Edmund G. Brown Jr.
State of California
Diana S. Dooley, Secretary
Health and Human Services Agency
Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director
Department of Public Health
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................................................... iv
Program Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Rodent-borne Diseases 1
2 Flea-borne Diseases 4
3 Tick-borne Diseases 7
4 Mosquito-borne Diseases 13
5 U.S. Forest Service Cost-Share Agreement 20
6 Vector Control Technician Certication Program 27
7 Public Information Materials, Publications 29
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
I am pleased to present to you the 2014 Annual Report of the California Department of Public Health, Vector-
Borne Disease Section (CDPH-VBDS). CDPH- VBDS sta conducted surveillance, prevention, and control of
existing and emerging vectors and vector-borne diseases throughout California in 2014.
In 2014, California experienced widespread and elevated West Nile virus (WNV) activity.The number of human
cases detected (801) was the second highest recorded since 2003 when WNV rst invaded California. The level
of WNV activity broke several records, including the highest number of West Nile neuroinvasive disease cases
(561), the highest proportion of mosquitoes infected with WNV (6.0 minimum infection rate), and the highest
prevalence of WNV infection in tested dead birds (60% positive). The record hot temperatures statewide likely
contributed to the elevated activity, and the extended drought may also have been a contributing factor.
Invasive Aedes mosquitoes continued to be an emerging public health concern in California in 2014. In 2013,
Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) was detected in Madera, Fresno, and San Mateo counties, and in 2014
this species again was found in those counties along with new infestations in Tulare, Kern, Los Angeles, and
San Diego counties. The range of Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) continued to expand in Los Angeles
County in 2014. Both species are aggressive day-biters and vectors of dengue and chikungunya viruses,
which are currently not transmitted in California, although cases of dengue and chikungunya were identied
in travelers returning to California in 2014 from regions where these viruses are circulating. CDPH provided
extensive consultation to local agencies on the surveillance and control of invasive Aedes mosquitoes and
has enhanced surveillance for human cases of mosquito-borne viruses in California by encouraging timely
reporting of cases to CDPH by local health departments.
Human cases of six tick-borne diseases were reported in California in 2014. Two of nine Rocky Mountain
spotted fever (RMSF) cases were fatal, underscoring the potential severity of this disease. Follow-up case
surveillance implicated the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) as a probable vector of RMSF in
California for the rst time. CDPH-VBDS activities in 2014 included enhancing nymphal tick surveillance and
laboratory capacity, and developing educational materials on preventing tick-bite exposure in the workplace.
Plague and hantavirus activity was detected in many regions of California with one human hantavirus case
reported in 2014. CDPH-VBDS continued to provide extensive consultation and training to United States
Forest Service and National Park Service employees to reduce the risk of vector-borne disease exposure to
park sta and visitors.
Many of you are our collaborators and colleagues and I hope that you nd the information contained in this
annual report to be of value as we collectively strive to optimize the health and well-being of all Californians.
Vicki L. Kramer, PhD, Chief
Vector-Borne Disease Section
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Rodent-borne Diseases
Alameda County Vector Control District (VCD) ; Inyo County Environmental Health Services (EHS);
Mono County Health and Human Services (HHS); Napa County Mosquito Abatement District
(MAD); National Park Service (NPS); Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District (MVCD);
Mosquito and Vector Management District (MVMD) of Santa Barbara County; Riverside County Vector
Control Program (VCP); San Bernardino County VCP; San Diego VCP; San Mateo MVCD; U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); United States Forest Service (USFS); Ventura County
Environmental Health Division (EHD).
Flea-borne Diseases
Alpine County HHS; California Land Management; County of El Dorado, Environmental Management
Division; Fresno County Department of Agriculture; Inyo County EHS; Kern County Department
of Public Health ( DPH); Kern County EHS; Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner; Mono
County HHS; Nevada County Public Health Department (PHD); Nevada County EHD; NPS; Placer
MVCD; Riverside County VCP; Sacramento County HHS; San Bernardino County VCP; Santa Clara
County VCD; School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis (UCD); Tulare County
HHS; United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife
Services; USFS; West Valley MVCD.
Tick-borne Diseases
Alpine County HHS; Butte County MVCD; Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch and Division of Vector-Borne
Infectious Diseases, CDC; City of Moorpark/Vector Control (VC); Fresno County DPH; Imperial County
PHD, Division of Environmental Health; Lake County VCD; Marin County HHS; Marin-Sonoma MVCD;
Napa County MAD; NPS; Nevada County Community Development Agency; Placer MVCD; Nevada
County Community Development Agency; San Diego County Department of Environmental Health,
VC; San Joaquin County MVCD; San Mateo County MVCD; Mosquito and Vector Management District
of Santa Barbara County (MVMDSBC); Sacramento-Yolo County MVCD; Santa Clara County VCD: Santa
Cruz County MVCD; Shasta MVCD; Sutter-Yuba MVCD; UCD, Center for Vectorborne Diseases (CVEC);
University of Northern Arizona; USFS; Ventura County EHD.
Mosquito-borne Diseases
California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory; California Department of Food and Agriculture;
UCD-CVEC; Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California; participating local health
departments, physicians and veterinarians, and local mosquito and vector control agencies.
The California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section
works with numerous local, state, and federal agencies, private and
commercial organizations, and members of the medical community in its
eorts to monitor, prevent, and control vector-borne diseases in California.
Some of the Section’s key collaborators in 2014 are listed here.
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
California Department of Public Health Contributors
Infectious Diseases Branch
Duc Vugia MD MPH; Janey Butner; Claudia Erickson MS CHES
Vector-Borne Disease Section
Sacramento: Vicki Kramer PhD; Anne Kjemtrup DVM MPVM PhD; Jesse Laxton;
Charsey Porse PhD MPH; Stefanne Haro-Maendly
Northern Region: Mark Novak PhD; Lawrence Bronson; James Tucker MS; Michael Niemela MS; Ashley
Freeman MSPH; Bryan Jackson PhD; Greg Hacker MS
Southern Region: Renjie Hu PhD; Marco Metzger PhD; Sarah Billeter PhD; Joseph Burns
Coastal Region: Kerry Padgett PhD; Tina Feiszli MSPH; Melissa Yoshimizu PhD; Denise Bonilla MS; Ervic
Aquino; Leslie Foss MS; Robert Payne; Mary-Joyce Pakingan; Crystal Perreira; Ian Rose; Aidan Ward
Veterinary Public Health Section
Curtis Fritz DVM MPVM PhD
Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory
Dongxiang Xia MD PhD; Barryett Enge MS PHM; Robert Chiles; Maria Salas MPH; Ruth Lopez; Diana
Singh; Katharine Shimabukuro; Kristina Hsieh DrPH PHM; Maria Liu MPH PHM; Sharon Messenger PhD;
Larry Penning PHM CLS; Pat Stoll MD MPH PHM; Maria Vu PHM; Kim Hansard, PHM; Debra Wadford PhD
MS PHM; Wanda Wong PHM; Shigeo Yagi PhD; Alex Espinosa MS, PHM; Natasha Espinosa PHM; Oliver
Oyler; David Cottam PHM; Tasha Padilla PHM; Chao-Yang Pan MPH PHM; Ashraf Fadol PHM; Regina
Chase PHM; Jill Hacker PhD PHM; Chris Preas PHM; Giorgio Cosentino PHM
Microbial Diseases Laboratory
Margot Graves; Robin Hogue CLS PHM
Annual Report Cover Art
Daniela Muhawi, Graphic Design
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Program Overview
The mission of the California Department of Public Health Vector-Borne Disease Section (CDPH-VBDS)
is to protect the health and well-being of Californians from arthropod- and vertebrate-transmitted
diseases and injurious pests. [Authorizing statutes: Health and Safety Code Sections (HSC) 116108-
116120, 116102, et. seq., and 116180; Government Code Section 12582]. CDPH-VBDS provides
leadership, information, and consultation on vector-borne diseases and invasive vectors to the
general public and agencies engaged in the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases. CDPH-
VBDS sta, located in four regional oces and headquartered in Sacramento, provide the following
Develop and implement statewide vector-borne disease prevention, surveillance, and control
Design and conduct scientic investigations to further knowledge of vector-borne diseases in
Coordinate preparedness activities for detection and response to introduced vectors and vector-
borne diseases, such as West Nile virus and invasive Aedes mosquitoes
Conduct emergency vector control when disease outbreaks occur
Advise local agencies on public health issues related to vector-borne diseases
Advise local agencies on regulatory issues pertaining to mosquito and vector control
Oversee the Cooperative Agreement (HSC 116180) between CDPH and local vector control
Oversee the Vector Control Technician Certication and Continuing Education programs
Provide information, training, and educational materials to governmental agencies, the medical
community, and the public
Provide consultation on issues related to the management of bed bugs, head lice, ies, and other
arthropods of public health importance
Maintain the San Francisco Bay Area U.S. Army Corps of Engineers general permit, which allows
local vector control agencies to conduct abatement activities
Oversee Special Local Need permits on restricted use of public health pesticides
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Human disease surveillance
In 2014, hantavirus infection was diagnosed in
one Placer County resident. The case-patient
was an adult male who survived after being
hospitalized. The case-patient spent time
outdoors but had not traveled outside his
county of residence during the six weeks prior to
onset of illness. California Department of Public
Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section (CDPH-
VBDS) investigators collected four deer mice
(Peromyscus maniculatus) from the case-patients
residence; none had serum antibodies to Sin
Nombre virus (SNV).
Yosemite National Park hantavirus prevention
In May of 2013, Yosemite National Park (YOSE)
and Public Health Foundation Enterprises
(PHFE) entered into a ve-year cooperative
agreement to decrease the risk of contracting
vector-borne diseases through increased health
education, vector surveillance, and public
health research. CDPH-VBDS worked closely
with YOSE and PHFE sta in 2014, focusing
eorts primarily on hantavirus prevention in
YOSE. Activities included facility evaluations,
hantavirus prevention training for sta, public
education, and deer mouse surveillance to
estimate rodent abundance and SNV prevalence.
None of the 20 deer mice or 45 brush mice (P.
boylii) trapped in Yosemite Valley was reactive
to SNV antibody. However, 8 (12.3%) of 65 deer
mice from the Tuolumne Meadows area tested
positive for SNV antibody. PHFE sta provided
recommendations to YOSE sta and associated
partners based on surveillance results and
facility evaluations.
Rodent-borne Diseases
Hantavirus infection is the most important rodent-borne disease in
California. Since the disease was rst identied in 1993, the California
Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section has
collaborated with county, state, and federal public health agencies
to identify and investigate human cases of disease, to survey and
study Sin Nombre virus infection in wild rodents, and to prepare and
promote preventive information for the general public.
Rodent surveillance
In 2014, CDPH-VBDS tested 835 rodents
(Genera: Neotoma, Microtus, Peromyscus,
and Reithrodontomys) for antibodies to SNV
(Table 1.1). Of 780 Peromyscus spp. sampled,
37 (4.7%) were positive for SNV antibodies.
Seroprevalence in deer mice, the primary
reservoir for SNV, was 8.6% (Table 1.1). At least
one deer mouse was SNV antibody-positive in 6
of 15 counties sampled in 2014 (Table 1.2). In the
last 10 years, SNV antibody has been detected
in deer mice from 28 of 42 counties sampled;
prevalence in the 28 counties with seropositive
mice ranged from 4.0% to 38.5% (average
12.0%) over that time period (Table 1.2).
Additionally in 2014, none of 12 woodrats
(Neotoma spp.) tested positive for SNV
antibody. Four (11.8%) of 34 harvest mice
(Reithrodontomys megalotis) and 3 (33.3%) of
9 voles (Microtus spp.) demonstrated reactivity
to SNV (Table 1.1). Seropositivity in these
rodents may represent spillover of SNV from
neighboring rodents or infection with other
hantaviruses (e.g., El Moro Canyon or Isla Vista),
which cross reacts to the Sin Nombre assay.
These other hantaviruses have not been shown
to be pathogenic to humans.
Lassen Volcanic National Park hantavirus
In May of 2014, the National Park Service, Pacic
West Region and PHFE entered into a master
agreement that allows other park units within
California to obtain vector-borne disease related
services from PHFE and CDPH. A task agreement
No. No. No. No.
Species Common name collected reactive Percent collected reactive Percent
Peromyscus boylii brush mouse 77 0 1,542 39 2.5
Peromyscus californicus parasitic mouse 126 1 0.8 1,221 17 1.4
Peromyscus crinitus canyon mouse 92 1 1.1
Peromyscus eremicus cactus mouse 4 0 2,266 81 3.6
Peromyscus e. fraterculus northern Baja mouse 184 3 1.6 854 10 1.2
Peromyscus maniculatus deer mouse 360 31 8.6 5,888 708 12.0
Peromyscus truei piñon mouse 29 2 6.9 286 8 2.8
Peromyscus sp. unspeciated Peromyscus 5 0
Peromyscus spp. subtotal 780 37 4.7 12,154 864 7.1
Reithrodontomys megalotis western harvest mouse 34 4 11.8 844 71 8.4
Neotoma spp. woodrats 12 0 557 16 2.9
Microtus spp. voles 9 3 33.3 216 31 14.4
2014 2005-2014
Table 1.1 Serologic evidence of hantavirus (Sin Nombre) infection in California rodents, 2005 - 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
with Lassen Volcanic National Park was initiated in August 2014 for services that included facility
inspections for rodent-borne disease risk, technical assistance for rodent exclusion issues, and
deer mouse trapping for Sin Nombre virus (SNV) surveillance. A total of 32 structures were
evaluated for vector-borne disease and rodent exclusion issues. Thirteen (23.2%) of 56 deer mice
tested were seropositive for SNV antibodies.
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Human disease surveillance
Sixty-nine cases of typhus fever were reported
to the California Department of Public Health
(CDPH) in 2014. Fifty-two of these were
classied as conrmed cases according to CDPH
working surveillance denition and seventeen
were probable. Sixty-three (91%) of the case-
patients required hospitalization. Case-patients
were residents of Los Angeles (49), Orange
(18), Contra Costa (1), and Ventura (1) counties.
Typhus is considered endemic in parts of Orange
and Los Angeles counties. The case-patient from
Contra Costa County reported travel outside the
United States during the incubation period.
No cases of plague in humans were reported in
Animal disease surveillance
Domestic pets
No cases of plague in domestic pets were
reported in 2014.
Wild animals
The CDPH-Vector-Borne Disease Section (VBDS)
plague surveillance program received test
results for 580 wild rodents and 198 carnivores
from 33 California counties in 2014. Two rodents
and seven carnivores from six counties tested
positive for serum antibodies to Yersinia pestis.
San Diego County Department of Environmental
Health, Vector Control Program (SDCEH)
reported an additional 454 rodents with 10
positive ground squirrels from the Mount
Plague and typhus are the principal ea-borne diseases under surveillance
in California. The California Department of Public Health collaborates with
local, state, and federal agencies to conduct a statewide plague surveillance
program. The California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease
Section collects, collates, and analyzes information on suspect and conrmed
plague activity among humans, domestic pets, and wild animals throughout
California to evaluate the potential risk of plague to the public and, where
necessary, implement preventive and control actions.
Flea-borne Diseases
Palomar Observatory area (Figure 2.1, Table 2.1).
The rodent species tested for plague antibodies
in 2014 included: 670 California ground squirrels
(Otospermophilus beecheyi), 236 chipmunks
(Tamias spp.), 76 mice (Peromyscus spp., Microtus
spp. and Mus musculus), 32 golden-mantled
ground squirrels (Callospermophilus lateralis), 9
Belding’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi),
6 wood rats (Neotoma spp.), 3 Douglas pine
squirrels (Tamiasciurus douglasii), 1 western gray
squirrel (Sciurus griseus), and 1 northern ying
squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus).
Plague positive rodents included two
chipmunks from El Dorado County and ten
California ground squirrels (tested by SDCEH)
from Mount Palomar State Park or from Fry
Creek campground, Cleveland National Forest
(Table 2.1).
A total of 198 carnivores were tested by CDPH-
VBDS for plague antibodies including: 147
coyotes (Canis latrans), 29 black bears (Ursus
americanus), 3 bobcats (Lynx rufus), 6 mountain
lions (Felis concolor), 4 raccoons (Procyon lotor),
8 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and
1 striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). Positive
coyotes were detected in Modoc (2), Plumas (2),
Santa Barbara, and Sierra counties. A positive
black bear was detected in Mariposa County.
Additionally, eight feral pigs from ve counties
tested negative (data not shown).
Wild Rodent Flea Testing
Fleas were collected from 20 rodents at Boca
Reservoir Campground, an area where plague
Figure 2.1. Results of serum antibodies to Yersinia pestis in in tested mammals by counties, California 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
activity was observed in 2013, and from 27 rodents from Logger Campground at Stampede Reservoir
within the Tahoe National Forest. A total of 228 eas were identied to species, pooled into ve pools
from Boca Reservoir Campground, and seven pools from Logger Campground, and tested for the
presence of Y. pestis bacteria. All ea-pools were negative. None of the rodent hosts tested positive
for plague antibody.
County No. rodents No. carnivores
Location tested tested Species Titer Month
Alpine 3 0
Butte 0 4
Calaveras 0 8
Contra Costa 0 4
El Dorado 70 17
LTBMU, Fallen Leaf CG Chipmunk, S 1:128 September
Eldorado NF, Northwind CG Chipmunk, LP 1:64 July
Fresno 0 5
Inyo 27 0
Kern 9 44
Lassen 0 7
Los Angeles 15 2
Mariposa 1 9
Yosemite NP Black Bear 1:32 July
Mendocino 0 25
Modoc 0 12
Fort Bidwell, 4 mi. SW Coyote 1:32 January
Fort Bidwell, 3 mi. SE Coyote 1:32 January
Mono 49 0
Nevada 48 0
Orange 7 0
Placer 0 7
Plumas 0 10
Vinton, 2 mi. N Coyote 1:32 January
Vinton, 2 mi. N Coyote 1:32 January
Riverside 87 1
Sacramento 0 1
San Bernardino 60 0
San Diego 454 3
Mount Palomar SP, Doane School Camp CaGSq 1:32 June
Mount Palomar SP, Doane School Camp CaGSq 1:512 June
Mount Palomar SP, Cedar Grove Group Camp CaGSq 1:256 July
Mount Palomar SP, Cedar Grove Group Camp CaGSq 1:32 July
Mount Palomar SP, Doane CG CaGSq 1:256 July
Mount Palomar SP, Doane CG CaGSq 1:2048 July
Mount Palomar SP, Doane School Camp CaGSq 1:32 July
Mount Palomar SP, Doane School Camp CaGSq 1:32 July
Cleveland NF, Fry Creek CG CaGSq 1:128 July
Mount Palomar SP, Doane CG CaGSq 1:512 September
San Joaquin 0 1
San Luis Obispo 0 2
San Mateo 31 0
Santa Barbara 8 3
Goleta Coyote 1:32 January
Sierra 77 4
Loyalton, 4 mi. S Coyote 1:32 January
Siskiyou 0 21
Tehama 9 0
Trinity 0 1
Tulare 12 0
Tuolumne 52 7
Ventura 13 0
Yuba 1 0
Total 1,034 198
NF: National Forest
NP: National Park
CaGSq: California ground squirrel SP: State Park
CG: Campground
Table 2.1. CDPH-VBDS plague surveillance program testing results in wild rodents and carnivores by location,
California 2014
Postive Specimens
Abbreviations: Chipmunk, S: Shadow chipmunk
Chipmunk, LP: Lodge-pole chipmunk
LTBMU: Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 3.1. Confirmed and probable Lyme disease cases by report year 2010 - 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Human disease surveillance
Four cases of anaplasmosis caused by
Anaplasma phagocytophilum were reported
to the California Department of Public Health
(CDPH): one met national surveillance criteria
for a conrmed case; the other three met the
criteria for a probable case. Case-patients were
residents of Humboldt, Mariposa, Santa Clara,
and Santa Cruz counties. Mean age was 47
years (range, 22-73 years) and two (50%) were
male. Potential exposure to ticks in California
was documented for two of the probable case-
patients who hiked or worked in Santa Cruz or
Mariposa counties. The conrmed case-patient
reported tick exposure while in New York, and
exposure was not documented for one probable
Two cases of babesiosis caused by Babesia
microti were reported to CDPH; both met
national surveillance criteria for a conrmed
case. Ages of case-patients were 51 and 74
years old, and both were female. Both case-
patients reported travel to and outdoor activity
in the eastern United States seaboard or upper
Midwest where B. microti is endemic.
One case of ehrlichiosis caused by Ehrlichia
chaeensis was reported to CDPH. The case met
the national surveillance criteria for a probable
case. The case-patient resided in San Francisco
County and reported travel history to Rhode
Island where E. chaeensis is endemic.
At least seven tick-borne diseases have been documented in California. A
goal of the California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease
Section is to reduce human morbidity from tick-borne diseases in California
through ongoing surveillance of the disease-causing agents and ticks,
investigation of human cases, management of tick populations when
appropriate, collation of state-wide tick data from participating agencies,
and timely dissemination of ndings and prevention messages to the public,
medical and public health communities and vector control agencies.
Tick-borne Diseases
Lyme disease
A total of 112 cases of Lyme disease, caused
by Borrelia burgdorferi, with illness onset in
2014 were reported to CDPH; 82 of these met
the surveillance case denition criteria for a
conrmed case, and 30 were probable (Figure
3.1). Of the 82 conrmed cases, case-patients
were residents of 22 counties, with Los Angeles
County reporting the largest number of cases
(14) (Table 3.1). Of 38 (46%) conrmed case-
patients reporting travel history within the
incubation period, 28 (74%) reported exposure
outside California, most commonly in the
northeastern United States. The median age of
conrmed Lyme disease case-patients was 43
years (range, 4 to 82 years) and 46 (56%) were
female. Of 53 case-patients for whom race was
reported, 49 self-identied as white, 2 as Asian,
1 as American Indian or Alaska Native, and 1 as
other. Erythema migrans (EM) was identied in
46 (63%) case-patients, 32 (69%) of whom had
onset of EM noted between May and September.
Sierra 6.3
Trinity 5.9 > 5.0
Humboldt 3.6
Mariposa 3.3
Mono 2.8 3.0 – 4.9
Mendocino 2.5
Santa Cruz 2.5
Nevada 2.3
Sonoma 1.7 1.0 – 2.9
Marin 1.4
Amador 1.0
Others >0.1 0.1 – 0.9
No cases reported
Reported confirmed cases per 100,000 person-years, 2010-2014*
Figure 3.2. Incidence of confirmed Lyme disease, by county, California, 2010 - 2014
*Though Lyme disease cases have been
reported in nearly every county, cases are
reported based on the county of residence, not
necessarily the county of infection.
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Between 2010 and 2014, the highest incidence
of Lyme disease was in the northwest and
northern counties with western-facing Sierra
slopes (Figure 3.2).
Spotted fever group rickettsiosis
Nine cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever
(RMSF), caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, were
reported to CDPH in 2014; three met the
national surveillance case denition for
conrmed, and six met the surveillance criteria
for probable. The three conrmed case-patients
were residents of Imperial (2) and Riverside
counties. The case-patients’ ages were 39, 52,
and 79: two were female and two died. Infection
with R. rickettsii was conrmed in the three
case-patients with a four-fold antibody titer
increase between acute and convalescent sera
tested at the CDPH Viral and Rickettsial Disease
Laboratory (CDPH-VRDL). The case-patients, had
either travelled to Mexicali, Mexico or were in
close contact with household members and pets
that had travelled to Mexicali, Mexico during the
incubation period.
One case of spotted fever group Rickettsia
conrmed as Rickettsia philipii (formerly 364D)
was reported to CDPH in 2014. Conrmation
was by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
sequencing by CDPH-VRDL of specimens from
a cutaneous ulcer (eschar). Presumed exposure
was in Lake County; illness onset was in early
May. The case-patient did not recall a tick bite.
Tick-borne relapsing fever
Eleven cases of tick-borne relapsing fever
(TBRF), caused by Borrelia hermsii, were reported
to CDPH in 2014; seven of these met CDPH
working surveillance case denition criteria for
a conrmed case, two were probable, and two
were suspect. Median age of conrmed case-
patients was 44 years (range, 4 to 59 years), and
four (57%) were male. Conrmed case-patients
were residents of four counties: Kings, Mono (3),
Orange (2), and Sacramento. Counties where
case-patients (conrmed, probable, and suspect)
were likely exposed in the three weeks prior to
illness onset included Alpine, Fresno, Mono, San
Bernardino, and Tulare.
Tick surveillance
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
In 2014, CDPH Vector-Borne Disease Section
(CDPH-VBDS), in collaboration with Marin/
Sonoma Mosquito Vector Control District,
collected 45 adult, 17 nymphal, and 261 larval
western blacklegged ticks (Ixodes pacicus)
County 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TOTAL
ence per
100,000 person
Alameda 1 3 4 0 1 9 0.12
Alpine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Amador 1 0 0 1 0 2 1.08
Butte 0 1 0 0 1 2 0.18
Calaveras 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Colusa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Contra Costa 1 1 2 7 2 13 0.24
Del Norte 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
El Dorado 2 0 2 0 1 5 0.55
Fresno 1 1 4 1 0 7 0.15
Glenn 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.71
Humboldt 9 6 2 2 5 24 3.56
Imperial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Inyo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Kern 2 0 0 0 0 2 0.05
Kings 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.13
Lake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Lassen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Los Angeles 5 2 6 9 14 36 0.07
Madera 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.13
Marin 3 1 3 5 6 18 1.42
Mariposa 0 0 1 1 1 3 3.34
Mendocino 3 3 3 1 1 11 2.50
Merced 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.08
Modoc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Mono 1 0 0 1 0 2 2.78
Monterey 1 1 1 1 0 4 0.19
Napa 0 0 2 0 1 3 0.44
Nevada 3 5 3 0 0 11 2.26
Orange 5 6 0 0 0 11 0.07
Placer 0 0 3 1 0 4 0.23
Plumas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Riverside 0 3 1 2 1 7
Sacramento 0 1 1 0 0 2 0.02
San Benito 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
San Bernardino 0 1 1 1 0 3 0.03
San Diego 6 5 7 11 9 38 0.24
San Francisco 2 1 0 5 1 9 0.22
San Joaquin 0 0 0 1 1 2 0.06
San Luis Obispo 0 0 1 4 3 8 0.59
San Mateo 3 0 0 3 6 12 0.33
Santa Barbara 3 3 0 5 0 11 0.52
Santa Clara 6 10 4 7 3 30 0.33
Santa Cruz 8 10 4 4 7 33 2.49
Shasta 1 1 1 0 0 3 0.34
Sierra 0 0 0 1 0 1 6.29
Siskiyou 0 0 1 1 0 2 0.89
Solano 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Sonoma 6 4 9 11 11 41 1.68
Stanislaus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Sutter 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.21
ehama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
rinity 0 2 0 1 1 4 5.94
Tulare 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.04
uolumne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Ventura 1 0 1 3 0 5 0.12
Yolo 0 0 1 1 0 2 0.20
a 0 0 2 0 0 2
ornia 71 68 78 96 82 395
Table 3.1: Reported confirmed Lyme disease cases by county of residence and onset
year, California, 2010-2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
from Marin County to test for the presence of
Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Two (4.4%) adult
western blacklegged ticks and two (11.8%)
nymphs tested positive by real-time polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) at CDPH-VRDL. One
nymphal western blacklegged tick was
coinfected with A. phagocytophilum and Borrelia
Borrelia spirochetes
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato
In 2014, local, state, and federal agencies
collected 10,816 adult and 721 nymphal
western blacklegged ticks from 25 counties
to test for B. burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme
disease. Collection and testing data for western
blacklegged ticks are collated by CDPH-VBDS.
Ticks were tested individually either by RT-PCR
only or by direct uorescent antibody (DFA)
followed by RT-PCR (Table 3.2). From the 22
counties where ticks were tested individually,
the overall prevalence of B. burgdorferi was 2.2%
in adult ticks and 2.4% in nymphal ticks (Table
3.2). Ticks tested by local vector control agencies
in pools were tested by RT-PCR (Table 3.3). In the
ve counties where adult ticks were tested in
pools, the minimum infection prevalence (MIP
-the number of positive pools divided by total
ticks tested multiplied by 100) was 1.3% (Table
Borrelia miyamotoi
In 2014, of the western blacklegged ticks
collected, 7,251 adult and 721 nymphal ticks
were tested for B. miyamotoi, a relapsing fever-
type spirochete implicated in human disease
in the eastern United States and Europe. Of
the 2,265 individually tested ticks, 26 (1.1%)
of the adults tested positive and 8 (1.1%) of
the nymphs tested positive (Table 3.2). Of the
4,986 ticks tested in pools, 32 (0.6% MIP) tested
positive (Table 3.3).
Rickettsia philipii
In 2014, CDPH-VBDS collected 268 adult, 17
nymphal, and 65 larval Pacic Coast ticks
(Dermacentor occidentalis) from Alameda,
Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Lake, Monterey,
Nevada, San Joaquin, Santa Barbara, Shasta,
and Sonoma counties for Rickettsia philipii
testing. Other tick species tested included
ve adult American dog ticks (Dermacentor
variabilis). Tick collections were often conducted
in collaboration with the local vector control
agency. All ticks were tested by RT-PCR at CDPH-
VRDL. One adult Pacic Coast tick from the Los
Padres National Forest, Santa Barbara County,
tested positive for R. philipii. CDPH-VBDS, in
collaboration with Lake County Vector Control
District, conducted tick surveillance for R. philipii
in response to a reported human case from
Lake County. One D. occidentalis nymph was
collected and tested negative.
Rickettsia rickettsii
In 2014, CDPH-VBDS conducted surveillance for
Rickettsia rickettsii, the agent of Rocky Mountain
spotted fever, in response to a reported human
case from Imperial County. Ninety-nine adult
and one nymphal brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus
sanguineus) were collected and tested from
Imperial County. One adult male brown dog
tick tested positive for R. rickettsii by RT-PCR at
Francisella tularensis
In 2014, CDPH-VBDS, in collaboration with Napa
County Mosquito Abatement District, conducted
tick surveillance for Francisella tularensis, the
agent of tularemia. Ticks collected from Napa
County were from areas where potential tick
exposure and previous human cases had been
reported. Ticks were tested at the San Diego
County Department of Environmental Health,
Vector Control Laboratory by RT-PCR. Tested
ticks included: 300 adult American dog ticks, and
3 adult Pacic Coast ticks. Two male American
dog ticks tested positive for F. tularensis, type B.
Positive B. miyamotoi
Collected b
Indian Grinding Rock SP 117 22 1 (0.9) 1 (4.6) CDPH, VBDS
iger Creek Afterbay 4 CDPH, VBDS
Bidwell Park 99 2 (2.0) Butte MVCD
Lime Saddle Trail 18 Butte MVCD
Loafer Creek SRA 135 148 5 (3.7) 4 (3.0) Butte MVCD
Oroville Wildlife Area 10 CDPH, VBDS
Mokelumne Coast 63 12 1 (1.6) 1 (1.6) CDPH, VBDS
Natural Bridge Park Trail 70 1 (1.4) 1 (1.4) CDPH, VBDS
Contra Costa
Crockett 16 CDPH, VBDS
ilden RP 28 CDPH, VBDS
El Dorad
Folsom SRA 29 3 (10.3) 1 (3.5) CDPH, VBDS
Los Angeles
Griffith Park 19 7 CDPH, VBDS
China Camp SP
16 63 2 (3.2) 1 (1.6)
Marin Municipal Water District
49 21 1 (2.0) 4 (19.1) 1 (2.0) 1 (4.8)
Mount Tamalpais SP 13 M/S MVCD
Olompali SP 5 2 M/S MVCD
Point Reyes National Seashore 84 2 1 (50.0) CDPH, VBDS
Mariposa Reservoir 34 8 CDPH, VBDS
Garrapata SP 1 2 CDPH, VBDS
Limekiln SP 2 CDPH, VBDS
Los Padres NF 5 CDPH, VBDS
Pfeiffer Big Sur SP 3 27 CDPH, VBDS
Bothe-Napa Valley SP 107 1 (0.9) 4 (3.7) Napa MAD; CDPH, VBDS
Empire Mines SP 118 1 1 (0.9) 4 (3.4) CDPH, VBDS
Englebright Lake 54 1 (1.9) CDPH, VBDS
Grass Valley 24 CDPH, VBDS
Nevada County 122 2 CDPH, VBDS
South Yuba River SP 119 4 (3.4) CDPH, VBDS
American River Parkway 3 90 5 (5.6) CDPH, VBDS
San Bernardin
San Bernardino NF 55 CDPH, VBDS
San Joaquin
Carnegie SRA 13 3 CDPH, VBDS
San Mateo
Crystal Springs Reservoir 54 CDPH, VBDS
Rancho Corral de Tierra NP 1 2 CDPH, VBDS
Thornewood OPS 16 CDPH, VBDS
Santa Barbara
Los Padres NF 70 1 (1.4) CDPH, VBDS
Santa Cru
Quail Hollow 28 Santa Cruz MVCD
Skylark Camp 12 Santa Cruz MVCD
Adobe Rd 2 Shasta MVCD
Anderson River Park
23 7 5 (21.7) Shasta MVCD; CDPH, VBDS
Benton Ranch 9 4 (44.4) Shasta MVCD
Darrah Springs 4 1 (25.0) Shasta MVCD
French Gulch 1 Shasta MVCD
Hirz Bay 35 3 (8.6) 1 (2.9) Shasta MVCD
Horsetown 4 Shasta MVCD
Kapusta 1 Shasta MVCD
Keswick Dam Area 33 Shasta MVCD
Middle Creek 20 1 (5.0) Shasta MVCD
Nora Lake 5 Shasta MVCD
Rhonda Rd, Anderson
16 6 Shasta MVCD; CDPH, VBDS
Shasta College 8 Shasta MVCD
Shasta Lake 10 CDPH, VBDS
Shasta Trinity NF 174 10 (5.8) 4 (2.3) Shasta MVCD
Sulfur Creek Canyon 38 Shasta MVCD
oyon 16 2 (12.5) 1 (6.3) Shasta MVCD
Whiskeytown NRA 1 3 Shasta MVCD
Annadel SP 22 7 M/S MVCD
Crane Creek RP 7 M/S MVCD
Foothill RP 16 5 2 (12.5) M/S MVCD
Helen Putnam RP 1 M/S MVCD
Jack London SP 2 M/S MVCD
Shiloh Ranch RP 9 3 M/S MVCD
Sonoma Valley RP 7 M/S MVCD
Spring Lake RP 4 M/S MVCD
Sugarloaf Ridge SP 4 145 2 (1.4) 4 (2.8) M/S MVCD
Patterson 49 CDPH, VBDS
Columbia SP 24 1 (4.2) CDPH, VBDS
Tahoe NF
236 1 5 (2.1) 2 (0.9) CDPH, VBDS
Total 2,265 721 50 (2.2) 17 (2.4) 26 (1.1) 8 (1.1)
Table 3.2. Infection prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Borrelia miyamotoi spirochetes in Ixodes pacificus ticks,
California 2014
No. Ticks Tested Positive B. burgdorferi
Adults Nymphs
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Table Legend
All tick testing is performed at the
California Department of Public Health
Vector-Borne Disease Section in a two-
step process. Step 1 is a direct uorescent
antibody test (DFA) for the genus Borrelia;
if DFA is positive, then followed by step 2,
a mulitplex Real-Time Polymerase Chain
Reaction (RT-PCR) for Borrelia burgdorferi
sensu lato and Borrelia miyamotoi.
IP - Infection Prevalence = number of
positive ticks divided by ticks tested
multiplied by 100.
NF, National Forest
NP, National Park
NRA, National Recreation Area
SRA, State Recreation Area
SP, State Park
RP, Regional Park
OSP, Open Space Preserve
Collected by:
CDPH-VBDS, California Department
of Public Health, Vector-Borne
Disease Section
MAD, Mosquito Abatement District
M/S MVCD, Marin/Sonoma Mosquito
and Vector Control District
MVCD, Mosquito and Vector Control
Collected by
10 (4) 1 (10.0) Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Auburn SRA
390 (83) 10 (2.6) Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Folsom Lake SRA
167 (35) 3 (1.8) Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Hiddlen Falls RP
51 (11) 0 Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Placer Nature Center
60 (14) 1 (1.7) Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Steven's Trail
49 (11) 3 (6.1) Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Sugar Pine Point Trail, Tahoe NF
158 (93) 6 (3.8) Placer MVCD Placer MVCD
Ancil Hoffman Park 33 (12) 0 Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
East Lake Natoma Trail 474 (96) 1 (0.2) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
39 (11) 0 Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Gold Lake Drive 45 (12) 0 Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Mississippi Bar 382 (81) 10 (2.6) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Negro Bar SP
437 (89) 19 (4.4) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Nimbus Dam Overlook
162 (33) 4 (2.5) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Snipes Pershing Park
716 (143) 7 (1.0) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Willow Creek
207 (45) 9 (4.4) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Santa Clara
Almaden Quicksilver County Park
209 (108) 0 3 (1.4) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Alum Rock Park
198 (101) 1 (0.5) 1 (0.5) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Calero County Park
194 (98) 1 (0.5) 2 (1.0) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Foothills Park
244 (124) 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Henry W. Coe SP
261 (134) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.8) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Lexington Dam
217 (112) 0 2 (0.9) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Mount Madonna County Park
227 (120) 0 2 (0.9) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Rancho San Antonio OSP
246 (127) 0 2 (0.8) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Santa Teresa County Park
198 (102) 0 0 Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Sierra Azul OSP
90 (47) 0 0 Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Steven Creek County Park
251 (133) 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
Uvas Canyon County Park
203 (103) 1 (0.5) 2 (1.0) Santa Clara MVCD Santa Clara MVCD
San Mateo
Año Nuevo SP 151 (33) 0 0 San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Big Canyon Park 184 (38) 1 (0.5) 0 San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Laurelwood Park 154 (33) 1 (0.7) 1 (0.7) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Los Trancos OSP 238 (69) 5 (2.1) 1 (0.4) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Mills Canyon Wildlife Refuge 65 (16) 1 (1.5) 0 San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Pulgas Ridge OSP 220 (45) 0 1 (0.5) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Thornewood OSP 169 (34) 1 (0.6) 3 (1.8) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Waterdog Lake Park 495 (106) 7 (1.4) 2 (0.4) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Windy Hill OSP 296 (60) 2 (0.7) 2 (0.7) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Wunderlich County Park 476 (99) 6 (1.3) 2 (0.4) San Mateo MVCD San Mateo MVCD
Cache Creek CG 19 (4) 0 Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Cache Creek, Blue Ridge Trail 166 (36) 1 (0.6) Sac/Yolo MVCD Sac/Yolo MVCD
Total 8,551 (2,655) 107 (1.3)
32 (0.6)
ested b
merase chain reaction
MIP - Measure of prevalence. MIP
(minimum infection prevalence) is
Location: CG, Campground; NF,
OSP, Open Space
Laboratory: MVCD, Mosquito and Vector Control District
Table 3.3. Minimum infection prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodes pacificus
ticks, California 2014
Positive B.
Positive B.
4,986 adult ticks tested for Borrelia miyamotoi
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
1- 4.99
0.01 – 0.99
> 5
Reported cases per 100,000 person-years, 2014
Cases reported based on the county of residence
Highest reported case incidence for WNV in Glenn
County (35.3 cases per 100,000 persons)
Figure 4.1. Incidence of reported human cases of West Nile virus, by county, California 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Human disease surveillance
West Nile virus
Serological diagnosis of human infection with
West Nile virus (WNV) and other arboviruses
was performed at the California Department
of Public Health Viral and Rickettsial Disease
Laboratory (CDPH-VRDL), 19 local county
public health laboratories, and commercial
laboratories. Local laboratories tested for WNV
using an IgM or IgG immunouorescent assay
(IFA) and/or an IgM enzyme immunoassay
(EIA). Specimens with inconclusive results were
forwarded to CDPH-VRDL for further testing
with a plaque reduction neutralization test
(PRNT) or reverse transcriptase-polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR). Additional WNV
Mosquito-borne diseases under surveillance in California include the
endemic arboviral diseases caused by West Nile virus, western equine
encephalitis virus, and St. Louis encephalitis virus, as well as the
travel-associated diseases caused by Plasmodium spp. (malaria), dengue, and
chikungunya viruses. The California Department of Public Health, Vector-
Borne Disease Section monitors and consults with local agencies regarding
invasive mosquito species including Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito)
and Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito). Endemic arbovirus surveillance
is performed under the California Arbovirus Surveillance program, a
cooperative eort of multiple state and local entities.
Mosquito-borne Diseases
infections were identied through testing
performed at blood donation centers.
In 2014, a total of 801 symptomatic and 91
asymptomatic infections with WNV were
identied, a 106% increase in infections
compared to 2013 (Table 4.1). Of the 801
clinical cases, 561 (70%) were classied as West
Nile neuroinvasive disease (i.e., encephalitis,
meningitis, or acute accid paralysis) and 240
(30%) were classied as non-neuroinvasive
disease. Case-patients were residents of 31
counties and 520 (65%) were male. Incidence
was highest (35.3 cases per 100,000 persons) in
Glenn County (Table 4.1, Figure 4.1). The median
age for West Nile fever cases was 59 years (range,
5 to 89 years) and neuroinvasive cases was 59
years (range, 3 months to 94 years). The median
age of the 31 WNV-associated
fatalities was 74 years (range, 20
to 94 years). Dates of symptom
onset ranged from March 14 to
November 30, 2014.
No cases of western equine
encephalitis virus (WEEV) or St.
Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV)
infection were identied in
California residents in 2014.
Ninety-two conrmed cases of
malaria were reported to CDPH in
2014. Case-patients were residents
of 27 California counties and 59
(64%) were male. The median
Table 4.1. Reported WNV human cases by county of residence, California, 2005-2014
County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2014 incidence
per 100,000
10 year incidence
per 100,000
Alameda 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0.06 0.04
Alpine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Amador 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.00 1.11
Butte 24 31 16 6 2 1 3 10 24 24 10.80 6.34
Calaveras 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.67
Colusa 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 3 13.85 7.85
Contra Costa 11 8 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 5 0.46 0.48
Del Norte 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
El Dorado 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.38
Fresno 59 11 17 3 13 23 9 24 8 43 4.46 2.18
Glenn 13 12 7 1 0 2 1 7 9 10 35.27 21.87
Humboldt 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.07
Imperial 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.55 0.39
Inyo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Kern 67 49 140 2 18 15 18 25 25 11 1.26 4.24
Kings 32 1 7 2 3 1 1 3 1 4 2.66 3.66
Lake 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1.55 0.62
Lassen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Los Angeles 40 13 36 156 20 4 58 163 151 253 2.52 0.89
Madera 18 0 2 0 1 7 2 3 3 3 1.95 2.53
Marin 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.00 0.12
Mariposa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Mendocino 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.12 0.34
Merced 25 4 4 1 4 1 1 13 0 1 0.38 2.04
Modoc 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.17
Mono 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.71
Monterey 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.05
Napa 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0.22
Nevada 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.51
Orange 17 6 9 71 4 1 10 42 10 263 8.45 1.39
Placer 35 8 4 6 0 3 1 12 6 7 1.91 2.24
Plumas 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.52
Riverside 103 4 17 62 3 0 7 19 35 14 0.61 1.16
Sacramento 163 15 25 13 0 12 4 29 11 10 0.69 1.94
San Benito 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
San Bernardino 33 3 4 36 2 5 4 33 13 21 1.01 0.74
San Diego 1 1 15 35 4 0 0 1 0 11 0.34 0.21
San Francisco 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0.00 0.06
San Joaquin 34 8 10 12 10 6 5 13 8 9 1.27 1.62
San Luis Obispo 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.04
San Mateo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.01
Santa Barbara 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.12
Santa Clara 5 5 4 1 0 0 1 0 2 10 0.54 0.15
Santa Cruz 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.00 0.04
Shasta 1 4 9 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 1.11 1.06
Sierra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Siskiyou 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Solano 5 8 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 5 1.18 0.54
Sonoma 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.04
Stanislaus 84 11 21 17 14 12 11 26 17 33 6.27 4.68
Sutter 9 12 3 0 0 0 0 8 10 8 8.36 5.22
ehama 4 6 4 4 0 0 1 4 5 4 6.28 5.02
rinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
ulare 56 6 10 5 4 12 11 7 5 21 4.57 2.98
uolumne 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.19
Ventura 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 7 2 1 0.12 0.18
Yolo 11 27 2 1 2 0 0 10 6 15 7.27 3.59
6 5 0 0 1 0 3 4 13 6 8.14 5.16
Total WNV disease 880 278 380 445 112 111 158 479 379 801 2.09 1.05
Asymptomatic Infections
14 29
53 17 20 18 48 54 91
Total WNV infections 935 292 409 498 129 131 176 527 433 892 2.33 1.15
WNV infections detected through blood bank screening; no associated illness reported
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
None tested
0.1 – 1.9
2.0 – 4.9
West Nile virus minimum infection rate
(1,000 times the number of positive mosquito
pools/number of mosquitoes tested ). Includes all
pools tested.
> 5.0
The MIR was highest (14.4) in Tulare County
Figure 4.2. West Nile Virus minimum infection rate of Culex spp. mosquitoes, California, 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
age was 28 years (range,1 to 76 years).
Of 80 cases for which the Plasmodium
species was determined, 50 were P.
falciparum, 22 P. vivax, 5 P. malariae, and
3 P. ovale. Eighty-ve patients reported
compatible travel history to malaria-
endemic areas including Africa (65), Asia
(16), and South America (4). Exposure
information for seven case patients was
not available.
One hundred thirty-three cases of
dengue were reported to CDPH in
2014; 24 of these met the criteria for a
conrmed case and109 were probable.
Case-patients were residents of 21
California counties, 67 (50%) were
female, and the median age was 45
years (range, 5 to 76 years). All case-patients
reported travel to dengue-endemic areas
including Mexico (34), Asia (34), Central America
(29), India (21), the Caribbean (5), South America
(7), and Africa (3). No locally acquired cases were
One hundred forty-one human cases of
chikungunya were reported to CDPH in 2014;
70 of these
met the
criteria for a
case and
71 were
patients were
residents of
23 California
counties, 88
(62%) were
female, and
the median
age was 50
years (range, 3 to 83 years). All case-patients
reported travel to chikungunya-endemic or
outbreak areas including Latin America (107),
the Caribbean (28), and Asia (6).
Mosquito surveillance
A total of 825,722 mosquitoes (31,549 pools)
collected in 37 counties were tested at the
University of California, Center for Vectorborne
Diseases (CVEC) or at one of eight local
agencies by a real-time (TaqMan) reverse
transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-
PCR) for SLEV, WEEV, and/or WNV viral RNA.
Three local agencies also tested an additional
19,890 mosquitoes (936 pools) for WNV using a
commercial rapid assay-RAMP® (Rapid Analyte
Measurement Platform, Response Biomedical
Corp) (Table 4.2).
West Nile virus was detected in 3,340 mosquito
pools from 30 counties; 3,305 were positive
by RT-PCR and 35 were positive by RAMP
only (Table 4.2, 4.6). Statewide, the minimum
infection rate (MIR) - dened as the number
of infected mosquito pools divided by the
number of mosquitoes tested multiplied by
1,000 - of WNV in all mosquitoes tested was
3.9; the MIR was highest (14.4) in Tulare County
(Table 4.2, Figure 4.2). Since 2003, the MIR of
WNV in California has ranged from a low of
0.08 (2003) to a high of 3.9 (2014). West Nile
virus was identied from six Culex species (Cx.
erythrothorax, Cx. pipiens, Cx. quinquefasciatus,
Cx. stigmatosoma, Cx. tarsalis, Cx. thriambus)
and Aedes aegypti (Table 4.3). In 2014, the
rst detection of WNV in mosquitoes was
from a Cx. quinquefasciatus pool collected in
Chikungunya is an arboviral disease
rst described from east Africa in
the 1950s. In December 2013, the
rst case of locally transmitted
chikungunya was identied in the
Americas, resulting in an outbreak
totaling over a million suspect cases
and 26,000 conrmed cases. In
February 2014, cases of chikungunya
in California residents who had visited
areas where the virus had been
detected began to be reported to local
health departments. Chikungunya was
made nationally notiable eective
January 2015.
Mosquito Species
No. Pools
Culex species
Cx. boharti 2 2 0 0.0
Cx. erythrothora
1,809 68,401 23 0.3
Cx. pipiens 8,901 170,894 788 4.6
Cx. quinquefasciatus 8,567 252,016 1,426 5.7
Cx. stigmatosoma 597 7,270 26 3.6
Cx. tarsalis 11,904 331,302 1,071 3.2
Cx. thriambus 87 798 3 3.8
unknown 44 997 0 0.0
All Culex 31,911 831,680 3,337 4.0
Anopheles species
An. franciscanus 10 68 0 0.0
n. freeborn
98 2,326 0 0.0
An. hermsi 21 392 0 0.0
All Anopheles 129 2,786 0 0.0
edes species
Ae. aegypti
60 1729 2 1.2
Ae. albopictus
1 2 0 0.0
Ae. dorsalis 32 1,302 0 0.0
e. melanimom 5 122 0 0.0
e. sierrensis 1 17 0 0.0
Ae. squamiger 6 157 0 0.0
Ae. taeniorhynchus 1 32 0 0.0
e. vexans 41 1,306 0 0.0
Ae. washinoi 17 552 0 0.0
All Aedes 164 5,219 2 0.4
Other species
Coquillettidia perturbans 2 44 0 0.0
Culiseta incidens 200 4,337 0 0.0
Culiseta inornata 46 386 0 0.0
Culiseta particeps 20 510 0 0.0
Unknown 13 650 1 1.5
All other 281 5,927 1 0.2
Minimum Infection Rate = (No. pools positive/No. mosquitoes tested) X 1000
Also tested and negative for dengue and chikungunya virus
Table 4.3. Results of mosquito testing by species for West Nile virus (WNV),
California 2014
No. mosquito
pools tested
WNV positive
WNV Minimum
Infection Rate
Alameda 2,573 214 16 6.2
Alpine 0
Amador 0
Butte 9,391 196 40 4.3
Calaveras 0
Colusa 350 7 1 2.9
Contra Costa 17,181 626 25 1.5
Del Norte 0
El Dorado 0
Fresno 31,782 794
Glenn 2,195 45 8 3.6
Humboldt 0
Imperial 0
Kern 27,970 733 111 4.0
Kings 14,766 497 150 10.2
Lake 28,028 760 71 2.5
Lassen 0
Los Angeles 93,060 2,627 356 3.8
Madera 5,891 212 37 6.3
Marin 2,723 199 3 1.1
Mariposa 0
Mendocino 0
Merced 4,979 234 11 2.2
Modoc 0
Mono 0
Monterey 1,188 26 0 0.0
Napa 3,108 117 0 0.0
Nevada 0
Orange 67,08
2,649 499 7.4
Placer 29,283 1,807 77 2.6
Plumas 0
Riverside 107,890 3,132 91 0.8
5,350 487 5.2
San Benito
San Bernardino 46,787 1,956 97 2.1
San Diego 2,643 89 1 0.4
San Francisco 196 9 0 0.0
San Joaquin 55,214 2,250 239 4.3
San Luis Obispo 622 18 0 0.0
San Mateo 3517 435 15 4.3
Santa Barbara 12,451 300 0 0.0
Santa Clara 3,911 436 30 7.7
Santa Cruz 5,724 267 0 0.0
Shasta 11,633 508 33 2.8
Sierra 0
Siskiyou 0
Solano 2,336 111 11 4.7
Sonoma 14,292 735 9 0.6
Stanislaus 55,897 1,696 176 3.1
Sutter 10,180 275 52 5.1
Tehama 0
Trinity 0
ulare 21,611 817 311 14.4
Tuolumne 0
Ventura 2,099 45 0 0.0
Yolo 50,659 2,196 221 4.4
Yuba 3,330 117 24 7.2
Total 845,612 32,485 3,340 3.9
Minimum Infection Rate = (No. pools positive/No. mosquitoes tested) X 1000
Tested by University of California at Davis Center for Vectorborne Diseases or local mosquito/vector
control agency.
Table 4.2. Results of testing mosquitoes for West Nile (WNV) virus, California 2014
> 75%
No infections detected
None tested
51 – 75%
26 – 50%
1 – 25%
Figure 4.3. Prevalence of West Nile virus infection in dead birds, California, 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
County No. flocks
3 21
1 1
7 77
7 37
1 10
0 0
1 10
1 9
Contra Costa
5 55
3 15
Del Norte
El Dorado 0
1 10
1 9
Inyo 0
2 12
1 5
Lassen 0
Los Angeles
48 307
28 146
1 6
0 0
7 42
6 11
2 20
0 0
1 11
0 0
4 21
1 2
22 151
9 43
3 18
3 10
San Benito
1 10
0 0
San Bernardino
17 88
8 32
San Diego
2 20
1 2
San Francisco 0
San Joaquin
San Luis Obispo
San Mateo
3 26
0 0
Santa Barbara
5 50
0 0
Santa Clara
7 48
3 5
Santa Cruz
2 20
0 0
7 50
4 12
3 34
3 23
1 6
1 3
2 16
2 12
6 42
6 31
3 30
3 13
1 8
1 4
5 48
0 0
3 18
2 9
2 9
Total 178 1,299 97 443
Reflects planned standard number of chickens per flock. Actual number
may vary due to mortality or replacement of seroconverted chickens.
Table 4.4. Results of testing sentinel chickens for West Nile
(WNV) virus, California 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
San Bernardino County on April 15. The last
detection of WNV in mosquitoes was from a Cx.
quinquefasciatus pool collected in Los Angeles
County on November 18.
Animal Surveillance
In 2014, 38 local mosquito and vector control
agencies in 32 counties maintained 178 sentinel
chicken ocks (Table 4.4). Blood samples were
collected from chickens every other week and
tested for antibodies to SLEV, WNV, and WEEV
by an EIA at CDPH Vector-Borne Disease Section
(CDPH-VBDS) laboratory or at one of two
local agencies. Positive samples were conrmed
at CDPH-VBDS laboratory by IFA or western blot.
Samples with inconclusive results were tested by
Out of 15,148 chicken blood samples that were
tested, 443 seroconversions to WNV were detected
among 97 ocks in 23 counties (Table 4.4, 4.6).
Statewide, 34.1% of sentinel chickens seroconverted
to WNV. Since 2003, the percentage of WNV
seroconversions in chickens has ranged from a
low of 3.2% (2003) to a high of 34.2% (2012). In
2014, the rst WNV seroconversion was detected
in Los Angeles County on January 2, and the last
seroconversion was detected in Riverside County on
November 24.
Dead bird
In 2014, the WNV hotline and website received
14,701 dead bird reports from the public in 56
counties (Table 4.5). Oral swabs from dead bird
carcasses were tested either at CVEC by RT-PCR or
at one of nine local agencies by RT-PCR or RAMP®.
Of the 4,087 carcasses deemed suitable for testing,
WNV was detected in 2,442 (60%) carcasses from 36
counties, 2,262 by RT-PCR and 180 by RAMP® (Table
4.5, 4.6, Figure 4.3). Since 2003, the prevalence of
WNV positive dead birds has ranged from a low
of 5% (2003) to a high of 60% (2014). In 2014, the
rst WNV positive dead bird was an American crow
reported from San Joaquin County on January
17, and the last WNV positive dead bird was an
American crow reported from San Mateo County on
December 17.
County Reported Tested
Positive (%)
Alameda 856 166 96 (57.8)
Alpine 1 0
Amador 19 0
Butte 181 45 22 (48.9)
Calaveras 16 0
Colusa 15 6 4 (66.7)
Contra Costa 1352 114 44 (38.6)
Del Norte 1 1 0
El Dorado 129 36 7 (19.4)
Fresno 302 12 9 (75.0)
Glenn 10 8 4 (50.0)
Humboldt 21 4 2 (50.0)
Imperial 1 0
Inyo 2 0
Kern 82 4 3 (75.0)
Kings 26 3 3 (100)
Lake 98 43 18 (41.9)
Lassen 0
Los Angeles 1,546 155 99 (63.9)
Madera 36 10 5 (50.0)
Marin 150 16 6 (37.5)
Mariposa 3 0
Mendocino 30 0
Merced 128 12 8 (66.7)
Modoc 1 0
Mono 3 0
Monterey 50 6 0
Napa 117 13 12 (92.3)
Nevada 47 11 0
Orange 415 684 431 (63.0)
Placer 257 152 40 (26.3)
Plumas 4 0
Riverside 141 15 1 (6.7)
Sacramento 1,705 535 294 (55.0)
San Benito 18 1 0
San Bernardino 220 36 17 (47.2)
San Diego 159 150 39 (26.0)
San Francisco 91 4 0
San Joaquin 363 93 53 (57.0)
San Luis Obispo 32 0
San Mateo 460 141 21 (14.9)
Santa Barbara 34 7 2 (28.6)
Santa Clara 3193 1097 925 (84.3)
Santa Cruz 151 34 1 (2.9)
Shasta 39 10 6 (60.0)
Sierra 0
Siskiyou 6 0
Solano 357 48 33 (68.8)
Sonoma 552 59 37 (62.7)
Stanislaus 429 71 47 (66.2)
Sutter 104 43 19 (44.2)
ehama 19 0
Trinity 4 0
Tulare 132 58 40 (69.0)
uolumne 8 0
Ventura 144 38 7 (18.4)
Yolo 375 116 71 (61.2)
66 30 16 (53.3)
Totals 14,701 4,087 2,442 (60.0)
Table 4.5. Dead birds reported, tested
, and positive for West Nile virus,
California, 2014
Tested by University of California at Davis Center for Vectorborne Diseases or
local mosquito/vector control agency
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Invasive mosquito surveillance
Aedes aegypti, also known as the yellow fever
mosquito, was detected in 2013 in Madera,
Fresno, and San Mateo counties. In 2014,
additional detections were made in Tulare,
Kern, Los Angeles, and San Diego counties.
Aedes albopictus, also known as the Asian
tiger mosquito, continued to be detected
in Los Angeles County since its discovery in
2011. The size of the area infested with Ae.
albopictus expanded to include 14 cities.
Aedes notoscriptus, a mosquito native to
Australia and the southwest Pacic, was
detected for the rst time in California and
the United States in Los Angeles County in
August 2014. All three invasive mosquito
species are container breeders. Aedes aegypti
and Ae. albopictus are primary worldwide
vectors of dengue, chikungunya, and other
arboviruses. A total of 1,729 Ae. aegypti and
2 Ae. albopictus were tested for West Nile,
dengue and chikungunya viruses; two Ae.
aegypti were positive for WNV (Table 4.3).
Target-specic surveillance tools used for
detecting presence (eggs) and capturing
adult Aedes mosquitoes included the use
of ovicups, Biogents Sentinel traps, and
autocidal gravid ovitraps developed by the
United States Centers for Disease Prevention
and Control, Dengue Branch. Enhanced
surveillance also included door-to-door
property inspections. Local community
education and outreach were used to
mobilize residents and business owners
to protect themselves against mosquito
bites, report mosquitoes suspected of being
invasive species, and help eliminate potential
invasive mosquito larval sources on their
properties. Chemical control applications
were evaluated for ecacy against immature
stages and adult mosquitoes.
Dead Birds
Alameda 1 96
Alpine 0 NT
Amador 0 NT
Butte 25 22
Calaveras 0 NT
Colusa 3 4
Contra Costa 7 44
Del Norte 0 0 NT NT
El Dorado 0 7
Fresno 54 9
Glenn 10 4
Humboldt 0 2
Imperial 1 NT
Inyo 0 NT
Kern 14 3
Kings 6 3
Lake 1 18
Lassen 0 NT
Los Angeles 277 99
Madera 3 5
Marin 0 6
Mariposa 0 NT
Mendocino 1 N
Merced 1 8
Modoc 0 N
Mono 0 NT
Monterey 0 0
Napa 0 12
Nevada 0 0
Orange 279 431
Placer 9 40
Plumas 0 NT
Riverside 15 1
Sacramento 10 294
San Benito 0 0
San Bernardino 30 17
San Diego 13 39
San Francisco 1 0
San Joaquin 10 53
San Luis Obispo 0 NT
San Mateo 0 21
Santa Barbara 0 2
Santa Clara 15 925
Santa Cruz 0 1
Shasta 3 6
Sierra 0 NT
Siskiyou 0 N
Solano 5 33
Sonoma 0 37
Stanislaus 38 47
Sutter 9 19
ehama 4 N
Trinity 0 NT
Tulare 24 40
uolumne 0 N
Ventura 1 7
Yolo 15 71
Yuba 7 16
State Totals 892 2,442 3,340 443
Includes asymptomatic infections detected through blood bank screening
NT= no samples tested
Table 4.6. Infections with West Nile virus in California, 2014
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
The number of reported human West
Nile virus neuroinvasive disease cases
was higher in 2014 than in any other
year since WNV was rst detected in
California in 2003.
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
This report highlights some of the vector-
borne disease monitoring, risk assessment,
risk reduction, and education of personnel,
concessionaires, and the public that the Vector-
Borne Disease Section and local collaborators
conducted at the 18 National Forests in
California in 2014. Surveillance results are
summarized in Table 5.1.
Angeles National Forest
Adult tick surveillance yielded no ticks after
one hour of agging at South Fork and Big
Rock Campgrounds. California Department of
Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section
(CDPH-VBDS) biologists conducted hantavirus
surveillance and facility evaluations at Valyermo
Fire Station and Mojave Work Center per
consultation with the Forest Safety Ocer. None
of the eight trapped rodents tested positive
for antibodies to Sin Nombre virus (SNV), the
causative agent of hantavirus pulmonary
syndrome (HPS). Facility evaluations and
recommendations were submitted to the Forest
Safety Ocer, District Ranger, and responsible
District sta. In addition, vector-borne disease
prevention and educational brochures were
distributed and discussions about hantavirus
risk reduction were held on-site with station
and work center sta. Plague surveillance was
conducted at Table Mountain Campground
and in collaboration with the Los Angeles
County Vector Management Program (LACVMP)
at numerous recreational sites throughout
the Forest. None of the 15 California ground
squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) at Table
Mountain Campground or the 129 ground
squirrels from 14 recreational sites throughout
the Forest was positive for antibodies to Yersinia
pestis, the causative agent for plague. None of
U.S. Forest Service
Cost-Share Agreement
In 1992, the Vector-Borne Disease Section, California Department of Public
Health, entered into a Challenge Cost-Share Agreement with the Pacic
Southwest Region (Region 5) of the United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service (USFS). The agreement maintains cooperative surveillance and
control of vector-borne diseases within the National Forests.
four carnivores from lands adjacent to the Forest
tested positive for serum antibodies to plague.
CDPH-VBDS and LACVMP sta attended a
Forest-wide safety committee meeting to
discuss improving interagency communication
and cooperation on plague surveillance and
control in the Forest. The Los Angeles County
Agricultural Commissioners Oce conducted
general ea control at 59 Forest recreational
sites. CDPH-VBDS informed the Forest Safety
Ocer of a possible western gray squirrel die-
o reported by a Mount Wilson Observatory
Cleveland National Forest
CDPH-VBDS biologists conducted adult
tick surveillance along Maple Springs Trail
in Silverado Canyon. Twenty-seven Ixodes
pacicus and 64 Dermacentor occidentalis ticks
were collected over three surveillance events.
Testing by San Diego County Department of
Environmental Health, Vector Control (SDCEH)
found none of 16 I. pacicus ticks positive for
Borrelia burgdorferi, causative agent for Lyme
disease, from a site at Palomar Observatory. The
SDCEH found one O. beecheyi from Fry Creek
Campground positive for serum antibodies to
Y. pestis. The remaining 137 rodents tested by
SDCEH were negative as were the 7 O. beecheyi
collected from Blue Jay Campground and tested
by CDPH-VBDS in collaboration with Orange
County Mosquito and Vector Control District.
In addition, two carnivore samples tested from
locations adjacent to the Forest were also
negative for serum antibodies to plague. Positive
test results were communicated to appropriate
Ranger District, Forest, and Region leadership.
National Forest
Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested
Angeles 0 7 0 144 0 4 8 8 0 50
Cleveland 1 145 0 2 0 16 9 13
Eldorado 0 4 1 26 0 2 15 15
Inyo 0 76 11 19 1 22
Klamath 0 19
Lake Tahoe BMU 1 36
Lassen 0 26 0 9 0 2
Los Padres 1 3 0 29 1 5 1 75 4 16 2 45
Mendocino 0 3 0 5
Modoc 2 13
Plumas 2 11
San Bernardino 0 11 0 46 0 201 45 61 38
Sequoia 0 4 0 14
Shasta-Trinity 0 1 14 184
Sierra 1 9
Stanislaus 0 7 0 5
Tahoe 0 11 0 102 1 4 7 270
Total, all forests 1 66 3 634 7 80 22 751
92 132 41 217
Carnivore specimens taken directly from or adjacent to USFS lands. Because of the broad home range of some carnivores, results obtained can be inferred
to a large area, including both USFS and adjacent lands.
Bartonella washoensis samples collected 2013 and tested by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2014
Table 5.1. Testing results for selected vector-borne disease agents in U.S. National Forests, California, 2014
Bartonella washoensis
(rodents) (fleas)
Yersinia pestisHantavirus Borrelia spp.
(Peromyscus mice) (rodents)
(Ixodes ticks)
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
CDPH-VBDS informed Forest and District
leadership of a California Health Alert Network
notication concerning the detection of invasive
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in San Diego County.
Eldorado National Forest
Hantavirus surveillance and a facility evaluation
were conducted at the Dew Drop Fire Station.
None of the four deer mice collected and tested
was positive for serum antibodies to SNV.
Hantavirus risk reduction recommendations
were submitted to the Amador District Ranger,
Forest Safety Ocer, and Region leadership.
Upon request, a facility evaluation was also
conducted at Lumberyard Fire Station. Risk
reduction recommendations were submitted
to the appropriate District, Forest, and Region
leadership. Plague surveillance was conducted
at Fashoda, Northwind, and Strawberry Point
campgrounds. Of the 26 rodents sampled, 1
long-eared chipmunk (Tamias quadrimaculatus)
from Northwind Campground was positive for
serum antibodies to Y. pestis but no evidence
of an epizootic was found. Test results were
communicated to the District Ranger and Forest
Safety Ocer. One golden-mantled ground
squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis) carcass
was submitted from Silver Lake Campground;
improper shipment precluded plague testing
and the Amador District Wildlife Biologist,
District Ranger, and Forest Safety Ocer were
notied of improper shipment. Two carnivore
samples submitted for testing were negative
for serum antibodies to Y. pestis. Plague
Caution signs were posted and vector-borne
disease education and prevention materials
were distributed to campground hosts on the
Amador and Pacic Ranger Districts. CDPH-
VBDS biologists contacted by phone and/or
in person the Supervisors Oce, all Ranger
Districts, and Ice House Reservoir Visitor Center
to provide information about the availability of
vector-borne disease prevention training, facility
evaluations, and disease prevention brochures
and materials.
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
Inyo National Forest
Adult tick surveillance was conducted at Upper
and Lower Gray’s Meadow campgrounds and
a site near the Mount Whitney Fish Hatchery.
Twenty-ve D. occidentalis ticks were collected
from Upper Grays Meadow Campground and
none from the other sites. Ticks collected by
the public during recreational activities on
and adjacent to the Forest were submitted
to the Inyo/Mono County Health Ocer for
identication. These ticks were identied to
species (D. occidentalis, D. variabilis and D.
andersoni) by a CDPH-VBDS biologist.
One C. lateralis trapped during plague
surveillance in Mammoth Lakes yielded ve I.
sculptus adult ticks. Tick-borne relapsing fever
cases were reported from four private homes on
or immediately adjacent to Forest lands. Plague
surveillance was conducted at Four Jerey, New
Shady Rest, Saddlebag Lake, and Sherwin Creek
campgrounds. None of the 76 rodents tested
positive for serum antibodies to Y. pestis. Testing
results were communicated to the Forest Safety
ocer and District Rangers. Visual assessments
for plague activity were also conducted at Old
Shady Rest, McGee Creek, and Reds Meadow
area campgrounds. Plague Caution signs and
brochures were provided to the Mono County
Environmental Health Department for posting
and distribution throughout the Forest.
CDPH-VBDS biologists provided disease
prevention brochures and spoke with available
campground hosts regarding plague and
hantavirus risk in the Forest. A CDPH-VBDS
biologist presented a safety talk to employees
and volunteers at the Annual All-Forest Safety
Meeting in Bishop, and upon request, provided
the Forest Safety Ocer with information about
Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis) and links to
disease information on CDPH website.
Klamath National Forest
The Forest Safety Ocer was contacted by email
with information regarding CDPH-VBDS services
provided under the Cost-Share Agreement as
well as links to CDPH-VBDS website for more
detailed vector-borne disease prevention and
safety information. None of the 19 carnivores
from lands adjacent to the Forest tested positive
for serum antibodies to Y. pestis.
Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
One shadow chipmunk (Tamias senex) of ve
rodents from Fallen Leaf Campground tested
positive for serum antibodies to Y. pestis but no
environmental evidence of a plague epizootic
was found. Additional rodent plague sampling
was conducted at Tallac Historical Site and Taylor
Creek Visitor Center. None of 28 samples from
these sites was positive for serum antibodies
to Y. pestis. Rodent carcasses submitted
separately from Meeks Bay Campground (2)
and Tallac Historical Site (1) tested negative
for Y. pestis and Francisella tularensis (causative
agent of tularemia) by culture at CDPH
Microbial Diseases Lab. All test results were
communicated to the Management Unit (MU)
Supervisor, Safety Ocer, responsible MU
sta, and the El Dorado County Environmental
Health Ocer. Plague Caution signs were
posted and visual assessments for plague
activity were conducted at Bayview, Fallen
Leaf, and Meeks Bay campgrounds, Pope and
Baldwin beaches, and the Tallac Historical Site
and Visitor Center. An abundance of adult and
juvenile golden-mantled ground squirrels at
Meeks Bay Campground and reports of dead
rodents suggested a potential plague risk at
that location. Campground hosts were provided
information on rodent carcass collection and
submission protocols.
A CDPH-VBDS biologist met with the MU
Supervisor and presented Vector-borne
Diseases Associated with High Sierra Cabins
to Lake Tahoe Basin MU tract home owners.
The Supervisors oce was contacted early
in the year to inform sta of the availability
of disease prevention training for employees
and concessionaires, facility evaluations, and
vector-borne disease prevention brochures and
Lassen National Forest
Hantavirus and plague surveillance was
conducted at the Mineral Work Station in
collaboration with the Shasta Mosquito and
Vector Control District. None of the 26 rodents
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
sampled for hantavirus and none of 9 rodents
sampled for plague was positive for serum
antibodies to SNV and Y. pestis, respectively.
Test results were communicated to the District
Ranger. Two carnivores from lands adjacent to
the Forest also tested negative for plague. Upon
request, a CDPH-VBDS biologist conducted
a hantavirus risk assessment at the Ranger
District facility. Written recommendations were
submitted to and discussed with the District
Ranger and given to the Forest Engineer and
other responsible parties. Plague Caution signs
and vector-borne disease prevention and
educational brochures were provided to the
Almanor and Eagle Lake Ranger Districts during
visits. The Forest Safety Ocer was contacted
by email and given information about CDPH-
VBDS services provided under the Cost-Share
Los Padres National Forest
CDPH-VBDS biologists and collaborators from
Mosquito and Vector Management District of
Santa Barbara County (MVMDSBC) conducted
adult tick surveillance at locations on the Santa
Barbara Ranger District. One (1.4%) of 70 adult
I. pacicus, collected from Romero Canyon
Trail, was positive for B. burgdorferi. Additional
nymphal and adult tick surveillance was
conducted on the Monterey and Ojai Ranger
Districts. One of three deer mice (Peromyscus
maniculatus) from Mount Pinos Campground
tested positive for serum antibodies to SNV.
Upon request, hantavirus risk assessment
and plague surveillance were conducted at
the Apache Saddle Station barracks. A report
with facility risk reduction recommendations
was provided to the District Ranger, Forest
Safety Ocer, and interested parties at Region
5. None of three O. beecheyi was positive for
serum antibodies to plague. Plague surveillance
was also conducted at campgrounds on the
Ojai, Mount Pinos, and Santa Barbara Ranger
Districts in collaboration with Ventura County
Environmental Health Division and MVMDSBC.
None of the 26 collected rodents tested positive
for serum antibodies to Y. pestis. A CDPH-VBDS
biologist notied the aected Ranger District
when one of ve carnivores from lands adjacent
to the Forest was found positive for serum
antibodies to plague. VBDS biologists posted
Plague Caution signs and provided campground
hosts with vector-borne disease information and
prevention brochures. CDPH-VBDS biologists
also met with the Forest Safety Ocer, gave
a safety presentation, and provided Ranger
Districts with vector-borne disease prevention
materials and brochures.
Mendocino National Forest
CDPH-VBDS collected ve adult I. pacicus
ticks from the Little Stoney Day Use Area. None
was positive for B. burgdorferi. Three carnivore
samples from lands adjacent to the Forest
tested negative for serum antibodies to Y.
pestis. The Forest Safety Ocer was contacted
and given information regarding the services
CDPH-VBDS provides the Forest under the Cost-
Share Agreement and sent links to CDPH-VBDS
website for more detailed disease prevention
and safety information.
Modoc National Forest
Two (15%) of 13 carnivores sampled from lands
adjacent to the Forest were positive for serum
antibodies to Y. pestis, indicating some level of
plague activity in or near the Forest. A CDPH-
VBDS biologist visually assessed Rush Creek
Campground for evidence of plague activity
and posted the campground with a Plague
Caution sign. The Forest Safety Ocer was sent
information regarding CDPH-VBDS services
provided under the Cost-Share Agreement,
including links to more detailed disease
prevention and safety information.
Plumas National Forest
Plague testing on carnivores from lands adjacent
to the Forest showed serum antibodies to
Y. pestis in 2 of 11 animals. Upon request, a
biologist reviewed and provided comments
to Oakland Camps rodent exclusion program
and conducted a hantavirus facility evaluation;
results of which were submitted to the Forest
and Region Safety Ocers. The Forest Safety
Ocer was contacted and given information
regarding the services CDPH-VBDS provides the
Forest under the Cost-Share Agreement and sent
links to CDPH-VBDS website for more detailed
disease prevention and safety information.
Plague Caution signs and/or vector-borne
disease prevention brochures and materials
State of California
California Department of Public Health
August 2015
VBDS Annual Report, 2014
were delivered to the Forest Safety Ocer and
Beckwourth Ranger District.
San Bernardino National Forest
CDPH-VBDS biologists conducted tick,
hantavirus, and plague surveillance in
collaboration with the Riverside County
Department of Environmental Health Vector
Control Program and San Bernardino County
Mosquito and Vector Control Program at
numerous locations around the Forest. None
of the 201 adult I. pacicus ticks collected at
locations on the Front Country Ranger District
was positive for B. burgdorferi.
Of the 11 Peromyscus mice tested for serum
antibodies to SNV, none was positive. Plague
surveillance conducted on the Mountaintop and
San Jacinto Ranger Districts yielded no plague
positive rodents from the 46 sampled and tested
by CDPH-VBDS. Plague Caution signs were
delivered to the Mountaintop Ranger District
for posting at recreation sites by District sta.
Visual assessments for plague epizootic activity
were conducted at campgrounds on the Front
Country Ranger District and Plague Caution
signs were posted where needed. Upon request,
VBDS biologists gave a vector-borne disease
safety presentation to the City Creek Fire Station
sta. Vector-borne disease prevention brochures
were provided to the Big Bear Discovery Center
for public distribution. The Forest Safety Ocer
was contacted regarding vector-borne disease
prevention and safety training for Forest sta
and notied when surveillance activities were
planned for the Forest.
Sequoia National Forest
CDPH-VBDS conducted a eld investigation
in response to two conrmed, three probable,
and two clinically compatible cases of tick-
borne relapsing fever (TBRF) acquired at a cabin
rented to the public on the Western Divide
Ranger District. Four dierent families were
aected over a ve-week period. The cabin was
closed for further use and recommendations
for risk reduction were delivered to the Forest
Supervisor, District Ranger, and interested
parties at Region 5. Hantavirus and plague
surveillance was conducted opportunistically at
the site. Four rodents were tested for SNV and
11 were tested for Y. pestis. None was positive.
Additional plague surveillance at Tillie Creek
and Kennedy Meadows campgrounds yielded
no positive plague samples in the three rodents
sampled and tested. Plague Caution signs were
posted and visual assessments of epizootic
plague activity were conducted at numerous
campgrounds and recreation sites along the
Kern River. Safety talks were given upon request
at the Western Divide and Kern River Ranger
Districts and vector-borne disease prevention
and informational brochures and tick wallet
cards were delivered to the District oces in
Springville and Kernville.
Shasta-Trinity National Forest
Adult tick surveillance was conducted at
locations on the Shasta Lake and Yolla Bolla
Ranger Districts in collaboration with Shasta
County Mosquito and Vector Control District.
Of 184 I. pacicus ticks tested, 9 (4.0%) were
positive for Borrelia burgdorferi and 5 (2.7%)
were positive for B. miyamotoi. Positive ticks
came from collections at Hirz Bay Campground
and Pollard Flat. Upon request, a hantavirus
risk evaluation was conducted at the
Harrison Gulch Ranger Station. Risk reduction
recommendations were submitted to the District
Ranger and responsible District sta. The Forest
Safety Ocer was emailed with information
regarding CDPH-VBDS services provided under
the Cost-Share Agreement and given links to
CDPH-VBDS website for more detailed disease
prevention and safety information. A single
carnivore sampled from lands adjacent to the
Forest was negative for serum antibodies to Y.
Sierra National Forest
CDPH-VBDS biologists conducted a TBRF
case investigation at a long-term lease
cabin on Huntington Lake. Risk reduction
recommendations, including rodent exclusion
and acaracide treatment, were given to the
occupants; the Forest Safety Ocer was
notied of the ndings. One of nine carnivore
samples from lands adjacent to the Forest
was positive for serum antibodies to Y. pestis.
Biologists delivered TBRF, hantavirus, and
plague brochures to the High Sierra Ranger
District oce. The Forest Safety Ocer was
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Forest employees at the Willow Ranger District.
Topics covered included tick-bite prevention
and tick removal, and hantavirus prevention and
risk reduction. Vector-borne disease prevention
and educational brochures and materials were
delivered to the Gasquet Ranger District where
tick-borne disease and mouse infestation issues
were discussed with sta.
Stanislaus National Forest
Plague surveillance was conducted at Baker and
Deadman campgrounds on the Summit Ranger
District. None of the seven rodent samples
tested positive for serum antibodies to Y. pestis.
Test results were communicated to the District
Ranger and Forest Safety Ocer. Five carnivores
sampled from lands adjacent to the Forest
were also negative for serum antibodies to
plague. Plague Caution signs were posted and
visual assessments of epizootic plague activity
were conducted at numerous campgrounds
on the Calaveras and Summit Ranger Districts.
Campground hosts were given vector-borne
disease prevention pamphlets and education
All Ranger Districts and the Supervisors Oce
were contacted and informed of disease
prevention training opportunities, hantavirus
risk evaluations, and availability of vector-borne
disease prevention brochures and materials.
Upon request, safety talks covering hantavirus,
ea, and tick-borne diseases were presented
to sta at the Calaveras and Mi-Wok Ranger
Districts. Vector-borne disease prevention
materials and brochures were delivered to the
Forest Headquarters, all Ranger Districts, the
Pinecrest Ranger Station, and Boy Scouts of
America Camp Wolfboro.
Tahoe National Forest
With assistance from Yuba River Ranger
District sta, I. pacicus ticks were collected
from Bullard’s Bar Reservoir. Seven (2.6%) of
270 ticks tested positive for Borrelia. Upon
request, a CDPH-VBDS biologist conducted a
hantavirus facility evaluation at Big Bend Fire
Station. A report with facility risk reduction
recommendations was provided to the District
Ranger, Forest Safety Ocer, and interested
parties at Region 5. Biologists conducted
hantavirus and plague surveillance at Diablo
Campground. None of the 11 deer mice and
none of the 20 chipmunks tested positive
for serum antibodies to SNV and Y. pestis,
respectively. The Forest Supervisor and District
Rangers were notied of the test results.
Additional plague surveillance was conducted
at Berger Creek, Boca Reservoir, Pack Saddle,
and Stampede Reservoir campgrounds. All
82 rodents from these sites tested negative
for serum antibodies to plague. One of four
carnivores from lands adjacent to the Forest
was positive for serum antibodies to Y. pestis.
All test results were communicated to the
Forest Supervisor and responsible District
Rangers. Plague Caution signs were distributed
for posting by campground hosts and
All Ranger Districts and the forest Safety Ocer
were contacted by phone, email, or in person
by CDPH-VBDS biologists and informed of
the services provided under the Cost-Share
Agreement. Vector-borne disease prevention
and educational materials were mailed or
provided upon request for distribution to sta
and the public. Safety presentations were
given to stas at the Truckee and Yuba River
Ranger Districts. Upon request, West Nile
virus and mosquito bite prevention materials
were provided to the American River Ranger
District. Campgrounds were visited to ensure
appropriate disease prevention information was
available to the public. A CDPH-VBDS biologist
discussed hantavirus prevention in depth with
the Forest Safety Ocer.
contacted regarding disease prevention
training opportunities, facility evaluations, and
availability of vector-borne disease prevention
brochures and materials.
Six Rivers National Forest
The Forest Safety Ocer was provided
information regarding CDPH-VBDS services
under the Cost-Share Agreement and links to
CDPH-VBDS website for more detailed disease
prevention and safety information. Upon
request, safety presentations were given to the
management sta at the Supervisors Oce and
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Other Region 5 Activities
CDPH-VBDS provided the Regional sta with
information on public health pesticide usage
on Region 5 lands, annual and quarterly reports
on activities conducted under the Cost-Share
Agreement, and updated CDPH-VBDS biologist
contact lists by county for each Forest. A
pre-season safety letter emphasizing plague
awareness and protocols for submitting dead
rodents for plague testing was sent to the
Region 5 liaison and Health and Safety Ocer
for distribution throughout the Region. A
CDPH-VBDS biologist gave a brief presentation
discussing the importance of and services
provided by the Cost-Share Agreement at the
annual meeting of Safety Ocers in Arcadia,
and an update was provided to the same group
during a teleconference later in the year. CDPH-
VBDS biologists developed and implemented
a standardized hantavirus facility evaluation
form for use in documenting and relaying
hantavirus risk reduction recommendations to
USFS leadership and informed the Region of a
peer reviewed article regarding the Yosemite
National Park hantavirus outbreak. The Region
and Forest Safety Ocers were reminded of
an occupational tick bite prevention project,
“Protect Yourself from Ticks Where You Work,
with all materials and necessary instructions
provided by CDPH-VBDS. Upon request from the
Region 5 Health and Safety Ocer, vector-borne
disease prevention and educational materials
were sent for the 2014 Annual Safety Ocer
meeting. Edits to a tick bite prevention bulletin
for distribution to all USFS Regions and links to
hantavirus information and prevention materials
were provided. CDPH-VBDS continues to host an
annual meeting with Region representatives to
review activities and plan future goals.
In 2014, the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention provided Bartonella washoensis
testing results from California ground squirrels
and their eas collected in 2013 and 2014
in conjunction with plague surveillance in
several Forests. Bartonella testing was done as a
preliminary prevalence assessment (Table 5.1).
Bartonella washoensis has been
implicated as a human pathogen
in two patients from Nevada
and California in 1995 and 2008
respectively. California ground
squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi)
have been implicated as reservoir
hosts and the ground squirrel ea
(Oropsylla montana) as the ea
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Vector Control Technician
Certication Program
The California Health and Safety Code, §106925, requires every government
agency employee who handles, applies, or supervises the use of any
pesticide for public health purposes to be certied by the California
Department of Public Health. The California Department of Public Health
Vector-Borne Disease Section administers the Public Health Vector Control
Technician certication examination twice each year (May and November) to
certify the competence of government agency personnel to control vectors
to promote the health and safety of the public.
To become certied in a control category,
applicants must pass the Core section and at
least one Specialty section of the examination.
The Core section consists of questions about the
safe and eective use of pesticides. Specialty
sections of the examination include the Biology
and Control of Mosquitoes in California,
Arthropods of Public Health Signicance in
California, and Vertebrates of Public Health
Importance in California (Table 6.1). Successful
examinees are issued a gold certication card
that is valid for up to two years in the qualied
categories specied on the card. To maintain
full certication status in subsequent two-
year cycles, Certied Technician employees
must pay annual renewal fees and fulll
minimum continuing education requirements.
The California Department of Public Health
Vector-Borne Disease Section (CDPH-VBDS)
approved 220 continuing education events in
2014. Successful examinees that elect not to
participate in continuing education are issued
parchment certicates in the categories in
which they qualied. These Certied Technicians
(Limited) employees may use pesticides only
under the direct supervision of a Certied
Through 2014, 1,200 vector control technicians
employed at 112 local public health agencies
and CDPH-VBDS held 2,845 certicates
(Table 6.2). The agencies include special
districts, departments of county government,
departments of city government, the University
of California, and CDPH-VBDS. Of these agencies,
77 are signatory to a cooperative agreement
In 2014, 833 individuals employed at 77
agencies maintained valid licenses. In addition,
377 employees from 56 agencies held limited
status. Many agencies employ technicians with
both full and limited status.
Vector control technicians can view their
certication records and the approved
Vector Control continuing education
courses at http://ce.calsurv.org. All training
manuals, as well as practice questions and
the Continuing Education Guide, are posted
on the website dedicated to the Vector
Control Technician Program: http://www.
Certification Category Full Status Limited Status Total
Mosquito Control 808 243 1,051
Terrestrial Invertebrate Vector Control 638 210 848
Vertebrate Vector Control 640 306 946
Totals 2,086 759 2,845
Table 6.2. Vector Control Technician certificates in effect as of December 2014
No. Certificates
Exam section No. Exams Given No. Passed (%)
Core 125 99 (79)
Mosquito Control 124 79 (64)
errestrial Invertebrate Control 86 51 (59)
Vertebrate Vector Control 71 45 (63)
Totals 406 274 (67)
Table 6.1. Results of certification examinations administered in 2014.
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Public Information Materials
In 2014, new public education materials as listed below were created and
distributed. To nd information on a specic vector or disease, go to http://
cdph.ca.gov and enter a term in the search box. All public education materials
are available from the California Department of Public Health Vector-Borne
Disease Section webpage: http://cdph.ca.gov/programs/vbds/Pages/default.
Hoja Informativa Sobre Aedes aegypti – Mosquito de la Fiebre Amarilla (May
2014, fact sheet)
Guidance for Surveillance of and Response to Invasive Aedes Mosquitoes
and Locally Acquired Exotic Mosquito-Borne Infections Transmitted by
These Mosquitoes in California (May 2014, response plan)
We Need YOUR Help to Eliminate the Aedes aegypti Mosquito (May 2014,
brochure and yer)
Key Characteristics for Larval Aedes species (May 2014, picture key)
Chikungunya (May 2014, fact sheet)
Preventing Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in the Workplace (May 2014,
Ticks and Tick-Borne Disease Publications from VBDS (August 2014,
resource document)
Human Flea-Borne Typhus Cases in California (August 2014, resource
Category A, B, C, and D Review Webinars (November 2014, training videos)
The Biology and Control of Mosquitoes in California (November 2014,
PowerPoint show)
Information for Clinicians: Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in
California and Reporting Patients with Suspected Dengue or Chikungunya
to Public Health (December 2014, resource document)
Public Information Materials,
A goal of the California Department of Public Health Vector-Borne Disease
Section is to provide clear and eective information on disease prevention.
This goal is pursued through a variety of approaches including giving
presentations, developing and distributing printed and electronic materials,
and maintaining websites with up-to-date information. Research projects
in which the California Department of Public Health Vector-borne Disease
Section was a principal or collaborating investigator are published in peer-
reviewed scientic literature.
The Guidance for Invasive
Aedes Surveillance and
Response in California was
distributed electronically to
all vector control agencies
throughout the state.
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Bonilla D, Cole-Porse C, Kjemtrup AM, Osikowicz L, Kosoy M. Risk factors for human lice and bartonellosis
among the homeless, San Francisco, California, USA. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2014; 20(10): 1645-1651.
Brummitt SI, Barbour AG, Hue F, Kjemtrup AM. Molecular Characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi from a
Case of Autochthonous Lyme Arthritis in California. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2014; 20 (12): 2169-2169
Feiszli T, Padgett KA, Park B, Barker CM, Fang Y, Reisen WK, Salas M, Shimabukuro K, Foss L, Kramer V.
Surveillance for Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis Virus Activity in California, 2013. Proceedings and Papers of the
82nd Annual Conference of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California, 2014 82: 15-21.
Gloria-Soria A, Brown JE, Kramer V, Hardstone Yoshimizu M, Powell JR. 2014. Origin of the dengue fever
mosquito, Aedes aegypti, in California. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8(7): e3029. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003029.
Núñez J, Fritz CL, Knust B, Buttke D, Enge B, Novak MG, Kramer V, Osadebe L, Messenger S, Albariño CG,
Ströher U, Niemela M, Amman BR, Wong D, Manning CR, Nichol ST, Rollin PE, Xia D, Watt JP, Vugia DJ. 2014.
Hantavirus infections among overnight visitors to Yosemite National Park, California, USA, 2012. Emerg Infect
Dis. 20(3): 386-393.
Padgett K, Bonilla D, Kjemtrup A, Vilcins I, Yoshimizu M, Hui L, Sola, M, Quintana M, Kramer V. 2014. Large
scale spatial risk and comparative prevalence of Borrelia miyamotoi and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes
pacicus. PLoS ONE. 9(10): e110853. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110853.
Salkeld DJ, Castro MB, Bonilla D, Kjemtrup A, Kramer VL, Lane RS, Padgett KA. 2014. Seasonal activity
patterns of the western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus, in relation to onset of human Lyme disease in
northwestern California. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. 5:790-796.
*Bolded names are members of VBDS sta
California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section, 1616 Capitol Avenue, MS 7307, P.O. Box 997377, Sacramento, CA 95899-7377
[email protected], 916-552-9730, www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/vbds