EMIR and SFTR data
quality report 2021
1 April 2022 ׀ ESMA74-427-607
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 2
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 3
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021
1. Table of contents
1. Table of contents............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Executive summary ....................................................................................................................... 4
3. ESMA’s Strategic Priorities on EMIR and SFTR Data Quality ................................................... 7
4. EMIR and SFTR Data Quality Frameworks .................................................................................. 9
4.1 EMIR DQAP ............................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 SFTR DQEF ........................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Cooperation with data users .................................................................................................. 11
5. Recent developments impacting EMIR and SFTR data quality............................................... 14
5.1 EMIR - TR data ingestion review ........................................................................................... 14
5.2 EMIR regulatory access filtering review................................................................................. 15
5.3 EMIR TAR-TSR review .......................................................................................................... 16
5.4 SFTR Implementation of new XML schemas ..................................................................... 18
5.5 SFTR UnaVista wind-down ................................................................................................. 18
6. EMIR reporting trends and selected data quality metrics ....................................................... 20
6.1 Data reporting Key trends ................................................................................................... 20
6.2 Data completeness, timeliness and availability ..................................................................... 22
6.3 Data integrity Adherence to format and content rules ........................................................ 26
6.4 Data integrity Reconciliation ............................................................................................... 27
7. SFTR reporting trends and selected data quality metrics ....................................................... 30
7.1 Data reporting Key trends ................................................................................................... 30
7.2 Data completeness, timeliness, and availability .................................................................... 32
7.3 Data integrity Adherence to format and content rules ........................................................ 34
7.4 Data integrity Reconciliation ............................................................................................... 35
8. Methodological Annex ................................................................................................................. 39
9. List of abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 42
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 4
2. Executive summary
This is the second edition of report on data quality under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation
(EMIR) and under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR). The objective of the report
is to provide a holistic view of state of play of both reporting regimes as regards the quality of the
reported data and the actions that the national competent authorities (NCAs’) and the European
Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) are taking to improve the quality of the data. EMIR and SFTR
data play a pivotal role in the fulfilment of NCAs’ and ESMA’s supervisory mandates. As such, the data
is used extensively for those purposes
. Key highlights of the report are as follows:
ESMA strategic priorities on EMIR and SFTR data quality
As regards ESMA’s supervision of TRs, key areas of focus are:
i. Timely and complete reporting of regulatory information to the users of TR data,
ii. Accuracy and confidentiality of data reported by counterparties to and stored by TRs, and
iii. Accuracy of regulatory reports submitted to the users of TR data.
As regards the reporting by counterparties, the key common areas of priority for NCAs and ESMA are:
i. Completeness and accuracy of the reported information, in particular with regards to the
reporting of valuation and collateral data,
ii. Timely submission of the reports, and
iii. Consistency of reported information reflected in the reconciliation of data submitted by the two
counterparties of the same derivative.
Counterparties are strongly encouraged to use the regulatory data in their own internal risk and
compliance management processes. In doing so, counterparties incentives to report accurate data will
be further aligned.
ESMA, with the cooperation of the NCAs, is and will continue to monitor progress in those areas. ESMA
and the NCAs will take actions with the objective to achieve improvement in areas where insufficient
quality of the data is identified.
Recent developments impacting EMIR and SFTR data quality
Regarding EMIR, ESMA carried out three supervisory projects focusing on i) the ingestion and
processing of data by TRs, ii) application of EMIR access filtering rules for provision of data to NCAs
according to their mandates and iii) the assessment of consistency of two key regulatory reports the
trade activity and trade state reports. In all three cases, ESMA found that TRs broadly follow regulatory
and supervisory expectations. In certain instances, ESMA found some shortcomings in the quality of
the reports provided to regulators
and expects that TRs take appropriate remediation steps. As regards
SFTR, TRs and reporting counterparties implemented first SFTR XML schema update since the start
of reporting in July 2020. The update aimed at removing technical shortcoming that could decrease
quality of the information available to the regulators. ESMA also monitored and coordinated with
NCAs/TRs all relevant aspect of the wind-down of UnaVista repository services under SFTR as well as
the associated porting of SFTR data to other TRs
See for example the Trends Risks and Vulnerabilities report (https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/esma50-
165-1842_trv2-2021.pdf) and the Annual Derivatives Statistical Report (
Such as under-/over-reporting of data in the case NCA access filtering and report accuracy issues in the case of the trade
activity and trade state reports.
EMIR and SFTR Data Quality Frameworks
Data quality under EMIR and SFTR relies on an efficient supervision of the reporting counterparties by
the NCAs and of the TRs by ESMA. Having in mind these complementary supervisory responsibilities,
NCAs and ESMA have established the following dedicated frameworks to coordinate the joint efforts
on ensuring high data quality: the Data Quality Action Plan (DQAP) under EMIR and the Data Quality
Engagement Framework (DQEF) under SFTR.
Under EMIR DQAP the NCAs analysed and followed up with selected supervised entities on the results
of over 30 tests related to different data quality aspects such as completeness, accuracy, or timeliness.
In a thematic review focused on the reporting of valuations and collateral, misreporting of valuations
was significantly reduced, as compared to the previous year, by around 50% of the targeted entities.
Similarly, in a dedicated exercise on timeliness of reporting, most of the targeted entities improved their
reporting practices and eliminated or significantly reduced late reports.
SFTR DQEF was launched in 2021 and focused on the timeliness of reporting, rejections, and pairing.
While the follow-up on this first iteration of DQEF is still ongoing. Overall, it can be noted that use of the
ISO20022 XML end-to-end reporting has brought important benefits in terms of the quality and
accessibility of the data from the very beginning of the reporting. Furthermore, some positive trends in
key metrics such as rejections and reconciliation can already be observed. Recent developments
impacting EMIR and SFTR data quality
Regarding EMIR, ESMA carried out three supervisory projects focusing on i) the ingestion and
processing of data by TRs, ii) application of EMIR access filtering rules for provision of data to NCAs
according to their mandates and iii) the assessment of consistency of two key regulatory reports the
trade activity and trade state reports. In all three cases, ESMA found that TRs broadly follow regulatory
and supervisory expectations. In certain instances, ESMA found some shortcomings in the quality of
the reports provided to regulators and expects that TRs take appropriate remediation steps. As regards
SFTR, TRs and reporting counterparties implemented first SFTR XML schema update since the start
of reporting in July 2020. The update aimed at removing technical shortcoming that could decrease
quality of the information available to the regulators. ESMA also monitored and coordinated with
NCAs/TRs all relevant aspect of closely the wind-down of UnaVista repository services under SFTR as
well as the associated porting of SFTR data to other TRs.
EMIR reporting trends and selected data quality metrics
Brexit has had an important impact on the EU supervisory data reporting landscape as volumes of
reported derivatives fell by approximately 50%. In terms of data reporting volumes, equities and futures
contracts continue to be the most prominent asset class and contract type respectively. While less than
10% of reported derivatives tend to be reported late by the counterparties, more than 20% do not receive
updated valuation on a daily basis as required by EMIR. Non-reporting dropped sharply due to Brexit
and is now less than 5%. The sharp drop has been driven by the end of the reporting obligation of UK
counterparties and the more limited dual-side reporting which does not allow to detect potential non-
reporting issues. TR rejections continue to be low at around 2%. Furthermore, only 1% of records in TR
regulatory reports seem to not comply with the applicable validation rules. Volumes of duplicated
are negligible. As regards reconciliation, pairing rate continues to be relatively low at 60%
while there is on average 5% difference between the number of open derivatives reported between a
pair of counterparties. Lastly, in some instances, TRs disagree on the number of derivatives they
reconcile against each other. This may be an indication of further enhancements required for the inter-
TR reconciliation process. While much attention has already been put to timely reporting, reporting of
Reported derivatives are considered duplicated where two or more records have been reported with the same combination of
reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other counterparty and trade ID fields. In contrast, double-sided reporting under EMIR is not
duplicative since two records on the same derivative should be reported always from the perspective of the respective reporting
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 6
valuations and reconciliation, clearly much more improvements are needed and those area s will
continue to be point of focus of ESMA and NCAs going forward.
SFTR reporting trends and selected data quality metrics
Similar to EMIR, data reporting volumes dropped approximately by 50% following Brexit. In terms of
number of open transactions, securities lending and borrowing is the largest SFT type reported with
around 70% share at the end of 2021. Credit institutions report most open SFTs (around 50%) while
credit institutions share has been increasing (to around 30% at the end of 2021). After merely 1.5 years
of reporting, SFTR exhibits comparable results to EMIR across all data quality metrics. Around 10% of
SFTs are reported late (after T+1). On the contrary, rejections have been low (around 2%) and
duplicated reporting does not pose major issues. As regards reconciliation, pairing rate has been only
around 60%. Reconciliation rate of loan and collateral data has been low but increasing to around 40%
and 30% respectively. Similar to EMIR, TRs do not agree on the number of records they reconcile
against each other, which may be an indication of issues in the inter-TR reconciliation process.
Timeliness of reporting, adherence to format and content rules (via rejections) and reconciliation
(pairing) has been the point of focus of ESMA and NCAs during 2021. While progress has been made,
some areas (particularly reconciliation) need to remain areas of focus also in the future.
3. ESMAs Strategic Priorities
on EMIR and SFTR Data
Summary: As regards ESMA’s supervision of TRs, key areas of focus are: i) timely and complete
reporting of regulatory information to the users of TR data, ii) accuracy and confidentiality of data
reported by counterparties to and stored by TRs, and iii) accuracy of regulatory reports submitted to the
users of TR data.
As regards the reporting by counterparties, the key common areas of priority for NCAs and ESMA are:
i) Completeness and accuracy of the reported information, in particular with regards to the reporting of
valuation and collateral data, ii) timely submission of the reports, and iii) consistency of reported
information reflected in the reconciliation of data submitted by the two counterparties of the same
derivative. Counterparties are strongly encouraged to use the regulatory data in their own internal risk
and compliance management processes. In doing so, counterparties incentives to report accurate data
will be further aligned.
ESMA, with the cooperation of the NCAs, is and will continue to monitor progress in those areas. ESMA
and the NCAs will take actions with the objective to achieve improvement in areas where insufficient
quality of the data is identified.
TR supervisory objectives: ESMA is the direct
supervisor of TRs under EMIR and SFTR. ESMA
sets its supervisory priorities on an annual basis
and publishes them in ESMA’s annual work
ESMA is a data-driven and risk-based supervisor.
Thus, it sets its priorities based on risks it
observes which may negatively impact quality of
the reported data. The most prominent risks are
then included in the list of its annual priorities in
the form of a specific project or a supervisory
review. Besides one-off projects, ESMA also
performs a variety of monitoring activities
on an
ongoing basis.
Even though ESMA’s priorities may evolve from
one year to another, there are common themes
that remain present over time.
Those themes are:
1. Timely and complete reporting of
regulatory reports to the users of TR data;
For example: monitoring timeliness and completeness of TR
daily regulatory report submissions.
See Subsection 5.1. on EMIR TR data ingestion review
carried out through 2020 and 2021.
2. accuracy and confidentiality of data
reported by counterparties to and stored
by TRs
; and
3. accuracy of regulatory reports submitted
to the users of TR data
ESMA expects that the TRs pay utmost attention
to the above-mentioned aspects and that they
have processes, systems and controls in place to
monitor and timely identify any issues.
Counterparty reporting supervisory objectives:
NCAs are responsible for the supervision of the
reporting by the counterparties while ESMA
coordinates some key common initiatives in the
context of its supervisory convergence mandate
While common priorities are also set annually,
there are key areas of permanent focus by NCAs
and ESMA:
1. Completeness and accuracy of the
reported information, in particular with
See Subsection 5.2. on EMIR regulatory access filtering
review and Subsection 5.3. EMIR TAR-TSR consistency both
carried out in 2021.
See Section 0.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 8
regards to the reporting of valuation and
collateral data;
2. timeliness of the reports; and
3. consistency of reporting reflected in the
reconciliation of data reported by the two
counterparties of the same derivative.
Reporting counterparties are expected to have
processes, systems and controls in place to
ensure completeness, accuracy and timeliness of
the reported information. Furthermore, they are
expected to actively engage in detecting and
resolving any identified report rejections,
reconciliation breaks and other data quality
issues in the already reported data.
Counterparties are strongly encouraged to use
the regulatory data in their own internal risk and
compliance management processes. In doing so,
counterparties will have the appropriate
incentives to report accurate data and will be in
apposition to better exploit the benefits of
consistent data reporting.
What we aim to achieve: ESMA, with the
cooperation of the NCAs, is and will continue to
monitor progress in those areas. ESMA and the
NCAs will take actions with the objective to
achieve improvement in areas where insufficient
quality of the data is identified.
4. EMIR and SFTR Data
Quality Frameworks
Summary: Data quality under EMIR and SFTR relies on an efficient supervision of the reporting
counterparties by the NCAs and of the TRs by ESMA. Having in mind these complementary supervisory
responsibilities, NCAs and ESMA have established the following dedicated frameworks to coordinate
the joint efforts on ensuring high data quality: the Data Quality Action Plan (DQAP) under EMIR and the
Data Quality Engagement Framework (DQEF) under SFTR.
Under EMIR DQAP the NCAs analysed and followed up with selected supervised entities on the results
of over 30 tests related to different data quality aspects such as completeness, accuracy or timeliness.
In a thematic review focused on the reporting of valuations and collateral, misreporting of valuations
was significantly reduced, as compared to the previous year, by around 50% of the targeted entities.
Similarly, in a dedicated exercise on timeliness of reporting, most of the targeted entities improved their
reporting practices and eliminated or significantly reduced late reports.
SFTR DQEF was launched in 2021 and focused on the timeliness of reporting, rejections and pairing.
While the follow-up on this first iteration of DQEF is still ongoing, overall, it can be noted that use of the
ISO20022 XML end-to-end reporting has brought important benefits in terms of the quality and
accessibility of the data from the very beginning of the reporting. Furthermore, some positive trends in
key metrics such as rejections and reconciliation can already be observed.
EMIR Data Quality Action Plan (DQAP) the
DQAP is a major project that NCAs and ESMA
jointly launched in September 2014. It aims at
improving the quality and usability of data that is
reported by counterparties and made available by
the TRs.
The DQAP encompasses activities related to the
policy work, NCAs supervision of the reporting
counterparties and ESMA’s supervision of the
TRs, to address the potential issues in all areas
that are key for the quality of the final data,
notably: (i) the comprehensive, detailed, and
precise specification of the reporting
requirements; (ii) the complete and correct
reporting by the counterparties to the TRs; and
(iii) the provision of complete and accurate data
by the TRs to the authorities.
Data Quality Review (DQR): The DQR is
currently the main common exercise performed in
the context of the DQAP with regards to the
supervision of the reporting by the counterparties.
Under the DQR, each NCA, applying a commonly
agreed methodology, performs a quantitative
assessment of the quality of data reported by
selected counterparties in their Member State
and follow up with the relevant entities on the
identified issues.
NCAs provide subsequently to ESMA information
on the results of the DQR and on the follow-up
supervisory actions. Based on this feedback
ESMA prepares a summary report that is
subsequently shared with the NCAs. High-level
outcomes are also provided to the Board of
Supervisors as part of the annual update on the
execution of the DQAP.
DQR 2021: Similarly to the previous year, the
2021 DQR contained a series of over 30 data
quality tests grouped into three broad areas: (i)
analysis of pairing and matching of the reports,
(ii) analysis of completeness, accuracy,
timeliness, and rejections of reports made by
significant reporting entities, and (iii) thematic
review: analysis of reporting of valuation and
collateral data.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 10
In 2021, 19 NCAs participated in the DQR. Given
that the DQR analysis is based on limited
samples of counterparties
and that each
counterparty may face different reporting issues,
the results of the data quality checks are not
representative for the full EMIR dataset and vary
across the different tests and between the
participating Member States. However, based on
the samples considered in the DQR, overall, a
slight improvement has been noted in some of the
analysed areas as compared with the 2020 DQR,
notably the pairing and matching rates as well as
the consistency of number of reported derivatives
with the entities’ internal records.
Thematic review: Furthermore, it is worth
mentioning the outcomes of the thematic review,
focused on the reporting of valuations and
margins, which is a key information for the
monitoring of systemic risks. In addition to
analysing the aggregate results for the samples
from each Member State, ESMA has looked also
into the evolution of one basic measure, notably
the number of trades with empty/zero valuations,
at entity level for all the entities that were selected
for the thematic review based on this measure in
the 2020 DQR. The comparison of the statistics
computed for the purpose of 2020 DQR and 2021
DQR, revealed that approximately 50% of the
entities have significantly reduced the
misreporting of valuations
and further 20%
recorded some reduction in the number of trades
impacted by this data quality issue.
These outcomes confirm the conclusions from
the previous year that adequate supervisory
pressure and close monitoring of the
implementation of remedial actions are needed to
ensure a material long-term impact on the
improvement of the quality of data by all relevant
entities. They also show that targeted actions
directed at the main misreporting entities having
the highest impact on a given data quality aspect
constitute an efficient approach to resolve the
data quality problems.
Framework for provision of information on data
quality issues to NCAs and the follow-up with
supervised entities: In line with these findings
NCAs and ESMA have also established a
common framework, applicable whenever a
significant problem impacting the data quality of
the EMIR data at EU level is identified. The
framework sets up a procedure for an efficient
Each Member State selects 5 entities per each of the three
areas of analyses
resolution of such most significant data quality
issues, specifying, among others:
the responsibilities of NCAs and ESMA,
the timelines for the exchange of
information between NCAs and ESMA,
the format and minimum content of the
statistics to be shared by ESMA,
the criteria to decide which reporting
should be addressed,
the feedback information to be provided
by the NCAs to ESMA,
the steps to ensure that the data quality
problem has been mitigated (incl.
reassessment of the data).
The important feature of the framework is that
the follow-up is focused on a limited subset of
entities with the highest share of incorrect
reports in the total number of impacted reports at
EU level, thus ensuring the most efficient use of
the NCAs resources. The framework was first
launched in practice in 2021 for the follow-up on
the timeliness of reporting and resulted in a
material improvement in the reporting practices
of the targeted entities. (see Subsection 4.3 for
more details).
What have we achieved: EMIR DQAP is a
comprehensive data quality framework based on
the harmonised data assessment methodology.
Implementation of EMIR DQAP by the NCAs
allowed them to detect and follow up on several
data quality issues with their supervised entities.
Furthermore, ESMA shared with relevant NCAs
information on entities with highest numbers of
late reports at EU level. The targeted follow-up
with those entities resulted in an improvement of
their reporting practices.
SFTR Data Quality Engagement Framework
(DQEF) The reporting under SFTR started in July
2020, following a three-month delay due to the
Covid-19 pandemic. SFTR, as a new transaction-
level reporting regime, has required dedicated
efforts for its supervision and data quality over the
year 2021.
Compared to EMIR, SFTR is ISO20022 XML
end-to-end reporting regime and this has brought
important benefits in terms of the quality and
Reduction of the number of trades with empty/missing
valuation by halve or more was considered as a significant
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 11
accessibility of the data from the very beginning
of the reporting.
To ensure a consistent and efficient approach to
data quality assurance and supervision, ESMA is
systematically developing and implementing
various convergence tools across all relevant
reporting regimens and data systems including
The SFTR DQEF was agreed in 2021 and
leverages on the EMIR DQAP setting out the
SFTs data quality work to be undertaken jointly
by NCAs and ESMA. It defines the necessary
coordinated procedures to verify, communicate
and prioritise the data quality findings detected in
the SFT data submitted by the reporting
counterparties and to subsequently apply the
relevant corrective measures leveraging on the
agreed best practices to foster the SFTs data
quality and to enforce the supervisory actions.
DQEF 2021: 2021 has been the first year of data
quality assessments performed by NCAs and
ESMA on SFTR data. Some national authorities
indicated that due to the novelty of the SFTR
reporting regime and to the complexity of the
activities to be implemented, they were not able
to contribute to the first data quality exercises. To
allow NCAs to focus on building their systems as
well as to facilitate the deployment of adequate
resources for their supervisory activities and
engagement with entities, ESMA has centrally
performed, on behalf of the NCAs, a targeted set
of checks and reported the detected data quality
issues to the NCAs. In turn, during the first year
of activities, the NCAs focused mostly on the
remedial actions and follow-ups with the
counterparties and entities responsible for
reporting under their direct supervision.
The implementation and performance of the data
quality checks is based on an incremental
approach. The 2021 data quality exercise was
performed in two separate rounds of tests on
weekly datasets (June and November) and had a
very targeted nature focusing on the aspects,
which under other reporting regimes have proven
to be the cornerstones of data quality, namely: (i)
timeliness of reporting, (ii) rejected reports due to
incorrectness or inaccuracy of SFT records
according to the validation rules (iii) unsuccessful
paired status of the reported records.
Considering the importance of the SFTR regime
on the one hand and its relative complexity on the
other, it is crucial to perform regular data quality
assessments and expand in the near future the
existing data quality activities with a view to
ensure the usability of the data for monitoring of
financial stability risks.
What have we achieved: The activities related to
the data issues of November 2021 cycle are not
yet completely terminated as the participating
NCAs are finalising the outputs of their
interactions with the supervised entities and
communicate them to ESMA. Therefore, it is
premature to draw conclusions on the overall
outcome of their remedial actions in this report. It
is important to highlight that the trends of the data
quality findings of the two cycles are also
reflected in the relevant outcomes of the SFTR
data quality analyses that are covered in Section
7. In some areas such as rejections and
reconciliation rates, these indicators already
begin to show positive trend.
4.3 Cooperation with data users
EMIR Timeliness Analysis: ESMA performed an
analysis of the timeliness of reports under EMIR
based on a time series constructed for several
dates across 5 months and using both Trade
State Reports (TSR) and Trade Activity Reports
(TAR). Thanks to the interactions with the NCAs,
the analysis was further enhanced to eliminate
certain false positives or legacy trades.
In line with the criteria specified in the framework
for provision of data by ESMA to NCAs (incorrect
reports by a given entity exceeding the 1% of all
incorrect reports in the EU), ESMA has identified
for the follow-up 15 counterparties from 7
jurisdictions. Furthermore, as envisaged in the
framework, all relevant NCAs have provided
ESMA with the feedback on the follow-up with the
entities explaining the reasons for late reporting
and indicating whether the issue has been
In order to assess the actual impact of the
exercise, ESMA staff have rerun the timeliness
analysis for other dates in July, i.e., after the
NCAs finalised the follow-up with the entities.
No improvement was observed in the TSR, which
was an expected outcome given the particularity
of late reporting, i.e., once a given derivative is
reported late, it is not possible to ‘correct’ the time
of its initial submission. Therefore, such
derivative until further life-cycle event is reported,
will continue to appear as reported late in the
TSR. However, the approached entities have
enhanced their reporting practices with regards to
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 12
timeliness, as an improvement has been
observed in the TAR submitted after the follow-
up. In particular, among the 10 entities which
were identified for the follow-up based on the
number of late reports in the TAR data, 4 entities
had no more late reports in the TAR of July and a
reduction in the number of late reports has been
observed also for the remaining 6 entities.
This example showed that targeted ad-hoc
exercises directed at the most relevant entities
are very efficient to reduce the most significant
data quality issues. ESMA plans to continue
engaging with NCAs in this way on a broader
number of issues.
Abnormal values: In August 2020 ESMA
implemented a new data quality process to
identify abnormal values on the numerical fields
reported by the counterparties under EMIR
regime. The data were then shared with the
NCAs to support them in their supervisory
activities. Notably, once the data are shared,
NCAs can verify if the detected outliers are due
to data quality issues in the reporting of the
counterparties under their supervision and follow
up accordingly, if needed.
The data quality analysis identifies irregular
numerical values (e.g., too high or too low)
reported for EMIR fields such as value of the
contract, margins, notional, fixed-rate legs of the
contract, price rate and quantity
. The focus on
these values is driven by the impossibility to
automatically detect and reject outliers through
the validation rules and the need for specific soft
The abnormal value analyses were shared with
the NCA monthly from August 2020 to August
2021. This section summarises the main findings.
Firstly, the abnormal values that ESMA identified
represent a small proportion of the outstanding
open derivatives. However, given the high impact
on data quality of the derivatives with abnormal
values, it is important to perform such data quality
checks on an ongoing basis to swiftly detect any
abnormal values and to inform the NCAs
responsible for the supervision of the
counterparties reporting such values. For
instance, a recurrent example concerns the
reported value of the contract above 100 billion
EUR, which may impact significantly results of
analyses based on EMIR data.
ESMA uses various internal methodologies to identify and
treat abnormal values. For example, for the purposes of
economic analysis, ESMA is using a statistical approach
(identifying outliers in notional values) elaborated in detail
From August 2020 to August 2021, ESMA
notified NCAs on 84 occasions, reporting 3493
potential outliers to fifteen jurisdictions. ESMA
then received 19 responses from NCAs clarifying
the reasons for the outlier or committing to
contact the counterparty responsible for the
misreporting. Chart 1 provides an overview of the
notified potential abnormal values detected from
August 2020 to August 2021 per jurisdiction.
Chart 2 shows the EMIR fields with most outliers
identified in the same period.
Chart 1
Cooperation with data users
Number of abnormal values, per country
Source: ESMA data & calculations
Chart 2
Cooperation with data users
Number of abnormal values by EMIR field
Source: ESMA data & calculations
EMIR and SFTR log of data quality issues: Since
2016, ESMA has established a structured
framework for the users of data to be able to
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 13
report any encountered issues and, in turn, to
receive feedback. ESMA receives issues
pertaining to TRs (for example, incorrect
generation of regulatory reports) as well as
counterparties (for example, implausible
notional/collateral values). When a counterparty
reporting issue is identified, the issue is
channelled to the responsible NCA. TR issues
are addressed by ESMA.
Chart 3 shows the breakdown of all reported
issues since the inception of the log by their
status, i.e., TR issues closed and open, and
counterparty reporting issues. In 2021, ESMA
processed around 30 issues overall. Most TR
issues are also being closed during the same
year. However, ESMA prioritizes its follow-ups
based on urgency and impact, thus not all the
issues may be addressed during the same year.
What have we achieved: Data quality issues can
be of structural nature, but significant issues can
also appear from one day to another. Thus, it is
important for ESMA and NCAs to maintain agility
to be able to react to issues that were not planned
to be addressed through structural projects such
Through ad-hoc sharing of DQ issues (such
timeliness reporting, abnormal values, and any
other data quality issues) and their immediate
prioritisation, identified problems are being
address in an agile fashion.
Chart 3
Cooperation with data users
Data quality issues reported by NCAs\CBs
Note: Number of issues reported data quality issues since
inception and broken down by status.
Source: ESMA data & calculations
5. Recent developments
impacting EMIR and SFTR
data quality
Summary: Regarding EMIR, ESMA carried out three supervisory projects focusing on i) the ingestion
and processing of data by TRs, ii) application of EMIR access filtering rules for provision of data to
NCAs according to their mandates and iii) the assessment of consistency of two key regulatory reports
the trade activity and trade state reports. In all three cases, ESMA found that TRs broadly follow
regulatory and supervisory expectations. In certain instances, ESMA found some shortcomings in the
quality of the reports provided to regulators
and expects that TRs take appropriate remediation steps.
As regards SFTR, TRs and reporting counterparties implemented first SFTR XML schema update since
the start of reporting in July 2020. The update aimed at removing technical shortcoming that could
decrease quality of the information available to the regulators. ESMA also monitored and coordinated
with NCAs/TRs all relevant aspect of the wind-down of UnaVista repository services under SFTR as
well as the associated porting of SFTR data to other TRs
5.1 EMIR - TR data ingestion review
In 2020, ESMA identified a need to verify whether
and to what extent EMIR data quality issues arise
during the data ingestion processes
of TRs. A
thematic review was initiated to assess the data
ingestion processes of three out of four registered
TRs using a data-driven supervisory approach.
The sample consisted of trade activity reports for
two consecutive dates (25-26 November 2020)
from eleven major financial counterparties.
ESMA engaged with the French (AMF), Dutch
(AFM) and German (BaFin) authorities to obtain
proprietary trade activity data from the selected
counterparties. Without the collaboration of these
NCAs and the effort made by the counterparties
to extract, prepare, and submit the data to ESMA,
it would have not been possible to fully assess
the data ingestion processes of TRs.
A methodology and algorithms were developed to
assess and identify concrete data integrity issues
stemming from TRs’ data ingestion processes. In
broad terms, it consisted of comparing data
reported by counterparties with data stored by
Such as under-/over-reporting of data in the case NCA access filtering and report accuracy issues in the case of the trade
activity and trade state reports.
Data ingestion refers to the part of TR data processing after it the data is received from the reporting participants and before it
is loaded to TR databases. TRs typically queue, validate and perform other pre-processing tasks on the incoming data before it
is loaded TR databases.
TRs in their internal databases before any
subsequent data transformation, aggregation,
filtering, or report generation processes were
performed. The end-to-end process was also
verified by comparing data reported by
counterparties with data received through
Over 20 million records were processed and
analysed both from a data completeness (paring)
and accuracy (matching) perspective. While in
some cases the ingestion process remains
inherently complex and issues were detected, our
analysis showed a robust EMIR data ingestion
process and a good level of data integrity for all
the three TRs included in our sample. This
implies that the information stored in the TRs’
internal database matches the information
reported by the counterparties.
Chart 4 summarises the results from the data
completeness analysis. Perfect or nearly perfect
pairing rates (>99%) were obtained for eight out
of eleven TR-counterparty sets. This implies that
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 15
all or almost all records in the counterparty
dataset were successfully identified in the TR
dataset for these cases.
Chart 4
EMIR TR Data Ingestion Review
EMIR TR Data Ingestion Review
Comparative analysis of CP and TR data
Note: Trade repositories and counterparties in the sample
are anonymized.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
On the contrary, lower completeness rates were
observed for three out of eleven TR-counterparty
sets. The main reason for these discrepancies is
not directly attributed to deficiencies with the TR’s
data ingestion process but rather to the
submission of out-of-scope data by these
counterparties for this review (i.e., records with
reporting timestamp not being part of the subset
defined in the request for information).
What have we achieved: In terms of data
accuracy, ESMA discovered a range of
discrepancies between the information submitted
by counterparties and how it had been stored in
the TRs’ internal databases. Most were of non-
critical nature and could be explained by the way
the TRs’ have implemented their internal IT
systems. For example, rounding errors of decimal
values, date/time formats and other
misalignments which did not have a critical
ESMA receives all derivatives data reported under EMIR.
impact on data quality when TRs generate
outbound reports for regulatory authorities.
However, a few critical issues caused by
inappropriate modification of counterparty data
were detected. ESMA is liaising with the affected
TRs to rectify these issues which can have an
adverse impact on data quality.
The outcome of this review will mainly be used as
input to ESMA’s data quality risk assessment, by
eliminating risks that could arise from the data
ingestion process and focusing the supervisory
efforts on other EMIR data reporting process.
It is also worth mentioning that this analysis was
carried out under the current reporting
framework. The entry into force of EMIR Refit
could bring significant changes that could
adversely impact the TR’s data ingestion
processes. Going forward, ESMA will continue to
monitor incidents and complaints that are linked
to TR’s data ingestion processes to ensure that
those processes are adequate and resilient to
regulatory changes.
5.2 EMIR regulatory access filtering
When providing data to the authorities, TRs need
to apply filtering rules to make the data available
to the authorities based on their respective
mandates. This is important to avoid that an
authority receives data which it is not entitled to
and to ensure that each authority receives all the
data that is necessary to fulfil its mandates.
Mandates of authorities are set out in the Article
81(3) of EMIR and further developed in technical
standards. In order to verify that TRs are
providing data according to the regulatory
requirements, ESMA has cooperated with four
NCAs: CBoI (IE), CNB (CZ), CSSF (LU) and
MFSA (MT). These authorities shared with ESMA
the regulatory reports submitted to them by the
TRs. In parallel, ESMA applied the expected
filtering rules applicable to each authority to its
own reports received from the TRs
. Then
ESMA compared its filtered report with those that
were actually received by the NCAs.
Through this assessment, ESMA confirmed that
TRs seem to broadly follow the regulatory
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 16
requirements with regards to provision of data to
the authorities.
ESMA also identified some shortcomings at TRs
which led to either underreporting or
overreporting of EMIR data to NCAs. Such issues
may affect the data completeness and thus the
ability of the NCAs to effectively supervise all
entities under their mandates.
The project identified the following key findings:
On average, 4.5% of expected derivative
reports are not provided by TRs
(underreporting). This may prevent NCAs
from fulfilling their supervisory mandate
due to the missing information
On average, 1.7% more derivative reports
than expected are provided by TRs
(overreporting). This poses a
confidentiality issue as the NCAs receiving
these additional derivative reports are not
entitled to have access to them.
Chart 5
EMIR ESMA regulatory access filtering review
Derivatives overreported to NCAs
Note: The tables show number of open derivatives for one
reference date that were present in the NCA report but
shouldn’t. The first table shows the total number of
overreported records. The second table shows the number
of overreported records as a percentage of the total
number of records that should have been included in each
NCA report (this number is not shown in the table). The
total number of records that should have been included in
each NCA report also serves as a weight to calculate
weighted averages by NCAs and TRs.
TR2 confirmed to ESMA that the problem is related to a
one-off issue with the generation of the regulatory report in
question. The issue has been now remediated.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
As shown in Chart 5, TR2, exhibiting the worst results,
confirmed that the problem is related to a one-off issue with
Chart 6
EMIR ESMA regulatory access filtering review
Derivatives underreported to NCAs
Note: The tables show number of open derivatives for one
reference date that weren’t present in the NCA report, but
should have been. The first table shows the total number
of underreported records. The second table shows the
number of underreported records as a percentage of total
number of records that should have been included in each
NCA report (this number is not shown in the table). The
total number of records that should have been included in
each NCA report also serves as a weight to calculate
weighted averages by NCAs and TRs.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
What have we achieved: With this project, ESMA
has verified that NCAs are broadly receiving data
in accordance with their mandates as specified in
As outlined above, ESMA identified several
shortcomings in the provision of data to
authorities. ESMA will follow up on those issues
with TRs and ensure that they are appropriately
5.3 EMIR TAR-TSR review
The incorrect incorporation of the information
contained in the Trade Activity Reports (TAR) into
the Trade State Reports (TSR) is one of the key
TR data quality issues identified by the NCAs
during the execution of the EMIR DQR. ESMA
has been conducting in 2021 a dedicated project
for the comparison of the TAR and TSR data, in
particular, for the assessment of the
completeness and accuracy of the TSR as an
aggregation of individual TARs.
the generation of the regulatory report in question. The issue
has been now remediated.
TR weighted
NCA weighted
9,936 9,545 9,996 10,252 39,725
TR2 4 2 1 562 569
TR3 34,003 34,785 1,145 41,340 111,277
TR4 22,199 189,195 25,831 237,226
NCA total 66,142 233,527 36,973 52,154 388,797
TR weighted
0.3% 0.6% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%
TR2 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
TR3 2.9% 1.0% 0.4% 4.7% 2.0%
TR4 1.3% 10.7% 1.5% N/A 4.6%
NCA weighted
1.1% 3.4% 0.9% 0.9% 1.7%
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 17
The project methodology is based on the
comparison of two consecutive EMIR TSRs. The
information collected in the first TSR is
dynamically updated with the successive TARs
received in the period between them. This results
in a calculated TSR which is compared with the
second TSR submitted by the TR. By comparing
the two files, it is possible to detect quality
problems related to the incorrect incorporation of
the information into the TSR.
The analysis was carried out during 4
consecutive weeks in November 2021, the
information presented in this report represents
the average of the individual results obtained in
each of these weeks. Considering all TRs, more
than 300 million TAR and 80 million of TSR
records were processed for each week of
The metrics obtained allow the identification of
two types of data quality issues: first,
completeness issues related to the incorrect
presence or absence of records in the TSR;
second, accuracy issues related to the incorrect
update of a selected group of TSR fields. ESMA
is currently checking and following up with the
TRs on the results presented below.
Completeness of the TSR: Chart 7 shows the
percentage of missing records in the TSR over
the total volume of records (i.e., derivatives
present in the internally calculated TSR and not
found in the TSR received from the TRs). These
are records that were erroneously deleted or not
included in the TSR by the TRs. Although in
general terms the results can be considered
positive, there are certain divergences in the
figures obtained for each TR as one of the TRs
presents results close to 2%. These, together
with the high volumes of operations that
constitute TSR makes a further analysis of the
root causes of this issue necessary. It is equally
relevant to note that some TRs show very positive
results, with error levels close to 0%.
Analogously, as shown in Chart 8, data on
redundant records have also been obtained (i.e.
derivatives present in the TSR received from the
TRs but not in the internally calculated TSR).
These are records that were erroneously
included or not removed from the TSR by the
TRs. The results again diverge when comparing
the different TRs, although it is important to
highlight that one of the entities presents very
positive results with virtually no errors in this
metric. As in the previous test, the results require
further analysis to understand the possible
explanations for these findings.
Chart 7
Completeness of the TSR
Missing records in the TSR
Note: Trade Repositories are anonymized and presented
as TR1, TR2, TR3 & TR4. The repositories included in this
chart are DDRIE, KDPW, UNAVISTA B.V. & REGIS, the
anonymized aliases do not correspond to the order of the
TRs named.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 8
Completeness of the TSR
Redundant records in the TSR
Note: Trade Repositories are anonymized and presented
as TR1, TR2, TR3 & TR4. The repositories included in this
chart are DDRIE, KDPW, UNAVISTA B.V. & REGIS, the
anonymized aliases do not correspond to the order of the
TRs named.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Accuracy of the TSR: The second part of the
project consisted in comparing a number of key
fields (36 different fields were selected) of the
TSR to verify whether the information contained
in them has been correctly updated or not. For
this purpose, the records of the internally
calculated TSR and the TSR provided by the TRs
were compared. The results are shown in Chart
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 18
In general terms, it can be observed that all TRs
are close to 100%, which implies that a vast
majority of the fields in the report are correctly
updated. However, in this first cycle of analysis a
selection of 36 fields of the TSR has been used,
so the results may vary if the number of fields
analysed is extended in future iterations.
Chart 9
Completeness of the TSR
Equality of the fields analysed
Note: Trade Repositories are anonymized and presented
as TR1, TR2, TR3 & TR4. The repositories included in this
chart are DDRIE, KDPW, UNAVISTA B.V. & REGIS, the
anonymized aliases do not correspond to the order of the
TRs named.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Consideration will be given to broadening the
scope of fields included in the accuracy test to
verify whether the problems identified can be
extrapolated to the rest of the fields in the TSR.
Overall, for the two types of analyses included in
the test (completeness and accuracy), the
observed values differ between the different TRs
and the metrics obtained do not show significant
issues in terms of the correct generation of the
two key regulatory reports.
What have we achieved: It has been found that,
in general terms, there is a correct configuration
of the TSR as a result of the messages reported
in TAR. This further enhances the usefulness of
both reports for subsequent analysis by the
NCAs. On the other hand, the project has allowed
the implementation of a verification framework for
this process that can be replicated and increased
in the future. Finally, the project has allowed the
detection of certain data quality issues that, once
solved, will increase the overall quality of the
EMIR reporting framework.
See esma74-362-
r.pdf (europa.eu)
5.4 SFTR Implementation of new
XML schemas
Leveraging on the experience with the
implementation of EMIR, SFTR reporting regime
relied since the beginning on the end-to-end
reporting in a standardised ISO 20022 XML
schema. Such design of the reporting framework
allowed to mitigate many data quality issues and
improve the usability of the data from the start.
What have we achieved: Since the beginning of
reporting under SFTR in July 2020, ESMA has
identified or has been made aware of some
limitations and inconsistencies in the XML
schemas used in SFTR. ESMA collected and
thoroughly analysed all the identified issues and,
basing on this assessment, prepared an updated
version of the schemas. The amendments to the
schemas are aimed to ensure that there are no
technical limitations to the accuracy of the reports
submitted by the counterparties to the TRs or the
reports provided by the TRs to the authorities.
The go-live of the updated schemas took place
on 31 January 2022.
5.5 SFTR UnaVista wind-down
In August 2021, UnaVista initiated the wind-down
process of its SFTR TR as a result of a decision
to not continue to provide these services.
Although the Guidelines on data transfer between
trade repositories under SFTR were still under
consultation at the time
, the four SFTR TRs
began the implementation of the porting
infrastructure for SFTs. Leveraging on the
already existing portability framework and
infrastructure under EMIR and based on the
guidance provided by ESMA, TRs were able to
quickly adapt the existing porting infrastructure
and implement the necessary functionalities to
enable porting of SFT data.
UnaVista started the porting out process of
outstanding SFTs in November 2021. By late
January 2022, all outstanding SFTs were ported
out to the new TRs. The data transfer process of
the remaining SFT data is to be finalised by
March 2022.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 19
What have we achieved: Through continuous
monitoring, consequent follow-ups with the
involved TRs, and quick resolution of the
encountered issues, ESMA ensured that the
wind-down activities did not lead to any
interruptions in the continuity of the provision of
regulatory reports to all data users.
6. EMIR reporting trends and
selected data quality
Summary: Brexit has had an important impact on the EU supervisory data reporting landscape as
volumes of reported derivatives fell by approximately 50%. In terms of data reporting volumes, equities
and futures contracts continue to be the most prominent asset class and contract type respectively.
While less than 10% of reported derivatives tend to be reported late by the counterparties, more than
20% do not receive updated valuation on a daily basis as required by EMIR. Non-reporting dropped
sharply due to Brexit and is now less than 5%. The sharp drop has been driven by the end of the
reporting obligation of UK counterparties and the more limited dual-side reporting which does not allow
to detect potential non-reporting issues. TR rejections continue to be low at around 2%. Furthermore,
only 1% of records in TR regulatory reports seem to not comply with the applicable validation rules.
Volumes of duplicated reporting
are negligible. As regards reconciliation, pairing rate continues to be
relatively low at 60% while there is on average 5% difference between the number of open derivatives
reported between a pair of counterparties. Lastly, in some instances, TRs disagree on the number of
derivatives they reconcile against each other. This may be an indication of further enhancements
required for the inter-TR reconciliation process. While much attention has already been put to timely
reporting , reporting of valuations and reconciliation, clearly much more improvements are needed and
those area s will continue to be point of focus of ESMA and NCAs going forward.
6.1 Data reporting Key trends
EMIR reporting trends can be viewed through
various dimensions of the data, such as the
number of life-cycle events, contract types, or by
asset class.
Submissions are the life-cycle event reports
received by the TRs representing the conclusion,
modification, and termination of a derivative (as
specified in the EMIR action type field)
throughout its life. When market volatility is high,
it may affect reporting counterparties trading
behaviour, leading to an increase in traded
volumes, which in turn will result in an increase in
the number of reported submissions.
Key trends: Most notable in Chart 10 is the
decrease in reported volumes post-Brexit, as UK
counterparties ceased to report under EMIR.
There has been a significant uptick in the
volumes reported by REGIS under EMIR since
Reported derivatives are considered duplicated where two or more records have been reported with the same combination of
reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other counterparty and trade ID fields. In contrast, double-sided reporting under EMIR is not
duplicative since two records on the same derivative should be reported always from the perspective of the respective reporting
the dissolution of CME and ICE Trade
Chart 10
EMIR reporting key trends
Monthly submissions per TR
Note: Total number of submissions per month and TR.
DDRIE is former DDRL and UNAVISTA B.V. is former
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 21
Chart 11 includes a breakdown of the total
number of submitted EMIR reports by action type.
The action type refers to the type of derivative life-
cycle event reported in the submission by the
reporting counterparty. In order of reported
frequency, the most common submissions are
valuation updates, position components, new
derivatives, modifications, compressions, early
terminations, corrections and errors. Valuation
updates remain the most frequent action type
submitted by the counterparties.
Chart 11
EMIR reporting key trends
Valuations are the most common submitted
action type
Note: Total number of submissions per month and action
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 12 shows that the share of each asset
class has remained relatively stable during the
year 2021. Notably there was a shift post Brexit
with equites representing a higher portion
amongst other asset classes, while commodity
and emission allowances as well as credit occupy
a lesser portion than previously.
Chart 13 provides a breakdown of EMIR
reporting by contract type: despite a relative
reduction after the end of 2020, futures remained
in 2021 the most reported EMIR contract type (on
average 40% of total reporting), followed by
financial contracts for difference (30%), options
(25%) and other types (5%).
Chart 12
EMIR reporting key trends
Equities are the most common EMIR asset
Note: Total number of daily submissions per month and
asset class. As a percentage of total.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 13
EMIR reporting key trends
Futures are the most common EMIR contract
Note: Total number of daily submissions per month and
contact type. As a percentage of total.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 22
6.2 Data completeness, timeliness and
EMIR Timeliness Analysis: Counterparties are
required to report newly concluded derivative
contracts by the end of the following working day
to a TR of their choice. To assess the timeliness
of reporting by the counterparties, ESMA
considers the difference between the “Execution
timestamp”, reflecting the date and time of a
derivative contract’s conclusion, and the
“Reporting timestamp”, reflecting the date and
time of reporting to the TR.
A derivative is considered “reported on time”, if it
is reported by the working day following the day
on which the contract was concluded, at the
latest. A derivative is considered late reported”,
if it is reported later than the working day following
the day on which the contract was executed. A
derivative is considered “early reported”, if it is
reported earlier than the date specified in the
“Execution timestamp” field.
A derivative concluded on a Friday or Saturday
and reported on the consecutive Monday is
subject to a “weekend effect” which is accounted
for in the calculation and correctly classified as
“on time”.
On the contrary, public-, national- and bank
holidays (i.e. “calendar effect”) are not accounted
for in the calculation, nor is the conversion of
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to local time
made. These approximations simplify and speed
up the calculation but could give rise to some
degree of inaccuracy (i.e., records wrongly
classified as Late Reporting” due to UTC vs local
time differences, or due to calendar effect)
impacting the overall results. Despite these
methodology limitations, the analysis depicts a
fair representation of reporting behaviour by the
reporting entities.
Chart 14 shows the results obtained from the
analysis of daily Trade Activity Reports (TAR) for
2021. The proportion of late reporting remained
on average below 10% while early reporting is
negligible or non-existent.
For example, Maltese MFSA has engaged with two most
problematic counterparties in their jurisdiction and is seeking
remediation of the issue.
Chart 14
EMIR data completeness, timeliness and availability
EMIR TAR - Timeliness Analysis (daily)
Note: A derivative executed at time T and reported at T+1
at latest, is considered “On Time”. A derivative executed at
time T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late
Reporting”. A derivative executed at time T and reported
before T is considered “Early Reporting”. A derivative
subject to “weekend effect” is classified as “On time”.
Source: Trade Repositories, and ESMA calculations using
daily trade activity reports for 2021.
A few spikes in late reporting observed around
New Year, Easter and other public holidays
should be considered as merely a calendar effect
impacting the accuracy of the results.
Chart 15 shows the aggregated results split by
the jurisdiction of reporting counterparties. While
in most jurisdictions the occurrence of late
reporting remains limited and low, there are a few
jurisdictions like Lithuania, Malta, Latvia, Greece,
Austria, amongst others, where reporting entities
tend to systematically report late.
It is often one or a few reporting entities that
drives the build-up of late reporting which is why
it is relevant for NCAs to intervene appropriately
as targeted effort from their side can often rectify
the problem quickly and bring down a significant
portion of late reporting within its jurisdiction
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 23
Chart 15
EMIR data completeness, timeliness and availability
EMIR TAR - Timeliness Analysis by
Note: A derivative executed at time T and reported at T+1
at latest, is considered “On Time”. A derivative executed at
time T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late
Reporting”. A derivative executed at time T and reported
before T is considered “Early Reporting”. A derivative
subject to “weekend effect” is classified as “On time”.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using daily trade activity reports for 2021.
To complement and expand the previous
analysis, ESMA applied the same calculation
using a different dataset, namely the Trade State
Report (TSR), which contains the latest state of
all outstanding derivative contracts.
Chart 16 shows the results obtained from the
analysis of the weekly TSR data for 2021. The
proportion of late reporting is significantly higher
compared to the results obtained using TAR data.
This was somewhat expected as TSR data
reflects the cumulative effect of daily reporting
Once a given derivative contract is executed and
reported late, it is not possible to ‘correct’ the time
of its initial submission. Therefore, such
derivative contract will continue to appear as
reported late in the TSR (at least until another
lifecycle event is reported for the same contract).
Moreover, the share of late reports in the TSR
may also be partially caused by batches of back-
dated reporting of previously non-reported
However, monitoring of the evolution of
timeliness reporting using TSR data can help to
identify persistent patterns caused by the
frequent as well as the sporadic misreporting
events that would otherwise be difficult to identify.
Chart 16
EMIR data completeness, timeliness and availability
EMIR TSR - Timeliness Analysis (weekly)
Note: A derivative executed at time T and reported at T+1
at latest, is considered “On Time”. A derivative executed at
time T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late
Reporting”. A derivative executed at time T and reported
before T is considered “Early Reporting”. A derivative
subject to “weekend effect” is classified as “On time
weekend effect”.
Source: Trade Repositories, and ESMA calculations using
weekly trade state reports for 2021.
Chart 17 shows the aggregated results split by
the jurisdiction of reporting counterparties. Also,
here the effect of late reporting is more
pronounced compared to the results obtained
using TAR data (see Chart 15). Thirteen out of
thirty jurisdictions have a late reporting rate
above 20% and a few are even above 40%.
Although the late reporting is perceived as a
marginal issue when looking at TAR data, it
becomes more relevant when analysing the
cumulative effect of such misreporting behaviour
in the TSR data.
Identifying reporting entities who consistently
report late newly executed derivatives and
rectifying such behaviour remains important for
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 24
achieving an accurate picture of the derivatives
market at all times and thus for the efficient
surveillance of the systemic risk.
Timeliness of reporting by counterparties has
been the focus of NCAs during 2021 (see
Subsection 4.3 Cooperation with data users).
Chart 17
EMIR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
EMIR TSR - Timeliness Analysis by
Note: A derivative executed at time T and reported at T+1
at latest, is considered “On Time”. A derivative executed at
time T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late
Reporting”. A derivative executed at time T and reported
before T is considered “Early Reporting”. A derivative
subject to “weekend effect” is classified as “On time
weekend effect”.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using the trade state report of 2021/21/31.
Non-reporting of valuations by counterparties:
EMIR requires that financial and non-financial
counterparties above the clearing threshold
report daily the valuation and collateral data
relating to their open derivatives.
To assess the timeliness of reporting of the
valuation updates, ESMA computes the
difference in number of days between the
reference date of a Trade State Report (TSR) and
the Valuation timestamp” of a record, which
reflects the date and time of a valuation update.
While a stricter reading of EMIR would mean that
valuations that are older than one working day
are outdated, for the purposes of this analysis it
is considered that valuation updates older than
15 calendar days are outdated and should have
been subject to new valuation updates. Four
distinct buckets are used to group each record
that is in scope for this analysis and measure how
frequent valuation updates occur.
Chart 18 shows that around 80% of open
derivatives have received valuation updates that
are not older than 15 days. It also shows that
around 20% of open derivatives subject to daily
valuation have not received updates for several
days, months and even years.
Chart 18
EMIR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
EMIR TSR - Valuation updates
Note: The analysis uses all open derivatives from Trade
State Reports (TSR) with action type = N (new) or V
(valuation) and clearing threshold = Y. The difference in
number of days is computed between the reference date
of the TSR and the valuation timestamp of a record. Each
record is grouped into one of the four buckets to measure
the magnitude of number of outstanding trades that have
or have not received a valuation update between a certain
number of days.
Source: Trade Repositories and ESMA calculations
A significant number of open derivatives with
outdated valuation timestamps could indicate
misreporting practices by counterparties and/or
open derivatives that have not been properly
terminated (i.e., “dead” trades).
Chart 19 shows the aggregated results split by
the jurisdiction of reporting counterparties. While
in most jurisdictions the stock of open derivatives
is frequently receiving valuation updates, in a few
other jurisdictions there is a significant portion of
open derivatives that are not being updated. The
problem appears to be mostly prominent in
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia and Malta based on the
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 25
results obtained from the trade state report of 31
December 2021
Considering the importance of the valuation data
for economic and financial risk analysis, NCAs
and ESMA will continue focusing on the
completeness and timeliness of valuation
reporting going forward.
Timeliness of valuations reporting by
counterparties has been the focus of NCAs
during 2021 during the EMIR DQR (see
Subsection 4.1 EMIR DQAP).
Chart 19
EMIR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
EMIR TSR - Valuation updates by
Note: The analysis uses all open derivatives from Trade
State Reports (TSR) with action type = N (new) or V
(valuation) and clearing threshold = Y”. The difference in
number of days is computed between the reference date
of the TSR and the valuation timestamp of a record. Each
record is grouped into one of the four buckets to measure
the magnitude of number of outstanding trades that have
or have not received a valuation update between a certain
number of days.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using the trade state report from 2021/12/31.
For example Maltese MFSA confirmed that it engaged with
the most problematic counterparties in their jurisdiction and
they are now actively working on the remediation of the issue.
Non-reporting of derivatives: Chart 20 shows the
scale of potential non-reporting. It is not possible
to estimate the non-reporting fully, however, due
to the double-sided reporting obligation ESMA
has estimated the potential scale of the problem
by identifying derivatives where only a report in
one direction was submitted and a report from the
other direction is expected, i.e., the other
counterparty is in the EEA, and it has a reporting
obligation. Prior to Brexit, the number of
potentially non-reported derivatives stood at
around 3.5 million (approximately 5% of open
reconcilable derivatives at the end of 2020). After
Brexit, with the end of reporting obligation of UK
counterparties the number has sharply dropped
to around 0.5 million open derivatives (around 1%
of open reconcilable derivatives).
Importantly, the drop in number of non-reported
derivatives is driven by the cease of reporting
obligation in the UK. While the reporting
obligation of UK counterparties may have
stopped, the EU side of the trade still has its
reporting obligation, and it is expected to report.
Thus, with Brexit, potential non-reporting has
become somewhat harder to detect.
Chart 20
EMIR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
Potential non-reporting sharply dropped
after Brexit
Note: Number of potentially nonreported open derivatives
by date. The estimate is based on the number of reports
where only one leg of the derivative was reported and the
second leg is expected, i.e., the second counterparty is
EEA, and it has a reporting obligation (legal entity).
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 21 shows a breakdown of open derivatives
where the report of the second counterparty to a
derivative is missing grouped by the jurisdiction
of the reporting counterparty. The largest
jurisdictions in terms of open derivatives also
tend to have the highest number of potentially
non-reported derivatives.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 26
Chart 21
EMIR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
Top 5 European jurisdictions take above
75% of all potentially non-reported
Note: The designation “OTHER” includes countries with
less than 2% values. Those are, in descending order, DK,
HR, SK, RO, SC, IS, SI, GB, PA, KY, GI and JE.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
6.3 Data integrity Adherence to
format and content rules
As shown in the Chart 22, the rejection statistics
provided by TRs pointed to a transitory uptick in
the rejection rates from April to August. A further
breakdown of the data indicates that the elevation
in the rejection rate affected TR2 in April and TR4
in June to July, as illustrated in the Chart 23.
Chart 22
EMIR data Integrity Adherence to format and content
Total volume and rejections as % of total
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 23
EMIR data Integrity Adherence to format and content
Rejection rate by TR
Note: Rejection % of total submissions received by each
TR. The repositories included in this chart are ICE, CME,
& REGIS, the anonymized aliases do not correspond to the
order of the TRs named.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Duplicated reporting: Unique derivative is
identified based on three EMIR fields, i.e.,
reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other
counterparty and trade ID. To avoid undue
double-counting when using the data for
economic/financial analysis, it is essential that
counterparties report in a way that the
uniqueness of each derivative is respected. TRs
are expected to verify the uniqueness of reported
new derivatives and to reject those that have
been reported with the same triplet of IDs in the
past. TRs are, however, unable to identify
duplicates when a counterparty reports to two
different TRs.
To assess the volumes of duplicate reports,
ESMA performed analysis of the uniqueness of
the derivatives in the Trade State Report.
Chart 24 shows a percentage of duplicates at TR
level (“intra-TR”). While from time to time, the
number of duplicates can increase, the overall
number is less than one percent. Thus, at TR
level, duplicated reporting does not pose
significant issues.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 27
Chart 24
EMIR data Integrity Adherence to format and content
Intra TR duplicate records as % of total
reported volume
Note: Duplicated open derivatives as % of all open
derivatives. A unique derivative is defined at the level of
three EMIR fields: reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other
counterparty, and trade ID. Intra-TR duplicates are
detected in individual TR reports submitted to ESMA.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 25 shows a percentage of duplicates
across TRs (“inter-TR”). Similarly, to the results
shown above, the duplicated records do not
seem to pose significant issues even at the inter-
TR level.
Chart 25
EMIR data Integrity Adherence to format and content
Inter TR duplicate records as % of total
reported volume
Note: Duplicated open derivatives as % of all open
derivatives. A unique derivative is defined at the level of
three EMIR fields: reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other
counterparty, and trade ID. Inter-TR duplicates are
detected across all TRs reporting to ESMA.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Revalidation: When a counterparty submits
reports to a TR, the latter needs to validate
whether the incoming data is in line with the
regulatory reporting requirements. For this
purpose, TRs have implemented the ESMA’s
validation rules against which they check the
incoming data. TRs are expected to reject reports
that are not adhering to the validation rules.
Since the introduction of the validation rules in
December 2014, ESMA regularly performs a
revalidation of the data made available by the
TRs with a view to assess whether TRs have
implemented the validation requirements
correctly. In ESMA's analysis, a randomly
selected data sample extracted from one daily
Trade Activity Report per month is used. Each
data point is checked against the ESMA
validation rules in force at the time of the
verification performed by the TRs. Following the
identification of an issue, e.g., a specific field that
causes unduly rejections, ESMA engages with
the relevant TR to remediate the issue at hand.
Chart 26 shows the number of records analysed
and the percentage of errors. On average, each
iteration of the analysis processed 8 million
records. The proportion of records containing
errors remained low and stable, fluctuating
around 1% during 2021. ESMA will continue to
perform the revalidation analysis for monitoring
the evolution and liaise with TRs when material
issues are detected.
Chart 26
EMIR data Integrity Adherence to format and content
Number of failures/breaking records as %
of total
Note: The analysis uses a randomly selected data sample
(~15%) extracted from one daily Trade Activity Report per
month. Each data point is checked against the current
ESMA validation rules.
Source: Trade Repositories and ESMA calculations
6.4 Data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciliation: Under EMIR, both counterparties
to the derivative are required to report their side,
to the extent that they are subject to the reporting
obligation. TRs are then required to reconcile the
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 28
data. The TRs provide the results to the reporting
participants (so that any reconciliation breaks can
be addressed) and to the authorities (so that they
can monitor reporting of the counterparties in
their jurisdiction).
Chart 27 shows the results of pairing
. The
pairing rate stood at around 60% at the end of
2021. The rate has remained relatively stable
throughout the year. Considering that pairing is
performed by comparing three EMIR fields only,
its current level is not satisfactory. Unfortunately,
there are several reasons for lack of pairing such
as lack of agreement on the trade ID between
counterparties, under- and overreporting, wrong
identification of the other counterparty or lack of
agreement on the number of reports that should
be submitted in relation to a given derivative.
Chart 27
EMIR data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciliation: Pairing has stabilised at
around 60%
Note: Pairing is performed based on three fields: Reporting
counterparty ID, ID of the other counterparty and trade ID.
Pairing rate is calculated by paired derivatives by sum of
paired and unpaired (excluding non-EEA derivatives).
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 28 provides some potential further insights
as to the reasons for lack of pairing. The chart
depicts the net difference between the number of
derivatives reported by the two counterparties.
Prior to Brexit, the difference stood at around 8
million (10% of all open derivatives). After Brexit,
the number has dropped as UK counterparties no
longer have a reporting obligation (and the
number of derivatives with expected two legs of a
trade has dropped). Throughout 2021, the
number was around 2 million representing
around 5% of all open derivatives where 2 reports
Pairing is performed on the basis of three fields: Reporting
counterparty ID, ID of the other counterparty and trade ID.
are expected, i.e., excluding derivatives where
the other counterparty is non-EEA.
Chart 28
EMIR data integrity Reconciliation
Difference in number of records reported
by the two sides
Note: The metric is calculated by taking a difference
between the number of derivatives reported by leg 1 and
leg 2.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 29 shows a breakdown of open derivatives
where the report of the second counterparty to a
derivative is missing grouped by the jurisdiction
of the counterparty. Top 3 jurisdictions represent
nearly 70% of all issues.
Chart 29
EMIR data integrity Reconciliation
Difference in number of records reported
by the two sides by jurisdiction
Note: The designation “OTHER” includes countries with
less than 2% values. Those are, in descending order, ES,
SK, MT, BG, LT, GR, HR, RO, IS and GB.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Given that EMIR reports are characterized by a
large volume of data, reconciliation could be for
TRs a complex process. To assess the reliability
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 29
of reconciliation statistics, ESMA started in 2021
to collect and analyse periodic information
requested from TRs in the context of its
supervisory activities. As part of this information,
TRs must provide the number of UTIs paired and
reconciled internally (when both sides of the trade
are reported to the same TR) or with other TRs
(when the two sides of the trade are reported to
two different TRs).
While reconciliation has been the focus of NCAs
during 2021 during the EMIR DQR (see
Subsection 4.1 EMIR DQAP), the results do not
yet show sufficient progress. Reconciliation thus
needs to remain a point of focus going forward.
Chart 30 and Chart 31 provide the preliminary
results of an analysis of the discrepancies in the
inter-TR reconciliation statistics: the number of
UTIs reported by each TR as paired/reconciled
versus the other TRs has been compared with the
number of UTIs reported by the other TRs as
paired/reconciled versus each TR.
Chart 30
EMIR data integrity Reconciliation
Discrepancies in number of UTIs paired
versus Other TRs
Note: The charts are based on information provided
monthly by TRs to ESMA in the context of periodic
information (Item 36 Reconciliation Statistics). The
figures in the charts refer to outstanding trades and are
computed as the monthly average for the reference period
June 2021 December 2021
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
The main finding of this analysis is that, although
pairing statistics do not seem to be affected by
significant inter-TR discrepancies, there are
relevant divergences in the number of UTIs
reported as reconciled among the TRs. On top of
the complexity of the reconciliation process,
discrepancies in the inter-TR statistics could be
caused also by the different times at which each
TR submits its data to reconciliation.
ESMA will continue to collect such information
and to investigate potential TR-specific issues.
Chart 31
EMIR data integrity Reconciliation
Discrepancies in number of UTIs
reconciled versus Other TRs
Note: The charts are based on information provided
monthly by TRs to ESMA in the context of periodic
information (Item 36 Reconciliation Statistics). The figure
in the charts refers to outstanding trades and are
computed as the monthly average for the reference period
June 2021 December 2021.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 30
7. SFTR reporting trends and
selected data quality
Summary: Similar to EMIR, data reporting volumes dropped approximately by 50% following Brexit. In
terms of number of open transactions, securities lending and borrowing is the largest SFT type reported
with around 70% share at the end of 2021. Credit institutions report most open SFTs (around 50%)
while credit institutions share has been increasing (to around 30% at the end of 2021). After merely 1.5
years of reporting, SFTR exhibits comparable results to EMIR across all data quality metrics. Around
10% of SFTs are reported late (after T+1). On the contrary, rejections have been low (around 2%) and
duplicated reporting does not pose major issues. As regards reconciliation, pairing rate has been only
around 60%. Reconciliation rate of loan and collateral data has been low but increasing to around 40%
and 30% respectively. Similar to EMIR, TRs do not agree on the number of records they reconcile
against each other, which may be an indication of issues in the inter-TR reconciliation process.
Timeliness of reporting , adherence to format and content rules (via rejections) and reconciliation
(pairing) has been the point of focus of ESMA and NCAs during 2021. While progress has been made,
some areas (particularly reconciliation) need to remain areas of focus also in the future.
7.1 Data reporting Key trends
SFTR reporting started in July 2020 and was
followed by a phased-in period - concluded in
January 2021 during which reporting
requirements were gradually extended to
different types of counterparties. Given a more
extensive availability of data reported under
SFTR in 2021, this section of the report contains
more elaborated analyses than in the previous
edition. Since SFTR data have a similar structure
to EMIR, reporting trends can be analysed from
similar perspectives (i.e., types and volumes of
life-cycle events, open contracts and reporting
TRs are required to submit daily to NCAs and
ESMA a set of 4 reports providing a thorough
overview on SFTR reporting activity:
1) the Trade Activity Report (TAR), in which
TRs provide all the life-cycle events reported
by SFT counterparties on the reference
2) the Trade State Report (TSR), which
provides a snapshot of all the outstanding
SFTs at the reference date (i.e.,
incorporating all the reported life-cycle
events and applying them to the respective
SFT records).
3) the Rejection Report, which contains
statistics at file and SFTs level on the
acceptance/rejection of the reports received
by the TRs on the reference date (see
Subsection 7.3 Data integrity Adherence to
format and content).
4) The Reconciliation Report, which provides
information at a counterparties-pair level
on the reconciliation activity performed by
TRs on expired and outstanding trades at
the reference date (see Subsection 7.4 Data
integrity Reconciliation).
Key trends: Due to the removal of reporting
requirements for UK counterparties after Brexit,
SFTR reporting volumes significantly decreased
in 2021, falling to an average of 49 million life-
cycle events reported per month.
As shown in Chart 32, there were 4 TRs
providing SFTR reporting services in 2021:
DDRIE (DDRL before Brexit), which received the
largest share of submissions (on average 41
million records per month in 2021), followed by
UnaVista (5 million), Regis-TR (3 million) and
KDPW (0.1 million). It is worth mentioning that the
volumes reported by UnaVista in the TAR started
to decrease in December 2021 as a
consequence of the voluntary withdrawal of the
TR from the provision of reporting services for
SFTR, which is being finalised in the first half of
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 31
2022 (see Subsection 5.5 SFTR UnaVista
Chart 32
SFTR data reporting key trends
SFTs reported by Trade Repository
Note: Until Brexit, DDRL was the TR (UK entity part of the
DTCC group) authorized by ESMA for EMIR and SFTR
reporting services. After Brexit, ESMA authorization of
DDRL was withdrawn and granted to DDRIE (DTCC-entity
based in EU)
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 33 provides the figures of SFTR reporting
volumes broken down by action type. Likewise for
EMIR, the action type field refers to the type of
life-cycle event reported for the SFT. The most
reported action types are the ones referring to
contract modification and valuation updates.
Chart 33
SFTR data reporting key trends
SFTs reported by action type
Note: Total number of submissions per month and action
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Through the periodic monitoring of SFTR reports,
ESMA detected a relevant data quality issue
inflating the number of outstanding SFTs caused
by one counterparty failing to report maturity date
on its transactions. As shown in Chart 34 the
number of open SFTs has been constantly
increasing until November 2021, when as a
result of an action taken by the relevant
competent authority the counterparty corrected
the data reporting errors by submitting
backloaded early terminations.
Chart 34
SFTR data reporting key trends
Inflation in open SFTs reports caused by
one reporting counterparty
Note: Extract of the TSR submitted by the TR contracted
by one SFT counterparty missing to report early
termination life-cycle events.
Open SFTs, are transactions that have not matured, or
which have not been the subject of reports with action
types ‘Error’, ‘Termination/Early termination’, or ‘Position
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
According to the TSR submitted in 2021, it results
that Securities and Commodities Lending or
Borrowing (SLEB) is the most common type of
outstanding SFTs as shown in Chart 35. The
notable drop in the percentage of SLEB at the
end of 2021 is attributable to the data quality
issue mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Chart 35
SFTR data reporting key trends
Open SFTs by type
Note: Total number of open SFTs per month and SFT type,
as percentage of the total.
Open SFTs, are transactions that have not matured, or
which have not been the subject of reports with action
types ‘Error’, ‘Termination/Early termination’, or ‘Position
The chart contains all open SFTs including those that were
‘overreported’ as shown in Chart 35.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 36 shows the distribution of outstanding
SFTs providing a breakdown by type of reporting
counterparty: most of the open SFTs have been
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 32
reported by credit institutions (on average 60% of
the outstanding SFTs), followed by Investment
Firms (20%). It is notable how in January 2021
the distribution of types of counterparties
changed (less Investment firms due to Brexit and
more Other Financial CPs and Non-Financial
CPs after the SFTR phase-in).
Chart 36
SFTR data reporting key trends
Open SFTs by Counterparty Sector
Note: Total number of open SFTs per month and reporting
counterparty sectors, as percentage of the total. Other
Financial CPs are Insurance and Re-insurance firms,
AIFMs, Pension Funds and UCITs.
Open SFTs, are transactions that have not matured, or
which have not been the subject of reports with action
types ‘Error’, ‘Termination/Early termination’, or ‘Position
The chart contains all open SFTs including those that were
‘overreported’ as shown in Chart 35.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
7.2 Data completeness, timeliness,
and availability
SFTR Timeliness Analysis: The timeliness of
reporting under SFTR was performed using the
same concept and methodology as for EMIR (see
section 6.2).
Chart 37 shows the results obtained from the
analysis of daily Trade Activity Reports (TAR) for
2021. The proportion of late reporting remained
on average below 10% while early reporting is
negligible or non-existent.
Chart 37
SFTR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
SFTR TAR - Timeliness Analysis (daily)
Note: An SFT executed at time T and reported at T+1 at
latest, is considered “On Time”. An SFT executed at time
T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late Reporting”.
An SFT executed at time T and reported before T is
considered “Early Reporting”. An SFT subject to “weekend
effect” is classified as “On time – weekend effect”.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using daily trade activity reports for 2021
A few spikes in late reporting observed around
New Year, Easter and other public holidays
should be considered as merely a calendar effect
impacting the accuracy of the results. In other
cases, a more persistent upward trend
accompanied by a drop in late reporting is
observed. This could be an indication of
misreporting behaviour by reporting entities.
Chart 38 shows the aggregated results for the full
2021 split by the jurisdiction of the reporting
counterparties. While in most jurisdictions the
occurrence of late reporting remains limited and
low, there are a few jurisdictions like Greece,
France, and Italy where reporting entities have
higher volumes of late reports on an aggregated
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 33
Chart 38
SFTR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
SFTR TAR - Timeliness Analysis by
Note: An SFT executed at time T and reported at T+1 at
latest, is considered “On Time”. An SFT executed at time
T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late Reporting”.
An SFT executed at time T and reported before T is
considered “Early Reporting”. An SFT subject to weekend
effect” is classified as “On time – weekend effect”.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using daily trade activity reports for 2021
It is often one or a few reporting entities that drive
the build-up of late reporting, which is why it is
relevant for NCAs to intervene timely and
appropriately. Therefore, a targeted effort from
NCA’s side can often rectify the problem swiftly
and bring down a significant portion of late
reporting within its jurisdiction.
To complement and expand the previous
analysis, ESMA applied the same calculation
using a different dataset, namely the Trade State
Report (TSR) which contains the latest state of all
outstanding SFTs.
Chart 39 shows the results obtained from the
analysis of daily TSR data for 2021. The
proportion of late reporting is slightly lower
compared to the results obtained using TAR data,
while early reporting, which was non-existent in
TARs, is an apparent issue in this analysis.
Chart 39
SFTR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
SFTR TSR - Timeliness Analysis (daily)
Note: An SFT executed at time T and reported at T+1 at
latest, is considered “On Time”. An SFT executed at time
T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late Reporting”.
An SFT executed at time T and reported before T is
considered “Early Reporting”. An SFT subject to “weekend
effect” is classified as “On time – weekend effect”.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using daily trade state reports for 2021
Once an SFT is concluded and reported early or
late, it is not possible to ‘correct’ the time of its
initial submission. Therefore, such SFT will
continue to appear as reported early or late in the
Consequently, the significant stock of early
reported SFTs visible in the TSR occurred before
2021 as the TARs of 2021 does not show such
reporting behaviour. The issue has been
encapsulated in the TSR, vanishing only once
those SFTs reach maturity or are terminated, as
it can be observed in the sharp drop that occurred
towards the end of 2021. Moreover, the share of
late reports in the TSR may also be partially
caused by batches of back-dated reporting of
previously non-reported trades.
Monitoring of the evolution of timeliness reporting
using TSR data can help to identify patterns
caused by frequent as well as sporadic
misreporting events occurring both in the present
as well as in the past which would otherwise be
difficult to identify.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 34
Chart 40 shows the aggregated results split by
the jurisdiction of reporting counterparties. The
effect of early reporting is more pronounced
compared to the results obtained using TAR data
(see Chart 38).
Chart 40
SFTR data completeness, timeliness, and availability
SFTR TSR - Timeliness Analysis by
Note: An SFT executed at time T and reported at T+1 at
latest, is considered “On Time”. An SFT executed at time
T and reported after T+1 is considered “Late Reporting”.
An SFT executed at time T and reported before T is
considered “Early Reporting”. An SFT subject to weekend
effect” is classified as “On time – weekend effect”.
Source: Trade Repositories, GLEIF and ESMA
calculations using the trade state report of 2021/12/31.
While early reporting is evident in Lithuania,
Belgium, and Austria, late reporting is more
apparent in Greece, Slovenia, and Hungary.
Early reporting becomes more relevant when
analysing the cumulative effect of such
misreporting behaviour using TSR data. In some
jurisdiction above 20% of open SFTs have been
reported with the event date being later than the
reporting timestamp.
Identifying reporting entities who consistently
misreport newly executed SFTs and rectifying
Unique transaction under SFTR is defined on the basis of
three fields: Reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other
such behaviour remains important for achieving
an accurate picture of SFTs’ market at all times
and thus for the efficient surveillance of the
systemic risk.
Timeliness of reporting by counterparties has
been the focus of NCAs during 2021 during the
SFTR DQEF (see Subsection 4.2 SFTR DQEF).
7.3 Data integrity Adherence to
format and content rules
As the SFTR regime settles in, the rejection rate
for SFT submissions continues a downward
trend. Furthermore, Chart 41 displays the
significant decrease in the volume of rejected
records. This trend has been noticeable mainly
since May-June and has become more
pronounced throughout the rest of the series. The
positive decreasing trend is the result of the
interaction with TRs and the joint work of NCAs
and ESMA in the context of the SFTR DQEF on
the quality of reporting by the counterparties (see
Subsection 4.2 SFTR DQEF).
Chart 41
SFTR data integrity Adherence to format and content
Total volume and rejection as % of total
Note: Rejection rate is the percentage of records rejected
from the total amount of records received by the Trade
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Duplicated reporting: When validating transaction
messages submitted by reporting participants,
TRs are asked among other things, to validate the
incoming data and ensure that no duplicates
are being reported.
counterparty and trade ID. In the case of collateral data
submissions, master agreement type is also used.
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 35
Having said that, TRs can validate uniqueness of
reporting on data that is reported to them, i.e., a
TR cannot validate whether another TR receives
the same record.
To verify uniqueness of reporting, ESMA
identifies duplicated records on, both, TR level
(duplicates that TRs are expected to identify are
reject) and across TRs (duplicated records which
cannot be identified by TRs, and which are pure
counterparty misreporting issue).
Chart 42 and Chart 43 depict split between
duplicated and unique open SFT transactions on
monthly basis on a TR level (intra-TR) and across
all TRs (inter-TR). While there have been one-off
incidents at one TR where large number of
duplicates have appeared in the regulatory report
(particularly during end of 2020 and early 2021),
the results currently show that only a small
fraction of records is duplicated, and this issue
does not, now, pose any real problems for end
Chart 42
SFTR data integrity Adherence to format and content
Intra TR duplicate records as % of total
reported volume
Note: Duplicated transactions are identified based on three
fields: Reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other
counterparty and trade ID. In case collateral report, master
agreement type is used as well. The analysis has been
performed on open SFT transactions on a given reference
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Pairing is performed on the basis of three fields which define
uniqueness of an SFT transaction: Reporting counterparty ID,
ID of the other counterparty and trade ID.
Chart 43
SFTR data integrity Adherence to format and content
Inter TR duplicate records as % of total
reported volume
Note: Note: Duplicated transactions are identified based
on three fields: Reporting counterparty ID, ID of the other
counterparty and trade ID. In case collateral report, master
agreement type is used as well. The analysis has been
performed on open SFT transactions on a given reference
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
7.4 Data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciliation: Reconciliation is one of the key
data quality processes performed by TRs. TRs
provide information on the results of the process
to all key stakeholders, i.e., reporting participants
and NCAs/ESMA. To visualize the results, ESMA
relied on the information provided in the
reconciliation reports for outstanding SFT
transaction. These reports contain, among
others, detailed breakdown of reconciliation
status for each open SFT.
Chart 44 shows the result of pairing
over time.
In the 4
quarter of 2020, the pairing rate stood
at about 45-50%. There has been a positive trend
throughout 2021 and by the end of the year the
pairing rate increased to 60%. Considering that
the SFTR is a relatively young reporting regime,
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 36
these are not entirely disappointing results
(indeed EMIR pairing rate stands at around 60%
as well after 8 years of reporting). Having said
that, ESMA’s intention is to continue to focus on
pairing (and reconciliation more broadly) as part
of its work with the NCAs (see Subsection 4.2 for
more details).
Chart 44
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Paired records
Note: Pairing is performed based on three fields: Reporting
counterparty ID, ID of the other counterparty and trade ID.
The results show pairing rate on open SFTs.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 45 shows the distribution of pairing rate
across jurisdictions. Clearly, there is a substantial
variation in the results as counterparties tend to
display varying performance levels in different
Chart 46 once a transaction is successfully
paired, TRs proceed with an attempt to match the
remaining fields
between the two reported sides
of a transaction. TRs perform matching both on
the loan as well as on the collateral information of
each transaction.
As regards loan matching, through 4
2020 and until end 2021 there has been a positive
trend as the matching rate increased from around
30% to nearly 50%.
The list of reconcilable fields that TRs use, including, where
applicable, tolerances can be found in the RTS on data quality
Chart 45
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Paired records by country of the reporting
counterparty for the period Q4 2021
Note: Pairing rates by jurisdiction.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 46
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciled loan components
Note: Reconciliation rate on loan components of open
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 37
Chart 47 shows loan reconciliation rate by
jurisdiction. Once again, there is variation in the
performance of the results across countries.
Chart 48 shows reconciliation of collateral
components. Considering that collateral
reconciliation is the most complex step in the
entire process it is not surprising to see that
successful reconciliation exhibits the lowest rates
only around 20% at the end of 2021.
Importantly, like in the previous cases, there has
been an increasing trend throughout the
displayed period.
Chart 49 shows breakdown of collateral
reconciliation rates by jurisdiction. Consistently
with the findings in the previous charts, there is a
substantial variation in reconciliation rates across
different jurisdictions.
While SFTR reconciliation (namely pairing) has
been the focus of NCAs during 2021 during the
SFTR DQEF (see Subsection 4.2 SFTR DQEF)
and some progress has been made, it is
reconciliation still needs to be point of focus going
Chart 47
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciled loan components by country of
the reporting counterparty for the period Q4
Note: Loan reconciliation by jurisdiction.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 48
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciled collateral components
Note: Collateral component reconciliation of open SFTs.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 49
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Reconciled collateral components by
country of the reporting counterparty for
the period Q4 2021
Note: Collateral reconciliation by jurisdiction.
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
EMIR and SFTR data quality report 2021 38
A similar analysis to EMIR inter-TR reconciliation
process discrepancies (see Subsection 6.4 Data
integrity ) has been carried out under SFTR.
Chart 50 shows that there are significant
divergences in the number of UTIs that a TR
considers that it has paired against other TRs.
Such discrepancies are an indication that the
reconciliation process performed by TRs may not
function appropriately and that information
provided by TRs on the outcomes of the
reconciliation process to the reporting
participants and NCAs may not correctly reflect
the correct state of reconciliation between two
legs of any SFT.
In case of SFTR, the reconciliation is somewhat
more complex than in EMIR ad TRs are required
to reconcile both the Loan and Collateral
component) which results in more evident
discrepancies (see Chart 51).
Chart 50
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Discrepancies in number of UTIs paired
versus Other TRs
Note: The charts are based on information provided
monthly by TRs to ESMA in the context of periodic
information (Item 36 Reconciliation Statistics). The
figures in the charts refer to outstanding trades and are
computed as the monthly average for the reference period
June 2021 December 2021
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
Chart 51
SFTR data integrity Reconciliation
Discrepancies in number of UTIs
reconciled versus Other TRs
Note: The charts are based on information provided
monthly by TRs to ESMA in the context of periodic
information (Item 36 Reconciliation Statistics). The
figures in the charts refer to outstanding trades and are
computed as the monthly average for the reference period
June 2021 December 2021
Source: Trade Repositories & ESMA calculations
8. Methodological Annex
EMIR reporting trends and data quality metrics
Data reporting key trends: ESMA monitors key trends in the reporting volumes by performing a
count of all daily submissions and open derivatives for a given reference date by action type, asset
class and contract type.
Data completeness, timeliness, and availability execution vs. reporting timestamps: ESMA
measures the timeliness of reporting by counterparties by applying the following four assumptions: (1)
derivatives concluded at time T and reported at T+1 at the latest, are considered “On Time”, (2)
derivatives concluded at time T and reported after T+1 are considered “Late Reporting”, (3) derivatives
concluded at time T and reported before T are considered “Early Reporting”, and (4) derivatives
concluded on a Friday or Saturday and reported on the consecutive Monday are subject to a “weekend
effect” which is accounted for in the calculation and correctly classified as “on time”. Submissions with
action type N (New) or P (Position component) reported at transaction level (Level = T) are used for
this analysis. For each submission in the sample, we compute the difference between the “Reporting
Timestamp” and the “Execution Timestamp” expressed in days. Public-, national- and bank holidays
(i.e., calendar effect”) are not accounted for in the calculation, nor is the conversion of Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) to local time made. These approximations simplify and speeds up the calculation
but could give rise to some degree of inaccuracy (i.e., records wrongly classified as “Late Reporting”
due to UTC vs local time differences, or due to calendar effect) impacting the overall results.
Data completeness, timeliness, and availability non-reporting: ESMA estimates the number of
non-reported derivatives by counting a number of open derivatives reported between a counterparty
pair (i.e., EMIR fields ‘Reporting counterparty ID’ and ‘ID of the other counterparty’) in both directions
(i.e., CP1 vs. CP2 and CP2 vs. CP1) and taking a difference in those instances where open derivatives
were reported only in one direction. Non-EEA counterparties and open derivatives with non-LEIs in ID
of the other counterparty are excluded from the calculation. Member State of non-reporting is identified
by the country of LEI in ID of the other counterparty using the GLEIF reference data.
Data completeness, timeliness, and availability non-reporting of valuations by counterparties:
ESMA measures non-reporting of valuations by counterparties by analysing all open derivatives with
action type = N (new) or V (valuation) and clearing threshold = Y. The difference in number of days is
computed between the reference date of the TSR and the valuation timestamp of a record. Each record
is grouped into buckets (0-15 days, 16-30 days, 30-365 days, and >365 days) to measure the frequency
of valuation updates.
Data accuracy adherence to format and content revalidation and rejection rates: ESMA
performs a data revalidation process on the daily submissions to detect data quality issues linked to the
validation process of TRs. The analysis uses a randomly selected data sample (~15%) extracted from
one daily submission report per month, per TR. Each data point is checked against the current ESMA
validation rules.
Rejection statistics produced by TRs are aggregated by ESMA and used to monitor how many reports
are being rejected by TRs due to misreporting by CPs.
Data integrity reconciliation: ESMA performs reconciliation process on open derivatives on a given
reference data by replicating the process applied by the TRs. Firstly, non-EEA open derivatives are
excluded from reconciliation.
Pairing is performed by finding second leg of each derivative by using a unique key (i.e., EMIR fields
‘Reporting counterparty ID’, ID of the other counterparty’, and Trade ID’). The second leg of a derivative
is found by looking CP1-CP2-TradeID vs CP2-CP1-TradeID. Both sides of each derivative are counted
towards the aggregate values.
The difference in the number of reported derivatives is calculated by counting open derivatives reported
between a counterparty pair (i.e., ‘Reporting counterparty ID’ and ‘ID of the other counterparty’) in both
directions (i.e., CP1 vs. CP2 and CP2 vs. CP1) and taking a difference.
The analysis on inter-TR reconciliation issues is based on data submitted by TRs monthly according to
the Guidelines on Periodic Information
. The scope of this analysis includes only information related to
open derivatives. The reference period of the analysis provided in this report is June’2021-
December’2021. The relevant values that are considered are the following:
- The number of UTIs each TR reports to have paired/reconciled with all other TRs (A)
- The number of UTIs all other TRs report to have paired/reconciled with that specific TR (B)
- The difference between the number of UTIs reported by the TR and the other TRs (A B)
- The percentage difference [(A B)/A]
Those values have been calculated for each month of the reference period and have been averaged
SFTR reporting trends and data quality metrics
Data reporting key trends: ESMA monitors key trends in the reporting volumes by performing a
count of all daily submissions and open SFTs for a given reference date by action type, type of SFT
and sector of the reporting counterparties.
Data accuracy adherence to format and content: Total number of accepted and rejected SFTs is
computed from dedicated TR regulatory reports containing aggregated as well as SFTs level
information on rejected and accepted SFTs submitted to TRs by counterparties.
Duplicated records are identified using counterparty ID, ID of the other counterparty and trade ID. In the
cases of collateral components master agreement type is used as well. The analysis is performed on
the trade state report containing all open SFTs on a given date.
Data completeness, timeliness, and availability event date vs. reporting timestamps: ESMA
measures the timeliness of reporting by counterparties by applying the following four assumptions: (1)
new SFTs concluded at time T and reported at T+1 at the latest, are considered “On Time”, (2) new
SFTs concluded at time T and reported after T+1 are considered “Late Reporting”, (3) new SFTs
concluded at time T and reported before T are considered “Early Reporting”, and (4) SFTs concluded
on a Friday or Saturday and reported on the consecutive Monday are subject to a “weekend effect”
which is accounted for in the calculation and correctly classified as “on time”. For each submission in
the sample, we compute the difference between the Reporting Timestamp” and the Event Date
expressed in days. Public-, national- and bank holidays (i.e., calendar effect”) are not accounted for in
the calculation, nor is the conversion of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to local time made. These
approximations simplify and speeds up the calculation but could give rise to some degree of inaccuracy
(i.e., records wrongly classified as “Late Reporting” due to UTC vs local time differences, or due to
calendar effect) impacting the overall results.
Data integrity reconciliation: Pairing and reconciliation flags are calculated using dedicated fields
with respective reconciliation statuses in the trade state report. Only records where both counterparties
The item analysed is “Item 36a Reconciliation Statistics”. For more information, please consult the Guidelines on periodic
information” and the Data Reporting templates on the ESMA web page.
have a reporting obligation are considered. Information on the jurisdiction of the two counterparties to
the transaction (reporting counterparty ID and ID of the other counterparty) is obtained from GLEIF.
The analysis on inter-TR reconciliation issues is based on data submitted by TRs on a monthly basis
according to the Guidelines on Periodic Information
. The scope of this analysis includes only
information related to outstanding SFTs. The reference period of the analysis provided in this report is
June’2021-December’2021. The relevant values that are considered are the following:
- The number of UTIs each TR reports to have paired/reconciled with all other TRs (A)
- The number of UTIs all other TRs report to have paired/reconciled with that specific TR (B)
- The difference between the number of UTIs reported by the TR and the other TRs (A B)
- The percentage difference [(A B)/A]
Those values have been calculated for each month of the reference period and have been averaged
The item analysed is “Item 36b Reconciliation Statistics”. For more information, please consult the Guidelines on periodic
information” and the Data Reporting templates on the ESMA web page.
9. List of abbreviations
Autoriteit Financiële Markten
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Bank for International Settlements
Central Bank of Ireland
Central Counterparty
Česká národní banka
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Credit Derivatives
Credit Default Swap
Contract for Difference
Clearing Member
CME Trade Repository Ltd. (CME TR)
Commodity Derivatives
Central Securities Depositories
Currency Derivatives
DTCC Data Repository (Ireland) Plc
DTCC Derivatives Repository Plc
Data Quality Action Plan
Data Quality Engagement Framework
Data Quality Review
European Economic Area
European Markets Infrastructure Regulation
Equity Derivatives
European Securities and Markets Authority
Exchange Traded Derivatives
Financial Counterparty
Financial Stability Board
Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
ICE Trade Vault Europe Ltd. (ICE TVEL)
Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision
Interest Rate Derivatives
Interest Rate Swaps
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartosciowych S.A.
Legal Entity Identifier
Market Identifier Code
Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation
Malta Financial Services Authority
National Competent Authority
Non-Financial Counterparty
Repurchase Agreement
Regulatory Technical Standard
Securities Financing Transaction
Securities Financing Transactions Regulation
Securities and Commodities Lending or Borrowing
Trade Activity Report
Trade Repository
Trade State Report
Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
UnaVista TRADEcho B.V. (The Netherlands)
Unavista limited
Coordinated Universal Time
Unique Trade Identifier
Extensible Markup Language
Countries abbreviated according to ISO standards
Currencies abbreviated according to ISO standards