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U/OO/170159-23 | PP-23-1680 | JUN 2023 Ver. 1.0
| Cybersecurity Information
Cybersecurity and
Security Agency
Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous
Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Executive summary
The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA) are releasing this cybersecurity information sheet (CSI) to provide
recommendations and best practices for improving defenses in cloud implementations
of development, security, and operations (DevSecOps). This CSI explains how to
best practices into typical software development and operations
(DevOps) Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) environments, without
regard for the specific tools being adapted, and leverages several forms of government
guidance to collect and present proper security and privacy controls to harden CI/CD
cloud deployments. As evidenced by increasing compromises over time, software
supply chains and CI/CD environments are attractive targets for malicious cyber actors
(MCAs). Figure 1 provides a high-level representation of threats to various parts of the
CI/CD pipeline.
Figure 1: Threats to the CI/CD pipeline
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments .............. 1
Executive summary ......................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Key terms ........................................................................................................................ 5
CI/CD security threats ..................................................................................................... 6
Attack surface ................................................................................................................. 6
Insecure code .............................................................................................................. 7
Poisoned pipeline execution ........................................................................................ 7
Insufficient pipeline access controls............................................................................. 7
Insecure system configuration ..................................................................................... 7
Usage of third-party services ....................................................................................... 7
Exposure of secrets ..................................................................................................... 8
Threat scenarios ............................................................................................................. 8
Active hardening ............................................................................................................. 9
Authentication and access mitigations ....................................................................... 10
Use NSA-recommended cryptography ................................................................... 10
Minimize the use of long-term credentials .............................................................. 10
Add signature to CI/CD configuration and verify it.................................................. 10
Utilize two-person rules (2PR) for all code updates ............................................... 11
Implement least-privilege policies for CI/CD access .............................................. 11
Secure user accounts ............................................................................................ 12
Secure secrets ....................................................................................................... 12
Implement network segmentation and traffic filtering ............................................. 12
Development environment mitigations ....................................................................... 12
Maintain up-to-date software and operating systems ............................................. 12
Keep CI/CD tools up-to-date .................................................................................. 13
Remove unnecessary applications ......................................................................... 13
Implement endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools ...................................... 13
Development process mitigations .............................................................................. 13
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Integrate security scanning as part of the CI/CD pipeline ...................................... 13
Restrict untrusted libraries and tools ...................................................................... 14
Analyze committed code ........................................................................................ 14
Remove any temporary resources ......................................................................... 14
Keep audit logs ...................................................................................................... 14
Implement software bill of materials (SBOM) and software composition analysis
(SCA) ..................................................................................................................... 14
Plan, build, and test for resiliency........................................................................... 15
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 15
Further guidance ........................................................................................................... 16
Works cited ................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A: CI/CD threats mapped to MITRE ATT&CK ............................................... 18
Initial Access .............................................................................................................. 18
Execution ................................................................................................................... 19
Persistence ................................................................................................................ 19
Privilege Escalation ................................................................................................... 20
Defense Evasion........................................................................................................ 21
Credential Access ...................................................................................................... 21
Lateral Movement ...................................................................................................... 22
Exfiltration .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 1: Threats to the CI/CD pipeline ........................................................................... 1
Figure 2: Different attack vectors in an AWS CI/CD pipeline ........................................... 9
Figure 3: CI/CD attack vectors mapped to ATT&CK techniques and D3FEND
countermeasures .......................................................................................................... 18
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is a development process for
quickly building and testing code changes that helps organizations maintain a consistent
code base for their applications while dynamically integrating code changes. CI/CD is a
key part of the development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) approach that
integrates security and automation throughout the development lifecycle. CI/CD
pipelines are often implemented in commercial cloud environments because of the
cloud’s role in IT modernization efforts. Organizations are constantly leveraging CI/CD-
focused tools and services to securely streamline software development and manage
applications and clouds programmable infrastructure. Therefore, CI/CD environments
are attractive targets for malicious cyber actors (MCAs) whose goals are to compromise
information by introducing malicious code into CI/CD applications, gaining access to
intellectual property/trade secrets through code theft, or causing denial of service effects
against applications.
NSA and CISA authored this CSI to provide recommendations and best practices for
hardening CI/CD pipelines against MCAs to secure DevSecOps CI/CD environments,
regardless of the tools being adapted. It outlines key risks for CI/CD deployments, using
framework to enumerate the most significant potential CI/CD
vulnerabilities based on known threats. See Appendix A for details on the tactics,
techniques, and countermeasures for the threats mapped to ATT&CK and D3FEND
NSA and CISA encourage organizations to implement the proposed mitigations to
harden their CI/CD environments and bolster organizational DevSecOps. By
implementing the proposed mitigations, organizations can reduce the number of
exploitation vectors into their CI/CD environments and create a challenging environment
for the adversary to penetrate.
This CSI utilizes several government guides to collect and present the proper security
and privacy controls to harden CI/CD environments.
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Key terms
Continuous delivery
) is the stage after continuous integration where code
changes are deployed to a testing and/or staging environment after the build stage.
Continuous deployment
is similar to continuous delivery except that the releases
happen automatically, and changes to code are available to customers immediately
after they are made. The automatic release process may in many instances include A/B
testing to facilitate slow rollout of new features, thereby mitigating the impact of failure
resulting from a bug or error. [1]
Continuous integration (CI)
involves developers frequently merging code changes into
a central repository where automated builds and tests run. Build is the process of
converting the source code to executable code for the platform on which it is intended to
run. In the CI/CD pipeline software, the developer’s changes are validated by creating a
build and running automated tests against the build. This process avoids the integration
challenges that can happen when waiting for release day to merge changes into the
release branch. [1]
CI/CD pipeline
is a component of a broader toolchain that entails continuous
integration, version control, automated testing, delivery, and deployment. It automates
the integration and delivery of applications and enables organizations to deploy
applications quickly and efficiently. [2]
Development operations (DevOps
) is a set of practices that combines software
development and information technology (IT) operations. It aims to shorten the systems
development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.
DevSecOps (DevSecOps)
is an approach that integrates development (Dev), security
(Sec), and delivery/operations (Ops) of software systems to reduce the time from a
recognized need to capability availability and provide continuous integration and
continuous delivery (CI/CD) with high software quality.
software supply chain
is composed of the components, libraries, tools, and
processes used to develop, build, and publish a software artifact. Software vendors
often create products by assembling open source and commercial software
components. Software supply chains are made up of software components, such as
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
open source packages and infrastructure as code (IaC) templates, as well as underlying
delivery pipelines, such as version control systems and CI/CD pipelines.
Software composition analysis
is an automated process that identifies the software in
a code base. This analysis is performed to evaluate security, license compliance, and
code quality.
CI/CD security threats
Software supply chains and CI/CD environments are attractive targets for MCAs. CI/CD
pipeline compromises are increasing. Recognizing the various types of security threats
that could affect CI/CD operations and taking steps to defend against each one are
critical to securing a CI/CD environment. Common examples of risks in CI/CD pipelines
are listed here. For a more comprehensive description, refer to the OWASP Top 10
CI/CD Security Risks. [3]
Insecure first-party code: Code that is checked in by authorized developers but
that contains security-related bugs that are not detected by either the software
developers or by security tooling.
Insecure third-party code: Insecure code that is compiled into a CI/CD pipeline
from a third-party source, such as an open source project.
Poisoned pipeline execution: Exploitation of a development/test/production
environment that allows the attacker to insert code of its choosing.
Insufficient pipeline access controls: Unauthorized access to source code
repositories or build tools.
Insecure system configuration: Various infrastructure, network, and application
configurations vulnerable to known exploitation techniques.
Usage of insecure third-party services: Using services created by an external
individual or organization that intentionally or negligently includes security
Exposure of secrets: Security key compromise and insecure secrets
management within the pipeline, such as hardcoding access keys or passwords
into infrastructure as code (laC) templates.
Attack surface
An insecure CI/CD pipeline can easily lead to an insecure application. Some of the
attack surfaces that MCAs can exploit are as follows:
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Insecure code
Insecure code within a CI/CD pipeline can include code defects from the authorized
developers, open source components, or third-party integrations that are not effectively
evaluated or vetted. Rapid development without proper security can introduce
vulnerabilities and expose the pipeline to critical risks. Integration of third-party code
and lack of code scanning of source code components can introduce vulnerabilities into
a CI/CD pipeline. Not following code security best practices can significantly increase
the vulnerable attack surface. Common code vulnerabilities include buffer overflows,
format string vulnerabilities, and improper error handling.
Poisoned pipeline execution
Poisoned pipeline execution (PPE) is a technique that MCAs use to poison the Cl
pipeline. This technique allows MCAs to abuse permissions in source code
management repositories to manipulate the build process. During this type of
compromise, an MCA injects malicious code or commands into the build pipeline
configuration, poisoning the pipeline to run malicious code during the build process. [3]
Insufficient pipeline access controls
An MCA might abuse the lack of access control permissions to pivot in a CI/CD pipeline,
which could allow them to inject malicious code into an application. CI/CD pipeline-
based access controls (PBAC) grant or deny access to resources and systems inside
and outside the execution environment. Pipeline execution nodes use these resources
to perform various actions. See OWASP CICD-Sec-5: Insufficient PBAC for more detail.
Insecure system configuration
An MCA can exploit system misconfigurations in a CI/CD environment. A CI/CD system
may contain various infrastructure, network, and application configurations. These
configurations impact the security posture of the CI/CD pipeline and its susceptibility to
exploitation. See OWASP CICD-Sec-7: Insecure System Configuration for more detail.
Usage of third-party services
Third-party services are often utilized in CI/CD pipelines. This integration facilitates
rapid development and delivery. An MCA can take advantage of the improper usage of
third-party services to introduce security weaknesses into the pipeline. Examples of
third-party services are GitLab, GitHub, and Travis CI.
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Exposure of secrets
MCAs have exploited CI/CD pipelines by using exposed secrets to gain initial access.
Secrets (e.g., private keys and passwords) are required for authentication between tools
and in the build and deployment process to ensure deployed resources have access.
Cloud native CI/CD tools employ numerous secrets to gain access to many sensitive
resources, such as databases and codebases.
Threat scenarios
The following are three potential threat scenarios to consider and their corresponding
mitigations. These scenarios are not all-inclusive, so consider other threat scenarios as
well that are relevant to a particular CI/CD environment based on its attack surface.
Scenario 1: MCAs acquire a developer’s credential to access a Git repository
service (e.g., stolen personal token, SSH key, browser cookie, or login
password). Typically, an MCA will go after 1) valid accounts for a source code
repository, 2) valid accounts for a CI/CD Service, or 3) valid admin account of a
server hosting a source code repository.
Recommended mitigations:
Minimize the use of long-term credentials.
Utilize two-person rules (2PR) for all code updates.
Secure user accounts.
Implement least-privilege policies for CI/CD access.
Implement network segmentation and traffic filtering [CPG 2.F].
Scenario 2: Supply chain compromise of an application library, tool, or container
image in a CI/CD pipeline that leads to a poisoned DevSecOps environment.
Recommended mitigations:
Restrict untrusted libraries and tools.
Analyze committed code.
Implement endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools and
Keep CI/CD tools up-to-date.
Maintain up-to-date software and operating systems.
Scenario 3: Supply chain compromise of a CI/CD environment that 1) modifies
the CI/CD configuration, 2) injects code into the IaC configuration, 3) injects code
into the source code, or 4) injects a malicious or vulnerable dependency.
Recommended mitigations:
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Analyze committed code.
Integrate security scanning as part of the CI/CD pipeline.
Keep audit logs.
Implement EDR tools.
Add signature to CI/CD configuration and verify it.
Implement software bill of materials (SBOM) and software
composition analysis (SCA).
The following figure illustrates different attack vectors using the example of a CI/CD
pipeline hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and using common AWS services.
Similarly, these attack vectors apply to other CI/CD pipelines generally, whether hosted
in the cloud or on-premises.
Figure 2: Different attack vectors in an AWS CI/CD pipeline
Active hardening
NSA and CISA recommend organizations implement the following mitigations to help
secure CI/CD environments. A zero trust approach, where no user, endpoint device, or
process is fully trusted, will help detect and prevent successful compromise of the
environment. [4] Organizational transition to zero trust can be aided by referencing
CISA’s Zero Trust Security Maturity Model and NSA’s Advancing Zero Trust Maturity
Throughout the User Pillar.
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Authentication and access mitigations
Use NSA-recommended cryptography
NSA and CISA recommend the implementation and configuration of strong
cryptographic algorithms when configuring cloud applications and services. Proper
implementation and configuration of these algorithms augments the protection of data,
secrets, application programming interfaces (APIs), and keys generated across the
CI/CD pipeline. The utilization of weak and outdated cryptographic algorithms poses a
threat to CI/CD pipelines, which may result in sensitive data exposure, data leakage,
broken authentication, and insecure sessionsviolations that MCAs could exploit to
circumvent the CI/CD pipeline and software supply chain.
National Security Systems (NSS) are required to use the algorithms in the NSA-
approved Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite (see Annex B of
Committee on National Security Systems Policy (CNSSP) 15).
Non-NSS U.S. Government systems are required to use the algorithms as specified by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which includes the
algorithms approved to protect NSS. NSA and CISA recommend using the
cryptographic implementations that have undergone testing, such as Federal
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) validation [CPG 2.K].
Minimize the use of long-term credentials
Use strong credentials that are resistant to stealing, phishing, guessing, and replaying
wherever and whenever possible. For human authentication, always use identity
federation and phishing-resistant security tokens to obtain temporary SSH and other
keys. For software-to-software authentication, avoid using software-based long-term
credentials as much as possible.
In cloud environments, take advantage of cloud-provided temporary and ephemeral
credentials that are available for compute services. For non-cloud environments, where
long-term credentials sometimes must be used (e.g., boot-strapping authentication
based on public keys in x509 certificates), carefully manage and protect all associated
private keys.
Add signature to CI/CD configuration and verify it
NSA and CISA recommend implementing secure code signing to establish digital trust
within the CI/CD pipeline. Ensure code is continuously and properly signed and that the
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
signature is verified throughout the CI/CD process, regardless of the stage of
development. If the signature does not validate, investigate the cause of the validation
issue. It could be a minor configuration problem or a sign of a larger breach.
Code signing establishes the authenticity of new releases. If a code signing identity
itself is compromised, it undermines trust. NIST’s Security Considerations for Code
Signing describes the concept of digitally signing code for data integrity and source
authentication. It also explains features and architectural relationships of typical code
signing solutions that are widely deployed today to support various use cases.
Utilize two-person rules (2PR) for all code updates
No single developer should be able to check in code without another developer
reviewing and approving the changes. This practice not only increases code quality
generally, it also means that the compromise of a single developer’s credentials is much
less likely to result in malicious code being successfully checked in.
Implement least-privilege policies for CI/CD access
The CI/CD pipeline should not be accessible by everyone in the organization. If
personnel request access, they should not automatically receive access to all pipelines,
but only limited access with certain privileges [CPG 2.E]. Developers should only have
access to the pipelines they are tasking and the components they are updating.
Separation of duties should be implemented. For example, developers checking in
source code do not need the privilege for updating the build environment, and engineers
in charge of builds do not need read-write source code access. For more detail on
implementing security controls, see NIST SP 800-53.
Use well-authenticated,
concurrent versioning systems and keep long histories of changes tagged to specific
Mitigate password risks by implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA). Enforce
MFA for users within and outside the organization and complement it with role-based
access control (RBAC), following the principle of the least privilege [CPG 2.H]. [5]
NIST 800-53 rv5 Control NIST IDs that aligns to implementing security controls AC-2 (1), AC-2 (2), AC-2 (4), AC-2 (9), AC-2 (10), AC-03 (07), SC-07 (05), AC-
17(2), SC-7, SC-8(1), AC-5, AC-6, AC-6 (1), AC-6 (2), AC-6 (3), AC-6 (4), AC-6 (5), AC-6 (9), AC-6 (10), and SC-23
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Secure user accounts
Regularly audit administrative user accounts and configure access controls under the
principles of least privilege and separation of duties. Audit logs to ensure new accounts
are legitimate [CPG 2.E]. [6]
Secure secrets
Secure handling of secrets, tokens, and other credentials is crucial in a CI/CD pipeline.
Never pass secrets in plaintext anywhere in the pipeline. Ensure secrets (e.g.,
passwords and private keys) are never left embedded in software where they can be
reverse-engineered out. [7] Most modern CI/CD tools come with a secrets management
solution, which means a CI/CD tool can securely store the secrets and pass them using
an indirect reference within the pipeline [CPG 2.L]. [8]
Implement network segmentation and traffic filtering
Implement and ensure robust network segmentation between networks and functions to
reduce the spread of malware and limit access from other parts of the network that do
not need access. Define a demilitarized zone that eliminates unregulated
communication between networks. Filter network traffic to prohibit ingress and egress
communications with known malicious IP addresses [CPG 2.F].
Development environment mitigations
Maintain up-to-date software and operating systems
NSA and CISA recommend upgrading operating systems and software on all devices,
including development systems and all CI/CD assets, to the latest stable versions
supplied by the vendors. Upgrading the operating system may require additional
hardware or memory upgrades, and obtaining a new software version may require a
maintenance or support contract with the vendor. Consider using a centralized patch
management system that includes a software integrity and validation process, ensuring
that the software has not been maliciously altered in transit. For a list of centralized
patch management system examples, visit Info-Tech Research Group’s reviews on
patch management.
Maintaining up-to-date operating systems and software protects against critical
vulnerabilities and security issues that have been identified and fixed in newer releases.
Devices running outdated operating systems or vulnerable software are susceptible to a
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
variety of known vulnerabilities, and exploiting these devices is a common technique
used by MCAs to compromise a network [CPG 1.E].
Scan for vulnerabilities and keep software updated
Ensure antivirus/antimalware
programs are updated with current signatures and set to conduct regular scans of
network assets [CPG 1.E].
Keep CI/CD tools up-to-date
Update the CI/CD tools on a regular schedule. Like other software programs, CI/CD
tools may contain bugs and vulnerabilities. Failure to update CI/CD tools leaves the
pipeline vulnerable and allows an MCA to more easily exploit known vulnerabilities
[CPG 1.E].
Remove unnecessary applications
Remove any application not deemed necessary for day-to-day operations.
Implement endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools
EDR tools provide a high degree of visibility into the security status of endpoints and
can help effectively protect against MCAs.
Development process mitigations
Integrate security scanning as part of the CI/CD pipeline
Include security scanning early in the CI/CD process. The following tools should be
employed to detect security flaws in CI/CD pipelines: [9]
Static application security testing (SAST): Include a static code analysis tool
in the build stage to check the code for common security vulnerabilities and
compliance issues.
Registry scanning: Scan every image pulled into the pipeline.
Dynamic analysis security testing (DAST): Deploy an instance of the newly
built application to a testing environment and run tests against the application.
No automated security scanning tool is perfect, so it is important to manually review the
code and the CI/CD pipeline. By understanding how the pipeline works and what could
go wrong, the team can ensure that the pipeline is as secure as possible.
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Restrict untrusted libraries and tools
Only use software, tools, libraries, and artifacts from secure and trusted sources.
Employing software from a trusted source helps minimize the threats posed to the
CI/CD pipeline and prevent potential exploitation (i.e., code execution and backdoors)
by MCAs. Adopting a never trust/always verify approach toward software reduces
overall CI/CD attack surface.
Analyze committed code
Securing the CI/CD pipeline involves analyzing the code that is being committed, which
can be achieved manually or by using automated tools. Automated tools can identify
potential security vulnerabilities in the code and track changes over time. Analyzing the
code ensures that only approved changes are made to the code base and that any
potential security vulnerabilities are addressed before they can be exploited. [10], [11]
Remove any temporary resources
A CI/CD pipeline may also create temporary resources, such as virtual machines or
Kubernetes clusters, to run tests. While test environments are usually always live, these
temporary resources are meant to be created for a single test purpose and must be
destroyed after the pipeline run. Failure to destroy these allocations can provide
additional attack vectors to the system that can pose a security threat, placing the
CI/CD pipeline at risk.
Keep audit logs
An audit log should provide clear information on who committed, reviewed, and
deployed what, when, and where. If all previous measures fail, an audit log will at least
help forensically reconstruct an incident post-compromise, so it can be quickly
addressed [CPG 2.T, 2.U].
Implement software bill of materials (SBOM) and software composition analysis
An SBOM and SCA can play a useful role in the software development lifecycle (SDLC)
and in DevSecOps by helping to track all third-party and open source components in the
codebase. A vulnerability management team will need to evaluate correlations of SBOM
data to known common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) [CPG 1.E]. SBOM should
reflect vulnerabilities as they are found. It is recommended that SBOM results be
ingested into a security information and event management (SIEM) solution,
immediately making the data searchable to identify security vulnerabilities across a fleet
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of products. This information can also be converted into a human-readable, tabular
format for other data analysis systems. Once an SBOM is available for a given piece of
software, it needs to be mapped onto a list of known vulnerabilities to identify the
components that could pose a threat. NSA and CISA recommend connecting these two
sources of information. See the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration’s Minimum Elements for an SBOM and CISA's SBOM pages for further
reference. Beware, however, that malicious actors can manipulate the content of
SBOMs as well as other artifacts in the pipeline, so SBOMs cannot be presumed
Plan, build, and test for resiliency
Build the pipeline for high availability, and test for disaster recovery periodically.
Consider availability (in addition to confidentiality and integrity) threats to the pipeline
during its threat modeling.
Ensure the CI/CD pipeline can elastically scale so that new artifacts can be built and
deployed across all the compute instances quickly, as was necessary to address
Log4Shell exposure in many environments. Consider including coverage for emergency
patch updates in service level agreements (SLA).
The CI/CD pipeline is a distinct and separate attack surface from other segments of the
software supply chain. MCAs can multiply impacts severalfold by exploiting the source
of software deployed to multiple operational environments. By exploiting a CI/CD
environment, MCAs can gain an entryway into corporate networks and access sensitive
data and services.
As a subcomponent of DevSecOps, defending the CI/CD pipeline requires focused and
intentional effort. Keep MCAs out by the following recommended guidance to secure
and harden the CI/CD attack surface. This is essential for ensuring a strong
cybersecurity posture for National Security Systems (NSSs); the Department of Defense
(DoD); the Defense Industrial Base (DIB); federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial
(SLTT) governments; and private sector information system owners.
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Further guidance
Supplementary NSA guidance on ensuring a secure and defensible network
environment is available at Of particular
relevance are:
NSA’s Top Ten Cybersecurity Mitigation Strategies
Defend Privileges and Accounts
Continuously Hunt for Network Intrusions
Segment Networks and Deploy Application-aware Defenses
Transition to Multi-factor Authentication
Actively Manage Systems and Configurations
Performing Out-of-Band Network Management
Hardening SIEM Solutions
Mitigating Cloud Vulnerabilities
Securing the Software Supply Chain for Developers
Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices Guide for
Additional CISA guidance includes:
Multifactor Authentication
Implementing Phishing Resistant MFA
CISA Releases Cloud Security Technical Reference Architecture
CISA Releases SCuBA Hybrid Identity Solutions Architecture Guidance
Document for Public Comment
ESF Identity Hardening Guidance
Works cited
[1] Pittet S. (2021), Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment.
[2] National Institute of Standards and Technology March (2022), Special Publication 800-204C:
Implementation of DecSecOPs for a Microservices-based Application with Service Mesh.
[3] OWASP Foundation (2023), OWASP Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks.
[4] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2020), Special Publication 800-207: Zero
Trust Architecture.
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
[5] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2020), Special Publication 800-53: Security
and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations.
[6] Department of Defense (2020), Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM)
[7] Hill M. (2023), Hard-coded secrets are up 67% as secrets sprawl threatens software supply
[8] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2022), Key Management Guidelines.
[9] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2022), Special Publication 800-218: Secure
Development Framework (SSDF) Version 1.1: Recommendation for Mitigating the Risk of
Software Vulnerabilities.
[10] Department of Defense (2021), DevSecOps Playbook.
[11] Department of Defense (2019), DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design.
Disclaimer of endorsement
The information and opinions contained in this document are provided as is and without any warranties or
guarantees. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark,
manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United
States Government, and this guidance shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
This document was developed in furtherance of the authoring cybersecurity authorities’ cybersecurity missions,
including their responsibilities to identify and disseminate threats to information systems, and to develop and issue
cybersecurity specifications and mitigations. This information may be shared broadly to reach all appropriate
Cybersecurity Report Feedback: [email protected]
General Cybersecurity Inquiries: [email protected]
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CISAs 24/7 Operations Center to report incidents and anomalous activity: [email protected] or (888) 282-0870
Media Inquiries / Press Desk:
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U/OO/170159-23 | PP-23-1680 | JUN 2023 Ver. 1.0
NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Appendix A: CI/CD threats mapped to MITRE ATT&CK
The first step to securing a CI/CD pipeline is determining the threats and vulnerabilities
within the build and deployment process that require additional security. Threat
modeling can help map threats to the pipeline. Additionally, inventory all CI/CD
connections and treat them as potential points of compromise. The MITRE ATT&CK for
Enterprise framework is a globally accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and
techniques based on real-world observations.
MITRE’s D3FEND provides a one-stop shop for understanding defensive cyber
techniques and demonstrates the power of collaboration across the public and private
sectors in countering malicious cyber activity.
The following figure and tables list the ATT&CK techniques an MCA may use to exploit
CI/CD pipelines, as well as the D3FEND mitigations to counter these malicious
Figure 3: CI/CD attack vectors mapped to ATT&CK techniques and D3FEND countermeasures
Initial Access
From the perspective of a cybersecurity practitioner, begin by following the standard
MITRE ATT&CK Matrix definition for Initial Access. Initial Access consists of techniques
that MCAs use to gain an initial foothold within a network. For Initial Access, an MCA
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
may employ the following ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques/Sub-Techniques to exploit a
DevSecOps CI/CD cloud environment:
Supply Chain Compromise [T1195]
Compromise Software Supply Chain [T1195.002]
Valid Accounts [T1078]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
Application Configuration Hardening [D3-ACH]
Local Account Monitoring [D3-LAM]
Execution consists of techniques that result in adversary-controlled code running on a
blue space system. Techniques that run malicious code are often paired with
techniques from any other tactics to achieve broader goals, such as exploring a network
or stealing data. For Execution, an MCA may employ the following ATT&CK Tactic,
Techniques/Sub-Techniques to exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD cloud environment:
Container Administration Command [T1609]
Command and Scripting Interpreter [T1059]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
Application Configuration Hardening [D3-ACH]
Executable Allow Listing [D3-EAL]
Persistence consists of techniques that adversaries use to keep access to systems
across restarts, changed credentials, and other interruptions that could cut off their
access. Techniques used for Persistence include any access, action, or configuration
changes that let them maintain their foothold on systems, such as replacing or hijacking
legitimate code or adding startup code. For Persistence, an MCA may employ the
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
following ATT&CK Tactic, Techniques/Sub-Techniques to exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD
cloud environment:
ATT&CK Tactic
Create Account [T1136]
Account Manipulation [T1098]
Additional Cloud Credentials [T1098.001]
Additional Email Delegate Permissions
Additional Cloud Roles [T1098.003]
SSH Authorized Keys [T1098.004]
Persistence, Privilege Escalation
Create or Modify System Process [T1543]
Persistence, Privilege Escalation
Event Triggered Execution [T1546]
Implant Internal Image [T1525]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
D3FEND Tactic
Platform Monitoring
Endpoint Health Beacon [D3-EHB]
User Behavior Analysis
Local Account Monitoring [D3-LAM]
Privilege Escalation
Privilege Escalation consists of techniques that adversaries use to gain higher-level
permissions on a system or network. Adversaries can often enter and explore a network
with unprivileged access but require elevated permissions to follow through on their
objectives. Common approaches are to take advantage of system weaknesses,
misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities. For Privilege Escalation, an MCA may employ the
following ATT&CK Tactic, Techniques/Sub-Techniques to exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD
cloud environment:
ATT&CK Tactic
Privilege Escalation
Cloud Accounts [T1078.004]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
D3FEND Tactic
Platform Monitoring
Endpoint Health Beacon [D3-EHB]
U/OO/170159-23 | PP-23-1680 | JUN 2023 Ver. 1.0
NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Defense Evasion
Defense Evasion consists of techniques that adversaries use to avoid detection
throughout their compromise. Techniques used for Defense Evasion include
uninstalling/disabling security software or obfuscating/encrypting data and scripts.
Adversaries also leverage and abuse trusted processes to hide and masquerade their
malware. For Defense Evasion, an MCA may employ the following ATT&CK Tactic,
Techniques/Sub-Techniques to exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD cloud environment:
ATT&CK Tactic
Defense Evasion, Persistence,
Privilege Escalation, Initial Access
Cloud Accounts [T1078.004]
Defense Evasion
Exploitation for Defense Evasion [T1211]
Data from Cloud Storage [T1530]
Implant Internal Image [T1525]
Credential Access, Collection
Adversary-in-the-Middle [T1557]
Container Administration Command [T1609]
Defense Evasion, Execution
Deploy Container [T1610]
Privilege Escalation
Escape to Host [T1611]
Container and Resource Discovery [T1613]
Defense Evasion, Lateral
Use Alternate Authentication Material [T1550]
Defense Evasion
Impair Defenses [T1562]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
D3FEND Tactic
Platform Monitoring
Endpoint Health Beacon [D3-EHB]
Credential Access
Credential Access consists of techniques for stealing credentials, such as account
names and passwords. Techniques used to get credentials include keylogging or
credential dumping. Using legitimate credentials can give adversaries access to
systems, make adversaries harder to detect, and provide adversaries with the
opportunity to create more accounts to help achieve their goals. For Credential Access,
U/OO/170159-23 | PP-23-1680 | JUN 2023 Ver. 1.0
NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
an MCA may employ the following ATT&CK Tactic, Techniques/Sub-Techniques to
exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD cloud environment:
ATT&CK Tactic
Credential Access
Multi-Factor Authentication Interception [T1111]
Credential Access
Exploitation for Credential Access [T1212]
Credential Access
Steal Application Access Token [T1528]
Credential Access
SAML Tokens [T1606.002]
Credential Access
Private Keys [T1552.004]
Credential Access, Defense
Evasion, Persistence
Modify Authentication Process [T1556]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
D3FEND Tactic
Application Hardening
Application Configuration Hardening [D3-ACH]
Credential Hardening
Multi-Factor Authentication [D3-MFA]
Credential Hardening
One-time Password [D3-OTP]
Credential Hardening [D3-CH]
Credential Hardening
User Account Permissions [D3-UAP]
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement consists of techniques that adversaries use to exploit and control
remote systems on a network. Achieving their primary objective often requires exploring
the network to find their target and subsequently gaining access to it. Reaching their
objective often involves pivoting through multiple systems and accounts. For Lateral
Movement, an MCA may employ the following ATT&CK Tactic, Techniques/Sub-
Techniques to exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD cloud environment:
ATT&CK Tactic
Command and Scripting Interpreter [T1059]
Privilege Escalation
Exploitation for Privilege Escalation [T1068]
Account Manipulation [T1098]
Defense Evasion, Persistence,
Privilege Escalation, Initial Access
Valid Accounts [T1078]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
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NSA, CISA | Defending Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Environments
Exfiltration consists of techniques that adversaries may use to steal data from the
network. Once they have collected data, adversaries often package it to avoid detection
while moving it back to their own systems. This can include compression and
encryption. For Exfiltration, an MCA may employ the following ATT&CK Tactic,
Techniques/Sub-Techniques to exploit a DevSecOps CI/CD cloud environment:
ATT&CK Tactic
Create Account [T1136]
Automated Exfiltration [T1020]
Exfiltration Over C2 Channel [T1041]
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol [T1048]
Transfer Data to Cloud Account [T1537]
D3FEND enumerates the following mitigations to counter these techniques:
D3FEND Tactic
Platform Monitoring
Endpoint Health Beacon [D3-EHB]
D3FEND Tactic
Platform Monitoring
Endpoint Health Beacon [D3-EHB]