Bucket Brigade
Summer Camp 2023 Information
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
The Fire Cadet Bucket Brigade Camp is a great way for youth to experience a week in the life of a
firefighter. Each day, participants learn and experience a variety of firefighter skills. Along with the experience
and adrenaline rush, students will walk away with valuable certifications in CPR and Fire Extinguishers. They
will also get to cut open cars with the Jaws of Life, learn about fire safety, hook up to hydrants, spray fire
hoses, use breathing apparatus to search a smoke-filled building, and so much more!
This four-day long day-camp offers an action packed, high adrenaline experience of a lifetime that will have
your friends begging to ask, “So what did you do this summer?”
14-18 years old (for the first day of camp)
Camp Dates:
August 15-18, Tues Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
August 21-24, Mon Thursday 8:30am -4:30pm
Location: Calgary Fire Department Fire Training Academy, 5727-23 Avenue SE, Calgary
Cost: The cost of each week is $375
Please have registration submitted to the Fire Cadet Office no later than July 21, 2023.
Cancellations & Refunds
• Cancellations made less than fourteen days before the program start date will incur a 25%
cancellation charge based on the full program fee.
• Cancellations for medical reasons made after the camp starts, with a note from a medical doctor, will
receive a pro-rated refund from the cancellation date.
• Cancellations made after the camp starts, without a note from a medical doctor, will not receive a
Information and additional copies of forms can be downloaded from Calgary Fire Bucket Brigade
Summer Camps or by calling the Fire Cadet office.
Bucket Brigade
Summer Camp 2023 Information
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Registration Form
Form 1
Personal Information Section
Camp Preference
Aug 15 - 18
August 21-24
Please select the camp that you wish to register for. If your
selected week is full, you will be contacted to see if you
wish to register for an alternate week.
Please note: Each camp has a limited number of spaces available (20 participants). Spaces are filled in the
order that completed applications are received. You will be contacted as soon as possible to confirm
Make sure to include all of the following in your application package:
1 Registration Form (this sheet)
2 Medical Clearance Form
3 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)
4 Media and Transportation Consent
5 Participant Risk Acknowledgement
6 Medical Release
Additional copies of forms can be downloaded from www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Submit your completed package, by mail or in person, to:
Fire Cadet Office
5727 23 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2
Bucket Brigade
Summer Camp 2023 Information
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
This information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [FOIP]. It will
be used while assessing the applicant’s suitability for a position as Fire Cadet with The City of Calgary. Inquiries about the collection of this information
should be directed to the Fire Department Cadet Academy, 5727 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2.
Medical Clearance Information
Form 2
Page 1 of 2
The Bucket Brigade camp involves activity which can be physically demanding and stressful. To minimize the
health risk, participants and their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are required to become informed of the nature of
the work, and if needed, consult with a doctor to obtain an opinion on the youth’s ability to participate in the
This form, along with the PAR-Q form will help you to consider if the participant is healthy enough to take part in
the program and its activities.
There is an element of risk or injury that is inherent in the Bucket Brigade - Fire Cadet curriculum. Participants
will be put into highly hostile training environments and will participate in physically demanding training
activities. Participants will spend eight hours a day for one week, participating in a combination of classroom
and practical skills in various Firefighter related areas which may include, but is not limited to:
Fire safety
Medical and CPR training
Fire extinguishers
Vehicle extrication
Ropes and knots
Rope rescue
Confined space rescue
Hose evolutions
Salvage and overhaul
Sprinkler systems
Self-contained breathing apparatus
Search and rescue
Simulated fire scenarios
Aquatic Rescue
Tools and Equipment
Examples of tasks in which participants may be required to complete:
Carrying equipment up and down stairs in a
building and/or around training grounds,
Advancing charged hose lines,
Working overhead with a pike pole or
Raising and climbing ladders,
Tying ropes and rappelling from heights
Performing First Aid and CPR in simulated
Crawling through and searching buildings for
simulated victims
Using fire extinguishers
Lifting or dragging victims or dummies in a
mock rescue,
Raising and lowering equipment or victims from
building windows via ropes,
Swinging, prying, and striking, using various
Vehicle extrication using hand powered, gas
powered, and heavy hydraulic tools.
Bucket Brigade Summer Camp 2023
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Medical Clearance Information
Form 2
Page 2 of 2
*Information in this analysis is taken and modified from the Job Demands Analysis for a Firefighter Hydrant
Man, with The City of Calgary Fire Department.
This summary has been based on stresses that may be encountered by a firefighter. Participants may encounter
similar stresses, however to a lesser degree. All activities done by Bucket Brigade campers take place in a
supervised and controlled environment. Tasks are broken down into manageable segments to avoid overloading
the body. All tasks performed are voluntary and can be stopped if the camper wishes. All scenarios are done
in a training atmosphere; therefore, activities can be stopped at any time if there appears to be any risk of injury
or danger.
During practical activities, campers are required to wear full “turn-out gear” which consists of firefighting pants
and boots (approx. 6 kgs [13 lbs.]), and a firefighting duty coat and fire helmet (approx. 4 kgs [9 lbs.]). When the
campers are exposed to hostile environments, they are required to put on a face piece and self-contained
breathing apparatus [SCBA] (approx. 12 kgs [27 lbs.]).
In full turnout gear, the participant will be carrying an extra 22 kilograms (49 pounds) of weight (approximately)
on their body. This weight is inactive baggage that serves to overload the already highly taxed structural and
metabolic facilities of the human body. The equipment also presents difficulties with ease of movement and
The following is a list of factors that will increase the difficulty of the physical demands that are required during
Turn-out gear and SCBA equipment restricts movement, adds weight to the individual and requires an
increased respiratory effort while wearing the SCBA.
Equipment used is often heavy and is frequently used in awkward positions.
Environmental conditions (heat, cold, snow, wind, ice, rain, etc) can add difficulty to the tasks, which can
cause large fluctuations in body temperature.
Darkness and smoke in a fire scenario decrease visibility, increasing the difficulty of the tasks.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to your child’s ability to participate in this program, please
consult with our staff in the Fire Cadet Office, who can refer you to the occupational medical staff at the Fire
Department Wellness Centre.
I have read, understand, and am willing and able to complete the tasks involved in the Bucket Brigade
Camp as described above.
Dated at Calgary, Alberta this ___ day of ___________, 20______.
(Day) (Month) (Year)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Print participant’s full name) (Signature of participant)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Name of guardian) (Signature of guardian)
This information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [FOIP]. It will
be used while assessing the applicant’s suitability for a position as Fire Cadet with The City of Calgary. Inquiries about the collection of this information
should be directed to the Fire Department Cadet Academy, 5727 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2.
Bucket Brigade Summer Camp 2023
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire [PAR-Q]
Form 3
Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions. Please read the following questions
carefully and answer each one honestly by checking only one of the boxes.
Camper, please answer:
Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and recommended
only medically approved physical activity.
Do you have chest pain brought on by physical activity?
Have you developed chest pain at rest in the past month?
Do you lose consciousness or balance as a result of dizziness?
Do you have a joint or bone problem that could be aggravated by prescribed
Is your doctor currently prescribing medication for your blood pressure or heart
Are you or have you been pregnant within the last six (6) months?
Are you aware, through your own experience or a doctor’s advice, of any other
reason against your exercising without medical approval?
Are you aware of any reason that you may not be able to participate in the
program curriculum as outlined in “Form 2 – Medical Information”?
I have read, understood, and completed this questionnaire.
Dated at Calgary, Alberta this ___ day of ___________, 20____.
(Day) (Month) (Year)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Print participant’s full name) (Signature of participant)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Name of guardian) (Signature of guardian)
This information is being collected under section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [FOIP]. It will be used while
assessing the applicant’s suitability for a position as Fire Cadet with The City of Calgary. Inquiries about the collection of this information should be
directed to the Fire Department Cadet Academy, 5727 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2.
Bucket Brigade Summer Camp 2023
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Media & Transportation Consent
Form 4
From time to time, we receive requests from newspaper and television reporters to visit our program and report on an
aspect of the curriculum. Reporters may want to take general classroom photographs or film activities to accompany their
Requests of this nature are given careful consideration by the staff, and approval may only be granted by the Fire Chief or
his designate. While we attempt to co-operate with the media when possible and encourage public celebration of our
achievements, we recognize there are instances where publicity of this nature is not welcomed by individuals.
From time to time, we also update our web page and may wish to include individual or group photos and video. During
the program, we also take photographs and/or video so that we can share them with the participants after the program
Therefore, parents/guardians are asked to consider whether they approve or disapprove of their child/ward possibly
appearing in a newspaper or being televised while involved in the cadet activities, being part of the cadet web page or
other promotional material or having photos and/or video shared with other participants.
I hereby authorize and give full permission to the City of Calgary, including its directors, officers, agents, employees,
successors and assigns to use images of myself or my child/ward recorded during Fire Cadet activities. I release full
rights of these images and consent to the use of such material or its reproduction in any manner and by and medium
which the City of Calgary may deem appropriate.
Dated at Calgary, Alberta this ___ day of ___________, 20____.
(Day) (Month) (Year)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Print participant’s full name) (Signature of participant)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Name of guardian) (Signature of guardian)
On occasion, Bucket Brigade training sessions may occur away from the Fire Training Academy and will require the
participants to be transported to other locations. Some examples may be, but are not limited to;
Transportation to a City pool for Aquatic Rescue training
Transportation to other buildings for tours of Fire Stations, Dispatch Centre, Firefighters Museum, etc.
Transportation to other training locations throughout the city
The transportation of all participants will be conducted in a safe manner abiding by the Alberta Highway Traffic Act and the
Motor Transport Act. Even when parental consent is given, the decision not to be transported will be at the participant’s
sole discretion.
I, hereby allow my son/daughter/ward to be transported for the purposes of the Fire Cadet Program by staff of The City of
Dated at Calgary, Alberta this ___ day of ___________, 20____.
(Day) (Month) (Year)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Print participant’s full name) (Signature of participant)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Name of guardian) (Signature of guardian)
This information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [FOIP]. It will
be used while assessing the applicant’s suitability for a position as Fire Cadet with The City of Calgary. Inquiries about the collection of this information
should be directed to the Fire Department Cadet Academy, 5727 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2,
Bucket Brigade Summer Camp 2023
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Participant Risk Acknowledgement,
Release, Waiver of Claim and
Assumption of Risk for Programs
With An Element of High Risk
Form 5
In consideration of my (child’s) participation in The Bucket Brigade Camp (The Program), I agree and
acknowledge that:
1. I have (my child has) met all of the prerequisites required for participation in The Program.
2. I (my child) will abide by the rules and regulations imposed on participants in The Program.
3. I freely and voluntarily acknowledge and assume any and all risks and hazards inherent in The
Program (including personal injury or property loss), and accordingly my participation in The Program is
entirely at my own risk.
4. I waive any claim I may have against The City arising from my participation in The Program and I will
indemnify and save harmless The City, its employees, and agents for any claim, except negligence on
the part of The City, its employees, and agents.
5. I agree that by signing this Risk Acknowledgement, Release, Waiver of Claim and Assumption of Risk
as a parent or guardian of a participant who is under the age of 18 years, I acknowledge that there are
risks and hazards inherent in The Program to which I am willing to expose my child or charge and I will
pay for any costs incurred by The City, its employees or agents should a suit be launched on my child’s
or charge’s behalf, except in the case of negligence on the part of the City, its employees or agents.
6. The City may secure such medical advice and services as it, in its sole discretion, may deem necessary
for my (my child’s) health and safety and I shall be financially responsible for such advice and services.
7. I have CAREFULLY READ the Participant Risk Acknowledgement, Release, Waiver of Claim and
Assumption of Risk and fully understand it and am freely signing it.
Dated at Calgary, Alberta this ___ day of ___________, 20____.
(Day) (Month) (Year)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Print participant’s full name) (Signature of participant)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Name of guardian) (Guardian’s signature)
_______________________________ _____________________________
(Name of Witness) (Witness signature)
This information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [FOIP]. It will
be used while assessing the applicant’s suitability for a position as Fire Cadet with The City of Calgary. Inquiries about the collection of this information
should be directed to the Fire Department Cadet Academy, 5727 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2
Bucket Brigade Summer Camp 2023
5727 23 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2B 3E2 Visit Us at: www.calgary.ca/bucketbrigade
Medical Release Form
Form 6
I (we), the undersigned, parent(s) or legal guardian of (Camper’s Name in Full) _____________________, a minor, do
hereby authorize the Calgary Fire Department and assigned personnel to provide the following medical information to
emergency healthcare providers if so required.
Camper’s Name in Full __________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________ City _______________
Postal Code _______________________________ Home phone ___________________________
Birth Date _________________________ Alberta Health Care # ___________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________________________
Date ___________________________ Relation to Camper ___________________________
Please complete the following in full:
1. List any allergies to food or medications that the youth have: ___________________________________
2. Is the youth taking any medication regularly? Yes No
If yes, please list: ____________________________________________________________________
3. List any special medical conditions or concerns to be aware of: ________________________________
4. Name of Family Doctor / Physician: _____________________________________________________
5. Clinic Address: __________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________
6. Emergency contacts:
#1. Name: _________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________
Relationship to Camper: ________________________
#2. Name: _________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________
Relationship to Camper: ________________________
This information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [FOIP]. It will
be used while assessing the applicant’s suitability for a position as Fire Cadet with The City of Calgary. Inquiries about the collection of this information
should be directed to the Fire Department Cadet Academy, 5727 23 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2B 3E2.