An evidence review prepared for the Royal
Society and the British Academy
September 2018
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Introduction 9
Approach to the evidence base 12
Evidence on the impact of technology on work 17
Historical accounts of technological change 18
Recent technological change and its impact 21
Theoretical work on the role of AI in shaping future employment 27
Predictions and analysis of potential impacts of AI 32
From research to innovation and adoption in society 33
Estimates of potential displacement linked to AI 39
Estimates of potential job creation linked to AI and future skills
requirements 45
Evidence on changes in relationships between workers, employers, and
technology 49
Conclusions 55
We would like to thank attendees to workshops on Artificial Intelligence and the
future of work organised by the British Academy and the Royal Society, held in
London on March 15 and May 9, 2018. Discussions and comments on early
outputs from this review provided in these events have been an invaluable source
of insight for this project.
We are grateful to members of a steering group from the British Academy and the
Royal Society and to members of an external review group for helpful comments
and suggestions.
We would also like to thank Andy Haldane, Chief Economist at the Bank of
England, Stephen Machin, Professor of Economics at the London School of
Economics, Geoff Mulgan, Chief Executive Officer of Nesta, and Richard Susskind,
IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, and chairman of the
Advisory Board of the Oxford Internet Institute, for participating in interviews
conducted by Frontier Economics between March and May 2018. The interviews
were used to test the comprehensiveness of the evidence collected, our
interpretation of the evidence, and to discuss priorities for public policy.
We extend our gratitude to Sir Richard Blundell, David Ricardo Professor of
Political Economy at University College London, who provided expert advice
throughout this project and comments on drafts of this report.
Frontier Economics has been commissioned by the Royal Society (RS) and British
Academy (BA) to produce a review of evidence on the potential impact of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) on work in the UK up to 2030.
In this review, we examine evidence from a wide a range of disciplines to inform
the discussion on the impact of AI on work. The report:
Draws insights from earlier periods of technological change and the more
recent evidence on the impact of digital technology
Presents what claims have been made about the potential consequences of AI
for the future of work, and
Analyses why and how such claims have been made with a focus on which
frameworks have been used, and what assumptions (implicit or explicit) any
conclusions rest on.
Evidence on the impact of existing technology on work
Technological change is a key driver of economic growth. However, the invention,
diffusion and effective use of new technology are in turn likely to be influenced by
other factors, including economic conditions, institutions, and social conditions.
For example, the adoption of labour-saving technology in the first industrial
revolution may have been driven by the specific economic conditions of 18
century. Moreover, sociological research has shown that patterns of work
organisation vary across countries even between establishments that use very
similar technologies.
It is broadly accepted that the first industrial revolution eventually led to improving
standards of living in society and in particular for the working class, but there is
evidence to suggest that it took some time for these improvements to materialise.
In the context of the first industrial revolution, technological change was also linked
to changes in the nature of work: the mechanisation of textile production involved
work moving from artisans’ homes to the factories, from rural to urban areas, and
from independent work often filling downtime in rural work to full-time, predictable
work in a hierarchical structure.
Recent automation does not seem to have led to overall decline in employment
levels but there have been income losses for low-educated workers employed in
the manufacturing sector. Employment losses in manufacturing have typically been
compensated by increasing employment in services, leading to stable or growing
overall employment levels. It is not clear from the literature included in this review
whether the aggregate figures conceal employment losses for specific
demographics and how the new service jobs compare to the manufacturing jobs
lost in terms of opportunities for progression, security, quality of working
Evidence on AI from theoretical economic models
Recent theoretical work in economics aims to provide a framework to specifically
understand the impact of AI on employment, including both its immediate, first-
order effects, and following, second-order effects. The main findings from this
literature suggest the following:
A number of factors can counterbalance initial declines in labour demand due
to automation. As automation increases productivity (leading to better or
cheaper products), increasing consumer demand, greater investment, and
innovation can lead labour demand to rise.
In the short term, it is not clear whether countervailing effects will be sufficient
to offset potential job losses from automation. Even if they are, transitions could
be challenging. But new jobs could be generated, in principle, in the same
industries where automation is taking place.
In the long term, as production processes are re-organised, countervailing
effects are expected to become stronger and fully compensate the initial
decline in work demanded by businesses that have adopted AI to automate
production. However, workers who have been directly displaced could
experience a fall in their earnings relative to other workers (and potentially in
absolute terms). This would increase inequality if the displaced group is mostly
composed of low earners.
The competitiveness of product and labour markets is important to drive better
outcomes for workers. The results above typically assume that product and
labour markets are competitive, that is, consumers can choose between
different products and workers can choose between different employers. This
is not always the case, as acknowledged in some of this literature. In particular,
lack of competition in labour markets would mean that productivity benefits from
automation flow into greater profits rather than into higher wages. There is
some concern that digital technology may enable large firms to increase and
maintain their market power. There is on-going research on this but evidence
is still limited.
These models suggest that automation can lift living standards for all, but this is
not necessarily true in the short term, and even in the long term inequality may
increase as some workers benefit more than others. This is a departure from earlier
economic theory, where technological progress was typically seen to benefit all
workers under a broad set of conditions. It is worth noting that the nature of these
models is to consider second-order effects of automation driven by price changes
(the ‘productivity effects’ and impacts on ‘consumer demand’ mentioned above),
but not to consider possible social or institutional changes and the effect these may
have, in turn, on economic outcomes.
Evidence on the adoption of AI
This review has identified limited evidence on the adoption and diffusion of AI,
though it has been noted that neither AI or other forms of digital technology appear
to have led to significant productivity improvements in recent years. However,
surveys of business leaders and predictions consider the following drivers of
business adoption of AI:
The profitability of investing in AI: technical feasibility will be a necessary
condition, but AI will only be adopted when the expected revenues exceed the
costs from adoption;
The ability to re-shape organisations and processes in the ways needed to take
advantage of the new technology;
Regulatory enablers and constraints: adopting AI in a way that would ensure
compliance with relevant regulations may not be possible; vice versa,
regulation may enable adoption, for example by setting necessary standards;
Social attitudes and preferences over the role of machines. In many settings,
people may require interaction with a human even where a cheaper automated
alternative could be available. This could be the case, for example, in the case
of health and social care work.
The role of social factors in influencing the development and adoption of AI has
been given less consideration compared to drivers of business adoption. But,
insights from sociological research caution against considering technology as an
autonomous force driving economic and social change. Research on earlier
technological development suggests that social and technical factors are closely
linked. For example, the choices around specific technical solutions depend on
whether those solutions will be accepted by relevant social groups.
Quantified predictions about potential job losses and gains related to AI
Several studies aim to estimate the proportion of current jobs that could technically
be automated in the future. These estimates aim to provide a sense of the scale of
potential transformation that could be enabled by technology specifically, the
proportion of current employment for which the immediate, first-order effect of AI
adoption could be radical transformation or displacement. This research relies on
a small number of assessments of the technical automatability of existing work
tasks, coupled with data analysis to investigate which job characteristics (for
example, a requirement to interact with customers) are correlated with the
assessed automatability. Two of these assessments are based on expert opinion,
and a third uses a questionnaire disseminated on a crowdsourcing platform to
score work tasks in terms of their suitability for machine learning, against pre-
determined criteria.
Studies in this literature find that between 10% and 30% of jobs in the United
Kingdom could be automated at some point in the coming decades. However, a
large majority of jobs involve performing at least some tasks that have been
assessed as not suitable for automation.
The potential impact of automation would depend not only on its scale but also on
its distribution across the workforce and its timing. There is broad consensus in
this literature that jobs typically performed by low-educated workers are at
relatively high risk, except where they involve complex interaction with others.
However other studies expect that significant transformation will be required across
virtually all jobs, while employment losses will be limited.
There is significant uncertainty around when the potential automation described in
this literature would be technically feasible and widely adopted.
Foresight exercises suggest that a number of trends could generate sufficient job
creation to compensate for first-order job destruction linked to automation even
in the absence of any job creation from automation. However, the ‘new jobs’ may
not have the same characteristics or emerge in the same places as the ‘old’ that
are destroyed, and therefore adjustments may be challenging. The literature in this
area suggests that occupations that are likely to grow between now and 2030 are
disproportionately high-education, although some middle-education occupations
are also likely to grow.
Evidence from the application of digital technology in specific settings and
industries suggests that this is leading to changes in the organisation and quality
of work:
There are reasons for concern (e.g. potential loss of autonomy for many
workers) and for optimism (e.g. automation of hazardous tasks);
Evidence on the likely balance between the two is limited – outcomes are also
likely to depend on the actions of employers, workers, governments, and other
Frontier Economics has been commissioned by the Royal Society (RS) and British
Academy (BA) to produce a review of evidence on the potential impact of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) on work in the near and medium term – up to 2030.
This review is part of a wider programme of work undertaken by the RS and BA,
which is producing a rigorous evidence synthesis, to establish areas of uncertainty
and consider how evidence from across disciplines can best inform policymaking.
Recent developments in the capabilities of AI systems and their application in
robotics have created considerable interest in the potential effects of AI on the
economy and society. Recent reports have provided an overview of the likely long-
term developments in AI (Stone, Brooks, & Brynjolfsson, 2016; Hall & Pesenti,
2017) and of their potential impact on work (United States National Academy of
Sciences, 2017; Executive Office of the United States President, 2016). And, in the
United Kingdom, a House of Lords Select Committee on AI was appointed in 2017,
to ‘consider the economic, ethical and social implications of advances in artificial
intelligence, and to make recommendations’. The Committee has reported on its
enquiry in April 2018 (House of Lords, 2018).
This report reviews evidence from a wide a range of disciplines to inform the
discussion on the impact of AI on work. The report:
Draws insights from earlier periods of technological change and the more
recent evidence on the impact of digital technology
Presents what claims have been made about the potential consequences of AI
for the future of work, and
Analyses why and how such claims have been made with a focus on which
frameworks have been used, and what assumptions (implicit or explicit) any
conclusions rest on.
The types of impact this review focusses on are the following:
What will work in 2030 look like?
How much work will be done? How many people will work and how many
hours will they work on average?
What type of work will be done? Which of the existing occupations will
increase, decrease, or be radically transformed?
What skills will be required?
How will work be organised?
How much will workers earn? How will that compare to the cost of goods
and services people will need or want to buy?
How will all of this, along with broader social changes linked to the use of
AI, affect people’s wellbeing?
How will this vary across places and across personal and socioeconomic
characteristics, from formal education levels to gender, age and other
How quickly will changes happen? If change is faster than in the recent past,
will this be a one-time adjustment or will change be ‘the new normal’?
If a significant number of workers are displaced, what impact will this have on
their earnings and on their wellbeing?
The rest of this report is structured as follows:
Chapter 2 describes the approach followed to gather the interdisciplinary
evidence base this review draws and the characteristics of this evidence.
Chapter 3 considers technological development from a historical and
theoretical perspective providing a high-level framework for considering the
development of AI and its likely impacts.
Chapter 4 examines recent quantitative and qualitative research that focuses
on specific predictions and analysis related to ongoing investment in AI.
Chapter 5 offers a set of conclusions to help structure the ongoing debate on
Box 1. Definitions of AI and related technology used in this report
National Academy of Sciences (2017).
See for example House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (2016) for a recent overview of the
links between robotics and AI.
This review does not adopt a specific definition of AI but rather includes
evidence that explicitly refers to AI, and other evidence that was considered
to be relevant for the impact of AI on work according to a research protocol
- further details on this in Section 2 and Annexe 1 of this report.
This report also uses the following terms, related to AI:
‘Automation’, which can be defined as ‘the technique, method, or
system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic
means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a
AI can be thought of as one of the ‘techniques, methods
or systems’ that can enable automation.
‘Robots’, ‘industrial robots’, and ‘Advanced Industrial Robotics’.
Robots, which can be defined as ‘machines capable of carrying out
a complex series of actions automatically’, have been used in
industrial processes for some time, and evidence on the effect of their
introduction on work (reviewed in Section 3 of this report) could be
useful to inform predictions about the potential future effect of AI.
Moreover, recent advances in AI are expanding the capabilities of
‘Information and Communication Technology’ (ICT) refers to
computing and communication hardware (e.g. computers,
telephones, hard disk drives) and software (e.g. computer programs,
mobile applications). This term is used in literature concerning the
adoption of ICT in businesses and in the workplace between the late
1980s and early 2000s (reviewed in Section 3). ‘Digital technology’
is used as a synonym for ICT.
‘Digitalisation’ refers to the adoption of ICT in work and society at
large. In the literature reviewed in this report, the term is more
frequent in more recent publications, and therefore may include the
adoption of smartphones, the use of algorithms to regulate
production processes (see Section 4 of this report), and the use of
AI, among other devices and techniques.
This review has collected over 170 relevant English-language documents
published since 2000, across a wide range of disciplines.
The 160 documents include: articles published in peer-reviewed journals,
academic manuscripts, and reports published by public sector
organisations, international organisations, think-tanks and consultancies
since 2000.
To ensure that the review would focus on the most relevant issues and that
it would be completed within the agreed time frame, a short list of 450
documents to be reviewed in detail was selected from the long list of 170.
This short list of 50 publications includes:
Evidence on historical and recent effects of technology on work, and
theoretical frameworks for considering the future impacts of AI
Specific quantified predictions relating to future impacts of AI, and
Specific non-quantified predictions and analysis of AI impacts.
The potential impact of AI on employment has drawn considerable attention
from researchers in economics, but valuable insights can be gathered from
other disciplines, from sociology and history to data science.
Evidence from the selected publications has been integrated with insights
from two workshops organised by the RS and BA, attended by researchers,
policymakers and other stakeholders, and by a small number of interviews.
This evidence review draws on a wide range of disciplines to inform the on-going
discussion on the impact of AI on work. In collecting, selecting, and reviewing
relevant evidence we were guided by the principles for good evidence synthesis
for policy developed by the RS (Royal Society, 2018). The review followed a
research protocol, agreed with the RS and BA, that included a mapping of relevant
topics (‘topic map’), drawn in concentric circles from most directly relevant (at the
centre of the circle) to least directly relevant (on the periphery). Based on this
protocol, contributions from any discipline that would match the topic map would
be included in an initial long list of relevant evidence. The map was slightly updated
throughout this evidence collection phase to reflect the results of our search for
evidence. An updated topic map is presented in Figure 1 overleaf.
The evidence collection phase of the review identified over 170 relevant articles
and reports, covering a wide range of disciplines (including, but not limited to:
Anthropology, Computer Science, Data science, Economics, History, Sociology,
Management studies, and Organisational studies).
Figure 1 Map of relevant topics
From the long list of over 170 publications, we agreed with the RS and the BA a
short list to be reviewed in detail. This short list was then integrated with additional
articles following comments from interviewees and further feedback from the RS
and BA. The short list includes three types of evidence:
1. Evidence on historical and recent effects of technology on work, and theoretical
frameworks for considering AI’s future impacts. This literature considers:
The impact on the labour market of the first industrial revolution in Great
Adoption of computers and other types of digital technology (‘ICT’) and
recent industrial automation, and;
Theoretical models considering the future impact of AI on employment and
2. Specific quantified predictions relating to future impacts of AI, including:
Estimates of the proportion of existing jobs that may be lost due to AI-
enabled automation (‘gross job losses’ due to AI); and
Estimates of the future composition of employment in terms of occupations
and education levels.
3. Specific non-quantified predictions and analysis of AI impacts, including:
Analysis on the future transformation of existing occupations (e.g. service
industries, professional occupations); and
Identifying the characteristics of new jobs linked to the adoption of AI.
Figure 2 below reports the number of publications included in this review by
evidence type, topic and relevant disciplines.
Figure 2 Interdisciplinary evidence
Evidence type Topic Relevant
Number of
Evidence on recent
and earlier effects
of technology on
Industrial revolutions History 8
Adoption of ICT and
recent industrial
Economic modelling Economics 9
Gross job losses Data science,
Future skill needs Data science 2
predictions and
Future transformation of
existing occupations
Law, management,
Interaction of social and
technical change
Sociology 2
Identifying possible new
jobs linked to the
adoption of AI
Data science,
interaction and
algorithmic management
Social sciences 6
Total 50
History, economics, and mixed approaches combining data science with other
disciplines are most frequently represented in this short list. This is a result of the
assessment of relevance presented in Figure 1 above, of the emphasis of this
review on the relatively short term effects of AI (up to 2030), and of the level of
interest the potential impact of AI has drawn in economics research. However,
valuable insights can be gathered from other disciplines, including law, sociology,
and other social sciences.
In order to keep the scope of this review manageable within the available time
frame, this report could not cover in detail a number of potentially relevant topics,
including, for example:
The potential for AI to transform a number of specific sectors (e.g. healthcare)
and the ethical concerns around this potential transformation;
Critiques of social and technological determinism in the sociology of technology
The characteristics of specific regions, cities, or local areas that may be linked
with different adoption of technology and different consequences of that
Moreover, the relatively rapid nature of the review implies that it can only include a
small proportion of the rich literature on historical technological change (in
particular, the first Industrial Revolution).
It is worth noting that different disciplines tend to consider a different time frame
and focus on different aspects of the adoption of or adaptation to technology, as
illustrated in Figure 3 overleaf. Historical research allows us to look at the very
long term picture on the impact of technology. Adapting from the discussion in
Mokyr, Vickers & Ziebarthm (2016) and other literature, the long term picture
includes the following categories:
The initial conditions that determine the evolution of technology, institutions,
social norms, culture;
The development and adoption of technology, influenced by the initial
conditions above;
The ‘First order’ effects of adoption: immediate impact on work;
The ‘Second order’ effects: longer-term impact, including firms fully
reorganising production, consumer responses to any effects on the price and
quality of goods, social responses, and;
The long-term, including substantial social and institutional changes.
Figure 3 Time frames considered in different types of evidence
Source: Frontier Economics analysis of selected literature.
Conditions determining
evolution of technology,
institutions, social norms,
Adoption of
technology in
production of
First order
Second order
Long term
Gross job
Prediction of future skill needs
Human-machine interaction and
algorithmic management
job creation
Adoption of ICT
Recent industrial automation
Economic modelling
History of first industrial revolution
Specific quantified
Specific non-quantified
Evidence on historical and
recent effects
The evidence on recent history and theoretical modelling take into account both
first and second order effects, with disciplines focusing on different aspects. For
example, sociology has a greater emphasis on interaction between employers and
workers as groups, while the economic literature in this context typically explains
changes in employment and wages as a result of the choices made by employers
to maximise profits.
Specific quantified predictions focus mainly on first order effects of technology on
the importance of current occupations. Specific qualitative analysis focuses on
other types of first order effects, including how occupations may be transformed by
technology, and how non-economic factors may shape the adoption of technology.
Further detail on the methodology of the review can be found in Annex 1 of this
Historical analysis of technological changes highlights that while innovation
is key to economic growth, technological change is not independent of prior
economic, social, cultural conditions. These can hinder or foster innovation,
and direct the way in which technology is used.
In the context of the first industrial revolution, technological change was also
linked to changes in the nature of work: the mechanisation of textile
production involved work moving from artisans’ homes to the factories, and
from rural to urban areas. Textile production in factories involved predictable
work in a hierarchical structure rather than independent work often filling
downtime in rural work.
The adoption of digital technology in advanced economies between the
1980s and the 2000s has been linked to ‘job polarisation’: an increase in the
shares of job roles requiring low and high levels of formal education, at the
expense of those in the middle. This may have been affected by the specific
conditions of the period, including trade liberalisation and declining union
Recent industrial automation has been linked with falling employment and
earnings in manufacturing for workers with low-medium levels of formal
education. However, overall employment levels in areas affected by
industrial automation have often remained constant, as job losses in
manufacturing were compensated by job creation in service industries. It is
not clear, from the literature reviewed as part of this project, how the
services jobs created compare with the manufacturing jobs destroyed in
terms of earnings and other characteristics.
Recent theoretical work in economics models the potential consequences of
AI-enabled automation, showing that:
A number of countervailing effects can counterbalance initial declines in
labour demand due to automation. As automation increases productivity
(leading to better or cheaper products), increasing consumer demand,
greater investment, and innovation can lead labour demand to rise.
In the short term, it is not clear whether countervailing effects will be
sufficient to offset potential job losses from automation. Even if they are,
transitions could be challenging. But new jobs need not be in different
industries compared to those that decline due to automation.
In the long term, as production processes are re-organised,
countervailing effects are expected to become stronger and fully
compensate. However, workers who have been directly displaced could
experience a fall in their earnings relative to other workers (and potentially
in absolute terms). This would increase inequality if the displaced group
is mostly composed of low earners.
3.1 Historical accounts of technological change
In this Section, we provide an overview of findings from selected researchers who
have written about industrial history prior to the 1980s. A majority of these findings
relate to the first industrial revolution, taking place in Great Britain between around
1780 and 1830 (hereinafter, for simplicity, ‘the industrial revolution’).
Our goal is to draw key messages from the research of scholars who have written
about potential lessons from history for the future of work (Mokyr, 2016; Allen,
2017), about lessons from history on the contribution of technology to economic
growth (Crafts, 2010), or whose findings appeared to be particularly relevant based
on our reading of the researchers above and our engagement with researchers
and policymakers (Broadberry & Wallis, 2016; Clark, 2005, 2014; Humphries &
Weisdorf, 2015; Humphries, 2016).
The role of non-technological factors in shaping innovation and economic
All the articles reviewed here discuss technical change in a wider institutional,
social, cultural and economic context.
Crafts (2010) discusses how incentive structures shape the invention, diffusion and
effective use of new technologies. In economic history and economics,
technological progress is seen as the key driver of economic growth and
improvement in living standards. However, whether technological progress does
happen and lead to economic growth may be determined by other initial conditions,
that may include:
Goldin (2017) argues that we should look for lessons from an earlier period of change – the European
Renaissance, a time of increasing availability and use of information technology (paper, the printing press)
and potential democratisation of knowledge that was followed by unrest and conflict. The comparison
appears to be echoed in Ferguson (2017), but we did not identify other publications that built on this idea.
Even if all workers benefit from automation there could still be
distributional issues as an increasing proportion of income flows to
owners of capital.
More radical innovation is not necessarily worse for workers as a whole–
the greater productivity gains, the greater the potential for increasing
demand to offset displacement from automation.
The way in which consumers will respond to any productivity gains (at a
global level) will be important in dictating which new jobs will be created,
and where they will be located.
Workers are more likely to benefit from AI if markets are competitive.
There is emerging evidence that the competitiveness of several markets
has declined in recent years. Public policy interventions that foster
competition, if needed, could help steer markets towards better outcomes
for workers.
Economic conditions. For example, the high labour costs and low energy
costs of 18
century England may explain why labour-saving technology was
developed and adopted, sparking the industrial revolution happened (Allen,
2009). With other economic conditions, different types of technology may have
emerged, or the incentive to innovate may have been lower.
Institutions. Institutions that enforced property rules, constraining the power
of ruling elites, may have encouraged technological progress, shaping both the
invention and diffusion of new technologies. Under these institutions, gains
from technological progress would not be extracted by the elites but could
benefit wider society more than under other institutions.
Social conditions. For example, it has been argued (Abramovitz & David,
1996) that the specific conditions prevailing in Europe after World War II led to
industrial relations or forms of government intervention that could support high
investment in technology adoption. Clark (2005) also points to research on
individual, cultural, social changes that led to greater investment in knowledge
(Galor & Moav, 2002).
Research on economic, institutional and social conditions is central in the on-going
debate on what explains the timing and location of the industrial revolution, from
which a consensus has not emerged (Clark, 2005). Fouquet & Broadberry (2015)
provide new evidence to inform this debate, showing that economic growth was
already a feature of history before the industrial revolution, but periods of growth
were always followed by periods of decline that largely cancelled the benefits of
growth. According to Fouquet & Broadberry (2015), then, advances in economic
development in Europe from the 19
century are largely due to a fall in the
frequency of decline periods, more than to an increase in the frequency or intensity
of growth periods.
Broadberry & Wallis (2016) argue that this is explained by a shift in institutional
arrangements, broadly defined, consistent with the theory put forward by North,
Wallis & Weingast (2009). In their account, pre-industrial societies were generally
based on a set of rules that stipulated the relations between specific groups. These
rules were inherently based on identity they would assign different obligations
and privileges to those who belonged to different groups. When economic shocks
happened, altering the relative economic ranking of different groups, institutions
came under tension and this often led to conflict and economic decline. Only when
institutions started including ‘impersonal’ rules that is, rules that would apply to
everyone regardless of their status or belonging to a particular group, could this
cycle be broken. Wallis (2011) mentions the emergence of the contemporary
business corporation as an example of how western societies shifted to impersonal
rules. The first business corporations appeared in the 16
century as privileges
(often including monopolies over a certain activity) granted to a particular group
within the dominant elite. Only in the 19
century general incorporation acts
‘allowed a corporation to be formed through a simple administrative act that did not
require explicit permission of a legislative or government body’.
Note that this is only one of many theories that have been put forward to explain why the industrial revolution
took place at a particular point in time and specifically in Great Britain.
The consequences of technological change on living standards
An important question is when living standards for the working class started rising
after the industrial revolution. Several recent contributions to the discussion on the
impact of AI discuss whether ‘this time will be different’: that is, whether
technological change will be linked with widespread improvement in living
standards, without causing substantial unemployment, as has been the case in
history so far.
Recent evidence that this increase in living standards may only have happened
after 1850, later than had been previously thought (Allen, 2009; Temin & Voth,
2005) may give us pause even if ‘this time’ (the time of technological change
linked to AI) ‘is not different’ there may still be reason for concern about how
changes in the economy may affect workers, particularly at the low end of the
income distribution. However, to the best of our knowledge, the literature provides
mixed findings on this issue. It is also worth noting that a lack of improvement in
living standards at a time of population growth was a better outcome than what had
generally happened in the past in similar situations that is, a fall in living
standards akin to those described in Fouquet & Broadberry (2015).
Mokyr et al. (2016) describes some of the thinking by contemporaries of the
industrial revolution on its possible consequences. When it came to effects on
living standards:
Optimists (James Stuart, David Ricardo) nevertheless had concerns around
short-term displacement;
Pessimists did not think technological advances would benefit society, but
thought that adopting technology would still be the best choice in a context of
international competition (William Mildmay).
Other concerns were expressed around the nature of the new forms of work that
were emerging. There were worries that industrial work, with its repetition and
organised discipline, would be morally inappropriate, compared to the much
greater variability of pre-industrial work. Mokyr also notes that ‘while people today
worry about the exact opposite phenomenon’, the separation between home and
work was ‘cause of great anxiety’.
The consequences of technological change on working conditions and
different demographics
Humphries (2016) and Mokyr et al. (2016) set out how economic, social and
cultural changes are deeply linked, and suggest that some of the characteristics of
work we may give for granted are in fact relatively new. Technological change
came with the move of textile production from the home to the factory, which
Workers now being monitored and placed in a hierarchical structure;
A new separation of place of work from home and place of leisure;
See for example Furman (2016), Elliott (2017).
An increase in the predictability of work, compared to the earlier situation where
textile production often complemented (often unpredictable) agricultural work.
Research on more recent periods shows that the organisation of work in the same
industry, using similar technology, can be very different in different countries. This
has been shown in the context of process automation that emerged in a number
of industries (including oil refining and chemical industries) in the 1960s (Gallie,
1978), and of the automotive industry in the 20
century (Jurgens, Malsch &
Dohse, 1993).
This suggests that technological change has been accompanied by related
changes in the organisation of work. These changes are not entirely determined
by intrinsic characteristics of the new technology, but they are also linked to other
social and cultural factors
Moreover, Humphries & Weisdorf (2015) points to differences in the impact of
these changes across different demographic groups. Work as textile artisans was
a source of independence for many married women, even where this work involved
relatively limited hours and earnings. Industrialisation and the separation of work
and home limited their opportunities to access relatively well remunerated casual
work. At the same time, the wages of young unmarried women, who were more
likely to be able to accept full-time work in industry, tracked those of young
unskilled males.
These considerations are highly relevant for our time. Section 4.4 reviews selected
literature on the changing organisation of work through the use of digital ‘platforms’,
and several of the publications we have identified describe the characteristics of
work ‘crowdsourced’ through Amazon Mechanical Turk a leading service that
defines itself as ‘operating a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence’
(Yin, Gray, Suri & Wortman Vaughan 2016, Gray, Suri, Ali & Kulkarni, 2016).
we will see in Section 4, men have been traditionally over-represented in many of
the occupations estimated to be at high risk of automation due to AI. On the other
hand, predictions reviewed in Section 4.3 of this report (Bakhshi, Downing,
Osborne & Schneider, 2017; McKinsey, 2017) show that many occupations in
social care and education, typically dominated by women, are expected to become
increasingly important in the UK and other advanced economies.
3.2 Recent technological change and its impact
3.2.1 The impact of digitalisation on the structure of the labour
A rich literature documents changes in the structure of employment in advanced
economies between the 1980s and the 2000s that have been described as ‘job
polarisation’. ‘Job polarisation’ refers to a decline in the number of ‘middle-
education’ jobs (typically requiring an upper secondary education or a vocational
qualification), along with an increase in the number of ‘high-education’ jobs
For further information on the gender composition of different occupational groups in the UK, see for example
Office for National Statistics (2013).
(requiring a higher education qualification) and ‘low-education’ jobs (requiring
limited formal education qualifications). At the same time, there has also been an
increase in the inequality of earnings specifically, an increase in the distance
between high earners (the top 10%) and other workers.
There is a broad but not universal consensus in the economics literature that job
polarisation is explained in large part by the increasing importance of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT).
The mechanism through which ICT leads to polarisation has been explained using
a ‘task-based’ model of the economy (Autor, Levy & Murnane, 2003, Acemoglu &
Autor, 2011). This model considers a starting situation where workers are assigned
to jobs as follows: low-educated workers perform mainly routine cognitive tasks
and non-routine manual tasks; middle-educated workers perform mainly routine
cognitive tasks; high-educated workers perform mainly non-routine cognitive tasks.
The model assumes that ICT substitutes for workers in performing routine tasks,
while complementing cognitive non-routine tasks. This means that:
Middle-educated workers, who tend to perform routine cognitive tasks, are
Middle-educated workers move towards low-education occupations,
dampening wage growth for low-educated workers. This is because high-
educated workers have a strong comparative advantage over middle-educated
workers in performing non-routine cognitive tasks, and therefore middle-
educated workers will not be able to move into high-education occupations.
Demand for high-educated workers, who are complemented by the technology
that can now perform routine cognitive tasks, increases.
This model is consistent with evidence on polarisation described above, where low-
and high-education occupations grow at the expense of middle-educated
occupations, and high-education earnings grow relative to other workers’.
Empirical work has generated evidence that the increasing role of ICT in production
processes does indeed help explain job polarisation. In the UK, Goos & Manning
(2004) find evidence of job polarisation in the UK between 1975 and 1999 having
the following consequences
An increase in high-education jobs, observed across industries;
A fall in middle-education jobs, due both to a decrease within industry (e.g.
machine operatives becoming less important in manufacturing) and to a shift of
employment away from manufacturing towards services;
An increase in low-education jobs, due both to a rise within industry and
between industries (again reflecting a shift of economic activity towards
Although there is evidence that job polarisation is explained by the impact of ICT
on the economy, there are other explanations, not necessarily mutually exclusive:
Goos & Manning (2004) is part of a wider literature testing the hypothesis that ICT explains the job polarisation
phenomenon in the UK, US, and other advanced economies (see for example Michaels, Natraj & Van
Reenen, 2014 for international evidence on 11 countries within the OECD). A full review of this literature is
beyond the scope of this review.
Krugman (2008) notes that increasing imports from low-wage countries could
also be the main explanation for increasing inequality between high-educated
and low-educated workers in the United States. These imports may have
substituted low- and middle-educated manufacturing work that used to take
place in the United States. This would have led to lower earnings growth for
low- and middle-educated workers in the United States, now effectively faced
with greater competition from workers abroad. Bloom, Draca & Van Reenen
(2011) show evidence that competition from Chinese imports encouraged firms
in the United States to adopt technology. Trade would have therefore
accelerated the technology-driven process of polarisation described above.
Dwyer (2013) attributes part of the increase in the share of low-educated jobs
in the United States to social changes that have led to increasing demand for
care work (defined to include teaching, health care, child care, elder care,
domestic service, and housekeeping). Population ageing and the
‘professionalisation’ of care work, now exchanged on the market rather than
provided unpaid by women in the household, not technology, explain this
increasing demand.
Moreover, Dwyer (2013) notes that other researchers (sociologists, economics,
geographers) have generated evidence supporting potential ‘institutionalist
explanations’ of job polarisation – changes in institutions that ‘shifted the
balance of power between capital and workers’. Research in this area notes
that the way in which technological change affects work is mediated by
institutions, and that job polarisation has been less pronounced where
economic policy has protected middle-wage jobs, maintained unions, and
encouraged new industrial development rather than only service-sector
growth’. Dwyer (2013) also discusses potential ways in which institutions could
upgrade low-paid, low-education care jobs– greater collective action, clearer
progression paths between low-education and middle-education jobs defined
by public policy or industrial relations.
It is worth noting that the ‘institutionalist’ findings reported in Dwyer (2013) are not
entirely inconsistent with economic research on the conditions under which ICT
investment has led to productivity growth. An extensive review of this literature
(Van Reenen, Bloom, Draca, Kretschmer & Sadun, 2010) concluded that stricter
employment protection regulation and, to a lesser extent, stricter product market
regulation are linked with a lower impact of ICT on productivity. It is possible that
when it comes to institutional arrangements linked to the adoption of ICT, there
has been a trade-off between overall productivity growth and job polarisation - both
enhanced by a lower degree of employment protection (conversely, a higher
degree of labour market flexibility).
In parallel with job polarisation, it has also been observed that high-educated
workers have increasingly clustered geographically in the United States and in
other advanced economies (e.g. Diamond, 2016). High-educated and other
workers have grown apart not only in terms of earnings but also in terms of location.
In the future, job growth linked to AI may also be concentrated in different areas
compared to those affected by any job decline linked to AI. This could pose
significant challenges, particularly given evidence that low-educated workers are
less likely to move in response to potential job opportunities compared to high-
educated workers (Diamond, 2016 for the US; Manning & Petrongolo, 2017, for
the UK)
Box 2. Discussion of empirical strategy: ICT and employment polarisation
3.2.2 Recent evidence on the effect of automation on
employment and wages
A number of recent publications has estimated the impact of automation on
productivity and employment between the early 1990s and the late 2000s. Here
‘automation’ is defined as the adoption of industrial robots
(Acemoglu & Restrepo
2017; Graetz & Michaels, 2018; Dauth, Findeisen, Südekum & Wößner, 2017),
except for Mann & Püttmann (2017), who use a broader definition.
Defined as ‘multipurpose manipulating industrial robots’, consistent with the International Standards
Organisation’s ISO 8373 standard.
Mann & Püttmann (2017) classify all patents granted in the United States between 1976 and 2014 as
automation or non-automation related patents, and then link patents to the industries where they are likely
to be used. The classification defines automation patents as those which define a ‘device that carries out a
Articles reviewed in this section establish a relative decline in the
employment share of middle-education workers and workers performing
‘routine’ cognitive tasks, observed starting around the 1980s. They aim
to explain whether this is due mainly to the increasing importance of ICT
in the production process or to other factors (including trade
The articles use statistical techniques to estimate the impact of ICT
(specifically, a measure of the importance of ICT in the industry or
industry-country pair) on the share of low-, middle-, and high-educated
workers in employment or in the overall wage bill.
A significant concern in this estimation is that any correlation between
the high-education share and the importance of ICT capital across
industries and countries could be driven by external factors (innovative
industries could both employ high-educated workers and use ICT
intensively) or reflect a reverse causation link- an impact of high-
education workers on investment in ICT.
To mitigate these concerns, the studies reviewed adopt one of the
following strategies:
They estimate the relation between current employment composition
and past ICT investment. This aims to account for the concern that
current employment composition may determine current investment.
They use an instrumental variables approach (IV), which broadly
includes two steps: i) estimating what proportion of the variation in
ICT investment is due to a third factor that is not related to
employment composition (an ‘instrument’); ii) estimating the relation
between the instrument and the outcome of interest. If the instrument
is valid, the estimated coefficient only reflects the causal impact of
ICT investment on employment composition.
Articles in this literature focus on the United States (Acemoglu and Restrepo 2017;
Mann & Püttmann, 2017), Germany (Dauth et al., 2017), and international
evidence (Graetz and Michaels, 2018 use data on 17 countries). Mann & Püttmann
(2017) consider a longer period than other studies, investigating the impact of
automation between 1980 and 2014.
This literature suggests that:
Automation may not lead to declining employment in the areas that are most
affected. However, evidence on the impact of automation on wages is less
Moreover, there is evidence of a negative impact of automation specifically on
employment and earnings of workers most directly substituted by industrial
robots: low-educated and (to a lesser extent) middle-educated workers in
manufacturing industries.
Employment and earnings losses for workers directly affected by automation
may be more likely in the case of industrial robots compared to other forms of
There is some variation in findings across studies in particular Acemoglu &
Restrepo (2017) find a negative impact of robots on both employment and earnings
in areas most affected within the United States. This is in contrast to Graetz &
Michaels (2018), who find that robot adoption leads to an increase in mean hourly
wages, and a decrease in the share of hours worked by low-educated workers,
and to Dauth et al. (2017), who find that robot adoption in Germany is linked with
small increases in local employment, as the fall in manufacturing employment is
more than compensated by increasing employment in service industries.
Graetz & Michaels (2018) suggests that differences between their findings and
Acemoglu & Restrepo (2017) may be explained by the different geographic focus
of the two studies. Differences in managerial attitudes and organisational
structures (e.g. firms in the United States being ‘more aggressive than European
counterparts in promoting and rewarding high performing workers and removing
underperforming workers’, Bloom, Sadun & Van Reenen, 2012) or in institutional
arrangements (public policy, the decline of unions being more pronounced in the
United States than in many European countries) could explain why robots are
linked with a decrease in overall employment in the United States but not
Within literature on the United States, Mann & Püttmann (2017) find automation to
be linked with an increase in local employment, in contrast with Acemoglu &
Restrepo (2017). The difference between the two studies may be explained by the
different measures of automation adopted – industrial robots in Acemoglu &
Restrepo (2017), a wider group of automation technology in Mann & Püttmann
Automation is also linked with shifting employment from manufacturing to services.
The positive impact on service manufacturing more than offsets the fall in
process independently’. Manual classification of a random sample of 560 patents is used to train a machine
learning algorithm that classifies all patents into the automation and non-automation categories.
Manufacturing industries are typically most directly affected by automation – this is true by definition where
automation has been defined as the adoption of industrial robots.
manufacturing employment in Germany (Dauth et al., 2017), and a shift from
manufacturing to services is also found in Mann & Püttmann (2017)’s work on
broader automation in the United States.
Dauth et al. (2017) find that every robot destroys roughly two manufacturing jobs.
This implies a total loss of 275,000 manufacturing jobs between 1994 and 2014,
which accounts for roughly 23% of decline during those two decades. This loss
was more than offset by employment growth in the services sector.
Dauth et al. (2017) are also able to analyse individual-level data to understand how
specific workers were affected:
The adoption of robots is not linked to lay-offs – in fact, workers in local areas
more exposed to robots were more likely to stay in their job. Manufacturing
employment in areas affected by robots declined between 1994 and 2014
compared to other areas because the former hired fewer additional workers
compared to the latter.
Manufacturing workers in areas more exposed to robots kept their jobs but were
faced with lower earnings growth. Workers in areas with the highest robot
density (90
percentile of the robot adoption distribution) have earned on
average EUR 800 per year less than workers in areas with the lowest robot
density (10
percentile of the distribution). This earnings loss is concentrated
among low- and medium-educated workers, while high-educated workers
experience income gains from robot adoption.
A significant question is then how the ‘new’ service jobs compare to the ‘older’
manufacturing jobs in terms of earnings, progression opportunities, required skills,
and other work conditions. So far, this question has not been addressed in the
literature reviewed in this section.
All the articles reviewed in this section adopt an empirical strategy that aims to
identify a causal link from automation to productivity and employment outcomes.
We discuss these empirical strategies in Box 3 below.
Box 3. Discussion of empirical strategy: the impact of robots on employment
A positive or negative correlation between automation and employment
levels, even where regression analysis allows to control for a number of
confounding factors, may still not indicate that the change in employment is
caused by automation. For example, the correlation may reflect a reverse
causal link (more robots are adopted in a given area/industry because
employment is growing, not vice versa).
All articles reviewed here adopt an Instrumental Variables strategy (IV). We
describe the basic intuition of this approach in Box 2 above. The validity of
this strategy depends on the credibility of the chosen instrument a variable
that influences the independent variable of interest (in this case, the
adoption of automation) without being related to the outcome of interest (in
this case, employment levels and earnings).
The IV strategies adopted in these articles can identify the causal impact of
automation if greater ‘potential’ for automation in the past (e.g. 1980) in a
given industry-area pair explains actual automation in a following period
(e.g. 1993 to 2007) but is not linked in itself to greater or smaller changes in
employment over that following period. Past ‘potential’ for automation is
computed differently in different articles, but essentially is a measure of
whether the economic activities performed in each industry-area were
amenable to automation, before automation became widespread.
3.3 Theoretical work on the role of AI in shaping
future employment
A growing body of recent theoretical work in economics builds on the literature on
job polarisation to consider the potential impact on labour of the adoption of AI.
The aim of this work is to establish a framework that models how technology that
could automate work would feed through the economy. This explicitly sets out the
underlying mechanisms and generates non-quantified predictions of the impact of
technology on economic growth, employment and earnings. This literature includes
Acemoglu & Restrepo (2016, 2017b, 2017c), Aghion, Jones and Jones (2017),
Bessen (2017), Caselli & Manning (2017), among others.
These articles typically set out a model of the economy where final goods are
produced using capital and labour as inputs, and labour consists of a number of
distinct tasks. A new technology (AI) that allows automating a proportion of tasks
is assumed to become available.
The models analyse how this changes firms’
demand for capital and labour.
This is consistent with models used to analyse the recent effect of digitalisation
(specifically, ‘job polarisation’). This is however a novel approach compared to
traditional economic analysis of technology where technology is seen as
augmenting, not substituting, labour, and therefore as generally leading to greater
earnings for workers both in the short and the long term. Bessen (2017) and Caselli
& Manning (2017) adopt different modelling choices to focus, respectively, on the
effect of technology on employment in a specific industry, and on the impact of
technology on labour in the long run.
It is worth noting that the articles reviewed in this Section explicitly refer to AI, but the models presented could
also be relevant to predict the effects of automation enabled by other types of technology.
It is worth noting that there is some disagreement among economists as to the
importance of current and future advances in digital technology for the economy
for example, Brynjolfsson & McAfee (2014) see digital technology as potentially
enabling substantial productivity growth, but this view is not shared by Gordon
The impact of AI on overall employment and average earnings
Researchers in this space suggest that their work provides initial findings in a new
area for research, where additional theoretical and empirical work is needed. The
articles we reviewed are nevertheless useful to set out the mechanisms through
which AI is expected to affect employment, beyond any initial substitution effects
that may lead to displacement or reallocation of workers. Specifically, most of the
analysis focusses on comparing how an initial ‘snapshot’ of the economy would
compare with snapshots that involve increasing automation in the short term and
long term. The adjustment period between the short and long run is not always
To simplify the analysis, Acemoglu & Restrepo (2018a) first analyse effects of
technological change on workers considered as one group:
In the short run, AI substitutes labour in performing specific tasks that are
automated. This can lead to job losses (displacement), reduce the share of
income that flows to workers (compared to owners of capital) and falling
This negative impact on labour is offset by the following countervailing effects:
Productivity effects: goods and services whose production is increasingly
automated become cheaper or increase in quality. This leads consumers to
demand more products, either from sectors that are increasingly automated
or from other sectors. Consequently, demand for labour increases.
Introduction of new tasks: as new technology is introduced and demand
increases, new activities emerge. In Section 4.3 of this report, we will
discuss examples of new activities suggested in the literature. Acemoglu &
Restrepo (2016) show that the creation of new tasks explains around half
of all employment growth in the United States between 1980 and 2000.
In the long term, there is a capital accumulation effect. Automation
increases the demand for capital, but in the short run capital is fixed it
takes time to produce new machines (if automation requires tangible
capital, e.g. robots) and to deploy them. This limits the impact of automation
on productivity. In the long run, more machines can be produced and
deployed; this drives down the cost of capital, and therefore the cost of
production, and productivity effects become stronger.
In the models discussed by Acemoglu & Restrepo (2018a) and by Caselli &
Manning (2017), in the short term the substitution effect may dominate, and
workers may be worse off. In the long term, the productivity effect is always strong
enough to at least offset the substitution effect. Real wages increase compared to
the pre-automation situation. Yet as an increasing proportion of economic activity
is automated, that is, produced with capital and little labour, the share of income
gained by workers relative to owners of capital may fall. This generates potential
distributional issues even if everyone is better off than without automation.
In this analysis, the short-term effect of AI depends on the balance between
substitution effect, productivity effect and creation of new tasks. Perhaps
counterintuitively, more disruptive technologies may have a more benign effect on
workers, compared to technologies that are just good enough to substitute
workers, but not effective enough to raise productivity (and therefore consumer
demand) substantially.
This discussion compares an initial situation without automation with a new
scenario where greater automation has been introduced. Korinek & Stiglitz (2017)
also consider the transition between these two states. In the transition period,
unemployment may rise even if the countervailing effects seen above are strong
enough to offset displacement. New jobs may require different skills or could be
located in different areas compared to jobs that decline or are transformed as a
result of automation. Korinek & Stiglitz (2017) allude to the Great Depression in the
US as a case of unemployment partly related to the challenges of transitioning from
agriculture to manufacturing. They suggest that government intervention helped
enable this structural transformation.
The impact of AI on specific groups of workers
As discussed by Bessen (2017), the direction of consumer responses to
productivity effects could matter to determine what happens to workers in specific
If productivity effects lead to sufficient additional demand for products from
automated industries, employment in those industries can increase despite the
increasing automation. This has been the case for manufacturing industries, up
to a point - until the 1930s for textiles and the 1950s for steel in the United
If instead demand increases more in other industries, workers will have to shift
from the automated sector to other parts of the economy. As seen in Section
3.2.2, this seems to be the pattern in the case of automation through industrial
robots, which is linked with declining employment in manufacturing, offset at
least partially by increases in services.
Bessen’s model implies that faster adoption of automation does not necessarily
make job losses in the automating industry more likely. The outcome depends not
only on the capabilities and speed of adoption of technology, but also on the
response of consumers though it is worth noting that in a globalised world the
choices of consumers in one country may have relatively little effect over patterns
in global demand.
This discussion in this section so far considers workers as one homogenous group.
But historical evidence shows that technology has different effects on different
people. Specifically, if technology substitutes mainly tasks performed by low-
educated workers, economic inequality could increase in the short and long term,
despite the offsetting mechanisms described above. Acemoglu & Restrepo
(2018b) distinguishes two types of workers, ‘low-skilled’ and ‘high-skilled’, and
models automation which may substitute workers in tasks performed by either
In the short term, automation substituting one group of workers (e.g. high
skilled) leads to a fall in earnings of the displaced group. Earnings of the
other group (e.g. low skilled) could also decline, as the displaced workers
compete for jobs with the non-displaced group.
In the long term:
Average wages increase compared to the no-automation baseline. This is
because, consistent with the model for one group of workers, productivity
effects offset displacement.
In spite of this, the group of workers directly displaced experiences a fall
in earnings relative to the other group, and potentially even in absolute
Acemoglu & Restrepo (2018b) assumes that productivity effects affect all workers
in the same way, but this need not be the case responses to productivity
improvements could disproportionately raise demand for the products of an
industry that employs a particularly high (low) proportion of low (high) skilled
Drivers of the impact of AI
In the baseline models discussed in Acemoglu & Restrepo (2018b) and Caselli &
Manning (2017), technological progress leads to increasing earnings for all
workers in the long run. However, these articles also discuss how different
assumptions may lead to different results.
First, limited competition between producers could lead wages to fall in the
long term, as indicated in Caselli & Manning (2017). Sufficient competition in
product markets, and limited market power of employers over their employees are
necessary for workers to benefit from productivity gains.
There are indeed concerns that several markets have become less competitive in
recent years. Recent research has documented a possible recent increase in
profits in the United States, potentially linked to technology (Autor, Dorn, Katz,
Patterson & Van Reenen 2017; De Loecker & Eeckhout, 2017). Furman &
Seamans (2018) also note that digitalisation includes potential drivers of market
concentration: i) the emergence of ‘platform’ markets, which tend to be dominated
by one or few firms (e.g. Facebook in social media, Uber in urban transport); ii) the
importance of large datasets for the development of machine learning algorithms,
which could limit the extent to which market leaders can be challenged by smaller
competitors (for example, it could be very difficult to challenge Google’s position in
internet search without access to the data on past searches Google holds); iii) the
use of algorithms to set prices, which could make collusion between competitors
easier to implement and harder to detect. In Section 4.4 of this report, we review
These two groups can be thought of as ‘low-educated’ and ‘high-educated’ as in previous sections of this
report. However the discussion that follows here would still be relevant for other definitions of skill levels.
selected evidence on the organisation of work in platform markets that are relevant
for this discussion.
The regulation of technology firms and evolution of competition policy to reflect
challenges posed by digitalisation are a widely debated topic, beyond the scope of
this review. However, the evidence reviewed here suggests that policy measures
aiming to reduce the market power of employers or mitigate its effects could help
ensure that workers benefit from technological change.
Moreover, AI could lead to changes in the innovation process:
The models discussed so far generally consider a one-time increase in the work
tasks that are automated. However, if adopting AI makes it easier to then
generate new automation, as considered in Acemoglu & Restrepo (2016), the
impact of AI for workers could be worse. In this case, the countervailing
effects described above (productivity effects, creation of new tasks) still help
maintain employment and wages, but it is more likely that fewer people will
work and that the share of income flowing to workers will fall in the long run.
However even this situation does not necessarily imply a jobless future. In
Aghion et al. (2017), as automation takes over an increasing proportion of work
tasks, industries where production is automated shrink as a share of the
economy. This is consistent with the long-term impact of technological progress
in agriculture and to a lesser extent in the manufacturing sector, as noted by
Bessen (2017). As automated sectors shrink, the share of income that goes to
labour remains constant despite increasing automation. Work is concentrated
in non-automated sectors, where prices are high relative to goods produced in
automated sectors.
Korinek & Stiglitz (2017) devote specific attention to distributional issues. As seen
above, in the short term AI could lead inequality to increase, even if all workers
benefit to the same extent, because a larger share of income would be received
by owners of capital. Korinek & Stiglitz (2017) point out that this could also happen
in the long term, if production processes require an input that is in fixed supply (for
example, land). Taxing fixed inputs would be a direct way to redistribute income,
but that may not be desirable for other forms of capital (e.g. robots). An alternative
way to achieve redistribution could be lowering the protection awarded to
innovators through Intellectual Property, for example shortening the term of patent
Summary of this section
There is limited evidence on the factors that may influence the adoption of
AI, beyond its technical capabilities. Business adoption is likely to be
influenced by economic considerations, regulatory concerns, individual
preferences and social norms, and by the need to reorganise production
processes to take advantage of AI.
It is not clear whether adoption of AI is progressing at a particularly fast pace
compared to previous innovative technology. There is evidence that the
speed of technology adoption has accelerated over time. On the other hand,
recent productivity growth in the UK has been sluggish and there is evidence
that the diffusion of innovation beyond leading firms may be slower than in
the past.
It has been estimated that
between 9% and 47% of jobs in the United States,
and 10% to 30% of jobs in the UK could be automated at some point in the
coming decades. Differences within these ranges do not appear to be driven
by different assessments of the capabilities of machines, but rather are
linked to:
Different sources of data on the skills needed to perform a particular job;
Modelling choices in particular, assumptions over whether automation
would hit all jobs under granular occupation groups at the same time (e.g.
all waiters) or hit first only some jobs under that group (e.g. only waiters
in fast-food restaurants).
The literature estimating potential job losses suggests that jobs typically
performed by workers with relatively low levels of formal education are at
higher risk of automation compared to high-educated jobs.
There is significant uncertainty around when the potential automation
described in this literature would be technically feasible and widely adopted.
A different assessment of the technical automatability of work tasks has been
provided by Brynjolfsson, Mitchell & Rock (2018). According to Brynjolfsson
et al. (2018), very few occupations consist primarily of performing
automatable tasks, although nearly all occupations include automatable
components. As a result, the degree of automatability varies relatively little
between occupations. The authors of this article conclude that:
AI will affect occupations at all levels of pay and education;
However, automation of entire jobs will be much less significant than
transformation, which will involve separating automatable tasks so they
can be performed by machines, and aggregating non-automatable tasks
into new job roles.
Foresight exercises suggest that occupations that are likely to grow between
now and 2030 are disproportionately high-education, although some middle-
education occupations are also likely to grow.
A number of trends other than technological change could generate sufficient
job creation to compensate for first-order job destruction linked to
4.1 From research to innovation and adoption in
The literature reviewed in Section 3 of this report suggests that the use of AI will
be driven not only by technical feasibility, but also by economic, social, and cultural
factors. However, this review has identified relatively little discussion of social and
cultural factors in the literature relative to AI and work. Indeed, this is one of the
points raised in Wajcman (2017), in a review of four recent books dealing with the
impact of automation on the future of work.
There is work in progress around the
public perception of AI
and on the factors that shape the interaction between
humans and machines, including robots and decisions made on the basis of
statistical models, but we have not identified published outputs from this research
that discussed the implications of these factors for the future of work.
Wajcman (2017) is critical of the discussion of technology in the debate on the
future of work as a ‘neutral inevitable force driving these changes [in work]’. She
suggests that more attention should be devoted to:
The factors driving how technology is developed and used. The essay raises
concerns around the power of a small elite of leading companies and their staff
in shaping the technical systems they design even as the work of this elite
may displace other elites. Wajcman (2017) points to Urry (2016)’s explanation
of how social practices are ‘constitutive’ of technology.
The way in which technological change is discussed. Urry (2016) argues that
visions of the future imply ideas about ‘public purposes and the common good’,
and can have powerful consequences. Wajcman (2017) warns against visions
Wajcman (2017). The books reviewed are: Ford (2015); Susskind, R. and Susskind, D. (2015), Brynjolfsson
and McAfee (2014); Urry (2016).
Including the AI Narratives Project launched by the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence and the
Royal Society.
The programme of the Technology, Mind & Society conference organised by the American Psychological
Association in April 2018 includes several research projects that would be relevant for this review, but we
have not identified outputs from those projects that could be included in the review. The programme of the
conference is available at:
automation. However, the ‘new jobs’ may not have the same characteristics
or emerge in the same places as the ‘old’ that are destroyed, and therefore
adjustments may be challenging.
There is evidence that the application of digital technology in specific
settings and industries is leading to changes in the organisation and
quality of work:
There are reasons for concern (e.g. potential loss of autonomy for many
workers) and for optimism (e.g. automation of hazardous tasks);
Evidence on the likely balance between the two is limited outcomes are
also likely to depend on the actions of employers, workers, governments,
and other stakeholders.
of the future that focus on the potential capabilities of technology while turning
‘their backs to society’.
Earlier research in social studies of science and technology presents insights for
the study of the interaction between technology and work, summarised in Wajcman
(2007). This research challenges the notion that ‘social’ and ‘technical’ aspects of
the implementation of technology are separate:
Choices between different technical options for embedding technology in
production processes, goods, and services can be affected by a range of social
factors (for example, will a particular option be accepted by the relevant social
The use of technology changes relationships between people, the nature and
meaning of work. The interaction of social and technical considerations affects
the use of technology, and this is linked to social changes (which can then be
relevant for the definition and adoption of new technology).
A consequence of the interaction between the technical and the social is that
the final use of a technology cannot be completely predicted by its designers
and promoters. This may be one of the factors that makes predicting what, if
any, job losses could be linked to AI challenging.
More recently, a growing body of research has focussed on new forms of
organisation enabled by digital technology in particular, ‘platforms’ such as
Airbnb and Uber. Pasquale (2016) draws attention to the role that narratives
around platforms may have in influencing the future. The article contrasts two
narratives about the role and impact of platforms that would have very different
implications for policymaking.
A wider literature in history and economics investigates what may explain which
specific innovations are generated and adopted in periods of technological change
(for example: Rosenberg, 1969; Mokyr, 1990, as well as research cited in Section
3 on how work organisation varies given the technology used). The importance of
this question is highlighted in some of the recent economic theory on AI, but a
review of this literature is beyond the scope of this report.
The technical capabilities of AI
An overview of what is known about the existing and likely capabilities of AI in the
near future is provided in a number of publications, including but not limited to
House of Lords (2018), National Academy of Sciences (2017), and Royal Society
(2017). This review focusses on the contributions that have provided quantitative
evidence on the workforce implications of their assessment of technical
capabilities. High-level insights on technical capabilities from this literature are
provided here before providing a detailed review in Section 4.2 below:
There is a consensus between these publications literature that advancements
in machine learning allow AI to perform tasks that cannot readily be codified
into a set of explicit instructions. This is a new feature compared to what
machines had been capable of up to the recent past (e.g. Autor, 2015).
However, ‘routine’ activities are still considered to be most amenable to
automation. Within this, there is variation in the literature around the specifics
of which activities can or cannot be considered routine. For example, Frey &
Osborne (2017) find that measures of dexterity required to perform an
occupation do not predict their estimated probability that the occupation could
be automated in the future. However, McKinsey (2017a) and Brynjolfsson &
Mitchell (2017) consider the relatively limited existing capabilities of robots in
moving and manipulating objects using dexterity as a bottleneck to automation.
There is also a broad consensus that machines are increasingly capable in a
range of cognitive tasks, including retrieving information, recognising patterns,
and generating predictions. Several articles recognise that, at least at the
moment, it is difficult to explain how or why an AI system has generated a
prediction. Brynjolfsson & Mitchell (2017) note that this makes it difficult to
automate activities where there is a need not only for an output but also for an
explanation of how the output was achieved.
All publications reviewed here suggest that tasks requiring a high degree of
social intelligence are generally not within the capabilities of machines currently
or in the near future.
The drivers of business adoption
Compared to the social drivers mentioned by Wajcman (2017), greater attention
has been devoted to the considerations that influence business decisions to invest
or not to invest in AI, and whether that investment is likely to improve business
performance. And indeed, any impact of AI on work is likely to be limited if this
technology is not in being adopted by workers and employers.
RSA (2017) suggests four key considerations influencing business decisions to
adopt AI:
Economic considerations: the economic benefits and costs of investing in AI
and uncertainty around them. The cost of investing in AI may be too high to
make the investment profitable for many companies. Moreover, some may find
waiting to be the best strategy, given the possibility of further decreases in
costs, and the possibility that what is now leading edge may soon become
Individual preferences and social norms around what should be done by
humans or by machines;
Regulatory concerns – in certain circumstances AI could in principle be used
but it may not be clear whether this is consistent with relevant regulation;
The need for broader organisational change and for relevant skills to
accommodate and take full advantage of new technology. This is part of what
Brynjolfsson, Rock & Syverson (2017) have called ‘complementary
investments’, consistent with earlier research on the economic impact of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Brynjolfsson & Hitt (2003)
found that the productivity benefits of US firms’ ICT investments took around
seven years to be fully realised.
Including, for example, Bresnahan et al. (2002), Aral et al. (2012).
The sociological literature reviewed earlier in this section also suggests the
interaction between different groups (not only employers and employees, but also
different groups of workers) as a key factor shaping whether and how AI may be
Moreover, the use of AI for automated decision making may pose a risk to the
fairness of those decisions. Citron & Pasquale (2014) discuss some of the
limitations of existing scoring systems based on predictive algorithms, credit
scoring in particular. They recommend regulatory oversight to ensure the
transparency, accuracy, accountability, and fairness of scoring systems.
McKinsey (2018) analyse targeted applications of AI to business challenges (‘use
cases’) from their own practice and other sources, to understand where AI offers
the most incremental value over and above alternative techniques. They find that
the greatest potential for AI to create value lies in use cases where established
analytical techniques (e.g. regression) can already be used. The potential
additional value generated by AI is assessed to be particularly large in the travel,
transport and logistics, retail, automotive and ‘high tech’ industries. This is driven
by applications such as personalised marketing, improved forecasting for supply-
chain management, and credit risk measurement. The authors note that some of
these applications may need to overcome a number of challenges to generate
value, including avoiding or limiting the risks outlined by Citron & Pasquale (2014).
Economic considerations will be guided by a number of factors, including the
characteristics of the workforce. As seen in Section 3.1, there is an on-going
debate on whether relatively high wages in 18
century Great Britain generated
particularly strong incentives to invent and adopt labour-saving technology. There
is also evidence that age and education of the workforce have been important in
determining the adoption of ICT and of automation technology.
Acemoglu & Restrepo (2018c) show that geographical areas in the United States
characterised by greater ageing have adopted industrial robots and other
automation technologies to a greater extent.
This is because industrial robots
have the potential to automate activities such as welding, or loading and
packaging, which are typically performed by middle-aged workers. An ageing
population makes middle-aged workers relatively scarce and therefore more costly
to businesses. Therefore ageing increases firms’ incentive to adopt this particular
type of labour-saving technology.
The characteristics of the workforce in terms of education have also been linked to
the invention and adoption of digital technology. The increasing availability of high-
educated workers in advanced economies in the second half of the 20
may explain in part the invention and adoption of ICT, as ICT have been shown to
complement the skills of high-educated workers (as discussed in Section 3.2).
Acemoglu & Autor (2011) note that large increases in the proportion of university-
educated US workers between 1940 and 1980 have been accompanied and
followed by a rise in their relative wages (a rise in the ‘graduate premium’). If
technology had stayed the same, one might have expected to observe a fall in the
graduate premium (as more workers are available to perform the same amount of
Ageing here is measured as an increase in the ratio of older (aged 55 and older) to middle-aged workers
(aged between 36 and 55).
work). Instead, the adoption of ICT and related transformations in the organisation
of production processes may have led to increasing demand for high-educated
workers, more than compensating the effect of increasing supply.
The UK has also experienced a large rise in the proportion of university graduates,
starting later than in the US. At the same time, Blundell, Green & Jin (2018) show
that the graduate premium remained constant before falling slightly in more recent
years (for people born after 1980). Blundell et al. (2018) suggest that differences
compared to the US (constant rather than rising graduate premium) are explained
by the fact that the UK was a technological follower. In the UK, the increase in
university graduation rates in the UK led firms to adopt existing ICT technology and
related decentralised organisational structures. This in turn increased the demand
for high-educated workers, particularly in management positions.
It is also worth noting that what is technically feasible for one organisation may not
be for others. As noted in Brynjolfsson & Mitchell (2017), among others,
applications of machine learning typically require large training datasets to be
effective. There will be wide variation between organisations in whether their
activities can generate such data, and in whether the necessary investments to
collect the data have been made.
McKinsey (2017a, 2017c) model different patterns of AI business adoption in their
work estimating the proportion of jobs that could be automated in the future,
reviewed in Section 4.2 below.
The current state of business adoption
A notable initiative tracking how AI is being used is the AI Index, part of the
Stanford 100 Year Study.
The AI Index shows increasing research outputs
related to AI (a nine-fold increase in the number of Computer Science papers
tagged with the keyword ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in the Scopus database of academic
papers); increasing early-stage funding in the United States for private companies
developing AI systems (attracting over US$3bn in 2016 compared to just over
US$500m in 2010); increasing shares of on-line job postings requiring AI skills in
the United States (a five-fold increase in October 2017 compared to January 2013),
in Canada (an eleven-fold increase), and in the UK (a nine-fold increase). This
suggests rapidly increasing interest in AI, not only in research but also among
In the UK, a RSA/YouGov poll performed in 2017 finds that 14 percent of business
leaders are currently investing in AI or robotics, or plan to in the near future (RSA,
2017). The UK adoption rate implied by this poll does not appear significantly lower
than international adoption rates as estimated, for example, in McKinsey (2017b),
where 9-12% of business leaders across 10 advanced economies reported having
adopted AI. RSA (2017) also discuss data from the International Federation of
Robotics showing that in 2015 the UK had 10 robot units per million hours worked,
compared with 131 in the United States and 133 in Germany. This suggests
lagging adoption of AI in the UK, but the difference may be explained in large part
by differences in the industrial composition of these economies.
It is not immediately obvious whether an adoption rate of 14 percent suggests that
the adoption of AI is moving at a particularly fast pace compared to previous
innovative technologies. There is evidence suggesting lags between invention and
adoption of technology have been narrowing over time: according to Comin &
Hobijn (2010), the average lag was 14 years for personal computers, compared to
over 60 years for the telephone. If this trend has continued, we might expect many
of the recent advances in AI to be widely adopted by 2030, assuming that the
drivers of AI adoption are broadly consistent with those of earlier technology.
However, any acceleration in the pace of technology invention and adoption is not
yet evident in productivity statistics. As widely documented (e.g. Haldane, 2017),
recent productivity growth in the UK and other advanced economies has been
weak, judged by the standards of the last 50 years. Brynjolfsson et al. (2017)
propose four potential ways to explain why productivity growth has been sluggish
even as digital technology is increasingly pervasive and capable:
Misplaced optimism: digital technology can provide benefits in terms of new
products and services but does not have the potential to substantially raise
Measurement errors: there have been productivity gains, but they are not
evident from official statistics because much of the activity related to the digital
economy is hard to measure. Many investments are intangible (for example,
they relate to machine learning processes rather than to computer hardware or
other forms of machinery) and many new services are provided to consumers
at low or no cost.
Distribution issues: digital technology is leading to productivity gains, but
these are concentrated among a small group of leading firms. Andrews,
Criscuolo & Gal (2015) show that in the OECD sluggish productivity growth is
not the story for all firms. The most productive firms have experienced robust
productivity growth, but there has been an increasing gap between this group
and all others.
Implementation lags: productivity gains do not materialise immediately when
a new technology is adopted. Production processes need to be reorganised to
take advantage of the new technology, particularly if the technology can be
widely applied.
Brynjolfsson et al. (2017) present evidence suggesting that implementation lags
are the most likely explanation, although measurement errors and distribution
issues could also be part of the story. In other words, they suggest that the need
for organisational change, one of the drivers of business adoption mentioned
above, is a significant factor that can delay the impact of AI on productivity and on
the workforce.
4.2 Estimates of potential displacement linked to AI
A number of recent publications, starting with Frey and Osborne (2017, hereinafter
, has aimed to estimate which components of existing work could technically
be performed by machines in the future. This amounts to estimating for which
workers the immediate (‘first order’) effects of AI could involve substantial
transformation of the tasks performed or job losses, given the technical capabilities
of machines. This review includes articles published by PWC (2017, 2018 -
hereinafter ‘PWC’), McKinsey (2017a, 2017c hereinafter, ‘McKinsey’), and the
OECD (Arntz et al. 2017, Nedelkoska and Quintini, 2018 hereinafter ‘AGZ’ and
‘NQ’ respectively), as well as Brynjolfsson, Mitchell & Rock (2018 hereinafter,
There is broad agreement in this literature that many of the existing jobs (around
50% in the US and UK) have significant potential for automation. However, there
is no consensus on what proportion of jobs could be fully automated or radically
transformed. The estimated proportion of current jobs that could technically be
automated in the future varies from 9% (AGZ) to 47% (FO) for the United States,
and from 10% (AGZ) to 30% (PWC) for the UK (note that FO provide estimates for
the US only). BMR find that only in very few cases it is possible to automate nearly
all work tasks making up an occupation. They suggest that automation of entire
jobs will be much less significant than transformation.
There is also uncertainty on the time frame within which the automation described
in this literature might be feasible. AGZ, PWC, and NQ all rely on the expert
judgement collected by FO. FO asked a group of machine learning researchers
convened in a workshop held at the Oxford University Engineering Sciences
Department the following question: ‘Can the tasks of this job be sufficiently
specified, conditional on the availability of big data, to be performed by state of the
art computer-controlled equipment?’. FO interpret their analysis as assessing
‘potential job automatability over some unspecified number of years’.
FO, AGZ, PWC, McKinsey and NQ are all in broad agreement on the types of jobs
that are most exposed to automation:
Jobs that require relatively low levels of formal education (food preparation,
machine operators in manufacturing, personal service occupations,
administrative support workers). Jobs with higher education requirements
(professional, scientific and technical occupations, business and management
occupations) are instead consistently found among those with the lowest
estimated automation probabilities
Occupations that do not involve relatively complex interaction with other
people – in particular, influencing or persuading others, assisting and caring for
others, training others, and managing other people’s work. It is not clear
whether face to face interaction per se is linked with lower automation
First published as a working paper by the Oxford Martin Programme for Technology and Employment in 2013:
McKinsey (2017b) also provides estimates of potential employment growth to 2030. These estimates are
reviewed in Section 4.3of this report.
probability – sales occupations are typically assessed at high automation
Occupations that involve manual skills in the language of FO (O*NET data),
higher proficiency in ‘finger dexterity’ (for example, ‘Perform open-heart surgery
with surgical instruments’) and ‘manual dexterity’. This is inconsistent with the
expectation discussed in FO and Autor (2015) among others, that manual
tasks involving dexterity would be relatively difficult to automate. However,
within physical activities, McKinsey suggest that those performed in
‘unpredictable environments’ are significantly more likely to be automated than
those in ‘predictable environments’.
Given these patterns, occupations at high risk of automation are concentrated in
The agriculture, manufacturing, postal and courier services, land
transport, and food services industries;
Jobs typically held by younger workers: NQ show that workers aged under 20
are over-represented in many occupations at high risk of automation (e.g.
sales, ‘elementary occupations’ such as cleaners). But workers under 20 are
also at higher risk of automation than older workers who perform the same
occupation. This is because, even within occupations, workers under 20 often
perform roles that involve manual tasks (linked with greater automatability) and
do not involve providing advice, supervising others, performing research (tasks
linked with lower automatability).
BMR, instead, report relatively little differences between occupations in their
degree of automatability. This is because, in their assessment, nearly all
occupations include a minority of tasks that have a high degree of automatability.
Therefore, all occupations could be transformed by AI to some extent, but very
few could be completely automated. As a result, there are no systematic
differences between low- and high-paid occupations in their suitability for
Their assessment of the susceptibility of tasks to automation is
consistent with Brynjolfsson & Mitchell (2017), reported in Section 4.1 above.
Studies in this literature typically acknowledge that technical feasibility is only one
of the determinants of automation: as noted in Section 4.1, tasks may not be
automated even once it is technically feasible to do so automation may not be
profitable, consistent with regulation, or consistent with consumer preferences and
with managers’ and workers’ attitudes. It is also worth bearing in mind that on the
other hand production processes could be re-organised so as to make automation
more (or less) technically feasible. This is a point raised in Susskind & Susskind
(2015) about professional occupations: although professional occupations may
involve a significant amount of non-automatable activities (e.g. empathy), it is not
obvious that consumers value these activities specifically over the outcome (e.g.
accurate legal advice).
Brynjolfsson et al. (2018) do not discuss how their assessment of automatability varies with the education
requirements of each occupation. However as high-educated occupations are typically high-paid, it is likely
that their assessment of automatability does not vary with education levels.
The number of jobs ‘at risk’ of automation
The proportion of jobs estimated to be at ‘high risk’ of automation varies
considerably across studies. Figure 4 below reports estimates for the United
The proportion of jobs estimated to be at high risk of automation varies
between 9% (AGZ) and 47% (FO). Across all studies included in the figure, ‘high
risk’ has been defined as an estimated probability of automation of 70% or higher.
BMR do not provide a quantitative estimate of the proportion of jobs that could be
automated, and therefore is not included in the figure. McKinsey sets 2030 as the
time frame for estimated automation, while PWC predicts into the mid-2030s, and
FO, AGZ and NQ do not provide an estimated timing.
Figure 4
Estimated proportion of employment at high automation
Source: Artnz et al. (2017), Frey and Osborne (2017), McKinsey (2017), Nedelkoska and Quintini (2018),
PWC (2017).
Note: The figure focusses on the US as FO do not provide estimates of automation probabilities for other
countries, and McKinsey do not provide estimates comparable to FO, NQ and AGZ for the UK.
McKinsey and PWC aim to provide additional detail on the likely timing of potential
automation. The three portions of the bars in Figure 4 above should be interpreted
as different adoption scenarios in the case of McKinsey, and different stages of
automation in the case of PWC:
For McKinsey, the preferred estimate is given by the ‘midpoint adoption’
scenario (26% employment automated by 2030).
The ‘early adoption’ and
‘late adoption’ figures (just under 5% and 44% respectively) are alternative
This is the only geography considered in FO, while other studies extended their scope to other countries
including the UK.
Note: McKinsey estimates are provided as proportions of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) working hours rather
than proportions of jobs.
Proportion of current US employment at
risk of automation
Overall estimate Early adoption
Middle adoption Late adoption
estimates under different assumptions about the development and adoption of
AI – further detail on these assumptions is provided below.
PWC’s overall estimate of automation potential by the mid-2030s is given by
the overall height of the bar (38%). Here ‘early’, ‘middle’, and ‘late’ adoption
represent potential automation by the early 2020s, the late 2020s, and the mid-
2030s respectively.
Estimates for the UK, where available (PWC, NQ and AGZ), are very similar to US
estimates in the OECD analysis (NQ and AGZ), but lower according to PWC (just
over 30% by mid-2030s).
It is worth noting, when assessing the size of potential impacts, that in every quarter
over the last 15 years, around 3% of workers become unemployed or inactive, and
that around 2% of workers move to a different job within the quarter.
It could be useful to compare these estimates to data on existing or planned
adoption of AI. RSA (2017), reports UK business leaders’ estimates of the
proportion of jobs in their organisation that could be fully automated within 10
years. Over 70% of respondents estimated that full automation could be achieved
for at least some jobs in their organisation, but under 15% estimated the proportion
of automatable jobs to be over 30%. The study does not report how many within
this 15% also reported to be adopting AI in their organisation.
Drivers of variation in estimated jobs at risk
All reports in this literature use the two following inputs:
A judgement on what can or cannot be automated.
Data on what activities are performed in different jobs, or what capabilities are
required to perform a job (‘job requirement data’).
In all studies except for BMR, the judgement of automatability is provided by
experts for a subset of all possible standardised job categories (‘occupations’).
the FO study, experts classified 70 occupations (drawn from a total of 702 possible
occupations). Out of the 70, 37 occupations (53%) were assessed as automatable.
The expert judgements and job requirement data are then combined, using
machine learning methods, to generate predictions of automatability (‘automation
probability’) for each occupation including those for which an expert judgement
was not provided. This also allows investigating which characteristics of individual
work activities or of occupations are linked with greater automation probability.
BMR, instead, develop a rubric to assess the automatability of work tasks, and then
crowdsource the assessment.
The rubric asks respondents to grade each task
against a set of 21 criteria which BMR judge to be important drivers of
Source: Office for National Statistics, Labour Force Survey estimates, available at:
This includes the O*NET data, collected by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, used in FO, and the
OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), collected by the OECD and used in AGZ, NQ and PWC.
As defined by the Standard Occupational Classification system.
They use an on-line platform called CrowdFlower, now known as Figure Eight, which recruits people to
perform ‘human intelligence tasks’ – in this case, assessing work tasks using the rubric provided by the
automatability. This methodological difference is likely to explain why BMR provide
different results compared to other studies in this section on the variation in
automatability across occupations.
However, differences in estimated automatability remain even among studies that
rely on the same expert judgement over what machines can or cannot do. FO,
AGZ, NQ, and PWC all rely on the same expert judgement, provided as part of the
FO study. These four studies should therefore be the most comparable, and the
following discussion focusses on them before investigating what may drive
differences with McKinsey estimates. FO, AGZ, NQ and PWC all agree that only a
minority of workers (33% for the US in FO, 26% across OECD countries in the NQ
sample) are in roles with low (30% or less) automation probability. There is greater
disagreement over what proportions of workers fall in the medium (30 to 70%) and
high (70% or higher) ranges of estimated automation probability, as shown in
Figure 5 below. Figure 5 focusses on FO and NQ as these studies report a split
of current employment into low, medium, and high probability of automation.
Figure 5 Proportion of workers by estimated
automation probability
according to FO and NQ
Source: Frey and Osborne (2017), Nedelkoska and Quintini (2018)
Note: NQ figures are averages across OECD countries in the study sample; FO figures concern US
employment. It was not possible to present US figures from NQ based on publicly available data.
Due to differences across studies in data and machine learning algorithms used, it
is not possible to disentangle this variation into specific drivers. However, AGZ and
NQ explain the difference between their estimates and FO as follows:
FO treat all jobs within the same occupation code (for example, 29-1111,
‘Registered Nurses’, or 47-2012, ‘Brickmasons and Blockmasons’) as identical
and therefore having the same probability of being automated. This approach
can be interpreted as assuming that if some jobs within an occupation can be
automated, all other jobs will follow.
AGZ, and PWC and NQ following AGZ, allow instead for different jobs within
the same occupation code to involve different activities and therefore to have
different automation risk. For example, some Registered Nurses may be
required to solve complex problems more often than others.
Discussion of results presented in PWC and NQ suggest that estimates of the
proportion of jobs at ‘high risk’ of automation are sensitive to modelling choices.
Low (<30%) Medium (30% to 70%) High (>70%)
Proportion of exsiting workers
Estimated automation probability
PWC shows that the distribution of estimated automation probabilities depends on
the number of worker and job characteristics (‘features’) included in the machine
learning algorithm that predicts automatability. When the number of features
increases, the proportion of jobs in the ‘low risk’ and ‘high risk’ areas increases,
getting closer to the shape of the FO ‘occupation-based approach’. Therefore,
moving from feature set 1 to feature set 3 implies very different conclusions about
the proportion of jobs at high (>=70%) risk of automation. PWC do not describe
which features are included or excluded in each of the sets.
Moreover, NQ show how estimated automation probabilities change when
alternative sources of job requirement data are used for Germany and for the UK.
The proportion of workers at ‘high risk’ changes significantly (33% for Germany
and 3% for the UK using alternative data, compared to 18% and 12% respective
baseline estimate). Average automation probabilities and characteristics of jobs
most at risk are unaffected by the choice of dataset.
Overall, despite this discussion, all studies reviewed here provide relatively little
description of the sensitivity of their results to specific modelling choices in
particular, the composition of the feature set.
Compared to FO, AGZ, PWC and NQ, McKinsey relies on a different assessment
of automatability. McKinsey do not provide a comparison of their assessment to
FO, and provide relatively little technical detail on how human judgement and
machine learning were combined to generate their estimates of technical
automation potential. However, the types of activities linked with greater
automation potential in the McKinsey study are broadly consistent with findings in
other studies, as discussed in further detail below.
Differences in automation risk across countries
AGZ, PWC, McKinsey and NQ all provide estimated automation probabilities for
several countries, with noticeable differences across studies:
In McKinsey, estimates vary relatively little across countries (43% for the UK,
51% for China, and 56% for Japan);
There is greater variation in NQ, where the proportion of jobs at high risk of
automation varies from under 5% (Norway, Finland) to over 20% (Slovak
Republic), and in PWC, where the proportion varies from 22% (South Korea,
Finland) to 44% (Slovak Republic)
AGZ estimate little international variation but focus on a narrower group a
subset of wealthier OECD countries.
It is not clear what drivers the difference between McKinsey, on one side, and NQ
and PWC, on the other.
In NQ and PWC, differences across countries are driven by:
Differences in industrial structure: countries with larger manufacturing
industries, for example, are estimated to be more exposed to automation;
Differences in the occupational composition of each industry: for example,
manufacturing firms in South Korea may employ a smaller proportion of
workers in occupations at high risk of automation compared to Italy.
Differences in the types of activities performed by workers within the same
occupations and industries. For example, professionals in all industries may
work in teams more often in some countries, and therefore may have a greater
requirement for interpersonal skills.
NQ report that differences in occupational composition, controlling for industry
composition, are the most important of these three components in explaining
differences across countries in automation risk.
However, there are large differences between PWC and NQ for specific countries:
Greece and Japan are among the countries with highest automation risk in NQ,
and among the countries with lowest risk in PWC;
The United States is one of the countries with lowest automation risk in NQ,
and among the countries with highest risk in PWC.
4.3 Estimates of potential job creation linked to AI
and future skills requirements
The first-order effects of AI on work may not only include substituting workers in
existing tasks, but also generating new tasks for workers to perform. Acemoglu &
Restrepo (2016) note that new tasks have emerged in previous periods of
technological change, and that they account for around half of new employment
creation in the United States between 1980 and 2000. The economic framework
presented in Section 3.3 signals that the creation of new tasks (and new products)
linked to AI is a key determinant of the impact of AI in the short term. Acemoglu &
Restrepo (2018a) suggests that job creation from productivity effects (higher
demand for goods and services whose production has been automated) would not
be sufficient in its own to offset potential job losses from automation.
Section 4.3.1 below reviews relevant articles on potential job creation linked to AI.
Moreover, Bakhshi, Downing, Osborne & Schneider (2017) and McKinsey (2017c)
have considered the potential impact of AI on employment levels within the context
of other trends. We review these studies in Section 4.3.2.
4.3.1 Potential job creation
Compared to the automation effects of AI adoption, this review has identified
significantly fewer contributions investigating:
What types of jobs may emerge or grow in importance as a result of the
adoption of AI;
What types of jobs are more likely to be transformed (and are likely to become
more productive) as a result of AI, rather than be replaced.
This is perhaps unsurprising, as identifying new occupations and the way in which
existing occupations will change is a significantly more demanding exercise, that
would require collecting evidence and making assumptions on the outcomes of
innovation processes, future demand for goods and services, and the
organisations of production processes.
This review has not identified any publications estimating the net impact of AI on
employment, wages or other aspects of work. By ‘net impact’ we mean taking into
account both potential job losses due to displacement, and potential job gains due
to innovation related to AI and to the potential positive impact of AI on consumer
However, several contributions have pointed out that adopting AI will lead to new
problems that have not been solved before, some of which may lead to the
emergence of new occupational categories. On the face of it, many, but not all of
the new potential occupations appear to be appear best-suited to high-educated’
Wilson, Daugherty & Morini-Bianzino (2017) suggest that ‘trainers’ (workers
performing tasks useful to train AI systems), ‘explainers’ (workers interpreting
the outputs generated by AI systems so organisations using AI systems can be
accountable internally and to others), and ‘sustainers’ (workers monitoring the
work of AI systems to prevent and mitigate any unintended consequences) may
all be jobs of the future.
Eurofound (2017a) suggests that advances in industrial robotics could generate
employment in the provision of robotics support services to manufacturing
firms, as well as in the manufacturing of robots. Roles in these areas would
include programmers and specialists in robot maintenance. These occupations
would not be entirely new, but they involve new combinations of skills.
Francois (2018), commenting on Aghion et al. (2017, reviewed in detail in
Section 3.3) notes the need for people to be involved in shaping the ‘values’ of
AI even in the case AI systems were to reach a very advanced stage of
development, where a large majority of work tasks could be automated.
More in general, Agrawal, Gans & Goldfarb (2017) frame AI as a ‘prediction
machine’ and note that its use will raise demand for tasks that complement
prediction. One such group of tasks they point to is ‘judgement’ the
assessment of the value of potential outcomes, which can be combined with
predictions about what the potential outcomes are to generate decisions over
what course of action should be taken.
4.3.2 Estimates of future skills requirements
Along with articles described above, which point to specific sources of potential job
creation related to AI, others have aimed to predict future levels and composition
of employment, taking into account a number of possible future trends including
the adoption of AI in the workplace. This Section focusses on two reports that have
given specific consideration to the potential impact of technology: Bakhshi et al.
(2017) and McKinsey (2017c).
Nesta and Oxford Martin School: ‘The Future of Skills’
Bakhshi et al. (2017) adopt an innovative approach to translate expert judgement
into predictions about a detailed set of occupations. Their analysis generates
predictions for the probability that the share and the total number of people
employed in each occupation will increase, decrease, or remain constant by 2030.
They provide separate estimates, generated using the same approach but
judgement by a different group of experts, for the United States and the UK.
In a nutshell, their approach consists of the following steps:
Eliciting from experts predictions about the future of 30 detailed occupation
groups (defined at a detailed level of Standard Occupational Codes), up to
Using these predictions, along with detailed information about each occupation
group, to train a machine learning algorithm that would generate predictions for
all detailed occupation groups.
Using this approach, the study estimates that around 20% of UK workers are
employed in occupations that are likely to shrink as a proportion of the workforce,
while 10% are employed in occupations that are likely to grow.
Overall, their findings suggest declining employment in many low- and middle-
educated occupations, and in some professional occupations (such as financial
specialists). They also suggest that food preparation, hospitality occupations, and
elementary services (including couriers, cleaners, waiters) are likely to grow in
On the one hand, this is broadly consistent with concerns that the future may
continue to provide declining opportunities for employment in the middle of the
education distribution, and that technology (and other trends) may erode
employment in occupation groups that had previously been ‘protected’:
At the high end of the education distribution, Financial specialists (including
fraud examiners, risk management specialists, financial quantitative analysts,
and investment underwriters), and to a lesser extent, Health technologists and
technicians (e.g. radiologic technicians);
At the low end of the education distribution, Assemblers and Fabricators, Food
processing workers, and other hospitality occupations, among others.
Moreover, many of the occupation groups expected to grow are found at opposite
extremes of education requirements:
Some typically requiring university education (e.g. creative, digital design,
engineering, architecture, medical, education occupations);
Others, in typically low-education services (e.g. animal care and service
workers, personal appearance workers)
However, occupations expected to grow also include some middle-education
occupations – ‘Construction Trades Workers’ in the US, Sports and Fitness
occupations, Electrical and Electronic Trades in the UK). The authors’
interpretation of the findings also suggests that some of the low-education
occupations expected to grow (e.g. hospitality occupations) could become
At 4-digit for the UK and 6-digit level for the US, using the most recent available SOC classification:
Respectively, O*NET-SOC code 13-2099 and 29-2099:
increasingly better (paid), perhaps in light of recent evidence on the role of new
‘craft’ activities in the economy (e.g. microbreweries).
Box 4. Detail and discussion of method: The Future of Skills
Bakhshi et al. (2017) use the following method to generate predictions on
the likelihood that existing occupations will experience increasing or
decreasing demand up to 2030:
Experts provided their predictions within two workshops (one for each
country) hosting 12 to 13 experts from academia, government, industry
and the social sector.
Experts were provided with factsheets for each occupation and invited to
consider the potential impact of the following trends: technological
change (including progress in AI); globalisation; demographic change;
environmental sustainability; urbanisation; increasing inequality; political
Experts provided directional predictions and an assessment of their
(un)certainty on a scale of 0 (not certain at all) to 9 (completely certain).
The first set of 10 occupations was chosen randomly, the second and
third set were chosen so they would be maximally informative for the
machine learning algorithm.
The machine learning algorithm uses predictions about 30 occupation
groups generated from expert workshops in combination with detailed
information on the ‘content’ of each of the 30 occupation groups from the
US O*NET database (technically, scores against 120 ‘features’ for each
occupation group) as a training set to generate predictions about the
remaining occupation groups.
Once predictions have been generated, the study investigates which
work features are predictive of changes in future demand.
Centre for Cities (2018) uses data on the location of UK workers to understand
how the predictions in Bakhshi et al. (2017) may vary across cities. The study finds
that the proportion of workers in occupations likely to shrink varies from 13%
(Oxford, Cambridge) to 29% (Mansfield, Sunderland and Wakefield). Cities where
this proportion is higher are also likely to benefit the least from the new job creation
predicted by Bakhshi et al. (2017). These are also disproportionately cities that
already experience relatively poor economic performance (low productivity).
Comparing predictions with data on the rise and decline of different occupations
over the 20
century, the study argues that the predicted scale of change is not
unprecedented. However, the unequal distribution of predicted growth and decline,
combined with existing disparities, poses significant challenges.
McKinsey Global Institute: Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained
McKinsey (2017c) models not only the potential displacement effects of automation
enabled by AI, but also potential job creation related to six distinct trends. These
trends include the development and deployment of new technology. This does not
Felk & Mengedoth (2014).
explicitly include any effect of AI. However, job creation related to this trend is
estimated by projecting forward recent employment growth in IT roles (e.g.
computer scientists, IT administrators). It is not clear whether this level of growth
would or would not be possible in the absence of development and deployment of
AI - but if one were to model the impact of AI deployment and development
separately, alongside this trendline scenario, there would be a need to worry about
potential double-counting.
In any case, the report provides an indication of the potential size of job creation
that may counteract (along with other effects specifically linked to AI) possible
displacement linked to technology. The five trends considered along with the
development and deployment of new technology are: rising consumption in
emerging economies; population ageing; investment in infrastructure and
buildings; investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate
adaptation; ‘marketisation’ of previously unpaid domestic work particularly in
developing economies.
For consumption and ageing, related employment growth is modelled extrapolating
forward recent growth as in the case of technology (‘trendline scenario’). For other
drivers, the trendline scenario is accompanied by a ‘step-up scenario’ in which it is
assumed that the relevant trend will accelerate compared to the recent past.
Overall, the study suggests that the trends described above can be linked with
significant employment growth, at least in the same ballpark as the potential
employment losses linked to automation. Job losses from automation are modelled
according to McKinsey’s ‘midpoint scenario’ for adoption of AI, described in Section
4.2 of this report. However, employment losses and gains are different in terms of
occupations and location, which implies potentially challenging transitions. For
example, employment in office support occupations is expected to shrink in
advanced economies and grow in developing economies (e.g. China, India,
4.4 Evidence on changes in relationships between
workers, employers, and technology
Evidence presented in Sections 4.1 to 4.3 was largely related to the number and
types of jobs that are expected to grow or decline in the future, while AI is
increasingly adopted in production processes. In this Section, we report evidence
on how digital technology is affecting different areas of economic activity, and on
the likely impact of AI on aspects of job quality other than earnings.
The areas of
economic activity mentioned in this Section are not necessarily those where AI has
had or is expected to have the greatest impact.
For a definition of job quality please see Section 4.4.2 below.
4.4.1 Case studies of automation in specific settings
Service industries and technical occupations
Lacity and Willcocks (2016) study how ‘Robotic Process Automation’ (defined as
‘tools and platforms that deal with structured data, rules-based processes, and
deterministic outcomes’) has been adopted in 11 services industries.
The study
relies on surveys of outsourcing professionals and interviews with 48 people,
including service automation adopters, software providers, and management
consultants. This article does not set out to provide a representative view of how
service automation is being implemented, but rather to investigate why firms are
adopting service automation, what outcomes they are achieving, and what makes
service automation beneficial to the firm.
All the cases of automation considered in this article involve integration between
human and machine capabilities, or automation leading to refocus and restructure
human tasks without leading to significant displacement.
In one case, an advantage of automation was increasing the firm’s ability to scale
up and down routine interactions with customers to accommodate different phases
in the product life cycle. Automated routine interactions could increase
automatically when required, for example to support the launch of a new product,
while workers kept focussing on more complex cases of interactions with
customers. The idea of changing market conditions influencing the interaction
between workers and machines is also relevant in Wilson et al. (2017) and
Brynjolfsson & Mitchell (2017): when a situation requires new tasks being
performed (as in the case of the launch of a new product), these tasks may be first
performed by workers, and then devolved to machines once sufficient data to train
machine learning algorithms have been collected.
Other examples of automation provided in Lacity and Willcocks (2016) involve a
redesign of workers’ responsibilities towards less routine tasks. One of these cases
is the automated production of corporate earnings reports, adopted by the
Associated Press (AP) in 2014. Reporters who produce the corporate earnings
reports before this was automated were not laid off. Rather, these reporters re-
focussed on other stories that could not be produced through an automated
process. It is possible that this outcome was driven, or at least influenced, by the
characteristics of employer-employee relations in this industry. The authors note
that reporters employed by the AP are highly unionised but does not comment on
the role of unions in shaping the outcome of this automation process.
While this picture of service automation does not provide examples of workers
being displaced as a result, it is worth noting that:
The automation considered here is likely applicable to a narrower set of tasks
compared to those that could be performed by AI systems. It is not clear where
more advanced stages of automation may in fact lead to lay-offs.
The restructuring of occupations described here implies that skills such as
creativity and problem-solving are increasingly valuable. While restructuring of
Including Healthcare, Energy, Telecommunications, Media, Financial and accounting services, and
this type may not lead to mass layoffs, workers may be required to adapt to
significantly different tasks, and the transition may be challenging for some.
The arguments in Liew (2018) and Recht and Bryan (2017) around the use of AI
in radiology echo some of Lacity and Willcocks’ findings about the potential for
integration between workers and machines in other occupations and industries.
Liew (2018) describes five key areas of radiology where AI can already be applied
given existing technical capabilities, and argues that radiologists should take
advantage of these capabilities to deliver imaging at lower cost, and leverage their
ability to make clinical decisions based on imaging data.
Eurofound (2017a) reports evidence from existing literature and interviews with
experts on the adoption of robotics in manufacturing industries in Europe. The
report focusses on ‘Advanced Industrial Robotics’ (AIR), defined as ‘robots working
within industrial environments, which are equipped with advanced functionalities
(for example, sensing potential collisions and halting or performing a programme
motion with a small offset) allowing them to operate in less structured contexts.
The ability of AIR to operate in less structured contexts implies greater flexibility of
production, including the potential to introduce greater variation (personalisation)
and to adapt the scale of production to changes in customer demands more
quickly. In terms of the economic framework presented in section 3.3, businesses
aim to use AIR not only to achieve greater efficiency (lower prices) but also better
quality, and to introduce new products. Consistent with that economic framework,
experts participating in this study expect these improvements to lead to greater
demand for manufacturing products, countervailing the negative impact of
automation on the demand for workers in manufacturing.
As robots can take on an increasing range of tasks, the role of workers is expected
to shift away from manual activities (including hazardous tasks) and towards the
supervision of, and integration with, automation. The roles of production line
supervisors and operators, production managers, and forklift operators are
expected to change significantly and require upskilling. This could be challenging,
as the new roles are likely to involve mixes of skills that are not often combined in
existing occupations (note that the recombination of existing tasks into new
occupations is a key theme in Brynjolfsson et al., 2018, as seen in Section 4.2).
However, this study also suggests that a significant proportion of the required
upskilling could be achieved through on-the-job training.
The ageing of the industrial workforce is mentioned as a significant driver of robot
adoption, consistent with the insights in Acemoglu & Restrepo (2018b) seen in
section 3.2. Social and regulatory factors are not mentioned as important drivers,
but the study notes that defining who should be liable for any work-related
accidents caused by robots could be problematic. The legal issues around this
could be complex due to the variety of commercial arrangements between robot
producers and users.
The study also discusses potential implications of AIR for the quality of
manufacturing jobs. These findings are reported in section 4.4.2 below.
Digital platforms
The emergence of digital ‘platforms’ (e.g. Uber, Deliveroo, Lyft), connecting
consumers and workers through relatively little intervention of an intermediary, has
been widely discussed for its implications on work, market competition (e.g. Evans
& Schmalensee, 2014), and other outcomes (e.g. traffic congestion). These new
forms of work are enabled by digital technology - not necessarily by AI specifically.
However, increasing use of digital technology, including AI, could make some of
the aspects of these forms of work increasingly relevant:
Work being organised largely through algorithms, rather than decisions of a
larger number of human managers. As a result, workers interacting increasingly
with machines (and customers) and less often with co-workers;
The division of some types of work into smaller tasks that can be sourced from
a large pool of potential workers (‘crowdsourced’), as in the case of Amazon
Mechanical Turk.
Lee, Kusbit, Metsky & Dabbish (2018) and Rosenblat & Stark (2016) investigate
how drivers who use ride-sharing applications (Uber, Lyft) in the United States
respond to ‘algorithmic management’: the automated mechanisms that ride-
sharing platforms use to direct their behaviour. Both studies analyse posts by
drivers in dedicated online forums and performed semi-structured interviews with
drivers (21 and seven, respectively) and passengers (12 in Lee et al.). This
research suggests that:
Drivers valued the flexibility provided by the platforms;
However, drivers felt relatively little control over several aspects of their work,
which they linked to:
Specific explicit policies around what should or should not be done to use
the app, and sudden changes in those policies: for example, the inability to
refuse a ride request from a potential passenger based on its destination,
or to request payment to return items left behind by passengers;
Mechanisms or design choices that influence their behaviour, more or less
explicit (from the use of ‘surge’ pricing, to messages around likely future
The need to maintain a high rating from passengers to keep driving through
the platform.
Rosenblat & Stark (2016) conclude that despite Uber’s limited explicit managerial
role, its automated systems have considerable power to control how workers
behave, and that workers have limited scope to influence these systems.
An important issue concerns the legal status of those who work through digital platforms – whether self-
employed, employees, or somewhere in between. In the UK, this issue has been recently analysed in depth
by Matthew Taylor’s ‘Review of Modern Working Practices’. This review does not take a view on this debate
– we simply refer to people offering their work on digital platforms as ‘workers’ and describe their relation to
the platform as ‘users’, although we recognise that other terms may be more appropriate.
4.4.2 Effects on the quality of the working environment
International organisations have defined a number of frameworks that aim to
define and support the measurement of ‘job quality’. These frameworks include,
among others, those developed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO,
2012), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE, 2015), the
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
(Eurofound, 2013), and the OECD (Cazes, Hijzen & Saint-Martin, 2016). A
common thread across these frameworks is that they consider earnings as one
element among a set of factors that determine how work affects different aspects
of people’s well-being. For example, the OECD Job Quality Framework suggests
that measuring the quality of jobs held in a country and/or by a group of workers
should include:
Earnings, including both average earnings and earnings inequality;
Labour market security, including the risk of falling into unemployment or very
low pay, as well as the degree of insurance against unemployment and the
probability of getting out of very low pay;
Quality of the working environment including:
Factors that have a negative impact on quality: time pressure and physical
health risk factors;
Factors that have a positive impact on quality: work autonomy and learning
opportunities, and good workplace relationships.
The deployment of AI could have an impact not only on earnings and labour market
security, as discussed throughout this report, but also on the quality of the working
environment. This is noted in RSA (2017), and it is also consistent with the changes
in working environment observed during the first industrial revolution (as discussed
in section 3.1) and with the emergence of digital platforms in several markets.
This review has not identified predictions of the potential impact of AI on job quality.
RSA (2017), a recent review of existing literature on automation (Eurofound,
2017a, summarised earlier in this section) and Eurofound (2017b) suggest that the
use of AI could lead to positive or negative changes in the quality of the working
The automation of routine tasks, potentially allowing workers to refocus on non-
routine activities and on the supervision of automated work could lead to
greater autonomy and learning opportunities for some roles (as in the case of
production line supervisors delineated in Eurofound, 2017a). The proliferation
in the workplace of machines, typically equipped with sensors, could make
workers subject to increasing degree of monitoring, with potential negative
impacts on their autonomy.
The increasing use of robotics in manufacturing could reduce the need for
workers to perform dangerous and physically demanding tasks. However, as
advances in industrial robotics allow greater interaction between robots and
In Cazes et al. (2016), ‘quality of the working environment’ captures ‘non-economic aspects of employment’.
humans, new risks for health and safety may emerge, at least in an initial period
of adoption.
The impact of AI on working relationships is likely to be complex and to change
from role to role. On the one hand, automation may lead increasing numbers
of workers to interacting primarily with machines rather than with co-workers.
On the other, if work that involves interaction with others resists automation (as
suggested for some types of interaction by several of the studies reviewed in
section 4.2), an increasing proportion of work tasks will involve interacting with
A broader literature has considered the role of digital technology in shaping the
quality of work. A recent contribution in this area is Evans & Kitchin (2018), which
examines how the use of extensive information management (or ‘big data’)
systems affects worker satisfaction, drawing on an ethnography of a retail store in
Ireland. In the store, a number of digital devices guide and generate continuously
fine-grained data on workers’ activities. This changed working practices in at least
two ways:
A greater emphasis on measurable aspects of work as indicators of
performance and drivers of pay (to the expense of ‘symbolic work’, including
the amount and characteristics of interactions with customers);
A move from direct monitoring based on observation from a supervisor to
continuous monitoring based on data.
The changes led to worker dissatisfaction, related to the undervaluation of
symbolic work, and a lack of understanding of the operational parameters of the
organisation as a whole, leading to worker disengagement. The authors note that
redesigning how big data systems are used could remove or mitigate some of
these issues.
RSA (2017) also notes that AI could be used to automate recruitment processes.
Here caution will be needed to ensure that AI, if used, does not entrench existing
biases (or introduce other forms of bias). This is a possible risk in using past
recruitment decisions to train machine learning algorithms that could be applied to
screening future applications. As noted in Citron & Pasquale (2014) in reference
to credit scoring, limiting the fairness issues related to the use of automated
decision making may require regulatory oversight. Yet there is potential to improve
recruitment decisions, reducing rather than magnifying existing bias against groups
of applicants. Kahneman (2018) and Thaler (2015) note that in many cases where
humans are required to make decisions, they are outperformed by even simple
statistical models and recruitment may be one of these cases (Thaler, 2015).
Managers’ reluctance to accept giving up decision to machines could be a
significant factor delaying the adoption of further automation.
This review has drawn on literature from a range of disciplines to inform on-going
discussions about the potential impact of AI on work.
Evidence from economics, history, sociology and other disciplines shows that the
impact of AI is likely to be influenced not only by technology but also by cultural,
economic, social factors. Indeed, the way in which work is organised can change
significantly across borders even where the same technology is used in production.
There is evidence that digital technology and automation have already significantly
affected work over and above the role of trade liberalisation. This evidence shows
that the use of digital technology in work is linked with increasing polarisation of
work between jobs mainly performed by workers with low levels of formal education
(‘low-educated’) and jobs performed by high-educated workers.
Employment overall has not declined, but there have been shifts from
manufacturing to services, across geographical areas, and income losses for
displaced low-educated workers. Individual losses from displacement related to
automation have not yet been estimated but a broader literature suggests that
these losses can be significant and persistent.
There is significant uncertainty around the technical potential for AI to automate
tasks currently performed in the workplace. Several studies suggest that AI could
affect at least a significant minority of existing jobs, and that occupations performed
by low-educated workers more likely to be affected compared to those performed
by high-educated workers.
If AI is widely adopted and this leads to automation, economic modelling suggests
that potential job losses in the short term will be compensated to an extent by
countervailing mechanisms through which increasing productivity leads to greater
demand for labour. This may nevertheless lead to significant increases in
inequality, particularly if employers have significant market power.
We have identified the following gaps in evidence base:
There is limited evidence on how AI is being used now and on how workers’
tasks have changed where this has happened.
There has been relatively little discussion of how existing institutions, policies,
social responses are shaping and are likely to shape the evolution of AI and its
We have identified little consideration of how international trade, mobility of
capital and of AI researchers are shaping the development of AI and therefore
its potential impact on work.
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This review consisted of three key steps:
1. Identifying potentially relevant evidence;
2. Selecting relevant evidence;
3. Analysing the selected evidence.
The review focussed on English language publications, published since 2000. We
considered as potentially relevant all publications – regardless of their discipline -
1. Provided quantitative estimates of the impact of AI on job destruction, job
creation, net levels of employment, or earnings.
2. Provided quantitative and qualitative information that could be used to
generate, improve or assess quantitative estimates of the impact of AI.
We were also guided by the questions listed in Figure 6 overleaf, agreed with the
Royal Society (RS) and the British Academy (BA)in early stages of this review.
In this phase of the project we aimed to cast a wide net, only excluding publications
that are clearly far from the two objectives above. We also set out below further
steps to ensure the transparency of our selection process.
To identify the academic literature, we used a combination of searches on key
databases (JSTOR, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect) and ‘snowballing’ (searching
for publications that have cited or have been cited by relevant contributions
identified previously), as well as building on any existing review publications and
following suggestions provided by RS and BA, attendees to workshops held on
March 9
and May 15
2018, and researches and policymakers interviewed as
part of this project.
Publications considered to be relevant were recorded in a standardised format in
a spreadsheet table, including basic bibliographic information and abstract, where
available (‘the long list’). The long list included 167 publications, from which we
agreed with the RS and BA a short list of 42 to be reviewed in detail.
Due to the relatively short time frame of this project, we restricted our scope to
articles published from 2000, and we have not been able to include books among
the publications reviewed in detail. Where a book that would be close to the ‘core’
of the topic map presented above was identified, we aimed to reflect as much as
possible the author’s view by relying on alternative sources, including:
Academic articles or working papers published by the author on the topic;
Other articles published by the author;
Discussion of the author’s findings and views in other researchers’ publications;
Interviews with researchers and policymakers, and events convened by the RS
and BA as part of their on-going programme of work on Artificial Intelligence.
For example, we were not able to review Susskind and Susskind’s (2105) book
‘The Future of the Professions’. However, we aimed to incorporate findings from
this work through the following: an interview with Richard Susskind; including
articles published by the authors in our long list of relevant publications; attending
a workshop organised by the RS and the BA, held in London on March 15
, 2018,
where Richard Susskind gave a keynote speech.
Figure 6 High-level questions and specific issues discussed in the
High-level question Specific issues Selected drivers
What is AI be
capable of doing and
how will that change
in the next 5-10
What tasks will AI be
capable of performing
more effectively than
Technological: current
capabilities of AI and likely
speed of improvement
Cultural, economic, political, and
social factors: determining what
research is funded, where, and
what research is most effective
How will AI be used
to produce goods
and services?
How will the use of
AI change the
productivity of
workers and capital?
What tasks will AI
perform? Which of these
will be tasks currently
performed by workers?
Which worker tasks or
uses of capital will be
complemented by AI?
What are the effects of AI
adoption in specific
occupations or industries
on the rest of the
Will AI adoption drive
major social changes?
Will the use of AI have
any effects on research
and innovation?
How quickly will any
changes happen?
What organisations have the
necessary ‘absorptive capacity’
to adopt new technology for
commercial ends?
What ethical considerations may
inform the application of AI?
How would increasing
interaction with machines affect
human decision-making
(particularly by business
What social changes should be
expected, given the history of
previous periods of
technological change?
What innovations will generate
new demand for workers, if any?
How will the interaction between
business leaders and workers
shape the use of AI?
How will any
additional income
generated by AI be
What additional goods
and services will be
demanded by those
experiencing greater
earnings due to AI?
Economic, cultural, social,
psychological and other factors
influencing consumer choices
Who will work, how
many hours will they
work for, under what
conditions, and for
what wage?
How fast will changes in
employer requirements be
compared to changes in
the supply of labour?
How will labour demand
and supply interact?
Will employers have greater
market power?
Will there be changes in
collective bargaining?
Source: Frontier Economics analysis based on preliminary review of the literature.
Defined as ‘The ability of a firm to acquire relevant external knowledge, transform existing practices, and
exploit these new capabilities for commercial ends’ (Zahra, S.A., et al. (2002). Absorptive Capacity: A
Review, Reconceptualization, and Extension. Academy of Management Review 27(2), 185–203).