Ace the Interview
(951) 827-3631
Prepare for the Interview
Commonly Asked Questions
During the Interview
After the Interview
What story do you want to tell?
Obtaining requisite competencies that
broadly prepare college graduates for a
successful transition into the workplace.
What You'll Learn Today
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to...
Explain what is important
when preparing for an
Identify types of
asked questions, and how
to answer them effectively
Understand your role in
the process and how to
navigate (before the
interview, during the
interview, and after the
What is an interview for?
Find out more
about the
good fit for you
and the
The First Impression
Career Fair or
Phone Call
It begins far before you actually interview!
Once you are invited…
Check Schedule
Respond Promptly
Be Courteous
Types of Interviews &
Interview Logistics
In Person Interview
Verify the time and location
Ask for clarification (if needed)
Will this be a panel or individual
Who will I be meeting with during the
Should I prepare any materials or a
presentation for this interview?
Virtual Interview
Find a space without interruption and a
good internet connection
Access the link/platform ahead of time
Dress the part
Ask for clarification (if needed)
What is the web conferencing system that will
be used?
What time zone will this interview take place?
Should I prepare any materials for this
Virtual Interview
Test your technology: make sure your internet connection is
stable and that your camera and microphone work properly
Create a professional virtual background: Use a plain
background (test virtual backgrounds if needed)
Choose a suitable room: Position yourself in a quiet and
well-lit area, preferably facing a natural light.
Use notes strategically : Avoid reading from them directly
Dress professionally
Be mindful of body language: Maintain eye contact; Smile
when appropriate and nod to show engagement.
Group Interview
Focus on interactivity & inclusivity
Speak with purpose
Listening is key
How do you work in a team setting?
What unique ideas do you have?
Follow the interviewer's Lead
Maintain conversation
Follow etiquette rules
Less formal environment
Dress for Success
Dark or muted colors are more professional
Closed-toe shoes, dark socks if appropriate
Avoid heavy perfume or cologne
Clean hands, nails, and brushed teeth
Grooming (hair & facial)
Visit R' Professional Career Closet
Have you checked your virtual presence lately?
Do Your Research
Review the position description
Research the company/organization
Ask current/former employees about their experiences
Prepare 3-5 questions for your interviewer
Interview Question Styles
Different interviews include different types of questions
Tell me how your background prepares you to do the job?
Could you tell me about a time when you worked on a
group project?
How would you respond to a dissatisfied customer?
What new feature would you add to MS Word if you were
Reflect on past actions and provide real examples for your answer
Behavioral Based
Behavioral Questions
Problem-solving & Critical thinking: "Tell me about a time when you had to find a creative solution to a
complex problem at work"
Time Management: Can you provide an example of a time when you had to handle multiple projects or tasks
with competing deadlines? (How do you prioritize your tasks and manage your time?)"
Teamwork and Collaboration: "Tell me about a time when you had to work in a team to complete the project
before the deadline.
Adaptability and Flexibility: "Describe a time when you had to quickly adjust to new environment, unexpected
changes or shifting priorities. How did you handle it?"
Communication and Interpersonal Skills: "Tell me about a challenging conversation you had to have with a
coworker or client. How did you approach it, and what was the outcome?"
Initiative and Proactivity: “How have you shown initiative?"
Behavioral Questions
Past actions are more indicative of future success than hypothetical
Prepare 3-5 STAR examples
ituation or Task
Describe a specific event or situation. Give enough detail for the interviewer to
understand. Draw from campus, work, or community experiences.
Describe the action you took. If you are describing a group project, focus on your role.
What did you accomplish? What did you learn?
Divide into groups
of 3. Person 1 will
be the interviewer
and will ask
questions first
Person 2 will be
the interviewee
Person 3 will
observe and give
Then switch, so
that each person
takes on each role
1 2 3 4
Interview Question 1:
Tell me about a time when you worked effectively under pressure.
How did you ensure that you were successful?
Interview Question 2:
Describe a time when you worked with a group to achieve a goal.
Interview Question 3:
Walk me through a time when you made a mistake. What would
you have done differently?
Other Common Questions
Tell us a little bit about yourself and why this
position interests you?
What makes you different than others?
How organized and concise are you?
What brought you to this career?
Why do you want to work with this
Why do you want to work for our
Where you work should be important to
you (values)
Recall your company research
Let them know that you know about their
achievements and challenges
What is your greatest weakness/opportunity?
Identify a weakness that does not
contradict a core competency needed for
the job
Explain at least 2 specific ways you have
overcome/managed the weakness and
provide evidence
Practice Virtually Using
Schedule an interview practice or Mock
Interview Critique appointment with
your career specialist.
Arrive early (10-15 minutes so you
are not rushed)
Leave cell phone in the car or shut
off before going into interview
Interview begins in the parking lot
be courteous
Bring extra copies of resume
Take cues from interviewer
Check the Zoom/virtual link early and make
sure you have the link,
password, internet connection ready to go
Put cell phone or any other
distractions away before the interview
Have a copy of resume, CL, & job
description in front of you
Take cues from interviewer
Arriving at the Interview
Virtual or Phone
Sit, taking cue from interviewer (in-person)
Be mindful of time
Make effective eye contact smile!
Express confidence in your abilities
- What would you bring to the organization?
Tie your background to the position
Speak clearly with enthusiasm
During the Interview
Your time to ask questions!
Ask about the next step (if not
already mentioned)
Ask for business cards if not offered
Shake everyone’s hand, call them by name
if possible and thank them for their time
RELAX…you’re done!
Closing the Interview
Last question: Do you have any questions for us?
Prepare 2-3 questionsto demonstrate your interest in the role
Research the company and job description
Personalize your questions: Avoid asking simple questions that could be
answered easily by a quick online search. What qualities or skills are you
looking for in an ideal candidate for this position?”
Ask about the team and culture: Inquire about the work environment, team
dynamics, and company culture to assess if it aligns with your own values and
working style.
Avoid asking about compensation and benefits
After the Interview
Send a thank you note (email, card)
Be specific with what you appreciated about
them in the interview
Follow-up if the date that they said they would
get back to you has passed
Always be professional
If the employer stated to not contact them, do not contact them
Accepting the Offer:
Be enthusiastic
Find out the details
Find out how much time they can give you
Always deliberate before accepting
When an offer has been made...
Declining the Offer:
Don’t burn any bridges!
Respond promptly and courteously
don't ghost the employer!
Should I negotiate?
Am I completely entry-level?
Is the job in a field that doesn't allow for
Is the offer reasonable?
Salary Negotiation
How do I negotiate salary?
Maintain professionalism
Present an appropriate salary range for the position
Consider cost of living and other factors
View the What's My Worth? Salary Negotiation workshop
Many companies do not inform you of
their decision if they are not hiring you
Remain professional
Situational: ask them what could have
made you a stronger candidate
Don’t burn any bridges!
What to say when you don't get the job...
Students are encouraged to
Employers interview
UCR talent on campus
Chance to interview
for multiple internship
and full-time positions
On-Campus Interviews
What questions do
you have? (951) 827-3631 #HireHighlanders #UCRCareerReady
Location: We are located in the Career Center Plaza. Our
entrance is the University Lecture Hall and the Surge Building,
behind the UCR Campus Store.
Mon. - Fri. 8 am to 5 pm
Individual counseling appointments available
Schedule on Handshake
Drop-in Hours:
Mon. - Fri. (days & times vary)
View drop-in schedule on our website