Teacher’s Guide
April 2024
April Teacher’s Guide Introduction...........................2
Save It for Later: Batteries Keep Us Energized..........4
How Did the Battery Get Its Name?........................14
Lithium: The 21st Century Gold Rush......................24
The Earth’s Chemical Fingerprint.............................34
April Teacher’s Guide Introduction
Lesson Ideas
For each of the articles, encourage students to think about how science is done, how we know what we know,
and how chemistry connects to their lives.
Teaching Ideas for this issue:
1. “Chemistry in Pictures” on page 2 shows a photograph of the displacement of copper metal by silver
ions. If possible, demonstrate the reaction for your students. Ask them what we can learn about the
chemistry of metals from this reaction.
2. “Open for Discussion” on page 4 discusses the meaning of sustainability, and historic sustainability
policies employed by indigenous people of the Americas. Ask students what role chemistry can play in
future efforts to balance society’s needs and wants with Earth’s finite resources. You may want to refer
to this article after students read the article about lithium mining on pages 11-14.
3. The “Chemistry in Person” column on page 19 showcases Nobel Laureate M. Stanley Whittingham, who
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work to develop lithium-ion batteries. Encourage
students to read the interview to learn what he is doing now to address sustainability and make
chemistry more relevant.
4. This issue of ChemMatters relates well to the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week theme: Get a Charge Out
of Chemistry. You can find more information and teaching ideas at
. In particular, the CCEW 2024 issue of “Celebrating
Chemistry” (https://www.acs.org/education/outreach/celebrating-chemistry-editions.html ) is a good
reference for chemistry students as they read the articles in this issue, even though the information is
aimed at students in middle school.
5. Note: Safe battery disposal is not specifically addressed in this issue, but students may have questions.
In most municipalities, disposal of regular alkaline batteries (such as AAA, AA, C, D, 9V) in the regular
trash is OK, in others recycling is encouraged. One activity could be to have students research the local
regulations and raise awareness among their peers regarding proper disposal of non-rechargeable
alkaline batteries. With respect to rechargeable batteries, these should always be taken to a hazardous
waste disposal site because they pose a fire hazard.
6. Assign a team of students to read each feature article, then present what they learned in a podcast,
PowerPoint or similar presentation, poster or brochure, or some other engaging format.
Prior to reading the article, give students the Anticipation Guide for the article along with the
graphic organizer and links to other information provided.
Be sure to ask students to include information providing evidence for the claims made in the
7. Alternatively, students can create concept maps about the important chemistry concepts in the article
they choose.
5E Lesson Ideas for individual articles:
Engage Provide the Anticipation Guide or ask a thoughtful question (see the individual Teacher’s
Guide for each article) to engage students in the reading. Students should record their
initial ideas individually, in pen, so they can’t be erased. Students can then discuss their
initial ideas in small groups or as a whole class.
Explore Students read the article to discover more about the concepts in the article. During this
phase, students will revisit their beginning ideas and record how the information in the
article supports or refutes their initial ideas, providing evidence from the article.
Explain Students answer questions and/or complete the graphic organizer provided for each
article, then discuss their learning with their classmates. Students should recognize the
evidence for the claims made in the articles, and how the evidence supports the claims.
Elaborate Students can pose questions for further study.
For some articles, there are related ACS Reactions videos students can watch to learn
more about the concepts presented. See the individual Teacher’s Guide for each article to
learn more.
Evaluate Students write a short summary of what they learned that describes how it connects to
their lives. Students may also present their learning to their classmates or others.
Teacher’s Guide
Save It for Later: Batteries Keep Us Energized
April 2024
Table of Contents
Anticipation Guide 5
Activate students’ prior knowledge and engage them before they read the article.
Reading Comprehension Questions 6
These questions are designed to help students read the article (and graphics) carefully. They can help
the teacher assess how well students understand the content and help direct the need for follow-up
discussions and/or activities. You’ll find the questions ordered in increasing difficulty.
Graphic Organizer 8
This helps students locate and analyze information from the article. Students should use their own
words and not copy entire sentences from the article. Encourage the use of bullet points.
Answers 9
Access the answers to reading comprehension questions and a rubric to assess the graphic organizer.
Additional Resources 12
Here you will find additional labs, simulations, lessons, and project ideas that you can use with your
students alongside this article.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards 13
Anticipation Guide
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your Agreement or
Disagreement with each statement. Complete the activity in the box.
As you read, compare your opinions with information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite
information from the article that supports or refutes your original ideas.
1. Solar powered chargers depend on batteries to store energy.
2. Batteries that store energy for as long as two weeks may be the size of a car.
3. About one-third of the energy produced worldwide is lost before reaching the
4. Both electrolytic cells and voltaic cells are electrochemical cells.
5. Electrolytic cells work spontaneously.
6. Disposable batteries can hold a charge for years if they are not used.
7. The anode of a lithium-ion battery is made of lithium.
8. Lithium is more abundant than sodium.
9. Fuel cells need a constant supply of fuel.
10. Hydrogen fuel cells produce harmful emissions.
Student Reading
Comprehension Questions
Directions: Use the article to answer the questions below.
1. Our lives require a constant supply of energy for powering appliances, transportation, as well as heating
and cooling. How much energy produced globally is “lost”? List two ways that energy can be lost.
2. How do batteries generate electricity? What type of chemical reactions are involved?
3. Explain what happens in a redox reaction.
4. What are some similarities and differences between an electrolytic cell and a voltaic cell?
5. Is a rechargeable phone battery a voltaic or electrolytic cell? Explain.
6. Study the image of the electrolytic cell. Explain where oxidation occurs and what substance undergoes
oxidation. Similarly, explain where reduction occurs and what substance undergoes reduction. Which
way do electrons flow?
7. Explain the composition of Volta’s first battery. What are the two reactions that occur in Volta’s pile?
8. List some advantages of both disposable and rechargeable batteries.
9. The following questions relate to lithium-ion batteries.
a. Where can graphite be found in this battery?
b. What elements tend to be used for the mixed metal oxide compound?
c. In which direction do lithium ions flow when the battery is being discharged?
10. Hydrogen fuel cells provide many advantages over gas-powered cars. Why have they been slow to
Student Reading Comprehension Questions, cont.
Questions for Further Learning
Write your answers on another piece of paper if needed.
11. Research the environmental impacts of lithium-ion EV batteries.
12. Draw a diagram that shows how a voltaic cell works. Include the anode, cathode, voltage meter, and salt
bridge. Use arrows to indicate the direction of the flow of electrons. Explain the function and
significance of the salt bridge.
Graphic Organizer
Directions: As you read, complete the graphic organizer below to summarize important points in the article.
Importance of
Types of batteries
described in the article
Problems with current
Ideas for future
Fuel Cell advantages
Fuel Cell
How we can ease the
environmental impact
of batteries right now.
Summary: On the back of this sheet, write a one-sentence (20 words maximum) of the article.
Name: ______________________________
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions & Graphic
Organizer Rubric
1. Our lives require a constant supply of energy for powering appliances, transportation, as well as heating
and cooling. How much energy produced globally is “lost”? List two ways that energy can be lost.
About 2/3 of energy produced globally is lost. The production of electricity involves significant heat loss.
On a personal level, energy is lost when people don’t conserve it by leaving on lights and using
inefficient appliances and equipment.
2. How do batteries generate electricity? What type of chemical reactions are involved?
Inside batteries, electrons move from one element to another due to differences in the elements or
compounds reduction potential. That is, one element or compound prefers to lose electrons while the
other prefers to gain electrons, this potential difference causes electrons in a circuit to move. The
movement of electrons is electricity. The reactions involved are known as oxidation-reduction reactions,
or redox.
3. Explain what happens in a redox reaction.
A redox reaction involves both oxidation and reduction reactions. These reactions occur simultaneously.
Electrons are lost in oxidation reactions (lose electrons oxidation LEO) and electrons are gained in
reduction reactions (gain electrons reduction – GER).
4. What are some similarities and differences between an electrolytic cell and a voltaic cell?
Similarities: Both electrolytic and voltaic cells have two electrodes; a cathode where reduction occurs
(Reduction Cathode RedCat), and an anode where oxidation occurs (Anode Oxidation AnOx). Both
also contain an electrolyte solution.
Differences: Voltaic cells undergo spontaneous chemical reactions based on the potential differences of
the materials used; electrolytic cells need electricity to cause a nonspontaneous reaction to occur.
5. Is a rechargeable phone battery a voltaic or electrolytic cell? Explain.
Both! When not plugged into the wall or other source of electricity, the phone battery works as a voltaic
cell, undergoing spontaneous chemical reactions. Eventually, the battery discharges enough electricity
that it needs to be recharged. When you plug in your phone to a wall socket for example, a
nonspontaneous reaction occurs (electrolytic cell) and electrons are sent in the opposite direction to
build up stored energy.
6. Study the image of the electrolytic cell. Explain where oxidation occurs and what substance undergoes
oxidation. Similarly, explain where reduction occurs and what substance undergoes reduction. Which
way do electrons flow?
Oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode. Bromide ions are being oxidized and
sodium ions are being reduced. Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode.
7. Explain the composition of Volta’s first battery. What are the two reactions that occur in Volta’s pile?
Volta’s voltaic cell was made up of alternating zinc and silver discs. The discs were separated with a cloth
soaked in sodium hydroxide or salt water to serve as the electrolyte solution. The zinc (Zn
) is oxidized to
zinc ions (Zn
) and the hydrogen ions (H
) in the water are reduced to hydrogen gas (H
Zn > Zn
+ 2e
(oxidation occurs at the anode)
+ 2e
> H
(reduction occurs at the cathode)
8. List some advantages of both disposable and rechargeable batteries.
Disposable batteries are less expensive, can store a charge when not in use for long periods of time, and
are useful in medical applications where recharging is not possible. Rechargeable batteries can be used
numerous times, which reduces the environmental impact on landfills.
9. The following questions relate to lithium-ion batteries.
a. Where can graphite be found in this battery?
Graphite is the anode.
b. What elements tend to be used for the mixed metal oxide compound?
The mixed metal oxides used as the cathode are most commonly composed of lithium, oxygen,
and cobalt.
c. In which direction do lithium ions flow when the battery is being discharged?
Lithium ions flow from the graphite, through the separator, to the metal oxide when the battery
is being used but is not plugged into an electrical source.
10. Hydrogen fuel cells provide many advantages over gas-powered cars. Why have they been slow to
Fuel cells need a constant supply of reactants, in this case, hydrogen and oxygen gas. Oxygen can come
from the air, but elemental hydrogen is harder to produce. California is the only state to offer hydrogen-
fuel stations. Until hydrogen gas is readily available, it will be difficult to replace the gasoline fuel
11. Research the environmental impacts of lithium-ion EV batteries.
Answers will vary depending on student research. Some examples include toxic chemical leaks especially
in landfills, risk of fire due to improper storage, use of large quantities of water involved in lithium
12. Draw a diagram that shows how a voltaic cell works. Include the anode, cathode, voltage meter, and salt
bridge. Use arrows to indicate the direction of the flow of electrons. Explain the function and
significance of the salt bridge.
The diagram should show two breakers each with an electrode submerged in a solution connected with
an inverted U-tube (salt bridge). Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode. The voltage meter can
be drawn to show that some current is flowing. The salt bridge allows for the flow of ions that reduces
the charge buildup that occurs in both cells. Without the salt bridge, the reaction would stop as too
much charge would quickly build up in both cells - (positive ions in the oxidation cell and negative ions in
the reduction cell).
Graphic Organizer Rubric
If you use the Graphic Organizer to evaluate student performance, you may want to develop a grading rubric
such as the one below.
Score Description Evidence
4 Excellent Complete; details provided; demonstrates deep understanding.
3 Good Complete; few details provided; demonstrates some understanding.
2 Fair Incomplete; few details provided; some misconceptions evident.
1 Poor Very incomplete; no details provided; many misconceptions evident.
0 Not acceptable So incomplete that no judgment can be made about student understanding
Additional Resources and Teaching Strategies
Additional Resources
Labs and demonstrations
Lab: Students will investigate the relative reactivity of three metals. They will use this knowledge
to relate the activity series to cell potential.
Lab: Students investigate how to build a galvanic cell and compare collected data to theoretical
values of cell potential.
Animation: Students will view an animation of a galvanic cell, focusing on the particulate level.
There is an accompanying worksheet for them to describe the parts of the galvanic cell and
identify the reactions that took place within.
Map: Students can investigate their state battery recycling laws using this interactive map.
Lithium Mining in Utah: Students design and carry out an experiment to collect a mineral from a
solution in a way that simulates how lithium is mined.
Lessons and lesson plans
Lesson: Students learn more about lithium-ion batteries and how its developers were awarded
the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Teaching Strategies
Consider the following tips and strategies for incorporating this article into your classroom:
Alternative to Anticipation Guide: Before reading, ask students where they use batteries in their
everyday lives. Ask if they have ever thought about the chemistry involved in making and using
batteries. Their initial ideas can be collected electronically via Jamboard, Padlet, or similar technology.
As they read, students can find information to confirm or refute their original ideas.
After they read, ask students what they learned about the importance of batteries in our lives, problems
caused by battery use, and possible solutions to these problems. Ask how they might use the
information in the future.
Note: Safe battery disposal is not specifically addressed in this issue, but students may have questions.
In most municipalities, disposal of regular alkaline batteries (such as AAA, AA, C, D, 9V) in the regular
trash is OK, some municipalities do recycle these batteries as well. However, rechargeable batteries
should always be taken to a hazardous waste disposal site because they pose a fire hazard.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards
Connections to Chemistry Concepts
The following chemistry concepts are highlighted in this article:
Electrolytic cells
Redox reaction
Spontaneous vs. nonspontaneous reactions
Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards
This article relates to the following performance expectations and dimensions of the NGSS:
HS-PS3-3. Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of energy
into another form of energy.
HS-ETS1-3. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and tradeoffs that
account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as possible social,
cultural, and environmental impacts.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
PS.3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
Crosscutting Concepts:
Systems and system models
Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
Science and Engineering Practices:
Constructing explanations (for science) and developing solutions (for engineering)
Nature of Science:
Science is a human endeavor.
See how ChemMatters correlates to the Common Core State Standards online
Teacher’s Guide
How Did the Battery Get Its Name?
April 2024
Table of Contents
Anticipation Guide 15
Activate students’ prior knowledge and engage them before they read the article.
Reading Comprehension Questions 16
These questions are designed to help students read the article (and graphics) carefully. They can help
the teacher assess how well students understand the content and help direct the need for follow-up
discussions and/or activities. You’ll find the questions ordered in increasing difficulty.
Graphic Organizer 18
This helps students locate and analyze information from the article. Students should use their own
words and not copy entire sentences from the article. Encourage the use of bullet points.
Answers 19
Access the answers to reading comprehension questions and a rubric to assess the graphic organizer.
Additional Resources 22
Here you will find additional labs, simulations, lessons, and project ideas that you can use with your
students alongside this article.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards 23
Anticipation Guide
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your Agreement or
Disagreement with each statement. Complete the activity in the box.
As you read, compare your opinions with information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite
information from the article that supports or refutes your original ideas.
1. Alessandro Volta coined the term “battery.”
2. Batteries change chemical energy to electricity.
3. Volta’s first battery was a voltaic pile consisting of zinc, copper or silver, and salt
4. Zinc is oxidized at the anode of many batteries.
5. The electrolyte in many alkaline batteries is NaOH.
6. The electrolyte in a battery provides a path for electron flow.
7. Alkaline batteries are named according to size.
8. Batteries of different sizes have different voltages.
9. Button and coin batteries were developed in the 1970s.
10. The numbers in coin batteries tell the size of the battery in cm.
Name: ______________________________
Student Reading
Comprehension Questions
Directions: Use the article to answer the questions below.
1. What was the name of the scientist who came up with the name “battery”? What is the original
definition of the word?
2. In Volta’s battery or any voltaic cell, what causes the electrons to move? Write the two half reactions
that occur in Volta’s battery? Which reaction is the oxidation and which reaction is the reduction?
3. Why are the more common non-reusable batteries called “alkaline batteries”?
4. Define anode and cathode and briefly explain their roles in electron transfer.
5. Briefly describe the original naming/lettering system for batteries. Briefly explain the new naming
procedure. Why do we not see any B batteries?
6. Explain what it means for voltage to be an “intrinsic” property.
7. Explain the difference between voltage and current. Using these terms, why do we have different sizes
of batteries?
8. Explain, in terms of current and power, why it is necessary to use multiple batteries in a device.
9. Examine the diagram below of a voltaic cell. Notice the direction of flow of electrons, as well as the flow
of the electrolyte solution (KOH). Explain why the ions in the electrolyte are needed for the cell to work.
10. Consider the equation:
Zn(s) + 2OH
(aq) → ZnO(s) + H
O(l) + 2e
When the reactant, Zinc, has been completely converted to zinc oxide (ZnO), what will happen to the
reaction, and the battery? With this in mind, how do you think rechargeable batteries work?
Name: ______________________________
Student Reading Comprehension Questions, cont.
Questions for Further Learning
Write your answers on another piece of paper if needed.
11. Research and describe the similarities and differences between series and parallel. What are some
examples of devices that use either of these set-ups?
Graphic Organizer
Directions: As you read, complete the graphic organizer below to define terms from the article, with examples.
Example or Interesting Fact
Voltaic Pile
Alkaline Battery
Electrolytic Cell
Summary: On the back of this sheet, write three interesting facts you learned about naming batteries.
Name: ______________________________
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions & Graphic
Organizer Rubric
1. What was the name of the scientist who came up with the name “battery”? What is the original
definition of the word?
Benjamin Franklin coined the term “battery.” The term battery is originally a military term meaning
weapons working together.
2. In Volta’s battery or any voltaic cell, what causes the electrons to move? Write the two half reactions
that occur in Volta’s battery? Which reaction is the oxidation and which reaction is the reduction?
The difference in potential for reduction between the zinc and the copper causes the electrons to move
and produce electricity.
Oxidation: Zn → Zn
+ 2e
Reduction: 2H
+ 2e
→ H
3. Why are the more common non-reusable batteries called “alkaline batteries”?
The most common batteries are called alkaline because they contain potassium hydroxide as the
electrolyte. (Metal hydroxides are labeled alkaline).
4. Define anode and cathode and briefly explain their roles in electron transfer.
Anode: the part of the cell/battery where the electrons leave (or, where the chemicals are oxidized).
Cathode: the part of the cell/battery where the electrons are accepted (or, where the chemicals are
5. Briefly describe the original naming/lettering system for batteries. Briefly explain the new naming
procedure. Why do we not see any B batteries?
The original naming system was based on the letters of the alphabet. The larger the battery, the higher
up on the lettering scale. Now, we use a new code, which contains letters (for the chemical and the
shape of the battery) and numbers (for the size). A and B batteries used to exist, but devices have
changed and they are no longer used.
6. Explain what it means for voltage to be an “intrinsic” property.
An intrinsic property is independent of the amount of the material present. Concentration is a good
example, if you pour a glass of juice from a bottle into an empty glass, the concentration remains the
same in the glass as it was in the bottle. The voltage produced by a substance will be the same no
matter how much of the substance is present.
7. Explain the difference between voltage and current. Using these terms, why do we have different sizes
of batteries?
Voltage measures the potential difference between two different chemical species, whereas current is
the amount of electrons flowing past a point per unit of time in a circuit. Even though batteries of
different sizes have the same voltage, larger batteries have a higher current. If the current is larger, then
a larger amount of electrons are available to run larger devices.
8. Explain, in terms of current and power, why it is necessary to use multiple batteries in a device.
The power of a battery is the combination of both current (the number of electrons moving through the
circuit) and voltage, the potential difference between the chemical species being oxidized and reduced.
To increase the voltage, multiple batteries may be needed. The larger voltage provides a larger amount
of power for the devices.
9. Examine the diagram below of a voltaic cell. Notice the direction of flow of electrons, as well as the flow
of the electrolyte solution (KOH). Explain why the ions in the electrolyte are needed for the cell to work.
When electrons flow to one end (the cathode), there is an imbalance of negative charge in the cell. To
rebalance the charges, the cations (positive ions) in the electrolyte move towards the cathode to
counter the increased negative charge. The anions (negative ions) in the electrolyte flow to the anode,
to replace the negative charges lost by the removal of the electrons.
10. Consider the equation:
Zn(s) + 2OH
(aq) → ZnO(s) + H
O(l) + 2e
When the reactant, Zinc, has been completely converted to zinc oxide (ZnO), what will happen to the
reaction, and the battery? With this in mind, how do you think rechargeable batteries work?
When the zinc has been completely used up, there is no more material to produce electrons. The
reaction will end, and the battery will not work anymore (“the battery died”). With rechargeable
batteries, an outside power source (i.e. electrical outlet) reverses the reaction so it can start over again.
11. Research and describe the similarities and differences between series and parallel. What are some
examples of devices that use either of these set-ups?
A series connection is made when the batteries are connected end to end. When this happens, the
voltage of each battery is added. This provides more power to devices. The current stays the same, so
the batteries will last longer. This is good for many devices found in home or school (remotes,
calculators, toys, etc).
A parallel connection is made when all the positives are connected to one wire, and all negatives are
connected to another wire. The voltage remains the same, but the current increases overall. This is good
for larger devices (i.e. car batteries) that need a large amount of current to run.
The following are 2 resources to check out.
Graphic Organizer Rubric
If you use the Graphic Organizer to evaluate student performance, you may want to develop a grading rubric
such as the one below.
Score Description Evidence
4 Excellent Complete; details provided; demonstrates deep understanding.
3 Good Complete; few details provided; demonstrates some understanding.
2 Fair Incomplete; few details provided; some misconceptions evident.
1 Poor Very incomplete; no details provided; many misconceptions evident.
0 Not acceptable So incomplete that no judgment can be made about student understanding
Additional Resources and Teaching Strategies
Additional Resources
Labs and demonstrations
Lessons and lesson plans
Teaching Strategies
Consider the following tips and strategies for incorporating this article into your classroom:
Alternative to Anticipation Guide: Before reading, ask students when they think batteries were
invented. Also ask them if they know what’s inside a flashlight battery and what different battery sizes
mean. Their initial ideas can be collected electronically via Jamboard, Padlet, or similar technology.
As they read, students can find information to confirm or refute their original ideas.
After they read, ask students what they learned about the development of batteries, and why
there are so many kinds of batteries.
After students have read and discussed the article, ask students what information they would like to
share with friends and family about battery choices.
Note to teachers: This article refers to naming household batteries, not larger batteries. However, 9V
batteries were not mentioned. These are 9V alkaline batteries, which are basically six alkaline cells like
those described in the article wrapped together in a bundle.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards
Connections to Chemistry Concepts
The following chemistry concepts are highlighted in this article:
Electrolytic cells
Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards
This article relates to the following performance expectations and dimensions of the NGSS:
HS-PS1-4. Develop a model to illustrate that the release or absorption of energy from a chemical reaction
system depends on the changes in total bond energy.
HS-ETS1-3. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and tradeoffs that
account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as possible social,
cultural, and environmental impacts.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
PS.1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
PS.1.B: Chemical Reactions
ETS.1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution
Crosscutting Concepts:
Systems and system models
Energy and matter
Structure and function
Science and Engineering Practices:
Constructing explanations (for science) and developing solutions (for engineering)
Nature of Science:
Science is a human endeavor.
See how ChemMatters correlates to the Common Core State Standards online
Teacher’s Guide
Lithium: The 21st Century Gold Rush
April 2024
Table of Contents
Anticipation Guide 25
Activate students’ prior knowledge and engage them before they read the article.
Reading Comprehension Questions 26
These questions are designed to help students read the article (and graphics) carefully. They can help
the teacher assess how well students understand the content and help direct the need for follow-up
discussions and/or activities. You’ll find the questions ordered in increasing difficulty.
Graphic Organizer 28
This helps students locate and analyze information from the article. Students should use their own
words and not copy entire sentences from the article. Encourage the use of bullet points.
Answers 29
Access the answers to reading comprehension questions and a rubric to assess the graphic organizer.
Additional Resources 32
Here you will find additional labs, simulations, lessons, and project ideas that you can use with your
students alongside this article.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards 33
Anticipation Guide
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your Agreement or
Disagreement with each statement. Complete the activity in the box.
As you read, compare your opinions with information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite
information from the article that supports or refutes your original ideas.
1. Lithium is used in the cathode of lithium-ion batteries.
2. Lithium is always found combined with other elements in nature because of its
high reactivity.
3. Lithium carbonate becomes more soluble in water as the temperature increases.
4. Most of the world’s lithium deposits are found in the United States.
5. In the Lithium Triangle countries, lithium is obtained by evaporating water from
brine to concentrate the lithium.
6. Direct lithium extraction works well for brines with low lithium ion concentrations.
7. Future alternatives to lithium-ion batteries include sodium-ion batteries.
8. Where speed and portability are not important, flow cell batteries are being
considered as a safer alternative to lithium-ion batteries.
9. Vanadium flow batteries being developed use different oxidation states of
10. Lithium metal is easily recycled.
Name: ______________________________
Student Reading
Comprehension Questions
Directions: Use the article to answer the questions below.
1. Why does the electronics industry prefer to use lithium carbonate over other types of metals?
2. Which countries make up the Lithium Triangle?
3. Based on the graph in the article, which year had the lowest price of lithium at the start of the year?
4. List the names and formula of the three lithium compounds isolated and refined in the Lithium Triangle.
5. Which two states in the United States contain most of the lithium deposits in the country?
6. Name two possible sources of energy for flow batteries.
7. Explain how lithium is recovered in the Lithium Triangle.
8. Describe how the Direct Lithium Extraction process works.
9. Explain why researchers are looking for ways to use iron and manganese to replace cobalt in lithium
cobalt oxide.
Name: ______________________________
Student Reading Comprehension Questions, cont.
Questions for Further Learning
Write your answers on another piece of paper if needed.
10. Name two common uses of lithium batteries and explain the characteristics of the batteries that make
them useful for those devices.
11. What role does temperature play in separating lithium carbonate?
12. Explain why alkali metals react easily with other elements.
13. Describe both the advantages and disadvantages of sodium-ion batteries when compared with lithium-
ion batteries.
14. The article briefly describes some problems associated with the mining of lithium and cobalt. Perform
additional research and explain at least two of these problems in greater detail.
15. The article lists three alternatives to lithium-ion batteries: new cathode materials for lithium-ion
batteries, sodium-ion batteries, and flow batteries. Select one of the alternatives, research the
advancements on the alternative, and create a poster explaining the benefits of using the alternative.
Graphic Organizer
Directions: As you read, complete the graphic organizer below to describe the chemistry involved in mining
lithium and possible alternatives to lithium-ion batteries.
Chemistry of
Common uses for
Current sources
of lithium
1. 2.
Advantages to
Disadvantages to
Alternatives to
Summary: On the back of this sheet, write a short summary (20 words or less) of the article.
Name: ______________________________
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions & Graphic
Organizer Rubric
1. Why does the electronics industry prefer to use lithium carbonate over other types of metals?
The electronics industry prefers lithium carbonate because it is easy to purify.
2. Which countries make up the Lithium Triangle?
Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina make up the Lithium Triangle.
3. Based on the graph in the article, which year had the lowest price of lithium at the start of the year?
2021 had the lowest price of lithium at the start of the year.
4. List the names and formula of the three lithium compounds isolated and refined in the Lithium Triangle.
The three forms of lithium produced in the Lithium Triangle are lithium hydroxide (LiOH), lithium
chloride (LiCl), and lithium carbonate (Li
5. Which two states in the United States contain most of the lithium deposits in the country?
Nevada and Utah are the two states that have most of the lithium deposits in the United States.
6. Name two possible sources of energy for flow batteries.
Flow batteries can be used to store wind or solar energy.
7. Explain how lithium is recovered in the Lithium Triangle.
In the Lithium Triangle brine from saltwater deposits is pumped into ponds where the water evaporates
until the concentration of lithium is at 6%. The brine is then pumped to a facility where it is purified.
8. Describe how the Direct Lithium Extraction process works.
The Direct Lithium Extraction method uses a lithium-selective membrane to separate lithium ions from
other types of ions.
9. Explain why researchers are looking for ways to use iron and manganese to replace cobalt in lithium
cobalt oxide.
Researchers are looking for ways to use iron and manganese because they are more abundantly
available than cobalt.
10. Name two common uses of lithium batteries and explain the characteristics of the batteries that make
them useful for those devices.
Common uses of lithium batteries include cell phones, laptops, electric cars, pacemakers, digital
cameras, and golf carts. Lithium batteries are used in these devices because they charge quickly, last for
a long time, and have a high power density.
11. What role does temperature play in separating lithium carbonate?
Lithium carbonate becomes less soluble in water at warmer temperatures, so it separates from the rest
of the solution making it easier to access.
12. Explain why alkali metals react easily with other elements.
Alkali metals react easily with other elements because the atoms are large and they have very low
ionization energy, that is, it doesn’t take much energy to remove an electron.
13. Describe both the advantages and disadvantages of sodium-ion batteries when compared with lithium-
ion batteries.
A disadvantage is that sodium-ion batteries generate less energy per unit of mass. Sodium is heavier
than lithium but would produce the same number of electrons per atom, so we’d need more mass of
sodium than we do for lithium which would make the batteries heavier for the same amount of energy.
Advantages of sodium-ion batteries include lower production costs, there is a greater abundance of
sodium in the earth’s crust and it can be more reliably sourced.
14. The article briefly describes some problems associated with the mining of lithium and cobalt. Perform
additional research and explain at least two of these problems in greater detail.
Student responses will vary. The article explains that the mining of lithium is being contested in Nevada
because the lithium is located on a site that is sacred to Native Americans. Cobalt is difficult to source
and mining it has destroyed the landscape and exploited local laborers.
Graphic Organizer Rubric
If you use the Graphic Organizer to evaluate student performance, you may want to develop a grading rubric
such as the one below.
Score Description Evidence
4 Excellent Complete; details provided; demonstrates deep understanding.
3 Good Complete; few details provided; demonstrates some understanding.
2 Fair Incomplete; few details provided; some misconceptions evident.
1 Poor Very incomplete; no details provided; many misconceptions evident.
0 Not acceptable So incomplete that no judgment can be made about student understanding
Additional Resources and Teaching Strategies
Additional Resources
Lessons and lesson plans
How Far Can We Go?- This AACT lesson plan leads students through the process of comparing
the densities of lithium ion and lead acid batteries to develop an understanding of the
relationship between electrochemical cell potential and stored chemical energy.
What Powers Your World? - Students can use this lesson from AACT to explore the way batteries
work to power everyday objects.
Building Batteries - Chemistry - This lesson plan from the Utah Office of Energy Development
provides instructions for experimenting with battery creation.
Galvanic/Voltaic CellsStudents can use this simulation to investigate battery function by
testing a variety of different electrodes.
Projects and extension activities
Hybrid and Electric Cars VideoThis AACT activity includes a video and questions related to the
ways that batteries power hybrid and electric cars. Lithium battery function is also included in
the video.
Teaching Strategies
Consider the following tips and strategies for incorporating this article into your classroom:
Alternative to Anticipation Guide: Before reading, ask students where they might find lithium-ion
batteries in their everyday lives, and why they are important. Ask them about the chemistry of lithium,
and if they know where lithium is mined. Ask about hazards posed by lithium-ion batteries. Their initial
ideas can be collected electronically via Jamboard, Padlet, or similar technology.
As they read, students can find information to confirm or refute their original ideas.
After reading, ask students what they learned about lithium-ion batteries, including where they are
used, how lithium is mined, problems with lithium-ion batteries, and alternatives for the future.
Consider asking students to read the “Open for Discussion” article on page 4 of this issue to consider
relating sustainability to the production of batteries.
Students can also read the “Chemistry in Person” article to learn more about lithium-ion batteries from
an interview with the 2019 Nobel laureate who helped develop them.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards
Connections to Chemistry Concepts
The following chemistry concepts are highlighted in this article:
Oxidation number
Separating mixtures
Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards
This article relates to the following performance expectations and dimensions of the NGSS:
HS-PS1-1. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns
of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.
HS-ETS1-3. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and tradeoffs that
account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as possible social,
cultural, and environmental impacts.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
PS.1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
PS.2.B: Types of Interactions
ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution
Crosscutting Concepts:
Scale, proportion, and quantity
Systems and system models
Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
Science and Engineering Practices:
Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
Nature of Science:
Scientific knowledge assumes an order and consistency in natural systems.
See how ChemMatters correlates to the Common Core State Standards online
Teacher’s Guide
The Earth’s Chemical Fingerprint
April 2024
Table of Contents
Anticipation Guide 35
Activate students’ prior knowledge and engage them before they read the article.
Reading Comprehension Questions 36
These questions are designed to help students read the article (and graphics) carefully. They can help
the teacher assess how well students understand the content and help direct the need for follow-up
discussions and/or activities. You’ll find the questions ordered in increasing difficulty.
Graphic Organizer 39
This helps students locate and analyze information from the article. Students should use their own
words and not copy entire sentences from the article. Encourage the use of bullet points.
Answers 40
Access the answers to reading comprehension questions and a rubric to assess the graphic organizer.
Additional Resources 44
Here you will find additional labs, simulations, lessons, and project ideas that you can use with your
students alongside this article.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards 45
Anticipation Guide
Directions: Before reading the article, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your Agreement or
Disagreement with each statement. Complete the activity in the box.
As you read, compare your opinions with information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite
information from the article that supports or refutes your original ideas.
1. In our solar system, only Earth has water vapor in the atmosphere.
2. Scientists agree about where Earth’s water came from.
3. Planets close to the sun do not have solid compounds containing hydrogen such as
methane and ammonia.
4. Deuterium’s mass is almost twice that of hydrogen.
5. Earth, the sun, and comets have similar deuterium-to-hydrogen ratios.
6. Asteroids far from the sun contain carbon and water ice.
7. Any hydrogen atom can react with oxygen to form water.
8. Earth’s crust has more water than Earth’s mantle.
9. Solar radiation may have blasted away any water on the early Earth.
10. Scientists look for water because water is required for life.
Student Reading
Comprehension Questions
Directions: Use the article to answer the questions below.
1. Why don't planets that are closer to the sun contain solid H
or CH
2. Using details from the graphic, titled “Birth of a Solar System”, explain the role of gravity in the
formation of our earth from a protoplanetary disk.
3. When a set of atoms are classified as isotopes, it means that they are all fundamentally the same
element. Use the graphic, titled “Hydrogen’s Isotopes”, to answer the following questions:
a. Which feature of the three isotopes shown allows us to call them all “hydrogen”?
b. Chemical symbols can be written to differentiate different isotopes from each other. The type of
chemical symbol used in this case is called the “isotope notation” or “isotope symbol”. List the
isotope name for each of the isotope symbols below. What do the “1”, “2”, and “3” in the
isotope name represent?
c. What do the “1”, “2”, and “3” in the isotope name represent?
d. Circle each of the following symbols that, together, would represent a set of isotopes for the
fictional element, X.
4. When scientists need a way of comparing things, they often choose a reference value to which all others
can be compared. This reference value, the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) is the
standard mean isotopic ratio of deuterium (D) to protium (H) in the Earth’s oceans and was found to be
Symbol Isotope name Common name
. Because this represents a ratio of amounts, it is a unitless number. One source lists the
average relative abundance of hydrogen-1 (H) and hydrogen-2 (D) as shown below:
Relative Abundance
a. According to this data, is there a higher ratio of deuterium in the oceans or in the rest of the
earth? Use a calculation to defend your answer.
5. How is a meteorite different from an asteroid?
The “frost line” for our solar system is the radial distance from the sun beyond which it is possible for a
particular substance to exist in the solid form. The presence of snow and icebergs on our planet shows
that we are currently farther out from the sun than the water frost line in our solar system. Piani’s
group, however, proposes that our earth was created from the material that was inside (closer to the
sun than) the water frost line when the planets were being formed. This conclusion is partially described
below. Add the reasoning that connects the evidence to the claim. Your reasoning should clearly identify
any relevant knowledge and use science principles to explain why the claim makes sense based on the
Claim: It is likely that the earth formed from the material inside the frostline
Evidence: The chemical fingerprints, like D/H ratios, on enstatite chondrites are very similar to
those on earth.
Reasoning: ?
7. Why does Sean Raymond believe that Earth’s water came from several different places?
8. Why can studying meteorites help scientists to understand origins of the earth?
Studying the origins of the earth is a very large and very complex undertaking. Why are scientists
interested in pursuing this knowledge?
Student Reading Comprehension Questions, cont.
Questions for Further Learning
Write your answers on another piece of paper if needed.
10. There is a quote in the article from Laurette Piani that says, “We use the meteorites as an archive for the
solar system.” Write a paragraph that explains the meaning of this quote, using details from the article.
11. The article ends with a quote from Sean Raymond, “Life requires water, so we want to know where the
water came from, simply put.” Conduct some research to identify some areas in which this knowledge
could be useful.
Graphic Organizer
Directions: As you read, complete the graphic organizer below to summarize information from the article.
Provide an explanation or description and examples for each topic
Ideas about origin of
Earth’s water
How frost line of our
solar system affects
planetary compounds
How D-H ratios
provide clues to
source of Earth’s
Chemical makeup of
Chemical makeup of
enstatite chondrites
Chemical makeup of
Earth’s layers
Summary: On the back of this sheet, write a short summary (1-2 sentences) explaining what you learned about
the origin of Earth’s water.
Name: ______________________________
Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions & Graphic
Organizer Rubric
1. Why don't planets that are closer to the sun contain solid H
or CH
The temperatures are too hot for these to exist in anything other than their gaseous forms.
2. Using details from the graphic, titled “Birth of a Solar System”, explain the role of gravity in the
formation of our earth from a protoplanetary disk.
Students should highlight the following:
- The matter from the protoplanetary disk condensed in several phases into the bodies of our solar
- Gravitational attraction and the subsequent collisions of matter is what made it clump together into
- Distance from the sun affected how different atoms condensed
3. When a set of atoms are classified as isotopes, it means that they are all fundamentally the same
element. Use the graphic, titled “Hydrogen’s Isotopes”, to answer the following questions:
a. Which feature of the three isotopes shown allows us to call them all “hydrogen”?
They each have 1 proton.
b. Chemical symbols can be written to differentiate different isotopes from each other. The type of
chemical symbol used in this case is called the “isotope notation” or “isotope symbol”. List the
isotope name for each of the isotope symbols below.
c. What do the “1”, “2”, and “3” in the isotope name represent?
The mass #, which is the total # of protons + neutrons in the nucleus.
d. Circle each of the following symbols that, together, would represent a set of isotopes for the
fictional element, X.
Symbol Isotope name Common name
Hydrogen-1 Protium
Hydrogen-2 Deuterium
Hydrogen-3 Tritium
4. When scientists need a way of comparing things, they often choose a reference value to which all others
can be compared. This reference value, the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) is the
standard mean isotopic ratio of deuterium (D) to protium (H) in the Earth’s oceans and was found to be
. Because this represents a ratio of amounts, it is a unitless number. One source lists the
average relative abundance of hydrogen-1 (H) and hydrogen-2 (D) as shown below:
Relative Abundance
a. According to this data, is there a higher ratio of deuterium in the oceans or in the rest of the
earth? Use a calculation to defend your answer.
D/H = 0.000149/0.999851 = 0.000149 = 1.49 x 10
Since this ratio is lower than the standard ocean ratio noted above, there is a lower ratio of
deuterium in the rest of the earth than in the ocean.
5. How is a meteorite different from an asteroid?
An asteroid is a large rocky body orbiting the sun. A meteorite is a smaller piece of an asteroid that has
entered and survived the earth’s atmosphere with enough intact matter to reach Earth’s surface.
The “frost line” for our solar system is the radial distance from the sun beyond which it is possible for a
particular substance to exist in the solid form. The presence of snow and icebergs on our planet shows
that we are currently farther out from the sun than the water frost line in our solar system. Piani’s
group, however, proposes that our earth was created from the material that was inside (closer to the
sun than) the water frost line when the planets were being formed. This conclusion is partially described
below. Add the reasoning that connects the evidence to the claim. Your reasoning should clearly identify
any relevant knowledge and use science principles to explain why the claim makes sense based on the
Claim: It is likely that the earth formed from the material inside the frostline
Evidence: The chemical fingerprints, like D/H ratios, on enstatite chondrites are very similar to
those on earth.
Reasoning: ?
Reasoning should include:
All matter to form planets and asteroids originated from the same protoplanetary disk
You’d expect a set of matter to behave similarly in similar conditions
Since the D/H ratios are so different in different places, it is logical to consider that
masses of similar D/H ratio (and other chemical fingerprints) may have formed in the
same part of the creation of the solar system
7. Why does Sean Raymond believe that Earth’s water came from several different places?
Because the D/H ratios in Earth’s water and land are very different from each other and from other solar
system components.
8. Why can studying meteorites help scientists to understand origins of the earth?
Asteroids were formed in the same process as were the planets. Since asteroids are essentially
untouched, when small parts of them break off to become meteorites and land on earth, we can study
the chemical composition of the meteorites to learn how matter organized itself a long, long time ago.
Studying the origins of the earth is a very large and very complex undertaking. Why are scientists
interested in pursuing this knowledge?
Many possible answers It can help in the overall search for other places that can support life; it can
help scientists identify good/bad conditions for forming or trapping water, and find possible solutions to
the problem of water scarcity on earth and on a future possible home planet.
Graphic Organizer Rubric
If you use the Graphic Organizer to evaluate student performance, you may want to develop a grading rubric
such as the one below.
Score Description Evidence
4 Excellent Complete; details provided; demonstrates deep understanding.
3 Good Complete; few details provided; demonstrates some understanding.
2 Fair Incomplete; few details provided; some misconceptions evident.
1 Poor Very incomplete; no details provided; many misconceptions evident.
0 Not acceptable So incomplete that no judgment can be made about student understanding
Additional Resources and Teaching Strategies
Additional Resources
Labs and demos
Hands-on Modeling Isotopes: AACT Sweet Model of the Atom
PhET simulation: Isotopes and Atomic Mass https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/isotopes-
PhET simulation: Build an Atom
Lessons and lesson plans
Video: AACT What are Isotopes? https://teachchemistry.org/classroom-resources/what-are-
Calculating Average Atomic Mass: AACT Candy Isotopes and Atomic Mass
Set of Lessons on isotopes, radioactivity, and half-life: AACT Radiocarbon Dating and Willard
Projects and extension activities
Series of lessons on teaching Earth Chemistry: AACT Teaching Earth Chemistry
Researching resources needed to sustain life: AACT Working for NASA
AACT Earth Month Resources:
Teaching Strategies
Consider the following tips and strategies for incorporating this article into your classroom:
Alternative to Anticipation Guide: Before reading, ask students if they have ever thought about where
Earth’s water came from. Ask how chemistry might help answer this question. Their initial ideas can be
collected electronically via Jamboard, Padlet, or similar technology.
As they read, students can find information to confirm or refute their original ideas.
After they read, ask students how a knowledge of chemistry is helpful to scientists who are working to
determine where Earth’s water came from.
Chemistry Concepts and Standards
Connections to Chemistry Concepts
The following chemistry concepts are highlighted in this article:
States of matter
Correlations to Next Generation Science Standards
This article relates to the following performance expectations and dimensions of the NGSS:
HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the
outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical
HS-ESS1-6. Apply scientific reasoning and evidence from ancient Earth materials, meteorites, and other
planetary surfaces to construct an account of Earth’s formation and early history.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
PS.1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
ESS1.C: The History of Planet Earth
Crosscutting Concepts:
Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation
Systems and system models
Stability and change
Science and Engineering Practices:
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Nature of Science:
Scientific knowledge is open to revision in light of new evidence.
See how ChemMatters correlates to the Common Core State Standards online