Disclaimer: The views in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
official policy or position of the Joint Staff, the Department of Defense (DOD), or the United
States Government (USG).
This is the First Edition of the Design and Planning Insights and Best Practices Focus Paper,
written by the Deployable Training Division (DTD) of the Joint Staff J7 and published by the
Joint Staff J7.
First Edition: July 2013
Written by Deployable Training Division. POC is Mr. Mike Findlay.
Deployable Training Division, Deputy Director Joint Staff J7, Joint Training
116 Lake View Parkway
Suffolk, VA 23435-2697
Email: js.dsc.j7.m[email protected]
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Commander-led understanding of the environment, identification of the problem, and
development of an operational approach better focuses subsequent planning efforts.
Gaining an understanding of the environment and identifying the problem requires
significant dialogue with senior leaders, mission partners, and stakeholders.
Design actions generally consist of more dialogue, questioning, and critical and artful
thinking, whereas planning actions consist of more deliberate analytical thinking and detailed
production of plans and orders.
Recognize the value of design and planning, their relationship, and how they continuously
feed each other. Getting design right is important to ensuring successful planning.
Design. The concept of operational design has moved the joint force away from what some
viewed as a planning-centric, checklist mentality to a more commander-led, artful analysis of the
environment, questioning of assumptions, focus on framing (or reframing) the problem, and the
development of an operational approach to guide subsequent planning. We believe this renewed
focus over the past six years on the key role of design is necessary in widening our cognitive
aperture to better support National Leadership in today’s complex and often ambiguous
Commanders lead their staff through design to:
Better understand the environment and situation.
Identify the problem.
Develop an operational approach to guide planning efforts.
Planning. We continue to see planning as a key to setting conditions for the success of
subordinates and unified action with mission partners. Key thoughts:
Joint commands leverage the up-front design work to guide planning.
The HQs organize to operate in three “event horizons” to maintain a balanced perspective in
setting conditions and facilitate the large number of planning efforts.
Planners stay in constant contact with the direction the commander is taking through “touch
points” – focused meetings, “huddles”, and decision boards – to gain guidance or direction.
Commander’s critical information requirements (CCIRs) and assessments inform and assist
the planners’ situational understanding. CCIRs can drive branch and sequel decisions, and
even cause a joint command to revisit design activities looking at the environment, the
problem, and the command’s operational approach.
We have observed the chief of staff (CoS) or the J3 leading the management of the large
number of planning efforts in the headquarters through a plans management board (PMB).
Design and Planning Continuum
Conceptual blank sheet
Questions assumptions and methods
Develops understanding
Complements planning, preparation,
execution, and assessment
-driven dialogue
Physical and Detailed
Develops Products
Patterns and templates
Commander-driven process
Design Planning
the importance of gaining a shared understanding of the operational environment, identifying the
problem facing them, and development of an operational approach to drive planning – and the
important role they personally play in these activities. Operational design supports the effective
exercise of command, providing a broad perspective that deepens understanding and enables
visualization. We have observed joint commanders around the world distilling their
understanding into broad approaches for resolving problems in tough, complex circumstances.
They give timely guidance to their planners enabling detailed planning via the joint operation
planning process, as well as providing clear and succinct intent to subordinates and components.
Because of the nature of today’s problems and environment, we recognize the importance of
dialogue and translation through candid discussions with superiors, battlefield circulation, and
interaction with peers and staff.
Joint commanders strive to
achieve a comprehensive
approach (see adjacent figure)
with mission partners through
continuous dialogue with higher
authorities, translation of this
dialogue, subsequent development
of desired conditions and
favorable outcomes, and issuance
of guidance and intent to
subordinates to achieve unity of
effort with mission partners.
This mirrors a continuum of
design and planning (see figure).
In the design end of the continuum, the commander and staff are focused on gaining a conceptual
understanding of the current operational environment and the problem. We see this occurring to
a large extent at the theater-strategic and the operational levels of war. The Army’s FM 6-0,
Mission Command, summarizes the commander’s role: “The most important role commanders
play in command and control (C2) is combining the art of command with the science of control.
Commanders use the activities of visualizing the battlespace, describing their commander’s
visualization to subordinates, directing actions to achieve results, and leading the command to
mission accomplishment as their decision
making methodology throughout the
operations process.”
The commander’s
and staff’s actions are a combination of the
execution of both operational art and
Operational art links both written and
unwritten policy and strategy into key
actions in the operational environment.
“Good operational art, demonstrated as
Department of the Army, Mission Command, FM 6-0 (Washington, DC: 13 September 2011).
Identify the
Where We
Where Do We
Want To Go?
Developing an Operational Approach
Strategic end state
Military end state
departments’ and
agencies’ objectives
Achieving a common
understanding of the
Continuous and
recursive refinement of
situational environment
Operational Approach: A
description of the broad actions the
force must take to transform current
conditions into those desired at end
state. (Source: JP 5-0)
often as necessary to support the achievement of campaign objectives, ensures that tactical
actions contribute to the attainment of the purpose of [the campaign, operation, or other military
It is also important to note that even in the absence of a clear strategic-level end state
or all necessary resources, the commander ultimately remains responsible for the success of the
mission, regardless of earlier higher direction or support by others.
Design: Understanding the Situation, Identifying the Problem, Developing an Operational
Approach: Design activities follow a logical
methodology to understand the broader
environment and identify and develop a
thorough understanding of the problem, and
the subsequent articulation of this
understanding into an operational approach.
An operational approach links design activities
to more detailed planning commonly
associated with the joint operation planning
process as depicted in the adjacent figure. It is
the culmination of an effort to visualize how
the joint force will reach intended objectives,
developed from the shared, common
understanding of the environment and clear
identification of the problem.
An excellent example of visualization is
the well-known Anaconda strategy that
General Petraeus and his team developed
in both Iraq and Afghanistan (see
This single figure captured a
common understanding of the
environment and problem, and a clear
visualization of how the force would
reach intended objectives.
Another example of design, and
specifically the linkage of the problem
with the operational approach, was
General Odierno’s (then Commander of
MNF-I) perspective in 2009 that
instability in Iraq was the problem and focused his operational approach on mitigating drivers of
instability. This is illustrated in his September 2009 testimony to the HASC: “There still remain
underlying, unresolved sources of potential conflict. I call these drivers of instabilityWe
continue to assist the Government of Iraq (GoI) in addressing and finding ways to mitigate these
Brigadier Justin Kelly and Dr. Michael James Brennan, Alien: How Operational Art Devoured Strategy (U.S.
Army War College: Strategic Studies Institute, 2009), p 98.
General David Petraeus, Center for a New American Security's 3
Annual Conference, “Striking a Balance: A
New American Security,” Keynote Address, Center for a New American Security, Washington, DC: 11 June 2009.
root causes of instability. Current drivers of instability include communal and factional struggles
for power and resources, insufficient GoI capacity, violent extremist groups, and interference
from external state and non-state actors.
Time spent on design and planning often depends on the complexity of the problem and the
echelon of command. During design, significant dialogue occurs between the commander and
planners with respect to defining the relevant ideas about the environment and the problem.
Well-informed dissenting opinions in the course of dialogue for design activities should be
considered to better develop an operational approach (see figure on previous page). These
opinions may be introduced by a “red team,discussed in detail in a later section. When a
transition from designing to planning occurs, articulation of the Design Concept and the results
of other design activities, including the initial commander’s estimate, planning guidance, and
commander’s intent, can serve
to guide subordinate
commanders and staffs in
detailed planning.
Design during crisis. Design
is often abbreviated during
Crisis Action Planning. The
Indonesia tsunami in
December 2004 (see figure),
the Haiti earthquake in
January 2010, and early
operations in regard to Libya
in 2011 are examples where
the commander and planners
were hard pressed to fully
develop their operational
approach due to the severe
time constraints. They
recognized this, and devoted as much time as possible up front, gaining the best possible
understanding of the operational environment and the problem before moving to detailed
planning and execution.
In both of these natural disasters the commanders quickly realized the nature of their roles in
providing foreign humanitarian assistance, as a supporting organization to the U.S. Agency for
International Development/Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA). This allowed
them to gain a better focus on the problem and operational environment. In both cases, the JTF
commanders also realized their every action should contribute to enhancing theater security
cooperation within their area of responsibility (AOR).
In the case of Haiti, Gen Fraser (USSOUTHCOM Commander), his staff, and components had
little time to react to the immediate life-saving requirements demanded by the operational
environment. As time passed, the design was refined to facilitate a clearer operational approach.
The commander’s situational awareness grew through internal efforts, the intense media
coverage, and through the significant number of external stakeholders, including the supported
General Odierno’s HASC Testimony, Status Of Ongoing U.S. Efforts In Iraq, 30 September 2009
U.S. Government (USG) agency USAID/OFDA, the U.S. Embassy’s country team in Haiti,
Haitian government officials, the United Nations (UN), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
and others.
The below figure depicts the operational approach from the USSOUTHCOM perspective. They
used four lines of effort: “Security ISO HA/DR” (in support of humanitarian assistance/disaster
relief), “Critical Engineering,” “Logistics,” and “Medical” (listed on the left) across the two
phases shown. Wrapped around these is strategic communication, demonstrating how the
commander’s communication strategy is woven into all operations.
The commander and his
staff worked to clearly display objectives and end states by phase, demonstrating explicitly their
incorporation of three elements of design: end state, arranging operations (through phasing), and
lines of effort.
The end state determined by the campaign plan is also shown adjacent to the
national end state, creating a visual linkage between the two. While this is simply one
PowerPoint slide, it demonstrates the intellectual rigor by which Gen Fraser and his staff, in
coordination with subordinates and other stakeholders, developed an operational approach to
assist in planning and execution of the challenging HA/DR operation.
“Inform and Influence” is an emergent term being used in the field to describe the integration of information-
related activities. For further discussion, see the Insights and Best Practices Focus Papers which can be found at the
URLs listed on the inside front cover.
Elements of operational design are defined in Joint Operation Planning, JP 5-0, Chapter 3.
Understanding the Operational Environment. Advances in technology – particularly
information technology – have clearly impacted operations in the battlespace. One effect of
technological advances is the ability of commanders to leverage many joint capabilities at lower
levels. Commanders realize how important it is for them to understand, and “give way to more
collaborative and decentralized approaches, informed from the bottom up and driven by the co-
creation of context.”
Co-creation of context” refers to the simultaneous development of a fuller
situational understanding across echelons of command and with our stakeholders leveraging each
other’s unique viewpoints and perspectives. As commands at all echelons simultaneously
leverage means to gain information about the environment, they filter the information relevant
for them to take action. This relevant information is also communicated through “collaborative
approaches” so that multiple echelons can leverage information quicker. The co-creation of
contexttranslates to a better overall understanding of the operational environment.
Thisco-creation of context” observed in recent and ongoing operations enhances the application
of operational art and design in developing and refining both the higher headquarters’
operational approach and lower headquarters’ execution.
We see a good correlation between an increase of complexity in problems faced by the joint
force and the exercise of operational art at lower echelons. The joint commander enables
subordinate tactical commanders with the right tools, including technological ones, and provides
flexibility through mission-type orders. Tactical commanders gain an added responsibility to be
able to leverage joint capabilities, bringing them to bear effectively in the operational
Identifying the Problem is Critical to Solving it. We often see joint
commands struggle to incorporate results from identifying the problem and
development of an operational approach into the JOPP (see figure at right).
Critical time spent in crafting a problem statement may often be shelved
without further reference, or the problem statement simply becomes the
mission statement. Shelving the problem statement without future reference
hinders the commander and planners from reviewing the creative and
critical work done during initiation as they near completion of a COA
decision brief or write the Commander’s Estimate. The problem statement
should have value at this juncture for answering whether or not they are
solving the original problem. If the problem statement is merely a mission
statement, then other pitfalls occur as the problem and the solution are
conceptually the same item.
The problem statement should not pose a solution; that part comes as
mission analysis and COA development occurs during the JOPP. Posing
solutions at this point in the process runs the danger of solving the wrong
problem. Writing a good problem statement allows the commander and
planners to see later if the correct problem was identified. It also allows for
external stakeholders to gain a shared, common understanding as early as
General Martin E. Dempsey, The Army Capstone Concept and Institutional Adaptation, Institute of Land Warfare:
Landpower Essay No. 10-1, March 2010, p 4.
The problem statement should account for current circumstances, without trying to predict what
future actions may occur. Any further ideas should be generated from gaining an understanding
of the operational environment, taking into consideration historical knowledge, but limiting
projections. It should be a warning to those who are crafting the problem statement that if a
solution is proposed, even implicitly, it can lead the commander and planners to narrow the focus
too soon. An example of a leading problem statement is, in the example of a disaster, “there is
not sufficient shelter for displaced civilians,” leading the joint command to immediately (and
easily) do detailed planning for temporary sheltering as part of humanitarian assistance. This
lack of shelter,” however, may be merely a symptom of a larger problem. A better way to pose
the problem might be to simply include the fact of an unsheltered population as part of the
analysis which leads to a complete problem statement. An additional issue is the danger of
including a diagnosis of what caused the problem. The danger is that “the causal claims implicit
in diagnostic problem definitions can easily escape needed scrutiny.”
Put more simply,
correlation does not necessarily equal causation.
Design is commander-centric and largely an “art of war” versus “science of war” endeavor.
Understanding the environment is a challenge and takes significant effort. This requires
substantial dialogue with senior leaders, mission partners, and stakeholders to gain a common
understanding, and a clear realization that complete or “perfect” understanding is neither
realistically achievable, nor required to guide planning.
Recognize the need to spend sufficient time up front identifying the problem.
Commanders’ engagement is central to development of an operational approach. This is the
culmination of the efforts to understand the environment and identify the problem. It is the
“linkpoint” between design and planning.
Commanders must ensure planners understand where they are in the design and planning
continuum, to include the need to revisit design.
Eugene Bardach, A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving
(New York: Chatham House Publishers/Seven Bridges Press 2000), p. 97.
“Deep Operations”
Build and sustain National /
International Unity of Effort
Leverage stabilized situation to build
long term solutions
“Regional / JOA Operations”
Plan for regional / JOA contingencies
“Maintain the AOR
Support regional / JOA operations
Prevent crisis exploitation
Continue AOR operations
Build and sustain regional Unity of
Understanding the CCDR Focus
- Three Concurrent “Operations” -
Design at the Combatant Command Headquarters. We see the results of significant design
efforts during deliberate planning and during planning efforts in exercises at the combatant
commands (CCMD). As those commands adapt deliberate planning for crisis situations, taking
every situation on its own terms, some modification of the initial operational approach occurs. In
shaping a commander’s estimate to the national-strategic leadership, the commander’s
understanding of the problem often comes into focus through the articulation of risk. The
CCMD’s comparison of the consequences of taking or not taking a particular action embodies
the careful analysis done by the entire command, which often relates to the theater-strategic
Geographic Combatant Commands (GCCs) are experts in linking their theater
campaign planning to emerging crises. It is at initiation of crisis action planning where the design
efforts conducted during deliberate planning manifest their worth.
As a crisis emerges within the CCMD’s AOR, the planning conducted in anticipation of the
crisis response is adapted to the situation. This sharpens the CCMD’s focus on what we have
seen as the “three concurrent operations” (see figure). The “Deep Operations” include those led
by the Department of State
(DOS) or other USG
agencies/departments requiring
significant dialogue between the
commander and others at the
national-strategic level. These
“operations” are very long-term
and are focused on building and
sustaining unity of effort and
leveraging stabilized situations
to build long-term solutions.
Critical to these operations is the
understanding that other USG agencies or departments may lead and act as the “supported” USG
department for action. In every action that the CCMD takes, it is imperative that they are
understood, synchronized, and harmonized with the lead USG department.
On the next level, the CCDR “maintains the AORand any other operations. These “operations”
are normally seen as the heart of theater campaign planning, the shaping operations. The CCMD
is supported in this role, and leads in cultivating the regional unity of effort throughout the AOR.
Simultaneously; the CCMD also looks to potential tasks that may loom on the horizon in
“Regional or JOA Operations.” Here, the CCMD may be focused on directly commanding and
controlling operations as the joint force commander (JFC) for that specific mission,
supporting a Sub-unified, Functional, or designated JTF Commander to deter, defeat, and restore
a shaping construct, or theater campaign plan execution, within one or more joint operations
areas (JOAs).
Insights and Best Practices in Joint Operations, 4
Edition. This paper can be found at any of the URLs listed on
the inside front cover.
As can be expected, performing as the JFC for a specific operation will tax a CCMD’s ability to maintain focus on
the broader AOR. This has significant implications on how the HQ organizes to support all three operations.
In addition to the three concurrent operations
construct, we see multiple levels of planning that are
either directly performed or supported by the
CCMD. As depicted in the figure to the right, the
CCMD plans primarily on the policy, strategy and
operational levels. These levels roughly correspond
to the traditional warfighting levels at the national-
strategic, theater-strategic, and the operational
The commander’s dialogue with national and
international leaders helps to both inform and be
informed by national policy making. Typically,
planners in CCMDs are very comfortable with planning at the tactical levels as shown shaded in
yellow, but find the planning levels shaded in blue to be less structured and much more
Design at the Functional Combatant Command (FCC). We also recognize that FCCs have
unique challenges. The breadth and depth of the global responsibilities of the FCCs make their
challenges different from geographic combatant commands in some ways, and just as difficult.
Synchronizing global responsibilities across all the GCCs’ AORs and performing supporting
roles through effective and efficient collaboration and coordination are essential. The FCC’s
ability to synchronize activities is often limited by authorities granted to them. Design
fundamentals do not change, but planners at functional combatant commands face an added
responsibility to not only understand their authorities and subject matter, but also to stay in lock-
step with potentially all geographic combatant commands, the interagency and other external
stakeholder inputs.
CCMD’s operations influence the HQ’s organization, planning focus, and relationships with
CCMD’s operations influence planning focus by prioritizing and resourcing planning efforts
for the various levels of planning.
CCMD’s operations influence relationships with stakeholders: from national-strategic leaders
(focusing on the “deep operations”), to embassies in the regions or other USG departments
(the “regional/JOA operations” as well as the fight to “maintain the AOR”), other
international or interorganizational stakeholders, higher headquarters, components, and
regional contacts.
Dialogue with national leadership is essential to shaping policy planning. Frequently this
dialogue is not documented in any orders or plans. Planners at the CCMD can overcome this
by frequent “touch points” (or engagements) with the commander.
Design at the Joint Task Force Headquarters. Recent JTFs have approached design in many
novel ways, often reflecting which of the three types of JTF headquarters they are: standing,
rotational, or crisis; and whether they are functionally or geographically oriented. The mission of
For further discussion on the “touch point” concept, see Joint Operations Insights and Best Practices, 4
and the Joint Headquarters Organization, Staff Integration, and Battle Rhythm Insights and Best Practices Focus
Paper. These two papers can be found at any of the URLs listed on the inside front cover.
each JTF HQ affects the respective challenges in approaching design. Standing JTF HQs have
some advantages in that the relationships required in applying a comprehensive approach are
able to be formed and cultivated over longer periods of time.
Rotational JTF HQs, such as those in the Horn of Africa and Afghanistan have the benefit of
time to monitor, assess, and identify a change to the environment and problem, and as necessary
change the operational approach. However, these JTF HQs also face a challenge in the tendency
to revisit design activities each time a new “core” HQs deploys due to the large personnel
turnover and new commander opting to develop their own individualized operational approach
rather than continuing with the current approach. This can be disruptive, not only to subordinate
units, but also for coordination with other mission partners and overall progress.
Functional JTF HQs (e.g., JSOTFs) have similar challenges to functional combatant commands
in conducting design activities. As they support a geographic command, they must be able to
collaborate with numerous external stakeholders in their supporting role. During crisis action
planning the functional JTF commander sets the problem for his command nearly simultaneously
with gaining an understanding of the larger crisis faced by the supported combatant commander.
Best Practices:
Share design products and thoughts with subordinate units and external stakeholders as early
and often as possible during design activities.
Ensure design products are at a classification that promotes sharing to the greatest extent
Supported by:
Staff Estimates
Key Stakeholders
National / Embassy
Int’l Interests
Higher Headquarters
Supporting Commanders
Other impacts:
National / Embassy
Int’l Interests
Higher Headquarters
Regional Contacts
Unity of Effort
Commander’s Assessment
Recommended COAs
Proposed Requests
Draft Orders
Guidance & Intent
Task Assessment
Operational Environment
Campaign Assessment
Commander’s Decision
Coordinated with
Higher Headquarters
Key Stakeholders
Objectives & Themes
Commander’s Decision Cycle
, design and
planning occurs from the 3 to 9 o’clock
position in the simplistically illustrated
figure to the right. The overlap between
design and planning efforts is also shown.
Design and planning efforts are informed by
assessment and driven by commander’s
guidance across the three event horizons.
Planning is the problem-solving portion of
the “design and planning continuum”
introduced in the previous section. The value
of following the well-established JOPP, as shown along the bottom of the figure below,
continues to be reinforced through operational and exercise experiences. Planners from all
Services are comfortable with the process, based on similarities throughout the military. Key to
the process is the detailed analysis necessary to produce the requisite plans and orders that will
direct subordinates. In addition to the required analysis, planners must strive to ensure the
generated solution does not further exacerbate the problem or limit future options.
The JOPP provides a common framework for joint planning. It also provides interagency and
multinational partners an outline for how U.S. joint forces plan and where to provide their input
as stakeholders. We have seen that design activities occur more often during initiation and
mission analysis, but still continue as elements of design are incorporated during course of action
For further discussion on the Commander’s Decision Cycle, see Joint Operations Insights and Best Practices, 4
Edition, p 45. The paper can be found at any of the URLs listed on the inside front cover.
For further discussion on Assessment, see the Assessment Focus paper; found on the URLs on inside front cover.
While design is incorporated into the planning process, there is a significant shift of focus toward
the more detailed planning process once mission analysis is complete. During execution, we
have seen the need (and subsequent decision by the commander) for HQ to revisit the original
design based on changes to the operational environment, understanding of the problem, or
strategic guidance. This is annotated by the figure on the previous page where the dip in planning
occurs, with greater emphasis on design activities as the commander modifies the operational
Our operations in Afghanistan provide a
good example of revisiting design activities,
as shown in the adjacent figure. While
illustrative in nature, the figure depicts
three significant periods where design
activities were reviewed, and illustrate the
resultant planning focus to modify the
operational approach.
The figure depicts initial design occurring
immediately following the 9/11 attacks.
Then in the 2004 time frame, another relook
at design and modifying the operational
approach occurred as leadership identified
NATO’s importance to success in Afghanistan, together with the need to continue
counterterrorism (CT) operations while recognizing the COIN implications. Later, in 2009
another iteration of design activities took place as we focused on the changing nature of the
environment and the importance of protecting the people. These events underscore the likelihood
of multiple design iterations and the importance of continuing dialogue with national and
international leaders to ensure we get the context right up front before moving too quickly into
detailed planning.
We have observed success at many
operational level commands who follow
JOPP. Focused collaborative sessions give
the early JOPP steps a jump start as core
planners share design thoughts with
supporting working groups (WGs) and
other internal and external stakeholders.
As the key steps of mission analysis are
accomplished, the staff creates initial
estimates and the commander interacts
with the staff to develop commander’s
critical information requirements
(CCIRs). Planners help develop CCIRs
across all three event horizons.
Most operational level commands we
have observed develop their CCIRs
during design and planning. CCIRs
support decisions – both time sensitive
information requirements supporting anticipated decisions in the current operations event
horizon, and the broader set of assessment/analyzed information enabling more far-reaching
decisions in future operations and future plans horizons.
Commanders drive development of CCIRs. We have seen the use of the CCIR process as shown
in the figure on the previous page. This process lays out specific responsibilities for
development, validation, dissemination, monitoring, reporting, and maintenance (i.e., modifying
or deleting CCIRs).
Branch and Sequel Planning. While many CCIRs support branch and sequel plan decision
requirements, the complexity of the operating environment makes it difficult to conduct
predictive development of all potential decisions (and supporting CCIRs) an operational
commander may face. However, this difficulty does not mean that we should stop conducting
branch and sequel planning at the operational level – just the opposite; we need to focus on this
kind of planning at the operational level to drive collection and analysis and set conditions for
the success of the subordinates.
The complexity does suggest that some of our branch and sequel planning at the operational
level may not result in the precise, fully predictive decision points with the associated CCIRs we
are accustomed to at the tactical level.
Additionally, unlike the tactical level,
much of the information precipitating
operational commanders’ major
decisions will not likely come from the
JOC floor, but rather through interaction
with other stakeholders and key leaders
and from the results of “thought out”
operational level assessments. Much of
this information may not be in the
precise form of answering a traditional,
specifically worded, and time sensitive
PIR or FFIR, but rather as the result of a
broader assessment answering whether
we are accomplishing the campaign
objectives or attaining desired conditions for continued actions together with recommendations
on the “so what.”
Most operational level commands begin CCIR development during mission analysis, often in
conjunction with developing assumptions. Later, during COA development and analysis,
planners will refine CCIRs. Planners conduct branch and sequel planning with associated
decision points during COA development and analysis. We have seen branch and sequel decision
points transcending all three event horizons with associated PIRs and FFIRs (and in some cases,
Host Nation Information Requirements (HNIRs)) as depicted on the figure. These PIRs and
FFIRs may be directly associated with developed measures of effectiveness (MOE). Analysis of
these MOE helps depict how well friendly operations are achieving their objectives and may
result in the decision to execute a branch or sequel plan.
See also the CCIR Focus paper (URL on inside cover)
We normally see decision point requirements transcending all three event horizons. Some
decision points in the current operations event horizon may have very specific and time sensitive
information requirements which can be directly answered by CCIR, while those supporting
branch and sequel execution are normally broader, often much more subjective, and answered
through assessment venues. Decision point requirements may also include information
requirements on “DIME” (Diplomatic, Informational, Military, Economic) partner
actions/capabilities and operational environmental “PMESII” (Political, Military, Economic,
Social, Informational, Infrastructure) conditions.
Some examples of branch plan decisions include shift of main effort, change in priority,
refocusing information operations and public affairs messages, reorganization of forces,
command relationship and task organization changes, and reallocation of resources. These
decisions will likely require analysis, and both subjective and objective assessment venues on
areas such as: the adversary’s intent and changing operational environment conditions, DIME
partner, coalition, and host nation capabilities and requests, and target audience perceptions
(using more non-traditional collection means such as polls), to better guide the decisions.
Some sequel plan decision examples include a change in end state, objectives, or termination
criteria, as well as transitions in overall phasing such as moving to a support to civil authority
phase, force rotations, or withdrawal.
These types of decisions will be based
on broader campaign assessments
providing geopolitical, social, and
informational analysis and capabilities
of partner stakeholders, significant
changes in the operational environment,
the problem, or strategic guidance.
Planners often develop decision support
templates (DSTs) to lay out these kinds
of decisions and the associated CCIRs
in more detail. DSTs helps link CCIRs
(and assessment) to the decisions they
support. The above figure depicts some
of the information provided to the
commander to gain his guidance and approval. These DSTs also help provide the clarity for
collection and analysis resources to focus effort and information flow.
Integration of Lethal and Nonlethal Actions. We have seen as a best practice that commanders
and planners integrate lethal and nonlethal actions up front as a fundamental part of the overall
design and planning processes rather than “adding on” nonlethal actions at the end. Integrating
lethal and nonlethal actions is not an intuitive process.
We find that planning guidance,
commander’s intent, and the operational framework provide the necessary up-front direction for
the coherent integration of lethal and nonlethal actions at the operational level while
appropriately leaving synchronization of detailed execution to subordinate tactical units.
This is so important that we devote a focus paper to this topic. See the URL on inside front cover.
Decision Support Templates
DP Decision Criteria
Potential Action Time
Integration of All Actions
Importance of a cradle to grave mindset (Design, Planning, Targeting,
Execution, Assessment)
Critical role of commander’s guidance and intent to inform planning and
Importance of
continued assessment to enrich understanding
Design and planning
Diplomatic Actions
Informational Actions
Economic Actions
Key to success is the integration of the crucial stakeholders from both the lethal and nonlethal
realms from the very beginning of the design and planning process. Together, the staff and these
stakeholders can integrate the DIME actions through the coherent design and planning, targeting,
execution, and assessment processes depicted in the figure on the next page.
We have observed that fully involving
stakeholders from the very beginning of
design and planning, enriches the planning
process from analysis through COA
development to orders production.
Commanders have found that extensive
consultation with stakeholders in
visualizing the environment, developing
guidance and intent, determining broader
analysis criteria to analyze COAs, and
making timely decisions results in more
optimal plans and subsequent success in
achieving objectives. This requires an
important commitment to establishing and
maintaining a command climate and organizational capability that actively seeks out and
integrates not only military planner input into all phases of planning, operations, and assessment,
but also other perspectives from outside the organization.
We have also observed that an “Inform and Influence” Line of Effort (LOE) may be appropriate
in certain operational environments. In relatively nonlethal environments or in a COIN setting
when nonlethal influence campaigns are required, this LOE can serve as the overarching
umbrella that supports and is supported by the other LOEs (e.g., Governance, Security,
Development LOEs).
Adaptive Planning Challenges. GCCs have unique challenges due to their broad theater
responsibilities in both shaping and defining how to respond to crisis within their AORs. The
Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) construct formally integrates the planning activities of
the JPEC (Joint Planning and Execution Community) and facilitates the JFC’s seamless
transition from planning to execution
during times of crisis. APEX activities
span many organizational levels, but the
focus is on the interaction between SecDef
and CCDRs, which ultimately helps the
President and SecDef decide when, where,
and how to commit US military forces.
With the adoption of APEX we have seen
the implications of this DOD-wide attempt
to provide longer range guidance, more
responsive planning efforts, and senior
level involvement in development of those
plans. APEX provides the foundation for a
Joint Publication 5.0, Joint Operational Planning, 11 August 2011
constellation of joint and combined operations, “living plans” designed and resourced to achieve
national defense and military strategic objectives in a manner that is both militarily and
politically acceptable.
This constellation of planning efforts centers on a strategic-level “Capstone” plan that provides
the framework for other plans that address contingencies that could happen in the GCC’s AOR.
The adaptive planning process ensures each of the contingency plans take into account national
interests so that actions addressing one contingency do not inadvertently impact U.S. national
interests in another area. The process also allows for continual update and shared awareness of
the plans. Planners are charged to work through procedures to revise these plans, utilizing
collaborative planning tools.
The adaptive planning process incorporates key planning guidance documents, including the
Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) and Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP), as
well as national strategies and the Unified Command Plan (UCP). The planning process focuses
efforts for GCCs in their shaping activities, as depicted in the figure to the left. The GEF
combines guidance from the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) to combatant commanders on theater
security cooperation and contingency planning. The JSCP, issued by the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), refines guidance provided in the GEF based on current military
capabilities. It apportions limited forces and resources to combatant commanders. For both
combatant commands and JTFs, these documents provide guidance and establish requirements
Inclusion of stakeholders for a “comprehensive whole of government” approach.
Interagency and coalition partners’ involvement early in planning.
Know what Interagency organizations and agencies “bring to the fight.”
Integration of Phase 0 (current Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) activities) within a
campaign plan, and linking these steady state TSC actions to contingency requirements to
achieve strategic end states. Linking ongoing campaign planning and Phase 0 activities to
authorities, approvals, funding, and sourcing (contingency and execution sourcing) is key to
Addressing short term contingency responses within the context of a broader, longer term
theater strategy.
Synchronization of theater plans with global plans – requires multiple levels of cross-
command coordination.
Role of Exercises in Supporting Design and Planning. Joint Force Commanders and their HQs
plan and execute training exercises based on their OPLANs, CONPLANs, and scenarios related
to “most likely” and “most dangerous” crises/contingencies in their AOR. The primary purpose
of these exercises is to sustain and improve the readiness of these joint HQs to command and
control operations through challenging, realistic ‘live-virtual-constructive” training. A
secondary role of these complex training events is to provide an intensive venue for the focused,
structured dialogue that drives design and subsequent planning.
We observe numerous commanders exploiting exercises as an opportunity to focus their
command’s attention on the details of the plan being exercised (executed in a constructive/virtual
manner) and broaden discussion with their subordinates and other interagency and regional
stakeholders on key aspects of the plan.
When approached in this manner, training exercises can serve as a “surrogate” for actual
execution of a plan, and in this role support design by enhancing understanding of the
environment and the problem and providing valuable insights into the operational approach. In a
similar way these exercises support planning by testing assumptions, validating risk, limitations,
and resource prioritization/allocation. Moreover, because of the virtual/constructive nature of
this type of training exercise, the “execution” can be repeatable which facilitates the iterative
nature of both design and planning.
The “output” of this training is twofold.
First, observations, insights, and lessons
gained during training can directly
support development of future training
and exercises by identifying areas for
improvement. These areas can form the
basis for future exercise objectives.
Second and perhaps more importantly,
many of the same observations and
insights can inform dialogue on aspects of
design and deepen the “co-creation of
context” within the HQs and with
subordinates and stakeholders. The
adjacent figure simplistically portrays this design and planning relationship with training and
exercise opportunities.
The opportunity to focus the entire joint force’s time and attention on “the environment and the
problem” helps to develop mutual understanding and strengthen crucial relationships among
commanders and stakeholders. Armed with this enhanced understanding of the problem, the plan
that seeks to solve that problem, and the people (the staff, subordinate commanders, and
stakeholders), a Joint Force Commander can be better prepared to drive the commander-centric
processes of both design and planning towards the ultimate goal of mission success.
Recognize the value of design and planning, their relationship, and how they continuously
feed each other. Getting design right is important to ensuring successful planning. Thorough
planning facilitates iterative revisits on “design.”
Commander involvement up front in design and in the planning process enhances and focuses
planning. Commander’s guidance and intent, informed by assessment, focus and guide
planning efforts. Commanders may need to direct a revisit on design.
Commanders drive development of CCIRs. Planners help develop CCIRs beginning in design
and continuing during the planning process across all three event horizons.
Recognition of the more complex environment and need to determine desired outcomes and
conditions are necessary before attempting to develop operational approaches to achieve
success. Consider using PMESII as a means to gain and maintain a broad perspective and
understanding of the environment.
Integrate lethal and nonlethal actions up front as a fundamental part of the overall design and
planning processes.
Leverage exercise venues to enrich design and planning.
Importance of Organization. A critical component to a highly functioning staff resides in its
organization for planning. A complex organization like a GCC requires a guided process for
integrating the people, information and technology across the command. We have seen the
organization of joint headquarters dependent upon how the command group and staff members
interact with the commander’s personality. A highly functioning joint planning staff can quickly
translate the commander’s guidance and intent, efficiently and effectively devise suitable
operational approaches addressing the problem, and publish an order that is executable by the
subordinates. The joint planning staff knows how the commander best receives and processes
information and has a battle rhythm that complements the commander’s decision cycle. A staff
that adheres to rigid structures without accounting for the personality and requirements of the
commander misses a key aspect of planning organization. Reconciling the commander’s
visualization and gaining the right decisions at the appropriate time helps the entire joint staff
synchronize plans and actions in the operational environment. Organizing planning actions over
time helps in reconciliation and makes efficient use of limited time and other resources.
Most commands orient across three event horizons: current operations (answering “what is”),
future operations (focused on solving “what if” questions), and future plans (looking at “what’s
next). Each of these event horizons usually requires some capacity for planning to develop
appropriate plans and orders. Each event horizon has its own set of planning efforts that are
competing for the limited personnel, capability, and expertise within the headquarters. Once
event horizons are established in the joint force headquarters, staff principals are able to task
personnel to be members of operational planning teams (OPTs) that analyze problems and
develop options. Current and future operations planning normally fall under the purview of the
J3 with future plans under the J5.
Most headquarters establish
discrete time windows for these
event horizons such as up to a few
days for current operations, a few
days to a few weeks for future
operations, and a few weeks and
beyond for future planning.
Another way of arranging planning
efforts is to focus on the questions
each event horizon poses. Current
operations planning capacity should
be staffed to manage situations
such as units in contact requiring
additional support and casualty
evacuation or encountering a
personnel recovery (PR) situation.
Future operations planners typically develop branch plans based on the operational environment
assessment of the situation tied with CCIR and decision points. Future plans planners use the
fuller campaign assessment to plan for the next phase or sequels.
Additionally, planning problems can also be allocated based on complexity of the problem or
capacity (expertise). For example, a PR event that spans beyond several days may require a
shifting of the planning effort. We have also observed some headquarters bringing forward
planners into current operations to better coordinate the effort between time sensitive (PR)
planning and execution.
Resourcing the requisite support for planning on each event horizon is paramount to maintaining
effectiveness and efficiency in the headquarters. When the planning on one event horizon is not
resourced with enough planners to handle the problems, other planners and operational planning
teams are drawn into making up that shortfall, creating a void. For instance, when a command
does not resource enough future operations planners, future plans planners are often drawn into
future operations planning, and sequel planning is neglected. Similarly, when current operations
planning is not resourced appropriately, future operations planners are drawn into current
operations planning, and similar consequences result (e.g., branch planning is neglected).
Principal Roles. There are many personalities and components within the staff that deserve
consideration when determining how to organize and structure for planning. We recognize that
not all commands and staff face the same planning problems and must account for their
environment, operating tempo, along with the span of their planning problems in considering
their organization. The paragraphs below highlight some of the key individuals and their roles
within the planning organization and process.
Commander. Design and planning are commander-centric activities and the commander drives
the planning process. The commander maintains a dialogue with higher echelon headquarters
and/or national and international leadership (along with other interagency and coalition partners)
and often directly receives strategic goals and objectives. The commander then translates that
dialogue into clear and concise commander’s guidance and intent for his planners and
subordinates. This is the essence of the comprehensive approach.
The commander’s interaction with the staff enables effective planning. His daily interactions,
experience, and personal investment in the AOR allow him to fill in gaps for the planning staff.
This holds true not only for long-term campaign planning, but also short-term crisis action
planning. Crucial to this is ensuring there is time allotted for “touch points” with the commander
to interface with the staff and communicate planning guidance to them, and also focusing
subordinate and component commanders with good intent to inform their planning. More
interaction early in the planning process facilitates a more concise product that fits the situation
and the commander’s visualization of how to solve it.
Chief of Staff (CoS). We often observe the Chief of Staff driving staff integration and
disciplining the planning process across the three event horizons. This role is especially critical
at higher echelon commands as lead times tend to be longer for plans and the staff must also
participate in other battle rhythm events. The CoS helps prioritize the planning efforts and
ensures integration between the staff principals with primary responsibility for the event horizons
– the J3 (current ops), the J35 (future ops), and the J5 (future plans). The CoS also facilitates the
See the Assessment Insights and Best Practices Focus Paper which can be found at any of the URLs listed on the
inside front cover.
Other Functional Members, other stakeholders, and component reps
Role of the Operational Planning Team
Solve a single planning problem
on single event horizon:
Future Plans Sequels
Future Ops
Current Ops Crises
Forms the Planning Team
Integrates staff estimates from multiple
working groups
Conducts operational planning process
Gains decisions through designated
Operational Planning Team Model
Core Element
Lead Planner and
Administrative Section
commander’s ability to make decisions and receive information at the right time and place,
tailored to the commander’s unique personality and character. We often find this prioritization
effort is a joint effort between the J3, J5, and CoS with different individuals leading the effort
based on the personality of the HQ.
Staff Principals. Staff principals play an instrumental role in the organization of planning
efforts. The heads of the staff sections, or J-codes, are responsible for not only providing
personnel to the planning teams, but also for providing their functional expertise and a common,
relevant, and focused staff estimate to inform planning problems. Because planning is conducted
simultaneously with other battle rhythm activities, the staff principal may not be able to attend all
planning sessions. Staff principals send their personnel to serve within various working groups
and participate in planning efforts. It is imperative that the staff principal train his personnel to
not only maintain situational awareness of the functional “lane” but also know where that lane
intersects with other functional lanes and know the status of available resources.
One technique we often see is to conduct an internal staff huddle to review current planning
efforts, disseminate a common current status of resources, and synchronize the efforts to ensure
the staff does not overextend its resources within the planning efforts. A staff principal sitting in
a decision board should not be surprised by the assessment and/or options provided by a
planning team member from that section. A well-informed staff principal integrated within the
planning process helps reduce potential disagreements within the staff.
Subordinate/Component/Coalition Interaction. An important consideration within the
planning organization is the interaction with subordinate or component headquarters. Liaison
officers (LNOs) and their continuous dialogue with these elements serve to create a better
informed plan through updated and accurate assessments on capabilities and situational
awareness of the environment. They also serve to inform the planning staff on constraints or
restraints concerning caveats or dialogue with outside agencies. A planning staff that has
empowered LNOs both horizontally and vertically can greatly enhance the planning process.
LNOs are not unlimited and must be allocated as a resource. Additionally, LNOs do not negate
the requirement for direct dialogue with subordinate command and staff counterparts. One
successful technique we have observed is planners conducting distributed collaborative sessions
(e.g., VTC, DCO, Adobe Connect, chat) with subordinate and component counterparts to
facilitate interaction and dialogue
and increase overall
understanding of planning efforts.
B2C2WGs. Boards, bureaus,
centers, cells, and working groups
form the core of how to integrate
the efforts of the staff across the
event horizons and inform the
commander to make decisions.
These are essentially meetings on
the battle rhythm that form the
core of the decision making
process. As mentioned earlier, the
staff principals provide
continuous and updated staff
estimates. WGs are focused on a particular functional area to provide additional estimates on the
problems. These estimates from the working groups and joint staff inform the operational
planning teams (OPTs) developing the plans. The number of B2C2WGs should be kept at a
manageable level to prevent the staff from being overwhelmed by a full calendar of meetings
that can actually impede planning efforts.
OPTs are central to integrating staff efforts in planning (see figure on previous page). Generally
led by the J3 and J5, these planning teams should be the conduit to both inform and be informed
by WGs.
The composition of these planning teams is tailored based on the planning task; we normally see
a minimum of a maneuver planner, an intelligence planner, and a logistics planner as the core of
the planning team.
The planning teams provide coherent, fully coordinated staff recommendations to the
commander at regular intervals (we use
the term “touch points” to denote the
various meetings with the commander)
during the planning process for
guidance and decision. J-code directors
and sections remain important players
in this OPT and WG interaction. They
monitor planning and working group
actions, and provide the functional staff
estimate input that provide much of the
basis for the OPT and WG analysis and
The adjacent figure depicts the
important role of OPTs in the planning
process. For example, consider how a joint force headquarters may develop a plan. The OPT is
established from members of the appropriate event horizon, most likely future operations, and
determines the planning timeline. Vital resources are not only from contributions of various
established working groups, but also from those external stakeholders throughout the theater also
working the same planning issue. The OPT interacts with WGs to develop detailed information
relevant for planning to continue plan or
order development. The OPT will request
specific information from the working
groups and in turn inform them of changing
requirements and decisions throughout the
The commander issues guidance, intent and
formally approves the planning effort
outcomes throughout the planning process at
decision boards. The commander also
determines the priority of this planning effort
as well as the operation itself to inform the
working groups and staff leads.
Another tool we have seen commanders successfully use is a red team. A red team may be
valuable to a joint force commander by helping to take bias out of plans in development.
Successful use of a trained, independent and critically thinking red team can link design and
planning strongly through their identification of vulnerabilities, threats and opportunities, and
help the OPT reduce risk. Their organization, working directly for the CoS or the commander, is
essential for the right interaction. At the CCMD level, we have seen this kind of technique
adopted in ideas such as USPACOM’s Strategic Focus Groups. The Strategic Focus Groups are
categorized by geographic areas of interest within the AOR, participate in B2C2WGs throughout
the battle rhythm and provide alternative thinking from a variety of perspectives. The group may
formulate alternative strategies for command consideration. Particularly important in this
concept is the ability of the command to grow and maintain the right subject matter expertise to
perform this function.
Vertical Integration. Headquarters
organizing for planning should understand
how they fit into the decision cycles of
other units across the three event horizons.
Our observations indicate that in today’s
complex environment, the need to
coordinate, synchronize, and collaborate
has increased exponentially. The figure on
the right depicts how understanding the
multi-echelon processes with higher
headquarters, subordinate commands and
adjacent units is critical to the joint force
creating unified action in the operational
The decision cycle at the combatant command or JTF level should nest with other decision
cycles. There should be recognition that higher HQ decision cycles are normally more deliberate
and slower moving because of their requirements to coordinate with increasingly more
stakeholders. Improper management of planning efforts and resources has cascading impacts at
lower echelon HQ planning efforts. We have seen this result in last-minute taskings and in
FRAGOs and other orders that have shortened timelines for the subordinate HQ to respond.
Plans Management. There will often be more planning problems than resources dedicated to
solve them. Two points become evident: first, the commander and staff cannot artificially limit
the number of planning problems to their capacity to plan; second, there must be a deliberate
means to prioritize the planning efforts within the staff to ensure the most important planning
efforts are receiving the proper personnel and commander’s guidance to adequately develop the
For further insight into bias, see the Intelligence Operations Insights and Best Practices Focus Paper and the
Assessments Insights and Best Practices Focus Paper (each paper can be found at any of the URLs on the inside
front cover); “Heuristics and Biases in Military Decision Making,” in Military Review, September-October 2010, p
40-52; and the U.S. Army’s Red Teaming Central at https://redteaming.bcks.army.mil
The first step in achieving efficiency
and effectiveness is establishing a
viable battle rhythm to serve the
command and staff needs. The
adjacent figure illustrates a technique
to develop or check how an
organization develops this battle
rhythm. The initial step is to
determine how and with what
frequency the commander prefers to
receive information and give
guidance through venues such as
“touch points.” This is overlaid on the
commander’s decision cycle and then
arranged over time. This provides a
logical foundation to the battle
rhythm. This logical arrangement ensures the commander is comfortable with the battle rhythm
and that there is enough interaction between the commander and planning teams to keep an open
flow of guidance and direction in maintaining the planning momentum. This leads to a cycle that
is sustainable for long-term operations.
We have seen that some headquarters conduct plans-related touch points through a battle rhythm
event called a “Planners Huddle.” This is a venue where planners receive guidance and direction
from the commander in a small
setting. Having this event on the battle
rhythm precludes planners from
having to set up an appointment to get
on the commander’s calendar to get
his guidance and direction on the
ongoing planning efforts. Some
headquarters, however, only have one
planners huddle on the weekly battle
rhythm (see top line of figure). We
then see the tendency to “cram” future
plans and future operations briefs to the commander in a time constrained period, causing a loss
of fidelity in some cases. The planners are rushed in their briefings because they have to yield to
other planners on the staff. The commander will either ask them to get back with him/her at a
later time to give the commander the fidelity he/she needs to give guidance, or the commander
will give less guidance and direction than what the planners needed to move the planning process
We see planners having greater success when the planners huddle is on the battle rhythm at least
three times per week (see bottom line of the figure above). This provides future plans and future
operations planners dedicated venues with the commander where they alternate briefs. Typically,
future operations planners need more touches with the commander because of the proximity of
their event horizon, which generally creates a situation with more information to appropriately
integrate into planning. The future plans event horizon planners usually require less frequent
touch points with the commander because the time to execution is longer, more thought and
coordination time are required, and less information is available.
The need to clarify the overlap in planning responsibilities
manifests itself at the operational level. Planners at the combatant
command level maintain open communications with the
subordinate commands and component planners to ensure
relationships are as clear as possible.
Once a battle rhythm is established, the staff can then focus
attention on prioritizing planning efforts. A best practice observed
in the field is the implementation of a plans management board
(PMB). As seen on the right, each of the three event horizons
includes associated planning efforts with assigned OPTs managing
the JOPP to develop executable plans.
The role of the PMB includes:
Direct and prioritize planning efforts across all event horizons.
Coordinate and synchronize activities between staff
Resource planning teams and manage their interaction with B2C2WGs.
Manage planning process: timelines and guidance.
A PMB allows the CoS (or in some cases the J3 or J5) to interact with staff directors and OPTs
to prioritize and allocate resources among multiple planning efforts. There are activities that
should be completed prior to the execution of the PMB. These activities include:
Planners from Current Operations (CUOPS), Future Operations (FUOPS), and Future Plans
(FUPLANS) prioritizing
planning efforts within
their event horizons.
Conducting a venue to
prioritize planning efforts
prior to PMB. A
technique we have seen
is to have a command
group decision maker
(e.g., Deputy CoS) gather
planning representatives
from all event horizons
to prioritize planning
efforts. This can be an
informal weekly huddle
to execute this effort.
During the PMB, the CoS
leads the coordinating and
synchronizing of activities
between staff directorates.
The PMB reviews staff
work, enforces planning timelines and adjusts priorities given changes in guidance or
circumstances. The CoS also acts as the arbitrator and ultimately the decision maker when a
conflict for planning resources surfaces among the directorates. It is important to maintain the
integrity of the board and ensure all problems requiring a planning effort are presented from each
of the event horizons. This will help ensure a broader understanding of the breadth and depth of
the problems facing the organization. The figure above depicts the output from a PMB.
The end result of the PMB should be:
Updated priorities across the three event horizons for planning.
Resourced OPTs commensurate with those priorities.
A clear agenda for the next decision board chaired by the commander.
Another best practice using a slightly different method than the PMB is the use of a “Council of
Colonels/Captains” concept in which a group of sub-directorate level O-6s convenes for staff
coordination. Their first task is to view key briefings where principal directors and the
command’s leaders chart a way ahead operationally. After this review (typically watched from a
distributed location nearby), the council, having a clearer common understanding of the
command’s direction, coordinates and synchronizes planning activities to support the direction.
This technique generally occurs at a combatant command headquarters with empowered
directorate-level chiefs.
Sometimes planning efforts are
generated in a staff section that is
outside of the established plans
process. We have seen planning
efforts conducted independent of the
future plans, future operations, and
current operations event horizons.
Examples of these “outside” efforts
are: sustainment support planning,
stability operations planning and
local security forces support
The danger is that these planning
efforts are more prone to losing
visibility from the commander and
CoS because they are not generally
followed and managed through the
PMB. These planners still require
touch points with the commander and
as such need to be integrated into the
established planning management
process such as the planners huddle as depicted in the top of the figure on the previous page.
These “outside” planning efforts can benefit by incorporating them with the future operations or
future plans event horizons planning efforts. This allows all efforts to get vetted through the
PMB for resources. Also, the commander and CoS will have situational awareness of all
planning efforts in the headquarters, which is the general intent of the PMB.
Enemey Activity
JTF Key Events J35
Operation Topaz
Operation VEO
Operation Village
Operation Clean
Operation Promote
Operation Force
Plan Name
OPT Lead
Operation Execution
Operation Execution
Operation Execution
Operation Execution
Operation Execution
Operation Execution
RIP 3/10
RIP 172nd
RIP 2/24
RIP 2/82
2 3 4
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3
We are Here
4 5
Operations / Plans Synchronization Matrix
= Decision Point
= Order Publication = Key Task
Operational Synch matrix can capture critical events, identify friction
points and drive a decision support template to support synchronization
of the overall campaign plan. Assessments conducted and integrated to
provide course corrections at the right time.
As the planning process and
procedures are established and
operating effectively, it is worth
taking a look at how the three
event horizons interact with
each other. Using the example
provided in the adjacent figure,
we see that the event horizons
are bounded by the questions
they answer, i.e., “what is,”
“what if,” and “what’s next.”
Commanders and key staff will
determine the composition of
the personnel in these event
horizons and provide their left
and right operating limits.
Regardless of organization, seams and gaps in the planning process usually exist because of the
large number of efforts simultaneously undertaken. The figure below shows some of the products
associated with the event horizons and the areas in between the event horizons represent the
potential seams.
An overextension of limited resources across multiple planning efforts, missing a requirement to
plan, or failure to hand over a
plan properly to the next event
horizon, leads to friction
between the commander and his
staff. It is important to mitigate
this friction by identifying the
potential seams and putting in
place solid standard operating
procedures in the interaction
between the event horizons and
integration of working groups
in the planning process.
The J5 Plans (future plans)
starts the planning process and
develops a concept of
operations for the plan, sequels,
or next phases normally as a
COA sketch and statement. As the plan matures and is closer to execution, it is handed off to J35
Future Ops (future operations plans) with a deliberate hand over brief and normally a planner
continuity (a planner goes with the plan from J5 plans and serves on the FUOPS OPT). Once the
plan is complete and prepared for execution, the completed plan with all the decision matrices
and tools are handed over to current operations through an orders brief to allow the current
operations cell to track the battle and inform the commander of CCIRs. The figure above
includes methods of seam mitigation and handoff described. By conducting handover of plans in
this technique, the CoS must balance the planning priorities by event horizon with the
appropriate personnel and staff resources as the future operations cell may become the center of
gravity of the planning effort.
We have seen HQ use tools like an Operations/Plans Sync Matrix to capture critical events,
identify potential friction points, and drive decision support templates to support synchronization
of the overall campaign plan. The figure shows an example synchronization matrix technique
that is helpful to visually display both planning efforts and operation execution requirements.
Best Practices:
Develop the planning organization for the headquarters. Avoid internal HQ “stovepipes” (J3
and J5) – a common problem.
Headquarters should understand how they fit into the decision cycles of other units across the
three event horizons.
Commanders and staffs need to ensure that 1) the planning process is disciplined and 2) if a
problem requires an OPT, it is sanctioned and resourced in the proper venue (i.e., PMB).
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
AAR After-Action Review
AOR – Area of Responsibility
APEX – Adaptive Planning and Execution
B2C2WG – Boards, Bureaus, Centers, Cells,
and Working Groups
C2 – Command and Control
CCIR Commander’s Critical Information
CCMD Combatant Command
COA – Course of Action
COIN – Counterinsurgency
CONPLAN – Concept Plan
CoS – Chief of Staff
CUOPS – Current Operations
CT Counterterrorism
DCO – Defense Connect Online
DIME – Diplomatic, Information, Military,
and Economic
DOS Department of State
DR Disaster Response
DST – Decision Support Templates
DTD Deployable Training Division
FCC – Functional Combatant Command
FFIR Friendly Forces Information
FRAGO Fragmentary Order
FUOPS Future Operations
FUPLANS Future Plans
GCC – Geographic Combatant Command
GEF – Guidance for Employment of the
HA Humanitarian Assistance
HA/DR Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster
HNIR Host Nation Information
HQ Headquarters
ISO – In Support of
J3 – Operations Directorate of a Joint Staff
J35 – Future Operations Cell of a Joint Staff
J5 – Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate
of a Joint Staff
JOA – Joint Operations Area
JOC – Joint Operations Center
JOPP – Joint Operation Planning Process
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
JTF – Joint Task Force
LNO Liaison Officer
LOE Line of Effort
MSC – Major Subordinate Command
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NGO – Nongovernmental Organization
OE – Operational Environment
OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster
OPLAN Operation Plan
OPT Operational Planning Team
PIR Priority Intelligence Requirement
PMB Plans Management Board
PMESII Political, Military, Economic,
Social, Infrastructure, and Information
PR Personnel Recovery
SecDef Secretary of Defense
TSC Theater Security Cooperation
UCP – Unified Command Plan
UN – United Nations
USAID United States Agency for
International Development
USG United States Government
USPACOM United States Pacific
USSOUTHCOM – United States Southern
VTC Video Teleconferencing
WARNORD Warning Order
WG – Working Group
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