From Callbacks to Design Patterns
Tom Verhoeff
Software Engineering & Technology
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
The Netherlands
October 2012 (Version 1.3)
This note describes how the simple idea of function-as-parameter, also
known as callback, leads to a number of well-known design patterns. In par-
ticular, the following design patterns appear: Strategy, Adapter, Composite,
Decorator, and Observer. Conciseness of presentation was a major goal.
Each pattern emerges from explicit design considerations and is illus-
trated with UML class diagrams and (separately available) Java code. The
relation to listeners in a Java GUI is explained. Also, push-pull and update-
query variations are considered. Testing is addressed in a separate note.
The Observer design pattern emerges here in a way that I have not seen
before. An observer is just a strategy, in the sense of the Strategy pattern.
A Composite pattern is used to take observer management and notification
distribution out of the observable subject. This has as side-benefit that ob-
servers can be organized hierarchically in separately manageable observer
groups, which can be reused on other observable subjects as well. The re-
sulting concrete subjects are simpler as well, because they need not duplicate
code for observer management and notification distribution.
The Adapter pattern can be used to construct observers from other (non-
observer) functionality, and the Decorator pattern is used to modify existing
1 Introduction
Nowadays, there are numerous references for design patterns, for example, the
original book that popularized design patterns [3], the funny explanation-through-
example and consideration-filled book [2], the recent compact book [1], and, not
to forget, Wikipedia [5].
This note shows how one can discover some design patterns starting from the no-
tion of a callback [4]. The resulting Observer pattern deviates from standard pre-
sentations, offering more flexibility and less code duplication.
Programming Methods (2IP15) From Callbacks to Design Patterns
2 Callbacks
Suppose you have some (complicated, tested, and approved) functionality A, say
a simulation or generation algorithm, and you want to incorporate some further
functionality B, say to process data as it gets produced by A. Note that data items
are produced one by one inside A as a stream, and not bundled in a single result
when A returns. Processing could simply consist of printing or counting, or be
more advanced, like collecting statistics, showing animated graphics, etc.
One way to accomplish this is to merge the code for the processing (B) into the
code for the simulator or generator (A). This approach has major disadvantages:
1. While merging code, you may break functionality in A, or B.
2. It makes testing of A and B harder.
3. It makes reuse of A or B harder.
4. It will not be easy to choose or even vary B at run time.
In software engineering jargon, we say that this approach introduces a hard (strong)
coupling between A and B.
Applying the technique of Divide and Conquer, the functionality in A and in B
should be encapsulated as functions, or (if also some global variables are needed) as
classes containing appropriate processing methods. We will name these functions
doA and doB. That way, all we need to merge into doA is a call of doB (see
Figure 1, left). This looks more decent, and offers some improvement, but basically
it has the same disadvantages, though testing and reusing B may be easier now.
Using a switch statement in B, we could even vary functionality in B at run time.
But that is also awkward.
Ideally, we would like to generalize A by abstracting from the processing in B.
That would loosen the coupling. This can be accomplished by parameterizing A,
and passing B as parameter in the invocation of A. In languages like C/C++ and
Object Pascal (Delphi), you can pass a function as parameter
to another func-
tion. A function passed as parameter is also known as a callback. The caller of A
provides A with a function through which A can invoke externally defined func-
tionality (B). In a sense, A calls back to the environment from which it was called.
3 Callbacks in Java
The Java programming language does not support function parameters. But we can
accomplish the same thing by putting the function as a method inside a class, and
passing an object of that class as parameter. For even more flexibility, we typically
define an interface that contains the signature of the callback method.
Often, what is actually passed is a pointer to a function.
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In our example, the interface for functionality B could be defined as follows
1 public interface CallbackB {
2 void doB(String data);
3 }
Functionality A is now set up in the following way.
1 public class FunctionalityA {
2 public static void doA(int n, CallbackB b) {
3 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
4 final String data; // data item produced
5 data = i + " produced by A"; // "complex" computation
6 b.doB(data);
7 }
8 }
9 }
Functionality B can be defined in different ways, for instance, to print the data:
1 public class DataPrinter implements CallbackB {
2 private final String name;
3 public DataPrinter(String name) {
4 = name;
5 }
6 public void doB(String data) {
7 System.out.println(name + " processed " + data);
8 }
9 }
The main environment couples functionality A with functionality B:
1 public class Main {
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
3 final int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
4 final CallbackB printer = new DataPrinter(args[1]);
5 FunctionalityA.doA(n, printer);
6 }
7 }
In DrJava
, you can invoke the example by typing in the Interactions panel
> run Main 3 B1
B1 processed 0 produced by A
B1 processed 1 produced by A
B1 processed 2 produced by A
We violated some good coding standards to show all the code on a single page.
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Invoke it with different parameters for functionality A and B by typing
> run Main 5 B2
B2 processed 0 produced by A
B2 processed 1 produced by A
B2 processed 2 produced by A
B2 processed 3 produced by A
B2 processed 4 produced by A
doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
doA(…; b: CalbackB)
doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
Figure 1: UML class diagram of hard coupling (left) and the basic callback (right)
Figure 1 (right) shows a UML class diagram of this approach to callbacks. The
dashed arrows represent static dependencies. That is, X 99K Y means that X
depends on Y , and X cannot be compiled/deployed without Y .
Note that functionality A and functionality B are independent: neither depends on
the other. Both depend on the, quite general, interface CallbackB.
At run time, functionality A gets coupled to specific functionality B by Main.
However, A only requires that this B implements CallbackB. A does not need
to know more details. Hence, it can invoke only operation doB on B, and nothing
else, even if B has other methods.
This is an example of the Strategy Design Pattern. Each way of processing the data
items (functionality B) is referred to as a strategy. This design pattern makes it
easy to vary the strategy used by functionality A at run time.
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4 Defining an Anonymous Callback on the Fly
You can use an anonymous callback, that is, a nameless class that implements
CallbackB. Here is an example that counts out the data items on standard output.
1 FunctionalityA.doA(n, new CallbackB() {
2 int count;
3 public void doB(String data) {
4 ++ count;
5 System.out.println(count);
6 }
7 });
There is no way to retrieve the count (that is why we print each count). However,
it is advisable at least to assign the anonymous callback to a local variable:
1 CallbackB adhocCounter = new CallbackB() {
2 ...
3 };
4 FunctionalityA.doA(n, adhocCounter);
Even though the callback itself now has a name, the class of which it is an instance
still does not have a name. Consequently, it is still impossible to retrieve the count
afterwards. The type of adhocCounter is CallbackB, and that only provides
access to doB and not to count.
It might be clearer to give that ad hoc class a name, in a local class definition,
nested inside the main class. You can then also retrieve the count afterwards:
1 class AdhocCounter implements CallbackB {
2 ...
3 };
4 AdhocCounter adhocCounter = new AdhocCounter();
5 FunctionalityA.doA(n, adhocCounter);
6 System.out.println(adhocCounter.count + " items seen");
Note that we now typed adhocCounter as an AdhocCounter, to allow access
to the (non-private) instance variable count.
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5 Wrapping a Class to Provide a Callback
Suppose we already have a nice Abstract Data Type for counting:
1 public class Counter {
2 private long count;
3 public long getCount() {
4 return count;
5 }
6 public void count() {
7 ++ count;
8 }
9 }
Unfortunately, this class does not implement interface CallbackB, so it cannot
serve as a callback passed to functionality A. A bad solution would be to ‘hack’
the Counter and turn it (also) into a CallbackB. A better solution is to wrap
it, so that it becomes a CallbackB (an example of the Adapter Design Pattern):
1 class DataCounter extends Counter implements CallbackB {
2 public void doB(String data) {
3 count();
4 }
5 }
The main environment can use this wrapped version as follows.
1 final DataCounter counter = new DataCounter();
2 FunctionalityA.doA(n, counter);
3 System.out.println(counter.getCount()
4 + " items received from A");
Figure 2 shows a UML class diagram for the wrapping technique. A DataCounter
is (behaves as) both a Counter and a CallbackB.
For more flexibility, keep the counter external to the adapter, and use composition
instead of inheritance (see Figure 3). The main application then uses the adapter as
callback, and uses the separate counter to retrieve its state. The adapter’s construc-
tor stores a reference to the counter to use:
1 class CounterAdapter implements CallbackB {
2 private final Counter counter;
3 public CounterAdapter(Counter counter) {
4 this.counter = counter;
5 }
6 public void doB(String data) {
7 counter.count();
8 }
9 }
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doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
getCount(): int
Figure 2: UML class diagram for wrapping to define a callback, with inheritance
doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
getCount(): int
Figure 3: UML class diagram for adapter to define a callback, with composition
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6 Distributing a Callback to Other Callbacks
What if you want to print the data items and also count them? It would be nice if
you could combine the existing data processors, without modifying them (you do
not want to break them, now that they have been tested and are working well).
You could combine them in an ad hoc (hard-coded) way, by defining a class that im-
plements CallbackB and passes the data on to a data printer and a data counter.
Instead of this rather inflexible solution, it is nicer to define a generic data distrib-
utor that distributes one callback to multiple other callbacks:
1 public class CompositeCallbackB implements CallbackB {
2 private final List<CallbackB> parts;
3 public CompositeCallbackB() {
4 parts = new ArrayList<CallbackB>();
5 }
6 public void add(CallbackB b) {
7 parts.add(b);
8 }
9 public void doB(String data) {
10 for (CallbackB b : parts) {
11 b.doB(data);
12 }
13 }
14 }
The main environment can configure a distributor (the ‘plumbing’) at run time as
follows, to print and count in a single run of functionality A.
1 final CallbackB printer = new DataPrinter(args[1]);
2 final DataCounter counter = new DataCounter();
3 final CompositeCallbackB printer_counter
4 = new CompositeCallbackB();
5 printer_counter.add(printer);
6 printer_counter.add(counter);
7 FunctionalityA.doA(n, printer_counter);
8 System.out.println(counter.getCount()
9 + " items received from A");
By extending CompositeCallbackB with a method to unregister callbacks,
you obtain a very flexible infrastructure:
1 public void remove(CallbackB b) {
2 parts.remove(b);
3 }
You can register a CompositeCallbackB with another CompositeCallbackB
to create a hierarchic distribution network (also see the Composite Design Pattern).
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add(b: CallbackB)
doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
Figure 4: UML class diagram for a composite callback
Figure 4 shows a UML class diagram for the composite callback. An instance of a
CompositeCallbackB is (behaves as) a CallbackB, and also contains a set
of CallbackBs. Each of these parts could be a specific callback for functional-
ity B, such as a DataPrinter or DataCounter, or in turn another composite
Why would you use a hierarchy, rather than a flat structure? Because certain com-
binations of callbacks are also used in other places, and can be set up once, to
be coupled later as one group to various functionalities A. If such a group needs
to be combined with another callback or group of callbacks, you get a hierarchy.
Furthermore, you can unregister such a group as a whole in one action, without
affecting other registered callbacks.
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7 Modifying and Filtering Data as It Is Transferred
When there is a need to vary the processing of the data items in functionality B,
you can modify an existing callback or copy-and-edit it. Alternatively, you can
extend (subclass) an existing callback.
Neither of these solutions is flexible. Imagine that you want other variations, and
also of other callbacks. The number of possible combinations grows fast: m vari-
ations of n callbacks would give rise to m × n new callbacks. And then we do not
even consider the desire of combining multiple variations applied to a callback.
A better approach is to put each variation in a separate method, that can be applied
to data items before they are passed on to the callback to be varied. So, the variation
behaves like a CallbackB, that passes modified data on to another CallbackB.
A variation in our example could be to put quotes around the data item. This is
accomplished with a DataQuoter:
1 class DataQuoter implements CallbackB {
2 private CallbackB destination;
3 public DataQuoter(CallbackB destination) {
4 this.destination = destination;
5 }
6 public void doB(String data) {
7 destination.doB(’"’ + data + ’"’);
8 }
9 }
You might even suppress some calls depending on a condition, as in this DataFilter:
1 class DataFilter implements CallbackB {
2 private CallbackB destination;
3 private String pattern;
4 public DataFilter(CallbackB destination, String pattern) {
5 this.destination = destination;
6 this.pattern = pattern;
7 }
8 public void doB(String data) {
9 if (data.contains(pattern)) {
10 destination.doB(data);
11 }
12 }
13 }
We now only need m + n callbacks, and can also combine variations easily:
new DataFilter(new DataQuoter(new DataPrinter("PQF")), "1")
This is an example of the Decorator Design Pattern.
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doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
doB(data: String)
Figure 5: UML class diagram for a callback modifier or filter
Figure 5 shows a UML class diagram for the callback modifier or filter. An in-
stance of a DataFilter is (behaves as) a CallbackB, but also uses another
CallbackB to complete the processing.
8 Data Processing Toolkit and Trade-offs
With all these techniques (callback interface, composite, adapter, decorator) you
can construct an elegant and flexible toolkit for the processing of data items in
callbacks. But this flexibility does have a price:
there is a performance penalty because of all indirections and data transfers;
the configuration needs to be programmed out and is created at run time.
The latter invites the introduction of a Domain Specific Language to describe con-
figurations (but that is a more advanced topic).
Some further variations are discussed in Sections 10 through 12.
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9 Listeners
You can also look at all this in a slightly different way. And that is exactly what is
done in Java when coupling a graphical user interface (GUI) to the actual function-
ality of an application.
The graphical user interface is driven by the user via the hardware (keyboard,
mouse, touch screen, microphone, etc.). The user serves as functionality A; the
hardware details are hidden from the application. The actual processing can be
compared to functionality B, which is all you need to program for the application.
Each user action is the source of an event, produced in the (hidden) main event loop
(functionality A). The occurrence of an event results in the call of a method that
handles the event. A class that provides such event handler methods is referred to
as an event listener, or listener for short (functionality B).
Thus, the applications becomes a collection of event listeners driven from the (in-
visible) main event loop. Event handling methods are nothing more than callbacks
of the application.
The signatures of event handling methods are defined in appropriate interfaces. For
In the MouseListener interface, there is, among others, a method
void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
which is called in response to the user clicking the mouse button. The parameter
MouseEvent e communicates information about the location of the pointer and
which button was clicked, and how often it was clicked.
Any source of events and corresponding event handlers can be coupled by call-
backs. The terminology is different, but the technique is the same.
10 Observers
Yet another —more general way— to describe this, involves the following ter-
minology. We have a subject or observable (compare this to functionality A) of
which certain state changes require external processing, done by observers (func-
tionality B). To that end, the subject notifies or updates the observers, by calling
an agreed callback. Different terminology, same technique.
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For performance reasons, it can be useful to avoid passing the observer (callback)
to the subject (functionality A) with every invocation of doA. Moreover, it can be
useful to have the ability to change the observer dynamically (at run time). This
can be achieved by storing the observer in the subject in a private instance variable,
which can be set in the constructor, and/or via a separate setter method. To support
multiple observers, we could use a composite observer:
1 CompositeObserverB cob = new CompositeObserverB();
2 cob.add(new PrintingObserverB("B1"));
3 cob.add(new PrintingObserverB("B2"));
4 SubjectA generator1 = new SubjectA("A1");
5 generator1.setObserver(cob);
6 generator1.doA(3);
In practice, observer management is often built into the subject. This is less flexi-
ble, because you cannot reuse a distribution network across multiple subjects. And
it gives rise to unnecessary code duplication. Therefore, we recommend composite
observers as external observer managers.
The terminology for managing the collection of observers varies:
add, remove;
attach, detach;
register, unregister;
subscribe, unsubscribe;
connect, disconnect.
This view on callbacks is also known as the Observer Design Pattern.
11 Push to Observer, or Pull from Subject, or Both
So far, we let the subject push data to the observer directly. However, not every
observer has the same interests. For instance, the data counters in Sections 4 and 5
ignored the content of the data completely.
Rather than letting the subject decide what data to communicate to observers, that
decision can be left to the individual observers. The subject only has to notify the
observer and can leave it to each observer to pull relevant data from the subject
(using other methods), if so needed.
However, if all observers basically need the same data, then the pulling strategy
introduces unnecessary duplication of work, because all observers will query the
subject in the same way. In the push strategy, there is one query, executed by the
subject itself, and pushed to all observers.
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Here is an example where the subject notifies, and the observers pull.
The subject with functionality A implements the interface ObservableB, so that
it can be observed by observers with functionality B.
1 public interface ObservableB {
2 void setObserver(ObserverB observer);
3 String getData();
4 }
An observer with functionality B implements interface ObserverB, so that it can
be notified by subjects:
1 public interface ObserverB {
2 void notifyB(ObservableB subject);
3 }
Note that the observer needs to know the identity of the subject that sent the notifi-
cation, in order to pull data from that subject. Therefore, the notifying subject is a
parameter to notifyB.
Here is a concrete subject that produces n data items:
1 public class SubjectA implements ObservableB {
2 private final String name;
3 private ObserverB observer;
4 private String data;
5 public SubjectA(String name) {
6 = name;
7 }
8 public void setObserver(ObserverB observer) {
9 = observer;
10 }
11 public String getData() {
12 return data;
13 }
14 public void doA(int n) {
15 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
16 data = i + " produced by " + name; // "complex" computation
17 observer.notifyB(this);
18 }
19 }
20 }
Note that the observer should not be null when doA is called with n > 0. This
is a precondition to be ensured by proper configuration of SubjectA. If you want
to execute doA without observer, you need to set the observer, for example, to an
empty CompositeObserverB or to EmptyObserverB:
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1 public class EmptyObserverB implements ObserverB {
2 public void notifyB(ObservableB subject) {
3 // empty implementation, doing nothing
4 }
5 }
A concrete observer that retrieves the data and prints it is defined as follows:
1 public class PrintingObserverB implements ObserverB {
2 private final String name;
3 public PrintingObserverB(String name) {
4 = name;
5 }
6 public void notifyB(ObservableB subject) {
7 final String data = subject.getData();
8 System.out.println(name + " processed " + data);
9 }
10 }
getData(): String
Figure 6: UML class diagram for observers that pull
Figure 6 shows a UML class diagram for the example above with pulling observers.
EmptyObserverB is not shown.
It is also possible to combine push and pull.
In this example, we have used data of type String. It is possible to define the
observer structure generically, and abstract from the specific data involved.
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12 Update or Query the Observers, or Both
Instead of pushing data to the observer, the subject might want to query the ob-
server and pull data from it. In that case, observer is a misnomer. Or, the subject
could notify the observer, which then can decide to push some data to the subject
(using other methods).
Again, it is also possible to have a combination of communicating data to and from
observers. With a little more thought, you can turn this into a generic multi-party
communication facility (a bit like the internet, with addressable parties and data
13 Testing
In a full-blown application, all these facilities need to be tested. Testing of call-
backs, listeners, and observers, and related adapters, composites, and decorators,
requires some ingenuity. That is beyond the scope of this note, and will be pre-
sented in a separate note. Because of the separation of concerns, all these facilities
are independently testable.
14 Concluding Remarks
All the mechanisms discussed here, that is, callbacks, functions-as-parameter, lis-
teners, and observers, aim to accomplish the same thing. It is not about how to
name it, who takes the initiative, or in what direction the data travels. In the end,
it is all about decoupling, that is, reducing dependencies, and about avoiding code
duplication. Decoupling makes it easier to test and to change things, for instance,
when fixing defects, when creating a new version or variant, or when re-configuring
a system at run time.
Which approach is to be favored depends on what data is needed when and where.
Design patterns need to be applied with consideration, taking the specific problem
context into account.
[1] Eddie Burris, Programming in the Large with Design Patterns. Pretty Print
Press, 2012.
[2] Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman. Head First Design Patterns. O’Reilly Me-
dia, 2004.
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[3] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. Design Patterns:
Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley, 1995. Also
known as the Gang-of-Four Book, or GOF Book.
[4] Wikipedia, Callback,
(computer_programming) (accessed 11 Nov. 2012).
[5] Wikipedia, Software Design Pattern,
Software_design_pattern (accessed 30 Oct. 2012).
A EventListener Interface
In Java, callback signatures are often defined as extension of the predefined inter-
face EventListener. This is known as a marker interface, that is, an empty
interface used to mark callbacks, so they can easily be recognized as such, for ex-
ample by the compiler or by using instanceOf(). Since Java 5, marking can
also be done through annotations.
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