Cobb County School District School
Dual Enrollment (DE) Local School Agreement (LSA)
Student Name______________________________________________ Student ID ______________________________Current Grade Level ________
Grade Entry Date:______________ Anticipated Dual Enrollment (DE) College(s): __________________________________________________
The student is applying for DE to begin in the following school term(s) (circle): Summer 20_____ Fall 20______ Spring 20______
Enrollment options (please select one):
_____ The student plans to attend college full time
_____ The student plans to attend part time college/part time high school
_____ The student plans to enroll for the summer term only
***Student and Parent, please read and initial each section below.***
_______ /_______ Student participation in any DE program as defined in CCSD Administrative Rule IDCH-R Dual Enrollment Programs is a student
choice. Because this choice exists for students, it is the responsibility of the student and the parent/guardian to be knowledgeable about the
program and its positive and/or negative effects upon high school graduation, grade point averages, HOPE eligibility, college admissions, and credit
transferability, as well as any financial obligations outside the covered tuition and fees.
_______ /_______ ELIGIBILITY:
A student shall be eligible to participate in the DE program if he/she:
1. Is enrolled in a Cobb County School District high school, and
2. Has not received a high school diploma, and
3. Meets admission requirements and has been accepted by an eligible DE college, and
4. Is an 11
or 12
grader OR an eligible 10
grader based on HB 444 exceptions.
5. Continued eligibility is contingent upon successful dual enrollment course completion.
DE colleges do NOT follow the Cobb County School District calendar
DE students are NOT to loiter on the CCSD campuses when the college class is not in session (ie Media Center, Cafe, Gym, athletic fields, etc.)
Part-time DE students must be flexible regarding their CCSD and college schedule. College courses should be scheduled around CCSD courses.
Participation in DE requires the student to:
1. Follow the rules and regulations of the college and Cobb County School District.
2. Maintain regular communication with the student’s school counselor while in any DE program.
3. Complete Dual Enrollment Funding Application on by the posted deadline.
(Must be completed prior to financial aid approval)
4. Provide to the high school a signed copy of the DE Local School Agreement
5. Meet with the high school counselor each semester to complete a High School DE Advisment Session
6. Provide to the high school a copy of the detailed college schedule upon class registration
7. Obtain DE high school counselor approval before any changes are made to the college schedule
8. Request and sign forms needed to authorize the college to notify the CCSD of the student’s grade in each course
9. Provide own transportation
a. Students are expected to arrive on time for all High School courses. Please allow for appropriate travel time. Tardies and absences due to
DE may not be excused.
b. Parking on the high school campus may not be guaranteed for DE students.
10. Ensure high school receives official college grades by stated deadline in order to participate in graduation activities.
_______ /_______ STATE ASSESSMENT:
1. Students are required to take the Georgia Milestones End-of-Course (EOC) assessment if they do not already have HS credit for Biology and
American Literature. EOC assessments count 20% of the final grade. Other DE Courses taken at a college are exempt from the EOC.
2. Courses taken by the student at the college may contain some but not all of the concepts and topics taught in high school and assessed on the
3. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain study materials and prepare for the EOC.
_______ /_______ COURSE CREDIT:
1. The student must be classified as a full time student for fall and spring semesters. Full time status can be established in multiple ways:
a) Part Time HS Block schedules: Student must take a minimum of four (4.0) high school credits per semester between the high school and the
b) Part Time HS Traditional schedules: Student must take a minimum of three (3.0) high school credits per semester between the high school
and college
Students who select option a) or b) and are classified as 12
graders may choose minimum day, which reduces the HS schedule by one
class period, according to Board Policy IED-R. Students who opt into minimum day must take at least one high school credit-bearing
c) Full-time College enrollment: Student must be enrolled in at least 12 college credit hours. Most college courses receive 3 credit hours.
Minimum Day is not an option for students attending the college full-time based on the state regulations for full-time DE requirements.
2. The maximum number of hours that are covered by DE funding per semester is 15 total college credit hours.
3. The total maximum “lifetime” number of hours that are covered by DE is 30 semester hours/45 quarter hours.
Students can choose to pay for approved DE courses beyond 30 hours
4. The semester/quarter hours awarded by the postsecondary institution will be converted to high school credits on the student’s transcript as
College Hours
High School Credit
1-2 Semester OR 1-3 Quarter Credit Hours
0.5 High School Credit
3-5 Semester Credit Hours OR 4-8 Quarter Hours
1.0 High School Credit
5. Most grades earned at the college will not receive additional quality points toward the high school GPA; however, additional quality points may
be given for DE courses after the student has taken the highest instructional level in a specific subject area available at their high school
(CCSD Admin Rule IDCH-R). The DE course must be a higher level than the HS course. This will potentially impact GPA. Students should
consider course selection carefully.
6. A student may not repeat or retake a DE course, even if the postsecondary school makes this recommendation. Courses completed at the
high school can be repeated at the college if an alternate DE course number exists.
7. Students must select from approved core and CTAE courses in the DE Course Directory, published on
a. Courses not listed in the Course Directory are not eligible for DE funding, will not count toward full time status, and will not be awarded
high school credit
b. Any course taken beyond the 30 hour DE cap must be funded by the student/parent.
1. If a student withdraws from a DE course after the first ten days of the CCSD High School term regardless of the college drop/add and
withdrawal policies, the withdrawing student will receive a grade of 10 in the course on the high school transcript according to CCSD Admin
Rule IHA-R.
2. Students become ineligible to continue to receive DE funding for future terms after their 2
course withdrawal.
3. A student’s graduation may be delayed if:
A student withdraws from, is dropped from, or fails a course needed for graduation.
A course is audited rather than taken for credit.
A student withdraws from a college class or fails a college class needed for graduation and is unable to enroll in a district high school or
college course that will allow on-time graduation. (Note: not every course is offered every semester.)
A student withdraws from a college class and enters a high school class, potentially missing course content.
“To be eligible to participate, practice, and/or try out in interscholastic activities, a student must be academically eligible. A student is required to
pass classes that carry at least 2.5 Units counting toward graduation the semester immediately preceding participation” (Georgia High School
Association Constitution and By-Laws). Other eligibility concerns may be confirmed with the athletic director. Students and parents will need to
consider whether practices, games, etc. will interfere with the completion of postsecondary course requirements.
**Students are required to complete Dual Enrollment Funding Application annually at
1. Student application deadlines (Students must adhere to these CCSD deadlines unless the college admission and funding deadline is earlier.)
Fall College Application and Dual Enrollment Funding Application are due by May 1
Spring College Application and Dual Enrollment Funding Application due by November 1 (if enrolling for the first time).
Summer College Application and Dual Enrollment Funding Application due by May 1 (if enrolling for the first time).
2. DE funding is capped at 30 semester/45 quarter hours for all students.
3. An eligible student must be enrolled in an approved eligible core academic area course(s) in English, math, science, social sciences and world
(foreign) languages, and Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) career pathway course(s) listed on the Dual Enrollment Course
4. Students who wish to pursue High School Option B, please see the LSA addendum for additional regulations and funding options.
5. DE students may be responsible for additional fees or supplies required for particular courses or optional fees charged by the postsecondary
6. Students who wish to take more than the funded 30 DE courses must self-pay required tuition, fees, books, and any other related expenses.
Courses must be chosen from the DE Course Directory.
7. The student is responsible for tuition and fees for any course taken that is not in the DE Course Directory or on the student’s DE application.
These courses will NOT be awarded high school credit nor will they count toward full time status.
8. DE courses in degree-level core academic subjects (found on the HOPE eligible list at are included in determining a
student’s High School HOPE GPA. HOPE eligible courses are given an additional 0.5 weight in the High School HOPE GPA calculation up to a
GPA maximum of 4.0. The HOPE GPA can be found at and is NOT on the high school transcript.
9. DE courses/grades are NOT included in a student’s college HOPE/Zell Miller GPA checkpoint calculations, attempted hours, and/or paid hour
10. Low and/or failing grades in DE classes will impact initial HOPE GPA calculation negatively and may impact ability to earn HOPE and federal
funding in the future.
We have read and understand all the conditions and procedures outlined in the DE contract. We understand that we must abide by high school rules and
requirements, which may differ from college rules and requirements.
Student Signature___________________________________________________________________ Date___________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________________________________ Date___________________