Umbrella Insurance
Don't risk losing everything. Get extra protection from accidents and lawsuits.
Do you need umbrella insurance?
Umbrella insurance can give you If you injure someone or damage their
property, you might not have enough coverage. An umbrella policy could save you from paying out of your own pocket.
Nobody's safe from serious accidents and lawsuits. 
You forget to turn off your garden
hose. The mailman slips on your
wet driveway, injures his back, and
sues you for $450,000.
In a crowded coffee shop,
you accidentally spill your
hot drink on a child.
Treatment for his burns costs
almost $700,000.
A visiting relative borrows your
car and causes a serious collision.
Injuries to the other driver and
passengers total $1.2 million.
While backing out of a parking
space in a hurry, you hit a
pedestrian. You're responsible for
over $1 million in medical bills.
rear-end another car. The
other driver claims long-term
neck damage and sues you for
$600,000 - threatening your
A guest in your home trips and
One of your tenants starts a fire
falls. She injures her neck and that spreads to somebody else's
arms and can't work for a month. home. You're liable for $400,000
Treatment and lost wages add up in damages.
to $550,000 .
While driving through traffic, you
Your young driver glances down at
get into a multi-car accident. their phone, swerves, and crashes
You're found at fault. Damages to into another car. Injuries to the
several vehicles total $750,000. other driver cost $800,000.
Umbrella insurance: peace of mind for a low price
Injuries to other people if you're at fault.
Damage to other people's property.
Injuries or damage caused by your renters,
if you're a landlord.
Certain lawsuits, like slander and
It may cost less than you think. You could
get $1 million in additional coverage for as
little as 25 cents a day.
Without an umbrella policy, you could
lose your home and savings if you're
involved in a major claim.
Liability claims are often expensive. You
might have to work for years to pay one
Lawsuits can happen to anybody. You can
be sued even if you're not wealthy or at
Your dog bites a jogger who's
passing by your house. She sues
you for $650,000.
Your car skids on a patch of ice
and crashes into a car in the other
lane. You're responsible for
$900,000 in injuries and damages.
• An umbrella policy can add $1 million*
in coverage to several policies-and cost
less than raising the limits on other poli
cies individually.
Umbrella insurance can cover situa
tions, like slander or libel lawsuits, that
your other policies may not.
• An umbrella policy can cover the cost
of your legal defense in case of a liability
Who is covered by your umbrella policy?
+ +
You and your spouse
Any relative or dependent living with you
friend or relative who borrows your car
How does umbrella insurance work with your other policies?
Imagine that you injure another driver in a car accident. He
sues you for $500,000, but your auto policy only covers up to $300,000. An umbrella policy could help save
you from financial hardship.
*Other policy limits are also available.
for a quote.
Please note:
The above is meant as general information and as general policy descriptions to help you understand the different types of coverages. These descriptions do not refer to
any specific contract of insurance and they do not modify any definitions, exclusions or any other provision expressly stated in any contracts of insurance. We encourage
you to speak to your insurance representative and to read your policy contract to fully understand your coverages.
GEICO 1996-2019