier 120+, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/3 MR
1,281, combined CBCs multiple sites Dec.–Jan. m:obs
50+, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/18 MR
Northern Goshawk 1, Olsburg CBC Pottawatomie 12/16 m:obs
1, Manhattan CBC Riley/Pottawatomie 12/17 DR (rep.)
Ferruginous Hawk 11, Ulysses environs Grant 12/12 SG,KH
117, combined CBCs multiple sites Dec.–Jan. m:obs
Rough-legged Hawk 112, combined CBCs multiple sites Dec.–Jan. m:obs
Golden Eagle 1, northeast of Ulysses Grant 12/16 SG
1, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
1, east of Maple Hill Wabaunsee 12/30 JKe
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 1/2 EP,LM
1, near Ford Ford 1/18 MR
1, between Minooka and Hell Creek Russell 2/5 TM,SM
1, south of Schulte Sedgwick 2/15 JC
Merlin 4, rural areas, Quivira NWR and CB Stafford/Barton 12/4-5 JM
1, Ulysses environs Grant 12/12 SG,KH
5, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
1, rural area Seward 12/17 SG,KH
1, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
2, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Waconda CBC Mitchell 12/22 HA (rep.)
1, rural area Osborne 12/22 SS
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/22 SS
1, residential area, Wichita Sedgwick 12/26 SSe
1, rural area Russell 12/30 MR,ER
1, east of Webster Rooks 1/7 TM,SM
2, Marion CBC Marion 1/7 TE (rep.)
3, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/18 MR
1, near Newton airport Harvey 1/18 PG
1, near Heritage Park Johnson 1/21 JW, m:obs
1, rural area Ellis 1/21 TM,SM
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 1/25 BJ
1, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 2/1 TB
1, rural area Osborne 2/11 MR
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 2/17 MR
1, Wilson Lake area Russell 2/18 MR,ER,JR
Gyrfalcon <D> 1, north of Wilson Russell 12/30 MR,ER
Peregrine Falcon 1, Ulysses CBC Grant* 12/31 KH (rep.)
4, combined CBCs multiple sites Dec.–Jan. m:obs
Prairie Falcon 1, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 12/2 MT
1, Marion Reservoir Marion 12/4 GF
1, East Lake Park Harvey 12/11 KG
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Prairie Falcon 1, Ulysses environs Grant 12/12 SG,KH
1, rural area Grant 12/17 SG,KH
1, Manhattan CBC Riley 12/17 DR (rep.)
1, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Shawnee State Fishing Lake Shawnee 12/21 CMo
1, west of Quivira NWR Stafford 12/24 SS
1, north of Wichita Sedgwick 1/1 DKe
1, southeast corner of county Saline 1/2 KF
2, northwest part of county Saline 1/6 KF
1, extreme southwest part of county Douglas 1/6 GP,MMc
2, Marion CBC Marion 1/7 TE (rep.)
1, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
1, rural area Ottawa 1/7 DRo,KR
1, county line road Harvey/Butler 1/15 GS
3, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 2/16 RP
1, 7 miles east of Wilson Ellsworth 2/22 DKl
Virginia Rail 1, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
1, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
Sandhill Crane 1, 135th and Gardner Road Johnson 12/24 JW
Whooping Crane 1, lingering at Quivira NWR Stafford 12/11-19 BJ,MR
3, southwest of Holyrood Ellsworth 12/14-17 MR,RP,CW,DKl
3, south of Ellinwood Stafford 12/27 JMi
3, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/13-14 RG,SS
Black-bellied Plover 2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/2 MR
Killdeer 21, Derby/Belle Plaine CBC Sedgwick/Sumner 1/8 JC (rep.)
Greater Yellowlegs 8, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/2 MR
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/16 RG
1, Calhoun residence, Derby Sedgwick 12/26,1/7 JC
1, Council Grove CBC Morris 1/8 GC (rep.)
2, near Calhoun residence, Derby Sedgwick 2/16 JC
Least Sandpiper 5, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/1 MT,GY
6, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
1, Hillsdale Lake Miami 2/19 MG,CF
Baird’s Sandpiper 1, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/1 MT,GY
Dunlin 1, Winfield City Lake Cowley 12/1 MT,GY
1, Udall/Winfield CBC Cowley 12/18 MT (rep.)
Wilson’s Snipe 3, Arkansas City CBC Cowley 12/24 GY (rep.)
Black-legged Kittiwake 1, Perry Lake Jefferson 2/19,23 JK,WCT
Bonaparte’s Gull 1, Hillsdale Lake Miami 2/19 MG,CF
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Franklin’s Gull 1, Perry Lake Jefferson 2/25 MG,JK
California Gull 1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/2 MR
1 ad., Wichita Point, Cheney Reservoir Reno 12/4 KG
Thayer’s Gull 1 juv., Wichita Point, Cheney Reservoir Reno 12/4 KG
1, Manhattan CBC Riley 12/17 DR (rep.)
1, Waconda CBC Mitchell 12/22 HA(rep.)
1, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/3 MR
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 1/12 MA,JK
2, south of Cawker City Mitchell 1/19 MR
1, Cheney Wildlife Area Reno 1/29 PJ
1, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 1/31 TC
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 2/5 JK
1, Kaw Point Riverfront Park Wyandotte 2/14 MG
1, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 2/25 MG,JK
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1, Clinton Lake marina Douglas 1/1 ML,MG,NA,CF
1, Cheney Wildlife Area Reno 1/29 PJ
2, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 1/31 TC,TB,CVB
Glaucous Gull 2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/16 MR
1, Melvern Reservoir Osage 12/17 AN
1, Waconda CBC Mitchell 12/22 HA (rep.)
1, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
1, south of Cawker City Mitchell 1/19 MR
1, Wilson Lake Russell 1/23 DKl
2, Waconda area Mitchell 1/29 ERa,DBu
2, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 1/31 TC,CVB
1, Perry Lake Jefferson 2/5 ML, m:obs
1, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 2/10 ERa
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 2/17 MR
Great Black-backed Gull <D> 1, Tuttle Creek Riley/Pottawatomie 2/1 WCT, m:obs
White-winged Dove 2, Nondorf residence, Wilson Ellsworth 1/2 MR (rep.)
1, Derby/Belle Plaine CBC Sumner 1/8 JC (rep.)
1, Dickens and Seth Childs Riley 2/8 LJ
Greater Roadrunner 1, Winfield, Southwestern College Cowley 2/6 MT
2, rural areas Barber 2/17 JC
Snowy Owl 1, dam area, Marion Reservoir Marion 12/1 TW,BH
1, Jeffrey Energy Center Pottawatomie 12/2 BM (rep.)
1, Bolton Wildlife Area Wabaunsee 12/6 TC (rep.)
1, rural area Butler 12/10 RW
1, west side of Centralia Lake Nemaha 12/10 THa (rep.)
1, near 300 and C Road Smith 12/17 MR (rep.)
1, west of Centralia Lake Nemaha 12/17 MP (rep.)
2, flats north of Big Salt Marsh, QNWR Stafford 12/18 BJ
1, east of Newton Harvey/Butler 12/18 KM,MM,BMc,TMc
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
1, field west of St. John Stafford 12/19 MPH
1, Waconda CBC Osborne 12/22 HA (rep.)
1, south of Linn Washington 12/22 DT (rep.)
1, west Silver Lake lagoons Shawnee 12/23 DM
1, north of Glade Phillips 12/24 HA (rep.)
1, near Gaylord Phillips 12/24 HA (rep.)
1, south of Osborne Osborne 12/25 MR
1, south of Webster Reservoir Rooks 12/26 MR (rep.)
1, dam area, Milford Lake Geary 12/28 RD
2, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 12/28 BS
1, south of Havensville Pottawatomie 12/29 BM (rep.)
1, north of Collyer Trego 12/29 TM (rep.)
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 12/30 KW
1, northeast part of county Dickinson 12/30 CO (rep.)
1, John Redmond CBC Coffey 12/31 MG (rep.)
1, northwest of Hanston Hodgeman 1/1 DS
1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/2 BB,PB
1, south of Cheney State Park Reno 1/4 MR (rep.)
1, Coffey County State Lake Coffey 1/4 MR (rep.)
1, Konza area Riley 1/4 DR (rep.)
1, Clinton Lake (second bird) Douglas 1/4 GP
2, rural area Butler 1/5 PG
3, dam area, Clinton Lake Douglas 1/6 MA
1, Kansas Speedway Wyandotte 1/6 GP (rep.)
1, extreme southwest part of county Douglas 1/6 GP,MMc
1, north of Kirwin Reservoir Phillips 1/7 TM,SM
1-2, Pool 2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/7 RG
1, north of Sylvan Grove Lincoln 1/7 BM
2, Marion CBC Marion 1/7 CM,KG
1, extreme southwest part of county Stafford 1/7 CO (rep.)
1, northwest of Cheney Reservoir Reno 1/8 BG (rep.)
2, east of Russell on I-70 Russell 1/9 MR
<D> 1, Konza area Riley 1/12 BSa
1, east of Colyer Trego 1/13 CO (rep.)
1, rural area Saline 1/13 KF,DF
4, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/15-29 SS
1, rural area Miami 1/15 VO,AO
1, 4 miles south of Hunter Lincoln 1/15 MP
1, northwest area of Lawrence Douglas 1/18 BBu
1, south of rodeo grounds Ellis 1/19 TM (rep.)
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 1/25 BJ
1, along Twin Mounds Road Pottawatomie 1/29 DR
1, Maneuver Area D, Fort Riley Riley 2/1 JK
1, near Colwich Sedgwick 2/4 JC (rep.)
1, Lucas swim beach, Wilson Lake Russell 2/5 TM,SM
1, rural area Cherokee 2/9 RM
1, near Bourbon and 286th Streets Atchison 2/18 DL
1, 7 miles east of Wilson Ellsworth 2/22 DKl
Long-eared Owl 10, Arkansas City CBC Cowley 12/24 GY (rep.)
1, Marion CBC Marion 1/7 TE(rep.)
6, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Long-eared Owl 3, Lucas Park, cedar grove Russell 2/5 DKl,MMG,RS
Short-eared Owl 1, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 12/9 RG
1, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 12/20,23 PG
2, northwest part of county Saline 1/6 KF
1, on post, north of Melvern Osage 1/6 GP,MMc
8, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
1, Perry Lake Jefferson 1/8 AM
2, northwest of Oswego Labette 1/17 RT
7, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 2/11 HA
Rufous Hummingbird 1, over-wintering at residence Johnson 1/11 DS (rep.)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker 1, Ulysses CBC Grant 12/31 KH (rep.)
Say’s Phoebe 1, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
Loggerhead Shrike 5, rural areas Coffey/Anderson 12/23 MG
Northern Shrike 1, along Sego Road Reno 12/5 JMc
1, Manhattan CBC Riley 12/17 DR (rep.)
3, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Waconda CBC Mitchell 12/22 DL
1, rural area Coffey 12/23 MG
1, rural area Anderson* 12/23 MG
1, rural area Nemaha* 12/31 RR
1, Marion CBC Marion 1/7 TE (rep.)
1, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
1, 8 miles south of Frankfort Marshall 1/22 BSa
1, Cheney Wildlife Area Reno 1/29 PJ
1, southwest of Larned Pawnee 1/31 SS
Western Scrub-Jay 2, Fort’s Cedar View Grant 12/12 SG,KH
1, Ulysses CBC Grant 12/31 KH (rep.)
3, Cimarron National Grasslands Morton 12/31 SP (rep.)
Chihuahuan Raven 3, Cimarron National Grasslands Morton 12/31 SP (rep.)
Common Raven 2, work station, north of Elkhart Morton 12/31 SP (rep.)
Bewick’s Wren 1 possible, at Nolan residence Butler 12/1 AN
Winter Wren 1, Overland Park Arboreteum Johnson 12/1 RTR,RW
1, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Arkansas City CBC Cowley 12/24 GY (rep.)
1, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
3, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
Marsh Wren Unreported number, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 12/2 MT
15, Ulysses environs Grant 12/12 SG,KH
4, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Marsh Wren 18, Red Hills CBC Barber 12/29 PJ (rep.)
2, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
2, Wilson Lake dam area Russell 1/15 MR
4, Ulysses sewage ponds Grant 1/25 KH,SG
2, Cheyenne Bottoms Barton 1/29 SS,DB
1, below dam, Wilson Lake Russell 2/5 TM,SM
Mountain Bluebird 1, Slate Creek Wetlands CBC Sumner 12/21 MT (rep.)
60 +/-, rural areas Barber 2/17 JC
55, Wilson Lake area Russell 2/18 MR,ER,JR
Townsend’s Solitaire 1, Leo residence, Prairie Village Johnson 12/21 NL
1, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
2, Fort’s Bed and Breakfast Grant 1/25 KH,SG
1, below dam, Wilson Lake Russell 2/19 DKl
Hermit Thrush 2, Wichita CBC Sedgwick 12/17 KG (rep.)
3, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Arkansas City CBC Cowley 12/24 GY (rep.)
1, Derby/Belle Plaine CBC Sumner 1/8 JC (rep.)
3, Cedar Lake dam area Johnson 1/24 WE,RW
1, Cheney Wildlife Area Reno 1/29 PJ
1, Caspers residence Shawnee 1/29 GC
1, Antioch Park Johnson 2/28 NA
American Robin 824, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1,015, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
Sage Thrasher 1, near baseball park, Elkhart Morton 12/31 SP (rep.)
Brown Thrasher 1, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
1, Butler State Fishing Lake Butler 2/19 JK
American Pipit 1, Manhattan CBC Riley 12/17 DR (rep.)
1, Clinton Lake Douglas 2/5,25 JK
Chestnut-collared Longspur 2, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
1, rural area Ellsworth 2/27 CWd,BSu
Smith’s Longspur 8, Blanchard Avenue Reno 1/8 JMi
2, Council Grove Lake Morris* 2/25 MG,JK
Snow Bunting 1, Lorraine area Ellsworth 2/27 CWd,BSu
Orange-crowned Warbler 1, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
Green-tailed Towhee 1, Kansas City, Kansas residence Wyandotte 2/16 MST (rep.)
Spotted Towhee 27, Webster Reservoir CBC Rooks 12/28 MR (rep.)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow 2, Red Hills CBC Barber 12/29 PJ (rep.)
<D> 1, Wilson Lake Russell 1/13-2/17 DKl
Species Number and location County Date Observers(s)
Chipping Sparrow 1, Wilson Lake dam area Russell 1/15 MR
Vesper Sparrow 1, rural area Barber 2/26 CWd,BSu
Lark Bunting 1, Ulysses CBC Grant 12/31 KH (rep.)
1, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Stafford 1/15 BJ
1, north of K-State campus, Manhattan Riley 2/13 TC,JS
Savannah Sparrow 90, Slate Creek Wetlands Sumner 12/2 MT
35, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
40+, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
8, Holton CBC Jackson 1/3 DL (rep.)
3, rural area Ellis 1/21 TM,SM
25, Cheney Wildlife Area Reno 1/29 PJ
16, Baker Wetlands Douglas 2/1 DL (rep.)
LeConte’s Sparrow 25+, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
2, Red Hills CBC Barber 12/29 PJ (rep.)
1, rural area Harvey 1/24 JG
1, Baker Wetlands Douglas 2/17 DL (rep.)
Indigo Bunting 1, Mill Creek Streamway Johnson 12/18 MG
Red-winged Blackbird 1.5 million (est.), Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
4.7 million, combined CBCs multiple sites Dec.–Jan. m:obs
Yellow-headed Blackbird 2, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
Brewer’s Blackbird 35, Quivira CBC Stafford 12/14 MR (rep.)
1, Lawrence CBC Douglas 12/18 GP (rep.)
1,000, Fall River CBC Greenwood 12/29 MT (rep.)
762, Blackwolf CBC Ellsworth 1/7 MR (rep.)
Great-tailed Grackle 2,000+/-, mostly at landfill Seward 12/17 SG,KH
Baltimore Oriole 1, Roy residence Ottawa 12/11-1/17 DRo,KR
Common Redpoll 4, Penner residence, near CB Barton 12/4 RP
1, Holton CBC Jackson 1/3 DL (rep.)
1, King residence, Lawrence Douglas 1/7 JK
1, Johnson residence, Manhattan Riley 1/12 LJ
1, Oldfather residence Pottawatomie 1/17 KO
1, Gish residence, Topeka Shawnee 2/17 DG
Pine Siskin 1, Wilson Lake CBC Russell 12/18 MR (rep.)
1, Liggett residence, Lawrence Douglas 1/7 JL
Underlined dates, locations or comments indicates unusual, late or early sightings.
Underlined species indicates unusual species.
Underlined species in bold indicates species with no records or fewer that 10 records for Kansas.
<D> indicates documentation was submitted to Kansas Bird Records Committee.
Abbreviations: adult (ad.),
Christmas Bird Count (CBC),
estimate (est.), female (f.), first
county record (*), Great
Backyard Bird Count (GBBC),
immature (imm.), juvenile
(juv.), male (m.), multiple
observers (m:obs), National
Wildlife Reserve (NWR)
reporting (rep.), species (sp.).
Observers: Nic Allen,
Mike Andersen, Henry
Armknecht, Tim Barksdale,
John Bollin, Jan Boyd, Roger
Boyd, Bob Broyles, Patricia
Broyles, Dave Bryan, Bill Busby
(BBu), Doris Burnett (DBu),
Ted Cable, Jeff Calhoun, Glenn
Caspers, Elaine Corder, Mark
Corder, Rick Dykstra, Wayne
Elder, Amy Erickson, Tom
Ewert, Chris Fagyal, Dennis
Farres, Kat Farres, Gregg
Friesen, Matt Gearheart, Dan
Gish, Rob Graham, Bob Gress,
Paul Griffin, Kevin Groeneweg,
Joe Gryzbowki, Sam Guy, Mary
Pat Haddican, Tyler Harms
(THa), Kellye Hart, Lawrence
Herbert, Leon Hicks (LHi),
Tyler Hicks, Bob Hoopes, Pete
Janzen, Lowell Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Barry Jones, Jeff
Keating, Daniel Kerr, Jon King,
Dave Klema (DKl), Mark Land,
Dan Larson, Nancy Leo, Jane
Liggett, Brandon Magette,
Robert Mangile, Sam Mannell,
Terry Mannell, Andrea May,
Billie McDavitt (BMc), Tom
McDavitt (TMc), Mike McGhee
(MMG), Mick McHugh (MMc),
Jeff McIntyre, Debra McKee,
Cheryl Miller, Joe Miller, Kay
Miller, Max Miller, Carol
Morgan (CMo), Lynette
Mueller, Atcha Nolan, Aureta
O’Conner, Vondie O’Conner,
Kathleen Oldfather, Chuck Otte,
Eve Parks, Sebastian Patti,
Michael Pearce, Robert Penner,
Galen Pittman, Ellen Rader,
Jenn Rader, Mike Rader, Ed
Raynor (ERa), Robert T. Reed,
Dave Rintoul, Mark Robbins
(MRo), Dave Roy (DRo), Kathie
Roy, Rosella Royer, Brett
Sandercock (BSa), David Seibel,
Steve Seibel (SSe), Scott
Seltman, Jim Shroyer, Daniel
Smith, Roger Schultz, Mike
Stoakes (MSt), Greg Stuhlsatz,
Chuck Streker, Brian Sullivan
(BSu), Bill Sutton, Will
Chatfield-Taylor, Dan
Thalmann, Max Thompson,
Rick Tucker, Curt Van Boening,
Kip Walters, Rod Wedel Jeff
Witters, Calvin Wohler (CWo),
Chris Wood (CWd), Curtis
Wolf, Rodney Wright (RW),
Gene Young.
Flocks of migrating Long-billed Curlews pass through a narrow corridor near Garden City mid-March through early
April. On March 30, an estimated 1,400 flew over or came to roost in fields with irrigation structures on the Kearny/
Finney County line. The birds vocalized frequently and were mostly undisturbed by human gawkers. © Sara Shane.
By Dan Severson
When I arrived on the refuge
in 2008, the Quivira National
Wildlife Refuge staff began
working on the new
Comprehensive Conservation
Plan. This document will guide
refuge management and lay a
framework for the next 15 years.
Presently, staff are focused
on removal of invasive plants:
cedars, Russian olives, salt
cedars and other shrubs. Staff
have also started work on the
phragmites, an invasive reed-like
plant, in the Little Salt Marsh.
They have burned the unit,
fenced it, and put cattle in to
graze the phragmites and
cattails. Staff will continue to
work on the rest of east side of
the marsh. All of the changes
occurring at the refuge fall under
the old plan, and we have made
many habitat improvements to
The staff and core planning
team held several meetings since
starting on the new CCP,
including three scoping meetings
to solicit input from the public.
We have worked with several
groups to draft or complete
reports including Water
Resources Inventory and
Assessment; HydroGeoMorphic
Analysis; Invasive Species
Inventory; and Quivira NWR
Visitor Survey. Because water,
both surface and groundwater, is
the lifeblood of Quivira, we
needed to fully understand how
the ecosystem worked in order
to develop alternatives and
choose the right course of action
for management.
We have held four planning
team meetings to determine the
vision, goals, alternatives, and
impact analyses of refuge
management, which is required
under the National
Environmental Policy Act. We
developed three alternatives, and
analyzed the impacts of each in
various categories as they relate
to biological, social, economic,
physical, cultural and historical
resources. After reviewing the
expected impacts of various
management actions, we
selected the proposed alternative
for further development. This
proposed alternative will be
described in the draft CCP,
detailing the goals and
objectives we intend to meet for
the various habitats, wildlife
groups, visitor services, cultural
resources, partnerships and
refuge operations and facilities.
When completed, the draft
CCP will go through an internal
review within the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, and then out to
the public for review, most
likely in September. Quivira
staff look forward to your
comments and suggestions as we
work to complete the plan.
Quivira National Wildlife Refuge update
© Cheryl Miller