Research on the Way out of China's Football Youth
Training System under the New Situation
Liu Xiancheng
Changzhou Yanling Middle School, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213003, China
Keywords: New situation, Football, Youth training system construction
Abstract: Football is a collective competitive sport. It is difficult to build a first-class
football team only by relying on a short period of elite training. Only by improving the
youth training system and laying a talent foundation can we achieve the improvement of
football level. Looking at all the football powers in the world, Spain, Germany, Brazil and
other countries have a high football penetration rate and a large number of outstanding
youth football talents, which makes them maintain the leading football competitive level.
In contrast, China's national men's team has been reduced to a second-rate team. In the new
situation, if we still ignore the construction of youth training system, football development
will be difficult to find a way out. Based on this, this paper first summarizes the current
situation of China's football youth training system, then analyzes the problems faced by the
construction of the football youth training system, and finally puts forward the outlet
strategy of the football youth training system.
1. Introduction
The development of football depends on the cultivation of talents. If there is no high quality and
most talents as guarantee, sustainable development of football cannot be started. China has adopted
the national system in the training of sports competitive talents. The national system has played a
great role in these years, which has made China win a lot of gold medals in many fields of sports. In
the Olympic Games, China has also performed very well, with the gold medal winning the top three
good results. However, in contrast, the development of football, a major competitive sport, is often
hindered in China, and it lacks the potential compared with other countries' football. The reason is
the imperfect football youth training system.
2. The Current Situation of China's Football Youth Training System
In the period of planned economy in China, the football youth training system adopts the
three-level network management training mode of grass-roots schools-amateur sports
schools-provincial and municipal professional teams. After the 1990s, the management of football
system is developing towards diversification, which can be summarized into four kinds:
professional club reserve echelon system, provincial and municipal Games team training system, all
kinds of amateur club youth training system and football campus youth training system. This
diversified system has changed the government's single capital investment, increased the proportion
Journal of Frontiers in Sport Research
Clausius Scientific Press, Canada
DOI: 10.23977/jfsr.2021.010205
Volume 1, Number 2, 2021
of social investment, and gradually changed the management of governments at all levels, sports
departments and football into organization, business, coordination and guidance [1].
In 2009, the General Administration of sports and the Ministry of education set up the national
youth football leading group. Forty-four cities have been selected as the layout cities of campus
football work in the past 10 years. In 2015, the State Department issued the overall plan for the
reform and development of China's football. After that, China's youth football began to flourish.
The government, the General Administration of sports, the Bureau of education and the football
association made joint efforts to promote the plan. It is clearly mentioned in the plan that China
should increase the youth football population, which is a medium and long-term goal. In 2016, the
Ministry of education listed football, track and field, martial arts, etc. into seven key projects,
making football the focus of sports reform. In June 2017, the Ministry of education successively
issued the Campus Football Teaching Guide, Football Skill Rating Standards and other documents
in order to promote the reform and construction of campus football, so as to build a perfect football
teaching system. By 2020, China will issue the notice of National Youth Football Leading Group
Doing Campus Work and prepare to develop and introduce the construction of Eight Systemsof
campus football. All of the above make football take root in the national education system. At the
same time, China's football youth training will gradually explore a new way out.
3. Problems in the Construction of China's Football Youth Training System
3.1 The Concept is Backward and the Popularization Rate is Low
Some football coaches and players have the backward concept of goal as a hero”, but ignore
that football is a team sport, which makes the phenomenon of leading alone common among
young players. In addition, in China, the popularity rate of football is low. In 2004, there are only
40,000 registered players in China, less than 20,000 in 2009, and about 30,000 in 2013. The number
of registered players is declining. By 2020, there will be only 7,000 young football players and 400
women football players. And Germany, Brazil, Italy and other football powers registered players
have reached more than one million. Japan in Asia is on the road of increasing the popularity of
football, and has built youth football clubs in every community [2].
3.2 Lack of Teachers and Scientific Training
Due to the decline of the performance of our football team, the development of football is more
and more difficult to see improvement. Many schools do not build football field according to the
standard, the influence of traditional education concept and the lack of hardware facilities have
become the stumbling block of the construction of football youth training system. Among them, the
biggest problem is the lack of teachers. Hardware facilities can be built through investment, but the
cultivation of excellent football coaches takes a long time. The football coaches in primary and
secondary schools are generally physical education teachers, but they often have not received
systematic football training, and only adopt a single training method, which is difficult to stimulate
the potential of young people. Young people need to focus on tactical literacy, technical skills
training, and physical training alone is not conducive to the development of students' football
3.3 Unbalanced Development and Disordered Competition System
Firstly, the development of regional football in China is not balanced, the resources of each
region are quite different, and the cognition and attention of football youth training are also far away.
Secondly, many schools still focus on the entrance examination and college entrance examination,
lack of attention to campus football. Thirdly, the connection among campus youth training, football
U-series youth training and club training is insufficient. Some football characteristic schools are
club football schools in essence. For this complex situation, it is difficult to formulate targeted
policies for management.
In addition, China's football match system is also relatively chaotic. In some areas, the main
undertakers are official and unofficial, which will affect the degree of attention and standardization
of the match. Primary and secondary schools have not formed a large-scale league system, and the
continuity of the game is weak, which cause the exploration of excellent young players is limited,
and the antagonism of the game is not strong.
4. Research on the Outlet Strategy of China's Football Youth Training System under the New
4.1 Increase Publicity, Change Ideas, Improve the Popularity of Youth Football
In the new situation, based on policy guidance, the development of our football youth training
system needs to start from campus football, and change some traditional concepts of students and
parents by increasing publicity. In the past, under the background of traditional education, football
was ignored by teachers and students. With the reform of education system and the implementation
of quality education in our country, football has become an important part of the campus education
system. Therefore, it is necessary to make students aware of the importance of football through
publicity, so as to create an optimistic and positive sports spirit in the participation of football
activities [3].
Relevant departments can publicize the advantages of soccer and the related football support
policies in China through the means of paper media, WeChat official account, network forum,
football team public service advertisement and so on, so that students and parents can correctly
recognize the advantages of football and the positive influence they bring to children. In addition,
through the publicity, the principals and some PE teachers of primary and secondary schools can
deeply understand the importance of football class, so as to change their ideas and actively
implement the work of football into the campus. Effective means of publicity can gradually create
an atmosphere in which the public understand football, like football and are willing to play football,
so as to lay a foundation for the youth training system, build a social and mass foundation, and
improve the popularity of youth football. For example, the publicity film of youth training base in
Dalian, Jiangsu youth football promotion meeting, and the soccer and youth training promotion of
international players through live broadcast platform. These publicities can make the public have a
deeper understanding of China's football youth training, and provide support for the construction of
China's football youth training system.
4.2 Increase the Number of Grassroots Coaches and Improve the Teaching Facilities
Football coaches are responsible for the popularization and training of football, the formation of
school football team, and the organization and development of football matches. However, the main
problem of campus football is the lack of professional football teachers. According to statistics,
there are more than 20,218 colleges and universities with campus football characteristics in China,
but most of them are faced with the problems of poor quality of football coaches, less practical
experience and insufficient number. In order to increase the number of grass-roots coaches, the local
football association should actively cooperate with the relevant departments and football schools,
form a linkage mechanism, and deeply explore the sports resources of various regions, so that every
PE teacher can receive systematic football training and teach them professional football knowledge.
In order to motivate teachers, the level of football teaching can be incorporated into the evaluation
mechanism of physical education teachers, so as to promote them to actively improve their football
teaching level. In addition, the school can also cooperate with regional football training institutions
to introduce professional football coaches to participate in football teaching, so as to provide
technical and Tactical Guidance for young students [4].
In addition to improving the number and quality of teachers, it also needs to be equipped with
the infrastructure for campus football. Firstly, we should increase capital investment. Football field
and auxiliary equipment cannot do without capital investment, which can attract social investment
and provide material guarantee for the construction of campus football youth training system.
Secondly, the construction of football field and facilities should be included in the national football
field planning, so as to ensure that the construction of football field and facilities is in line with the
national football field planning.
4.3 Improve the Framework of Youth Training System and Formulate Reasonable Training
The construction and improvement of youth training system is inseparable from the advanced
youth training ideas and methods. As far as the current situation is concerned, although China has
referred to the advanced experience of many countries in the process of building youth training
system, and also sent a number of teenagers to Brazil, Germany and other countries to learn and
train football, this practice cannot fundamentally change the shortcomings of China's football youth
training system. China's youth training system cannot simply copy the foreign model, but should be
combined with China's national conditions, starting from China's reality, clear scientific and
sustainable youth training ideas and methods. A set of scientific concepts of youth training should
include the training objectives that fit the law of youth growth, and reduce the persistence of
performance standards, which is more conducive to the cultivation of excellent youth football
Starting from the growth law of teenagers, we should set up scientific training intensity,
formulate reasonable training methods, and change the original single and boring training content.
Coaches can skillfully use multimedia to teach students about football skills and offensive and
defensive tactics by explaining the match and introducing the skills of an excellent player. At the
same time, they emphasize the importance of teamwork and make targeted training plans for
everyone. The cultivation of young players cannot be limited to the strengthening of individual
breakthrough football skills, but also need to explain the importance of local cooperation in attack,
defense and collective linkage.
5. Break the Barriers of Football Matches and Improve the System of Football Youth Training
Under the new situation, if China wants to improve the football youth training system and find a
bright way out, it also needs to reform the chaotic football match system and build a smooth talent
transportation channel [5]. On deepening the integration of sports and education According to the
opinions on promoting the healthy development of young people, the competition system is the key
point of reform. Compulsory education, high school and university students' sports events will be
organized by the sports and education departments, with unified registration qualifications, and the
school competition and U-series competition will be integrated, so as to establish a cross regional
and sub academic four level youth sports event system. The competition system is the leader, and
the key to break the competition barrier is the integration of the competition system.
For example, the youth Super League in 2017 is China's youth men's Football Super League. Its
biggest feature is that it has changed the centralized competition system of China's Youth Games in
the past, and instead chooses to play on weekends. In addition, the league has broken through the
barriers of physical education and education in the past, and has truly achieved the same
competition of professional club echelons, provincial and municipal association football teams,
amateur clubs and campus football teams. It can be said that this practice has expanded the selection
and coverage of youth football in China, and also enabled the implementation of sports education
integration”. With the passage of time, it will be possible for professional players and campus
football talents to flow and transport each other, so as to cultivate more high-quality football talents
for our country.
6. Conclusion
Generally speaking, the construction and development of China's football youth training system
has been crossing the river by feeling the stone. Although the achievements are few, they have not
yet reached the level of hard accumulation. Under the new situation, China should grasp the
opportunity of football reform, re-examine the importance of youth training, pay attention to youth
football training, change the concept through increasing publicity, improve the popularity of youth
football, increase the number of grass-roots coaches, improve the teaching facilities and resources,
improve the framework of youth training system, formulate reasonable training methods, break the
barriers of football matches, and complete the training Improve the football youth training system
and other ways to promote the better development of China's football sports.
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