Care Centers and Preschools
Licensing Standards and
Welcome to Child Care Providers
On an average day in Iowa, licensed child care centers have the capacity to serve more than 140,000 children in
more than 1,500 licensed child care centers, preschools, and before- and after-school programs across the state.
As a current or potential provider of care to those children, you play a pivotal role in the development, nurturing,
health, safety and support of these children. The research is undisputed:
The first three years of life are of critical importance in a child’s overall development and ability to learn.
The caregiver relationship (parent or provider to child) is the single strongest determinant of children’s
emotional and social development.
The availability of after-school care programs reinforces school-age children’s self-esteem and sense of
community, while significantly decreasing the likelihood of children engaging in unhealthy and dangerous
The handbook provides information on the process to obtain a license to operate a child care center and the state
regulations that centers must follow. The rationale behind a regulation and “best practice” guidelines are offered
to assist you in implementing these standards.
If you have questions regarding the contents of the licensing standards handbook, contact:
Licensed Centers
1. The child care consultant assigned to your center.
[ Insert label or business card ]
Prospective Providers
1. The child care consultant assigned to your area. To get the name of the consultant assigned to your area,
call the Department’s child care center licensing office at (515) 281-6832.
2. The Department’s Child Care Licensing Bureau Chief.
HHS Division of Child and Family Services
321 E 12th St
Des Moines, IA 50319-1114
Phone: (515) 281-6745
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) iii
Child Care Centers and Preschools
Licensing Standards and Procedures
Part I Licensing Procedures ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Licensing Authority ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Role of the Child Care Consultant .............................................................................................................................. 3
When a License is Required ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Penalty for Operating Without a License .................................................................................................................. 4
Injunction ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Programs That Are Not Required to Be Licensed .................................................................................................. 4
Applying for a License to Operate a Child Care Center ................................................................................................... 7
Submitting an Initial Application ................................................................................................................................... 7
State Fire Marshal Report .................................................................................................................................. 7
Floor Plans ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Water Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Qualifications of Director and On-Site Supervisor ..................................................................................... 8
Submitting a Renewal Application ................................................................................................................................ 9
Licensing Decision ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Approval for a Full License ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Approval for a Provisional License............................................................................................................................... 9
Denial .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Suspension and Revocation .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Right to Appeal Adverse Action ................................................................................................................................. 10
State Inspection and Evaluation .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Department of Health and Human Services ............................................................................................................ 11
Department of Public Health....................................................................................................................................... 11
State Fire Marshal ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Records ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Confidential Information .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Licensing File .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Administrative Requirements and Procedures ................................................................................................................... 13
Parental Access ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Parental Survey ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse ....................................................................................................................... 13
Civil Rights Act of 1964 ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) .................................................................................................................... 14
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) iv
Part II Provider Resources ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
State Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Child Care Consultants ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies ........................................................................................................... 16
Other State Programs ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Iowa Resources .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Child Care Resource and Referral ............................................................................................................................. 19
Iowa Child Care Complaint Hotline .......................................................................................................................... 19
Healthy Child Care Iowa .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Iowa State University Extension Service .................................................................................................................. 19
Area Education Agencies .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Child Care Assistance (Subsidy) ................................................................................................................................. 20
Child Support .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center ................................................................................................................... 20
Healthy and Well Kids In Iowa (HAWKI) ................................................................................................................. 20
Child Health Centers .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Child Health Specialty Clinics ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Maternal Health Centers .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Family Planning Clinics .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Local Health Departments ........................................................................................................................................... 21
National Resources ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
First Children’s Finance ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Handbook for Public Playground Safety ................................................................................................................... 22
National Health and Safety Performance Standards .............................................................................................. 22
Stepping Stones to Using “Caring for Our Children” ........................................................................................... 22
Internet Websites ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Part III Regulations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Administration ............................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Purpose and Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Required Written Policies ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Required Postings ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Mandatory Reporters .................................................................................................................................................... 32
Handbook ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Certificate of License..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Parental Participation ................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Unlimited Access ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Parental Evaluation ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Personnel ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Center Director Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 36
Understanding the Point Chart ....................................................................................................................... 38
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) v
Director/OSS Educational Point Structure .............................................................................................................. 39
On-Site Supervisor Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 40
Understanding the Point Chart ....................................................................................................................... 42
Director and On-Site Supervisor Functions Combined ....................................................................................... 44
Volunteers ........................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Record Checks and Evaluations .................................................................................................................................. 45
Notification to Parents ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Professional Growth and Development ............................................................................................................................... 51
Required Training Within First Three Months ....................................................................................................... 51
Mandatory Reporting ........................................................................................................................................ 52
Universal Precautions ........................................................................................................................................ 52
Certification in CPR and First Aid ................................................................................................................. 53
Minimum Health and Safety Content Areas ................................................................................................ 53
Staff Training Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 53
Staff Employed In Summer Only Programs .............................................................................................................. 56
Training Plans .................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Staff Ratio Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Staff Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Staff Ratio ......................................................................................................................................................................... 58
General Ratio Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 60
Ratio While Children are Resting .................................................................................................................. 60
Ratio During Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 61
Ratios for Transportation ................................................................................................................................ 61
Accommodations During Special Circumstances ....................................................................................... 61
Records ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 62
Personnel Records ......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Child’s File ........................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Contact and Authorization Information ....................................................................................................... 64
Child’s Physical Examination ............................................................................................................................ 65
Children in Foster Care .................................................................................................................................... 65
Medical and Dental Services ............................................................................................................................ 66
Immunization Certificates ............................................................................................................................................ 67
Daily Activities ................................................................................................................................................................ 69
Health and Safety Policies ........................................................................................................................................................ 70
Physical Examination Report ....................................................................................................................................... 70
Preschool-Aged Children ................................................................................................................................. 71
School-Aged Children ....................................................................................................................................... 71
Medical and Dental Emergencies ................................................................................................................................ 72
Medications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Daily Contact .................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Infectious Disease Control .......................................................................................................................................... 75
Quiet Area for Ill or Injured ........................................................................................................................................ 76
Staff Hand-Washing ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
Children’s Hand-Washing ............................................................................................................................................ 78
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) vi
First-Aid Kit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Recording Incidents ....................................................................................................................................................... 79
Smoking ............................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Transportation ................................................................................................................................................................ 82
Is Your Vehicle a School Bus? ......................................................................................................................... 82
Field Trip Emergency Numbers .................................................................................................................................. 83
Pets 84
Emergency Plans ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
Supervision and Access ................................................................................................................................................. 86
Physical Facilities......................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Room Size ........................................................................................................................................................................ 88
Infants’ Area ..................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Facility Requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 89
Bathroom Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................ 96
Telephone ........................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Kitchen Appliances and Microwaves ......................................................................................................................... 97
Environmental Hazards: Lead-Based Paint ............................................................................................................... 98
Environmental Hazards: Radon ................................................................................................................................... 99
Environmental Hazards: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ...................................................................................... 100
Environmental Hazards: Exemption ........................................................................................................................ 101
Activity Program Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 102
Activities ........................................................................................................................................................................ 102
Discipline ....................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Special Accommodations ........................................................................................................................................... 106
Play Equipment, Materials, and Furniture .............................................................................................................. 106
Infant Environment ...................................................................................................................................................... 109
Extended Evening Care ......................................................................................................................................................... 114
Facility Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 114
Activities ........................................................................................................................................................................ 114
Get-Well Center ..................................................................................................................................................................... 116
Staff Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................... 116
Health Policies .............................................................................................................................................................. 116
Exceptions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 117
Food Services ........................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Nutritionally Balanced Snacks and Meals ............................................................................................................... 120
Menu Planning .............................................................................................................................................................. 121
Feeding of Children Under Two Years of Age .................................................................................................... 122
Food Brought From Home ....................................................................................................................................... 124
Food Preparation, Storage, and Sanitation ............................................................................................................ 125
Water Supply ................................................................................................................................................................ 127
Part IV Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................ 129
Checklist of Items to be Submitted for Initial Licensure ........................................................................... 130
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) vii
Center Director Qualifications ................................................................................................................................ 131
On-Site Supervisor Qualifications ..................................................................................................................... 133
Qualifications for Center Director of School-Age Program ..................................................................... 135
Qualifications for On-Site Supervisor of School-Age Program .............................................................. 137
Suggested Content for Required Written Policies and Procedures .................................................... 139
Criminal History Record Check Request Form .................................................................................................. 144
Record Check Evaluation .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Licensing Regulation Checklist ................................................................................................................................. 150
Child Enrollment Information .................................................................................................................................. 182
Record of Emergency Practice Drills ..................................................................................................................... 184
Emergency Practice Drill Evaluation Tool ............................................................................................................. 185
Record of Detector, Fire Extinguishers, and Evacuation Equipment Checks .............................................. 186
Child Care Injury / Incident Report ........................................................................................................................ 187
Diet Modification Request Form ............................................................................................................................. 189
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 1
Child Care Centers and Preschools
Licensing Standards and Procedures
Part I
Licensing Procedures
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 2
Licensing Authority
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services has been delegated authority in Chapter 237A of the
Code of Iowa to develop and enforce the rules setting the minimum standards for the licensing of child care
centers. Chapter 237A also requires centers to comply with state health and fire safety laws.
The child care center minimum requirements are found, in their entirety, in 441 Iowa Administrative Code,
Chapter 109.
The Iowa Department of Public Health establishes the immunization requirements for child care centers in
641 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 7, and is responsible for enforcement of the requirements.
The State Fire Marshal establishes the fire safety requirements and is responsible for enforcement of the
Your child care consultant can provide a copy of 441 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 109 and instructions
on how to obtain the State Fire Marshal inspection report and copies of the required immunization
Be aware that local building codes and zoning laws may apply to your business as well. Contact your city
officials for additional information.
Legal reference: Iowa Code Section 237A.1 and 441 IAC 109.1(237A)
“Adult” means a person aged 18 or older.
“Child” means either of the following:
1. A person 12 years of age or younger.
2. A person 13 years of age or older but younger than 19 years of age who has a developmental
disability, as defined under the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
of 2000, Public law No. 106-402, codified in 42 U.S.C. 15002(8).
“Child care center” or “center” means a facility providing child care or preschool services for seven or
more children, except when the facility is registered as a child development home.
“Child care” means the care, supervision, and guidance of a child by a person other than the child’s
parent, guardian, or custodian for periods of less than twenty-four hours per day per child on a regular
“Department” means the Department of Health and Human Services.
“Extended evening care” means child care provided by a child care center at any time between the
hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.
“Facility” means a building or physical plant established for the purpose of providing child care.
Get-well center” means a facility that cares for a child with a temporary illness of short duration for
short enrollment periods.
“Infant” means a child who is less than 24 months of age.
“Parent” means parent or legal guardian.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 3
“Preschool” means a child care facility which provides to children ages three through five, for periods
of time not exceeding three hours per day, programs designed to help the children to develop
intellectual skills, social skills, and motor skills, and to extend their interest and understanding of the
world about them.
“School” means kindergarten or a higher grade level.
Note: The contents of this handbook apply to licensed child care centers and preschools. A “licensed”
center is one that provides care for periods of less than 24 hours to seven or more children in a place
other than the children’s home and that is not a child development home.
A child care home provider that cares for six or more children must be “registered” with the state as
a child development home. There are restrictions on the numbers of children by age categories that a
child development home can serve and assistants are required when serving a certain number of
children. Requirements for child development homes are found in “Child Development Home
Registration Guidelines,” Comm. 143. You can obtain these guidelines by contacting the HHS office in
your county or you can find them on the Department’s website at
Americans with Disabilities Act
Area Education Agencies
American Heart Association
American Red Cross
American Society for Testing and Materials for juvenile products
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Child Care Resource and Referral Agency
Child Development Associate
Child Health Specialty Clinics
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Department of Education
Department of Human Services (title being phased out in favor of HHS, below)
Department of Public Health
Healthy Child Care Iowa
Department of Health and Human Services
Iowa Administrative Code
National Health and Safety Performance Standards
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
United States Department of Agriculture
Role of the Child Care Consultant
The Department offers consultation and assistance in applying for a license and meeting the
requirements of a licensed center through the child care consultants located throughout the state.
There is no fee to receive consultation and assistance in obtaining a license.
In addition to serving as a resource to the center, the consultant monitors compliance with the
regulations through relicensing, annual unannounced visits, evaluation of complaints and a review of the
findings of allegations of child abuse in the center.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 4
When a License is Required
Legal reference: Iowa Code Section 237A.1-2, 237A.19-20, 279.49, and 441 IAC 109.2(2)
A person cannot establish or operate a child care center without obtaining a license.
A center must obtain a new license certificate when it expands or remodels to change licensed capacity. If
you are going to remodel the center or expand the capacity of the center, contact your licensing consultant
for a list of items that you must submit for approval.
A center must obtain a new license when another person or agency assumes ownership or legal
responsibility for the center or if the center moves to a new location. The items that must be submitted are
listed under the section “Submitting an Initial Application to Operate a Child Care Center.”
A program that is not a “child care center” by reason of the definition of child care, but which provides care,
supervision, and guidance to a child may be issued a license if the program complies with all the provisions of
Programs such school-based programs, neighborhood drop-in programs and programs operated for fitness
centers or shopping malls sometimes seek a license to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
(CACFP) program or for reasons of quality assurance to their parents. Providers may be licensed if they
meet all of the licensing standards and the requirements of the Department of Public Health and the State
Fire Marshal’s office.
Penalty for Operating Without a License
A person who establishes, conducts, manages, or operates a center without a license is guilty of a
serious misdemeanor. Each day of continuing violation after conviction, or after notice from the
Department by certified mail of the violation, is considered a separate offense. According to Iowa
Code section 903.1(1)(b), a serious misdemeanor is punishable by a fine of at least $315 but not over
$1,875. In addition, the court may also order imprisonment not to exceed one year.
A person who establishes, conducts, manages, or operates a child care center without a license
may be restrained by temporary or permanent injunction. A person who has been convicted of a
crime against a person or a person with a record of founded child abuse may be restrained by
temporary or permanent injunction from providing child care services in a licensed child care
center. The state, a county attorney, or other interested persons may initiate this action.
Programs That Are Not Required to Be Licensed
For purposes of licensing, child care does not include care, supervision, and guidance of a child by any
of the following:
(Not intended as an exhaustive list)
1. An instructional program for children who are
attending prekindergarten, as defined by the State
Board of Education under Iowa Code section 256.11, or
a higher grade level and are at least four years of age, or
Traditional school classroom settings,
including prekindergarten (for four year
olds) through junior high that use a school-
based educational curriculum
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 5
(Not intended as an exhaustive list)
are at least three years of age and eligible for special
education under chapter 256B, administered by any of
the following:
A public or nonpublic school system accredited
by the Department of Education or the State
Board of Regents.
A nonpublic school system that is not accredited
by the Department of Education or the State
Board of Regents.
Prekindergarten, kindergarten, or
elementary education provided by public or
nonpublic schools
2. Any of the following church-related programs:
An instructional program.
A youth program other than a preschool,
before-or after-school child care program, or
other child care program.
A program providing care to children on church
premises while the children’s parents are
attending church-related or church-sponsored
activities on the church premises.
Sunday school, confirmation or catechism
classes, etc.
Care provided to children while parents
attend adult education or activities within
the church building
Youth programs that typically occur in the
evenings or on weekends
3. Short-term classes of less than two weeks’ duration
held between school terms or during a break within a
school term.
Classes offered by local community centers,
colleges, museums, art or science centers,
etc. on semester, winter, or spring break
that usually last less than two weeks. (This
does not include “summer-only” programs
that typically run for more than two
4. A child care center for sick children operated as part of
a pediatrics unit in a hospital licensed by the
Department of Inspections and Appeals pursuant to
Iowa Code Chapter 135B.
Sick bay” or get-well center located as part
of the pediatrics unit in a hospital
5. A program operated not more than one day per week
by volunteers that meets all of the following conditions:
Not more than 11 children are served per
The program operates for less than four hours
during any 24-hour period.
The program is provided at no cost to the
children’s parent, guardian, or custodian.
Green Thumb volunteer reading programs
Tutoring programs
After-school church-sponsored program
that meets these criteria.
6. A program administered by a political subdivision of the
state that is primarily for recreational or social
purposes and is limited to children who are five years of
age or older and attending school.
City park and recreation programs for
school-aged children
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 6
(Not intended as an exhaustive list)
7. An after school program continuously offered
throughout the school year calendar to children who
are least five years old, are enrolled in school, and
attend the program intermittently, or a summer-only
program for such children. The program must be
provided through a nominal membership fee or at no
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Nominal fee is considered to be $10 per
day per child or less
8. A special activity program that meets less than four
hours per day for the sole purpose of the special
activity. Such programs include but are not limited to
music or dance classes, organized athletic or sports
programs, recreational classes, scouting programs, and
hobby or craft clubs or classes.
Soccer or Little League baseball
Boy or Girl Scouts
Art clubs, music classes, etc.
No more than three days a week.
9. A nationally accredited camp.
Camp Sunnyside
4-H camps
10. A structured program for the purpose of providing
therapeutic, rehabilitative, or supervisory services to
children under any of the following:
A purchase of service or managed care contract
with the Department.
A contract approved by a local decategorization
governance board created under Iowa Code
section 232.188.
An arrangement approved by juvenile court
After school supervision of children
receiving services from HHS or under the
supervision of a juvenile court officer
Group therapy arranged under the
supervision of HHS or a juvenile court
11. Care provided on-site to children of parents residing in
an emergency, homeless, or domestic violence shelter.
Domestic violence shelters, temporary
shelters for the homeless, etc.
12. A child care facility providing respite care to a licensed
foster family home for a period of 24 hours or more to
a child who is placed with that licensed foster family
Registered child development home that is
providing respite care to foster children.
13. A program offered to a child whose parent, guardian, or
custodian is engaged solely in a recreational or social
activity, remains immediately available and accessible on
the physical premises on which the child’s care is
provided, and does not engage in employment, while
the care is provided.
However, if the recreational or social activity is
provided in a fitness center or on the premises of a
non-profit organization, the parent, guardian, or
custodian of the child may be employed to teach or
lead the activity.
Adult exercise, social and recreation
programs where child care is offered
on-site and the parent remains at the site.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 7
Applying for a License to Operate a Child Care Center
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.2(1) and (2)
Any adult or agency has the right to apply for a child care center license.
Submitting an Initial Application
To initiate an application to operate a child care center, obtain and review an orientation packet
provided by the child care consultant. Direct questions regarding compliance with specific sections to
the child care consultant.
The child care director must complete form 470-4834, Child Care Center Licensing Application and Invoice.
Submit the completed application and all requested reports, including an approved State Fire Marshal’s
report, to the child care consultant before opening the center to conduct business.
A center that has submitted a sufficient application for a license to the child care consultant may
operate for a period of up to 120 days, pending the final licensing decision. To be “sufficient,” an
application must include:
Child Care Center Licensing Application and Invoice, form 470-4834.
An approved State Fire Marshal’s report.
A floor plan indicating room descriptions and dimensions, including the location of windows,
doors, and exits.
Information sufficient to determine that the center director meets the minimum qualifications. (See
Center Director Qualifications under Section IV)
The child care consultant will make one or more on-site visits to the center, including a visit made
after the program is in operation, before issuing a license.
The following sections describe the reports that must be submitted to the child care consultant
before a licensing decision can be made. Centers must furnish these requested reports to the
Department upon new application and annually thereafter. This includes the state fire marshal’s report
and other information relevant to the licensing determination, as directed by the child care consultant.
State Fire Marshal Report
The State Fire Marshal or an approved designee must inspect each child care center applying for
a license and conduct an annual inspection. The State Fire Marshal’s Certificate of Inspection
Report must be completed. A valid fire inspection report cannot be more than three years old
(from the date of issuance). To find out who is responsible for conducting these inspections in
your area, contact the child care consultant or the State Fire Marshal’s office.
The center owner, administrator, or director must obtain the State Fire Marshal inspection
report and submit it to the child care consultant or be sure the report is sent to the consultant.
No program is permitted to begin operation without both the signed application and the
approved fire inspection report on file with the Department.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 8
A center must meet all state fire safety requirements, as determined by the inspection, before a
full license can be issued.
Floor Plans
A center must submit a drawing of the floor plan to the child care consultant when making an
initial application and when the location or floor plan is changed. The floor plan must include all
measurements and location of windows, doors, and exits. The floor plan should designate the
type of room (i.e., classroom, office, bathroom, etc.) and should indicate the location of all sinks
and toilets.
Submit plans for new construction or plans for additions or structural alterations to existing
facilities to both the child care consultant and the office of the State Fire Marshal. Obtain
approval for the plans from both the Department and State Fire Marshal before proceeding. This
allows the consultant and the fire marshal to troubleshoot with you regarding areas of concern
about fire safety or capacity before you incur additional costs.
Water Analysis
A facility that uses a private, non-public water supply must obtain an annual laboratory water
analysis to determine that the water has a satisfactory bacteriological quality. If the facility is
going to provide care for children under age two, the analysis must also include testing for
The water analysis must be conducted before the center opens and annually thereafter. For the
most accurate results, the annual testing should be conducted in May or June of each year. Keep
a copy of the laboratory’s water analysis at the center and give a copy to the child care
If the laboratory analysis determines that the water is not of a satisfactory quality, you must
develop an alternative plan for water supply. Alternative plans can include using commercially
bottled water, water from a public water supply, or other sources of water approved by the
county sanitarian.
The child care consultant can provide information about where to obtain a laboratory analysis in
your area of the state.
Qualifications of Director and On-Site Supervisor
Submit information sufficient to determine the qualifications of the director and on-site
supervisor to the child care consultant before hiring the person to assume the duties and
responsibilities of the position. The information must document the education, experience, and
training required to qualify for employment in these positions. A worksheet to copy and use for
this purpose is included in Part IV of the handbook. Center Directors and On-Site Supervisors
shall enter their credentials in i-PoWeR
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 9
Submitting a Renewal Application
The consultant sends out an application form to renew the license approximately 60 days in advance of
each center’s licensed renewal date. Submit the signed form 470-4834, Child Care Center Licensing
Application and Invoice, to the Department’s Division of Fiscal Management along with the licensing fee.
Submit the other updated reports for renewal with the application or make them available to the
consultant at the relicensing visit.
Licensing Decision
Legal reference: Iowa Code Section 232A.2 and 441 IAC 109.2(3)-(6)
The Department of Health and Human Services will notify applicants of approval or denial within 120
days of the date the child care consultant receives a complete or sufficient application.
Approval for a Full License
The Department will issue a license to a center if it has determined the center complies with the
minimum requirements as defined in state laws and rules governing the standards for child care
centers. (This includes the fire safety rules of the State Fire Marshall and the immunization rules of
Iowa Department of Public Health.) An applicant in compliance with the laws and rules governing child
care centers will be issued a license for 24 months.
Approval for a Provisional License
The Department may issue a provisional license at time of new application or renewal when the center
does not sufficiently meet licensing laws and rules. In some instances, the child care consultant may
request a corrective action plan, including timelines.
A provisional license may be in effect for up to one year. A provisional license may be renewed when a
written plan to bring the center into compliance with the standard, giving specific dates for completion
of work, are submitted to and approved by the Department. A center cannot receive a
provisional license for more than two years in a row for being out of compliance with the
same licensing standards.
When the center submits documentation or it can otherwise be verified that the center complies with
the licensing regulations or standards, the license will be upgraded from a provisional to a full license
In addition, if a center is issued a license indicating it is fully in compliance with licensing requirements,
but at a later date within the license period fails to be in compliance, the Department may reduce a
license to a provisional status. Upon correction of the deficiencies and approval by the child care
consultant, the provisional license may be upgraded to a full license.
The Department will deny a license on an initial or renewal application when:
The center does not comply with essential center licensing laws and rules in order to be
considered for a provisional license.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 10
The center is operating in a manner that the Department determines impairs the safety, health, or
well-being of children in care.
A person subject to an evaluation has transgressions that merit prohibition of involvement with
child care and of licensure, as determined by the Department. This may also include an individual
affiliated with the center, such as an owner.
Information provided to the Department, either orally or in writing, or information contained
in the center’s files is shown to have been falsified by the provider or with the provider’s
The center is not able to obtain an approved State Fire Marshal’s certificate or fails to comply in
correcting or repairing any deficiencies in the time determined by the state fire marshal, or the
State Fire Marshal determines the building is not safe for occupancy.
If the Department denies an application for an initial license, the center must not continue to
provide child care pending the filing of an appeal of the decision and the outcome of an evidentiary
Suspension and Revocation
The Department may initiate an action to suspend a license to address an issue of noncompliance that
may be temporary. An example is a center unable to use its licensed facility due to floodwaters or a
The Department may initiate an action to revoke a license when the center exhibits a pattern of
noncompliance or an imminent concern arises that jeopardizes the well-being of children.
The Department may act to suspend or revoke a license during the licensing year. The Department
will suspend or revoke a license if corrective action has not been taken when:
The center does not comply with the licensing laws and rules and makes no substantial attempt to
correct deficiencies.
The center is operating in a manner that the Department determines impairs the safety, health, or
well-being of the children in care.
A person subject to an evaluation has transgressions that merit prohibition of involvement with
child care and of licensure, as determined by the Department.
Information provided to the Department, either orally or in writing, or information contained
in the center’s files is shown to have been falsified by the provider or with the provider’s
The center is not able to obtain an approved State Fire Marshal’s certificate or fails to comply in
correcting or repairing any deficiencies in the time determined by the State Fire Marshal, or the
State Fire Marshal determines the building is not safe for occupancy.
Right to Appeal Adverse Action
Any center receiving a notice indicating that the Department has initiated an action to deny, suspend,
or revoke the license will be informed of its right to appeal and the procedures to file an appeal. The
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 11
procedures follow the requirements outlined in the Department’s administrative rules governing
appeals, at 441 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 7.
A center affected by an adverse action may initiate an appeal by means of a written request directed to
the county office, or central office of the Department within 30 days after the date the Department
mailed the official notice of the denial, revocation, or suspension.
When the owner or director of a licensed facility receives a Notice of Decision: Services, form 470-0602,
initiating action to deny, suspend, or revoke the facility’s license, this notice must be conspicuously
posted at the main entrance to the center where it can be read by parents or any member of
the public. The notice must remain posted until resolution of the action to deny, suspend, or
revoke the license.
The Department will notify the parents, guardians, or custodians of the children for whom the center
provides care when it takes action to suspend or revoke a license. The center must cooperate with
the Department in providing the names and address of each parent, guardian, or legal custodian.
A center may continue to operate while appealing a decision by the Department to suspend, revoke,
or deny its license unless the negative action is against an initial application or the Department has
obtained a court injunction.
State Inspection and Evaluation
Legal reference: Iowa Code Section 237A.4
The following state agencies periodically conduct on-site inspections. Inspections by these agencies may occur
throughout the duration that a center is licensed.
Department of Health and Human Services
The Department will make periodic inspections of licensed centers to ensure compliance with licensing
requirements. The child care consultant will conduct at least one unannounced visit each year. The
consultant may inspect records maintained by a licensed center and may inquire into matters
concerning the centers and the people in charge.
Department of Public Health
With authority from the state or local boards of health, personnel from public health agencies may
make periodic inspections of licensed centers to ensure compliance with health-related licensing
requirements. Public health officials may also conduct periodic audits of immunization records to
ensure compliance. Additionally, the Department of Public Health may offer on-site consultation in
meeting health and environmental-related and immunization requirements.
State Fire Marshal
Inspections by the State Fire Marshal or a designee to determine compliance with rules relating to fire
safety can be conducted at any time without prior notice. Inspections can occur on a random basis,
upon anyone’s request, in response to a complaint, or when fire appears to be possible (for example,
an odor of a flammable liquid or gas is present outside a building).
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 12
Legal reference: Iowa Code Section 237A.7 and 441 IAC 109.3(237A)
Child care centers should consult with their boards of directors, accountants, insurance agents, and attorneys
in establishing policies for record retention. Centers should also be aware that funding sources, such as
United Way and the state child care assistance program, may have additional requirements for record
retention. Centers should ask the funding source what specific information and the length of time records
should be retained.
Confidential Information
Under state law, information about a person in a child care center or the relative of a person in a child
care center is confidential. Anyone who acquires such information through the operation of a child
care center may not disclose it, directly or indirectly, except upon inquiry before a court of law or
with the written consent of the person. In the case of a child, written consent must be obtained from
the parent or guardian or as otherwise specifically required or allowed by law.
Child care consultants must have unrestricted access to children’s files in performing their duties. In
addition, centers must make child immunization records accessible to public health officials without
requiring parental consent. Child care centers may also be asked to cooperate with public health
officials in the event of a communicable disease investigation.
These confidentiality provisions allow the disclosure of information about the structure and operation
of a center. They also allow duly authorized persons to perform statistical analysis of data collected on
licensed centers and the publication of the results of the analysis in a manner, which does not disclose
information identifying individual persons.
Licensing File
The Department of Health and Human Services maintains the licensing file for the center for the
period of time that the center remains licensed. Once a center is no longer licensed, the Department
maintains the record for an additional five years. After that time, the record may be destroyed.
The Department licensing file is a public record and is subject to review by parents and other
interested parties. Any person who wishes to review the licensing file of a child care center can
contact the child care consultant responsible for licensing the center.
Findings of any licensing visits are summarized and maintained in the licensing file. After each visit and
complaint, the Department documents whether a center was in compliance with center licensing
standards as imposed by licensing laws and rules. This record is available to the public, except that the
identity of the complainant will be withheld unless expressly waived by the complainant.
Licensing reports and valid complaints can be found online at :
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 13
Administrative Requirements and Procedures
Legal reference: Iowa Code Section 232.69 and 441 IAC 109.5(237A)
Parental Access
Centers must give parents unlimited access to their children and to the providers caring for their
children during the center’s hours of operation or whenever their children are in the care of the
center, unless parental contact is prohibited by court order. The center must inform parents of this
policy in writing when the child is admitted to the center.
Parental Survey
If requested by the Department, centers must assist the Department in conducting an annual survey of
parents served in their center. The Department will notify you of the time frames for distribution and
completion of the survey and the procedures for returning the survey to the Department.
The purpose of the survey is to increase parents’ understanding of developmentally appropriate and
safe practices, solicit statewide information regarding parental satisfaction with the quality of care being
provided to children, and obtain the parents’ perspective regarding the center’s compliance with
licensing requirements.
In addition to the Department’s survey, you are encouraged to establish your own mechanism for
soliciting ongoing parental input and to provide for a process for quality improvement, including
complaint resolution, in the delivery of child care services. Recommendations for improvement should
be sought from both staff and parents.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
The center must have written policies established that include procedures for reporting suspected
child abuse. Center staff serving in a caretaking role with children are mandatory reporters of child
abuse. Centers must provide this information to all staff at orientation and within 30 days of
Iowa Code Section 232.69 requires any director or employee of a licensed child care center to report
to the Department within 24 hours when, in the course of working with a child, you have reason to
believe that the child has suffered abuse or neglect. The oral report must be followed within 48 hours
with a written report to the Department. The
person who has witnessed the abuse or the effects of the abuse should make the reports.
Staff may report suspected child abuse by calling the county Department of Health and Human Services
office or calling the 24-hour, toll-free, Child Abuse Hotline number: 1-800-362-2178.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-352), as amended, and regulations of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (45 Code of Federal Regulations--Part 80) prohibit
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 14
discrimination on the grounds of race, color or national origin in the administration of programs under
the direction of the Department of Health and Human Services where federal funds are involved.
Agencies, institutions, and organizations providing child care for children under any program
supervised by the Department of Health and Human Services are required to abide by the terms of the
Act and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. A child
care center’s failure to comply will necessitate the withdrawal of Department financial support.
The regulations provide that people who feel that they or others have been the object of
discrimination by a child care center, contrary to the provisions of the Act, may file a complaint. All
complaints will be investigated and appropriate action taken when indicated. Inquiries should be
directed to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission at (515) 281-4121.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Child care centers, as a form of public accommodation, are required to comply with Title III of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Act requires that child care providers not discriminate
against children with disabilities on the basis of the disability.
The center must provide children and their parents an equal opportunity to participate in the center’s
program and activities. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a center cannot exclude a child
unless the child’s presence poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would require a
fundamental alteration of the program.
Center facilities need to be accessible to children and their parents who have disabilities. Existing
centers must remove barriers according to a readily achievable standard, while newly constructed or
renovated centers must be fully accessible.
A center must make reasonable modifications to its policies and procedures to integrate children,
unless doing so would constitute a fundamental alteration. Unless it is an undue burden, centers must
provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services needed for effective communication with a child with a
The child care consultant can provide additional information and resources regarding compliance with
the ADA.
Additional information about Child Care Centers and the ADA can be found at
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 15
Child Care Centers and Preschools
Licensing Standards and Procedures
Part II
Provider Resources
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 16
State Contacts
Child Care Consultants
Child care consultants responsible for licensing centers are located in HHS offices. To locate the child
care consultant for your area, see the next page.
Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
The child care resource and referral agencies are available to provide training, resources, technical
assistance, and lending library materials to providers. These agencies distribute a newsletter to
providers containing topics of interest related to early childhood and school-age care and inform
providers of training opportunities in their area. In addition, they offer parent referral services and
consumer education on quality child care.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 17
Child care resource and referral agencies are organized into a network through five service delivery
areas. Each area has a designated lead agency. To locate the resource and referral agency for your
area, contact the lead agency for your area.
Counties in Service Delivery Area:
Lead Agency For Service Delivery Area:
Buena Vista, Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay,
Crawford, Dickinson, Emmet, Hamilton,
Humboldt, Ida, Kossuth, Lyon, Osceola,
O’Brien, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas,
Sac, Sioux, Webster, Wright, Woodbury
Child Care Resource and Referral of Northwest Iowa
Regional Director
418 S Marion Street
Remsen, IA 51050
Phone: 712-786-3489
Fax: 712-786-3250
Allamakee, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan,
Butler, Cerro Gordo, Chickasaw, Clayton,
Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Floyd, Franklin,
Grundy, Hancock, Howard, Mitchell,
Winnebago, Winneshiek, Worth
Child Care Resource and Referral of Northeast Iowa
Regional Director
3675 University Avenue
Waterloo, IA 50704
Phone: 800-475-0804
Fax: 319-274-8841
Adams, Audubon, Carroll, Cass, Fremont,
Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, , Mills, Monona, ,
Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, Ringgold,
Shelby, Taylor, Union,
Child Care Resource and Referral of Southwest and
South Central Iowa
Regional Director
408 A Hwy 44
Harlan, IA 51537
Phone: 712-755-7581
Fax: 712-755-7827
Adair, Appanoose, Boone, Clark, Dallas,
Davis, Decatur, Hardin, Jasper, Lucas,
Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall,
Monroe, Poweshiek, Story, Polk, Warren,
Wayne, Wapello
Child Care Resource and Referral of Central Iowa
Regional Director
808 5th Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515-246-3590
Fax: 515-246-3570
Benton, Cedar, Clinton, , Des Moines,
Henry, Iowa, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson,
Jones, Keokuk, Lee, Linn, Louisa, ,
Muscatine, , Scott, Tama, Van Buren, ,
Child Care Resource and Referral of Southeast Iowa
Regional Director
500 E 59th Street
Davenport, IA 52807
Phone: 866-324-3236
Fax: 563-324-7736
Iowa Quality for Kids (IQ4K
) is Iowa’s new Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for HHS
licensed Child Care Centers and preschools, registered Child Development Homes and programs
operating under the authority of an accredited school district or nonpublic school. IQ4K
provides five
levels of quality (building blocks) that programs can achieve and continue to improve on.
By implementing Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), IQ4K
allows programs to assess their
current grade across all areas of programming and devise a structured plan to increase the overall level
of program quality.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 18
Other State Programs
Child Care Licensing:
Child Care Licensing Program Manager
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Child and Family Services
1305 E Walnut, 5th Floor, Hoover Bldg
Des Moines, IA 50319-0114
(515) 281-7714
State Fire Marshal:
Iowa Department of Public Safety
Division of State Fire Marshal
401 SW 7
St., Suite N
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 281-5821
Food Program:
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Bureau of Food and Nutrition
Iowa Department of Education
400 E 14th St
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-5356
Healthy Child Care Iowa:
HCCI Coordinator
Healthy Child Care Iowa
Bureau of Family Health
Iowa Department of Public Health
321 E 12th St
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 321-8137
Bureau of Immunization
Iowa Department of Public Health
321 E 12th St
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-7301
Vaccine for Children Hotline:
Immunization Certificate: 1-800-398-9696
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 19
Iowa Resources
You can obtain additional information on these materials from your child care consultant.
Child Care Resource and Referral
Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) is a program to support quality child care throughout the
state of Iowa. CCR&R is available to assist families in selecting child care providers who best meet the
needs of a child and their family. Child Care Consultants provide on-site consultation to licensed
preschools, centers, non-registered home providers, and Child Care Development Home providers.
Contact them at 877-216-8481 or
Iowa Child Care Complaint Hotline
The Iowa Child Care Complaint Hotline was developed as part of the Child Care and Development
Block Grant Reauthorization. This hotline serves as a centralized location for parents, the community,
and others to report concerns they may have regarding child care facilities. The hotline can be reached
at 1-844-786-1296.
Healthy Child Care Iowa
Healthy Child Care Iowa is a statewide publicly funded program to improve the health and safety of
children while they are enrolled in child care and early education settings. Child care nurse consultants
are registered nurses who provide consultation, training, and technical assistance on health and safety
policies, health programs, health of personnel, and specific child health or safety issues. To be
connected with nurse consultants in your area visit the website at
Iowa State University Extension Service
County ISU Extension offices provide publications, workshops, and self-study training materials on
early childhood and child care. Consultation and materials cover a wide variety of topics, including
financial considerations of operating a child care center, child care environmental design, playground
safety, nutrition, child development, health and safety, and positive guidance and discipline.
ISU Extension also works with communities and employers to explore child care options and conduct
needs assessments. Publications and videos on choosing quality child care are also available for parents.
Area Education Agencies
Area education agency (AEA) early childhood consultants and early childhood special education
personnel can provide on-site technical assistance and training on a variety of issues, including technical
assistance and training for children with developmental disabilities, behavioral issues, and
developmentally appropriate practices.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 20
Child Care Assistance (Subsidy)
Financial assistance for child care is available to families who meet income guidelines and requirements
for participation in education or employment. Centers can refer families who might benefit from
assistance to the county Department of Health and Human Services office.
Child Support
Some families may have difficulty in meeting the cost of child care when a noncustodial parent fails to
make child support payments. Centers can refer families who might be in need of assistance in
establishing or enforcing child support to the Child Support Recovery Unit that serves the county
where the custodial parent resides.
Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center
The statewide poison control center for Iowa is located at 1920 Hamilton Blvd., Lower A, Sioux City,
Iowa 51104. The POISON CONTROL NUMBER is 1-800-222-1222.
Healthy and Well Kids In Iowa (HAWKI)
The Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (Hawki) program provides health care coverage for families who
do not qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private health care coverage. The health care coverage is
for children birth to age 19 and covers, among other services, doctor and dentist visits, hospital stays,
well child visits, and eye exams. To apply or to get more information regarding the program, call the
24-hour number: 1-800-257-8563 or visit the website at
Child Health Centers
Iowa has 23 community-based child health centers that provide a variety of health services to children
ages birth through 21 years. Services available include access to a medical home, physical examination,
select health screening laboratory procedures, immunization, and care coordination. You can obtain
the location of the nearest child health center by calling the Healthy Families Line at 1-800-369-2229.
Child Health Specialty Clinics
The University of Iowa Child Health Specialty Clinics regional health services coordinators,
nutritionists, parent consultants, and other professional staff can assist with the provision of on-site
technical assistance or training for a variety of issues specific to children with special health care needs.
You can access telephone consultation and printed resources through the regional center nearest you
or by contacting the Child Health Specialty Clinics central office at (319) 384-6865.
Maternal Health Centers
Iowa has 25 maternal health centers that provide prenatal medical and health related services to
women. You can obtain the location of the nearest maternal health center by calling the Healthy
Families Line at 1-800-369-2229.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 21
Family Planning Clinics
Center staff may be able to obtain their required physical examination at a family planning clinic at a
reduced cost. You can obtain the location of the nearest family planning clinic by calling the Healthy
Families Line at 1-800-369-2229.
Local Health Departments
Local public health departments help promote healthy behaviors, prevent illness, and provide services
to safeguard the health and wellness of the community.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 22
National Resources
First Children’s Finance
First Children’s Finance provides loans and business-development assistance to high-quality child care
businesses serving low- and moderate-income families. Contact them at 866-562-6801 or the website
Handbook for Public Playground Safety
The Handbook for Public Playground Safety, Pub No. 325 (2010) was developed by the Consumer
Product Safety Commission. It can assist centers in the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of safe playground areas. The guidelines make recommendations regarding surfacing
materials, spacing and layout, installation, equipment design, and general hazards regarding an array of
playground equipment. You can obtain a copy at the Consumer Product Safety Commission website
National Health and Safety Performance Standards
The National Health and Safety Performance Standards for out-of-home child care are also known as
“Caring for Our Children.” They are published by the American Public Health Association and the
American Academy of Pediatrics. CFOC is online or can be downloaded as a PDF at
These national standards address recommendations for child/staff ratios and personnel, activities for
healthy development, health protection and promotion, nutrition and food service, facilities, supplies,
equipment, transportation, infectious diseases, children with special needs, and administration. You can
obtain a copy by contacting the National Resource Center on Health and Safety in Child Care at their
Stepping Stones to Using “Caring for Our Children”
Stepping Stones is the collection of selected Caring for Our Children standards which, when put into
practice, are most likely to prevent serious adverse outcomes in child care and early education
settings. You can obtain a copy by contacting the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in
Child Care at 1-800-598-5437 or at their website:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 23
Internet Websites
Centers for Disease Control
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Department of Health and Human Services Tools, Trainings, and Resources
Department of Justice’s Commonly Asked Questions About Child Care Centers and the ADA
First Children’s Finance
Healthy Child Care Iowa
Iowa State University Extension -- Child Care and Education for Professionals
National Association for the Education of Young Children
National Program for Playground Safety
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care
National School-Age Care Alliance
Prepare Iowa
Program for Infant and Toddler Care
Zero to Three
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 24
Child Care Centers and Preschools
Licensing Standards and Procedures
Part III
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 25
Part III of the handbook is organized according to the organization of 441 Iowa Administrative Code (IAC)
109, as outlined on the following pages. Each rule is quoted, followed by an explanation of the rationale for
the rule and recommendations for implementing it.
The information contained in this section has been obtained, in part, from the following sources:
Iowa Code Chapter 237A, “Child Care Facilities”
Iowa law that gives authority to the Department of Health and Human Services to develop rules
governing the licensing of child care centers.
441 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 109, “Child Care Centers”
Administrative rules developed by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services establishing
minimum standards for the licensing of child care centers.
641 Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 7, “Immunization of Persons Attending Elementary or Secondary
School or Licensed Child Care Centers
Administrative rules developed by the Iowa Department of Public Health establishing minimum
standards for immunization requirements.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
In Iowa, the Child and Adult Care Food Program is administered by the Bureau of Food and
Nutrition in the Iowa Department of Education.
Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards -- Guidelines for Out-of-
Home Child Care Programs, 4
This publication is a collaborative project of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American
Public Health Association designed to establish recommendations for minimum health and safety
standards and best practices in out-of-home child care programs.
Handbook for Public Playground Safety, Pub No. 325 (2010)
The Iowa Playground Safety Network distributes this publication of the US Consumer Product Safety
Commission. For more information go to:
Smoke Free Air Act, 237A.3B Sec 142D.2
This law was enacted in 2008 and prohibits smoking and ashtrays, and requires no smoking signs in
child care facilities and vehicles. For more information go to:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 26
441 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 109
Child Care Centers
441109.1(237A) Definitions
441109.2(237A) Licensure procedures
109.2(1) Application for license
109.2(2) License
109.2(3) Provisional license
109.2(4) Denial
109.2(5) Revocation and suspension
109.2(6) Adverse actions
109.2(7) Regulatory Fees
441109.3(237A) Inspection and Evaluation
441109.4(237A) Administration
109.4(1) Purpose and objectives
109.4(2) Required written policies
109.4(3) Required postings
109.4(4) Mandatory reporters
109.4(5) Handbook
109.4(6) Certificate of license
Parental Participation
441109.5(237A) Parental participation
109.5(1) Unlimited access
109.5(2) Parental evaluation
441109.6(237A) Personnel
109.6(1) Center director requirements
109.6(2) On-site supervisor
109.6(3) Director and on-site supervisor functions combined
109.6(4) Transition period for staff
109.6(5) Volunteers
109.6(6) Record checks and evaluations
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 27
Professional Growth and Development
441109.7(237A) Professional growth and development
109.7(1) Required training within the first three months of employment
109.7(2) Center Directors and all staff
109.7(3) Staff employed in centers that operate summer-only programs
109.7(4) Training plans
Staff Ratio Requirements
441109.8(237A) Staff ratio requirements
109.8(1) Staff requirements
109.8(2) Staff ratio
441109.9(237A) Records
109.9(1) Personnel records
109.9(2) Child’s file
109.9(3) Immunization certificates
109.9(4) Daily activities
Health and Safety Policies
441109.10(237A) Health and safety policies
109.10(1) Physical examination report
109.10(2) Medical and dental emergencies
109.10(3) Medications
109.10(4) Daily contact
109.10(5) Infectious disease control
109.10(6) Quiet area for ill or injured
109.10(7) Staff hand washing
109.10(8) Children’s hand washing
109.10(9) First-aid kit
109.10(10) Recording incidents
109.10(11) Smoking
109.10(12) Transportation
109.10(13) Field trip emergency numbers
109.10(14) Pets
109.10(15) Emergency plans
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 28
Physical Facilities
441109.11(237A) Physical facilities
109.11(1) Room size
109.11(2) Infants’ area
109.11(3) Facility requirements
109.11(4) Bathroom facilities
109.11(5) Telephone
109.11(6) Kitchen appliances and microwaves
109.11(7) Environmental hazards
Activity Program Requirements
441109.12(237A) Activity program requirements
109.12(1) Activities
109.12(2) Discipline
109.12(3) Policies for children requiring special accommodations
109.12(4) Play equipment, materials and furniture
109.12(5) Infant environment
Extended Evening Care
441109.13(237A) Extended evening care
109.13(1) Facility requirements
109.13(2) Activities
Get-Well Center
441109.14(237A) Get-well center
109.14(1) Staff requirements
109.14(2) Health policies
109.14(3) Exceptions
Food Services
441109.15(237A) Food services
109.15(1) Nutritionally balanced meals or snacks
109.15(2) Menu planning
109.15(3) Feeding of children under two years of age
109.15(4) Food brought from home
109.15(5) Food preparation, storage, and sanitation
109.15(6) Water supply
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 29
Legal reference: IAC 441 109.4(1)
Purpose and Objectives
Incorporated and unincorporated centers shall submit a written statement of purpose and objectives.
The plan and practices of operation shall be consistent with this statement.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The center’s purpose describes the population to be served, the mission of the organization, etc.
Objectives help to define for both staff and parents the underlying philosophies and practices of the
organization that determine how the center serves to benefit the children for whom care is provided.
In providing a written description, centers are challenged to assess all program activities, curriculum,
and practices to ensure a quality environment is provided consistent with its purpose.
Required Written Policies
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.4(2)
The child care center owner, board or director shall:
a. Develop fee policies and financial agreements for the children served.
b. Develop and implement policies for enrollment and discharge of children, field trips and non-
center activities, discipline, nutrition, and health and safety policies, and if transporting children, a
transportation policy.
c. Develop a curriculum or program structure that uses developmentally appropriate practices and
an activity program appropriate to the developmental level and needs of the children.
d. Develop and implement a written plan for staff orientation to the center’s policies and to the
provisions of 441Chapter 109 where applicable to staff.
e. Develop and implement a written plan for ongoing training and staff development in compliance
with professional growth and development requirements established by the Department in rule
f. Make available for review a copy of the center policies and program to all staff at the time of
employment and each parent at the time a child is admitted to the center. A copy of the fee
policies and financial agreements shall be provided to each parent at the time a child is admitted to
the center.
g. When serving children under the age of three, develop and implement a policy for responding to
incidents of biting that includes the following elements.
(1) An explanation of the center’s perspective on biting.
(2) A description of how the center will respond to individual biting incidents and episodes of
ongoing biting.
(3) A description of how the center will assess the adequacy of caregiver supervision and the
context and the environment in which the biting occurred.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 30
(4) A description of how the center will respond to the individual child or caregiver who was
(5) A description of the process for notification of parents of children involved in the incident.
(6) A description of how the incident will be documented.
(7) A description of how confidentiality will be protected.
(8) A description of first-aid procedures that the center will use in response to biting
h. Develop a policy to ensure that people do not have unauthorized access to children at the center.
The policy shall be subject to review for minimum safety standards by the licensing consultant. The
policy shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) The center’s criteria for allowing people to be on the property of the facility when
children are present.
(2) A description of how center staff will supervise and monitor people who are permitted on
the property of the center when children are present, but who have not been cleared for
involvement with child care through the formal record check process. The description
shall include definitions of “supervision” and “monitoring.”
(3) A description of how responsibility for supervision and monitoring of people in the center
will be delegated to center staff, which includes provisions that address conflicts of
(4) A description of how the policy will be shared with parents, guardians, and custodians of
all children who are enrolled at the center.
i. Develop and implement a policy for protection of child’s confidentiality.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Child care is a service that operates through a contractual relationship between the provider and the
parent in the interests of the child. Parents must be fully informed about a center’s services and
expectations to allow them an informed decision in delegating care and supervision of their child to the
Centers are expected to focus on activities and practices that are conducive to positive child
development and safety practices. Written policies provide a method for parents to choose the type of
program that best suits the needs of their child. Written policies are an important step in building a
comprehensive and well-developed program, providing a mechanism to communicate to staff and
parents, and ensuring consistency in implementation.
All levels of administration, including the board of directors, the center director, the on-site
supervisor, and direct care staff should be provided a copy of the center’s policies and the HHS
licensing standards at time of employment. These materials should be reviewed during the staff’s
You may want to develop a checklist of all materials and information required before a child can be
admitted to the program. The checklist can be shared with parents and serve as a reminder to staff.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 31
A copy of all the center’s policies shall be available to the parents. You are encouraged to make this
handbook available to parents at the time of admission to educate parents on the licensing standards
that you must be meet.
You must provide fee policies to the parents at the time of admission. Fee policies and financial
agreements should be clearly stated. Policies shall clearly indicate discharge provisions for a parent’s
failure to pay, including a process for resolution. Any change to the agreements should allow for timely
notification to parents. Provide amended copies to the parent. Continuity of care for children should
be given highest priority in mediating disputes.
Because of the importance of stable and consistent adult relationships to children and for the
protection of the center, you shall have defined criteria for permanently discharging a child from the
program. The decision to discharge a child should be made only after defined attempts to resolve
problems, with the knowledge and support of the child’s parents, have been unsuccessful. It is strongly
encouraged that you document attempts to resolve the problems, including communications with the
child’s parents.
In the written policies that describe the center’s practices related to enrollment and discharge of
children, field trips and non-center activities, transportation, discipline, nutrition, and health and safety
policies, you shall have policies that outline the expectation for parent authorizations for:
Participation in center-sponsored field trips.
Participation in non-center-related activities away from the center that the child may attend.
Transportation by the center to and from school.
Changes in meals and snacks provided to a child that differ from CACFP guidelines.
Health-related care and administering medications.
In addition to the required policies outlining the above expectations, you should also consider
obtaining written parent/guardian authorization any time there is an associated risk in which you do
not have a written policy (Example: having a child sign out and walk home).
In an effort to protect children’s confidentiality, you should have a social media policy
Suggestions for content of the required written policies and procedures are included in Part IV of the
1. Not knowing how a child was injured (bitten for example) and not reporting injuries is a frequent
source of complaints. Help staff understand the importance of active supervision, documentation
and communicating with parents. Even if you are unaware of how an injury has occurred, you still
must document on an incident report.
2. If something is not covered in your policies and there is an associated risk, think about obtaining
parent’s written authorization. (Example: desire for the child to walk home by themselves on
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 32
Required Postings
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.4(3), 109.10(1), amended by HF 2212(16)(t) 6
Required postings:
a. Postings are required for the certificate of license, notice of exposure of children to a
communicable disease, and notice of actions to deny, suspend, or revoke the center’s license and
shall be conspicuously placed at the main entrance to the center. If the center is located in a
building used for additional purposes and shares the main entrance to the building, the required
postings shall be conspicuously placed in the center in an area that is frequented daily by parents
or the public.
b. Postings are required for mandatory reporter requirements, the notice of availability of the
handbook required in subrule 109.4(5), and the program activities and shall be placed in an area
that is frequented daily by parents or the public.
c. Post nonsmoking signs at every entrance of the child care center and in every vehicle used to
transport the children. All signs shall include:
(1) The telephone number for reporting complaints, and
(2) The Internet address of the Department of Public Health
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Parents have a right to be informed regarding activities within or regarding the center, including any
legal action taken against the center, which may impact their child or their decision to continue
services at the center. The goal of postings is to facilitate and increase communication opportunities
with parents.
In addition to posting within a center, in some circumstances centers may also want to send notices
home with children or do a separate mailing to parents. Centers may also want to include information
regarding mandatory reporters, this handbook, and the program structure of the center in their parent
handbook. However, this does not remove the requirement to post in the center.
Postings must be clearly visible to parents when they enter the center. If the location of the center
within a building makes it impractical to post a notice by the front door, the posting must be in an area
of the center where parents routinely gather when they arrive to pick up or leave their children.
The posting regarding the availability of the handbook must also include the name, office mailing
address, and telephone number of the child care consultant.
Letters from the Department giving notice of action to suspend or revoke a license MUST be posted in
the format in which they are received. Do not alter the content or design of the letter in any way.
Mandatory Reporters
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.4(4)
Mandatory reporters. Requirements and procedures for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse as
defined in Iowa Code section 232.69 shall be posted where they can be read by staff and parents.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 33
Methods of identifying and reporting suspected child abuse and neglect shall be discussed with all staff
within 30 days of employment.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
All employees of a center who are involved in the direct care of children, including volunteers used in
meeting staff ratio, are mandatory reporters and must be informed of their responsibilities and the
procedures for reporting suspected abuse.
Within 30 days of employment or at the time a person volunteers, the center shall provide the
employee or volunteer with an outline of the reporting requirements. Keep signed documentation in
the personnel file indicating that the information was shared and that the employee or volunteer
understands their responsibilities as a mandatory reporter. All staff, excluding volunteers, must
complete training for Iowa’s mandatory reporting of child abuse within the first three months of
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.5(5)
Handbook. A copy of Child Care Centers and Preschools Licensing Standards and Procedures, shall be
available in the center, and a notice stating that a copy is available for review upon request from the
center director shall be conspicuously posted. The name, office mailing address and telephone number
of the child care consultant shall be included in the notice.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The handbook provides parents and child care center staff an opportunity to become more
knowledgeable about the state’s expectations of centers in providing quality child care. In addition, the
handbook can serve as a support to centers in explaining the importance of complying with a standard
with which the parent may have a disagreement.
While you do not have to give an individual copy of the handbook to parents, a copy must be
accessible to parents within the center or made electronically available. The notice stating that the
handbook is available must be in an area of the center where parents routinely gather when they arrive
to pick up or leave their children.
TIP: A key to success is having lead personnel become the CHAMPION of child care regulations. This
person should be empowered to teach others licensing standards. Please establish an expert within
each licensed program. Your CHAMPION should know the content of this handbook very well. We’d
encourage your champion to take the checklist and conduct a self-audit prior to an anticipated annual
HHS inspection.
Certificate of License
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.4(6)
Certificate of license. The child care license shall be posted in a conspicuous place and shall state the
particular premises in which child care may be offered and the number of children who may be cared
for at any one time. Notwithstanding the requirements in rule 441109.8(237A), no greater number
of children than is authorized by the license shall be cared for at any one time.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 34
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Post it your certificate of license at the main entrance to the facility. Display the certificate fully. Do
not alter it in any way.
The “particular premises in which child day care may be offered” is the specific site of the facility. If the
center moves to a new facility, the license does not transfer. You must apply for a new license specific
to the new site. You must return the license for the former facility to the child care consultant.
If a change in ownership occurs, you must remove the old license and return it to the child care
consultant. Submit a new form 470-4834, Child Care Center Licensing Application and Invoice, to the child
care consultant.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 35
Parental Participation
Unlimited Access
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.5(1)
Unlimited access. Parents shall be afforded unlimited access to their children and to the provider caring
for their children during the center’s hours of operation or whenever their children are in the care of
a provider, unless parental contact is prohibited by court order. The provider shall inform all parents
of this policy in writing at the time the child is admitted to the center.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
You should include this item in your admissions packet. Parents have the right to enter the center and
observe the care of their child at any point during the child’s care. Encouraging the active participation
of parents is a way to reinforce the safe and healthy environment that you are providing.
CAUTION: If parent contact is prohibited by court order, you may want the parent or custodian to
provide a copy of the applicable portions of the court order to be included in the child’s file. Obtaining
documentation may prevent you from being placed in a compromising position or making legal
judgments regarding authorizations and release of child. This also reduces liability concerns of relying
solely on the verbal statements of one parent.
In adversarial situations where parents indicate that the other party is restricted in contact or in
receiving information about the child, a copy of the court order protects the center from unwillingly
becoming a party to the custody action. You may want to consult your own legal counsel in
establishing policies.
Parental Evaluation
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.5(2)
Parental evaluation. If requested by the Department, centers shall assist the Department in conducting
an annual survey of parents being served by their center. The Department shall notify centers of the
time frames for distribution and completion of the survey and the procedures for returning the survey
to the Department.
The purpose of the survey shall be to increase parents’ understanding of developmentally appropriate
and safe practice, solicit statewide information regarding parental satisfaction with the quality of care
being provided to children and obtain the parents’ perspective regarding the center’s compliance with
licensing requirements.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
You are strongly encouraged to conduct your own evaluation of your services, obtaining the
perspective of parents and staff. Information you obtain from such a survey should be provided to
parents and staff. Such information is vital in achieving and maintaining a quality program and meeting
the needs of the consumers the parents, and more importantly, the children served.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 36
If the Department undertakes a statewide evaluation, the center will not be expected to bear the cost.
You may be asked to assist with providing names and addresses of parents served, assist in distribution
of the survey at the center, etc. The Department will shared final reports obtained from conducting
any statewide survey with all licensed centers.
Center Director Requirements
Center director requirements. Centers that have multiple sites shall have a center director or on-site
supervisor in each center. The center director is responsible for the overall functions of the center,
including supervising staff, designing curriculum and administering programs.
The director shall ensure services are provided for the children within the framework of the licensing
requirements and the center’s statement of purpose and objectives. The center director shall have
overall responsibility for carrying out the program and ensuring the safety and protection of the
The center shall submit information in writing to the child care consultant before the start of
employment. The Department shall make the final determination. The information submitted shall be
sufficient to determine that the director meets the following minimum qualifications:
a. Is at least 21 years of age.
b. Has obtained a high school diploma or passed a general education development test.
c. Has completed at least one course in business administration or 12 contact hours in
administrative-related training related to personnel, supervision, record keeping, or budgeting or
has one year of administrative-related experience.
d. Has certification in infant, child, and adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and
Iowa’s training for the mandatory reporting of child abuse.
e. Has achieved a total of 100 points obtained through a combination of education, experience, and
child development-related training as outlined in the following chart:
(1) In obtaining the total of 100 points, a minimum of two categories must be used, no more
than 75 points may be achieved in any one category, and at least 20 points shall be
obtained from the experience category.
(2) Points obtained in the child development-related training category shall have been taken
within the past five years.
(3) For directors in centers predominantly serving children with special needs, the directors
may substitute a disabilities-related or nursing degree for the bachelor’s degree in early
childhood, child development or elementary education in determining point totals. In
addition, experience in working with children with special needs in an administrative or
direct care capacity shall be equivalent to full-time experience in a child care center or
preschool in determining point totals.
(4) For directors in centers serving predominantly school-age children, the directors may
substitute a degree in secondary education, physical education, recreation or related fields
for the bachelor’s degree in early childhood, child development or elementary education
in determining point totals. In addition, child-related experience working with school-age
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 37
children shall be equivalent to full-time experience in a child care center or preschool in
determining point totals.
(Points multiplied by
years of experience)
Bachelor’s or higher degree in
early childhood, child
development, or elementary
Full-time (20 hours or more
per week) in a child care
center or preschool setting
One point per
contact hour of
Associate’s degree in child
development or bachelor’s
degree in a child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours
per week) in a child care
center or preschool setting
Child development associate
(CDA) or one-year diploma in
child development from a
community college or technical
Full-time (20 hours or more
per week) child development-
related experience
Bachelor’s degree or higher in a
non-child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours
per week) child development-
related experience
Associate’s degree in a non-
child-related field or completion
of at least two years of a four-
year degree
Registered child development
home provider
Nonregistered family home
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
You must notify the child care consultant before hiring a director, either when opening a new center
or replacing the director. Submit to the child care consultant sufficient information to determine
whether the person meets the education, experience, and training requirements for a director. The
final determination as to whether the person meets qualifications rests with the child care consultant.
The director is responsible for the overall function of the center and is essentially the leader of a small
business. The director of a center must have an understanding of good business practices,
administration, and child development in order to:
Ensure the overall well-being of children
Establish healthy, safe, and developmentally appropriate practices
Hire and maintain competent, motivated staff and provide for their professional development
Set appropriate expectations for staff
Maintain clear communication with parents
Manage the center and provide for the financial soundness of the center over the long-term
Larger centers serving 50 or more children may want to consider not including the director in the
staff/child ratio, to allow the director to be more available for the overall supervision of the center.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 38
Doing so allows the director to be more knowledgeable of all the activities throughout the center,
provide guidance and modeling to staff, give more immediate response and intervention during
emergencies, and fill in temporarily for an absent employee until other personnel can arrive.
New center directors are encouraged to visit and network with a nearby center director in their
community or county. The more experienced director can serve as a “mentor” to offer ideas,
strategies, and sample plans and policies. Directors are also encouraged to make contact with the
various resources listed in Part II, Provider Resources, such as Child Care Resource and Referral.
Keep your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency updated regarding changes in your hours of
operation, ages served, etc. as they maintain information to provide parent referral services.
Understanding the Point Chart
The point chart is used to determine if directors are qualified, based on a combination of post-
secondary education, experience, and training. The goal is to assist potential directors who may
not fully meet the point requirement but are “qualifiable” by allowing them an opportunity to
obtain additional training in areas where their formal education or experience needs
A person must achieve a total of 100 points to qualify as a director.
At least two categories must be used to achieve the 100-point total. No more than 75
points may be achieved in any one category. The rationale for this restriction is that it:
Allows directors who do not have a degree or whose degree is not child-related to use
years of experience and training to meet the point total
Allows directors who have a child-related degree and at least a year of full-time
experience in a child care or child-related setting to meet the point total with minimum
additional training
Doesn’t allow a person with a recent college degree but no experience in a child care
setting to be in charge of a center without first obtaining experience
Emphasizes the importance of a combination of criteria in ensuring staff are well-versed
in their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities
At least 20 of the 100 points must be obtained from the experience category.
Rationale: Experience in a child care or child-related field is essential in understanding the
developmental needs of children, the structure necessary to ensure an appropriate, safe and
non-chaotic environment is maintained, and the orientation and training needs of staff.
Training used to calculate points in the “child development-related training” category must
have been taken within the past five years.
Rationale: Our understanding of child development, health and safety considerations, and
environmental concerns, changes and evolves over time. Ongoing research constantly
challenges the development of new curriculum. Therefore, it is important in maintaining
quality staff that training received be centered on the most up-to-date information available.
One continuing education unit (CEU) is equivalent to 10 contact hours.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 39
Accommodations are made for centers serving predominately children with special needs
or school-age children.
Rationale: Because of the special program considerations, additional degrees are allowed
for in the education category and additional experiences in other program-related settings
are allowed for in the experience category.
All of the following experience many not result in points toward becoming a director or on site
supervisor: Babysitting, Nanny, Foster parenting, Respite provider, parenting, Experience gained
prior to the age of 16, Coaching (Athletics/Cheer/Scholastic/Recreation), HS/College Teacher,
Camp Counselor, Para-educator for middle school or high school, Food service personnel. ,
Internships are not counted as “child development-related experience” if they were required to
obtain a degree.
The Department may issue a provisional license for up to one year to allow the director to meet
qualifications. However, using a provisional license for those people who are “qualifiable” is not
intended as an open-ended approval for anyone merely interested in operating a center. Some
measure of education or a track record of involvement with early childhood or school-aged
children is needed.
Given the variation in educational, employment and volunteer opportunities, the scope of
education and experience sufficient to warrant issuing a provisional license must be decided on a
case-by-case basis. Potential center directors are allowed and encouraged to make up
deficiencies in education and experience by obtaining training relevant to their areas of need.
However, it is not the intent of the Department to allow 75 hours of self-study. Training is to be
viewed as professional development resulting in better outcomes for children, not as an “easy”
way to become a center director.
A worksheet to assist in determining if a person qualifies under this system is included in Part IV
of the handbook.
Center director and On-Site Supervisors shall enter their credentials in I-PoWeR.
Director/OSS Educational Point Structure
75 points (Bachelor or higher)
Early Childhood Education
Child Development
Elementary Education
Nursing (if predominate population served is special needs)
Permitted substitutions for school age programs as identified in rule
60 points (Associate’s degree in child development or Bachelor in “child related field)
Child/Adolescent Development
Youth and Family Development
Special Education
Family Services
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 40
Social Work/Sociology/Psychology
Child, Adult, Family Services (child service option)
Human Development and Family Studies (child option)
Early Childhood Administration
Non-Related Bachelor degree (40 points).
Consider that you may be able to get PD points from child related coursework, however, we
don’t want to “double dip” and count both a degree AND a course.
Master’s degree in non-child related field
On-Site Supervisor Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.6(2)
On-site supervisor. The on-site supervisor is required to be present when the program has multiple sites
or when a director is not routinely present for six hours daily. The center director must identify a
person in charge during the on-site supervisors absence. The on-site supervisor is responsible for the
daily supervision of the center and must be on site daily either during the hours of operation that
children are present or a minimum of six hours of the center’s hours of operation. Information shall be
submitted in writing to the child care consultant before the start of employment. Final determination
shall be made by the Department. Information shall be submitted sufficient to determine that the on-
site supervisor meets the following minimum qualifications:
a. Is an adult (18).
b. Has obtained a high school diploma or passed a general education development test.
c. Has certification in infant, child, and adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and
Iowa’s mandatory reporting of child abuse.
d. Has achieved a total of 75 points obtained through a combination of education, experience, and
child development-related training as outlined in the following chart:
(1) In obtaining the total of 75 points, a minimum of two categories must be used, no more
than 50 points may be achieved in any one category, and at least 10 points shall be
obtained from the experience category.
(2) Points obtained in the child development-related training category shall have been taken
within the past five years.
(3) For on-site supervisors in centers predominantly serving children with special needs, the
on-site supervisor may substitute a disabilities-related or nursing degree for the bachelor’s
degree in early childhood, child development or elementary education in determining
point totals. In addition, experience in working with children with special needs in an
administrative or direct care capacity shall be equivalent to full-time experience in a child
care center or preschool in determining point totals.
(4) For on-site supervisors in centers serving predominantly school-age children, the on-site
supervisor may substitute a degree in secondary education, physical education, recreation
or related fields for the bachelor’s degree in early childhood, child development or
elementary education in determining point totals. In addition, child-related experience
working with school-age children shall be equivalent to full-time experience in a child care
center or preschool in determining point totals.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 41
(Points multiplied by years of
Bachelor’s or higher degree in
early childhood, child
development, or elementary
Full-time (20 hours or more per
week) in a child care center or
preschool setting
One point per contact
hour of training
Associate’s degree in child
development or bachelor’s
degree in child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours
per week) in a child care center
or preschool setting
Child development associate
(CDA) or one-year diploma in
child development from a
community college or technical
Full-time (20 hours or more per
week) child development-
related experience
Bachelor’s degree or higher in a
non-child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours
per week) child development-
related experience
Associate’s degree in a non-
child-related field or completion
of at least two years of a four-
year degree
Registered child development
home provider
Nonregistered family home
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Every center (including multiple sites under the jurisdiction of one business, school, etc.) must have an
on-site supervisor. The on-site supervisor is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the center.
Among other duties, the on-site supervisor is directly responsible for:
The daily operation of the center and supervision of direct-care staff.
Ensuring children are accounted for and proper record keeping is maintained.
Scheduling activities and transportation needs.
Ensuring information regarding exposure to communicable disease is posted immediately upon
Ensuring parents are immediately notified of emergency or other serious incidents.
Ensuring information is communicated to parents at the end of the day etc.
These functions may be performed either in a dual role by the director, if the director remains on site,
or by another person who meets the qualifications for an on-site supervisor.
Notify the child care consultant before hiring an on-site supervisor or assigning supervisory duties,
both when opening a new center and when making a change in supervisors. Submit to the child care
consultant sufficient information to determine whether the person meets the education, experience,
and training requirements for a supervisor.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 42
An on-site supervisor must be present at the center a minimum of six hours or the hours of the
operation of the center. This allows for a figure of authority to be present during the majority of the
day. Occasionally the on-site supervisor may be temporarily absent from the center due to illness,
vacation, attendance at staff development training, etc.
At all times when care is provided to children, including in the absence of the on-site supervisor, an
adult must be assigned to be “in charge” of the operation of the center. The assignment is important to
prevent disruptions in the administrative and programmatic operation of the center and to respond in
the event of an emergency. The director, on-site supervisor, and any person designated a lead in
the absence of supervisory staff shall have completed all pre-service training. Inform all staff
any time there is a change in the assignment of the on-site supervisor.
For programs that offer either evening care (second or third shift) or weekend care, in addition to
weekly daytime care, an on-site supervisor must be present eight hours of the program time. As with
daytime hours, a responsible adult must be placed “in charge” beyond the eight-hour timeframe or
when the on-site supervisor is absent, and this authority must be clearly communicated to all staff.
Larger centers (serving 50 or more children) may want to consider not including the on-site
supervisor in the staff/child ratio to allow the supervisor to be more available for the overall
supervision of the center. This allows the on-site supervisor to be more knowledgeable of all the
activities throughout the center, provide guidance and modeling to staff, give more immediate
response and intervention during emergencies, and fill in temporarily for an absent employee until
other personnel can arrive.
The need for a responsible adult with experience in caring for children is no less during night-time
care. A person who meets the qualifications of an on-site supervisor is required for programs
providing overnight and weekend care.
For daytime programs that extend into the evening but do not go later than 9 p.m., an on-site
supervisor is encouraged but is not required. A responsible adult must be designated to be in charge of
the program during those hours. Daily supervision and communication should occur with the on-site
supervisor to ensure that adequate programming is provided, center policies and procedures are
adhered to, and issues regarding care are shared for children who may transfer from the day to the
evening program.
Understanding the Point Chart
A point chart is used to determine if on-site supervisors are qualified, based on a combination of
post-secondary education, experience, and training. The goal is to assist potential on-site
supervisors who do not fully meet the point requirement but are “qualifiable” by allowing them
an opportunity to obtain additional training in areas where their formal education or experience
needs reinforcement.
A person must achieve a total of 75 points to qualify as an on-site supervisor. A worksheet to
determine if a person qualifies under this system is included in Part IV of the handbook.
At least two categories must be used to achieve the 75-point total. No more than 50 points
may be achieved in any one category. The rationale for this restriction is that it:
Allows on-site supervisors who do not have a degree or whose degree is not child-
related to use years of experience and training to meet the point total.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 43
Allows on-site supervisors who have a child-related degree and at least a year of full-
time experience in a child care or child-related setting to meet the point total with
minimum additional training.
Doesn’t allow a person with a recent college degree but no experience in a child care
setting to be in charge of the center without first obtaining additional experience.
Emphasizes the importance of a combination of criteria in ensuring staff are well-versed
in their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities.
At least 10 of the 75 points must be obtained from the experience category. See
experience exclusions on page 39.
Rationale: Experience in a child care or child-related field is essential in understanding the
developmental needs of children, the structure necessary to ensure an appropriate, safe and
non-chaotic environment is maintained, and the orientation and training needs of staff.
Training used to calculate points in the “Child Development-Related Training” category
must have been taken within the past five years.
Rationale: Our understanding of child development, health and safety considerations, and
environmental concerns changes and evolves over time. Ongoing research constantly
challenges the development of new curriculum. Therefore, it is important in maintaining
quality staff that training received be centered on the most-up-to-date information available.
One continuing education unit (CEU) is equivalent to 10 contact hours.
Accommodations are made for centers serving predominately children with special needs
or school-aged children.
Rationale: Because of the special program considerations, additional degrees are allowed
for in the education category and additional experiences in other program-related settings
are allowed for in the experience category.
The Department may issue a provisional license for up to one year to allow an on-site director
to meet qualifications. However, using a provisional license for people who are “qualifiable” is
not intended as an open-ended approval for anyone interested in a position of responsibility
within a center. Some measure of education or a track record of involvement with early
childhood or school-aged children is needed.
Given the variation in educational, employment and volunteer opportunities, the scope of
education and experience sufficient to warrant issuing a provisional license must be decided on a
case-by-case basis. Potential on-site supervisors are allowed and encouraged to make up
deficiencies in education and experience by obtaining training relevant to their areas of need.
However, it is not the intent of the Department to allow 50 hours of self-study. Training is to be
viewed as professional development resulting in better outcomes for children, not as an “easy”
way to become an on-site supervisor.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 44
Director and On-Site Supervisor Functions Combined
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.6(3)
Director and on-site supervisor functions combined. In a center where the functions of the center director
and the on-site supervisor are accomplished by the same person, the educational and experience
requirements for a center director shall apply.
If the center director is serving in the role of the on-site supervisor, the director shall be on site daily
either during the hours of operation or a minimum of at least six hours of the center’s hours of
operation. If the staff person designated as the on-site supervisor is temporarily absent from the
center, another responsible adult staff shall be designated as the interim on-site supervisor.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
In many centers, the same person completes the functions or duties of a center director and on-site
supervisor. In those instances, the person qualifies if the person meets the requirements for a center
director. In fulfilling the duties of the on-site supervisor, the director must be present at the center a
minimum of six hours or the hours of the operation of the center. This allows for a figure of authority
to be present during the majority of the day.
If the person who is permanently designated as the on-site supervisor is temporarily absent from the
center, another adult staff who has proven to be responsible must be designated as the interim on-site
supervisor. “Temporarily” is intended to mean a short absence from the center due to attendance at a
staff development training, short-term sick or vacation leave, or other absence that is of a short
At all times during the course of the day, an adult must be assigned to be “in charge” of the operation
of the center and in the event of an emergency. Remember that any person designated in charge must
have completed all pre-service/orientation requirements. Inform all staff any time there is a change in
the assignment of the on-site supervisor.
An organization that has more than one center location under its direction and financial control must
designate at least one director for all the centers and an on-site supervisor specified for each
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.6(5)
a. A volunteer shall be at least 16 years of age.
b. All volunteers shall sign a statement indicating whether or not they have one of the following:
(1) A conviction of any law in any state or any record of founded child abuse or dependent
adult abuse in any state.
(2) A communicable disease or other health concern that could pose a threat to the health,
safety, or well-being of the children.
c. Sign a statement indicating the volunteer has been informed of the volunteer’s or substitute’s
responsibilities as a mandatory reporter.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 45
d. Undergo the record check process if the volunteer is included in meeting the required child-to-
staff ratio; the volunteer has direct responsibility for a child or children; or the volunteer has
access to a child or children with no other staff present.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Record checks are required for each owner, director, staff member including volunteers, or
subcontracted staff, with direct responsibility for child care or with access to a child when the child is
alone and for anyone living in the child care facility who is 14 years of age or older. See Record Checks
and Evaluations.
Volunteers shall always be under the direct observation of staff to assure the health and safety of
children in care.
All volunteers, regardless of the amount of time they volunteer or are paid to work in the center,
must complete the statement indicating whether they have a criminal conviction or history of child
abuse or dependent adult abuse or a communicable disease or health concern.
Volunteers are deemed an “employee” for purposes of being a mandatory reporter of child abuse.
Volunteers must be made aware of their responsibilities as a mandatory reporter and how to make a
report. Volunteers must sign a statement indicating they have been informed and are aware of their
The criminal history record check and request for child abuse information are required for only those
persons serving as volunteers who are included in staff ratio.
Volunteers younger than 18 shall also sign the conviction/child abuse statement and health statements.
Record Checks and Evaluations
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.6(6)
Record checks. The Department shall conduct criminal and child abuse record checks in Iowa for each
owner, director, staff member, or subcontracted staff person with direct responsibility for child care
or with access to a child when the child is alone and for anyone living in the child care facility who is 14
years of age or older. The Department may use Form 470-3301, Authorization for Release of Child and
Dependent Adult Abuse Information, and DCI-77, Criminal History Record Check Request Form, or any other
form required for criminal and child abuse record checks. The Department may also conduct criminal
and child abuse record checks in other states and may conduct dependent adult abuse, sex offender,
and other public or civil offense record checks in Iowa or in other states.
Iowa records checks. Checks and evaluations of Iowa child abuse and criminal records, including the sex
offender registry, shall be completed before the person’s involvement with child care at the center.
Iowa records checks shall be repeated at a minimum of every two years and when the Department or
the center becomes aware of any possible transgressions. The Department is not responsible for the
cost of conducting the Iowa records check.
The child care center may access the single-contact repository (SING) as necessary to conduct a
criminal and child abuse record check of the person in Iowa. If the results of the check indicate a
potential transgression, the center shall send a copy of the results to the Department for
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 46
determination of whether or not the person may be involved with child care, regardless of the
person’s status with the center.
National criminal history checks. National criminal history checks based on fingerprints are required for
all persons subject to record checks under this subrule effective with a center’s initial licensure or
relicensure. The national criminal history check shall be requested before involvement with child care
and repeated for each person every four years and when the Department or center becomes aware of
any new transgressions committed by that person. While the Department is not responsible for the
cost of conducting the national criminal history check, the department is currently providing this
The child care center is responsible for obtaining the fingerprints of all persons subject to record
checks. Fingerprints may be taken by law enforcement agencies, by agencies or companies that
specialize in taking fingerprints, or by center staff or subcontractors who have received appropriate
training in the taking of fingerprints.
A center considering involvement of a person who has had a national criminal history check at another
center may request information from that center. That center may provide information in writing upon
a centers request, using Form 470-4896, National Criminal History Check Confirmation. If the person
being considered for employment has not had involvement with child care in the past six months, a
new national criminal history check must be completed.
If the results of the Iowa records checks do not warrant prohibition of the person’s involvement with
child care or otherwise present protective concerns, the person may be involved with child care on a
provisional basis until the national criminal history check and evaluation have been completed.
The child care center shall provide fingerprints to the Department of Public Safety before employment
in the center. The center shall submit the fingerprints on forms or in a manner allowed by the
Department of Public Safety.
a. Mandatory prohibition. A person with any of the following convictions or founded abuse reports is
prohibited from involvement with child care:
(1) Founded child or dependent adult abuse that was determined to be sexual abuse.
(2) A requirement to be listed on any state sex offender registry or the national sex offender
(3) Any of the following felony level convictions:
1. Child endangerment or neglect or abandonment of a dependent person
2. Domestic abuse
3. Crime against a child including, but not limited to, sexual exploitation of a minor
4. Forcible felony
5. Arson
(4) A record of a misdemeanor conviction against a child that constitutes one of the following
1. Child abuse
2. Child endangerment
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 47
3. Sexual assault
4. Child pornography
(5) If a person subject to a record check refuses to consent to a record check, the person
shall be prohibited from involvement with child care.
(6) If a person has been convicted of a crime and makes what the person knows to be a false
statement of material fact in connection with the conviction or record check, the person
shall be prohibited from involvement with child care.
b. Mandatory time-limited prohibition.
(1) A person with the following convictions or founded abuse reports is prohibited from
involvement with child care for five years from the date of the conviction or founded
abuse report:
1. Conviction of a controlled substance offense.
2. Founded child abuse that was determined to be physical abuse.
(2) After the five-year prohibition period from the date of the conviction or the founded
abuse report as defined in subparagraph 109.6(6)“b”(1), the person may request the
Department to perform an evaluation under paragraph 109.6(6)“c” to determine whether
prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care continues to be warranted.
c. Evaluation required. For all other transgressions, and as requested under subparagraph
109.6(6)“b”(2), the Department shall notify the affected person and the licensee that an evaluation
shall be conducted to determine whether prohibition of the person'’ involvement with child care is
(1) The person with the transgression shall complete and return form 470-2310, Record
Check Evaluation, within ten calendar days of the date on the form. The Department shall
use the information the person with the transgression provides on this form to assist in
the evaluation. Failure of the person with the transgression to complete and return this
form by the specified date shall result in denial or revocation of the license or denial of
(2) The Department may use information from the Department’s case records in performing
the evaluation.
(3) In an evaluation, the Department shall consider all of the following factors:
1. The nature and seriousness of the transgression in relation to the position sought
or held.
2. The time elapsed since the commission of the transgression.
3. The circumstances under which the transgression was committed.
4. The degree of rehabilitation.
5. The likelihood that the person will commit the transgression again.
6. The number of transgressions committed by the person.
d. Evaluation decision. Within 30 days of receipt of a completed Form 470-2310, Record Check
Evaluation, the Department shall make a decision on the person’s involvement with child care. The
Department has final authority in determining whether prohibition of the person’s involvement
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 48
with child care is warranted and in developing any conditional requirements and corrective action
plan under this paragraph.
(1) The Department shall mail to the individual on whom the evaluation was completed Form
470-2386, Record Check Decision, that explains the decision reached regarding the
evaluation of the transgression and Form 470-0602, Notice of Decision.
(2) If the Department determines through an evaluation of a person’s transgressions that the
person’s prohibition of involvement with child care is warranted, the person shall be
prohibited from involvement with child care. The Department may identify a period of
time after which the person may request that another record check and evaluation be
(3) The Department may permit a person who is evaluated to maintain involvement with child
care if the person complies with the Department’s conditions and corrective action plan
relating to the person’s involvement with child care.
(4) The Department shall send a letter to the employer that informs the employer whether
the person subject to an evaluation has been approved or denied involvement with child
care. If the person has been approved, the letter shall inform the employer of any
conditions and corrective action plan relating to the person’s involvement with child care.
e. Notice to parents. The Department shall notify the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of each child
for whom the person provides child care if there has been a founded child abuse record against an
owner, director, or staff member of the child care center. The center shall cooperate with the
Department in providing the names and addresses of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of
each child for whom the facility provides child care.
f. Repeat of record checks. The child abuse and criminal record checks shall be repeated at a minimum
of every two years and when the Department or the center become aware of any transgressions.
Any new transgressions discovered shall be handled in accordance with this subrule.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Follow record check guidance located at
NOTE: When obtaining fingerprints for persons 16 and 17 years of age for purposes of employment in
the child care center, parental permission must be obtained per Iowa Code 692 and maintained in the
personnel file.
Resubmit the checks on employees every two years or when there is reason to believe there is a
HHS staff completes form 470-0643, Request for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information, when
they receive the HHS Criminal History Record Check. The center does not complete or submit the
Request for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information. The criminal and child abuse record
checks are resubmitted every two years or when there is reason to believe a transgression has
occurred. The existence of any of the following in a person’s record is considered a transgression:
1. Conviction of a crime.
2. A record of having committed founded child or dependent adult abuse.
3. Listing in the sex offender registry established under Iowa Code Chapter 692A.
4. A record of having committed a public or civil offense.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 49
5. Revocation or denial of a child care facility registration or license due to the person’s continued or
repeated failure to operate the child care facility in compliance with licensing and registration laws
and rules.
Any person being considered by a child care facility for employment must have record checks
completed. This includes as cooks, maintenance staff, etc., if they are employed directly by the center.
When the licensing support staff requests an employee with a history of a transgression complete and
return the Record Check Evaluation, form 470-2310, the form must be returned in 10 days. Failure to
do so can result in denial of employment.
When a record check evaluation is conducted, the Department will send a letter to the center that
informs the center whether the individual subject to an evaluation has been approved or denied
involvement with child care. If there are any conditions or a corrective action plan related to the
approval of the individual’s involvement with child care, the letter will inform the center of any of these
conditions or corrective action plan.
A record check evaluation will not be requested or conducted when the criminal conviction or
founded abuse meets the definition of a mandatory or time-limited prohibition from involvement with
child care. In these circumstances, a Notice of Decision: Services, form 470-0602, denying involvement
with child care will be sent to the person who is the subject of the record check. The center will be
sent a letter notifying it that the person has been denied involvement with child care.
A criminal record or child abuse record check in an employee’s file is a confidential request. This
record cannot be duplicated and transferred with an employee. Therefore, if an employee leaves one
center and begins employment at a new center, a new DCI-77, Criminal History Record Check Request
Form, and form 470-3301, Authorization for Release of Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information, must
be completed. The request does not have to be resubmitted for an employee who transfers between
sites of the same corporation.
Notification to Parents
You may want to take an up-front approach with parents by clearly communicating in your
parent materials that criminal and child abuse record checks are required on staff, and
volunteers used to meet ratio requirements. Parents should be informed that individuals are
prohibited from involvement with child care when they have the following convictions or
founded abuse reports:
Founded child or dependent abuse that was determined to be sexual abuse.
Placement on the sex offender registry.
Felony child endangerment or neglect or abandonment of a dependent person.
Felony domestic abuse.
Felony crime against a child including but not limited to sexual exploitation of a minor.
Forcible felony.
Parents should also be made aware that there is a time-limited prohibition from involvement
with child care when a founded child abuse is determined to be physical abuse and when there is
a conviction for a controlled substance offense under Iowa Code Chapter 124.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 50
In these circumstances individuals are prohibited from involvement with child care for five years
from the date of the conviction or founded child abuse report. After five years the Department
assesses the circumstances of the incident and the person to determine whether or not the
person can work in a child care center. This same review process is used for other types of
criminal convictions or founded abuse.
In addition, parents should be informed that Department staff will notify them if a founded abuse
(confirmed and placed on the Registry) ever occurs in the center,
When the Department conducts the child abuse record check on a staff person who has a
founded child abuse report for an abuse that occurred in the center, the child care
consultant is required to notify parents in writing of the incident. Law requires the notification to
parents. The notice sent to parents does NOT identify the name of the perpetrator or the child,
or the specific circumstances of the abuse. The letter indicates to parents that:
A founded child abuse has been confirmed on a staff member at the center.
The staff person has a right to appeal the decision.
The Department will evaluate the staff member for continued employment.
The center or the Department has taken other corrective action, if applicable.
When the Department must send out a letter to parents, you shall cooperate with the
Department upon request of the consultant by immediately providing the names and addresses
of the parents or guardians of the children served. Failure to do so could jeopardize the status of
your license.
It is highly recommended that you inform parents that a founded abuse has occurred, that
corrective action has been taken to remedy the situation or prevent reoccurrence, and that they
will be receiving additional correspondence from the Department regarding this matter.
If a staff person leaves the center following an investigation that results in a founded
determination, the Department is still required to notify the parents that a founded abuse
occurred. If a staff person leaves employment and is later rehired, a new record check must be
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 51
Professional Growth and Development
Required Training Within First Three Months
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.7(1)
The center director, on-site supervisor, and staff counted as part of the staff ratio shall meet the
following minimum staff training requirements:
Required training within the first three months of employment. During their first three months of
employment, all staff shall receive the following training:
a. Two hours of Iowa’s training for mandatory reporting of child abuse.
b. At least one hour of training regarding universal precautions and infectious disease control.
c. Certification in American Red Cross or American Heart Association infant, child, and adult
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or equivalent certification approved by the Department. A
valid certificate indicating the date of training and expiration date shall be maintained.
d. Certification in infant, child, and adult first aid that uses a nationally recognized curriculum or is
received from a nationally recognized training organization including the American Red Cross,
American Heart Association, the National Safety Council, American Safety and Health Institute or
MEDIC First Aid or an equivalent certification approved by the Department. A valid certificate
indicating the date of training and expiration date shall be maintained.
e. Minimum health and safety trainings, approved by the Department, in the following areas:
(1) Prevention and control of infectious disease, including immunizations
(2) Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleeping practices
(3) Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent
(4) Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions
(5) Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from
hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards, bodies of water, and
vehicular traffic
(6) Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma
(7) Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulted from natural
disaster or a man-caused event
(8) Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-
(9) Precautions in transporting children
(10) Child development
Child Care staff employed in programs that only serve children over the age of three are exempt from
taking health and safety trainings for Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Use of Safe
Sleep Practices, as well as Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma. All other
content areas apply.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 52
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Iowa’s Early Childhood and School Age Professional Workforce Registry (i-PoWeR) is an online tool
where child care professionals can locate and enroll for HHS approved professional development.
Center directors and other designated staff can enroll employees and track their professional
development in a centralized location. To access and enroll for HHS approved professional
development opportunities, please click
The “Iowa Early Care and Education Knowledge and Competency Framework for Teaching Roles” developed
by the Early Childhood Iowa-Professional Development, Early Learning Leadership Team is a tool to
help increase skills for early care and education providers/teachers.
Through the Navigate your Pathway website, teachers and providers may see where they are today in
professional development, see where next steps will take the professional, and create his or her own
professional development plan for the future.
We encourage you to use this website to plan your professional development in a progressive way
through formal higher education or ongoing professional development. You may access this resource
Mandatory Reporting
The employee is responsible to ensure that a certificate showing the completion of training is
obtained. An employee who changes jobs, going from one center to another, should take the
certificate or a copy of the certificate to the new center. Employees must maintain a current
certificate and renew training before expiration.
Universal Precautions
Universal Precautions is the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA)
required method of control to prevent and protect workers from exposure to human blood and
other potential infectious material. Blood or body fluids may contain germs that can cause
disease in humans known as “bloodborne pathogens”. These germs include, but are not limited
to, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
the virus that causes AIDS. Blood and body fluids include human blood, fluid from
blisters/wounds, semen, vaginal secretions, any body fluid that visibly contains blood and any
body fluid that is from an unknown source.
Ensure that all employees with occupational exposure to infectious materials participate in a
training program provided at no cost to the employee and during working hours. According to
OSHA requirements, the training should be provided at the time the employee is assigned to
duties or tasks where the employee may be exposed to infectious materials.
As licensing requirements dictate that this formal training occur within the first three months of
employment, provide information to your employees regarding the universal precaution
procedures used in the center at their initial orientation.
While all child care staff included in the staff/child ratio must receive the training, you may
determine that additional employees may be at risk for occupational exposure of blood-borne
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 53
pathogens. An occupational or job-related exposure occurs when an employee may come in
contact with blood or other potentially infectious material. Ask the question: “Does this
employee have any risk of coming in contact with infectious materials (the body fluids or child
waste products) which may be contaminated?” If the answer is yes, then universal precautions
training is required.
Employees are most likely to come in contact with infectious materials and waste in the course
Changing diapers
Giving first aid for cuts, human bites, and abrasions, or
Handling trash that contains diapers and diaper-changing materials, and first-aid waste
Child care providers are less likely to come in contact with infectious materials through a needle
stick, unless the child is receiving medical treatments while in the child care center.
The Healthy Child Care Iowa and the local child care nurse consultant can provide assistance in
developing exposure control plans to prevent contact with infectious materials and procedures
to follow should contact occur. Staff records should document that training for universal
precautions has been received. Also keep documentation for staff not included in ratio who have
received the training (i.e., custodians or drivers).
Certification in CPR and First Aid
Certification for CPR includes training on rescue breathing and first aid for choking, two critical
elements in providing emergency care to children. Cessation of breathing almost always
precedes cardiac arrest in children by a time period that makes rescue breathing an essential
element of emergency care. However, being able to apply CPR techniques is still an essential
skill, particularly in relation to responding to water emergencies and providing care to children
with special needs. Recertification is necessary to ensure that skills are maintained.
For first aid or CPR, a certificate is issued that documents that the person has completed the
course and has demonstrated skills. In-person and blended courses (online with in-person skills
assessment are available)
Approved trainings may be located here :
trainings-and-resources or in i-PoWeR.
Minimum Health and Safety Content Areas
In November 2014, the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 was signed into
law. The new law made advancements by defining health and safety requirements for child care
providers. This training is available in person and online and is free to all child care providers.
Staff Training Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.7(2)
The center director, on-site supervisor, and all staff counted as part of the staff ratio shall meet the
following minimum staff training requirements:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 54
a. During their first year of employment, all staff shall receive the following training:
(1) Ten contact hours of training from one or more of the following topical areas: child
development, guidance and discipline, developmentally appropriate practices, nutrition,
health and safety, communication skills, professionalism, business practices, and cross-
cultural competence. Training received for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid,
mandatory reporting of child abuse, and universal precautions shall not count toward the
ten contact hours.
(2) Staff who have completed a comprehensive training package of at least ten contact hours
offered through a child care resource and referral agency or community college within six
months before initial employment shall have the first year’s ten contact hours of training
b. Following their first year of employment, all staff shall:
(1) Maintain current certification for Iowa’s training for the mandatory reporting of child
abuse; infant, child and adult CPR; and infant, child and adult first aid.
(2) Receive six contact hours of training annually from one or more of the following topical
areas: child development, guidance and discipline, developmentally appropriate practices,
nutrition, health and safety, communication skills, professionalism, business practices, and
cross-cultural competence.
(3) Center directors and on-site supervisors shall receive eight contact hours of training
annually from the topical areas.
c. Initial training obtained as identified as minimum health and safety trainings may be counted
towards annual training hours during the year of employment in which it is taken.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Research indicates that formal education or training that increases the knowledge of providers has
been shown to be the greatest determinant of safe and quality programming for children. The following
chart summarized the training requirements.
As identified in 441 Iowa Administrative Rule 109.7(8): The director, on-site supervisor, and any
person designated a lead in the absence of supervisory staff shall have completed all pre-service
training outlined above.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 55
1 hour of universal precautions (within first three months)
1 hour of universal
precautions annually per
Training for mandatory reporting of child abuse (within first three
Maintain current certification
for mandatory reporting of
child abuse
Certification in American Red Cross or American Heart Association
infant, child, and adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Maintain current certification
for infant, child, and adult
Certification in infant, child, and adult first aid that uses a nationally
recognized curriculum or is received from a nationally recognized
training organization (see rule)
Maintain current certification
for infant, child, and adult
first aid
Minimum health and safety training:
Prevention and control of infectious disease, including immunizations
Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleep
Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental
Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic
Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and
protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as
electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic
Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma
Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies
resulted from natural disaster or man caused event
Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate
disposal of bio-contaminants
Precautions in transporting children
Child development
10 contact hours of training from:
Child development
Guidance and discipline
Developmentally appropriate practices
Health and safety
Communication skills
Professionalism, business practices
Cross-cultural competence.
Training received for CPR, first aid, mandatory reporting, and universal
precautions does not count toward the 10 hours.
Staff must receive 6 contact
hours of training from the
topical areas.
Center directors and on-site
supervisors must receive 8
contact hours of training
annually from the topical
Staff that completed a comprehensive training package of at least 10
contact hours offered through a child care resource and referral agency
or community college within 6 months before initial employment are
waived from first year’s 10 contact hours of training.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 56
“Contact hours” means the actual hours of training (hour-for-hour). Obtaining more than the required
hours in one year does not carry over in the following year. (For example, a person who takes 12
hours of training in the first year of employment still requires 6 hours of training in the following year.)
Training conducted with staff either during the hours of operation of the center, staff lunch hours, or
while children are resting must not diminish the required staff ratio coverage. Staff cannot be actively
engaged in the care and supervision of children and simultaneously participate in training.
People who change jobs, going from one center to a different center, may take their training history
with them, and simply continue the hours required for the appropriate year of employment.
Staff Employed In Summer Only Programs
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.7(3)
The center director, on-site supervisor, and staff counted as part of the staff ratio shall meet the
following minimum staff training requirements:
During their first three months of employment, all staff shall receive the following training:
a. Two hours of Iowa’s training for mandatory reporting of child abuse.
b. At least one hour of training regarding universal precautions and infectious disease control.
c. Certification in American Red Cross or American Heart Association infant, child, and adult
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or equivalent certification approved by the Department. A
valid certificate indicating the date of training and expiration date shall be maintained.
d. Certification in infant, child, and adult first aid that uses a nationally recognized curriculum or is
received from a nationally recognized training organization including the American Red Cross,
American Heart Association, the National Safety Council, American Safety and Health Institute or
MEDIC First Aid or an equivalent certification approved by the Department. A valid certificate
indicating the date of training and expiration date shall be maintained.
e. Minimum health and safety trainings, approved by the Department, in the following areas:
(1) Prevention and control of infectious disease, including immunizations
(2) Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleeping practices
(3) Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent
(4) Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions
(5) Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from
hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards, bodies of water, and
vehicular traffic
(6) Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma
(7) Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulted from natural
disaster or a man-caused event
(8) Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-
(9) Precautions in transporting children
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 57
(10) Child development
Child Care staff employed in programs that only serve children over the age of three are exempt from
taking health and safety trainings for Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Use of Safe
Sleep Practices, as well as Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma. All other
content areas apply.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The temporary nature of staff typically employed in summer-only programs makes it difficult to
prescribe ongoing training plans. However, for the well-being of the children served, minimum health
and safety training is required. The following chart summarizes the training requirements for summer
As identified in 109.7(8): The director, on-site supervisor, and any person designated a lead in the
absence of supervisory staff shall have completed all pre-service training outlined above.
Certification for CPR includes training on rescue breathing and first aid for choking, two critical
elements in providing emergency care to children. Cessation of breathing almost always precedes
cardiac arrest in children by a time period that makes rescue breathing an essential element of
emergency care. However, being able to apply CPR techniques is still an essential skill, particularly in
relation to responding to water emergencies and providing care to children with special needs.
Recertification is necessary to ensure that skills are maintained.
If staff are currently certified for only part of the specific populations for first aid or CPR (for example,
infant and child but not adult), they must obtain the additional certification at the time of their next
Training Plans
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.7(4)
Training plans. Training shall supplement educational and experience requirements in rule
441-109.6(237A) and shall enhance the staff’s skill in working with the developmental and cultural
characteristics of the children served.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Ongoing staff development and in-services provide an opportunity to:
Motivate staff.
Advance their professional skills.
Provide up-to-date information on child development, learning strategies, developmentally
appropriate practices, and health and safety practices.
You are encouraged to develop individual training plans for your staff, based on:
Reinforcements needed to their past education and experience.
The populations of children they provide direct care to.
Health and safety considerations.
Concerns cited in their evaluation and supervision.
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Staff Ratio Requirements
Staff Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.8(1)
109.8(1) Staff requirements. Persons counted as part of the staff ratio shall meet the following
a. Be at least 16 years of age. If less than 18 years of age, the staff shall not be the sole provider on
the premises of a child care facility.
b. Be involved with children in programming activities.
c. At least one staff person on duty in the center when children are present and present on field trips
shall be over the age of 18.
d. Staff persons under the age of 18 shall not provide transportation to children in care.
e. If staff persons under the age of 18 are providing child care services without an adult, they shall
only provide care to school aged children.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The staff requirements listed above apply to the staff members included as part of the staff ratio.
Research has shown that the quality of staff is the single most important determinant of a quality child
care setting. Because of the rapidly changing developmental needs of children, the vulnerability of
young children, the needs of older children for mentoring and support, and the responses required in
emergencies, staff included in ratio need to display:
A level of maturity.
A knowledge of child development.
A knowledge of acceptable health and safety practices.
An ability to adapt to the constantly changing emotional and physical care needs of children.
Failure to employ staff who meet staff requirements, or to come into compliance as arranged with
your child care consultant, could result in the suspension or revocation of your license.
Staff Ratio
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.8(2)
Staff ratio. The staff-to-child ratio shall be as follows:
Age of Children
Minimum Ratio of Staff to Children
Two weeks to two years
One to every 4 children
Two years
One to every 7 children
Three years
One to every 10 children
Four years
One to every 12 children
Five years to ten years
One to every 15 children
Ten years and over
One to every 20 children
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a. Combinations of age groupings for children four years of age and older may be allowed and may
have staff ratio determined on the age of the majority of the children in the group.
b. Combinations of age groups for children between three years of age and five years of age may be
allowed with a staff of 1 to every 12 children.
c. Children between 18 months and 3 years may be combined, if appropriate to the developmental
needs of the child. If a child under 2 years of age is combined, the staff ratio of 1 to 7 shall be
maintained, otherwise staff ratio may be determined by the age of the majority of the children in
the group.
d. Every child occupied room shall have supervision present in the room. Brief absences of a staff
member may be allowed for no more than five minutes when another staff person is present.
e. During nap time, at least one staff shall be present in every room where children are resting. Staff
ratio requirements may be reduced to one staff per room where children are resting, provided
staff ratio coverage can be maintained in the center. The staff ratio shall always be maintained in
the infant area.
f. When more than eight children over the age of three are present on the licensed premises or are
being transported in one vehicle, at least two adult staff shall be present. Only one adult is
required when a center is transporting children in a center-owned vehicle with parent
authorization for the sole purpose of transporting children to and from school. When a center
contracts with another entity to provide transportation other than for the purpose of transporting
school-age children to or from school, at least one adult staff in addition to the driver shall be
present if at least eight children provided care by the center are transported.
g. Any child care center-sponsored program activity involving five or more children conducted away
from the licensed facility shall provide a minimum of one additional staff over the required staff
ratio for the protection of the children.
h. For a period of two hours or less at the beginning and end of the center’s hours of operation, one
staff may care for seven children or less, provided no more than four of the children are under the
age of two years and there are no more than seven children in the center.
i. For centers or preschools serving school-age children, the ratio for school-age children may be
exceeded for a period of no more than four hours during a day when school classes start late or
are dismissed early, or cancelled, due to inclement weather or structural damage provided the
children are already enrolled at the center and the center does not exceed the licensed capacity.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Standards for staff ratios are based on what children need in order to have a reasonable amount of
quality, nurturing care. The ratio of children to adults allows for increased one-to-one interaction,
knowledge of individual children, and consistent and safe caregiving. Research shows that the staff/child
ratio is the most critical for children from birth to three years of age.
While a low staff/child ratio does not in and of itself guarantee that quality care is provided, it does
increase the likelihood that staff will be able to provide more individualized, interactive, direct care and
increases staff’s ability to respond to emergencies, tend to children with minor illness, etc.
Larger centers (serving 50 or more children) may want to consider not including the director or on-
site supervisor in the staff/child ratio to allow them to be more available for the overall management
and supervision of the center. This allows the director and supervisor to be more knowledgeable of all
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the activities throughout the center, provide guidance and modeling to staff, allow for more
immediate response and intervention during emergencies, and fill in temporarily for an absent
employee other personnel can arrive.
General Ratio Requirements
A combined age group may be accomplished in a segregated program room or in a general-
purpose program area. Combinations of age groupings are permitted in child care centers.
When combining age groups, consider the amount of time spent in a combined group, the
personal needs of the children, and the safety considerations of younger children when
combined with school-age children. Be mindful of the fact that too large of a group may impede
the activity level, interaction, and overall development of the children.
In addition, the larger the group, the more stress this places on staff in trying to meet individual
needs, coordinate group activities, and provide for overall supervision. Higher stress levels of
staff are associated with inappropriate responses to situations, abuse due to a loss of control,
and high staff turnover.
While staff ratio may be reduced to one during nap time, this is not permitted in the infant area.
An infant is defined as under 24 months of age. Children at this age do not typically have a
solidified and predictable afternoon nap schedule yet. In this age group, it is common to have
children in child care settings have a structured rest time but the amount of time remaining
quietly on a cot, amount of time they take to fall asleep, and wake up, all are considered when
determining the amount of time it is appropriate to reduce to one staff member. As children
delay falling asleep or wake early, this requires staff to tend to children while awake, not just
while sleeping.
Depending on the developmental stage of an individual child, it may be appropriate to include a
child aged 18 to 24 months in with other children who are two years of age.
To accommodate the staff scheduling and offer flexibility at the beginning and end of the day, one
adult staff may care for seven children or less for a period of time not to exceed two hours,
as long as no more than four children are under 24 months of age. This accommodation is not
intended to apply to preschool or before- and after-school programs, which typically operate for
three or fewer hours.
Be mindful that your first and foremost obligation is providing care and supervision to
children. Therefore, the one staff person should remain actively involved with the children, and
not be attending to duties such as cooking or doing general maintenance or cleaning.
Ratio While Children are Resting
During nap time, children are at varying degrees of resting. At a mid-point in the day, child care
staff are often also in need of a break period to rejuvenate, attend to center maintenance or
record keeping duties, etc. To accommodate staff’s needs for a break, to eat lunch, to participate
in in-house staff development opportunities, to attend to other duties, the staff ratio in each
room may be reduced to only one staff
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Staff ratio in the center must still be maintained during this hour. Although the staff ratio in the
infant room cannot be reduced, you can use other staff to provide the infant caregivers a break
as well.
Ratio During Activities
Given the importance of modeling appropriate mealtime behaviors and being available to
respond to emergencies, it is important to maintain staff ratio during meal and snack times.
Children are susceptible to injury and accidents during outdoor playtime. To allow staff the
ability to attend to an injured child and appropriately supervise children on play equipment, it is
important to maintain staff ratio during outdoor play.
If you arrange for an activity away from the center for five or more children (such as a field
trip, a walk to the library, etc.), one additional staff person over the required ratio must attend.
The additional person is available to assist with general supervision, helping young children in
crossing streets, attending to non-ambulatory children, and in the event a child becomes ill or an
emergency arises. One person may take four children or fewer on an activity away from the
center, such as a short walk to a park or library or taking a stroller of two to four infants for a
walk outdoors.
TIP: Failing to maintain ratios is an area child care centers are often out of compliance. Be sure
to train center staff to report any concerns about maintaining ratio to their director so that this
can be resolved immediately.
Ratios for Transportation
When more than 8 children are being transported, at least two adult staff must be in the vehicle.
If you contract with another agency or organization to provide transportation for children
other than for transportation of school-aged children to and from school, at least one
adult from the center must ride along if at least seven children from the center are in the
vehicle. The requirement for the additional staff applies only when you are paying another entity
to provide the service.
In a scenario where a preschool is contracting with a school to provide transportation for the
children, the extra staff requirement would apply. However, if the school is providing the service
at no cost to the preschool program, then the additional staff is not necessary. Centers should
clearly communicate to parents who the responsible entity is for supervision when
transportation is being provided by a non-contracted entity.
EXCEPTION: When a center-owned vehicle is used to transport school-aged children to and
from school, only one adult is required, provided that the parents of the children being
transported are aware and have authorized the reduced ratio. Keep a copy of the signed
authorization in the child’s file.
Accommodations During Special Circumstances
Unforeseen weather events (snow or ice storms, fog, etc.) may result in schools delaying their
start time, dismiss early, or cancel. In addition, schools occasionally experience structural or
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mechanical problems (no heat or electricity, roof leaks, etc.) that result in late start or early
dismissal. During these times, you may need to provide care to your school-aged children but
have had insufficient warning to accommodate the additional staff needs required.
When this occurs, you may exceed ratio for no more than four hours, as long as the children
cared for are already enrolled in the program and you do not exceed your licensed capacity. The
four-hour window allows you time to contact staff to come into work. This accommodation is
not intended to apply to scheduled events that result in school closings, late starts, or early
dismissals (such as parent-teacher conferences or teacher in-service days).
Personnel Records
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.9(1)
Personnel records. The center shall maintain personnel information sufficient to ensure that persons
employed in the center meet minimum staff and training requirements and do not pose any threat to
the health, safety, or well-being of the children. Each employee’s file shall contain, at a minimum, the
a. A statement signed by each individual indicating whether or not the individual has any conviction
by any law of any state or if the individual has any record of founded child abuse or dependent
adult abuse.
b. A copy of HHS Criminal History Record Check, or any other permission form approved by the
Department of Public Safety for conducting an Iowa or national criminal history record check.
A copy of Request for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information.
Copies of the results of Iowa records checks conducted through the SING for review by the
Department upon request.
Copies of national criminal history check results.
Any Department-issued documents sent to the center related to a records check, regardless
of findings.
c. A physical examination report. Personnel shall have good health as evidenced by a pre-
employment physical examination. Acceptable physical examinations shall be documented on form
470-5152, Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report. The examination shall be performed
within six months prior to beginning and shall be repeated at least every three years.
d. Documentation showing the minimum staff training requirements including current certifications in
first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Iowa’s training for the mandatory reporting
of child abuse.
e. A photocopy of a valid driver’s license if the staff will be involved in the transportation of children.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The listed items are the minimum requirements for a center to maintain in a personnel file.
You may want to require additional items, such as proof of age for staff under 18; proof of
employment, education, or training that documents how staff meet qualifications; information regarding
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a staff person’s specific medical or health needs; or emergency contact information. This information
should also be maintained in i-PoWeR.
In addition to completing the required record checks, Iowa law requires that you have all
prospective employees sign a statement indicating whether they or not they have a record of:
A founded child or dependent adult abuse
A conviction in any state for any crime
Prospective employees need to be informed that a criminal history, child abuse, dependent adult abuse,
and sex offender registry check will be conducted prior to their employment.
Iowa law requires that the employment physical be a pre-employment physical. The physical
examination must be completed every three years. The decision as to who bears the cost of an
employment physical examination is an issue to be agreed upon between you and the employee.
A health care provider must verify that the employee is either status-free or, if a person has been
exposed to a communicable disease, the physician should determine if the person’s health status
impedes or limits the person’s ability to care for children in a child care center. Medical conditions that
do not affect the performance of the employee in the capacity employed or the health and safety of the
children do not prohibit employment.
If an employee leaves a center and then returns or begins working at a new site within the same
corporation or organization, a new physical examination does not have to be submitted if the previous
examination is less than three years old. Provide a copy of the examination to the new center. (You
may establish more restrictive policies for when a new examination is required.) All child care
employees and providers shall receive a baseline screening for tuberculosis. Baseline screening shall
consist of two components:
Assessing for current symptoms of active TB disease.
Screening for risk factors associated with TB.
Those individuals identified as belonging to a defined high-risk group or who have signs or symptoms
consistent with TB disease shall be evaluated for TB infection and TB disease.
You may choose to maintain staff records, including the physical examination report, in a central
repository due to confidentiality concerns, lack of locked storage space, etc. This practice is
permissible as long as the records are available to the child care consultant during normal business
hours. However, you should maintain emergency contact and medical information on the staff at the
sites so that you can respond to a staff’s health emergency.
TIP: Dedicate time every month to audit employee files monthly by using the suggested “Staff Files
Checklist” If a designated staff is assigned to “audit” the program
should have a confidentiality policy with a signed statement. CFOC has some good language in this
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Child’s File
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.9(2)
Child’s file. Centers shall maintain sufficient information in a file for each child, which shall be updated at
least annually or when the parent notifies the center of a change or the center becomes aware of a
change, to ensure that:
a. A parent or an emergency contact authorized by the parent can be contacted at any time the child
is in the care of the center.
b. Appropriate emergency medical and dental services can be secured for the child while in the
center’s care.
c. Information is available in the center regarding the specific health and medical needs of a child,
including information regarding any professionally prescribed treatment. Information shall include a
physical examination report as required at subrule 109.10(1). For a center serving school-age
children that operates in the same school facility in which the child attends school, documentation
shall include a statement signed by the parent that the immunization information is available in the
school file.
d. A child is released only to authorized persons.
e. Documentation of injuries, accidents, or other incidents involving the child is maintained.
f. Parent authorization is obtained for a child to attend center-sponsored field trips and non-center
activities. If parental authorization is obtained on an authorization form inclusive of all children
participating in the activity, the authorization form shall be kept on file at the center.
g. For any child with allergies, a written emergency plan in the case of an allergic reaction. A copy of
this information shall accompany the child if the child leaves the premises.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
While all information in a child’s file must be reviewed on an annual basis with the parents to ensure
the information is accurate, more frequent reviews with the parents ensure you have the most
accurate and up-to-date information. You may want to have parents initial and date forms to indicate
that they have reviewed and verified the information and initial any changes to information throughout
the year.
For a child with special needs (allergies, asthma, seizures etc.) a written emergency plan should be in
place and a copy shall accompany the child if the child leaves the premises.
Contact and Authorization Information
Due to the unforeseen emergencies that may arise with either the parents or child, it is
important that you have sufficient information to contact a responsible adult if the parent cannot
be reached or is incapacitated.
For parent or emergency contact information to be sufficient, it must provide enough
information to enable you to contact the parent at any point during which the center is
providing care. At a minimum, Information for the parents and an authorized emergency contact
should contain:
Home and work locations.
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Home, work, and beeper or cell phone numbers.
Relationship of the emergency contact to the child (grandparent, friend, neighbor, etc.).
Maintain a list of all persons authorized by the parent to ensure that children are released only
to these persons. The authorization should include a signature by the parent verifying the
accuracy of the information. You may want to have the parent periodically review and initial the
Do not release a child to anyone for whom you do not have a written authorization from the
parent. Should a no-contact order or other legal restriction be established on a parent or other
person, you may want to maintain a copy of the order in the child’s file.
Keep parents informed of any field trips you plan and obtain authorization for the child to
participate. The authorizations can be obtained on one form for all parents or authorized people
to sign. Keep a copy of these forms in the center.
If parents want their child to participate in activities away from the center not sponsored by the
center, they should provide authorization with specific details, such as the location and time of
the activity, how the child will get to and from the activity, etc. If a child will walk to the activity,
the authorization form should clearly state this, as well as the fact that the center will not be
providing supervision during the time of the activity. For ongoing activities, such as Scouts, music
lessons, tutoring, etc., the authorization information should be updated annually.
The file should also contain the parent authorization for reduced ratio for school-aged children
who are transported to and from school in the center vehicle. You may want to obtain parent
authorization for children who walk to and from the center to home or school.
Child’s Physical Examination
Keep a copy of the child’s physical examination and health statement on premises in the center.
Do not keep the reports in a central office location for a multi-site program. Staff need
immediate access to information on past health history; status of present health, including
allergies, medications, and acute or chronic conditions; and recommendations for continued
care. This is particularly important if a decline in the child’s health occurs during the course of
care, or if the child needs medical treatment while in attendance.
TIP: Dedicate time every month to audit employee files monthly by using the suggested “Staff
Files Checklist” If a designated staff is assigned to “audit” the
program should have a confidentiality policy with a signed statement. CFOC has some good
language in this standard
Children in Foster Care
Many situations require a parent or guardian’s consent or involvement (authorization for
medication, permission for field trips, policies provided to parents, etc.). This can become
confusing for centers that serve children who are in foster care, due to the legal and practical
considerations of obtaining consent or sharing information.
The Department, in its capacity as custodian, may sign for routine authorizations, such as
enrollment forms, authorizations for field trips or non-center-sponsored activities, permission to
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seek emergency medical or dental care, authorizing people who may remove the child from the
center, etc.
However, in most instances, the Department social worker will first seek the signature of the
child’s parent. When Department staff determine that it is impractical or inappropriate to obtain
a parent’s signature, the worker may sign for any authorizations required in center rules that
otherwise would be required of the parent.
As custodian, the Department worker can authorize only emergency medical care. The worker
cannot authorize the use of routine medications. Therefore, you may want to have the
Department worker obtain the parent’s signature on a universal statement before the child’s
admission. This statement would authorize the specific prescription medications for the child, as
well as specific over-the-counter medications that the parent consents to be used (Tylenol,
decongestants, cough syrup, etc.).
The foster parents are not deemed the child’s custodian and therefore should not sign
authorizations. However, as they in most instances will have daily contact with the center,
information that is required to be given to parents (fee policies, daily reports on infants and
toddlers, and incident reports) can be given to the foster parents. They, in turn, will share them
with the Department worker.
Notify the Department worker notified immediately for any serious incident involving a child
who is in foster care. This includes any serious injury, a significant change in health status, or an
allegation that the child was the victim of abuse while in the center’s care. The Department
worker, not the foster parent, should receive the Department’s letters to parents regarding
notification of abuse or notice of intent to revoke or suspend a license.
Medical and Dental Services
Obtain specific information from the parents regarding where emergency medical and dental
services should be obtained. For some children with chronic or special care needs, this
information may include medical specialists who need to be contacted for emergencies.
The parent needs to authorize a doctor and hospital within the proximity of the center (within
the community or nearby town) that can be contacted in the event of an emergency. Obtain the
phone number and location of all emergency services. You may want to obtain copies of a child’s
insurance cards to expedite securing emergency medical or dental care.
If the family does not have a dentist, or the parent has not yet secured a dentist for the child, the
parent needs to authorize a dental office within the proximity of the center (within the
community or nearby town) that can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
All preschool-age children not enrolled in school must have a physical examination report in the
file. School-aged children must have a statement signed by the parent indicating the child’s health
status and considerations. School-based centers may want to develop a standard immunization
statement for parents of school-aged children to use to indicate that the required immunizations
are up-to-date and the information is available in the school file. See 441 IAC 109.10(1) for more
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If a child needs special medical services (tube feedings, nebulizer treatments for asthma, insulin
injections for diabetes, treatment for allergies, etc.), you must have a written special needs care
plan explaining the procedure from the doctor and parent. The plan should include how to
perform the services, when the service is to be performed, and any possible complications or
side effects including required interventions. Document these procedures in a manner similar to
documentation of medicine given.
Required and recommended forms for child files can be found at or
Immunization Certificates
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.9(3)
Immunization certificates. Signed and dated Iowa immunization certificates, provided by the state
Department of Public Health, shall be on file for each child enrolled as prescribed by the Department
of Public Health at 641Chapter 7.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
If the child meets the definition of homelessness as defined by section 725(2) of the McKinney Vento
Homeless Assistance Act, the family shall receive a 60 day grace period to obtain medical
Comment: The term “homeless,” “homeless individual,” and “homeless person” means:
An individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;
An individual or family with a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not
designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a
car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground;
An individual or family living in a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designated to
provide temporary living arrangements (including hotels and motels paid for by federal, state, or
local government programs for low-income individuals or by charitable organizations, congregate
shelters, and transitional housing);
An individual who resided in a shelter or place not meant for human habitation and who is exiting
an institution where he or she temporarily resided;
Or an individual or family who will imminently lose their housing, including housing they own, rent,
or live in without paying rent, are sharing with others, and rooms in hotels or motels not paid for
by federal, state, or local government programs for low-income individuals or by charitable
organizations and has no subsequent residence identified; and lacks the resources or support
networks needed to obtain other permanent housing;
And unaccompanied youth and homeless families with children and youth defined as homeless
under other federal statutes who have experienced a long term period without living
independently in permanent housing, have experienced persistent instability as measured by
frequent moves over such period, and can be expected to continue in such status for an extended
period of time because of chronic disabilities, chronic physical health or mental health conditions,
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substance addiction, histories of domestic violence or childhood abuse, the presence of a child or
youth with a disability, or multiple barriers to employment.
There are four acceptable forms for use related to immunizations. These forms are all available from
the Iowa Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS) website and the Iowa Department of Public
Health Immunization Bureau at The child’s doctor
office, child care nurse consultant, or local public health can assist parents to obtain these forms and
A Certificate of Immunization provides information as to the child’s current immunizations.
A “religious exemption” may be granted when the parent adheres to a personal, faith-based belief that
conflicts with the administering of immunizations or is a member of a recognized religious
denomination whose tenets and practices conflict with administering immunizations. The specific form,
Certificate of Immunization Exemption Religious Exemption, must be used and notarized to be valid.
If, in the opinion of a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, the state required
immunizations would be injurious to the health and well-being of the child, the specific form, Certificate
of Immunization Exemption Medical Exemption, may be used. This form must be completed by a medical
professional as listed above.
All of these certificates must include the child’s name, birthdate, and must list the child’s current
immunizations, name of administering agency, and the date administered to be considered a valid
certificate. Certificates must be signed by a physician (MD or DO), RN, physician’s assistant, certified
medical assistant, nurse practitioner, county public health nurse, or school nurse. School-aged children
receiving care in a center that operates in the same school building where the child attends school do
not have to provide additional copies of the certificate to the center. However, the parent must sign a
statement that verifies that the immunization information is available in the school file.
If a child is not current on age appropriate immunizations, the Department of Public Health allows
“provisional enrollment.” The form Provisional Certificate of Immunization must be used for children who
have begun but not completed the required immunizations. Children must have received at least one
dose of each of the required vaccines to be provisionally enrolled. A Provisional Certificate of
Immunization must be signed by a physician (MD or DO), RN, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner,
certified medical assistant, county public health nurse, or school nurse
Parents who do not present proper evidence of immunizations or exemptions for their children and
who have not been approved for provisional enrollment are not entitled to enrollment in a licensed
child care center. The director is responsible to deny enrollment to any child who does not submit
proper evidence of immunization and to exclude a provisionally enrolled applicant if immunizations are
not completed as required.
Immunization certificates, immunization exemptions, and provisional certificates should be kept
together in one place (such as a three-ring binder). Documents are to be accessible to the Department
of Public Health personnel, while the other information in a child’s file is confidential.
The child care nurse consultant is able to review the certificates to ensure at a minimum a certificate is
on file for each child. County public health agencies audit the immunization certificates for compliance
annually with state immunization requirements.
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Address questions regarding immunizations to the Immunization Program by calling 1-800-831-6293.
HHS authorizes child care nurse consultants (CCNC), as defined in 441 Iowa Administrative Code
118.1(237A), who are employed or contracted through Iowa Child Health (Title V) agencies and who
are enrolled in or have successfully completed the Iowa Training Project to access, audit, read, or
review employee health records and health records of individual children or groups of children in
regulated child care businesses. The authority in this agreement includes access to and reading of a
child’s health information contained in the childs admission and continued child care enrollment
All personnel conducting a review of a child’s record shall comply with federal and state confidentiality
rules and regulations. The CCNC shall not disseminate personally identifiable information without the
express written consent of a child’s parent. The purpose of the CCNC review is limited to care
coordination and referral services such as identifying specific health issues, assuring that immunization
records are up-to-date, and assisting families in applying for state or federal health-related benefits and
securing medical, dental, nutritional, and behavioral health services.
Daily Activities
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.9(4)
Daily activities. For each child under two years of age, the center shall make a daily written record. At
the end of the child’s day at the center, the daily written record shall be provided verbally or in writing
to the parent or the person who removes the child from the center. The record shall contain
information on each of these areas:
a. The time periods in which the child has slept.
b. The amount of food consumed and the times at which the child has eaten.
c. The time of and any irregularities in the child’s elimination patterns.
d. The general disposition of the child.
e. A general summary of the activities in which the child participated.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Because of the need for continuity of care and to assist providers and parents in anticipating and
providing for the needs of children under age two, good communication between center staff and
parents is essential. Daily recording of information is important because an infant may have several
caretakers during the day and they may not all discuss the child’s activities with the parent at the end
of the day.
Changes in bodily functions may have an impact on the child’s wellbeing. Any changes in eating habits,
sleep patterns, disposition, or elimination can be early indications of illness. Parents should be
encouraged to share similar information at arrival time.
Staff should record information as it occurs and not rely on memory at the end of the day in
composing a record of events. Additionally, sharing information verbally to a parent is essential to
ensuring parents receive the necessary information, even if a written copy of the information is
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Health and Safety Policies
Physical Examination Report
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(1)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Physical examination report:
a. Preschool-age children. For each child five years of age and younger not enrolled in
kindergarten, the child care center shall require an admission physical examination report,
submitted within 30 days from the date of admission, signed by a licensed medical doctor, doctor
of osteopathy, chiropractor, physician’s assistant or advanced registered nurse practitioner.
The date of the physical examination shall be no more than 12 months before the first day of
attendance at the center. The written report shall include past health history, status of present
health including allergies, medications, and acute or chronic conditions, and recommendations for
continued care when necessary.
Annually thereafter, a statement of health condition, signed by a licensed medical doctor, doctor of
osteopathy, chiropractor, physician’s assistant or advanced registered nurse practitioner, shall be
submitted that includes any change in functioning, allergies, medications, or acute or chronic
b. School-age children. For each child five years of age and older and enrolled in school, the child
care center shall require, before admission, a statement of health status signed by the parent or
legal guardian that certifies that the child is free of communicable disease and that specifies any
allergies, medications, or acute or chronic conditions. The statement from the parent shall be
submitted annually thereafter.
c. Religious exemption. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to require medical treatment or
immunization for staff or the child of any person who is a member of a church or religious
organization which has guidelines governing medical treatment for disease that are contrary to
these rules. In these instances, an official statement from the organization shall be incorporated in
the personnel or child’s file.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Health assessments provide an opportunity for prevention, early detection, and intervention in
problems. Adaptations in care or routine can then be made to enable children to realize their full
potential. The physical exam includes information about chronic health or special health needs. A
written special needs care plan is completed and signed by the doctor and parent and included in the
child’s health record.
Establish clear criteria for excluding children who are ill and inform parents of the policy when children
are enrolled. You should not accept responsibility for a child whose health care needs are unknown.
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Preschool-Aged Children
Recognizing that parents often have an immediate child care need and yet have not had an
opportunity to secure a medical home (provider), parents are allowed up to 30 days from the
date of admission to the center to secure a physical examination for their child.
At the time of admission, you should still require parents to report any known exposure to
communicable disease and other special health care needs, including medications, chronic or
acute conditions, allergies, etc. that impact the child’s care. You may establish more stringent
policies, but be mindful of the needs of families new to a community, those lacking financial
resources for medical care, etc.
The physical examination is important because it provides an opportunity to establish the health
history of the child, assess the child’s health status and developmental progress or delays, and
provide recommendations to the child care center for continued care. The physical examination
must be signed by a medical doctor (MD), doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO), chiropractor, a
physician’s assistant (PA), or an advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP).
School-Aged Children
While many schools no longer require physicals at the time of school enrollment, you still need
to know the health care needs and considerations of school-aged children. While a physical
examination report is not required, before enrolling a child, you must obtain a statement of
health status signed by the parent that certifies that the child is free of communicable disease and
that specifies any allergies, medications, or acute or chronic conditions.
While the responsibility rests with the parents in ensuring that you are knowledgeable and able
to attend to the health care needs of their child, you should establish strategies to ensure you
are able to fully meet the child’s needs.
Physical examinations provide an opportunity for more than just a review of the body’s systems
for abnormalities. The health care practitioner can:
Observe developmental progress or delays.
Observe parent-child interactions and behaviors that indicate risk factors.
Screen for vision, hearing and lead poisoning.
Ensure that immunizations are up-to-date and complete.
Provide anticipatory guidance to families on what to expect in the current and upcoming
developmental phase, including areas of health habits, prevention of illness and injury,
nutrition, oral health, sexuality, social development and family relationships, and community
and school involvement.
If a child who claims the religious exemption for physical examinations is enrolled, it is
recommended that you have the parents provide a signed, written statement of the exact
procedures to be followed in the event of a medical or dental emergency. Staff responsible for
the child’s care must be knowledgeable of the plan. Maintain the written statement in the child’s
If you serve families who do not have a primary medical or dental provider, you may want to
refer them to the child health center that serves their area. You can obtain the location of the
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nearest child health center by calling the Healthy Families Line at 1-800-369-2229 or online at
Medical and Dental Emergencies
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(2)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Medical and dental emergencies. The center shall have sufficient information and authorization to meet
the medical and dental emergencies of children. The center shall have written procedures for medical
and dental emergencies and shall ensure, through orientation and training, that all staff are
knowledgeable of and able to implement the procedures.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Obtain specific information from the parents regarding where emergency medical and dental services
should be obtained. For some children with chronic or special care needs, the information may include
medical specialists who need to be contacted for emergencies. The parent needs to authorize a doctor
and hospital within the proximity of the center (within the community or nearby town) that can be
contacted in the event of an emergency. Obtain the phone number and location of all emergency
If the family does not have a dentist or the parent has not yet secured a dentist for the child, the
parent needs to authorize a dental office within the proximity of the center (within the community or
nearby town) that can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
You should provide annual in-service to staff regarding the procedures to be followed in a medical or
dental emergency and include this in all staff orientations. Also, staff providing care to children with
special health care considerations or treatments must be trained in all procedures, including how to
intervene in response to negative reactions or side effects to treatment, medications, etc.
Contact health care professionals to provide training and consultation. A local child care nurse
consultant can provide information or other resources in developing medical and dental emergency
procedures. You can obtain the location of the nearest child health center by calling the Healthy
Families Line at 1-800-369-2229 or online at
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(3)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 73
Medications. The center shall have written procedures for the dispensing, storage, authorization, and
recording of all prescription and nonprescription medications, including the following:
a. All medications shall be stored in their original containers, with accompanying physician or
pharmacist’s directions and label intact and stored so they are inaccessible to children and the
public. Nonprescription medications shall be labeled with the child’s name.
b. For every day an authorization for medication is in effect and the child is in attendance, there shall
be a notation of administration including the name of the medicine, date, time, dosage given or
applied, and the initials of the person administering the medication or the reason the medication
was not given.
c. In the case of medications that are administered on an ongoing, long-term basis, authorization shall
be obtained for a period not to exceed the duration of the prescription.
d. Child care staff shall not provide medications to a child if the provider has not completed pre-
service/orientation training that includes medication administration.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Keep accurate and precise information regarding a child’s need for medication before administering any
medication. Keep all authorizations and medication administration forms on site where the children are
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can be just as dangerous
as prescription medications and can result in illness or even death when these products are misused or
unintentional poisoning occurs. Facilities should not stock OTC medications.
If a medication mistake or unintentional poisoning does occur, call your local poison center
immediately at 1-800-222-1222. After that immediately report all errors to the child’s parent or
guardian, child’s physician, and the director or supervisor, if applicable. Inform the physician of all
emergency action you have taken.
Because of the range of prescription and non-prescription medications you may be dispensing, all
medications should be stored so that they are inaccessible to children, center personnel who do not
have authorization to administer medications, and non-center personnel. You should also keep other
health products, such as sun blocks, ointments, etc., inaccessible to children.
Medications must be stored completely inaccessible to children in their original containers in an
upright position so that they cannot contaminate or spill. In administering medications, be sure to
follow the six rights of medication administration: right child, right medication, right dose, right time,
right route, and right documentation. Before giving any medication to a child be sure to check the six
rights at the following times: as you remove the medication from storage, immediately before
preparing the medication, and right before giving the medication to the child.
Some medications, such as asthma and allergy medications or over-the-counter medications, are given
on a “PRN” or “as needed” basis. The prescription label should indicate the status. If there is any
doubt, consult with the parent or physician who ordered the medication. It is extremely important
that before any “PRN” or “as needed” medication is given, the person administering the medication
knows the last time the child received a dose of the medication so safe and appropriate intervals
between doses is maintained. If unsure of the time the last dose was given, check with the parent
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before giving more medication. All medications should be measured with the measuring instrument
provided with the medication.
To avoid the possibility of overdosing or failing to provide medications, you may want to designate
specific staff who will administer all medications in a given program area. Careful recording when the
medication is administered reduces the likelihood of overmedicating a child. When giving medications
document on the medication administration form the following information every time medication is
Name of the medication,
Dosage of medication,
Route the medication given (oral, topical, etc.),
Time the medication is given,
Name of the person administering the medication, and
Any reactions to the medication.
You should make a notation on the medication administration record if:
A child is absent for a day during the period when a medication is to be administered.
A parent picks up a child earlier than normal and a medication is not administered.
A parent forgets to bring the medication and therefore no medicine can be administered.
The child experiences any side effect or negative reaction to the medications.
A Medication Form is available on the Healthy Child Care Iowa website
If the parent requests it, you should notify the parent before administering any medication. You should
always update the parent at the end of the day regarding any non-prescription medications that were
administered and any deviations that occurred in administering prescription medications.
You should return to the parent to discard prescription and non-prescription medications that remain
in the center after the expiration date. Any medication remaining after the authorization to dispense
has ended or the child no longer requires the medication should also be returned to the parent or
In the event medication cannot be returned to the parent or guardian, it should be disposed of
according to the recommendations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Documentation
should be kept with the child care facility of all disposed medications. The current guidelines are as
If a medication lists any specific instructions on how to dispose of it, follow those directions.
If there are community drug take back programs, participate in those.
Remove medications from their original containers and put them in a sealable bag. Mix medications
with an undesirable substance such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter. Throw the mixture into
the regular trash. Make sure children do not have access to the trash.
TIP: Medication noncompliance occurs too often. Please make sure staff are well informed about
documentation and have someone inspect the center weekly for proper storage, documentation,
sufficient labeling and disposal of expired medications.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 75
Daily Contact
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(4)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Daily contact. Each child shall have direct contact with a staff person upon arrival for early detection of
apparent illness, communicable disease, or unusual condition or behavior that may adversely affect the
child or the group. The center shall post notice at the main entrance to the center where it is visible
to parents and the public of exposure of a child receiving care by the center to a communicable
disease, the symptoms, and the period of communicability. If the center is located in a building used for
other purposes and shares the main entrance to the building, the notice shall be conspicuously posted
in the center in an area that is frequented daily by parents or the public.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Observing a child upon arriving at the center provides an opportunity to determine if the child is ill or
infectious with a communicable disease and needs to be isolated from the other children or sent home.
Touching the child’s forehead, observing the child’s eyes and nose for redness or drainage or dark
circles under the eyes, and checking for odor which may be symptomatic of diarrhea are all simple
strategies. The child care nurse consultant can provide additional information on “health check”
strategies for observing children.
You should post information as soon as the staff becomes aware of a child’s exposure to a
communicable disease. Postings for the specific communicable disease must be clearly visible to parents
when they enter the center. If the location of the center within a building makes it impractical to post a
notice by the front door, put the posting in an area where parents routinely gather when they arrive to
pick up or leave their children. If someone other than the parent regularly transports children, you
may want to send a note home with the child to alert the parent. Maintain the confidentiality of the
individual diagnosed with the communicable disease.
If your policy is to send an individual note home with the children, this procedure does not remove the
requirement to post a notice at the center.
Infectious Disease Control
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(5)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Infectious disease control. Centers shall establish policies and procedures related to infectious disease
control and the use of universal precautions with the handling of any bodily excrement or discharge,
including blood. Soiled diapers shall be stored in containers separate from other waste.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 76
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
“Universal precautions” is an approach to infection control. All blood and bodily fluids are treated as if
know to be infectious for HIV, hepatitis B, or other blood-borne pathogens. All staff are required to
complete one hour of training annually on universal precautions.
Illness is spread in a variety of ways, such as coughing, sneezing, skin-to-skin- contact, or touching a
contaminated surface. Infectious agents may be contained in urine, feces, saliva, eye and nasal discharge,
discharge at the site of a wound or injury, and of course, blood.
Many people who are infected with a communicable disease show no symptoms or are contagious
before they display symptoms. Therefore, routine daily sanitation and disinfecting are essential to
significantly reduce the occurrence and spread of illness in a child care center. Handwashing is essential
to reduce the spread of disease. For more information on how to prevent the spread of illness in a
child care center, child care providers should review Caring for Our Children, National Health and Safety
Performance Standards, 3
Edition or communicate with your child care
nurse consultant.
OSHA requires that bags with infectious waste be labeled as “biohazard material” and be handled
separately from other trash. However, due to the small amount of infectious waste in a child care
center, we recommend that you treat potentially hazardous waste, especially in infant rooms, as “first-
aid waste.” Double-bag and tie the plastic bags used to contain articles that are contaminated with
blood, feces, or other potentially infectious material.
Wearing single-use, disposable gloves is the most fundamental precaution staff can take. However, be
aware of the increase in adults and children who experience an allergic reaction to latex so it is
recommended to check products for latex content.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that unless there is visible blood in the milk, the
risk of exposure to infectious organisms either during feeding or from milk that the infant regurgitates
is not significant that people who handle human milk in child care settings are at low risk of getting an
infection from the human milk. Gloves are not required for feeding, or handling of human milk. Gloves
are not required for cleaning up spills of human milk.
Quiet Area for Ill or Injured
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(16)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Quiet area for ill or injured. The center shall provide a quiet area under supervision for a child who
appears to be ill or injured. The parents or a designated person shall be notified of the child’s status in
the event of a serious illness or emergency.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
A serious illness is one that requires follow-up (observation or treatment) by the parent or requires a
medical or dental examination and treatment outside of the center’s scope of care. Examples of illness
include sudden onset of vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, and rash.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 77
The decision as to whether or not to exclude a mildly ill child from care can be a source of great
tension between providers, parents, and health care professionals. Child care centers serve not only
the care and developmental needs of children but also function as a family support service.
In this context, it is recommended that you are family-responsive in the development of exclusion
policies. When exclusion is not required, you may consider whether you can meet the child’s needs
without compromising the health and safety of other children and whether the child is able to
participate in the program, even if in a more quiet or isolated environment.
The NHSPS Caring for Or Children ( can provide recommendations on
formulating inclusion/exclusion/dismissal of children policies.
There are times when children should be excluded. Communicable diseases, such as chickenpox,
pertussis (whooping cough), infectious diarrhea, influenza, etc. require exclusion for period of time.
Other illnesses may also require exclusion until treatment has been initiated (i.e.: strep throat) or until
symptoms have resolved (i.e.: fever-free).
The child care consultant assigned to your center as well as your child care nurse consultant located
can offer guidance regarding including mildly ill children.
Be prepared to care for an ill or injured child until a parent can arrive and take the child home or to a
health care provider. You should remove ill or injured children from the group activity and allow them
to rest in a comfortable position. However, the child must remain under constant supervision.
Anticipate and be prepared for the onset of new or worsening symptoms or complaints. For example,
a child who is ill or has had an injury may complain of a headache and moments later vomit or lose
Staff Hand-Washing
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(7)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Staff hand washing. The center shall ensure that staff demonstrate clean personal hygiene sufficient to
prevent or minimize the transmission of illness or disease. All staff shall wash their hands at the
following times:
a. Upon arrival at the center.
b. Immediately before eating or participating in any food service activity.
c. After diapering a child.
d. Before leaving the rest room either with a child or by themselves.
e. Before and after administering nonemergency first aid to a child if gloves are not worn.
f. After handling animals and cleaning cages.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Education and enforcement of hand-washing and sanitation procedures with staff can significantly
reduce the occurrence of illness within the center. The vulnerability of children mandates extreme
compliance with hand-washing requirements.
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You should post hand-washing procedures at all sinks. In addition to the required times that staff must
wash their hands, you may want to consider additional policies that require staff to wash their hands
after smoking, blowing their nose, upon return to the center, etc.
Handwashing with soap and water is best. However hand hygiene with a 60%-95% alcohol-based hand
sanitizer is an alternative to handwashing when soap and water is unavailable.
Children’s Hand-Washing
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(8)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Children’s hand washing. The center shall ensure that staff assist children in personal hygiene sufficient to
prevent or minimize the transmission of illness or disease. For each infant or child with a disability, a
separate cloth for washing and one for rinsing may be used in place of running water. Children’s hands
shall be washed at the following times:
a. Immediately before eating or participating in any food service activity.
b. After using the rest room or being diapered.
c. After handling animals.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Hand hygiene is the most important way to reduce the spread of infection. Many studies have shown
that improperly cleansed hands are the primary carriers of infections. Thorough handwashing with
liquid soap (not anti-bacterial) for at least 20 seconds using clean running water at a comfortable
temperature (60-20 degrees Fahrenheit) removes organisms from the skin and allows them to be
rinsed away.
In addition to required times listed above, you may also consider having children wash hands at the
following times;
Upon arrival for the day, after breaks, or when moving from one child care group to another.
After playing in water that is used by more than one person
After playing in sand, on wooden playsets, and outdoors.
After applying sunscreen
For the safe handling of infants, it may be appropriate at times to use a separate cloth to wash the
hands of infants in place of running water. Use separate cloths for washing, rinsing, and for drying.
Cloths should not be used on more than one infant or used more than once.
Paper towels may be considered as cloths with the same use restrictions applied (i.e., single-use, one
towel-one child, etc.) “Wet-wipes” are not sufficient to eliminate pathogens (bacteria and viruses) and
should not be used as a sole source of hand-washing. Only when running water is unavailable, the use
of 60%-95% alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a suitable alternative. Caution: alcohol-based sanitizers are
not considered safe for babies.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 79
First-Aid Kit
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(9)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
First-aid kit. The center shall ensure that a clearly labeled first-aid kit is available and easily accessible to
staff at all times whenever children are in the center, in the outdoor play area, and on field trips. The
kit shall be sufficient to address first aid related to minor injury or trauma and shall be stored in an
area inaccessible to children.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
At a minimum, first aid kits in the center and kits used on field trips should contain, supplies to address
pediatric first aid. The first aid kit shall contain at least the following items:
Plastic bags for disposal of materials used in handling
Flexible roller gauze
First aid guide
Alcohol based Hand sanitizer
Cotton tipped swabs
Thermometer to measure a child’s temperature
Cell phone
Pen or pencil and note pad
Cold pack
Rescue breathing (CPR) mouthpiece
Non latex gloves
Safety pins
Emergency medication needed for children with
special needs
Emergency phone numbers:
Liquid hand soap
Parent’s home and work phone numbers
Poison Control Center phone number
Antiseptic wipes
Sterile gauze pads
Triangular bandages
Eye patch pad
When the outdoor play area is immediately accessible to the center, the first aid kit may be a fanny
pack with disposable nonporous gloves, gauze, plastic bag for materials used for handling blood and
crushable ice pack. When staff does not have immediate accessibility to the center because of a need
to maintain minimum staffing ratios or the outdoor play area is a distance from the center a field trip
first aid kit shall be available in the outdoor play area.
Recording Incidents
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(10)
Recording incidents.
a. Incidents involving a child, including minor injuries, minor changes in health status, or other minor
behavioral concerns, shall be reported to the parents, guardians, and legal custodians on the day of
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the incident. Incidents resulting in an injury to a child shall be reported to the parent on the day of
the incident.
b. Incidents resulting in a serious injury as defined in Iowa Code 702.18 to a child or incidents
resulting in a significant change in the health status of a child shall be verbally reported to the
parents, guardians, and legal custodians immediately.
(1) Serious injuries shall be reported to the Department within 24 hours of the incident.
(2) Serious injuries shall be documented and information maintained in the child’s file as
required in 441 IAC 109.9(2).
c. The parents, guardians, and legal custodians of any child included in incidents involving
inappropriate, sexually acting-out behavior shall be notified immediately after the incident. A
written report, fully documenting every incident, shall be provided to the parent or person
authorized to remove the child from the center. The written report shall be prepared by the staff
member who observed the incident and a copy shall be retained in the child’s file.
Serious injuries include:
Disabling mental illness.
Bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death, causes serious permanent disfigurement, or
causes protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.
Any injury to a child that requires surgical repair and necessitates the administration of general
Includes, but is not limited to, skull fractures, rib fractures, metaphyseal fractures of the long bones
of children under the age of 4 years.
All reports to the Department must be completed on the Healthy Child Care Iowa Child Care
Injury/Incident Report Form and submitted to [email protected] within 24 hours of the incident.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Serious injury means an injury that requires follow-up (observation or treatment) by the parent or
requires a medical or dental examination and treatment outside the center’s scope of care. Examples
include a child who:
Receives a laceration that requires stitches.
Suffers a head injury.
Loses consciousness or has a change in the level of consciousness.
Receives an injury to the eyes, teeth, or bones.
Exhibits convulsions.
Has a nosebleed that doesn’t stop after 15 minutes of pressure.
Suffers an asthma attack that doesn’t respond to medication.
Has bleeding from the ears.
Loses a permanent tooth.
Significant change in health status means unexplained changes in a child’s daily behavior or activities
of daily living. Examples include a child who:
Experiences a sudden change in self-care (ambulatory child suddenly stops walking or stops self-
toileting; child who stands in crib suddenly only bears weight on one leg, etc.)
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 81
Experiences a change in level of consciousness (child goes from alert to lethargic, is difficult to
arouse from sleep, or sleeps longer than usual)
Whimpers, cries or exhibits gestures of pain or discomfort and can’t be consoled or relieved, etc.
A review of incident reports may also be useful in identifying areas of the center where children are
routinely suffering injury (i.e., running into a certain piece of furniture, a hazardous component of an
outdoor play equipment, etc.) or patterns of behavior exhibited by children that require intervention.
Recording such information can be useful when seeking consultation from other professionals
regarding remedies to the facility or behavioral interventions, discharge of children, etc. Ensure that
staff understanding the importance of supervising children and completing incident reports when
injuries occur within the program
To protect the privacy and interactions of children, you are encouraged to not identify other children
by name on incident reports.
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(11) as amended by HF 2212(16)(t) Section 6
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Smoking. Smoking and the use of tobacco products shall be prohibited at all times in the center and
every vehicle used to transport the children. Smoking and the use of tobacco products shall be
prohibited in the outdoor play area during hours of operation.
Post nonsmoking signs at all entrances of the child care center and in every vehicle used to transport
the children. All signs shall include:
The telephone number for reporting complaints, and
The Internet address of the Department of Public Health (
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Research has linked “second-hand smoke” or “environmental tobacco smoke” as contributing to a
host of health problems. Infants and young children, especially those under age two, exposed passively
to tobacco smoke are at increased risk of developing bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, upper-respiratory
infections, and ear infections.
Environmental tobacco smoke can also make recovering from colds more difficult and can cause stuffy
noses, headaches, sore throats, eye irritation, loss of appetite, and fussiness. Separating smokers within
a building does not eliminate the exposure to second hand smoke.
It is recommended that child care homes and centers use the best practice comprehensive tobacco
free/ nicotine free policy (TF/NF) that goes beyond the Smoke Free Air Act and HHS rules to include
electronic smoking devices and nicotine products. The comprehensive policy adds further protections
and clarifications for both clients and staff.
Information about the policy can be found on
use-prevention-control or by calling 888-944-2247
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 82
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(12) as amended by SF 2066
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Transportation. Iowa Code section 321.446 requires that all children transported in a motor vehicle
subject to registration, except a school bus, must be individually secured by a safety belt, safety seat, or
harness, in accordance with federal motor vehicle safety standards and the manufacturer’s instructions.
a. Children under the age of six shall be secured during transit in a federally-approved child restraint
system. Children under one year of age and weighing less than 20 pounds shall be secured during
transit in a rear-facing child restraint system.
b. Children under the age of 12 shall not be located in the front seating section of the vehicle.
c. Drivers of vehicles shall possess a valid driver’s license and shall not operate a vehicle while under
the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription or nonprescription drugs that could impair their
ability to operate a motor vehicle.
d. Vehicles that are owned or leased by the center shall receive regular maintenance and inspection
according to manufacturer-recommended guidelines for vehicle and tire maintenance and
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Each child is to be secured by a single safety belt. Do not use a safety belt to secure more than one
child. Children transported in school buses are secured according to the state laws for school buses.
Take extra care if infants or toddlers are transported on a school bus for any reason, as most buses
are not currently equipped with seat belts.
A “restraint system” is typically a “car seat.” A federally approved child restraint system is one that
meets that meets the federal motor vehicle safety standards. Compliance with these standards is
indicated on the restraint system. It should include a label that the system meets all federal safety
regulations and a sticker with a manufacture date after 1/1/81. Seats should fit the child properly based
on the child’s weight.
Because of the vulnerably of children to front-end collisions and the deployment of airbags, many car
manufacturers, insurance companies, and consumer safety organizations advise against having children
younger than 12 in the front seats of any vehicle.
Is Your Vehicle a School Bus?
According to Iowa law, if a center transports children to or from school in a vehicle with a
capacity of 9 or more people, the vehicle must conform to the safety requirements of a school
bus, and the driver must meet the state requirements for a bus driver.
Iowa Code Chapter 321.1 states:
“School bus” means every vehicle operated for the transportation of children to or from school,
except vehicles which are:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 83
Privately owned and not operated for compensation;
Used exclusively in the transportation of the children in the immediate family of the driver;
Operated by a municipally or privately owned urban transit company for the transportation
of children as a part of or in addition to their regularly scheduled services; or
Designed to carry not more than nine persons as passengers, either school owned or
privately owned, which are used to transport pupils to activity events in which the pupils are
participants or to transport pupils to their home in case of illness or other emergency
Child care providers are exempt from the school bus and driver requirements if the vehicle is
privately owned and not operated for compensation.” Vehicles owned by a child care
center are determined to be “privately owned.” If you do not charge a separate and
discernible fee to parents for the specific service of transporting their children to or from
school, but rather incorporate the expenses incurred in transportation into your overall
operating costs and parent fee schedules, then the vehicle is “not operated for compensation.”
However, if as a child care provider, you do charge a special or distinct fee only to those parents
for whom you transport their children to or from school, then you are not exempt. You must
meet certain driver and vehicle safety standards, depending on the capacity of the vehicle.
If you charge a separate fee and are not exempt, contact the State Transportation Director at
the Iowa Department of Education at 515-281-4749, to determine the requirements you must
Field Trip Emergency Numbers
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(13)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Field trip emergency numbers. Emergency telephone numbers for each child shall be taken by staff when
transporting children to and from school and on field trips and non-center-sponsored activities away
from the premises.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
When a child participates in an activity that is away from the center and not sponsored by the center,
staff must have the numbers available if transporting the child to the activity. You may want to remind
parents to be sure that an adult responsible for supervising the extracurricular or special activity has
the emergency contact information for the child.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 84
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(14)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Pets. Animals kept on site shall be in good health with no evidence of disease, be of such disposition as
to not pose a safety threat to children, and be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.
Documentation of current vaccinations shall be available for all cats and dogs. No ferrets, reptiles,
including turtles, or birds of the parrot family shall be kept on site. Pets shall not be allowed in kitchen
or food preparation areas.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Reptiles, including turtles, and Psittacine birds unless tested for psittacosis (inclusive of parrots,
parakeets, budgies, and cockatiels) are prohibited from child care settings due to their propensity to be
a carriers of disease that can be passed on to humans. The Centers for Disease Control recommends
that children under the age of five not have contact with reptiles, either directly or indirectly.
If hatching baby chickens and ducks are brought into the child care environment for science, access by
children to these animals should be restricted. These animals excrete E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella,
Campylobacter, S. paratyphoi.
Birds of the parrot family can transmit airborne respiratory illness to humans. The most common
members of the parrot family, which should be avoided, include parrots, parakeets, budgies, cockatoos,
lovebirds, macaws, canaries, mynahs, and toucans. Any other birds not listed should be confirmed as
not being of the parrot family before being brought into the center.
Make sure parents are aware of the presence of any pets in the center and obtain a statement from
the parent if access to a pet should be denied. Animals’ cages should not be kept near the kitchen or a
food preparation area, nor should animals be out of their cages at mealtimes. Cages should never be
cleaned in the kitchen or food preparation area. Staff and children must wash their hands after handling
Children should not have exposure to animal waste.
Emergency Plans
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(15)
The child care center shall establish definite health policies, including the criteria for excluding a sick
child from the center. The policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National
Health and Safety Performance Standards and shall include, but are not limited to:
Emergency plans.
a. The center shall have written emergency plans and diagrams for responding to fire, tornado, flood
(if area is susceptible to flood), and plans responding to intoxicated parents and lost or abducted
children. In addition, the center shall have guidelines for responding or evacuating in case of
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 85
blizzards, power failures, bomb threats, chemical spills, or other disasters that could create
structural damage to the center or pose health hazards.
If the center is located within a ten-mile radius of a nuclear power plant or research facility, the
center shall also have plans for nuclear evacuations. Emergency plans shall include written
procedures including plans for the following:
Evacuation to safely leave the facility
Relocation to a common, safe location after evacuation
Shelter in place to take immediate shelter when the current location is unsafe to leave due
to the emergency issue
Lock down protocol to protect children and providers from an external situation
Communication and reunification with parents or other adults responsible for the children
which includes emergency telephone numbers
Continuity of operations
Procedures to address the needs of individual children, including those with functional or
access needs
b. Emergency instructions, telephone numbers, and diagrams for fire, tornado, and flood (if area is
susceptible to floods) shall be visibly posted by all program and outdoor exits. Emergency plan
procedures shall be practiced and documented at least once a month for fire and for tornado.
Records on the practice of fire and tornado drills shall be maintained for the current and previous
c. The center shall develop procedures for annual staff and volunteer training on these emergency
plans and shall include information on responding to fire, tornadoes, intruders, intoxicated parents
and lost or abducted children in the orientation provided to new employees and volunteers.
d. The center shall conduct a daily check to ensure that all exits are unobstructed.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The State Fire Code requires the fire alarm sounds for all fire drills. Section 405.7 of the International
Fire Code, where a fire alarm system is provided, emergency evacuation drills shall be initiated by
activating the fire alarm.
Fire drills shall be completed monthly and the children must exit the building. During colder months it
is permitted to allow a brief pause to gather warm gear so that children are not at risk during the drill.
In Iowa, communities are frequently vulnerable to structural or natural disasters such as fire,
tornadoes, floods and flash flooding. Centers are also increasingly responding to “social” emergencies
such as intruders into a center, intoxicated parents, lost or abducted children.
Therefore, it is important to have written procedures that are updated annually and to give all staff an
annual orientation to the procedures.
Centers are vulnerable to other emergency situations that may occur in their communities, including
blizzards, chemical spills and bomb threats. While these may seem more remote, center staff need to
be aware of the possibility of these natural and man-made disasters and be prepared to respond.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 86
Each county in Iowa has an emergency management coordinator. The coordinator can help plan
appropriate polices for health and safety needs, given the hazards that may be specific to your location.
Communication also allows the coordinator the opportunity to know where the children will be
located during an emergency.
Because of the need for immediate response to any emergency involving nuclear plants, if your center
is within a 10-mile proximity to a nuclear power plant or research facility, contact your emergency
management coordinator regarding specific responses you should take.
For additional information on hazards and policies relevant to your area, contact your local county
Emergency Management Agency (in your local phone book) or contact the Iowa Emergency
Management Division in Des Moines at (515) 281-3231 for the contact person in your area.
For centers serving a high number of infants, “baby packs” allow multiple infants to be evacuated by
one adult by placing them in a pouch-like carrier strapped to the adult. You may also want to consider
the purchase of evacuation cribs for the same purpose.
Doorknob coverings that make the door inoperable, such as those used for safety reasons on storage
closets, should never be used on exit doors.
Strategies for dealing with intoxicated or substance-impaired adults are challenging. You are
encouraged to consult your own legal counsel in developing your policies. While decisions have to be
made on a case-by-case basis, a first step-approach is to offer to telephone someone else to provide
transportation for the child (and the parent, if willing).
Staff should not attempt to physically restrict the parent from removing the child. If the parent appears
so impaired as to place the child in jeopardy, you could contact local law enforcement. In addition, if
the parent does leave with the child, and staff have reason to believe that the parent was substance-
impaired, staff must act in their role as mandatory reporters and file a child abuse report.
In addition to the required procedures, you may also want to develop policies for other social”
emergencies or situations, including responding to weapons or drugs brought into the center by
children, the notification by law enforcement of a known sexual predator residing in the area, etc.
You may also want to have procedures developed and shared with parents regarding what steps will be
taken if a parent fails to arrive within a designated number of minutes after the center closes. The
possibility of this occurrence reinforces the need for centers to have accurate and up-to-date phone
numbers for phone, office, etc., as well as another adult who can be contacted in lieu of the parent.
NOTE: Children are not required to wear shoes at all times to diminish risk associated with evacuation.
Supervision and Access
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.10(16)
The center director and on-site supervisor shall ensure that each staff member, or volunteer knows
the number and names of children assigned to that staff member, or volunteer for care. Assigned staff
and volunteers shall provide careful supervision.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 87
Any person in the center who is not an owner, staff member, or volunteer who has a record check
and Department approval to be involved with child care shall not have unrestricted access to children
for whom that person is not the parent, guardian, or custodian.
A sex offender who has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor and who is required to
register with the Iowa sex offender registry under the provisions contained in Iowa Code chapter
692A shall not operate, manage, be employed by, or act as a contractor or volunteer at a child care
The sex offender also shall not be present upon the property of a child care center without the
written permission of the center director, except for the time reasonably necessary to transport the
offender’s own minor child or ward to and from the center.
Written permission shall include the conditions under which the sex offender may be present,
The precise location in the center where the sex offender may be present; the reason for the sex
offender’s presence at the facility; the duration of the sex offender’s presence; and description of
the supervision that the center staff will provide the sex offender to ensure that no child is alone
with the sex offender.
Before giving written permission, the center director shall consult with the center licensing
consultant. The written permission shall be signed and dated by the center director and the sex
offender and kept on file for review by the center licensing consultant.
Recommendation and Rationale For Implementation
Transitions of staff and children at the program in arrival to and departures from the center are often
when children are left unattended. Training staff to complete face to name recognition is extremely
important when assuring safe supervision. Be sure that children are not left behind or in vehicles.
TIP: When transferring care responsibilities for children, assure the acknowledgement of accepting care
responsibility of the children occurs.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 88
Physical Facilities
Room Size
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(1)
Room size. The program room size shall be a minimum of 80 square feet of useable floor space or
sufficient floor space to provide 35 square feet of useable floor space per child. In rooms where floor
space occupied by cribs is counted as useable floor space, there shall be 40 square feet of floor space
per child. Kitchens, bathrooms, halls, lobby areas, storage areas and other areas of the center not
designed as activity space for children shall not be used as regular program space or counted as
useable floor space.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Children need to have ample space to move and play unobstructed and free of equipment and other
hazards. Adequate space for activities helps to minimize the risk of injury and reduces the transmission
of illness among children.
Because of the floor space occupied by cribs, additional program space is needed in infant rooms to
allow adequate space between cribs and equipment for caregivers to attend to the routine and
emergency needs of the infants. The NHSPS recommends 50 square feet of floor space in rooms that
are used as program and sleep areas for children under the age of two. When rooms are used solely
for sleeping, the NHSPS recommends 30 square feet per child to comfortably accommodate crib and
equipment needs.
Centers that have equipment in program areas that is used for preparation of snacks or crafts, such as
microwaves or crock pots, should provide a barrier or enclosure to this area. The area housing
“kitchen” appliances cannot be counted as program space when calculating square footage.
A private residence could be licensed as a center or preschool if the home:
Meets the stringent requirements of the State Fire Marshal for child care centers, and
Meets all requirements for administration, personnel, physical facilities, health and safety, activity
programming, and food service, as outlined in this handbook.
In addition, private residences must adhere to local zoning ordinances. If consideration is given to
opening a child care center in a private residence, the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and hallways are
not included in calculating the available space for program areas.
Infants’ Area
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(2)
Infants’ area. An area shall be provided properly and safely equipped for the use of infants and free
from the intrusion of children two years of age and older.
Upon the recommendation of a child’s physician or the area education agency serving the child, a child
who is two years of age or older with a disability that results in significant developmental delays in
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 89
physical and cognitive functioning who does not pose a threat to the safety of the infants may, if
appropriate and for a limited time approved by the Department, remain in the infant area.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Given the care considerations and vulnerability of infants, children two years of age and older should
not be allowed into the infant area. For a specific activity of a short duration, caregivers may bring
infants into program areas for older children, provided that one-to-one supervision is provided for
each infant, the infants are never left unattended, and they are protected from injury from older
The only exception to this is for the two hours at the beginning or end of the centers hours of
operation, when one staff person may care for six children, as long as no more than two of the
children are under age two. This exception may NOT be applied to the beginning AND the end of the
Children who are 18 to 24 months old are sometimes developmentally capable of interacting safely and
appropriately with children who are two years old. The determination to allow an 18-24 month-old
child to be grouped with two year olds should be made on an individual basis and not as a general rule
to follow. Remember that the younger children must still be staffed on a 1:4 ratio until the day of their
second birthday.
Sometimes children who are two years old with developmental disabilities or delays are appropriately
served for an extended duration in the infant room. A medical doctor or an early childhood special
education professional from the area education agency should make this determination, with the
permission of the parent.
Facility Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(3)
Facility requirements.
a. The center shall ensure that:
(1) The facility and premises are sanitary, safe and hazard-free.
(2) Adequate indoor and outdoor program space that is adjacent to the center is provided.
Centers shall have a safe outdoor program area with at least sufficient square footage to
accommodate 30 percent of the enrollment capacity at any one time at 75 square feet per
child. The outdoor area shall include safe play equipment and an area of shade.
(3) Sufficient program space is provided for dining to allow ease of movement and
participation by children and to allow staff sufficient space to attend to the needs of the
children during routine care and emergency procedures.
(4) Sufficient lighting shall be provided to allow children to adequately perform developmental
tasks without eye strain.
(5) Sufficient ventilation is provided to maintain adequate indoor air quality.
(6) Sufficient heating is provided to allow children to perform tasks comfortably without
excessive clothing.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 90
(7) Sufficient cooling is provided to allow children to perform tasks without being excessively
warm or subject to heat exposure.
(8) Sufficient bathroom and diapering facilities are provided to attend immediately to
children’s toileting needs and maintained to reduce the transmission of disease.
(9) Equipment, including kitchen appliances, placed in a program area is maintained so as not
to result in burns, shock or injury to children.
(10) Sanitation and safety procedures for the center are developed and implemented to reduce
the risk of injury or harm to children and reduce the transmission of disease.
b. Approval may be given by the Department to waive the outdoor space requirement for programs
of three hours or less, provided there is suitable substitute space and equipment available.
c. Approval may be given by the Department for centers operating in a densely developed area to
use alternative outdoor play areas in lieu of adjacent outdoor play areas.
d. The director or designated person shall complete and keep a record of at least monthly
inspections of the outdoor recreation area and equipment for the purpose of assessing and
rectifying potential safety hazards.
If the outdoor play area is not used for a period of time due to inclement weather conditions, the
center shall document the reasons why the monthly inspection did not occur and shall complete
and document an inspection before resuming use of the area.
e. Centers that operate in a public school building, including before and after school programs and
summer programs serving school-age children, may receive limited exemption from a facility
requirement at subrule 109.11(3), particularly relating to ventilation and bathroom facilities, if
complying with the requirement would require a structural or mechanical change to the school
Centers shall ensure that the space occupied by the center is sanitary, safe, and hazard-free and
shall conduct monthly playground inspections or provide documentation that one has been
completed by the public school personnel.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Location and safety: The center should be located in an area that does not pose environmental or
safety hazards to children. Hazardous locations include a center located in a high-traffic area or too
close to a road, an airstrip, a gravel pit, storm drains, drainage ditches, abandoned wells, etc. When
hazards exist, steps should be taken to minimize any impact and safeguard the children.
As examples of sanitary, safe, and hazard free premises, the center should be kept free of garbage and
unnecessary debris. Toxic or flammable materials should be kept out of the way of children, and
sanitation practices should be followed. All doors should be in working order, exits must be left
unobstructed, and stairwells should have railings and protective barriers that accommodate the needs
and height of the children served.
Indoor space: The indoor space design must allow for ease of movement by children and staff and for
the observation of all children. Ample space must exist to conduct both individual and group activities;
allow areas for activities, dining, napping, toileting and diaper change; office space; and break room or
privacy accommodations for staff.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 91
Outdoor space: The outdoor play space provides an opportunity for children to develop gross
motor, intellectual, emotional and social skills. It allows children to learn about the world around them
and “burn off extra energy.” Children should have an opportunity for outdoor play at a minimum of
once a day, with at least twice a day being preferred during full day programming.
The outdoor space needs to be adjacent to the center or so close as not to require a route that poses
a safety risk to children. The play area should be designed to provide for supervision of the children at
all times. It should be constructed so as not to allow ponding of water and should be located away
from electrical hazards, such as high voltage lines, electric substations, or air conditioning units.
To reduce infestation of insects and the risk of disease transmission by insects such as mosquitoes, low
areas that allow for standing water should be filled if possible, and outdoor equipment or toys that can
hold rainwater should be checked and emptied following a rain. If located near hazards such as railroad
tracks, streets, or water hazards, the center should enclose the play area with a fence or other barrier
at least four feet high.
Because of the dangers of excessive exposure to sun, the outdoor play area must have shade, whether
naturally from trees or man-made by awning, tent, or a structural aspect of the building that providers
for shade. Young children’s vulnerable skin should be protected with sunscreen during outdoor play.
You can obtain a weather chart indicating when caution should be observed for outdoor play due to
either heat index or wind chill by contacting your child care nurse consultant or this is available at
Outdoor space must be able to accommodate at least 30% of the enrollment of the center at 75
square feet per child. This allows the center to do staggered rotation of children in outdoor playtime
without compromising their space needs for play.
The majority of all injuries result from falls from the equipment to the ground with insufficient
surfacing below the equipment. Other injuries result from collision by moving equipment, such as
swings, or contact with sharp edges or protrusions on equipment. Fatal injures result from falls from
the top of equipment, entanglements of clothing on equipment or in ropes attached to equipment,
head entrapments in openings in equipment, and equipment tip-over or structural failure.
The play equipment should be age appropriate, safe, in good repair, firmly anchored and with
appropriate impact-absorbing fall surfacing material. Refer to the Consumer Product Safety
Commission Handbook for Public Playground Safety or the National Program for Playground Safety
located at the University of Northern Iowa. NPPS has additional information, publications, and videos
available at or Phone: 1-800-554-PLAY. Your child care nurse consultant is
available for questions and consultation on playground equipment, fall surfacing, and safety.
Be aware of your liability in providing for safe outdoor equipment. Conduct and maintain a record of a
monthly inspection of the outdoor equipment and area to ensure that it is safe and free of hazards. If
you operate in a school, you must either conduct the inspection yourself or provide documentation
that other school personnel have completed a monthly inspection.
If inclement weather, such as an extended period of snow or rain, prevents the use of the outdoor play
area, you should document why the inspection was not completed. However, you must conduct an
inspection before resuming use of the play area.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 92
For centers that are located in urban areas that are developed to the extent that an adjacent area for
outdoor play is not available, the child care consultant may approve the use of an alternate play area,
such as the use of a park and nearby community recreation facility.
The alternate play area must still provide for safe equipment and shade for the children. The center
should develop plans for safe travel to and from such alternate areas and ensure that children have
access to water, toilet facilities, etc.
When alternate play space is used, you should still assess the equipment and area, to make decisions
regarding whether children should be restricted from play on unsafe equipment or kept away from an
unsafe area of the playground.
If you need to use alternative playground sites due to constraints imposed by your location, submit a
request in writing to the child care consultant. Describe the “densely developed area” and explain why
the proposed site is the only or most appropriate alternative. In addition, include what routine steps
you will take to ensure that the alternative site and the equipment do not pose any safety hazards and
how you will respond should concerns arise. The consultant will provide a written notice of decision
to the center.
For preschool programs or centers that operate for three hours or less per day, the consultant may
waive the outdoor space requirement if the center is able to provide alternate space and equipment
for both fine and gross motor development. As with the outdoor play space, the alternate space
should be safe, properly ventilated, provide for access to water and toileting facilities, etc.
Dining: The dining area should be arranged so that children are not crowded, staff can move between
the chairs and tables to attend to the feeding and emergency needs of the children, and children can
eat independently without bumping into one another or items on the table.
The ideal height of tables for children while eating is between the waist and mid-chest level of a child.
Chairs should allow the child’s feet to rest on the floor. A good table height adds to a child’s overall
comfort while eating and has been shown to reduce the risk of food aspiration and choking.
Lighting: Children need ample lighting for safety and to engage in activities. All areas of the facility
should have glare-free natural and/or artificial lighting that provides adequate illumination and comfort
for facility activities. During rest time, adequate lighting must be maintained for staff to effectively
supervise children.
Ventilation: Poor indoor air quality can increase the short- and long-term health problems of
children and staff, decrease activity and productivity levels, and accelerate the deterioration and reduce
the inefficiency of heating and cooling equipment.
Ceiling heights of at least seven feet allow for adequate volume and distribution of air that reduces the
transmission of disease and does not allow for a quick concentration of noxious fumes. To improve the
air quality and ability of furnaces and air conditioners to maintain consistent temperatures, it is
recommended that filters are changed monthly.
Centers can ventilate the facility by means of windows, air conditioning units, or mechanical ventilation
systems. A center with noticeable air drafts at floor level does not mean a well-ventilated center.
Bathrooms and kitchens without windows should have mechanical ventilation, such as that provided by
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 93
exhaust fans. Program rooms that use paints, glues, or other materials that have toxic fumes should
also have natural or mechanical ventilation.
If windows are the means of ventilation, they should be child-safe in that they are either inaccessible to
children, cannot be fully opened, or can be opened no more than 6 inches, to prevent children from
exiting through the window. The narrow opening is especially important for centers serving children
under age five, to prevent them from falling out of the window.
Ventilation should be used to control odors. Air fresheners or sanitizers (both manmade and natural)
should not be used. Air fresheners or sanitizers may cause nausea, an allergic reaction, or asthmatic
(airway tightening) response in some children. Essential oils should not be used for odor control or
holistic health purposes.
Windows should be covered with screens to prevent them from being used as exits by children, to
allow for the free-flow of air, and to prevent insects from entering the center. Screens that are made
of 16-mesh wire or smaller will keep out the majority of insects.
Heating: Children cannot participate appropriately in activities or rest comfortably if they are cold.
The temperature should be monitored by means of a thermometer. When caring for children under
the age of five, the temperature at floor level should be monitored.
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers has established comfort
levels for heating and cooling, taking both health and comfort into consideration. Based on the
recommendations of the Society, rooms should be maintained at a temperature of 65-75 degrees
Fahrenheit when the outdoor temperature falls below 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cooling: Likewise, children cannot participate appropriately in activities or rest comfortably if they
are too warm. Children, especially infants, are also susceptible to heat exposure during unusually warm
days. The temperature should be monitored with a thermometer. When caring for children under the
age of five, the temperature should be monitored at floor level to ensure that it is not too cool or
warm for young children and that they are properly dressed relative to the temperature.
When the outdoor temperature rises above 82 degrees Fahrenheit, the room temperature should be
cooled to between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If air conditioning is not available, all program and dining
rooms used by children should have the air circulated by fans whenever the temperature in the room
exceeds 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bathroom and diapering facilities: Bathroom and diapering areas should:
Be sanitary.
Provide for individual, single-use or disposable cloths or towels and hand-washing soap.
Have appropriate waste receptacles.
Have provisions for privacy when appropriate.
Have equipment sized or modified to the developmental age of the child.
School-aged children need provisions for privacy when using the bathroom. If the physical structure
does not allowed for walled-off stalls, you can accommodate privacy through the use of partitions,
dividers, or curtains. Because of the frequent and sometimes urgent need of young children to toilet,
consider children’s needs not only during indoor activities but during outdoor play as well.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 94
Electrical or gas equipment: Children under five years of age are at the greatest risk of injury from
extension and appliance cords, so care should be taken to ensure that all cords are inaccessible to
children. Centers that serve children under the age of five should have all unused electrical outlets
covered with outlet covers or “shock stops” (i.e., plastic electrical plugs).
For best practice: All electrical outlets accessible to children who are not yet developmentally at a
kindergarten grade level of learning should be a type called “tamper-resistant electrical outlets.” These
types of outlets look like standard wall outlets but contain an internal shutter mechanism that prevents
children from sticking objects like hairpins, keys, and paperclips into the receptacle. This spring-loaded
shutter mechanism only opens when equal pressure is applied to both shutters such as when an
electrical plug is inserted.
In existing child care facilities that do not have “tamper-resistant electrical outlets,” outlets should have
“safety covers” that are attached to the electrical outlet by a screw or other means to prevent easy
removal by a child.
All stoves and electric kitchen appliances, radiators, and fans should be placed or use a barrier so they
are inaccessible to children. Hot water pipes and radiators that are accessible to children should be
screened off or insulated.
Cleaning and sanitizing/disinfecting and safety: While child care centers are highly susceptible to
outbreaks of communicable disease and illness, either by child-to-child or adult-to-child routes, the
transmission routes may be influenced or altered by the design, construction, and overall maintenance
of the facility. These strategies may include:
Adequate ventilation systems.
Proper and consistent sanitation procedures followed by all staff.
Location of kitchens, bathrooms, garbage receptacles and isolation areas in relation to general
program areas.
Keeping objects and surfaces clean and free of disease causing germs is an important part of the daily
routine in the child care environment. There are three terms you need to know about the cleaning
Cleaning physically removes all dirt and contamination from a surface. Cleaning should be done
first with detergent and water.
Sanitizing is done to reduce germs on a surface. Sanitizing should be done on all food contact
surfaces (food prep areas, tables, eating surfaces, high chair trays, utensils, dishes, cutting boards)
and mouthed toys.
Disinfecting is done to destroy or inactivate germs. Disinfecting should be done on all door
handles, drinking fountains, diapering surfaces, sinks, faucets, and toilets.
Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products should not be used in close proximity to children.
Adequate ventilation should be maintained during any cleaning, sanitizing, or disinfecting procedure to
prevent children, caregivers, and teachers from inhaling potentially toxic fumes.
The first step is to clean the surface with detergent and water, then rinse before spraying the surface
with a sanitizer or disinfectant. Using a sanitizer or disinfectant as this “first step” is not effective
because the purpose of the solution is to either sanitize or disinfect.
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Use only a sanitizer or disinfectant product with an EPA registration number on the label. Always
follow the manufacturers’ instructions when using EPA-registered products described as sanitizers or
disinfectants. This includes:
How long the product needs to remain wet on the surface (dwell time),
Whether or not the product should be diluted or used as is, and
If rinsing is needed.
Also check to see if that product can be used on a food contact surface or is safe for use on items that
may go into a child’s mouth.
For more information on cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting, to go Healthy Child Care Iowa’s website
or Caring For Our Children National Health and Safety standards.
Poisons, toxic and unsafe materials, such as cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans, pesticides, and
health and beauty aids, should be stored in an area inaccessible to children. To prevent contamination,
these materials should not be stored with, next to, or above food, food preparation items, or
Centers should also take precautions with art materials, as many of those contain hazardous materials
such as lead and formaldehyde. Federal law requires all substances to be identified. Centers should use
only materials labeled “non-toxic.”
The Art Hazards Information Center lists the following art materials that have been determined to be
unsafe, and an alternative craft source:
Unsafe Material
Powdered clay
Wet clay
Lead-based glazes
Poster paints
Oil-based paints
Water-based paints
Powdered tempera paint
Liquid or non-toxic paint
Cold water dyes or commercial dyes
Natural dyes such as vegetables, onion skins
Permanent markers
Water-based markers
Epoxy, instant glues, or solvent-based glues
Water-based white glue or library paste
Instant paper mache
Black and white newsprint and library paste or
liquid starch
TIP: Hazards are the most frequent violation cited and it’s likely the greatest liability and easiest to fix.
It’s recommended that you have purposeful daily inspection of each program room to look for hazards.
Purses and cleaning products being accessible, broken items and toppling hazards are discovered too
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 96
Bathroom Facilities
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(4)
Bathroom facilities. At least one functioning toilet and one sink for each 15 children, ages two years and
older shall be provided in a room with natural or artificial ventilation. Training seats or chairs may be
used for children under two years of age.
New construction after November 1, 1995, shall provide for at least one sink in the same area as the
toilet and, for centers serving children two weeks to two years of age, shall provide for at least one
sink in the central diapering area. At least one sink shall be provided in program rooms for infants and
toddlers or in an adjacent area other than the kitchen. New construction after April 1, 1998, shall have
at least one sink provided in the program rooms for infants and toddlers.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The ideal toilet height for young children is 11 inches. Child-sized toilets, step-aids, or modified toilet
seats are encouraged. When they are not available, “potty chairs” are appropriate, provided extra care
is taken to ensure proper disinfection to reduce the transmission of disease through contact with urine
or feces.
Many communicable diseases can be prevented through appropriate hygiene, sanitation, and
disinfecting methods. Therefore, items used for toileting should not be washed in the same sink used
for hand-washing. When this cannot be avoided, the sink should be disinfected immediately and before
use by children or staff. Cloth diapering is not prohibited in childcare facilities however, centers should
have a detailed policy to manage soiled clothing to assure appropriate hygiene in the facility.
Sinks should have hot and cold running water. The ideal sink height is 22 inches. The hand washing
“fountains” that accommodate simultaneous use by more than one person are acceptable, as long as
they are used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations for the numbers of children that may
be served at any one time. Foot-operated faucets provide another alternative to decrease the
transmission of disease. Push button faucets that do not allow the free use of both hands for washing
should be avoided, if possible.
The ideal water temperature for hand-washing or bathing is 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit. Children
under five years of age are the most frequent victims of tap-water burns. Water temperatures greater
than 120 degrees F take less than thirty seconds to burn the skin.
To prevent scalding, centers should ensure that the temperature of the water heater does not exceed
120 degrees Fahrenheit when children will use the water for hand-washing.
For existing facilities, the sink adjacent to the infant room must not require that staff travel further
than outside the room (meaning staff do not travel across the center, through another program room,
etc.). Sinks in the infant area should never be used for food or bottle preparation.
If training seats are used, the toilet-sink arrangement should allow for these to be cleaned without
having to carry them any significant distance from the toilet area.
You should also confer with city building codes to determine if local ordinance requires the toilet and
sink to be co-located.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 97
As a general rule, bathroom facilities should not be shared with other adult programs, such as adult
day care facilities. However, in some instances, such as school-based programs and YMCA or YWCA
programs, children may be accessing the same facilities as adults. In these situations, proper supervision
is important. An optimal situation would be to have a cooperative arrangement to designate certain
restrooms or stalls for the children served in the center.
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(5)
Telephone. A working nonpay telephone shall be available in the center with emergency telephone
numbers for police or 911, fire, ambulance, and poison information center posted adjacent to the
telephone. The street address and telephone number of the center shall be included in the posting.
A separate file or listing of emergency telephone numbers for each child shall be maintained near the
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
At a minimum, emergency telephone numbers should include parent contacts, emergency contacts
in place of the parent, and a health care provider and dental care provider for each child.
For staff to be able to respond immediately to emergencies without having to leave children
unattended or understaffed, the telephone must be available in the licensed program area. A school-
based program cannot rely on the availability of a telephone in a school office.
Kitchen Appliances and Microwaves
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(6)
Kitchen appliances and microwaves. Gas or electric ranges or ovens shall not be placed in the program
area. If kitchen appliances are maintained in the program area for food preparation activities, the area
shall be sectioned off and shall not be counted as useable floor space for room size.
Centers using microwave ovens for warming infant bottles or infant food shall ensure that the formula
or food item is not served immediately to the child after being removed from the microwave. The
infant bottle shall be shaken or food stirred and the formula or food item tested by the caregiver
before being fed to the infant. Breastmilk shall not be warmed in a microwave.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Heating breastmilk or infant formula in the microwave is no longer recommended. Studies have shown
that microwaves heat breastmilk and formula unevenly. This results in “hot spots” that can scald an
infant’s mouth and throat. Also, heating breastmilk in the microwave breaks down nutrient value.
Bottles can be served cold from the refrigerator and do not have to be warmed. However, if you
choose to warm the bottles, hold the bottle under warm (not hot) running water or place in a bowl of
warm water so that the temperature does not exceed 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit before serving.
Crock pots can be used in program areas for meal preparation. However, safety measures must be
taken, including using the crock pot on the lowest setting and ensuring that the unit and electrical
cords are located in such a manner that the unit cannot be pulled over on top of children.
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If warming food in a microwave, the initial temperature is an important safety element. Food at room
temperature requires less heating time than refrigerated or frozen foods. In addition, warming a small
volume of food quickly increases the inner temperature of the item.
Microwaves should also be positioned so that children cannot get near the heat vent, be exposed to
radiation from a malfunctioning unit, or be in danger of having an item accidentally spilled or splashed
onto them during the removal of food or beverages.
You may want to experiment by heating different amounts of food and liquids in the microwave, as
each microwave responds differently to the amount of time needed for heating or cooking. You may
want to post information on adequate time or settings based on your microwave and ensure that new
staff are aware of the information.
A microwave should never be used to defrost or heat formula or breastmilk because it will breakdown
the nutrient value.
Only thaw the amount of breastmilk needed for one feeding to prevent or reduce waste. Thaw
additional breastmilk if the infant is hungry and shows signs of wanting more. Thaw the container of
breastmilk in the refrigerator overnight, under warm running water, or in a container of warm water.
Write the date the milk was thawed on the bottle or container. Do not thaw breastmilk by mixing
with warm breastmilk, placing in boiling water, or heating in a microwave.
After warming, bottles should be mixed gently by swirling. Never shake breastmilk as this could
destroy some of the cellular components of the milk. The temperature of the milk should be tested
before feeding.
Environmental Hazards: Lead-Based Paint
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(7)
Environmental hazards.
a. Within one year of being issued an initial or renewal license, centers operating in facilities built
before 1978 shall conduct a visual assessment for lead hazards that exist in the form of peeling,
cracking or chipping paint or painted surfaces in the need of repair..
If these lead hazards are found, it shall be assumed lead-based paint is present on the surfaces and
shall be repaired by an Iowa certified lead safe renovator before a full license being issued.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and, at very high levels, seizures,
coma, and even death. Because lead poisoning often occurs with no obvious symptoms, it frequently
goes unrecognized. Children are more vulnerable to lead poisoning than adults. The first six years,
particularly the first three years, of life is the time when the brain grows the fastest and when the
critical connections in the brain and nervous system are formed that control thought, learning, hearing,
movement, behavior, and emotions. Normal behaviors of children at this age (crawling, exploring,
teething, putting objects in their mouth) can put them into contact with lead that is present in their
environment. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect IQ, ability to pay attention,
and academic achievement. Long-term exposure to lead can have permanent and irreversible health
impacts on children
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 99
In Iowa, the major source of lead exposure among children is deteriorating lead-based paint (chipping,
flaking, and peeling) and lead-contaminated dust found in older buildings and surrounding soil. Lead-
based paints were banned for use in housing in 1978. Houses and other buildings built before 1978,
especially those built before 1950, may contain lead-based paint.
The only ways to prevent or minimize childhood lead poisoning is through ongoing maintenance and
upkeep of painted surfaces and immediate report of deteriorated lead-based paint on the interior and
exterior of buildings.
Center staff can conduct this visual assessment by doing a room-by-room inspection to determine the
condition of paint on interior and exterior surfaces of building components like walls, windows
(frames, sills, and troughs), doors & doorframes, floors (porches), ceilings, and other painted surfaces.
The assessment should be completed in rooms where children will access and in common areas, like
bathrooms, hallways, entryways, and outdoor areas next to buildings.
If hazards are identified, Iowa code (IAC Chapter 70 Lead-Based Paint Activities) requires the repair
of lead hazards in child-occupied facilities (child care centers) built before 1978 to be conducted by a
certified lead professional.
For assistance in conducting the visual assessment or finding a certified led professional, contact the
Iowa Department of Public Health’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at 1-800-972-2026.
Environmental Hazards: Radon
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(7)
Environmental hazards.
b. Within one year of being issued an initial or renewal license, centers operating in facilities that are
at ground level, use a basement area as program space, or have a basement beneath the program
area shall have radon testing performed as outlined in a nationally recognized radon measurement
If testing determines confirmed radon gas levels in excess of 4.0 picocuries per liter, radon
mitigation procedures shall be developed.
If radon mitigation is in place, retesting shall occur at least every two years from initial
measurements to confirm radon gas levels are below 4.0 picocurie per liter is in place.
If initial testing confirmed radon gas levels are below 4.0 picocurie per liter, retesting shall occur at
least every five years from initial measurements.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is impossible to see, smell, or taste. While the gas is
found in high levels in every state, a study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicates that
Iowa has relatively high levels of radon. The gas seeps into buildings through the surrounding soil via
openings in basement walls and floors.
Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer. The higher the level of radon and the longer the exposure, the
greater the risk.
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Centers are at higher risk if the structure is at ground level or has a basement. The age of the facility
and the type of foundation do not in and of themselves increase or decrease the risk. The best time to
test for radon is in the winter when windows and doors are kept closed and the ground is frozen. For
more information on radon testing protocols, see
Test kits may be purchased through the American Lung Association at 1-800-383-5992 if you are
unable to get one from the local public health department.
Environmental Hazards: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(7)
Environmental hazards.
c. To reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, all centers shall, on an annual basis before the
heating season, have a professional inspect all fuel-burning appliances, including oil and gas furnaces,
gas water heaters, gas ranges and ovens, and gas dryers, to ensure the appliances are in good
working order with proper ventilation.
All centers shall install one carbon monoxide detector on each floor of the center that is listed
with Underwriters Laboratory (UL) as conforming to UL Standard 2034.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that you cannot see or smell, but at high levels it can kill in a
matter of minutes. The gas is produced whenever any fuel such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal
is burned, such as that used in gas and oil-burning appliances and furnaces.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning at low levels include shortness of breath, mild nausea, and
mild headaches. At moderate levels, people may experience severe headaches, dizziness, mental
confusion, nausea, or fainting. Because these symptoms may mirror those similar to the flu, food
poisoning, or other illnesses, presence of carbon monoxide may go unattended. Infants are especially
susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning. Prevention is the key to avoiding carbon monoxide
Some centers are in a building where the heating system is located in another part of the building or
the center has hot water boiler heat. An inspection and detector is still required, as the heating system
is still fuel-burning and could generate carbon monoxide that could impact the area where the center is
located. Electric heaters, stoves, and hot water heaters do not generate carbon monoxide. An electric-
only free standing building will not require a carbon monoxide detector.
Because of the higher use of fuel-burning furnaces in the winter and the fact that buildings are more
“closed up,” you should have all fuel-burning appliances inspected before the start of the heating
season. To conduct testing of this equipment, contact your gas company, the safety consultant at your
insurance company, a local heating and cooling contractor, or a private consultant. Scheduling these
tests in the summer may help to avoid long waits and may result in reduced fees if a contractor
charges for the test.
As a preventative back-up measure, you must install one carbon monoxide detector on each level or
floor of the center. Make sure that the unit meets Underwriter’s Laboratory Standard 2034 and that it
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 101
is a non-battery powered detector. A detector should be located following the manufacture’s
recommendations for placement. While detectors have not proven 100% accurate, technology is
improving, and they remain the only alert system on the market today.
If you have additional questions regarding the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning in the center,
contact the Iowa Department of Public Health at (515) 281-4928.
Environmental Hazards: Exemption
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.11(7)
Environmental hazards.
d. Centers that operate before and after school programs and summer-only programs that serve only
school-age children and that operate in a public school building are exempted from testing for lead,
and carbon monoxide.
e. Centers that operate before and afterschool programs and summer-only programs that serve only
school-age children, and that operate in a public school building are required to follow radon
testing requirements outlined in Iowa Code section 280.32 as enacted by 2022 Iowa Acts, House
File 2412.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Many schools are already required to conduct tests for certain environmental risks. In addition, the
size and design of schools poses a difficulty in isolating the test on the location of the building
occupying the center premises. Therefore, programs that are operated in school buildings on a limited
basis and serve only school-aged children are exempt from these requirements. However, for the
safety of the children and staff, you are encouraged to conduct any environmental assessment you
deem appropriate.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 102
Activity Program Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.12(1)
Activities. The center shall have a written curriculum or program structure that uses developmentally
appropriate practices and a written program of activities planned according to the developmental level
of the children. The center shall post a schedule of the program in a visible place. The child care
program shall complement but not duplicate the school curriculum. The program shall be designed to
provide children with:
a. A curriculum or program of activities that promotes self-esteem and positive self-image; social
interaction; self-expression and communication skills; creative expression; and problem-solving
b. A balance of active and quiet activities; individual and group activities; indoor and outdoor
activities; and staff-initiated and child-initiated activities.
c. Activities which promote both gross and fine motor development.
d. Experiences in harmony with the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the children.
e. A supervised nap or quiet time for all children under the age of six not enrolled in school who are
present at the center for five or more hours.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
The importance of developmentally appropriate practices cannot be stressed enough. As research
bears out the critical importance of the first three years of life for learning and social development, it is
critical that centers develop activity plans for all age groups.
The written plan of the curriculum or program provides you with a mechanism to share with parents
regarding what they can expect from the child care program. It also assists you in laying out a
foundation of activities that enhance the safe care and development of the children. The elements of
the program should provide for activities that are:
Geared to the developmental stage of the children served.
Attend to the cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of children.
Take into account the cultural, ethnic, and special needs of the children.
Allow for the maximum participation by children.
Encourage participation and observation by parents as well.
In providing activity programs, child care centers often provide educational activities. “Not duplicating
the school curriculum” means that a center does not provide an activity program or use curriculum
that mirrors the local school curriculum.
While you do not provide an instructional program per se (such as offering a math or science class),
you certainly may involve children in activities that build upon math and science teachings. You may
also provide tutoring or homework sessions. This limited activity does not duplicate the school
curriculum; again, the intent is not to offer an instructional program.
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The child care center provides an opportune setting to work with children on health education (dental
practices, nutrition, proper hand-washing, self-esteem, etc.) as well as safety education (“good-
touch/bad touch,” responding to strangers, what to do if you’re lost, fire safety procedures, etc.) Many
communities have health and safety professionals, including EMT or fire station personnel who are
willing to conduct presentations for children.
You are encouraged to receive ongoing training on developmentally appropriate practice. Consultation
and training materials on developmentally appropriate practices can be provided by the child care
consultant, the child care resource and referral agency, and ISU Extension, among others.
Children with special needs can be integrated into the child care setting and participate in activities of
the general population, usually with little adaptation required. If necessary, equipment can be purchased
that meets the developmental needs of the child and allows the child to participate fully in activities.
Parents sometimes request that children not nap while at the center. However, preschool and school-
aged children benefit from rest periods, whether they are in the form of actual nap times, lying down
to rest, or quiet play.
For children under five, regularly scheduled nap or resting times and comfortable and quiet
surroundings are important. School-aged children need opportunities for quiet activities, even if they
do not wish to lie down. Children of any age should never be forced to sleep but may be encouraged
to lie quietly for a period of time. The length of time children need for rest varies by child. There is no
hard and fast rule regarding the maximum amount of time a child should have to remain resting. For
children that do not nap, you may want to consider options for quiet play activities.
Periods of rest also provide staff with an opportunity to:
Take a respite break.
Participate in staff development activities, as appropriate.
Complete necessary reports and documentation.
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.12(2)
Discipline. The center shall have a written policy on the discipline of children which provides for
positive guidance, with direction for resolving conflict and the setting of well-defined limits. The
written policy shall be provided to staff at the start of employment and to parents at time of admission.
The center shall not use as a form of discipline:
a. Corporal punishment including spanking, shaking, and slapping.
b. Punishment which is humiliating or frightening or which causes pain or discomfort to the child.
Children shall never be locked in a room, closet, box or other device. Mechanical restraints shall
never be used as a form of discipline. When restraints are part of a treatment plan for a child with
a disability authorized by the parent and a psychologist or psychiatrist, staff shall receive training on
the safe and appropriate use of the restraint.
c. Punishment or threat of punishment associated with a child’s illness, lack of progress in toilet
training, or in connection with food or rest.
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d. No child shall be subjected to verbal abuse, threats, or derogatory remarks about the child or the
child’s family.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Discipline should include positive guidance, redirection, and the setting of clear-cut limits that assist the
child in developing socially acceptable, behavioral and emotional controls. The goal of discipline is to
help children develop self-discipline, not to adhere to a rigid set of rules. Discipline practices should be
consistent, a logical consequence to the action of the child, and appropriate to the age and
circumstances of the child.
Interventions should be explained to the child, particularly as children reach age two and their language
development enables them to begin to understand the explanation. Staff should remember to reward
the positive as well as respond to the negative. The need for discipline can often be reduced by:
Attending to the relationship or “match” of the caregiver and child.
Establishing meal, snack, rest and toileting routines that do not allow children to become too tired,
hungry, or uncomfortable.
Maintaining ratios sufficient to attend to the individual needs of children.
Ensuring adequate toys and materials are available for the numbers served.
Note that discipline practice should promote positive guidance, not negative reinforcement.
Therefore, interventions such as placing soap, vinegar or other substances in children’s mouths should
not be used.
As children mimic the behaviors of adults, it is important that staff not use physical interventions or
abusive language with the children or between themselves. Corporal punishment is expressly
forbidden in child care centers, regardless of the practices of the parents at home.
Be aware of the developmental impact of physical intervention on children, the legal implications
(including allegations of abuse), and the liability issues that can arise from physical discipline. Encourage
staff to seek their own “time-outs” if they feel themselves becoming too impatient or starting to lose
Staff should use conversational voice tones when addressing children. If a child’s behavior warrants an
intervention, the staff person should go to the child and speak quietly with the child about the
problem. Children should not be yelled at in close proximity or across a room, or grabbed or shoved.
Using derogatory language when addressing a child is prohibited.
Appropriate alternatives to corporal punishment for young children include:
Very brief expressions of disapproval for infants and toddlers.
A quiet, non-threatening verbal response including redirection to another activity.
“Time-outs” for preschoolers.
Limits on activity (such as not being able to play with the building blocks for five minutes if the
child throws a block).
A general rule of thumb is one minute of time-out for the age of the child. Young children do not have
a concept of large spans of time and do not benefit from long periods of exclusion. Any “time-out”
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 105
intervention for any age of child should be brief, infrequent in use, and still provide for constant
observation of the child. For school-aged children, denial of privileges may be an effective alternative.
You should have written discipline policies that include all the interventions that will be used in the
center and that can be shared with parents and staff. All staff should have the tools and resources to
manage difficult behaviors so they don’t resort to inappropriate, including physical, discipline. Placing
hands on children in response to managing behaviors is a last resort and highly discouraged. The
policies should outline the positive guidance and interventions that will be used for discipline relative to
the ages or special needs of the children, as well as policies for responding to difficult and common
behaviors of preschoolers, such as biting and hitting. You may want to obtain parental permission for
all interventions that will be used. Include cultural considerations in the development of discipline
Biting: Biting by toddlers is a common and troubling occurrence in many child care centers. Children
may bite other children as well as adults. While there is often concern expressed about the behavioral
implications regarding this behavior, a concern also exists regarding the transmission of disease.
While causing concern among caregivers, biting is not necessarily developmentally inappropriate.
Children often use biting as a means of what is termed “instrumental aggression.” This differs from
“hostile aggression” in that the child is merely trying to reestablish territory, usually either space or an
object. In these cases, biting may be prevented by ensuring an adequate supply of toys and materials
and by staff vigilance in anticipating problems and redirecting children.
Other causes may be normal exploration, teething, learning about cause and effect, gaining attention,
imitating older peers, establishing independence and control, and the expression of frustration and
stress. Research has shown that the incidence of biting is at its highest point in September, when new
children may be enrolled in the center. The highest incidence of biting occurs before noon, when
children may be getting tired and hungry and are more easily frustrated.
The important element to remember is to attend to the victim of the biting incident, assess why the
biting is occurring, and develop positive interventions with the child who bites.
The child care licensing consultant, the child care health consultant, and staff at the area education
agency can provide assistance or information on proper interventions with biting. You should have a
policy developed on biting behaviors that include the intervention steps that you will take before
considering discharging the child.
Mechanical restraints: With regard to the use of mechanical restraints as part of a treatment plan,
you should be aware of the fact that other children observe this type of intervention and it may appear
abusive or frightening to them. Staff may need to spend some time with younger children, in particular,
in explaining why the child needs this type of treatment.
Children who because of special medical or behavioral needs require the regular use physical restraints
must have a treatment plan with instructions, as authorized by the psychologist or psychologist and
parent, on file in the center. Staff must receive training on the proper use of the restraint.
Helpful information on positive behavioral intervention supports can be found here:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 106
Special Accommodations
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.12(3)
Policies for children requiring special accommodations. Reasonable accommodations, based on the special
needs of the child, shall be made in providing care to a child with a disability. Accommodation can be a
specific treatment prescribed by a professional or a parent, or a modification of equipment, or removal
of physical barriers. The accommodation shall be recorded in the child’s file.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Children with special needs may include those children with developmental disabilities or delays mental
health diagnosis, sensory or motor impairment, or chronically ill children who require special health
surveillance or interventions.
While some children, particularly those that are significantly technology-dependent or exhibit extreme
emotional or behavioral problems, may pose special consideration in integrating into a child care
center setting, every effort should be made to do so. Many financial, professional, and educational
resources exist to help you and the parent in making the center a viable option for children with
special needs. The input of the child’s parents is critical in achieving a successful plan of care.
Children with special needs in child care may be receiving special education services through the
school, the area education agency, or Iowa’s System of Early Intervention (also known as “Part C” or
Iowa Access). Those children have a service plan called an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) for
children under the age of three and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for children three years and
Child care providers may be included in the service planning process. Ask parents to provide a copy of
the child’s service plan, so there is no disruption in the continuity of care provided in the child care
center, particularly during the summer months.
The child care nurse consultant in your area or early childhood special education staff employed at the
area education agency, are able to provide additional consultation and training regarding specific issues
of care.
Play Equipment, Materials, and Furniture
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.12(4)
Play equipment, materials and furniture. The center shall provide sufficient and safe indoor play
equipment, materials, and furniture that conform with the standards or recommendations of the
Consumer Product Safety Commission or the American Society for Testing and Materials for juvenile
products. Play equipment, materials, and furniture shall meet the developmental, activity, and special
needs of the children.
Rooms shall be arranged so as not to obstruct the direct observation of children by staff. Individual
covered mats, beds, or cots and appropriate bedding shall be provided for all children who nap. The
center shall develop procedures to ensure that all equipment and materials are maintained in a sanitary
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Sufficient spacing shall be maintained between equipment to reduce the transmission of disease, to
allow ease of movement and participation by children and to allow staff sufficient space to attend to
the needs of the children during routine care and emergency procedures.
The center shall provide sufficient toilet articles for each child for hand washing. Parents may provide
items for oral hygiene (if appropriate to the developmental age and needs of the child). The center
shall ensure that sanitary procedures are followed for use and storage of the articles.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
A quality, developmentally appropriate program must have available high quality equipment and
materials. To create a child-friendly and developmentally appropriate environment, you should ensure
enough tables, chairs, individual storage containers, shelves, lockers, play equipment, art supplies, toys,
and play stations are available proportionate to the number of children served.
Equipment should be sized to meet the developmental stage of the children served, as well as to
accommodate the care and play needs of children with special needs. Having adequate numbers of
furnishings and play equipment may help children remain active and challenged throughout the day and
may reduce acting-out behaviors among children that stem from boredom or frustration.
The design and placement of furniture and equipment should allow for movement of children without
bumping into one another or into equipment and furniture. Children need adequate leg space between
the table and their chairs. Proper adaptation and layout of the program area should encourage
individual and social participation and creativity by all children. Overcrowding of play, activity, or meal
areas adds to children’s overall frustration levels and the likelihood of injuries.
As a general rule, you should assess all furniture, equipment and materials to ensure that:
The items are stable and free of any safety hazards, such as sharp points or corners.
No wood items are splintering or have peeling or chipping paint.
No item has loose or hazardous small parts.
No nails, bolts or screws are protruding.
No toys have small or removable parts that pose a choking hazard to small children.
No item presents a pinch or collapse hazard, such as the potential with folding chairs and gates.
Are not recalled
If in doubt on any item, remove or secure the item until you can get further consultation.
Most products are the market today state on the item that it meets the standards of a federal or
national certifying body, such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the American Society for
Testing and Materials, Art and Creative Materials Institute, or Underwriters Laboratory, or contain
indications that the material is non-toxic, lead-free, etc. The Consumer Product Safety Commission
issues alerts and recalls on products
Equipment for naps or rest: All children must have their own bed, cot, or mat and bedding that is
appropriate for the comfort of the child. At a minimum, each bed, cot or mat must have a washable
covering (waterproof mattress pad, sheet, etc.) over it for the child’s warmth and comfort and to allow
for sanitation through washing. In addition, you must provide bedding such as blankets, sheets, and
pillows for each child appropriate to the season.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 108
All cribs must meet federal requirements for overall crib safety. These requirements include:
Traditional drop-side cribs cannot be made or sold, immobilizers, and repair kits are not allowed.
Wood slats must be made of stronger woods to prevent breakage.
Crib hardware must have anti-loosening devices to keep it from coming loose or falling off.
Mattress supports must be more durable.
Safety testing must be more rigorous.
The date of manufacture of a crib is a permanent marking generally found on the mattress support or
below the headboard or footboard. If the manufacture date of any crib in your program is before June
28, 2011, you should confirm that a Certificate of Compliance (COC) exists. Information about what
must be on the COC (i.e., manufacture and model, name/address/contact info of tester, location of
test, etc.) can be found on the CPSC website. Any documentation from a business selling cribs must
specify that it complies with Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1219 and/or ASTM F116919, Standard
Consumer Safety Specification for full-size cribs and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1220 for non-
full size. The documentation has to say more than “the crib meets new federal requirements.” A non-
full size crib must come with its own mattress to be in compliance. A warning label on the mattress
will refer consumers back to manufacturer if the mattress becomes non-useable.
For more information, go to
You should assess all beds and cots to ensure that they do not pose an entrapment hazard for small
children. Beds, cots and mats should be placed at a minimum of three feet apart. Doing so helps the
caregiver attend to the needs of each child and may reduce the transmission of illness such as
respiratory infections, which are transmitted by respiratory secretions or airborne particles (from
sneezing, coughing, drooling, etc.)
Mats provide an alternative to beds and, like cots, allow centers to maximize floor space. If used, give
the same precautions and considerations as are given to beds and cots. All mats should have
nonabsorbent, washable, and flame retardant coverings around the foam, such as vinyl or plastic. Give
consideration to the bedding provided to ensure children remain warm.
All bedding and coverings should be washed at a minimum of weekly, or more often if the material
becomes soiled or wet. As all children are to have their own bed, cot, or mat with appropriate
bedding, you should change the bedding and sanitize the equipment between occupants.
Rest mats, cots and bed frames should be wiped down and disinfected weekly.
If at all possible, mats should be stored so that they do not touch one another and contribute to the
spread of disease. Bedding and bed and cot frames should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently if
a child is ill or a particular illness has spread through the center.
While stackable cribs potentially provide another space-saving alternative to beds and cribs, they are
discouraged for use in child care centers. The National Health and Safety Performance Standards
recommend against their use, as research has shown that the incidence of illness and communicable
disease increases with stackable cribs. Because of the close proximity of each unit and the upper/lower
crib structure, lower cribs can becomes contaminated with saliva, urine, fecal matter, or vomit from a
child in the upper crib. The proximity for airborne respiratory particles raises another health concern.
Personal toilet articles: Soap and paper towels or individual cloth towels must be provided for the
children. The parent may provide other items for use by the child, such as hair combs and brushes.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 109
Toothbrushes may be obtained by contacting your I-Smile Coordinator or child care nurse consultant.
Because of the potential for disease transmission, all personal items should be individually labeled and
stored in such as way so as not to have contact with another child’s items. Toothbrushes should be
stored upright in a manner that does not allow them to touch or drip down onto another brush and
allows for air drying.
Infant Environment
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.12(5)
Infant environment. A child care center serving children two weeks to two years old must provide an
environment which protects the children from physical harm, but is not so restrictive as to inhibit
physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development.
a. Stimulation shall be provided to each child through being held, rocked, played with and talked with
throughout the time care is provided. Insofar as possible, the same adult should provide complete
care for the same child.
b. Each infant and toddler shall be diapered in a sanitary manner as frequently as needed at a central
diapering area. Diapering, sanitation, and hand-washing procedures shall be posted and
implemented in every diapering area. There shall be at least one changing table for every 15
c. Highchairs or hook-on seats shall be equipped with a safety strap which shall be engaged when the
chair is in use and shall be constructed so the chair will not topple.
d. Safe, washable toys, large enough so they cannot be swallowed and with no removable parts, shall
be provided. All hard-surface toys used by children shall be sanitized daily.
e. The provider shall follow safe sleep practices as recommended by the American Academy of
Pediatrics for infants under the age of one.
Infants shall always be placed on their back for sleep.
Infants shall be placed on a firm mattress with a tight fitted sheet that meets Consumer
Product Safety Commission federal standards.
Infants shall not be allowed to sleep on a bed, sofa, air mattress or other soft surface. No
child shall be allowed to sleep in items not designed for sleeping, but not limited to, an infant
seat, car seat, swing, bouncy seat.
No toys, soft objects, stuffed animals, pillows, bumper pads, blankets, or loose bedding shall
be allowed in the sleeping area with the infant.
No co-sleeping shall be allowed.
Sleeping infants shall be actively observed by sight and sound.
If an alternate sleeping position is needed, a signed physician or physician’s assistant
authorization with statement of medical reason is required.
f. A crib or crib-like furniture which has a waterproof mattress covering and sufficient bedding to
enable a child to rest comfortably and which meets the current standards or recommendations
from the Consumer Product Safety Commission or the American Society for Testing and Materials
for juvenile products shall be provided for each child under two years of age if developmentally
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Crib railings shall be fully raised and secured when the child is in the crib. A crib or crib-like
furniture shall be provided for the number of children present at any one time. The center shall
develop procedures for maintaining all cribs or crib-like furniture and bedding in a clean and
sanitary manner. There shall be no restraining devices of any type used in cribs.
g. Infant walkers shall not be used.
h. For programs operating five hours or less on a daily basis, the center shall have a sufficient number
of cribs or crib-like furniture which has a waterproof mattress covering and sufficient bedding to
enable a child to rest comfortably and which meets the current standards from the Consumer
Product Safety Commission or the American Society for Testing and Materials for juvenile
products for children who may nap during the time in attendance. Cribs or crib-like furniture shall
be used by only one child at a time and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.
i. All items used for sleeping must be used in compliance with manufacturer standards for age and
weight of the child.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
While it is generally held that most infants and parents benefit from at least six weeks of uninterrupted
time following birth, some employment settings do not allow for parents to be absent from work for
an extended period of time. When an infant begins child care before six weeks of age, you should be
especially aware of the separation issues for both child and parent and to the critical need of the child
to connect with a consistent caregiver.
You should also be sensitive to the needs of the parent, who will want to know as much as possible
about the course of the child’s day, and take time to provide that detail in the daily report.
The importance of the first three years of life in brain development has been documented in research.
Children greatly benefit in cognitive development from being talked and read to even in infancy.
Additionally, children develop stronger and more trusting social and emotional relationships from being
held, touched, and soothed. Children also benefit from the continuity of reliable and affectionate care
from the same caregiver. Some centers have developed staffing patterns to allow the same caregiver to
remain with the child throughout the first three years.
Diapering: Gastrointestinal illness, such as diarrhea caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, as well
as hepatitis A viral infection of the liver are spread from infected persons through fecal contamination.
Procedures that reduce the likelihood of fecal contamination include proper hand-washing and
personal hygiene, frequent disinfecting of diapering areas, and the proper use and removal of an infant’s
Frequent diaper changing will also significantly reduce diaper dermatitis.
If you are going to use cloth diapers, you should develop policies regarding their use, storage, and
laundering, and staff hand washing, etc. The use of cloth diapers increases the likelihood of
contamination of surface areas and staff’s hands with fecal matter and body fluids. Increased vigilance in
disposal and disinfecting is required.
Diapering stations or changing tables should have a nonabsorbent surface that may be covered with a
disposable paper sheet. The surface should be cleaned and disinfected after each and any paper
covering disposed of in the diaper receptacle. Staff should not hold infants when cleaning the changing
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 111
table. Diapering stations should never be used for food preparation areas or to hold food or food
service items.
All diaper changing materials should be kept within arms reach of the table, so that staff never leave a
child unattended. A lined and covered diaper receptacle should be kept beside the changing table, so
staff do not have to walk with a soiled diaper. Hands-free receptacles are preferred to prevent staff
from touching a repeatedly soiled lid.
The licensing or child care nurse consultant can help review the center’s diapering procedures to
ensure that adequate practices for disease prevention and health of the child are provided.
Highchairs: You should have enough highchairs or hook-on seats to allow all toddlers to eat based
on their own schedule and not the availability of a seat. Assess highchairs to ensure that:
They do not have sharp edges.
The locking device is in working order.
The tray can be engaged and disengaged without pinching the child.
The design does not pose an entrapment hazard to a child.
Should a chair’s safety strap of become inoperable, do not use a “bungee cord” or other strap as an
alternative. The original strap needs to be repaired or the chair replaced.
The Juvenile Products Manufactures Association (of the American Society for Testing and Materials)
has a testing and certification program for high chairs, play yards, carriages, strollers, gates, and
expandable enclosures. You can look for labeling that certifies that these products meet the standards
when purchasing new equipment.
Toys: Because children are inclined to place items in their mouths from infancy through the preschool
years, you need to exercise extreme caution and supervision in the purchase and use of toys. The
incidence of choking, aspirating or ingesting small objects is an occurrence well documented at many
emergency rooms. Toys that do not meet the federal small parts standards are generally labeled
“intended for children ages 3 and up.” You should ensure that the following toys or objects are not
available: to children under 3 years
Items that have diameters of less than 1 1/4 inches or are less than 2 1/4 inches long.
Balls and toys with spherical or egg shaped that are smaller than 1 ¾ inches in diameter
Objects with removable parts that have diameters of less than 1 1/4 inches.
Toys with sharp points and edges.
Plastic bags, rubber bands, balloons, marbles, small high powered magnets and styrofoam
Electronic toys with button batteries that are not secured with a screw to prevent falling out
To prevent the spread of germs from infant to infant, toys that have been mouthed by an infant should
be removed from use until disinfected. You may want to keep a small basket specifically for soiled toys
in each infant room.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2022
Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment
Each year in the United States, approximately 3500 infants die of sleep-related infant deaths, including
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and accidental suffocation and strangulation in. In June 2022, the
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 112
AAP updated their recommendations for reducing infant deaths in the sleep environment. The
following recommendations should be followed by Iowa child care providers:
Back to sleep for every sleep.
Use a firm, flat, noninclined sleep surface to reduce the risk of suffocation or wedging/entrapment.
Infants should sleep alone, no bed-sharing or crib-sharing.
Keep soft objects, such as pillows, pillow-like toys, quilts, comforters, mattress toppers, fur-like
materials, and loose bedding, such as blankets and nonfitted sheets, away from the infant’s sleep
area to reduce the risk of SIDS, suffocation, entrapment/wedging, and strangulation.
Avoid exposure to smoke (including vaping) and nicotine for infants and children.
Consider a policy that only allows infant pacifier use with parent permission. You are discouraged
from having anything attached to the pacifier, such as a string, cord, or stuffed toy. Pacifiers should
not be attached to infant clothing as these are strangulation hazards.
Avoid overheating and head covering in infants.
Swaddling is not recommended in child care. Weighted swaddle clothing or weighted objects
within swaddles are not safe and should not be used.
It is recommended that infants be immunized in accordance with guidelines from the AAP and
Do not use products and devices that go against safe sleep guidance, especially those that claim to
prevent SIDS and sleep related deaths.
Do not use home cardiorespiratory monitors as a strategy to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended to facilitate development and to minimize the risk
of positional plagiocephaly. Place the infant in tummy time while awake and supervised for short
periods of time beginning soon after birth, increasing incrementally to at least 15 to 30 min total
daily by age 7 wk.
It is essential that child care providers endorse and model safe infant sleep guidelines.
For more information go to
Cribs or crib-like furniture: Cribs should not be placed end to end, as this still allows for children
to reach over the “wall” into another child’s space, risking the likelihood of the transmission of illness.
If the child care consultant approves the placement of cribs end to end for exceptional spacing
considerations, the cribs should be used only for infants who are not yet able to pull themselves to a
standing position. Staff must still have full access to a child located anywhere in the crib.
You must provide a crib and bedding for each child under two. The rule requires a crib or crib-like
furniture for all children under two, if developmentally appropriate. If a child nearing age two is
developmentally ready, you may substitute a cot or mat for the crib.
All cribs should have a waterproof plastic mattress cover, a sheet over the cover, and bedding that
allows the infant to be comfortable and warm. Infants should never be placed directly on a plastic
mattress cover, and the cover should be a thin sheet and taut enough so as not to pose a suffocation
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 113
Crib-like devices: Crib-like devices include portable, nylon-mesh-sided nursery equipment, such as
playpens, play yards, and travel yards. Because of their size, portability, and storage capabilities, they
provide flexibility for providers in having crib space available for every infant. The same bedding and
sanitation requirements apply to these devices.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission maintains a toll free telephone hotline and website to
provide information about recalled products and information on what to look for when buying
products. The Commission can provide contact information for companies regarding obtaining
replacement parts and refunds. You can reach the hotline at 1-800-638-2772 or visit the website at
Tummy Time: The time an infant spends on his stomach (tummy) throughout the day. Tummy time
is only for when the infant is awake, alert and being watched. Infants should not be placed on a pillow,
foam, bean bag, or boppy pillow for tummy time due to the risk of suffocation. Infants should have
supervised tummy time every day when they are awake. Beginning on the first day at the early care and
education program, caregivers/teachers should interact with an awake infant on his/her tummy for
short periods (35 minutes), increasing the amount of time as the infant shows he/she enjoys the
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 114
Extended Evening Care
Facility Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.13(1)
A center providing extended evening care shall comply with the licensing requirements for centers
contained in Iowa Code chapter 237A and this chapter, with the additional requirements set forth
Facility requirements.
a. The center shall ensure that sufficient cribs, beds, cots and bedding are provided appropriate to
the child’s age and that sufficient furniture, lighting, and activity materials are available for the
children. Equipment and materials shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner.
b. The center shall ensure that a separate space is maintained for school-age boys and girls to provide
privacy during bathroom and bedtime activities. Bathroom doors used by children shall be
c. The center shall ensure that parents have provided the personal effects needed to meet their
child’s personal hygiene and prepare for sleep. The center shall supplement those items needed for
personal hygiene which the parent does not provide. The center shall obtain written information
from the parent regarding the child’s snacking, toileting, personal hygiene and bedtime routines.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Extended evening care” means care provided by a child care center any time between the hours of 9
p.m. and 5 a.m.
The same requirements and recommendations for practice that were previously stated for equipment,
beds and bedding, lighting, safety and sanitation are to be practiced by providers of evening care.
While bathroom doors shall be unlockable, measures may be taken on bathroom doors to provide for
the privacy of school-aged children. Do not install a lock that prevents staff from being able to enter
the room in an emergency situation.
Personal effects are dependent on the total hours of care that are provided, but may include
toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush and combs, and pajamas. If bathing facilities are provided, items
may include individual towels and washcloths, shampoo, and soap. Towels and washcloths should be
laundered after each use.
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.13(2)
A center providing extended evening care shall comply with the licensing requirements for centers
contained in Iowa Code chapter 237A and this chapter, with the additional requirements set forth
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 115
a. Evening activities shall be primarily self-selected by the child.
b. Every child-occupied room except those rooms used only by school-age children for sleeping shall
have adult supervision present in the room. Staff counted for purposes of meeting child-to-staff
ratios shall be present and awake at all times.
In rooms where only school-age children are sleeping, visual monitoring equipment may be used. If
a visual monitor is used, the monitoring must allow for all children to be visible at all times. Staff
shall be present in the room with the monitor and shall enter the room used for sleeping to
conduct a check of the children every 15 minutes.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Activities: Evening and overnight care, while different from the care provided to children during the
daytime hours, should still be accomplished in a structured and thoughtful manner. A broad array of
activities should be available to the child, including opportunities for solo and group participation.
Indoor and outdoor recreational opportunities should be provided when possible, as well as board
games, art and craft opportunities, limited television, and conversation. Provisions should be made so
that children are supported and have quiet work areas for the completion of homework.
Supervision: Adults should remain on the same level of the building as the children at all times.
Because of the reduced activity levels and interaction among children and adults, you should take
precautions to prevent the occurrence of sexual abuse. The opportunities for one adult to be left
alone with children for an extended period of time should be limited.
Supervision during sleep: Rooms that preschool-aged children occupy for sleeping must have adult
supervision in the room. The presence of an adult may help to ease the separation or anxiety levels
some younger children experience at bedtime in the absence of their parents. An adult in the room is
also able to monitor and respond to toileting needs, illness or other emergencies, particularly in caring
for infants.
School-aged children may not require the same level of individual attention while sleeping as
preschool-age children might. While school-aged children may not require an adult to be constantly
present in the room while they are sleeping, they still require supervision for developmental risk-taking
and safety reasons.
Staff should also be aware of the possibility of sexual exploration between school-aged children,
especially in sleeping rooms used by both boys and girls. You should have a procedure for how
frequently a staff will enter the room to check on the well being of the children.
If you choose to use a visual monitor, all children must be visible within the scope of the monitor, a
staff person must be in the room with the monitor and watching the monitor at all times, and the staff
must conduct an “in-room” check at least every 15 minutes.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 116
Get-Well Center
Staff Requirements
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.14(1)
A get-well center shall comply with the licensing requirements for centers contained in Iowa Code
chapter 237A and this chapter with the additional requirements and exceptions set forth below.
Staff requirements.
a. The center shall have a medical advisor for the center’s health policy. The medical advisor shall be
a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathy currently in pediatrics or family practice.
b. A center shall have a licensed LPN or RN on duty at all times that children are present. If the
nurse on duty is an LPN, the medical advisor or an RN shall be available in the proximate area as
defined in state board of nursing rules at 6556.1(152).
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
A “get-well center” is a child care center that provides care for children who are experiencing an acute
illness of a short duration that precludes their ability to be in their regular care arrangements.
Children in child-care settings are at an increased risk for acquiring infectious disease or illness.
Children with mild illness, can and in most cases should, continue in their regular care arrangements.
When appropriate, continuity of care benefits not only the child but the family as well.
Some illnesses, such as diarrhea, chicken pox, upper respiratory infections and inner ear infections with
accompanying fever, may preclude a child from attending the regular care setting for a short period of
time. During these illnesses, regardless of whether care is continued in an isolated “get-well”
arrangement of a center or in a separate facility for mildly ill children, it is important that all health and
sanitation measures be strictly followed to prevent further spread of illness.
For those centers employing a licensed practical nurse, the center must have a detailed set of
procedures for consulting with the medical advisor or registered nurse immediately upon a child’s
arrival at the center. The licensed practical nurse will need to communicate the child’s presenting
symptoms, health history, and planned course of treatment and care.
The medical advisor or registered nurse can then have the opportunity to support or make
recommendations to the treatment plan, make an on-site visit, or request the child see a physician.
Depending upon the type of illness, periodic consultation with the medical advisor or registered nurse
may be required throughout the day.
Health Policies
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.14(2)
A get-well center shall comply with the licensing requirements for centers contained in Iowa Code
chapter 237A and this chapter with the additional requirements and exceptions set forth below.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 117
Health policies.
a. The center shall have a written health policy, consistent with the National Health and Safety
Performance Standards, approved and signed by the owner or the chair of the board and by the
medical advisor before the center can begin operations. Changes in the health policy shall be
approved by the medical advisor and submitted in writing to the Department. A written summary
of the health policy shall be given to the parent when a child is enrolled in the center. The center’s
health policy at a minimum shall address procedures in the following areas:
(1) Medical consultation, medical emergencies, triage policies, storage and administration of
medications, dietary considerations, sanitation and infection control, categorization of
illness, length of enrollment periods, exclusion policy, and employee health policy.
(2) Reportable disease policies as required by the state Department of Public Health.
b. The child shall be given a brief evaluation by an LPN or RN upon each arrival at the center.
c. The parent shall receive a brief written summary when the child is picked up at the end of the day.
The summary must include:
(1) Admitting symptoms.
(2) Medications administered and time they were administered.
(3) Nutritional intake.
(4) Rest periods.
(5) Output.
(6) Temperature.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
You should obtain emergency contact information from the parent, including the name and phone
number of the child’s primary physician as well as telephone numbers where the parent can be reached
throughout the day. Parents should also complete an authorization for medication and permission to
seek emergency care.
You can obtain information regarding reportable diseases as required by the Iowa Department of
Public Health or other technical assistance regarding the prevention of communicable diseases from
the child care health consultant.
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.14(3)
A get-well center shall comply with the licensing requirements for centers contained in Iowa Code
chapter 237A and this chapter with the additional requirements and exceptions set forth below.
The following exceptions to 441Chapter 109 shall be applied to get-well centers:
a. A center shall maintain a minimum staff ratio of one-to-four for infants and one-to-five for children
over the age of two.
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b. All staff that have contact with children shall have a minimum of 17 clock hours of special training
in caring for mildly ill children. Current certification of the training shall be contained in the
personnel files. Special training shall be Department-approved and include the following:
(1) Four hours’ training in infant and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), four hours’
training in pediatric first aid, and one hour of training in infection control within the first
month of employment.
(2) Six hours’ training in care of ill children, and two hours’ training in child abuse
identification and reporting within the first six months of employment and every five years
c. There shall be 40 square feet of program space per child.
d. There shall be a sink with hot and cold running water in every child-occupied room.
e. Outdoor space may be waived with the approval of the Department if the program is in an area
adjacent to the pediatrics unit of a hospital.
f. Grouping of children shall be allowed by categorization of illness or by transmission route without
regard to age, and shall be in separate rooms with full walls and doors.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Ratio: Children who are ill may require more personalized or intensive care, and staff need to be able
to respond to emergency and evacuation situations. The ratio for infant care is consistent with that
provided under general care settings. However, you may want to provide care at more stringent
ratios, depending on the number and types of illnesses presented. The NHSPS recommend staff/child
ratios of:
Children under age two
1 to 3
Children two to five years old
1 to 4
Children aged six years or older
1 to 6
Training: In addition to specialized health training and disease prevention, staff employed in get-well
settings need to have a general understanding of child development to be able to meet the child’s
overall physical and emotional needs during illness. Understanding of child development and experience
working with children will assist the staff in the overall care of the child, as many children may be active
during an illness and developmentally appropriate activities and care must be provided.
The 17 hours of required training for all staff includes:
Within first three months of employment:
4 hours of infant and child CPR
4 hours of pediatric first aid
1 hour universal precautions and infection control
2 hours of training regarding Iowa’s mandatory reporting of child abuse
Within the first six months:
6 hours in caring for mildly ill children
1 hour of universal precautions and infection control
6 hours in caring for mildly ill children
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 119
Maintain certification in infant and child CPR and first aid
Iowa’s mandatory reporting of child abuse (repeated every five years)
Program space: Because of the transmission routes of communicable disease, the need for mildly ill
children to have developmentally appropriate play, and the need for quiet rest, 40 square feet of
program space should accommodate the varying needs of children who are ill. Adequate space
(recommended 3-6 feet between children with illness transmission by respiratory droplet) and
ventilation are thought to be deterrents to the spread of illness, particularly those illnesses such as
respiratory illness and illnesses such as chicken pox that have airborne transmission routes (sneezing,
coughing, etc.).
Be mindful of that fact that mildly ill children are not necessarily bedfast. You need to arrange
accommodations for developmentally appropriate play. The furnishing and equipment guidelines for
type, safety and sanitation that apply to general care must be followed by get-well centers as well. If the
get-well center is a part of a child care center and shares the same building, no furniture, equipment or
supplies should be shared by the two populations of children.
The child care health consultant can provide resources, materials and information on health-related
training opportunities.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 120
Food Services
Nutritionally Balanced Snacks and Meals
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.15(1)
Centers participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) may have
requirements that differ from those outlined in this rule in obtaining CACFP reimbursement and shall
consult with a state CACFP consultant.
Nutritionally balanced meals or snacks. The center shall serve each child a full, nutritionally balanced meal
or snack as defined by the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines and shall
ensure that staff provide supervision at the table during snacks and meals. Children remaining at the
center two hours or longer shall be offered food at intervals of not less than two hours or more than
three hours apart unless the child is asleep.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Good nutrition practices are a vital component of children’s overall physical, dental, and cognitive
development. Young children experience rapid growth in the first years of life, and therefore need
adequate food intake to support their growth and energy needs. School-aged children exhibit a similar
rapid growth rate and thus have a need for nutritious, energy-producing foods as well.
Young children may need more frequent food intake (in the form of snacks), as their hunger may not
coincide with the scheduled meal time, and they are developing likes and dislikes for food. Similarly,
school-aged children have developed more definite food preferences, so you need to provide a variety
of options for snacks.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program is a program of the United States Department of Agriculture
designed to provide partial cash reimbursement for food costs to child care centers to assist them in
meeting the nutritional needs of children.
Centers may receive reimbursement for two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal.
Children under the age of 12 (or under 15 if an eligible child of a migrant family or a child with a
developmental disability) are eligible. The Child and Adult Care Food Program is available to early
childhood programs and to before- and after-school programs. In Iowa, staff at the Department of
Education administers the program.
To participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, centers must be licensed. Regardless of
whether or not the center chooses to participate in the reimbursement program, all centers program
guidelines for creditable foods and serving sizes based on age for meals and snacks must be followed.
Supervision: If appropriate to the age of the children served, staff are encouraged to sit at the table
with the children in a family-style fashion and eat the same foods. Doing so not only provides for more
prompt responses in the event of a choking emergency but also allows staff to prevent unsafe eating
practices, such as children overstuffing their mouths, feeding each other, fighting over food, etc. In
addition, meal times offer an opportunity to discuss exploration of new foods, engage children in social
conversation, teach serving and eating techniques, and model appropriate table manners.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 121
Throughout the day, including at meal times, water should be made available to children to drink upon
their request, but does not have to be available for children to self-serve. While drinking water must
be made available to children during meal times, it is not part of the reimbursable meal and may not be
served in lieu of fluid milk.
Intervals of meals and snacks: Children who are cared for more than two hours a day must
receive a meal or snack every two to three hours. Examples:
Children arrive at center at 7:00 a.m. Either breakfast or snack should be provided no later than
10:30. If breakfast is provided at 7:30, a snack could be provided at 9:30 with lunch to follow after
11:30 and before 12:30.
Children arrive at center at 6:30 a.m. Either breakfast or snack should be provided no later than
Centers have an opportunity to serve as a model and teach young children sound nutritional practices
that will have a positive impact on their development and lifestyles as adults. As such, in developing
policies and procedures for children, you may want to restrict the use of candy or high-sugar foods as
rewards and use other more nutritional food items or non-edible items -- such as stickers -- for
positive reinforcements.
If participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and you have a child that needs to avoid
certain foods for a medical reason, a prescribed licensed medical professional must document the diet
modification. A copy of the Diet Modification Request Form is in Part IV Tools.
Menu Planning
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.15(2)
Menu planning. The center shall follow the minimum CACFP menu patterns for meals and snacks and
serving sizes for children aged infant to 13 years. Menus shall be planned at least one week in advance,
made available to parents, and kept on file at the center. Substitutions in the menu, including
substitutions made for infants, shall be noted and kept on file. Foods with a high incident rate of
causing choking in young children shall be avoided or modified.
Provisions of this subrule notwithstanding, exceptions shall be allowed for special diets because of
medical reasons in accordance with the child’s needs and written instructions of a licensed physician or
health care provider.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Planning menus ahead of time is not only a sound business practice in terms of purchasing items at
discounted prices and having necessary items on hand, but also serves as a good communication tool
for parents.
Providing a copy of the menu to parents or posting at the center helps parents be aware of what the
child receives during the day Providing parents advanced notice of what will be served during any given
week allows the parent an opportunity to intervene should a particular food item pose a health or
nutrition concern to the child.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 122
The size, shape and consistency of food contribute to its ability to choke small children. As with small
parts of toys, pieces of food that are approximately 1/2 inches to 1 1/2 inches in diameter, are round,
or are tough and don’t easily break apart pose serious risk to children.
Foods that are known to result in a high incident rate of choking if not modified include: hot dogs, dry
meat, hard candies, gum drops, chewing gum, carrots, raw peas, celery, whole grapes, apples, raisins,
dried fruit, nuts and seeds, pretzels, potato chips, popcorn, marshmallows, cookies, bread, and
spoonfuls of peanut butter. If any of these items are served, they should be cut into small pieces (not
round). Always remove any bones from meat and seeds or pits from fruit before serving to small
As a potential choking hazard, styrofoam cups and plates should not be used with preschool children.
For younger school-aged children, extra care should be provided to ensure that children do not chew
on the styrofoam. When catered meals are provided on styrofoam trays, be vigilant in supervision at
mealtime to ensure children do not chew off a piece of the foam.
Children with special needs may require additional planning and accommodations. Some children may
experience difficulty in feeding, including delays in chewing, swallowing, and independent feeding skills.
Utensils, equipment and furniture may have to be adapted to meet the developmental and physical
needs of children.
You should determine at time of admission if the child has food allergies, exhibits tongue thrusting, is
medically fragile, requires special positioning, or requires nasogastric or gastrostomy feeding. The child
care health consultant and staff at the area education agency or Child Health Specialty Clinics can
provide consultation.
The most common food allergies are to milk, egg, soy, peanut, tree nut, wheat, and shellfish. Written
instructions from the child’s parents or physician are recommended. Depending on the level of
sensitivity, center staff may need to more carefully plan menus, prepare foods, read labels, and limit to
snacks provided by parents to avoid exposing a child to the allergen. An emergency plan, treatment kit
and related staff training may be necessary as well.
If a child has a medical exception for a food item otherwise recommended by the Child and Adult Care
Food Program, you and the parent should establish a list of foods that present a problem. Note why
(allergy, choking hazard, etc.), indicate allowable substitutions, and establish a date to reevaluate the
child’s needs.
Feeding of Children Under Two Years of Age
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.15(3)
Feeding of children under two years of age.
a. All children under 12 months of age shall be fed on demand, unless the parent provides other
written instructions. Meals and snacks provided by the center shall follow the CACFP infant menu
patterns. Foods shall be appropriate for the infant’s nutritional requirements and eating abilities.
Menu patterns may be modified according to written instructions from the parent, physician or
health care provider. Special formulas prescribed by a physician or health care provider shall be
given to a child who has a feeding problem.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 123
b. All children under six months of age shall be held or placed in a sitting-up position sufficient to
prevent aspiration during feeding. No bottles shall be propped for children of any age. A child shall
not be placed in a crib with a bottle or left sleeping with a bottle. Spoon feeding shall be adapted
to the developmental capabilities of the child.
c. Single-service, ready-to-feed formulas, concentrated or powdered formula following the
manufacturer’s instructions or breast milk shall be used for children 12 months of age and younger
unless otherwise ordered by a parent or physician.
d. Whole milk for children under age two who are not on formula or breast milk unless otherwise
directed by a physician.
e. Cleaned and sanitized bottles and nipples shall be used for bottles prepared on site. Prepared
bottles shall be kept under refrigeration when not in use.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Infants do not benefit from rigid feeding schedules for a variety of reasons. In the first year of life, they
are in their most rapid growth stage. Both their developmental and emotional needs for security are
met when staff attend to their individual cues or demands for food.
Infants also benefit from being held during feeding. Not only does this allow a time of emotional
connecting for the infant, being fed while held or in a sitting up position helps to reduce the likelihood
of aspiration, choking, tooth decay, and ear infections. Breast milk, whole milk, formula, and water
should be served in a bottle. By the age of seven or eight months, many children can be offered these
beverages in developmentally sized cups.
Infants should not have their bottle “propped” (the practice of placing a bottle against an item next to
an infant to allow it to self-feed unattended) or be left in a crib with a bottle. Both practices increase
the likelihood of the child choking or aspirating. The practice also promotes tooth decay, orthodontic
problems, speech disorders, and inner ear infections.
Children under two who are no longer on formula or breast milk must be provided whole milk as milk
with a reduced fat content does not provide enough calories or nutrients for rapidly growing and
active children. The Child and Adult Care Food Program allows breast milk to be used up to age two,
if this is the desire of the parent.
Breast milk must be kept refrigerated or frozen and should be labeled with the child’s name and date.
Freshly expressed or pumped breast milk can be stores in the refrigerator up to 4 days. Thawed,
previously frozen breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. When a feeding is over,
what is left in the bottle must be fed within 2 hours after the baby has finished feeding or it should be
For more information on handling, storage, and preparation of breastmilk, see
You are encouraged to provide a private area where a nursing mother can come to the center and
nurse her infant.
In general, do not prepare more breast milk or formula in a bottle than you think the baby will
consume in one feeding. Prepared formula must be kept refrigerated and should be labeled with the
child’s name and date prepared.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 124
As a child nears six months of age, solid foods may be introduced to the child if the child is
developmentally ready. As children can experience difficulty if solid foods are introduced prematurely,
any change in the meal or nutrition patterns of infants must be discussed with and approved by the
parent. Introducing one food at a time allows for an opportunity to observe if the child has an allergy
to a particular food.
Food Brought From Home
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.15(4)
Food brought from home.
a. The center shall establish policies regarding food brought from home for children under five years
of age who are not enrolled in school. A copy of the written policy shall be given to the parent at
admission. Food brought from home for children under five years of age who are not enrolled in
school shall be monitored and supplemented if necessary to ensure CACFP guidelines are
b. The center may not restrict a parent from providing meals brought from home for school-age
children or apply nutritional standards to the meals.
c. Perishable foods brought from home shall be maintained to avoid contamination or spoilage.
d. Snacks that may not meet CACFP nutrition guidelines may be provided by parents for special
occasions such as birthdays or holidays.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
If school-aged children bring their meals to the center, you need to ensure that adequate refrigerator
or cooler space exists to keep food from spoiling. The items should be marked with each child’s name
and dated.
You may develop policies for children not enrolled in school that prohibit food brought from home.
If you policy allows food to be brought from home, you must still ensure that a child’s nutrition needs
are being met according to Child and Adult Care Food Program standards and offer additional items to
the child’s meal if nutrition standards are not met.
You may want to provide parents information as to the nutritional standards that must be met to assist
them in preparing their child’s lunch and information regarding safe food handling practices (storage,
temperature, etc.). You may want to establish an annual update procedure for parents.
As a means of preventing tooth decay, you are encouraged to explore a variety of nutritious snacks
that do not contain a high sugar content. However, on a limited basis, snacks such as birthday cakes or
cupcakes may be provided. You may develop policies that allow for snacks that are not approved by
the Child and Adult Care Food Program to be served for limited occasions.
Non-approved snacks may be sent home with the child or served as extra food in addition to the
creditable snack. In these instances, you should communicate with the parents (either in a separate
communication or noted on the menu) that a non-approved snack will be provided.
You may want to develop policies, with the input from parents, regarding appropriate homemade
snacks. Communicating with parents may be particularly helpful in alerting them to children served in
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 125
the center who have food allergies. The most common food allergies are to milk, egg, soy, peanut, tree
nut, wheat, and shellfish.
Food Preparation, Storage, and Sanitation
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.15(5)
Food preparation, storage, and sanitation. Centers shall ensure that food preparation and storage
procedures are consistent with the recommendations of the National Health and Safety Performance
Standards and provide:
a. Sufficient refrigeration appropriate to the perishable food to prevent spoilage or the growth of
b. Sanitary and safe methods in food preparation, serving, and storage sufficient to prevent the
transmission of disease, infestation of insects and rodents, and the spoilage of food. Staff preparing
food who have injuries on their hands shall wear protective gloves. Staff serving food shall have
clean hands or wear protective gloves and use clean serving utensils.
c. Sanitary methods for dish-washing techniques sufficient to prevent the transmission of disease.
d. Sanitary methods for garbage disposal sufficient to prevent the transmission of disease and
infestation of insects and rodents.
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Refrigeration: To prevent the growth of bacteria that can lead to salmonella or other gastrointestinal
illness, the temperature of the refrigerator should be maintained at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. As
food should not be allowed to freeze, the temperature in all storage areas of the refrigerator should
ideally be between 33 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Freezer sections should maintain food at a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Frozen
foods should be thawed in the refrigerator. Food should not be thawed and then refrozen. A
thermometer should be kept in all refrigerator and freezer areas and checked regularly to verify the
temperature. To prevent the development of bacteria, refrigerated leftovers should not be stored in
containers in amounts greater than 4 inches deep.
Some centers lack sufficient refrigerator space to accommodate school-aged children who bring their
lunch from home. If a thermos-type cooler must be used to store children’s lunches, cover the items
with a sealed bag of ice and use a thermometer to verify that the temperature remains in the “safe
Food preparation, serving, and storage: Whether the food is prepared on site, catered in, or
brought in from home, the temperature of the food is critical for food safety. Initial cooking or
rewarming of food should occur at a temperature of 165 degrees or higher. Food should be served
promptly after preparation or cooking or should be maintained at temperatures of not less than 135
degrees Fahrenheit for hot foods and not more than 41 degrees Fahrenheit for cold foods (CFOC).
The temperature can be checked with a food thermometer at the thickest part of the food.
Thermometers should be clearly visible, easy to read, and accurate, and should be kept in working
condition and regularly checked. If using a slow cooker, it is best practice to thaw meats before
cooking. You may also choose to assemble all ingredients when you begin cooking rather than mixing
ingredients together the night before.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 126
Resources for types of thermometers and how to use and calibrate, as well as other training resources
is available at
The kitchen, utensils, and food preparation areas should be maintained in a sanitary manner. Clean and
sanitize food preparation and surface areas before and after use. All dining tables and feeding trays
should be cleaned and sanitized before and after each meal. The sanitized product should be allowed to
air dry. If circumstances do not allow time for air drying after the appropriate immersion or dwell time
has been reached, the surface should be wiped dry with a clean single-use or disposable towel. Standing
pools of sanitized water should not be left to air dry.
Periodic sanitizing should also occur with appliances such as the stove, cabinets, and microwave.
The refrigerator and freezer require frequent cleaning (at least monthly). You should establish and
follow a routine cleaning schedule. Cleaning schedule template can be found at
Cleaning agents should indicate that they are safe for kitchen or food service use. Sanitizing agents
should indicate on the label that they are approved for food contact surfaces. To prevent accidental
ingestion, poisoning, or contamination, cleaning supplies should not be stored in any cabinet or storage
area that contains food or food service items, be stored above food items, or be accessible to children.
Using a liner in garbage containers may facilitate removal of garbage without contaminating the floor or
container. Items that are chipped, cracked, or rusty should be discarded to prevent injury to staff or
children. Knives should be kept inaccessible to children.
To prevent contamination by insects and rodents, food and food service items should not be stored on
the floor. Ideally, items should be stored 4-6 inches off the floor, as this will also aide in the proper
cleaning and disinfecting of the kitchen area. Storage areas for food items should be dry and well
ventilated to prevent mold and other contamination.
Foods should not be retained if they show any signs of spoilage or contamination. They should be
stored in their original containers or in spill-proof, tightly covered containers. Products that are
commercially-sealed do not need to be twice protected in another container. However, food should
be transferred to a lidded container or resealed in the original package. Do not recycle plastic
containers of other items for direct food contact storage.
Food code states that hair should be effectively restrained. For service staff, tying hair back may be
sufficient. For staff that are participating in food preparation, a hair net is the most effective form of
restraint. It is also recommended that jewelry not be worn during food preparation.
The Federal Food and Drug Administration Food Service Sanitation Ordinance sets standards for
commercial food services establishments, subject to state amendments. In those standards related to
hair restraint, found in 481 Iowa Administrative Code 32.3(2), employees involved in food preparation
or service are required to “effectively restrain hair, wigs and beards.”
Acceptable restraints include caps, hair spray, bandannas, headscarves and hair nets, provided they
cover and restrain the hair. No combing or adjusting of hair, including the application of hair spray,
should occur in any kitchen or food service area.
Dishwashing: Heat sanitizing occurs when water temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit has contact
with dishware. It is recommended that large centers consider using commercial grade dishwashers.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 127
Adding bleach to the dishwashing cycle will not accomplish disinfecting, as chlorine breaks down in hot
If washing dishes by hand:
Clean and sanitize dishes, small wares, and utensils using proper dishwashing procedures.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the use and cleaning of equipment.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding use of chemicals for cleaning and sanitizing.
Refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provided by the manufacturer if you have questions about
the use of specific chemicals.
Set-up and use the three-compartment sink in the following manner
1. In the first compartment, wash with a clean detergent solution at or above 100 degrees
Fahrenheit or at the temperature specified by the detergent manufacturer.
2. In the second compartment, rise with clean water.
3. In the third compartment, sanitize with a sanitizing solution mixed at a concentration
specified on the manufacturer’s label or by immersing in hot water at or above 171
degrees Fahrenheit for 30 seconds. Test the chemical sanitizer concentration using an
appropriate test strip.
Reminder: Always wash hands before handling clean and sanitized dishes.
In either method, all items should be allowed to air dry. Dishes should not be air-dried on towels
because moisture will be trapped and air flow necessary for drying may be prevented. Dishes should
not be stacked until completely air-dried.
Catered meals: If you have meals catered in to the center, remain mindful of the same food safety
considerations as if you were preparing the food on-site. Staff should still ensure that proper food
temperatures are maintained, sanitation practices are followed, and food items are properly covered.
Water Supply
Legal reference: 441 IAC 109.15(6)
Water supply. The center shall ensure that suitable water and sanitary drinking facilities are available and
accessible to children. Centers that serve infants and toddlers shall provide individual cups for drinking
in addition to drinking fountains that may be available in the center.
a. Private water supplies shall be of satisfactory bacteriological quality as shown by an annual
laboratory analysis. Water for the analysis shall be drawn between May 1 and June 30 of each year.
When the center provides care for children under two years of age, a nitrate analysis shall also be
b. When public or private water supplies are determined unsuitable for drinking, commercially
bottled water certified as chemically and bacteriologically potable or water treated through a
process approved by the health Department or designee shall be provided.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 128
Rationale and Recommendations For Implementation
Because of spring run-off from fields and streams, testing private well water in May and June yields a
more accurate reading. The water analysis tests for coliform and fecal coliform bacteria. If infants and
toddlers are cared for, the testing will check for nitrates.
The child care consultant can provide information as to how to obtain an analysis of a private water
supply. The county health department and extension office can provide consultation on structural
changes that can be made to remedy surface or groundwater impacting the center’s water supply.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 129
Child Care Centers and Preschools
Licensing Standards and Procedures
Part IV
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 130
Iowa Department of Human Services
Checklist of Items to be Submitted for Initial Licensure
This is a preliminary list of items that must be submitted and reviewed by the child care consultant for the initial
license of a preschool or child care center. The child care consultant assigned to your center may review or require
you to submit other materials before issuing a license. More comprehensive licensing material can be found at the
following link:
Steps 1-6 are required to secure permission to open.
Steps 7-15, as well as overall compliance with the Licensing Checklist, found in Comm. 204, will be evaluated
during an on-site evaluation within 120 days of being granted permission to open.
1. Fire inspection certificate signed by the State Fire Marshal or local designee.
a. Building Code Plan Review
b. After getting a Building Code Plan Review contact the Fire Inspector (see Territory Map on the link
in 1a).
Note: Prospective centers should ensure that the location and facility meet local building and zoning
2. Floor plan of the building (or center area if co-located in a building) showing the length and width of
rooms, location and dimension of windows, and ceiling height. The plan does not have to be drawn to
scale and can be drawn on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper.
3. Documentation to support that the center director and on-site supervisor meet the qualifications outlined in
441 IAC 109.6(1) and (2), including certification in CPR, first aid, and mandatory reporting of child abuse.
4. Child Care Center Licensing Application and Invoice, form 470-4834, signed by the owner, operator or the
chairperson of the board. (An application will be sent upon completion of items 1-3.)
5. The application and regulatory fee is received by the Department.
5a) The center may establish a SING account for Iowa record checks after 1-5 are received.
6. Center has completed state record checks on all staff and has initiated national record checks.
7. Written statement of the program’s purpose and objectives.
8. A written description of the curriculum or program structure and an activity plan that is appropriate to the
developmental and special needs of the children served.
9. Fee policies and financial agreements given to parents.
10. Written policies as required by licensing standards for:
Enrollment and discharge of children (include
policies for excluding children)
Field trips and non-center activities
Health and safety policies
Emergency plans
11. A written plan for staff orientation to the center’s policies and applicable licensing standards and ongoing
training and development of staff.
12. A written plan for the ongoing training and development of staff.
13. Written requirements and procedures for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect.
14. Samples of all forms to be used by the center, including parent authorization forms.
15. Menus for a two-week period.
Note: An on-site visit of the center and review of additional materials, including staff’s and children’s files, will
occur before a license is issued (within 120 days of being issued permission to open). Directors are encouraged to
conduct a self-audit with the entire checklist before DHS makes a licensing visit. Child Resource & Referral can
also assist with the preparations for opening (
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 131
Center Director Qualifications
Name of Center
Name of Staff
21 years of age
High school diploma or general education diploma
1 business administration course
OR 12 contact hours in
administrative related training
OR 1 year administrative related
Current CPR certification
Current first aid certification
Child abuse certificate
100 point total
Points per category
Carry over from worksheet-75 maximum
*Experience (20 points minimum)
Carry over from worksheet-75 maximum
Child development-related training
completed in the last 5 years.
Carry over from worksheet-75 maximum
Total # of Points for Qualifications
** 100 total points required:
A minimum of two categories must be used.
No more than 75 points may be achieved in any one category.
At least 20 points must be obtained from the experience category.
** Child development-related training category points must have been taken within the PAST FIVE years
(Points multiplied by years of experience)
Bachelor's or higher degree in early childhood,
child development, or elementary education
Full time (20 hours or more) in a child
care center or preschool setting
One point per contact hour of
Associate's degree in child development or
bachelor’s degree in a child-related field
Part time (less than 20 hours) in a child
care center or preschool setting
Child development associate (CDA) or one-year
diploma in child development from a community
college or technical school
Full time (20 hours or more) child-
development related experience
Bachelor's degree in a non-child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours) child
development-related experience
Associate's degree in a non-child-related field or
completion of at least two years of a four-year
Registered child development home
Nonregistered family home provider
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 132
Center Director Qualifications
Name of Center
Name of Staff
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 133
On-Site Supervisor Qualifications
Name of Center
Name of Staff
The on-site supervisor is responsible for daily supervision of the center and must be on-site either during the hours of operation
or a minimum of eight hours of the center’s operation.
When the same person accomplishes the functions of the center director and the on-site supervisor, the educational
and experience requirements for a center director apply.
Adult (18 years of age or older)
High school diploma or general education diploma
Current CPR certification
Current first aid certification
Child abuse certificate
75 point total
Points per category
Carry over from worksheet-50 maximum
*Experience (10 points minimum)
Carry over from worksheet-50 maximum
Child development-related training
completed in the last 5 years.
Carry over from worksheet-50 maximum
** 75 total points required:
A minimum of two categories must be used.
No more than 50 points may be achieved in any one category.
At least 10 points must be obtained from the experience category.
** Child development related training category points must have been taken within the PAST FIVE years.
(Points multiplied by years of experience)
Bachelor's or higher degree in early childhood,
child development, or elementary education
Full time (20 hours or more) in a child
care center or preschool setting
One point per contact hour of
Associate's degree in child development or
bachelor’s degree in a child-related field
Part time (less than 20 hours) in a child
care center or preschool setting
Child development associate (CDA) or one-year
diploma in child development from a community
college or technical school
Full time (20 hours or more) child-
development related experience
Bachelor's degree in a non-child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours) child
development-related experience
Associate's degree in a non-child-related field or
completion of at least two years of a four-year
Registered child development home
Nonregistered family home provider
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 134
On-Site Supervisor Qualifications
Name of Center
Name of Staff
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 135
Qualifications for Center Director of School-Age Program
Name of Center
Name of Staff
When the same person accomplishes the functions of the center director and the on-site supervisor, the educational
and experience requirements for a center director apply.
21 years of age
High school diploma or general education diploma
1 business administration course
OR 12 contact hours in
administrative related training
OR 1 year administrative related
Current CPR certification
Current first aid certification
Child abuse certificate
100 point total
Points per category
Carry over from worksheet-75 maximum
*Experience (20 points minimum)
Carry over from worksheet-75 maximum
Child development-related training
completed in the last 5 years.
Carry over from worksheet-75 maximum
Total # of Points for Qualifications
** 100 total points required:
A minimum of two categories must be used.
No more than 75 points may be achieved in any one category.
At least 20 points must be obtained from the experience category.
** Child development-related training category points must have been taken within the PAST FIVE years
(Points multiplied by years of experience)
Bachelor's or higher degree in secondary
education, physical education, recreation or
related fields or early childhood, child
development ,or elementary education
Full time (20 hours or more) in a child care
center or preschool setting or child-related
experience working with school-aged
One point per contact hour of
Associate's degree in child development or
bachelor’s degree in a child-related field.
Part time (less than 20 hours) in a child
care center or preschool setting or child-
related experience working with school-
aged children
Child development associate (CDA) or one-
year diploma in child development from a
community college or technical school
Full time (20 hours or more) child-
development related experience
Bachelor's degree in a non-child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours) child
development-related experience
Associate's degree in a non-child-related field
or completion of at least two years of a four-
year degree
Registered child development home
Nonregistered family home provider
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 136
Qualifications for Center Director of School-Age Program
Name of Center
Name of Staff
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 137
Qualifications for On-Site Supervisor of School-Age Program
Name of Center
Name of Staff
The on-site supervisor is responsible for daily supervision of the center and must be on-site either during the hours of operation or a
minimum of eight hours of the centers operation.
When the same person accomplishes the functions of the center director and the on-site supervisor, the educational and
experience requirements for a center director apply.
Adult (18 years of age or older)
High school diploma or general education diploma
Current CPR certification
Current first aid certification
Child abuse certificate
75 point total
Points per category
Carry over from worksheet-50 maximum
*Experience (10 points minimum)
Carry over from worksheet-50 maximum
Child development-related training
completed in the last 5 years.
Carry over from worksheet-50 maximum
** 75 total points required:
A minimum of two categories must be used.
No more than 50 points may be achieved in any one category.
At least 10 points must be obtained from the experience category.
** Child development related training category points must have been taken within the PAST FIVE years.
(Points multiplied by years of experience)
Bachelor's or higher degree in secondary
education, physical education, recreation or
related fields in early childhood, child
development or elementary education
Full time (20 hours or more) in a child
care center or preschool setting or child-
related experience working with school-
aged children
One point per contact hour of
Associate's degree in child development or
bachelor’s degree in a child--related field
Part time (less than 20 hours) in a child
care center or preschool setting or child-
related experience working with school-
aged children
Child development associate (CDA) or one-year
diploma in child development from a community
college or technical school
Full time (20 hours or more) child-
development related experience
Bachelor's degree in a non-child-related field
Part-time (less than 20 hours) child
development-related experience
Associate's degree in a non-child-related field or
completion of at least two years of a four-year
Registered child development home
Nonregistered family home provider
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 138
Qualifications for On-Site Supervisor of School-Age Program
Name of Center
Name of Staff
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 139
Suggested Content for Required Written Policies and Procedures
The written polices identified below are required by 441 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 109. Suggested content is
provided for each policy. You are not required to follow a specific format and are free to address multiple requirements
within a single policy statement. The overall format and content is left to the your discretion, as long as all rule
requirements are met. You are encouraged to contact your child care consultant if you have questions or need
Identify the purpose and objectives of the program.
Identify all charges (daily, weekly, monthly, enrollment, registration, late payments, etc.)
Identify any written agreements or forms used.
Identify any relevant payment options, deadlines, or procedures.
Identify all paperwork required and deadlines for submission, if applicable.
Identify the specific population served (ages) and any specific requirements (such as child must be toilet trained).
Identify the situations that could result in discharge (e.g., failure to meet center policies; failure to pay; inability of
child to adjust to group experience; threat to other children, staff or self).
Explain the communication process for addressing the identified problems.
Describe the decision making process.
Explain appeal and review procedures.
Identify all relevant time frames.
State whether or not field trips will be part of the program.
If field trips will be part of the program:
Provide a general description of what they might include.
Explain how parents are notified and authorization is obtained.
Identify the options parents have if they choose not to have their child participate.
If transportation is involved, describe how it will be handled.
Explain safety precautions taken (seat belts, extra staff, etc.)
State whether or not non-center activities will be accommodated or are part of the program’s normal routine.
If they are part of the program:
Explain required authorizations.
Describe the types of non-center activities
Explain other factors (responsibility for the child, how arrangements must be made, etc.)
If transportation is involved, describe how it will be handled.
For routine transportation:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 140
Explain the purposes of the transportation.
Identify who provides the transportation (center staff, contract staff, parents, etc.)
Identify safety precautions (seat belt policies, restrictions for children under 12, extra staff, etc.).
Explain how transportation will be handled in medical emergencies or emergency evacuations.
109.4(2)“b” and 109.12(2) DISCIPLINE POLICY
Describe the program’s philosophy regarding positive discipline.
Explain how interventions provide for positive guidance with directions for resolving conflict and setting well-
defined limits.
Describe disciplinary techniques that are used (redirection, etc.).
Note: This policy must be provided to parents and staff in writing.
109.4(2)“b” and 109.15 NUTRITION POLICY
Describe how CACFP standards are followed for meals and snacks.
Indicate that exceptions are allowed for allergy, medical conditions, religion, etc.
Describe what information is needed to make arrangements for an exception.
Identify the program’s responsibility to supplement, if necessary, snacks and meals provided by parents for children
under age 5 to meet nutritional requirements.
If parents may or are required to provide snacks, explain the procedures, expectations, etc.
Explain records kept for meals and snacks and where menus are posted.
109.4(2)“b” and 109.10 HEALTH POLICY
Identify all required health forms and reports.
Identify requirements for physical examinations and statements of health status. (See 109.10(1).)
Identify parents’ responsibility to identify their children’s dental and medical health care providers and provide
written consent to obtain emergency care.
Explain hand-washing requirements for children and staff. (See 109.10(7)&(8).)
Describe procedures for notifying parents and others of communicable diseases, such as posting notice, sending
information home, etc. (See 109.10(4).)
Explain staff procedures for having direct contact with each child upon arrival. (See 109.10(4).)
Explain procedures for handling children who are injured or become ill while in the center, (notifications, incident
reports, quiet area used, etc.). Include emergency medical and dental procedures. (See 109.10(6) & 109.10(10.)
Identify requirements for first aid kits (contents, locations, availability in the center, on the , on field trips, and
during emergencies). (See 109.10(9).)
Identify criteria for excluding an ill child from the center. (See 109.10(6).)
Describe the parent’s responsibility to update immunization records and physical and health records regularly.
Explain how the requirement for a smoke-free environment will be met. (See 109.10(11).)
109.4(2)“b” SAFETY POLICY
Describe parents’ responsibility to provide names, relationships, and phone number of people authorized to pick a
child up from the center and the schedule and procedure to review and update.
Explain how the program will handle staff training (orientation and annual) for emergency procedures.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 141
Identify requirements for staff certifications and training in first aid, CPR, mandatory child abuse reporting, and
infectious disease control.
Identify any other program requirements or procedures for child and staff safety.
Explain how new staff receive orientation to the center’s policies and to the applicable portions of the licensing
Explain any procedures followed to document or monitor the orientation.
Identify training expectations for staff.
Explain how staff will receive required training for staff development, emergency plans, etc.
Clearly state the parents’ right to unlimited access to their children.
Describe the parents’ access to staff caring for their children.
Explain requirements for court orders if parental contact is prohibited.
Note: These polices must be provided in writing to parents at the time of admission.
State whether or not medications are routinely administered or if they are administered only in special situations
(e.g., as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act).
Identify who is responsible for medication administration and any training provided or required.
Delineate specific procedures for dispensing, storage, authorization and recording of all prescription and
nonprescription medications, including ointments, sunscreens, etc.
Clearly explain parental responsibilities for proper authorization, updating authorizations, supplying medication, etc.
Address the handling of any bodily excrement or discharge, hand-washing, cleanup and disposal of bloody materials
or body discharges.
Identify specific expectations for high-risk duties and tasks and the availability of protective equipment.
Describe procedures for evacuating to a safe area, addressing head counts, immobile children, items to be taken
along if possible (e.g., emergency information, first aid kit, etc.).
Explain how notifications will be handled (to emergency personnel, parents, etc.).
Include a diagram of escape routes, as required by rule.
Explain how transportation of children will be handled, if it is necessary.
Describe procedures for evacuating to a sheltered area, addressing head counts, immobile children, items to be
taken along if possible (emergency information, first aid kit, flashlight, radio, diapers, etc.). Include procedures for
staff and children who are on the playground or on a walk.
Explain how notifications will be handled (to emergency personnel, parents, etc.).
Include a diagram of escape routes and shelters, as required by rule.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 142
Explain how transportation of children will be handled, if it is necessary.
Describe procedures for evacuating to a sheltered area, addressing head counts, immobile children, items to be
taken along (emergency information, first aid kit, flashlight, radio, diapers, etc.).
Explain how notifications will be handled (to emergency personnel, parents, etc.).
Explain how transportation of children will be handled, if it is necessary.
Identify indicators of a problem situation (when action should be taken).
Identify notification procedures (who and howpolice, staff, etc.).
Address actions to be taken to protect children and staff (is evacuation possible, can doors be locked quickly, are
there other protective measures needed?)
Identify indicators of a problem situation (when action should be taken).
Identify what actions staff should and should not take.
Identify notification procedures (who and howpolice, other staff, etc.) and what information may be needed
(description of the vehicle, license number, etc.).
Identify action staff should take.
Identify notification procedures (i.e., who and howpolice, parents, other staff, etc.,) and what information may be
needed (i.e., description of child, clothing, last observation).
Identify indicator of need (when) to implement emergency procedures.
Identify action staff should take, including recommendations made by emergency personnel.
Identify notification procedures (who and howparents, other staff, etc.).
Identify action staff should take to assess seriousness of problem and impact on continued operation.
Identify notification procedures (who and howparents, other staff, emergency, etc.).
Identify actions by staff and center to ensure safety, wellbeing, and comfort of children in care.
Describe procedures if evacuation is determined to be necessary.
Identify action staff should take to assess imminent danger.
Identify notification procedures (who and howemergency personnel, parents, etc.).
Identify actions to be take (search, evacuation, etc.).
Explain how transportation of children will be handled, if it is necessary.
Identify action staff should take to assess imminent danger.
Identify actions to be taken (clean up spill, change location, evacuation, close windows, etc.).
Identify notification procedures (who and howemergency personnel, parents, etc.).
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 143
Describe procedures for immediate response if a quake is occurring (immediate protection, addressing head counts,
immobile children, etc.). Include procedures for staff and children who are on the playground or on a walk.
Identify follow-up action to quake or event causing structural damage (calming children, evacuation, notifications,
If evacuation is necessary, describe items to be taken along if possible (emergency information, first aid kit,
flashlight, radio, diapers, etc.).
Explain how notifications will be handled (to emergency personnel, parents, etc.).
Explain how transportation of children will be handled, if it is necessary.
If located within a ten-mile radius of a nuclear facility, contact your local county Emergency Management Agency or
the Iowa Emergency Management Division in Des Moines, 515-281-3231 for information to include in your
109.12(1) and 109.4(2) PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES
Describe program of activities (curriculum, lesson plan or calendar used in the developmentally appropriate
Identify general schedule of the program (activities, time, etc.).
Describe how the center will make reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, if
Note: Limitation of accommodations may exist for children whose needs require extreme facility modifications
beyond the capability of the facility’s resources.
Describe center policy concerning food brought from home (home-prepared versus prepackaged, accommodations
for children with allergies, medical conditions, etc.).
Describe center responsibility and how food brought from home will be supplemented, if necessary for children
under age 5.
Describe manner used for storage of food brought to the center.
DCI-77 (updated 06-26-2018) Page 1 of 2
Criminal History Record Check
Request Form
DCI Account Number:
(if applicable)
Mail or Fax completed forms to:
Send results to:
Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation
Support Operations Bureau, 1
215 E. 7
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
(515) 725-6066
(515) 725-6080 Fax
I am requesting an Iowa Criminal History Record Check on:
Last Name (mandatory)
First Name (mandatory)
Middle Name (recommended)
Date of Birth (mandatory)
Gender (mandatory)
Social Security Number (recommended)
Male Female
Release Authorization: Without a signed release from the subject of the request, a complete criminal history
record may not be releasable, per Code of Iowa, Chapter 692.2. For complete criminal history record information,
as allowed by law, always obtain a signed release from the subject of the request.
***This form (DCI-77) is the only approved release authorization form for this purpose.***
Release Authorization: I hereby give permission for the above requesting official to conduct an Iowa criminal history record check with the Division
of Criminal Investigation (DCI). Any criminal history data concerning me that is maintained by the DCI may be released as allowed by law. I understand
this can include information concerning completed deferred judgments and arrests without dispositions.
Release Authorization Signature:___________________________________________________________________________
Iowa Criminal History Record Check Results
(DCI use only)
As of ___________________, a search of the provided name and date of birth revealed:
No Iowa Criminal History Record found with DCI
Iowa Criminal History Record attached, DCI #______________
DCI initials______________
DCI-77 (updated 06-26-2018) Page 1 of 2
Release Authorization Information:
Iowa law does not require a release authorization. However, without a signed release authorization from
the subject of the request any arrest over 18 months old, without a final disposition, cannot be released to
a non-law enforcement agency.
Deferred judgments where DCI has received notice of successful completion of probation also cannot be
released to non-law enforcement agencies without a signed release authorization from the subject of the
If the “No Iowa Criminal History Record found with DCIbox is checked, it could mean that the information
on file is not releasable per Iowa law without a signed release authorization.
General Information:
The information requested is based on name and exact date of birth only. Without fingerprints, a
positive identification cannot be assured. If a person disputes the accuracy of information maintained by
the Department, they may challenge the information by writing to the address on the front of this form or
personally appearing at DCI headquarters during normal business hours.
The records maintained by the Iowa Department of Public Safety are based upon reports from other
criminal justice agencies and therefore, the Department cannot guarantee the completeness of the
information provided.
The criminal history record check is of the Iowa Central Repository (DCI) only. The DCI files do not include
other states’ records, FBI records, or subjects convicted in federal court within Iowa.
In Iowa, a deferred judgment is not generally considered a conviction once the defendant has been
discharged after successfully completing probation. However, it should be noted that a deferred judgment
may still be considered as an offense when considering charges for certain specified multiple offense
crimes, i.e. second offense OWI. If a disposition reflects that a deferred judgment was given, you may
want to inquire of the individual his or her current status.
A deferred sentence is a conviction. The judge simply withholds implementing a sentence for a certain
probationary period. If probation is successful, the sentence is not carried out.
Any questions in reference to Iowa criminal history records can be answered by writing to the address on
the front of this form or calling (515) 725-6066 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.
REMINDER - (1) Send in a separate Request Form for each last name, (2) a fee is required for each last
name submitted, (3) a completed Billing Form must be submitted with all request(s).
Iowa law requires employers to pay the fee for potential employees’ record checks.
470-2310 (Rev. 04/19) 146
Record Check Evaluation
A. Agency/Provider/Person Requesting Evaluation
Entity Requesting Evaluation
Requestor’s Name
Zip Code
The agency/provider/person listed above is requesting a Record Check Evaluation (RCE) on the following person after a
background check revealed a criminal conviction (or deferred judgment), founded abuse (child or dependent adult), or a
combination thereof. In order to complete the evaluation, we need to have all information, including form 470-2310, SING,
and Rap Sheet. Please ensure that all forms are dated within the 30 day period. All evaluation materials must be sent in
B. Person Being Evaluated
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial
Maiden/Previous Names
Role/Position Applying For
The individual listed above requests an evaluation to determine whether they can be permitted to perform duties under the
section “Role/Position Applying For.”
I realize that the information I provide in Section D. may be verified with local law enforcement agencies, the
district court, Iowa Department of Human Services, or other persons having knowledge of the incident.
Signature of Person Being Evaluated
Street Address
Zip Code
C. Evaluation Determination/Notice of Decision
470-2310 (Rev. 04/19) 147
Explain, in detail, each crime or abuse (completed by applicant). Include date, location, others involved, relationship
of the victim to you, age of the victim, and your actions for each abuse or criminal history (additional sheets may be used).
What changes have you made to make you safe to work around or care for others? Explain your accomplishments;
work history; caretaker history; counseling, therapy, parenting classes; etc. Supporting documents such as treatment
certificates, reference letters from previous/current employers or probation officers should be included.
Has DHS evaluated you in the past? Explain when the previous evaluation occurred, what position you were applying
for, and whether you received the job/position.
470-2310(S) (Rev. 04/19) 148
Record Check Evaluation
(Investigación de antecedentes penales)
A. Agencia/Prestador/Persona Solicitante
Entidad solicitante
Nombre del solicitante
Código postal
La agencia, el prestador o la persona mencionada anteriormente solicita una Investigación de Antecedentes Penales
(Record Check Evaluation, RCE) de la siguiente persona debido a que una averiguación de antecedentes reveló una
condena penal (o suspensión condicional de la sentencia), abuso fundado (de un menor o un adulto dependiente), o una
combinación de los mismos. Para realizar la investigación, debemos tener todos los datos, inclusive el formulario 470-
2310, SING, y el expediente policial. Por favor, cerciórese de que todos los formularios tengan fecha dentro de los
últimos 30 días. Debe enviar todo el material junto.
B. Persona investigada
Apellido, primer nombre, inicial
Apellido de soltera u otros nombres
Empleo o puesto solicitado
La persona mencionada solicita una investigación para determinar si el/la postulante tiene permitido realizar las funciones
que se indican en la sección “Empleo o puesto solicitado”.
Estoy consciente de que los datos provistos en la Sección D serán verificados con la policía, el juzgado del
distrito, Iowa Department of Human Services, u otras personas con conocimiento del incidente.
Firma de la persona investigada
Correo electrónico
Código postal
C. Resultado de la investigación/Notificación de la resolución
Para uso exclusivo de DHS
470-2310(S) (Rev. 04/19) 149
Explique detalladamente cada delito o abuso (debe ser completado por la persona solicitante). Incluya fecha,
lugar, personas involucradas, parentesco de la víctima con usted, edad de la víctima, y sus acciones para cada
antecedente penal o de abuso (puede utilizar hojas adicionales).
¿En qué cosas ha cambiado para poder trabajar con otras personas o cuidarlas sin ponerlas en peligro?
Explique sus logros; historial laboral; historial como adulto a cargo del cuidado de otras personas; psicoanálisis, terapia,
clases para padres; etc. Debe adjuntar documentación probatoria como certificados de tratamiento, cartas de referencia
escritas por su empleador actual, empleadores anteriores u oficiales de libertad condicional.
¿Ha sido investigado por DHS en el pasado? Explique cuándo se realizó la investigación previa, qué empleo
solicitaba y si consiguió dicho empleo o puesto.
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 150
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Licensing Regulation Checklist
Name of Cente
License ID No. (Reapplications)
Street City
Zip Code Date of Inspection
Information regarding a child in a child care center or their relative is confidential. If
this information is released by visual, verbal or written means, written consent from
the parent or guardian is in the file or a court order allowing the release of the
Written statement of purpose and objectives. Plan and practices consistent with the
written statement.
Required Written Policies
Fee policies and financial agreements developed.
Written policies on:
Enrollment an
d discharge.
Field trips and non-center
Transportation if applicable.
Health and sa
fety policies.
Curriculum or program structure developmentally appropriate and activities designed
to the developmental level/needs of children served.
Written plan developed for staff orientation regarding center’s policies and licensing
regulations. Orientation is in accordance with center’s staff orientation plan.
Written plan for ongoing staff development that complies with 441 IAC 109.7.
Copy of the center policies and program to all staff at the time of employment and
each parent at the time a child is admitted to the center.
When serving children under the age of 3, develop and implement a policy for
responding to incidents of biting. Include:
(1) Explanation of center ph
ilosophy on biting.
(2) How the center will respond to indivi
dual and ongoing incidents.
(3) How the center will assess the ad
equacy of caregiver supervision.
(4) How the center will respond to the child or caregiver who was bitten.
(5) The process
of notification
of parents.
(6) How the incident will be documented.
(7) How confidentiality will be protected.
(8) First aid procedures that will be used.
Develop a policy to ensure that people do not have unauthorized access to children
at the center. Include:
(1) Criteria for allowing people on the property when
children are present.
(2) How people will be supervised or monitored.
(3) How responsibility will be delegated to
(4) How the policy will be shar
ed with parents.
Develop and implement a policy for protection of child’s confidentiality.
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 151
Postings are required for:
The certificate of license.
Notice of exposure to communicable disease.
Notice of decision to deny, suspend, or revoke center license or reduce to
provisional status.
All postings shall be conspicuously placed at main entrance of center.
Postings are required for:
Mandatory reporter requirements.
Notice of availability of handbook.
Program activities.
These shall be posted in area
requented by parents or public.
Requirements and procedures for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse shall
be posted where they can be read by staff and parents.
Child Care Centers and Preschool Licensing Standards and Procedures shall be
available in the center and a notice stating a copy is available for review. Contact
information of the child care consultant shall be included in the notice.
The child care license shall be posted in a conspicuous place and shall state the
particular premises in which child care may be offered and the number of children
who may be cared for at any one time.
Written policy notifying parents of unlimited access provisions.
Develop policies for hiring and maintaining staff and managers that demonstrate
competence in working with children.
Center Director
Centers with multiple sites have a qualified director or on-site supervisor at all sites.
Information on the director’s qualifications is submitted to consultant prior to
employment and is sufficient to make a determination.
Center director meets qualifications or is “qualifiable” with a plan established to meet
On-Site Supervisor
Director or on-site supervisor on-site during the hours of operation or a minimum of
six hours of center’s hours of operation.
Information on on-site supervisor’s qualifications is submitted to the consultant prior
to employment and is sufficient to make a determination.
On-site supervisor meets qualifications or is “qualifiable” with a plan established to
meet qualifications.
Another responsible adult is clearly designated as the interim on-site supervisor if the
on-site supervisor is temporarily absent from the center.
ll volunteers shall be at least 16 years of age and shall:
(1) Have signed statements indicating no conviction of any law in any state or
record of founded child or dependent adult abuse.
(2) Signed statements indicating no communicable disease or other health
concerns that poses a threat to children.
Signed statement indicating they have been informed of responsibilities as mandatory
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 152
Undergo record check process if:
(1) It is included in meeting the required child/staff ratio.
(2) Has direct responsibility fo
r a child or children.
(3) Has
access to child or children when no other staff is present.
Record Checks
Center repeats Iowa record checks at a minimum of every two years or when aware
of additional child abuse or criminal history that occurs.
Center repeats national criminal history checks at a minimum of every four years or
when aware of additional history that occurs.
No one owns, directs or works in the center who has been prohibited from
involvement with child care.
Use of controlled substances and medications: All owners, personnel, and
volunteers shall be free of the use of illegal drugs and shall not be under the influence
of alcohol or of any prescription or nonprescription drug that could impair their
ability to function.
All staf
(within first three months of employment):
Two hours of approved training for the mandatory reporting of child abus
within thre
months of employment.
At least one
hour of training regarding universal prec
autions and infectious
se control.
Certification in American Red Cross, American Heart Associatio
n, American
Safety and Health Institute or MEDIC First Aid infant,
child, and ad
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
or equivalent
certification approved by
the Department. A valid c
ertificate indicating the date
of training and
expiration date shall be maintained.
Certification in infant, child, and adult fir
st aid that uses a nationally
curriculum or is received from a nationally recognize
training organization
including the American Red Cross, A
merican Heart Associatio
n, American
Safety and Health Institute or MEDIC First Aid or an equivalent certification
approved by the Department. A valid certificate indicating the dat
of training
and expiration date shall b
e maintained.
Minimum health and safety trainings, approved by the Department
. If significant
changes occu
r to content, the Department may require the training
Center directors and all sta
f have the required contact hours of training.
Number not in compliance:
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 153
Staff Employed in Centers That Operate Summer Only Programs
Staff employed in centers that operated a summer-only program receive the following
training within three months of employment:
Two hours of Iowa’s training for mandatory reporting of child abuse.
At least one hour of training regarding universal precautions and infectious
disease control.
Certification in American Red Cross, American Heart Association, American
Safety and Health Institute or MEDIC First Aid infant, child, and adult
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or equivalent certification approved by
the Department. A valid certificate indicating the date of training and
expiration date shall be maintained.
Certification in infant, child, and adult first aid that uses a nationally recognized
curriculum or is received from a nationally recognized training organization
including the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, American
Safety and Health Institute or MEDIC First Aid or an equivalent certification
approved by the Department. A valid certificate indicating the date of training
and expiration date shall be maintained.
Minimum health and safety trainings, approved by the Department.
Training plans are developed for staff that supplement educational and experience
requirements and enhance staff’s skill in working with the developmental and cultural
characteristics of children served.
The director, on-site supervisor, and any person designated a lead in the absence of
supervisory staff shall have all completed all pre-service orientation training outlined
in 109.7(1).
inimum Staff Requirements
All staff in ratio:
At least sixteen years of age.
If less than eighteen, may not be sole provider on the premises.
All staff in ratio involved with children in programming activities.
At least one person on duty in the center when children are present and present on
field trips shall be over the age of 18.
Staff person under the age of 18 shall not provide transportation to children in care
Staff person under the age of 18 who are not under supervision of an adult shall onl
care for school aged children
Ratio maintained in center as required by age.
Combinations of age grouping for children four years of age and older determine ratio
on age of majority in group..
Combinations of age groupings for children between 3 and 5 years of age may be
allowed with a staff of 1 to every 12 children.
Children between 18 months and 3 years of age may be combined, if appropriate to
the developmental needs of the child. If a child under 2 years is combined, the staff
ratio of 1 to 7 shall be maintained, otherwise staff ratio may be determined by the age
of majority of the children in the group.
Brief absence of staff person permitted for 5 or less minutes when another staff
person is present
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 154
At least one staff is present in every room where children are resting.
If ratio reduced to one s
taff per room during nap time
, does not exceed one
hour and rati
o in center is still maintain
Ratio in infant rooms is
always maintain
Two adults are present when eight or more children are on the premises.
Two adults are present w
hen eight or
more children are being transported in
one vehicle.
One staff for
school transportation; only
in center-owned vehicle with parent
One addition
al staff when the center co
ntracts for transportation for eight or
more children for non-school related purposes.
One additional staff when five or more children are involved in a center-sponsored
activity away from the center.
If ratio reduced to one staff at the beginning and end of center’s operation, timeframe
does not exceed two hours and occurs only when seven or fewer children are
present with not more than four of the children under two years of age and there are
no more than seven children in the center.
Ratio exceeded for school-age children when school classes unexpectedly start late,
are dismissed early, or cancelled. For no more than four hours, care is limited to
children already in the program and licensed capacity is not exceeded.
Personnel Records. Number of files reviewed:
All files contain statement signed by staff indicating whether they have a criminal
conviction or founded child/dependent adult abuse.
Number not in compliance:
All files contain:
(1) A signed copy of the HHS Criminal History Record Check, Form B, th
at was
submitted prior to employment.
(2) A copy of Request for Child
and Dependent Adult Abuse Information.
Copies of the results of Iowa records checks conducted.
(4) Copies of national criminal history check results.
(5) Any Department-issued documents sent to the center related to records
ber not in compliance:
All files contain a pre-employment physical exam report completed within six months
prior to hire and at least every three years. Physical exams shall be documented on
form 470-5152, Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report.
Number not in compliance:
All files contain documentation to indicate that ongoing staff training requirements are
met, including current certifications in first aid/CPR and mandatory child abuse
Number not in compliance:
Files contain a photocopy of a valid driver’s license if the staff will be involved in the
transportation of children.
Number not in compliance:
Children’s Files. Number of files reviewed:
All files are updated at least annually and when a change occurs.
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 155
All files contain sufficient information to allow the center to contact the parent or
emergency contact at any time child is in center’s care.
Number not in compliance:
Information lacking:
All files contain sufficient information and authorization to allow the center to secure
emergency medical and dental services at any time child is in center’s care.
Number not in compliance for medical:
Number not in compliance for dental:
Information lacking:
All files contain information regarding the specific health and medical needs of a child
including information regarding any prescribed treatment.
For school-age programs in the child’s school, all files include a statement signed by
the parent that the immunization information is available in the school file.
Number not in compliance:
All files contain parent authorization of the persons to whom the child may be
Number not in compliance:
Files contain documentation of injuries, accidents or other child-related incidents.
Number not in compliance:
All files contain parent authorization for attendance at center-sponsored field trips
and non-center activities.
If an inclusive authorization form for activities is used, a copy is kept on file at the
Number not in compliance with center-sponsored trips:
Number not in com
liance with non-center activities:
Any child with allergies, a written emergency plan. Copy shall accompany child if they
leave the premises.
Signed and dated Iowa immunization certificates are on file for each child enrolled.
Number missing:
Number invalid:
Daily written records are maintained for each child under two years of age and
include time periods slept, amount of/time food consumed, time/irregularities of
elimination patterns, general disposition, and general summary of activities.
Center shall establish health policies, including criteria for excluding a sick child.
Policies shall be consistent with the recommendations of the National Health and
Safety Performance Standards.
Children Physical/Immunization Requirements
Preschool (for children five years and younger not enrolled in school): Physical exam
report submitted within 30 days of admission, was obtained no more than 12 months
prior to admission, is signed by a licensed MD, DO, Chiropractor, PA, or ARNP, and
contains health history; present health status including allergies, medications, and
acute/chronic conditions; and recommendations for continued care if necessary.
Number not in compliance:
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 156
-age (for children five years and older and enrolled in school):
nnual statement
of health status signed by parent is submitted prior to admission, certifies that the
child is free of communicable disease, and lists allergies, medications and
acute/chronic conditions.
Number not in com
If a child’s religious affiliation is contrary to medical treatment or immunization
requirements, the file shall contain a notarized statement.
Number not in com
edical and dental emergencies: Center shall have sufficient information and
authorization to meet medical and dental emergencies of children. Shall have written
procedures for emergencies and shall ensure that staff are knowledgeable of and able
to implement the procedures
The center shall have written procedures for dispensing, storage, and authorization,
and recording of all prescription and non-prescription medications.
All medications shall be stored in original containers with physician or pharmacist
directions. Labels should be intact and stored so they are inaccessible to children and
public. Nonprescription medications shall be labeled with the child’s name.
For every day an authorization for medication is in effect and child is in attendance,
there shall be a notation of administration including the name of medicine, date, time,
dosage, given or applied, and the initials of the person administering the medication or
the reason the medication was not given.
For ongoing, long term medications, authorization shall be obtained for a period not
to exceed the duration of prescription.
Staff shall not provide medications to a child if pre-service/orientation training for
medication management has not been completed.
Daily contact: Each child shall have direct contact with staff person upon arrival.
Infectious disease control: Centers shall establish policies and procedures related
to infection disease control and use of universal precautions with handling of bodily
fluid. Soiled diapers shall be stored in containers separate from other waste.
Quiet area: The center shall provide a quiet area under supervision for a child who
appears to be ill or injured. Parents or designated person shall be notified of child’s
status in event of serious illness or emergency.
Staff hand washing: The center shall ensure staff demonstrate clean personal
hygiene. Staff shall wash hands:
(a) Upon arrival
at the center.
(b) Immediatel
y before eating or participating in food service activity.
(c) After diapering a child.
(d) Before leaving the rest room either with a child or by themselves.
Before and after administe
ring nonemergency first aid if gloves are not worn.
(f) After handling animal
s or cleaning cages.
Children’s hand washing: Center shall ensure staff assist children in personal
hygiene. For each infant or child with a disability, a separate cloth for washing and one
for rinsing may be used in place of running water. Children’s hands shall be washed:
(a) Immediatel
y before eating or participating in food service activity.
(b) After using the restroom or being diapered.
ter handling animals.
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 157
First aid kit: The center shall ensure that a clearly labeled first aid kit that is
sufficient to address minor injury or trauma is available and accessible to staff at all
times when children are:
In the center.
In the outdoor play area.
ield trips.
Recording incidents: Parents shall be notified on the day of the incident involving a
child that includes:
Minor injuries.
Minor changes in health status.
Minor behavioral concerns.
Incidents resulting in injury to a child.
Shall be verbally notified immediately when there is:
A serious injury to a child.
An incident resulting in significant change in health status.
An incident includes child being involved in inappropriate, sexually acting out
A WRITTEN report, fully documenting every incident, shall be provided to the parent
or authorized person. This should be completed by staff that witnessed the incident
and retained in child file. Serious injuries and deaths must be reported to the
Department within 24 hours.
Smoking and use of tobacco products shall be prohibited in the center and every
vehicle used to transport children. Prohibited in outdoor play area during hours of
Nonsmoking signs shall be posted at every entrance and in every vehicle used to
transport. Signs shall include:
(a) Telephone number for reporting complaints.
(b) Internet address to DPH.
All children transported in motor vehicle subject to registration, except a bus, shall be
individually secured by a safety belt, seat, or harness.
Children under age 6 shall be secured in child restraint system. Child under 1 and
weighing less than 20 lbs. shall be secured during transit in rear facing child restraint
Children under 12 shall not be located in front seat.
Drivers shall possess a valid driver’s license and shall not operate while under the
Vehicles that are owned or leased by the center shall receive regular maintenance and
inspection according to manufacturer-recommended guidelines for vehicle and tire
maintenance and inspection.
Field trip emergency numbers: Phone numbers for each child shall be taken by
staff when transporting to and from school, and on field trips and non-center-
sponsored activities away from the premises.
Pets: Animals kept on site shall be in good health with no evidence of disease, does
not pose a safety threat, and is maintained in clean manner. Documentation of
current vaccinations shall be available for cats and dogs. Pets shall not be allowed in
food prep or kitchen areas.
Animals prohibited from being kept on site: ferrets, reptiles, turtles, birds of the
parrot famil
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 158
Emergency Plans
The center shall have written emergency plans and diagrams for responding to
fire, tornado, flood, and plans responding to intoxicated parents and lost or
abducted children.
Shall have guidelines for responding or evacuating in case of blizzards, power
failures, bomb threats, chemical spills, or other disasters that could create
structural damage to the center or pose health hazards.
If center is within 10 miles of nuclear power plant, center shall have evacuation
Emergency plans shall include written procedures including plans for:
Evacuation to safely leave the facility.
Relocation to a common, safe location after evacuation.
Shelter in place to take immediate shelter when the current location is
unsafe to leave due to the emergency issue.
Lock down to protect children and providers from an external situation.
Communication and reunification with parents or other adults responsible
for the children, which includes emergency telephone numbers.
Continuity of operations
To address the individual children, including those with functional or
access needs.
Emergency instructions, phone numbers, and diagrams for fire, tornado, and flood
shall be visibly posted and documented at least once a month for fire and tornado.
Records shall be maintained for current and previous year.
Center shall develop procedures for annual staff and volunteer training on emergency
Daily checks to ensure all exits are unobstructed.
Supervision and Access
The center and supervisor shall ensure that staff knows names and number of
children assigned. Staff shall provide careful supervision.
Any person who does not have a record check completed shall not have unrestricted
access to children for whom that person is not a parent, guardian, or custodian.
A sex offender who has been convicted of an offense against a minor and required to
register with the sex offender registry, shall not be present on the property without
written permission of the director, except for the time reasonably necessary to
transport offender’s own minor child to and from the center.
Room Size
35 square feet of usable floor space per child.
Rooms with cribs have 40 square feet of space per child.
Infant’s Area
A safe and properly equipped area is provided for infants that does not allow
for intrusion by children over two years of age.
Children over age two who remain in the infant area are placed at the
recommendation of a physician or AEA due to a significant developmental
delay. Children are placed for a limited time with HHS approval if doing so
does not pose a threat to the infants.
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 159
Facility Requirements
Center shall ensure that:
(1) Facility and premises are sanitary, safe, and hazard free.
(2) Adequate indoor and outdoor space is provided. The outdoor area shall
include safe play equipment and area of shade.
(3) Sufficient space provided for dining.
(4) Sufficient lighting shall be provided.
(5) Sufficient ventilation.
(6) Sufficient heating.
(7) Sufficient cooling.
(8) Sufficient bathroom and diapering facilities.
(9) Equipment, including kitchen appliances, are maintained so as not to result in
burns, shock, or injury to children.
(10) Sanitation and safety procedures for the center are developed and
implemented to reduce risk or injury or harm to children and reduce
transmission of disease.
Record of monthl
inspections of outdoor recreation area and equipment shall be
Restroom facilities:
One toilet and sink for each 15 children over two years of age in room with
Built after 11/1/95 – at least one sink in same area as toilet.
Adequate training seats or chairs for children under two years if used in lieu of
plumbed toilet.
Telephone: Working non-pay phone with posting adjacent for emergency numbers
for police, fire, and poison control center. Center street address and phone included
in posting.
List of emergency numbers for children kept near phone.
Kitchen appliance or microwaves:
Gas or electric ovens are not in program area.
Area housing kitchen appliances in program area is sectioned off and not
counted in useable floor space.
Formula or food warmed for infants in microwaves is not served immediately
and is shaken or stirred prior to serving.
Breast milk is not warmed in the microwave.
Environmental Hazards
Centers built before 1978:
ssessment and plan for remedy of lead paint hazard is
Centers at ground level that use basement area as program space, or have a
basement beneath program space: Testing and plan for remedy of radon is conducted.
All centers: Annual inspection prior to heating season of all fuel-burning appliances to
reduce risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and shall install one carbon monoxide
detector on each floor that conforms to UL Standard 2034.
A before and after school program or summer-only program that serves only school
age children in a public school building is exempt from lead and carbon monoxide
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 160
Program structure that uses developmentally appropriate practices and
written program of activities planned to the developmental needs of children
Program complements but does not duplicate school
Schedule of p
ogram is posted in a place visible to parents.
Program provides a curriculum or program of activities that promotes sel
and positive self-image, social interaction, self-expression and communication, creative
expression, and problem-solving skills.
Program provides for a balance of active and quiet, individual and group, indoor and
outdoor, and staf
-initiated and child-initiated activities.
Program provides activities that promote
ine and gross motor activities.
Program provides experiences in harmony with ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Program provides a nap or quiet time for all children under the age of six not
enrolled in school who are present five or more hours.
Center shall have written policy on discipline of children which provides for positive
guidance, with direction for resolving conflict and setting of limits.
Center does not use corporal punishment including spanking, shaking, or slapping.
Punishment which is humiliating or frightening or causes pain or discomfort is not
allowed. Mechanical restrains shall never be used. If part of a treatment plan for a
child with a disability, staff shall receive training.
Punishment or threat of punishment associated with illness, toilet training, or food or
rest is not be used.
No child is subject to verbal abuse, threats, derogatory remarks about child or child’s
Child Requiring Accommodations
Reasonable accommodations are made for children with disabilities.
Required files contain docu
mentation of reasonable accommodation
s made in
providing car
e to a child with a disability
Play Equipment and
Sufficient toilet articles are provided for handwashing.
Sufficient and safe indoor play equipment, materials,
and furniture
conforms wit
Play equipment, materials,
and furniture
meet the developmental, activity, and
special needs of the children.
arrangement does not obstruct the direct obse
rvation of children.
Individual c
overed mats, beds, or cots, and appropriat
e bedding is provided for
all children who nap.
Procedures a
re developed and implemented to maintain equipmen
t and
materials in a
sanitary manner.
Sufficient spacing is maintained between equipment to reduce tran
smission of
se and allow ease of movement
by children and staff to respond to
s and
care needs.
Sanitary procedures are fo
llowed for use and storage
of personal hygiene
If insufficient, list concerns:
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 161
Infant Environment
or children under age two protects from harm but does not unduly
restrict development.
Stimulation provided to infants throughout the day. Same caretaker for infants as
Infants diapered in a sanitary manner as needed in central diapering area.
One changing table for every 15 infants/toddlers needing diaper changes.
Diapering, sanitation, and handwashing procedures posted and implemented in
central diapering area.
If insufficient, list concerns:
Highchairs or hook-on seats equipped with safety strap and designed not to topple.
Safety strap engaged when child in seat.
Toys provided are safe, washable, too large to swallow, and with no removable parts.
Hard surface toys sanitized daily.
The provider shall follow sa
e sleep practices recommended by AAP for infants under
one year of age:
Infants shall always be placed on their back for sleep.
Infants shall be placed on a firm mattress with a tight fitted sheet that meets
Consumer Product Safety Commission federal standards.
Infants shall not be allowed to sleep on a bed, sofa, air mattress or other soft
surface. No child will be allowed to sleep in any items not designed for
sleeping including, but not limited to, an infant seat, car seat, swing, bouncy
No toys, soft objects, stuffed animals, pillows, bumper pads, blankets, or loose
bedding shall be allowed in the sleeping area with the infant.
No co-sleeping shall be allowed.
Sleeping infants shall be actively observed by sight and sound.
If an alternate sleeping position is needed, a signed physician or physician
assistant authorization with statement of medical reason is required.
Crib or crib-like furniture, waterproof mattress covering, and sufficient bedding that
meets CPSC or ASTM standards is provided for each child under two years of age.
Infant walkers are not used.
Centers operating five hours or less on a daily basis: Suf
icient number of cribs or
crib-like furniture for children who may nap that provide a waterproof mattress,
sufficient bedding, meet CPSC or ASTM standards, maintained in a sanitary manner,
and used only by one child at a time.
If insufficient, list concerns:
All items used for sleeping are in compliance with manufacturer standards for age and
weight of child.
Facility Requirements
Sufficient and age-appropriate cribs, beds, cots, and bedding are provided. Sufficient
furniture, lighting, and activity material provided. Equipment and materials maintained
in a safe and sanitary manner.
If insufficient, list concerns:
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 162
Separate, private space for school-age boys and girls for restroom and bedtime
Restroom doors nonlockable.
Center supplements those personal effect items not provided by parents for
personal hygiene and sleep.
Written information obtai
ned regarding child’s snacking,
toileting, personal
hygiene, and bedtime routines.
Evening activities sel
-selected by child.
Child-occupied rooms have adult supervision present – except those used by
school-age children for sleep.
All staff in ratio are present and awake.
If visual monitoring equip
ment used for rooms where school-age
children are
sleeping, monitor allows fo
r all children to be visible.
If visual monitoring equipment used for rooms where school-age
children are
sleeping, staff
are present at all time
s in room with monitor and conduct
checks in the sleeping room every 15 minutes.
Medical advisor for health policy is an MD or DO in pediatrics or family practice.
Licensed LPN or RN on duty at all times children are present.
If nurse on duty is LPN, arrangements exist for medi
cal advisor or RN in
proximate area to provide consultation.
Health Policies
Written health policy consistent with NHSPS and approved and signed by the owner
or board and medical advisor prior to start of business and shall address procedures
in the following areas:
(1) Policy addresses medical consultation, emergencies, triage policies,
storage and
stration of medications, dietary considerations, sanitation an
d infection
control, cate
gorization of illness, length
of enrollment periods, exclusion
policy, employee health policy.
(2) Reportable di
sease policy.
Any change in health policy was approved by medical advisor and submitted to HHS.
Written summary of health policy given to parents when child enrolled.
All children receive a brief evaluation by LPN or RN upon arrival.
Summary of health status provided to parent at end of day that includes:
(1) Admitting symptoms.
(2) Medications and time admi
(3) Nutritional intake.
(4) Rest per
(5) Output.
Exceptions to Licensing Requirements
Minimum ratio: 1:4 for infants and 1:5 for children over age two.
All staff that have contact with children: Minimum of 17 clock hours of special training
in caring for mildly ill children. Current certifications in file.
(1) Within one month of employment: Training includes four hours in
infant and
child CPR an
d four hours in pediatric first aid; one hour in infectio
n control.
(2) Within 6 months of employment: Training includes six hours of care of ill
children and two hours in
child abuse identification and reporting.
40 square feet of program space per child.
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 163
Sink in every child-occupied room.
Outdoor space waived by HHS if adjacent to pediatrics unit.
Grouping of children allowed by categorization of illness without regard to age and in
separate rooms with full walls and doors.
Center shall serve each child a full, nutritionally balanced meal as defined by
CACFP guidelines.
Staff shall provide supervision at table during snacks and meals.
Children at center two hours or longer shall be offered food of not less than
two hours and no more than three hours apart unless child is asleep.
Center shall follow minimum CACFP menu patterns for meals and snacks.
Menus planned one week in advance, made available to parents, and kept on
file with substitutions noted.
Avoid foods with high incident rate of causing choking.
Feeding of Children Under Two Years of Age
Children under 12 months fed on demand, unless other written instructions
from parent.
Infant CACFP menu patterns followed and appropriate to the infant’s
nutritional requirements and eating abilities.
Menu patterns modified only upon written instruction of parent, physician, or
health care provider.
Special formulas given to child with feeding problem if prescribed by physician.
Children under six months held or fed in sitting-up position.
Bottles not propped for any child, given to a child in a crib or left sleeping with
a bottle.
Spoon feeding is adapted to developmental capabilities of child.
Children 12 months of age or younger fed single-serve, read
-to-feed formulas,
concentrated or powdered formula following manufacturer’s instructions or breast
milk unless otherwise ordered by parent or physician.
Children under age two not on formula or breast milk are fed whole milk.
Clean and sanitized bottles and nipples used for on-site formula preparation and kept
Food Brought From Home
Written policies developed for food brought from home for children under
five years of age not enrolled in school and is provided to parent at admission.
Food brought from home for children under five years of age not enrolled in
school is monitored and supplemented if necessary to ensure CACFP
guidelines maintained.
Center does not restrict parent from providing meals brought from home for school
aged children or apply nutritional standards.
Perishable foods brought from home are maintained to avoid contamination or
Snacks that may not meet CACFP guidelines are allowed by parents for special
Food Preparation/Sanitation
Food preparation and storage procedures are consistent with NHSPS.
icient refrigeration is provided appropriate to perishable food.
If insufficient, list concerns:
470-3940 (Rev. 02/24) 164
Sanitary and safe methods in food preparation, serving, and storage sufficient
to pr
event transmission of disease, infestation, and spoilage are foll
Staff prepa
ring food that have injuri
es on hands wear protective gloves.
Staff serving food use clea
n serving uten
sils and have clean hands/wear
protective gloves.
If insufficient, list concerns:
Sanitary methods are used for dishwashing sufficient to prevent transmission of
If insufficient, list concerns:
Sanitary methods are used for garbage disposal sufficient to prevent transmission of
disease and infestation.
If insufficient, list concerns:
Suitable water and sanitary drinking facilities are available and accessible.
Centers serving infants and toddlers provide, at a minimum, indivi
dual cups.
If insufficient, list concerns:
Private water supplies are of satisfactory bacteriological quality as shown by an annual
water analysis drawn between May 1 and June 30 of each year.
If children under age two are served, private water analysis included nitrate analysis.
If public or private water supply was determined unsuitable for drinking, commercially
bottled water certified as chemically and bacteriologically potable or other approved
water was used.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 165
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Lista de verificación del reglamento para la
obtención de licencia
Nombre del centro
N.° de ident. de licencia (Nuevas solicitudes)
Código postal
Fecha de inspección
La información del meno
en el centro de cuidado infantil o con un pariente se
mantiene de manera confidencial. Si esta información es revelada por medios visuales,
escritos o verbales, el consentimiento por escrito del padre o tutor está en archivo, o
bien, existe una orden judicial que permite la revelación de la información.
Declaración po
escrito del propósito
los objetivos. Plan
prácticas coherentes con
la declaración po
Políticas por escrito requeridas
Políticas tarifarias
acuerdos financieros establecidos.
Políticas por escrito sobre:
Inscripción y cancelación.
Excursiones y actividades fuera del centro.
Transporte, si corresponde.
Políticas de salud y seguridad.
Plan de estudios o estructura del programa apropiados para el desarrollo
diseñadas de acuerdo con el nivel de desarrollo/necesidades de los menores que
asisten al centro.
Desarrollo de un plan po
escrito para orienta
al personal sobre las políticas del
centro y el reglamento para la obtención de licencia. La orientación se ajusta al plan de
orientación elaborado para el personal del centro.
Plan po
escrito para el desarrollo continuo del personal que cumple con la 441 IAC
Copia de las políticas
el programa del centro a disposición de todo el personal al
momento de su empleo y de cada padre al momento de la admisión del menor al
Cuando atienda a niños menores de 3 años, desarrolle e implemente una política
para responder a incidentes de mordeduras. Incluya:
(1) Una explicación de la filosofía del centro sobre las mordeduras.
(2) Cómo responderá el centro a incidentes aislados y recurrentes.
(3) Cómo evaluará el centro la conveniencia de supervisar al cuidador.
(4) Cómo responderá el centro ante el menor o cuidador mordido.
(5) El proceso de notificación a los padres.
(6) Cómo se documentará el incidente.
(7) Cómo se protegerá la confidencialidad.
(8) Los procedimientos de primeros auxilios que se utilizarán.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 166
Desarrollo de una pol
tica del centro para garantiza
que las personas no
tengan acceso a los menores si no están autorizadas. Incluye:
(1) Los criterios para permitir el ingreso de personas a la propiedad cuando haya
menores presentes.
La forma en que se supervisará o controlará a las personas.
La forma en que se delegará la responsabilidad al personal.
(4) L
a forma en que se les dará a conoce
la política a los padres.
Desarrollo e implementación de una política para la protección de la confidencialidad
del menor.
Publicaciones requeridas
Publicaciones obligatorias:
El certificado de la licencia del centro.
avisos de exposición a enfermedades contagiosas.
Los a
visos de decisión respecto a la denegación, suspensión o revocación
la licencia del centro o de su cambio a una licencia provisional.
Todas las publicaciones se deben colocar de ma
nera visible en la entrada principal del
Publicaciones obligatorias:
Requisitos de una persona con la obligación de denunciar el abuso infantil.
iso sobre la disponibilidad del manual.
Actividades del
Publicados en las áreas f
ecuentadas po
los padres o el público en general.
Los requisitos
procedimientos para las denuncias obligatorias de sospechas de abuso
infantil están publicados en lugares donde el personal
los padres pueden leerlos.
Los estándares
procedimientos de otorgamiento de licencias para los centros de
cuidado infantil y establecimientos preescolares están disponibles en el centro y hay
un aviso que indica que existe una copia disponible para su revisión.
El aviso incluye la información de contacto del consulto
de cuidado infantil.
La licencia de cuidado infantil está publicada en un secto
visible e indica los lugares
específicos donde se ofrecen los servicios de cuidado infantil y la cantidad máxima
de menores que el centro puede atende
al mismo tiempo.
Política po
escrito dirigida a los padres sobre las limitaciones de acceso al centro.
Políticas de contratación
retención de personal y administradores que demuestren
sus competencias en el trabajo con menores.
Director de
Los centros que tienen varias sedes cuentan con un directo
o superviso
calificado en terreno, en cada una de sus sedes.
La información sobre las calificaciones del director se envía al consultor
previo a su contratación y es suficiente para tomar una determinación.
El director reúne las calificaciones, o bien, cumple un plan establecido que lo “califica”
para el cargo.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 167
Supervisor en e
El director o supervisor en el sitio está presente en el centro durante las horas de
funcionamiento o durante un mínimo de seis horas de la totalidad de las horas de
funcionamiento del centro.
La información sobre las calificaciones del supervisor en el sitio se envían al consultor
previo a su contratación y es suficiente para tomar una determinación.
El supervisor en el sitio reúne las calificaciones, o bien, cumple un plan establecido que lo
“califica” para el cargo.
Si el superviso
en el sitio se encuentra temporalmente fuera del centro, existe otro
adulto responsable claramente designado como superviso
Todos los voluntarios deben tene
al menos 16 años de edad
(1) Tener declaraciones firmadas que indiquen que no han sido condenados en ningún
estado ni poseen antecedentes fundados de abuso de menores o adultos
(2) Tener declaraciones firmadas que indiquen que no tienen enfermedades
contagiosas u otros problemas de salud que representen una amenaza para los
una declaración firmada que indique que se les ha informado sobre sus
responsabilidades como personas con la obligación de denuncia
el abuso infantil.
Someterse a una verificación de antecedentes si:
(1) Es necesaria para cumplir con la proporción requerida entre menores y
miembros del personal.
Tiene responsabilidad directa sobre uno o más menores.
(3) Tiene acceso a uno o más menores cuando no hay otro miembro del personal
Verificaciones de antecedentes
El Centro debe volve
a realiza
las verificaciones de antecedentes en Iowa como
mínimo cada dos años o cada vez que tenga conocimiento de la ocurrencia de un abuso
infantil o de la existencia de antecedentes penales.
El Centro debe volver a realiza
las verificaciones de antecedentes a nivel nacional
como mínimo cada cuatro años o cada vez que tenga conocimiento de antecedentes
Ninguna persona que tenga prohibición de participa
en cuidados infantiles es
opietario, dirige o trabaja en el centro.
Uso de sustancias controladas y medicamentos: Todos los propietarios,
miembros del personal y voluntarios deben estar libres del uso de drogas ilegales y no
deben estar bajo los efectos del alcohol ni de medicamentos recetados o no recetados
que pudieran afecta
su capacidad para funcionar.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 168
Todo e
debe (dentro de los primeros tres meses de empleo):
Participar en dos horas de capacitación aprobada sobre la
bligación de denunciar casos de abuso infantil.
Participar por lo menos en una hora de capacitación sobre
s generales y control de enfermedades infecciosas.
Obtener una certificación en reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) de bebés,
y adultos de la Cruz Roja de los Estados Unidos, de la Asociaci
dounidense del Corazón, del Instituto Americano de Seguridad y Salud,
MEDIC First Aid, o una certificación equivalente aprobada por el
Departamento. Man
tener un certificado válido que indique la fecha de la
capacitación y su fecha de vencimiento.
Obtener una certificación en primeros auxilios para bebés, niños y adultos en
ue se utilice un plan de estudios reconocido a nivel nacional
o que provenga
una organización de capacitación reconocida a nivel naci
ncluida la Cruz Roja de los Estados Unidos, la Asociación Estadounidense
ón, el Instituto Americano de Seguridad y Salud, o MEDIC First Aid, o
una certificación equivalente aprobada por el Departamento. Mantener
cado válido que indique la fecha de la capacitación y su fecha
ecibir capacitaciones mínimas en salud y seguridad aprobadas por el
epartamento. Si se producen cambios significativos en el contenido, el
Departamento puede requeri
la renovación de la certificación.
Los directores de centros
todo el personal cumplen con las horas de
capacitación requeridas.
Número de personas que no cumple con lo requerido:
empleado en centros que solo ofrecen programas de verano
El personal empleado en los centros que operan con prog
amas de verano
recibe las siguientes capacitaciones dentro de los tres primeros meses de
Dos horas de capacitación en la ley de Iowa relativa a la obligación de
denunciar el abuso infantil.
Al menos una hora de capacitación sobre precauciones
generales y control de enfermedades infecciosas.
Certificación de la Cruz Roja de los Estados Unidos, de la Asociación
Estadounidense del Corazón, del Instituto Americano de Seguridad y Salud o
de MEDIC First Aid en reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) de bebés, niños
adultos, o una certificación equivalente aprobada por el Departamento.
mantener un certificado válido que indique la fecha de la capacitación y
su fecha de vencimiento.
Certificación en primeros auxilios para bebés, niños y adultos en que se utilice
un plan de e
studios reconocido a nivel nacional o que provenga
de una
nización de capacitación reconocida a nivel nacional, incluida la Cruz
de los Estados Unidos, la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón, el Instituto
mericano de Seguridad y Salud, o MEDIC First Aid, o una certificac
equivalente aprobada
por el Departamento. Deberá
mantener un certificado
ido que indique la fecha de la capacitación y su fecha de vencimiento.
capacitaciones mínimas en salud
seguridad aprobadas po
el Departamento.
Planes de capacitación para el personal que complementan los requisitos educativos
de experiencia y mejoran las habilidades del personal para trabajar con las
particularidades culturales y las características de desarrollo de los menores que asisten
al centro.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 169
El director, el supervisor en el sitio
persona designada como líde
ausencia del personal de supervisión ha completado la capacitación de orientación
descrita en 109.7(1) previo al servicio.
Requisitos mínimos de personal
Todo el personal que se considera en la proporción:
Debe tener al menos dieciséis años.
Si tiene menos de dieciocho años, no podrá ser el único proveedor
en el local.
Todo el personal que se considera en la proporción debe estar dedicado
directamente a los menores durante las actividades del programa.
Al menos una persona de guardia en el centro cuando haya niños presentes y
presentes en las excursiones deberá ser mayor de 18 años.
Los miembros del personal menores de 18 años no deben proveer transporte a los
niños bajo su cuidado.
Los miembros del personal menores de 18 años que no estén bajo
la supervisión de un adulto solo deben cuidar a niños en edad escolar
Proporción entre el personal y los menores
La proporción entre el personal y los menores que mantiene el centro está acorde a
lo requerido de acuerdo a las edades de los menores.
Las combinaciones de grupos de niños de cuatro años y mayores determinan la
proporción dependiendo de la edad mayoritaria en el grupo.
Se podrán permitir combinaciones de grupos de niños entre 3 y 5 años
con una proporción de 1 personal por cada 12 niños.
Los niños entre 18 meses y 3 años de edad pueden combinarse en grupo,
si fuera coherente con las necesidades de desarrollo del niño. Si se combina un niño
menor de 2 años, se mantendrá la proporción de personal de 1 a 7;
de lo contrario, la proporción de personal puede determinarse por la edad
mayoritaria de los niños en el grupo.
Breve ausencia de un miembro del personal permitida por 5 minutos o menos cuando
otro miembro del personal está presente
Al menos un miembro del personal está presente en cada sala donde descansan
los menores.
Si durante la hora de la siesta la proporción se reduce a un miembro
del personal por sala, el período no excede una hora y se mantiene
la proporción en el centro.
La proporción en los salones para bebés se mantiene en todo momento.
Dos adultos están presentes cuando hay ocho o más niños
en las instalaciones.
Dos adultos están presentes cuando se transportan ocho o más niños en un
Hay un miembro del personal para el transporte escolar; solo si
se realiza en un vehículo de propiedad del centro y se cuenta
con la autorización de los padres.
Un personal adicional cuando el centro contrate el transporte de ocho
o más niños para fines no relacionados con la escuela.
Un miembro del personal adicional cuando cinco o más niños participan
en una actividad patrocinada por el centro, fuera del centro.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 170
Si al comienzo y al final del funcionamiento del centro se reduce la proporción a un
miembro del personal, este tiempo no debe exceder de dos horas y debe producirse
solo si hay siete o menos niños presentes y no más de cuatro niños menores de dos
años y no haya hay más de siete niños en el centro.
La proporción para menores en edad escolar puede ser excedida cuando
las clases escolares comiencen tarde, terminen temprano o se cancelen de manera
imprevista. Esto no puede ocurrir por más de cuatro horas, mientras
el cuidado se limite a los menores que ya forman parte del programa y este
no exceda su capacidad autorizada.
Registros de
personal. Número de archivos revisados:
Todos los a
chivos deben contene
una declaración firmada po
miembro del
personal que indique si el miembro tiene una condena penal o antecedentes fundados
de abuso de menores o adultos dependientes.
Número de personas que no cumple con lo requerido:
Todos los archivos deben contener:
(1) Una copia firmada del formulario B de verificación de antecedentes penales del HHS
se presentó previo a la contra
) Una copia de la Solicitud de información de abuso de menores o adultos dependientes.
(3) Copias de los resultados de las verificaciones de antecedentes realizadas en Iowa.
(4) Copi
as de los resultados de las verificaciones de antecedentes penales a nivel
(5) Todo
s los documentos emitidos por el Departamento relacionados con la
verificación de
antecedentes que hayan sido enviados al centro.
Número de personas que no cumple
on lo requerido:
Todos los archivos contienen un informe del examen
ísico de precontratación
completado durante los seis meses previos al empleo y al menos cada tres años. Los
informes del examen físico deben ser documentados en el formulario 470-5152,
Informe de Examen Físico de Proveedor de Cuidado Infantil.
Número de a
chivos que no cumple con lo requerido:
Todos los a
chivos contienen documentación que indica que se cumplen los
requisitos de capacitación continua del personal, incluidas las certificaciones vigentes
en primeros auxilios/reanimación cardiopulmonar y capacitación obligatoria sobre
abuso infantil Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo requerido.
Si el miembro del personal participará en el transporte de menores, los archivos
contienen fotocopia de una licencia de conducir válida.
Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo requerido:
Archivos de los menores. Número de archivos revisados:
Todos los archivos se actualizan al menos una vez al año
cada ve
que se produzca
algún cambio.
Todos los archivos contienen información suficiente para pe
que el centro se
comunique con los padres, o quien figure como contacto de emergencia, durante todo
el tiempo que el menor se encuentre al cuidado del centro.
Número de a
chivos que no cumple con lo requerido: Información faltan
Todos los archivos contienen información
autorización suficiente como para que el
centro pueda conseguir servicios médicos y dentales de emergencia, durante todo el
tiempo que el menor se encuentra al cuidado del centro.
Número de archivos que no cumple con lo requerido para conseguir servicios médicos:
Número de archivos que no cumple con lo requerido para conseguir servicios dentales:
Información faltante:
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 171
Cada archivo contiene información sobre la salud y necesidades médicas específicas
del menor, incluida información sobre cualquier tratamiento prescrito.
En el caso de los programas con niños en edad escolar que se desarrollen en la
escuela del menor, cada archivo debe incluir una declaración firmada por el padre
que indique que la información de vacunación se encuentra disponible en los archivos
de la escuela.
Número de archivos que no cumple con lo requerido:
Todos los archivos contienen la autorización de los padres de las personas habilitadas
para recoger al menor.
Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo requerido:
Los archivos contienen documentación de lesiones, accidentes u otros incidentes
relacionados con el menor.
Número de archivos
ue no cum
len con lo re
Todos los archivos contienen la autorización de los padres para asisti
a excursiones
y actividades patrocinadas por el centro que se desarrollen fuera del centro.
Si se utiliza un formulario de autorización que incluye a todos los menores que
participan en la actividad, se mantiene una copia en el archivo del centro.
Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo requerido para las actividades patrocinadas por
el centro:
Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo requerido para las actividades que se desarrollan
fuera de
Todos los menores alérgicos cuentan con un plan de emergencia po
escrito. Si el
menor sale del establecimiento, lleva consigo una copia de dicha información.
Cada meno
inscrito en el centro cuenta con los certificados de vacunación de Iowa
firmados y fechados en su archivo.
Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo requerido: Número de archivos invá
Se mantienen registros diarios po
escrito de cada niño meno
de dos años,
incluyen el tiempo de la siesta, la cantidad de alimentos que consumió y el horario
en que lo hizo, el horario/irregularidades en los patrones de las deposiciones, la
disposición general
el resumen general de actividades.
El centro establece políticas de salud, incluidos los criterios para exclui
a un meno
que se encuentre enfermo. Las políticas se ajustan a los estándares nacionales de
desempeño en materia de salud
Requisitos respecto a exámenes físicos/
acunación de los menores
En el caso de los menores en edad preescola
(para menores de cinco años o menos
no matriculados en la escuela): el informe del examen físico se presenta dentro de los
30 días previos a la admisión, se obtuvo dentro de los 12 meses previo a la admisión,
debe estar firmado por un médico (MD), médico osteópata (DO), quiropráctico,
asistentes médicos (PA) o profesional en enfermería avanzada (ARNP) con licencia y
contiene el historial médico; estado de salud actual, incluidas alergias, medicamentos y
enfermedades agudas/crónicas; y recomendaciones para la continuidad de cuidados, en
caso de ser necesario.
Número de archivos que no cumplen con lo
En e
caso de los menores en edad escola
(para menores de cinco años en adelante
matriculados en la escuela): la certificación anual del estado de salud está firmada por
los padres, fue enviada previo a la admisión y certifica que el menor está libre de
enfermedades contagiosas e indica las alergias, medicamentos y enfermedades
agudas/crónicas del menor.
Número de archivos
ue no cum
len con lo re
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 172
Si la afiliación religiosa de un meno
va en contra de un tratamiento médico o los
requisitos de vacunación, el archivo contiene una declaración firmada ante un notario.
Número de archivos
ue no cum
len con lo re
Emergencias médicas
dentales: El centro cuenta con información y autorización
suficiente como para responder ante emergencias médicas y dentales de los menores.
Se cuenta con procedimientos de emergencia por escrito para que el personal
sea capa
de implementa
dichos procedimientos.
El centro cuenta con los procedimientos po
escrito y las autorizaciones necesarias
para la dispensación y almacenamiento de todos los medicamentos recetados y no
mantiene un registro de todo ello.
Todos los medicamentos se almacenan en sus envases originales con las instrucciones
del médico o farmacéutico. Los medicamentos son almacenados fuera del alcance de
los menores y el público, y sus etiquetas se mantienen intactas. Los medicamentos de
venta libre están etiquetados con el nombre del menor correspondiente.
día que una autorización de medicamento esté vigente
el menor esté presente
en el centro, la administración registra el nombre del medicamento, la fecha, la hora, la
dosis, indica si la medicación fue dada o aplicada y se registran las iniciales de la persona
que administr
el medicamento o el motivo po
el cual no se administró.
En el caso de los medicamentos a largo plazo que forman parte de un tratamiento en
curso, la
igencia de la autorización no excede la duración del tratamiento prescrito.
El personal no debe administrar medicamentos a un menor si no h
completado la
capacitación/orientación previ
al servicio para el manejo de medicamentos.
Contacto diario: Al llega
al centro, cada meno
tiene contacto directo con un
miembro del personal.
Control de enfermedades infecciosas: los centros establecen políticas
procedimientos para el control de enfermedades infecciosas y el uso de precauciones
universales respecto al manejo de fluidos corporales. Los pañales sucios se almacenan
en contenedores separados de otros desechos.
Zona tranquila: el centro cuenta con una zona tranquila
con supervisión para
los menores enfermos o lesionados. Los padres o la persona designada son
notificados del estado del meno
en caso de una enfermedad grave o emergencia.
Lavado de manos del personal: el centro se asegura de que el personal
demuestra la debida higiene personal. El personal se lava las manos:
(a) Al l
legar al centro.
(b) Inmediatamente antes de comer o servir la comida.
(c) Después de cambiar el pañal a un menor.
(d) Antes de salir del baño, ya sea con un menor o solo.
(e) Antes y después de prestar primeros auxilios que no sean de emergencia, si no se
usan guantes.
(f) Después de manipula
animales o limpia
sus jaulas.
Lavado de manos de los menores: el centro se asegura de que el personal ayuda
a los menores con su higiene personal. En el caso de bebés o menores que presentan
alguna discapacidad, en lugar de agua potable, se usa un paño para lavar y otro para
enjuagar. Los menores se deben lavar las manos:
(a) Inmed
iatamente antes de comer o servir la comida.
(b) Después de ir al baño o un cambio de pañal.
(c) Después de manipula
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 173
Kit de primeros auxilios: el centro se asegura de mantener un botiquín de
primeros auxilios claramente etiquetado y adecuado para tratar lesiones menores o
traumatismos, accesible para el personal en todo momento cuando los menores
En el centro.
En la zona de juego exterior.
En excursiones.
Registro de incidentes: los padres son notificados el mismo día si su hijo se ve
involucrado en un incidente, lo que incluye:
Lesiones leves.
Cambios menores en el estado de salud.
Preocupaciones menores en torno a la conducta.
Incidentes que provoquen la lesión del menor.
La notificación se realiza de forma verbal e inmediata cuando se produce:
Una lesión grave de un menor.
Un incidente que provocó un cambio significativo en el estado de salud de un
Un incidente de conducta sexual inapropiada.
Proveer a los padres o persona autorizada un informe POR ESCRITO que
documente completamente cada incidente. Esto debe ser completado por el personal
que fue testigo del incidente y debe ser mantenido en el archivo del menor. Las
lesiones graves y fallecimientos deben ser reportados al Departamento dentro de las
24 horas posteriores al incidente.
consumir productos de tabaco está prohibido en el centro
en los
vehículos que se utilizan para el transporte de menores. Está prohibido en la zona de
juego exterior y durante las horas de operación del centro.
Se publica en cada entrada y en cada vehículo que se utiliza para el transporte de
menores carteles que indican la prohibición de fumar. Los carteles incluyen:
(a) El número de teléfono para reportar quejas.
(b) La dirección de Internet del DPH.
Todos los menores transportados en vehículos motorizados que estén sujetos a
registro, a excepción de los autobuses, están asegurados de manera individual con un
cinturón de seguridad, asiento o arnés.
Los niños menores de 6 años deben están asegurados con un sistema de retención
infantil. Durante el traslado, los niños menores de 1 año que pesen menos de 20 libras
están asegurados con un sistema de retención infantil
orientados hacia atrás.
Los niños menores de 12 años no ocupan el asiento delantero.
Los conductores poseen una licencia de conducir válida
no conducen bajo la
influencia del alcohol.
Los vehículos de propiedad del centro o arrendados po
el centro reciben
mantenimiento e inspecciones regulares de acuerdo con las pautas recomendadas por
el fabricante para el mantenimiento e inspección tanto del vehículo como de los
Números de emergencia durante excursiones: el personal registra los
números de teléfono de cada menor cuando son transportados hacia y desde la
escuela y en las excursiones y actividades no patrocinadas por el centro que se
desarrollan fuera del lugar.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 174
Mascotas: los animales que se mantienen en el centro están limpios, en buen estado
de salud, sin evidencia de enfermedad y no representan una amenaza para la
seguridad. La documentación de las vacunas vigentes de perros y gatos está
disponible. No se permiten mascotas en las áreas de preparación de alimentos o
Animales prohibidos en el lugar: hurones, reptiles, tortugas y aves de la familia de los
Planes de emergencia
El centro desarrolla planes y diagramas de emergencia por escrito para responder
ante incen
dios, tornados e inundaciones, y tiene planes para respon
der ante la
de padres ebrios o drogados en el centro, y ante menores extraviado
o secuestrados.
El centro cuenta con
orientaciones para responder o evacuar en caso
de nieve, cortes de energía, amenazas de bomba, derrames
productos qu
ímicos, u otros desastres que podrían generar daños estructurales
centro o repres
entar riesgos para la
Si el cen
tro se encuentra a menos de 10 millas de una planta de energía nuclear,
cuenta con un plan de evacuación.
Los planes
de emergencia incluyen procedimientos por escrito para
Evacuación para abandonar el sitio de manera segura.
Reubicación en un lugar común y seguro después de la evacuación.
Un refugio establecido en el mismo lugar, para que los menores puedan
de manera inmediata cuando sea inseguro abandonar
el lugar
a la situación de emergencia.
Protocolo de encierro seguro para proteger a los menores y proveedores de
una situ
Comunicación y reagrupamiento con los padres u otros adultos responsables
de lo
s menores, incluidos los teléfonos de emergencia.
Reanudación de las operaciones
Procedimientos para abordar las necesidades individuales de los menores,
dos aquellos con necesidades funcionales o de acceso.
Las instrucciones, números de teléfono y diagramas de emergencia en casos de
incendios, tornados e inundaciones están publicados de manera visible y se
documentan al menos una vez al mes para incendios y tornados. Se mantienen
registros del año actual y el anterior.
El centro desarrolla procedimientos para la capacitación anual del personal y los
voluntarios sobre planes de emergencia.
Se realizan inspecciones diarias para garantiza
que ninguna de las salidas esté
Supervisión y acceso
El centro
el supervisor se aseguran de que el personal sepa los nombres
cantidad de menores a su cargo. El personal brinda la debida supervisión.
Ninguna persona que no haya sido sometida a una verificación de antecedentes tiene
acceso a los menores si no es su padre, tuto
o custodio.
Un ofenso
sexual que haya sido condenado po
un delito contra un meno
está en el
registro de ofensores sexuales, no debe estar presente en la propiedad sin el permiso
por escrito del director, excepto por el tiempo razonable y necesario para transportar
a su propio hijo desde
hacia el centro.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 175
Tamaño de las salas
Tienen al menos 35 pies cuadrados de superficie útil po
Las salas con cunas en su interior tienen al menos 40 pies cuadrados de superficie
Área para bebés
Se provee un área segura y debidamente equipada para bebés que no permite la
intrusión de niños mayores de dos años.
Los niños mayores de dos años que permanecen en el área de bebés solo lo harán
por recomendación de un médico o la AEA debido a un retraso significativo en su
desarrollo. Los menores son colocados en el área para bebés por un tiempo
limitado y solo si cuentan con la aprobación del HHS, siempre que hacerlo no
represente un
amenaza para los bebés.
Requisitos de las instalaciones
El cent
o se asegurará de que:
(1) Las instalaciones y el local sean higiénicas, seguras y estén libres de peligros.
Se provea suficiente espacio interior y exterior. El área exterior incluya
equipamiento de juego seguro y un área de sombra.
Se provea suficiente espacio para comer.
Se provea suficiente iluminación.
Se provea suficiente ventilación.
Se provea suficiente calefacción.
Se provea suficiente climatización.
Se provea una cantidad suficiente de baños e instalaciones para el cambio de
El equipamiento, incluidos los electrodomésticos de cocina, se mantengan de
manera que no provoquen quemaduras, descargas eléctricas o lesiones a los
Se desarrollen e implementen procesos de desinfección y procedimientos de
seguridad para reducir el riesgo de lesiones o daños a los menores y reducir la
transmisión de en
ermedades en el cent
Se mantiene un registro de las inspecciones mensuales que se realizan al áre
recreación exterior
al equipamiento.
Instalaciones sanitarias:
Se cuenta con un inodoro y lavamanos por cada 15 menores de más de dos años
en una habitación con ventilación.
En el caso de las instalaciones construidas después de 11/1/95 debe existir al
menos un lavamanos en la misma zona que el inodoro.
Si se usa un inodoro conectado al alcantarillado, debe contar con asientos o sillas
de entrenamiento adecuados para niños menores de dos años.
Teléfono: se dispone de un teléfono que se encuentra operativo
los números de
emergencia de la policía, los bomberos y el centro de control de intoxicaciones se
encuentran publicados junto al teléfono. La publicación incluye la dirección y el
número de teléfono del centro.
La lista de números de emergencia de cada meno
está cerca del teléfono.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 176
Electrodomésticos de cocina o microondas:
Los hornos de gas o eléctricos no están ubicados en el área de funcionamiento del
La zona de electrodomésticos de cocina que se encuentran en el programa están
apropiadamente separados y no se consideran como superficie útil.
La leche de fórmula o la comida para bebés calentada en microondas no se sirve
inmediatamente y se agita o revuelve antes de servir.
La leche materna no se calienta en el microondas.
Peligros ambientales
En el caso de los centros construidos antes de 1978: se lleva a cabo una evaluación
se desarrolla un plan para remediar el peligro derivado de las pinturas con plomo.
En el caso de los cent
os a nivel del suelo que usan el área del sótano como espacio
del programa, o tienen un sótano debajo del espacio del programa: se realizan
se desarrolla un plan para elimina
la presencia de radón.
En todos los centros: previo al inicio de la temporada de uso de calefacción se realiza
una inspección anual de todos los aparatos de combustión con el objetivo de reducir
el riesgo de intoxicación por monóxido de carbono, y se instala además un detector
de monóxido de carbono que cumple con la norma UL 2034 en cada piso.
Los programas antes y después de la escuela o los programas de verano que solo
brindan servicios a menores en edad escolar en un edificio de escuela pública están
exentos de la realización de evaluaciones de plomo y monóxido de carbono.
El centro cuenta con una estructura de programa que emplea prácticas
apropiadas para el desarrollo y un programa de actividades por escrito
planificadas de acuerdo con las necesidades de desarrollo de los menores que
asisten al centro.
El programa complementa pero no duplica el plan de estudios de la escuela.
El horario del programa está publicado en un luga
visible para los padres.
El programa provee un plan de estudios o programa de actividades que promueve la
autoestima y la autoimagen positiva, la interacción social, la autoexpresión y la
comunicación, la expresión creativa
las habilidades para resolve
El programa provee un equilibrio entre actividades activas
tranquilas, individuales
grupales, en espacios interiores y exteriores, y actividades iniciadas por el personal y
los mismos meno
El programa ofrece actividades que promueven la motricidad fina
El programa brinda experiencias en armonía con los orígenes étnicos
El programa provee un tiempo de siesta o tranquilidad a todos los niños menores de
seis años que no están inscritos en la escuela y se encuentran presentes en el centro
durante cinco o más horas.
El centro cuenta con una política po
escrito sobre la disciplina de los menores que
provee una guía positiva, con instrucciones para resolver conflictos y establecer
El centro no utiliza el castigo corporal, incluidas las palmadas, sacudidas
castigo que sea humillante o aterrador, o que cause dolo
o incomodidad al
menor, está completamente prohibido. Nunca se usan dispositivos de inmovilización.
Si formara parte de un plan de tratamiento de un menor con una discapacidad, el
personal recibe una capacitación al respecto.
No se utiliza el castigo o las amenazas de castigo para aborda
una enfermedad, el
entrenamiento para i
al baño, o los hábitos con respecto a la comida o el descanso.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 177
Ningún menor es sometido a agresiones verbales, amenazas, o comentarios
despectivos sobre s
mismo o su familia.
enor que requiere adaptaciones
Se realizan adaptaciones razonables para los menores con discapacidades.
Los archivos solicitados contienen documentación de las adaptaciones razonables
realizadas para brinda
atención a un menor con una discapacidad.
Equipo de juego y materiales
Se proveen suficientes artículos de tocador para el lavado de manos.
Se cuenta con equipo de juego interior suficiente y seguro y con materiales y
mobiliario que cumple con la CPSC o la ASTM.
El equipo de juego, los materiales y el mobiliario cumplen con las necesidades
especiales, de desarrollo y de actividad de los menores.
La disposición de la sala no obstaculiza la observación directa de los menores.
Se proveen colchonetas, camas o catres individuales y ropa de cama adecuada a
cada menor que duerme la siesta en el lugar.
Se desarrollan e implementan procedimientos para desinfectar con regularidad los
equipos y materiales.
Se mantiene un espacio suficiente entre los equipos con el objetivo de reducir la
transmisión de enfermedades y permitir que los menores y el personal se muevan
con facilidad para responder a las actividades y necesidades de cuidados.
Se siguen los procedimientos sanitarios para el uso y almacenamiento de artículos
de higiene personal.
existen insuficiencias, indíquelas:
Ambiente para bebés
Los niños menores de dos años disponen de un ambiente que los protege de daños
físicos, pero que no restringe indebidamente su desarrollo.
Los bebés son estimulados a lo largo del día. Si es posible, todos los cuidados de un
menor son b
indados por el mismo adulto.
El cambio de pañales de los bebés se realiza en el área destinada para tales
efectos, según sea necesario.
Existe una mesa para cambiar pañales por cada 15 bebés/niños pequeños que
necesitan cambio de pañales.
Los procedimientos de cambio de pañales, saneamiento y lavado de manos están
publicados e implementados en el área central de cambio de pañales.
existen insuficiencias, indí
Se dispone de sillas altas o asientos con ganchos equipados con correas de se
y diseñados para no volcarse. Las correas de seguridad se abrochan cuando la silla
está en uso.
Los juguetes que se proveen son seguros, lavables, lo suficientemente grandes para no
ser tragados y no tienen piezas desmontables. Los juguetes de superficie dura son
desinfectados a diario.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 178
El proveedor sigue las prácticas de sueño seguro recomendadas po
la AAP para
bebés menores de un año.
Los bebés duermen boca arriba, es decir, de espalda.
Los bebés
son ubicados sobre un colchón firme con una sábana bien ajustada que
le con las normas federales de la Comisión de Seguridad de Productos del
se permite que un bebé duerma sobre una cama, sofá, colchón de aire u otra
superficie blanda. No se permite que un menor duerma en aparatos no diseñado
para dorm
ir, incluidos los asientos para bebé, asientos para automóvil, colu
o m
los bebés están en la zona para dormir, no tienen cerca juguetes, objetos
andos, peluches, almohadas, almohadillas protectoras, frazadas o ropa de c
se permite dormir junto a los bebés.
Los bebés
son vigilados activamente mientras duermen, a través de medios
visuales y sonoros.
Si el menor
necesita una posición alternativa para dormir, se solicita una
autorización firmada por un médico o asistente de médico que indique la
médica para ello.
A cada niño menor de dos años de edad se le provee una cuna o mueble tipo cuna
con un cubrecolchón impermeable y suficiente ropa de cama que cumpla con las
normas de la CPSC o la ASTM.
No se utilizan andadores para bebés.
En el caso de centros que operan a diario durante cinco horas o menos: se cuenta
con una cantidad suficiente de cunas o muebles similares a cunas para los menores
que duermen siesta y se provee un colchón impermeable y ropa de cama suficiente,
que deben cumplir con las normas de la CPSC o la ASTM y se mantienen de manera
higiénica y son utilizados solo en un menor a la vez.
existen insuf
ciencias, indí
Todos los artículos para dormi
se utilizan de acuerdo con las normas del fabricante
para la edad y el peso del menor.
Requisitos de las instalaciones
Se proveen cunas, camas, catres
ropa de cama suficiente
apropiada para la
edad. Se provee suficiente mobiliario, iluminación y material para actividades. Los
equipos y materiales son mantenidos de manera segura e higiénica.
existen insuficiencias, indí
Se dispone de un espacio privado separado para niños y niñas en edad escolar,
to para el uso del baño como para las actividades previas a dormir.
Las puertas
de los baños que usan los niños no se cierran con seguro.
El centro complementa los efectos personales que los padres no pueden proveer
para la higiene personal y el sueño del menor.
obtiene información por escrito con respecto a las meriendas, el uso del baño,
la h
igiene personal
las rutinas para dormi
del menor.
Las actividades nocturnas son seleccionadas po
el menor.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 179
Todas las habitaciones ocupadas por menores cuentan con la supervisión de un
adulto, excepto las que utilizan los menores en edad escolar para dormir.
Todo el personal considerado para alcanzar la proporción entre menores y
personal está presente y despierto en todo momento.
Si se usa un equipo de monitoreo visual para las habitaciones donde duermen
menores en edad escolar, el monitor permite la visualización de todos los
Si usa un equipo de monitoreo visual para las salas donde duermen menores en
edad escolar, el personal está presente en todo momento en la sala con el
realiza controles en el dormitorio cada 15 minutos.
El asesor médico de políticas de salud del centro es un médico o un
doctor en osteopatía, ya sea en pediatría o en medicina familiar.
El centro cuenta con una Enfermera Practicante Licenciada (LPN) o una
enfermera registrada (RN) con licencia durante todo el período en que los
menores estén presentes.
Si la enfermera de turno es una LPN, existe un acuerdo para que un asesor
médico o una RN en el área cercana brinde los servicios de consultoría que sean
Políticas de salud
Se cuenta con una política de salud po
escrito que es coherente con los NHSPS y ha
sido aprobada y firmada por el propietario o la junta y el asesor médico antes de
iniciar el negocio y que aborda los procedimientos en las siguientes áreas:
(1) La política aborda consultas médicas, emergencias, políticas de triaje,
almacenamiento y administración de medicamentos, consideraciones dietéticas,
saneamiento y control de infecciones, categorización de enfermedades, duración
de los períodos de inscripción, política de exclusión y política de salud de los
(2) Se cuenta con una política en relación con las enfermedades reportables.
Cualquier cambio en la política de salud es aprobado por un asesor médico y enviado
al HHS.
Al momento de la inscripción de un menor, se entrega a los padres un resumen por
escrito de la política de salud.
El meno
es evaluado brevemente po
una LPN o RN cada vez que llegue al centro.
El padre debe recibi
un breve resumen po
escrito cuando el meno
es recogido al
final de cada día, el cual debe incluir:
(1) Los síntomas presentes al momento de la admisión.
(2) Los medicamentos administrados y los horarios de administración.
(3) La ingesta de alimentos.
(4) Los períodos de descanso.
(5) Las deposiciones, orina y/o vómitos.
(6) La temperatura.
Excepciones a los requisitos de licencia
Proporción mínima: 1:4 en el caso de los bebés
1:5 en el caso de niños de más de dos
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 180
Todo el personal que tiene contacto con los meno
es: recibe un mínimo de 17 horas
de capacitación especial en el cuidado de menores con enfermedades leves. La
certificación vigente de la capacitación está en los archivos del personal.
(1) Dentro del primer mes de empleo: se brinda una capacitación que incluye cuatro
horas de RCP en bebés y niños y cuatro horas de primeros auxilios
más de una hora de capacitación en control de infecciones.
(2) Dentr
o de los seis primeros meses de empleo: se brinda una capacitación que
luye seis horas de cuidado de niños enfermos y dos horas de identificación y
denuncia de abuso
Existen 40 pies cuadrados de espacio po
en el programa.
un lavamanos en cada sala ocupada po
los menores.
Si el programa se encuentra en un área adyacente a la unidad de pediatría de un
hospital, el HHS puede eximi
lo de conta
con espacio exterior.
Se permite agrupar a los menores po
categorías de enfermedad, sin importa
la edad,
están en salas separadas con paredes
puertas completas.
El centro sirve a cada menor una comida completa y
nutricionalmente balanceada, según lo definido por las pautas
l personal supervisa las mesas durante las meriendas y comidas.
los menores que permanezcan en el centro dos horas o más se les ofrece
a intervalos de no menos de dos horas y no más de tres horas, a
menos que el meno
esté dormido.
Para la elaboración del menú, el centro sigue las pautas mínimas
cidas por el CACFP para comidas y meriendas.
Los menú
s se planifican con al menos una semana de anticipación, se ponen
disposición de los padres y se mantienen en los archivos del cent
cando las sustituciones disponibles.
e evitan los alimentos con una alta tasa de incidencia de asfixia.
Alimentación de niños menores de dos años
Los niños menores de 12 meses se alimentan a libre demanda, a menos que los
padres entreguen otras instrucciones por escrito.
menú es elaborado basado en las pautas de menú infantil entregadas por el
P y es acorde a las necesidades nutricionales y habilidades alimentarias del
menú se modifican solo mediante una instrucción por escrito proveniente de
los padres, médico o proveedor de cuidados de salud.
Si un menor
tiene un problema de alimentación, se le administra la leche de
fórmula especial prescrita
su médico.
Los niños menores de seis meses son sostenidos o alimentados en posición de
o se deja a ningún bebé tomando de un biberón que esté apoyado, no se da el
biberón mien
tras esté en una cuna, ni se le deja el biberón puesto en
la boca
mientras duerme.
a alimentación con cuchar
se adapt
a las capacidades de desarrollo del menor.
Los niños de 12 meses de edad o menos alimentados con leche de fórmula de una
sola porción, listas para tomar, fórmula concentrada o en polvo son alimentados
siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante, o mediante leche materna, a menos que los
padres o el médico indiquen lo contrario.
Los niños menores de dos años que no toman fórmula o leche materna son
alimentados con leche entera.
470-3940(S) (Rev. 02/24) 181
Los biberones
chupetes utilizados para la preparación de fórmulas se mantienen
desinfectados, y la leche preparada permanece refrigerada.
Alimentos traídos de casa
El centro establece políticas con respecto a los alimentos traídos de casa para los
niños menores de cinco años que no están inscritos en la escuela y se entrega
una copia a los padres al momento de la admisión.
Los alimentos traídos de casa para los niños menores de cinco años que no están
inscritos en la escuela son monitoreados y complementados, si es necesario, para
asegurar que se mantengan las pautas del CACFP.
El centro no restringe a los padres trae
comida de casa a los menores en edad
o de aplica
estándares nutricionales a las comidas.
Los alimentos perecederos traídos de casa se conservan apropiadamente para evitar
su contaminación o deterioro.
En ocasiones especiales se da a los padres la opción de trae
bocadillos que no se
ajustan a las pautas de nutrición del CACFP.
Preparación de alimentos/saneamiento
Los procedimientos de p
almacenamiento de alimentos se ajustan a lo
establecido po
los NHSPS.
Se dispone de refri
eración apropiad
para los alimentos perecederos.
existen insuficiencias, indí
Al momento de preparar, servir y almacenar los alimentos se siguen métodos
sanitarios y de seguridad que permiten prevenir la transmisión de enfermedades,
infestación y deterioro de los alimentos.
El personal que prepara alimentos y que tenga lesiones en las manos debe usar
guantes protectores.
El personal que sirve comida usa utensilios limpios para servir y tiene las manos
limpias o usa guantes protectores.
existen insuficiencias
Se utilizan métodos sanitarios para lava
los platos que permiten prevenir la
transmisión de enfermedades.
existen insuficiencias, indí
Se utilizan métodos sanitarios para la eliminación de desechos que permiten preveni
la transmisión de enfermedades e infestaciones. S
existen insuficiencias, indí
Se dispone de instalaciones sanitarias y de agua potable adecuadas y accesibles.
Los centros que brindan servicios a bebés y niños pequeños proveen, como mínimo,
vasos individuales.
existen insuficiencias, indí
Los suministros privados de agua tienen una calidad bacterioló
ica satisfactoria,
demostrada por un análisis anual del agua realizado entre el 1 de mayo y el 30 de junio
de cada año.
Si se brindan servicios a niños menores de dos años, el análisis de agua privado debe
un análisis de nitrato.
Si se determina que el suministro de agua público o privado no es apto para su
consumo, se utiliza agua embotellada comercialmente certificada como química y
bacteriológicamente potable, u otra agua aprobada.
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 182
Child Enrollment Information
Child’sName: DateofBirth:
Address: City: State: ZIP:
Name: Relationshiptochild:
City: State: ZIP:
Home#: Cell#: Work#:
Email(personal): Email(work):
Placeofwork: Address:
Name: Relationshiptochild:
City: State: ZIP:
Home#: Cell#: Work#:
Email(personal): Email(work):
Placeofwork: Address:
Name: Relationshiptochild:
Address: City: State:
Home#: Cell#: Work#:
Email(personal): Email(work):
Name: Relationshiptochild:
Address: City: State:
Home#: Cell#: Work#:
Email(personal): Email(work):
Name: Relationshiptochild:
Address: City: State:
Home#: Cell#: Work#:
Email(personal): Email(work):
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 183
Child’sDoctor’sName: Phone#:
Address: City: State:
PreferredHospitaltoContact: Phone#:
Address: City: State:
Child’sDentist’sName: Phone#:
Address: City: State:
Name: Phone#: Relationshiptochild:
Name: Phone#: Relationshiptochild:
Name: Phone#: Relationshiptochild:
Name: Phone#: Relationshiptochild:
Name: Phone#: Relationshiptochild:
Name: Phone#: Relationshiptochild:
Parent’sSignature: Date:
Parent’sSignature: Date:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 184
Record of Emergency Practice Drills
Facility/Program Name: Year:
Address: Owner/Director Signature:
Fire Drills (required)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Date Held & Initials
Start Time
Time Needed to
Evacuate Bldg.
Alarm Signal Used
Roll Call
Completed After
Drill Evaluation
Tornado Drills (required)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Date Held & Initials
Start Time
Time Needed to
Alarm Signal Used
Roll Call
Completed in
Drill Evaluation
Other Optional Drills (Rotate practicing evacuation, lock-down, shelter-in-place, etc.)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Date Held & Initials
Start Time
Type of Drill
(See types below)
Time Needed to
Alarm Signal Used
Roll Call
Completed in
Drill Evaluation
Type of Drill: 1) Shelter-in-place 2) Lock-down 3) Evacuation 4) Reverse Evacuation
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 185
Emergency Practice Drill Evaluation Tool
Facility/Program Name:
Date of Drill: Time of Drill: Type of Drill:
Name of Persons Evaluating Drill:
Drill Objectives
What Went Well?
What Did Not Go
Lessons Learned
and Recommended
Changes to the
Emergency Plan
Date Emergency Plan Changes Completed:
Signature of Owner/Director:
Comm. 204 (Rev. 04/24) 186
Record of Detector, Fire Extinguishers, and Evacuation Equipment Checks
Facility/Program Name: Year:
Address: Owner/Director Signature:
Smoke Detectors
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
# of Detectors
Date Detectors
Checked & Initials
Date Batteries
Replaced (change
twice a
Carbon Monoxide Detectors (required for licensed child care centers and preschools)
Jan Feb Ma
May June July
ug Sept Oct Nov Dec
# of Detectors
Date Detectors
Checked & Initials
Date Batteries
Fire Extinguishers
Jan Feb Ma
May June July
ug Sept Oct Nov Dec
# of Fire
Date Extinguisher
Checked & Initials
Date Fire
Evacuation Equipment (if equipment is included in your plan)
Other evacuation
equipment (i.e.,
egress windows,
evacuation cribs,
List items below
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
***If a serious injury or death to a child has occurred in a child care home, child development
home, or licensed child care center, please email this incident report form to the Department of
Human Services at [email protected] within 24 hours of the incident.***
HCCI 04252017
Child Care Injury / Incident Report
To be completed any time an injury that requires first aid or medical care which occurs in a child
care home, child development home, or licensed child care facility.
Business or Program Name: ____________________________________________
Address and Phone Number:____________________________________________
Child’s Name: __________________ Gender: M F Birthdate: ___________________
Date and Time of Incident: _______________
Name of Parent/Legal Guardian Notified: _______________
Method of Notification: ______________ Time Notified: ________________a.m./p.m.
Notification by (name of staff person): _________________________________
Injuries must be reported to the Department of Human Services within 24 hours of the
Serious Injuries include:
Disabling mental illness
Bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death, causes serious permanent
disfigurement, or
causes protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily
member or organ
Any injury to a child that requires surgical repair and necessitates the administration
of general anesthesia
Includes but is not limited to skull fractures, rib fractures, metaphyseal fractures of
the long bones of children under the age of 4 years.
Did the incident result in a serious injury to a child? Yes No
Did the incident result in death to a child? Yes No
Was EMS (911) or other medical professional notified? Yes No
Time Notified ________ a.m./p.m.
Equipment/Product involved: (check all that apply) Climber Motor Vehicle
Playground Surface Sandbox Slide Swing Tricycle/Bike/Riding toy
Toy (specify): _______________ Other Equipment (specify):___________
Reported equipment/product involved in the injury to the Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC)
Location where incident occurred: Classroom Dining Room Gym Hall
Kitchen Motor Vehicle Office Playground Restroom Stairway
Unknown Other (specify) ____________________________________________
March 2018
***If a serious injury or death to a child has occurred in a child care home, child development
home, or licensed child care center, please email this incident report form to the Department of
Human Services at [email protected] within 24 hours of the incident.***
HCCI 04252017
I have reviewed the above injury report and certify it is true and accurate to the best of
my knowledge:
_______________________________ ___________
Child Care Provider Signature Date
I have read the above injury report:
___________________________________________ ___________
arent / Legal Guardian / Authorized Person Signature Date
What First Aid / Treatment given on-site?
administered First Aid or Treatment? _______________________________
Describe the injury / incident: Include part(s) of the body injured and the type of injury
markings. For medication errors, describe medication and exact circumstances:
Cause of Injury / Incident( check all that apply) Animal Bite Child Behavior-
related Child Bite Choking Cold/heat over exposure Fall running/tripping
Fall to surface: Estimated height of fall ___feet. Type of surface: _______________
Hit or pushed by another child Injured by object Medication error
Motor vehicle Poisoning Sting, insect, bee, spider or tick bite
Other (specify): _________________________
Medical / Dental Care Needed Day of Injury / Incident:
No doctor/dental treatment required
Treated as an outpatient office or emergency room
March 2018
Developed by the Iowa Department of Education, Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services 8/2015
Diet Modification Request Form
Description: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reimburses home day care providers, child
and adult care centers, summer food service sponsors, schools, residential child care institutions, preschools,
and Head Start for meals served to participants that meet USDA requirements. The Child Nutrition Program
participating home provider or organization is listed below for meals served in their program. If a participant
needs to avoid specific foods for a medical reason, a prescribing licensed medical professional must document
the diet modifications and sign this form.
Please complete this form and return to your organization or provider:
(Name of home provider or organization)
Participant’s Name: Birth Date: Grade:_________
Parent/Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________________________
1) Does the participant have a disability? No Yes (identify)
If yes, describe the major life activity or functions affected by the disability (see link for definitions of disability
If yes, explain why the disability restricts the participant’s diet:
If no, identify the medical condition that does not rise to the level of a disability:
2) Food(s) or Formula to Omit:
Food(s) or Formula to Substitute:
3) Texture modifications:
Infants must receive iron-fortified infant formula or breast milk unless an allergy/exception statement is on file.
The back of this form includes additional descriptions No Yes
Licensed prescribing medical professional*:
Name (Print or Type) Title
*In Iowa licensed prescribing medical professionals include Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Physician’s
Assistant (PA), or Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP).
Signature of medical professional Date
If the participant has a disability, the provider must offer to supply the food substitutions unless doing so would
be a documented financial hardship. If the participant does not have a disability, the provider is not required to
supply the food substitutions.
The parent/guardian may request a nutritionally equivalent substitute for fluid milk without medical professional direction.
This site chooses to offer this nutritionally–equivalent product: __________________. Check here if you would like to
request the soy milk listed in place of fluid milk and list the reason for the request. ____________________
USDA allows a parent/guardian to supply substitute foods. Check here if you wish to provide the substitute foods:
Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________________________ Date:
(To document choices and for permission to release information)
USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Comm. 204 March 2018
Developed by the Iowa Department of Education, Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services 8/2015
Check the box in front of food groups that should NOT be served and list the foods to be served instead.
Lactose/milk – Do not serve the items checked below:
Fluid milk as a beverage or on cereal? ¼ cup of fluid milk to be
used on cereal? __yes __no
Milk based desserts such as ice cream and pudding
Hot entrees with cheese as a prime ingredient such as
grilled cheese, cheese pizza, or macaroni & cheese
Cheese baked in products such as a casserole or on meat pizza
Cold cheese such as string cheese or sliced cheese on a
Milk in food products such as breads, mashed potatoes, cookies
or graham crackers
Soy - Do not serve the items checked below:
Protein products extended with soy
Processed items cooked in soy oil
Food products with soy as one of the first three ingredients
Food products with soy listed as the fourth ingredient or
further down the list
Egg - Do not serve the items checked below:
Cooked eggs such as scrambled eggs or hard cooked
eggs served hot or cold
Eggs used in breading or coating of products
Baked products with eggs such as breads or desserts
Seafood – Do not serve the items checked below:
Peanuts – Do not serve the items checked below:
Peanuts, individually or as an ingredient
Foods containing peanut oil
Foods items identified as manufactured in a plant that
also handles peanuts
Tree nuts – Do not serve the items checked below:
All nuts
Food items identified as manufactured in a plant that also
handles nuts
Other: ____________________________________________
Wheat – Do not serve the items checked below:
Foods containing wheat
Foods containing gluten
Other: _________________________________________
Comm. 204 March 2018
470-5152 (Rev. 01/23) Page 1
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report
Child Care Center Personnel Child Development Home Providers
Date of Exam:
Child Care Providers:
Have frequent contact with children (infant through school-age) in care.
Are responsible for children’s physical care and social development day or/and nighttime hours.
May need to lift children, bend, and stand for long periods of time.
Immunization Status:
All child care employees and providers shall consult with their physician regarding the receipt of age appropriate
immunizations in accordance with the current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended
immunization schedule. Individuals involved in the provision of child care often come in contact with very young children,
whom may or may not be fully immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases. It is essential every child care employee and
provider discuss with their physician the benefits and risks associated with receiving or not receiving all ACIP age appropriate
immunizations before becoming involved in a child care setting.
(Physician Must Check One)
Patient’s immunization history was reviewed and patient is current with all ACIP recommended immunizations.
Patient received consultation regarding the receipt of age appropriate immunizations in accordance with the current ACIP
recommended immunization schedule and declined the following recommended vaccinations:
Tuberculosis Screening:
All child care staff/providers are required to receive a baseline screening for Tuberculosis. Baseline screening shall consist of
two components:
1. Assessing for current symptoms of active TB disease.
2. Screening for risk factors associated with TB.
NOTE: ONLY perform a TST or IGRA if the patient has an identified risk factor and/or current symptoms of TB disease.
Do not test individuals with previous past positive test results.
(Physician Must Complete - Check And Date)
TB signs/symptoms assessment and TB risk factor screen completed Date: ____________
TST or IGRA test completed (if indicated) Date: ____________
** Tuberculosis medical consultation and TB medications can be accessed by calling the Iowa Department of Health and
Human Services, Tuberculosis Control Program at 515-281-8636 or 515-281-7504.
470-5152 (Rev. 01/23) Page 2
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Child Care Provider Physical Examination Report
Child Care Center Personnel Child Development Home Providers
Overall Health Status:
Does the individual have a known communicable disease or other health conditions that poses a threat to the health,
safety, or well-being of children?
Yes (if yes, describe in detail below.)
Does the child care provider have a condition that limits the providers ability to safely supervise or evacuate
multiple dependent children in case of emergency?
Yes (if yes, describe in detail below.)
Individual may be involved with child care
Individual may be involved with child care, with the following accommodations and restrictions (please describe
Individual may not be involved with child care
Necessary Accommodations or Restrictions to Meet the Demands of Providing Child Care
May use stamp
Health Care Provider Signature ____________________________________
Circle the Provider Type MD DO PA ARNP DC
Address: Telephone:
470-5152(S) (Rev. 01/23) Page 1
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Informe de examen físico de proveedor de cuidado infantil
Personal del centro de cuidado infanti Proveedores de hogares de desarrollo infantil
Fecha de examen:
Los proveedores de cuidado infantil:
Tienen contacto frecuente con los menores (desde que son bebés hasta la edad escolar) bajo su cuidado.
Son responsables del cuidado físico y desarrollo social de los menores durante las horas diurnas o nocturnas.
Es posible que necesiten levantar a los menores, agacharse y permanecer de pie durante largos períodos de tiempo.
Estado de vacunación:
Todos los empleados y proveedores de cuidado infantil deben consultar con su médico sobre la recepción de las vacunas
apropiadas para su edad de acuerdo con el calendario de vacunación recomendado por el actual Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (Comité Asesor sobre Prácticas de Vacunación) (ACIP). Las personas involucradas en la prestación de
cuidado infantil a menudo entran en contacto con niños muy pequeños, quienes pueden o no estar completamente vacunados
contra enfermedades prevenibles con vacunas. Es esencial que cada empleado y proveedor de cuidado infantil hable con su
médico sobre los beneficios y riesgos asociados con recibir o no recibir todas las vacunas que el ACIP considera apropiadas
para la edad, antes de participar en un entorno de cuidado infantil.
(El médico debe marcar una)
Se revisó el historial de vacunación del paciente y el paciente está al día con todas las vacunas recomendadas por el ACIP.
El paciente recibió asesoramiento sobre la recepción de vacunas apropiadas para su edad de acuerdo con el calendario
actual de vacunación recomendado por el ACIP y rechazó las siguientes vacunas recomendadas:
Examen de detección de tuberculosis:
Todo el personal/proveedores de cuidado infantil deben recibir un examen inicial para detectar la tuberculosis. El examen
basal constará de dos componentes:
1. Evaluación de los síntomas actuales de tuberculosis activa.
2. Detección de factores de riesgo asociados con la tuberculosis.
NOTA: SOLO haga un TST o IGRA si el paciente tiene un factor de riesgo identificado o síntomas actuales de
tuberculosis. No haga pruebas a individuos con resultados anteriores positivos.
(El médico debe completar - Marcar y fechar)
Evaluación de los signos/síntomas de tuberculosis y análisis del factor de
riesgo de tuberculosis completados Fecha: ____________
Prueba TST o IGRA completada (si se indica) Fecha: ____________
** Se puede acceder a consultas médicas y medicamentos contra la tuberculosis llamando al Iowa Department of Health and
Human Services, Tuberculosis Control Program (Programa de Control de la Tuberculosis del Departamento de Salud Pública
de Iowa) al 515-281-8636 o al 515-281-7504.
470-5152(S) (Rev. 01/23) Page 2
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Informe de examen físico de proveedor de cuidado infantil
Personal del centro de cuidado infanti Proveedores de hogares de desarrollo infantil
Estado general de salud:
¿Tiene el individuo una enfermedad transmisible conocida u otras afecciones que representan una amenaza para la salud,
la seguridad o el bienestar de los menores?
Sí (Si la respuesta es Sí, describa en detalle a
¿El proveedor de cuidado infantil tiene una condición que limita la capacidad del proveedor para supervisar o
evacuar con seguridad a varios menores dependientes en caso de emergencia?
Sí (Si la respuesta es Sí, describa en detalle a
La persona puede participar en el cuidado infantil
La persona puede participar en el cuidado infantil con las siguientes adaptaciones y restricciones (describa a
La persona no puede participar en el cuidado infantil
Adaptaciones o restricciones necesarias para satisfacer las demandas de proveer cuidado infantil
Puede usar un sello
Firma del proveedor de atención médica ____________________________________
Encierre en un círculo el tipo de proveedor: MD DO PA ARNP DC
Dirección: Teléfono: