Delivering Government
Solutions in the 21
Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations
I. The Mandate for Reform .............................................................. 2
II. Organizational Reform Principles ............................................... 8
III. Overview of Organizational Alignment Priorities ...........................14
IV. Looking Ahead ..........................................................................20
V. Government-wide Reorganization Proposals ................................. 22
Department of Education and the Workforce ���������������������������������������������������23
Consolidate Non-Commodity Nutrition Assistance Programs into HHS,
Rename HHS the Department of Health and Public Welfare,
and Establish the Council on Public Assistance �����������������������������������������������27
Consolidate Mission Alignment of Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works
with Those of Other Federal Agencies �����������������������������������������������������������30
Reorganize Primary Federal Food Safety Functions into a Single Agency,
the Federal Food Safety Agency ���������������������������������������������������������������������32
Move Select USDA Housing Programs to HUD �������������������������������������������������35
Merge the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
with the U�S� Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) �������������������������������������������������37
Consolidation of Environmental Cleanup Programs �����������������������������������������39
Optimization of Humanitarian Assistance ������������������������������������������������������41
Development Finance Institution �������������������������������������������������������������������45
Structural Transformation of Central Washington-Based Bureaus
at the U�S� Agency for International Development �������������������������������������������47
Reorganizing the U.S. Oce of Personnel Management ����������������������������������� 51
Consolidation of Federal Veterans Cemeteries �������������������������������������������������57
Reorganizing Economic Statistical Agencies �������������������������������������������������� 60
Consolidation of the Department of Energy’s Applied Energy Oces
and Mission Refocus ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
I. The Mandate for Reform .............................................................. 2
II. Organizational Reform Principles ............................................... 8
III. Overview of Organizational Alignment Priorities ...........................14
IV. Looking Ahead ..........................................................................20
V. Government-wide Reorganization Proposals ................................. 22
Department of Education and the Workforce ���������������������������������������������������23
Consolidate Non-Commodity Nutrition Assistance Programs into HHS,
Rename HHS the Department of Health and Public Welfare,
and Establish the Council on Public Assistance �����������������������������������������������27
Consolidate Mission Alignment of Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works
with Those of Other Federal Agencies �����������������������������������������������������������30
Reorganize Primary Federal Food Safety Functions into a Single Agency,
the Federal Food Safety Agency ���������������������������������������������������������������������32
Move Select USDA Housing Programs to HUD �������������������������������������������������35
Merge the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
with the U�S� Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) �������������������������������������������������37
Consolidation of Environmental Cleanup Programs �����������������������������������������39
Optimization of Humanitarian Assistance ������������������������������������������������������41
Development Finance Institution �������������������������������������������������������������������45
Structural Transformation of Central Washington-Based Bureaus
at the U�S� Agency for International Development �������������������������������������������47
Reorganizing the U.S. Oce of Personnel Management ����������������������������������� 51
Consolidation of Federal Veterans Cemeteries �������������������������������������������������57
Reorganizing Economic Statistical Agencies �������������������������������������������������� 60
Consolidation of the Department of Energy’s Applied Energy Oces
and Mission Refocus ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
Divesting Federal Transmission Assets ���������������������������������������������������������� 66
Restructure the Postal Service ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
DOT Mission Adjustments ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
Reform Federal Role in Mortgage Finance �������������������������������������������������������75
Create the Bureau of Economic Growth ����������������������������������������������������������78
U�S� Public Health Service Commissioned Corps ����������������������������������������������81
Improving NASAs Agility through Increased Use of Federally
Funded Research and Development Centers ���������������������������������������������������83
Management Consolidation of Federal
Graduate Research Fellowships ���������������������������������������������������������������������85
Rationalize the Federal Real Property Approach ����������������������������������������������87
Consolidate and Streamline Financial Literacy Eorts ������������������������������������ 90
Streamline Small Business Programs �������������������������������������������������������������93
Consolidation of Certain Protective Details ���������������������������������������������������� 96
Small Grants Consolidation �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Transition to Electronic Government ������������������������������������������������������������ 100
Customer Experience (CX) Improvement Capability ���������������������������������������� 103
Next Generation Federal Student Aid Processing & Servicing Environment �������106
Solving the Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Shortage ������������������������������������ 108
The GEAR Center ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
Transfer of Background Investigations from the
Oce of Personnel Management to the Department of Defense ����������������������� 115
Strengthening Federal Evaluation ����������������������������������������������������������������� 118
Appendix: Agency-Specic Reform Proposals .................................. 122
................................................................................. 128
When America’s Founders wrote the Constitution, they laid out a clear vision for the United States
Government: to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote
the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Moreover, they established Executive Branch
organizations and structures to deliver on the Federal mission in ways appropriate to America’s needs at
the time. Over successive generations, our Federal Government has evolved by expanding in scope and
complexity to try to meet Americans’ needs. However, the organizational structures that underpin the
Executive Branch have not always kept pace.
Two decades into the 21
Century, the public still believes
that the Federal Government serves critical roles, and
in some areas performs them well. However, public
trust in the Federal Government has declined over the
last decade, calling into question how well the current
organizational constructs of Government are aligned to
meet Americans’ needs in the digital age. Government
in the 21
Century is fundamentally a services business,
and modern information technology should be at the
heart of the U.S. Government service delivery model.
And yet, today’s Executive Branch is still aligned to the
stove-piped organizational constructs of the 20
tury, which in many cases have grown ineicient and out-
of-date. Consequently, the public and our workforce are
frustrated with Government’s ability to deliver its mission
in an eective, eicient, and secure way.
At times of great change, the need to reinforce this
common commitment to “government of the people,
by the people, and for the people” has been critical.
So it is not surprising, as the United States faces the
challenges of serving the broad and diverse needs of
our growing country, that it becomes important to
reexamine the organizational alignment of Executive
Branch Government institutions to ensure that our
organizational constructs are well aligned to meet the
needs of the 21
Pew Research Center, December 2017, “Public Trust in Government: 1958-2017.
Pew Research Center December 2017, “Government Gets Lower Ratings for Handing Health Care, Environment and Disaster Response.
President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863.
President Donald Trump, March 13, 2017, speech.
To that end, Executive Order (EO) 13781, entitled “Com-
prehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch,
highlights the need to evaluate the organizational con-
structs that support today’s mission delivery objectives.
Building on a history of bipartisan Government reform
initiatives, the EO focuses specifically on the role of orga-
nizational alignment in reducing “duplication and redun-
dancy,” and improving “eiciency, eectiveness, and
accountability of the executive branch.
This report outlines the Administration’s analysis and
recommendations for structural realignment of the Exec-
utive Branch to better serve the mission, service, and
stewardship needs of the American people. While some
of the recommendations identified in this volume can be
achieved via Executive administrative action, more signif-
icant changes will require legislative action as well.
By sharing key findings, the Administration oers this
report as a cornerstone to build productive, bipartisan
dialogue around realigning the Federal Government mis-
sion delivery model to make sense in the 21
Century. As
such, while some of the proposals are ready for agency
implementation, others establish a vision for the Execu-
tive Branch that will require further exploration and part-
nership with the Congress.
Finally, reorganization is one tool among many that
this Administration is using to drive transformational
change in Government. Meeting the needs of the
American people, as well as the President’s mandate
for greater eiciency, eectiveness, and accountability,
requires a range of transformational approaches to sup-
port reorganization. To that end, the President’s Man-
agement Agenda (PMA) outlines a range of additional
priorities and tools that, in combination, will create an
Executive Branch that is prepared to meet the needs of
the American people both now and in the future. The
Administration welcomes constructive dialogue and
consideration of all the tools, capabilities, and organi-
zational principles that help support our mission and
better serve the public.
Refocus Structures around
Mission and Customers
Enhance Management
Prioritize Limited Resources and
Eliminate Unnecessary Activities
Improve Communications
and Coordination
Nearly every new administration has sought to enhance
and streamline the Government bureaucracy to better
align with policy and eiciency priorities. From the cre-
ation of the Bureau of the Budget in 1921 under President
Warren Harding, the Executive Branch has continued to
evolve to address the ever-changing needs and mission
of the Federal Government. Reform and reorganization
eorts in the 20
Century reflected bipartisan eorts
to enhance eiciency and eectiveness, while reducing
waste. In fact, until the 1970s, Executive Branch reorga-
nization was a reasonably common occurrence under-
taken by most new administrations. More recently,
notable eorts at organizational reform included the
personnel reform agenda initiated under President
Jimmy Carter and implemented under the Reagan
Administration, as well as bipartisan eorts under Pres-
idents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama
to enhance shared services and increase public-pri-
vate sector cooperation. Most successful reorganiza-
tions have also shared a common mission focus, usually
responding to major mission failures or service deliv-
ery issues. The most notable recent examples of major
bipartisan reform and reorganization eorts came in
Donald Devine, “Reagan’s Terrible Swi Sword: An Insider’s
Story of Abuse and Reform within the Federal Bureaucracy,
December 1, 1991.
response to mission challenges experienced aer 9/11 in
the fight against terrorism. Operational, communication,
and organizational alignment challenges resulted in the
creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
and the Oice of the Director of National Intelligence.
Today, agencies have interconnected imperatives around
mission delivery, customer service, and stewardship of
taxpayer dollars. Broader, system-level thinking around
Government reorganization requires tackling intercon-
nected barriers to change across these three areas.
Cybersecurity and cyberwarfare, digital service delivery
and enhanced IT modernization, eective use of data for
accountability and transparency, and workforce chal-
lenges all require new organizational thinking to better
integrate mission, service, and stewardship across the
existing organizational silos of Government. Moreover,
better organizational alignment should also enhance
the Executive Branchs ability to increase eiciency via
shared services, public-private partnerships, workforce
redeployments, and better customer experiences.
March 13, 2017
The President issues an
Executive Order directing
OMB to propose a
comprehensive plan to
reform and reorganize
Executive Branch
departments and
June 30, 2017
Agencies provide OMB
high-level dras of
initial reform ideas.
March - May 2018
OMB focuses on
longer-term reform and
reorganization opportu-
nities outside the FY 2019
President’s Budget and
works with agencies.
July 2017
Summer 2018
OMB and agencies begin
a dialogue with Congress
to prioritize and refine
proposals to best serve
the American people.
OMB meets with Chief
Financial Oicers (CFO)
Act agencies and a
limited number of other
agencies to discuss
dra plans.
February 12, 2018
FY 2019 President’s Budget
is released and includes
select reform and
reorganization proposals
as a first step in presenting
the comprehensive plan
to the American people.
June 2018
OMB releases a
comprehensive plan
to reform and reorganize
Executive Branch depart-
and agencies.
September 11, 2017
Agencies submit reform
proposals to OMB with
FY 2019 budget requests.
September 12, 2017
- February 2018
OMB analyzes reform and
reorganization proposals
and cross-cutting
opportunities along with
the FY 2019 President’s
April 12, 2017
- June 12, 2017
OMB accepts public
comments, which are
shared with agencies.
All agencies that regulate food safety
should be under one department, preferably
under the Dept. of Agriculture.
Washington State
The current process for assessing organizational change
began in June 2017 when Executive Branch agencies
submitted their initial reform ideas to the Oice of
Management and Budget (OMB) in response to an April
12, 2017 OMB implementation memo. These submis-
sions included valuable feedback provided by the public
through an open comment process. Over the summer
and fall of 2017, agencies worked with OMB to refine the
ideas, identify opportunities across agencies, and assess
opportunities to act on proposals in the near term. Agen-
cies submitted refined reform proposals to OMB as a part
of their Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget requests. Many of
the more straightforward, agency-specific organizational
improvement opportunities were included in the FY 2019
Budget released in February 2018 or were adopted by
agencies under existing authorities.
The disappointment surrounding recent
presidents is not due mainly to defects
in their leadership qualities but to their
failure to address the structural paralysis of
modern government. George Washington
couldnt run the government today.
- Phillip K. Howard
The harder work of assessing cross-agency reform and
alignment to the needs of the 21
Century began in ear-
nest following the analysis of the Presidents Manage-
ment Agenda. This Agenda provided the broad context
for what needs to change in Government, including a
renewed focus on mission, service, and stewardship on
behalf of the American people. Many of the inputs from
the agency reform proposals and public comments on
EO 13781 informed creation of the President’s Manage-
ment Agenda, as well as input for the reorganization rec-
ommendations included in this volume.
Specific proposals were evaluated using a framework
that balanced the Federal Governments mission, service,
and stewardship objectives, recognizing that the most
powerful and transformative changes bolster all three of
these core objectives.
Oice of Management and Budget Memorandum M-17-22,
“Comprehensive Plan for Reforming the Federal Government
and Reducing the Federal Civilian Workforce,” April 12, 2017.
Eicient, Eective, Accountable: An American Budget - Fiscal Year
2019, Oice of Management and Budget, February 12, 2018.
Rosenbloom, David H., et al. “The Handbook of Federal Govern-
ment Leadership and Administration: Transforming, Performing,
and Innovating in a Complex World.” Routledge, 2017.
Mission: The first principle of organizational reform in
the 21
Century is to start with the mission. Specific
reforms must ensure that Government activities are
rooted in the missions that the American people, through
their elected oicials, require. Within these mission
areas—from national security to infrastructure to food
and water safety—Government must have clear and
aligned structures that allow Federal programs, sta, and
agencies to deliver the outcomes the public expects.
Service: Understanding the customer or stakeholder
needs in the 21
Century is critical to understanding
how to realign the organizational model. In many cases,
outmoded assumptions about customer and stakeholder
needs have distracted from core mission, hindered
outcomes, and fallen out of step with customer expec-
tations. Federal customers—ranging from small busi-
nesses seeking loans, to families receiving disaster sup-
port, to veterans expecting proper benefits and medical
caredeserve a customer experience that compares to
or exceeds that of leading private-sector organizations,
which most Federal services lag behind. The Executive
Branch must develop capabilities to better facilitate end-
to-end customer experiences that cross agency bound-
aries, and create faster, more convenient, and more
cost-eective interactions.
Target opportunities to enhance
mission, service, and stewardship
Stewardship: Eective stewardship of taxpayer funds is
a crucial responsibility of the Federal Government, from
preventing fraud to maximizing impact. Taxpayer dol-
lars must go to eective programs that produce results
eiciently. For example, Government too oen recreates
similar administrative functions across programs and
agencies, failing to take advantage of opportunities for
shared services, centers of excellence, or other arrange-
ments that leverage the highest-performing organiza-
tions and free up resources to focus on mission. Using
data-driven methods, Government must shrewdly con-
sider how structural alignment can best support eicient
and eective use of taxpayer dollars.
Reorganization is a key tool that private-sector compa-
nies regularly employ to maintain relevance, eiciency,
and eectiveness over time. While organizational change
is hard and takes time, the experiences of companies in
the private sector over the last few decades have shown
that large-scale transformation is possible and can both
improve customer service and lower costs. Studies by
McKinsey and BCG
have identified clear organizational
design success factors before and during implementa-
tion. For example, both studies agreed that the first,
foundational step in organizational redesign success is
to focus on long-term strategy rather than addressing
immediate pain points or short-term needs.
For the Federal Government, this means starting with
a focus on mission outcomes and service delivery.
Aronowitz, Steveran; Aaron De Smet; and Deirdre McGinty. “Getting
Organizational Redesign Right.” McKinsey Quarterly. June 2015.
Tollman, Peter et al. “A New Approach to Organization Design:
Smart Design for Performance.” April 5, 2016. Available on-line
Business and
Operating Models
for the 21
“Government of the people,
by the people, for the people
Mission, service, stewardship
Customer-centric alignment
Multi-channel service delivery
Leveraging technology
and data
Integrated business processes
New capabilities and data
If you are one of the nearly 59 million Americans working for a small
business, you know the importance of excellent customer service. And
while the Federal Government strives to support small business growth
and competitiveness, duplicative and inconsistent programs spread across
dierent Federal agencies have sometimes created confusion and extra
work for the small businesses they mean to serve.
As one way to make things easier on small businesses, the Administration
proposes to create a “one-stop shop” for all small business Federal
contracting certications at the Small Business Administration. This
proposal will synchronize the processes for both small businesses and the
Federal agencies that want to contract with them. As a result, Americas
entrepreneurs will have less headache and be able to invest more of their
time and hard-earned prots into operating and growing the businesses
that keep our economy strong.
We must change the way Government
operates and move our capabilities
into the 21
Organizational decisions should be made and executed
to create the most value for taxpayers and the customers
of Federal services, not based on outdated legal struc-
tures or historical precedent.
Operating models must also be reviewed in light of the
improvements possible in the digital age and lessons
learned from peer organizations. Analysis that simply
looks at the formal reporting structure on an organiza-
tional chart misses other critical organizational struc-
tures, including customer engagements, data flows,
organizational processes, and the informal networks and
cultural elements which make an organization run. The
analysis must envision a new operating model that lever-
ages the best thinking available.
Finally, the analysis must translate the operating model
into an organizational construct that better aligns
resources with mission, delivers improved services, and
operates more eiciently. New organizational constructs
must be supported by change management processes,
including identifying and managing risks; communicat-
ing across leadership, managers, and front-line sta; and
shiing incentives, expectations, and culture to sustain
the change.
Recognizing the challenges of driving organizational
change, the Administration has been deliberate in devel-
oping proposals to consider how implementation will be
managed. Key factors during implementation include
defining clear roles and responsibilities, managing the
change process, ensuring alignment across leadership
and line sta, and managing risk factors.
Based on these approaches, a Reorganization Align-
ment Framework was developed to assess the needs and
opportunities to best align reorganization eorts to the
needs of mission.
Development of this Reorganization Alignment Frame-
work drew on a range of inputs from leading organi-
zational change and strategic transformation thought
leaders in the private sector, public sector, and academic
worlds. For a list of literature that informed creation of
the Reorganization Alignment Framework, please see the
bibliography section.
in Alignment
If a veteran who has served our country isnt satised with decisions by the Department of
Veterans Aairs (VA) about disability or other hard-earned benets, he or she has the right
to appeal� But until recently, veterans were forced to use the same appeals process adopted
after World War Inearly 100 years ago� This outdated process left veterans at the mercy
of a confusing and complex system and slowed down appeals by forcing each veteran to
navigate multiple layers of process� At the end of July 2017, approximately 470,000 appeals
were pending under the legacy system and, on average, veterans were waiting approximately
three years for a decisionand as much as six years for higher-level appeals�
As VA refocuses on enhancing veterans’ experience, it is accelerating a new appeals system
that gives veterans options about the best way to pursue their appeal based on their unique
situation. The new system is designed to signicantly improve the timeliness of decisions
by streamlining organizational processes and bureaucratic layers� Veterans with old,
pending appeals can resubmit using the new system designed to signicantly improve
the timeliness of decisions� Now, VA is empowering veterans with greater choice and
timelier service in resolving their appeals�
As outlined in the Reorganization Alignment Framework
above, organizational change priorities fall into four
Mission Alignment Imperatives. Analysis high-
lighted areas where Federal services are operating
relatively eiciently, but outdated or misaligned
organizational constructs hinder the ability to
achieve mission objectives and eectively serve
citizens. In addition, this Administration identified
several opportunities to “right size” the mission to
the current environment. As such, reorganization
proposals around mission alignment fall into two
A. Organizational realignments to enhance
mission and service delivery.
B. Changes to refocus, reduce, or expand
the mission.
Management Improvement Opportunities/
Proposals to Enhance Eiciency. Many Federal
organizations are eectively fulfilling their missions
and serving citizens but doing so in ways that dupli-
cate other Federal activities or rely on outdated
organizational structures that are wasteful and
ineicient. These present cross-agency oppor-
tunities to better steward taxpayer resources to
achieve the same core missions with better results.
Transformation Urgency: New Capability
Requirements. In several areas, the Federal Gov-
ernment lacks critical capabilities for successful
mission delivery in a 21
Century characterized by
digital service delivery, data-driven mission sup-
port, and increased need for collaboration across
the public (Federal, State, and local) and private
sectors. In many such areas, Government is failing
to fulfill both citizen expectations and stewardship
Organizations in Alignment. In other areas, orga-
nizational capabilities are generally aligned with
the customer and stakeholder needs of the 21
Century and balance mission, service, and stew-
ardship needs. For these organizations, modest
organizational updates, capability realignment,
and additional investments may be needed. Since
these changes represent “business-as-usual”
process improvement opportunities, this volume
will not highlight these proposals in depth. For
additional detail on these proposals, see page 122
(Appendix: Agency-Specific Reform Proposals).
Looking at the menu of your favorite pizza shop,
you probably wouldn’t guess that dierent pies need
to be regulated by dierent Federal agencies. But
while a cheese pizza has to meet the Department
of Health and Human Services’ Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) standards, a pepperoni pizza
falls under the Food Safety and Inspection Service
(FSIS) at the U�S� Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Last time you made an omelet, the FDA regulated
any eggs you cracked yourself, but the FSIS was
responsible if you poured from a carton of liquid
eggs� And chickens? The FDA regulates their feed
while the FSIS inspects them at slaughter
This division of responsibility started in response
to unsafe and unsanitary meat packing conditions
in the early 1900s, but today it introduces greater
risk, ineciency, and inconsistency into the
important work of ensuring food safety, which
aects everyone in America.
To provide better food safety for the country
and improve eciency for stakeholders, the
Administration proposes to consolidate core
Federal food safety responsibilities into a single
agency under USDA, where food safety is a top
priority from farm to fork� This consolidation
will give USDA the clear mandate, dedicated
budget, and full responsibility it needs for optimal
oversight of the entire U�S� food supply� Resources
at the FDA will be freed up to focus on its core
responsibilities of drugs, devices, biologics,
and tobacco� Most importantly, this proposal
will provide better food safety outcomes for the
American people over the long term�
Rather than adhere to a simplistic set of decision rules
to identify priorities among these categories, individ-
ual proposals have been assessed for factors including
impact on mission, service, and stewardship in order to
account for programs’ and agencies’ unique roles and
requirements and inform appropriate strategies. For
example, while strategies such as reducing duplication
and increasing centralization may make sense in many
instances, these strategies may have unintended con-
sequences. Sometimes, centralizing to improve coor-
dination and lower costs through economies of scale
best promotes mission, service, and stewardship. Yet in
other cases, decentralizing to increase customer align-
ment and improve flexibility to adjust to “on-the-ground”
realities may be preferable. Similarly, reducing program
duplication has been demonstrated to lower costs and
reduce confusion among both customers and employees.
But some duplication across programs may also create
valuable redundancy for mission-critical activities and
increase program flexibility to react to changing factors.
Reorganizations in the private
sector have demonstrated
that without eicient and
eective implementation,
even well-conceived reorgani-
zations may fail to achieve the
intended benefits. To ensure
eective implementation,
the Presidents Management
highlighted three
areas (see figure to the right)
which help drive eective
organization transformation:
The President’s Management Agenda: Modernizing Government
for the 21
Century, Executive Oice of the President and the
President’s Management Council, March 2018.
Information Technology Modernization.
Data, Accountability, and Transparency.
People and the Workforce of the Future.
People — Workforce
of the Future
Accountability and
IT Modernization
When transforming orga-
nizations to serve the
needs of the 21
Century, it
will be critical to leverage
each of these key drivers.
Ongoing work on this front
is highlighted as part of the
Presidents Management
Agenda, and you can see
more detail on specific pri-
orities at
pma. In addition, these key drivers will inform next steps
for each of the reform proposals discussed in this volume.
Does your State have a dam that helps to generate
electricity, supply drinking water, or support
agriculture? When dam operations are being
reviewed under Federal laws and regulations, two
dierent agencies—the Department of the Interior’s
(DOI) Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department
of Commerce’s National Marine Fisheries Service—
are tasked with considering implications under
the Endangered Species Act. In carrying out their
responsibilities, for example, one agency may
worry about releasing enough water from the dam
to benet the species under its jurisdiction, while
the other might worry about storing enough water
for the species it manages. In some cases, conict,
confusion, and delays may result.
Permitting projects like dam operations are just
one example of where the Services have related and
sometimes overlapping roles. To help the Federal
Government develop more consistent Federal
fisheries and wildlife policy, as well as more
eciently serve stakeholders in the permitting
process, the Administration is proposing to merge
these two Services under DOI. In addition to
better serving the public, this consolidation will
increase certainty for permittees and help support
infrastructure development.
Utilizing the frameworks described above, the Admin-
istration’s comprehensive plan for reforming and reor-
ganizing the Executive Branch includes proposals that
extend across agencies, with the goal of increasing focus
on integrated mission, service, and stewardship delivery.
Our Nation is used to leading the world in technology
innovation and service delivery and at one time, the
U.S. Government catalyzed that innovation. As such,
the Administration is investing in deep-seated transfor-
mation that begins with the President’s Management
Agenda and extends through the recommendations for
Executive Branch organizational reform. This section
provides an overview of the initial organizational reform
priorities that are organized based on the Reorganization
Alignment Framework presented above.
A. Organizational Realignments to Enhance Mission and
Service Delivery
1. Merge the Departments of Education and Labor
into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of
Education and the Workforce, charged with meet-
ing the needs of American students and workers
from education and skill development to workplace
protection to retirement security. As part of the
merger, the Administration also proposes significant
Government-wide workforce development program
consolidations, streamlining separate programs in
order to increase eiciencies and better serve Amer-
ican workers.
2. Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance
programs currently in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Ser-
vice into the Department of Health and Human
Services—which will be renamed the Depart-
ment of Health and Public Welfare.
Also, establish a Council on Public Assistance, com-
prised of all agencies that administer public bene-
fits, with statutory authority to set cross-program
policies including uniform work requirements.
3. Move the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil
Works out of the Department of Defense (DOD)
to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and
Department of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate
and align the Corps’ civil works missions with these
4. Reorganize the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspec-
tion Service and the food safety functions of
HHS’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a
single agency within USDA that would cover virtu-
ally all the foods Americans eat.
5. Move USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and
rental assistance programs to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), allowing
both agencies to focus on their core missions and,
over time, further align the Federal Governments
role in housing policy.
6. Merge the Department of Commerce’s (Com-
merce) National Marine Fisheries Service with
DOI’s Fish and Wildlife Service. This merger would
consolidate the administration of the Endangered
Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act in
one agency and combine the Services’ science and
management capacity, resulting in more consistent
Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and improved
service to stakeholders and the public, particularly
on infrastructure permitting.
7. Consolidate portions of DOI’s Central Hazardous
Materials Program and USDA’s Hazardous Materi-
als Management program into the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program.
This consolidation would allow EPA to address
environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation & Liability
Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which
of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and
USDA would maintain their existing environmental
compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for
non-CERCLA sites.
8. Optimize Department of State (State) and U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
humanitarian assistance to eliminate duplication
of eorts and fragmentation of decision-making.
A specific reorganization proposal will be submitted
by State and USAID to OMB as part of their FY 2020
Budget request to improve the eiciency and eec-
tiveness of the Federal Government’s humanitarian
assistance across State and USAID, establish unity
of voice and policy, and optimize outreach to other
donors to increase burden-sharing and drive reform
at the UN and in multilateral humanitarian policy.
9. Consolidate the U.S. Government’s develop-
ment finance tools, such as the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Develop-
ment Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID, into a new
Development Finance Institution in a reformed
and modernized way to leverage more private-
sector investment, provide strong alternatives to
state-directed initiatives, create more innovative
vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms,
and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.
10. Transform USAID through an extensive, agen-
cy-driven structural reorganization of headquar-
ters Bureaus and Independent Oices as a foun-
dational component of USAID’s overall plans to bet-
ter advance partner countries’ self-reliance, support
U.S. national security, and ensure the eectiveness
and eiciency of foreign assistance.
11. Move the policy function of the Oice of Personnel
Management (OPM) into the Executive Oice of the
President, and elevate its core strategic mission
while devolving certain operational activities
the delivery of various fee-for-service human
resources, IT services, and background investiga-
tions – to other Federal entities better aligned to pro-
vide non-strategic transaction processing services
that meet 21
Century needs. This new structure
would better accommodate an overhaul of the Fed-
eral civil service statutory and regulatory framework.
12. Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and
operation of select military and veteran ceme-
teries located on DOD installations to the Depart-
ment of Veterans Aairs’ National Cemetery
Administration. This transfer assures these cem-
eteries will be maintained to national shrine stan-
dards to continue the recognition of service of those
interred therein, gains eiciencies, and limits mis-
sion overlap based on a common-sense approach to
good government.
13. Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau
of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics under Commerce to increase cost-eec-
tiveness and improve data quality while simultane-
ously reducing respondent burden on businesses
and the public. Together, these three agencies
account for 53 percent of the U.S. Statistical Sys-
tems annual budget of $2.26 billion and share
unique synergies in their collection of economic
and demographic data and analysis of key national
14. Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE)
applied energy programs into a new Oice of
Energy Innovation in order to maximizethe ben-
efits of energy research and development and to
enable quicker adaptation to the Nations changing
energy technology needs.
If you have children, you know that preparing for success in work and life begins early
and—particularly in a changing and growing economy—continues throughout life� You
want your kids to have a strong start in school as preparation for professional success,
no matter what dream they pursue� And as adults, you want them to have easy access to
training and information connecting them to the jobs they want and need, especially as
the economy changes� The Federal Government should be making it easy for individuals
to access high-quality education, training, and employment resources as they transition
from one stage to the next�
That’s why the Administration is proposing to consolidate the Departments of Education
and Labor into a single Cabinet agency, eliminating duplication across the two agencies
and maximizing the eectiveness of skill-building eorts. The new agency will be
charged with meeting the end-to-end needs of American workers and students, from
education and skill development to workplace protection to retirement security, to ensure
access to the full range of coordinated resources Americans need to succeed in the 21
Century economy
B. Changes to Refocus, Reduce, or Expand the Mission
15. Devolution of Activities from the Federal
Sell the transmission assets owned and
operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority
and the Power Marketing Administrations
within DOE, including those of Southwestern
Power Administration, Western Area Power
Administration, and Bonneville Power Adminis-
tration, to encourage a more eicient allocation
of economic resources and mitigate unneces-
sary risk to taxpayers.
Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return
it to a sustainable business model or prepare
it for future conversion from a Government
agency into a privately-held corporation.
The President’s Task Force on the United States
Postal System will make recommendations on
reforms towards this goal in August 2018.
Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s
core missions and programmatic respon-
sibilities, reduce transportation program
fragmentation across the Government, and
improve outcomes. Changes would include
spinning o Federal responsibility for operating
air traic control services, integrating into DOT
certain coastal and inland waterways commer-
cial navigation activities and transportation secu-
rity programs, and reassessing the structure and
responsibilities of DOT’s Oice of the Secretary.
16. Transform the way the Federal Government
delivers support for the U.S. housing finance
system to ensure more transparency and account-
ability to taxpayers, and to minimize the risk of tax-
payer-funded bailouts, while maintaining respon-
sible and sustainable support for homeowners.
Proposed changes, which would require broader
policy and legislative reforms beyond restructuring
Federal agencies and programs, include ending the
conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
reducing their role in the housing market, and pro-
viding an explicit, limited Federal backstop that is
on-budget and apart from the Federal support for
low- and moderate-income homebuyers.
17. Rethink how the Federal Government can drive
economic growth in concert with private-sector
investments in communities across the Nation by
coordinating and consolidating Federal economic
assistance resources into a Bureau of Economic
Growth at Commerce, producing a higher return on
taxpayer investment on projects that are transpar-
ent and accountable.
18. Transform the U.S. Public Health Service Com-
missioned Corps into a leaner and more eicient
organization that is better prepared to respond
to public health emergencies and provide vital
health services, including by reducing the size
of the Corps and building up a Reserve Corps for
response in public health emergencies.
19. Establish an accelerated process for determining
whether one or more of the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Cen-
ters should be converted to, or host, a Feder-
ally Funded Research and Development Center
(FFRDC). FFRDCs can potentially allow the agency
to be more agile in rapidly responding to changing
needs and in recruiting and retaining scientific and
technical expertise.
20. Consolidate the administration of graduate fel-
lowships for multiple Federal agencies under the
National Science Foundation in order to reduce the
total cost of administering those fellowships.
21. Optimize the Federal real property footprint by
making smart investments in renovations and new
facilities, driving down lease costs, and disposing of
unneeded real estate through a streamlined process
that results in the greatest return to the taxpayer.
22. Consolidate and streamline financial education
and literacy programs currently operating across
more than 20 Federal agencies to ensure eective
allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and
avoid unneeded overlap and duplication.
23. Strengthen the Small Business Administra-
tion (SBA) as the voice of small business within
the Government by consolidating small business
focused guaranteed lending and Federal contracting
certification programs at SBA.
24. Consolidate protective details at certain civil-
ian Executive Branch agencies under the U.S.
Marshals Service in order to more eectively
and eiciently monitor and respond to potential
threats. Threat assessments would be conducted
with support from the U.S. Secret Service.
25. Consolidate the small grants functions, expertise,
and grantmaking from the Inter-American Foun-
dation and U.S. African Development Foundation
into USAID beginning in FY 2019. The consolidation
would be a significant step to reduce the prolifera-
tion of Federal international aairs agencies that are
operating today, while also elevating community-led,
“local works” small grants as a development and
diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government.
26. Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environ-
ment, and end the National Archives and Records
Administration’s acceptance of paper records by
December 31, 2022. This would improve agencies’
eiciency, eectiveness, and responsiveness to cit-
izens by converting paper-based processes to elec-
tronic workflows, expanding online services, and
enhancing management of Government records,
data, and information.
27. Transform the way Americans interact with the
Federal Government by establishing a Govern-
ment-wide customer experience improvement
capability to partner with Federal agencies to help
them provide a modern, streamlined, and custom-
er-centric experience for citizens, businesses, and
other customers, comparable to leading private-
sector organizations.
28. Pursue a Next Generation (Next Gen) Financial
Services Environment as a new approach to Fed-
eral Student Aid (FSA) processing and servicing
with a modernized, innovative, and integrated
architecture. Next Gen will save taxpayers millions
of dollars and will create an improved, world-class
customer experience for FSAs more than 42 million
customers, while creating a more agile and stream-
lined operating model.
29. Solve the Federal cybersecurity workforce
shortage by establishing a unified cyber workforce
capability across the civilian enterprise, working
through DHS and OMB in coordination with all
Federal departments and agencies. The Adminis-
tration will work towards a standardized approach
to Federal cybersecurity personnel, ensuring Gov-
ernment-wide visibility into talent gaps, as well as
unified solutions to fill those gaps in a timely and
prioritized manner.
30. Establish a Government Eectiveness Advanced
Research (GEAR) Center as a public-private part-
nership to help the Government respond to innova-
tive technologies, business practices, and research
findings that present opportunities to improve mis-
sion delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship
of public resources.
31. Transfer the National Background Investigations
Bureau from OPM to DOD, providing the opportu-
nity to achieve an eicient, eective, fiscally via-
ble, and secure operation that meets all agencies’
32. Expand upon existing agency evaluation capabili-
ties and push agencies to adopt stronger practices
that would generate more evidence about what
works and what needs improvement in order to
inform mission-critical decisions and policies.
These changes will help to address the large gaps and
inconsistencies across Government in Federal agen-
cies’ ability to formally evaluate their programs.
Education and labor are intimately
interwoven. As the Father of Vocational
Education, Frank Parsons put it,
all education is in the last analysis,
vocational education because it is
supposed to prepare students for
their lives and future careers. These
departments would benet greatly
from being conjoined.
Permitting takes way
too long and costs way
too many tax dollars!
The business of the Federal Government is to serve the Amer-
ican people, but outdated organizational frameworks hinder
our ability to deliver on our mission, service, and steward-
ship objectives in the digital age. Data breaches, delays in
background investigation and security clearance approvals,
and outdated paper-based processes all erode trust in the
Government. Moreover, when the American people compare
Government service delivery models with the streamlined,
multi-channel experiences they have when interacting with
private-sector businesses, it is clear how outmoded many
Government organizational models are. Americans routinely
shop online, use smart phones to order rides, and get elec-
tronic money transfer services and yet are forced to deal
with multiple agencies and excessive bureaucracy when they
interact with Federal agencies. Lengthy permitting for infra-
structure projects, confusing and overlapping job retraining
programs, and byzantine requirements for applying for small
business and farm loans all are calcified and entrenched in
outdated organizational constructs designed decades ago.
“Not since the Industrial Revolution have the
stakes of dealing with change been so high.
Most traditional organizations have accepted
in theory at least, that they must either change
or die.”
- from “Cracking the Code of Change”
It is also important to ensure that the Federal Government
appropriately aligns its mission and service activities to areas
where a Federal role is critical and where State and local gov-
ernments cannot optimally provide eective services. It is no
longer appropriate to avoid having foundational discussions
about services that might be better served by direct State,
local, or even private-sector stewardship. To the extent that
existing organizational constructs are too complex or out-
moded, organizational realignment or reform may be needed
to ensure that mission, service, and stewardship objectives
can be met.
Recent decades have demonstrated that the Federal Gov-
ernment will continue to change. The question is whether
short-sighted, piecemeal change will continue to sell taxpay-
ers short and ignore fundamental shortcomings or whether
transformation will elevate Government to the level of
eiciency, eectiveness, and accountability that the public
deserves. With the support of the Congress, the priorities
above and the reorganization proposals that follow will make
important strides in re-craing an Executive Branch that is
structured to best facilitate delivery of mission, service, and
stewardship for the American people.
Nohria, Nitin and Michael Beer. “Cracking the Code of Change.
Harvard Business Review, May-June 2000. Available on-line at hbr.
Did you know that the Department of Transportation
(DOT) is the primary Federal agency responsible for
all modes of transportation, except for maritime
issues? Unlike aviation, highways, transit, pipelines,
and railroads, DOT plays a limited role in the
maritime sector, as the U�S� Department of Defense,
through the U�S� Army Corps of Engineers (Corps),
has responsibility for supporting investment in
maritime commercial navigation�
Our commercial ports and inland navigation
channels have played a large role in how this
Nation developed and where people live� Today,
commercial navigation infrastructure—from
deepening and widening navigation channels for
commercial ships to terminals where ships dock
and cranes that load and unload them—continues
to make important contributions to many of
America’s local and regional economies and is
supported by investments from Federal, State, and
local governments, port authorities, and the private
sector� Yet, unlike other transportation sectors
currently centralized under DOT, responsibilities
for supporting the maritime industry’s ability to
support the nations economy are split between the
Corps, which supports navigation improvements
and waterside port investments, and DOT, which
supports landside port investments�
To x this misalignment, the Administration
proposes to consolidate the Corps’ commercial
navigation mission into DOT� By consolidating
these functions, the Administration would
place a single Federal agency in charge of
supporting maritime transportation investments�
This consolidation will enable DOT to better
align investments across maritime and other
transportation sectors to ultimately create a
more ecient transportation system. Similarly,
the Administration proposes to move the Corps’
responsibilities for supporting investments in
other water resources infrastructure such as ood
control and aquatic ecosystem restoration to the
Department of the Interior, which has responsibility
for land and water resources management�
Department of Education and the Workforce
Departments of Education and Labor
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would merge the Departments of Education (ED) and Labor
(DOL) into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of Education and the Workforce (DEW). The new
agency would be charged with meeting the needs of American students and workers, from education
and skill development to workplace protection to retirement security. Merging ED and DOL would
allow the Federal Government to address the educational and skill needs of American students
and workers in a coordinated way, eliminating duplication of eort between the two agencies and
maximizing the eectiveness of skill-building eorts.
ED and DOL share a common goal of preparing Americans for success in a globally competitive world
through family-sustaining careers. However, the two Departments operate in silos, inhibiting the Federal
Government’s ability to address the skill needs of the American people in a coordinated manner. The result
has been the creation of a complicated web of funding streams for States and localities to administer,
and a confusing set of signals sent to American students and workers regarding how best to develop the
skills needed to succeed in the 21
Century economy. The Federal Government currently operates more
than 40 workforce development programs spread across 15 agencies. This fragmentation perpetuates
unnecessary bureaucracy and complicates State and local eorts to weave together disparate funding
streams to meet the comprehensive needs of their citizens.
The Administration proposes to merge ED and DOL into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of
Education and the Workforce (DEW). As part of the merger, the Administration also proposes significant
Government-wide workforce development program consolidation, streamlining separate programs in
order to increase eiciencies and better serve American workers.
The new merged department would reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, streamline access and better
integrate education and workforce programs, and allow the Administration to more eectively address
the full range of issues aecting American students and workers. The workforce development program
consolidation would centralize and better coordinate Federal eorts to train the American workforce,
reduce administrative costs, and make it easier for States and localities to run programs to meet the
comprehensive needs of their workforce.
The proposal would merge all of the existing DOL and ED programs into a single department, DEW, with
four main sub-agencies focused on: K-12, Higher Education/Workforce Development, Enforcement, and
Research/Evaluation/Administration. This would help create alignment throughout the education-to-career
pipeline, while also creating coherence within the workforce development and higher education worlds.
Government Accountability Oice, Multiple Employment and Training Programs: Providing Information on Colocating
Services and Consolidating Administrative Structures Could Promote Eiciencies, GAO-11-92, (January 2011).
The K-12 agency would support State and local educational agencies to improve the achievement of
preschool, elementary, and secondary school students, including students with disabilities, Native American
students, and English language learners. The agency would comprise improved ED K-12 oices that
would better integrate across K-12 programs and more eectively coordinate with higher education and
workforce programs. The K-12 agency would administer activities currently implemented by EDs Oices
of Elementary and Secondary Education, Innovation and Improvement, English Language Acquisition,
and Special Education Programs. As described below, the Rehabilitation Services Administration would
be moved to the Higher Education/Workforce Development agency.
American Workforce and Higher Education Administration
The new American Workforce and Higher Education Administration (AWHEA) would be charged with
ensuring that American workers possess the skills necessary to succeed in the workforce. The agency
would bring together current DOL workforce development programs and ED vocational education,
rehabilitation, and higher education programs. As part of the reorganization, the Administration also
proposes to consolidate overlapping workforce development funding streams. Observers of Federal
workforce development eorts have long noted the large number of programs across multiple agencies and
duplicative administrative structures inherent in the system. Since 2011, the Government Accountability
Oice has identified workforce development as an area of duplication, fragmentation, and overlap
and has suggested that colocating services and consolidating administrative structures may heighten
Despite modifications made as part of the 2014 reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the system remains fragmented at the Federal level. To address these
issues, the new agency would place higher education and workforce development programs under the
same umbrella. By doing so, Federal skill-building policy would be better coordinated to meet the full
range of needs of American students and workers, and in particular would support improved synergy
between higher education and workforce development programs. This proposal would simplify and
streamline Federal workforce development programs, moving from the current arrangement of more
than 40 programs at 15 agencies to 16 workforce development programs at seven agencies.
The AWHEA would be structured to include components focused on: Higher Education; Disability
Employment; Adult Workforce Development; Youth Workforce Development; and Veterans Employment,
each headed by a presidentially-appointed oicial.
The Higher Education component would better align programs that promote and expand access
to postsecondary education with workforce development programs to meet the diverse needs of
students and workers. This includes strengthening the capacity of colleges and universities to promote
reform, innovation, and improvement in postsecondary education, while expanding access to and
driving improvement in high-quality, short-term programs that provide students with a credential,
certification, or license in a high-demand field. The Higher Education component would also
complement Federal Student Aid’s customer-service focus and move to the Next Generation
(Next Gen) Financial Services Environment, also proposed in this Volume. Next Gen would enhance
operational components of Federal student aid programs, make it easier than ever to apply for
financial aid from a mobile platform, and streamline the way that schools interact with student loan
servicing and the repayment system.
The Disability Employment component would consolidate ED’s Vocational Rehabilitation State
Grants and DOLs Oice of Disability of Employment Policy into one oice within the AWHEA, allowing
for better coordination of services, policy direction, technical assistance, and reporting within the
workforce development system. This oice would ensure the provision of high-quality services to
individuals with disabilities, maintain strong coordination with researchers on best practices to
promote employment, and centralize DOL and EDs support to States.
The Adult Workforce Development component would consolidate four major formula streams that
currently serve adult populations in a duplicative manner: the WIOA Adult, WIOA Dislocated Worker,
Employment Service, and Jobs for Veterans State Grants. This component would also consolidate
three Native American-serving workforce development programs currently spread across three
agencies, replacing them with a set-aside for Native American adults.
The Youth Workforce Development component would address both in-school and out-of-school
youth and create stronger pathways to postsecondary paths and employment for both.
The Veterans’ Employment Oice would ensure that veterans continue to receive priority of service
in the workforce system; advise on veterans’ employment issues; and support the Departments of
Defense and Veterans Aairs in administering the Transition Assistance Program.
The AWHEA would also maintain a Federally-administered Apprenticeship and Impact Fund, which would
consolidate a range of disparate grant programs into a single fund that is focused on testing and replicating
eective apprenticeship, workforce development, and postsecondary education models.
In addition to greater policy coordination, this proposal could improve the use of data for learning,
performance management, and evaluation in order to study how education and workforce development
programs lead to successful labor market outcomes. For example, education programs could benefit
from high-quality information about participants’ labor market outcomes, which are more commonly
tracked in workforce development programs.
The Enforcement agency would include worker protection agencies from DOL that are responsible for
enforcing statutes relating to workers’ pay, safety, benefits, and other protections, as well as Federal
workers’ compensation programs. The Agency would also include ED’s Oice of Civil Rights, which is
responsible for ensuring equal access to education through enforcement of civil rights in the nations K-12
school and higher education institutions. The DOL agencies represent more than half of DOLs workforce
as measured in full-time equivalents (FTEs), mostly comprised of field enforcement sta. In the new DEW,
all of these agencies would report to one senior oicial to enhance the eiciency and coordination of
enforcement and compliance assistance eorts.
Research, Evaluation, and Administration
The Research, Evaluation, and Administration agency would include centralized oices focused on
policy development, research, and evaluation, in addition to management-focused oices related to
IT, procurement, financial management, and budgeting. Consolidating these functions would result in
eiciency gains. As discussed elsewhere, the Bureau of Labor Statistics would be moved to the Department
of Commerce as part of a proposal to bring the primary economic statistical agencies under one umbrella.
Consolidate Non-Commodity Nutrition Assistance
Programs into HHS, Rename HHS the
Department of Health and Public Welfare, and
Establish the Council on Public Assistance
Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services
Summary of Proposal: This proposal moves the non-commodity nutrition assistance programs
currently in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) into the
Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and
renames HHS the Department of Health and Public Welfare (DHPW). The proposal also establishes
a Council on Public Assistance, comprised of all Federal agencies that administer public benefits,
with statutory authority to set cross-program policies including uniform work requirements.
USDA and HHS are currently responsible for administering the Federal Government’s major public assistance
programs, not including housing programs. However, State and local governments, the entities delivering
these services to participants, oen administer many of these programs under a single Agency. For example,
when a person goes to apply for services through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program
and for nutrition assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), they oen go
to a single State agency oice to do so. Unfortunately, that single State agency currently must follow two
separate sets of reporting, regulatory, and other administrative requirements – one set imposed by HHS
for TANF, and another by USDA for SNAP. This creates unnecessary administrative burden and potential
duplication, using up resources that could be better used helping families move towards self-suiciency. In
addition, because these programs are currently administered by dierent Federal departments, they are
oen not well coordinated.
This proposal moves a number of nutrition assistance programs currently housed in USDA – most notably
SNAP and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) – to HHS and,
acknowledging the addition of these programs to the Agency, renames HHS the Department of Health and
Public Welfare (DHPW). To provide for even more coordination across all Federal public assistance programs,
this proposal also establishes a permanent Council on Public Assistance, housed in DHPW and composed of
all agencies that administer public benefit programs, including USDA, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and others. This Council would have
statutory authority to set certain cross-program policies, including on uniform work requirements.
This proposal will better align the administration of these public assistance programs at the Federal level
with how they are oen administered at the State and local levels. This will reduce administrative burdens
and duplications of eort that currently exist for State and local governments. It will also ensure that policies
are applied consistently across all programs, potentially reducing confusing, complex, and sometimes
contradictory requirements across programs that can make it diicult for both States and participants to
follow the rules.
Move Non-Commodity Nutrition Assistance Programs and Rename HHS
CACFP provides reimbursement for meals served by participating child and adult care providers, rather than a
direct benefit to the household. However, for the same coordination reasons as the near-cash programs, we
recommend moving it to HHS to align with the Head Start and Child Care programs operated by ACF.
Other programs include the Summer Food Service Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations,
the Special Milk Program, Assistance to Nuclear Aected Islands, and Disaster Assistance (not including Disaster SNAP).
FNS currently administers 15 nutrition assistance programs, which can be separated into two major
categories: “near-cash” benefit programs and commodity-based programs. Near-cash programs provide
money to low-income households, including through an electronic benefit transfer card or voucher, to
allow participants to buy food through retail outlets. Commodity-based programs deliver actual food to
eligible entities, who in turn provide a meal or food benefit to participants. Near-cash benefit programs
do not need to leverage USDAs expertise in food procurement or delivery, nor do they primarily fit
with USDAs core mission of supporting American farmers and agriculture. Rather, these programs are
designed to support low-income Americans, a mission area better situated in DPHW. Specifically, the
Administration proposes to move SNAP, WIC, the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
, and the
Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs into ACF. USDA, whether with a smaller FNS or a dierent division,
would continue to administer the commodity-based programs, including the National School Lunch and
School Breakfast Programs, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, the Commodity Supplemental
Food Program, and others.
Moving the near-cash benefit programs into ACF would allow for better and easier coordination across
programs that serve similar populations, ensuring consistent policies and a single point of administration
for the major public assistance programs. This single point of administration would lead to reduced
duplication in State reporting requirements and other administrative burdens, and a more streamlined
process for issuing guidance, writing regulations, and approving waivers. Having all the major public
assistance programs under one agency would also create more synergies within the Agency, allowing ACF
to develop a more holistic understanding of how programs interact with each other, which itself could
lead to better policy analysis and outcomes. For example, as States have provided more TANF benefits
through non-cash assistance, SNAP enrollment has grown due to individuals becoming “categorically”
eligible for SNAP. This has resulted in some unintended consequences, such as families becoming eligible
for SNAP through the receipt of a TANF pamphlet or other non-cash assistance. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2019
Budget proposed to tighten these loopholes, but combining these public assistance programs under one
agency would help to increase awareness of these interactions and improve policy development that
prevents such unintended consequences.
With the move of these non-commodity programs, the welfare portfolio at HHS increases significantly.
The proposal renames HHS the Department of Health and Public Welfare to more accurately reflect the
mission of the Agency and raise the profile of non-health related programs within the Agency.
Establish Council on Public Assistance
As part of this initiative, the Administration also proposes to create a permanent Council on Public
Assistance within the DHPW that would accomplish the goal of ensuring a unified, coordinated focus
on cross-cutting welfare and workforce issues at the State and local levels, and to drive Federal-level
program reforms. The Council would be given statutory authorities and responsibilities, including but
not limited to:
Approving service plans and waivers requested by States under Welfare-to-Work projects, assuming
enactment of the FY 2019 Budget proposal;
Designing uniform work requirements to be implemented across all welfare programs;
“Tie-breaker” authority to resolve disputes when multiple agencies disagree on a particular policy;
Designing cross-program standards for program applications, data verification, and program integrity;
Facilitating information sharing and collection as well as regulatory and other policy guidance
coordination across aected agencies; and
Recommending programmatic and operational changes to eliminate barriers that it identifies at the
Federal, State, and local levels to getting welfare participants to work.
The Council would be housed at DHPW and composed of agency heads or their representatives from
USDA (including from the smaller, reformed FNS focused only on commodity programs), HUD, the
proposed Department of Education and the Workforce, the Oice of Management and Budget, and
others, as appropriate, and chaired by DPHW senior leadership. Creating this Council would further
break down silos between agencies operating public assistance programs by establishing an interagency
coordination and support structure to carry out the welfare reform agenda of the Administration with
high-level visibility. Because this Council would become the Administration’s welfare policy-making
apparatus, this proposal would consolidate policymaking functions across the dierent agencies, likely
reducing administrative resources and duplication in current policymaking functions, and would ensure
that Federal public assistance programs are well aligned and focused on promoting opportunity and
economic mobility.
Consolidate Mission Alignment of
Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works
with Those of Other Federal Agencies
Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works and
Departments of Transportation and the Interior
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would move the Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works (Corps) out
of the Department of Defense (DOD) and into the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Department
of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate and align Corps civil works missions with these agencies.
The primary mission of DOD is to provide the military force needed to deter war and protect the security of
the Nation. The Corps placement within DOD grew out of its historic involvement in military construction.
Today, the Corps conducts both military and civil works functions. The Civil Works program has three
primary missions: commercial navigation, flood and storm damage reduction, and aquatic ecosystem
restoration; the commercial navigation program is split between coastal and inland navigation.
Both DOT and DOI have missions that relate to and/or complement the Corps’ civil works missions.
DOT has a broad overarching systemic view of transportation policy and infrastructure in the United
States that could beneficially inform the Corps’ transportation-related eorts. DOI administers
various land, water, and natural resource management programs spanning the country that are
complementary to Corps eorts. Under this proposal, Corps navigation would be transferred to DOT
and the remaining Corps civil works missions (flood and storm damage reduction, aquatic ecosystem
restoration, regulatory, and all other activities) would be moved to DOI, where those activities could
be integrated and aligned with complementary programs focused on issues like water management,
ecosystem restoration, and recreation.
Aligning and consolidating Corps civil works mission areas into those of DOT and DOI would increase
consistency of Federal policy and actions in both transportation and natural resource management,
resulting in more rational public policy outcomes. It would also enable the broadest possible view
of both transportation and land and water management infrastructure, thereby leading to improved
Federal investment decisions. The transfer of certain Corps programs to DOI – particularly when
coupled with the other proposal in this Volume that would move the National Marine Fisheries Service to
DOI – consolidates most major land and water resource management programs in the Federal Government
in one department. Consolidating these programs under one umbrella would improve eectiveness
of land, water, and natural resource management eorts, as well as infrastructure permitting, across
Government. It would also place Corps civil works activities in domestic agencies instead of in DOD,
whose mission is focused on national defense.
Under this proposal, the Corps commercial navigation functions would move to DOT, whose mission
already includes Federal responsibility for all other modes of transportation. All other activities, including
flood and storm damage reduction, aquatic ecosystem restoration, hydropower, regulatory, and other
activities, would move to DOI.
Aligning and consolidating the Federal Governments role in domestic water resources activities would
provide greater consistency in policy and investment decisions, including comparisons of various
investment opportunities. Doing so would increase economic eiciency and improve transparency of
investment decisions.
Moving Commercial Navigation Functions to the Department of Transportation
Transferring Corps navigation programs to DOT would consolidate responsibility across all transportation
modes within a single Federal agency, thereby encouraging consistent Federal policy in the transportation
sector. This consolidation would leverage DOT’s expertise in infrastructure, and make DOT’s maritime
responsibilities analogous to its role in other transportation sectors. In the maritime sector, DOT’s mission
would expand to helping States and non-Federal partners make infrastructure investment decisions.
Moving Remaining Functions to the Department of the Interior
The Corps administers an aquatic ecosystem restoration program to implement projects designed to
benefit fish, wildlife, and their habitat. These projects are oen justified by the benefits they provide to
species protected under the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, two laws that
DOI administers with great expertise. Development of these projects requires significant coordination
with DOI to ensure that the resulting project eectively targets the highest priority needs. If the Corps’
restoration program was administered through DOI, the Executive Branch could better direct its ecosystem
restoration investments to achieve the greatest benefit to fish, wildlife, and their habitat, and better
leverage the expertise and relationships DOI maintains with State fish and wildlife agencies.
In addition, consolidating the Corps’ regulatory responsibilities for permitting of non-Federal projects
within DOI would simplify the infrastructure permitting process for stakeholders who oen have to
navigate multiple Federal agency processes when seeking project permits and approvals. Moving
regulatory responsibilities, including those related to the Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section
10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, within DOI’s existing permitting programs would produce administrative
eiciencies and opportunities for simplified interaction with stakeholders.
Reorganize Primary Federal Food Safety Functions
into a Single Agency, the Federal Food Safety Agency
Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would address the current fragmented Federal oversight of
food safety by reorganizing the U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection
Service (FSIS) and the food safety functions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a single agency within USDA. USDA demonstrates
strong and eective leadership in food safety and maintains an expert understanding of food safety
issues from the farm to the fork. This proposal would cover virtually all the foods Americans eat.
Government Accountability Oice, “GAO-17-317: High-Risk Series: Progress on Many High-Risk Areas, While Substantial
Eorts Needed on Others,” (February 2017).
For more than forty years, the Government Accountability Oice (GAO) has reported that the fragmented
Federal oversight of food safety “has caused inconsistent oversight, ineective coordination, and
ineicient use of resources,
” and food safety has been on GAO’s list of high-risk areas since 2007. FSIS
and FDA are the two primary agencies with major responsibilities for regulating food and the substances
that may become part of food. FSIS is responsible for the safety of meat, poultry, processed egg
products, and catfish, while FDA is responsible for all other foods, including seafood and shelled eggs.
There are many examples of how illogical our fragmented and sometimes duplicative food safety system
can be. For example: while FSIS has regulatory responsibility for the safety of liquid eggs, FDA has
regulatory responsibility for the safety of eggs while they are inside of their shells; FDA regulates cheese
pizza, but if there is pepperoni on top, it falls under the jurisdiction of FSIS; FDA regulates closed-faced
meat sandwiches, while FSIS regulates open-faced meat sandwiches.
To address this fragmented and illogical division of Federal oversight, FSIS and the food safety functions
of the FDA would be consolidated into a single agency within USDA called the Federal Food Safety Agency.
GAO and other experts have recommended merging Federal food safety functions as a potential solution
to this fragmentation. The National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine (now known as the
Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) have
recommended that the core Federal food safety responsibilities should reside in a single entity or agency,
with a unified administrative structure, clear mandate, a dedicated budget, and full responsibility for
the oversight of the entire U.S. food supply.
The new Federal Food Safety Agency would pursue a modern, science-based food safety regulatory
regime drawing on best practices of both USDA and HHS, with strong enforcement and recall mechanisms,
expertise in risk assessment, and enforcement eorts across all food types based on scientifically-
supported practices. The Agency would serve as the central point for coordinating with State and local
entities and food safety stakeholders, rationalizing and simplifying the Federal food safety regulatory
regime. The reform would reduce duplication of inspection at some food processing facilities, improve
outreach to consumers and industry, and achieve savings over time while ensuring robust and coordinated
food safety oversight.
While the FDA and FSIS currently have very dierent regulatory regimes, consolidating FSIS and the food
safety functions of FDA would allow for a better allocation of resources based on risk, better communication
during illness outbreaks, and improved policy and program planning through development of a single
strategic plan.
The irrational divisions of responsibility between FDA and FSIS have evolved since the early days of U.S.
food regulation. The Congress created separate statutory frameworks, spurred in part by various food
safety concerns and incidents of the day, originally to address the widespread marketing of intentionally
adulterated foods and the unsafe and unsanitary conditions in meat packing plants in the early 1900s. Over
the years, the Congress added new authorities to meet new challenges. Over time, the dierent legislative
authorities that govern the two agencies have resulted in two distinct regulatory regimes, cultures, and
approaches to addressing food safety. Thus, fully integrating FSIS and the food safety functions of FDA
would ultimately require a reconciliation of underlying legislative authorities and regulatory approaches.
Food Safety and Inspection Service Approach
FSIS is responsible for the safety of domestic and imported meat, poultry, processed eggs, and catfish. Meat
and poultry undergo continuous (i.e., 100 percent) inspection during slaughter, and one or more Federal
inspectors are on site during all hours that a slaughter plant is operating, and present for every shiin
processing plants. FSIS is involved in many areas of food processing and food distribution: the inspection
of domestic products, imports, and exports; conducting risk assessments; and educating the public
about the importance of food safety. FSIS ensures the safety of imported products through a three-part
equivalence process that includes an analysis of the country’s legal and regulatory structure, initial
and periodic on-site audits to ensure equivalence with FSIS standards, and a continual point-of-entry
re-inspection of products from the exporting country.
Food and Drug Administration Approach
FDA is responsible for the safety of all U.S. domestic and imported foods except meat, poultry, processed
eggs, and catfish. FDA conducts inspections of most establishments that manufacture, process, pack, or
hold foods. FDA requires food importers to verify that their foreign suppliers have adequate preventive
controls in place to ensure that the food they produce is safe, and FDA can refuse entry into the United
States of food from a foreign facility if FDA is denied access by the facility or the country in which the
facility is located. FDA also has a systems recognition program, which determines whether another
country has comparable regulatory programs and public health outcomes to the United States. Systems
recognition allows FDA to avoid duplication of eort while leveraging the high-quality work done by
regulatory authorities in each country. Given the scope of FDAs responsibilities, FDA inspects food
establishments based on risk. As required by law, FDA must inspect 100 percent of high-risk domestic
food facilities every three years. FDA physically inspects less than two percent of imported foods annually
at the ports. Where FSIS and FDA statutory and/or regulatory regimes overlap, some establishments fall
under the jurisdiction of both agencies.
Locating the Federal Food Safety Agency at USDA
USDA is well poised to house the Federal Food Safety Agency. USDA is a strong leader in food safety;
has a thorough understanding of food safety risks and issues all along the farm to fork continuum; and
many agencies within USDA focus on food safety.
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) spends about $112 million on in-house food safety research, and
ARS scientists work with both FSIS and FDA to help develop research priorities and food safety practices.
In addition, many other programs at USDA have food safety elements, from helping to manage wildlife on
farms, to monitoring animal health, to collecting pesticide residue data on fruits and vegetables. USDA
also has established relationships between State departments of agriculture, local farms, and processing
facilities, and is thus keenly aware of food safety issues at all levels.
Following the food reorganization, FDA (which would be renamed the “Federal Drug Administration”)
would focus on drugs, devices, biologics, tobacco, dietary supplements, and cosmetics.
The proposed consolidation would merge approximately 5,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
and $1.3 billion from FDA with about 9,200 FTEs and $1 billion in resources in USDA. In the long term,
the Administration expects this proposal would result in improvements in food safety outcomes, policy
and program consistency, and more eicient use of taxpayer resources.
Move Select USDA Housing Programs to HUD
Departments of Agriculture and Housing and Urban Development
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would move the Department of Agricultures (USDA) rural
housing loan guarantee and rental assistance programs to the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). Having both USDA and HUD housing programs administered by HUD would allow
both agencies to focus on their core missions and, over time, further align the Federal Government’s
role in housing policy.
In general, HUD and USDA rental assistance programs make rents aordable to eligible households by paying the
dierence between the unit’s rent and 30 percent of a household’s adjusted income. These programs include:
1) tenant-based rental assistance/vouchers for eligible tenants to rent privately owned apartments or single-family
homes, which can be applied to dierent properties if tenants move; and 2) project-based rental assistance that is
attached to specific properties and is available to tenants only when they are living in units at these properties.
Currently, USDA and HUD operate similar programs that assist homeowners and low-income renters
and support rental housing development. Each agency operates its own mortgage insurance programs
for home purchase and refinance loans, as well as loans to build, rehabilitate, and refinance rental
housing properties. In addition, the two agencies operate separate rental assistance programs oering
subsidies to make rents aordable to low-income tenants.
The programs, however, are not identical;
there are dierences in eligibility requirements, assistance levels, delivery and oversight structures, and
other program features that have evolved separately over time. Given that these housing programs are
currently situated in separate agencies with distinct missions and priorities, incorporating best practices
across programs and establishing a unified housing policy has been a challenge. This proposal seeks
to mitigate these issues by moving USDAs single-family and multifamily loan guarantees and rental
assistance programs to HUD.
Moving USDA housing programs to HUD would foster a more integrated approach to homeownership and
rental housing programs by consolidating oversight and policy direction under one agency. In the long
term, it would improve operational eiciency and service delivery through integration of like programs
and the adoption of best practices.
USDAs housing programs, which serve eligible rural areas, were initially established in the 1940s in
response to an underrepresentation of national housing programs in rural areas. They were also a result
of the ready-made delivery system USDA had in place through its field oice structure for farm loans.
Since then, the rationale for separate, rural-focused housing programs at USDA has become outdated
given HUDs role in serving communities throughout the Nation, including in many rural areas. In fact,
due in large part to the sheer size of its programs, HUD serves more households in USDA-eligible areas
than USDA does. For example, as shown in the Figure, HUDs Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
guaranteed approximately 633,000 single-family loans in zip codes that were 100 percent USDA-eligible
from fiscal years 2015 to 2017 compared to 258,000 loans guaranteed by USDA.
Moving USDA housing programs to HUD would be the
first step toward achieving long-term improvements
in operational eiciency and service delivery. For
example, program requirements, management and
oversight processes, and systems would be assessed
to identify and take advantage of best practices from
each agency. Private-sector partners, including
lenders and developers, that currently work with
both agencies to administer housing programs could
realize eiciencies as conflicting requirements are
eliminated or reduced. Another long-term objective,
to the extent it can be achieved without compromising
Agency mission, would be to produce Federal savings
by reducing Agency overhead costs.
This reorganization could be modeled aer the provision in a draHouse bill, the “FHA-Rural Regulatory
Improvement Act of 2011,” which proposed to establish a separate HUD Rural Housing oice to provide
loan guarantees and rental assistance in rural areas, and transfer the USDA housing programs into
that oice. This proposal is also consistent with findings from the Government Accountability Oice
(GAO). Since 2012, GAO has issued annual reports on opportunities to reduce fragmentation, overlap
and duplication, and housing programs at USDA and HUD have routinely been included in that report.
Merge the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
Departments of Commerce and the Interior
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would merge the Department of Commerce’s (DOC) National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) with the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (FWS). This merger would consolidate the administration of the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) and Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in one agency and combine the Services’ science
and management capacity, resulting in more consistent Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and
improved service to stakeholders and the public, particularly on infrastructure permitting.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) – located in the Department of Commerces National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) – housed within
the Department of the Interior (DOI) – administer two foundational laws that aim to prevent extinctions
and recover fish and wildlife: the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA). The Services’ jurisdictions under these two laws is generally split based on habitat type, with FWS
covering species that spend time on land or in inland fisheries, while NMFS covers mostly marine species.
This split jurisdiction, coupled with the fact that the Services are located in dierent departments,
creates a confusing permitting landscape for project proponents. For example, when reviewing the
impacts of a proposed dam system on endangered species, FWS and NMFS may come up with directly
contradictory requirements about how that dam system needs to be managed to be ESA compliant.
FWS may determine that the dam system needs to release extra water to benefit an endangered inland
fish species, while NMFS may simultaneously conclude that the dam operator should store that water to
provide future benefits to an anadromous fish under NMFSs management. The end result is confusion
and a lack of clarity on how to proceed with the project.
This proposal would seek to address these concerns by merging NMFS with FWS in DOI, simplifying the
administration of the ESA and MMPA, and coordinating fish and wildlife science and related resource
management capacity in one bureau within DOI.
This proposal would simplify and bring greater clarity and consistency to the administration of the ESA
and MMPA, enabling a coordinated and synchronized approach to ESA and MMPA regulatory reform. This
would result in improved service to stakeholders and the public, particularly on infrastructure permitting.
This merger would also combine fisheries and wildlife management capacity into one bureau within DOI.
DOI already carries a great breadth of natural resource management responsibilities, and bringing NMFS
and certain Army Corps of Engineers programs, as proposed elsewhere in this Volume, into DOI would
increase the eectiveness of conservation eorts across the Government by putting them all under one
umbrella. Over time, the proposal may yield savings through the consolidation of administrative support
functions within the merged FWS and across DOI.
Merging NMFS into DOI’s FWS presents opportunities to improve implementation of the ESA and MMPA,
which will benefit of species and stakeholders and improve natural resource management.
With the Services currently housed in dierent departments and assigned dierent species under
their jurisdictions, administration of the ESA and MMPA can be complicated and inconsistent, posing
challenges for stakeholders and species alike. Under these statutes, both agencies have similar
responsibilities: NMFS for primarily marine species and FWS for primarily freshwater and land-based
species. Under the ESA, the Services decide whether to protect a species (i.e., list it as threatened or
endangered), designate critical habitat for listed species, and perform consultations for Federal actions
that may impact listed species or their critical habitat. Under the MMPA, the Services review and issue
permits that allow the hunting, harassing, or killing of marine mammals in limited circumstances.
In recent years, FWS and NMFS have sought to better align their implementation of the ESA. Rather than
pursuing individual regulations that govern ESA implementation, the Services have undertaken several
joint rulemakings in recent years, which establish clear and consistent definitions and processes for how
the ESA should be administered.
However, bringing NMFS into FWS would also improve the eectiveness of fish, wildlife, and natural
resource management activities by coordinating protections for jointly managed species, improving
interagency coordination, and streamlining permitting. Both Services engage in complementary scientific
research, voluntary habitat conservation, law enforcement, and international conservation work.
A merger provides an opportunity to look across this suite of activities to direct resources at the highest
value conservation work and to discover agency best practices that could be applied more broadly.
This idea is not new. Dating back to the Carter Administration, previous administrations and congresses
have proposed reorganizing NMFS and FWS, with a focus on improving natural resource management.
Those past proposals span a wide spectrum. From smallest to largest, these proposals have suggested
moving NMFS’s ESA responsibilities to FWS, merging NMFS into FWS, moving NOAA into DOI, and
establishing a new Department of Natural Resources.
Consolidation of Environmental Cleanup Programs
Departments of the Interior and Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would consolidate portions of the Department of the Interior’s
(DOI) Central Hazardous Materials Program and the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Hazardous
Materials Management program into the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program.
This consolidation would allow EPA to address environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which
of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and USDA would maintain their existing environmental
compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for non-CERCLA sites.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation & Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) provided
the President with the authority to respond to the release of hazardous substances that pose a threat to
public health or the environment. EPA was designated as the lead agency for developing and implementing
guidance and regulations for addressing those releases, and approving remedies for the most contaminated
sites in the country (i.e., those sites that end up on the National Priorities List (NPL)). The job of actually
performing and paying for the cleanup activities was then distributed across the Federal Government to
ensure that agencies have an incentive to be good environmental stewards of the properties they operate,
manage, or administer. In general this system works as intended; agencies such as the Departments of
Energy and Defense, for example, pay for the cleanup associated with their activities on properties they
operate, manage, or administer.
The system becomes more challenging when addressing environmental conditions at abandoned mine
sites, which are present on both private and public lands. EPA is delegated authority for conducting
cleanup at mining sites on private lands, while DOI and USDA are responsible for executing cleanup at
mining sites on Federal lands. The problem is that DOI and USDA inherited over 80,000 abandoned mine
sites, over which they had no control prior to the mid-1970s. While the vast majority of these sites have
only minor environmental or physical hazards, some require a more extensive environmental cleanup.
In those instances, DOI and USDA apply EPAs guidance, but discrepancies in interpretations have led to
ineiciencies and inconsistencies across the Federal cleanup regime. In some instances, inconsistent
cleanup determinations within a mining district or watershed have been the result of these types of
conflicting interpretations. In addition, due to competing mission priorities within DOI and USDA, the
cleanup activities at these sites do not necessarily receive the same level of attention that they would if
they were part of EPAs Superfund program.
Consolidating the cleanup programs in a way that allows EPA to add sites in need of CERCLA-level attention to
the Superfund program would create eiciencies by eliminating inconsistent interpretations among various
agencies, reducing the number of decisions and approvals, and ultimately expediting the cleanup of sites.
This proposal would reduce inefficiencies, oversight costs, and indirect costs by consolidating the
environmental assessment and cleanup activities under the agency with the most significant expertise
in this area.
This proposal would integrate portions of the DOI and USDA cleanup programs into EPAs Superfund
program in order to streamline the Federal Government’s response to abandoned mine sites in need of
environmental assessment and cleanup. The Federal Government’s responsibility for cleanup is currently
dispersed across agencies based on jurisdiction, as opposed to expertise and liability. This proposal
would enable better use of resources and expertise, streamline the implementation of statutory and
regulatory requirements, and facilitate a more comprehensive and consistent approach to addressing
contaminated lands across the Nation.
The agencies estimate that there are over 80,000 abandoned mine sites on Federal lands, close to five
percent of which could require a CERCLA-level cleanup. While DOI and USDA attempt to address those
sites as they are identified, their environmental cleanup programs are not core to their missions, and
therefore present a challenge for the agencies to address the wide range of environmental issues stemming
from mining sites and other activities on Federal lands. As such, certain sites requiring CERCLA-type
cleanup may not be addressed in as timely a manner as they could be if included as part of a more holistic,
national program.
The multi-million dollar environmental liabilities associated with abandoned mine sites pre-date modern
Federal regulation of environmental issues. The General Mining Law of 1872 was enacted to help develop
the West by encouraging mining on Federal lands without the need for bonding or permitting. In the
mid-1970s, environmental and other land control issues drove the desire to develop a more comprehensive
Federal approach to the development of our natural resources. It was at that time that the Federal Land
Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 were
passed. Under these laws, DOI and USDA administer the environmental compliance, financial bonding,
and closure reclamation of mine sites on Federal lands. Due to their eorts since the passage of those
laws, the vast majority of modern mine sites do not rise to the level of environmental degradation that
would require a response under the CERCLA. DOI and USDA, however, continue to be responsible for
addressing the environmental problems stemming from the abandoned mines from the General Mining
Law of 1872 era simply due to their presence on Federal lands.
EPA is the Federal agency responsible for the development of regulations, procedures, and guidance used
by the Federal Government to conduct environmental cleanup. EPA is also responsible for overseeing
and approving remedies put into place at Federal sites on the NPL and providing technical assistance
to States that oversee cleanup activities at Federal sites that are not on the NPL. Due to this role, EPA
serves as the Federal Government’s subject matter expert on decontamination and hazardous substance
risk assessment.
Funding and FTEs would shifrom DOI (up to $10 million and eight FTEs) and USDA (up to $3.5 million
and six FTEs) to EPA to cover the increase in the assessment and cleanup workload at EPA, while DOI
and USDA would continue to maintain funding and FTEs for their existing compliance, bonding, and
reclamation programs for modern mines. Although the end result would be a slightly larger Superfund
program, it would continue to allocate resources based on risk. In addition, project managers would
have control over the cleanup work and not have to direct the actions through another Federal agency
manager at Federal sites. The aected States, Tribes, and communities surrounding these sites would
also have a single Federal point of contact for raising their concerns with the cleanup approach. This
may also lead to certain sites that have been languishing receiving attention, which could result in more
favorable conditions for enjoying the natural environment of our Federal lands, and the rivers and streams
that run through them.
Optimization of Humanitarian Assistance
Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development
Summary of Proposal: The Administration is launching a process to optimize U.S. humanitarian
assistance. U.S. humanitarian assistance programs are conducted by three Department of State
(State) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) oices, dividing decision-making on
humanitarian policy and implementation. The Administration will develop a proposal to reorganize
how humanitarian assistance is provided across State and USAID to maximize our leverage and assure
all assistance meets our foreign policy goals and objectives, including the capacity to drive strong
United Nations (UN) humanitarian system reform, increase burden sharing, minimize duplication
of eort in programming and policy, and maximize eiciency in meeting humanitarian needs and
resolving underlying crises. In developing this proposal, the Administration will address changes
needed to achieve a unified voice on humanitarian policy, budget, and reforms to optimize outcomes.
The process will consider all options to achieve these objectives. As part of this process, State and
USAID will submit their joint recommendation to the Oice of Management and Budget (OMB), as
part of their Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Budget request, to optimize humanitarian assistance programs.
In FY 2017, State and USAID provided $9 billion in humanitarian assistance. More than 65 million people
are displaced worldwide with needs outstripping limited resources. As a result, it is critical to maximize
the impact of U.S. taxpayer resources spent on humanitarian assistance and deliver the greatest outcome
to beneficiaries for those investments. Currently, three U.S. Government oices — one at State and two
at USAID — share the responsibility to establish humanitarian policies and implement related assistance
programs. Given the size of U.S. humanitarian relief eorts, it is imperative that they coherently plan,
budget, and program against needs, providing the best possible outcomes for beneficiaries and value
for the taxpayer as well as avoiding duplication of eort and fragmentation of decision-making.
State’s Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) serves as the Government lead for program
response to refugees (i.e., those who have crossed an international border). Within USAID’s Bureau for
Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA), the Oice of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
(OFDA) is the lead Federal coordinator for international disaster assistance and aid to internally-displaced
persons (IDPs). USAID’s Oice of Food for Peace (FFP) is the lead Federal provider of international food
assistance, including to IDPs and refugees. All three oices—PRM, OFDA, and FFP—address the needs
of victims of conflict, where, without careful coordination, there is the risk of overlapping eort.
While PRM and DCHA have always responded to conflict-induced displacement, in the last decade the
composition of global beneficiaries has changed dramatically. Victims of conflict have become the largest
share of aected persons globally. Conflict-related emergencies — which are man-made, inherently
political, and require diplomatic engagementimpact a changing mix of refugees, IDPs, and other aected
persons, which requires the three Government oices to be able to respond in a fluid and adaptable way.
The most recent example is the Rohingya humanitarian emergency in Burma and Bangladesh. OFDA
and PRM separately fund their partners to assist victims of conflict in Burma. PRM funds additional
partners to support Rohingya who have become refugees by crossing into Bangladesh. FFP provides
food for refugees, IDPs, and others aected in both Burma and Bangladesh. In an emergency situation
like this, it can be diicult to consistently execute a cohesive U.S. response that uniformly monitors the
performance of implementers, including UN agencies, ensures there are no duplications or gaps in aid,
and deploys a seamless and eective assistance strategy for all aected people.
Under the current set-up, improvements in coordination across U.S. humanitarian assistance are
dependent upon the circumstances and willingness of those involved on a case-by-case basis. For
example, in 2015, thanks to their good working relationship, the heads of USAID and State worked
together to prevent the closure of the Dadaab refugee camp and the forced return of its occupants to
Similarly, the delivery of humanitarian assistance across dierent oices can result in multiple and divergent
Government voices in international fora on UN humanitarian policy and other aspects of humanitarian
assistance, if not well coordinated, in an environment where most other participant countries have a single
voice, represented by their foreign ministries. This results in confusion and reduces the eectiveness of
the United States relative to its scale in the global humanitarian system.
This structure can also create additional programmatic and other costs and ineiciencies in implementing
U.S. assistance, ranging from programming eorts that are conflicting, or contain gaps, to the use
of dierent contracting, oversight, accountability measures, systems, policies, and procedures with
implementers. In addition, it impedes broader seamless and coherent responses encompassing all
tools available to the United States, from relief assistance to development support. There is a growing
recognition that relief-development coherence is key to solving prolonged large-scale displacement.
The evolution and expansion in global humanitarian needs and responses in recent years and the structure
of the U.S. humanitarian response apparatus, among other factors, underscore why we now need to
optimize how we provide humanitarian assistance.
The ultimate goal is to achieve strategic, coherent, and seamless U.S. humanitarian programmatic
and policy responses that best achieve our foreign assistance and policy goals, and that maximize our
leverage, the benefit to recipients of assistance, and the value to the U.S. taxpayer. The Administration’s
reorganization proposal will strengthen the capacity of the U.S. Government to achieve critical major
reforms within the UN humanitarian system, optimizing outcomes and securing greater accountability
and transparency within the multilateral humanitarian system.
Specifically, the final proposal will seek to achieve:
A seamless cohesive approach to humanitarian programming and funding delivered by the United
A unified voice that ensures the United States exercises a level of influence over donors and multilateral
humanitarian eorts commensurate with our overall level of humanitarian funding and that we are
not disadvantaged in dealing with the foreign ministries of other nations. A unified voice will not only
allow the U.S. Government to more eectively and consistently drive necessary reforms amongst
implementers, particularly the UN, but will also strengthen our ability to encourage other donors to
increase their share of humanitarian assistance; and
Strong and consistent oversight of U.S. Government implementing partners’ performance, including
the UN humanitarian partners.
Each U.S. humanitarian oice—PRM, OFDA, and FFP—has its strengths, and oen works well with the
others, both in Washington and in the field, when their leadership jointly focus on addressing specific
challenges and improving specific responses. However, the actions taken by State and USAID to date have
not overcome structural deficiencies and therefore have been unable to achieve a systematic, optimal,
and consistent approach to humanitarian operations, programming and standards, policy issues, and
coordination with the UN and other implementers, other donors and grantees.
As outlined in the FY 2019 Budget, following an in-depth external study of USAID’s humanitarian oices
in 2016, the Administration decided to merge OFDA and FFP. The merger will allow these two oices to
increase the eiciency and eectiveness of USAID’s humanitarian programs. The Administration intends
to go beyond the FY 2019 Budget by elevating the merged OFDA and FFP oices in a new USAID bureau.
In addition, the Administration is deploying a new approach to relief in the near term across State and
USAID as a stopgap measure that improves how we conduct humanitarian assistance within the current
U.S. humanitarian structure, and is also launching a process that will optimize the structure of U.S.
humanitarian assistance, culminating with the delivery of a joint recommendation for consideration by
OMB as part of the 2020 Budget development process.
Elevation of USAID’s Humanitarian Assistance Oices into a Bureau
As a first step, USAID is currently seeking to elevate the merged OFDA and FFP into a new Bureau. The
Bureau would report to a new Associate Administrator for Relief, Resilience, and Response. This action is
intended not only to raise the importance of humanitarian assistance within USAID and with domestic and
international stakeholders, but also to improve and eliminate duplication within USAID’s crisis responses,
including those crises driven by persistent conflict and food insecurity. The improvements include
facilitating the transition from relief to development in new and ongoing humanitarian emergencies.
New Approach to Relief
State and USAID are embarking on a new approach to relief in the near-term, discussed in broad terms
in the FY 2019 Budget, to begin to address three presidential priorities to 1) increase burden-sharing by
other donors; 2) catalyze advance reform at the UN and other implementing partners; and 3) improve
internal Government coherence on humanitarian assistance. Under this approach, State and USAID will
both continue to engage in humanitarian policy and diplomacy.
Amplifying U.S. Global Leadership by Optimizing U.S. Humanitarian Assistance
In addition, the Administration proposes to launch a process to revisit and optimize humanitarian
assistance across State and USAID, to result in a reorganization proposal in the 2020 Budget. This proposal
to optimize how humanitarian assistance is provided across State and USAID will establish the capacity
to drive strong UN humanitarian system reform, increase burden-sharing, minimize duplication of eort
in programming and policy, and maximize eiciency, and empower our diplomatic eorts to resolve
conflicts and end long-standing displacement. Table 1 lays out the key challenges and risks, as well as
the desired outcomes to be addressed in a final 2020 Budget proposal.
In developing this proposal, the Administration will address fundamental changes needed to achieve a
unified voice on humanitarian policy, budget, and reforms to optimize outcomes by institutionalizing the
core elements of the new approach to relief, to optimize the eectiveness of U.S. humanitarian assistance,
and to make the coordination of policy and implementation across State and USAID seamless and more
durable, accountable and eective.
Table 1:
Optimization of Humanitarian Assistance – Current Challenges and Risks, and Desired Outcomes
Current Challenges and Risks
Programming overlap, gaps and inconsistencies
across programs
Voices and policy positions not fully
coordinated in international forums and
Suboptimal policy positions and compromises
in international negotiations
Diiculties in shiing funds across refugees,
IDPS, and food as needed to address changing
Dierent and suboptimal business models for
providing assistance
Suboptimal accountability, transparency,
eiciency and eectiveness
Duplicative and dierent oversight and
reporting requirements
esired Outcomes
Humanitarian leadership optimized to achieve
foreign policy priorities, including UN reform and
other reforms, coherent policy and programming
• Increased burden-sharing
• Strengthened diplomacy to resolve conflicts
Seamless, coherent budgeting, planning,
and programming (including planning for
contingency needs)
• Unified voice that seeks optimal UN reforms
Seamless implementation of relief-
development coherence across aected
persons regardless of status, not just IDPs
• Provision of aid based on needs (not status)
Ability to surge in unified, seamless response
across all humanitarian assistance as crises evolve
Ability to use funding as needed either for
refugees or IDPs and other aected persons
Significant and measurable improvements
in outcomes for beneficiaries and value for
U.S. taxpayers, including accountability and
Seamless and coherent responses
encompassing all tools available from relief
assistance to development support
Development Finance Institution
Overseas Private Investment Corporation and USAID Development Credit Authority
Summary of Proposal: The Development Finance Institution (DFI) brings together the U.S.
Government’s development finance tools, such as the Overseas Private Investment Corporation
(OPIC) and the Development Credit Authority (DCA) of the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), in a reformed and modernized way to leverage more private sector investment, provide
strong alternatives to state-directed initiatives, create more innovative vehicles to open and expand
markets for U.S. firms, and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.
“Development finance” refers to the use of tools such as loans, guarantees, and political risk insurance
to facilitate private-sector investment in emerging markets with the goal of achieving positive
developmental impact. Public-sector support aims to mobilize transactions that the private sector
wouldn’t do on their own.
The U.S. Government has used these tools through OPIC to back projects in key sectors such as
power, water, and health that improve the quality of life for millions, and help lay the groundwork
for creating modern economies. Likewise, the U.S. Government has used USAID’s DCA risk-sharing
guarantee program to drive private investment into countries and sectors with no or insuicient access
to commercial finance.
Current U.S. development finance tools are outdated and fragmented across multiple Federal agencies,
and oen are not well coordinated. This has hampered the Governments ability to make investments
that support key U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives, and resulted in the ineicient use of
taxpayer dollars. For example, OPIC and DCA have operated for over 15 years without significant legislative
updates, and lack authorities to pursue more innovative deals in pursuit of our foreign policy interests.
These institutions also have some duplicative functions, and lack the most modern development finance
tools needed to counter the state-driven model of countries like China, or to cooperate with the DFIs of
our allies like the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and Japan, who are investing heavily throughout
the developing world.
DFI brings together the U.S. Government’s development finance tools, such as OPIC and DCA, in a
reformed and modernized way to leverage more private-sector investment, provide strong alternatives
to state-directed initiatives, create more innovative vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms,
and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.
With a new DFI, the United States will be better placed to advance our development and national security
goals in the developing world and boost the competitiveness of American businesses, which are critical
for promoting American prosperity and security. Compared to the status quo, the DFI will be better
aligned with the President’s National Security Strategy and better able to manage U.S. taxpayer risk.
A consolidated DFI will increase coordination and operational eiciencies, making more funding available
for programming. In addition, it will be more nimble and better able to mobilize private sector funding
with a modernized 21
Century toolkit allowing it to compete globally.
In November 2017, before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Vietnam, the President
committed to reforming U.S. development-finance institutions to “better incentivize private-sector
investment” and “provide strong alternatives to state-directed initiatives that come with many strings
attached.” Additionally, the President’s National Security Strategy prioritizes eorts to catalyze private
sector activity in developing countries to complement our more traditional foreign assistance programs.
The DFI will have reformed and modernized tools so that it is more interoperable with partners, while
adhering to the key principles of mitigating risk to the U.S. taxpayer and not displacing private sector
resources. The DFI will have similar tools to OPIC and USAID’s DCA today, (e.g. loans, guarantees, and
insurance). In addition, the DFI will be able to support development finance related feasibility studies,
project-specific grants, and equity investments, with appropriate constraints.
The DFI will have an updated governance structure and strong institutional linkages with the Department
of State (State) and USAID to ensure the prioritization of projects that are critical to national security and
developmentally impactful. The connectivity will drive better pipeline and programming coordination
amongst USG agencies. For example, in a high-priority country, we envision complementary activities
that could entail having the DFI support a feasibility study and subsequent early-stage financing for a
new project, while USAID funds economic policy reforms that strengthen the enabling environment
and attract more private-sector investment. To cement this alignment, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget
proposes resources for State/USAID programming (and other transfer authorities) to support activities
such as grants for technical assistance or “wraparound” services that complement and support the DFI’s
project-specific investments.
The new DFI governance structure will ensure that U.S. Government investments catalyze, but do not
displace, the private sector, and will better manage taxpayer risk. For example, the Budget proposes
annual loan limitations, in addition to an overall exposure cap, and the Administration’s proposal includes
investment constraints to enhance taxpayer protections. The Budget also requests significantly expanded
funding for inspections, evaluations, and oversight of the DFI.
The Administration expects savings from eliminating some redundant eorts in development-finance
programs, such as risk-management, credit-modeling, and servicing. These savings will allow the DFI
to allocate more eort to its mission than to duplicative overhead activities.
The Administrations DFI proposal is consistent with similar proposals from a range of independent
stakeholder groups and think tanks such as the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network and the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, and derives important lessons from other countries’ DFIs. Additionally
this proposal reflects significant coordination among all aected agencies and various other stakeholders.
The Administration has indicated strong support for the goals of H.R. 5105/S.2463, the ‘’Better Utilization
of Investments Leading to Development (BUILD) Act of 2018.’’ The legislation is broadly consistent with
the Administration’s DFI proposal, and the Administration has been working with the Congress to make
adjustments to the text as the bills progress through the legislative process.
Structural Transformation of Central
Washington-Based Bureaus at the
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Agency for International Development
Summary of Proposal: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is planning an
extensive, Agency-driven structural reorganization of its headquarters Bureaus and Independent
Oices, as a foundational component of its overall plans to better advance partner countries’
self-reliance, support U.S. national security, and ensure the eectiveness and eiciency of foreign
assistance. Most significantly, USAID’s transformation will accomplish the following: 1) elevate
and realign its humanitarian assistance, conflict-prevention and response, and resilience and food
security programs; 2) consolidate and reorient its centralized program design, innovation, and
technical support functions to better support overseas Missions; and 3) consolidate and streamline
policy, budget, performance, and central management functions.
USAID has not undergone a comprehensive structural transformation in more than 20 years. The operating
environment for USAID has changed dramatically in those 20 years, and USAID is looking to change with it
by creating a more dynamic and eicient organization that enables its people and programs to be more
eective while also maintaining the Agencys leadership on development. The goal of this transformation
eort is to strengthen the Agency’s core capabilities. Specifically, that means breaking down stove-pipes
and creating coherent and rational structures that can enable more eicient coordination and integration
of programs and resources. It also means continuing to work to unlock information, analysis, and ideas
internally and externally that can improve decision-making and programming across the organization. For
example, the magnitude, complexity, and protracted nature of humanitarian assistance, stabilization, and
resilience needs worldwide has outstripped USAID’s existing structures and approaches, so the Agency
has planned an improved structure that will enable fully-integrated responses and eective transitions
from recovery to longer term resilience and self-suiciency. Further, specialized technical expertise and
cross-cutting capabilities are dispersed inconsistently and in some cases duplicatively across the Agency,
with no single centralized resource to support Missions overseas in designing innovative and eective
programs. USAID’s budget, policy, and evidence-based performance functions are currently dispersed
among multiple bureaus and oices, so the Agency is planning to bring those functions under one umbrella,
as well as ensure coherence in operationalizing the vision for self-reliance that is the centerpiece of the
future USAID. Lastly, the restructuring is exploring how to better integrate core management functions
to strengthen the operational foundation of the Agency.
To address these challenges, USAID is pursuing a comprehensive set of experience-based, employee-driven
reforms across the Agency. These proposals will elevate and consolidate humanitarian assistance; better
align eorts to prevent and respond to conflict and conduct stabilization and response eorts; enable the
building of more resilient communities and countries in the face of shocks; reinforce advanced program
design, innovation, and implementation as core capabilities; strengthen connections and coherence
between policy, budget, and strategy; and align central management services.
These reforms will strengthen USAID’s core capabilities in priority areas, rationalize Bureau and Oice
structures, and establish clear roles and responsibilities to reduce duplication, improve accountability,
and maximize eectiveness. As a result, USAID will be better positioned to support the President’s
National Security Strategy and economic growth objectives through foreign assistance, including through:
better development and emergency response outcomes; increased self-reliance in partner countries and
a reduced need for traditional foreign assistance; improved USAID program and procurement design
and implementation; and greater accountability, eectiveness, and eiciency in using taxpayer dollars.
USAID’s ambitious structural reorganization will provide a strong foundation for its broader transformation
plans, which emphasize policy and process reforms across such topics as ending the need for foreign
assistance, better supporting national security, opening markets for U.S. businesses, and driving reforms
in human resources, information technology, and procurement. These structural changes will help
ensure that improvements are sustainable by strengthening core Agency capabilities and coordination,
improving the design and implementation of humanitarian and development assistance programs, and
streamlining oices and decision-making. USAID is investing extensive time, expertise, and leadership
focus in analyzing, developing, and implementing seven major Bureau changes, including in many
Washington-based oices. Each major change summarized below is supported by a strong rationale and
detailed plans for successful implementation. Taken together, they represent a significant re-envisioning
of USAID and its potential to support U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic goals while
eectively managing and overseeing taxpayer-funded programs.
Associate Administrator for Relief, Response, and Resilience
The new Associate Administrator will lead an integrated eort to strengthen and further unify humanitarian
assistance with resilience and food security, and with prevention and response to conflict and crises.
By providing overall strategic and programmatic guidance, the Associate Administrator will reduce
stove-piping, improve decision-making, and ensure eective, timely, and appropriate coordination of
critical programming and technical assistance. This position will also reduce the number of individuals
who report directly to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator, and allow them to focus on broad
strategy and management of the overall Agency.
Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance
The current structure of humanitarian assistance at USAID is out of date and based on an artificial
bifurcation of food and non-food humanitarian assistance, which impedes fully-integrated, eective, and
eicient responses. The new Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance will consolidate USAID’s current Oices
of Food for Peace and U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, uniting humanitarian programming, eliminating
confusion and duplication in the field and in Washington, D.C., and allowing beneficiaries and partners
to deal with one cohesive humanitarian assistance provider within USAID. This unified structure will
improve the Agencys core capability to save lives, reduce hunger and human suering, and mitigate the
impact of disasters and complex emergencies around the world.
Bureau for Resilience and Food Security
Elevating leadership and strengthening Mission support on resilience will better enable USAID’s programs
to break the cycle of chronic vulnerability, extreme poverty, and hunger driven by recurrent shocks and
stresses – and therefore to reduce the types of instability that threaten U.S. national security. The new
Bureau for Resilience and Food Security will combine the capabilities and expertise of the current Bureau
for Food Security (including the Center for Resilience), the Oice of Water, and the Climate Adaptation
team to provide technical leadership and more eicient and eective support to field Missions through
four Centers that cover Agriculture, Resilience, Water, and Nutrition, as well as through cross-cutting
capabilities such as research.
Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization
Approximately 70 percent of USAID’s programming is in fragile states or countries in conflict, emerging from
conflict, or at risk of conflict, yet USAID’s current Bureau for Democracy Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance
(DCHA) does not always operate as one unit with one voice. The new Bureau for Conflict Prevention and
Stabilization will house USAID’s current DCHA Oices of Transition Initiatives; Civilian-Military Cooperation;
Conflict Management and Mitigation; and Program, Policy and Management, along with Countering Violent
Extremism sta, in a single streamlined and focused Bureau. The Bureau will lead the implementation of
eective conflict prevention, stabilization, and political transition assistance through field programs to
respond to acute crises, integrated technical assistance and services to Missions, and surge capacity and
rapid response support. Enhancing and more eectively integrating these functions in one bureau will
strengthen USAID’s ability to counter violent extremism, advance U.S. national security, achieve long-term
development goals, and help more countries move towards self-suiciency.
Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation
In USAID’s current structure, there is no single, central resource for program design and innovation,
with relevant technical expertise spread ineiciently and inconsistently across the Agency, both at
headquarters and in regional Bureaus. The new Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation
will bring together the technical expertise of the current Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and the
Environment; the Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance; the Global Development Lab;
regional bureaus; and other components such as American Schools and Hospitals Abroad, the Center for
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and Minority-Serving Institutions Program. The Bureau will be
a one-stop shop for technical expertise and high-quality program-design support. It will house several
Centers on specific topics and help Missions to improve programmatic results by integrating innovation,
technology, inclusivity, good governance, private-sector engagement and partnerships, expertise in
managing small grants, and other cross-cutting priorities into long-term development eorts.
Associate Administrator for Strategy and Operations
Currently, USAID’s budget, financial management, policy and learning, and other management functions are
dispersed across multiple Bureaus that report separately to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator.
The increasing complexity of USAID’s mission means that these two Agency leaders can no longer
devote suicient attention to strategic and programmatic priorities while also driving management
reforms, operational and procurement improvements, and overseeing USAID’s finances and human
capital. USAID is exploring the feasibility and value of establishing a new Associate Administrator for
Strategy and Operations that would unite these functions under a single dedicated leader for the first
time, to reduce stove-piping; improve decision-making; and ensure eective, timely, and appropriate
coordination of critical operations and management functions. This role would also reduce the number
of individuals who report directly to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator, to allow them to focus
at the strategic level while the Associate Administrator for Strategy and Operations would be accountable
for all management functions on a day-to-day basis.
Bureau for Policy, Resources and Performance
The new Bureau for Policy, Resources, and Performance (PRP) will consolidate sta from the current
Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning, the Oice of Budget and Resource Management, the Bureau for
Management, and the Global Development Lab to better coordinate, align, and strengthen USAID’s foreign
assistance policy, resource management, and evidence-based performance management functions. The
PRP Bureau would report to the newly-established Associate Administrator for Strategy and Operations.
Bureau for Management
Multiple Agency-wide management and human capital functions reside in organizational units outside of
the Management Bureau. The Bureau for Management oversees most procurement and program-funded
human resources functions, whereas the remainder of human resource functions are housed within the
Bureau for Human Capital and Talent Management (HCTM), and the Oice of Security (SEC) is currently a
stand-alone organizational unit. The merger of HCTM and SEC with the Management Bureau will provide
for a more simplified operational structure. It will reduce direct reports to the Administrator, increase
accountability and direct oversight, allow for all human capital components to reside in a single Bureau,
and support a more streamlined security clearance process. The Bureau for Management would report
to the newly-established Associate Administrator for Strategy and Operations.
Bureau for Asia
The countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan were formerly part of USAID’s Bureau for Asia until 2010, when
the previous Administration established the separate the Oice of Afghanistan and Pakistan Aairs (OAPA)
to address the tremendous pace of operations in the two countries. Designed as an interim solution
intended to help administer the ramping up of development programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan,
the current maturation of those programs, and the necessity for improved regional coordination and
eectiveness to carry out the President’s South Asia Strategy, warrant the reintegration of OAPA into a
single Asia-wide regional Bureau.
Reorganizing the U.S. Oice of
Personnel Management
U.S. Oice of Personnel Management
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would reorganize the U.S. Oice of Personnel Management
(OPM) and the process by which Federal personnel management and operations functions are
coordinated. Specifically, the proposal would move OPM’s policy function into the Executive Oice
of the President (EOP) and elevate its core strategic mission, while devolving certain operational
activities, including the delivery of various fee-for-service human resources and IT services, to
other Federal entities better positioned to provide transaction processing services that meet 21
Century needs.
Forty years ago, OPM was established in statute by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, and was tasked
with aiding and advising the President on actions to promote an eicient civil service. This was the
last time the Government implemented broad civil service reform. The General Schedule Federal job
classification structure dates back to 1949. Today, there is broad acknowledgment that the Federal
employment system is archaic in many significant respects, and does not reflect the realities of the
contemporary workforce. Evidence of this recognition is the creation by the Congress in recent years
of a variety of alternative personnel systems. These systems addressed problems impacting specific
agencies as they arose. This has postponed a broader overhaul of the core personnel system, and
lea fragmented personnel structure – roughly a third of which now lies outside the purview of OPM.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of OPM’s workforce and budget are currently dedicated to operational
activities—with a small minority dedicated to policy and oversight activities related to, for example,
hiring, performance management, compensation, merit system compliance, and labor relations. On a
reimbursable basis, OPM performs human resources-related services, including background investigations
and information technology services, for other Federal agencies. In recent years, several high-profile
incidents concerning these services—including a major information security breach—have created major
distractions for OPM leadership that have nothing to do with the core personnel functions that are OPM’s
primary charge.
The 2.1 million-person civilian workforce represents one of the Federal Governments largest and most
impactful investments. Like any large corporation, the Government is only as eective as its people. Yet
the Government Accountability Oice has designated strategic human capital management as a high-risk
area since 2001, because the Federal Government does not do an eective job attracting, managing, and
retaining a skilled workforce. An extensive literature review documents these failings. The causes are
varied, but addressing them eectively requires an optimized management structure that is centrally
situated, empowered to view the Federal workforce holistically, and free to focus on core strategic and
policy concerns.
This proposal is an opportunity to elevate the Federal workforce management function and maximize
the operational eiciency of human capital services. The civil service system is overdue for an overhaul,
and that overhaul would best be implemented under a new management structure that is more focused
on core priorities and that has not been molded around the existing, archaic framework of civil service
rules and regulations.
Once complete, a transition into the EOP could create a more streamlined personnel management unit
that is less expensive to operate. Such a unit would also support centralized coordination of all personnel
policies for Federal employees, eliminating the confusing matrix of who does what today, as well as several
key gaps in policy that are inhibiting the streamlining of mission support services. Centralizing human
capital operational services at the General Services Administration (GSA) should provide economies
of scale and significant cost-avoidance based on reductions in contract and IT duplication as well as
increased data sharing and availability.
Current OPM Structure
OPM currently comprises seven major organizational units: Employee Services, Retirement Services,
Healthcare & Insurance, Merit System Accountability & Compliance, Human Resources Solutions, Suitability
Executive Agent, and the National Background Investigations Bureau. In general, current OPM activities
and functions fall into two categories: human resources policy and compliance and human resources
service delivery and implementation.
This proposal would elevate human resources policy functions into the EOP, and provide it with a whole-
of-Government mandate that OPM currently lacks.
To drive real reform, the Federal Government needs to elevate Federal workforce policy so that evidence
and leading practice can drive strategic management of the workforce. In particular, reform requires an
agency steadfastly committed to:
A holistic view of the Federal workforce;
Assessment of innovations and contextual changes that drive the future of work;
Data-driven policy development;
Data analytics and strategic workforce management;
Agency policy advice and change management assistance; and
Identification and advancement of leading practice throughout the Federal Government.
Structure and Function of the EOP Oice
Today, Federal human resources policy is fragmented, making it diicult to assess Government-wide
human capital challenges. This EOP oice would centralize policy decisions in areas such as employee
compensation; workforce supply and demand; identification of future workforce skill needs; leadership
and talent management; and other important issues. The oice would work to rationalize policies,
procedures, and incentives across the Government, while minimizing unintended consequences.
This new oice would also modernize the approach to human resources policy, with a core focus on:
strategy and innovation; workforce and mission achievement; senior talent and leadership management;
and, total compensation and employee performance. Each of these units would be informed by data
analytics and human resources standards.
Achieving this vision will require realignment of OPM’s current functions, some of which would be
transferred and realigned to a service delivery operational entity. The new entity would be formed from
a combination of OPMs operational/service units with the existing oices of GSA, to be reconstituted
as the “Government Services Agency.” This combination would yield an organization with a focus on
providing Government-wide services and solutions associated with the full Federal employee lifecycle.
Immediately below is a summary of how current OPM functions could be realigned under this proposal.
While the precise transition plan for all units has not been finalized, organizational units in the EOP
oice would subsume and expand upon the current OPM human capital policy-based activities under
this proposal. At the end of this paper, there is an existing OPM organizational chart and a notional
organizational chart for the oice to be housed within the EOP.
Current OPM Organizational Units
Employee Services
Retirement Services
Healthcare & Insurance
National Background Investigations Bureau
Human Resources Solutions
Function Type
Employee Servicing
Agency Servicing
Agency Servicing
Agency Servicing
Receiving Agency
EOP Oice
"Government Services Agency"
"Government Services Agency"
Department of Defense
"Government Services Agency"
Note: The placement of other OPM oices and functions will be determined at a later date.
Transfer of Operational Functions to a Renamed Government Services Agency
OPM’s current human resources service delivery and implementation functions would be transferred.
A strong nexus would be retained, however, between these operational activities and the personnel
management oice to be housed in the EOP, which would be responsible for ensuring that human
resources IT operations and services evolve in a manner consistent with changes in workforce policy.
Centralizing human resources operational functions in a single entity within the newly renamed
Government Services Agency would integrate the transactional and employee-centric, service-based
functions currently performed by OPM with existing GSA operations, including Federal employee payroll
and travel. With end-to-end services around the Federal employee lifecycle maintained in one place,
considerable operational eiciencies should be attained. Currently, these services are stove-piped,
forcing burdensome processes on managers and employees. It is worth noting that HR services are rated
last among all mission support services by Federal managers.
To achieve the vision outlined in this proposal, the consolidated service agency would house those
functions currently performed by OPM’s Human Resources Solutions, and Healthcare & Insurance
organizational units. It could also potentially carry out OPM’s responsibilities for retirement processing
and servicing, but other entities, such as the Department of the Treasury, would also be considered.
As also discussed in this Volume, activities currently performed by the National Background Investigations
Bureau would be consolidated with similar activities mandated to the Department of Defense.
Additional Analysis and Background
More than 80 percent of OPM’s funding and stais dedicated to meeting the Agency’s service-based
responsibilities. These include important functions, such as administering the Federal Employees
Health Benefits Program for more than 8.2 million active Federal employees, retirees, and their families;
administering the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System for
over 5.3 million active Federal employees, annuitants, and survivors; processing more than two million
background investigations each year for over 100 Federal agencies; and managing USAJOBS, which
receives over 85 million searches each month from 15 million site visitors. While these functions are
vital, their scope and scale are such that they necessarily distract agency leadership’s attention from
strategic human capital management and stewardship of an eicient civil service structure. OPM’s
greatest visibility in recent years has stemmed from high profile challenges within these operational
and service-based activities.
In 2014, a data breach into OPM’s systems exposed personally identifiable information for over 20 million
individuals, including Federal employees and their families, job applicants, and contractors, creating one
of the biggest national security threats in decades and requiring the Federal Government to pay for credit
monitoring for 10 years. In 2007, OPM issued a stop work order marking its fourth consecutive failure
to automate its retirement processing function. Since then, OPM has not attempted this eort again,
and instead relies on manual reviews. From 2014 to today, OPM has increased prices on background
investigations by more than 40 percent, and the timeline for processing background investigations has
tripled, further straining agency budgets and the ability to fill critical positions. Currently, OPM is working
to reduce an inventory that has grown to approximately 725,000 cases.
There is no significant benefit obtained from having these operational fee-based functions housed within
the same agency that oversees the overarching policies. Further, it is in no way apparent that OPM has a
comparative advantage relative to other Federal entities in the management of information technology or
contractual services. Also, in selling human resources and IT products to those agencies whose personnel
practices it monitors, OPM is in a position that can lend the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Achieving the End-State Vision
Achieving this vision may entail both legislation and administrative actions to transfer and/or delegate
certain basic OPM functions, resources, and authorities. This includes moving peripheral functions to
other agencies, and moving core policy units into the EOP. There would also be a change-management
and capacity-building process, led by the Director of the Oice of Management and Budget and the
Director of OPM, to transform and elevate the organization. Fully and eectively achieving the end-state
vision presented here would necessarily require a partnership with the Congress, including the granting
of statutory authorities as necessary.
Current OPM Structure
Consolidation of Federal Veterans Cemeteries
Department of Veterans Aairs
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would transfer responsibility for perpetual care and operation
of select military and veterans cemeteries located on Department of Defense (DOD) installations to
the Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) – National Cemetery Administration. This transfer would
increase eiciency, limit mission overlap, and ensure that these cemeteries are maintained to national
shrine standards to continue the recognition of service of those interred therein.
Currently, mission overlap exists in the oversight and operations of Federal military and veterans cemeteries.
Specifically, VA maintains and operates 135 national cemeteries and 33 cemeterial installations, DOD is
responsible for approximately 43 cemeteries located on active and inactive installations, the Department
of the Interior (DOI) is responsible for 14 situated within national parks, and the Department of Agriculture
(USDA) is responsible for one. In most cases, this mission overlap is inconsequential as the responsible
agency has adequate infrastructure and support in place at each location, making each a suitable
caretaker. However, at some facilities responsible agencies no longer maintain an active presence,
presenting unique challenges for eicient oversight and warranting reconsideration of the status quo.
This proposal recognizes an opportunity to transfer responsibility for the operation and care of select
post cemeteries, 10 of which are located on inactive facilities formerly occupied by the Department of the
Army (Army) and one on a re-missioned open garrison (Fort Devens), to VA by leveraging the expertise and
capabilities of the National Cemetery Administration (NCA). This consolidation will enable the Army to
utilize Operations and Maintenance resources for other critical mission needs while reducing duplication
of eort across Government.
For several decades, DOD has maintained “post cemeteries” on inactive bases shuttered as a result of
various closure and re-missioning decisions – specifically, 10 former active Army facilities. In these cases,
lack of an active Army presence makes eicient operations and maintenance challenging. The National
Cemetery Administration (NCA), established by the Congress in the National Cemeteries Act of 1973
and one of the three administrations that make up VA, operates a large network of veterans cemeteries,
making it better suited for this mission. In addition, one open garrison – Fort Devens, Massachusetts – has
been re-missioned as an Army Reserve Forces Training Area and is included in this proposal.
In addition to serving as the interface for the public in the delivery of VA burial benefits, NCA operates and
maintains the network of national cemeteries to “national shrine” standards. These standards include
headstone realignment, irrigation and grounds improvements, and other facility upgrades to improve
accessibility and visitors’ experience. NCA’s performance is substantiated by consistently high customer
satisfaction ratings from veterans, family members, and visitors.
Consolidation will alleviate duplicative mission requirements and entrust operational control to an
agency with more expertise in running cemeteries. This will allow more burial options for veterans and
dependents at some of the transferred cemeteries by taking advantage of NCAs operational experience
in maximizing the use of available space.
VA, DOD, DOI, and USDA maintain approximately 226 Federal cemeteries where the remains of veterans
and dependents from various eras and conflicts are interred. The NCA is responsible for 135 national
cemeteries and 33 other cemeterial installations.
The remaining 58 cemeteries fall under the collective responsibility of DOD, DOI, and USDA as listed
below. Not listed are numerous other State and/or tribal veterans cemeteries. Further, this inventory
does not include American Battle Monuments Commission installations as nearly all are overseas and
currently maintained to guidelines commensurate with “national shrine” standards.
Department of the Army
(post cemeteries proposed
for transfer)
Vancouver Barracks Cemetery, WA
• Fort McClellan Post Cemetery, AL
Fort McClellan Prisoner of War
Cemetery, AL
• Fort Lawton Cemetery, WA
• Fort Douglas Cemetery, UT
• Fort Worden Cemetery, WA
• Fort Missoula Cemetery, MT
• Fort Stevens Cemetery, OR
• Benicia Post Cemetery, CA
• Fort Sheridan Cemetery, IL
Fort Devens Cemetery, MA (active)
Department of the Army
• Arlington National Cemetery, VA
U.S. Soldier’s and Airmen’s Home
National Cemetery, Washington, DC
• Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
• Fort Benning, GA
• Fort Bragg, NC
• Carlisle Barracks, PA
• Edgewood Arsenal, MD
• Fort Huachuca, AZ
• Fort Knox, KY
• Fort Leonard Wood, MO
• Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA
• Fort Meade, MD
• Presidio of Monterey, CA
• Fort Riley, KS
• Fort Sill, OK
• U.S. Military Academy, NY
• Watervliet Arsenal, NY
• Fort Campbell POW Cemetery, KY
• Fort Drum POW Cemetery, NY
Fort Gordon German POW Cemetery, GA
• Schofield Barracks, HI
Department of the
Interior National Park
• Gettysburg, PA
• Antietam, MD
• Battleground, VA
• Fredericksburg, VA
• Yorktown, VA
• Poplar Grove, VA
• Fort Donelson, TN
• Andrew Johnson, TN
• Stones River, TN
• Shiloh, TN
• Andersonville, GA
• Vicksburg, MS
• Chalmette, LA
• Custer, MT
Department of the Air Force
Fort George Wright Cemetery,
Fairchild Air Force Base, WA
• U.S. Air Force Academy, CO
• F.E. Warren AFB, WY
• Fort Crook/Outt AFB Cemetery, NE
• Volk Field, Camp Douglas, WI
Department of the Navy
• Maine Memorial, FL
Captain Ted Conaway Memorial Navy
Cemetery, VA
U.S. Naval Cemetery, Great Lakes
Naval Base, IL
Cuzco Beach Naval Cemetery, U.S.
Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
• U.S. Naval Academy, MD
Department of Agriculture
Fort Reno Cemetery/POW Annex, OK
Transfer of the 11 cemeteries italicized above from Army to NCA makes progress towards several
Administration priorities, including, but not limited to: reducing redundancies and mission duplication
across Government; streamlining operations and achieving eiciencies; increasing access to burial
options for veterans and eligible dependents; and, providing veterans with benefits they have earned
in service to the Nation.
This consolidation will constitute the largest transfer of cemeteries to VA since the National Cemeteries
Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-43) established the system in place today. The proposal is limited to base cemeteries
located on installations that no longer maintain an active personnel presence, as well as one re-missioned
base (Fort Devens) where transfer would realize eiciencies. Although the eort is not conceived as a pilot,
it will enable VA to develop and execute an implementation plan that could also inform future transfers.
This proposal would not transfer cemeteries on other active DOD installations or those located within
DOI national parks where support infrastructure and presence exists.
Transferring these facilities to NCA is the optimal good-government strategy, and is consistent with
the National Cemeteries Act of 1973. NCA leads the way in providing a variety of world-class burial and
memorial benefits for veterans and their families and has received the highest customer satisfaction
rating among the public and private sector from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) for six
consecutive years. Upon transfer, these facilities will be maintained to the same high standards as other
NCA cemeteries, which have garnered public praise. VA does anticipate that each of the 11 transferred
cemeteries will need to undergo some minor infrastructure improvements (e.g., roads, irrigation and
drainage, marker alignment, turf renovation, etc.).
Reorganizing Economic Statistical Agencies
Departments of Commerce and Labor
Summary of Proposal: The U.S. Statistical System is composed of 13 principal statistical agencies
across the Federal Government. Three of these agencies—the U.S. Census Bureau (Census), the Bureau
of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)—account for 53 percent of the
Systems annual budget of $2.26 billion, and share unique synergies in their collection of economic
and demographic data and analysis of key national indicators. Reorganizing these agencies under
the Department of Commerce (DOC) would increase cost-eectiveness and improve data quality,
while simultaneously reducing respondent burden on businesses and the public.
Census, BEA, and BLS are the three statistical agencies responsible for the vast majority of the economic
and demographic statistics produced by the Federal Government. However, as separate agencies across
multiple departments, current duplications in data collection eorts yield increased burdens on businesses
and the public. For example, Census and BLS separately collect data on, and maintain dierent lists of,
business establishments to support their statistical activities. Such duplication creates unnecessary
burden on respondents, which only impedes the timely production and analysis of vital U.S. data that the
public rely on to make everyday household, business, and policy decisions. Further, because these three
agencies already work in close coordination with each other, their reorganization under one department
would bring about eiciencies through the integration of not only data products, but staservices and
IT systems, achieving cost savings while improving data quality and security.
Reorganizing these agencies under the direction of DOC’s Undersecretary for Economic Aairs will provide
the policy and management oversight necessary to coordinate and streamline the production of Federal
economic statistics. To achieve this goal, planning would begin in 2019 with implementation in 2020,
aer the peak operations of the 2020 Decennial Census are complete.
This proposal would support three key opportunities for improvement:
Reorganizing Census, BEA, and BLS within DOC would reduce redundancy by utilizing shared
infrastructure – including modernized IT and human resource systems – resulting in more eicient
collection and production of national data.
Integrating survey operations, such as survey sample designs and respondent lists, would reduce
respondent burdens for businesses and the public by decreasing redundant survey questions and
consolidating existing surveys.
Reorganization could also improve data quality by streamlining the approaches used to measure
U.S. economic statistics, including capital investment, productivity, trade, and service industries.
Reorganizing Census, BEA, and BLS is logical because all three produce national-level economic and
demographic indicators whose value extends far beyond the scope of their respective departments
and programs. There is general agreement within the statistical community, the Administration, and
among private stakeholders that consolidating these three agencies would reduce public burden and
end duplicative practices, while simultaneously enabling a more coherent approach to developing the
Nation’s principal statistics. Numerous presidential, congressional, and other studies have recommended
consolidation and coordination. In addition, many other nations with high statistical capacity, including
Canada, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, have a much greater degree of centralization of statistical
functions than the United States.
While there is a sound case for reorganization, the Administration acknowledges that there are
risks. Maintaining trust in the accuracy, objectivity, reliability, and integrity of Census, BEA, and BLS
products is essential to meeting the needs of a wide range of end users and other stakeholders. The
reorganization will provide the opportunity to move to an open-source environment that will improve
transparency and confidence in statistical products. Reorganizing these agencies under DOC’s Under
Secretary for Economic Aairs provides the best opportunity to preserve the quality and integrity of
these products while also creating the greatest opportunity to improve the eiciency of the agencies.
The Under Secretary already leads oversight activities of both BEA and the Census Bureau on high
priority management, budget, employment, and risk management issues; advises Government
oicials on economic policy; and participates in interagency policy councils. Folding BLS into DOC
would only strengthen the Under Secretarys ability to coordinate and integrate current work with
the priorities and requirements of the Department and other Government entities. To mitigate any
possibility of impacts to high priority programs, such as the decennial census, reorganization would
not occur until late 2020, aer nationwide field operations for the 2020 Census have been completed.
The Administration will continue to study this proposal to ensure that a combined agency will not be
less accountable or transparent to the American people than the current division of responsibility
among multiple agencies.
Reorganization would focus on the following goals: achieving increases in operational eiciencies;
reductions in respondent burden; enhancements in privacy protections; and improvements in data
quality and availability.
Achieving Increases in Operational Eiciencies
The integration of data products and sharing of administrative services and IT systems could yield greater
economies of scale, resulting in substantial increases in operational eiciencies. For example, BLS’s
headquarters lease is ending in Fiscal Year 2022. Rather than develop and finalize independent plans
for relocation, BLS will explore options with Census and BEA to leverage oice space as well as unique
assets necessary to complete their mission, such as lock-up production facilities. In addition, Census has
invested heavily in its IT infrastructure ahead of the 2020 Census and intends to expand that investment
to the rest of the Bureau following its completion. Starting to plan for consolidation now would allow
Census to integrate the operational requirements of BLS and BEA so that the planned expansion of their
infrastructure could address the needs of all three agencies. This would also provide the most cost-
eective opportunity to modernize older systems at BLS and BEA.
Reductions in Respondent Burden
The potential to consolidate duplicative survey data collections and eliminate some collections and
survey questions would produce tangible eiciencies for the public and the Federal Government. For
example, BLS and Census currently conduct separate surveys on U.S. businesses and their activities,
and because current law does not permit consolidation of the lists of business establishments, BLS and
Census maintain separate lists of business establishments to support statistical activities. Consolidation
of these agencies could allow for combining these surveys into a single data collection. Reorganizing
these agencies within one department would also provide them with access to existing administrative
data in a more eicient manner, which could lead to the elimination of certain collections while
producing higher quality and more timely data. For example, current agreements between outside
partners and Census, BEA, or BLS only permit the agency in the agreement to use the administrative
data. Through a reorganization, the administrative data agreements with outside partners could be
leveraged for use across a larger suite of programs and would reduce public burden and costs.
Enhancements in Privacy Protections
Privacy risks and concerns over the safeguard of information could also be optimally mitigated by
consolidating these agencies. The proliferation of information about people and businesses online
increases the risk of unintended respondent re-identification. Currently, BLS and Census each release
numerous business data products, including data on employment and wages of industries and occupations,
values of sales and inventories, and prices received by producers and paid by consumers, with each
release adding incremental risk to this re-identification issue. Current law does not permit consolidation
of the administrative source data used by each agency, and each set of data products provide unique
functionality such that data users would be harmed by ceasing one of the products. Consolidating these
products while maintaining the best features of both could reduce privacy risks while ensuring data users’
needs are still met. Further, housing these agencies at DOC would increase collaboration and allow each
agency to seamlessly develop, apply, and promulgate disclosure avoidance techniques across the suite
of statistical data products.
Improvements in Data Quality and Availability
Consolidation would also allow each of the three agencies to access the source data utilized by the
agencies in constructing their statistics. This could result in improvements to existing products as
well as the production of new statistical products. If all source data resided in a single Department
more granular data would be made available for input into key economic indicators, and could improve
the timeliness of their releases. For example, GDP estimates could see reductions to the size of GDP
revisions, and the Producer Price Index – released by BLS using Census inputs – could incorporate more
current data and economic patterns in its estimates. Reorganization would also allow for production
of new statistical estimates that would have been diicult to produce before, such as fully integrated
statistics on goods and services, trade, and inbound and outbound foreign direct investment.
Consolidation of the Department of Energy’s
Applied Energy Oices and Mission Refocus
Department of Energy
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE) applied
energy programs into a new Oice of Energy Innovation in order to maximize the benefits of energy
research and development and to enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing energy
technology needs. It would also establish a parallel Oice of Energy Resources and Economic
Strategy, which would focus on strategic delivery of solutions that support U.S. energy dominance in
access to resources and infrastructure. Finally, it would maintain the Oice of Cybersecurity, Energy
Security, and Emergency Response, which would protect energy infrastructure from increasingly
sophisticated threats and ensure energy restoration following disasters.
DOE’s core applied energy research and development (R&D) oices are currently organized by major
energy technology or primary energy source, such as nuclear, fossil, and renewables. This structure
emphasizes siloed, fuel type-driven R&D that can hinder the development of integrated solutions, inhibit
eective collaboration, and impede the best possible research outcomes. DOE’s current, entrenched
applied energy program organizational structure parallels the stakeholder community, and thus the
programs can be influenced by the strongly held beliefs of the technology and fuel champions of their
respective areas, which have biases that are oen counter to identifying solutions that are good for the
Nation as a whole.
DOE also maintains a separate program called the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)
that conducts applied research. While the program features positive aspects, such as coordination with
industry and cross-cutting research, it makes little strategic sense that this entity exists independent of
DOE’s main applied research programs. Achieving energy dominance requires an integrated national
energy strategy and scarce resources must be directed to address national concerns.
This proposal would consolidate DOEs applied energy research programs into a single Oice of Energy
Innovation that would take a holistic view of energy innovation to ensure Federal research keeps pace
with the changing needs of the Nations energy system while maximizing the value to the taxpayer. In
parallel, an Oice of Energy Resources and Economic Strategy would be established to capture the
Departments expertise in monitoring, analyzing, and administering the Nations physical energy assets
and the Oice of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response established in 2018 would be
maintained to address emerging threats to U.S. energy security from cyber, natural, or other sources.
Organizing applied energy research under one unified oice has the potential to reduce a practice of
picking energy technology winners and losers and pitting fuel types against one another for Government
funding and attention. Breaking down the rooted R&D silos could enable greater flexibility and eiciency
in decision-making and enhance the Departments ability to set and achieve big goals. Revitalizing DOEs
applied energy R&D in this manner also provides the opportunity to integrate the positive attributes
of ARPA-E into DOE’s core energy research rather than it being a wholly independent program. Many
fields of research, such as materials, energy storage, and the overall enhancement of the grid’s stability
and baseload capabilities, span today’s applied energy oices and would especially benefit from a fuel
and technology-neutral program structure. With a unified Oice of Energy Innovation, applied energy
research could be directed to achieving nationally significant outcomes and breakthroughs, rather
than incremental changes for individual fuel types that may have limited if any strategic connection
to one another.
In addition, maintaining the Oice of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response and
establishing the Oice of Energy Resources and Economic Strategy in parallel with the new Oice of
Energy Innovation ensures that key missions of the Department are adequately addressed and prioritized.
Under this proposal, DOE would create a single Oice of Energy Innovation to tackle all applied R&D to
further the Nations energy dominance. The merger would include both the operational components and
programmatic R&D activities of each applied energy oice to maximize savings. The new oice would
emphasize sector and system-level outcomes and ensure a robust, systemic focus on early-stage R&D,
where the Federal role is strongest. The proposal would also integrate into the blended organization
some positive elements of the ARPA-E model, such as coordination with industry and ability to incorporate
cross-cutting research into program outcomes.
To minimize the potential for simply creating new silos with dierent foci and to move away from the
risk-averse tendencies of the long-standing programs, the new oice would include an energy technology
and fuel source-agnostic front-end program that invests in revolutionizing energy concepts, materials,
and processes, as well as incremental improvements in existing technologies across energy sectors.
It would also incorporate a mechanism to translate results to either longer-term integrated R&D programs
within DOE or to the private sector. Projects could be initially short-term with defined milestones and
priority could be given to crosscutting technologies or solutions that demonstrate a multi-dimensional
approach or that otherwise maximize public benefit.
Rather than presupposing the fraction of the budget necessary for certain energy technologies or
sources, the oice would undertake a broader review of energy system needs and opportunities.
All R&D would be required to compete for resources in the new environment, which would drive the
best projects to the top of the list for limited resources, weeding out activities that are less eicient,
duplicative, and do not adequately consider the crosscutting and diverse nature of the Nations energy
By elevating R&D decision-making to a system-wide, cross-sector level and implementing multi-disciplinary,
multi-dimensional R&D programs, this proposal would not only make eective use of Federal funding
but would also facilitate new technological advancements, some of which potentially would never be
envisioned or achieved in a siloed environment.
By establishing a parallel Oice of Energy Resources and Economic Strategy, the Department’s expertise
in monitoring, analyzing, and administering the Nation’s physical energy assets capacity can be enhanced
and streamlined to more eectively enable energy dominance. Through improved oversight and solution
development for both the physical and market aspects of the nations energy system, this oice would
promote multi-dimensional decision-making to better support resiliency, infrastructure improvement,
and economic growth. Further, we cannot ignore emerging threats to U.S. energy security whether it
be from cyber, natural, or other sources. To address this important issue, DOE established the Oice of
Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) in 2018. In this proposal, CESER would
be maintained to address this critical mission. While separate oices, both ERES and CESER would be tied
to the Oice of Energy Innovation and the three would work synergistically to achieve the system-wide,
interdisciplinary vision and strategy.
This proposal seeks to take the action needed to break down existing stovepipes in the applied energy
landscape and reap the benefits of that fundamental change, while protecting and enhancing other key
energy mission priorities within the Department.
Divesting Federal Transmission Assets
Department of Energy and Tennessee Valley Authority
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would sell the transmission assets owned and operated
by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs) within
the Department of Energy, including those of Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area
Power Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration. Eliminating or reducing the Federal
Government’s role in owning and operating transmission assets, and increasing the private sector’s
role, would encourage a more eicient allocation of economic resources and mitigate unnecessary
risk to taxpayers.
Quadrennial Energy Review, “Transforming the Nation’s Electricity System: The Second Installment of the QER,
January 2017, p. A-34.
See, for example, Congressional Budget Oice study, “Should the Federal Government Sell Electricity?” November
1997, p. 13.
The Federal Government owns, operates, and maintains over 50,000 miles of electricity transmission
lines and related assets (substations, switchyards, etc.). The Federal Governments role in owning and
operating transmission assets creates unnecessary risk for taxpayers and distorts private markets that
are better equipped to carry-out this function.
The vast majority of the Nation’s electricity needs are met through for-profit investor-owned utilities.
Ownership of transmission assets is best carried out by the private sector, where there are appropriate
market and regulatory incentives.
Reducing or eliminating the Federal Government’s role in transmission infrastructure ownership would
encourage a more eicient allocation of economic resources and mitigates risk to taxpayers.
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget estimates that selling Federal transmission assets would result in net
budgetary savings of $9.5 billion, in total, over the 10-year window.
Federal transmission assets account for roughly 14 percent of the Nations transmission lines.
TVA, Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, and Bonneville Power
Administration own, operate, and maintain over 50,000 miles of transmission lines and related assets.
By contrast, the vast majority of the Nation’s electricity needs are met through for-profit investor owned
utilities. The Federal Governments role in electricity production and marketing dates largely to the
New Deal. Since then, the Federal Government has expanded its involvement to include owning and
operating electric transmission assets. Today, a strong justification no longer exists for the Federal
Government to own and operate these systems.
The private sector already meets the vast majority of
the Nation’s electricity needs. Private ownership of transmission assets could result in more eicient
operations and capital improvements while reducing the subsidies (both implicit and explicit) that the
Federal Government now provides to the respective regions’ ratepayers.
Federal transmission infrastructure assets (lines, towers, substations, and/or right of ways) could be
broken ofrom the generation assets and sold separately, and the private sector and/or State and local
entities could carry out the transmission functions now provided by TVA and the PMAs. The Federal
entities that would result aer such sales could contract with other utilities to provide transmission
service for the delivery of Federal power just as the Southeastern Power Administration, which does not
own transmission lines, already does.
The private sector is best suited to own and operate electricity transmission assets. Private ownership
of Federal transmission assets could result in more eicient operation, greater innovation, stronger
regulatory oversight, and direct and/or greater access to private capital markets. Further, selling these
transmission assets could encourage market eiciency resulting from competition and impose market
discipline resulting from both shareholder and greater regulatory scrutiny. The sale of Federal transmission
assets would result in more eicient allocation of economic resources and help relieve long-term pressures
on the Federal deficit related to future Federal capital investment and spending on transmission.
Prior administrations also have recognized the policy merits of divestiture and have proposed to privatize
the Federal electricity infrastructure a number of times. For example, in the FY 1987 Budget, President
Reagan proposed privatizing the PMAs, stating, “Utilities are not normally a Federal responsibility.” In the
FY 1996 Budget, President Clinton also proposed to sell four out of five existing PMAs, and successfully sold
the Alaska Power Administration in 1996. In the FY 2014 Budget, the Obama Administration announced
it was undertaking a strategic review of options for addressing financial challenges at TVA, including a
possible divestiture of TVA, in part or as a whole.
Restructure the Postal Service
United States Postal Service
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would restructure the United States Postal System to return
it to a sustainable business model or prepare it for future conversion from a Government agency
into a privately-held corporation. Like many European nations, the United States could privatize
its postal operator while maintaining strong regulatory oversight to ensure fair competition and
reasonable prices for customers. The Presidents Task Force on the United States Postal System
will make recommendations on reforms towards this goal in August 2018.
When the United States Postal Service (USPS) was created out of the Post Oice Department in 1970, the
Congress tasked it with binding the Nation together through correspondence; half a century later, that role
has been increasingly supplanted by less expensive digital alternatives. USPS has extremely high fixed
costs as a result of relatively generous employee benefits combined with a universal service obligation that
is understood to require mail carriers to visit over 150 million addresses six days per week. Historically,
this level of service was supported by a high volume of mail. Despite significant decline in volume in the
internet age, the size of the delivery network has continued to grow to meet expectations of the current
operating structure. USPS can no longer support the obligations created by its enormous infrastructure
and personnel requirements. USPS already has over $100 billion in unfunded liabilities, a substantial
capital investment backlog, has posted losses for over a decade, and has no clear path to profitability
without reform. A new model that adequately finances USPS while meeting the needs of rural and urban
communities, large mailers, and small businesses is needed.
A privatized Postal Service would have a substantially lower cost structure, be able to adapt to changing
customer needs and make business decisions free from political interference, and have access to private
capital markets to fund operational improvements without burdening taxpayers. The private operation
would be incentivized to innovate and improve services to Americans in every community.
This proposal would restructure USPS by aligning revenues and expenses to restore a sustainable business
model and possibly prepare it for future conversion from a Government agency into a privately-held
corporation. Like many European nations, the United States could privatize its postal operator while
maintaining strong regulatory oversight to ensure fair competition and reasonable prices for customers.
A private Postal Service with independence from congressional mandates could more flexibly manage
the decline of First-Class mail while continuing to provide needed services to American communities.
Profitability and Privatization: Considerations for the Future of USPS
UK National Audit Office, The Privatisation of Royal Mail, April 2014, Pg. 16:
2017 Report on Form 10-K United States Postal Service, Balance Sheet, CSRS and FERS Unfunded Retirement
Benefits, and PSRHBF Funded Status
In 2017, USPS experienced faster than expected declines in both First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail. First-Class
Mail has declined 40 percent since 2001. Marketing mail is more stable, down only 10 percent since
2001, but is incredibly sensitive to price and market downturns. At the same time, USPS has continued
to grow its package delivery business, particularly the last-mile delivery that is relatively cheaper for
them because of the huge fixed network they must maintain to support mail delivery. However, the
revenues from lower-margin package delivery and other competitive products cannot replace declining
revenue from the market-dominant (monopoly) products in the long-run. This year, USPS continued
its six-year string of defaults and for the first time defaulted on pension-related payments rather than
just health benefit prepayments. USPSs current model is unsustainable. Major changes are needed in
how the Postal Service is financed and the level of service Americans should expect from their universal
service operator.
One successful model of Postal reform internationally has been to transition to a model of private
management and private or shared ownership. USPS is caught between a mandate to operate like
a business but with the expenses and political oversight of a public agency. A private postal operator
that delivers mail fewer days per week and to more central locations (not door delivery) would operate
at substantially lower costs. A private entity would also have greater ability to adjust product pricing
in response to changes in demand or operating costs. Freeing USPS to more fully negotiate pay and
benefits rather than prescribing participation in costly Federal personnel benefit programs, and allowing
it to follow private sector practices in compensation and labor relations, could further reduce costs.
A privatized Postal Service could be structured like an investor-owned utility and continue to be regulated
by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), a successor agency, or another Federal regulator such as
the Federal Trade Commission, consistent with the existing models of privatization in Europe. Even with
continued regulation, a privatized Postal Service would be more insulated from politics and more likely
to succeed as a financially-viable business. A private entity would also have access to private capital
markets to raise money for needed improvements like new vehicles without burdening taxpayers with
additional liabilities.
USPS privatization through an initial public oering (IPO) or sale to another entity would require the
implementation of significant reforms prior to sale to show a possible path to profitability. Most foreign
posts that have been privatized have been profitable at the time of the sale. In contrast, USPS has lost over
$65 billion since the last recession and recorded a $2.7 billion loss last fiscal year. To reach profitability,
most international postal operations have gone through significant restructuring, including shrinking
their physical and personnel footprints. In some cases, foreign governments have had to absorb legacy
retirement liabilities
in order to prepare a postal operator for sale. The existing unfunded liabilities
in USPSs retirement programs total more than $100 billion. USPS owes an additional $15 billion to
Treasurys Federal Financing Bank and has further liabilities to the Department of Labors Workers
Compensation program. According to the Postal Services own estimates, the Agency is insolvent, with
liabilities exceeding assets by more than $120 billion.
Forthcoming Recommendations by the Task Force on the United States Postal System
To address these major issues and identify solutions, possibly including private ownership, the President has
issued Executive Order 13829: Task Force on the United States Postal System. The Task Force will conduct
a thorough evaluation of the operations and finances of the Postal Service and make recommendations
for reform consistent with this reorganization proposal. The Task Force will examine:
The expansion and pricing of the package delivery market and the USPS’s role in competitive
2. The decline in mail volume and its implications for USPS self-financing and the USPS monopoly
over letter delivery and mailboxes;
The definition of the ‘‘universal service obligation’’ in light of changes in technology, e-commerce,
marketing practices, and customer needs;
4. The USPS role in the U.S. economy and in rural areas, communities, and small towns; and
5. The state of the USPS business model, workforce, operations, costs, and pricing.
The recommendations will include administrative and legislative reforms to the United States postal
system that promote our Nation’s commerce and communication without shiing additional costs to
taxpayers. The report will be available by August 10, 2018.
DOT Mission Adjustments
Department of Transportation
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would reorganize the Department of Transportation (DOT) to
better align the agencys core missions and programmatic responsibilities, reduce transportation
program fragmentation across the Government, and improve outcomes. The proposal would spin-o
Federal responsibility for operating air traic control services and locks along the Saint Lawrence
Seaway, integrate into DOT certain coastal and inland waterways commercial navigation activities
and transportation security programs, and reassess the structure and responsibilities of DOTs
Oice of the Secretary.
While DOT is not in need of wholesale reorganization, the Department does administer several programs
that do not fit neatly within its core missions of financial assistance and safety oversight. The most
significant misalignment is where DOT still has operational responsibilities, principally the Federal
Aviation Administration’s (FAA) air traic control services, and to a much smaller degree, the Saint
Lawrence Seaway. DOT also administers two defense-related sealiprograms that are outside of its
core missions. In addition, there is unnecessary fragmentation in transportation programs across the
Executive Branch. For example, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is responsible for coastal and
inland waterways navigation, while the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) manages certain surface
transportation security programs.
This proposal addresses these challenges. The proposal would spin oFAA’s air traic control services
and the Saint Lawrence Seaway from the Government; transfer to DOT responsibilities for coastal and
inland waterways navigation from the Corps; and integrate into DOT certain DHS programs related to
surface transportation security, including transit security grants.
Spinning-oFederal responsibility for air traic control services to a non-profit entity would better
enable our aviation system to respond to consumer needs and modernize services. Having DOT take over
responsibility for coastal and inland waterway navigational development would take advantage of DOT’s
strengths in infrastructure finance and would make DOT’s maritime responsibilities analogous to DOT’s
role in other transportation sectors. Shiing commercial navigation to DOT would also create long-term
opportunities to adjust ownership and financial relationships between the States and the Federal
Government, resulting in more eicient project delivery outcomes. Consolidating within DOT surface
transportation security programs would streamline the Federal Government’s interaction with surface
transportation agencies and operators, clarify the Federal Government’s role in surface transportation,
consolidate planning and grant processes for both safety and security investments, and facilitate more
eective Federal inspections and interactions with relevant surface transportation agencies and operators.
DOT, created in 1967, has one of the largest discretionary budgets (in terms of outlays) of any
domestic Cabinet-level agency. It has a decentralized management structure in which the Oice of
the Secretary of Transportation (OST) coordinates the programs, regulatory activity, and research
and development of nine operating administrations, or “modes.” In 2017, the Department had total
budgetary resources of $78 billion and employed 54,676 full time equivalents. DOT’s modes generally
focus on three primary missions:
1. Financial Assistance. Approximately 70 percent of DOT obligations in any given year are in the form
of grants to States and localities, primarily for highway, transit, and airport infrastructure, though
DOT has smaller grant programs for passenger rail and multi-modal projects (e.g., BUILD grants).
2. Safety Regulation. DOT ensures the safety of the aviation system (including aircra, air traic
control, and emerging technology, such as drones or commercial space), motor vehicles, motor
carriers, railroads, transit systems, pipelines, and the movement of hazardous materials.
3. Operations. Air traic control operations constitute the single largest operational budget item, and
also comprise a majority of DOT’s workforce. DOT also operates a lock on the Saint Lawrence Seaway.
This proposal recognizes that most of DOT’s activities are oriented around financial assistance to States
and localities and safety oversight, that there are several programs within DOT that do not align with
those two focus areas, and that several programs outside of DOT should be merged into the Department.
Air Traic Control and Saint Lawrence Seaway
The most significant misalignment is in areas where DOT operates transportation systems, principally
the FAAs air traic control services, and to a much smaller degree, the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Both
of those components could be spun ofrom the Government, which would allow them to have better
governance structures and insolation from the political system, and allow them to better assess fees
based on actual usage of their systems. Spinning FAA air traic control services out of the Government,
to a non-profit entity, similar to the Canadian system, has strong policy merits, evidenced by the
approximately 60 countries that have shied air traic control responsibilities to non-governmental
Maritime Consolidation
Unlike all other modes of transportation, DOT has a very limited role in the Nation’s commercial maritime
systems. The Maritime Administration (MARAD) is DOT’s operating administration engaged in the promotion
of the U.S. maritime sector, yet its mission is dominated by educating cadets at the U.S. Merchant Marine
Academy and carrying out two defense-related programs designed to meet the Department of Defense’s
military seali needs in a time of crisis. In contrast to DOT’s other operating administrations, MARAD has no
safety regulatory function and limited financial assistance activities, which leaves DOT under-represented
in commercial maritime issues.
There are opportunities to add to DOT’s responsibilities for coastal ports, inland waterways, and navigation
permitting activities. Under this proposal, responsibility for coastal port dredging and operation of the
inland waterway system, currently carried out by the Corps, would be shied to DOT, which already
has some limited expertise in the port and inland waterway sectors. Shiing these programs to DOT
would also be an opportunity to reassess the type of Federal involvement in both sectors. Given DOT’s
extensive experience in providing financial assistance to major infrastructure projects, a new model of
Federal financial assistance to ports may be a more eicient project delivery mechanism than direct
Federal control, construction, and ongoing maintenance. A similar financial assistance model could be
applied to the inland waterway system, though some portions may require continued Federal ownership,
control and operation. In addition, transferring current U.S. Coast Guard responsibilities for permitting
alterations to bridges and aids to coastal navigation to DOT would better align those functions with
similar functions already carried out by DOT’s.
Surface Transportation Security
DHS has two security-related surface transportation functions that would be transferred to DOT under
this proposal: transit security grants currently administered by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) surface transportation inspection and
guidance activities.
FEMA currently provides security grants to transit and rail operators. The Federal Transit Administration,
which manages much larger financial assistance programs aimed at these same agencies and operators,
could integrate FEMAs programs into its existing industry relationship. In fact, security and emergency
preparedness are already eligible expenses in FTAs programs, highlighting the duplicative nature
of the separate FEMA grants. Consolidating all transit and rail grant funding within DOT would eliminate
confusion among transit agencies about which agency funds their emergent needs.
More generally, DOT has a strong focus on the safety of our Nation’s transportation networks, while
DHS is responsible for the security of those assets. However, both agencies have programs for the same
non-Federal agencies, operators, and companies that own and manage surface transportation assets.
Furthermore, the Federal Government traditionally provides guidance, financial assistance, technical
assistance, and in certain cases, oversight and regulation for the surface transportation sector. The
Federal Government has no operational role in managing or securing surface transportation assets, nor
should it. That is clear in DOT’s mission and history, however since its creation TSA has been pressured
to expand its operational programs for surface transportation. Despite the compelling case for Federal
aviation security operations, establishing a corresponding Federal role in surface transportation would
be duplicative of non-Federal eorts, cost-prohibitive, and impractical to manage.
Currently, TSA has a small component ($129 million enacted in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018) dedicated to
assessing threats to surface transportation facilities, encouraging security planning and threat reporting,
overseeing compliance with certain rail security regulations, and disseminating best-practice guidance
to transportation companies and government agencies. Under this proposal, TSAs surface-related
programs would be incorporated into DOT, which interfaces directly and regularly on safety matters,
ensuring that both safety and security are addressed appropriately. While DHS receives useful intelligence
reporting from current TSA programs and outreach, many other Sector Specific Agencies who lead the
collaborative process for other critical infrastructure security have shown they can collaborate to share
intelligence as eectively as a DHS component. As part of this proposal, the Administration will ensure
any reorganization does not degrade security.
OST Organizational Structure
OST has traditionally focused on formulating national transportation policy and overseeing and supporting
the Departments operating administrations. More recently, however, the scope of activities performed
by OST has broadened significantly. Now, OST has programmatic responsibilities that have traditionally
been carried out by operating administrations. For example, OST houses the Build America Bureau,
which, among other responsibilities, administers transportation credit programs, awards INFRA grants,
allocates private activity bonds, and communicates best practices and funding opportunities to project
sponsors. OST also administers the BUILD grant program, which received a large increase in funds in
the agencys FY 2018 appropriation.
Executing these programmatic responsibilities while simultaneously performing its more traditional oversight
and management functions has been challenging and has stressed OST’s organizational structure. Now that
OST has performed these dual roles for several years, it is time to consider whether OST’s organizational
design is optimal for allowing it to most eectively carry out its statutory responsibilities. This proposal
would include an assessment by the Administration and the Department of OST’s organizational structure
and programmatic responsibilities, including potential alternative structures.
Reform Federal Role in Mortgage Finance
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would transform the way the Federal Government delivers
support for the U.S. housing finance system to ensure more transparency and accountability to
taxpayers, and to minimize the risk of taxpayer-funded bailouts, while maintaining responsible
and sustainable support for homeowners. Proposed changes, which would require broader policy
and legislative reforms beyond restructuring Federal agencies and programs, include ending the
conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, reducing their role in the housing market, and
providing an explicit, limited Federal backstop that is on-budget and apart from the Federal support
for low- and moderate-income homebuyers.
In order to propose changes in the Federal Government’s role in housing finance, this proposal outlines policies
related to the privately-owned GSEs and ending their conservatorship. Nothing in this paper should be construed
as implying that the GSEs are agencies or instrumentalities of the Government nor that FHFA as conservator is
operating as an agency of the United States.
The U.S. housing market is supported by a complex system of Federal subsidies and programs intended
to make mortgage financing accessible to a wide range of homebuyers. However, this system is
challenged by the operation of two privately-owned Government sponsored-enterprises (GSEs), Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac, in conservatorship, a condition that has been maintained since 2008, in addition
to overlapping and sometimes conflicting Federal goals. The Federal role in support of housing finance
is not eectively targeted to households in need of assistance or suiciently accountable to taxpayers,
as the costs and benefits of that support are unclear.
In response, this proposal would end the conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and propose
better tailoring of delivery of Federal programs. Policy makers should also pursue an approach that
would level the playing field with the private sector to decrease the Federal subsidies supporting housing.
This proposal would reorganize the way the Federal Government delivers mortgage assistance and
go beyond restructuring Federal agencies and programs by transitioning Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
to fully private entities. Competition to the duopolistic role played by the two privately-owned GSEs
would be an essential element of reform to decrease moral hazard and risk to the taxpayer. Both
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as other competitive entrants, would have access to an explicit
Federal guarantee for mortgage-backed securities (MBS) that they issue that is only exposed in limited,
exigent circumstances. Such a guarantee would be on-budget and fully paid-for. This would also
ensure that the Government’s role is more transparent and accountable to taxpayers, minimize the
risk of taxpayer-funded bailouts, and ensure that mortgage credit continues to be available in times
of market stress for creditworthy borrowers.
Under the current system, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two privately-owned GSEs, buy and guarantee
mortgages from lenders and sell them to investors as MBS. Although they are private companies, they
are congressionally chartered, a unique status that has been viewed as conveying an implicit Federal
backstop that has in turn lowered their cost of capital relative to similarly-sized institutions. In 2008,
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken into conservatorship and received (and continue to receive) an
explicit but limited backing from the Treasury under a Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement (PSPA), which
gives access to capital funding that covers any loss the enterprises may incur. In their Federal charters and
by action of their primary regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac have goals of providing a certain amount of financing to low- and moderate-income borrowers.
However, these aordable housing activities are not clearly accounted for on the Federal balance sheet.
In addition to the GSEs, other Federal programs provide mortgage support, contributing to a large Federal
footprint in the housing market. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Federal
Housing Administration (FHA) provides mortgage insurance intended to aid borrowers traditionally
underserved by the conventional mortgage market, including lower-wealth households, minorities, and
first-time homebuyers. The Departments of Veterans Aairs (VA) and Agriculture (USDA) also administer
mortgage insurance programs targeted to veterans and lower-income rural households, respectively.
The loans guaranteed by FHA, VA, and USDA are in turn packaged into MBS that are guaranteed by Ginnie
Mae, a Federal entity operated by HUD. Together, loans backed by the GSEs and Ginnie Mae comprised
about 70 percent of mortgages originated in 2017.
All these entities, taken as a whole, form a complex and overlapping network of cross-subsidization,
without clear accountability as to who is paying for, and who is receiving, housing subsidies. Although
the Federal role in the housing market has helped to facilitate the availability of the 30-year fixed-rate
mortgage, the current system has structural flaws that have also created distortions in home pricing that
may actually hinder the goal of homeownership. This reorganization proposal, which includes broad
policy and legislative reforms beyond restructuring Federal agencies and programs, would:
Increase competition. The proposal would remove the Federal charter from statute and fully
privatize the GSEs. A Federal entity with secondary mortgage market experience would be charged
with regulatory oversight of the fully privatized GSEs, have the authority to approve guarantors,
and develop a regulatory environment that is conducive to developing competition amongst new
private guarantors and the incumbent GSEs, ensuring they would all be adequately capitalized
and competing on a level playing field. If the GSEs lost some of the benefits that have led them to
dominate the market, this would enable other private companies to begin competing in this space.
The regulator would also ensure fair access to the secondary market for all market participants,
including community financial institutions and small lenders.
Increase transparency and accountability. Under this proposal, which would also involve entities
outside the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, guarantors would have access to an
explicit guarantee on the MBS that they issue that is only exposed in limited, exigent circumstances.
Taxpayers would be protected by virtue of the capital requirements imposed on the guarantors,
maintenance of responsible loan underwriting standards, and other protections deemed appropriate
by their primary regulator. The regulator would set fees to create an insurance fund designed to take
eect only aer substantial losses are incurred by the private market, including the guarantors, in
order to ensure the continued availability of mortgage financing through shiing economic cycles.
The projected cost of this guarantee and other fees charged would be on-budget and accountable,
resulting in reduced implicit taxpayer exposure.
Align incentives and reduce overlap. Under this reform proposal, which would also require legislative
and policy changes aecting the mandates of entities that are not part of the United States Government,
the GSEs would focus on secondary market liquidity for mortgage loans to qualified borrowers, while
HUD would assume primary responsibility for aordable housing objectives by providing support
to low- and moderate-income families that cannot be fulfilled through traditional underwriting
and other housing assistance grants and subsidies. To eectuate this, the newly fully-privatized
GSEs would have mandates focused on defining the appropriate lending markets served in order to
level the playing field with the private sector and avoid unnecessary cross-subsidization. A separate
fee on the outstanding volume of the MBS issued by guarantors would be used specifically for
aordable housing purposes, and would be transferred through congressional appropriations to,
and administered by, HUD.
Provide more targeted assistance to those in need. The proposal would be designed so that the
aordable housing fees transferred to HUD would enable FHA to provide more targeted subsidies
to low- and moderate-income homebuyers while maintaining responsible and sustainable support
for homeownership and wealth-building. Some of the fees could potentially be used to support
aordable multifamily housing or other HUD activities. All of this support would be on-budget
and accountable.
Create the Bureau of Economic Growth
Department of Commerce
Summary of Proposal: This proposal rethinks how the Federal Government can drive economic
growth in concert with private sector investments in communities across the country. By coordinating
and consolidating Federal economic assistance resources at the Department of Commerce (DOC),
taxpayer dollars will receive a higher return on investment on projects that are transparent and
Federal economic assistance programs that serve States, localities, and Tribes are broadly dispersed among
Federal agencies with dierent purposes, eligibility criteria, time horizons, and reporting requirements.
As a result, communities must navigate a complicated web of rules and regulations to determine which
programs they might be eligible for, comply with dierent application requirements on a variety of
timelines, and report on performance measures that dier in definition and reporting periods.
Consolidating these programs within DOC provides an opportunity to streamline and consolidate
standards and processes for eligibility and participation, including planning and reporting requirements.
This proposal establishes a Bureau of Economic Growth in DOC, consolidating existing economic
development programs to provide a central place for grants and technical assistance to communities
and entrepreneurs focused on job creation, business growth, and strengthening local economies.
The new Bureau will better support and empower State, local, and tribal governments to spur their
economies through locally planned development projects. The streamlined Bureau will also increase
transparency in regional and local Federal spending, as well as encourage and facilitate complementary
private-sector spending.
Some of the programs that will be consolidated include the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s
Community Development Block Grant program, the Economic Development Administrations Economic
Development Assistance Programs, and rural business and community facility grants from the Department
of Agriculture. As part of the Bureau’s focus on creating job opportunities and supporting the local business
community, it would absorb the economic development functions of the Delta Regional Authority, Denali
Commission, and Northern Border Regional Commission. The new Bureau would also oversee technical
assistance programs. These programs provide training, planning, and other business development
assistance to help businesses succeed no matter where they are in their lifecycle, whether they are just
starting out, looking to expand, or trying to access new domestic and international markets.
Government Accountability Oice, “Action Tracker: Economic Development: Economic Development Programs,
The Federal Government can play an important role in bolstering economic growth, with its ability to
undertake large-scale economic development projects and holistically analyze their impacts. It is uniquely
positioned to help mitigate market failures, and can leverage resources in distressed communities
when local/regional entities cannot. Unfortunately, the current Federal economic development model
is fragmented, resulting in fractured regulatory requirements and jurisdictions, overlapping programs,
redundancy, and waste.
Many programs and projects are unable to clearly demonstrate their impacts
on measures of economic growth.
The Bureau of Economic Growth reorganizes several Federal economic development programs into
discrete functions based on mission, capabilities, and delivery method – with the intent of increasing
eiciency and accountability, and improving outcomes and services to citizens, business owners, and
communities. Consolidating this assistance within DOC provides an ideal opportunity to streamline and
consolidate standards and processes for eligibility and participation, including planning and reporting
The new Bureau will accomplish its mission via three operational arms – planning, grant-making, and
technical assistance – as well as an oice of Bureau-wide administration. The Planning Oice will engage
State, local, and tribal community development agencies/authorities, in addition to regional consortia
of these entities. Its primary function will be to leverage these agencies’ internal planning capabilities
to identify each community’s unique barriers to economic growth and set community goals that are
specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-bound. Through this planning process, these State,
local, tribal, and regional agencies can establish the criteria and milestones by which to measure the
eectiveness of any subsequently awarded grants.
Aer completing the planning process, applicants can apply to the Bureaus Oice of Grant-Making for
the funds to implement their plans in a manner consistent with their established goals. The Oice of
Grant-Making will cracriteria to assure that the implementation activities are suiciently comprehensive,
actionable, and consistent with the applicant’s plan.
The Oice of Technical Assistance will work directly with non-profit and educational organizations
operating within the State, local, tribal, or regional areas to build capacity through strategic and
operational training and dissemination of best practices in economic development to local businesses
and practitioners. These non-profits will apply directly to the Oice of Technical Assistance for funding
for technical assistance activities that support the community economic development plan. In addition
to providing funding, the Oice of Technical Assistance could provide access to assets that support the
non-profits implementation. This direct engagement with non-profits will allow the Oice of Technical
Assistance to function in an eicient and scalable manner, without duplicating staor other resources
that already exist in the local community. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by small businesses,
this proposal does not include the Small Business Administration’s Oice of Entrepreneurial Development,
which provides planning and educational services exclusively to small businesses, within the new bureau.
Centralizing these economic development programs and activities under DOC is advantageous for several
reasons. DOC is already tasked with the missions of “promoting job creation and economic growth” and
“leading the Federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, and
preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy.” As such, Commerce is well
equipped with resources and expertise to support the proposed economic development consolidation
and advance economic growth.
Through its Bureaus of Economic Analysis and the Census, DOC has access to comprehensive economic
data which can be used to inform economic development strategies, measure outcomes, and improve
accountability. Additionally, DOC has wide-ranging capabilities within its oices and Bureaus which
make it uniquely suited to address the intrinsically multi-faceted nature of economic development. For
example, it can leverage technical expertise to assist businesses with existing international footprints,
or those looking to export through trade functions like export assistance and attracting foreign direct
investment; facilitate technological innovation and commercialization; and help businesses register and
protect their intellectual property.
U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
Department of Health and Human Services
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would transform the Commissioned Corps (Corps) into a
leaner and more eicient organization that would be better prepared to respond to public health
emergencies and provide vital health services. It would do this through a series of management
improvements, including reducing the size of the Corps and building up a Reserve Corps for response
in public health emergencies.
Issues on the Need for the Public Health Service’s Commissioned Corps. GGD-96-55: Published: May 7, 1996. Publicly
Released: May 15, 1996
The Corps consists of approximately 6,500 uniformed public health professionals, who work alongside
their civilian counterparts performing the same jobs but oen receive higher total compensation. Corps
oicers receive military-like benefits, even though they have not been incorporated into the Armed Forces
since 1952, and generally do not meet the Department of Defense’s criteria for the military compensation
system. Further, the Corps’s mission assignments and functions have not evolved in step with the public
health needs of the Nation.
The Fiscal Year 2019 Budget raised questions about the value of having Corps oicers in roles that civilians
can fill, given they are more expensive than equivalent civilians. Only a small percentage of Corps oicers
deploy for public health emergencies, and many oicers encumber positions that could be filled by
civilians. In addition, a 1996 Government Accountability Oice (GAO) Report raised questions about
the need for Corps oicers in positions that did not provide direct health services.
This proposal would reduce the Corps force from approximately 6,500 oicers to no more than 4,000
oicers, and create a Reserve Corps that can provide additional surge capacity during public health
emergencies. These reforms would result in a Corps that is more appropriately equipped to provide
critical public health services and support in public health emergencies.
Reduce the Size of the Corps
This proposal would reorganize the Corps through a number of administrative and legislative reforms
that would reduce unnecessary positions within the Corps and utilize Federal funds more eectively.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would hold the Corps to a new standard, and
require that oicers fill critical public health roles and/or respond to public health emergencies.
Under this proposal, HHS would reduce the size of the Corps to no more than 4,000 oicers. Specifically,
the agency would: 1) civilianize oicers who do not provide critical public health services or support in
public health emergencies; 2) require that Corps oicers initially work in a hard-to-fill area and continue
to serve there, or deploy as needed in a public health emergency (at least once every three years); and
3) enforce standards for Corps eligibility and readiness.
Create a Reserve Corps
This proposal would also create a Reserve Corps–similar to those used by other uniformed service
programs–that would deploy either in a public health emergency or to backfill critical positions le
vacant during Regular Corps deployments. The Reserve Corps would consist of Government employees
and private citizens who agree to be deployed and serve in times of national need. The Reserve Corps
would be an integrated part of the HHS response to public health emergencies.
Budgetary Reforms
In addition to restructuring the Corps workforce, this proposal would more appropriately allocate
the cost of Corps oicers to ensure each agency pays its fair share for Corps oicers moving forward.
Currently, if an agency employs a Corps oicer the agency does not pay the accruing retirement costs
for that oicer, even though it pays the accruing retirement costs of civilian employees. This can result
in an agency employing a Corps oicer instead of a civilian because the Corps oicer appears less costly
than is actually the case. This proposal would require agencies to pay the accruing retirement costs for
Corps oicers moving forward.
Under this proposal, the Corps would deliver on its mission in a more eicient and eective manner and
spend taxpayer dollars more eectively. At the end of this transformation, the Corps would be leaner and
have an improved ability to provide public health services and respond to public health emergencies.
Improving NASAs Agility through Increased Use of
Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would establish an accelerated process for determining
whether one or more of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Centers should
be converted to, or host, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC). FFRDCs
can potentially allow the agency to be more agile in rapidly responding to changing needs and in
recruiting and retaining scientific and technical expertise.
The missions and programs of NASA are conducted across 10 geographically-dispersed Centers, augmented
by several testing and support facilities. While nine of the Centers are Government owned and operated,
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is operated by the California Institute of Technology as an FFRDC.
In 2004, the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy found
that NASA Centers: 1) needed to modernize their infrastructure; 2) lacked institutional incentives to align
them with new policy; and 3) utilized oen ossified personnel practices. The Commission recommended
that NASA Centers be reconfigured as FFRDCs to enable innovation, work more eectively with the
private sector, and stimulate economic development. With the advent of the President’s National Space
Strategy, a renewed look at the FFRDC operating model is warranted as part of NASAs broader strategy
to meet the Administration’s ambitious space objectives. This proposal would establish a process for
determining whether one or more of NASAs other Centers should be converted to, or host, an FFRDC.
The new National Space Strategy and National Space Policy Directive 1 require the full agility of NASA,
in concert with its commercial and international partners, in order to realize the President’s goals to
return American astronauts to the moon and follow with human missions to Mars. In order to bolster
NASA’s agility, increased use of FFRDCs could provide greater flexibility than civil servant organizations,
potentially allowing them to better meet the agency’s evolving needs.
Background on FFRDCs
FFRDCs are research institutions that are owned by the Federal Government, but operated by
contractors. They are intended to provide Federal agencies with Research and Development (R&D)
capabilities that cannot be eectively met by the Federal Government or the private sector alone, and
can convey a number of benefits, including the ability to recruit and retain scientific and technical
expertise, and to more rapidly respond to the R&D needs of a Federal agency than would be possible
with a civil servant workforce.
The new National Space Strategy and National Space Policy Directive 1 make examining the potential
advantages of an FFRDC model at NASA particularly timely. FFRDCs may oer a powerful approach
to enable NASA to better align its workforce skillsets with Agency priorities, while simultaneously
engendering an entrepreneurial spirit that better allows NASA to infuse talent from industry and
commercial partners.
FFRDCs oer a number of advantages over traditional NASA Centers in terms of their competitive
compensation to employees, flexibility, and technical skills available to the Agency. They occupy a
unique position in the Nations R&D base: they are free from many of the outdated mechanisms inherent
in the civil service, and can also perform work for non-Government customers. As a result, FFRDCs are
noted for their technical excellence, strong integration with the U.S. industrial base, and agility. All of
these are essential as NASA works to meet the bold objectives laid out in the National Space Strategy
and National Space Policy Directive 1.
Congressional Research Service, “Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs): Background and
Issues for Congress,” December 1, 2017.
Process to Determine Best Role for FFRDCs
This proposal lays a process to determine if one or more of NASAs other Centers should be converted to,
or host, an FFRDC. NASA would oversee this process and provide an analysis, including recommendations,
to the White House by the end of August 2018 so that the outcome can be reflected in future budget and
policy plans and proposals. NASAs analysis would draw from prior studies of this topic and evaluate
the potential of an FFRDC to further the Administrations policy goals more eectively. In addition to
studying whether one or more Centers could potentially be converted to an FFRDC in whole or in part,
NASA would also establish whether it may be eective to perform new programs and projects using an
FFRDC structure.
The additional analysis needed before increasing the use of FFRDCs will address the following:
Although FFRDCs have several advantages over Government-owned and operated facilities, they
can also have drawbacks. A 2017 report by the Congressional Research Service, for example, noted
concerns with FFRDCs including mission creep, ineective Federal agency oversight, and competition
between FFRDCs and the private sector for Federal R&D funding. The analysis will weigh the specific
costs and benefits of establishing an FFRDC for particular NASA Centers.
It is possible that a new FFRDC hosted at a Center may be eective in running new programs or
projects that are part of the Administration’s space policy but are not yet underway. The analysis
will examine whether these programs could more eectively be run by establishing a new FFRDC.
Conversion of a Center, or parts of a Center’s operation, to an FFRDC would require several steps related
to developing the sponsoring agreement with the organization managing the FFRDC, and addressing
human capital issues. The analysis will examine these steps and estimate their feasibility.
Management Consolidation of Federal
Graduate Research Fellowships
National Science Foundation
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would consolidate the administration of graduate fellowships
for multiple Federal agencies under the National Science Foundation (NSF) in order to reduce the
total cost of administering those fellowships.
Multiple agencies are administering many dierent graduate research fellowships across the Federal
Government. Some of the larger programs fund over a thousand fellowships annually while smaller
programs support only a handful of fellowships each year. Each awarding agency devotes resources to
administering these fellowships, but some are similar enough that their management could be consolidated
at one agency, potentially resulting in lower costs.
This proposal would consolidate the administration of Federal graduate research fellowships for smaller
fellowship programs at NSF. NSF would leverage the eiciency of its existing graduate fellowship program
to coordinate the fellowship application, selection, and award processes for other agencies, and be
reimbursed by the other agencies for this work.
Consolidating the management/administration of graduate fellowships for smaller agencies at NSF could
lead to reduction of duplicative administrative eorts and yield savings across the Federal Government.
Graduate fellowships provide one or several years of funding support for students pursuing a Masters or
Ph.D. degree. Awardees are selected based on a range of criteria, from their academic accomplishments
to the broader societal impacts of their research work. Fellowships are a source of funding for student
researchers in addition to research grants obtained by university faculty, and because fellowships
tend to be highly competitive, they are viewed as prestigious in the scientific community. The Federal
Government is by far the largest funder of graduate fellowships in the United States, but fellowships are
also oered by foundations and private companies.
NSF awards the highest number of graduate fellowships of all Federal agencies (more than 1,000 new
fellows every year), and has an eicient system in place to do so. For agencies with much smaller fellowship
programs, using NSF’s fellowship process instead of their own could be more eicient and produce savings
if fellowship oices at other agencies can be downsized or eliminated. Even if NSF requires additional
resources to process the increased workload, the Government-wide resources spent on administering
graduate fellowships would be reduced compared to the status quo.
An initial step to implement this proposal would be to take a thorough inventory of existing graduate
fellowship programs across the Federal Government. At the same time, NSF would evaluate which types
of programs and associated tasks would benefit from using NSF’s expertise and grants management
infrastructure. Depending on the number and size of other agencies’ fellowship programs identified in
the inventory, a phased approach could be implemented where less complex programs are the first to
move under NSF management.
Rationalize the Federal Real Property Approach
Government-wide Application
Summary of Proposal: The Federal Government is the largest single employer and owner of real
property in the United States, and as such, has a huge impact on the Nation’s communities. Despite
these far-reaching implications, its management of that real property is a mixed bag of smart
space use, underutilized assets, liabilities, and leases. The Federal Government can do a better job
strategically managing these assets, including utilizing private sector best practices, to improve our
communities, right-size the Federal real property portfolio, and provide better value and services to
the taxpayer. This proposal encompasses moving Federal oices and jobs for better quality of life
and a more capable workforce; a new budgetary mechanism for capital projects; better incentives
for agencies to divest unnecessary assets; and smarter leasing practices.
Since 2004, the Federal Government has improved its real property management and has disposed of
many properties that were no longer a needed. These actions have addressed low-hanging fruit, but
many opportunities remain for agencies to improve their decision-making and identify transactions that
provide greater value for the Government. Unlike the private sector, Federal agencies sometimes lack
incentives to think strategically about their workforce and shiing mission needs, and how those factors
influence where they are located. Without transformative real property-related authorities, the Federal
Government’s ability to meet its mission needs and make smart real estate decisions will continue to
stagnate and fall behind the private sector.
A combination of administrative and statutory changes would provide opportunities to optimize the
Federal footprint by making smart investments in renovations and new facilities, driving down lease costs,
and disposing of unneeded real estate through a streamlined process that results in the greatest return
to the taxpayer. Together, these reforms would allow agencies to have the facilities they need to fulfill
their missions and serve the American people, while at the same time freeing up unused or underutilized
properties to generate a return for taxpayers and spur local economic development.
Title 40 Disposal Process Improvements
Title 40 of the U.S. Code governs the process by which most agencies seek to dispose of unneeded Federal
real property. The Title 40 process is complex, with many required steps prior to the disposal of real
property: vetting for surplus, excess, public benefit conveyance, and finally sale. GAO has highlighted
that the complexity of disposal under Title 40 impacts the decisions that agencies make and can lead
to decisions and outcomes that are not economically rational. In response, prior Administrations have
proposed modest disposal reforms, but those proposals did not advance in the Congress. In December
2016, the Congress enacted legislation, the Federal Assets Sale Transfer Act (FASTA), which created a new
Public Buildings Reform Board to review agency submissions for disposal, and also included some limited
disposal process streamlining. While FASTA is a substantial step forward—and the enhanced visibility
from the Board will generate additional interest—the legislation did not tackle the major impediments
to accelerating and expanding agency disposals.
The Administration believes major new authorities are necessary to fully utilize the disposal process to
return unnecessary Federal property back to productive non-Federal use. As part of its Infrastructure
Initiative, the Administration proposed a series of improvements to streamline, accelerate, and incentivize
the Title 40 disposal process. These improvements include: eliminating the public benefit conveyance
authorities, allowing agencies to take unneeded Federal property directly to sale; retention of net proceeds
of sale dedicated to real property use without further appropriation; and expansion of the allowable
uses of the Government Services Administration (GSA) Disposal Fund to support agencies with the
upfront costs of disposition in advance of making a report of excess. The Administration is proposing the
elimination of all conveyance provisions, allowing surplus properties to go straight to market, maximizing
the return to the taxpayer. Several Government Accountability Oice (GAO) engagements since 2004
have highlighted the benefit of allowing agencies to retain some or all of sales proceeds associated with
the disposition of Federal real property. Without this reform, agencies currently incur substantial work
and costs to dispose of properties, with little to no financial upside for them, reducing their incentive to
pursue such disposals.
Federal Capital Revolving Fund (FCRF)
The Administration recognizes that the Federal Government must have modern facilities to carry out agency
missions and serve the American people. However, over the last decade, it has been diicult to secure
the necessary appropriations to renovate existing buildings and construct major new Federal facilities,
such as the replacement of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters facility in Washington, D.C.
This inability to secure suicient, timely funding to execute capital transactions oen results in project
cost escalation and costly lease extensions.
To address this, in the Infrastructure Initiative and the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget, the Administration
has proposed creating a new funding mechanism for large, civilian real property projects that is similar
to the capital budgets that States employ. The proposal would establish a mandatory revolving fund
for the construction or renovation of Federally-owned civilian real property, thus allowing agencies to
budget for acquiring major assets incrementally while operating within the established, transparent
Federal budget rules. This proposal is supported within the FY 2019 Budget, providing $10 billion for the
corpus of the Fund. GAO has conducted frequent reviews of real property acquisition methodologies
and challenges encountered with funding large projects. In 2014, GAO supported a similar approach to
this proposal; however, the Administration’s proposal provides even more flexibility and cost savings
opportunities that those identified by GAO.
Relocation Analytics
Due to mission and cost considerations, agencies are considering opportunities to reposition their real
property footprints, including relocating staand oices to locations outside of the National Capital
Region. Unlike the private sector, which has considerable flexibility and oen takes a holistic approach
to real estate and corporate mission requirements, agencies do not do a good job thinking holistically
about their mission, physical location, and how they could deliver services dierently. The Administration
believes there are many lessons that can be drawn from the private sector on how to assess changing
organizational requirements and how real estate footprints can be adjusted given information technology
and management practices. The goal of this eort, led by GSA, is to provide agencies with thought-process,
tools, and data to drive smarter decisions in agency relocations, and work is already underway.
GSA Leasing Improvements
In addition to managing Federal buildings, GSA also engages in extensive leasing with private sector
lessors, who provide oice and other space to Federal agency tenants. GSAs lease portfolio includes
approximately 180 million rentable square feet in more than 8,000 separate leases. In any given fiscal
year, GSA executes an average of 25 prospectus-level lease transactions, defined as lease awards where
the annual cost of the lease payments exceed more than approximately $3.1 million.
GSA has seen considerable improvement in their leasing practices in recent years, demonstrating
significant reductions in the number of holdover leases and reductions in the size of the lease portfolio.
However, more can be done to ensure that GSA makes smart leasing decisions, particularly when
running lease replacement competitions. GSA will be undertaking two policy changes: executing longer,
non-cancelable lease terms to secure lower rates, and undertaking a more rigorous cost analysis before
executing space reductions to ensure cost eective decisions. GSA continues to assist other Federal
agencies in making the most cost eective decisions under the Administrations Reduce the Footprint
policy. Agencies are looking to reduce square footage and GSA helps to ensure that any reduction leads
to a cost-eective solution.
Consolidate and Streamline Financial Literacy Eorts
Summary of Proposal: More than 20 Federal agencies have some form of financial education or
literacy program. To ensure eective allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and avoid
unneeded overlap and duplication, this proposal consolidates and streamlines these programs.
The Federal Government spends an estimated $250 million annually on financial literacy and education
programs and activities across more than 20 Federal agencies to educate Americans about a wide array
of financial literacy and education topics. These programs lack meaningful coordination, clear measures
of eectiveness, and are oentimes overlapping or duplicative. Furthermore, very few agencies appear
to monitor the eectiveness of their programs and only a handful of these programs have been formally
assessed or evaluated for impact.
In addition to Federal programming, many non-federal organizations provide financial literacy services
and resources, including nonprofit organizations, consumer advocacy organizations, financial services
companies, employers, and State and local governments. Given the large number of participants served
by Federal financial literacy and education programs, the Federal Government should consider the most
eective ways to deliver these services while maximizing limited Federal resources and supporting the
eorts of other public and private participants in this field.
The Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC) was established by law in 2003 and is made
up of the heads of 22 Federal agencies and the White House Domestic Policy Council. Chaired by the
Secretary of the Treasury, FLEC is tasked to improve “the financial literacy and education of persons in
the United States through the development of a national strategy.” However, the FLEC has had limited
success rationalizing Federal eorts to promote access to quality financial literacy and education tools
for all Americans.
Consolidating and streamlining financial literacy eorts will increase Government eiciencies and reduce
fragmentation among Federal programs. Reform would also improve coordination with entities outside
of the Federal Government and develop a data-driven approach to financial education that will increase
the impact of the programs and make financial literacy information more accessible.
This proposal would require the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to develop recommendations
for Federal financial literacy and education activities that will be shared with the Oice of Management
and Budget before October 1, 2018.
The Administration will consider streamlining and consolidation proposals as part of the Fiscal Year 2020
Budget, including but not limited to:
Using an evidence-based approach to articulate a national vision that outlines the appropriate role
for the Federal Government and leverages the current work of non-profit organizations, the private
sector, and State and local governments.
Elimination and development of programs based on how much knowledge participants are acquiring
from the financial literacy and education program, as well as how likely the program is to result in
behavior that leads to greater financial capability.
Consolidation of financial literacy programs into fewer agencies, with a mandate that they consult
with relevant experts in other agencies.
Consolidation of financial literacy policy and research into a single agency or commission that would
evaluate both existing programs and proposals for future programs.
Challenges Posed by Status Quo
In addition to the $250 million that the Federal Government spends annually on financial literacy and
education programs and activities, $170 million is spent on technical assistance and education for
entrepreneurs by the Small Business Administration, one component of which addresses financial
literacy. Six of the more than 20 Federal agencies that administer financial literacy programs account for
almost 90 percent of the Federal funds expended on financial literacy for individuals and households.
Some areas of potential overlap and duplication among Federal financial education activities, include:
Financial Counseling: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP), the Department of Defense
(DOD), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior, and
the Department of Veterans Aairs all fund or provide general or topic-specific financial counseling.
Retirement planning: BCFP, DOD, the Department of Labor (DOL), the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), the Oice of Personnel Management, the Social Security Administration, and
Treasury all support activities that address retirement planning and decision-making.
Research: BCFP, DOL, the Department of Education (ED), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), the Federal Reserve Board, HHS, HUD, and Treasury are supporting (or have recently supported)
research and evaluation of financial literacy and education.
Financial Education for military members: BCFP, DOD, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
all administer financial education and counseling programs for military members and their families.
Financial Literacy for youth: BCFP, ED, FDIC and Treasury all support initiatives that address financial
literacy for youth.
Websites with financial education content: Many Federal agencies manage duplicative
web content on financial education (e.g., BCFP, FTC, the National Credit Union Administration,
and Treasury).
However, limited evaluation is performed by Federal agencies on the eectiveness and impact of their
financial literacy programs. For example, only three agencies have recently evaluated their programs using
outcomes that measure changes in behavior. Most agencies only measure accessibility and utilization
of their activities.
Scope of Treasury’s Planned Review of Status Quo
Currently, the FLEC is assessing the landscape of Federal financial literacy and education activities, with
the goals of:
Determining the appropriate Federal role and eective methods to support programs administered
by non-profit organizations, the private sector, State and local governments, and others.
Consolidating Federal financial literacy and education eorts, including streamlining overlapping
or duplicative programs.
Identifying best practices and eliminating ineective programs, activities, or practices.
Developing high-quality, consistent Federal financial literacy and education curriculum and resources.
Developing an eective mechanism for oversight and governance of Federal financial education
programs to strengthen eectiveness and eliminate the risk of future overlap, duplication, and
Establishing governance and oversight to ensure that any new programs are aligned with the
Government-wide vision.
Streamline Small Business Programs
Small Business Administration and the Departments of Agriculture,
Transportation, Treasury, & Veterans Aairs
Summary of Proposal: This proposal consolidates the various Federal programs that assist small
business owners secure access to capital and Federal Government contracts into the Small Business
Administration (SBA). In instances where a Federal lending or contracting certificate program is
highly specialized or industry-specific, SBA’s duplicative authority would be eliminated.
Small businesses play a critical role in our Nation’s economic growth. Approximately half of the U.S.
private-sector labor force – nearly 58 million Americans – are employed by our Nation’s 30 million small
businesses. Communities across the country rely heavily on the products, services, and jobs created by
these Main Street businesses. Two of the most important ways the Federal Government supports small
business creation and growth are by working with private lenders to provide capital access, and making
Government contracting opportunities available to small businesses.
Unfortunately, the GAO has repeatedly identified the Federal Governments current model for operating
these programs as needing increased coordination and harmonization, citing duplicative programs at
SBA and the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Aairs. Examples of
issues that arise from duplicative programs include: inconsistent standards and processes for eligibility
and participation; lack of consistent reciprocity between agencies and programs; and failure to realize
eiciencies and economies of scale. Addressing these issues is critical for providing better service to
America’s small businesses, creating jobs, and maximizing the Federal Government’s investments in
The various Federal small business lending and Government contracting programs represent ideal
candidates for consolidation, given the overlap in their mission and delivery method. Centralizing these
programs would provide an opportunity to assess and streamline participation requirements such as
eligibility criteria, application processes, and reporting. It would also help to ensure consistency in the
application of small business certification criteria and reciprocal recognition across Federal agencies.
Furthermore, it would optimize the value of the Federal Governments small business programs by achieving
long-term cost eiciencies through centralized operations and oversight functions. Streamlining these
programs and making them less burdensome would ultimately enable America’s entrepreneurs to invest
more of their time and hard-earned profits in operating and growing their businesses.
This consolidation will improve services to three major stakeholders: 1) business owners seeking financing
or contracting certifications; 2) the lenders that service Government-guaranteed loans; and 3) the Federal
agencies that contract with certified small businesses. It would help strengthen and streamline SBAs
operations across two of its primary program areas: 1) capital access; and 2) Government contracting support.
Capital Access
Financing is a key component of starting, operating, and expanding a business. However, access to
capital continues to be a hurdle for many entrepreneurs. Small business owners oen do not have the
same access to credit as larger businesses that can more readily take on a traditional loan from a bank.
New entrepreneurs may not have a credit score that can guarantee them a loan, especially on a new or
innovative product. Entrepreneurs in emerging markets are more likely to be denied credit and oen
rely on personal savings or credit cards to sustain their business. Furthermore, access to capital can be
especially problematic for groups historically underrepresented in traditional commercial lending. The
Federal Government helps mitigate these market failures through programs designed to oer creditworthy
businesses the ability to obtain financing.
Through its Oice of Capital Access, SBA fills gaps in the commercial lending market and ensures that small
businesses are well positioned to access credit. It supports strategies that focus on providing reasonable
credit terms and access to credit for minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned small businesses
and entrepreneurs. Where appropriate, other small business loan and loan guarantee programs would
be folded into the SBAs Oice of Capital Access. SBAs existing expertise in providing capital access to
small businesses makes it the best agency to oversee this combined lending portfolio. In addition to
streamlining assistance, this proposal would create the opportunity for more comprehensive and cost-
eective program oversight and Federal credit risk management, including loan and lender monitoring,
predictive risk assessments and mitigation activities, real time reporting, and enforcement activities.
Government Contracting Support
The Federal Government is the largest procurer of good and services in the world, spending hundreds
of billions of dollars annually and averaging nearly $90 billion in contracts to certified small businesses
each year. Contracting with the U.S. Government presents a large opportunity for small businesses, and
the Congress has recognized its importance by establishing a minimum Federal contracts set-aside of 23
percent for small businesses. In addition, as a subset of this overall small business goal, the Government
strives to award no less than 5 percent of contracts to small disadvantaged businesses and women-owned
small businesses, and 3 percent to service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses and those in
HUBZone locations. These purchasing decisions result in high-impact investments that help grow small
businesses and stimulate local economies.
Duplicative programs that support small business contracting would be consolidated into the SBA’s Oice
of Government Contracting and Business Development. In the event that any overlapping programs require
industry-specific economic expertise, these programs would remain at their respective agencies, and
the SBA would eliminate its duplicative authority. This proposal would create a “one-stop shop” within
SBA for all Federal contracting certifications for both the participating small businesses and the Federal
agencies seeking to meet their contracting requirements. This would result in reciprocal recognition of
small business contracting certifications across all Federal agencies and make consistent standards and
processes for eligibility and participation across programs targeting similar constituencies.
The SBA currently provides expertise in this area, serving in an oversight role to ensure that the Government’s
contracting goals are achieved each year. It also reports on Federal eorts to stimulate technological
innovation and commercialization through small businesses, and provides unique services like the surety
bond guarantee to support contractors who need bonds to access contracting markets.
Consolidation of Certain Protective Details
U.S. Marshals Service
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would consolidate protective details at certain civilian Executive
Branch agencies under the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) in order to more eectively and eiciently
monitor, assess, and respond to potential threats. Threat assessments would be conducted by the
USMS with support from the U.S. Secret Service (USSS). Determinations as to whether protection
would be provided and its size and scope would be made by the USMS in consultation with aected
agency heads.
The protective details of Government oicials, including cabinet oicials and some sub-cabinet oicials,
vary widely in size, scope, budget, training, and statutory authorization. To provide more eective and
necessary security overall, this proposal would authorize USMS to manage protective details involving
specified civilian Executive Branch agencies. Threat assessments would be conducted by the USMS with
support from USSS and aected agencies upon request by the USMS. This proposal would not aect law
enforcement or military agencies with explicit statutory authority to protect Executive Branch oicials,
including the Departments of Justice, State, Homeland Security, or Defense, USSS, or other non-civilian
agencies. Instead, it would focus on standardizing protective details at civilian Executive Branch agencies
that currently derive protection from a USMS deputation or other source, and assuring that a uniform
and criteria-based determination of threat level and security need is centrally made.
The USMS currently provides for the protection of judicial and designated Federal Government oicials by
providing Deputy U.S. Marshals (DUSM) to serve in a protective capacity, and assists in the protection of
other oicials by deputizing Government employees of other agencies to perform this function. Currently,
the USMS provides Deputy U.S. Marshals for the Secretary of Education and the Deputy Attorney General’s
protective details. In addition, the agency deputizes Government employees of the Departments of
Labor, Energy, Commerce, Veterans Aairs, Agriculture, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development,
the Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency to assist in the protection of their cabinet- and
sub-cabinet oicials. While the USMS requires certain baseline training and law enforcement requirements
in order to approve a deputation, individuals serving on protective details vary in background, training,
and experience. Furthermore, these agencies have full autonomy in determining the size and scope
of their details’ activities, which vary based on a perceived threat and willingness to pay for protective
services rather than the detection or assessment of existing threats.
The USMS currently exercises threat assessment responsibility for all matters related to members of the
judiciary, court family, and other designated protectees through its Oice of Protective Intelligence. The
USSS currently exercises expertise in threat assessments through its National Threat Assessment Center
(NTAC). NTAC provides guidance on threat assessment and training, both within the USSS and to law
enforcement, public safety, and academic partners. Specifically, the Presidential Threat Protection Act of
2000 authorizes the NTAC to provide consultation on complex threat assessment cases or plans, provide
training in the area of threat assessments, and implement programs to promote the standardization of
Federal threat assessments, among other activities. The USSS is therefore well-positioned to support
the USMS on best practices in protection and threat assessment, as needed. Based on these resources, a
centralized analysis can be performed to determine the necessity for and extent of any protective detail.
Consolidation of resources related to certain protective details under one agency would leverage expertise
of Government agencies trained in protective missions and threat analysis, ensure more eicient use
of Government resources, and provide designated Government oicials with appropriate protection
tailored to their individual circumstances.
Under this proposal, the USMS would be granted authority over designated protective details and
provide its own personnel for the purposes of threat assessment and protection. Determinations
as to whether protection would be provided and its size and scope would be made by the USMS, as
delegated by the Attorney General in consultation with aected agency heads. The number of Deputy
U.S. Marshals provided for any approved protection of an oicial would vary based on the individual’s
threat assessment and risk. This proposal would be phased in as necessary in order to avoid disruptive
impacts to both USMS and protected oicials. The Administration will consult with the Congress
regarding any need for additional legislative authority. Further, the Oice of Management and Budget
will coordinate with the Department of Justice and aected agencies on budgetary implications and
necessary implementation guidance.
Consolidation of certain protective details under USMS oers Government-wide benefits including, but
not limited to:
Standardization of Protective Service Levels
Consolidating resources and authority for certain protective details under the purview of the USMS would
standardize those protective details Government-wide. USMS would work with USSS as necessary to
determine threat levels for covered Federal oicials in a consistent manner across all agencies. Protectees
would benefit from standard, high quality training, as well as the USMS’ ability to set priorities and broader
strategy across the force, an advantage over the current decentralized model. Operational de-confliction
and coordinated processes would be easier and more eicient with fewer agencies providing protection
for designated cabinet and sub-cabinet oicials. Additionally, while the USMS requires general law
enforcement training in order to approve a deputation, agency employees serving on protective details
vary in background, capabilities, and experience. Providing DUSMs would ensure that every protectee
has access to well-trained Federal law enforcement oicials with appropriate experience and oversight.
New Eiciencies
Rather than employing separate protective details with separate resources and authorities, the USMS
would professionalize and standardize this mission across multiple Executive Branch agencies.
Small Grants Consolidation
U.S. Agency for International Development, Inter-American Foundation,
and U.S. African Development Foundation
Summary of Proposal: The President’s Budget proposes to consolidate the small grants functions,
expertise, and grantmaking from the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) and U.S. African Development
Foundation (ADF) into the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) beginning in Fiscal
Year (FY) 2019. The consolidation would be a significant step to reduce the proliferation of Federal
international aairs agencies that are operating today, while also elevating community-led, “local
works” small grants as a development and diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government.
As a development and diplomacy tool, small grants allow the U.S. Government to engage directly with
local organizations in poor and remote communities to support lives and livelihoods and build goodwill
among local populations, oen within foreign policy priority countries that the United States seeks to
stabilize and/or assist in their journey to self-reliance. At present, multiple U.S. Government agencies
provide small grants assistance; however, each faces unique challenges in doing so. Authorizations for
carrying out small grants work are also long outdated or provided in annual appropriations only.
As the U.S. Government’s lead development agency, USAID has experience in implementing small grants
in political transitions, but its eorts to do so in long-term development contexts are more nascent, and
oen more labor-intensive per assistance dollar than traditional aid mechanisms. Meanwhile, IAF and
ADF face the fixed overhead costs associated with running small independent agencies, which continue
to comprise a significant share of their overall budgets, even as they have managed to keep variable
costs per grant low.
This proposal would support the USAID Redesigns goal of helping countries on their journey to
self-reliance, while also furthering the core mission of the foundations to support livelihoods in poor and
remote communities across Latin America, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa, leading to an aligned
and enhanced approach to small grants for the U.S. Government. It would consolidate IAF and ADF’s
deep expertise, relationships, and functions into USAID, thereby enhancing USAID’s capabilities while also
reducing the duplication and overhead costs associated with having three agencies carry out small grants
work. The proposal would better align the two foundations with U.S. foreign policy objectives and global
development programs, while elevating community-led, “local works” small grants as a development and
diplomacy tool and allowing for the sharing of best practices across USAID.
This proposal is consistent with the Center for Global Development’s report entitled A Practical Vision
for U.S. Development Reform (2017), which advised re-visiting the role of the foundations, in light of their
overlap in mission and function with USAID. The Center advised considering the transfer of the certain
elements of the foundations’ operating models into USAID, “potentially including outside advisory boards
and flexible tools for grant-making to local civil society groups in developing countries.” The Congress
has long recognized the value in small grants as an assistance-delivery mechanism, from establishing IAF
and ADF in the late 1960s and early 1980s, respectively, to introducing a directive in annual appropriations
over the past decade to enhance USAID’s capabilities in this area. This proposal would enable USAID to
better achieve the intent of that directive.
Through the consolidation, USAID would capitalize on the existing expertise, capacity, relationships, and
tools that ADF and IAF provide, including their regional and market segment emphases, in order to reinforce
the U.S. Government’s bilateral development eorts. In return, USAID would oer these programs a
platform that would better integrate them with the Agencys existing global development programs, more
cohesively serve U.S. foreign policy objectives, and increase organizational eiciencies through reducing
duplication and overhead. The consolidation would also serve to elevate community-led, “local works”
small grants as a development and diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government, and it would allow for the
sharing and integrating of best practices across USAID through the proposed Development, Democracy,
and Innovation Bureau. As part of the proposal, IAF and ADF would begin to wind down as independent
foundations in FY 2019, and would transfer their grants and select programmatic sta to USAID.
In support of this consolidation proposal, the FY 2019 Budget requests a total of $55 million, across the
following accounts:
$40 million in State/USAID’s Economic Support and Development Fund to support IAF and ADF’s
grantmaking via USAID, beginning in FY 2019 (with $20 million per region);
$7 million in USAID’s Operating Expenses account, to support the absorption of select programmatic
sta from IAF and ADF in FY 2019; and
$8 million for one-time costs to support the foundations’ orderly closeouts in FY 2019, in ADF’s
($5 million) and IAF’s ($3 million) direct appropriations.
In recognition of the foundations’ regional expertise, the FY 2019 Budget proposes merging IAF’s grants
and select personnel into USAID’s Latin America and Caribbean Bureau, and ADF’s grants and select
personnel into USAID’s Africa Bureau. The work previously performed by the foundations would be initially
programmed out of stand-alone oices within the regional Bureaus, but would be further integrated
into the regional Bureaus over time. Overseas, IAF and ADF’s work would be fully integrated with USAID
Missions. Certain cross-cutting functions (such as the monitoring and evaluation of small grants) would
be housed centrally at USAID within the proposed Development, Democracy, and Innovation Bureau,
so that such technical expertise and best practices could be leveraged for other regions and the Agency
as a whole.
The proposal would also entail establishing a subcommittee under USAID’s Advisory Committee on
Voluntary Foreign Aid for IAF and ADF’s former boards to remain involved with the foundations’ work
going forward and to advise the Administrator on small grant activities generally, and on the smooth
transition of the foundations’ functions.
Transition to Electronic Government
National Archives and Records Administration (with the Department of Homeland
Security and Social Security Administration)
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment, and end the National Archives and Records
Administration’s (NARA) acceptance of paper records by December 31, 2022. This would improve
agencies’ eiciency, eectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens by converting paper-based processes
to electronic workflows, expanding online services, and enhancing management of Government
records, data, and information.
Federal agencies collectively spend billions of dollars on paper and paper-based records management
practices. Even aer decades of eort, far too many Federal Government services are still primarily
paper-based. This forces NARA and Federal agencies to devote resources to actively processing, moving,
and later maintaining large volumes of paper records (requiring facilities, sta, and support contracts),
even as electronic communication and systems have dramatically increased the volume of information
agencies must manage. To date, eorts to address this issue have been inconsistent and ineective
across agencies.
The Federal Government must confront this challenge by taking a comprehensive, lifecycle approach
to records management. On the front end, it must cease paper processes to the extent possible, which
will enable more eicient and eective delivery of services. Then, on the back end, it must support
streamlined and secure electronic records management. These actions will facilitate citizen services
and benefit the taxpayer by creating eiciencies and preserving public access to Federal records.
As agencies implement electronic processes in place of paper, it will be easier for the public to connect
with the Federal Government, and apply for and receive services, improving customer satisfaction.
Electronic records will reduce processing times and decrease the probability of lost or missing information.
For example, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) currently ships most immigration applications among multiple facilities, such as lockbox and
pre-processing centers, prior to adjudication, which is both costly and time consuming.
Electronic records will greatly improve agencies’ ability to provide public access to Federal records,
promoting transparency and accountability. Over the long term, this also will reduce agencies’ records
management and storage costs and streamline the records management process, freeing resources for
other high priority activities. This will also allow agencies to provide more timely and accurate assistance
to their customers.
The Federal Records Act (FRA) authorizes NARA to issue Government-wide guidance to agencies on how
to preserve their records and directs NARA to maintain a permanent archive of Government records that
will be preserved indefinitely. NARA policies and regulations cover the entire lifecycle of records, from
creation to use to storage or disposal. This proposal would use those authorities to drive agencies to
reassess and modernize their paper-based processes Government-wide.
Currently, NARA holds more than 5 million cubic feet (equivalent to 12.5 billion pages) of archival records,
and anticipates that an additional 3 million cubic feet of permanent records will be transferred by Fiscal
Year (FY) 2030. Additionally, NARA’s Federal Records Centers Program stores over 28 million cubic
feet of Federal Government records on a temporary basis for other Federal agencies, costing agencies
approximately $200 million annually in payments to NARA. Agencies also acquire records management
and storage services from commercial providers. At the same time, agencies are trying to manage a surge
in their electronic records. NARA managed archival electronic records equivalent to 12 billion pages in
2005, which grew to 34 billion in 2017.
However, the continuing need to support paper-based processes diverts resources away from investments
in a modernized electronic records management system. Without focused attention to this challenge,
NARA and agencies will face inadequate electronic records systems and protocols, leading to higher costs
and lost records, as well as deficient practices and services for paper records.
This proposal would transition Federal agencies’ business processes and recordkeeping to a fully
electronic environment, and end NARAs acceptance of paper records by December 31, 2022. Establishing
a deadline by which NARA will no longer accept paper records will force agencies to direct attention and
resources to this issue in a way that has not occurred previously. To ensure this necessary transformation
away from paper-based processes would occur across all of the Executive Branch, NARA will coordinate
with Federal agencies to develop and provide the guidance, technical assistance, and services they will
need to implement this proposal. The General Services Administration would play a supporting role by
connecting agencies with commercial digitization services available in the private sector. This will allow
agencies to more eiciently procure needed services, helping expedite the electronic records process.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Eorts to Expand Electronic Records
Even as the Administration moves toward electronic records management across the entire Federal
Government, some individual agencies have already started to take critical steps toward this goal.
For example, the USCIS National Records Center has centralized millions of paper records into a single
facility, dramatically improving the integrity of USCIS’ recordkeeping and cutting the time spent on file
retrieval—a vital component of application processing—from weeks and even months to only a few days.
USCIS already oers electronic filing capability for a replacement green card (I-90) and application for
naturalization (N-400). It also plans to achieve end-to-end digital processing for all of the immigration
benefits it adjudicates by the end of 2020. This will include the ingestion of all applications and evidence
through adjudication, decision making, and communication with applicants. USCIS will create digital
immigration records at the point of receipt that serve as the oicial record throughout the immigration
lifecycle. This will increase eiciency and reduce risk to the immigration system. To further eliminate
paper, USCIS is moving to a fully automated Freedom of Information Act processing system. A subset of
this electronic capability will be released to the public in summer 2018, and full deployment is scheduled
to be complete by the end of 2018. Requesters will be able to file requests and receive responses online.
These eorts also build on other important work USCIS has already done that uses electronic records to
improve applicant services and increase eiciency, such as with its E-Verify system which electronically
compares information from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data from
DHS and the Social Security Administration to confirm employment eligibility.
Social Security Administration Eorts to Expand Electronic Records
The Social Security Administration (SSA) also is reducing paper processes, relying on an expanding suite
of automated and online options to conduct business with the public. In FY 2017, the public conducted
over 155 million transactions via the SSA website, rather than through paper forms. SSA expects the
number of successfully completed transactions in FYs 2018 and 2019 to increase by 35 million each year
over the prior year. Additionally, SSA estimates that in FY 2019 about 50 percent of those submitting SSA
retirement forms, or about three million people, will use SSA’s online services to complete their forms;
this used to be a wholly paper-based, in-person transaction.
Customer Experience (CX) Improvement Capability
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would transform the way Americans interact with the Federal
Government by providing a modern, streamlined, and customer-centric experience for citizens,
businesses, and other customers, comparable to leading private-sector organizations. The Oice of
Management and Budget (OMB) will provide leadership and establish a Government-wide capability
to partner with Federal agencies to identify key customer groups (e.g., farmers, veterans), map their
journeys from end-to-end and across agencies and programs, and improve their experience across
delivery channels and organizational silos. This will be done in partnership with the U.S. Digital
Service and the General Services Administration (GSA) Technology Transformation Service with
contributions from specific involved agencies. This capability will also serve as a central resource
to better manage organizational change and ensure reform proposals achieve mission, service, and
stewardship objectives.
Americans expect well-designed, eicient Government services that are generally comparable in quality
to that of leading private-sector organizations. Unfortunately, customer satisfaction with Federal
services lags behind every other industry, as measured by the American Customer Satisfaction Index
(ACSI), causing frustration for customers and higher costs for the Federal Government. While many
agencies are taking action to improve their services, customer experience can lag when customer needs
and journeys cross organizational silos. Whereas Government agencies execute their missions based
on their specific authorities and responsibilities, customers tend to experience Government across
stovepipes. For example, while the Federal Government strives to support small business growth and
competitiveness, duplicative and inconsistent programs spread across five dierent Federal agencies
have sometimes created confusion and extra work for the small businesses they mean to serve.
As individual agencies make investments – particularly information technology investments – maturing
the capability to improve customer experience across agency silos will help the Government meet
Century needs and expectations. At the same time, improving customer focus can lead to greater
eiciency and eectiveness in agency operations. This will require technical expertise, enhanced
business processes, management support, and new Government authorities to create cross-agency,
Government-wide solutions.
Establishing a Government-wide customer experience improvement capability would support existing agency
eorts and create new Government-wide approaches to improve the way the public interacts with the Federal
Government. In partnership with agencies, this new function would identify key Federal customers (e.g.,
veterans, students, farmers, retirees), map their journeys as they interact with Federal agencies, and work to
streamline those interactions across delivery channels and organizational silos. It would work with Federal
organizations that control resources and services and convene partner agencies and programs to harmonize
business processes with a more holistic customer-centric model. In many cases, Federal agencies already devote
considerable resources to customer experience, and these existing eorts will benefit from more end-to-end
visibility into customer needs and access to broader perspectives and tool sets. Further, this capability will
support the U.S. Digital Service (USDS) and other information technology modernization eorts by evaluating
how Federal services are delivered and identifying priority opportunities to leverage technology to make service
delivery more customer-centric and eicient. Not only has this approach been proven to improve services
in the private sector, but it also oers opportunities to reduce overlap and fragmentation and reduce costs.
The application of these tools and approaches has been proven in the private sector. Leading practice in
the private sector now trends to having an individual Customer Experience Oicer reporting directly to the
CEO, supported by teams that both advocate for customer needs at an enterprise level as well as embed
practices into individual business units across the organization. These CX organizations have developed
a clear set of standards, tools, and capabilities – such as the use of personas and customer journey maps
– and have demonstrated their utility across diverse organizations and industries.
Applying these tools and capabilities to the Government has also been proven to work. Through USDS and
GSAs Oice of 18F, the Government has recruited top-tier talent in information technology and business
process re-engineering. These individuals are helping the agencies that serve customers incorporate
user-centered design into plans to modernize digital services – and demonstrating those investments yield
a high return. For example, for many years small business owners have been extremely frustrated by slow,
bureaucratic, paper-based processes at the Small Business Administration (SBA) that were not responsive to
their needs. Due to the USDS team at the SBA, small businesses can now apply for Government Contracting
Programs online in about 1 hour instead of days. They can also secure key information on locating their
business by using a mapping application that updates in near real-time.
Further, individual agencies have developed enterprise-level customer experience capabilities that are
delivering direct results to citizens, such as the Journeys of Veterans Map, which has become the centerpiece
of the Department of Veterans Aairs’ (VA) success in presenting one face to veterans. For example,
veterans have historically had a frustrating experience navigating over 1,000 VA phone numbers and more
than 1,770 VA contact centers across its many lines of business. To address this challenge, VA is now in the
process of integrating backend data systems and providing veterans a single front door. It estimates that
these eorts will produce a cost avoidance of approximately $2 billion dollars over five years while also
improving veterans’ experiences.
This proposal envisions building on these individual eorts by adding the capability to tackle customer
experience challenges throughout the Government. To get started, this capability and relevant agencies
will conduct research to identify the most significant opportunities for customer-centric change, develop
customer journey maps which cross organizational silos, and then develop action plans to execute service
improvements. As needed, agencies would partner with USDS and GSAs Technology Transformation Service
to enhance their digital services. One particular area of focus would likely be the creation of user-focused
Digital Front Doors – rebuilding Government web properties to focus less on Government structure and more
on user experience. For example, designed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, delivers the
information, tools, and first-hand advice built around the needs of the people who produce our food, fiber,
flora, and fuel.
This capability will also serve as a central resource to better manage organizational change. Managing
process improvements across organizations is complex, especially given the legal structures, size, and
cultures of Federal agencies. It will partner with agency leadership to support interagency change
management, including project planning, convening interagency meetings and facilitating collaboration,
and sharing best practices on change management.
Next Generation Federal Student Aid
Processing & Servicing Environment
Department of Education
Summary of Proposal: The Next Generation (Next Gen) Financial Services Environment that will
benefit Federal Student Aid’s (FSA) customers and save taxpayer millions of dollars, will create an
improved, world-class customer experience for FSAs more than 42 million customers, while creating
a more agile and streamlined operating model. FSAs initial focus will be on modernizing capabilities
related to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form and the servicing and repayment
of customer loans, with additional work to come to improve the experience throughout the student
aid life cycle.
FSA helps provide educational opportunity for more than 42 million students pursuing higher education.
It manages one of the largest consumer loan portfolios in the country, rivaling those of major financial
institutions. FSAs customers deserve a world-class experience, but they do not consistently receive
one today. Currently, customers interface with multiple brands and vendors throughout the student
aid life cycle, creating a disjointed experience. Further, customers want additional capabilities and
functionalities to enable them to make more informed decisions and make their loan experience easier
and more accessible. The current student loan servicing environment is a major barrier to FSAs ability
to provide outstanding service to borrowers and taxpayers.
The Department of Education is pursuing a new approach to FSA processing and servicing with a
modernized, innovative, and integrated architecture that will benefit FSAs customers and save taxpayers
millions of dollars. The Next Gen Financial Services Environment will create an improved, world-class
customer experience for FSAs more than 42 million customers, while creating a more agile and streamlined
operating model.
The Next Generation Processing and Servicing Environment is being designed to meet customer expectations,
improve how customers consume services and utilize dierent technology and media platforms, and
further enhance borrower protections. The new system requires the separation of database housing,
system processing, and customer account servicing so that cost eiciencies can be achieved and current
state-of-the-art technologies can be deployed and evolve in the future. Through this market research,
FSA has refined its strategy to implement the Next Generation Processing and Servicing Environment.
Based on this research and discussions with a broad range of internal and external experts in student
loan finance and information technology services, the Department has developed a plan for a Next
Generation Financial Services Environment that will leverage best-in-business technology to improve
customer experience and outcomes and drive savings for taxpayers by reducing FSA administrative
costs. The key to this transformation will be a comprehensive, Department of Education-branded
customer engagement layer that will create an environment through which the Departments customers
will receive clear, consistent information and readily accessible self-service options at every stage of
the student aid lifecycle. FSA will emphasize a mobile-first, mobile-complete strategy – enabling and
encouraging customers to fulfill all their needs on mobile devices – complemented by web, phone, chat,
and in-person capabilities.
This engagement layer will foster a life-long relationship with customers, from before they apply for
aid as high school students through when they plan for their children and grandchildren’s education.
It will transform FSA into a trusted source of information and greatly simplify the process of helping
customers choose the best options to help them manage their student debt. In addition, the creation of
standardized systems, processes, and procedures—combined with the inclusion of clear performance
expectations tied wherever possible to explicit contract incentives and disincentives—is expected to
simplify oversight of vendor performance and better ensure compliance with consumer protection and
customer service standards.
The Next Generation Financial Services Environment would provide customers a seamless, world-class
experience with FSA from application through repayment, a mobile-first, mobile-complete experience
that allows customers to seamlessly interact with FSA to make informed decisions about their educational
experience, and improved back-end technology and operations, to allow FSA to innovate how it interacts
with customers and the types of products and services it can oer.
FSA plans to leverage the latest in middleware, processing, data storage, and security to create a
more eicient, cost-eective, and secure technical infrastructure. While Federal student loans are
uniquely complex, the Department believes that leveraging modern commercial engagement and
technical capabilities is likely to reduce FSAs operating costs over the long-term, once the solution
is fully implemented.
FSA has issued and will continue to issue solicitations focused on account processing and loan servicing
in 2018. Significant customer-facing milestones will be realized throughout 2019. The Department plans
to have significant elements of the Next Generation Financial Services Environment in place prior to the
expiration of the current servicing contracts in 2019.
Solving the Federal Cybersecurity
Workforce Shortage
Department of Homeland Security and the Oice of Management and Budget
Summary of Proposal: The Federal Government struggles to recruit and retain cybersecurity
professionals due to a shortage of talent along with growing demand for these employees across
the public and private sectors. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Oice of
Management and Budget (OMB), working in coordination with all Federal departments and
agencies, will establish a unified cyber workforce capability across the civilian enterprise. This
Administration will work towards a standardized approach to Federal cybersecurity personnel,
ensuring Government-wide visibility into talent gaps, as well as unified solutions to fill those gaps
in a timely and prioritized manner.
The Federal Government struggles to recruit and retain cybersecurity professionals due to a shortage of,
and growing demand for, cybersecurity talent across the public and private sectors. The workforce shortage
compounds the Government’s challenges in responding to a constantly evolving threat environment and
achieving its many IT-dependent missions.
In the past, each Federal department and agency was responsible for addressing its own cybersecurity
workforce gaps independently, which has led to disaggregated and redundant Federal programs.
As a result, the Government lacks a comprehensive, risk-derived understanding of which cybersecurity
skillsets the Federal enterprise needs to develop and which positions are most critical to fill.
Moreover, the manner in which departments and agencies recruit, hire, train, retain, and compensate
cybersecurity personnel varies by agency. This uneven approach has created internal competition for
talent, which in turn creates disparities and discontinuities that degrade agencies’ ability to defend
networks from malicious actors and respond to cyber incidents. A unified approach to attracting and
retaining cybersecurity talent within the Federal Government would better support the Governments
cybersecurity enterprise.
Finally, there have not been continuous, strategic investments made in U.S. education programs to
strengthen a pipeline for future cybersecurity talent. The abundance of redundant Federal programs
focused on strengthening cybersecurity education illustrates how the Government’s role building the
cybersecurity talent pipeline remains ill-defined.
This Administration can strengthen Federal cybersecurity and improve agencies’ ability to carry out their
missions by identifying and closing workforce gaps in the near term, and can ensure long-term viability
by building the cybersecurity talent pipeline.
To improve recruitment and retention of highly qualified cybersecurity professionals to the Federal
Government, this Administration will develop a standardized approach to identifying, hiring, developing,
and retaining a talented cybersecurity workforce in a timely and prioritized manner.
In the near term, this Administration will prioritize and accelerate on-going eorts to reform the
way that the Federal Government recruits, evaluates, selects, pays, and places cyber talent across
the enterprise.
Taking Stock of the Current Cybersecurity Workforce and Identifying Gaps
Human Capital personnel from across the Executive Branch are currently working with the Oice of
Personnel Management (OPM) to categorize the Federal cybersecurity workforce, using the National
Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NICE Framework, as required
by the Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act of 2015). By Fall 2018, the Federal Government will have
catalogued the entire cybersecurity workforce to better understand our current set of knowledge, skills,
abilities, and identify any gaps; this catalog will give us Government-wide insight into where our most
pressing needs are, and, for the first time, enable the development of an enterprise-wide approach to
the recruitment, placement, and training of cybersecurity talent.
Using the NICE Framework analysis, the Federal Government will be able to determine which workforce
gaps are most critical to address the current cybersecurity threat landscape. DHS, as the lead agency for
the protection of Federal IT networks, is best positioned to drive this prioritization with Federal agencies
and OMB. By the first quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2019, all CFO Act agencies, in coordination with DHS and
OMB, will develop a list of critical vacancies across their organizations. By the end of FY 2019, all CFO and
non-CFO Act agencies will have a prioritized list of critical vacancies. OMB and DHS will analyze these
lists and work with OPM to develop a whole-of-government approach to identifying or recruiting new
employees or reskilling existing employees in FY 2019.
Developing Innovative Recruitment, Retention, and Mobility Strategies
As agencies prioritize their cyber workforce needs, they will likely need to adopt innovative hiring
techniques to ensure the best and brightest cyber talent can seamlessly enter the Federal Government.
To address this challenge, the Department of Homeland Security received authority, through the 2014
Border Patrol Pay Reform Act, to modernize the traditional personnel system. With this new authority,
DHS is working to create a new Federal hiring system called the Cyber Talent Management System
(CTMS), exempting DHS from many of the requirements and restrictions in existing law under Title 5 for
hiring and compensation of cybersecurity professionals. With an agile and innovative personnel system,
DHS will be better equipped to compete for cyber talent with the private sector—speeding up the hiring
process, attracting talent from non-traditional educational backgrounds, using innovative tools to assess
applicants, and oering more flexible performance-based compensation. DHS will also be able to align
prospective cybersecurity talent to the most pressing cybersecurity needs and will allow these technical
professionals to accelerate their careers as rapidly as their aptitudes allow. In order to implement CTMS,
by the first quarter of FY 2019 OMB, through its Oice of Information and Regulatory Aairs (OIRA), will
work with DHS to promulgate the necessary regulatory notices. By the end of FY 2019, DHS will work
with OMB and all Federal agencies to measure the performance of CTMS and determine how to expand
the system so that all departments and agencies can leverage it to address their personnel gaps.
One of the main hindrances to a seamless entry into the Federal Government is the security clearance
process. The success of this initiative partly hinges on the success of the Governments security clearance
reform initiative, as discussed in a separate Executive Branch reorganization proposal in this Volume. In
addition to the Government-wide security clearance solution, OMB, DHS, and OPM will work with agencies
to review workforce characteristics to rationalize security clearance requirements in order to expedite
the vetting and onboarding process.
The NICE Framework Federal workforce assessment is expected to confirm what has been known for
some time: that cybersecurity employees’ skills and competencies vary across the Government. OMB
will consult with DHS to standardize training for cybersecurity employees, and will work to develop an
enterprise-wide training process for Government cybersecurity employees.
As part of creating a modern hiring and compensation system that rewards cyber expertise, the Executive
Branch should also evaluate opportunities to make cybersecurity positions more mobile than traditional
Government jobs. Flexibilities that allow workers to easily move from one position to another, or from
one agency to another, would appeal to cyber talent in the agile and fast-paced cybersecurity industry.
This mobility is also useful during a major cybersecurity incident, allowing agencies to surge capacity for
incident response activities. OMB, in coordination with departments and agencies, will develop a work
plan to implement this initiative by the end of FY 2018. Departments and agencies will begin to exercise
these authorities by the end of FY 2019.
As an alternative or supplement to surge capacity, a mobile workforce will allow agencies to surge
capacity for incident response activities. OMB, DHS, and DOD will evaluate what workforce gaps might
exist that would be needed during a major Federal cybersecurity incident to determine the requirements
for a Federal cybersecurity reservist program. As part of this analysis, OMB, DHS, and DOD will evaluate
the existing authorities of Federal agencies to rapidly mobilize talent, including those of the U.S. Digital
Service, which recruits talent from the private sector. These organizations will also evaluate the feasibility
of extending a reservist program to support non-Federal major cybersecurity incidents within the United
States, such as those aecting critical infrastructure. These programs will be coordinated with existing
cyber services, including those in the National Guard.
Reskilling Employees to Fill High-Value Cybersecurity Roles
In addition to hiring new cybersecurity talent, the Government must look for opportunities to maximize
the potential of its existing workforce. This includes eorts to reskill employees whose skills have become
less relevant due to automation. OMB, DHS, and OPM will build aptitude and skills assessments to
identify and select current Government stawho can be reskilled to fill critically-needed cybersecurity
jobs. By reskilling the current workforce, agencies will be able to quickly shiits workforce into the
highest-priority vacancy gaps. OMB and DHS will establish a job reskilling work plan by the first quarter
of FY 2019. OMB and DHS will then update the CIO Council on a quarterly basis on the implementation
of the reskilling work plan.
Building a Pipeline of Cybersecurity Talent
While solving the immediate needs of the Federal workforce is a major challenge, the Administration
will also work to educate America’s youth to build an enduring cybersecurity talent pipeline. As part of
the FY 2020 Budget development process, OMB will evaluate options to rationalize the size and scope of
current Federal cybersecurity education programs, including the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s
CyberCorps, the Scholarship for Service program, the National Security Agency (NSA)/DHS Centers for
Academic Excellence program, NSF and NSA’s GenCyber Program, the Department of Labors apprenticeship
program, DHSs Cybersecurity Education and Training Assistance Program, the U.S. Army Cyber Center
of Excellence, and the U.S. Navy Information Operations Command program, among others.
While the cybersecurity workforce shortage has been a known challenge for Federal agencies, no other
Administration has taken a whole-of-Government approach to fixing it. OMB and DHS look forward to
solving this major challenge through smart analysis and creative solutions.
The GEAR Center
Summary of Proposal: This proposal would establish a public-private partnership to help
the Government respond to innovative technologies, business practices, and research findings
that present opportunities to improve mission delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship of
public resources. The Government Eectiveness Advanced Research (GEAR) Center would be a
non-governmental public-private partnership that would engage researchers, academics, non-profits,
and private industry from disciplines ranging from behavioral economics, to computer science, to
design thinking to use creative, data-driven, and interdisciplinary approaches to re-imagine and
realize new possibilities in how citizens and Government interact.
Most Federal Government entities and programs were designed many decades ago, while still others
have their organizational roots aligned to the missions of the 19
Century. Their designers could not
have anticipated how technology and society would evolve or how the mission demands on the Federal
Government would evolve in the 21
Century. Government has also been slower than the private sector
to adapt operations to new realities. The bottom line is that the Government has fallen behind the curve,
with reported decreases in trust
Pew Research Center, May, 2017, “Public Trust in Government Remains Near Historic Lows as Partisan Attitudes Shift.”
and lower customer satisfaction
. The inability to keep pace with the
private sector on adoption of technology has likely contributed to these failures to meet expectations as
well as ineicient use of resources. This proposal makes progress toward a future vision of a more eicient
and eective Government that provides a level of service that citizens deserve.
Although disparate research is available in the public and private sector, there is little work directed
toward providing a forward-looking view on how the operating entities of Executive Branch should
evolve management practices for the 21
Century. The Executive Branch currently lacks the capability
to work with State and local governments, businesses, and institutions of higher education to assess the
long-term strategic needs of the Government enterprise, and to “test and learn” how to apply innovative
approaches to meeting the mission, service and stewardship needs of the 21
Century. This capability
is needed to eectively apply theory to practice in a low-risk environment.
The GEAR Center would be a public-private partnership bringing together experts from disciplines
ranging from behavioral economics, to computer science, to design thinking, in order to take a creative,
data-driven, and interdisciplinary approach to imagining and realizing new possibilities in how citizens
and government interact.
The America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act
of 2007 or America COMPETES Act was signed by President George W. Bush and became law on August 9, 2007. This
was an Act, “To invest in innovation through research and development, and to improve the competitiveness of the
United States.” On January 4, 2011, President Barack Obama signed into law the America COMPETES Reauthorization
Act of 2010.
To establish the GEAR Center, the General Services Administration (GSA) could, for example, issue a new
Challenge under the America COMPETES Act
, and as a parallel eort, issue a Request for Information
(not leading to a traditional contract but to get more information on the art of the possible) to maximize
input from the public, universities, and industry to show transparency while promoting innovation from
the largest group possible.
New “Challenges” under the America COMPETES Act provide agencies with the authority to conduct
prize competitions to spur innovation, solve tough problems, and advance their core mission. Prize
competitions under this new statute may be funded jointly by more than one agency and by the private
sector. These challenges can be monetary or non-monetary, and they allow for multiple phases of
engagements, ideations, and competitions. The America COMPETES Act authority oers a flexible and
fast method to obtain input from a wide swath of the public, including industry, non-profits, universities,
and other entities.
Based on the results of the Challenge, the GEAR Center could be established at a university, think tank, or
other prominent research institution as a public-private partnership to inform critical areas for programs
and services to meet the needs of the American public. The GEAR Center would call upon researchers,
academics, non-profits, and private industry to help test hypotheses, rapidly prototype new strategies
and models, and help the Government anticipate and respond to changes in technology with implications
for service to citizens and Government mission.
The Center would provide the Federal Government with the opportunity to not only catch up to where
the private sector services and capabilities are today, but to lay the groundwork for where Government
operations and services need to be in five, 10, or 20 years or more by bringing together researchers,
academics, non-profits, and private industry to inform leaders in the Federal Government of the future
delivery models for programs and services that meet the needs of the American public. This Center will
enable the testing of hypotheses and shape future direction in order to help the Government anticipate
and respond to changes in technology and society with implications for how the Government can better
serve its citizens. For example, the GEAR Center could examine the impacts to Government that are
likely to occur due to broader economic forces (e.g., self-driving cars, automation), improving service in
programs that rate the worst in terms of public feedback (e.g., immigration system, farmers), and exploring
strategies to leverage Big Data and manage data as an asset across Government silos.
Developing this capacity supports innovation as an engine to transform the public’s experience with
Government. Researchers will validate and/or develop improved ways to serve the needs and desires of
the customers of Government services, and rethink the experience of Government-public interactions.
Further, the GEAR Center would provide capacity to explore questions concerning how Government
can best harness technological advances to address evolving challenges concerning citizen interactions
with the Government, Federal workforce skill/reskilling requirements, the leveraging of Big Data, and
collaboration with the private sector via grant-making, procurement and public-private partnerships.
In addition, it would explore opportunities to better integrate public and private sector innovative fee for
service and co-investment models to ensure that infrastructure for the digital age receives appropriate
investments and attention.
Transfer of Background Investigations from the
Oice of Personnel Management to
the Department of Defense
U.S. Oice of Personnel Management and Department of Defense
Summary of Proposal: That the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB), currently under
the Oice of Personnel Management (OPM), be transferred to the Department of Defense (DOD).
The placement and performance of background investigations for the Executive Branch has been an
evolving and open issue for years.
In October 2016, the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) was established to succeed
the Oice of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Federal Investigative Services (FIS). The NBIB absorbed
the FISs background investigation capabilities, inventory, and operational challenges, and began
the conduct of background investigations for 95 percent of Executive Branch agencies.
In August 2017, an implementation plan was provided to the Congress for DOD to conduct background
investigations for DOD personnel, pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for
Fiscal Year 2017 (P.L. 114-328).
In December 2017, the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2018 (§925(b) of P.L. 115-91) was enacted into law,
legislating a phased transfer of DOD background investigations conducted by NBIB from NBIB to DOD.
The pending transfer of DOD Investigations from NBIB comprises 70 percent of NBIB’s background
investigation volume and raises questions with Government-wide implications regarding the remaining
30 percent. With no easy or obvious answers regarding the placement of the 30 percent, the Security,
Suitability, and Credentialing Performance Accountability Council (PAC) principal agencies (OPM, DOD,
the Oice of Management and Budget, and the Oice of the Director of National Intelligence) initiated
an interagency review to determine a path forward.
This proposal would transfer the NBIB background investigation program, currently under OPM, to
DOD. The transfer provides the opportunity to achieve an eicient, eective, fiscally viable, and secure
operation that meets all agencies’ needs. It avoids a variety of potential problems inherent in splitting
the existing program into two pieces, and provides the means to achieve bold, transformative reform
in the manner in which background investigations are conducted. The opportunity exists to improve
timeliness, strengthen management of sensitive information and ensure a more trusted workforce.
The Administration recognizes that background investigations are critical to enabling national security
missions and ensuring public trust in the workforce across the Government. The congressionally mandated
transfer of 70 percent of NBIBs background investigation caseload has significant implications for the
conduct of background investigations Government-wide. Additionally, the mandate comes at a time when
significant challenges in security, suitability, and credentialing processing continue to adversely aect
Government operations. The background investigation inventory has risen to approximately 725,000;
the average Top Secret background investigation takes four times longer than the target completion
date; and costs have risen more than 40 percent since Fiscal Year 2014. This is an unsustainable way to
do business.
Now is the time for bold, transformational change in how we vet our workforce. To that end, the
Administration has concluded that to achieve an eicient, eective, fiscally viable, and secure operation
that meets the needs of the Executive Branch, it is necessary for the background investigation program
to remain consolidated through a complete transfer of NBIB to DOD. Given the urgency and complexity
of the issue, the Administration believes this transfer is the right thing to do because:
Consolidation retains “economies of scale. Keeping the program together prevents unnecessary
duplication of functions (e.g. headquarters, back oice, etc.), removes operational complexity, and
provides increased opportunities for centralization and specialization that will increase continuous
process improvement benefits.
Residing within DOD facilitates better leveraging of DOD’s existing enterprise capabilities. DOD
already provides capabilities to the enterprise by servicing industrial security clearances for
31 agencies through the National Industrial Security Program, and manages adjudications for four
agencies through the DOD Consolidated Adjudications Facility. DOD already has strong, established
research and training programs under the Personnel and Security Research Center and Center
for Development of Security Excellence, is developing continuous evaluation capabilities that will
benefit non-DOD agencies, and has a global footprint that is well-suited to the increased need for
international contact and employment investigations. Drawing on significant national security, IT,
and cybersecurity expertise, DOD is also responsible for designing, building, securing, and operating,
a suite of end-to-end vetting shared services to be made available to all Executive Branch agencies.
Truly bold and transformational reforms are more achievable through consolidation. Despite
improvements, the Federal government’s vetting policies, processes, and tools, have failed to
keep pace with emerging technological capabilities and opportunities to continuously identify,
assess, and integrate key sources of information. Reform initiatives chartered by the Security and
Suitability/Credentialing Executive Agents are underway to revamp the fundamental approach
and supporting policy framework, overhaul the business process, and modernize the information
technology architecture. Implementation of these reforms across a single, consolidated provider
can best serve the sustainment of a trusted workforce for the Nation.
The Administration will take the requisite executive actions to ensure the background investigation
program remains consolidated within DOD. Transition planning and implementation over the next
several years will be critical to success and will involve interagency cooperation and coordination. The
PAC will provide oversight of that transition, and will continue to be accountable for ongoing reform of the
broader Executive Branch vetting program, including background investigations. The existing Security
Executive Agent (the Director of National Intelligence) and Suitability and Credentialing Executive Agent
(the Director of OPM) will continue to fulfill their respective policy and oversight roles for the security,
suitability, and credentialing enterprise.
Strengthening Federal Evaluation
Summary of Proposal: Bringing evidence to bear in decision-making is a critical component of good
government. However, there are large gaps and inconsistencies across Federal agencies in their
ability to formally evaluate their programs. These reforms would expand upon existing capabilities
and push agencies to adopt stronger practices that would generate more evidence about what works
and what needs improvement in order to inform mission-critical decisions and policies.
Decisions about how best to allocate taxpayer dollars and improve government services involve a complex
set of factors, including political priorities, resistance to change, and the availability of credible evidence.
In many policy domains, however, we lack key information on program eectiveness that could help the
Congress and the President make better decisions. Program evaluation is a valuable tool that can help
us learn what works in order to focus limited funding on eective programs, discontinue programs that
fall short of desired results, and identify ways to improve continually funded programs. For example,
a decade of rigorous evaluations of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program
demonstrated positive impacts and future savings that warranted scaling up the program. In contrast,
Project D.A.R.E., a substance abuse prevention program for adolescents, lost all Federal funding following
several high-quality evaluations that determined the program was ineective and in some cases had
negative eects.
These examples illustrate how, absent program evaluation, we would not know whether what we think
works, does in fact work. Yet, building evaluation into program design so that we can learn and improve
is currently the exception rather than the rule, and there are no formal Government-wide incentives,
expectations, or guidance to Federal agencies regarding program evaluation. We must increase the
capacity of Federal agencies to conduct evaluation and fill a critical gap in the Federal government’s
ability to generate evidence about what works and how we can improve programs. This will lead to
more and better information that the Congress and the President can use to make decisions about how
to best spend taxpayer dollars and provide services for our citizens.
Passage of the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act of 2016 set an important precedent that
our Nation must have expectations for monitoring and evaluating foreign assistance programs. OMB’s
guidance for these programs (see M-18-04) was a first step, but there is much more that can be done
across Government. We must set standards for evaluation across all program activities and agencies so
that Federal agencies, OMB, the Congress, and taxpayers have critical information about the eectiveness
of Government programs and policies, which will lead to improved services, increased eiciencies, and
a greater return on investment.
The Congress is increasingly compelling agencies to focus funding on evidence-based programs that we
know work. Executing this vision requires evaluation to answer essential questions regarding program
eectiveness and cost-eiciency that cannot be answered through performance measurement, statistics,
or data analytics alone. Unlike Federal statistical and performance functions, there is currently no
formal Federal system or underlying infrastructure to support evaluation. As a result, there are many
programs and policies across the Government for which we have no evidence on program eectiveness,
thus making evidence-based policymaking diicult.
If we expect agencies to test innovative strategies and execute eective programs, we must enhance
Federal agencies’ ability to conduct program evaluation and other evidence-building activities.
The bipartisan Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking’s recommendations and subsequent dra
legislation would further these goals. However, many of the necessary improvements can be accomplished
administratively. Doing so will require a change in Federal agencies’ cultures and standard operating
procedures so that program evaluation is integrated into program design, and evaluation experts are
part of decision-making processes.
We must strengthen the role of program evaluation and better understand how we are investing in
evaluation across the government. At minimum, OMB intends to ask Federal agencies to:
Designate a senior oicial responsible for coordinating the agencys evaluation activities, learning
agenda, and information reported to OMB on evidence. This oicial must have expertise and
experience in program evaluation, which is a dierent skill set than performance, statistics, and other
agency functions. One approach that has worked well in some agencies is to create a centralized
independent evaluation oice and designate a senior career oicial to lead this oice who is given lead
responsibility for evaluation at the agency. Other agencies have multiple sophisticated evaluation
oices serving dierent components.
Document the resources dedicated to program evaluation. If taxpayers, the Congress, or the
Administration were to ask how much is currently spent on program evaluation, we would not be able
to state an amount nor easily calculate a reasonable estimate. Absent this information, we cannot
know where our investments in evaluation are adequate and where we are under- or over-investing.
We must also strengthen the Governments ability to build and use a portfolio of evidence, including
results from program evaluations, to inform decision-making. To do this, OMB will provide direction and
set expectations that encourage agencies to:
Strengthen the quality of the information provided to OMB on evidence-building activities,
including program evaluation, as part of the annual budget process. Currently, agency submissions
vary greatly in quality and completeness. If improved, however, they could be a useful way for
OMB to understand agencies’ current and planned evidence-building activities, the evidence
base behind key priorities, and evidence gaps that should be addressed. By designating a senior
oicial at agencies with relevant experience responsible for this submission, OMB expects the
quality and breadth of submitted information will improve and better inform the budget and
policymaking processes.
Establish and utilize multi-year learning agendas. Learning agendas are a powerful tool that allow
Federal agencies to strategically plan evaluation and other evidence-building activities over a
multi-year period. The structured agenda setting process requires coordination within an agency
to identify priority research questions and knowledge gaps. Learning agendas should be informed
by key stakeholders and the public, and the resulting documents should be made available to the
public to promote transparency and accountability. The studies, evaluations, and other learning that
results from these agendas should be shared within the agency and with other stakeholders, OMB,
the Congress, and the public in order to facilitate policy and program improvement.
A broad consensus has emerged regarding the importance of evaluation as a key part of evidence-based
policymaking. We acknowledge the potential risk that establishing a more formal structure for Federal
evaluation could introduce administrative rigidity and complexity in ways that may detract from innovation
in the small number of agencies already excelling in this area. During implementation, however, we
could mitigate this risk by allowing appropriate flexibility, recognizing the unique circumstances and
capacities of various agencies, and soliciting input from stakeholders both inside and outside of the
Federal Government.
Let President Trump reorganize the
government like a business.
Reorganizing the Agricultural Marketing Service
As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) internal
reorganization eort, it has undertaken significant changes to the
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to improve customer engage-
ment, maximize eiciency, and improve agency collaboration. The
Packers and Stockyards Program, Federal Grain Inspection Service,
U.S. Warehouse Act Program, and International Commodity Purchas-
ing were transferred to the Agricultural Marketing Service as new
program areas in FY 2018.
Realigning USDA’s Mission Areas
The USDA has begun realigning and consolidating certain oices
into more logical organizational reporting structures. The realign-
ment has included the creation of an Under Secretary for Trade and
Foreign Agricultural Aairs, an Assistant to the Secretary for Rural
Development (RD), and an Under Secretary for Farm Production and
Conservation. Additionally, USDA is merging the Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion (CNPP) into the Food and Nutrition Service
(FNS). These eorts will improve service delivery by providing a
simplified one-stop shop for USDA’s farmer and rancher customers,
advance agricultural trade and address the needs of Rural America.
Streamline Environmental Management
Headquarters Organization
This eort will review the Environmental Management (EM) organiza-
tional structure to identify opportunities to streamline the manage-
ment team. EM will specifically review supervisor-to-worker ratios,
skill gaps, and cost reduction measures such as consolidating facili-
ties and reducing administrative support. This proposal focuses on
completion of the EM clean-up mission in an eicient and cost-eec-
tive manner.
Consolidate International Sta Under
Oice of International Aairs
The Department is consolidating international aairs oices from
DOE’s applied energy programs into the headquarters Oice of
International Aairs. This eort centralizes sta and resources with
technical expertise and foreign aairs policy knowledge to advise on
and carry out the Department’s international engagement eorts.
Merge Shared Service Centers and Other Activities
The Department continues to merge DOE’s Human Resources Shared
Service Centers, consolidate human capital functions across the DOE
enterprise, and merge DOE training and development functions. This
eort will streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve services.
Oice of Science Restructuring
The Department of Energy’s Oice of Science is evaluating several
proposals to merge and consolidate field and headquarters activities
to improve eiciency and reduce costs. Potential options for con-
sideration include: merging geographically associated site oices;
reorganizing the Integrated Service Centers; realigning safety and
technical services; streamlining the Oice of Science organization;
and reducing sta and/or administration support costs.
Optimize National Institutes Health (NIH)
Restructure NIH’s administrative functions to ensure operations are
eective and eicient. This initiative represents the largest change
management initiative in the history of NIH, and will align man-
agement with best practices and break down administrative silos
through standardization of structures and processes agency-wide.
Consolidate Health Research Programs into
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Integrate the research of three programs into NIH – the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the National Institute on
Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
to improve research coordination and outcomes. These entities
would be initially established as three new NIH institutes: the National
Institute for Research on Safety and Quality; the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, including the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation Program; and the National Insti-
tute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
NIH will assess the feasibility of integrating health services research
activities more fully into existing NIH Institutes and Centers over time.
Reorganize the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to the
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
Restructure the SNS from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
to ASPR to consolidate strategic decision making around the develop-
ment and procurement of medical countermeasures, and streamline
operational decisions during responses to public health and other
emergencies and improve responsiveness. This reorganization is
intended to enhance enterprise eectiveness by more fully integrating
the Stockpile with HHS’ other preparedness and response capabilities.
DHS Air & Maritime Programs
This proposal would identify eiciencies and budgetary savings
to be achieved by eliminating unnecessary duplication between
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Coast Guard air and
maritime programs. This could include facility consolidation, stan-
dardized data, enhanced domain awareness and coordination, and
common future capability requirements.
Coordinated Operations, Planning & Intelligence
This proposal will evaluate how DHS headquarters and components
will produce information and intelligence that is comprehensive, cur-
rent, coordinated, operationally-focused and analytically-defensi-
ble, and increase the eectiveness of coordinated operational plans
and policies. DHS’s Oice of Intelligence and Analysis, the Oice of
Strategy, Policy and Plans, and Oice of Operations Coordination
will explore areas such as analysis overlap, duplication and/or frag-
mentation; joint and integrated strategies and operations; common
operating picture (COP) and alert warning; and operations centers
overlap, duplication and/or fragmentation.
National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility
(NBAF) Transfer from DHS to USDA
This FY 2019 Budget proposal would transfer operational responsibil-
ity for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) from DHS’s
Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to USDAs Agricultural
Research Service (ARS) in FY 2019. DHS would finish the construction
and commissioning of the laboratory facility, while USDA would oper-
ate the facility in the future.
Organizing Headquarters Functions
This proposal would identify how DHS Headquarters can more
eectively align Business Support and Mission Support functions to
support Homeland Security mission delivery by enabling: (1) strate-
gic governance, oversight, policymaking, and internal and external
coordination; and (2) strengthening service and delivery of the busi-
ness support and mission support functions to the Department. In
tandem, the DHS Management Directorate is advancing agency-wide
initiatives such as field eiciencies, modernizing financial systems
and processes, and SOC consolidation.
Reform Rental Assistance
HUD is seeking legislative reforms to decades-old rent policies that
are confusing and costly, and oen fail to support HUD-assisted indi-
viduals in increasing their earnings. HUD’s Making Aordable Hous-
ing Work Act would oer public housing authorities (PHAs), property
owners, and HUD-assisted families a simpler and more transparent
set of rent structures to reduce administrative burden, incentivize
work, and place HUD’s rental assistance programs on a more fiscal-
ly-sustainable path.
Consolidate Headquarters Oices
HUD spends approximately $11.8 million per year on four leases
within walking distance of its main headquarters at the Robert C.
Weaver Federal building. HUD is in the process of consolidating these
satellite oices into the Weaver building, reducing its real property
footprint and annual leasing costs.
Modernizing IT, HR Operations, and Data Analytics
The State Department seeks to advance information technology
(IT) modernization, including: allowing real-time collaboration;
strengthening workforce readiness and performance management;
and improving enterprise-wide data availability. This will involve
enhancing data analytics to better inform decisions and investing in
and implementing cloud technologies to allow employees to work
more easily from any location, improve cyber security, streamline
work processes, and consolidate duplicative systems. Cloud imple-
mentation has been underway since the end of 2017. By the end of
March 2018, the Department had already migrated 16.6 percent of
user mailboxes to cloud-based e-mail. This eort will also seek to
improve connectivity between the State and United States Agency
for International Development (USAID) IT platforms, thus ensuring
increased collaboration and information access to improve eective-
ness and eiciency.
Leadership Development and Training
The State Department seeks to enhance leadership training and
development opportunities. To this end, the Foreign Service Insti-
tute is working to modernize and expand formal leadership training
for all levels of the workforce and is implementing a program of mid-
level leadership projects. The Leadership Advisory Board is review-
ing the Department’s Leadership and Management Principles and
promoting leadership development activities more broadly.
Special Envoys
The State Department is integrating selected envoys and special
representative oices into the regional and functional bureaus, and
eliminating those envoys and representatives that have accom-
plished their original purpose, or have overlapping roles and
responsibilities. This eort will empower regional and functional
bureaus’ policy direction, provide clarity in reporting authority, and
strengthen communication channels. In consultation with the Con-
gress, 17 such oices are being realigned as of May 2018.
Enhance Global Presence and Policy Processes
The State Department seeks to improve oversight of the U.S. Govern-
ment’s global presence under Chief of Mission authority, including
enhanced interagency coordination to foster increased collaboration
and oversight. The goal is to ensure the most eicient allocation of
personnel consistent with U.S. interests around the world. State and
USAID will work together to advance targeted reforms in this area,
where changes are mutually reinforcing and can be eectively syn-
chronized to maximize benefits as appropriate.
Enhance Operational Eiciencies
The State Department is examining ways to enhance human
resources service delivery in order to simplify processes and reduce
wasted time. Enhancements will also strengthen real property man-
agement both domestically and overseas, and achieve eiciencies
in our acquisitions process to improve service delivery. State and
USAID will work together to advance targeted reforms in this area,
where changes are mutually reinforcing and can be eectively syn-
chronized to maximize benefits as appropriate.
Aligning DOI Regions Across Bureaus
The Department of the Interior (DOI) seeks to establish common
regional boundaries for its bureaus and oices to provide better
coordination across the department, focus resources in the field, and
ultimately, improve mission delivery. Currently, each DOI bureau
manages its responsibilities using regional structures that follow
dierent geographical boundaries. This inconsistency slows coordina-
tion between DOI bureaus and oices, other Federal agencies, and the
American public that DOI serves.
Improving Eiciency through Shared Services
DOI is working to collocate bureau oices wherever possible and
to emphasize the use of shared administrative support services
across its organizational units. This will drive more eicient use of
resources and ensure employees within each region and at the local
level receive adequate support. Better utilization of the Interior
Business Center (IBC) and DOI’s consolidated Financial and Business
Management System (FBMS) will also further these objectives.
Consolidate Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement at Treasury
The FY 2019 Budget proposes to transfer all alcohol and tobacco
responsibilities from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to Treasury’s Alcohol and
Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). This transfer would leverage
TTB’s resources and expertise relating to the alcohol and tobacco
industries and allow ATF to continue to focus on its firearms and
explosives mandates, enabling both agencies to more eiciently and
eectively carry out their core missions of protecting the public.
Shared Services
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is taking a comprehen-
sive look at implementing a shared services model for acquisitions,
human resources, information technology, and motor vehicle pools
across the Department. DOT is also working to consolidate oice
space and leases.
OST Streamlining
DOT is committed to rightsizing the Oice of the Secretary (OST),
which plays a critical role in overseeing DOT’s Operating Administra-
tions (OAs). To better support the OAs, oices and positions will be
consolidated in areas such as research and development.
Workforce Development
DOT workforce development grants will be transferred to the new
Department of Education and the Workforce to centralize work-
force development policy and to deliver more efficient and effec-
tive outcomes.
Electronic Health Record Modernization
This will transition the Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) to a new
Electronic Health Records (EHR) system allowing for interoperabil-
ity between the Department of Defense (DOD) and VA, and other
community providers. The new system will permit eicient exchange
of patient health information as military servicemembers transition
from DOD to VA healthcare, and will enhance the coordination of care
for veterans. Having a veteran’s complete and accurate health infor-
mation in a single common EHR system is critical to that care, and
to patient safety. The new EHR system will enable VA to easily adopt
improvements in health information technology and cyber security,
which VAs current system is unable to do.
Community Care
To ensure veterans get the right care, at the right time, with the right
provider, the Trump Administration and VA have worked closely with the
Congress and Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) to create legisla-
tion to merge all of VA’s community care eorts, including the Choice
Program, into a single, streamlined Federal program. The new commu-
nity care program will improve veterans’ experiences and healthcare
outcomes and transform VA into a high-performing and integrated 21
Century healthcare system for more than 9 million veteran enrollees.
Appeals Modernization
VA is undertaking an initiative to replace its current claims appeals
process, adopted aer World War I, which is slow, complex, and
confusing for veterans to navigate. In an eort to enhance veterans’
experience, VA is accelerating implementation of a new system under
which veterans have the option to submit appeals using one of three
lanes based on their unique circumstances.
Financial Management Business Transformation
This ambitious eort will transform VA’s financial management
business processes and systems using an integrated approach. A
modern integrated financial management and acquisition solu-
tion will enhance transparency, data accuracy, and improve fiscal
accountability across the department, and will provide opportunities
to improve the care and services provided to veterans.
Legacy IT Systems Modernization
Many of the 130 legacy information technology systems that VA relies
on to administer and deliver veteran benefits are no longer support-
able, and do not meet security compliance standards or support
new, more eicient business processes. In addition, the inability
of these systems to interface with one another results in severe
redundancies which, in turn, results in ineiciencies and impedes the
department’s customer service to veterans. Collectively, modern-
izing legacy IT systems will streamline benefit delivery and appeals
processing, ensure compliance with new security and accessibility
standards, and expand veteran self-service capabilities while also
promoting greater transparency.
Tailoring State Oversight
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will recalibrate resources
devoted to oversight of State-delegated programs, including the role
of EPA National Programs and Regions, and their respective levels of
eort. EPA will recognize States as the primary implementers and
enforcement authorities where States have authorized delegation of
Federal environmental programs. With input from the Environmen-
tal Council of the States (ECOS) and the States, EPA will streamline,
reduce, and tailor its oversight activities to focus on national consis-
tency and technical assistance to States as needed.
Examining EPA Field Presence
Aer streamlining and tailoring State oversight activities, EPA will
assess the best locations from which to provide key functions and
services to customers. Some functions may be performed more
eectively with enhanced proximity to customers, while others may
be more eicient, but equally eective, if consolidated. EPA will
assess owned space vs. leasing space for field operations.
Improving Management of EPA Laboratories
EPA will review the current laboratory enterprise in an eort to oper-
ate EPA’s labs in a more strategic, corporate, and eicient manner.
This project starts with the identification and implementation of
an enterprise-wide framework to create a more agile work environ-
ment and manage lab capabilities and capacity to meet the scientific
demands associated with achieving the Agency’s mission more ei-
ciently and eectively.
Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Management
The Federal Government operates more than 400,000 motor vehi-
cles, including cars, trucks, SUVs, buses, and other specialty vehicles.
The cost of operating motor vehicles can vary widely among Federal
agencies. The President’s Management Agenda initiative on improv-
ing mission support services includes consolidating Federal fleet
management. This will reduce taxpayer costs and introduce eicien-
cies into Federal fleet management. To achieve these objectives, the
General Services Administration will conduct studies of agency fleets
to identify recommendations on improving fleet management. The
study will include analysis of operational, maintenance, and inven-
tory data to assess whether centrally leasing and managing motor
vehicles is more cost eective than separate agency ownership and
management of vehicles. GSA studies will also identify opportunities
for reducing the overall size of the Federal fleet through car sharing
or other such shared activities.
Introduce Two Convergence Accelerators to
Support Interdisciplinary Research
The National Science Foundation (NSF) will introduce two “Conver-
gence Accelerators” that will facilitate the agency’s funding of inter-
disciplinary research. The Accelerators will focus on “Harnessing the
Data Revolution” and the “Future of Work at the Human-Technology
Frontier.” Sta, budget, and resources for the Accelerators will be
realigned from the current directorates and oices. Accelerator
directors will be part of the NSF scientific leadership team. With
separate sta, budget, and resources, the Accelerators will be NSF’s
primary units for conceiving, funding, and managing NSF-wide inter-
disciplinary activities in these areas.
Implement a 21
Century Approach to Federal
Employee Records and Data Management
The Oice of Personnel Management (OPM) seeks to establish a
secure Employee Digital Record (EDR), with as close to live updates
as technologically feasible. By creating a permanent EDR, OPM can
drive a data collection strategy that, among other things, collects
employee data once and uses it many times across the employee
lifecycle. This will reduce redundancy, ineicient and inaccurate
reporting, costly vendor management, and incomplete data that
creates challenges in applying modern business processes to core
HR functions.
Merge the Oice of New Reactors (NRO) and the
Oice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recognizes that a merger
of NRO and NRR will provide flexibility and improved agility to man-
age uncertainties associated with the workloads in both the new and
operating reactor business lines. As part of the merger of NRO and
NRR, the NRC will conduct an assessment of technical review func-
tions to identify eiciencies and eliminate redundancies.
IT Modernization
The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) IT Modernization Plan is
a thoughtful and deliberate multi-year agency initiative to modern-
ize SSAs major systems using modern architectures, agile soware
engineering methods, cloud provisioning, and shared services.
SSA is embarking on an initiative to transform the way they design
and build systems, and ultimately the way they work and serve the
public. The IT modernization vision is to establish a fully integrated
IT and Business team that delivers modern business platforms that
improve our ability to respond more rapidly to changing needs at
manageable costs. SSA will provide an enhanced customer experi-
ence for millions of beneficiaries across an expanded mix of service
options in a cost eective and secure manner.
Eliminate In-Kind Support and Maintenance
and the Holding Out Policy for SSI
This proposal simplifies administration of the Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) program and reduces improper payments. The pro-
posal eliminates the counting of In-Kind Support and Maintenance
(ISM) in lieu of a flat rate benefit reduction for adults living with other
adults. The proposal also ends the intrusive and burdensome “hold-
ing out” policy, which currently reduces benefits for couples that
present themselves as married to the community.
Eliminate Services to Claimant Representatives
This proposal would eliminate the Federal Government as the mid-
dleman in the relationship between applicants and the represen-
tatives they voluntarily hire. It would eliminate administration of
fee agreements, fee petitions, and claimant representative travel.
The current workload is expensive, error prone, and not SSA’s core
mission. In FY 2016, SSA spent about $122 million on the activity, but
collected only about $30 million (due to a statutory fee cap) to reim-
burse the trust funds. The $30 million collected is not currently part
of SSAs administrative resources.
Establish a Consistent National State
Disability Appeal Process
As resources permit, SSA plans to reinstate the reconsideration
process in the disability determination services located in the 10
prototype States. Once fully implemented, SSA can return to a single
nationwide appellate process. This change will allow claimants to
receive benefits sooner at a lower administrative cost. In addition, it
will provide some relief to SSAs hearings backlog.
Eliminate SSI Dedicated Accounts
This proposal facilitates financial independence by eliminating
dedicated accounts for past-due benefits to SSI youth recipients. It
also reduces the administrative burden of monitoring expenses from
dedicated accounts.
Implement Metrics and Quality
The proposal would implement quantity and quality metrics for
employees across SSA. This change will provide several significant
benefits, including: improving productivity and accuracy; ensur-
ing that employees are fully engaged in work and can learn from
feedback about their work; ensuring eicient and eective use of tax-
payer dollars; and helping managers better address both outstand-
ing and poor performance.
Implement Standard Oice Design
SSA is improving facility design to meet business requirements and
reduce design and build costs for oices while at the same time eval-
uating the security of these oices.
Additional Footprint Reduction
SSA continues to find ways to increase real property eiciency and
reduce the size of its real property portfolio. SSA will continue to
co-locate oices, consolidate space while merging components, and
ensure space savings when implementing telework.
Journey to Self-Reliance
USAID will realign its strategies, policies, and programs to more
thoughtfully, strategically, and purposefully assist developing coun-
tries in becoming more self-reliant. USAID will reorient its relation-
ship with partner countries by more clearly defining expectations up
front, giving more clarity and focus to the objectives of assistance,
and establishing tangible and meaningful goals to which partner
countries can aspire.
Advance National Security
This USAID eort includes three components: operating more eec-
tively in non-permissive environments; preventing violent extrem-
ism; and improving coordination with DOD.
Empower People to Lead
USAID seeks a human capital system that leverages and supports
employees, enables a high return on investment, and supports
workforce mobility and agility. This eort includes: management of
human capital, workforce flexibility and mobility; knowledge man-
agement; streamlining coordinators; reviewing HR functions; and
creating a culture of accountability and learning.
Respecting the Taxpayer’s Investments
USAID will maximize how each and every dollar of the taxpayer’s
money is spent by developing systems and processes that allow for
structuring USAID’s presence domestically and abroad in the most
eicient way possible.
Development of this report and its proposals drew on input from a variety of sources,
including Federal sta, managers, and senior leaders; research institutions and thought
leaders; the Congress; customers of Federal services; and American citizens. Individuals
interested in learning more about reorganization eorts in government and the private
sector may be interested in consulting the following resources. This list is not exhaustive,
and does not represent endorsement of any one particular viewpoint or publication by
the U.S. Government.
Alden, Edward and Laura Taylor-Kale. “The Work Ahead: Machines, Skills and US
Leadership in the 21
Centur y .” Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force,
April 2018,
Arnold, Peri E. “Making the Managerial Presidency: Comprehensive Reorganization
Planning, 1905-1996.University Press of Kansas, 1998.
Carlisi, Cathi, et al. “Purpose with the Power to Transform Your Organization. Boston
Consulting Group, May 15, 2017,
Christensen, Tom and Per Laegreid. “Competing Principles of Agency Organiza-
tion – The Reorganization of a Reform. European Group for Public Administration,
September 7-10, 2011,
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eiciency. “Top Management and
Performance Challenges Facing Multiple Federal Agencies: Consolidated Report of
the Oices of Inspectors General.Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and
Eiciency, March 2018,
Devine, Donald J. “Political Management of the Bureaucracy: A Guide to Political
Reform and Control. Jameson Books, 2017.
Ernst & Young.Winning with Purpose.EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women Confer-
ence, May 2016,$FILE/
Eggers, Bill, et al. “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Government Work.”
Deloitte, February 2017.
Faeste, Lars and Jim Hemerling. “Transformation: Delivering and Sustaining Break-
through Performance.Boston Consulting Group, 2016,
Kamensky, John M. “Cross Agency Collaboration: A Case Study of Cross-Agency Prior-
ity Goals. IBM Center for the Business of Government, 2017, businessofgovernment.
Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. “The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Bal-
anced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment.Harvard Business
School Press, 2000.
Kwan, Irwin, et al. “Conway’s Law Revisited: The Evidence for a Task-Based Perspec-
tive.” IEEE Soware, vol. 29, January 2012. doi:10.1109/ms.2012.3.
Government Accountability Oice. “High Risk Series: Progress on Many High Risk
Areas, While Substantial Eorts Still Needed on Others. Government Accountability
Oice, February 15, 2017,
Goodrich, Steve. “Transforming Government: From Congress to the Cubicle. Cre-
ateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
Light, Paul C. “A Cascade of Failures: Why Government Fails and How to Stop It.”
Brookings Institution, July 2014,
Light, Paul C.People on People on People: The Continued Thickening of Govern-
ment.” The Volcker Alliance, October 2017,
Light, Paul C. The True Size of Govern-
ment: Tracking Washington’s Blending
Workforce 1984-2015. The Volcker Alli-
ance, September 2017,
McKinsey Center for Government. “Gov-
ernment Productivity: Unlocking the $3.5
Trillion Opportunity.McKinsey & Com-
pany, April 2017,
Mourkogiannis, Nikos. “Purpose: The Starting Point of Great Companies.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Muhlhausen, David B. “Blueprint for Reorganization: An Analy-
sis of Federal Departments and Agencies. The Heritage Foundation,
June 2017,
Muhlhausen, David B. “Blueprint for Reorganization: Pathways to
Reform and Cross-Cutting Issues.” The Heritage Foundation, June
Nohria, Nitin and Michael Beer. “Cracking the Code of Change.” Harvard Business
Review, May-June 2000,
Ralser, Tom. “ROI for Nonprofits: The New Key to Sustainability.John Wiley, 2009.
Roebroek, Frank. “6 Major Trends in HR Shared Sevices.
HR Trends Institute, January 4, 2016, hrtrendinstitute.
Rosenbloom, David H., et al. “The Handbook of Federal Government Leadership and
Administration: Transforming, Performing, and Innovating in a Complex World.
Routledge, 2017.
Sender, Steven W. “Systematic agreement: A theory of organizational alignment.
Human Resource Development Quarterly, March 1997.
Stockman, David Alan. “The Triumph of Politics; How the Reagan Revolution Failed.
Harper & Row, 1988.
The Heritage Foundation. “Reorganizing the Federal Government: What
Needs to Be Done and How to Do It.” The Heritage Foundation Panel,
August 2017,
Trevor, Jonathan and Barry Varcoe. “A Simple Way to Test Your Compa-
ny’s Strategic Alignment.Harvard Business Review, May 16, 2016, hbr.
Trevor, Jonathan and Barry Varcoe. “How Aligned is Your Organization?” Harvard
Business Review, February 7, 2017,
Wilson, James Q. “Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It.”
Basic Books, 1991.
World Economic Forum. “Towards a Reskilling Revolution: A Future of Jobs for All.”
World Economic Forum, January 2018,
World Economic Forum. “Accelerating Workforce Reskilling for the Fourth Indus-
trial Revolution: An Agenda for Leaders to Shape the Future of Education, Gen-
der and WorkWorld Economic Forum, 27 July 2017,
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Reform is necessary to create more
ecient and eective government.