Defining Data Quality Dimensions
This paper has been produced by the DAMA UK Working Group on “Data
Quality Dimensions”. It details the six key ‘dimensions’ recommended to be
used when assessing or describing data quality.
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 1
The term data quality dimension has been widely used for a number of years to describe the measure of the
quality of data. However, even amongst data quality professionals the key data quality dimensions are not
universally agreed.
This state of affairs has led to much confusion within the data quality community and is even more
bewildering for those who are new to the discipline and more importantly to business stakeholders.
Socrates said, “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms”. Hence, the goal of this whitepaper is to
define the key data quality dimensions and provide context so there can be a common understanding for
industry professionals and business stakeholders alike.
Sir Karl R. Popper built on this saying "I do not say that definitions may not have a role to play in connection
with certain problems, but I do say it is for most problems quite irrelevant whether a term can be defined (or
not). All that is necessary is that we make ourselves understood." This certainly reinforces the idea that
dimensions are indicators helping us to measure and communicate the quality of data, as opposed to defining
what the data itself means or represents.
In May 2012, DAMA UK asked for volunteers to join a working group to consider the issue and produce some
best practice advice. The response was overwhelming and demonstrated the need for such a piece of work.
Other data management professional organisations have also been keen to support this initiative and as such
we were very pleased to welcome Julian Schwarzenbach, Chair of the BCS Data Management Specialist Group
and Gary Palmer, charter member of IAIDQ to join the working group.
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 2
DEFINING DATA QUALITY DIMENSIONS..................................................................................................... 1
BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................... 1
WHAT IS A DATA QUALITY DIMENSION? ................................................................................................... 3
CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................................ 3
APPLICATION.................................................................................................................................. 4
HOW TO USE DATA QUALITY DIMENSIONS................................................................................................ 5
SIX CORE DATA QUALITY DIMENSIONS...................................................................................................... 7
COMPLETENESS .................................................................................................................................. 8
UNIQUENESS ...................................................................................................................................... 9
TIMELINESS ...................................................................................................................................... 10
VALIDITY .......................................................................................................................................... 11
ACCURACY........................................................................................................................................ 12
CONSISTENCY ................................................................................................................................... 13
OTHER DATA QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................... 13
GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................... 15
AUTHORS.......................................................................................................................................... 16
EXTERNAL SOURCES OF REFERENCE......................................................................................... 16
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 3
A Data Quality (DQ) Dimension is a recognised term used by data management professionals to describe a
feature* of data that can be measured or assessed against defined standards in order to determine the
quality of data.
For example:
A test data set is measured as 93% complete
The result of an accuracy assessment for a data item in a test data set was 84%
A DQ Dimension is different to, and should not be confused with other dimension terminologies such as those
used in:
other aspects of data management e.g. a data warehouse dimension or a data cube dimension
physics, where a dimension refers to the structure of space or how material objects are located in
* Characteristic, attribute or facet
The best practice laid out in this document is designed to assist data quality practitioners when looking to
assess and describe the quality of the data in their organisations.
This document defines the six best practice definitions as generic data quality dimensions. This will help to
reduce uncertainty and confusion that may arise when considering data quality. It is suggested that these
dimensions and definitions should be adopted by data quality practitioners as the standard method for
assessing and describing the quality of data. However, in some situations one or more dimension may not be
The intention is for organisations to use these dimensions to measure the impact of the poor data quality in
terms of cost, reputation and regulatory compliance, etc.
For the purpose of this paper the term data quality dimension is taken to mean:
some thing (data item, record, data set or database) that can either be measured or assessed
in order to understand the quality of data
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 4
This paper provides a checklist of dimensions that users can choose to adopt when looking to assess the
quality of the data in their organisation. It is not a prescriptive list and use of the dimensions will vary
depending on the business requirements and industry involved.
To aid the use and application of these dimensions, each dimension is illustrated by an example in a fictitious
school scenario. This has been deliberately chosen as something that everyone can relate to, regardless of the
industry in which they work.
Before attempting to use data quality dimensions, an organisation needs to agree the quality rules against
which the data needs to be assessed against. These rules should be developed based upon the six data quality
dimensions, organisational requirements for data and the impact on an organisation of data not complying
with these rules. Examples of organisational impacts could include:
incorrect or missing email addresses would have a significant impact on any marketing campaigns
inaccurate personal details may lead to missed sales opportunities or a rise in customer complaints
goods can get shipped to the wrong locations
incorrect product measurements can lead to significant transportation issues i.e. the product will not
fit into a lorry, alternatively too many lorries may have been ordered for the size of the actual load
Data generally only has value when it supports a business process or organisational decision making. The
agreed data quality rules should take account of the value that data can provide to an organisation. If it is
identified that data has a very high value in a certain context, then this may indicate that more rigorous data
quality rules are required in this context.
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 5
Organisations select the data quality dimensions and associated dimension thresholds based on their business
context, requirements, levels of risk etc. Note that each dimension is likely to have a different weighting and
in order to obtain an accurate measure of the quality of data, the organisation will need to determine how
much each dimension contributes to the data quality as a whole.
A typical Data Quality Assessment approach might be:
1. Identify which data items need to be assessed for data quality, typically this will be data items
deemed as critical to business operations and associated management reporting
2. Assess which data quality dimensions to use and their associated weighting
3. For each data quality dimension, define values or ranges representing good and bad quality data.
Please note, that as a data set may support multiple requirements, a number of different data
quality assessments may need to be performed
4. Apply the assessment criteria to the data items
5. Review the results and determine if data quality is acceptable or not
6. Where appropriate take corrective actions e.g. clean the data and improve data handling processes
to prevent future recurrences
7. Repeat the above on a periodic basis to monitor trends in Data Quality
The outputs of different data quality checks may be required in order to determine how well the data
supports a particular business need. Data quality checks will not provide an effective assessment of fitness for
purpose if a particular business need is not adequately reflected in data quality rules. Similarly, when
undertaking repeat data quality assessments, you should check to determine whether business data
requirements have changed since the last assessment.
Whilst most data quality dimensions can be assessed by analysing the data itself, assessing accuracy of data
can only be achieved by either:
Assessing the data against the actual thing it represents, for example, when an employee visits a
property; or
Assessing the data against an authoritative reference data set, for example, checking customer details
against the official list of voters
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 6
Figure 1 - Example of the application of different data quality dimensions to a data set
Are all data sets and data items recorded?
Can we match the data set across data stores?
Is there a single view of the data set?
Does the data match the rules?
Does the data reflect the data set?
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 7
The six core dimensions of data quality are:
1. Completeness
2. Uniqueness
3. Timeliness
4. Validity
5. Accuracy
6. Consistency
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 8
The proportion of stored data against the potential of "100% complete"
Business rules which define what "100% complete" represents.
A measure of the absence of blank (null or empty string) values or the presence of no
0100% of critical data to be measure
ny data item, record, data set or databas
Unit of Measure
Type of Measure:
Assessment onl
Related dimension
Validity and Accurac
If a data ite
is mandatory, 100% completeness will be achieved, however validity and
accuracy checks would need to be performed to determine if the data item has been
completed correctly
Parents of new students at school are requested to complete a Data Collection Sheet which
includes medical conditions and emergency contact details as well as confirming the name,
address and date of birth of the student.
At the end of the first week of the Autumn term, data analysis was performed on the ‘First
Emergency Contact Telephone Number’ data item in the Contact table.
There are 300 students in the school and 294 out of a potential 300 records were populated,
therefore 294/300 x 100 = 98% completeness has been achieved for this data item in the
Contact table.
Pseudo code
Count ‘First Emergency Contact Telephone Number’ where not blank in the Contact table/
count all current students in the Contact table.
Measure critical data for completeness first; incompleteness in noncritical data may not matter to the business.
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 9
Title Uniqueness
Definition No thing will be recorded more than once based upon how that thing is
Reference Data item measured against itself or its counterpart in another data set or
Measure Analysis of the number of things as assessed in the 'real world' compared to
the number of records of things in the data set. The real world number of
things could be either determined from a different and perhaps more reliable
data set or a relevant external comparator.
Scope Measured against all records within a single data set
Unit of Measure Percentage
Type of Measure:
Related dimension Consistency
Optionality Dependent on circumstances
Example(s) A school has 120 current students and 380 former students (i.e. 500 in total)
however; the Student database shows 520 different student records. This
could include Fred Smith and Freddy Smith as separate records, despite there
only being one student at the school named Fred Smith.
This indicates a uniqueness of 500/520 x 100 = 96.2%
Pseudo code (Number of things in real world)/(Number of records describing different
External Validation IAM Asset Information Quality Handbook
Principles of Data Management, Keith Gordon
1. Uniqueness is the inverse of an assessment of the level of duplication
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 10
Title Timeliness
Definition The degree to which data represent reality from the required
point in time.
Reference The time the real world event being recorded occurred.
Measure Time difference
Scope Any data item, record, data set or database.
Unit of Measure Time
Type of Measure:
Assessment and Continuous
Related dimension Accuracy because it inevitably decays with time.
Optionality Optional dependent upon the needs of the business.
Example(s) Tina Jones provides details of an updated emergency contact
number on 1
June 2013 which is then entered into the Student
database by the admin team on 4
June 2013. This indicates a
delay of 3 days. This delay breaches the timeliness constraint as
the service level agreement for changes is 2 days.
Pseudo code Date emergency contact number entered in the Student database
June 2013) minus the date provided (1
June 2013) = a 3 Day
1. Each data set will have a different proportion of volatile and nonvolatile data as time acts differently
on static and dynamic records.
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 11
Data ar
valid if it conforms to the syntax (format, type, rang
) of its definition.
Database, metadat
or documentation rules as to the allowable types (string, integer, floating
point etc.), the format (length, number of digits etc.) and range (minimum, maximum or
contained within a set of allowable values).
Comparison between the data and the metadat
or documentation for the data item.
All data can typically be measured for Validity. Validity applies at the data item level and
record level (for combinations of valid values).
Unit of Measure
Percentage of data items deemed Valid to Invali
Type of Measure:
Assessment, Continuous and Discret
Related dimension
, Completenes
, Consistenc
and Uniquenes
Each class in a UK secondary school is allocated a class identifie
; this consists of the 3 initials
of the teacher plus a two digit year group number of the class. It is declared as AAA99 (3
Alpha characters and two numeric characters).
Scenario 1:
A new year 9 teacher, Sally Hearn (without a middle name) is appointed therefore there are
only two initials. A decision must be made as to how to represent two initials or the rule will
fail and the database will reject the class identifier of “SH09”. It is decided that an additional
character “Z” will be added to pad the letters to 3: “SZH09”, however this could break the
accuracy rule. A better solution would be to amend the database to accept 2 or 3 initials and
1 or 2 numbers.
Scenario 2:
The age at entry to a UK primary & junior school is captured on the form for school
applications. This is entered into a database and checked that it is between 4 and 11. If it
were captured on the form as 14 or N/A it would be rejected as invalid.
Pseudo code
Scenario 1:
Evaluate that the Class Identifier is 2 or 3 letters az followed by 1 or 2 numbers 7 – 11.
Scenario 2:
Evaluate that the age is numeric and that it is greater than or equal to 4 and less than or
equal to 11.
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 12
Title Accuracy
Definition The degree to which data correctly describes the "real world" object or event
being described.
Reference Ideally the "real world" truth is established through primary research.
However, as this is often not practical, it is common to use 3rd party reference
data from sources which are deemed trustworthy and of the same chronology.
Measure The degree to which the data mirrors the characteristics of the real world object
or objects it represents.
Scope Any "real world" object or objects that may be characterised or described by
data, held as data item, record, data set or database.
Unit of Measure The percentage of data entries that pass the data accuracy rules.
Type of Measure:
Assessment, e.g. primary research or reference against trusted data.
Continuous Measurement, e.g. age of students derived from the relationship
between the students’ dates of birth and the current date.
Discrete Measurement, e.g. date of birth recorded.
Related Dimension Validity is a related dimension because, in order to be accurate, values must be
valid, the right value and in the correct representation.
Optionality Mandatory because when inaccurate data may not be fit for use.
Example(s) A European school is receiving applications for its annual September intake and
requires students to be aged 5 before the 31st August of the intake year.
In this scenario, the parent, a US Citizen, applying to a European school
completes the Date of Birth (D.O.B) on the application form in the US date
format, MM/DD/YYYY rather than the European DD/MM/YYYY format, causing
the representation of days and months to be reversed.
As a result, 09/08/YYYY really meant 08/09/YYYY causing the student to be
accepted as the age of 5 on the 31st August in YYYY.
The representation of the student’s D.O.B.–whilst valid in its US context–means
that in Europe the age was not derived correctly and the value recorded was
consequently not accurate.
Pseudo code ((Count of accurate objects)/ (Count of accurate objects + Counts of inaccurate
objects)) x 100
Example: (Count of children who applied aged 5 before August/YYYY)/ (Count
of children who applied aged 5 before August 31st YYYY+ Count of children who
applied aged 5 after August /YYYY and before December 31st/YYYY) x 100
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 13
Title Consistency
Definition The absence of difference, when comparing two or more representations of a
thing against a definition.
Reference Data item measured against itself or its counterpart in another data set or
Measure Analysis of pattern and/or value frequency.
Scope Assessment of things across multiple data sets and/or assessment of values or
formats across data items, records, data sets and databases. Processes
including: people based, automated, electronic or paper.
Unit of Measure Percentage.
Type of Measure:
Assessment and Discrete.
Related Dimension(s) Validity, Accuracy and Uniqueness
Optionality It is possible to have consistency without validity or accuracy.
Example(s) School admin: a student’s date of birth has the same value and format in the
school register as that stored within the Student database.
Pseudo code Select count distinct on ‘Date of Birth’
It is crucial to understand and manage the six core dimensions. However, there are additional factors which
can have an impact on the effective use of data. Even when all six dimensions are deemed to be satisfactory,
the data can still fail to achieve the objective.
Data may be perfectly complete, unique, timely, valid, accurate and timely. However if data items are in
English and the users don’t understand English then it will be useless.
It may be useful to ask these additional questions about your data.
Usability of the data Is it understandable, simple, relevant, accessible, maintainable and at the right
level of precision?
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 14
Timing issues with the data (beyond timeliness itself) Is it stable yet responsive to legitimate change
Flexibility of the data Is it comparable and compatible with other data, does it have useful groupings
and classifications? Can it be repurposed, and is it easy to manipulate?
Confidence in the data Are Data Governance, Data Protection and Data Security in place?
What is the reputation of the data, and is it verified or verifiable?
Value of the data Is there a good cost/benefit case for the data? Is it being optimally used?
Does it endanger people’s safety or privacy or the legal responsibilities of the enterprise?
Does it support or contradict the corporate image or the corporate message?
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 15
Dimension Generally a characteristic by which you can regard or summarise something
Assessment Checked by testing with a
algorithm, reference to trusted dat
or secondary
research. i.e., max length, pattern sequence, lookup to a trusted source like postal
data or manual reference real world things.
Items checked periodically e.g. age, weight or height, which change over tim
Checking whether something which is an absolute measur
is true or false e.g.
gender, date of birth, birth place.
Data Ite
An individual field in a data record referred to as a column in a relational database.
Record A record is a set of related values.
Data Set A dataset (or data set) is a collection of
ata, usually presented in tabular form.
Database An organised collection of data.
Measure The process of establishing the extent to which the dimension conforms to it
unit of
Scope The uses to which the dimension is applicabl
Unit of Measure The method of measurement.
Related dimension Defines any associated dimension
not required or mandator
Thing Data item, record, data set or databas
Reference The rule
against which a dimension is being compare
Pseudo Code Using simple English to represent complex programming languag
or a method of
describing complex computer programming code
Defining Data Quality Dimensions
October 2013 FINAL VERSION 16
Nicola Askham The Data Governance Coach; DAMA UK Committee Member
Denise Cook Senior Manager, Data Governance, Security & Quality, Lloyds Banking Group, Fellow of
the BCS
Martin Doyle CEO, DQ Global
Helen Fereday Data Management Consultant, Aviva UK Health
Mike Gibson Data Management Specialist, Aston Martin
Ulrich Landbeck Data Management Architect, Microsoft Corporation
Rob Lee Group Head of Information Architecture, Lloyds Banking Group
Chris Maynard Director, Transforming Information Ltd
Gary Palmer Chief Alchemist, Information Alchemy; Charter Member IAIDQ
Julian Schwarzenbach Director, Data and Process Advantage; Chair, BCS Data Management Specialist
DAMA Body of Knowledge – First Edition
DAMA Dictionary of Data Management DAMA Body of Knowledge – First Edition
DAMA Dictionary of Data Management 2nd Edition
IAIDQ Glossary
Institute of Direct Marketing Award in Data Management
Institute of Asset Management Asset Information Quality Handbook
Siemens Industry Online Support
Wikipedia Data Consistency Entry
Execution MiH
The Practitioner's Guide to Data Quality Improvement David Loshin
The TIQM Quality System for Total Information Quality
Management – Larry English (MIT Information Quality Industry Symposium, July 1517, 2009)
Data Quality, The Accuracy Dimension Jack E Olson
Improving Data Warehouse and Business Information Quality Larry English
This paper represents the views of DAMA UK and the Data Quality Dimensions Working Group and not necessarily the viewpoint of
the organisations which the authors work for.