authorship criteria, Nov 2002, S. M. Kosslyn p. 1 of 2
Criteria for Authorship
Stephen M. Kosslyn
John Lindsley Professor of Psychology
Harvard University
A substantial creative contribution in one or more of the following phases of
research is sufficient in my lab to warrant inclusion as an author of the paper
reporting the experiment(s). A lesser creative contribution warrants an
acknowledgement in the footnote of the paper. I determine whether someone
deserves either of these credits, and determine the ordering of authors, by
counting up each person's contribution to each phase. As noted below, I assign a
larger weight to the first and last phases, and to any other phase that requires
special expertise or creativity (e.g., data analysis, in some cases).
In my lab, we consider 6 criteria, and weight them as follows; often the "points"
at each stage are divided among several people. If a person *contributes
creatively* at any of these phases, that is enough to qualify him or her for an
acknowledgment or as a co-author, depending on the magnitude of the
contribution. Moreover, the "replaceability criterion" leads us to ask whether one
person's contributions could just as easily have been made by others; if not (i.e.,
if the person would have been difficult to replace), that contribution is weighted
more highly.
The point totals of each phase should be agreed upon in advance; some projects,
for example, use standard designs (e.g., "Stroop") or analyses (e.g., correlations),
in which case the number of points for that phase should be reduced.
The following are "default" point values, with a total of 1000. The total points for
each phase is divided among authors in proportion to their contribution in that
phase of the project. In my lab, if someone contributed more than 0 but less than
10% of the total number of points, they are acknowledged in the footnote. If
they contributed at least 10%, they are an author, and the ordering of authorship
is determined by the relative number of points.
1. The idea (250 points): Without the idea, nothing else happens. If the idea grew
out of a discussion, all who contributed get "credit"--but perhaps not equally so, if
one or more people were primarily responsible for the insights leading to the
best way to pose the question to be answered by the research and the logic of
the design.
2. The design (100 points): The details of the design include counterbalancing
issues, control conditions, whether a within-subjects or between-subjects design
is used, and so on. A bad design later will render the results useless, so this is a
critical step.
3. The implementation (100 points): Someone must implement the design into
actual materials, devise instructions, and so on. To the extent this is simple
boilerplate (a variation on well-developed methods using available materials),
this step may be given much less weight (perhaps only 5 points). Typically the
authorship criteria, Nov 2002, S. M. Kosslyn p. 2 of 2
person doing the implementation is supervised closely, so some of the points
may go to the supervisor.
4. Conducting the experiment (100 points): The person who tests subjects *can*
earn up to 100 points, but may earn merely 5 points if all they do is mindlessly
test subjects. Authorship is awarded only to those who contribute substantially
and creatively to a project; if someone is receiving class credit or payment and all
they do is follow instructions and test subjects, this is worthy of an
acknowledgment in the paper, but not authorship. On the other hand, if they
notice what subjects are actually doing and make constructive suggestions for
how to improve the experiment, this qualifies them to be included as an author.
Specifically, if one notices problems in the method or procedure, and makes
constructive suggestions about how to repair them, observes interesting hints
about what's really going on in the debriefings, and so on, this counts as a
substantial creative contribution at this stage.
5. Data analysis (200 points): Simply running the data through an ANOVA
program is not enough to earn authorship at this phase. However, devising
some new way to look at the data (e.g., as difference scores or ratios of some
kind), or otherwise contributing a novel insight into the best way to reveal the
underlying patterns in the data, may be sufficient. Particularly labor-intensive or
creative data analysis, such as involved in PET and fMRI, can "earn" the full
number of points. Depending on the project, the maximum of 200 points may or
may not be allocated.
6. Writing (250 points). Nothing happens if the results are not reported. Writing
is usually shared by several people. Credit is allocated primarily to the one who
shapes the conceptual content, although a good and insightful literature review
also counts heavily. If someone writes a first draft that is not used at all, this does
not contribute towards points: good intentions are not enough; the question is
who has contributed how much to the final product. Similarly, the sheer amount
of time one has spent on the project is not relevant; competent people who work
more efficiently should not be penalized.
The key to fair allocation of authorship, and equitable ordering, is to have criteria
that are known to all and that all can discuss. It is best to walk through each of
these criteria at the outset of the project. In addition, in my lab each contributor
sends his or her own assessment of their contribution after the project is
relatively complete but *before* the paper is written. If someone is near the total
required to be an author but not quite there, they are offered the opportunity to
take a larger role in the writing or data analysis process—thereby allowing him
or her to accrue more points.