Business Credit Application
Last: First: Middle Initial: Title
Name of Business: Tax I.D. Number
City: State: ZIP: Phone:
Company Information
Type of Business: In Business Since:
Legal Form Under Which Business Operates:
Corporation Partnership Proprietorship
If Division/Subsidiary, Name of Parent Company: In Business Since:
Name of Company Principal Responsible for Business Transactions: Title:
Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone:
Name of Company Principal Responsible for Business Transactions: Title:
Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone:
Bank References
Institution Name: Institution Name: Institution Name:
Checking Account #: Savings Account #: Home Equity Loan: Loan Balance:
Address: Address: Address:
Phone: Phone: Phone:
Trade References
Company Name: Company Name: Company Name:
Contact Name: Contact Name: Contact Name:
Address: Address: Address:
Phone: Phone: Phone:
Account Opened Since: Account Opened Since: Account Opened Since:
Credit Limit: Credit Limit: Credit Limit:
Current Balance: Current Balance: Current Balance:
I hereby certify that the information contained herein is complete and accurate. This information has been furnished with the
understanding that it is to be used to determine the amount and conditions of the credit to be extended. Furthermore, I hereby authorize
the financial institutions listed in this credit application to release necessary information to the company for which credit is being applied
for in order to verify the information contained herein.
_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature Date