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The CIT Media and Music facilities at
CITReid include outstanding professional
work-simulated industry environments
for screen and media, sound production
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2 Overview
4 Screen and Media
6 Live Theatre Production
8 Sound Production
10 Music Performance
12 Music Electronica
14 Photography
16 Industry Experiences
17 Study With Us
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Media and music facilities
CIT Media and Music provides students
with excellent workplace facilities.
Fully-equipped Mac labs, lming spaces,
recording studios, rehearsal rooms and
specialist classes mean students are able
to develop authentic industry skills.
Students work on media
and sound projects and events run by
professional industry partners and learn
directly from experienced teachers who
teach the practical skills needed to excel
in this hands-on industry. On graduation
students will have a suite of material to
support them in further study or nding
work, including a nished album or EP,
show reel, and lm and album credits.
Study live theatre production at the
Canberra Theatre Centre
Students learn in a world class fully
equipped theatre. Students will work on
a wide variety of live shows throughout
the year developing skills in lighting,
staging and sound.
Real skills, real projects
With a media or music course at CIT,
ourstudents learn all the skills to
produce, publish, distribute, promote
and sell their creative services and
works. Students from media, music and
sound work together under the guidance
of experienced teachers, providing a
learningenvironment more like a real
workplace than a classroom.
Our students are skilled not
only in producing lms or music, but also
learn to work freelance, communicate
professionally, develop networks,
conduct business and promote their
businesses, giving them the real world
skills to condently step into work in the
media and music industries.
Theatre students will complete
their studies with experience on a wide
variety of live shows. They will also have
excellent collaborative skills from their
close partnerships on key shows at the
end of each semester.
Recording studios, labs and performance spaces assist
with cross fertilisation of ideas andcollaboration. Sound,
music and media work together regularly on public events
and lm projects, giving them the opportunity to build
relationships and form broadly skilled teams to help turn
their big ideas into fully realised projects. All course areas
have longstanding industry connections, local and interstate
excursions to production houses and studios, and industry
guest speakers.
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Contemporary training courses
Our courses are designed to prepare
students to work in today’s screen
and media industries. Our students
study lm and TV production, outside
broadcast and web based media
production, sound, editing, scripting,
producing, visual eects and more.
Real world projects
We know that theory is not enough.
It’sthe hands-on skills that prepare our
students for employment and makes
them valuable to employers. At CIT our
students collaborate with industry on
real-world projects to ensure they have
the skills that the industry needs.
The facilities
Supported by teachers who are media
professionals and experienced lm
makers, our students learn in specialist
facilities including dedicated lming
spaces and Mac labs with access to the
latest video, sound and image editing
software. In addition, students have
access to a range of video cameras and
sound equipment, dolly, lighting, outside
broadcast unit and a live venue for
working on public events and lm shoots.
Over my two years at CIT I have learnt to turn
my passion into real skills to better myself. The
opportunities and connections that I have made
through my studies have helped me to re-establish my
goals and re-purpose my life. Ieagerly await the next
phase of my journey as Inish my studies and move
into the workforce.”
Richard Nicholas – Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media student
and Media
Industry opportunities
Our courses open the door to work as
a producer, director, presenter, studio
manager, digital editor, camera operator,
lighting or audio technician, script editor,
and production coordinator.
Our students work on complex
projects with students and sta from
across CIT. Cooking programs, Forensic
procedurals, Music talent shows and Live
performances. This builds the skills for
successful work placements in both the
Diploma and Advanced Diploma leading
directly to work in the industry.
Statement of Attainment Writing for
Screen (from CUA41215) 8 weeks part
Statement of Attainment Camera Skills
for Screen (from CUA41215) 8 weeks
part time.
Statement of Attainment Editing for
Screen (from CUA41215) 8 weeks part
Diploma of Screen and Media
(CUA51015) 3 terms (9 months) full time.
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media
(CUA51015) 1 year full time.
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Live Theatre
Contemporary training course
The Certicate III in Live Production and
Services is the perfect way to develop
your love of theatre. The course covers
key technical skills in lighting, sound,
vision systems and staging. You will
also develop your communication
and collaboration skills as you work
closely with a wide range of theatre
professionals staging a huge range of
The facilities
All training and assessment will take
place in the Canberra Theatre Centre.
After a few skill development classes,
your study will consist of work placement
on an enormous range of shows in any of
the centre’s three performance spaces.
You will work on small intimate shows in
the studio, dramas in the playhouse and a
wide variety of bigger shows in the main
Industry opportunities
As this is workplace-based training, you
will emerge with excellent industry based
skills. You will make connections with
staging companies and professionals
as you work alongside them during your
training. Upon completion, you will be
able to cite all of the shows you have
trained on in your resume. There will also
be opportunities during the course to
broaden your networks by working on
shows with other theatres such as the
Canberra Rep and The Street Theatre.
Certicate III in Live Production
andServices (CUA30415) 2 semesters
(12months) full time or part time
Our classroom has been the main stage of
both the Canberra Theatre Centre and the
Courtyard Studio which has been extremely
exciting. We have learned a lot about working
in the industry and have undertaken practical
assessments on sound and lighting set ups.“
Annie Teasdale – Certicate III in Live Production & Services student
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Contemporary training courses
CIT sound production courses have been
launching ne sound engineers into the
industry for twenty years. Our training
focuses on both technical and artistic
components of sound production and
sound design, and we cultivate a learning
space where students are encouraged to
pursue their own style; broadening their
skill sets across sound, music, media and
business. Our highly respected teachers
are active sound engineers working
in industry with their own genres and
specialisations; oering training with a
depth of expertise and skill second to
Industry opportunities
Our sound production graduates are
well-regarded by industry and often
land work in roles including live sound
engineer, production coordinator, editor,
sound designer, radio producer, and
audio technician.
Our students regularly work for
real clients including Screen Canberra,
Canberra Comedy Festival, local bars and
festivals, and CIT Student Association
during their studies, and develop
valuable networks through collaborative
industry-based projects. With the
support of our experienced teachers and
their networks in the media and music
industry, students often nd work soon
after graduation.
“Being able to work in a group and know how
to work in a group is extremely important in
building teams and building relationships; that’s
denitely something I took from CIT.”
Kojo Ansah AKA Citizen Kay – Diploma of Sound Production graduate
The facilities
industry-standard Digidesign, MIDAS
and Sienna live sound consoles
recording studios, featuring control
rooms with Pro Tools HD, Digidesign
control surfaces, and hardware units
including EQs, compressors and
studio oors and rehearsal spaces, with
baby grand piano, drum kits and amps
an extensive range of high-end
microphones for studio recording, live
sound and location recording
electronic music production gear
including synths and controllers from
leading brands such as Korg, Akai and
Nord, and Ableton Live and Pro Tools
Apple Mac lab with a large range of
industry standard production software
including Pro Tools.
Certicate III in Music Industry
(CUA30915) 1 semester (6 months)
full-time, orpart-time equivalent.
Certicate IV in Music Industry
(CUA40915) 1 semester (6 months)
full-time, orpart-time equivalent.
Diploma of Music Industry (Sound
Production) (CUA50815) 2 semesters
(12 months) full-time intensive, or
part-time equivalent.
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Contemporary training courses
Studying music performance at CIT is
the perfect way to develop your musical
style and technique in preparation for
higher study pathways or a career in the
music industry. Our students develop all
of the fundamental skills and knowledge
required to perform professionally
and explore their artistic potential. We
oer a wide range of classes including
music theory, stagecraft, technical and
repertoire, harmony, live performance,
song-writing, and recording, as well
as the business and professional
communication skills to work for
themselves or others.
Industry opportunities
Our courses open the door to further
study in music performance and work as
a live performer, lm composer, games
composer, or session musician.
Our students are regularly
booked for live performances for
clients on events, and develop valuable
networks with other musicians,
sound engineers and music business
professionals through collaborative
industry-based projects such as lms
and album recordings. With the support
of our experienced teachers and their
networks in the music industry, music
graduates are well-equipped to nd
work and build a sustainable career in the
music industry.
The facilities
CIT music performance students have
access to some of the region’s best
music training facilities, including:
recording studios, featuring control
rooms with Pro Tools HD and
Digidesign control surfaces
studio oors and rehearsal spaces,
with baby grand piano, drum kits and
an extensive range of high-end
microphones, amps, drum kits and
keyboards for studio recording and live
electronic music production gear
including synths and controllers from
leading brands such as Korg, Akai and
Nord, and Ableton Live and Pro Tools
Apple Mac lab with a large range of
industry standard production software
including Pro Tools and Sibelius.
Certicate III in Music Industry
(CUA30915) 1 semester (6 months)
full-time, or part-time equivalent.
Certicate IV in Music Industry
(CUA40915) 1 semester (6 months)
full-time, or part-time equivalent.
Diploma of Music (Performance)
(CUA50815) 2 semesters (12 months)
full-time, or part-time equivalent.
“The music industry is a stressful and pressuring
environment but thanks to CIT, I’ve learnt that it
doesn’t have to be that way. They teach you to be
organised, motivated and always happy.”
Adam MacDougall - Music Performance graduate
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Contemporary training courses
Music electronica is a unique blend
of sound production and music
performance for students with a taste
for electronic music and DJ-ing. Studying
music electronica at CIT is the perfect
way to develop your electronic music
style and technique in preparation for
higher study pathways or a career in the
music industry. Our students develop all
of the fundamental skills and knowledge
required to perform electronic music
professionally and explore their
artistic potential. Our students learn
a wide range of skills in music theory,
performing using digital media, song-
writing, recording, mixing and sound
design, as well as the business skills to
work for themselves or others
Industry opportunities
Our courses open the door to further
study in music electronica and work as a
live performer, DJ, lm composer, games
composer or sound designer.
Our students are regularly
booked for live performances for
clients on events, and develop valuable
networks with other musicians,
sound engineers and music business
professionals through collaborative
industry- based projects such as lms
and album recordings.
With the support of our
experienced teachers and their networks
in the music industry, music graduates
are well-equipped to nd work and build a
sustainable career in the music industry.
The facilities
CIT music electronica students have
access to some of the region’s best
music training facilities, including:
recording studios, featuring control
rooms with Pro Tools HD, Digidesign
control surfaces, and hardware units
including EQs, compressors and
studio oors and rehearsal spaces,
with baby grand piano, drum kits,
keyboards and amps
an extensive range of high-end
microphones for studio recording, live
sound and location recording
electronic music production gear
including synths and controllers from
leading brands including Korg, Akai and
Nord, and Ableton Live and Pro Tools
Apple Mac lab with a large range of
industry standard production software
including Pro Tools and Sibelius.
Certicate III in Music Industry
(CUA30915) 1 semester (6 months)
full-time, or part-time equivalent.
Certicate IV in Music Industry
(CUA40915) 1 semester (6 months)
full-time, or part-time equivalent.
Diploma of Music Industry
(Performance) (CUA50815)
2 semesters (12 months) full-time,
or part-time equivalent.
“The sta and teachers are fantastic; they are
all in the industry themselves so they all have a
worldly knowledge of what they’re teaching.”
Carly Hayes – Sound Production and Music Business graduate
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Picture yourself here
Photography at CIT has a reputation for
producing some of the nest commercial
photographers in the country. Our
training includes a focus on both
technical and artistic components of
photographic practice, and we cultivate
a learning space where students
are free to nd their own style and
specialisation. Our lecturers have joined
us from a diverse range of photographic
backgrounds, with experience across
many genres and specialisations;
oering training with a depth of
expertise and skill second to none.
The facilities
CIT photography students have access
to the region’s best photography training
facilities, including:
two industry standard studios fully-
equipped with cycloramas and ying
a dedicated imaging lab with Apple
Mac computers, Eizo monitors and
calibration devices; all equipped with
industry standard software
a large range of Canon, Hasselblad,
Mamiya, Phase One and Sinar digital
and lm cameras
an extensive range of Broncolor studio
ash gear and modiers, tungsten,
HMI and LED lighting kits
a high-end large format printing facility
supported by Canon Australia.
Industry opportunities
Students who study photography at
CIT benet from our many industry
partnerships. They work on real industry
projects for commercial clients, allowing
them to build a diverse portfolio and
develop a network of creative industry
contacts. Depth is added to the learning
experience across the semester through
our series of CIT hosted industry
speaker seminars and workshops
delivered by partners from local, national
and international industry bodies.
CIT photography students are oered
interstate eld trips and the opportunity
to attend industry events. We oer
domestic and international study
experiences. Students participate
in regular exhibitions in the CIT
‘Designspace’ gallery and graduating
students host a major end of year
exhibition at the Hight Court of Australia,
with an annual attendance of over 600.
Certicate IV in Photography and Photo
Imaging (CUA41115) 2 semesters(12
months) full-time, or part-time equivalent.
Diploma of Photography and Photo
Imaging (CUA50915) 2 semesters
(12 months) full-time, or part-time
“Learning at CIT helped me build my condence
in photography and also taught me important
skills that I am truly thankful for. CIT has state
of the art facilities, great teachers and a very
friendly environment.“
Ari Rex – Graduate student
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Film making
Our students work on a range of reality
TV formats to give them the variety of
production experiences needed to fully
emulate industry experience. They work
with young chefs, forensic scientists,
songwriters, graphic designers,
photographers, actors and hair and
Working as part of a large crew
with tight deadlines, students develop
excellent communication and technical
production skills to produce prole
pieces, multi-camera judging scenes,
interviews, promos and nally the
nished product.
Live events
CIT Media and Music students learn,
develop and rene their skills in live
sound, concert lighting and outside
broadcast on live events for both CIT
and outside clients. Our MIC Night
concerts have attracted interstate
and international performers, who
often give master classes to music
students. Students regularly work on
events for clients such as Canberra
Comedy Festival, Governer-General,
local festivals, weddings, corporate
events and gigs at various live venues.
Our unique learning environment that
encourages media, music and sound
students to work together as a team,
gives our students the real skills to work
in the event industry.
Albums and multimedia projects
Our students benet from close
collaborative relationships between
music, sound and media to produce
nished artistic products including
albums, music videos and games. Sound
and music students work together to
produce a nished EP or album ready
for promotion and sale, and have the
opportunity to work with media, other
CIT Creative Industries and AIE students
for photography, graphic design, cover
art, animation and games. Music and
media students regularly work together
to produce nished music videos that are
screened at events and competitions,
giving our students public exposure and
nished pieces to promote their creative
work and extend their portfolio.
Work placements
Our teachers are remarkably well
connected in industry, and often help
students nd work opportunities
for long term work or short projects.
Music students often complete work
placements at Canberra Music Tuition,
and our sound students are in regular
demand for client projects. Our students
have worked and completed internships
in media and music establishments
including Wild Bear Entertainment, The
Phoenix Bar, 2XX FM, Screen Canberra,
Staging Connections, and Better Music
plus more.
Industry Experiences Study With Us
Campus locations
CIT Media and Music courses are oered
at CIT Reid. Located in the heart of the
Canberra City, CIT Media and Music
are in close proximity to CIT’s other
Creative Industries students and facilities
including Graphic Design, Web Design,
Photography, Fashion and Visual Arts.
Media and Music facilities at CIT Reid
include recording studios, rehearsal
rooms and labs for sound production,
music performance and music electronica
courses as well as dedicated lming
spaces and editing labs for Media
courses. The café and on campus events
at CIT Reid gives students regular live
performance opportunities and students
often travel o-campus to work on client
events and projects.
Course fees
Course fees for certicate III or certicate
IV generally range between $1,000-1,700
per semester, and may incur extra fees for
music tuition, software and equipment.
Fees for diploma and advanced diploma
courses are variable depending on the
course and number of classes taken.
Students studying diploma and advanced
diploma may be eligible to receive a VET
Student Loan on their fees, while payment
plans and government fee assistance are
available to eligible students in certicate
III and IV courses. For more information,
Entry requirements
Entry requirements for certicate III
level courses in sound are relatively
open, though students are encouraged
to have completed Year 10 and be able
to demonstrate sucient literacy
skills in reading, writing, learning, oral
communication and numeracy. For entry
into music performance all applicants are
required to complete an audition on their
instrument or voice prior to entry. For
entry into a certicate IV we recommend
that students have completed a certicate
III in a related eld, or equivalent. A
demonstrated interest and aptitude
in music or media is recommended
as an entry requirement for diploma
and advanced diploma level courses,
which may be demonstrated through
completion of a certicate IV or extensive
work experience in a related eld. Entry
into media statements of attainment
are relatively open and the successful
completion of these three short courses
is the most direct path to the Diploma of
Screen and Media (DP-BD21).
Course dates
The primary intake into all media, music
and theatre courses is Semester 1 of
each year, with classes beginning in
mid- February. Semester 2 intake is also
available for some courses, with classes
beginning in late-July. Applications for
Semester 1 open on the last Saturday in
August each year. Short courses may have
other start dates.
How to apply
Information and enrolment sessions
are scheduled in November, February
and June each year. Before attending an
information and enrolment session, we
encourage you to submit an application
rst, so we can keep you informed and
invite you to enrolment or audition
sessions. To submit an application
online, visit
Live Theatre Production
Music Electronica
Music Performance
Screen and Media
Sound Production
Canberra Institute
37 Constitution Ave
Reid ACT 2612
CIT Student Services
(02) 6207 3188
For more information and
tosubmit an application
CIT Media, Music, Photography
and Theatre Production