Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
Lesson Plan
“When Computers Wore Skirts:” Katherine Johnson, Christine
Darden, and the “West Computers”
Melba Roy Mouton, a computer, in 1960. Mouton was Assistant Chief of Research Programs at NASA’s
Trajectory and Geodynamics Division and headed the “computers” during the 1960s. Image courtesy of
Wikimedia Commons
Katherine Johnson.
Image from MAKERS.
Christine Darden.
Image courtesy of the National Air and Space Museum,
Smithsonian Institution.
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
Photocopies of the AIP West Area Computers Handout (see Supplemental Materials)
Access to internet and credible research materials (see Required/Recommended Resources)
Downloads or access to certain videos on the HistoryMakers website (via a free account see
Required/Recommended Resources)
In this lesson plan, students will learn about the “West Computers” or “West Area Computers” a group
of African-American women who worked as “human computers” at NASA Langley Research Center from
the 1940s onward. This story is currently being adapted into the movie Hidden Figures by Fox,
scheduled for release in January of 2017. They will also learn about two women in particular
Katherine Johnson and Christine Darden who started working at NASA as computers and made
significant contributions to spaceflight.
Before electronic computers, the term “computers” referred to people rather than machines.
“Computers” performed complex mathematical calculations by hand either by themselves or in a group
called “computing offices” or “computer pools.” The profession originated in the eighteenth and
nineteenth century in fields such as astronomy, social science, and ballistics testing where large
amounts of data needed to be processed. The growth of “computer pools” occurred rapidly in the
interwar period in the United States as preparation for World War II led to large-scale scientific and
military research.
The National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA, the predecessor to NASA) was formed in 1915
during World War I in order to coordinate industry, academic, and government research on war-related
projects. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, the main research arm of NACA, started hiring
computers in the 1930s. The computers of this era were white women who had degrees in
mathematics. Because of racial segregation in government, universities, and general society, there were
very few opportunities for African American women to obtain employment in federal defense industries
or pursue the sciences outside of HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities).
This began to change during World War II. Leading up to the war, A. Philip Randolph, a leader of the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, began to organize a March on Washington which would demand
that the federal government open defense industries to Black workers. In order to stop the March and
quell social protest, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 which banned racial discrimination in
government defense industries. A shortage of male workers due to the war allowed unprecedented
numbers of women and African Americans to enter industries which were previously restricted. It was
in this context that the first African American women computers were hired at Langley to compensate
for a shortage of male mathematicians. Though the industries were opening to African Americans,
Grade Level(s): 9-12 Subject(s): History, Mathematics
In-Class Time: 90 min Prep Time: 15-20 min
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
segregation continued and Black computers were called theWest Computersor “West Area
Computers” because they were restricted to the West Area of the Langley facility. With their restrooms,
cafeteria, and routes in the building completely separate, many white computers at Langley were
actually unaware of the presence of their Black counterparts.
Computers contributed significantly to the success of missions and projects at NASA. Many computers
ended their careers at NASA before the onset of the “Space Age.” But for some women, the West Area
was a starting point that launched them into long careers in aerospace research at NASA at a time when
women were rarely hired as engineers. Katherine Johnson began working at NASA as a research
mathematician in 1953. She was a West Area computer for five years before she was temporarily
assigned to an all-male, all-white flight research team because of her knowledge of analytical geometry.
According to Johnson, she was so successful in her temporary position that her male bosses and
colleagues “forgot to return [her] to the pool.” She stayed on at the Flight Mechanics Branch and later
moved to the Spacecraft Controls Branch. Johnson was working at NASA during an incredibly important
time in the history of space science the “space race” of the Cold War. She calculated the flight
trajectory for the space flight which put the first American, Alan Shepard, in space in 1961. She also
calculated the trajectory for the famous 1969 Apollo mission to the moon. She worked at NASA until
Christine Darden was another computer who “left the pool” to become an engineer. Originally from
Monroe, North Carolina, Darden graduated from Hampton Institute with a B.S. in Mathematics in 1962.
She became a research assistant at Virginia State College in 1965 and began to study aerosol physics and
earned her M.S. in Mathematics in 1967. At that time, she was hired as a data analyst at Langley
Research Center. Though she started by performing calculations for engineers, she later began writing
computer programs and eventually was promoted to the position of aerospace engineer in 1973. She
later received her Ph.D. in 1983 from George Washington University in aerospace engineering. In her
more than 40-year career, Darden researched sonic boom minimization and served as director of the
Program Management Office of the Aerospace Performing Center.
The story of the West Area Computers is rarely told, but it offers an important history of how African
American women contributed to the history of space science. Though we sometimes still hear the
unfounded stereotype that “girls are bad at math,” the story of computers shows that some of the most
celebrated scientific achievements relied on the mathematical skills of women of all races. It also allows
us to explore how race and gender shaped who was able to pursue and access careers in science. Lastly,
because Katherine Johnson and Christine Darden represent successive generations of African American
women who worked at NASA as computers, exploring their lives also illuminates historical change at
Engage: 3-10 minutes
To begin, ask the students what they think a computer is. Presumably, they’ll talk about desktops,
laptops, apps, and other contemporary associations with computers. Ask them if any of those things
are necessary to be a computer, and get them to think about what computers were like when they
were much older. Eventually, you can get them to say or tell them that computers didn’t always have
screens, machines used to be the size of an entire rooms, and in fact they used to be people! A
computer is just something or someone that can compute many different functions.
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
Ask the students what something needs to do to
be a computer. Respond to their answers by
asking follow-up questions.
What are the students doing?
Students should answer questions from the
teacher and discuss amongst themselves what
features make up a computer. This can be done
as a large class discussion or in smaller groups.
Alternative (Math-based) Engagement: 10-15 minutes
In order to understand the large numbers involved in human computers’ calculations, students can
engage with an activity based on learning scientific notation. This activity works especially well if
students already know the basics of scientific notation but need a refresher on it. Pass out the
optional “Think like a Human Computer!” worksheet and have students break into small groups or
work on the problems individually.
Hand out activity sheets to the students. Assist
students in setting up math and notation
problems and answer any questions they may
What are the students doing?
Students should answer questions about
scientific notation and fill out the worksheet.
This can be done individually or in small groups.
Explore: 25-50 minutes
Divide class into an even number of groups. Each group will be assigned to research either Katherine
Johnson or Christine Darden. Among the groups looking at Johnson and Darden, each group should
decide to focus on their subject’s early life, education, or career. Each student should receive a West
Area Computers Handout as a starting point for their research. A list of sources is provided for each
individual for research (see Required/Recommended Reading and Resources section). If desired, you
can also have students prepare a short summary of what they’ve learned about their subject that
they can present to the class. Students should be able to answer the discussion questions without
consulting every resource.
What is the teacher doing?
Divide the class into an even number of groups.
Assign one half of the groups Katherine Johnson,
and another half Christine Darden. Provide the
students the recommended sources and videos.
What are the students doing?
Students should be reading the assigned
materials or watching the provided videos. They
should also discuss their subject’s experiences in
regards to larger issues of race and gender at the
time they were working. If assigned, they should
also work on preparing a short summary to
present to the class.
Explain: 15-30 minutes
If student groups have been asked to make a short summary of their sources, they should first
present those to the class. After that has been completed, have a short class discussion about what
the students have watched and read. This is a chance for students to reflect upon what they just
learned and how this might have changed their thinking from the beginning of the period. Make sure
to encourage students to ask any questions that they may have about gender and race defining
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
What is the teacher doing?
If desired, call on each student group to present a
summary of the videos they’ve watched or the
articles they read. Then, lead a large group in
discussion of what they’ve learned. Possible
discussion questions are below (a handout of
them to students is available in Supplemental
Materials of this lesson).
If desired, students should present a summary of
the videos their group watched or the articles
they read. Students should be participating in
the group discussion. They should be answering
and asking further questions about the West
computers and the history of women scientists
and engineers more generally. They should also
make sure any assigned worksheet questions
Elaborate: included in Explain
Throughout the explanation discussion, take the opportunity to elaborate on how both computers
and women’s role in science has changed. Computers have gradually shifted from people who
compute equations to machines that take up rooms to ones that fit within our phones. Similarly, the
role of women in science has shifted from being math support for engineers to designing flight paths
and then to leading large experimental research teams.
What is the teacher doing?
While having the class discussion described
during the explain section, steer students to think
more about how things are today. Make
connections between the technology they take
for granted and the women who helped create it.
Students should be thinking about the changes
which have occurred in both technology and the
position of women. They should ask questions
and expand on what they thought before
Answers and participation in discussion can be used to evaluate student performance. Students can
also turn in their answers to the discussion questions worksheet for evaluation.
If groups are divided among different periods of Johnson and Darden’s lives, each group can do a
short (3-5 minutes) presentation and be evaluated on it.
Katherine Johnson Resources:
1. An in-depth series of 8 short video interviews on aspects of Katherine Johnson’s life (if time is a
concern, only the first (5 minute) video needs to be watched) (requires a free account):
2. Jim Hodges, “She Was a Computer When Computers Wore Skirts,” NASA, August 26, 2008,
3. Heather S. Deiss, “Katherine Johnson: A Lifetime of STEM,” NASA Education, November 6, 2013,
4. ScienceMakers Biography of Katherine Johnson:
5. ScienceMakers Video Interview Clips:
a. Katherine Johnson (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2012.017),
interview by Larry Crowe, 02/06/2012, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video
Archive. Session 1, tape 3, story 5, Katherine Johnson talks about her work computing
Required/Recommended Reading and Resources
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
flight trajectories for NASA.
b. Katherine Johnson (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2012.017),
interview by Larry Crowe, 02/06/2012, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video
Archive. Session 1, tape 3, story 2, Katherine Johnson describes her experience as a
black woman at NASA.
Christine Darden Resources:
1. Denise Lineberry, “Standing on the Shoulders of a Computer,” NASA, March 29, 2013,
2. ScienceMakers Biography of Christine Darden:
3. ScienceMakers Video Interview Clips:
a. Christine Darden (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2013.045),
interview by Larry Crowe, 02/26/2013, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video
Archive. Session 1, tape 4, story 8, Christine Darden talks about being recruited to work
at NASA's Langley Research Center in 1967. (3:00):
b. Christine Darden (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2013.045),
interview by Larry Crowe, 02/26/2013, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video
Archive. Session 1, tape 5, story 1, Christine Darden talks about NASA's "West
Computers," and segregation at NASA in the 1960s. (2:00):
c. Christine Darden (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2013.045),
interview by Larry Crowe, 02/26/2013, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video
Archive. Session 1, tape 5, story 2, Christine Darden describes her early experience at
NASA's Langley Research Center in the 1960s. (5:45):
d. Christine Darden (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2013.045),
interview by Larry Crowe, 02/26/2013, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video
Archive. Session 1, tape 7, story 4, Christine Darden describes her concerns for the
African American community and for the current American educational system. (6:30):
4. Emily McMurray, editor, Notable Twentieth Century Scientists (Detroit: Gale Research, 1995),
455-456. (Available in Supplemental Materials)
Discussion Questions can be found as a Handout with a corresponding Answer Key in the Supplemental
Materials to this lesson plan.
1. Compare Katherine Johnson’s and Christine Darden’s life and experience at NASA. How were
their experiences similar? How were they different?
2. When did electronic computers start being introduced into NASA? What were they like
(appearance, size, etc.) and how did people use them?
Discussion Questions
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
3. How were Katherine Johnson and Christine Darden recruited to work at NASA? How did they
end up leaving the “computer pool”?
4. How was the computer pool organized? How did the computers receive assignments? How did
this change over time?
5. What major historical events led to the first African American women being able to work at
6. What are some of the larger changes that were happening in African American history between
when Katherine Johnson started as a computer at NASA in the 1940s and when Christine Darden
started in the late-1960s? How would these changes have affected their experiences at NASA?
7. What do you think it would have been like for Johnson and Darden as African American women
to work in a predominantly white and male environment as engineers?
David Blackwell, “Katherine Johnson: Visionary Videos,” National Visionary Leadership Project,
“Human Computers: Katherine Johnson,” NASA Biographies,
Katherine Johnson (The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive A2012.017), interview by
Larry Crowe, 02/06/2012, The HistoryMakers ScienceMakers Video Archive. Session 1, tape 4,
story 1, Katherine Johnson discusses the advent of computers and her work as a mathematician.
Interview with Christine Darden by Sarah McLennan, April 1, 2011,
. (Error in film from 22:30-25:00)
Hilary Mac Austine, “Darden, Christine,Facts on File Encyclopedia of Black Women in America:
Science, Health, and Medicine, edited by Darlene Clark Hine (New York: Facts On File, 1997), 59.
James H. Kessler, J. S. Kidd, Renee A. Kidd, and Katherine A. Morin, Distinguished African-
American Scientists of the 20
Century (Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1996), 60-62.
Ray Spangenburg and Kit Moser, African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention (New York:
Facts On File, 2003), 56-58.
Margot Lee Shetterly, “Hidden Figures: The African American Women Mathematicians Who
Helped NASA and the United States Win the Space Race,”
Dr. Shetterly is currently working on “The Human Computer Project” which will examine
African American women computers at NACA/NASA from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Sarah McLellon, “’When the Computer Wore a Skirt:’ Langley’s Human Computers, 1935-1970,”
NASA, 2011,
James H. Kessler, et. al., “Christine Mann Darden,” Distinguished African American Scientists of
the 20
Century (Phoenix, Ariz: Oryx Press, 1996), 60-63.
NASA Biographical profiles of African-American computers:
o Dorothy Vaughan, head of the West Area Computers. She was one of the first Black
women computers hired at NASA (then NACA) in 1943.
o Laura Pateman, one of the first Black women hired at NASA in 1948 graduated from
Hampton University and was posted in the Rotating Machine Aerodynamics Division.
Further Reading and Additional Resources
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
An 18-minute documentary produced by NASA in the 1960s taking the viewer inside the
Manned Flight Center and explaining the various functions of different electronic computers.
Cape Cosmos ( is a fictitious space facility set in the 1950s and
1960s. This interactive exhibit allows viewers to explore women and African Americans who
contributed to space exploration as scientists and engineers.
Related AIP Teacher’s Guides on Women and Minorities in the Physical Sciences:
Meet Four Pioneering African American Astronauts
African Americans in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Strategies and Compromises: Women in Astronomy at Harvard College Observatory
For more information on Common Core Standards, visit
Speaking & Listening
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and
style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying
a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the
line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are
addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and
style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal
and informal tasks.
History/Social Studies
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and
origin of the information.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key
events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine
whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded
Common Core Standards
Prepared by the Center for History of Physics at AIP
Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several
primary and secondary sources.
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details
to an understanding of the text as a whole.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear
the relationships among the key details and ideas.
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented
in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well
as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and
secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event,
noting discrepancies among sources.
Optional Engagement Activity:
Know and apply the properties of integer exponents to generate
equivalent numerical expressions. For example, 3
× 3
= 3
= 1/27.
Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an
integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small
quantities, and to express how many times as much one is than
the other.
Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation,
including problems where both decimal and scientific notation are
used. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate size
for measurements of very large or very small quantities (e.g., use
millimeters per year for seafloor spreading). Interpret scientific
notation that has been generated by technology
For more information on the Next Generation Science Standards, visit
Optional Engagement Activity:
Dimension One: Practices
1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Dimension Two: Crosscutting
3. Scale, proportion, and quantity
Dimension Three: Disciplinary
Core Ideas
Core Idea ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe
Core Idea ETS1: Engineering Design
Next Generation Science Standards