Our Family’s Phone Contract
How to use this contract:
Step 1: To save this file to your computer, click File, Download As > Microso Word… then
save it to your computer. To save a copy that you can edit in Google Docs, choose File > Make
a Copy.
Step 2: Open the saved file and make any edits to suit your family.
Step 3: Print the contract, review it with your kid(s), talk about each item (remember, you can
and should have fun with it!) and sign and date it. 
Feel free to revisit or update this contract as oen as you like!
1. I won’t share personal information, like my birthday, last name, address, phone
number, school, or my location.
2. If I’m not sure about something or I’ll ask a parent or other adult I trust. 
3. I promise I won’t change my password without telling my parents and I’ll keep it safe
from friends and others. 
4. I’ll ask permission for any new apps from my parents before downloading and I won’t
use anonymous apps.
5. I will always ask permission from friends or family to share pictures of them online.
6. I’ll tell my parents about any weird messages, phone calls, or text messages I receive. 
7. Weeknights: At _______pm, I’ll put my phone (in this place) ______________________
and leave it alone for the night.
8. On weekends, I can use my phone from ______ am until ______ pm.
Our Family’s Phone Contract
9. I’ll never send naked or underwear photos of myself or anyone else. If someone asks
me for a picture like that, I can explain my boundaries. If a picture like that shows up
on my phone, I won’t share it, and I’ll delete it. If someone harasses me with unwanted
images, I will also let an adult know.
10. I’ll be good digital citizen: I won’t use my phone to cheat on schoolwork, bully anyone
online, spread gossip, or say mean things about people.
11. I’ll practice good phone manners and won’t use my phone during school, meals, or
when I’m having a face-to-face conversation. 
12. I’ll ask permission before I share images of or information about someone. If in doubt,
I’ll keep it private.
13. I’ll be honest about how I’m using my phone and understand my parents might look at
my phone to review apps and messages (DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS AND MAKE
14. If my phone breaks or I lose it, I’ll tell my parents right away. I’m responsible for paying
for a replacement.
15. I might make some mistakes, but I promise to talk with my parents about this and will
learn from them. My parents won’t yell at me and I won’t yell at them. We’ll talk about
16. I understand that if I break any of these rules, I’ll have the following consequences:
Devorah Heitner, Ph.D.
Raising Digital Natives
Our Family’s Phone Contract
I understand that a phone is a responsibility. I promise to follow these rules.
Child: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent(s): ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Devorah Heitner, Ph.D.
Raising Digital Natives