Release 02.2024
Error Messages
Error Messages | 2
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages
TRACE32 Online Help
TRACE32 Directory
TRACE32 Index
TRACE32 Documents ......................................................................................................................
Misc ................................................................................................................................................
Error Messages .......................................................................................................................... 1
General Error Messages ......................................................................................................... 3
General Command Parameter Parser .................................................................................... 20
Debugger .................................................................................................................................. 44
Error Messages Related to the Peripheral View (PER) 44
Error Messages Related to FLASH Programming 46
Error Messages Related to Co-Processor Debugging 51
Error Messages Related to HiPerLoad 52
Error Messages Related to FDX 53
Error Messages Related to Terminal Function 54
Error Messages Related to MMU Address Translation 55
Error Messages Related to RTOS Support 56
Error Messages Related to Differential Download 58
Error Messages Related to Breakpoints 59
Error Messages Related to Debugging 70
Error Messages Related to Debug Hardware and Software 79
Error Messages Related to Analyzer/Trace 82
Error Messages Related to MCDS 84
Error Messages Related to Trace Testfocus/Autofocus 85
Error Messages Related to APU API 88
HLL Expression Parser ........................................................................................................... 89
Inline Assembler ...................................................................................................................... 92
Analyzer Trigger Unit Programming ...................................................................................... 99
Performance Analyzer ............................................................................................................ 141
Timing Analyzer Trigger Unit Programming ......................................................................... 142
Stimuli Generator .................................................................................................................... 160
Error Messages | 3
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages
Version 04-Mar-2024
General Error Messages
syntax error
The command in the command line contains a syntax error.
function not implemented
This command is not supported in the installed version of the debugger software. Please check for availability of updates or contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
line too long
The current command line is too long to be parsed. Make the command line shorter.
line too long in file <file>, line <number>
The PRACTICE script contains a syntax error at the given line. Use PLIST to check the script.
too many keywords in line
The current command line has too many keywords to be parsed. Make the command line shorter.
keyword too long
The current command contains a keyword that is too long. The keyword/command is invalid.
unknown command
The command is unknown in the current context. This does not imply that the command could not be used in
a different context. If working with multiple debug interfaces, be sure to select the desired device using its
command locked
The command exists but cannot be executed in the current system-state. When the system is brought to the
correct state, the command will be enabled.
NOTE: when a command is locked, this does not automatically imply that subcommands were also locked.
subcommand expected
The command is incomplete. It requires another keyword after the last dot.
unknown keyword
The used keyword (usually an argument of the current command) is written wrong or is locked.
unknown keyword '<name>'
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The used keyword (usually an argument of the current command or PRACTICE function) is written wrong or
is locked.
keyword locked
The keyword cannot be used in the current system-state. When the system is brought to the correct state,
the keyword will be enabled.
not supported or not existing option
The option is unknown or not supported in the current context.
This does not imply that the option could not be used in a different context.
If working with multiple debug interfaces, be sure to select the desired device using its prompt.
e.g. B::FLASH.TARGET 0x0++1 0x10++1 abc.bin /DualPort // isn't available in some CPU architectures.
option locked
The option exists but cannot be executed in the current system-state. When the system is brought to the
correct state, the command will be enabled.
no more arguments expected
The command line contains more arguments than the current command can accept.
more arguments expected
The command line contains fewer arguments than the current command needs. The amount of arguments
can depend on the current system state or also on other commands.
REPEAT command cannot directly be followed by this command. Use brackets.
missing ‘code’ in ON KEY ‘code’ ‘action’.
missing ‘name’ in ON CMD ‘name’ ‘action’.
Type a user-defined command name. The length of user-defined command names is limited to 9 characters.
Permissible characters for user-defined command names are [0..9], [@..Z], [a..z], '_', '+' and '-'.
invalid character in ‘name’ of ON CMD ‘name’ ‘action’ detected.
Permissible characters for user-defined command names are [0..9], [@..Z], [a..z], '_', '+' and '-'.
missing ‘command’ in ON CMD ‘name’ EXECute ‘command’
missing ‘time’ in ON TIME ‘time’ ‘action’.
missing ‘action’ in ON TIME ‘time’ ‘action’.
missing ‘label’ or ‘line’ for given action.
too many items
The argument list of the current command contains too many items. Try again with fewer items.
illegal combination of options
Two or more options of the current command can not be used at the same time.
value too small
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The value of the entered argument is smaller than the allowed minimum value.
value too large
The value of the entered argument is larger than the allowed maximum value.
value not allowed
The value of the entered argument does not match to the allowed value ranges.
duplicate input value
The value of the entered argument is already in the list of entered arguments. Please ensure each value is
specified only once.
value too large - truncated to maximum value
The value of the entered argument was too large. The maximum value will be set. E.g.
"Analyzer.SIZE 805306368." is invalid for an ETM preprocessor with a POWER TRACE with 1GB
trace memory and will be therefore truncated to "Analyzer.SIZE 268435456."
only simple range allowed
The end address of the specified address range is smaller than the start address, e.g. 0xF000--0x3000 is
not a simple range.
only ON or OFF allowed
The only acceptable arguments of the current command are ON and OFF.
only ON, OFF, or AUTO allowed
The only acceptable arguments of the current command are ON, OFF, or AUTO.
toggling not allowed in PRACTICE, must supply ON or OFF
A PRACTICE command that expects ON or OFF as argument, was called inside a PRACTICE script without
parameter. If such a command is executed from the command line, skipping the argument will cause the
option to toggle from ON to OFF and vice versa. This feature is disabled while a PRACTICE script is
only High or Low allowed
The only acceptable arguments of the current command are High and Low.
toggling not allowed in PRACTICE, must supply High or Low
A PRACTICE command that expects "High" or "Low" as argument, was called inside a PRACTICE script
without parameter. If such a command is executed from the command line, skipping the argument will cause
the option to toggle from "High" to "Low" and vice versa. This feature is disabled while a PRACTICE script is
keyword expected
The current command lacks one or more keywords.
invalid combination
This keyword is incompatible with a previous keyword.
empty string not allowed
The command or function requires a non-empty string as parameter.
WARNING: host configuration has changed, may cause unpredictable results
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The host in a controller based environment has changed. This can lead to random problems. It is
recommended to restart the debug system when the host needs to be changed.
too fast input, some characters were lost
This error can occur when data was lost while transferring data via InterCom or Remote API. Please contact
technical support (suppor[email protected]).
illegal character (<code>) for this context
This error can occur when data was lost while transferring data via InterCom or Remote API. Please contact
technical support (suppor[email protected]).
dialog window overflow, too many elements
Host system is out of memory or internal error. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
window not found
The window specified for the current command does not exist. NOTE: Window names are case sensitive.
no default window exists
No window was specified for the current command and the command tried to access the default window,
which does not exist.
panning not allowed, window freeze
Scrolling in frozen windows is not possible, because new data can not be loaded (usually because CPU is
running or memory access is not allowed or possible).
unexpected error while accessing file <filename>
An unexpected error occurred while reading or writing the specified file (e.g. disk full).
no access to <filename>, file locked
The file is currently locked and cannot be accessed.
no access to <filename>, no rights
The specified file can not be accessed, because the file access flags do not allow access.
critical error accessing file <filename>
The operating system reported a critical error while accessing the specified file. Please make sure that the
application has sufficient access rights to access the folder and modify the file. Also make sure that the file is
not exclusively used by another application.
syntax error in <filename>
The operating system reported a syntax error while accessing the specified file.
file <filename> not found
A file with the specified name does not exist in the current or specified path.
file <filename> already exists
The file about to be created already exists in the current or specified path.
file <filename> is directory
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The specified file name is the name of a directory, while a file is expected by the command.
directory <filename> is file
The specified name is the name of a file, while a directory name was expected by the command.
too many files open
The number of open files succeeds the maximum allowed number of files by the operating system. For MS-
DOS, at least 10 open files should be allowed in the CONFIG.SYS file.
file <filename> too big
The size of this file is larger than allowed. The maximum file size for TRACE32-ICE (SCU) system is limited
to 4 GBytes.
file <filename> not found in deprecated directory (~~/demo/arm/... intended?)
Since TRACE32 release 09/2021, the directory ~~/demo/arm64 in the TRACE32 system directory
(=installation directory) has been merged into directory ~~/demo/arm/. Please update the paths in your
scripts accordingly.
encrypted file incompatible or corrupt
The crypted file is either not compatible to the used decrypt command, or the file is corrupt.
Make sure to use the matching command pairs:
key string for encrypted file is wrong
The key string doesn’t match the key value which was used to encrypt the file or the file is corrupt.
no memory for file <filename>
The memory of the TRACE32-ICE (SCU) system is full. Deleting information, which is not longer used (e.g.
windows, symbols) and retrying the command may help.
wrong access mode to file <filename>
Unexpected error. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
error in timestamp information for file <filename>
Unexpected error. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
file type of file <filename> not supported
The file type of the specified file is not supported by this version of TRACE32. The operation cannot be
file version of file <filename> not supported
The version of the specified file is not supported by this version of TRACE32. The operation cannot be
no such page
The WinPAGE with the specified name does not exist and can not be selected using Use
WinPAGE.Create to create a page. NOTE: Page names are case sensitive.
log not open
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The command LOG.OPEN must be used to open a log-file.
log already open
A log file is already opened and in use when the command LOG.OPEN was called again.
no information about this context
An unknown error occurred. Please contact technical support (
no filename specified
The current command expects a file name. bot a file name was not specified.
error: wrong file type <filename> : <magicno>
The file magic doesn't match the actual CPU type or CPU settings. E.g. ElfNoteSection for different CPU
type; file byte order doesn't match CPU byte order; file header size is wrong.
WARNING: debug file does not match executable file <filename>
WARNING: file contains compressed sections (not supported)
error: character (<code> H), offset <offset>. in file <filename> (use DUMP)
Check file format, recompile and try again. If still fails, contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
A diagnostic hex dump can be made by executing the DUMP command.
error: entry near file offset <offset>. in file <filename> (use DUMP)
(see below)
error: entry near file offset <offset>. (offset <secoffset> in <section>) in file <filename> (use DUMP)
(see below)
entry near file offset <offset>. in file <filename> (use DUMP)
(see below)
entry near file offset <offset>. (offset <secoffset> in <section>) in file <filename> (use DUMP)
(see below)
possible compiler bug near offset <offset>. in file <filename> (use DUMP)
(see below)
symbol <name> at offset <name> cannot be matched in file <filename>
(see below)
error: seek error in file <filename>
(see below)
checksum error (<checksum>,<checksum>) in file <filename>
(see below)
invalid address in file
(see below)
error: inconsistency near offset <offset>. in file <filename>
Error Messages | 9
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(see below)
index out of range near offset <offset>. in file <filename>
(see below)
unexpected end of file
(see below)
inconsistency (<number>) in postprocessor
(see below)
wrong location description
(see below)
wrong location description near file offset <offset>. (offset <secoffset> in <section>) in file
(see below)
error: data section near offset <offset>.
The contents of the file specified with the Data.LOAD command do not match the selected data format of
the load command, the debugger detected the wrong file format (if was used), or the
contents are corrupted, abnormal or unexpected. Please check
that the file has not been corrupted while transferring e.g. to another system,
the specified file is in the intended format (compiler and linker configuration),
the right data format is selected, e.g. use Data.LOAD.Elf,
the right options are used regarding the compiler, e.g. Data.LOAD.Elf rom.elf /METROWERKS,
if a new compiler version could fix this error,
if the used compiler is supported by the currently installed debugger software. If the compiler is
newer than the debugger software, please upgrade the debugger software and try again.
If the problem can not be fixed, please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]). When possible,
sending the file which caused the problem will help to quickly solve this problem.
convert at address <address> in file <filename>
The translation from a bit sized file to a byte size one has problems, if not all bits of a byte are valid. In this
case the undefined bits are filled with zero and this message is generated.
overlapping mappings in file <modulname> : <affected_address_ranges>
The debugger detected overlapping address ranges in the specified file. This warning will be displayed if a
project used overlays (different code sections are located at the same address and replaced on demand by
the application)
overlapping stack frame information <program_name> : <address>
The debugger detected overlapping address ranges in the specified file. Please check linker configuration.
no format selected
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A file format has to be specified for the Data.SAVE command, e.g. Data.SAVE.Binary.
external reference (<symbol>)
When loading the file, external references were found which could not be resolved. Please contact technical
support (suppor[email protected]).
MMU translation wrong for segment <segname_name>
The debugger detected an MMU translation problem. Please check linker configuration.
number of function entry / exit points don't match
The debugger detected that .startfn and .endfn do not match. Check compiler and linker settings.
bad type indexed, try loading with /GLOBTYPES option
Data.LOAD.Elf had a problem loading the file. There is a chance that the option /GLOBTYPES will solve the
problem. If the problem is not solved, please contact technical support (
bit/byte segment type mismatch
The debugger detected a bit/byte segment mismatch. Check compiler and linker settings.
memory overflow
The host ran out of memory when loading the specified file. A corrupted file can also cause this error.
table overflow
An internal overflow occurred. A corrupted file can cause this error. Please contact technical support
hash table overflow
An internal overflow occurred. A corrupted file can cause this error. Please contact technical support
nesting stack overflow
An internal overflow occurred. A corrupted file can cause this error. Please contact technical support
too many elements per record
An internal overflow occurred. A corrupted file can cause this error. Please contact technical support
too many sections defined
An internal overflow occurred. A corrupted file can cause this error. Please contact technical support
load options don't match with file
One of the options of Data.LOAD cannot be used for the file to be loaded.
illegal source index
The loaded file contains an illegal source index. Check if a new compiler version is available.
relocatable file
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The loaded file is relocatable, e.g. a shared object file or a dynamic link library. The file has to be loaded with
its sections relocated using Data.LOAD with the /RELOC option.
section relocation failed
Section relocation based on OS Awareness failed.
base address of .debug section is not zero
The base address of the .debug section is not zero. This is an atypical case. Please check compiler/linker
explicit PRACTICE macro declaration expected
The preceding PMACRO.EXPLICIT command requires that you explicitly declare all subsequent macros
with the LOCAL or PRIVATE command, e.g. LOCAL &file, before they can be initialized, e.g.
Alternatively, you can end the explicit macro declaration range with the PMACRO.IMPLICIT command.
explicitly declared PRACTICE macro already exists
The preceding PMACRO.EXPLICIT command requires that you explicitly declare all subsequent macros
exactly at one place with the LOCAL or PRIVATE command, e.g. LOCAL &file.
Alternatively, you can end the explicit macro declaration range with the PMACRO.IMPLICIT command.
private or local PRACTICE macro expected
The command requires that the macros are already declared at the local subroutine or script level. You
explicitly declare macros with the LOCAL or PRIVATE commands, e.g. LOCAL &file.
PRACTICE script not running
The PRACTICE command CONT was called without a stopped PRACTICE script. PRACTICE scripts can
be stopped using the STOP command inside the script, by an error event or using the STOP button in the
PRACTICE block nesting error in file <file>, line <number>
The PRACTICE script contains too many block starts "(", block ends ")", or nested SUBROUTINE
PRACTICE block nesting error
The PRACTICE script contains a GOTO command which attempts to jump into a block in a different nesting
PRACTICE syntax error in file <file>, line <number>
The PRACTICE script contains a syntax error at the given line. Use PLIST to check the script.
label must be local
The destination label of the current GOTO, GOSUB command not in the local frame.
must be a macro name
The argument of a LOCAL or LOCAL command must be a macro. Macros always start with "&".
e.g. LOCAL &my_local_i &l_filename &offset
e.g. GLOBAL &project_directory &subprojectname
Error Messages | 12
1989-2024 Lauterbach
illegal macro name
A macro name contains an illegal character. Only characters "a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "@" and underscore "_"
are allowed. The first character must not be "0"-"9".
illegal macro name (must not start with a numerical digit)
A macro name must not start with a numeric digit. This restriction is valid starting with intermediate build
11/2019 and release version 02/2020.
illegal subroutine name in file <file>, line <number>
A SUBROUTINE name contains an illegal character. Only characters "a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "@" and
underscore "_" are allowed. The first character must not be "0"-"9". In contrast to a label declaration, a colon
":" after the subroutine name is not allowed when declaring a subroutine.
illegal label name
A label name contains an illegal character. The first character of a label must not be "0"-"9", or a colon ":".
no such line number
A line number was passed as argument of a GOTO, GOSUB or JUMPTO command is higher than the
number of lines of the active PRACTICE script.
no such label
In a PRACTICE SCRIPT, GOTO or JUMPTO was called with an undeclared label. NOTE: Labels must start
in the first column and must be followed by a colon. Labels are case sensitive.
no such subroutine or label
In a PRACTICE SCRIPT, GOSUB was called with an undeclared SUBROUTINE or label.
label not allowed in subroutine declaration in file <file>, line <number>
A line on a PRACTICE script that defines a SUBROUTINE must not start with a label. Also there are no
labels allowed between the subroutine declaration and the subroutine body.
double defined label or subroutine
In a PRACTICE script file, there were multiple labels or subroutines with the same name. The names of
subroutines and labels in one script must be unique. Also labels and subroutines can not share the same
missing body (...) for subroutine in line
In a PRACTICE script file, a SUBROUTINE was declared, but the subroutine body is missing. A block open
"(" must follow the SUBROUTINE declaration. See the SUBROUTINE documentation for description and
SUBROUTINE statement not allowed here
In a PRACTICE script file, a SUBROUTINE declaration must be on top level. It is not allowed to declare
subroutines within blocks "(...)" or within implicit blocks, like immediately after a IF, WHILE or RePeaT
PRACTICE stack underflow
In the currently executed PRACTICE script, a RETURN command was to be executed without a preceding
GOSUB call.
PRACTICE stack overflow
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A PRACTICE stack overflow occurs when too many nested calls took place. E.g.:
A PRACTICE file which recursively calls itself (endlessly)
The commands executed upon an event (e.g. ON ERROR), causes the event to occur again
The execution of a PRACTICE script file (*.cmm) was interrupted and the PRACTICE stack not
cleared. Use END commend to clear the PRACTICE stack.
In order to solve a PRACTICE stack overflow, use PLIST and PMACRO windows to debug the PRACTICE
PRACTICE data file not open
The write or read PRACTICE command was called with a file number that is not opened.
PRACTICE file number is too large
The given file number exceeds the limits (0..119).
e.g. PRINT FILE.EOF(300.)
PRACTICE pipe not open
An InterCom pipe was about to be read or written, but no pipe with this number was opened.
PRACTICE pipe already open
The PRACTICE command InterCom.PipeOPEN was called for an already opened file number.
unknown printer
The printer specified in the command does not exist.
error accessing printer device
Check printer configuration, printer on-line state and cables.
error reading postscript header file
The syntax of the postscript header file is incorrect.
unknown area message window
The AREA message window with the specified name does not exist. Create an AREA message window
using AREA.Create <name>. NOTE: The name is case sensitive.
too many areas
It was attempted to create more than the maximum allowed amount of AREA message windows. Close
unused windows using AREA.CLOSE.
search path too long
The path name specified in the current PRACTICE command is too long.
too many search paths
The maximum number of search paths is exceeded.
directory name as search path expected
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Directory name is missing.
Or syntax of deprecated old PATH command is used in combination with new commands.
e.g. PATH.Set + C:\t32\myscriptdirectory
packing to LZW failed
An error occurred while compressing a file using the PACK command.
unpacking of LZW failed
An error occurred while decompressing a file using the UNPACK command. Check if the file is in
compressed format with the corresponding algorithm (ZIP/PACK).
packing to ZIP failed
An error occurred while compressing a file using the ZIP command.
unpacking of ZIP failed
An error occurred while decompressing a file using the UNZIP command. Check if the file is in compressed
format with the corresponding algorithm (ZIP/PACK).
no input area
No AREA message window is selected as input source of the ENTER command. Use AREA.Select. (e.g.
AREA.Select A000 to select the default AREA message window)
file is read only
The file to be opened for writing has the file attribute "read-only" set.
editor buffer full, no more files allowed
Only a restricted number of files can be edited at the same time. Close unused files with EDIT.CLOSE. All
opened files can be displayed using the command EDIT.List.
file not in editor
EDIT.SAVE <filename> was called with a file name that is currently not opened in the editor. All opened files
can be displayed using the command EDIT.List.
wrong file format
The format specified with the Data.LOAD command does not match the format of the specified file.
unknown file format (use Data.LOAD.Binary to load binary files)
The specified file could not be loaded, because was not able to detect the data format of
the file. If the file is a binary file, load it with Data.LOAD.Binary. Note that the behavior of
changed with version 69130. In the previous implementation, files of unknown format were loaded as binary
wrong magic code in file
File magic doesn't match actual CPU type.
illegal floating point format
The loaded file contains an illegal or unknown floating point format. Please contact technical support
type-conversion overflow
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The given value is too big and cannot be converted.
wrong cycle type
The specified cycle type does not match.
bus sequence not defined
The specified bus sequence is not defined.
debug hardware error (time-out), contact technical support (
A hardware or software problem occurred. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
debug hardware error (time-out during boot), contact technical support (supp[email protected])
A hardware or software problem occurred. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
debug hardware error (queue overflow), contact technical support (suppor[email protected])
A hardware or software problem occurred. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
no symbols available in the selected system
No debug symbols could be found.
symbol is source file
The current command expected a symbol name, but a source file was entered.
cannot resolve InterCom name
An InterCom command was entered, but InterCom is not enabled (check configuration file), or the specified
host name could not be resolved.
error executing remote InterCom command
The command executed via InterCom caused an error event at the remote host.
no response from InterCom
InterCom is enabled and the host name could be resolved, but the remote host did not response. Check if
InterCom is not enabled at the remote host and if the network allows communication between the systems.
To adjust the default time out, use the SETUP.InterComACKTIMEOUT command.
no additional help available
The error message to be displayed could not be found. Please contact technical support
function return value exceeds maximum string length of 4095 bytes
function parameter value too small (><minvalue>)
function parameter value too huge (><maxvalue>)
internal error : <error>
Please contact the manufacturer !
internal error : <error> : <error2>
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Please contact the manufacturer !
window name empty
The given window name is empty.
e.g. PRINT WINdow.POSition("","left")
window name <name> not found
The given position item name is empty.
e.g. WINPOS 10. 20. 80. 25. 15. 2. "mylist"
PRINT WINdow.POSition("mylistt","left")
window position empty
The given window position is empty.
e.g. PRINT WINdow.POSition(“name”,"")
item name empty
The given position item name is empty.
e.g. PRINT WINdow.POSition("mylist","")
item name <name> wrong
The given window position item name doesn't exist. Please refer function key display of command WinPOS
for the usable names (LEFT, UP, HSIZE, VSIZE, HSCALE, VSCALE) .
e.g. WINPOS 10. 20. 80. 25. 15. 2. "mylist"
PRINT WINdow.POSition("mylist","leftt")
MENU nesting error, check brackets
One of the loaded menu files causes nesting errors. Number of "(" and ")" is not equal.
MENU nesting overflow, too many nested structures
The amount of nested blocks in one of the loaded menu files is too high.
MENU block open not allowed here
A block open "(" is not allowed at this point in the current menu file.
MENU block end not allowed here
A block closing ")" is not allowed at this point in the current menu file.
block open "(" is expected here
A block open round bracket is missing at this point in the current menu file.
block open "[" is expected here
A block open square bracket is missing at this point in the current menu file.
block close ")" is missing
A block close round bracket is missing in the current menu file.
block close "]" is missing
A block close square bracket is missing in the current menu file.
block open "(" not expected here
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A block open round bracket is not expected here.
block open "[" not expected here
A block open square bracket is not expected here.
block close ")" not expected here
A block close round bracket is not expected here.
block close "]" not expected here
A block close square bracket is not expected here.
block open bracket expected here
A block open round or square bracket is expected here.
missing parent menu declaration
The parent menu declaration is missing for this child element.
parent menu must be of the type MENU or POPUP
The parent menu is expected to be of the type MENU or POPUP.
parent menu must be of the type MENU, POPUP or TOOLBAR
The parent menu is expected to be of the type MENU, POPUP, or TOOLBAR.
parent menu must be of the type TOOLBAR
The parent menu is expected to be of the type TOOLBAR.
ELSE without matching IF found
An ELSE statement was found without a matching IF statement.
TOOLITEM embedded script (..) expected here
An embedded PRACTICE script enclosed by round brackets is expected here for the TOOLITEM statement.
TOOLITEM bitmap [..] expected here
An bitmap enclosed by square brackets is expected here for the TOOLITEM statement.
too many nested menu definitions
The amount of nested menu definitions in one of the loaded menu files is too high.
nesting block open missing
A block open "(" is expected at this point.
nesting block close missing
A block close ")" is expected at this point.
dialog label not found
The specified dialog label was never declared.
dialog element at label has wrong type for this operation
The specified dialog element does not support the current operation.
dialog NAME string is too long
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The string for the dialog element NAME is restricted to 63 characters.
no active dialog
A dialog related command was called without an active dialog.
help search item <itemstring> not found
The requested search item doesn't exist in the actual used online help.
Please request a newer online help and/or inform the Lauterbach support about this missing item
online help file <filename> not found in directory <manualdirectoryname>
The required PDF file couldn't be opened from the TRACE32 online help system.
too many filters defined
The maximum filter number is exceeded
only one filter is possible
It is not possible to add or delete more than one filter at once. e.g.:
HELP.FILTER.ADD bdmarm7;bdmmpcp
filter expected
The command HELP.FILTER.Add was called without specifying a help filter. E.g. in order to add the Linux
awareness manual to the help filter list, type HELP.FILTER.Add rtoslinux.
filter expected
The command HELP.FILTER.Delete was called without specifying a help filter. E.g. in order to delete the
linux awareness manual from the help filter list, type HELP.FILTER.DELETE rtoslinux.
active filter expected
The command HELP.FILTER.Delete was called with a not active help filter. Only active filter can be deleted.
value exceeds the range of defined filters
The value is longer than the filter list or negative - value can be only an available filter number to be deleted!
detection of PDF viewer executable failed! Please select a PDF viewer manually.
The detection of a PDF viewer on the system has failed because no application displaying PDF files was
found. Please install a PDF viewer.
no presets found for the selected PDF viewer! Please look up the command line parameters of the
selected PDF viewer.
There are no predefined preset values for the detected or selected PDF viewer. Please look up the
command line parameters to open PDF files with the selected PDF viewer.
PDF viewer for the HELP system is unconfigured! Use SETUP.PDFViewer to configure a PDF viewer!
There is no PDF viewer configured for the help subsystem to display PDF files. Use SETUP.PDFViewer to
configure a PDF viewer, or choose Help menu > Setup PDF Viewer.
help files are not up to date, see AREA for details
See AREA for a list of old pdf-files, and download the new ones at the Lauterbach server. The update-check
can be disabled with HELP.checkUPDATE OFF
internal error in TRACE32 online help system
Error Messages | 19
1989-2024 Lauterbach
no STP master ID found
High-Level STP decoding requires a master ID to be found in the strace stream. The following measures
should be taken if no master ID could be found:
Verify that STP packets could be received at all: STMxx.List
For software masters the STM module can output master IDs periodically: STM.MasterRepeat
Assign a hardware master ID to the current trace stream manually: STM.SetMaster <master_id>
Calling DIALOG.STORAGE.define multiple times is not allowed
In DIALOG programming, DIALOG.STORAGE.define can only be used once to define the macros available
in the dialog context. See DIALOG.STORAGE.define in “PowerView Command Reference (ide_ref.pdf)
for an example.
Error Messages | 20
1989-2024 Lauterbach
General Command Parameter Parser
Error Messages
no logical operator
syntax error in logical operator - character != {AOX}
":" expected
syntax error in logical operator - ending ":" is missing
no arithmetical operator
syntax error in arithmetical operator - character != {AOX}
"#" expected
syntax error in arithmetical operator - ending "#" is missing
no compare operator
syntax error in compare operator - character != {<>=}
e.g. 21212!!=123.3
^ error position in radixmode decimal
In this mode "21212" won't be interpreted as a binary constant.
Rather the decimal constant "21212" will be compared concerning not equal "!=" to the floating point value
error in ASCII constant ("'" expected)
syntax error in ASCII constant - ending "'" is missing
example: "'a" (wrong) - "'a'" (right)
error in string constant (""" expected)
syntax error in string constant - ending """ is missing.
path name expected
path specification is expected - "\" is not enough for a path name.
unexpected character in numeric constant
syntax error in numeric constant
character != {numeral|.|hexnumeral|sign|operator|closing bracket|delimiter}character !=
{0123456789.ABCDEF+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
unexpected character in hex constant
syntax error in hex constant
character != {numeral|hexnumeral|operator|closing bracket|delimiter}
character != {0123456789ABCDEF+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
e.g. 22a...54cf
^ error position (given decimal point)
^ error position (missing '.' for range input)
Error Messages | 21
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected character in integer constant
syntax error in integer constant
character != {0123456789E+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
unexpected character in float constant
syntax error in float constant
character != {0123456789E+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
unknown type specifier '<character>' in format string
You have used a type specifier, which is not known by the PRINTF or SPRINTF command, inside the format
string. Please consider that you write "%%" inside the format-string, if you just want to print the "%"
character. See the documentation of PRINTF for more details.
scale factor expected
scale factor expected
character != {0123456789+-}
scale factor expected
scale factor expected
character != {0123456789}
error in float constant
syntax error in float constant
character != {0123456789+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
wrong character in name
this character must not stand in a name
invalid character "<character>" in keyword (The characters <characters> are not allowed here)
The keyword contains a character which is not allowed here.
"`" expected
the ending "`" escape character is missing
e.g. "name`#" instead of "name`#`" was written
escape characters are used for suppressing of name character syntax check
this is necessary for using reserved characters in names
(all characters which are used for expression operators)
e.g. "#" <-> "#A#"; ":" <-> ":O:"
wrong character in bit or hex mask
this character must not stand in a mask
e.g. "0X1x.10!" or "0Xaxxgx123"
line or column number 0 does not exist
Line or column number 0 does not exist.
If several HLL commands exist in one source text line, then the column number corresponds to the number
of the chosen command (from 1 ascendant numbered).
Error Messages | 22
1989-2024 Lauterbach
error in line or column number
syntax error in line or column number
character != {0123456789+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
no digit in binary constant
no digit in binary constant
e.g. "1001 !" or "1001+!" instead of "1001!" was written
wrong digit in binary constant
wrong digit in binary constant
e.g.: "0y102" or "102!" (old fashioned)
program name expected
A program name must always come after "\\".
path extension expected
A path extension is expected.
A symbol name "\name" must always come after a "\\programname".
no time unit of measurement
A time unit of measurement is expected.
There are existing 5 kinds of measurement :
"ks" for kiloseconds, "s" for seconds, "ms" for milliseconds,
"us" for microseconds, "ns" for nanoseconds
e.g. 23.5 milliseconds corresponds to "23.5ms" or "0.0235s" or ""
wrong character in hex mask
This character must not stand in a hex mask.
e.g. "0Xabcxx!"
wrong character in binary mask
This character '!' must not stand in a binary mask. The new format is mixed with old format for binary mask.
e.g. "0y01xx01!"
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too!
wrong character in binary constant
This character '!' must not stand in a binary constant. The new format is mixed with old format for binary
e.g. "0y011101!"
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too!
wrong character in hex mask
This character '!' must not stand in a hex mask. The new format is mixed with old format for binary mask.
e.g. "0X0axx01!"
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too!
Error Messages | 23
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong character in hex constant
This character '!' must not stand in a hex constant. The new format is mixed with old format for binary
e.g. "0X01a101!"
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too !
syntax error in numeric constant
syntax error in numeric constant
character != {numeral|.|hexnumeral|sign|operator|closing bracket|delimiter}
character != {0123456789.ABCDEFXY+-*/<>=:#)}, TAB;NIL}
e.g. 0z123abc
^ error instead of x for hex constant
syntax error in binary constant or mask
syntax error in binary constant or binary mask
character != {binary numeral|mask character}
character != {01X}
e.g. 0y 01xx11
^ error
syntax error in hex constant or mask
syntax error in hex constant or hex mask
character != {hex numeral|mask character}
character != {0123456789X}
e.g. 0x 013xxaf
^ error
syntax error in special filename - closing " is missing
syntax error in special filename
character != "
e.g. \\myprogram\"C:\examples\helloworld.c
^ error
no more symbols expected
At the end of a expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(no+20)i" or "(no+20)* i" instead of "(no+20)*i"
symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after || or :O: <> BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after || or :O: != RANGE,INTNUMERIC
wrong operand type before logical operator
Error Messages | 24
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after ^^ or :X: != BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after ^^ or :X: != RANGE,INTNUMERIC
wrong operand type before logical operator
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after && or :A: != BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after && or :A: != RANGE,INTNUMERIC
wrong operand type before logical operator
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after | or #O# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII,MASK
wrong operand type before arithmetical operator
operand type before | or #O# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII,MASK
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after ^ or #X# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII
wrong operand type before arithmetical operator
operand type before ^ or #X# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after & or #A# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII,MASK
wrong operand type before arithmetical operator
operand type before & or #A# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII,MASK
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != TIME,TIMERANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != STRING
error in symbol path
Error in symbol (path/name) input
Reserved for internal usage ! The symbol administration put out the "right" error message !
procedure, variable name, label or line number expected
Error Messages | 25
1989-2024 Lauterbach
variable name expected
After path input e.g. "\module\procedure\" a name without path continue character "\" is expected
e.g. "variablename" or "label".
path extension expected
After program name (e.g. "\\Sieve\") another name is expected (e.g. "123", "variablename" or
e.g. \\program\module\function
string or name for function parameter expected
String or name for function parameter is expected (e.g. REG("PC") or REG(PC)).The syntax for the name is
the same as for symbols. The only restriction is, you can't write any symbol path.
internal error : PAR_224 - <>
internal error : PAR_224
invalid or not implemented address type
wrong operand type before compare operator
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {+-} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS
no negative string permitted
Operator "-" is invalid before string operand
e.g. -"string"
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {+-} != NUMERIC,STRING,ADDRESS,TIME
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {+-} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS
behind string operand no "-" is permitted
Operator "-" is forbidden after string operand.
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {+-} != ASCII,STRING
wrong operand type before arithmetical operator
operand type before {+-} != NUMERIC,STRING,ADDRESS,TIME
division by zero
Division by zero is forbidden.
Error Messages | 26
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {*/%} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS
wrong operand type before arithmetical operator
operand type before {*/%} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS
no numeric shift factor
operand type after {<< >>} != NUMERIC
wrong operand type before shift operator
operand type before {<< >>} != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII,STRING,RANGE
wrong operator type before logical operand
operator type unary {+-~N#} before BOOLEAN operand
logical not before numeric operand
operator type unary ! or N: before operand type BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII
not operator before float operand
operator type unary {! ~ N: N#} before operand type FLOAT
wrong operator before range operand
operator type unary {+-~N#} before operand type RANGE
wrong operand type behind operator
operand type after unary {+-!~N:N#} != BOOLEAN,NUMERIC,ASCII,RANGE,ADDRESS,
range end must be numeric value
Operand type after {++ -- ..} != NUMERIC.
If the range start is a plain numeric value (in contrast to e.g. address = access class + values), the range end
value must be a numeric value as well. Examples:
wrong operand type before range operator
operand type before {++ -- ..} != NUMERIC,TIME,ADDRESS
error in time constant
e.g.: numeric overflow in time constant
//OK: start & end are numeric
//OK: start address, end numeric
//OK: start and end are address
//OK: start & end are numeric
//OK: start & end are address
//FAIL: start numeric, end address
Error Messages | 27
1989-2024 Lauterbach
")" expected
Ending ")" is missing. Parenthesis of a expression is incorrect.
operanden types mismatched
wrong operand type combination
only the following combinations of operand types are permitted :
wrong operand type behind range operator
operand type after {++ -- ..} != NUMERIC,TIME,ADDRESS
address or numeric operand expected
after {-- ..} address or numeric value expected.
access modes mismatched
No different access modes permitted.
Address ranges cannot have different access modes at the same moment.
begin or end address exceeds maximum address
Begin address or begin address + displacement ("beginadr++distance") exceeds maximum address of the
"}" expected
Ending "}" is missing. Incorrect parenthesis of a expression
operand expected
The symbol which was read is no operand.
e.g. "|name", "name #a#0fc" or ")200*name)" or "r(,)" or
^ ^ ^ ^ error positions
e.g. "p:-100"
^ error position
the correct way is "p:(-100)"
numerical displacement expected
After "address++" a numerical displacement is expected.
begin address larger than end address
The begin address cannot be larger than the end address of a address range.
e.g. "20--10" or "0fffffff0++20" (endadr smaller because of numeric overflow) respectively p:1000:5000--222
(offset of endadr must be larger or equal 5000)
internal error : PAR_256
function parameter stack overflow
The internal stack for storing the function parameters is too small.
Too many respectively too long (byte length) function parameters written.
Error Messages | 28
1989-2024 Lauterbach
internal error : PAR_258 <>
internal error : PAR_259
internal error : PAR_260
internal error : PAR_261
internal error : PAR_262 <>
no loop variable exist
At the moment no loop variable is available.
function "<name>" is not available (locked)
At the moment the function is not available. It is locked, because of e.g. the hardware used from the function
does not exist or the emulator is not in the "right" mode.
no function "<name>" exists - don't use commands as functions - Press F1 for more details
The given function name is not available or is written wrong.
Please don't mismatch function names with TRACE32 command names.
e.g. print d.l P:0x1000 // gives a SYNTAX error - it's not the same as the line below
print d.l(P:0x1000) // function d.l reads a long value from address P:0x1000
An example for a similar command would be
D.IN(D:0x2000) // this command prints the content of address D:0x2000 into the message line
length of the result string is larger than 4095 (255)
symbol path too long
symbol path buffer overflow - path too long
function parameter or ")" expected
After "FUNCNAME(" a function parameter or a closing ")" is expected.
operand or expression required
Within an expression an access mode cannot stand alone.
e.g.: The inputs of "funcname(123,up:)" or "123+ED:" are wrong !
too many intermediate results
internal RESULTSTACK overflow - too many intermediate results
Maybe a solution is the change of the expression structure.
internal error : PAR_271
no actual parameter expected
According to the function definition there are no parameters permitted.
wrong parameter type : expected <expression types>
The written function parameter has a wrong type.
Error Messages | 29
1989-2024 Lauterbach
no more parameter expected
Actually the function has more parameter (number) than defined.
more parameter required
Actually the function has less parameter (number) than defined.
parameter expected
According to the function definition there are parameters expected.
internal error : PAR_277
address types mismatched <type1> <type2>
Different address types are forbidden.
internal error : PAR_279 - <>
no active access mode table (no device selected or internal error : PAR_280)
At the moment the input of a access mode is locked, because a device without a access mode table
respectively no device is selected.
But if the device should have a access mode table, then the internal error PAR_280 was happening.
function stack overflow too many function calls
overflow of the static result stacks
function stack overflow too many function calls
overflow of the code respectively the parameter stack
result is empty-range
A EMPTY range is created. EMPTY ranges must not be created.
e.g. "1--5&&6--10"
wrong operand type behind logical operator
wrong operand type behind logical operator
wrong operand type behind logical operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind logical operator
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after ~ or N# != BINARY,HEX,INTEGER,ASCII
Error Messages | 30
1989-2024 Lauterbach
numeric or time operand expected
operand type after + != NUMERIC,TIME
numeric or time operand expected
operand type after - != NUMERIC,TIME
time operand expected
operand type after {++ -- ..} != TIME
invalid access mode or segment not permitted
wrong operand type behind access mode
operand type behind access mode != intvalues,RANGE,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
access modes mismatched
Different access modes are forbidden.
internal error : PAR_296
too many single address ranges
number exceeds internal range
internal error : PAR_299
symbol path too long
symbol path buffer overflow - too many path changes
address types mismatched
Different address types are forbidden.
16 bit offset expected
the given value for an address offset is larger than 16 bits
e.g. P:0x1000:0x2000--0x12345
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after + | - != NUMERIC,ADDRESS
number overflows internal maximum number (integervalue)
number underflows internal minimum number (integervalue)
number exceeds maximum address
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE,STRING
Error Messages | 31
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != STRING,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
time range begin out of bounds
The time range interval bound must be larger than 0.
time range end out of bounds
2. nd bound > maximum time range - internal bound
time range end < time range begin
in time range intervals the begin time must be larger than end time
too many part ranges
maximum number of range part intervals exceeded
internal error : PAR_315 <>
internal error : PAR_316
wrong operator before address operand
operator type unary {+-N#} before operand type ADDRESS
result is empty address range
An EMPTY address range is created. EMPTY address ranges must not be created.
e.g. "n:(sp:0)--(sp:0ffffffff)" or "(u:0--0fff):A:(u:2000)"
internal error : PAR_319 = <>
internal error : PAR_320
too many part address ranges
maximum number of address range part intervals exceeded
wrong operator before address range operand
operator type unary {+-~N#} before operand type ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after || or :O: != BOOLEAN,RANGE,INTNUMERIC
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after || or :O: != BOOLEAN,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind logical operator
Error Messages | 32
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after || or :O: != ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
internal error : PAR_327 = <>
internal error : PAR_328 = <>
string, numeric constant, name too long
string or numeric constant, name exceeds the maximum length
internal error : PAR_329
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after ^^ or :X: != BOOLEAN,RANGE,INTNUMERIC
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after ^^ or :X: != BOOLEAN,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind logical operator
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after ^^ or :X: != ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after && or :A: != BOOLEAN,RANGE,INTNUMERIC
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after && or :A: != BOOLEAN,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind logical operator
wrong operand type behind logical operator
operand type after && or :A: != ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operator before time operand
operator type unary {~!N#N:} before operand type TIME
access mode combination e:<addressmode> not allowed
The combination of the two access modes isn't allowed, because no dualport access is possible for the
second access mode.
internal error : PAR_340
internal error : PAR_341
segment descriptor, LDT, task or bank number mismatched
No different segment descriptors, LDT, task or bank numbers permitted.
Address ranges cannot have different address extensions at the same moment.
Error Messages | 33
1989-2024 Lauterbach
internal error : PAR_343 <>
symbol names not allowed
no loop variable "?" allowed
no more symbols expected - superfluous "("
At the end of an expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(no+20)i" or "(no+20)* i" instead of
"(no+20)*i" or "10*0a("
symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
no more symbols expected - superfluous "[" or "]"
At the end of an expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(no+20)i" or "(no+20)* i" instead of
"(no+20)*i" or "10*0a]"
Symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
no more symbols expected - superfluous ")"
At the end of an expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(no+20)i" or "(no+20)* i" instead of
"(no+20)*i" or "10*0a)"
symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
combination of A: access mode and segment address forbidden
A combination of a physical access mode like AP: and a segment address isn't allowed.
e.g. Data.List AP:0x2:0x34567890
The only exception is a PPC CPU. In this case a 4 bit segment address is allowed as an address extension
of the upper 36 physical address bits.
unexpected access mode
The symbol which was read is no correct operand. The symbol was interpreted as an access mode and at
these position inside of the expression no access mode is expected. Maybe you've just inserted some
e.g. "main:o :func1", "main:o:sp:1000"
^ ^ error positions
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE,TIME,TIMERANGE
Error Messages | 34
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != STRING,TIME,TIMERANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE,TIME,TIMERANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE,STRING,TIME,TIMERANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
segment address exceeds 16 bit value
only 16 bit segment addresses are supported
offset exceeds 16 bit value
only 16 bit offsets are supported
wrong operand type behind segment
operand type after segment != NUMERIC,RANGE
e.g.: "1000:(22x)"
offset expected - wrong operand type or symbol behind segment
symbol or operand type after segment != NUMERIC
e.g.: "1000:22s", "1000::o:20", "1000:y.end(func0)"
constant, (expression) or function expected - the given symbol isn't an offset
e.g. p:1000:articlenumber p:1000:ip wrong
^ ^ p:1000:reg(ip) correct
e.g. Tree::a:vfunc3 "Tree::a:" will be treated as a segment name
^ wrong
e.g. 10:2000:vfunc3:1234 "vfunc3" will be treated as a segment name
no segment or access mode <mode> exist
the given name for segment or access mode doesn't exist
float numbers not allowed
the input of float numbers is locked at the moment
internal error : PAR_365 : <>
internal error : PAR_365
invalid or not implemented address type
Error Messages | 35
1989-2024 Lauterbach
internal error : PAR_366 : <> : <>
internal error : PAR_366
Please contact the manufacturer !
access mode combination a:<mode> not allowed
The combination of the two access modes isn't allowed, because no absolute address is possible for the
second access mode.
internal error : PAR_368 : <> : <>
internal error : PAR_368
invalid result type or not implemented address type
symbol name or path is too long
Symbol name respectively the symbol path for function parameter are too long (e.g. REG("PC") or
The syntax for the name is the same as for symbols. The only restriction is the name length limit of currently
4095 (255) characters.
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {+-} != TIME
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {+-} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS,TIME
numeric overflow in time expression
constant for byte address expected
A hex constant is expected after the bit access mode.
e.g. bit:1011!.1 bit:counter.9 bit:\\prog\func1\i
Labels for byte addresses are used with access mode.
e.g. bit:com1.rts
byte address too big
The hex constant exceeds the maximum byte address of 0fffffff.
e.g. bit:10000000.1
hex constant or symbol as bitaddress expected
A hex constant is expected after the byte address.
e.g. bit:100.101! bit:counter.'a' com1.1ax com1.0.1 (typical errors)
bit number too big
The hex constant exceeds the maximum bit number of 15 (decimal).
e.g. bit:100.10
internal error : PAR_377 : <> : <>
internal error : PAR_377
Please contact the manufacturer !
Error Messages | 36
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected segment
The combination absolute access mode and segment or task number isn't permitted.
e.g. ap:1000:200 a:bank1:200
^ ^ error positions
banknumber, space ID, LDT or tasknumber exceeds 16 bit value
only 16 bit bank numbers, space IDs, LDTs or tasknumbers are supported
e.g. SPS:0x12345:30:0x2000 instead of SPS:0x1234:30:0x2000
unexpected banknumber
A banknumber and a segment address were given, but the actual CPU doesn't support it or respectively it's
a syntax error (2 segment addresses recognized).
e.g. 1000:2000:30 instead of 1000:2000:o:30
unexpected NIL in HLL expression - often only closing ')' or '"' missing
In some cases is only a closing ')' or '"' expected !
internal error : PAR_382
internal error : PAR_382
Please contact the manufacturer !
'"' expected
Unexpected NIL in HLL expression is recognized. Normally a closing '"' is missing in a function parameter.
e.g. print data.string("statusmessage)
^ error
')' expected
Unexpected NIL in HLL expression is recognized. Normally a closing ')' is missing after a function
e.g. print data.string((statusmessage)
^ error
oldfashioned operator and operand locked in current radix mode
In the current parser mode is the old syntax of operators and operands locked. Please switch mode to
CLASSIC (SETUP.RADIX CLASSIC) or use new syntax.
old syntax operators: N: :A: :X: :O: N# #A# #X# #O# <> >< =< =>
new syntax operators: ! && ^^ || ~ & ^ | != != <= >=
old syntax operands: 10101! 1000 101xx1! 1axxd
new syntax operands: 0y10101 0x1000 0y101xx1 0x1axxd
e.g. print N:10af
^ error
print !0x10af
^ ok
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too !
Error Messages | 37
1989-2024 Lauterbach
second '.' expected
single '.' not allowed as range operator - normally second '.' forgotten
e.g. break.set P:0x100.0x200 ; wrong
^ ; error position
break.set P:0x100..0x200 ; correct - addressrange from 100 to 200
break.set .sieve ; wrong
^ ; errorposition
break.set sieve ; correct with command "sYmbol.PREFIX ."
break.set `.sieve` ; correct
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too !
no more symbols expected - superfluous "@"
At the end of an expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(no+20) @l" instead of "(no+20)@l"
symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
wrong compare operator before or behind BITMASK
compare operator before or behind BITMASK != "==" or "!="
e.g. r(pc)<=0Y1010xxxx
^ ; error position
r(pc)==0Y1010xxxx ; OK
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != NUMERIC,RANGE,BITMASK
wrong operand type after compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC
Only numeric operands could be combined with bitmasks.
e.g. 0Y0111xxxx!=10.ns ; wrong
^ ; error
0Y0111xxxx!=0X12000 ; OK
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,TIME,TIMERANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,STRING
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,STRING,TIME,TIMERANGE
Error Messages | 38
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
internal error : PAR_398
String function return value is too long (>4096 bytes).
The string return value of the PRACTICE function exceeds the internal maximum size.
segment register number exceeds 4 bit value
Only 4 bit segment register numbers (<= 0x0f) are allowed for PPC addresses.
modulo operation not permitted with time values
The modulo operator "%" after the time value isn't permitted.
e.g. 134.50ns%20.
^ ; error position
no multiplication of 2 time values permitted
The multiplication operator "*" between the 2 time values isn't permitted.
e.g. 134.50ns*200.s
^ ; error position
wrong operand type behind multiplication operator
operand type after * != NUMERIC
e.g. 200.ns*12.3s
^ ; error position
wrong operand type behind division operator
operand type after / != NUMERIC,TIME
e.g. 200.ns/P:0x100
^ ; error position
wrong operand type behind division or modulo operator
operand type after { / % } != NUMERIC
time values aren't permitted
e.g. 12.345%200.ns
^ ; error position
^ ; error position
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after * != NUMERIC,ADDRESS,TIME
wrong operand type behind arithmetical operator
operand type after {*/%} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS
wrong operand type before arithmetical operator
operand type before {*/} != NUMERIC,ADDRESS,TIME
Error Messages | 39
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong compare operator before or behind BOOLEAN
compare operator before or behind boolean value != "==" or "!="
e.g. IF ICE()<=("&hw_selected"=="")
^ ; error position
IF ICE()==("&hw_selected"=="") ; OK
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE,STRING,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare !=
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != NUMERIC,RANGE,TIME,TIMERANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != NUMERIC,RANGE,BITMASK,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != STRING,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE,BOOLEAN
Error Messages | 40
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,STRING,TIME,TIMERANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != STRING,TIME,TIMERANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,STRING,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != STRING,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != ADDRESS,ADDRESSRANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,TIME,TIMERANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type behind compare operator
operand type after compare != TIME,TIMERANGE,BOOLEAN
wrong operand type after compare operator
operand type after compare operator != INTNUMERIC,BOOLEAN
internal error : PAR_433
WARNING: in mode RADIX.Classic "N:" is always interpreted as logical NOT (only for ARM)
Please use a more specific access mode instead e.g. NP: NSP: ND: NUD: ... or activate a different radix
mode like RADIX.Hex instead.
In radixmodes hex and decimal "N:" will be aways interpreted as access mode "N:".
No usage of old-fashioned logical operator N: is possible.
no more symbols expected - superfluous "*"
At the end of an expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(no+20) *l" instead of "(no+20)*l"
symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
Error Messages | 41
1989-2024 Lauterbach
linenumber or linenumber path expected
After special filename a linenumber is expected only.
e.g.: Data.List \\my_program\”C:\example\helloworld.c”\*123
instead of Data.List \\my_program\”C:\example\helloworld.c”\123
column number expected
After special filename with linenumber path a column number is expected only.
e.g.: Data.List \\my_program\”C:\example\helloworld.c”\123\*10
instead of Data.List \\my_program\”C:\example\helloworld.c”\123\10
no more symbols expected - superfluous ":"
At the end of an expression no additional symbols (input characters) are expected with the exception of
Generally operators were forgotten to write or delimiter were inserted in the expression erroneous.
e.g.: "(0x1000) :l" instead of "0x1000:l"
symbol != {NIL TAB;,}
segment register number exceeds 8 bit value
Only 8 bit segment register numbers (<= 0xff) are allowed for ARM addresses.
address extension bit number exceeds 10 bit value
Only 10 bit address extension values (<= 0x3ff) are allowed for PowerPC addresses.
string function return value is too long (>4096 bytes)
The string return value of the PRACTICE function exceeds the internal maximum size and was be truncated.
segment address exceeds 32 bit value
only 32 bit segment addresses are supported
32 bit offset expected
the given value for an address offset is larger than 32 bits
e.g. P:0x1000:0x2000--0x123456789
unexpected machine ID
A machine ID was used, but the actual CPU doesn't support it.
e.g. P:0x3:::0x2000
unexpected space ID
A space ID was used, but the actual CPU doesn't support it.
e.g. P:0x2::0x2233
machine ID not activated
A machine ID was used, but the actual CPU option isn't set.
For more information, please refer to SYStem.Option.MACHINESPACES.
e.g. P:0x3:::0x2000
space ID not activated
A space ID was used, but the actual CPU option isn't set.
Please refer to SYStem.Option.MMUSPACES for more information.
e.g. P:0x2::0x2233
Error Messages | 42
1989-2024 Lauterbach
machine ID <0xnn> not in allowed range 0x00..0x1e
Usually only values 0x00..0x1e are expected for machine IDs.
e.g. P:0x2345678:::0x1122
space ID <0xnnnn> not in allowed range of 0x0000..0xffff
Usually only values 0x0000..0xffff are expected for space IDs.
e.g. P:0x12345::0x4455
wrong operand type behind machine ID
After machine ID only a space ID or segment or offset is expected.
e.g. 0x4:::0x88xx11
wrong operand type behind space ID
After space ID only an offset is expected.
e.g. 0x33::0x88xx11 (bitmask)
0x33::2ms (time value)
0x33:: 0x12 (superfluous blank "")
machine name expected
machine name must always come after "\\\".
machine name isn’t usable without symbol
access class missing for address value
An access class is missing for a complete address value specification.
e.g. 0x1000 instead of AXI:0x1000
instance number expected
After special filename or symbol path with linenumber and column an instance number is expected only.
e.g.: Data.List \\my_program\”C:\example\helloworld.c”\123\15\*2
instead of Data.List \\my_program\”C:\example\helloworld.c”\123\15\2
e.g.: Break.Set \\my_program\my_modul\123\20\*1
instead of Break.Set \\my_program\my_modul\123\20\1
this mask constant is maybe interpreted wrong
The actual parsed mask constant is maybe written in old-fashioned format.
This could end in a wrong interpreted value with the new parser version.
e.g. data.w0 check_values 0xx33 old-fashioned syntax
data.w0 check_values 0Xxx33 new-fashioned syntax
0xx33 ==> xx33 (old parser versions <=V1.90)
0xx33 ==> 0x33 (new parser versions >=V2.00)
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too !
expression expected
the expression has a wrong result type
internal error : STDPAR_102
Error Messages | 43
1989-2024 Lauterbach
value too small
value too big
internal error : STDPAR_105
Error Messages | 44
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to the Peripheral View (PER)
<file>, <line>: overlapping bitfield definition
The parser detected overlapping bit fields in a group.
<file>, <line>: no base address specified for that group
Specify base address using the BASE command, e.g. BASE iobase()
<file>, <line>: group definition must be empty for copy command
If a group contains the COPY command, not other group elements are allowed.
<file>, <line>: no group defined
Group elements were found without a preceding GROUP definition.
<file>, <line>: hidden elements only possible in hidden groups
Hidden group elements were found in a non-hidden group.
<file>, <line>: element is not part of a SGROUP
A sequence command (CONSTX,GETX,SET,SETX,WRITEBACK) was found outside a sequence group
<file>, <line>: out statement already used in this group
Only one OUT command is allowed per group.
<file>, <line>: byte out of group
The byte addressed in this group is out of the defined address range of the group.
<file>, <line>: text too long for that field
The text of this field is longer than possible with the current setup.
<file>, <line>: too few items listed with BIT or BITFLD statement
<file>, <line>: too many items listed with BIT or BITFLD statement
The peripheral view file contains a bitfld command, for which more elements are defined than the bit field
range allows. E.g. a bit field of 2 bits can not address more than 4 elements.
<file>, <line>: no line defined for that bit
A PER statement was used inside a group without preceding line command.
<file>, <line>: tree nesting error
Trees need to begin with TREE (or TREE.OPEN) and end with TREE.END. Either a TREE/TREE.OPEN or
TREE.END is missing.
<file>, <line>: (s)if nesting error
The structure of a conditional GROUP display
(IF/ELIF/ELSE/ENDIF) or for conditional interpretation
(SIF/ELSE/ENDIF) is not correct, e.g. ENDIF missing.
Error Messages | 45
1989-2024 Lauterbach
<file>, <line>: group alignment error
The address range of the GROUP/WGROUP/RGROUP statement is not aligned to the access width.
Error Messages | 46
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to FLASH Programming
correct FLASH programming timing cannot be achieved
The timing measurement performed by the debugger was out or range, or the FLASH timing register could
not be written by the debugger. On some processors the register is write-once. Please make sure that the
FLASH timing register is writable by the debugger.
FLASH programming error around address <address>
Programming FLASH at the specified address, or close to this address failed. Possible causes for this errors
FLASH sector locked
FLASH is protected by write protect pin
FLASH programming voltage is out of allowed range or disabled
It was attempted to clear an already programmed bit
Security mechanism on the board blocks write enable, programming voltage etc.
FLASH algorithm did not execute completely
The FLASH programming code was not executed until the expected address. Possible causes are
interrupts, e.g. watchdog.
illegal result code for FLASH algorithm configuration read
illegal result code for page blank check call
illegal result code for read swap state call
illegal result code for checksum generation
FLASH erase error
The FLASH device could not be erased. See FLASH programming error for possible reasons.
cannot access FLASH control registers
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
FLASH data bus bytes are swapped, use target controlled FLASH programming
The FLASH device detected with CFI is connected in reversed byte order. TRACE32 does not support tool
based FLASH programming for this configuration. Use target controlled FLASH programming, see
FLASH.CFI for more information.
cannot detect CFI query information, please check AREA window
Additional error information is printed to AREA window.
cannot access on-chip RAM control registers
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
cannot erase OTP memory
Error Messages | 47
1989-2024 Lauterbach
cannot make bulk erase with this device, must be erased sector by sector
The selected device doesn't support bulk erase. Each sector must be erased by a separate FLASH.Erase
invalid peripheral register configuration for programming
A register which needs to be modified by the debugger for FLASH programming (e.g. SYPCR) is write
protected, i.e. this write-once register has already been written.
cannot make sector erase with this device
The selected device doesn't support sector erase. The device has to be erased completely using
FLASH.Erase <unitnr>, FLASH.Erase ALL or FLASH.ERASE <full address range>
parameters for target programming not set (use FLASH.TARGET command)
FLASH.Create was called for target controlled FLASH programming, but target controlled FLASH
programming was not configured. Call FLASH.TARGET for configuration.
no FLASH programming voltage
The FLASH programming voltage is out of allowed range or disabled.
no such FLASH device
A FLASH programming command was called with an address or address range for which no FLASH device
was declared, or with an undeclared FLASH unit number.
FLASH sector alignment error
Declared address range is not a multiple of sector size. Check end address of address range and sector
memory access class not allowed for FLASH programming
Memory access class is referencing special memory. Please set up memory access class referencing
FLASH data or program memory.
memory address not supported by FLASH programming algorithm
The FLASH algorithm does not support the specified address. Please contact technical support
( to request an update.
FLASH programming error
The FLASH device could not be programmed.
FLASH erasing error
The FLASH device could not be erased.
FLASH unlocking error
The FLASH device could not be unlocked.
FLASH locking error
The FLASH device could not be locked.
FLASH alignment error
Some CPUs can access the flashes or FLASH controllers by a specific aligned addresses (e.g. word, long,
512, 2048 .. ). Check the end or start address of the FLASHFILE command.
Error Messages | 48
1989-2024 Lauterbach
FLASH time-out error
The execution of the FLASHFILE command exceeded the maximum time-out.
FLASH ECC programming error
The FLASH device failed to program the ECC codes.
FLASH is protected
The current FLASH is protected, so the algorithm file cannot erase/write the flashes.
FLASH sector is locked
The current FLASH is locked, so the algorithm file cannot erase/write the flashes.
FLASH MMC/SD command error
A notice is displayed in the AREA window, informing you which command of the MMC/SD card failed.
FLASH reading error
The FLASH device could not be read.
FLASH operation failed because of the small shift fifo.
The FLASH operation has failed because of the small shift FIFO. You can reduce the shift operation size.
FLASH code not defined.
Please define the FLASH code, for example "FLASHFILE.BSDLFLASHTYPE <flash code>"
Where <flash code> is e.g. SPI64, EMMC, I2C128, NAND2G08,... .
FLASH device status error
erase failed and depletion recovery failed too
program operation rejected by device. Erase is needed before programming
internal error of FLASH device API/firmware
invalid argument for FLASH device API/firmware
FLASH clock out of valid range, please check system clock and wait state setting
FLASH ECC line size out of valid range
FLASH algorithm does not match part ID
declared size is to large for CENSORSHIP, KEEP or BMHD
OTP sector has to be programmed using FLASH.Program /OTP option
cannot gain access to FLASH pump
parameters for target programming not set (use FLASH.TARGET2 command)
unlock feature not supported by device revision
Error Messages | 49
1989-2024 Lauterbach
OTP program command not implemented
sector is permanently protected and cannot be unlocked
swap state value invalid
read swap state not implemented for FLASH algorithm
to many ranges for CENSORSHIP, KEEP or BMHD
BSPLIT option not supported for tool based FLASH algorithm
target controlled FLASH programming has to be used.
detection of data bus width is ambiguous
The detection of data bus width is ambiguous. Please use explicit data bus width.
cannot read ID mode information
not enough RAM
unlock operation failed
lock operation failed
error when reprogramming non erased ECC line
FLASH programming not possible with windowed watchdog
The FLASH programming is not possible with windowed watchdog. Watchdog has to be deactivated before.
word swap not supported for tool based FLASH algorithm
Word Swap is not supported for tool based FLASH algorithm. Target controlled FLASH programming has to
be used.
FLASHFILE function not implemented
Please contact technical support ( for assistance.
FLASHFILE zip-loading error
Writing the zip file to the FLASH device failed.
FLASHFILE BSDL programming failed
FLASH programming using BSDL mode encountered an error. Check debugger configuration and target
FLASHFILE algorithm execution error
A problem occurred while executing the FLASH algorithm. Check the access to memory and the FLASH
controller registers.
FLASH algorithm container not supported, please update TRACE32 Software
Error Messages | 50
1989-2024 Lauterbach
boot swap operation failed
FLASH command sequence error
FLASH algorithm container does not provide requested FLASH algorithm binary
FLASH setup error
FLASH hardware error
FLASH algorithm container binary ID or size error
FLASH algorithm container version not supported, please update TRACE32 software
data buffer size too small
Program aborted during Write-to-Buffer command
Error Messages | 51
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Co-Processor Debugging
TPU access time-out error
The access to the TPU debug registers failed. Check operation mode (TEST) and processor chip.
cannot execute GO in non-recoverable state
The processor was stopped during non-recoverable state. On this architecture, stopping in non-recoverable
state causes loss of the return address. Therefore resuming with Go is not possible.
TPU is running
It was attempted to perform a single step or Go while the TPU was already running.
TPU is already stopped
It was attempted to perform a Break while the TPU was already stopped.
TPU is in idle state
Execution of command is not possible, if the TPU is in IDLE state. Start the TPU and run till the TPU is not
PCP is running
It was attempted to perform a single step or Go while the PCP was already running.
PCP is already stopped
It was attempted to perform a Break while the PCP was already stopped.
PCP is in idle state
Execution of commands is not possible, if the PCP is in IDLE state. Trigger the PCP to run it.
WARNING: PCP code at breakpoint has changed, breakpoint removed
The program code of the PCP has been changed by the application
TPU is not responding to PIR command
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
TPU is not serving any channel
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
Error Messages | 52
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to HiPerLoad
HiPerLoad not available on host
Please check if HiPerLoad is enabled in the TRACE32 start-up configuration file (usually config.t32). The
configuration file entry is e.g.
cannot resolve internet address for HiPerLoad
The internet address used for HiPerLoad could not be resolved. Please check if the firewall is configured
starting UDP socket for HiPerLoad fails on host
The UDP socked specified for use with HiPerLoad could not be started. Please use a socket address which
is not used by any other programs on the host.
target not responding to HiPerLoad packets
The target did not respond to the HiPerLoad packets. Please check if the HiPerLoad application on the target
is running properly, the target is connected to Ethernet and the firewall allows both TRACE32 and target
Error Messages | 53
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to FDX
FDX buffer error
The FDX buffer is corrupted. The FDX channel is disabled after this error.
FDX format error
The format of FDX trace data does not match. FDX tracing is stopped after this error.
FDX buffer overflow
The FDX client on the host caused a buffer overflow.
no such FDX
No such FDX channel exists. Channel window must be open for any FDX operation.
Error Messages | 54
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Terminal Function
too many terminal windows
Only up to nine TERM.view window can be opened at a time
TERM.GATE not possible with with method
The selected method does not support full binary transfer.
TERM.GATE protocol fail
The transfer protocol was violated (block length or CRC error).
terminal window with this configuration already open
A TERM.view window assigned to the specified terminal address is already opened.
no such terminal
A TERM command was called which needs an open terminal window for operation. Configure the terminal
via TERM.METHOD and open it with TERM.view.
Error Messages | 55
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to MMU Address Translation
Deep recursive call to OS Awareness detected during translation for <address> (<loop details>) -
aborting translation
A deep recursion of 4 loops occurred. The loops go from the MMU address translation to the OS
Awareness, from there to memory access and from there finally into an MMU address translation.
This can happen during the address translation of a task specific logical address:
1. The debugger requests the task’s page table base address from the OS Awareness
2. While trying to find and read this base address from the kernel structures, the awareness tries to
read memory at various kernel addresses. If they are logical addresses, they must be translated
3. Normally, the debugger should be able to translate these kernel addresses using either a suitable
static address translation (TRANSlation.Create), the default translation (MMU.FORMAT), the
default page table (aka kernel page table, see MMU.FORMAT) or - if supported by the core’s
hardware MMU - the currently active page table, pointed to by hardware registers.
If neither of these translation attempts succeed, the debugger might decide to request a page
table base address from the OS Awareness in order to translate the kernel address.
A recursion may be the consequence
The error message indicates the initial task specific <address> causing the recursion. In brackets the error
message indicates either
that all recursion loops tried to translate the same address
(when <loop details> says “<num> identical loops
or that the recursion ended with the translation attempt of a kernel address which differs from the
initial address
(when <loop details> says “deepest loop is for <last loop address>
To resolve the recursion
check if the TRANSlation.COMMON address range is too small. It should cover all kernel
addresses, including the <last loop address>
if you use a default page table (specified as 2nd argument in MMU.FORMAT), check if it can
translate the <address> or the <last loop address>
finally, consider to specify a static address translation (TRANSlation.Create) or a default
address translation (3rd and 4th argument in MMU.FORMAT) for the kernel address range
(which always uses space ID 0).
Error Messages | 56
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to RTOS Support
invalid magic code or wrong file
The RTOS support file specified with TASK.CONFIG is invalid or corrupted. Please re-install the file from the
the current task cannot be stopped
The debugger waited until the task becomes active, but the task was not entered within the maximum
timeout. Please check if the task and the operating system are running properly.
program definition error
The RTOS support file specified with TASK.CONFIG is invalid or corrupted. Please re-install the file from the
undefined keyword
The used keyword (usually an argument of the current command) is written wrong or is locked.
unknown task name or ID
A command was called with an unknown task name or task ID. Check the TASK.List.tasks window for a list
of running tasks.
task function usage error: <description>
The function defined by the TASK.CONFIG command has reported this error. Check the description for the
task specific commands.
no way to implement this functionality
A task-related breakpoint could not be set, because the current task magic could not be determined.
syntax error in ORTI file at line <line_number>
The ORTI file is probably corrupted. Please generate new ORTI file and try again. If the problem persists,
please contact technical support (
syntax error in ORTI expression for <item>; symbols loaded?
The ORTI file contains references for <item> that could not be resolved. Please check if the application
symbols are loaded and if the ORTI file matches the application. If the problem persists, please contact
technical support (suppor[email protected]).
unexpected end of ORTI file
The ORTI file is probably corrupted. Please generate new ORTI file and try again. If the problem persists,
please contact technical support (
no such task
The task (name, ID or magic number) specified in the current command does not exist. Check the
TASK.List.tasks window for a list of running tasks.
no such space
The space or process (name, ID or magic number) specified in the current command does not exist. Check
the TASK.List.SPACES window for a list of existing spaces.
Error Messages | 57
1989-2024 Lauterbach
no such machine
The machine (name, ID or magic number) specified in the current command does not exist. Check the
TASK.List.MACHINES window for a list of existing machines.
function not defined in task program
The function to be executed using the TASK command is not defined. Please contact technical support
error while loading extension
An error happened while loading the file specified with TASK.CONFIG / EXT.LOAD. The file may be
corrupted. Please re-install TRACE32. If the problem persists, please contact technical support
Error Messages | 58
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Differential Download
no default loading agent available
There is no standard target agent for this core (or configuration) available.
loading agent too large for reserved space
The Differential Download agent's program size is larger than the program address space available for use
by the agent.
If you did not specify a dedicated address range for the agent, it will automatically be placed behind the data
block you download or check. If there is not enough space left to the end of the address range, you must
explicitly specify a valid program address range that is large for the target agent to be downloaded.
load checksum fail between <address> and <address>
After a differential download completed, differences between the downloaded data and the target memory
contents were found. Please check if the differential download agent is running properly and if the tagret
memory address ranges are write- and readable by the download agent.
differential load too complex
The file to be downloaded via differential load contains too many address ranges. Please split the download
into several parts or try to reduce complexity or the data file. Another option is to load the data to virtual
memory (Data.LOAD <filename> VM:) first and then copy from virtual memory to target memory
(Data.COPY VM:<address-range> <target start-address>)
target agent verification error
The target agent code has been written to the memory but it's verification has failed. Please check that the
memory range used for the target agent is writeable and allows code execution. Ideally, this should be
cached memory. By default, this memory range is placed directly behind the downloaded data. If there is no
or not enough writeable memory, you can specify an alternative target agent memory range in the command
(Data.LOAD <filename> /DIFFLOAD [<address_range>]).
illegal address specification
The target agent memory range must be specified as logical address, not as physical address.
collision of data and target address space
The specified address ranges of the download data and the target agent code collide with each other.
Please select a different memory range for the target agent. Ensure that it is writeable and allows code
execution. Ideally, this should be cached memory.
Error Messages | 59
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Breakpoints
combination of Read/Write and Program not allowed
When software breakpoints are enabled, the combination of Read/Write and Program is not allowed..
only one advanced breakpoint (condition/command/spot) possible
The amount of advanced breakpoints that can be set at a time depends on the breakpoint capabilities. If the
debug system can not determine which breakpoint is hit, more than one advanced breakpoint is only
possible if all set breakpoints of the same type also share the same condition.
breakpoint would require stop and resume operation - which is not allowed
Inexact breakpoints or breakpoints with condition may behave like spot points and require a stop and
resume operation. SYStem.CpuSpot must be set to Enable to avoid this error message.
spot breakpoint set - which is not allowed
SYStem.CpuSpot must be set to Enable to avoid this error message.
stopping breakpoint set - which is not allowed
SYStem.CpuBreak must be set to Enable to avoid this error message.
breakpoint configuration invalid
The current combination of hardware or software breakpoints is not supported. Open Break.List window
and delete unneeded breakpoints. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of
the processor.
exclude breakpoint not possible
data does not fit in on-chip breakpoint resource
stopped at semihosting breakpoint
illegal code at software breakpoint
Software breakpoints can not be set certain instructions.
software breakpoints on range not possible
A program breakpoint range made of software breakpoints is not allowed. Use single breakpoints or onchip
breakpoint ranges.
software breakpoints with data value not possible
Software breakpoints can not compare for data values.
illegal address for software breakpoint
An software breakpoint was about to be set to an address which is not allowed due to limitations of the
processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
no such software breakpoint
Software breakpoints can only stop or spot the target. Other actions are not possible.
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no hardware breakpoint available
Hardware breakpoints are not available in this configuration. Hardware breakpoints are implemented by
external debugger hardware.
too many different hardware breakpoints
The amount of different hardware breakpoints exceeds the maximum amount provided by the debug
hardware. Please check Processor Architecture Manual for details.
no such hardware breakpoint available
The hardware breakpoint about to be set is not provided by the debug hardware. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual for details.
too many hardware breakpoints set
The amount of hardware breakpoints exceeds the maximum amount provided by the debug hardware.
Please check Processor Architecture Manual for details.
data not allowed for this hardware breakpoint
The selected hardware breakpoint does not support data value comparison. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual for details.
address does not fit in hardware breakpoint resource
The address or address range of the current breakpoint does not fit into the debug hardware's breakpoint
logic. Please check if the address or address range meets the alignment/range requirements of the debug
hardware (e.g. if the breakpoint consists of an address value and address mask register). See Processor
Architecture Manual for details.
data does not fit in hardware breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the hardware breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the
breakpoint resource on the debug hardware, e.g. if the debug hardware provides a value and mask register.
Please check Processor Architecture Manual for details.
no hardware breakpoint of this type possible
A hardware breakpoint of the desired type is not provided by the debug hardware. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual for details.
hardware breakpoint resource sharing conflict
The hardware breakpoint about to be set uses breakpoint resources of the debug hardware which are
already used by other breakpoints. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded breakpoints. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual for details.
no on-chip breakpoints available
On-chip breakpoints are not provided by the processor. Please use software breakpoints.
no such on-chip breakpoint available
The desired on-chip breakpoint is not provided by the processor. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too many on-chip breakpoints set
More on-chip breakpoints are set than provided by the processor. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded
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too many on-chip program breakpoints set
More on-chip breakpoints are set than provided by the processor. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded
too many on-chip read/write breakpoints set
More on-chip breakpoints are set than provided by the processor. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded
too many on-chip context breakpoints set
More on-chip breakpoints are set than provided by the processor. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded
too many on-chip machine breakpoints set
More on-chip breakpoints are set than provided by the processor. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded
No valid configuration of MCDS trace source multiplexers found for all selected agents
No valid configuration of MCDS trace source multiplexers is available to observe all selected agents. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
Ambiguous multi-core agent: no MCDS core agents are selected
Ambiguous multi-core agent. Complex triggers or breakpoints use multi-core agents but no core agents are
set in the MCDS window.
Invalid core agent
Complex triggers use invalid core agent. Check if all used core agents are assigned to the PowerView
Conflict in using MCDS trace multiplexer (TCMUX) in the CPU subsystem
Complex trigger uses ambiguous configuration of TriCore TCMUX. TriCore cores are to be observed either
from the core-side interface (cpu pipeline) or from the SRI-side interface (PSPR/DSPR/DLMU SRI slave).
data not allowed for this on-chip breakpoint
The current breakpoint does not support a data value because this is not provided by the processor. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too many data value breakpoints set
The number of desired data value on-chip breakpoint are not provided by the processor. Please check
Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address does not fit in on-chip breakpoint resource
The address or address range of the current breakpoint does not fit into the processor's breakpoint registers.
Please check if the address or address range meets the alignment/range requirements of the processor
(e.g. if the breakpoint consists of an address value and address mask register). See Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address does not fit in on-chip trigger resource
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The address or address range of the current breakpoint does not fit into the processor's breakpoint registers.
Please check if the address or address range meets the alignment/range requirements of the processor
(e.g. if the breakpoint consists of an address value and address mask register). See Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address does not fit in on-chip breakpoint range resource
The address or address range of the current breakpoint does not fit into the processor's breakpoint registers
which can handle only ranges. Please check if the address or address range meets the alignment/range
requirements of the processor (e.g. if the breakpoint consists of an address value and address mask
register). See Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address range too large to fit in on-chip breakpoint range resource
The address range is too large to fit into the processor's breakpoint registers. Please check if the address or
address range meets the alignment/range requirements of the processor (e.g. if the breakpoint consists of
an address value and address mask register). See Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual
of the processor.
address range does not fit in bit masked on-chip breakpoint resource
The address does not fit into a bit mask. Either enable conversion of addresses or change the address to fit
into a binary mask. Please check if the address or address range meets the alignment/range requirements
of the processor (e.g. if the breakpoint consists of an address value and address mask register). See
Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address range does not fit in bit masked on-chip trigger resource
The address does not fit into a bit mask. Either enable conversion of trigger addresses or change the
address to fit into a binary mask. Please check if the address or address range meets the alignment/range
requirements of the processor (e.g. if the breakpoint consists of an address value and address mask
register). See Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address range can not be converted to fit in on-chip breakpoint resource
Address conversion must be enabled to support this type of breakpoint. See Processor Architecture
Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address range can not be converted to fit in on-chip trigger resource
Address conversion must be enabled to support this type of trigger breakpoint. See Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
address range does not convert good enough to fit in on-chip breakpoint resource
The converted address would be too much outside the expected range. Please check if the address or
address range meets the alignment/range requirements of the processor (e.g. if the breakpoint consists of
an address value and address mask register). See Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual
of the processor.
illegal address for on-chip breakpoint
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An on-chip breakpoint was about to be set to an address which is not allowed due to limitations of the
processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
data does not fit in bit masked on-chip breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. The breakpoint consists of value and mask register. Either enable
conversion of data values or change the data to fit into a binary mask. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
data does not fit in bit masked on-chip trigger resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. The breakpoint consists of value and mask register. Either enable
conversion of data values or change the data to fit into a binary mask. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
data does not fit in ranged on-chip breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. The breakpoint can handle data ranges. Either enable conversion of
data values or change the data to fit into a range. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and
reference manual of the processor.
data does not fit in ranged on-chip trigger resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. The breakpoint can handle data ranges. Either enable conversion of
data values or change the data to fit into a range. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and
reference manual of the processor.
signed data not supported by on-chip breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. The breakpoint can not handle signed comparisons. Please check
Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
signed data not supported by on-chip trigger resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. The breakpoint can not handle signed comparisons. Please check
Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
data width not supported by on-chip breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference
manual of the processor.
data width not supported by on-chip trigger resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference
manual of the processor.
NOT data is not supported by on-chip breakpoint resource
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The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference
manual of the processor.
NOT data is not supported by on-chip trigger resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference
manual of the processor.
ranged or masked data not supported by on-chip breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference
manual of the processor.
data does not fit in on-chip breakpoint resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor, e.g. if the breakpoint consists of value and mask register. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
data does not fit in on-chip trigger resource
The data value assigned to the on-chip breakpoint does not meet the data format provided by the on-chip
breakpoint resource on the processor, e.g. if the breakpoint consists of value and mask register. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
exclude breakpoints not available
An on-chip breakpoint was about to be set to an exclude address which is not possible on the processor.
Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
exclude breakpoint not possible
An on-chip breakpoint was about to be set to an exclude address which is not allowed due to limitations of
the processor. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
exclude breakpoint required
This breakpoint type can only be set with /Exclude option due to limitations of the processor. Please check
Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
only single exclude breakpoint of a certain type possible
Setting multiple exclude breakpoints is not possible. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and
reference manual of the processor.
cannot match TraceON and TraceOFF breakpoints to pairs
The target requires that TraceON/TraceOFF breakpoints operate as pairs. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
no context comparator possible
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The on-chip breakpoint unit does not support context comparators to set task specific breakpoints. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
no virtual machine comparator possible
The on-chip breakpoint unit does not support virtual machine comparators to set machine specific
breakpoints. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
context comparator is disabled
Using the context ID register of the processor is disabled in Break.CONFIG window.
virtual machine comparator is disabled
Using the machine ID register of the processor is disabled in Break.CONFIG window.
no such master available
data value and compare operator missing
cannot translate machine into machine ID value
A machine can not be translated to the appropriate machine ID register value.
cannot translate task into context ID value
A task can not be translated to the appropriate context ID register value.
no master comparator available
The on-chip breakpoint unit does not support bus master comparators. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
no master comparator possible
The on-chip breakpoint unit does not support bus master comparators for this breakpoint type. Please check
Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
no on-chip breakpoint of this type possible
In the current system state, or dependent on the architecture, a breakpoint of the desired type can not be
set. Please check Processor Architecture Manual for details.
on-chip breakpoint resource sharing conflict
The on-chip breakpoint about to be set uses on-chip breakpoint resources which are already used by other
breakpoints. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded breakpoints. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
on-chip breakpoint resource <resource> sharing conflict
The on-chip breakpoint about to be set uses on-chip breakpoint resources which are already used by other
breakpoints. Open Break.List window and delete unneeded breakpoints. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
using reserved breakpoint resource <resource> may produce unpredictable results
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The resource may be used by another function of the debugger.
selective trace conflict, cannot mix program and data trace control
Controlling the trace in this way is not really supported by the complex trigger. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
the trace produced by the complex trigger may be unreliable
Controlling the trace in this way is not really supported by the complex trigger. The resulting trace my be
unpredictable. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
no more counter resources available to detect target stop by ETM
The trigger may still work, but the debugger will not be able to detect the reason for the stop when the ETM
trigger stops the cores.
no more counter resources available to detect breakpoint hit by ETM
The trigger may still work, but the debugger can not detect that a certain breakpoint implemented by the
ETM was hit.
mixing of program and data breakpoints may produce unpredictable results
The combination of program and data related breakpoints may not produce the expected results. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
agent does not match the agent at the definition of the resource
complex trigger can not stop core
The complex trigger unit cannot stop the core. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and
reference manual of the processor.
complex trigger has no such address comparator
The complex trigger unit has no appropriate resource. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and
reference manual of the processor.
trace trigger and break can not be mixed
The complex trigger unit can either cause a trace trigger or a break, but not both actions at the same time.
Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too many counters used
The complex trigger unit runs out of counters. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference
manual of the processor.
count too large
The count is too large to fit into the counters of the complex trigger unit. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too complex expression
The expression in a complex trigger statement is too complex to fit into the available resources. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too complex simple trigger expression
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The expression in a complex trigger statement is too complex to fit into the available resources. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too complex simple trigger expression for core
The expression in a complex trigger statement is too complex to fit into the available resources. Please
check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too many single-shot comparators required
Simplify the expression or use NoSingleShot in condition to avoid using the single-shot comparator by
default. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
too many resources required
Running out of resource registers (ETMv4). Simplify the complex trigger. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
JoinCORE actions are not possible
Use SplitCORE when possible.
cross core actions not possible
Controlling the action on one core by another core is not possible. Only local actions - within a core -
core clock unknown
Enter the core clock with Trace.CLOCK command.
time counters not possible
Core clocks may still work.
Invalid counter number
too many inputs used at resource <resource>
Simplify the expression. Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the
no such signal available
Please check Processor Architecture Manual and reference manual of the processor.
complex trigger state not reachable
The state of a state machine in a complex trigger can not be reached and was optimized away.
action not allowed outside sequencer states
The action must be inside a certain sequencer state.
condition not allowed outside sequencer states
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The condition must be inside a certain sequencer state.
GOTO not possible
The state machine of the target does not support this state change.
too many states in state machine
The state machine of the target does not support so many states.
no more counter resources available for expression extension
Try to simplify the expression or reduce the number of used counters.
no more counter resources available for TraceON/TraceOFF control
Try to reduce the number of used counters.
no more counter resources available for SPOT detection
Try to reduce the number of used counters.
complex trigger has errors
The complex trigger had errors. Run Break.Program again and fix the errors or use Break.CLEAR to
delete the complex trigger.
internal error, please contact technical support
The error should not happen, please contact the technical support.
action statement outside IF condition
Action statements must be placed after an IF statement that defines the condition for the actions.
no actions defined for this condition
Action statements must be places after an IF statement that defines the condition for the actions.
closing bracket for parameters missing
The parameters of a condition have no matching closing bracket.
opening bracket expected
The parameters of a condition need to be included in brackets. Conditions without parameters need empty
invalid name
Names for counters, flags and state machines can only include the letters ’a’...’z’, ’0’...’9’ and ’_’.They can not
start with ’0’...’9’.
expected memory access class only
The memory access class specifies the ZONE, e.g. S: or U:.
expected comparison operator and value
The operator and value defines the counter operation, e.g. COUNT(X>100).
same counter used in different modes
A counter is used in different modes. This is not allowed.
counter does not exist
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The counter needs to be used in a condition expression to be defined.
counter type does not allow increment
Time or clock counters can only be enabled, but can not increment. Use an event counter to count events.
counter type does not allow enable
An event counter can not be enabled. Define a clock counter to count core clocks.
flag does not exist
The flag needs to be used in a condition expression to be defined.
state-machine level does not exist
The specified name does not exist as trigger level name.
state-machine level does already exist
The specified name does already exist as trigger level name.
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Error Messages Related to Debugging
target running
The current run-control command (Go/Step) can only be executed if the target program is stopped for the
target not running
The current run-control command (Break) can only be executed if the target program is running.
target system down
The current run-control command (Go/Step/Break) can only be executed if debugger established a
connection to the target (SYStem.Mode UP)
cannot determine big/little core
core powered down
The selected core of a multi-core SOC has no power.
core secured error
The operation could not be performed because the core is secured.
The user given security code doesn't match the security code of the selected core or another security
mechanism is active which does not allow the debugger to access the core.
chip powered down
access time-out, core running
The current command causes an access to a target resource which currently can not be accessed because
the target application is running. Access to memory while the target is running is controlled by
access time-out
The current command causes an access to a target resource which currently can not be accessed. Access
to memory while the target is running is controlled by SYStem.MemAccess.
time-out, cannot set registers
A time-out occurred while trying to write to a register. Please check Processor Architecture Manual for
more information or contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
no access to target CPU
The CPU did not grant access to the addressed resource. Please check Processor Architecture Manual
for details.
protected memory access error
The debug hardware tried to access protected memory areas and failed. Please see Processor
Architecture Manual for details.
debug monitor communication error
An error occurred while communicating with the monitor program. Please check Processor Architecture
Manual for details.
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target power fail
The current SYStem.Mode command failed, because target power was detected to be turned off. Please
turn on target power. If the error persists, check if the VCC pin on the debug connector is powered (without
and with debug cable connected).
target in reset
The target reset is active.
target reset fail
An unexpected target reset occurred, which caused that the debugger lost control over the CPU.
target power or reset fail
The debugger lost control over the CPU, either caused by power down or target reset.
waiting for reset time-out
A reset-related time-out occurred. Please check target configuration and check Processor Architecture
Manual for further information.
CPU clock fail
The debugger lost control over the CPU because a clock needed for debugging is disabled or not functional.
target system locked
The SYStem.LOCK command was called before the current command. All commands that access the
target are locked. Execute SYStem.LOCK OFF.
software breakpoints not possible with current system setting
The current system settings/state does not allow software breakpoints. Please refer the corresponding
Processor Architecture Manual for more details about restrictions for breakpoints.
break not allowed
The current command is not allowed while SYStem.CpuBreak Denied is set.
operation would cause spot - which is not allowed
The current command is only allowed when SYStem.CpuSpot Enable is set.
operation would cause single spot - which is not allowed
The current command is only allowed when SYStem.CpuSpot Enable or SYStem.CpuSpot Single is set.
operation would cause target called spot - which is not allowed
The current command is only allowed when SYStem.CpuSpot Denied is not set.
operation requires target memory access while core is running
The current command is only allowed when an appropriate memory access mode is set.
target stopped for stop and resume operation - which is not allowed
The resume operation is not possible with the SYStem.CpuSpot Denied setting.
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operation not allowed when CTS is active
The current command is not allowed when the context tracking system is enabled. Execute CTS.OFF and
try again.
operation not allowed when the virtual execution mode is active
The current command is not allowed when the virtual execution mode is enabled. Execute VE.OFF and try
debugger configuration error
The debugger settings are inconsistent or do not match the target topology. One reason may be a wrong
CPU selection. Check the settings in SYStem and SYStem.CONFIG windows. Please check Processor
Architecture Manual for more information.
debug monitor entered by reset
The rom monitor was re-entered because a target reset occurred.
debug monitor entered by interrupt/trap
An interrupt or trap caused the rom monitor to be entered.
debug monitor fail, executed trap
The debug monitor has executed a trap. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
debug port fail
The debug-port of the target failed. Check processor, socket and target-clock.
debug port error #<number>
The debug-port of the target failed. Check processor, socket and target-clock.
debug port locked
The debug-port of the target has been locked (security active).
debug port problem
The debug-port of the target failed. Check processor, socket and target-clock.
target reset detected
An active reset signal was detected.
debug port time-out at <address>
The debug port of the target had time-out during memory read (no DSACK or BERR signal generated).
Check chip-select and bus monitor function. Normally the FRZBM bit in the SIM module should be disabled
(set to No).
debug monitor fail
The debug monitor is not working correctly. Check also the target-appendix for your target.
debug port failed after reset
The debug-port of the target failed after reset. Check processor, socket and target-clock.
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debug port RTCK failed
Check RTCK connection or chip settings.
target multicore configuration wrong
Check multicore or chip settings.
core idle
The core is in idle mode. The action is not possible in this mode.
cannot access FPU
The access to a floating point register failed. Please check Processor Architecture Manual for details.
FPU access is off
The FPU-commands are switched off, use FPU.ON to activate the FPU.
target program was not running till now
Because of a processor restriction, the required operation (e.g. FPU access) is only possible after the
processor was started at least once with the GO command.
verify error at address <address>
The data was not correctly written into the memory.
code at software breakpoint has changed at address <address>
The previously written software breakpoint code was overwritten by the target program. This is just a
attempt to set breakpoint inside slot instruction
The breakpoint is not allowed here. Move the breakpoint to a different location.
no memory at address <address>
Tried to access memory where no memory is mapped.
memory contents not valid at address <address>
The address about to be accessed is currently invalid. Please check if the address is correct and if the
memory at this address is already initialized.
virtual memory contents (VM:) not valid at address <address>
It was attempted to access an address in virtual memory, which was not yet initialized with data.
memory access not allowed at address <address>
Tried to access memory that is tagged as volatile or deny access via commands MAP.Volatile or
variable not existing
The variable could not be found in the current context. In some cases variables are not available because of
compiler optimizations.
cannot single step this instruction
The instruction at the current Program Pointer is illegal or can not be single stepped due to debug limitations.
Use the Data.List window and Mode.Mixed command to display the assembly code that shall be executed.
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too many return points in this function
The Go.Return command could not be executed because too many return points were found.
no return points in this function
The Go.Return command could not be executed because no return points were found.
already at return point of this function
The Go.Return command could not be executed because the program is already at a return location.
cannot determine return points for function <function>
The Go.Return command could not be executed because the return points could not be determined.
not in function
The Go.Return command could not be executed because a previous function entry could not be
no more reachable targets from this code
The Step.Diverge command could not be executed because all parts that can be reached by the currently
active stepped code have already been reached.
no such stack frame
Commands using information from stack (e.g. Go.UP, Register.UP, Register.Down) could not be executed
because the stack is invalid.
already at entry point of this function
The Go.BackEntry command could not be executed because tthe program is already at the entry location.
memory segment invalid or limit exceeded (segmentation error)
A protected mode address cannot be translated to a linear address because either the given segment
descriptor is not applicable for the address or the address offset exceeds the limit specified by the segment .
A descriptor being not applicable can be due to a invalid segment, the wrong type of the segment. Check the
segment registers using the command MMU.view. If a descriptor table walk is triggered by the translation,
check the global and/or local descriptor table using the commands MMU.DUMP.GDT or MMU.DUMP.LDT.
MMU translation failed at address <address>
The logical address could not be translated into a valid physical address.
space ID invalid
The space ID given is not known to the system. Check the currently valid space IDs using the command
machine not defined
The MMU format for the specified guest machine ID or the intermediate page table (second translation
stage) for this machine ID is undefined. Please ensure that you specify the MMU setup with MMU.FORMAT
for all virtual machines (guests) used.
impossible to configure FPGA because debugger is attached
The FPGA can not be loaded because there is an active debug connection to the FPGA. Please execute
SYStem.Mode Down first.
data alignment error at address <address>
Some CPU's can write word or long-word data only aligned to even addresses.
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target vector table not valid
Some processors need specific entries in the vector table before executing real-time commands.
write line on chip not enabled
Please enable the write enable line of the processor before doing write accesses.
debugger synch timeout
Several TRACE32 instances are configured for synchronized Go/Step or Break (see SYNCH window) and
one if the connected instances does not respond. Please check if all connected TRACE32 instances are
running and if the firewall is configured to allows opening a UDP socket.
debugger usr access disabled
The target program that does the USR memory access returned with an error. Because of this error USR
access has been disabled. Or the USR memory access is not configured.
bus error at address <address>
A memory access caused a bus timeout. If unsure which memory access caused the problem, please check
the SYStem.LOG.List window.
bus error received by debug monitor
A memory access performed by the rom monitor caused a bus error.
address error received by debug monitor
An interrupt occurred while the monitor tried to read/write memory. Check SYStem.LOG.List window to see
which addresses were accessed.debug
illegal instruction error received by monitor
An illegal instruction interrupt occurred while the monitor code was executed. The monitor program is
probably corrupted, or the current core (machine) state does not allow some instructions used by the
error response from monitor
The monitor returned with an error. The source of this error could not be determined.
syntax error in floating-point number
The floating point number in the command line contains a syntax error.
unknown register name: <regname>
The register name passed as argument of the function Register is unknown.
unknown register value
The value of the register is unknown.
invalid bus width
The bus width specified in the command or function is invalid or missing.
debug port secured
The debug port of the processor is secured. Please see Processor Architecture Manual on how to
unsecure the debug port of the processor.
debug function blocked by device security
Error Messages | 76
1989-2024 Lauterbach
The debug port of the processor, or a part of the debug port is secured. Please see Processor
Architecture Manual on how to unsecure the debug port of the processor.
invalid MMU translation for this CPU
The address translation specified with TRANSlation.Create is not possible on this processor. Please check
the address ranges.
syntax error in symbol
The debug symbol entered with the current command contains a syntax error.
symbol is not a function
The symbol specified in the current command is not a function name. Check spelling.
symbol is not a modul
The symbol specified in the current command is not a module name. Check spelling.
no source information
There is no source information loaded for that module. Loading sources is only possible if sourcelines were
already loaded.
ambiguous symbol
There are multiple symbols addressed by this name. Use the sYmbol.Browser to display these symbols.
Use the sYmbol.MATCH command to change the symbol selection strategy.
ambiguous method name, need prototype/class
The method name is ambiguous (e.g. operator overloading). Select the desired method through the
sYmbol.List window.
line not found
The line number specified with the current command is invalid.
symbol is line number
The current command expected a symbol name, but a line number was entered.
symbol not found
The symbol name in the current command is unknown. Check spelling.
symbol not found in this context
The symbol specified in the current command or function is unknown in the current context.
symboltype not displayable
variable has no value
The variable about to be displayed is currently not available. Usually this is due to compiler optimizations.
variable has no address
The variable about to be displayed is currently hold in a register or is a constant. Therefore no address is
Error Messages | 77
1989-2024 Lauterbach
symbol has no address or address range
Some symbols have no assigned address range. This can have several reasons e.g. loaded symbol file
doesn't contains address information about the actual used symbol.
e.g. PRINT sYmbol.RANGE(\\programname)
no access to that symbol
no such language loaded
Loaded languages are displayed in the module table. The name is always a code the language and the used
compiler, e.g. MCC68K, CCC68K, UBROF-C.
local symbol file <filename> not found
The symbol file with the specified name could not be found. Please make sure that the file is available and
the path names are correct.
cannot change from short to long line number format
Without Puzzled or COLumns option a short linenumber format is used. If more than one file is to be
loaded, all file must have either short or long format.
function and scope information cannot be aligned
The information about functions and scopes (lexical blocks) cannot be matched.
too many types in one module for packing
The command Data.LOAD was called with option /PACK and the file contained too many types. Please
load the file without option /PACK.
wrong character for bit mask (only '0', '1' or 'X' allowed)
The argument of the current command expects a bit mask. Only '0', '1' and 'x'/'X' (don't care) are allowed.
wrong accessmode
The memory class used for the current access is not supported by the eprom simulator.
invalid operation code in bank file
The first byte of the banking definition file is must be the bank mode. The bank file is probably corrupted.
DTACK error reported by CPU
While executing a memory access, the data acknowledge signal was not received. Use MAP.DenyAccess
to prevent accessing unimplemented memory addresses. It is recommended to implement the board
hardware in a way that a bus timeout is generated when unimplemented memory addresses are accessed.
unknown bitstream
Not supported bitstream format. Please verify that you use a valid Xilinx bitstream file.
used SMP cores/threads not defined
The error occurs if command SYStem.CONFIG.CoreNumber was entered and the system mode changed
with missing information about which hardware cores/threads are used for this SMP debug session. Use
commands CORE.NUMber or CORE.ASSIGN to define the used hardware threads/cores.
Error Messages | 78
1989-2024 Lauterbach
core inactive
There is no access to the core due to missing power, missing clock, the core is held in reset or the core
failed to write <value> to target register <register_/name>
For some reason the debugger was not able to write the specified value to a target register.
If you debugging a customized SoC please check with your SoC designers. Otherwise contact technical
support (suppor[email protected]).
address range incorrectly aligned or length inconsistent with access width
Address range borders must match the intended alignment (short, word, quad addresses).
e.g. wrong: Data.Test P:0x101--0x1fe /Long
correct: Data.Test P:0x100--0x1ff /Long
options may only be specified once
Each option can only specified once. Also, some options preclude other options: /KEY and /NOKEY are
exclusive, as are /USER, /USERL and /USERH.
key mismatch
The key provided by the user does not match the expected one.
for /USERH, bits 7..0 of the specified user code must be zero
for /USERL, bits 31..8 of the specified user code must be zero
Specify a 32-bit value for each of these options, with the bits that are not within the correct bit range set to
unknown symbol filter
The symbol filter with the specified name does not exist. Create the symbol filter before using it.
instrumentation violation detected in function <function>
A function with code instrumentation was detected in the application, although TRACE32 is configured to
ignore code instrumentation. Check whether you have loaded a wrong application binary or the TRACE32
configuration is incorrect. The command sYmbol.ECA.BINary.ControlFlowMode.INSTR can be used to
adapt the TRACE32 configuration setting for code instrumentation.
Error Messages | 79
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Debug Hardware and Software
fatal error #<code>, contact technical support (suppor[email protected])
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
no debugging device attached
TRACE32 could not connect to the debug interface or simulator or API. Please check the startup
configuration (usually config.t32). If TRACE32 was started in simulator mode, this error occurs if the installed
version of TRACE32 does not provide an instruction set simulator for the selected architecture. Please
check if an instruction set simulator is offered for this architecture and if an update is
available for download.
division by zero
The mathematical operation of the HLL expression caused a division by zero.
too many source paths
The maximum number of allowed source paths was exceeded. Reduce the number of source paths.
internal sharing violation
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
fatal hardware error (FPGA load failure)
Possible causes are:
Podbus configuration error. Please check if (optional) USE= entry or Trace32Start configuration
is correct (PowerDebug and PowerDebug USB1 modules need two digits for USE entry)
Podbus connector problem. Please check if all cables are attached properly.
Problem with power supply. Please check if the appropriate power supply is used.
Hardware failure. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
thermal overload, check cooling system
Please check if the debug hardware is placed so that is does not overheat, heat sinks have sufficient airing
and the cooling fan (if available) is spinning. In the latter case, please contact technical support
fatal error in debug hardware (startup), contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
A fatal error occurred while starting a sub controller. Please check Podbus connections, other cable
connections, power supply, connection to host and configuration file (config.t32). If the problem persists,
please contact technical support (
fatal error (<code>) in debug hardware startup, contact technical support
A fatal error occurred while starting a sub controller. Please check Podbus connections, other cable
connections, power supply, connection to host and configuration file (config.t32). If the problem persists,
please contact technical support (
fatal error in debug hardware (RAM), contact technical support (suppor[email protected])
An internal error occurred. Please contact technical support (
Error Messages | 80
1989-2024 Lauterbach
fatal error in debug hardware startup (RAM content verify), contact technical support
An internal error occurred. Please contact technical support (
function not implemented
The requested operation is not implemented or not possible with the debug hardware.
function not available on this device
The requested operation is not supported by the target device.
function disabled due to license problems
TRACE32 detected a corrupt debug cable. As a result several functions have been disabled. Please check if
your debug cable is plugged correctly and if it is original equipment from Lauterbach. Please contact
technical support (suppor[email protected]).
command not implemented in debug hardware or API
The command to be executed is not implemented in the current software version. Please contact technical
support (suppor[email protected]).
register set not defined
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
decompression failed
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
fatal memory overflow
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
out of local memory
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
self test of eprom simulator failed
The selftest detected a hardware error of the eprom simulator. Please contact technical support
name information table overflow, contact technical support (suppor[email protected])
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
function information table overflow, contact technical support (suppor[email protected])
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
fatal error in symbol table
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
type information table overflow, contact technical support (
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
inconsistent TRACE32 installation, please re-install
Host software and driver software version don't match. This can happen if files from two installations are
Error Messages | 81
1989-2024 Lauterbach
only access modes <access_class> expected
The allowed access modes are CPU dependend.
fatal error in debug hardware (counter system)
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
fatal error in debug hardware, contact technical support (
Internal error. Please contact technical support (
unknown debug signal
You have chosen a name of a debug signal, which is unknown to TRACE32. Please see command
JTAG.PIN for a list of known signals.
core clock down error
The operation could not be performed because the core has no clock.
dictionary full error
Error Messages | 82
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Analyzer/Trace
analyzer is armed, no access possible
While the trace (Analyzer, ART, Logger, etc) is armed, accesses to the trace buffer are not allowed. Please
wait until the trace stops, or turn trace off manually using Trace.Off.
analyzer is disabled, no access possible
The trace (Analyzer, ART, Logger, etc) is disabled. Operations that require access to the trace buffer are not
analyzer is not usable, no access possible
The trace (Analyzer, ART, Logger, etc) is not usable. Operations that require access to the trace buffer are
not possible.
analyzer file not loaded, use Trace.FILE command
A Trace.* (Analyzer, ART, Logger, etc) command was called with option /FILE, but no trace file was loaded
using Trace.FILE yet.
analyzer not readable
Internal error, please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
profiler already in use with different setup
The profiler can only operate on one counter with one sample-rate.
unknown counter name or wrong mode
The name must be the same that is used in the analyzer programming sequence. The mode of the counter
must also by the same.
unknown flag name
The name must be the same which is used in the analyzer programming (CTU) sequence.
unknown level name
The specified level name of the current command does not exist. Check spelling.
incompatible analyzer data
A Trace (Analyzer, ART, LOGGER, etc) recording was about to be loaded, but the file to be loaded is not
compatible to the selected Trace method.
analyzer counter overflow
The counters of the analyzer are 48 bit wide, while the arithmetic of the system is 32 bits. This error indicates
that the accessed counter value cannot be represented by a 32 bit value.
corresponding analyzer list window required
To search the items TIme.FUNC or TIme.MARK, a Analyzer.List window displaying the searched items is
too many items
The maximum number of items selected for the Trace.List window was exceeded.
WARNING: analyzer timestamp overflow, times may be incorrect
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1989-2024 Lauterbach
The timestamp unit of the analyzer detected a timestamp overflow. Please be aware that the times displayed
in the analyzer listing can be wrong. If this error occurs, use shorter trace times.
no such channel
The channel name specified as argument of the current command does not exist. Check spelling.
trigger delay out of range
The specified trigger delay is out of the allowed range.
bookmark not found
The bookmark with the specified name was not found. Open the BookMark.List window for a list of
target clock frequency unknown
Timestamps for the trace cannot be calculated because the target core clock is not known.The clock can be
defined with the Trace.CLOCK command.
emulation extension chip (EEC) not available
No Emulation Extension Chip (EEC) was found. Probably the selected CPU is not an Emulation Device.
record number is out of range
The record number passed to this command or PRACTICE function does not exist. Either no trace recording
was made at all, or the record number is outside the available record number range.
WARNING: ocb mode for decision coverage active
Decision coverage is selected, but no ECA data files are loaded. Only "Object Code Based (OCB) Decision
Coverage” is possible.
Error Messages | 84
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to MCDS
MCDS internal error - contact technical support (suppor[email protected])
A software-internal error has occurred within the MCDS-related part of TRACE32 PowerView. Contact
technical support (suppor[email protected]) and provide detailed information on your TRACE32 system,
configuration and the entered commands or scripts.
MCDS feature not supported
This MCDS feature is not supported by the TRACE32 PowerView software. Contact technical support
( for more information on whether this feature is supported by a newer software
MCDS feature not available
The requested MCDS resource or programming is not available. Try to find another solution.
MCDS resources already in use
One or more of the MCDS resources required for this programming are already used for another purpose.
Try to find an alternative solution or programming.
error enabling MCDS
Enabling MCDS failed, check hardware and configuration. Check the debug connection, your device, the
CPU selection and your hardware design.
error writing MCDS configuration to target
The device reported an error while writing the MCDS configuration. Check the debug connection, the device
and the selected CPU. Note that the MCDS setup may be cached internally so this message may not
appear directly when configuring.
error reading MCDS configuration from target
The device reported an error while reading the MCDS configuration. Check the debug connection, the
device and the selected CPU.
MCDS internal error, failed to initialize resource management
TRACE32 PowerView failed to initialize the resource management. Contact technical support
(suppor[email protected]) and provide detailed information on your TRACE32 system, configuration and
the entered commands or scripts.
MCDS resource already in use
The requested MCDS resource is already in use, try to use another configuration.
Error Messages | 85
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to Trace Testfocus/Autofocus
trace test failed: Don't know where to execute the test code
If the command Trace.AutoFocus or Trace.TestFocus is executed, TRACE32 attempts for load a test
program to the target RAM. TRACE32 looks for RAM at the memory addressed by the PC, the stack pointer
or the <address_range> entered with the command. If this error message appears TRACE32 is unable to
load the test program. Please make sure that PC and/or stack pointer are pointing to RAM or specify a valid
trace test failed: not enough samples in the trace
Repeat the command Trace.AutoFocus/Trace.TestFocus. The persistence of this problem indicates that the
clock or enable signals might have a problem. Check the following:
trace port enabled?
buffer devices enabled?
trace clock enabled?
threshold out of signal range?
When using the Preprocessor for ARM-ETM with AUTOFOCUS the ETM clock frequency can be double-
checked with AutoFocus diagnosis tool (~~/demo/etc/diagnosis/autofocus/afdiagnosis.cmm). If the clock
frequency measured by the diagnosis tool is nonsense most likely the clock signal is causing the problem. If
the diagnosis tool measures the expected frequency, the enable signals might be the problem. For example
for an ETMv.3 architecture the TRACECTRL signal (= Trace Signal 2) is expected on pin 36 of the trace port
connector (please refer to 'Technical Data' in “Arm ETM Trace” (trace_arm_etm.pdf). Some general
guidelines on how to proceed are provided under 'Diagnosis' in “Arm ETM Trace” (trace_arm_etm.pdf).
trace test failed: trace empty
See Trace test failed: not enough samples in the trace.
trace test failed: trace empty, probably no trace clock
See Trace test failed: not enough samples in the trace.
trace test failed: trace control pin not working
The trace control pin (TRACECTL for ETMv3 or PSx for ETMv1) is not working.
trace test failed: there is no test program available for the selected core
In order to start the self calibration (Trace.AutoFocus) or to start the data eye finder (Trace.TestFocus)
TRACE32 requires a test program running on the target. For the CPU you selected via SYStem.CPU there
is no test program available. Please contact the technical support (
trace test failed: test not available
Software implementation issue. Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
Error Messages | 86
1989-2024 Lauterbach
trace test failed: pin connection error
This message will occur, if one or more trace channels are stuck to either VCC or GND or are not changing
independently. This might be caused by:
unsupported ETM mode
trace port not enabled
wrong connector pinout
shorts between data pins TP[..]
Repeat the command Trace.AutoFocus/Trace.TestFocus for both Trace.TERM ON and OFF as well as at the
lowest target frequency possible. The persistence of this problem indicates that trace channels might be
floating or that there is coupling between trace channels. Some general guidelines on how to proceed are
provided under 'Diagnosis' in “Arm ETM Trace” (trace_arm_etm.pdf).
trace test failed: can't get program flow trace
The TRACE32 software is unable to complete the program flow calculation. Please contact technical
support (suppor[email protected]).
trace test failed: trace contains no program flow
This problem can either be the trace port configuration or the trace port sampling.
trace test failed: trace too short to verify the correctness of the program flow
This problem is likely to be frequency dependant. Repeat the command Trace.AutoFocus/Trace.TestFocus
at the lowest target frequency possible. If the problem persists repeat it for both Trace.TERM ON and OFF.
Some general guidelines on how to proceed are provided under 'Diagnosis' in “Arm ETM Trace”
trace test failed: some errors detected in the program flow
Check the following:
trace port enabled
timing violations on status pins PS[..], TS
threshold out of signal range
trace test failed: many errors detected in the program flow
See Trace test failed: some errors detected in the program flow.
trace test failed: no data flow information in the trace
Check the following:
trace port enabled
timing violations on data pins TP[..]
threshold out of signal range
See Trace test failed: no data flow information in the trace.
trace test failed: FIFOFULL and wrong test pattern
The trace port is configured too slow or too narrow to trace the required information.
Error Messages | 87
1989-2024 Lauterbach
trace test failed: no data patterns
See Trace test failed: no data flow information in the trace.
trace test failed: not enough data patterns
See Trace test failed: no data flow information in the trace.
trace test failed: errors in the data flow
See Trace test failed: no data flow information in the trace.
trace test failed: wrong test pattern
Data cache not updated -> disable data cache for testing. Also see Trace test failed: no data flow
information in the trace.
trace test failed: wrong test pattern sometimes on all pins
See Trace test failed: wrong test pattern.
trace test failed: wrong test pattern sometimes on some pins
See Trace test failed: wrong test pattern.
trace test failed: test pattern not sufficient
This message occurs, if one or more trace channels are stuck to either VCC or GND or are not changing
independently. Opposed to Trace test failed: pin connection error this just means that the test pattern
generated by the test program were not sufficient to test all trace channels. In other words the trace channels
that could be tested were tested successfully, but not all channels could be tested. For example this is the
case for ETMv.1 in WideDemux mode, when the instruction cache is off. If supported by the target enable
the instruction cache to avoid this message.
trace test failed: test code not running properly.
If the command Trace.AutoFocus or Trace.TestFocus is executed, TRACE32 attempts to load a test program
to the target RAM and execute it. The test program implements an endless loop that generates a worst case
test pattern on the trace port. This message means that the test program finished prematurely. Use the
/keep option to analyze the cause of the problem. See Trace.AutoFocus for details.
trace test failed.
One or more of the above messages have occurred after executing Trace.AutoFocus or Trace.TestFocus.
Use the command AREA.view to display all error messages
trace test failed: can´t read data eye border
When using the Preprocessor for ARM-ETM without AUTOFOCUS the Trace.AutoFocus command will
attempt to set up the best possible reference voltage (the only parameter that can be changed for that
preprocessor). This message indicates that the algorithm was unable to find a reference voltage. Repeat the
Trace.AutoFocus command and contact technical support (suppor[email protected]), if the issue persists.
Error Messages | 88
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Error Messages Related to APU API
APU sub core is running
The current APU run control command (APU.Go/APU.Step) can only be executed if the sub core is
APU sub core is not running
The current APU run control command (APU.Break) can only be executed if the sub core is running.
APU sub core in idle state
The current APU run control command (APU.Go/APU.Step/APU.Break) cannot be executed because the
sub core is not ready for debugging.
Error Messages | 89
1989-2024 Lauterbach
HLL Expression Parser
Error Messages
no function prototype to supply overlaid arguments to function
arguments don't match function prototype
address of call dummy routine not defined, use SETUP.VARCALL
return value of function cannot be identified
no global variable <name>
base class <type> not inherited
not pointer to method
negative sized type encountered
target function call not possible with this command
Use the commands Var.set or Var.Call for function calls instead.
processor running after target function call
target function call failed, PC not at expected location
invalid parameter for target function call
result too wide
The size of the result for this command is limited to 128 bytes.
don't know vptr of <type>
failed to trace back over bad stackframe
The access to a variable, burried in the stack frame cannot be made.
no stack frame for variable <name> found
static member <name> of class not found
method <name> of class not found
function <name> not found
no type <typename>
no enumeration member <name>
Error Messages | 90
1989-2024 Lauterbach
no virtual function found
memory allocation in target failed
illegal cast to <type>
<type> is not an array
<type> is not a pointer to member
trying to dereference a non pointer
expression has no value
expression has no address
trying to access element <name> of non structure expression
trying to access element <name> of non structure pointer expression
no field <name> in structure
no member or method <name> in class
<name> is not a static member of the class
incompatible pointer types
trying to call a non function
array index out of range
trying numeric operation with non numeric arguments
invalid operator combination
<type> is not a class
<member> is not a valid destructor
invalid character constant
invalid character in symbol
invalid digit in numeric expression
<name> is not a valid boolean constant (TRUE or FALSE)
cannot assign set to a non set variable
Error Messages | 91
1989-2024 Lauterbach
syntax error in expression
empty expression
extra characters after expression
no language for expressions selected
Use the command sYmbol.LANGUAGE to select a language for parsing expressions.
macro expansion failed
out of memory during expression evaluation
feature not implemented
fatal error in expression parser, contact technical support (
unknown memory access class
scaling operation is not reversible
too many values for this struct
Error Messages | 92
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Inline Assembler
Error Messages
internal error : <text>
Please contact technical support (suppor[email protected]).
assembler program too long
The generated assembler code exceeds the internal code buffer size.
too many ORG commands
The number of ORG commands used inside the present assembler program are exceeding the limit.
syntax error
no more input
operand required
',' expected
invalid addressing mode
no valid instruction for actual selected CPU type
CPU type is not implemented or activated for this command or syntax
instructions are not allowed with this CPU type
instruction or operand is not allowed with this CPU type
no value 0 permitted
bit number between 0 and 7 expected
only a 0 is allowed
only values between 0 and 8 expected
the maximum of the value bit-number is 4 bit (0..0xf)
the maximum of the value is 1 bit (0/1)
the maximum of the value is 2 bit (0..0x3)
the maximum of the value is 3 bit (0..0x7)
the maximum of the value is 4 bit (0..0xf)
Error Messages | 93
1989-2024 Lauterbach
5 bit value expected (0..0x1f)
5 bit value expected (1..0x1f)
the maximum of the value is 6 bit (0..0x3F)
the maximum of the value is 7 bit (0..0x7F)
the maximum of the value is 8 bit (0..0xff)
the maximum of the value is 9 bit (0..0x1ff)
the maximum of the value is 10 bit (0..0x3FF)
the maximum of the value is 11 bit (0..0x7FF)
the maximum of the value is 12 bit (0..0xFFF)
the maximum of the value is 13 bit (0..0x1FFF)
the maximum of the value is 14 bit (0..0x3FFF)
the maximum of the value is 16 bit (0..0xFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 18 bit (0..0x3FFFF)
the maximum of the value is 19 bit (0..0x7FFFF)
the maximum of the value is 20 bit (0..0xFFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 22 bit (0..0x3FFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 23 bit (0..0x7FFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 24 bit (0..0xFFFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 25 bit (0..0x1FFFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 27 bit (0..0x7FFFFFF)
the maximum of the value is 32 bit (0..0xFFFFFFFF)
32-bit register not allowed, is only for protected mode
2-bit register expected
16-bit register expected
32-bit register expected
Error Messages | 94
1989-2024 Lauterbach
16-bit address too far away, only a relative-8-bit-operand is allowed
32-bit address not allowed in this mode or for this command
address displacement too hugh in this mode or for this command
address too long
enter address
offset or address is too far
address illegal, even number is necessary
address illegal, is too far away from the current addr position
value is too long here
value is too far
value is too large
value is not allowed
Ax or PC required
Ax required
Ax, Dx or '[' required
Ax, Dx or ']' required
[ Offset : Width ] required
signed value is required
value is too long
constant too large, not allowed in this mode or for this command
constant is too large or too small
32-bit constant not allowed in this mode or for this command
constant required
the type or name of the Co-processor register is wrong
only values (1,2,-1,-2) expected
Error Messages | 95
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Dx required
':' required
the page number x is wrong
the next must be the DP register and colon (:)
Dx or Ax required
floating point register required
index or register for index not exist (Reg32_Bit*2, *4 or *8 allowed)
index register is used twice
index not exist
index not exist (*2, *4 or *8 allowed)
keyword combination not allowed
keyword combination not exist
keyword not exist
Dx, Ax or const required
const, Ax, Dx or PC required
const, Ax, Dx, '[' or PC required
const negativ
const, Ax, Dx or '[' required
scale factor expected
mnemo or label required
Ax only if the FPIAR is the single register selected
operand ACC not permitted
"MOV A,ACC" isn't a valid instruction
no [ offset : width ]
no static constant
no bitaddressable direct address
Error Messages | 96
1989-2024 Lauterbach
'(' required
the next must be an offset and colon (:)
offset must be divisible by 4
only 32-bit register, register combination not allowed
operand combination not allowed, not exist
operand expected
operand data format required
the type or name of the register is wrong
register direct not allowed for one operand
the type or name of the register is wrong
register PR expected
register PR not allowed
wrong register
wrong register name or type in register list
only values 0..3 for register expected
register R6 expected
The addressing with displacement is only possible with register R6.
the type or name of the register is wrong for the command or operand
register name FPSCR expected
register name FPUL expected
this register name is not allowed
register name XMTRX expected
register combination not allowed
register range exceeded
register ES necessary
same register
Error Messages | 97
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Dx, Ax or PC required
register not allowed for one operand
register syntax not allowed
R0 or R1 expected
For addressing mode "@Rr" register R0 or R1 expected
the relative value is larger than 8 bit, it's too large or too small for short
REPEAT xxx TIMES is wrong (xxx=MRW or #data5Bit)
REPEAT register TIMES is wrong (register=MRW)
REPEAT xxx TIMES is wrong (xxx=#data5Bit)
')' required
')' or ',' required
']'or ',' required
shift register command need another syntax (LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR)
Dx only if a single FPcr (FPCR, FPSR, FPIAR) is selected
bit value is too large for this command
'*', ')', ',', ':' or ']' required
'*', ']' or ',' required
'-', ',' or ']' required
'.', '*', ':', ',', ')' or ']' required
'.', '*', ',' or ')' required
':', ']', ')' or ',' required
comma required
invalid operand data format
invalid registersequence
error in scale
scale 68000 : '*1', scale 68020 : '*1', '*2', '*4', '*8'
invalid name on position of usr0 or usr1
Error Messages | 98
1989-2024 Lauterbach
trap number out of valid range (0x30..0x39 and 0x40..0xff)
'W' or 'L' required
']' required
condition code can only be EQ and LE
condition code AL is not permitted
register PC and SP aren't permitted
For addressing mode only registers R0 till R12 expected.
Registers R15 (PC) and register R13 (SP) aren't permitted
only 2 or 4 register for command expected
Only register pairs or double pairs expected.
e.g. {R0,R1} or {R4,R7}
Odd register names like {R1,R2} respectively hugher register lists like {R2,R7} aren't permitted.
only 4 register for command expected
Only register double pair expected.
e.g. {R2,R5} or {R4,R7}
Odd register names like {R1,R4} respectively smaller or hugher register lists like {R2,R7} aren't permitted.
only register LR expected
only register PC expected
only register SP expected
only registers MOL till M3H expected
only register R15 expected
inline Assembler is not available for selected SYStem.CPU.
the difference has a maximum of 5 bits
the value must be divisible by 2
Error Messages | 99
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Analyzer Trigger Unit Programming
Error Messages
internal error :
Please contact the manufacturer !
number in this context not allowed
A number is not allowed outside a name or a declaration expression.
":" expected
unexpected EOL - closing ':' for logical operator expected
normally ':' respectively ':' written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, c.i intno if ab:A"
2. line: ":program"
unexpected character
unexpected EOF
"|" expected
unexpected character or EOL - second '|' for logical OR operator expected
normally '|' is forgotten respectively '|' is written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, c.i intno if ab|"
2. line: "|program"
'^' expected
unexpected character or EOL - second '^' for logical XOR operator expected
normally '^' is forgotten respectively '^' is written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, c.i intno if ab^"
2. line: "^program"
'&' expected
unexpected character or EOL - second '&' for logical AND operator expected
normally '&' is forgotten respectively '&' is written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, c.i intno if ab&"
2. line: "&program"
'/' expected
unexpected character or EOL - second '/' character for comment begin expected
normally '/' is forgotten respectively '/' is written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, c.i intno if /"
2. line: "/ enable sampling and increment counter intno"
oldfashioned operator locked in current radix mode
In the current parser mode is the old syntax of operators and operands locked. Please switch mode to
CLASSIC (SETUP.RADIX CLASSIC) or use new syntax.
old syntax operators: N: :A: :X: :O:
new syntax operators: ! && ^^ ||
e.g. sample.enable if N:write
^ error
sample.enable if !write
^ ok
Error Messages | 100
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too !
not enough memory (for name table)
Not enough system memory for the expanded name table available.
too many names
Too many names used inside a trigger unit progam.
keyword <name> isn't allowed
This keyword is locked with the current analyzer hardware.
keyword <name> isn't allowed
This keyword is locked with the current ICE hardware.
This address eventname can be used only in a configuration with bondout chip.
EOF expected
unrecognized symbol;
superfluous (needless) symbols at a position where EOF is expected.
declaration must stand before the first instruction or level name
At this position in the state analyzer program there is no declaration permitted. Declarations must stand
before the first global instruction respectively the first level name (label).
e.g. "timecounter delay"
"s.e if delay"
"eventcounter nr_int"
keywords as levelnames not allowed
A reserved keyword is used as a levelname. This is prohibited.
e.g. "START: continue if ab"
"L0: sample.enable if !delaycnt"
"mark: counter.increment intcnt if cb"
command expected
EOL expected
keyword for declaration required
declaration type is locked
This declaration isn't permitted with the current analyzer hardware.
data events locked with the current analyzer hardware
The data event isn't available with the current fireanalyzer hardware. This feature is released in a later
hardware version.
Error Messages | 101
1989-2024 Lauterbach
declaration type is locked with current CPU type
The data event VDATA isn't available with the current hardware. This feature is only released in Motorola
68332 version.
separating BLANK expected
unexpected EOL - condition for command list expected
unexpected EOL - condition for command list expected
normally condition forgotten respectively condition written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, c.i intno if "
2. line: "ab&&program"
unexpected EOL - command for command list expected
unexpected EOL - command for command list expected
normally command forgotten respectively command written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.e, "
2. line: "c.i intno if ab&&program"
SAMPLE.ENABLE or COUNTER.INCREMENT only without condition
Due to hardware restrictions it isn't possible to use in the actual level the command SAMPLE.ENABLE
respectively COUNTER.INCREMENT DELAY depending on a condition (HAC32).
In construction 1 only conditioned SAMPLE.ENABLE in level 0 and 1 allowed.In construction 2 only
conditioned SAMPLE.ENABLE in level 0 allowed.
The command COUNTER.INCREMENT DELAY must be used always without any condition.
The command COUNTER.INCREMENT with a countername different from DELAY could be used in the
levels 0 (construction 1 and 2) and in level 1 (only construction 2).
label expected
separating BLANK expected
Frequently the name of the destination level is forgotten respectively a wrong symbol is written.
typical error : "goto , flag.true interrupt_occurred"
keyword "IF" expected
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the condition.
typical error : "goto level0 if ,"
unexpected EOL - level name for goto expected
unexpected EOL - destination level name for goto command expected
normally name forgotten respectively name written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "goto "
2. line: "start"
Error Messages | 102
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected EOL - condition expected
unexpected EOL - condition for command expected
normally condition forgotten respectively condition written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "goto start if "
2. line: "write&&ab"
unexpected GOTO
Due to hardware restrictions it isn't possible to use in the current level the command GOTO (HAC32).
GOTO could be used only in the highest level and the destination level must be the lowest level.
Please use instead the command CONTINUE to reach the next following level.
e.g. level0: sample.enable if ab
goto level1 if ab
^ error
level1: sample.enable if bb
goto level0 if bb
continue if ab
keyword "IF" expected
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the condition.
typical error : "continue if ,"
keyword "IF" expected
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the condition.
typical error : "break if ,"
":" expected (for labelend) or unknown command
Often a not existing command is used inside the trigger program.
E.g. PRINT IF Write
^ error position
operator :O: isn't allowed
This keyword is locked with the current analyzer hardware.
Only conditions without logical OR operator are allowed.
e.g. sample.enable if write:O:read
^ error
Please use instead 2 separate commands
e.g. sample.enable if write
sample.enable if read
operator :XOR: isn't allowed
This keyword is locked with the current analyzer hardware.
")" expected
Error Messages | 103
1989-2024 Lauterbach
name of input event expected
input event not allowed
Input event isn't permitted with the current analyzer hardware configuration.
unexpected EOL - ")" expected
unexpected EOL - ")" at the end of an condition is expected
normally ")" forgotten respectively ")" written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "goto start if (int&&ab&&write"
2. line: ")"
repeated parenthesis "(" isn't allowed
Multiple parenthesis is locked with the current analyzer hardware (HAC32).
e.g. sample.enable if !((write&&one)&&event1)
^ error
sample.enable if !(write&&(one&&event1))
^ error
only simple {! N:} allowed
This construction is locked with the current analyzer hardware.
e.g. sample.enable if !!ab
^ error
Use instead
sample.enable if ab
To negate the trigger condition please use a construction like
sample.enable if !(!ab&&write)
unexpected EOL - name of input event expected
unexpected EOL- name of input event at the end of an condition is expectednormally name forgotten
respectively name written in the next line
typically error: 1. line: "goto start if (delay&&"
2. line: "BUSA)"
EOL expected (no more input events)
This construction is locked with the current analyzer hardware (HAC32).
After parenthesis there is no additional condition parts permitted.
e.g. sample.enable if !(ab&&write)&&event1
^ error
Only constructions like
sample.enable if !(ab&&write&&event1)
are permitted.
Error Messages | 104
1989-2024 Lauterbach
"N:" expected
The construction "(...)" is locked with the current analyzer hardware (HAC32). Parenthesis could be used
only in combination with logical not {! N:}.
e.g. sample.enable if (ab&&write)
^ error
Only constructions like
sample.enable if !(ab&&write)
are permitted.
"!(tp-condition)" only in construction 1 allowed
Due to hardware restrictions it isn't possible to use in construction 2 a condition like ! (TP) (only HAC32).
This condition could be used only in construction 1.
e.g. sample.enable if !(ab&&:write)
^ error in combination with construction 2
command not allowed
This command is locked with the current analyzer hardware or isn't permitted in the current line in
combination with the other used commands.
command not allowed
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - counter subcommand expected
unexpected EOL - A subcommand of the counter command is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "counter."
2. line: "increment interrupt_events if INT1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "c. CNT1 IF INT", "c.onn CNT1 IF INT" or "c.o n CNT1 IF INT"
unexpected EOL - username for counter event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the counter event (TIMECOUNTER, EVENTCOUNTER) is
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "counter.increment "
2. line: "interrupt_events "
separating BLANK expected
name expected
Error Messages | 105
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected EOL - "." expected
"." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand for flag command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the flag command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag. "
2. line: "true interrupt_occurred "
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - username for flag expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the flag event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag.true "
2. line: "interrupt_occurred "
separating BLANK expected
Frequently the flagname is forgotten respectively a wrong symbol is written.
typical error : "flag.true , interrupt_occurred"
name expected
unexpected EOL - level name for goto expected
unexpected EOL - destination level name for goto command expected
normally name forgotten respectively name written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "goto "
2. line: "start"
separating BLANK expected
Frequently the name of the destination level is forgotten respectively a wrong symbol is written.
typical error : "goto , flag.true interrupt_occurred"
label expected
unexpected EOL - "." expected
"." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - subcommand for sample command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the sample command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "sample."
2. line: "enable if cnt1"
Error Messages | 106
1989-2024 Lauterbach
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "sample. IF CNT1", "s.eanble IF CNT1" or "s. enable IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
"." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
invalid subcommand
name of address event expected
address or addressrange expected
The value of the defined address event is expected. Often only the access mode is left out.
e.g. "address ab 100--200||300--400" instead of
"address ab p:100--200||300--400"
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the address event.
typical error : "address alphab , sp:1000"
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the address event name.
typical error : "address , sp:1000"
unexpected EOL - address event name for address event expected
unexpected EOL - address event name for address event expected
Normally name forgotten respectively name written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "address "
2. line: "ab up:1000--5500 "
unexpected EOL - address or address range expression expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined address event is expected.
Normally value forgotten respectively the value stands in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "address alphabreak "
2. line: " up:1000--5500 "
address expression expected
The next value of the defined address event is expected behind the written ",".
Frequently the expression is from a wrong type, it's forgotten or the expression stands in the next line
respectively a unexpected symbol stands in before the expression.
typical error : "address ab P:20 , 0xff" or
"address ab P:20, " or
typical error : 1. line: "address ab P:20,"
2. line: " D:0xff"
Error Messages | 107
1989-2024 Lauterbach
only one address value expected
Only one addressvalue could be assigned to the special bondout address events.
e.g. "address OD 0x1234 0x5678"
instead of
"address OD 0x1234"
"address ODX 0x5678"
"." expected
name of channel (A or B) expected
name expected
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the trigger event name.
typical error : "trig.a ,extern_started 0xff"
boolean expression expected
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - Normally "." is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "trig "
2. line: ".a extern_started 0xff "
unexpected EOL - name of channel (A or B) expected
unexpected EOL - Normally the channel name is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "trig. "
2. line: "a extern_started 0xff "
unexpected EOL - trigger event name for trigger event or blank expected
unexpected EOL - Trigger event name for trigger event or blank is expected
Normally the name is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "trig.a "
2. line: "extern_started 0xff "
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for trigger event is forbidden.
E.g. "trig.a TRUE 0xff"
unexpected EOL - data expression expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined trigger event is expected.
Frequently the expression is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "trig.a extern_started"
2. line: " 0xff"
Error Messages | 108
1989-2024 Lauterbach
name of channel B is locked
The channel is forbidden with the current analzer hardware configuration.
separating BLANK expected
Frequently the value of the trigger event is omitted or a wrong symbol is written instead of the trigger event.
typical error : "trig.a extern_started ,0xff"
data expression expected
The value of the defined trigger event is expected. Frequently the expression is from a wrong type or it's
forgotten respectively a unexpected symbol stands in before the expression.
typical error : "trig.a extern_started p:0xff" or
"trig.a extern_started ,12"
data expression expected
The next value of the defined trigger event is expected behind the written ",". Frequently the expression is
from a wrong type, it's forgotten or the expression stands in the next line respectively a unexpected symbol
stands in before the expression.
typical error : "trig.a extern_started 20 , p:0xff" or
"trig.a extern_started 20, " or
typical error : 1. line: "trig.a extern_started 20,"
2. line: " 0ff"
"." expected
separating BLANK expected
name expected
The name for the data event is expected.
unexpected EOL - data expression expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined data event is expected. Frequently the expression is forgotten
respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "data.b upper_char"
2. line: " 'A'--'Z'"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - Normally "." is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "data "
2. line: ".b upper_char 'A'--'Z'"
unexpected EOL - DATA extension expected
unexpected EOL - Normally the DATA extension is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "data. "
2. line: "b upper_char 'A'--'Z'"
unexpected EOL - data event name for data event or blank expected
unexpected EOL - Data event name for the data event or blank is expected.
Normally the name is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "data.b "
2. line: " upper_char 'A'--'Z'"
Error Messages | 109
1989-2024 Lauterbach
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for data event is forbidden.
E.g. "data.b TRUE 1"
separating BLANK expected
data expression expected
The value of the defined data event is expected. Frequently the expression is from a wrong type or it's
forgotten respectively a unexpected symbol stands in before the expression.
typical error : "data.b extern_started p:0xff" or
"data.b extern_started ,12"
data expression expected
The next value of the defined data event is expected behind the written ",". Frequently the expression is from
a wrong type, it's forgotten or the expression stands in the next line respectively a unexpected symbol stands
in before the expression.
typical error : "data.b extern_started 0x20 , p:0xff" or
"data.b extern_started 0x20, " or
typical error : 1. line: "data.b extern_started 0x20,"
2. line: " 0xff"
unexpected EOL - username for HWME event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for HWME event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "HWME "
2. line: "NMI 0x0800 "
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for HWME event is forbidden.
E.g. "hwme TRUE 0x0800"
name expected
The name of the HWME event is expected.
unexpected EOL - value for HWME event expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined HWME event is expected. Frequently the expression is forgotten
respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "hwme NMI"
2. line: " 0x0800"
wrong expression type - integer expression expected
unexpected EOL - username for OTME event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for OTME event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "OTME "
2. line: "taskA 0x1234 "
Error Messages | 110
1989-2024 Lauterbach
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for OTME event is forbidden.
E.g. "otme TRUE 0x1234"
name expected
The name of the OTME event is expected.
unexpected EOL - value for OTME event expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined OTME event is expected. Frequently the expression is forgotten
respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "otme taskA"
2. line: " 0x1234"
wrong expression type - integer expression expected
'/' expected
Unitnames for OTME events have to begin with prefix '/' like an option.
E.g. "otme taskA 0x1234 +DMA"
unitname expected
The given name isn't an unitname for the OTME event. The names are CPU specific.
E.g. "otme taskA 0x1234 /DBM"
name expected
The name of the timing event is expected.
wrong expression type - time expression expected
unexpected EOL - username for time event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for time event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: "timecounter "
"unvalid_time 1ms--5ms "
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for timecounter event is forbidden.
E.g. "timecounter TRUE 1ns"
separating BLANK expected
delaycounter name must be DELAY
The name for the delay counter event must be DELAY. No user chosen name could be used (only HAC32).
E.g. "timecounter waiting 1000ns" wrong
"timecounter DELAY 1000ns" ok
name expected
Error Messages | 111
1989-2024 Lauterbach
wrong expression type - event expression expected
The given expression has not the type INTEGER or RANGE.
unexpected EOL - username for event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the count event is expected.Normally name is forgotten
respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "eventcounter "
2. line: "unvalid_path 0--5 "
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for counter event is forbidden.
E.g. "eventcounter TRUE 0xff"
separating BLANK expected
unexpected EOL - username for externcounter expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the extern count event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "externcounter "
2. line: "unvalid_occur 5 "
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for externcounter event is forbidden.
E.g. "externcounter TRUE 0xff"
name expected
wrong expression type - extern expression expected
The given expression has not the type INTEGER.
name expected
unexpected symbol - An of the user given name for the flag is expected.
Normally a writting error occurred.
e.g. "flags , motor_on", "flags .motor_on"
name expected
unexpected symbol - A user given name for the flag is expected.
Normally a writting error occurred.
e.g. "flags motor_on, !LED_on"
^ error
unexpected EOL - username for flag expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the flag is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flags "
2. line: "unvalid_path "
or 1. line: "flag unvalid_path , "
2. line: " motor_on"
Error Messages | 112
1989-2024 Lauterbach
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for flags is forbidden.E.g. "flags TRUE "
separating BLANK expected
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - Normally "." is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "dlatch "
2. line: ".b extern_started 0xff "
"." expected
unexpected EOL - name of channel B expected
unexpected EOL - Normally the channel name is forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "dlatch. "
2. line: "b extern_started 0xff "
name of channel B expected
unexpected EOL - datalatch event name for dlatch event or blank expected
unexpected EOL - Datalatch event name for dlatch event or blank is expected.Normally the name is
forgotten respectively it stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "dlatch.b "
2. line: "extern_started 0xff "
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the dlatch event name.
typical error : "dlatch.b ,extern_started 0xff"
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for dlatch event is forbidden.
E.g. "dlatch.b TRUE 0xff"
name expected
unexpected EOL - data expression expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined dlatch event is expected. Frequently the expression is forgotten
respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "dlatch.b extern_started"
2. line: " 0xff"
separating BLANK expected
Frequently the value of the dlatch event is omitted or a wrong symbol is written instead of the dlatch
typical error : "dlatch.b extern_started ,0xff"
^ error
Error Messages | 113
1989-2024 Lauterbach
data expression expected
The value of the defined dlatch event is expected. Frequently the expression is from a wrong type or it's
forgotten respectively a unexpected symbol stands in before the expression.
typical error : "dlatch.b extern_started p:0xff" or
"dlatch.b extern_started ,12"
data expression expected
The next value of the defined dlatch event is expected behind the written ",". Frequently the expression is
from a wrong type, it's forgotten or the expression stands in the next line respectively a unexpected
symbol stands in before the expression.
typical error : "dlatch.b extern_started 20 , p:0xff" or
"dlatch.b extern_started 20, " or
typical error : 1. line: "dlatch.b extern_started 20,"
2. line: " 0xff"
"." expected
The prefix "." for the subcommand from the aux command is expected. Normally the dot is forgotten
respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "aux a if cnt1", "aux .a if cnt1"
or 1. line: "aux "
2. line: ".a if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "aux. IF CNT1", " IF CNT1" or "aux. a IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - The prefix "." for the subcommand from the aux command is expected. Normally the
dot is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "aux"
2. line: ".a if cnt1"
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the aux command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "aux."
2. line: "a if cnt1"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - The prefix "." for the subcommand from the break command is expected. Normally the
dot is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "break"
2. line: ".trace if cnt1"
Error Messages | 114
1989-2024 Lauterbach
"." expected
The prefix "." for the subcommand from the break command is expected. Normally the dot is forgotten
respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "break trace if cnt1", "break .trace if cnt1"
or 1. line: "break "
2. line: ".trace if cnt1"
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the break command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "break."
2. line: "trace if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "break. IF CNT1", "break.trcae IF CNT1" or "break. trace IF CNT1"
"." expected
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
unexpected CONTINUE
Due to hardware restrictions it isn't possible to use in the global level or in the highest level of the trigger
program the command CONTINUE.
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "c. CNT1 IF INT", "c.onn CNT1 IF INT" or "c.o n CNT1 IF INT"
unexpected EOL - username for counter event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the counter event (TIMECOUNTER, EVENTCOUNTER,
EXTERNCOUNTER) is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "counter.increment "
2. line: "interrupt_events "
name expected
separating BLANK expected
unexpected EOL - counter subcommand expected
unexpected EOL - A subcommand of the counter command is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "count."
2. line: "enable interrupt_events if INT1"
Error Messages | 115
1989-2024 Lauterbach
no more counter names expected
Due to hardware restrictions only one counter event name could be used in combination with this counter
command (HAC32).
e.g. counter.increment cnt_event1 cnt_event2 if AB
^ error
"." expected
invalid subcommand
name expected
separating BLANK expected
Frequently the flagname is forgotten respectively a wrong symbol is written.
typical error : "flag.true , interrupt_occurred"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand for flag command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the flag command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag. "
2. line: "true interrupt_occurred"
unexpected EOL - username for flag expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the flag event is expected.Normally name is forgotten
respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag.true "
2. line: "interrupt_occurred"
unexpected EOL - subcommand for latch command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the latch command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "latch."
2. line: "enable if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "latch. IF CNT1", "latch.eanble IF CNT1" or "latch. enable IF CNT1"
"." expected
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
"." expected
invalid subcommand
Error Messages | 116
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "perf. IF CNT1", "perf.enable IF CNT1" or "perf. enable IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - subcommand for perf command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the perf command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "perf."
2. line: "enable if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "sample. IF CNT1", "s.eanble IF CNT1" or "s. enable IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - subcommand for sample command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the sample command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "sample."
2. line: "enable if cnt1"
"." expected
invalid subcommand
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
loopvariable "?" not allowed in expression
value with max. 45 bit size expected
Event/Time [range] values with max. 45 bitvalues are possible.
time value zero not permitted
Only time values with bigger than zero are possible.
data range borders must have 8 bit value
The values of the range borders can't exceed byte values (0..255).
e.g. DATA.W0 errorvalues 0xe00--0xf11 wrong
DATA.B ascii '0'--'1'||'a'--'z'||'A'--'Z' ok
value 0 not allowed
For HWME only values between 0x0001 and 0xffff are possible.
Error Messages | 117
1989-2024 Lauterbach
value with max. 16 bit size expected
only HWME || OTME values with max. 16 bitvalues are possible.
value with max. 32 bit size expected
only OTME values with max. 32 bitvalues are possible.
byte value expected in DATA.B declaration
value with max. word size expected (DATA.W)
TRIG or DLATCH value must be byte value
TRIG or DLATCH range borders must have byte values
only byte range at B0, B1, B2 and B3 allowed
only byte range at B, B0 and B1 allowed
value too big (max. 3 byte value)
value too big (max. 3 byte value)
byte value expected in DATA.B declaration
value with max. word size expected (DATA.W)
value too big (max. 3 byte value)
TRIG value must be bytevalue (only byte hexmask)
value with max. doubleword size expected
Time value larger than 32 bit.
value with max. word size expected
Only timerange values with max. 16 bitvalues are possible.
value with max. word size expected
Only eventrange values with max. 16 bitvalues are possible.
only simple ranges are allowed
Only event ranges with 2 borders are possible.
only simple ranges are allowed
Only extern ranges with 2 borders are possible.
value with max. word size expected
Only extern event range values with max. 16 bitvalues are possible.
data range borders must be limited by max. byte value (DATA.B)
Error Messages | 118
1989-2024 Lauterbach
data range borders must be limited by max. word value (DATA.W)
only byterange at B, B0, B1, B2 and B3 allowed
value with max. 39 bit size expected
Time value larger than 39 bit.
value with max. 39 bit size expected
Only timerange values with max. 39 bitvalues are possible.
value bigger than 65.535ms
Time value bigger than 65.535ms.
no timerange possible
Only simple time values allowed (HAC32 has only one time counter).
no eventrange possible
Only simple event values allowed. Ranges couldn't be realized (HAC32).
value with max. word size expected
Event value bigger than 16 bit or negative.
value with max. 48 bit size expected
Time value bigger than 48 bit.
value with max. 48 bit size expected
Only timerange values with max. 48 bitvalues are possible.
no bitmask or hexmask expected
Only address and integer values are allowed with the used breakpoint type (name).
Masks could be used only in combination with the OD breakpointtypes (like OD, ODH, ODHX, ODL, ODLX,
e.g. ADDRESS OAR 0x12XX // error
ADDRESS OD 0x12XX // ok
address value bigger than <bitnumber> bits
The address value exceeds the biggest address for the given operand breakpoint type.
e.g. ADDRESS OD 0x12XXX // error - at maximum 16bitvalue allowed for OD
ADDRESS OD 0x12XX // ok
only one addressvalue expected
Only one addressvalue or one addressrange could be assigned to the special bondout address events.
e.g. "address OD 0x1234 0x5678"
instead of
"address OD 0x1234"
"address ODX 0x5678"
value too big (max. 4 byte value)
Error Messages | 119
1989-2024 Lauterbach
value with max. 39 bit size expected
Event/externcounter value bigger than 39 bit.
value with max. 39 bit size expected
Event/externcounter range values with max. 39 bitvalues are possible.
value with max. 48 bit size expected
Event/externcounter value bigger than 48 bit.
value with max. 48 bit size expected
Only event-/externcounter range values with max. 48 bitvalues are possible.
value with max. 32 bit size expected
Only externcounter event value with max. 32 bitvalues are possible.
only bytewise hexmasks possible
Inside the hexmasks it's only bytewise "don't care" permitted.
e.g. DATA.L0 wrong_value 0Xx2345678
^ error position
DATA.L0 correct_value 0Xxx345678 ; OK
DATA.T0 correct_value 0X1fxxxx ; OK
DATA.W1 correct_value 0Yxxxxxxxx10101011 ; OK
DATA.W0 wrong_value 0Yxxxxx1xx10101011
^ error position
no ranges allowed
Ranges couldn't be used as data event value. Please use hexmasks instead if possible (only bytewise
"don't care").
e.g. DATA.B0 wrong_value 1--24
^ error position
value with max. 28 bit size expected
Only event values with max. 28 bitvalues (28bit maxvalue - 8) are possible.
value with max. 28 bit size expected
Time value bigger than 28 bit (28bit maxvalue - 800.ns).
value 0 not permitted
Only time or event counter value > 0 expected.
not enough memory (for expression compiler)
Not enough system memory for the generation of the expression compiler formula.
only constant boolean expressions allowed
trigger level <labelname> doesn't exist
Not existing level labelname used in GOTO command.
data respectively vdata event <name> declared but not used
trigger or dlatch event <name> declared but not used
Error Messages | 120
1989-2024 Lauterbach
TIMECOUNTER event <name> declared but never used at all
TIMECOUNTER event <name> declared but not set
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a trigger program each counter event is normally used as input as well as output. The command
counter.increment or counter.on wasn't used for timecounter event delay.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
break.trace if delay
TIMECOUNTER event <name> declared but not used in condition
This message is an error only in combination with the HAC32. With other analyzer hardware it's only a
warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a HAC32 trigger program each used counter event must be used at least once in a trigger condition and
must be enabled with the command Counter.Increment in the same level !
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
TIMECOUNTER event <name> set but not used in condition
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a trigger program each counter event is normally used as input as well as output. The timecounter event
delay wasn't used inside a condition.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
TIMECOUNTER event <name> used but not set
This message is an error only in combination with the HAC32. With other analyzer hardware it's only a
warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a HAC32 trigger program each defined counter event must be enabled with command
Counter.Increment countername in the level in which it is used as an input event in a trigger condition.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
break if delay
Error Messages | 121
1989-2024 Lauterbach
EVENTCOUNTER counter <name> declared but never used at all
EVENTCOUNTER counter <name> declared, but not used in condition
This message is an error only in combination with the HAC32. With other analyzer hardware it's only a
warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a HAC32 trigger program each used counter event must be used at least once in a trigger condition and
must be enabled with the command Counter.Increment in same level !
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
EVENTCOUNTER delay 1000.
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
EVENTCOUNTER counter <name> used in condition, but not set
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a trigger program each counter event is normally used as input as well as output. The command
counter.increment wasn't used for event event delay.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
EVENTCOUNTER delay 1000.
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
break.trace if delay
FLAG <name> declared but not used
EVENT counter <name> declared but not used in condition
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a trigger program each counter event is normally used as input as well as output. The command
counter.increment wasn't used for event event delay.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
EVENTCOUNTER delay 1000.
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
label START does not exist
Jump to the n o t existing level START.
:Sprung zu nicht existierender Ebene mit dem label START entdeckt
FLAG <name> used but not never set
address event <name> declared but not used
FLAG <name> set but never used as input event
Error Messages | 122
1989-2024 Lauterbach
data events used in too many level
Data events can be used only in the first 4 levels. If data events are used in global commands then at most 4
levels can be used.
The HAC32 has only 1 data event for each of the first 2 (construction 1) respectively 1 (construction 2)
levels and data events aren't allowed in global commands.
trigger or dlatch events used in too many levels
Trigger or dlatch events can be used only in the first 16 levels. If trigger respectively dlatch events are used
in global commands then at most 16 levels can be used.
The HAC32 has only 1 trigger event for each of the first 2 (construction 1) respectively 1 (construction 2)
levels and trigger events aren't allowed in global commands.
TIMECOUNTER event <name> set, but not used in condition
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
e.g. normal programming example
EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
break if delay
too many flags used
At most a number of 2 flags (ANAICD) can be used.
EVENTCOUNTER condition <name> used, but never set
This message is an error only in combination with the HAC32. With other analyzer hardware it's only a
warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a HAC32 trigger program each defined counter event must be enabled with the command
Counter.Increment countername in the level in which it is used as an input event in a trigger condition.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
EVENTCOUNTER delay 1000.
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
break if delay
too many input events - no free MUX for <eventname>
Too many global input events exist.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions. 4 input events
are possible in each level.
too many counter used
At most a number of 5 counters can be used. 3 counters of them are universal counters for the usage as
timecounter event or counter events which are used in conditions. The other 2 counters can be used only
as counter events which can't be used in conditions.
Error Messages | 123
1989-2024 Lauterbach
too many local input events - in level <levelname> no free MUX for <eventname>
Too many local input events exist. The number of input events in each level is the sum of the local used
input events plus the global used input events.4 input events are possible in each level.
too many flags used
At most a number of 8 flags can be used. Therefrom the number of the used counter and a possibly
existing TRACE recording switch (sample.enable) has to be subtracted.
too many universal counter used
At most a number of 3 (2 in ECC8 version) universal counter can be used. They must be always used for
timecounter events and for counter events which are used in conditions.
HWME event <name> declared but not used in condition
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a trigger program each HWME event is normally used as input. The actual hardware event message
wasn't used inside a condition.
e.g. HWME NMI 0x0800
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_nmi if NMI
continue if skip_first_100_nmi&&NMI
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
EXTERNCOUNTER event <name> declared but not used
OTME event <name> declared but not used in condition
It's only a warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a trigger program each OTR event is normally used as input. The actual hardware event message wasn't
used inside a condition.
e.g. OTME searched_otme_value 0x1234
ll0: sample.enable if searched_otme_value
EXTERNCOUNTER event <name> used but not set
FLAG <name> set, but not used
EXTERNCOUNTER event <name> set, but not used in condition
no counter for EXTERNCOUNTER event <name> free
EVENTCOUNTER event <name> set, but not used in condition
This message is an error only in combination with the HAC32. With other analyzer hardware it's only a
warning which could give a hint about a possible programming error.
In a HAC32 trigger program each used counter event must be used at least once in a trigger condition in the
level in which the counter was enabled!
Error Messages | 124
1989-2024 Lauterbach
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_first_100_cycles 100.
EVENTCOUNTER delay 1000.
ll0: counter.increment skip_first_100_cycles
continue if skip_first_100_cycles
ll1: sample.enable
counter.increment delay
break if delay
level <name> defined, but never used or unreachable
timecounter events could be used only in level 1 respectively 2
Due to hardware restrictions time counters could be used only in the last level (HAC32).
For construction 1 the last level is level 2.
For construction 2 the last level is level 1.
too many delay counter used in level <number>
At most a number of 1 delay counter can be used (HAC32).
too many event counter used in level <number>
General at most a number of 1 event counter can be used in each level in construction 1 (HAC32). In
construction 2 it is possible to use in level 0 2 event counter and in level 1 one event delay counter.
event counter <name> never used in condition
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_cycles 100.
LL0: Counter.Increment skip_cycles if AB&&WRITE
Sample.Enable if AB&&WRITE
^ error
e.g. EVENT skip_cycles 100.
LL0: Counter.Increment skip_cycles if AB&&WRITE
Sample.Enable if AB&&WRITE&&skip_cycles
level <name> not reachable - CONT in level before is missed
In level before it isn't used any CONTinue command, but this is obligatory.
e.g. START: sample.enable if ab&&write
LEVEL2: counter.increment DELAY
break if DELAY
The line
continue if ab&&write
must be added in level START to get a correct trigger program.
counter use in 2 different levels
Due to hardware restrictions a counter could be used only inside one level in commands (like
COUNTER.INCREMENT) and in conditions as input event (HAC32).
e.g. START: sample.enable if ab&&write
continue if ab&&write&&cnt0
LEVEL2: counter.increment cnt0 if bb&&read
Error Messages | 125
1989-2024 Lauterbach
not declared name used
All names which could be freely created from the user have to be declared. The only exception are the
labels. All data, trigger, time and counter events and the flags must be declared. Predefined system
names are used for address events and that's the reason why no declaration is necessary.
too many data events used
At most 2 data events are possible in each level. Every global used data event reduces the number of the
local (in a level) usable.
too many counter events used
At most 3 counter events are possible in each level. Every global used counter event reduces the number of
the local (in a level) usable.
too many HWME events used
At most 2 HWME events are possible.
too many trigger events used
At most 3 trigger events are possible in each level and trigger channel (A respectively B). Every global
used trigger event reduces the number of local (in a level) usable.
only 2 data events possible
too many OTME events used
At most 2 OTME events are possible.
too many trigger events used
ECC8: At most 2 trigger events are possible in each level. Every global used trigger event reduces the
number of local (in a level) usable.
HA120: At most 1 trigger event is possible in each level. Every global used trigger event reduces the
number of local (in a level) usable.
HAC: construction 1 (c1): 1 trigger event could be used in each of the first 2 levels.
construction 2 (c2): 2 trigger events could be used in the first level
If a trigger event is used negated as well as not negated in two different conditions then it counts
as two trigger events !!!
This need of resources differs from other analyzer trigger units like HA120, ECC8. They need only
one trigger event for the same trigger program !
e.g. trig.a one 1
LL0: sample.enable if one ; t w o trigger events used !
break if !one
too many dlatch events used
At most 1 (HA120) dlatch events is possible in each level. Every global used dlatch event reduces the
number of local (in a level) usable.
too many data events used
At most 2 global data events are in the whole trigger program possible. The effective number depends on
the hardware release.
Error Messages | 126
1989-2024 Lauterbach
no trigger event allowed in this level
Due to hardware restrictions of the HAC32 it isn't possible to use trigger events in the third level (c1)
respectively second level in construction 2 (c2). Only in the first 2 respectively 1 levels are trigger events
allowed (c1 respectively c2).
level name is declared twice
too many levels defined
At most 4 (ICD) levels are possible. The actually used number of level exceeds these limits.
unexpected level name START
The level name START could be used only for the first level (only HAC32).
e.g. timecounter DELAY 100ms
WAITING: sample.enable if read&&ab
cont if read&&ab
^ error
Correction: just exchange WAITING and START or use a different name for START.
level name unexpected
In a HAC32 trigger program could be used either only global commands or local commands but not global
commands together with local commands in a level !
e.g. eventcounter writes_cnt
address ab flags
counter.increment writes_cnt if write&&ab
level0: sample.enable if write&&ab
^ error
level1: trig.a if nmi
counter <name> not declared
counter <name> not declared
countername expected
The given name isn't a counter event.
All names can only exist with one meaning and must be different from all keywords.
e.g. FLAG engine_on
counter.increment engine_one, delay if write&&ab
^ error
counter event name DELAY unexpected
Due to hardware restrictions it is not possible to use the counter event DELAY with the command
Counter.Restart (HAC32).
flag not declared
Error Messages | 127
1989-2024 Lauterbach
flagname expected
The given name isn't a flag name.
All names can only be exist with one meaning and must be different from all keywords.
e.g. FLAG engine_on
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
Flag.TRUE engine_on, delay if write&&ab
^ error
not enough memory (for internal table)
name has multiple meaning
address event <addr_name> is declared multiple
The address event with the name addr_name has multiple declarations. This is not permitted. Please use
the second address eventtype if possible.
e.g. "address OD 0x10"
"address OD 0x30"
^ error position
"address OD 0x10"
"address ODX 0x30"
address event isn't possible
The given address event isn't available with the current analyzer hardware.
address event <addr_name> is multiple declared
The address event with the name addr_name has multiple declarations. This causes a special treatment
of the declarations. All these declarations will be treated as one declaration (combined automatically).
e.g. "address AB sp:100 ud:200 " are
"address AB sd:300 v.range(flags)"
equal to "address AB sp:100 ud:200 sd:300 v.range(flags)"
address event <addr_name> is already declared as <addr_name2>
The address event is used in a declaration under a different name already before. This is not permitted.
Please use the second address eventtype if possible.
e.g. "address OD 0X1234"
"address ODL 0X56 "
^ error position
correct: "address OD 0x1234"
"address ODLX 0x56 "
This 2 different address events use the same physical breakpoint type.
no levelname
The given name is no levelname.
Error Messages | 128
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected level name START
The level name START could be used only for the first level (only ICD).
e.g. selector ab P:1000 /data.byte 0x77 /read
timecounter DELAY 100ms
WAITING: sample.enable if ab
continue if ab
START: trigger.pulse if DELAY
^ error
Correction: just exchange WAITING and START or use a different name for START.
not enough memory (for internal table)
flag <name> not declared
flagname expected - <name> has wrong event type
The given name isn't a flag name.
All names can only be exist with one meaning and must be different from all keywords.
e.g. FLAG engine_on
TIMECOUNTER delay 100ms
Flag.TRUE engine_on, delay if write&&ab
^ error
not enough memory (for internal table)
either IN0 or IN1 can be used in the analyzer trigger program
only one TCODE event can be used in the analyzer trigger program
A different TCODE input event was already used in the trigger programming. In the whole trigger
program only one TCODE input event could be used.
too many input events
Too many global input events exist.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions. 4 input events
are possible in each level.
too many local input events
Too many local input events exist. The number of input events in each level is the sum of the local used
input events plus the global used input events.4 input events are possible in each level.
too many different conditions
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to realize the additional trigger condition. Too
many different conditions are used in the actual level before.
e.g. sample.enable if AB
counter.increment variable_reads if write&&BB
mark.b if read&&AB
^ error
Error Messages | 129
1989-2024 Lauterbach
This error could appear even if only 2 conditions are used in a level.
e.g. counter.increment variable_reads if write&&BB
mark.b if write&&BB&&counter_event2
^ error
The same triggerpoint TP1 must be used for both different conditions. The first condition will be combine
implicit the counter event variable_reads with write&&BB.
condition not permitted with these commands
In the actual line commands are used which couldn't be combined with such a condition. Only the
command Sample.Enable is allowed with a condition construction "if !(..)". This restriction only exists for
e.g. sample.enable, mark.a if !(AB&&read)
^ error
the counter increment couldn't be depending from a counter input event
The command Counter.Increment couldn't be used in combination with a counter event in the condition (only
e.g. eventcounter cnt_100times 100.
address ab v.range(flags)
counter.increment cnt_100times, mark.a if AB&&read&&cnt_100times
^ error
not enough resources for AB or BB input event
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to realize the additional trigger condition. Too
many different conditions are used in the actual level before.
e.g. sample.enable if BB
counter.increment variable_reads if write&&BB
out.a if AB
mark.a if read&&AB
unexpected trigger event in condition
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to combine in this case (too many different conditions
in this level) the external trigger events (e.g. TRIG.A Bankno0 00) with the command MARK.B or the input
event BB.
command or condition not realizable in current level
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to use in this level the command mark.a or in the
condition the input event AB respectively a trigger event (e.g. TRIG.A Bankno0 00).
This could be realized only in level 0.
command and condition combination couldn't be realized
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to realize with one trigger point the given command
and condition combination.
The commands mark.a and mark.b couldn't be combined in one line.
The input event AB and/or a trigger event (e.g. TRIG.A Bankno0 00) couldn't be combined with the input
event BB.
Error Messages | 130
1989-2024 Lauterbach
The command MARK.A couldn't be combined with the input event BB.
The command MARK.B couldn't be combined with the input event AB or a trigger event.
Sometimes it is possible to split the command and condition combination into two combinations.
counter name expected in condition
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) the command Counter.Restart countername must be used in
combination with the condition countername and without any other input event (AB, WRITE, ...).
e.g. COUNTER.RESTART skip_cycle_number if skip_cycle_number
^ OK
COUNTER.RESTART skip_cycle_number if second_counter
^ error
only counter name in condition expected
At least one input event is used in the condition which is different to a counter event name (like AB,
WRITE, ...).
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) the command Count.Restart countername must be used in
combination with the condition countername.
e.g. COUNTER.RESTART skip_cycle_number if skip_cycle_number&&READ
^ error
counter name can't be used with this condition
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to combine a counter name, which is already used
in a first condition, with the command Counter.Increment and a different second condition.
counter name can't be used in 2 different conditions
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to use a counter name, which is already used in a first
condition, in a different second condition.
MARK.A and MARK.B couldn't be used in the same line
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to realize the two mark commands in this way.
Please use instead two command lines.
e.g. mark.a, mark.b, sample.enable if read
^ error
ok: mark.a, sample.enable if read
mark.b, sample.enable if read
e.g. mark.a if ab&&read&&count0 / triggerpoint 0
counter.increment count0 if bb&&write / triggerpoint 1
^ error
e.g. mark.a if ab&&read&&count0 / triggerpoint 0
mark.b if bb&&read&&count0 / triggerpoint 1
^ error
Error Messages | 131
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Counter.Increment couldn't be used twice in the same line
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to realize the two counter.increment commands
in one line. In each level could be used only one counter and it must be in each level a different one.
e.g. counter.increment cnt0, mark.a, counter.increment cnt1 if read
^ error
command couldn't be used together with MARK.C
The command MARK.C could be used only without any other command in one single line (HAC32).
e.g. mark.c, out.a if CB
^ error
the input event AB or BB is already used in a different mode negation before.
The input events AB respectively BB could be used in the whole analyzer trigger program only in a
unique way. In any condition the input event has to be used always with or always without a logical not.
e.g. sample.enable if AB&&read
counter.increment adr_reads if !AB&&read
^ error
condition N:CB not allowed
The current analyzer hardware doesn't support the negation of the input event CB.
e.g. mark.c if !CB
^ error
too many counter events in level
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to use a delay counter event named DELAY together with
another counter event in the same level.
Delay counters could be used only in the last level.
LL0: sample.enable if SKIP_READS&&DELAY
^ error
or LL0: sample.enable if SKIP_READS
break if DELAY
^ error
AB and BB not possible in one condition
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to use in a condition the two address events AB and BB at the
same time.
e.g. sample.enable if AB||BB
^ error
Please use instead if possible two command lines like
sample.enable if AB
sample.enable if BB
only one cpu specific event in condition permitted
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to use in a condition two different cpu specific events at the
same time.
Level0: sample.enable if READ&&WRITE
^ error
Error Messages | 132
1989-2024 Lauterbach
CB not used alone with MARK.C
The input event CB couldn't be used together with at least one other command than MARK.C (HAC32).
The command MARK.C could be used only without any other command in one single line.
e.g. out.a, mark.c if CB
^ error
Currently it is no support implemented for using the input event CB with commands different from
e.g. OUT.A IF CB
condition !dsel_name not allowed
The analyzer hardware of HAC32 doesn't support the negation of a data selector event.
e.g. data.b0 digits '0'--'9'
break if !digits
^ error
The negation of the data selector values could be used instead in some cases as a workaround.
e.g. data.b0 no_digit !'0'--'9'
break if no_digit
MARK.C not used with CB only
The command MARK.C could be used only with the input event CB (HAC32). No other input event could
be combined with MARK.C in one single line.
e.g. mark.c if AB
^ error
delay counter expected in level <name> <>
Level 2 (construction 1) respectively level 1 (construction 2) could be used only in combination with a delay
counter (HAC32).
mark.c command must be used in level <n> too
Due to hardware restrictions the mark.c command must be used either in no level or in every level
CONTinue command must be used in level 0 with each condition
Due to hardware restrictions the CONTinue command must be used in combination with each of the 2
trigger conditions of the level 0 (HAC32). This is only valid for the construction 2.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_writes 100.
ADDRESS ab v.range(flags)
ADDRESS bb motor_on
waiting: continue if read&&ab
^ error
sample.enable if read&&ab
sample.enable if write&&bb
skipping_first_writes: goto waiting if skip_writes
counter.increment skip_writes
The line
continue if write&&bb
must be inserted in level waiting too.
Error Messages | 133
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Trig.A command must be used in level 0 with each condition
Due to hardware restrictions the Trig.A command must be used in combination with each of the 2 trigger
conditions of the level 0 (HAC32). This is only valid for the construction 2.
e.g. ADDRESS ab v.range(flags)
ADDRESS bb motor_on
waiting: trig.a if read&&ab
^ error
sample.enable if read&&ab
sample.enable if write&&bb
The line
trig.a if write&&bb
must be inserted in level waiting too.
BREAK or CONTINUE command must be used in level 0 with each condition
Due to hardware restrictions the BREAK command must be used in combination with each of the 2
trigger conditions of the level 0 (HAC32). This is only valid for the construction 2.
An used CONTINUE command will be converted automatically into a BREAK command if no DELAY
counter is used.
e.g. ADDRESS ab v.range(flags)
ADDRESS bb motor_on
waiting: break if read&&ab
^ error
sample.enable if read&&ab
sample.enable if write&&bb
The line
break if write&&bb
must be inserted in level waiting too.
GOTO command must be used in level 0 with each condition
Due to hardware restrictions the GOTO command must be used in combination with each of the 2 trigger
conditions of the level 0 (HAC32). This is only valid for the construction 2.
e.g. ADDRESS ab v.range(flags)
ADDRESS bb motor_on
waiting: goto waiting if read&&ab
^ error
sample.enable if read&&ab
sample.enable if write&&bb
The line
goto waiting if write&&bb
must be inserted in level waiting too.
Error Messages | 134
1989-2024 Lauterbach
only <n> levels allowed <>
Too many levels used in trigger programming (HAC32).
Due to hardware restrictions the number of programming level depends on the programming construction.
In construction 1 are at maximum 3 levels possible.
In construction 2 are at maximum 2 levels possible.
only GOTO level 0 possible
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to goto a different level than level 0 (HAC32).
If the GOTO is only used to reach the next level the command GOTO should be replaced by the command
e.g. WAITING: continue if write&&ab
SAMPLING: sample.enable
goto NEXT if write&&bb
^ error
NEXT: sample.enable
counter.increment DELAY
e.g. START: sample.enable
continue if read&&AB
SECOND_LEVEL: sample.enable
continue if write&&AB
^ error
In this case it could be only level START.
last level command overwritten
The current command overwrites the previous level command (CONTinue, GOTO) in the same line.
counter event name DELAY unexpected
Due to hardware restrictions it is only possible to use the counter event DELAY in the last level (HAC32).
For construction 1 the last level is level 2.
For construction 2 the last level is level 1.
too many input events
Too many global input events exist.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions.
At most 6 input events are possible in each level. The minimum is 3. The effective usable number
depends on the size of the trace-memory and the number of the used levels.
too many local input events
Too many local input events exist. The number of input events in each level is the sum of the local used
input events plus the global used input events.At most 6 input events are possible in each level. The
minimum is 3. The effective usable number depends on the size of the trace-memory and the number of
the used levels.
Error Messages | 135
1989-2024 Lauterbach
too many input events
Too many global input events exist.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions. 6 input events
are possible in each level.
too many local input events
Too many local input events exist. The number of input events in each level is the sum of the local used
input events plus the global used input events.6 input events are possible in each level.
too many input events over premultiplexer
Too many input events exist which uses the premultiplexer. The number of input events in each level is the
sum of the local used input events plus the global used input events.
Only 2 input events over the premultiplexer are possible in the whole trigger program.
TRIG.B events are locked at the moment
All TRIG.B events are locked at the moment. The use of Latch.Enable disables automatically the TRIG.B
events. Only TRIG.A respectively DLATCH events are now available.
TRIG.B events are locked at the moment
The use of DLATCH events disables automatically the TRIG.B events. Either TRIG.B events or DLATCH
events are usable, but not both at the same time.
The dlatch event is used as an input event, but at no time the data will be latched with the command
Latch.Enable. The result is: the dlatch event is always FALSE or TRUE (depending on his programming
too many special XA input events
Too many special input events are used.
The given input event couldn't be used in combination with another input events given before. The
maximum number of 3 special events is exceeded (only ICE-XA).
data or trigger event in this level not permitted
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC) data and trigger events could be used only in the first 2 levels in
program construction 1 (c1) or in the first level in program construction 2 (c2).
only one data, trigger or counter event in condition permitted
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to use in a condition two different data events at the same
time. The same restriction is valid also for trigger and counter events.
e.g. eventcounter first_cnt_event 100
timecounter second_cnt_event 200ms
Level0: sample.enable if READ&&AB&&first_cnt_event&&second_cnt_event
^ error
Error Messages | 136
1989-2024 Lauterbach
data or trigger event is already used in a different negation mode before
A data or trigger event could be used in a level only in a unique way. In any condition inside a level the data
or trigger event has to be used always with or always without a logical not.
e.g. data letter 'a'--'z' 'A'--'Z'
sample.enable if letter&&read
counter.increment adr_reads if !letter&&read
^ error
only one data, trigger or counter event in each level permitted
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to use in a level two different data events at the same time
(HAC32). The same restriction is valid also for trigger and counter events (only construction 1).
The only exception from this rule is in construction 2 and level 0 are 2 counter events possible.
e.g. data.b0 first_data_event 1
data.b0 second_data_event 2
Level0: sample.enable if READ&&AB&&first_data_event
sample.enable if READ&&AB&&second_data_event
^ error
Level1: ...
Level2: ...
counter events couldn't be negated
A counter event couldn't be negated logical inside a condition as possible with e.g. AB (AlphaBreak).
e.g. timecounter delay
sample.enable if !AB&&!delay
^ error
Please instead if possible a construction like
sample.enable if !(AB&&delay)
no more MUX free in this condition
Due to hardware restrictions it is impossible to use in a condition two different events which need a MUX
at the same time (HAC32).
no more MUX free in this level
The given input event needs a MUX, but all in this level available MUX are already used from different
input events. Additional input events which need a MUX couldn't be realized.
input event not possible in actual level
The given input event couldn't be used in the actual level in a condition.
Error Messages | 137
1989-2024 Lauterbach
delay counter event only permitted in level <n> <>
Due to hardware restrictions it is only possible to use a delay counter event named DELAY in the last level
(HAC32). The counting of the levels begins at 0.
construction 1 : only in level 2 allowed
construction 2 : only in level 1 allowed
Level0: sample.enable if READ&&AB
continue if READ&&AB
SECOND: sample.enable
continue if WRITE&&AB&&DELAY
^ error
counter.increment DELAY
delay counter event DELAY expected <>
Only a delay counter event named DELAY could be used in level 1 respectively 2 in combination with the
programming construction 2 respectively 1 (HAC32).Please rename your counter event with DELAY if
possible. In the example below it is possible to replace just the counter name to avoid the error message.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER skip_writes 100.
ADDRESS ab v.range(flags)
ADDRESS bb motor_on
waiting: continue if read&&ab
continue if write&&bb
sample.enable if read&&ab
sample.enable if write&&bb
skipping_first_writes: goto waiting if skip_writes
^ error
counter.increment skip_writes
counter event <name> used in too many levels
Due to hardware restrictions one counter event could be used only in one level (HAC32). It couldn't be used
in several levels in the same trigger program. In the same level the counter event could appear in conditions
and commands like counter.increment repeated.
too many input events or no suitable MUX free in this condition
Only at maximum 10 special input events are possible in the whole program. Due to hardware restrictions
not all input events could be selected with all MUX.
too many input events over premultiplexer or no suitable MUX free
Only at maximum 6 input events over the premultiplexer are possible in the whole trigger program. Due to
hardware restrictions not all input events could be selected with all PREMUX.
breakpoint type <breakpointname> not set and for this always FALSE
The given breakpoint inside a condition isn't defined as an address event in the trigger program nor set
outside the trigger program with the Break.Set command.
e.g. address ab p:1000
sample.enable if bb
^ warning position
Error Messages | 138
1989-2024 Lauterbach
too many input events
too many global input events used - no more MUX free in the global level
The given input event needs a MUX, but all in this level available MUX are already used from different
input events. Additional input events which need a MUX couldn't be realized.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions.
At most 4 input events are possible in each level.
too many input events
too many local input events used - no more MUX free in this level
The given input event needs a MUX, but all in this level available MUX are already used from different
input events. Additional input events which need a MUX couldn't be realized.
Too many local input events exist. The number of input events in each level is the sum of the local used
input events plus the global used input events.4 input events are possible in each level.
breakpoint type not set and for this always FALSE
The given breakpoint inside a condition isn't defined as an address event in the trigger program nor set
outside the trigger program with the Break.Set command.
e.g. address ab p:1000
sample.enable if bb
^ warning position
not enough system memory
Not enough system memory for internal table.
not enough system memory
Not enough system memory for internal command table.
only one mode possible - other mode already selected
The input event ABX respectively BBX was already used in the trigger programming in a different
mode. In the whole trigger program only one mode could be selected for ABX respectively BBX.
this input event couldn't be realized
The given input event couldn't be used in combination with another input event given before.
Please use instead 2 separate commands if possible.
e.g. sample.enable if write&&int&&ab
^ error
use instead
sample.enable if write&&ab
sample.enable if int&&ab
mark <mark> command couldn't used in level <n> <>
Due to hardware restrictions not all mark commands could be used in all levels.
HAC32: MARK.A could be used only in level 0 (construction 1 and 2)
MARK.B could be used only in level 0 (construction 2)
MARK.B could be used only in level 1 (construction 1)
MARK.C could be used in level 0, 1 and 2
break or t.a command only permitted in highest level
Due to hardware restrictions it is only possible to use the break respectively the t.a command in the
highest level of the trigger program. This is programming model independend.
Error Messages | 139
1989-2024 Lauterbach
only Sample.Enable command possible with the condition
Only the command Sample.Enable could be combined with the negated trigger condition. It isn't
permitted to all other commands like Counter.Increment, Mark.A, Trigger.A.
e.g. sample.enable, mark.a if !(ab&&write)
^ error
this input event couldn't be realized
The given input event couldn't be used in combination with another input event given before.
The input event uses the same premultiplexer which is already used by another input event (RUNF, CB,
this input event couldn't be realized
The given input event couldn't be used in combination with another input event given before.
Please use instead 2 separate commands if possible.
e.g. sample.enable if write&&int&&ab
^ error
use instead
sample.enable if write&&ab
sample.enable if int&&ab
command or condition not realizable in current level
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to use in this level the command mark.b or in the
condition the input event BB.
This could be realized only in level 1 (c1) or 0 (c2).
countername in condition expected
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it is necessary to include the defined counter event into the condition..
unexpected command
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it isn't possible to use in the same level the commands BREAK,
CONTinue and GOTO simultaneously. Only one command of the three could be used in each level.
unexpected CONT
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it's only possible to use one CONTinue command for each allowed
trigger condition in each level.
Construction 1 (c1): in each level only 1 CONT command possible
Construction 2 (c2): in level 0 at maximum 2 CONT commands possible
in level 1 at maximum 1 CONT command possible
e.g. eventcounter cnt0 200.
counter.reset cnt0 if cnt0
trigger.a if read
^ error
trigger.a if read&&cnt0 / correct
Error Messages | 140
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected BREAK
Due to hardware restrictions (HAC32) it's only possible to use one BREAK command in the highest level.
not enough memory (for TriggerRAM Compiler)
Not enough system memory for the UPN-Buffer of the TriggerRAM Compiler.
not enough memory (for TriggerRAM Compiler)
Not enough system memory for the TriggerRAM Compiler.
global or local CONTinue ignored in last level
A given global or local CONTINUE command was been ignored in the last level of the triggerprogram.
not enough memory (for TriggerRAM Compiler)
Not enough system memory for codebuffer of the TriggerRAM Compiler.
not enough system memory free
Not enough system memory free for executing the command.
not enough system memory free
Not enough system memory free for executing the analyzer programming.
internal error : ANA_SetGlobalData.0
Not enough system memory for the global names.
Please call the manufacturer !
value out of range (0x0..0x10)
The value of the new deadtime is too small or too big.
Only values in the range of 0x0..0x10 are permitted.
value out of range (0x0..0x0f)
The value of the new unitnumber is too small or too big.
Only values in the range of 0x0..0x0f are permitted.
record number out of range
The specified record number is outside the range of recorded record number.
invalid edit file handle
The specified edit file handle number is currently not in use. Check EDIT.List for currently assigned handle
inconsistent editor type selection. Close all files and try again.
The specified record number is outside the range of recorded record number.
Reports an error when the execution of the command Analyzer.STREAMSAVE or
CAnalyzer.STREAMSAVE is issued while not in streaming mode.
Error Messages | 141
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Performance Analyzer
Error Messages
max. number of columns are reached
The max. number of columns for the list window of the performance analyzer was reached.
symbolname is too long
This symbolname exceeds the max. length.
symbol <symbol> not found in symboltable
no address or address-range
This definition is neither an address nor an addressrange.
bad address-range
The addressrange is not correct. The lower border is larger than the upper one.
area <area> has already been programmed at line <line>
Two areas are overlapping, check the definition of the ranges.
too many ranges
The number of ranges, covered by the analyzer is limited to 15, 31 or 63 areas. The SA120/HA120 units can
cover 63 ranges in standard mode and 31 ranges when ENTRY is active. The ECC8 has 31 or 15 counters.
fatal error in performance analyzer
Error Messages | 142
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Timing Analyzer Trigger Unit Programming
Error Messages
number in this context not allowed
A number is not allowed outside a name or a declaration expression.
":" expected
The closing ':' is missed in logical operator. Sometimes the rest of the expression was written in the next line.
e.g. sample.enable if busd:A
^ error position
unexpected character
unexpected EOF
'|' expected
second '|' character for logical or expected.
e.g. sample.enable if BUSD|!FULL
^ error position
sample.enable if BUSD||!FULL // correct
'^' expected
second '^' character for logical xor expected.
e.g. sample.enable if BUSD^!FULL
^ error position
sample.enable if BUSD^^!FULL // correct
'&' expected
second '&' character for logical and expected.
e.g. sample.enable if BUSD&!FULL
^ error position
sample.enable if BUS&&!FULL // correct
'/' expected
second '/' character for comment begin expected.
e.g. sample.enable /7 enable record sampling
^ error position
sample.enable // enable record sampling correct
oldfashioned operator locked in current radix mode
In the current parser mode is the old syntax of operators and operands locked. Please switch mode to
CLASSIC (SETUP.RADIX CLASSIC) or use new syntax.
old syntax operators: N: :A: :X: :O:
Error Messages | 143
1989-2024 Lauterbach
new syntax operators: ! && ^^ ||
e.g. sample.enable if N:TXD
^ error
sample.enable if !TXD
^ ok
Please refer for details to chapter parser changes too !
not enough memory (for name table)
Not enough system memory for the expanded name table available.
too many names
Too many names used inside a timing analyzer progam.
declarations aren't allowed anymore
At this position in the timing analyzer program there is no declaration permitted. Declarations must stand
before the first global instruction respectively the first level name (label).
e.g. "time delay"
"s.on if delay"
"event nr_int"
non declarable input variables not permitted here
Often there is here a command expected.
The non declarable input variables could be used only inside of conditions as input events (TRUE, BUSA,
Often the command is written wrong and the given command name collides with a non declarable input
e.g. "busa" used instead of "bus.a".
e.g. "sample.on if cnt_event1"
^ errorposition
channel or data names not permitted here
Often there is here a command expected.
The (pre)defined channelnames or data event names could be used only inside of data event definitions.
Often the command is written wrong and the given command name collides with
a non declarable name,
e.g. "bc" // used instead of "bus.c".
e.g. "s if cnt_event1"
"bc" // "bus.c" or "b.c" was ment, the dot was left out
EOF expected
unrecognized symbol;
superfluous (needles) symbols at a position where EOF is expected.
command expected
EOL expected
unrecognized symbol;
superfluous (needless) symbol at a position where EOL is expected
e.g. "out.a timer1" instead of "out.a c.i timer1"
Error Messages | 144
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected EOL - command for command list expected
unexpected EOL - command for command list expected
normally command forgotten respectively command written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.on, "
2. line: "c.on intno if entry&&int1"
unexpected EOL - condition for command list expected
unexpected EOL - condition for command list expected
normally condition forgotten respectively condition written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "s.on, c.on intno if "
2. line: "entry&&int1"
separating BLANK expected
unexpected EOL - level name for goto expected
unexpected EOL - destination level name for goto command expected
normally name forgotten respectively name written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "goto "
2. line: "start"
separating BLANK expected
label expected
":" expected (for labelend)
unexpected symbol after label - ":" for labelend expected
normally labelend forgotten respectively labelend is written in the next lineor a command was written wrong
typical error: 1. line: "level "
2. line: ":"
1. line: "flagg.on"
label START must be first label
Due to hardware restrictions a label named START has to be the first written labelname.
unexpected EOL - ")" expected
unexpected EOL - ")" at the end of an condition is expected
normally ")" forgotten respectively ")" written in the next line
typical error: 1. line: "goto start if (entry&&TRIGIN"
2. line: ")"
")" expected
no mode specification permitted
In the case of the given input event there is no mode specification possible or the input data event isn't
typical error: "timecounter delay" or "flags int"
"s.e if delay.df" "s.e if int.df"
Error Messages | 145
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected EOL - mode name for data event expected
unexpected EOL - mode name for data event expected
normally mode name forgotten respectively mode name written in the next linetypical error:
1. line: "goto start if ext.dataev_reset."
2. line: "DF"
mode name for data event expected
mode name is omitted or given mode name is not correct
e.g.: "bus.a if word.ascii.&&V24RD ", "bus.a if word.ascii.dff" or
"bus.a if word.ascii. df", "bus.a if word.ascii.d f"
unexpected data event prefix - currently locked
The used data event prefix is locked in the current used hardware.
EXT (X) and SOC (S) could be used only with the PowerProbe hardware.
Please use the keyword INTEGRATOR (I) instead.
e.g.: "Sample.Enable IF I.A1
"Sample.Enable IF Integrator.B5"
unexpected EOL - name of input event expected
unexpected EOL - name of input event at the end of an condition is expected. Normally the name is
forgotten respectively was written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "goto start if (entry&&"
2. line: "TRIGIN)"
name of input event expected
unexpected EOL - name for data event expected
unexpected EOL - name for data event expected
Normally the name is forgotten respectively was written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "goto start if ext"
2. line: ".x1"
"." expected
"." before name for data channel, group or word event expected
e.g. "goto start if ext. x1" instead of "goto start if ext.x1"
name for data event expected
name for data channel, group or word event expected
e.g. "goto start if ext. x1"
"goto start if ext.x 1"
"goto start if ext.xx1" instead of "goto start if ext.x1"
unexpected data event prefix - currently locked
The used data event prefix is locked in the current used hardware.
I and INTEGRATOR could be used only with the PowerIntegrator hardware.
Please use the keyword EXT (X) or SOC (S) instead.
e.g.: "Sample.Enable IF EXT.1||X.2
"Sample.Enable IF SOC.1023||S.63"
command not allowed
Normally the command name is written wrong.
e.g. "outt if datum1"
Error Messages | 146
1989-2024 Lauterbach
keyword for declaration required
ADDRESS selector definition not available for PowerProbe (PowerIntegrator only)
SELECTORRANGE selector definition not available for PowerProbe (PowerIntegrator only)
analog probe must be plugged into connector A (PowerIntegrator only)
The event type SELECTORRANGE can be used only when an analog probe is plugged into the connector A
of the PowerIntegrator modul.
ADDRESS selectors for actual hardware combination locked or CPU type not implemented
The PI address selector hardware for ADDRESS event usage inside the complex trigger programming,
couldn't be used because the usage of PI hardware breakpoints is blocked from a different TRACE32
hardware e.g. PowerTrace (this kind of hardware breakpoints are prefered) or the PI hardware breakpoints
aren't implemented for the actual used CPU type until now.
Please use SELECTORRANGE events instead.
ADDRESS and SELECTORRANGE events couldn't be used concurrently
ADDRESS and SELECTORRANGE events are using the identical hardware. Due to this, it isn't possible to
use both types of events together in the same complex trigger program simultaneously.
unexpected EOL - address event name for address event expected
unexpected EOL - address event name for address event expected
Normally name forgotten respectively name written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "address "
2. line: "ab up:1000--5500 "
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the address event name.
typical error : "address , sp:1000"
name of address event expected
unexpected EOL - address or addressrange expression expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined address event is expected.
Normally value forgotten respectively the value stands in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "address alphabreak "
2. line: " up:1000--5500 "
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the address event.
typical error : "address alphabreak , sp:1000"
address or addressrange expected
The value of the defined address event is expected. Often only the access mode is left out.
e.g. "address ab 0x10..0x1f||0x30"
instead of "address ab p:0x10..0x1f||0x30"
Error Messages | 147
1989-2024 Lauterbach
address or addressrange expected
The value of the defined address event is expected. Often only the access mode is left out.
e.g. "address ab D:0x10 30s" instead of "address ab D:0x10 D:0x30"
unexpected EOL - name for selector event or blank expected
unexpected EOL - Name for the selector event or blank is expected.
Normally the name is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "selector "
2. line: " upper_char word.b 'A'..'Z'"
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for data event is forbidden.
e.g. "data TRUE a:1"
name expected
unexpected EOL - eXt, Group, Soc or Word expected
unexpected EOL - The defined data event needs a logical channel name (eXt.*, Soc.*), Word name
(Word.*) or Group name (Group.*) to be assigned to it.
Frequently the name is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
The available logical names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
typical error : 1. line: "data upper_char"
2. line: "word.databus_B0 'A'--'Z'"
data expression expected
The user given expression has the wrong result type or is omitted. Only expressions from the type integer
(binary,hex,integer,ASCII), range, bit- / bytemask are possible.
e.g.: selector ERROR ext.2 a time value isn't permitted
or selector ERROR ext.5 d:10 the address d:10 isn't permitted
or selector ERROR ext.6 ext.nmi the value for channel ext.6 was omitted
eXt, Group, Soc or Word expected
The defined data event needs a logical channel name (eXt.*, Soc.*), Word name (Word.*) or Group name
(Group.*) to be assigned to it.
Frequently the name is misspelled or partly written in the next line.
The available logical names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
typical error : 1. line: "data upper_char wor"
2. line: "d.databus_B0 'A'--'Z'"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - The defined data event needs a "." after the logical channel name (eXt.*, Soc.*), Word
name (Word.*) or Group name (Group.*) to assign the second name part to it.
Frequently the "." is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "selector upper_char word"
2. line: ".databus_B0 'A'--'Z'"
Error Messages | 148
1989-2024 Lauterbach
"." expected
The defined data event needs a "." after the logical channel name (eXt.*, Soc.*), Word name (Word.*) or
Group name (Group.*) to assign the second name part to it.
Frequently the "." is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
typical errors: 1. line: "data upper_char word "
2. line: ".databus_B0 'A'--'Z'"
1. line: "data upper_char word databus_B0 'A'--'Z'"
unexpected EOL - second logical name expected
unexpected EOL - The defined data event needs after the "." of the logical channel name (eXt.*, Soc.*),
Word name (Word.*) or Group name (Group.*) the second name part.
Frequently the name is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
The available logical names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
typical error : 1. line: "data upper_char word."
2. line: "databus_B0 'A'--'Z'"
second logical name expected
The defined data event needs after "." of the logical channel name (eXt.*, Soc.*), Word name (Word.*) or
Group name (Group.*) the second name part.
Frequently the name is misspelled or forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
The available logical names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
typical error : "selector upper_char word.undefined_name 'A'--'Z'"
or "selector upper_char ext. 15 1"
or "selector nmi soc.1266 0" // channel name 1266
unknown channel name - second logical name expected - wrong SOC MUX mode
The defined data event needs after "." of the logical channel name (Soc.*) the second name part.
Frequently the channel name is not selected via Probe.SELect respectively Probe.TSYNC.SELect
command or the wrong soc multiplexer mode is configure Probe.Mode).
Or the name is misspelled or forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
The available logical names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
typical error : "selector nmi soc.nmi 0" // channel name nmi unknown
too many channels used in word definition (>64)
The used Word name (Word.*) has more than 64 input channels.
The available logical names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
e.g.: "selector dsel0 W.WORD0 0xffff0000ffff0000"
Group, Integrator or Word expected
The defined selector event needs a logical channel name (Integrator.*), Word name (Word.*) or Group name
(Group.*) to be assigned to it.
Frequently the name is misspelled or partly written in the next line.
The available locigal names could be displayed via NAME.list command.
typical error : 1. line: selector upper5_char wor
2. line: d.databus_B0 ’A’..’Z’
The given channel is locked in the current timing analyzer frequency mode.
e.g. 100 MHz: "data error c:20" /* physical channel name */
100 MHz: "data error V24DATA:33" /* system channel name */
200 MHz: "data error B:33"
Error Messages | 149
1989-2024 Lauterbach
unexpected EOL - '.' expected
unexpected EOL - The defined selector event needs a "." after the logical channel name (I.*) to assign the
mode to it.
Frequently the "." is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "SELECTOR CSEL0 I.A0"
2. line: ".HL "
"." expected
unexpected symbol - "." is expected.
typical error : "selector CSEL0 I.A0!HL
^ error pointer
unexpected EOL - channelmode expected
The defined selector event needs a mode after the logical channel name (I.A0.) to assign the mode to it.
Frequently the mode is forgotten respectively stands in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "SELECTOR CSEL0 I.A0."
2. line: "HL "
channelmode expected
The defined selector event needs a mode after the logical channel name (I.A0.) to assign the mode to it.
Often the mode name is written wrong or was omitted.
typical error : SELECTOR CSEL0 I.A0.EXT
unexpected EOL - username for selectorrange event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for time event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "selectorrange "
2. line: "too_high_voltage 0x1fc2--0x233c "
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for selectorrange event is forbidden.
e.g. "selectorrange TRUE 1000.--2000."
name for selectorrange event expected
unexpected EOL - integer or range expression expected
unexpected EOL - The value of the defined selectorrange event is expected.
Normally value forgotten respectively the value stands in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "selectorrange too_high_voltage "
2. line: " 1000.--2000. "
separating BLANK expected
Frequently a wrong symbol is written instead of the value.
typical error : "selectorrange too_high_voltage , 1000."
numeric constant or range expected
The value of the defined selectorrange event is expected. Often an access mode is used for normal numeric
e.g. "selectorrange too_high_voltage C:0x12--0x32" instead of
"selectorrange too_high_voltage 0x12--0x32"
Error Messages | 150
1989-2024 Lauterbach
numeric constant or range expected
The value of the defined selectorrange event is expected. Often an access mode is used for normal numeric
e.g. "selectorrange too_high_voltage 0x10 D:0x30 12s" instead of
"selectorrange too_high_voltage 0x10 0x30"
unexpected EOL - username for time event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for time event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "timecounter "
2. line: "unvalid_time "
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for time event is forbidden.
e.g. "timecounter TRUE 1.ns"
name expected
wrong expression type - time expression expected
unexpected EOL - username for event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the counter event is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: "eventcounter "
2. line: "unvalid_path 0--5 "
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for counter event is forbidden.
e.g. "eventcounter TRUE 0ff"
name expected
wrong expression type - event expression expected
The given expression has not the type INTEGER or RANGE.
unexpected EOL - username for externcounter event expected
unexpected EOL - A user given name for the counter event is expected.
Normally the name is forgotten respectively the name is written in the next line.
typical error: 1. line: externcounter
2. line: unvalid_path 0--5
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for counter event is forbidden.
e.g. externcounter TRUE 0xff
Error Messages | 151
1989-2024 Lauterbach
name expected
wrong expression type - event expression expected
The given expression has not the type INTEGER or RANGE.
unexpected EOL - username for flag expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the flag is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flags "
2. line: "unvalid_path "
or 1. line: "flag unvalid_path , "
2. line: " motor_on"
separating BLANK expected
reserved name used
The use of names reserved from the system as names for flag is forbidden.
e.g. "flags TRUE "
flag name expected
unexpected symbol - An of the user given name for the flag is expected.
Normally a writting error occurred.
e.g. "flags , motor_on", "flags .motor_on"
flag name expected
unexpected symbol - An of the user given name for the flag is expected.
Normally a writting error occurred.
e.g. "flags motor_on, n:LED_on"
channel already used before
Inside the selector definition channel names couldn't be used twice.
Sometimes this fact isn't obviously, when using WORD or GROUP names and single channel names
Please check the name definitions with the NAME.list command.
e.g. : "selector dsel0 EXT.0 1 EXT.1 0 EXT.0 0"
^ error position
loopvariable "?" not allowed in expression
value too big (max. <bitnumber> bit value)
The given counter value is hugher than the maximum 45bit value.
e.g. EVENTCOUNTER error_cnt 0x123456789012
^ error position
value different from zero expected
only simple ranges are allowed
Only event ranges with 2 borders are possible.
Error Messages | 152
1989-2024 Lauterbach
data ranges are only allowed with byte borders
Due to hardware restrictions only ranges inside byte borders can be realized.
e.g. DATA valid_values word.d0_d7 0x01..0x1f
only byte range allowed
value with max. <bitnumber> bit size expected
The actual given value exceeds the maximum possible value in bits.
e.g. SELECTOR nmi ext.1 0x2 // only values 0x0 or 0x1 expected
value with max. <bitnumber> bit size expected
The actual given value exceeds the maximum possible value in bits.
e.g. SELECTORRANGE too_high_value 0x1200--0x123456789
unexpected EOL - subcommand for break command expected
unexpected EOL - A subcommand for the break command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "break."
2. line: "trace if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "break. IF CNT1", "break.ttrace IF CNT1" or "break. trace IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - subcommand expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the bus command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "bus."
2. line: "a if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "bus. IF CNT1", "bus.aa IF CNT1" or "bus. a IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - counter subcommand expected
unexpected EOL - A subcommand of the counter command is expected.
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "counter."
2. line: "on interrupt_events if INT1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "c. CNT1 IF INT", "c.onn CNT1 IF INT" or "c.o n CNT1 IF INT"
unexpected EOL - username for counter event expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the counter event (TIMECOUNTER, EVENTCOUNTER) is
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "counter.on "
2. line: "interrupt_events"
separating BLANK expected
Error Messages | 153
1989-2024 Lauterbach
counter event name expected
unexpected CONTINUE
Due to hardware restrictions it isn't possible to use in the global level or in the highest level of the trigger
program the command CONTINUE.
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - A "." as a subcommand prefix of the flag command is expected.
Normally the "." is forgotten respectively is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag"
2. line: ".on in_interrupt_fct if INT1"
"." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand for flag command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the flag command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag. "
2. line: "on interrupt_occurred "
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "flag. in_int IF CNT1", "flag.onn in_int IF CNT1" or
"flag. on in_int IF CNT1", "flag.o n in_int IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - username for flag expected
unexpected EOL - An of the user given name for the flag event is expected
Normally name is forgotten respectively name is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "flag.on "
2. line: "interrupt_occurred "
separating BLANK expected
flag name expected
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - The introduction "." of a subcommand for the out command is expected.
Normally "." is forgotten respectively is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "out"
2. line: ".a if cnt1"
or 1. line: "out a if cnt1"
"." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand for out command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the out command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "out."
2. line: "a if cnt1"
Error Messages | 154
1989-2024 Lauterbach
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "out. IF CNT1", "out.aa IF CNT1" or "out. a IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - subcommand for sample command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the sample command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "sample."
2. line: "on if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "sample. IF CNT1", "s.oon IF CNT1" or "s. on IF CNT1"
unexpected EOL - "." expected
unexpected EOL - The introduction "." of a subcommand for the trigger command is expected.
Normally "." is forgotten respectively is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "trigger"
2. line: ".pattern if cnt1"
or 1. line: "trigger pattern if cnt1"
"." expected
unexpected EOL - subcommand for trigger command expected
unexpected EOL - An subcommand for the trigger command is expected.
Normally subcommand is forgotten respectively subcommand is written in the next line.
typical error : 1. line: "trigger."
2. line: "pattern if cnt1"
invalid subcommand
subcommand is omitted or given subcommand is not correct
e.g.: "trigger. IF CNT1", "trigger.ppuls IF CNT1" or
"trigger. PLUS IF CNT1"
level <labelname> doesn't exist
Not existing level labelname used in GOTO command.
SELECTOR <name> declared but not used in condition
TIMECOUNTER <name> declared but not used in condition
TIMECOUNTER <name> used but not set
TIMECOUNTER <name> set, but not used in condition
EVENTCOUNTER <name> declared but not used in condition
EVENTCOUNTER <name> used, but never set
EVENTCOUNTER <name> set, but not used in condition
Error Messages | 155
1989-2024 Lauterbach
FLAG <name> declared but not used
FLAG <name> used but not never set
FLAG <name> set, but not used
label START does not exist
Jump to the n o t existing level START.
too many counter used
At most a number of 2 universal counter can be used. They must be always used for time events and for
counter events which are used in conditions.
The number of the used flags has to be subtracted from maximum number of counters.
too many counter used
At most a number of 3 universal counter can be used. They will be used for time events and for counter
too many flags used
At most a number of 2 flags can be used.
too many input events - <name> does not fit
Too many global input events exist. The displayed flag name couldn't be fit in a free MUX.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions.
At most 4 input events, which are using the internal multiplexers, are possible in each level.
too many input events - <name> does not fit in level <levelname>
Too many input events exist. The displayed flag name couldn't be fit in a free MUX.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions.
At most 4 input events, which are using the internal multiplexers, are possible in each level.
EXTERNSYNCCOUNTER event <name> declared but not used in condition
EXTERNSYNCCOUNTER event <name> used but not set
EXTERNSYNCCOUNTER event <name> set, but not used in condition
SELECTORRANGE event <name> declared but not used in condition
too many SELECTORRANGE events used
At most a number of 8 SELECTORRANGE events can be used.
not declared name used
All names which could be freely created from the user have to be declared. The only exception are the
labels. All data, time and counter events must be declared. Predefined system names are used for data
events and that's the reason why no declaration is necessary.
Some of the predefined system names will be locked depending on the current selected analyzer speed.
Error Messages | 156
1989-2024 Lauterbach
too many data events used
At most 4 data events are possible in each level. Every global used data event reduces the number of the
local (in a level) usable.
too many counter used
At most a number of 3 universal counter can be used. They will be used for time events and for counter
level name is declared twice
too many levels defined
At most 4 levels are possible. The actually used number of levels exceeds these limits.
counter <name> not declared
not enough memory (for internal table)
name <name> has multiple meaning
The name is used in two declarations or the name was used twice in the NAME.Set command.
e.g. 1. events NMI
flags NMI
2. name.set a0 NMI
flags NMI
3. name.set a1 a0 ==> physical line a0 is logical name a0
physical line a1 is logical name a0 too
address event <addr_name> is multiple declared
The address event with the name addr_name has multiple declarations. This causes a special treatment of
the declarations. All these declarations will be treated as one declaration (combined automatically).
e.g. "address AB sp:100 /hard" are
"address AB v.range(flags) /hard"
equal to "address AB sp:100 v.range(flags) /hard"
not enough memory (for internal table)
no levelname
The given name is no levelname.
level START not defined before the actual level, but must be the first level
Due to hardware restrictions a label named START has to be the first written labelname.
selected mode impossible
The given mode is different from the mode of an another dataevent which uses the same shared dataevent
resource. Or the same dataevent is used with different modes in the same level.
Only 1 mode (excepted 'S') could be used in the whole program for the same physical dataevent.
Error Messages | 157
1989-2024 Lauterbach
too many dataevents used or the given mode is impossible in this program
At most 4 data events are possible in each level. Every global used data event reduces the number of the
local (in a level) usable.
Only 1 mode (excepted 'S') could be used in the whole program for the same physical dataevent. In the
present program configuration there are too many modes used. If not, then you can try to write the
commands which are using the dataevent in their condition part, in a different order.
flag '<name>' not declared
flagname '<name>' not unequivocal - name defined twice
All names can only be exist with one meaning and must be different from all keywords.
not enough memory (for internal table)
too many input events
Too many global input events exist.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions.
At most 4 input events, which are using the internal multiplexers, are possible in each level.
counter <name> not declared
last level command overwritten
The current command overwrites the previous level command (CONTinue, GOTO) in the same line.
too many input events
Too many global input events exist.
The global instructions are "made" in every level (it seems they were done as local one; they have the same
meaning as the local) and therefore they have the same restrictions as the local instructions.
At most 4 input events, which are using the internal multiplexers, are possible in each level.
too many local input events
Too many local input events, using multiplexers exist. The number of input events in each level is the sum of
the local used input events plus the global used input events.
At most 4 input events, which are using the internal multiplexers, are possible in each level.
breakpoint type <breakpointname> not set and for this always FALSE
The given breakpoint inside a condition isn't defined as an address event in the trigger program nor set
outside the trigger program with the Break.Set command.
e.g. address ab p:1000
sample.enable if bb
^ warning position
not enough memory
Not enough system memory for internal table.
not enough memory
Not enough system memory for internal command table.
Error Messages | 158
1989-2024 Lauterbach
not enough memory (for PP||PI RAM Compiler)
Not enough system memory for the UPN buffer of the TA/PP/PI RAM compiler.
not enough memory (for TriggerRAM Compiler)
Not enough system memory for the TriggerRAM Compiler.
global or local CONTinue ignored in last level
A given global or local CONTINUE command was been ignored in the last level of the triggerprogram.
not enough memory (for PP||PI compiler)
Not enough system memory for codebuffer of the Timing Analyzer compiler.
not enough system memory free
Not enough system memory free for executing the command.
not enough memory
Not enough system memory for internal table.
internal error: unexpected empty pointer in PPTA_PI_COMBINE_AND_WRITE_DSELS
the given several values aren't realizable: <channelgroup><selector>
The wished combination of 2 or more values couldn't be realized with one selector due to hardware
Please split the selector into two or try to rearange the input channel order (ranges are only possible in one
channel group).
e.g. NAME.SET WORD.0 X.0 X.1 X.2 X.3 X.8 X.9 X.10 X.11
SELECTOR dsel0 WORD.0 0x10 0x02
deadtime value out of range (0..16)
only the first 102 input channel can be used for AMUX definition
baseaddress value out of range (0x0..0xffffffff)
base input channel already in use
for definition of BASE.<cs_no> no free mux line left (CSMUXRAM)
no AMUX/BMUX settings were done before
not enough memory (for PI supportpackage setting)
Not enough system memory for the support package programming of PI.
CPU specific PI hardware breakpoints aren't usable or implemented
The PI address selector hardware for ADDRESS event usage inside the complex trigger programming,
couldn't be used because the usage of PI hardware breakpoints is blocked from a different TRACE32
hardware e.g. PowerTrace (this kind of hardware breakpoints are prefered) or the PI hardware breakpoints
aren't implemented for the actual used CPU type until now.
Please use SELECTORRANGE events instead.
Error Messages | 159
1989-2024 Lauterbach
internal error : <error>
Please contact the manufacturer !
no toggling on CLKA or CLKB
no toggling on CLKJ or CLKK
For state-mode recording the sampling point is defined by the edges of a target-reference-clock which can
be present on probe-AB or probe-JK. TRACE32 checks if there is any toggling on the selected clock pin(s).
If not, an error message is printed.
Error Messages | 160
1989-2024 Lauterbach
Stimuli Generator
Error Messages
single bits not allowed
no such pod name